IRC log for #kde on 20150519

00:02.15*** join/#kde google01103 (
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01:00.06roberth1990how can I make kwrite be quiet when opening it in a shell?
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01:14.48rdieterroberth1990: depends, what do you see?  (mine's quiet, but i've made efforts to find/remove extraneous output)
01:15.39roberth1990rdieter: everything it seems
01:15.51rdieterplease be specific, use if you have to
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01:16.15rdieterfirst step, use kdebugdialog (and possibly kdebugdialog5 if using plasma5) to disable all debug out
01:16.20rdieterdebug output, tha tis
01:16.25rdieterthat is, ugh
01:18.15roberth1990looks like I need to log out and in
01:19.21*** join/#kde roberth1990 (
01:20.17roberth1990rdieter: that is what comes when disabling all debugging
01:23.39rdieterroberth1990: ok, the QDBus ones require patching Qt
01:23.49rdieter(I'd suggest poking your distro)
01:24.34rdieterthe KMimetype ones are a known bug too, and patchable (the warning is mostly harmless)
01:24.53rdieternot sure about the kbuildsycoca stuff
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01:25.44rdieterthe KMimetype issue,
01:26.44rdieterand patch fedora uses,
01:27.10roberth1990okay, but the workaround posted works for me
01:27.22roberth1990the patch will probably never get merged
01:27.56rdieterit could, I'd argue it should
01:28.10rdieterfor Qt,
01:28.29rdieterboth basically turns runtime warnings it's disable-able debug statements instead
01:29.31roberth1990well they didn't even merge the fix for a dependency to a package even...
01:31.19roberth1990when using kwrite, and enabling vi input mode, typing : why wont the standard vim commands work, like wq to write to file and quit to file and q! for quit without writing?
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01:45.04James0rcommand to reload the plasma panel?
01:49.48vovochkakillall plasma-desktop, then plasma-desktop :-D
01:50.38vovochkaU can do this in krunner (alt+f2)
01:50.47James0rahh i used plasmashell and that did the job. generally safe?
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01:54.59jerichowasahoaxJames0r: Since plasma-desktop only handles the actual "desktop" portion of the environment (your wallpaper, panels, and possible desktop plasmoids), and not things like window management, restarting it via `killall plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop` shouldn't cause any harm
01:55.17jerichowasahoaxJames0r: or plasmashell if you're running Plasma 5
02:01.13roberth1990plasma has been split into even more processes? great :D
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02:02.19jerichowasahoaxit's been laid out like this since kde 4
02:02.25jerichowasahoaxthis is not new
02:03.37jerichowasahoaxhell, KDE 3 even had the panel in a process all its own
02:04.02roberth1990there some threads called plasma-desktop
02:04.15jerichowasahoaxthreads != processes
02:05.00jerichowasahoaxi've only got the one plasma-desktop instance on both of my KDE 4 systems
02:05.21roberth1990isnt it another way to make programs scale on multicore systems rather than making the program use more threads?
02:05.32roberth1990I got three
02:05.48jerichowasahoaxwell unless you have multiple KDE sessions open, that's a problem
02:06.33roberth1990they appear under one process when I use for example system monitor in tree mode
02:06.49jerichowasahoaxwhat are you using to get a process list
02:07.22jerichowasahoaxhtop is probably showing threads instead of processes
02:08.15roberth1990well it is the same for me practically speaking, I was just studying it to if programs could scale on multicore systesm
02:08.29jerichowasahoaxno, it's not the same
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02:08.41roberth1990what is the difference?
02:08.43jerichowasahoaxa different process is a completely different process, unrelated to the first
02:08.48captainfantasticWhat is this blue line? Can I disable it?
02:09.15jerichowasahoaxif you have two different processes of "/usr/bin/firefox" for example, they're two completely separate instances of that process, unrelated to each other
02:09.30roberth1990jerichowasahoax: but the program divides tasks to each process?
02:09.40jerichowasahoaxmultiple threads however, can belong to one process
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02:09.54jerichowasahoaxroberth1990: not in the way you're thinking of
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02:11.06roberth1990jerichowasahoax: well both are a kind of multicore scaling, a program using multiple processes which each has one thread are still utilizing the multiple cores better than a program that just has one process with one thread
02:11.58jerichowasahoaxroberth1990: you can't just arbitrarily designate function a to process 1 and function b to process 2
02:12.16jerichowasahoaxroberth1990: not without writing two completely separate executables that ONLY do functions a and b respectively
02:12.38roberth1990jerichowasahoax: yeah I understand that
02:12.59jerichowasahoaxthis multicore example you're giving me makes no sense then
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02:13.46jerichowasahoaxchrom{e,ium} for instance is a multiprocess program, and it doesn't do that for multicore reasons
02:15.34roberth1990how does the multiprocess then increase performance?
02:16.20jerichowasahoaxit doesn't really
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02:17.24jerichowasahoaxto use my earlier example again, chromium puts each tab and extension in its own process to prevent a failure in one from taking down the entire browser
02:17.34roberth1990now you are not making any sense
02:17.51jerichowasahoaxhow am i the one that's not making sense
02:18.56sour12Hello everyone ! I am new to KDE and I am trying to fix some bugs on junior jobs. What is the standard procedure ? Should I have to go through the code base of product ?
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03:01.34boombatowerjust updated to kde5 and the lock screen refuses to unlock when presented with correct password
03:01.42boombatowercan kill x and re-login, but nothing else
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03:08.04boombatowermouse cursor on desktop (background area) is different than on applications
03:08.04roberth1990boombatower: report the bug and dont use password lock on the lockscreen for now
03:08.28boombatowerroberth1990: yea, have a small laundry list..hmm
03:08.45roberth1990boombatower: report everything i separate bugs
03:08.54boombatowerof course
03:09.28roberth1990boombatower: what version are you on?
03:10.56boombatowerFrameworks Version 5.10.0
03:11.18boombatowerlots of little stuff
03:11.32boombatowerand then the lock screen which kinda sucks
03:12.56roberth1990boombatower: plasma?
03:14.12boombatowerroberth1990: 5.3.0
03:14.21roberth1990well report the bugs
03:14.36roberth1990the lockscreen problem I would say is critical
03:14.58boombatoweryea and login on 4.x took 1-2 seconds. it now takes >10s
03:15.06boombatowersome fun stuff ;)
03:15.12roberth1990its a security issue in a sense that people have to turn it off ot work around it unless someone has found another workaround
03:15.27roberth1990yeah kde5 had serious performance issues last time I tested it
03:15.29boombatowerwish I had more information though since it works on a different machine
03:15.54boombatowerso obviously not totally broken
03:15.57roberth1990what distro are you using on the problematic machine?
03:16.01boombatoweris there some sor tof config to take a look at
03:16.08boombatowerroberth1990: opensuse on both
03:16.20roberth1990and both are up to date?
03:16.25boombatowerroberth1990: yes
03:16.35boombatowersame versions and setup
03:16.43roberth1990same password?
03:16.44boombatoweronly difference is one was updated from 4.x
03:16.52boombatowerand other was fresh install to test 5.x from get go
03:16.52roberth1990which one?
03:16.59boombatowerthe one that doesn't work is update
03:17.03boombatowerwhich is why I figure it is config somewhere
03:17.08boombatowerbut not sure where to look for something liek that
03:17.15bshahdid you restart after upgrade?
03:17.19boombatowermany times
03:17.37bshahcan you post xsession errors file for affected machine?
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03:20.07boombatowerlol and both won't let me post
03:20.11boombatoweroh man today
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03:20.15bshahthis is very specific problem that is hit by another developer if I remember correctly.. (Sho_) who is not in channel at moment..
03:20.55boombatowerbshah: assume that's the right log?
03:21.18boombatowernot sure if that log contains lock error
03:21.20boombatowersuppose I can trigger
03:21.26boombatowercopy file in tty
03:21.29boombatowerand restart x
03:22.37bshahyes; its right log..
03:22.45bshahbut its too long for this session.. ;)
03:22.54boombatowerok so nuke it
03:22.56bshahcan you re-login.. trigger problem and give file
03:23.41bshahthats why paste.ko and paste.oo didn't allow you to post this
03:23.51bshah(its too big :p)
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03:25.31boombatowerbshah: hmm, cleared file and triggered error, cp'd file on tty and restarted x...unforutnately nothing was printed to log
03:25.38boombatoweron relogin it's full of all that stuff again
03:25.49boombatowersome of which I will investigate as it looks like other interesting things
03:25.56boombatowerbut nothing pertaining to lock screen
03:26.09bshahit will get created every session
03:26.23boombatowerbshah: sure which is why i copied while lock screen was up
03:26.29boombatowerafter emptying file
03:26.46boombatowerie empty file, lock screen, attempt to unlock, copy file, restart x
03:26.53bshahstill can you give me that cp'd file?
03:26.56boombatowernothing written to file
03:27.27boombatoweris there any config i should look at?
03:27.36boombatowersomething that might be amis?
03:28.45bshahcan you locate lib64/kde5/libexec/kcheckpass on your system?
03:28.47boombatowerI assume it is unrelated, but lock screen settings has random white box
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03:29.43bshahthat whitebox is unrelated
03:30.51bshahfor me its /usr/lib/kcheckpass
03:30.56DattorzIsn't that box where you're meant to select a lock screen design?
03:31.26boombatowerprobably, which makes me wonder why it doesn't work...if something isn't present
03:32.22bshahboombatower: also ls -l /etc/pam.d/
03:32.27boombatowerbshah: hmm, i have /usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/, but /usr/lib64/krb5/plugins/ has 4 directories and single file
03:32.52bshahis it kde4 or plasma5?
03:33.01boombatowerkde5, but again I updated this machine
03:33.12boombatowerso wondering if something is off
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03:36.05bshahboombatower: see linked bug report
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03:37.20boombatowerbshah: /usr/lib64/libexec/kcheckpass
03:37.41boombatoweri'll keep reading bug
03:37.49bshahwhats permission for that file? (kcheckpass)
03:38.02bshahls -l /usr/lib64/libexec/kcheckpass
03:38.09boombatower-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  18968 May 11 17:15 kcheckpass
03:38.45bshahpermissions sounds sane
03:38.53boombatoweranyway to check if that's where it is looking?
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03:41.23bshahso first thing you should be verifying is kcheckpass working or not? for that run kcheckpass and provide password
03:42.32boombatowerPermissions on the password database may be too restrictive.
03:43.04bshahif kcheckpass fails no wonder screenlocker will fail
03:44.39bshahI suspect that your packages maybe too old or something as packager Hrvoje Senjan mentions it is fixed in upstream packages
03:44.57boombatowerbshah: i'm running tumbleweed and it updated yesterday
03:45.02boombatowerso perhaps
03:45.10*** part/#kde qdata (qbit@unaffiliated/qdata)
03:45.51bshahbut this is less likely to happen as bug report is from last year anyway.. :D
03:46.13boombatowerbshah: so fix is to change perms on /etc/shadow?
03:46.14boombatoweror what
03:46.32bshahcan you run kcheckpass?
03:46.41boombatoweri got the message i pasted
03:47.05bshahwhich means pam is not working or something around that
03:48.05bshahdo you have xdm installed?
03:48.15boombatowerbshah: yes
03:49.42bshahshould be working.. :S
03:49.53bshahreport to #opensuse-kde I'd say
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04:16.22boombatowera bunch of tray icons also stopped showing up, like skype
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04:25.50BlaXpiritpeople say this every day
04:26.03BlaXpirit1. how to disable baloo
04:26.07BlaXpirit2. how to get tray icons
04:26.52BlaXpiritanswer is... *drumroll*  google
04:27.49boombatowerdon't even
04:28.12boombatowerthe number of things I've had to debug in kde 5 (now a year after read to explore release)
04:28.13boombatowerdon't evne
04:28.16boombatowerthis is 4.x all over
04:28.30boombatowerand already googled
04:28.39boombatowernothing immediately obvious
04:28.58BlaXpiriti tried kde 5 on my 2 computers, got rid of it everywhere by now
04:29.12rdieterboombatower: ask your distro about something called: sni-qt
04:29.49rdieterboombatower: (important: it needs to be the same arch as skype)
04:30.03rdieterin case you're running 32bit skype on 64bit linux
04:31.53boombatowerrdieter: BlaXpirit: thx, just tired of this. based on all the blog posts they'd lead you to believe this was decent
04:32.07boombatowersome of this stuff is like..huh? I write code...I wouldn't commit it in the state
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04:32.39boombatowerpick background color or image...first time it is always not what you picked
04:32.45boombatower12 secodns to switch between background type
04:33.00rdieterwhat distro?
04:33.02boombatowerI need to collate a list and check for bugs
04:33.13rdietersounds like they have some kinks to work out
04:33.20N3X15boombatower, are you having issues getting colors to apply?
04:33.32boombatowerthey do after you click apply twice
04:33.56N3X15Doing better than I am
04:33.58rdieterplasma (5.3) is working fairly well for me (fedora), but polishing the integration and packaging took some time
04:34.24N3X15Thinking about duping my VM and trying a ppa build of plasma.
04:34.33BlaXpiriti still pretty much can't switch to it
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04:35.06boombatowerunforntunately i believed the hype and switch on primary desktop
04:35.10boombatowergoing back could be more fun
04:35.13BlaXpiritplasmoid that makes up 80% of my workflow has lost 80% of its features
04:35.23boombatoweryea missing pastebin plasmoid
04:35.23BlaXpiriticons-only task manager is a toy now
04:35.24boombatoweri need that
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04:35.54boombatowergetting weird switch between breeze icons on oxygen
04:37.09N3X15I can't really blame anyone other than Kubuntu's maintainers for marking KDE 5 as stable though.
04:37.35boombatoweri mean at least it doesn't seem to crash like 4.x did
04:37.39boombatowerclick the wrong button and BOOM
04:37.40N3X15I mean, yeah, it doesn't crash, but there's lots and lots of rough edges.
04:37.42boombatowerbut there is some much stuff
04:37.50boombatowerso much*
04:38.10BlaXpiritlol  at least you don't *have* to switch to new kubuntu
04:38.25BlaXpiritarch just pushed it up our throats unexpectedly
04:39.02N3X15Not like I can roll it back, though.
04:39.24boombatowersame problem I ahe
04:39.37boombatowerso is there a way to change position on screen of notifcaitons?
04:39.44boombatowerused to just drag when one appeared and they come back there
04:39.48boombatowerdoesn't seem that's the case
04:56.04boombatowerI appologize for being whiny. hopefully I can help get everything fixed up
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06:01.28vovochkaDoes anyone know how to make baloo search in cpp|h files? How can i configure what text to index?
06:09.23vovochkaIt's hardcoded in baloorc cfg file.And why kcm for baloo doesn't allow to change this :(
06:11.52vovochkaTo be exactly: it's In baloofilerc
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07:42.23Josef_FilzmaierHey there! I like the new touchpad KCM and while it has tons of features, i am still missing one: Is there a way to say that the touchpad should be disabled on startup?
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08:26.27JudgeHi everyone. I'm using Plasma5 with Arch Linux and SDDM as display manager. I want to set everything to my local language, which is german. I set my global LANG var to "de_DE.UTF-8" and LANGUAGE to "de_DE.UTF-8:de_DE:en_US". Parts of my Plasma Desktop is still English; for example the Tabs in KMenu, which still say "Applications" instead of "Programme"
08:26.53JudgeAlso, some of my Applications are left in English. I have installed the kde-l10n-de language.
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08:28.11JudgeWhen I look at the variables which are set in an X Term, they look different from my global settings: LANG is set to "de_DE.US-ACSII" and LANGUAGE to "de" . What am I doing wrong?
08:30.08JucatoJudge: just to double check, you've also set the proper translations in System Settings? (also, there might be some kde4 apps not following plasma 5 settings so you might want to check with the program "kcmshell4 language" (run it in Krunner or konsole)). other than that, sorry i have very little experience with translations
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08:44.16JudgeSorry, had to test a setting , but it didn't help ...
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08:46.10JudgeJucato: I'l test your suggestion now. BRB
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08:52.41JudgeJucato: Deutsch was not set as prefered language in regional settings, but seting it did not change much. Thanks for that input anyways.
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08:55.38JucatoJudge: in which was it not set? "kcmshell4 language" will only change it for KDE4 apps. for those using KF5/Plasma 5, you'd have to change it in System Settings (direct command: "kcmshell5 translations")
08:55.48Jucatosorry if that doesn't work either
08:56.07Jucatonot sure if there's a #kde-de
08:57.30JudgeJucato: There is, but it hosts 10 idle people only ... so not worth considering.
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08:58.55freerouteI think I have a vague question, but I'm not sure how I could be precise: What is the move process like in Dolphin? Would you call it robust?
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08:59.42freerouteI'm mounting a ZFS volume with sshfs on my Ubuntu box and wanted to navigate the file structure with Dolphin.
09:00.08freeroutethere I wanted to make some changes and move around files, but I'm really not looking for partial moves etc.
09:01.26freerouteI am using: Dolphin 2.0 with KDE Development Platform 4.8.5 (4.8.5)
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09:02.36Jucatofreeroute: can't really say as I don't know the innards of KIO (the framework used for file transactions). but if you are more comfortable using commands for copy but want to browser via dolphin, there might be a compromise. use dolphin to browse, then when you're in the directory you want, hit F4 to show the embedded terminal in that directory
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09:06.26freerouteJucato: hmm, for some reason that doesn't work here. On the console it says dolphin(13074)/kdecore (KLibrary) findLibraryInternal: plugins should not have a 'lib' prefix: ""
09:06.55freeroutemust be because I have an older Dolphin I'm sure
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09:07.34Jucatoor you're missing some packages
09:07.58vHandavovochka: We're bringing the extra baloo kcm options back in Plasma 5.4 (August)
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09:12.34JucatovHanda: quick question with a hopefully quick answer. how does baloo handle removable media? as in, i want it to be able to index a 2TB external hard drive i have, for the sake of being able to search it, but i'm wondering if it will retain that index even after i unplug the drive. same for MicroSD cards btw (which i actually have always inserted)
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09:14.01Jucatohm ... i see some excluded folders baloofilerc but the list in the kcm is empty ...
09:14.07vHandaThe index is stored in ~/.local/share/baloo for your normal files and the files on removable media. So, you can just configure it to index it via the kcm, and it will do it. But we do not have any code to check for udpates after you unplug and plug it agian
09:14.47vHandawe used to get bugs during the nepomuk days of too high disk io after you plugged in a hard-disk, so it was disabled.
09:15.04vHandaI'm not quite sure what the correct approach should be.
09:15.10Jucatowhen does it update the removable media then? only when something  in the media changes while it's plugged in?
09:15.20vHandayou can trigger it manually
09:15.31Jucatoyeah it's a bit of a puzzle whenever i think about it. which is why i don't ask much about it. but i'd really like that :)
09:15.38vHanda$ qdbus org.kde.baloo /indexer updateAllFolders false
09:15.54Jucato(want to check if I already have a file stored without having to attach the drive)
09:15.54vHanda^ this will do a full check across all the files that should be indexed
09:16.17vHandathat's a strange thing to handle, searching for files which do not exist anymore.
09:16.32Jucatoyeah i guess my use case is strange :)
09:16.34vHandawe don't know if we just missed the delete notification or if it is an external hard-drive
09:17.07vHandawe used to just cleanup the indexes which pointed to files which do not exist, but with removable media ..
09:17.32Jucatoi mean, the file exists in the external drive. just that the drive isn't attached at the moment. but i'd still like to see if i have that file/video/song
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09:18.24vHandaI understand.
09:18.31vHandaIt just means special handling in the case of removable media.
09:18.51vHandaI've always wanted to store the baloo index for the removable media inside the removable media
09:18.57vHandabut that would totally break your use case
09:19.04Jucatoyeah :)
09:19.12Jucatobut hey, i'm just one user ;)
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09:19.31vHandameh. We theoretically should be flexible enough.
09:19.55vHandait's not an absurd use case.
09:20.06Jucatoi was afraid it was
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09:20.29Jucatoanyway thanks for all the hard work on baloo :)
09:20.48vHandaThanks :)
09:21.26Jucato<--- here's at least one guy who actually likes all the search and indexing. when/if it works. just don't ask about nepomuk :P
09:22.36Jucato(i actually use the search function a lot on Windows 8. why? because it's effing hard to find anything there through navigation :P)
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09:52.11LangleyHow do I find systemsettings/kcm so I can edit it?
09:52.29LangleyOn Mint 17.1 KDE
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12:04.54BluesKajHowdy folks
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12:39.21freeroutequite the curious thing Dolphin does... when I remove something on the remote server using CLI, the opened location over sshfs just still shows the removed directory however it is marked as empty.
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13:02.03shevyis this for qt 4 or qt 5?
13:02.25shevyhmm kde 4 and qt 4 I assume
13:02.28shevy"This release also includes Long Term Support versions of Plasma Workspaces 4.11.19, KDE Development Platform 4.14.8 and the Kontact Suite 4.14.8."
13:02.37shevyI am a bit confused because the version numbers seem so high suddenly
13:02.50shevyI got the old kde konsole from here:
13:03.16shevybut the new one is suddenly this here:
13:03.29shevyso I am utterly confused... from 4.14.3 to 15.04.1 ?
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13:05.21Jucatoif i got it right, 15.04 is for applications based on KDE Frameworks 5. it's the 4.14.x that's still "KDE 4"
13:06.17Jucatomight be wrong
13:06.27shevythat makes sense
13:06.40shevywell sort of
13:06.59Jucatoonly make sense if i'm right. and i might not be :)
13:07.01shevyI'll stick to kde 4 then, thanks Jucato
13:07.06shevynah you are right, I am sure
13:07.34Jucatomight just be a switch in version naming. as in like ubuntu. 15.04 is "2015 April"
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13:08.27shevywell, 2015 april is easier to identify when it was released haha
13:08.46Jucatoin any case, the konsole you linked to is from march. now shows konsole as 15.04 and it hasn't been ported to KF5 as far as I know
13:09.51shevydamn, I am outdated
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13:10.22shevyI still remember kde3 downloads!
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13:14.21toskyJucato, shevy: KDE Applications 15.04 contains both kdelibs4 and KF5-based applications
13:14.33toskyas it happened with 14.12, and it will be the same at least with 15.08
13:15.14Jucatothought so. kinda lost track of apps numbering and only minded kf5/p5 :)
13:15.29toskyapps numbering is year.month based
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13:16.37ntzI have rather theoretical question:
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13:17.53ntzis a known issue, that MS imaps (owa) sucks with the KDE ? I know this problem for years. I was never able to make a kaddressbook working in kde as well outgoing provider
13:18.06ntzonly what works is calendar and mailbox
13:19.47Jucatothanks tosky
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13:20.06Jucatontz: #kontact people might have an idea
13:21.25dhardyQuestion: *should* kde5/plasma5 be fully usable as of 5.3.0? I have many issues with it...
13:23.27dhardySorry, hi channel
13:23.32otjuraporting of applications is not yet complete so no
13:23.46otjurasome are on kf5, some are not
13:23.51ntzJucato: last question (now trying kde utils after some time) .... how do I access a calendar application ? I only have a plasma widget in the system tray
13:23.51dhardyah.. i mostly have issues with plasma and kwin
13:24.21ntzJucato: gotcha ... it's "korganizer"
13:24.22Jucatontz: the program's name is "korganizer"
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13:25.06dhardyi maen, is it normal that when maximising a window, kwin ignores the plasma taskbar?
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13:25.34mgraesslindhardy: define ignore?
13:26.01dhardyMaximising a window makes it will the screen (still with title bar but hiding the task bar)
13:26.08dhardy*fill* not will
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13:26.34Jucatothe plasma panel has a setting that can make windows go over, or under it
13:26.47dhardyi know that; changing it doesn't help
13:27.01ntzJucato: hmm .... it's all stupid ... in the settings->general->calendars(tab)->add(button) ani't even posibility to add a ldap/owa/imaps MS calendar :(
13:27.11mgraesslindhardy: no, that's not intended, works here ;-)
13:27.42Jucatodhardy: works normal here
13:27.46dhardyhasn't worked since i started using dvratil's fedora repos, and still doesn't work with official packages
13:27.54dhardy(though i dont know if i screwed up the packages)
13:28.30mgraesslinpossible, but unlikely
13:28.37dhardyhmm, lets try with a fresh user instead of my old .kde dir
13:28.38Jucatohas been using dvratil's repos since they existed. no problems like that
13:28.45mgraesslindhardy: please provide output of qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation
13:28.58mgraesslindhardy: also please do xprop the plasma panel
13:28.59dhardybut another question: what's happening with regards to touchscreen?
13:29.00Jucatontz: best ask the kontact guys then. i'm not up to date with any developments
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13:30.03dhardymgraesslin: there's a lot of output; want it via email?
13:30.15mgraesslindhardy: no, just put it on
13:30.35dhardyyeah sorry
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13:33.39mgraesslin_NET_WM_STATE(ATOM) = _NET_WM_STATE_BELOW
13:33.45mgraesslinchecks the meaning
13:34.14dhardyah, yes, had windows to cover
13:34.22dhardyif i set it to always visible, windows "hide" behind it
13:34.43mgraesslindhardy: please set to always visible and then restart plasmashell
13:35.28dhardyyep, maximised windows still fill screen area, hiding partially behind the panel
13:35.50mgraesslinthe window doesn't have struts set
13:35.53mgraesslinthat's weird
13:36.23Jucatomaybe some residual window rule from kde4?
13:36.36mgraesslindhardy: do you have the panel on the right edge?
13:37.12mgraesslinhysterical laughter
13:37.19mgraesslindhardy: please try any other edge
13:37.54dhardyi tell a lie, if i move it to the left the window does move... but not very much
13:38.06dhardyas if the panel were something like a 1/4 its size
13:38.19dhardyor 1/2
13:38.45dhardyi have a high dpi screen so the panel is larger than might be expected
13:39.21mgraesslinok, but the windows move
13:39.30mgraesslinI have a fair idea of the problem
13:39.55dhardyqrects store sizes in pixels, right?
13:40.00mgraesslin"Note that for historical reasons this function returns left() + width() - 1; use x() + width() to retrieve the true x-coordinate."
13:40.19mgraesslinso the strut is not set correctly if it's on the right edge
13:40.27mgraesslindhardy: please report a bug report about it
13:40.43dhardythe window sizing is still wrong when the panel is on another edge though
13:40.53dhardyoff-by-1-pixel wouldn't even be visible on my screen
13:41.30mgraesslindhardy: nah it's not off-by-1 - it's not setting the hint at all
13:41.42dhardywhere should i report?
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13:42.30mgraesslindhardy: plasmashell
13:42.46dhardyand btw the window sizing is still wrong when the panel is on another screen edge
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13:44.12mgraesslindhardy: that might be a different problem concerning high dpi
13:44.24mgraesslind_ed might know more about it
13:44.30dhardywundervoll... wrong on two counts
13:44.37dhardyokay, cheers for the help
13:44.41mgraesslinwell high dpi is kind of new ;-)
13:44.53dhardyworked almost perfectly in kde4 ;-)
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13:45.11dhardywell, minus a few icons
13:45.15mgraesslinreally? I only got complaints about it not working
13:45.42dhardyqt and kde are so configurable... set high font sizes, high icon sizes, adjust scrollbar widths...
13:45.54dhardyit's not perfect and it's not automatic but it's workable
13:46.21dhardysome of the qt decorations like collapsible tree list markers are too small
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13:48.44d_edmgraesslin: I might know what?
13:48.58Jucatothe adjustable scrollbar width is the only thing that's gone. icons and fonts i can still set
13:49.04mgraesslind_ed: whether there are problems on high dpi with panels - like incorrect maximize area
13:50.37d_edwith QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO=2 set or just generally?
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13:50.40Jucatofwiw, mine maximize just fine if the panel is either on the left or right. though dont know if 2160x1440 is hdpi
13:50.41dhardyhi btw
13:51.07dhardydhardy@yoga:~$ env|grep QT
13:51.51dhardyi'm not bothered by the scroll bar width anyway..
13:51.52Jucatodhardy: pls do use a pastebin when pasting multiple lines like that
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13:59.46d_eddhardy: ah, yeah. There are still problems. I tend to run plasmashell with that var unset
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14:09.43Hairoany solution to plasma-desktop crashing when logging out/shutting down/rebooting ?
14:09.44Hairooh, i'm running plasma 5.3 in majaro
14:09.58Hairohad this problem in kubuntu 15.04 too
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14:10.17dhardymgraesslin: when the panel is on the bottom screen edge, I think the strut is set correctly
14:10.17dhardy_NET_WM_STRUT(CARDINAL) = 0, 0, 0, 30
14:10.18leszekHairo: If you eager to test can you try out Netrunner 16. I think we fixed the issue there. And if it is fixed there then it should land in Plasma 5.4
14:10.18dhardy30 pixels looks about right (according to kruler)
14:10.21mgraesslinyeah that sounds about right
14:10.28dhardywindows still hide behind or cover it
14:10.29d_edif you have QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO when you run kruler, your 30px will actually be 60
14:10.33d_edassuming kruler is Qt5
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14:10.41dhardyi wondered
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14:10.44mgraesslinmaybe take a ruler and do the math :-P
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14:10.48dhardy5 / 165 * 1800
14:10.48dhardyno, 55
14:10.48dhardyif i type correctly ;)
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14:25.57dhardydamn, normally not being able to see the pixels is a bonus!
14:25.58Hairoleszek: so, it's a kde issue... guess i'll wait for plasma 5.4, using the shutdown command seems to work fine.
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14:26.08dhardyFor anyone's interest, the above issue (right screen edge):
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14:26.11Jucatotry to also check the QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO thing. i don't have that set (fedora),and everything seems to work fine. (struts are set no matter the edge)
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14:26.23freeroutecan anyone please explain why I can not move 2 files from one destination to another without a permission denied error? rsyncing works like a charm.
14:26.23freerouteI'm using dolphin.
14:26.23freeroute2.0, Using KDE Development Platform 4.8.5 (4.8.5)
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14:31.18vladoskiis KDE lighter than Windows 7?
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14:46.03rdietervladoski: probably, though "lighter" by what measure?  how do you define "lighter"?
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14:50.52SysGhostvladoski: KDE is a lot more modular, so it can be made a lot more lighter.
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14:51.24SysGhost...but it can also be "heavier". but then again, so can Windows also be.
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17:52.34shevyI liked that things like konsole are now standalone
17:52.44shevyin the past I think it was bundled into kdelibs or kdebase, at least in kde3 era
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17:56.06jcsl_Hi. Is is possible to hide Kate's tabs when there's only one?
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20:09.37AziroshinHello. :o
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20:10.47AziroshinI have KDE version 4.14.1 on Ubuntu 14.10. So far, I've been running a fluxbox based desktop, and for screen capturing, I used a similar fluxbox setup in a second xserver (on its own $DISPLAY).
20:12.08AziroshinRight now, I am attempting to transition this setup to KDE. That also means that this second xserver, which is started with a chain of shell scripts, would need to run duplicates of kwin and plasma-desktop, preferably with $HOME set to something other than the actual HOME directory.
20:12.26AziroshinHowever, it seems that plasma-desktop refuses to run more than once.
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20:15.44AziroshinHmm, I've just done research on multi-user jack audio. If everything fails, attempting to transition the screencasting environment to a different user altogether might be a solution, as it seems there is a way to have jackd run as a system wide daemon. I might want to look into this more.
20:16.36AziroshinStill, the problem stands, as it would be preferable to tackle this with less overhead for now. If you have an idea, I'd greatly appreciate any pointers. :) - I'll look at the chat from time to time to see.
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20:27.53jubaHi, could someone help me with a problem with kscreen on kubuntu 15.04/Plasma 5.3 ?
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20:51.25librehatHello guys, I installed XFCE and loged into XFCE then switched back to Plasma 5. But the desktop notification seems broken now.
20:51.56librehatIt pops out at top-right corner instead slipped out from bottom-right where the status notifier is.
20:52.26librehatSeems like it gets changed by XFCE somehow. How can I change it back?
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20:53.46rdieterlibrehat: it's possible the xfce notification daemon is running instead of the kde one
20:54.27librehatrdieter: I've removed all XFCE packages and rebooted.
20:54.28rdieterlibrehat: look for xfce4-notifyd, and kill it
20:54.42librehatrdieter: you
20:54.51librehatrdieter: you're right... it's still there, werid
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20:56.28librehatrdieter: there is no notifications now... sorry but what is the relevant daemon of plasma 5?
20:57.01rdieterit's supposed to start ondemand
20:57.22rdieterI thought (dbus activated)
20:57.44librehatrdieter: it didn't bring itself back. I'll re-login and try.
20:57.55rdieterlibrehat: do you have notifications widget active in systray ?
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20:59.00librehatrdieter: re-login solved it. thx
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21:38.50auxsvrusing kontact 4.14.6 on opensuse 13.2
21:39.15auxsvrsuddenly, kontact copied several hundred times emails from the inbox of an account to another!
21:39.46auxsvrakonadi uses lots of resources in the process for no apparent reason
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21:41.59auxsvralso, gmail accounts do not work
21:42.03auxsvrplease advise
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21:46.45auxsvralso, it created ~900 empty email messages in an account
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