IRC log for #kde on 20140526

00:05.05*** join/#kde axtroz_ (~axtroz@
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00:33.38StallmanuFor some reason even when I have read mail KMail is not marking it as read
00:33.52StallmanuAny ideas why?
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00:35.46athanIf you search for an application on kickoff and decide to run the command, can you have kickoff open a new terminal window for the invoked command?
00:39.43*** join/#kde NotANick_ (~NotANick@unaffiliated/notanick)
00:44.36Phr33d0mathan you can always prepend `konsole -e` to that command
00:44.56Phr33d0mor make a script that runs konsole for you
00:46.15athanThank you!!!
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01:30.17*** join/#kde flaviu1 (
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01:35.20flaviu1When I enable the 'Simple Python Console', the settings pane pops up but the console is not available either through the menus or keyboard shortcuts. There is an probably unrelated X error in stdout, but that's it
01:35.35flaviu1In Kate with Pate
01:37.04flaviu1Are there more log files somewhere or has anyone else had this issue?
01:40.17*** join/#kde darkbasic (
01:41.33LapJuphow do i open a website page in dolphin?
01:41.50StallmanuLapJup: use Konqueror :)
01:43.11LapJupi can use that to uplaoad and download files?
01:45.10*** join/#kde DaZ (
01:48.07LapJupi want to put a page i built here on to a web site
01:48.26LapJupkonq and dolphin open the page
01:48.43StallmanuYou mean with ftp or something?
01:49.54LapJupthat sort of thing
01:50.11LapJupthere is a way to do it with dolphin and konq
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04:59.13soonWhen starting up (Mint 16 KDE), KDE is veery slow until I can get a terminal open, ps -A and kill 'kate' after which it runs smoothly, immediately. I then get a warning: "KDEInit could not lanuch /usr/bin/kate"
04:59.24soonI dont know why kate would launch at start anyway ...
05:00.12soonany suggestions why or how to fix?
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05:35.18sprakkHow do I set the x11 properties on a window so I get titlebar and no borders (or vice versa). I can remove all decorations with _MOTIF_WM_HINTS, but it seems KDE only respects the "remove all decorations" flag of _MOTIF_WM_HINTS, not the more finely grained flags.
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05:40.11thiagosprakk: kwin is not the Motif WM
05:40.18thiagoit does not need to respect _MOTIF_WM_HINTS
05:40.30sprakkthiago: sure, thats true. I'd prefer not to use _MOTIF_WM_HINTS
05:40.35thiagothen don't
05:40.47thiagoplease take a look at what ICCCM and EHWM hints exist
05:41.29sprakkthiago: right, I've looked a bit at this but didn't find anything
05:41.44thiagothen you've reached your conclusion
05:42.00sprakkthiago: I've also looked around for a KDE standard way of setting the hints to control decoration, but can't find anything
05:42.21sprakkthiago: are you saying KDE does not support changing decoratiobs of windows by setting x11 window properties?
05:42.57sprakkthiago: ok.. just out of curiosity, would you happen to know the rationale for not supporting that?
05:43.11sprakk(It seems like a rather useful function on the face of it)
05:43.19thiagoI don't know the reason for sure
05:43.28thiagoI can speculate that it isn't supported because it isn't supposed to be
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05:43.36thiagoit's not part of ICCCM nor EHWM, according to you
05:44.12thiagoand kwin's maintainer is a strong supporter of compositor-side decorations and the WM dictates what to draw and what not to draw
05:44.41thiagothe window declares what type it is and what actions it supports. It does not get to say what parts of the decoration it wants or where. The WM decides that based on the window type.
05:44.55sprakkthiago: well, theres the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE thing in EWMH, I tried setting that to various things (_DIALOG, etc.) but it had no effect
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05:45.35thiagoI believe you have no option to have titlebar and no borders
05:45.43thiagoeither you have titlebar and borders, or you have neither
05:46.08sprakkthiago: well, that seems to be the case then
05:46.50*** join/#kde vijay13 (~quassel@
05:46.53thiagowhy don't you want the borders?
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05:49.32sprakkthiago: well, mainly for cosmetic reasons I guess, at the moment
05:49.55thiagowhy do you want your window to be different from all others?
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05:51.01sprakkthiago: Well, its not "my window". Im writing some tools to manipulate x11 windows. I found that one can, after a window is create, remove its decorations by using _MOTIF_WM_HINTS. Various implementations do it this way and KDE does respect it for total removal of decoration. So I then wondered if theres a way to get intermediate states of decoration
05:51.34*** join/#kde cristianonet (~cristi@
05:51.47sprakkthiago: I.e. I'm interested in the ways one can manipulate already existing windows using various X11 stuff. One of the ways of manipulation is playing with decorations. Hence my question.
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05:52.32sprakkthiago: natually, using KDE, I'm also interested if there is a "KDE standard" way of doing that without relying on _MOTIF_WM_HINTS
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05:53.15thiagoI see
05:56.52*** join/#kde mapyth (~mj@
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05:59.40sprakkthiago: anyway, thanks for your help and discussion, I appreciate it
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09:15.14jellyHi, is there a way to autologin a user but keep the screen locked in recent KDE versions?  Use case: restoring the session after power loss and not having to log in and wait for stuff to start.
09:15.59jellyI'm using 4.8 on Debian 7 right now, and can't find such a feature
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09:27.03sandman13anyone out there?
09:28.13jellyis inside
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09:29.15sandman13jelly, can you help me with the situation mentioned in #debian by me?
09:29.49jellynot using that app, sorry
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09:34.09d10nIs there a way to rotate the date on a panel when the panel is on the left edge of the screen? The date and time are too wide for the panel otherwise
09:34.35d10nor stack the hour on top of the minute
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09:47.51sandman13why doesn't Caledonia Theme work well with KDE 4.8
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10:06.43sandman13is it normal for kde4.8 to have black background at lock screen?
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10:31.33BluesKaj'Morning folks
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11:19.30Walex2morning! (here at least)
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11:21.47morsikhello there. it's possible to use different color scheme for single window/application?
11:23.25DaZoh, you want color scheme ,_,
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11:23.45morsikDaZ: yeah. i have QtCurve theme, but i want different titlebar color just for Spotify (-;
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11:24.13morsikqtcurve doesn't support custom colors, so i thought about starting app with different color scheme
11:24.50DaZi guess you could make a simple qss for that and use --stylesheet
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11:27.10DaZbut i'm not sure if it's possible to change the titlebar ,_,
11:27.56DaZsince it's pretty much a different app kwin
11:28.34morsikQtCurve's titlebar gets color from colorscheme anyway (i hope?)
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11:34.51DaZi've ran stuff with different KDEHOME and the kwin bar didn't change :v
11:35.31DaZthe only decorator that i know, that can do that is bespin
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11:35.51morsikok, so nevermind then >:
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11:37.27mgraesslinmorsik: that needs support from the application - there are some which do that, e.g. digikam or krita
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14:25.08obsedin kde, is there a way to save the current height,width and position of a running app, and launch the app with those same settings later ?
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14:26.40edoloughlinI did a 'sudo startx' while trying to fix some problems with my account and haven't been able to use audio (in KDE and Xfce) since then. I did a 'chown me:me' on all files in my home dir but it hasn't fixed it. Any ideas?
14:27.43DaZedoloughlin: it was chown me:me * -r or chown me:me /home/me -r ? :v
14:27.54DaZbecause * doesn't expand to dotfiles
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14:28.28leszekobsed: yes this is possible. Right on title bar click and go to application or window settings
14:28.43edoloughlinI made sure I got everything. Also did an 'ls -lR .*|grep root' from my home dir and there are no files remaining owned by root
14:28.54leszekdamn it
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14:30.15edoloughlinI 'm on my second new account (upgrading to Kubuntu 14.04 borked KDE for me) so I'm really trying to avoid starting from scratch again.
14:31.06edoloughlinApps, e.g., audacity give ALSA errors.
14:31.40DaZwhat errors :v
14:32.16DaZand what apps, check something that doesn't use phonon
14:32.57edoloughlinWhat doesn't use phonon/
14:33.20DaZgtk stuff :v
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14:34.29edoloughlinYoinks :( I'd rather not drag in Gnome stuff, but I'll give it a go....
14:34.32DaZdo you have ~/.asoundrc?
14:34.55DaZedoloughlin: mplayer?
14:35.10edoloughlinok. trying...
14:36.31edoloughlinno sound from mplayer.
14:37.11edoloughlinI'd better check with a different set of headphones.....
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14:39.04edoloughlinAnd (another) reboot...
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14:42.25edoloughlinJust for kicks (the reboot didn't fix anything), how do I completely remove my KDE settings? The environment seems to be spread over multiple hidden directories these days.
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14:43.02rdieteredoloughlin: if you want to be ultimately paranoid, delete/reset all of $HOME
14:43.26rdieteredoloughlin: A slightly less paranoid version, include only ~/.kde, ~/.local, ~/.config
14:43.52rdieter(depends a bit too on what you mean exactly by "my KDE settings")
14:44.44rdieteredoloughlin: reading backscroll, I think what you need to check is /tmp/kde-<username> and /var/tmp/kdecache-<username>
14:45.13rdieter(note: stuff not in $HOME , but symlinked-to from ~/.kde/...)
14:45.38edoloughlinOh, they escaped me. I'll have a look
14:47.24rdieteredoloughlin: plus possibly anything XAUTHORITY env var points to
14:47.33rdieterdepends on your distro/setup
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14:48.44edoloughlinno luck with /var/tmp or /tmp or XAUTHORITY. I'll gut the local stuff too
14:49.50edoloughlinI also found /tmp/pulse-<random>
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14:53.53DaZpulseaudio, such technology
14:54.46moviuro_sound in Linux is like a chocolate box
14:55.20DaZdunno, i'm using just alsa and it's ok :v
14:55.39moviuro_(I've got 7 configurations, some working with-out pulse, some as pulse server, some that -don't- accept headphones...)
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14:56.15moviuro_so edoloughlin, keep calm, keep trying, one day, it'll (surely) work ;)
14:57.03edoloughlinNo luck deleting  everything. Time to try a new account. :(
14:57.04DaZbest advice ever 10/10
14:57.22DaZyou haven't try it on a new account yet? :v
14:58.19edoloughlinI'd migrated to a new account recently because of another problem. I was trying to avoid doing it all over again
15:00.23edoloughlinok. interesting - I try to log into KDE with a new account and I get a blank screen and dumped back to the KDM login screen
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15:09.09DaZedoloughlin: ~/.xsession-errors
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15:16.30edoloughlinDaZ: nothing. I cleaned out the old, broken account and audio worked. I logged back into my current account and no audio. Then back to my old account and it now has no audio
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18:22.54LucidGuyI still set my video settings via nvidia-settings?  Should I not?
18:25.02certem_I want to use kde on gentoo and would like to install kde while keeping the profile set to "[3]   default/linux/amd64/13.0/desktop *"
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18:39.50edoloughlinHi, I as complaining earlier that my sound was broken because I ran 'su startx' from an SSH session to try to get a session to start (/tmp partition was full at the time). I now see what's wrong but I don't know how to fix it:
18:39.53edoloughlinSomething expects /tmp/ksocket-<me> and /tmp/kde-<me> and related stuff in /var/tmp to be owned by root and not me.
18:40.05edoloughlinAny idea how I can fix this?
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18:40.56edoloughlinI've already tried starting with a clean session but it doesn't work. Still no sound. If I can track down why KDE expects the tmp files to be owned by root I might be able to fix it.
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19:00.10edoloughlinFor anyone searching IRC logs, the problem was that ~/.Xauthority was still owned by root. I could login after deleting it. My sound is still broken, though.
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19:16.37d10nIs there a way to rotate the date on a panel or stack the hour on top of the minute when the panel is on the left edge of the screen? The date and time are too wide for the panel otherwise
19:17.28anon1269d10n: adjustable clock
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19:22.57d10nanon1269: what?
19:23.34anon1269a plasmoid
19:24.18d10nit doesn't show when I search for it in what I have installed or in what I can download
19:25.05DaZbinary plasmoids don't show up in the download thingie
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19:29.09d10nadjustable clock is great, thanks, anon1269
19:30.07d10nit would be nice if binary plasmoids show up if you have the tools needed to compile them
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19:32.27d10nit doesn't look like there's a way to rotate text with adjustable clock :(
19:33.25anon1269d10n: it is usually distro packagers' job you know--to provide binary plasmoid
19:35.11anon1269d10n: you can rotate it if it is not in a panel
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19:37.28d10na panel is the most convenient place to put a clock, since it's always visible
19:40.08d10nah, I can probably rotate it in an svg
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20:19.13brlihi, are there anyone interested in maintaining kfilebox, a Dropbox client for KDE?
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20:36.55StallmanuIs there a way to copy a calendar I already made to my google calendar without manually copying them over in KOrganizer?
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21:19.04sombragrishi there
21:19.09sombragrisI have a small problem
21:21.01sombragrisI am compiling a big piece of software
21:21.13sombragrisand for that I was using yakuake (2.9.9)
21:21.33sombragrisas many of you might know, yakuake pulls down when pressing F12
21:21.49sombragrisnow... the problem is that I press F12 and it doesn't show
21:22.04sombragristop shows that the compilation is still ongoing
21:22.13sombragrisbut I cannot check its progress
21:22.44sombragrisdo you have any idea, any dcop/dbus command that would show the yakuake terminal window?
21:22.49sombragristhanks in advance
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22:40.30HaikarainenWhy is action "Folder Watch Limit" asking for privileges?
22:40.39HaikarainenI've denied it several times now as it seems to come randomly
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