IRC log for #kde on 20131101

00:05.02*** join/#kde tdfischer (~quassel@kde/tdfischer)
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00:16.55homerja really minor question, arch and 4.11, the battery applet, my keyboard is listed as a battery
00:17.05homerjtype is correct in upower for it
00:17.24homerjthought maybe upower was saying it wasn't a keyboard, but it's '6'
00:18.06homerjother than that, all the other information is correct in the applet, just the icon, didn't know if there was an easy change for it or not
00:18.41*** join/#kde Sho_ (~sho@kde/hein)
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00:29.19eagles0513875hey guys what formats does kdenlive support?
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00:30.06heineagles0513875: pretty much everything
00:32.48eagles0513875hein: im not managing to add an mp3 into my project
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00:34.18heineagles0513875: Most distributions don't ship MP3 support for legal reasons, you might be able to get packages with MP3 support from a third-party repo
00:34.25heine.g. rpmfusion in case of Fedora
00:34.28eagles0513875i have them already for another program
00:34.33eagles0513875i have lame installed already
00:36.21heinlame is an encoder though
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00:39.02amgarchIn9Hi! What is that thing at the top of the scree on Alt-F2? It does not respect the theme settings. Black text on black background.
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00:39.22DaZamgarchIn9: krunner
00:42.03DaZamgarchIn9: so, you have effects disabled? :v
00:45.04amgarchIn9yes. Just enabled them and it looks more fancy (blurred transparent background). Hm, am I the only who does not want all those effects (and that another guy)?
00:45.50DaZamgarchIn9: you can disable most of them
00:46.10DaZand stick to the useful ones :v
00:46.53*** join/#kde Droste (
00:47.04shumskiamgarchIn9: if you switched themes, you may want to restart krunner. other than that, clear the plasma cache. if those 2 don't work, theme is broken
00:47.53amgarchIn9this cannot be the intentded rendering:
00:48.16amgarchIn9clear plasma cache?
00:49.40shumskibut this looks as if the background ain't painted
00:50.37DaZi'd restart krunner
00:50.53DaZand disabled the blur effect, because it tends to be borked :v
00:51.58amgarchIn9how do I clear plasma cache?
00:53.56shumskiquit plasma and krunner, delete what you find with l $(kde4-config --localprefix)/cache-$HOSTNAME/ | grep cache, start them again
00:56.00amgarchIn9thanks! found them: ~/.kde/cache-* , brb
00:57.32*** join/#kde amgarchIn9 (
01:02.02*** join/#kde amgarchIn9 (
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01:05.19amgarchIn9Nope. But thanks anyway. I try to get rid of it once in a while and give up quickly.
01:06.36DaZamgarchIn9: either enable desktop effects or use different plasma style
01:06.45DaZthe default one was borked since ever :v
01:07.03shumskiyeah, theme seems borked
01:07.49shumskiamgarchIn9: this looks like a hybrid of pre 4.10 Air, post 4.10 Air, and oxygen. which one are you using?
01:09.39amgarchIn9Color sheme Oxygen Cold. It has no effect on (chrome panels of) krunner.
01:10.17DaZalt+f2 -> desktop theme
01:10.30amgarchIn9Style Oxygen
01:11.58shumskinot style, desktop theme. if you plasma theme is indeed oxygen, then there's something borked with your setup
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06:29.26shal3rHello. My plasma-desktop crashes instanty at boot or when i try to relauch it. Trace: (4.11.2)
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06:50.10shal3rIs there are way to find out which plugin is causing "libplasma Plasma::isPluginVersionCompatible: unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability" ?
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08:07.42*** join/#kde PasNox (~pasnox@2a01:e35:8b61:9b30:260:b3ff:fe53:ed21)
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08:17.25PasNoxany user having hard disk dead after having used akonadi / virtuoso since long time ?
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08:18.17PasNoxmy hard disk which is a new one - 1 year. having used it only a small partition of it for my linux. and hard disk is dead a sector used by mysql database, only used by akonadi mysql backend
08:18.44PasNoxany hint ?
08:20.17*** join/#kde toscalix_ (toscalix@nat/novell/x-jnafitwbvktbbvns)
08:21.34muepI would not expect either to have much to do with a hard disk breaking
08:21.39bonsaikittenreplace disk, restore from backup
08:21.48PasNoxbonsaikitten: of ocurse i will do.
08:21.56bonsaikittenif you don't have backups you are just in the process of learning an important lesson :)
08:22.02PasNoxbut i can't understand why my disk break after 6month of use
08:22.11bonsaikittenharddisks just die ... I plan about a year average lifetime
08:22.14muepbecause it was a defective disk
08:22.25bonsaikittenwe had some seagates here where half of them didn't survive the first week - it just happens
08:22.32PasNoxmuep: or because akonadi write all days to the disk ?
08:23.21PasNoxbonsaikitten: :(
08:23.41PasNoxi always had a bad eye on what indexers do
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08:23.54PasNoxthey past there time writing to disk for a ting a don't need
08:24.10muepPasNox: no
08:24.20PasNoxmuep: ?
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08:24.37muepPasNox: it is not supposed to break from applications using the disk
08:25.46PasNoxof course ;)
08:26.10muepespecially as userspace applications do not even get direct access to the disk. even if the disk could be broken by badly behaving software, there is a kernel and a filesystem who should prevent such behavior from happening
08:26.12PasNoxbut writing the disk all days for long month is not acceptable in terms of device life
08:26.21muepotherwise any unprivileged application could break any computer
08:26.44PasNoxho i understand what u mean ;)
08:27.00*** join/#kde kaunas (
08:27.14PasNoxbut the fac is that, only sectors where mysql database use by akonadi are dead :/
08:27.21muepIIRC google released some statistics about hard disk failures some years ago, and there they said that disk activity does not greatly affect lifetime of the disk
08:27.56muephow did you determine that only those sectors are dead?
08:28.01PasNoxeven if disk is writing with few pause for weeks / months ?
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08:28.15PasNoxmuep: kern.log give information about application / files i/o errors
08:29.44PasNoxis there some kde tooms able to read smart informations and create some diagram / report ?
08:30.03muepPasNox: you would be better off using e.g. badblocks to check the disk
08:30.16PasNoxmuep: yep
08:30.38PasNoxi'm downlaoding last kubuntu iso to put it on usb stick. i i will use that until my new hard disk comes
08:30.41muepthe i/o errors would happen on just data that is accessed, but normally your computer will not use the entire disk
08:30.47PasNoxso i can then repair / clone the other one
08:31.19PasNoxmuep: ok
08:32.15PasNoxmuep: any hint on smart tools for kde ?
08:34.04muepI would not limit to just kde stuff
08:34.13muepbadblocks is the common tool
08:34.27PasNoxyep badblocks is for checking and marking bad block
08:34.39PasNoxbut i would like a tool capable of reading smart info and present me a report
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08:47.05muepPasNox: there is smartctl for reading out the SMART data
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08:47.39PasNoxmuep: yes ifound it, but hard to understand something xD
08:48.05PasNoxyes i found something interesting
08:48.15PasNoxi have an extended partition sd3
08:48.22PasNoxwhich contains 2 ext4 partition inside
08:48.28*** join/#kde Leoneof (~Leoneof@unaffiliated/leoneof)
08:48.28PasNoxkern report bad sector in sd3
08:48.33PasNoxand not sd4 or 5
08:48.35PasNoxis it normal ?
08:52.27valorieonce one sector is bad, your disk is failing, IMO
08:52.54valorienext you hear clicking, and then it's all over but the crying
08:53.07*** part/#kde yil (~codedance@
08:53.12valoriemakes a sadface in sympathy
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08:53.33valorieseriously, I thought I had a good backup
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08:54.01PasNoxhm i don't have too, but the disk is still readable
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08:54.23PasNoxso i will jsut not use it until i have the new one for my lone, hopin i will live until that :D
08:54.39valorieso unfun
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08:54.46PasNoxand even if i loose the disk it's not critic, it only contains linux installs
08:54.54PasNoxthe only thing i want to backup are my sql database xD
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08:55.28PasNoxbecause i don't want to earing this akonadi / indexer thing run some days / weeks again
08:55.51valorieI had my old HD at my son's house, so I thought I had at least a few-months-old backup
08:55.58valoriebut it was unreadable
08:56.05PasNoxnot fait
08:56.13*** join/#kde tom94 (~tom@2001:630:d0:ed01:ae72:89ff:fe01:2fed)
08:56.21valorielife isn't fair, and not always fun
08:56.24valoriefor sure
08:56.36PasNoxwht is incredible is that, each days passed make hightech live one day shorter
08:57.04PasNoxi have a maxtor 200gb hard disk, i daily compile on it since 2004 year - and not even a single sector bad
08:57.10PasNoxand disks u don't use
08:57.14PasNoxdye jsut like that
08:57.28PasNoxi bought a western digital disk 1 year ago for my wii
08:57.32PasNoxi put 3 games on it
08:57.34PasNoxplay 2 days
08:57.43PasNoxthen let the wii as this for 1 month
08:57.49PasNoxwhen i pluggued one the wii
08:57.52PasNoxthe disk was dead !
08:57.55PasNoxbut completly dead
08:58.04PasNoxi was so angry xD
08:58.09Leoneofplay angry birds
08:58.12PasNox2 days of use then dead
08:58.24PasNoxLeoneof: i was waiting for that one hehe
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09:00.00Leoneofhdd is really awful, maybe ssd? look like flash memory, same problems
09:01.13PasNoxworse ;)
09:01.23Leoneofand expensive :|
09:02.13Leoneofhdd can be useful, like cylinders and motors, ssd is just a block
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09:02.59PasNoxso if nobody had hdd fails after having used akonadi / file indexer
09:03.09PasNoxi may just had no luck with this fucking hdd
09:03.15PasNoxit's western digital
09:03.25PasNoxthe only brand i had hdd fails with
09:03.25valoriePasNox: I've not had anyone say so, while I've watched the chan
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09:03.34PasNoxno luck i bought this brand again
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09:04.30Leoneofmade in china? :]
09:05.16PasNoxdunno xD
09:05.28PasNoxbut i'm not sure there is some hdd buit in France
09:05.51PasNoxand the Made in France is not a proove of good quality.
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09:05.56PasNoxeven if they try to say that
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09:14.52PasNoxi read again kern output
09:15.21PasNoxit does not say the disk is bad / dead, jsut it can't read content on sector xyz. it could be jsut that the fs is broken ( and jsut need a repair ) ?
09:15.54PasNoxi done a readonly scan and it found some errors
09:19.10chandan_PasNox: My western digital HDD also had the same issue (it occured because of high temperature though). But since the hdd was still under warranty Western digital promptly replaced the drive.
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09:19.26ATC243750496how to disable mouse wheel scrolling the task bar
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09:28.04PasNoxchandan_: ok
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10:02.21ATC243750496how to disable the function that rolling mouse wheel fold the window up and back on the task bar
10:02.33ATC243750496i am using compiz
10:02.55ATC243750496and really hope someone can help me out
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10:51.00luc4Hello! Is it possible to stop the device notifier to pop up every time something is plugged? It seems like the old windows balloons... and I hated those...
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11:21.43BluesKajHey folks
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13:03.36pasnoxHi! i bought a new hard disk, and when i try creating a partition on my disk, i can see in the outout:
13:03.38pasnox/dev/sdc1 alignment is offset by 512 bytes.
13:03.38pasnoxThis may result in very poor performance, (re)-partitioning suggested.
13:03.58pasnoxit suggested to repartition but does not tell what to do to fix ?
13:04.00pasnoxany hint please ?
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13:08.28BluesKajpasnox. is there any data on the disk yet ?
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13:09.29pasnoxBluesKaj: no, it'sz a new one
13:09.41BluesKajpasnox. and which partitioner are you using ?
13:09.49pasnoxpartitionmanager from kde
13:09.54pasnoxKDE Partition Manager
13:10.00pasnoxso i think it's gparted behind it
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13:11.46BluesKajsuggest you reformat the whole drive , pasnox , depending on what you intend to use it for
13:12.44pasnoxBluesKaj: well it looks like it s an advanced format hard disk
13:12.51pasnoxwhen i plug it in the sytem
13:12.56pasnoxpartitionmanager told me
13:13.00pasnoxno partition table found
13:13.07pasnoxthen i click create partition table
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13:13.14pasnoxthen add primary partition of 640gb
13:13.27pasnoxwhen applyink the details command chow me the offset problem
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13:13.37pasnoxbut i have no clue on how to fix it ?
13:14.01BluesKajpasnox./media try gparted live cd
13:14.17BluesKajerr cd/mediaq
13:14.40BluesKajsearches for his glasses
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13:14.53pasnoxi'm on kubuntu live cd currently
13:14.58pasnoxi think it's enought ;)
13:15.59pasnoxi'm currently reading:
13:16.03pasnoxlooks interesting :D
13:16.29BluesKajwell what the notification "advanced format" means is new to me
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13:17.31pasnoxBluesKaj: it just mean 4k sectors
13:17.35pasnoxinstead of 512 bytes
13:17.52pasnoxwhich seem to be default standard for 2014
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13:18.32BluesKaj512bytes is the beginninig of the drive where the mbr normally exists
13:18.50pasnoxwhat is strange is that the page i give u tell it's normally directly supported by mkextXX
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13:19.12pasnoxThe 'advanced format' feature reduces overhead by using 4 kilobyte sectors instead of the traditional 512 byte sectors.
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13:19.47BluesKajpasnox. , guess you have some reading to do :)
13:19.55pasnoxyes it looks like partition start at position 63 to keep old os compatibility i need to remove that support
13:19.56pasnoxyep :D
13:21.01BluesKajsorry non traditional drives aren't in my knowledge base
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13:21.18pasnoxhm partitionmanager make the partition start at sector 63 instead of 64. but does not allow me to chenge that, looks like i will have to do it from terminal command
13:21.27pasnoxBluesKaj: no problems. thanks ;)
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13:39.16bea_i have several questions about font rendering: first: the fonts in plasma are uglier than in applications. i noticed that this is because they are not sub-pixel antialiased, despite it being enabled. how do i fix this. second: how do i make kde respect the system's DPI? force dpi is disabled, still i have 96 dpi on a 130 dpi monitor.
13:40.32bea_i also discovered a bug, in which rgba = none is written to ~./fonts.conf, although this is neither the system setting nor the kde setting (kde setting is respect system settings)
13:40.47bea_so that's not the issue
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13:42.35pasnoxwhere i can grab a deb for very last kde partition manager 1.1 ?
13:42.54pasnoxjust out kubuntu version seem to be locked to 1.03 version which has no support for 4k sectors
13:42.56bea_found a bug report for the plasma ignoring subpixel settings thing (
13:42.57bea_14:09 -!- -
13:43.05bea_oops sorry
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13:43.20rindolfpasnox: is building it from source an option?
13:43.26pasnox2010 and still not available :(
13:43.48pasnoxrindolf: i could eventually, but i'm on a iso usb booted install
13:43.56pasnoxso i may not has the possibility
13:45.06rdieterbea_: fyi, newer fontconfig conf goes to ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
13:45.26pasnoxmaybe i could just use gparted for the partitionning and let try building kde partition maanger later after the isntall
13:45.45bea_rdieter: ok. moot though, i'm using /etc/fonts/conf.d, setting this up for multi user
13:45.53rindolfpasnox: the partitionmanager version in Mageia Cauldron is 1.0.60
13:45.54rdieterbea_: and if you could give a reference (bug #) for the "plasma ignoring subpixel settings thing" thing, that would be nice.
13:47.16bea_  any workarounds? this is from 2009 :-(
13:47.19pasnoxrindolf: it has 4k support ?
13:48.20rindolfpasnox: I have no idea.
13:48.35pasnoxstrange code commited in 2010
13:48.38pasnoxis still not packaged
13:49.23rdieterbea_: looks like a Qt issue,
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13:50.35rdieternot sure if it's still accurate though (the bug references the x11 renderer, but raster is generally used these days)
13:50.40bea_rdieter: ok, i'll write it off as an unfixed thing for now, and the bug about kde writing a false .fonts.conf i can work around. so what remains is the dpi issue
13:51.10rdieterbea_: kde doesn't touch ~/.fonts.conf (or shouldn't these days)
13:51.44rdieterbea_: re dpi, does :  xdpyinfo | grep resolution
13:51.47rdieterreturn what you expect?
13:53.04rdieterqt/kde generally does respect dpi, but gtk does not and I don't think qml-based plasma applets don't either
13:53.15bea_rdieter: kde does touch .fonts.conf. steps to reproduce: go to fonts settings, change only font style, leave 'use system settings' for antialiasing as it is by default. see a new .fonts.conf with rgba = none, while /etc/fonts has rgba = rgb
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13:53.30bea_that is in 4.8
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13:53.47rdieterbea_: heh, old. :-/  that has been fixed since then
13:54.30bea_rdieter: good to know, thanks
13:55.00rdieterI can probably dig up the commits if you want to try patching/backporting to your 4.8 builds
13:55.34bea_rdieter: nah, as long as it's taken care of for future releases, i can work around it for now
13:55.51bea_rdieter: haven't really got the resources and skills to do it atm
13:56.33bea_rdieter: about the dpi, it actually returns 96x96, so i guess this is not a kde issue then. unless kde can change this setting too, but it can't right?
13:57.38rdieterbea_: systemsettings does have a "force dpi" option, but better to fix X display config if you think it's reported value of dpi is not right
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13:58.09rdieterbut like I said, it's a losing battle, since many apps don't actually respect dpi these days
13:59.28bea_rdieter: how would you go about setting up a system that chooses its font size depending on the monitor? i am preconfiguring a system that will be installed on a variety of computers with different monitors
13:59.55rdieterunfortunately, that's an unsolved problem
14:00.28rdietersince gtk gave up on it (and essentially hard-codes 96 dpi), there's not much you can do.
14:01.34rdieterimo, pick some good defaults that it the best compromise for all your monitors to start with, and then tweak as needed later
14:01.40bea_rdieter: i assumed that gnome still adapted their 'text scaling factor' or whatever that is depending on the hardware. that's really sad, this used to work in the past
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14:02.54rdieterafaik, gnome never automatically applied any scaling factor (that was a per-user preference)
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14:03.19rdieterbut my famililarity with that is limited, I could be wrong
14:03.21bea_rdieter: in debian 6, both gnome and kde had their font size depending on the resolution by default, i'm almost sure of it
14:03.30bea_at least for gnome
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14:04.29rdieterthat's different than my experience fighting the issue with gnome devs in fedora for years
14:04.50rdieterbut maybe debian patched in some sense. :)
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15:16.25bea_rdieter: fyi, i found out that my EDID (Extended display identification data) is invalid, which is why i'm getting a wrong dpi. the fact that i have a nvidia chip may have something to do with that. anyway, i'll just try to divide the machines into 2 groups and make 2 font size presets accordingly. also, thanks for clarifying a few things.
15:16.35ruedigercan gwenview display (or edit) exif data?
15:17.21bea_ruediger: display yes, edit i don't think so
15:18.27bea_ruediger: this is just a guess, but digikam has a lot more features, maybe it can edit exif data
15:19.51bea_ruediger: for displaying, click on the 'information' tab on the left sidebar, then under 'meta information' click 'more'
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15:24.33ruedigerthere are only file operation and image operation tabs (KDE 4.11.2)
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15:49.59ruediger(oh in the lower left)
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15:51.51ruedigerwould be awesome if gwenview could open the gps data in marble (or google maps)
15:51.56ruediger(or osm)
15:52.32ruedigeroh, there is an "Edit All Metadata" plugin.  How could I miss that
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15:53.34ruediger(that doesn't support gps data either)
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16:07.46dmnmscThere's a way to remove window borders when maximized but still present when not maximized?
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18:54.06JennieLMy KDE 4.11 CPU Monitor display in my plasma panel shows one CPU core ("0", if it matters) @ 100%.  htop, otoh, shows all 4 cpu cores @ < 1%.  Which do I believe?
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19:54.15dhaval2712HellO? I'm having some crazy fedora problems. The password prompt for sudo is too slow and trying to log in from the lock screen takes about a minute or more.
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21:46.43johnny69Hi folks...  just a quick one for you here.  I just recently put in another hard drive.  Benchmarks show it to be much much faster than anything else I have.  I would like Kde and whatever I am running to make use of that faster drive to write it's temp files.  How can I change this enviroment variable to use a different drive/directory??  (Kde 4.10.x/Opensuse 12.3)  Thank you.
21:48.25karthikpjohnny69: kde writes its temp files to /tmp/kde-user/
21:48.47karthikpThe non-volatile (files that need to survive reboots) files get written to /var/tmp/...
21:48.57muepjohnny69: in many cases, /tmp will actually be a tmpfs
21:49.28karthikpyes, that's right. (I wasn't done typing. :) )
21:49.44karthikpSo, you're already getting the speed boost from your RAM being much faster than your SSD.
21:50.23muepjohnny69: in which case, temporary files would not hit the any disk at all, unless you run low on RAM
21:50.34karthikpThat said, the program will still load from your /usr, which might be in your root partition.
21:50.54johnny69Thank you for that
21:50.57karthikpI suppose moving /usr to the SSD partition and mounting it at /usr could help speed up load times.
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21:51.39johnny69I'm not actually using an SSD.  Just that I have old ancient  (Oh my god that was installed ON the Mayflower)  and THEN I put in this newer 500 gig.  :)
21:52.52johnny69Ok,  so what we are saying here is that there is no temp/tmp enviroment variable that I can change to point to another drive ?
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21:53.17muepjohnny69: likely there is no need to do anything for temporary files
21:53.39muepit is some other files which might benefit from using the faster disk
21:54.08johnny69muep:   Probably not much.  I agree.  Most of the temp files I'm seeing is from plugins that are running in my browser that have crashed and thus didn't get a chance to clean up after themselves,  etc.
21:54.36johnny69I did move the swap partition to the newer/faster drive.  I figured that at least made sense.  :)
21:56.03karthikpI actually ditched the swap partition entirely.Most of the time, I don't cross more than 3 gigs of memory usage and that's plenty easy to accomodate on 9 gigs of RAM (even with 3 going to tmpfs).
21:56.47muepI keep some swap space, because it is still helpful to e.g. swap out the temporary files that get left in /tmp but which are not used anymore
21:57.01johnny69I'm only running at something like 1.7 gig of memory and I very seldom ever hit the swap file myself now that I think about it.
21:57.52karthikpmuep: Good point. Also, there's the hibernate use case that requires the use of swap space...
21:58.07muephibernate requires insanely lot of it
21:58.40karthikpjohnny69: In 32-bit land, my old laptop usually idles at 300 MB. In 64-bit land, my desktop easily starts up at 1.8 GB.
21:58.42muepfortunately I do not usually need it, so I can do with some modest amount of swap space
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21:59.45johnny69I really need to get with the times.  I'm sitting here in front of some old and moldy Dell that I have swapped parts and had people give me things to slowly ramp it up to what it is now.  But I've went about as far as I can with it.  This 2.8 ghz - Single core cpu and old nasty 40 gig drives (and one 80 gig...and now this 500)   along with an Nvidia card from AGP days gone by....
22:00.51johnny69I disabled the hibernate thing actually.  I have this groovy molecular/molecule model screensaver that I enjoy watching quite a bit.
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22:02.46karthikpI suspend my desktop when it's not actively in use. Otherwise, it heats up my room pretty quickly. :)
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22:04.53johnny69You know,  now that I think about it....whether actually beneficial in any real world benchmark or not...considering the amount of fine grained control Kde and inparticular what Linux offers....I'm actually a little surprised that there isn't a clear and easy/simple way to change that tmp variable we were talking about.
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22:11.34zipperUh I have this issue with KDE and firefox. It looks bad with the default oxygen theme. I just installed it on arch with pacman -S firefox. Its kinda blocky.
22:11.52zipperIs there like a pastebin for images where I can post this?
22:12.11zippera screenshot of how firefox looks
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22:15.07johnny69So....while zipper is doing his paste bin thingy...I have a question as well.  Along the bottom...the taskbar...  I have this image I wanted to use to as a tesxture/image map thingy.  I used to be able to do this in the old 3.x Kde series. However,  I see now way to use any gif or jpg to wrap around the taskbar to "cunstomize" it.  Is this still possible at all?  Or am I looking at editing  .theme files or something?
22:15.27johnny69tesxture = texture
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22:16.13johnny69I'm not even going to bother correcting all my typos above.  I think my fingers just had complex partial seizures up there or something!  :(
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22:19.09zipperFirefox won't even let me paste stuff from my clipboard on it
22:21.23d0tredhelp i'm not getting the graphical login screen
22:21.49jalcined0tred: what version of KDE are you running? what distro?
22:22.21jalcinecan you get to a tty?
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22:22.51jalcine^ d0tred
22:23.26jalcinejohnny69: you might have a better chance asking in #plasma
22:23.57jalcined0tred: hit Ctrl+Alt+F1
22:24.05jalcinethat'd switch you to a tty, virtual console
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22:25.11AddleIf that doesn't work, try Ctrl+Alt+F2. I know my Arch system has the GUI on tty1.
22:25.38d0tredafter i login it starts kde no problem
22:26.03d0tredctrl alt f1 doesn't work
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22:26.28jalcineI'm more of a Kubuntu user, so Addle, you might have to help with the Arch differences ;)
22:26.38Addled0tred: Did you install a display manager?
22:26.38jalcined0tred: did Ctrl+Alt+F2 work?
22:26.48jalcinewonders how it wouldn't come with one.
22:27.23Addled0tred: Might want to see if systemd is has it enabled.
22:27.34jalcined0tred: after hitting Ctrl+Alt+F2, are you presented with a shell? If so, I can help you from there.
22:27.53d0tredcli login
22:28.23Addled0tred: I don't have kdm on here, but something like "sudo systemctl start kdm.service" might kick it off. If that works, then run "sudo systemctl enable kdm.service".
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22:29.07Addled0tred: Make sure you've read and understood the relevant Arch Wiki pages, BTW. The Arch Wiki is amazing.
22:29.11jalcineAddle: should we have him run 'startkde' to get him a GUI session? that's where I'm planning to go
22:29.22jalcine+1; I use the Arch wikis more than the Ubuntu ones, lol
22:29.43Addlejalcine: Probably not a bad idea.
22:30.24jalcined0tred: from the CLI, login using your username and password. When you get into the shell, run 'startkde'
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22:30.35jalcineif curious in its purpose, 'man startkde' is your friend
22:30.45d0tredone moment pls
22:31.18jalcineanyone here uses Choqok?
22:31.36d0tredi was on the wiki's
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22:31.59d0treddidn't say or might have missed it
22:32.22d0tredbut didn't see nothing that said to put systemctl infront of enable/start kdm
22:32.23johnny69jalcine:   Thank you for that.  I'll ask in Plasma.
22:32.54d0tredhope this works
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22:33.21jalcined0tred: let us know what happens
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22:34.18Addled0tred: The Arch KDE page just says "Enable/start kdm.service" with a link to show you how to enable and start it.
22:34.43Addled0tred: Which is exactly the lines I gave you.
22:35.04d0tredit worked
22:35.33Addled0tred: Is that with startkde? Or the systemctl service?
22:36.16Addled0tred: Anyways, if KDE works, then the systemctl stuff should start it automagically for you, so you're probably good to go.
22:36.46Addled0tred: Excellent.
22:37.01jalcined0tred: enjoy the blue!
22:37.05Addled0tred: np :)
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23:10.55eristiskI ran a fullscreen OPenGL video game which ran fine as it normally does, but when I quite it, KDE gave INSANE gaphical tearing that made viewing the desktop near impossible
23:12.12eristiskBut now, even after rebooting the entire machine, the tearing persists
23:12.24eristiskI tried hotkey for enabling/disabling compositing, which does not fix anything
23:12.29eristiskI am running KDE 4.11.x in Arch Linux
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