IRC log for #kde on 20141119

00:00.15*** join/#kde veqz (
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00:11.49cybermailshi there. I want to adjust the width of my homerunkicker icon on the panel. So I went to ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc and changed the geometry=0,2,32,22 to geometry=0,2,22,22 and saved the file and restarted the computer. Upon restart the width of the homerunkicker icon remained unchanged, and the geometry settings were reverted back to the original values. Any idea on how I can achieve this?
00:13.18zewmcan you just adjust the size of the panel?
00:13.21zewmit should scale with it
00:15.05cybermailsYes, it does that, but the problem is that the width of the homerunkicker plasmoid is wider then the other icons I have on the panel. So it leaves a wider space inbetween it and the neighboring icon.
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00:16.03zewmhrm.. not sure then. I'm not familiar with hrk. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can offer some advice.
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00:18.03cybermailsthanks for trying zewm
00:18.17zewmYea, sorry I can't offer much more
00:18.32zewmI'm fairly new to linux and kde in general. Thought I would take a wack at it.
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00:19.00cybermailsI love KDE out of all the other DEs.. very customizable and snappy too
00:19.10zewmyea, I just switched to it recently
00:19.16zewmand it's a lot better than what I had before
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00:19.43zewmThe only DE I have left to 'test' is Gnome3, but I'm not in any rush to change kde
00:19.48zewmI'm really enjoying it
00:20.38cybermailsah.. i tried Gnome3 on OpenSuse recently, and it looks chic, but gets on your nerves for it's lack of customizability. I don't like the gnome tweaks feature, it's like firefox extensions
00:22.21zewmI'm a gamer and KDE has been the only DE that lets me alt+tab out of a game
00:22.29zewmthe other ones I tried just locked my mouse to the game
00:22.36zewmalso, it looks and feels good
00:22.54zewmI have a little weather plasmoid on my desktop so I don't have to go to anymore
00:23.01zewmThese little things make it very nice
00:23.16zewmI still don't really understand activities, but I'll eventually play around with it and figure it out
00:23.41zewmMy only complaint so far is that I can't put text into my program launcher
00:23.44zewmonly change the icon
00:25.09cybermailsI don't use activities. It's kinda redundant if you use seperate desktop widgets for your desktops.
00:25.39cybermailsAre you talking about the tooltip when you hover the mouse on the program launcher?
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00:28.20cybermailszewm ^
00:28.42zewmno, you know the actual icon
00:28.46zewmthat you click to open your launcher
00:29.00zewmin other DEs it lets me edit the text next to it (usually 'menu' or 'start')
00:29.06zewmbut in KDE, I can only change the icon
00:29.09zewmit has no text field
00:29.39cybermailsAh I see.. that's true, i haven't come across that
00:30.59*** join/#kde ussher_ (~ussher@240f:11:ad2f:1:9975:bece:b306:49f9)
00:32.25ussher_Im trying to get kdm to startup when the system boots.  currently I drop to the terminal and need to login, then do 'sudo kdm'.  I just recently upgraded to kubuntu 14.04 and can't seam to locate a howto to help.
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00:36.22zewmwhen you install KDM it should default to load up automatically
00:36.36zewmtry reinstalling it?
00:36.40zewmsudo apt-get install kdm
00:37.15zewmor sudo apt-get purge kdm | apt-get install kdm
00:37.26ussher_thats how i installed it.  it then showed me the dpkg-reconfigure screen and i chose kdm.
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00:57.41ussher_Thanks for that idea zewm.  no luck.  in dmesg, im getting this message "[    4.600301] init: kdm main process (1632) killed by TERM signal"
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02:11.43cybermailsdoes anyone know how I can save geometries parameters in plasma-desktop-appletsrc file?
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03:06.57AkhILgreetings. I'm using kde 4.14, chromium keeps open audio device with pulseaudio and prevents power manager to suspend system when I'm away. Can I disable any blocking from suspending by any application?
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03:08.10thiagoneither pulseaudio nor chromium are KDE applications
03:08.13krzxAkhIL: do you have alsamixer and other alsa tools
03:08.25krzxthey are console apps
03:08.48krzxmight be something you can do with some alsa settings
03:08.49thiagoI also don't think that the power manager checking pulseaudio status is a KDE application either (I don't think that's powerdevil)
03:08.53*** join/#kde toan_ (
03:09.53toan_hi all, i have a dumb question, , but i want to know if it is possible to freeze a plasma-desktop state (to disk), and restore it at a later time when can Xorg session is active
03:10.02AkhILanyway, when I close chromium system goes sleep as expected
03:10.24toan_i noticed that ksm isn't working well, sometimes it would not launch some applications
03:10.41krzxtoan_: yes theres a setting to remember and open applications from last session
03:10.46krzxsomewhere in system settings
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03:10.55thiagotoan_: which apps?
03:10.57toan_krzx, i tried it, doens't work well
03:11.00toan_k session manager
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03:11.47krzxthe options are restore previous session, restore manually saved session, start with empty session
03:11.54krzxtry googling how to save session
03:11.58krzxmanually save
03:12.01toan_i tested on kubuntu, i had chrome and some other apps openned, and then saved the session, the next session didn't start with all the apps launched
03:12.13thiagochrome doesn't participate in session management
03:12.15thiagoany other apps?
03:12.17toan_krzx, i know how to save session
03:12.17krzxit works for me i have it set to restore
03:12.50krzxdo you have the automatic bug tracking tool enabled
03:12.50toan_does it work all the time
03:12.57krzxtheres some startup errors with chromium
03:12.58toan_are you sure you tried many many apps
03:13.24toan_chrome never started on my ksession restoration
03:13.27krzxi stopped using chrome 1 because its a resource hog every tab is run as a seperate process and too many bugs
03:13.44toan_krzx, i know, i switched to FF now
03:14.06toan_but the idea is that KSM doesn't work well
03:14.13AkhILas I remember in XFCE system goes sleep even when music or video plays. So I think there is some smarth things in kde power managment to keep system awake while audio or video playing
03:14.24toan_that's why i want to put the plasma-desktop process to a freezer and relauch it
03:14.27thiagoit's not ksmserver's fault
03:14.35thiagochrome will not participate in the session management
03:14.41thiagothe bug is in chrome
03:14.49toan_thiago, i did not know that
03:14.50krzxyou were sure to check apply after selecting restore option in ksm right
03:14.58toan_i tried for hours today , without knowing why
03:15.27krzxim not sure if the restore works with a reboot but it works if you logout
03:15.50krzxthen on the sign on screen choose previous session from the menu
03:15.58toan_thiago, i think some other apps did not work too, i tried codeblock and it did not restore, also tried lazarus, and did not work
03:16.13krzxtoan_: crontab them
03:16.31krzxor use the task scheduler in kde system settings
03:16.32toan_i dont like to apply patches
03:16.57toan_i work on a development machine, i'd rather put my pC to hibernate to ram
03:17.17krzxapply patches?
03:17.21krzxcrontab is a conole based tool
03:17.29toan_thiago, do you know why KSM server doesn't restore for some other apps: like codeblock & lazarus
03:17.35krzxit should already be installed on your system
03:18.13toan_krzx, i am not interested in launching them manually, i just want to save my session
03:18.34toan_and restore them as needed
03:18.37*** join/#kde Sri_Designer (~Sir_Desig@wikipedia/mareklug)
03:20.37toan_thiago, ?
03:23.04toan_is there any developer in here?
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03:26.15thiagotoan_: there isn't any KSM server besides ksmserver
03:26.24thiagotoan_: ksmserver works for all applications that participate in X11 SM.
03:26.34thiagotoan_: it does not work for any application that fails to register with X11 SM.
03:26.48thiagotoan_: so if you have any application that fails to be restored, it's most likely a bug in that application. File a bug with them.
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03:55.17toan_thiago, thank you for the clarification
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04:25.20toan_thiago, i want to know if there is a plan to make a user selectable tool to switch between different session at runtime, i thought it would be a kool feature
04:42.32thiagotoan_: not that I know of
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06:50.41koshieHi everyone. I've having trouble to have differents panels for each virtual desktop. In the system configuration, in workspace I put the option to have a set of independant widgets for  the panels.
06:50.58koshieI'm using Kubuntu 14.10, and so KDE 4.14.1.
06:51.34koshieBut with that it doesn't works. If I remove a widget (for example, an application icon), it's removed on each virtual desktop.
06:52.19koshieIf I put a new panel, it's available on each virtual desktop too..
06:52.41koshieI want to put some icons applications and widgets on the desktop related to the goal of the virtual desktop.
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07:01.02koshieSorry I crashed. If someone has answered me while I was disconnected...
07:02.06valorieI was about to say, koshie, that it sounds like you want Activities
07:02.40valorieand don't worry, you can have multiple virt desktops in each activity
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07:03.36koshievalorie: I'm pretty sure too, but the last time I tried to use activites I didn't liked it, if I can put different icons for the panels and widgets for the desktop for each virtual desktop, independant one of each other, that's all I need.
07:03.55koshieBut if I can't I guess I have to start using activites..
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07:06.39koshiePlus mostly I put a virtual desktop for one or two applications / windows, I don't think I need something very powerful.
07:07.07koshieIt's just for a better organization of my windows, since I can have a lot sometimes and it began to be annoying.
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07:10.00valoriewell, that is the whole point of activities
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07:10.42koshievalorie: even to just have different icons on panels? For now, virtual desktop done the job well.
07:11.20koshieAnd start to understanding a new function of KDE 4 just for a little function, I'm not sure that's the best idea. There is no way without actitivies?
07:11.52valorieI don't know
07:12.06valoriesort of a slow time in the channel
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07:12.17valoriethe europeans aren't up yet
07:12.28koshieIn doubt I'll ask guys on #kde-fr, but there is less peoples than here :). Anyway, thanks valorie.
07:13.38valorieyou are most welcome, and I hope you will find the answer you seek
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07:20.51clknow 3:pm here, anyway good morning
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07:44.49nemysisgood morning
07:46.28techsayannemysis: good morning
07:48.16nemysishi techsayan
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08:18.50lordievaderGood morning.
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11:00.15MarkRSstarting up KDE reports "duplication notes collection". How do I find out what and where this is?
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11:03.19MarkRS"duplicate", sorry
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11:09.56rindolfHi all. The KDE system's screen is stuck on virtual console 0 - giving a black screen and an unresponsive X. This happened before . Now I'm running JWM on a different virtual console, and trying to debug it - what can I do?
11:10.23rindolfI should note that I'm ong Mageia 5 x86-64.
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11:24.03MarkRSstarting up KDE reports "duplicate notes collection". How do I find out what and where this is?
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12:13.24MarkRSstarting up KDE complains "duplicate notes collection". How do I find out what and where this is?
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12:23.52MarkRS:( Ok, fair enough. I had tried that, obviously using the wrong words. Sorry
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12:25.29BluesKaj'Morning folks
12:26.45MarkRSkelvar: Do you see any relevant link in the pages that result from that? Even adding the word "KDE" I don't see anything relevant
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12:32.52kelvar_MarkRS: scroll down a bit, and I have no idea about this issue, so I can't really help you
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12:35.49MarkRSok, thanx kelvar
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13:01.55*** topic/#kde is KDE SC 4.14 is out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde or ~/.kde4
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14:42.45cybermailszewm: I found a solution to my homerun kicker icon width problem.
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14:48.42edge226is it possible to have kde5 stop tracking recent documents?
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14:50.38edge226in the main menu I mean.
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16:18.33Kanohi, what could be the problem when the keyboard does not work with kdeconnect?
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17:07.41WalexKano: lack of focus perhaps, but rather unlikely
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18:30.40karolherbstdoes anybody of you have a lot of intel gpu hangs with kwin-5.1.1? Like every other day?
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19:16.20Quantum`Anyone know why kmail doesn't work with local mbox's anymore?
19:16.51Quantum`I mean, the account is set up, but it just doesn't fetch mail that's there.
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19:49.09toothehow do I open my list of SMB shares?
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19:50.00BluesKajtoothe, dolphin > network
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19:50.48tootheyes, but my shares do not load up there...
19:50.56toothehowever, I am able to access them in my Windows VM.
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20:06.06Th3R0bofficial channel for ktelepathy?
20:06.15Th3R0bor any channel that can answer questions related
20:08.20cb400fhm.. #ktp? #kde-tp ... #kde-telepathy ... I'm pretty sure there is one
20:08.50cb400f#kde-telepathy seems to be right
20:09.02Th3R0btried ktelepathy
20:09.05Th3R0bbut that wasnt it
20:09.07Th3R0bshoulda figured
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20:21.31Quantum`Why do KDE windows always start behind everything else?
20:22.52Th3R0bfocus stealing prevention or some such?
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20:24.48Quantum`Where is this set?  SystemSettings|WindowBehavior|focus stealing preventiom is set Low.
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21:46.33WalexQuantum`: it happens to me as well, and I have "Focus Follows Mouse"
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21:47.49kristalAnyone know of an easy-ish way to run KDE in a window?
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21:48.48Quantum`A window of what?
21:49.17kristala whole damn seperate x isntance
21:49.59kristalI used a program to launch one long ago but I don't remember what it was called
21:50.00Quantum`Modify kdm?  VNC?
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21:50.16Walexkristal: look for nested X servers like Xephyr, Xvnc, Xnest
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21:51.00kristalWalex: ahh nested, that's it
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22:45.18MobileRoeyheyl... KDE didn't start up for me once I upgraded from Kubuntu 14.04 -> 14.10.  I moved ~/.kde aside and ran startx, letting KDE re-start.  It did.  How can I diagnose what's wrong with my ~/.kde then?
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