IRC log for #kde on 20140723

00:00.59*** join/#kde mackrorysd (~sean@
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00:03.53gabrielhello, is kde system tray able to shows only apps that were executed from a particular virtual desktop?
00:04.31gabriellike the taskbar do?
00:06.23gabrielcurrently kde system tray shows all the app icons that are running over kde, but I would like to have only icons from apps that were executed in a particular virtual desktop or activity
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00:40.41golgiits been so long since ive used kde. is there a wifi/network tray manager for plasma?
00:41.07golgii'm trying to un-gnome myself but finding it difficult
00:41.59bootkillergolgi: plamas-mn
00:42.34gabrielit is possible to have different panels per activities?
00:42.41gabrielkde 4.10.5
00:44.56gabrielit would be amazing useful
00:45.05gabrielif it is not possible yet
00:45.44golgiexcellent botkiller, ty
00:45.44golgistay tuned, I may have more questions :/
00:46.23hidgabriel: activities are made to do that i think, aren't they?
00:46.47gabrielat least in kde 4.10 i can't do it
00:47.10gabrielonly widgets are possible to have in different activities
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00:48.41gabrielon System Settings / Workspace behavior / Virtual Desktops there is the option to have different widgets per desktop
00:49.30bootkillergabriel: I'm not sure but, I think you can only have different panels on different screens. You can have diferent widgets and layouts on different activities and virtual desktops.
00:50.43gabrielaccording to the bug report, what I want is still no possible
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01:33.36leclairHi. I'm running KDE 4.3.4 on CentOS 6.5.
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01:34.03leclairIt comes back with 'Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.
01:34.19leclairI've tried the suggestions but I can't get it to work. I'm not sure what I should be trying next.
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01:34.24leclairany suggestions?
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01:59.57atannusHi. How do I create the small chrome launcher next to the K icon after I've accidentaly removd it? Startin chrome and "Show icon when not running" places the icon but when I click it KDe asks me to pick an app to run /opt/google/chrome/chrome with... If I pick chrome, it starts chrome to download the binary...
02:09.07*** join/#kde Extensa5630G (~hassoon@
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02:10.46Jucatoatannus: in the K Menu, can't you right-click on Chrome and select "Add to Panel"?
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02:57.21rdieteratannus: there's a bug wrt chrome there, follow Jucato's advice
02:58.02Jucatordieter: yeah i just noticed that bug. I'm guessing it's because of the way chrome sets up the executables/scripts?
02:58.43Jucatooh, /etc/alternatives ...
02:59.48Jucatolol i just tried to follow the path to the exact executable >.<
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03:09.02rdieterJucato: not sure the cause, but that could be it
03:09.43rdieterthat's the one
03:09.45Jucatoeven if it isn't, all that redirecting is pretty convoluted, though probably necessary >.<
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04:39.34mvahi there!
04:40.47mvahow can I describe bug (and which component/product should I use as target for it) if Gwenview and kthumbnails renders FreeBSD SVG logo wrong?
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04:53.36moviuroI want to reset the position of the notification bubble because it is off-screen: what should I change in which file?
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05:10.46moviurook, nvm, found it out :D
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06:41.10nemysisgood morning
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06:41.31nemysisok what you have found moviuro :D
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07:08.10GlemSomI KDE 4.12: I have a dual-screen setup. For some reason, when some windows lose focus, they stop to render - which is really a pain in a dual-screen setup. Is there a way to configure this? (KDE with compiz, and latest nvidia drivers)
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07:09.00xiaomiao"compiz" ?
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07:11.54GlemSomxiaomiao,  just ment "Desktop effects"  though "woobly windows" are not activated, I guess the module is still loaded and such :)
07:13.14xiaomiaoah yes. because compiz is a standalone bit of software that is mostly bitrotting away
07:13.34xiaomiaoGlemSom: is there any pattern to where or when windows stop updating?
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07:14.26Jucatosince compiz is the one handling such things when you're using it, i'm afraid the problem lies with compiz
07:14.42Jucatooh wait
07:14.56Jucatoi guess you meant KWin, just with desktop effects
07:17.27xiaomiaoJucato: yes, "compiz" as general label for effects, not compiz-the-software
07:18.17Jucato(except compiz isn't exactly a word/term other than the name of a software, but yeah I get it)
07:18.49GlemSomxiaomiao, Yes, when they lose focus... like, if I move the mouse to the other screen
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07:20.54GlemSomxiaomiao, for example - use WINE to play a game... move the mouse to the other screen, and the game does not render (though music continues, and the game does too... it's just not shown on screen)
07:21.57Jucatowine is a special case though.does it happen to any other app?
07:23.00GlemSomJucato, Yeah, it happens with Google Chrome too.
07:23.58Jucatook that would be strange indeed. does this only happen if you have desktop effects (not gonna call it compiz :P) enabled?
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07:24.35GlemSomhmm, havent tried that...
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07:25.53GlemSomI did alt+shift+12 to disable all desktop effect, and I still have the same issue
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07:35.16Jucatoi suspect it's a driver issue. have you tried asking in your distro if anyone else is experiencing that?
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07:57.12workerbeetwocan make one screen the primary screen. all apps open by default on the wrong one.
07:58.06workerbeetwocan anyone help me on this? I tried arandr to setup the screens (hardware) .
07:58.13Jucatohave you tried clicking on the star in ?
07:58.14aerofoam_nookRight click the title bar and explore the window settings.
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07:58.57aerofoam_nookId tell you exactly what to push but my computer got hijacked by a 4 yr old.
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08:01.34workerbeetwoJucato: thanks. thats it, but the star function seems to be inverted. windows are open on the non-primary screen.
08:02.54Jucatosorry, not exactly sure what's up. i don't have a multi-screen setup
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09:07.07q9How do i get a login-shell with kdesu?
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10:33.34nemysisfor login shell i use only Konsole and su
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10:36.22josemotaHi everyone, I -
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10:37.10josemotaI'm using KDE 4.13 in Arch and I was wondering how I can install a kde theme / style like this one:
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10:37.37josemotai never installed one and I would like to do it, is there any specific folder I should unzip it to?
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11:02.30lateniteHi folks, how to I manage TWO batteries on my laptop? for now it suspends when teh SMALER one is empty...and I can not configure which battery triggers a suspend
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11:10.05lateniteAnyone in here? I asked this question luck. Can KDE handle 2 batteries with propper power management?
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11:36.21tneohello, I have to re-apply my QtCurve settings everytime to keep my look 'n feel consistent throughout KDE.
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11:36.59tneoI have re-installed a bunch of software packages and deleted my .kde4 profile, without any luck. Does anybody have a suggestion that I may try?
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11:46.18bl4ckdu5tI don't know what's up with the time and date settings in my Debian
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11:48.23bl4ckdu5tIt worked fine in Gnome
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12:41.26q9I asked about getting a login shell with kdesu but nuked myself from irc, so I ask again: What's the kdesu-equivalent of su -l ?
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12:55.48rdieterq9: I don't think there is
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13:07.49*** topic/#kde is Support KDE: | KDE SC 4.13 is out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde or ~/.kde4
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13:42.43JackWinteranyone know if it's kde that constantly tries to start networkmanager on my system via dbus?
13:44.55JackWinterit's installed as a dependency but not in use
13:45.04rdieterJackWinter: I'm not aware NM could be dbus activated, but possible I suppose.  that said, as long as you don't have plasma-nm applet active, then the odds are even less.
13:45.33rdieterhrm, though plasma-nm includes a kded module, which may still try to contact NM
13:45.48rdieterI still wouldnt expect it to start NM though
13:46.12rdieterJackWinter: what do you mean by "contstantly tries to start NM" ?
13:46.45rdieterbecause plasma-nm will indeed try to contact it, if that's what you mean
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13:47.45rdieter(if that's the case, you can manually disable it's kded module or uninstall it as workarounds)
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13:48.53JackWintermy systemd log is filled with attempts to start network manager via dbus, i don't have plasma-nm installed
13:49.21JackWinterrdieter: ^
13:50.01JackWinteri'm not sure it's kde either, don't really know how to inspect what happens on the dbus bus
13:50.29rdieterdbus-monitor is one tool
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13:51.37rdieterit's likely not kde directly at least.  I suspect any app querying online status may trigger it though.  depends on what the source(s) are and what the systemd log says exactly
13:52.42JackWinterrdieter: it fills up with stuff like this:
13:52.43JackWinterul 23 15:26:57 tor dbus[512]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service'
13:52.45JackWinterJul 23 15:26:57 tor dbus[512]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
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13:54.49JackWinterhmm, maybe i should remove telepathy since i'm not using it.  think that's what pulled in nm
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13:59.37rdieterJackWinter: just run dbus-monitor for awhile, and see
14:00.02rdieterJackWinter: dbus-monitor --system
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14:01.27JackWinterah, thanks.  the option helps abit :)
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15:40.09lordievaderGood afternoon.
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17:03.36moviuroI lost my answer to a forum post (saved it and now I don't know where to load it from)
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17:44.59kingbeowolffor some reason my cursor is buggy
17:45.13kingbeowolfit changes into some unrecognizable floating blob
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17:56.07rdieterkingbeowolf: cursor is usually handled via hw-acceleration in video driver, ie, your symptom seems to imply a video driver problem
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17:57.03kingbeowolfMy mouse point is fine on 1 screen, but not on the other
17:57.17kingbeowolfI used alt+f2 to launch google chrome and that is when it happened
17:57.29kingbeowolfgoogle chrome is so buggy
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17:59.24rdieterif you're implying it's chrome's fault the cursor went bad, I think blame is misplaced
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18:00.15tantanCan Plasma 5 be tried on Fedora?
18:01.46rdietertantan: coming along, but not yet says "Almost done..."
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18:03.28tantanrdieter: I have to reinstall my system. So I was thinking either trying Plasma 5 or using Gnome until F21 release.
18:03.57tantanrdieter: For sake of change.
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18:07.31rdieterinstall both :)
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18:10.08tantanrdieter: I pinged dvratil to ask if that repo is build-able.
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18:14.30kingbeowolfrdieter: how can you verify your guesses
18:15.11rdieterkingbeowolf: it's just based on my experience
18:15.34rdieteryou probably could google about xorg hw accel cursors
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18:21.18kingbeowolfill duckduckgo it :D
18:23.49kingbeowolfdoesn't really give me anything useful
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19:01.10nemysisi use openSUSE with KDE 4.11.5
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19:05.06KAristideHi !
19:05.12KAristideWhere ksnapshot store temporary screens ?
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19:15.12filipesaraivaCan anyone connect jabber account using Xabber client on Android? [I sent an e-mail to xabber team, off course]
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22:12.24weirddan455i'm getting crazy CPU and disk read spikes from baloo_file_extracor... what exactly does this thing do for me?
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22:34.52acerspyroweirddan455: disable it. It's shit anyways.
22:35.19weirddan455acerspyro: how?  i have no idea what it does other than slowing down my system
22:35.35acerspyroweirddan455: in your system settings
22:35.45acerspyroDesktop search
22:35.56acerspyroMake a carnage, disable everything you see in there.
22:36.01weirddan455acerspyro: and every time I extract a large tarball into my HOME it gives a polkit prompt for my root password to increase its file limit or some shit
22:36.19acerspyroWat the fuck
22:36.25acerspyroThat's dumb.
22:36.36acerspyroHowever, yeah, when I mean everything, it's actually one checkbox.
22:36.42acerspyroDisable file indexing.
22:36.57acerspyroOr, as they call it, desktop search.
22:37.07acerspyroDisable Akonadi, too. It lags.
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22:38.58weirddan455acerspyro: or it's nepomuk that throws that polkit prompt
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22:39.25acerspyroweirddan455: Neopmuk has been replaced by Baloo, iirc
22:39.28weirddan455acerspyro: which i think is kind of tied in with baloo and that desktop search thing... any clue how to disable it?
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22:39.44acerspyroBaloo = Neopmuk
22:39.52acerspyroThat post is from 2012.
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22:41.22weirddan455acerspyro: well i've still be getting the polkit prompt either way... i guess baloo does it too?
22:41.52acerspyroDisable it
22:42.24acerspyroI don't get those prompts cuz I live dangerously.
22:42.31acerspyroRemoved my kwallet password.
22:43.17weirddan455acerspyro: lol does that remove all polkit prompts or what exactly is kwallet?
22:43.45acerspyrokwallet keeps your password and automatically types them in, but it usually has a master password
22:43.51acerspyroYou need to set it up first
22:43.59acerspyroThen you'll be asked each password only once
22:44.18acerspyroAnd ONLY remove your kwallet password if you trust that noone can access your computer
22:44.26acerspyroOtherwise, all those password can be discovered.
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22:47.24weirddan455acerspyro: i mean... i like to be prompted when a program is trying to make a system wide change lol
22:47.35acerspyroweirddan455: yes
22:47.42acerspyroAnything with a password
22:49.30weirddan455acerspyro: ok disabled desktop search... that seems to have brought my CPU and disk access way down
22:50.13weirddan455why do they even enable that crap by default?  when it noticably slows down a 3.3ghz quad core by constantly maxing 1-2 cores at 100% you know something's wrong...
22:50.22acerspyroweirddan455: because it's KDE
22:50.25acerspyroWelcome to KDE
22:50.32acerspyroUseless crap all around
22:50.40acerspyroAnd I have no fear saying it in a KDE fan
22:50.49acerspyroI used to be a KDE fan, tho.
22:50.54weirddan455i think the disk access was the biggest problem though... i have LUKS system encryption on a standard HDD
22:51.12acerspyroTill I noticed that extremely obvious bugs weren't getting fixed version over version.
22:54.47hidacerspyro: used to be? you mean kde3?
22:55.24acerspyrohid: I never saw KDE3
22:55.36acerspyroI started using KDE with KDE 4.8
22:55.58hidkde3 is faster than lxde
22:56.14acerspyroIt doesn't look good
22:56.16hidand the cpu thanks
22:56.33acerspyroI want stability, look, lightness and user-friendliness.
22:57.16hidkde4 has everything you mentioned except lightness
22:57.24hidkde3 has everything you mentioned except look
22:57.28acerspyroNo, it's light.
22:57.38acerspyroIt's extremely unstable, tho.
22:57.46acerspyroIt screws up very easily.
22:57.53weirddan455i really miss the days of KDE 3 and GNOME 2
22:57.59weirddan455i liked both of those desktops
22:58.01acerspyroI miss G2 too
22:58.15acerspyroG3 is horrible. Should not even be part of the GNOME line.
22:58.26acerspyroIt's not even customizable.
22:58.38acerspyroAnd it's a OSX wannabe
22:58.52weirddan455GNOME 3 is even less usable that Windows 8 IMO (though it's kind of close)
22:59.08hidosx is so stable, how do they doooo
22:59.40weirddan455hid: it's built by a multi-billion dollar company
22:59.58acerspyrohid: lol
23:00.18weirddan455only thing that bugs me about osx is the damn maximize button only extends the window vertically... doesn't full-scren it like every other desktop
23:00.31acerspyroGood UX designers, Unix kernel, head start with MacintoshOS 1 to 9 (experience)
23:00.34hidi think kde is what reach the most a food OS
23:00.45hidlike integration
23:01.05acerspyroNo, when people think Linux, they think Unity
23:01.11acerspyrogoes puking for a while
23:01.26acerspyroFucking Ubuntu, stealing all the pride. I hate it, I hate it!
23:01.30acerspyrokeeps puking
23:01.44weirddan455i used to love Ubuntu back when they used GNOME 2
23:01.49acerspyroIf we keep it like that, it's going to be GNU/Ubuntu ffs
23:02.03acerspyroIt's going to be Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu
23:02.36acerspyroDid you know that a LOT of Ubuntu users don't even know who GNU is and that they're running Linux?
23:02.42acerspyroThat's just plain horrible.
23:02.45weirddan455acerspyro: that's not gonna happen... Ubuntu is slowly forking itself away from the standard components every other distro uses
23:03.01acerspyroweirddan455: ik
23:03.08weirddan455Upstart instead of systemd... Mir instead of Wayland
23:03.53weirddan455and Unity is the only DE that seems to be intentionally made to be non-portable to other distros
23:03.58acerspyroUbunturd is the black sheep of the Linux line.
23:04.29acerspyroI really shouldn't be calling GNU/hurd GNU/turd.
23:05.02weirddan455Ubuntu started off good though... they helped a big way in getting Linux to the desktop
23:05.20weirddan455Ubuntu used to be just a more up-to-date and easy to install version of Debian
23:05.34acerspyroThen it abused.
23:05.46acerspyro"Oh, they're noobs. You know what we do with noobs? Manipulation."
23:06.07weirddan455I switched from Slackware to Ubuntu and was like... wow everything works and I even have automatic dependency handling to boot! lol
23:06.32acerspyro"Yeah, hm. *chats with business associates, Microsoft, Google and Canonical* Alright, let's add ADs and privacy-intruding add-ons to Unity :D"
23:06.50acerspyro"Oh, yeah, and btw guys, DON'T LET THEM PUT THE BAR TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. DON'T."
23:07.14weirddan455and then I discovered Arch which has the simplicity of Slackware with IMO the best package manager for Linux
23:07.46acerspyroweirddan455: you know why it is?
23:08.03weirddan455acerspyro: lol why would Canonical be chatting with Microsoft... their biggest competitor
23:08.06acerspyroIt's extremely old.
23:08.14acerspyroweirddan455: They can.
23:08.27acerspyroMS is always open for some business.
23:08.33acerspyroBut it's mostly Google.
23:09.11weirddan455acerspyro: the Unity ad-search contraversy was with Amazon though
23:09.38acerspyrooh, idk, I don't keep myself up-to-date with shit.
23:09.43weirddan455acerspyro: Google is also a competidor to Canonical... they want in on the mobile market with Ubuntu Touch to compete with Android
23:10.06acerspyroWho doesn't want the mobile market?
23:10.10acerspyroOh, I know, GNU doesn't.
23:10.28weirddan455GNU isn't a for-profit company lol
23:10.29acerspyroKDE has Plasma active and E is already cross-compatible by default.
23:10.53acerspyroGNOME? Nothing, haha.
23:11.59hidplasma2 soon..
23:12.01weirddan455you really need a whole OS re-write to get into the mobile market
23:12.58weirddan455sure you can cross-compile a nice looking, touch GUI but you need to have the package manager and underlying tools interact with that
23:13.10weirddan455otherwise you gotta go plug up a keyboard whenever something breaks
23:15.14acerspyroOr some tool that checks for inconsistencies on the system and fixes them as soon as they appear.
23:15.25weirddan455and honestly Ubuntu Touch is about all there is in that department
23:16.42weirddan455I wouldn't mind switching away from Android as soon as it gets a bit more developed so I can use the native GNU tools and run programs without the huge overhead that is Java/Davlik
23:16.46*** join/#kde Leoneof` (~Leoneof@unaffiliated/leoneof)
23:18.03acerspyroThe KDE tablet flopped D:
23:18.42*** join/#kde megaTherion (
23:19.01megaTherionkcalc is broken, 2*(-9) gives me -5 :(
23:19.25weirddan455acerspyro: i never knew there was a KDE tablet
23:19.38acerspyroweirddan455: there was one
23:19.59acerspyromegaTherion: lol, -18 in Alt + F2
23:20.20acerspyroOh, btw, you guys know how many units the quick launch supports?
23:20.25acerspyroAbout 20.
23:20.33acerspyroThe only one it doesn't support are bytes.
23:21.26acerspyroThat's like if you built a house but forgot to buy a plot.
23:22.23acerspyromegaTherion: in my kcalc, it's -7
23:22.31megaTherionwhich is wrong as well
23:22.38megaTherionwhy is that so?
23:22.48acerspyroWhy do we both get diff. wrong answers?
23:22.55weirddan455mine does it right... -18
23:23.07megaTherionweirddan455: did you compile KDE4 with -O3 too?
23:23.23acerspyrowtf is -O3?
23:23.28acerspyroI didn't compile it at all lol
23:24.03weirddan455i'm just using the KDE packages from the Arch repos
23:24.19weirddan455megaTherion: you're probably just typing the parenthesis and/or the negative key wrong
23:24.27acerspyromegaTherion: in stats mode, it gives -7
23:24.33acerspyroin scientific mode, it gives you -5
23:24.52*** join/#kde Juan (~juan@unaffiliated/juan)
23:25.12weirddan455megaTherion: if i type 2 X - 9 (using the subtraction minus instead of the positive/negative inverter) I get -5
23:25.32acerspyroin numeral mode, -7 aswell
23:25.40weirddan455because it goes 2 X -2 = 4 - 9 = -5
23:25.54acerspyro-7 in simple mode
23:25.56megaTherionacerspyro: whats your distro?
23:26.45weirddan455mines shows -18 in every mode
23:27.06acerspyroso does my quick launch, -18
23:27.56weirddan455hit these buttons in order: 2, X, (, 9, +/-, ), =
23:28.07*** join/#kde wardred (
23:28.49acerspyroLET'S TRY AGAIN
23:29.18*** join/#kde kaan (~kaan@
23:29.43weirddan455and make sure you're in decimal and degree mode
23:30.20*** join/#kde HighValueWarrior (~HighValue@unaffiliated/highvaluewarrior)
23:30.24weirddan455should say "Dec" and "Deg"
23:32.28weirddan455in any case compiling with -O3 is usually not recommended unless you just really want to be a Gentoo-Ricer but I doubt that's your problem here :P
23:32.47megaTherionweirddan455: I am a Gentoo-Ricer but in this case it didnt break kcalc, it really was +/- button :|
23:33.22weirddan455lol Gentoo
23:33.32megaTherionweirddan455: yup, stable since 2006
23:33.34*** join/#kde cotko (
23:33.40*** join/#kde diegoviola (~diego@unaffiliated/diegoviola)
23:33.51megaTherionArch sadly didnt survive that long
23:33.55weirddan455megaTherion: same installation?
23:34.08weirddan455that's... kind of impressive
23:34.17megaTherionthat's Gentoo ;)
23:34.31megaTherionand it survived countless of recompilations, packet manager changes and whatever you can do to your system
23:34.33weirddan455i'm always reinstalling after like 6 months but that's just because i like a clean system not because i have to
23:34.57megaTherionthere is no such "clean system"
23:35.05weirddan455sure there is
23:35.23megaTherionexcept the distro is broken, maybe a lot of cruft and so on - Im sure you can get rid off other way than reinstall
23:35.47weirddan455all config files become system default and those worthless packages you installed and never used go away at the very least
23:36.03megaTherionyou can remove them without reinstallation :)
23:36.09weirddan455yea i know
23:36.32weirddan455but i can do a full reinstall in like 2-3 hours max... i don't have to recompile everything :P
23:36.47megaTherionyeah but then it wont be customized :(
23:36.55megaTherionand stock stuff is never good enough for me
23:37.28weirddan455actually i can do an Arch reinstall and be back at the Bash CLI in like 30 minutes... the rest is installed the GUI and whatnot (especially if I do KDE with its large download)
23:38.03weirddan455megaTherion: just save your /home or at least the config files
23:38.40megaTherionits save on a zpool ;)
23:39.14weirddan455never used that... i just do ext4
23:39.39megaTherionthis machine is actually more kind of an workstation
23:40.33weirddan455megaTherion: i'm curious why you say Arch didn't last long
23:40.58megaTherionbecause some roling release sth did break something, they had some major changes in their history
23:41.13megaTherionand you cannot go back (you must have an entire backup) - after some full upgrade something was broken
23:41.29megaTherionif you however always reinstall each 6 month it will never ever occur to you
23:41.30weirddan455megaTherion: there was the switch from sysv to systemd but that was easy
23:41.55megaTherionI dont want systemd :D but anyways it wasnt this migration, there were many prior to this
23:42.07megaTherionand a good system must be stable over decades, at least thats my definition of stable
23:42.53weirddan455megaTherion: I mean... Gentoo has to have similar large changes as does any rolling release distro.  If you want true stability go with Debian or CentOS.
23:43.03tsimpsontry debian, their release cycle is about a decade or so :)
23:43.44weirddan455megaTherion: every time there's a large change on Arch there's a post on the homepage and any manual intervention is usually only like ~5 commands at most
23:43.53megaTherionweirddan455: I've archived true stability already, along with extreme customization
23:44.34megaTherionwell in Gentoo you do not need to accept some update x,y or some systemd or you can go back two releases prior to this - you really have the choice
23:44.55megaTherionwonders when some op will come along
23:45.36megaTherionweirddan455: if I wanted to have more stability and sacrifice customizations I'd go BSD and not Linux at all (but thats another topic)
23:45.40weirddan455megaTherion: I mean every prior package in Arch is stored in /var/cache/pacman/pkg... rolling back is a simple pacman -U command for the effective pacakges if something breaks
23:46.25megaTherionweirddan455: you cannot do this on arch if your deps dont agree, but as said you most likly never had such issues because you reinstall regulary
23:47.40weirddan455megaTherion: I've never *had* to reinstall though... the normal updates always worked for me
23:48.08megaTherionweirddan455: then try keeping your system 20years - then we can speak again, Im sure my gentoo will be up and running still :)
23:48.19weirddan455megaTherion: I can see what you mean about the dependencies though...  I guess since you're compiling everything on Gentoo it doesn't matter what versions your libraries are
23:48.57weirddan455megaTherion: but then if a library gets updated do you have to recompile every package that uses it?  that's gotta be a pain
23:49.20*** join/#kde thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
23:49.25megaTherionmost things are modular today (see kde4)
23:49.36megaTherionit was pain on a pentium 3 when kde3 was one big blob - but not today anymore
23:49.38weirddan455megaTherion: I probably spend less time reinstalling every 6 months than you spend compiling :P
23:50.15megaTherionweirddan455: can be but it doesnt matter, the machine does this for me - each weekend I do an update
23:50.24weirddan455plus last I checked Arch packages are quite a bit more up-to-date than Gentoo
23:50.56megaTherionIm not out for the newest stuff, Im even on stable tree here
23:51.06megaTherionbut you could always go HEAD for certain packages if you'd like
23:51.14megaTherionor simply use external repos if necessary
23:51.38weirddan455but i mean if it works for you then good... i'm not trying to start a distro-war... different distros serve different purposes
23:52.32acerspyroHad to get it out.
23:53.03weirddan455to be fair, i only tried Gentoo once on a VM
23:53.19weirddan455everything was too complex for me though
23:53.50weirddan455i couldn't even figure out which options to set in... whatever that file emerge uses to set compile options and such
23:54.29*** part/#kde qdata (qbit@unaffiliated/qdata)
23:54.32megaTherionyou were supposed to read the documentation :)
23:54.35weirddan455i just left it as defaults and then IIRC a bunch of features were left out in the compile
23:55.12megaTherionweirddan455: there are tools which can explain some use flags better
23:55.16weirddan455megaTherion: lol I was reading the install guide but by the time I got it installed I was exhausted and just wanted to get X going
23:55.25megaTherionlike: global:systemd: Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking
23:55.32megaTherionsystemd is globally off here :D
23:55.55weirddan455this was pre-systemd when i tried it
23:56.05megaTherioncan be, it was just an example
23:56.21weirddan455i thought you weren't using systemd?
23:56.29megaTherionI dont, as said its globally off
23:56.53weirddan455then... what package is that option set in?  you need to have some init system
23:57.01*** join/#kde brallan (~brallan@
23:57.03megaTherionsys-v is great
23:57.09megaTherionsince last 20y or so, worked quite well
23:57.38megaTherionthere were numerous pretenders to the throne already, like initng - tried it but well... better not...
23:57.55weirddan455idk... i noticed an immediate speed advantage since Arch switched to systemd most noticable the boot time was almost twice as fast
23:58.08megaTherionboot time is slooow here anyways
23:58.12megaTheriontypical workstation issue's
23:58.20megaTherionbetter dont (re)boot
23:58.21weirddan455systemd will speed you up :P
23:58.24megaTherionnot really
23:58.36megaTherioncontroller, disks etc. long winded initialization
23:58.51megaTherionI usually dont reboot so often
23:59.09weirddan455IIRC systemd is just more sensible in the way it initalizes stuff... does a lot more in parallel
23:59.37megaTherionI dont like the userland
23:59.37megaTherionI dont want to break the standard
23:59.55weirddan455systemd is the new standard  like it or not

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