IRC log for #kde on 20140306

00:07.40*** join/#kde Moult (~quassel@gentoo/developer/moult)
00:07.52HamRadioThis channed isn't as busy as I would have thought
00:09.49thiagonot at 1 am
00:11.34HamRadioit's 4pm heere
00:11.43thiagohere too
00:11.50thiagobut it's 1 am where it counts: central Europe
00:11.59thiagomost KDE devs and the largest userbase are there
00:12.20HamRadiowe in us are stupid, lol
00:12.31thiagoand we have to tolerate 7 am meetings...
00:14.00*** join/#kde nlminhtl|home (
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00:14.48HamRadiowell ok then
00:16.17*** join/#kde marcus (~quassel@
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00:39.03*** join/#kde HamRadio (~manjaro-k@
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00:42.45rowinofwinSo what do you guys use for podcasts? I have looked at gpodder but at this point I have a clean KDE environment, no GTK at all, and I would like to keep it that way if possible.
00:44.09*** join/#kde Lyrek (
00:50.55*** join/#kde thiago (thiago@kde/thiago)
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01:07.04*** join/#kde turgay (~deneme@
01:15.09*** join/#kde Jucato_ (~jucato@kde/developer/jucato)
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01:18.41*** join/#kde Leoneof` (~Leoneof@unaffiliated/leoneof)
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01:57.59*** join/#kde riskable (~quassel@2601:e:8c00:7e:d4a:2099:c455:da07)
01:58.37riskableIs there any way to get KDE to completely ignore the X server's display size and DPI settings?  Basically I want it to stay fixed at 96 DPI even if I change resolutions
01:59.35riskableI'm writing a web-based (HTML5) X11 client of sorts and whenever I use RANDR to change the display resolution the fonts in KDE shrink or grow...  Even though the user is just resizing their browser window
02:00.02KitzuMaybe in the future with kde frameworks 5 and wayland. But no chance with x11
02:00.05riskableYeah, I was worried that would be the answer
02:00.35riskableI guess I'll just have to open Xorg with a HUGE display and just manage the windows to always appear within a specific portion
02:01.43riskableWhat sucks is that the Xdummy driver doesn't let you change the displaySize on-the-fly like you can with everything else...  Maybe I can add a new 'screen' with a new displaySize and move everything over in a transparent fashion?  Hmmm
02:03.14riskableI'm open to suggestions if anyone has any :)
02:03.48*** join/#kde salamanderrake (
02:03.48riskableIf you're curious WTF I'm talking about: <--video of the alpha
02:04.33*** part/#kde Kitzu (~WildKitsu@
02:04.37*** join/#kde Kitzu (~WildKitsu@
02:04.54Kitzui will look at it later. I'm at work now and just had a minute to answer your question :)
02:05.08riskableNo problem.
02:05.09Kitzuin about 3.5h I'm free x)
02:05.13riskableYour answer was appreciated
02:05.24riskableIn about 1h I'll be asleep :)
02:06.07Kitzuyou could try making a virtual xorg display which has the same resolution everytime ;)
02:06.15Kitzuwith tightvnc / tigervnc e.g.
02:06.33riskableKitzu: Well, that's kind of what I'm thinking about...  But in reality it doesn't work out so well.  At least not with the Xdummy driver
02:07.02Kitzuyeah, no compositing or hw-acceleration
02:07.55riskableIn theory, with the COMPOSITE extension and RedirectSubwindows() I should be able to run with a 2x2 pixel display and have windows of any size but it doesn't appear to work in reality.  I think I'm missing some sort of window hint that tells apps that there's more room
02:08.41*** join/#kde eljefe_ (~eljefe@2601:2:5b00:8a3:22cf:30ff:fe32:f7ef)
02:09.25Jucatoriskable: doesn't the force DPI settings in Fonts work?
02:09.44JucatoSystem Settings -> Application Appearance -> Fonts
02:09.48riskableJucato: Well, I need a global way to do it...  I can't be examining/messing with the user's .kde/ stuff
02:10.19Jucatothere might be a way but I'm not sure.
02:11.27Kitzumaybe this could help
02:11.50riskableWell, it's not so bad...  I can run with an 800x600 default resolution and that works OK...  Windows open up at precisely that size 90% of the time but the user can just resize them.  Not exactly a show stopper
02:12.55riskableKitzu: Yeah, I already tried that...  Forcing the DPI in X just has KDE use that DPI when it starts up.  If you change resolutions after-the-fact KDE will scale fonts (as it should, really--my app is as niche as you can get)
02:13.35riskableGate One's X11 app is working great right now...  I just want to make it better =D
02:14.26*** part/#kde krish61 (~krish61@
02:14.40riskableThings I need to do before the beta:  1) Fix the application launcher (I broke it a couple weeks ago). 2) Make it use Xauthority files to separate users from each other. 3) Clean up the code (this will take a while, sadly.  It's a huge mess)
02:15.06riskablePopups and menus can still be a bit buggy but whatever...  It's beta
02:15.43riskableIt's going to be awesome anyway!
02:16.02riskableIt's fast enough to play back a video!  I mean, try that with NoVNC, haha
02:18.40*** join/#kde Walzmy_ (
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02:39.57ezakimakmy konqueror stopped resolving dns--no sites will come up
02:40.08ezakimakwhat lib might be causing that?
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03:06.04*** join/#kde Juan (~juan@unaffiliated/juan)
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03:17.07sly_Hi, im new in kde, im having a little problem with the sound keys of the keyboard
03:17.36sly_do anyone know how to configure it?
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04:05.12rowinofwinanyone know a good diagram editor for KDE? I need something like dia, looking at kivio
04:05.14*** join/#kde ktllo (
04:06.01rowinofwinI am mainly focused on maintaining a gtk free desktop, not a fast enough system to deal with both kde and gnome stuff running and for some reason everything gnome requires all of gnome except the shell
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05:00.11*** join/#kde sayan (~sayan@fedora/sayan)
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05:04.59abhvymhow do i manage / remove kde wallet so that whenever my computer starts it automatically connects to wifi without asking "me" to type any passowrds.
05:05.34thiagoconfigure your wifi connection to be a system connecvtion
05:08.20*** join/#kde turgay_ (~deneme@
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06:46.45*** join/#kde DireKitten (
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06:55.05DireKittenin my kde system settings, it says "Use Anti-Aliasing: System Settings", where are the system settings if not in system settings?
06:59.24*** join/#kde qurk (~qurk@
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08:05.09*** join/#kde Tahvok (~Tahvok@
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08:05.23TahvokHey guys!
08:06.30DireKittenI'm confused, when I'm using Get New Stuff for themes, why can't I zoom in on the screenshots to actuall, I dunno, SEE what I'm interested in?
08:06.47TahvokI have two screens, one connected via dvi, and the second via vga. I have set my default screen to be dvi, but for somereason, new windows open on the second vga screen, instead of the default I set.
08:07.01*** join/#kde gabriel9|work (~bojan@
08:07.21DireKittenTahvok: I had that problem too, but I ended up blowing away all my kde/qt/gtk settings and starting over
08:07.49TahvokI would like to mention that the login screen is shown on the vga screen as well, instead of the dvi screen. On the dvi, I just see the login screen wallpaper.
08:07.52DireKittenmine is DP and DVI however
08:08.20TahvokDireKitten, It's pretty new arch linux system, and I have almost not touched any settings..
08:08.24DireKittenThe video card has decided that the HDMI is primary
08:08.39DireKittenso until X starts, I see nothing on the DP
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08:08.55TahvokOnly setted up the default screen, and configured the panel..
08:09.17*** join/#kde Axtroz (~Axtroz@
08:09.21TahvokDireKitten, Well, I do see the both screens when I boot up
08:09.56DireKittennow, my windows open in the "right" place, since I use Smart placement
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08:18.42TahvokThe most strange thing, that although new windows open on the second ,vga screen, they open in the resolution of the default, dvi screen. So, I have to resize them, each time they open up.
08:20.50DireKittenI had the most trouble with gtk apps in kde
08:21.12DireKittenthe cairo-panel prefs kept opening on the second screen at about -200,-200
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08:31.38TahvokDireKitten, I see the same behavior with skype notifications now..
08:31.49DireKittenlike I said, all my positiong problems went away after a recent re-install/update of the kde packages on my system
08:32.27TahvokDireKitten, that's my version: 4.12.2
08:32.32Dhraakellianso, when I do "" in krunner, why would it be giving me a calculator result of 192.16825 instead of taking me to my modem?
08:33.01DireKittenbecause you don't have a protocol?
08:33.31Dhraakellianactually, it gives the URL as the second result
08:34.01Dhraakellianguesses it's just a quirk of how it evaluates things
08:34.27*** join/#kde flami (
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08:35.37Dhraakelliandon't generally see multiple decimal points in a single number for math expressions though
08:36.28DireKittendepends on locale I guess, some locales use . as the thousand separator
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11:21.13moviuroHow do I properly reset virtuoso's database? It's 1.4GB for ~1GB data (included akonadi + Documents + Music (empty) + Videos (empty) )
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11:30.13raff0zhi to all
11:31.25moviuro(Do not hesitate to answer, my bouncer will forward the answer)
11:31.57raff0zsomeone of you know if there is a widget (shortcuts folders) for kde panel that shows the content of the shortcut menu in a popup window? like cairo dock shortcut addon
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11:32.51raff0z(like that )
11:34.51moviuroraff0z: 'QuickAccess'
11:35.27raff0zmoviuro ok ty i'll try it!
11:35.48moviuroaur/kdeplasma-applets-quickaccess or aur/kdeplasma-applets-stackfolder
11:36.31moviurothe second one (stackfolder) seems a bit more intelligent and adds some interesting features (livre preview at hover, as far as I understand)
11:36.34moviuroraff0z: ^
11:36.37*** join/#kde FlameReaper (~assassin@
11:37.10raff0zok thx for the tips! moviuro :D
11:37.15moviuroyw :)
11:38.06*** join/#kde BluesKaj (~kaj@unaffiliated/blueskaj)
11:38.52BluesKaj'Morning all
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11:40.19moviuroStrangely enough, when I run 'krunner' in archlinux, KDE 4.12.2, I don't get my own folders as answer. E.g, I have a 'SocialWeb' folder in ~/Documents/VU/ but searching for it in krunner doesn't give this folder as an answer.
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11:45.12moviuroCan I get the expected batterylife to show in the battery plasmoid in systray? (Archlinux, KDE 4.12.2)
11:46.41moviurolunch break, bbl, still, if you can, answer, my bouncer will forward to me
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11:55.04ShalokShalommoviuro: I just now, that there is a Way...
11:55.13ShalokShalomA own Plasmoid, i think.
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11:58.03cffHow can I tell Konversation to remember the order of channels after quit / open ?  I want the order of the channels to be the one I put them in
11:59.13AxtrozIs it possible to edit the context menu for different apps, e.g. konsole and kate?
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12:23.31dMaggotpacko: pong
12:24.23packoI wanted to ask about the geogebra file support in kig...
12:24.34dMaggotpacko: oh! I saw your e-mail y'day
12:24.44dMaggotpacko: I'm usually fast replying but yesterday and today are bad days
12:24.51packooh ok
12:25.00dMaggotpacko: I'll reply in at most 24 h from now (probably less)
12:25.06packoi will continue some stuff of my own then
12:25.21dMaggotpacko: will you be around in like 40 mins?
12:25.50dMaggotpacko: ok, let me pong back to you when I'm good to chat
12:26.03*** join/#kde daemon (~vivek@
12:26.09packoits evening and i will be here till around midnight
12:26.42packodMaggot : cool!
12:26.42dMaggotpacko: ok!
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12:31.07moviuroShalokShalom: nepomukcleaner is the way ;)
12:31.26moviuroShalokShalom: unless you were speaking of the estimated battery life
12:31.49ShalokShalomnepomuk gets replaced with Baloo in 4.13
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12:35.35cornfeedhobodoes anyone know how to get rid of the activities tab on the desktop?
12:43.14moviuroShalokShalom: so #nepomuk-kde will die?
12:44.41ShalokShalom ... 04858.html
12:47.02moviurook ShalokShalom :)
12:47.56ShalokShalomcornfeedhobo: How to get rid of = ?
12:48.19cornfeedhoboShalokShalom: i'll post a screen shot, one sec
12:50.27moviurocornfeedhobo: ShalokShalom: what was the discussed issue? (I had connections trouble)
12:50.48cornfeedhoboone sec, it will make sense.
12:50.59dMaggotpacko: I'm back, let's take it to #kde-devel
12:51.03cornfeedhobocompliling screenshot utility. brb
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13:09.07cornfeedhobomoviuro & ShalokShalom:
13:09.12cornfeedhobosorry that took so long
13:09.46moviurocornfeedhobo: What do you want to do with it? ^_^
13:09.55cornfeedhobojust make it go away
13:09.59cornfeedhoboi never use it
13:10.11moviuroyou can put it in a corner
13:10.19cornfeedhobothats what i did for now
13:10.21moviuroand use the 'hide cashew' plasmoid
13:10.32cornfeedhoboheads to google
13:10.58moviuro(on archlinux) search google for 'I hate the cashew'
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13:15.19ShalokShalomthere is one plasmoid more, to hide the casew, afaik ?
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13:15.41moviuroyes ShalokShalom: 'I hate the cashew'
13:15.56ShalokShalomone more ?
13:16.00ShalokShalomanother one ?
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13:16.49moviurowell, it looks like the only one on AUR
13:17.04moviurobut I indeed don't remember this name either, ShalokShalom
13:17.31ShalokShalomthanks :)
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13:21.28cornfeedhoboquestion is, where is AUR sourcing it?
13:21.32cornfeedhoboi dont run arch
13:22.20cornfeedhobohmm. kde-look says the package doesnt exist :-/
13:22.49moviurocornfeedhobo:, download the PKBUILD and look into it ;)
13:25.43cornfeedhoboyeah, already started :)
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13:47.53MegafHi everyone
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13:48.15Megafis there other good Qt/WebKit browsers anywhere?
13:49.13Jucatonot sure about "good", but the only one I know is Rekonq
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13:50.07MegafA couple of years ago there used to be one name kazahakaze or something like that
13:50.23moviuroMegaf: Qupzilla, rekonq, Konqueror
13:50.40moviuronot sure of the status of qupzilla though
13:52.07Jucatoheh i forgot konq can use webkit too XD
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13:59.56ShalokShalomMegaf: Qupzilla is the best one, then comes Rekonq, Qt Web and Konqueror.
14:00.15ShalokShalomAnd some qt5 experiments
14:00.51MegafIs it actively developed?
14:01.13ShalokShalomMegaf: And its not Webkit, they use Googles Engine now.
14:01.28ShalokShalomWe in KaOS use it as our default Web Browser
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14:16.09TahvokIs it a known problem that Dolphin (or fish), doesn't read the "user" parameter from .ssh/config? I have to type alway: fish://root@server although I stated user in the config file
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14:58.22machstemhey guys, using kubuntu 13.10 and am connecting to a Windows 7 x64 using KRDC.  When I first initiate the session, I can copy/paste without any issue.  the second I try to copy/paste something else (from kubuntu into my win7x64) it never captures the new copy and always attempts to paste the first thing I copied.  If I kill the RDP session, I can redo it and it works again.  Any advice/ideas?  Thanks!
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15:06.17machstemany takers? :)
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17:15.02NaClgreetings.  Is there a way to view what input sequences that konsole is sending to the underlying terminal?
17:15.14NaClI"m trying to figure out why Shift+right/left aren't sending anything
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18:35.05scummosNaCl: could be the shortcut for next/prev tab?
18:35.46NaClscummos: that is what it was
18:35.56scummosso it works now? ok
18:36.10NaClscummos: worked fine once I killed that shortcut.
18:36.33NaClIt would be nice if Shift+Right/Left got passed to the terminal if there is only one tab open
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19:34.40DireKittenit would be nice if apps stopped stealing keybindings that use ctrl, and shift
19:34.59DireKittenif your app is primarily a container for other apps, don't steal keys
19:35.13DireKittenisn't that part of the XDG specs?
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20:56.29HaikarainenIs it possible to configure mousebutton actions globally in KDE? What I'm looking for is changing middlemouse paste to one of those emulated scroll thingies
20:57.42moviuroHaikarainen: you can have both :D
20:57.51Haikarainenmoviuro: how? :)
20:58.02moviurolet me find my config file ;)
20:58.10Haikarainencant find anything in any settings.
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21:10.42HaikarainenIf anyone comes across logs of this or just wondering how it is solved, this hint should get you going: xinput set-prop 12 "Evdev Wheel Emulation" 1. You'll have to set the button for it and axes as well using the same method and evdev
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21:19.26moviuroHaikarainen: everything OK then?
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21:34.08uberrogueis there a way to globally set a default session in KDM? If left on default it acts like it will load then flick back to the login screen. If i manually select it it loads up into KDE.
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22:22.28Haikarainenmoviuro: yes, thanks a ton :)
22:23.14moviuroHaikarainen: yw :) However, if the mouse is not connected as the computer resumes (after suspend), it won't work anymore
22:23.20moviurothat's what I experience
22:24.53Haikarainenhm, well I have the script in KDE autostart, and I could run it manually anyway so :) It just hit me though, that as I have several entries in xinput (with the same name and different IDs), I have to set it for all ID's in the script, and the ID's may change after reboots. Dont know how that behaviour is defined, if it even is. I'll have to whip out my bash/c-skills to grep all ids with that name and apply the commands automatically. that would make my day
22:27.09moviuroHaikarainen: xinput is your friend, IMO
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22:27.39Haikarainensure is.
22:28.29Haikarainenhurr.. googling xinput c api wasn't too successfull. Damn you directX!
22:30.42moviuroHaikarainen: use you googling skills ;) -microsoft -directx
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22:37.14Haikarainenwhat I was looking for all this time was, of course, xlib x)
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22:38.56HaikarainenMy intentions right now are to create a qt-based equivalent of xinput (but more powerful and easier to use),  say I succeed and don't give up on this,  what effort do I have to put through to get this into the official KDE system settings panel?
22:41.11moviuroHaikarainen: #kde-devel might be a better place to ask ;)
22:41.23Haikarainenthanks :)
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23:57.21midoriiroAnyone know how to determine partition used sector in c/c++?
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