IRC log for #kde on 20141031

00:02.24*** join/#kde my_names_dave (
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02:03.43*** join/#kde ed_t (
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02:04.34ed_twith 4.14 kmail filters are dead.  They do NOT work.  in 4.13 they were working.  Am I alone with this problem are are the broken for everyone?
02:05.46*** join/#kde jaafar (
02:05.46ed_tkmail without filters is like tv without a screen - not much fun all all
02:06.57ed_tI have tried akonadictl fsck and have verified that all the filters are in good shape (no missing folders etc)
02:07.24*** join/#kde tkdchen (chen@nat/redhat/x-ipgxdgrdcpxenrdx)
02:09.25*** join/#kde lieber_ (~lieber@
02:09.38ed_tdist is arch (up to date testing repos disabled) with kernel 3.17.2
02:12.22*** join/#kde FlameReaper-PC (
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03:28.08*** join/#kde yggdrasil (~yggdrasil@unaffiliated/yggdrasil)
03:28.39yggdrasilhello, i did something and now i dont have transparent terminal windows. when i log in as a nother user i do have transparency on konsole. how can i trouble shoot this ?
03:30.57*** join/#kde maybeHere (
03:31.58valorieyggdrasil: sounds like you changed a configuration file
03:32.21OksanaKDE3 or KDE4?
03:32.45valorieconfig files are text files; you might compare the two konsole files and fix yours
03:33.45*** join/#kde palkeo (~palkeo@unaffiliated/palkeo)
03:35.10OksanaA link
03:36.37valorieOksana: that seems to be about compiz?
03:37.06valorieand is from 2008
03:38.05OksanaAt least, it's KDE4, and Konsole. No clue what compiz is. Hey! I've got a transparent Konsole now! (also yakuake!) Here's what I did:
03:38.06Oksana(1) Open a Konsole. (2) Go to settings--edit current profile. (3) Hit the appearance tab. (4) Pick any color scheme you want (I picked the black on white one at the bottom) (5) There are three buttons by the color scheme picker; new, edit, remove. (6) Click on 'edit'
03:38.08Oksana(7) There will be a slider there at the bottom of the edit window; slide transparency up to 100% (or however much--I wanted mine totally transparent).
03:38.09Oksana(8) Exit out of the settings windows. Mine was transparent immediately; I don't know if you'll have to restart Konsole to make it work. Notably, this also changes the settings for Yakuake.
03:39.08*** join/#kde ydutta (~ydutta@
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03:40.11Oksana2014, same :
03:40.54OksanaSame method: Enable desktop effects somewhere, and enable transparency in Konsole.
03:41.04Oksanayggdrasil, valorie ? ^
03:45.50*** join/#kde zanny (~zanny@
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08:42.10lordievaderGood morning.
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08:43.45rindolflordievader: morning.
08:43.48rindolflordievader: sup?
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08:44.34lordievaderWaiting for coffee, how are you rindolf?
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08:45.17rindolflordievader: I'm trying to build perl 5 for Emscripten (LLVM->JS)
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08:45.58lordievaderrindolf: Is that doable or are you in pain>'
08:46.37rindolflordievader: it is doable.
08:46.45rindolflordievader: already got microperl to build.
08:47.02Tatshrindolf: seriously
08:47.06lordievaderrindolf: Good to hear that :)
08:47.21*** join/#kde virchete (
08:47.28Tatshyou can write in C and use re2 there; then asm.js; there you have perl
08:47.31Tatshto JS
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08:47.53rindolfTatsh: well, I have soem Perl code.
08:48.04Tatshyea is there not a perl to js already
08:48.22rindolfTatsh: C+re2 does not give you everythign that Perl 5 does.
08:48.53Tatshi know; i was kidding
08:49.01*** join/#kde matkor (
08:49.04karolherbstI think I have an error while having internet connection through wifi and ethernet on plasma5: but I don't know what triggers it. I could be also wrong with my assumption, that ethernet is triggering it
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08:49.18Tatshperl to js is probably one of the hardest things ;)
08:50.01Tatshby comparison, we have a few python to js converters and then we have coffeescript (almost a ruby dialect) and then opal which converts most ruby code to js fully
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08:52.35rindolfTatsh: there is Perlito , but it's incomplete and I was told to use Emscripten.
08:53.00rindolfTatsh: Coffeescript is not Ruby, and I really hate it.
08:53.23Tatshi like coffee
08:53.33Tatshwhat do you not like about coffee?
08:53.47Tatshi prefer indented languages (python, ruby) so i might be a bit biased
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09:08.19rindolfTatsh: I dislike Coffeescript due in part to its implicit scoping.
09:08.58rindolfFor reference:
09:11.15*** join/#kde lord_rob (robert@unaffiliated/lord-rob/x-573835)
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09:12.36lord_robHi! I've started smartctl to check one of my disks long ago. Can I see the progress status with a KDE app ?
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09:15.29lordievaderlord_rob: I don't think so, but when you start a test it will tell you when it is done.
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09:18.50lord_robok and can I stard further tests without the cli but with a kde app ?
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09:22.55lord_robok gsmartcontrol (not for kde but for smarttools ;) was the way to go
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10:33.14kerimbekov_thecan I import akonadi.db (sqlite3) into mysql ?
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10:57.46darth_rabbithi! Anyone usng kde5 on a tablet?
11:00.44WikiwideNo tablet, no kde5. Only kde4, on Windows computer.
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11:41.34BluesKajHi folks
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14:13.11lfrlucasHi, Anyone experiencing crash of kded4 using vnc?
14:13.40lfrlucasThis crash can be solved uninstalling kscreen
14:13.56lfrlucasbut okular doesn't work without kscreen .(
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14:14.59rdieterlfrlucas: with okular, what happens?
14:15.08jleclanchetesting out kwin (5) on kde, anyone knows where compositing can be turned on now?
14:15.14jleclancheer, kwin on lxqt.
14:15.18lfrlucasrdieter: it crashed when I try to open some pdf
14:16.07lfrlucasI updated kde to 4.14.2 in kubuntu 14.4
14:16.08rdieterI think okular queries some randr stuff, which kscreen does too.  I'd suspect your vnc setup may be giving bogus or corrupt randr data
14:16.25rdieterlfrlucas: a backtrace could help
14:16.40lfrlucasI will post
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14:16.59rdieterbest to use drkonqi, and file a bug (with backtrace)
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14:19.14lfrlucasdo you think that updating kscreen will solve?
14:19.45lfrlucasIn another computer using Gentoo, this problem doesn't occur
14:20.05lfrlucasTHe only difference is kscreen version, I think
14:22.18rdieterlfrlucas: possible, and libkscreen
14:22.40rdieteryeah, so here it is okular querying screen dpi (from libkscreen)
14:23.10lfrlucasis it possible to update kscreen in kubuntu ?
14:23.19rdieterlfrlucas: ask #kubuntu
14:23.46lfrlucasrdieter: thanks
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14:25.39rdieterlfrlucas: in particular, it is libkscreen going bad (which both kscreen and okular depend upon)
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14:27.07lfrlucasrdieter: it's weird. Gentoo is using the same version of libkscreen as kubuntu, and okular does not crash in gentoo running vnc
14:27.25rdieterlfrlucas: does gentoo build okular with libkscreen support?
14:28.00lfrlucasmaybe not
14:28.06lfrlucasrdieter: Use flags are:
14:28.07lfrlucascrypt djvu handbook jpeg pdf postscript tiff -aqua -chm -debug -dpi -ebook -mobi
14:28.19rdieterlfrlucas: what version of libkscreen?
14:28.25rdieter(1.0.5 is the latest apparently)
14:28.34lfrlucasI suppose use flag dpi is related with klibscreen
14:28.49lfrlucasand dpi is disabled in gentoo
14:29.07lfrlucasrdieter: version 1.0.5
14:29.30lfrlucasIn gentoo: x11-libs/libkscreen-1.0.5
14:29.55lfrlucasIn kubuntu: Version: 1.0.5-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04
14:30.08lfrlucasI suppose it is the same version
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14:30.27lfrlucasmaybe its because okular does not have DPI use flag enabled in gentoo
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14:33.56Pegasus_RPGHello. I want to hack Skanlite to make it work more like PrecisionScan Pro (and DeskScan II before that.) Can I just clone the repo and start hacking?
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14:35.34Pegasus_RPGA better question: how do I build KDE apps?
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14:45.31Pegasus_RPGHow can I find a list of all of the dependencies the application needs to build?
14:48.38axtrozPegasus_RPG: I usually run cmake for the targeted application and it shows a list of required/optional dependencies
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14:49.33Pegasus_RPGaxtroz: with no arguments?
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14:50.21Pegasus_RPGoh nevermind, CMakeLists.txt shows the packages
14:50.31Pegasus_RPGYay, it built! Whee, hack time!
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