IRC log for #kde on 20130811

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02:53.53ciglepsalguien de de habla hispana o castellano
02:53.59ciglepsQantourisc: ue me ayude por favor
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03:25.50jalcineA very interesting concept on window management
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03:31.19Phr33d0mjalcine I'm not fan of making the desktop experience *EVEN MORE* idiot proof, I got so annoyed when I had to use gnome3 and there wasn't a maximize button...
03:32.27Phr33d0mthat's some gnome mentality and I'm not fond of it
03:32.30*** join/#kde hellome (~lua@
03:33.08DrEeeviljalcine: I am amused by the obvious mistakes that UX people tend to make
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03:39.26jalcinePhr33d0m: how would you consider it to be idiot-proof? Personally, I can't remember the last time I minimized something.
03:39.42jalcineMost of my windows are either stacked or not open (by not being running processes)
03:39.58jalcineDrEeevil: really, like what?
03:40.15jalcineMind you guys, I'm a KDE user myself; using the beta version on Kubuntu as we speak
03:40.19DrEeeviljalcine: just the window borders of elementaryOS should make any UX specialists cry
03:40.37jalcineWhy? the thinness? lack of shadow? etc?
03:40.39DrEeevilwasteful spacing, grey on gray to reduce contrast, etc.
03:40.40Phr33d0myou used that word - "Personally", personal preferences shouldn't define a usability and less for a desktop experience, the user *MUST* be able to configure it to his pleasure
03:41.11jalcinePhr33d0m: I've mentioned that to the developers; I asked if the desktop environment was flexible for edits and changes.
03:41.21jalcineit looks like it might be a bit difficult if everything's hard-coded
03:41.29jalcineand they have their own window manager so :
03:41.39Phr33d0mjalcine well it'd be a pain in the arse, as I use elementaryos on my laptop...
03:41.51jalcinePhr33d0m: you do?!
03:42.12Phr33d0myup, and I wouldn't want them to force me a design that I can't stand
03:43.21jalcineWell, I'm booting it now in qemu, let's see!
03:43.49Phr33d0mI haven't used my laptop since university ended in may, I should boot it up and update it I guess...
03:44.15jalcineWow, first thing I like: booted straight to a live desktop
03:45.25Phr33d0mthen you're not an arch/gentoo user :P
03:51.43jalcinePhr33d0m: nope, lol
03:51.54jalcineI do have to give it a bit of a go
03:51.59jalcinethe difference is more internal, no?
03:52.21jalcineand software availability isn't that bad since I don't mind compiling stuff
03:52.31jalcineI do that a lot with production software on my ubuntu system anyways
03:52.39jalcinebut my opinion decreased
03:52.49jalcineit's not that great; KDE still washes them out :3
03:53.12Phr33d0mgentoo has a very big software availability, and you don't compile stuff *by hand* anyways...
03:53.48jalcineno, I meant like how some packages claim to be Ubuntu/Debian only and what not
03:54.15Phr33d0mwell there are such yes, no one can do anything about it
03:54.29*** join/#kde Penguiniator (~Penguinia@unaffiliated/penguiniator)
03:55.08Phr33d0meven if that software can be adapted to other distros, they're under some propietary (eeeew) license that forbids so
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03:56.38jalcineyup things we'd avoid
03:56.47jalcineit's amazing how that can affect your outlook on things.
03:57.07jalcineI've moved away from office suites in general and have been just using LaTeX for things
03:57.10jalcinecontracts, CVs mostly
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05:39.49novatterrahello guys, there's here somebody that know configue kopete?
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07:03.31phunyguyhey folks, is it possible to add the username of the currently logged in user to a KDe panel>
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11:35.42jdolesI don't have any window decorations after an upgrade.
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11:41.27Sho_jdoles: sounds like you might be having a crashing kwin after your upgrade
11:41.36Sho_or an abi-incompatible oxygen deco
11:42.49jdolesSho_: why can't people just automatically setup things such that this case never occurs in the first place?
11:43.30jdolesSho_: I even rebooted my machine, but the exact same thing happens.
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11:43.46jdolesYou would almost think that they do it on purpose.
11:43.54Sho_jdoles: Can you still switch between windows?
11:44.04jdolesSho_: Alt-Tab works.
11:44.09Sho_jdoles: Ok, then kwin is running
11:44.24Sho_jdoles: So it's probably the Oxygen ABI thing, which then makes it the packager's fault
11:44.30jdolesSho_: ps aux|grep kwin shows it is running.
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11:44.36Sho_jdoles: Switch to a different decoration for now and notify your distro
11:46.24jdolesSho_: can you suggest one that should work, because I tried two now and they don't work.
11:47.00jdolesI really don't get why something like this isn't part of an automated test (check whether a window with a border comes up).
11:47.54Sho_jdoles: Not really, because if it was what I suspected it was, it would be an "all but Oxygen work" kind of scenario. I guess the safest bet might be an Aurorae theme which means anything you can get via "Get New Decorations"
11:49.26jdolesSho_: therer are lots of those named like that.
11:49.39Sho_jdoles: Some of the distros do have test matrices actually, but sometimes you e.g. have hardware-specific failures and nobody has all graphics cards at home
11:50.29Sho_jdoles: yes, Aurorae is a decoration engine that can load SVG-based themes
11:50.37jdolesSho_: has no API version.
11:50.44jdolesSho_: that's what I am seeing a lot.
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11:51.25jdolesObject::connect: No such signal QObject_QML_1::buttonsChanged()
11:51.31jdolesAnd lots of messages like that.
11:53.10Sho_Both are most likely harmless
11:54.10jdolesAnd now I got a fully unresponsive system, where I had to relogin.
11:54.24jdolesBig black and white rectangles, etc.
11:55.12Sho_jdoles: Maybe you should try disabling Desktop Effects
11:55.13jdolesSho_: and after a relogin based with another theme, it does work.
11:55.35jdolesNow, let's see whether I can find a less horrible one.
11:56.26Sho_And remember to inform your distro that you were unable to load Oxygen and some other decorations in the build of the KDE packages you upgraded to
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12:03.32jdolesSho_: what's the name of the feature in icontasks which shows a preview of the window?
12:03.46jdolesSho_: because somehow that got disabled.
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12:06.51Sho_jdoles: That requires the "Window Thumbnails" Desktop Effect to be enabled (and so obiviously also Desktop Effects in general)
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12:10.45jdolesSho_: I am only seeing Taskbar Thumbnails here and it was already enabled. Desktop effects are enabled at startup too.
12:11.17Sho_jdoles: Should be the right one ... maybe there's an option in Icon Tasks to disable them?
12:12.05jdolesSho_: no
12:12.06Sho_jdoles: "Enabled at startup" might also not necessarily mean "actually was initialized", I guess
12:12.11Sho_you could try the shortcut
12:12.23jdolesSho_: yes, I considered that.
12:12.31jdolesSho_: it's a bad UI.
12:12.46jdolesSho_: it should say whether it was initialized properly or not.
12:13.00Sho_I agree it should show status, yeah
12:13.04jdoles(and if that isn't possible, the whole graphics stack is broken)
12:13.17jdolesAt which point someone should redesign that.
12:13.39Sho_unfortunately "the whole graphics stack is broken" happens pretty often
12:15.42Sho_jdoles: qdbus org.kde.kwin /Compositor active / qdbus org.kde.kwin /Compositor compositingPossible / qdbus org.kde.kwin /Compositor compositingNotPossibleReason might be useful
12:15.59Sho_(those are three commands separated by slashes)
12:17.52jdolesSho_: it says that compo. is possible.
12:18.14Sho_but active is false? then i guess it's time to hit that keyboard shortcut
12:18.24Sho_or qdbus org.kde.kwin /Compositor toggleCompositing
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12:32.28jdolesSho_: also true
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12:33.48Sho_jdoles: Then I can only suspect the previews are disabled on the icon tasks level
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12:35.59jdolesSho_: I don' think there is a way to disable them.
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12:39.14Balduinhi, cantor 0.4 and kde 4.10 does not work with the sage backend? Has anyone any Idea to fix that?
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12:44.13mvaHi there!
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12:46.05Balduinhas anyone any idea about the cantor sage-backend?
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13:31.34stuartmI'm being driven slowly mad by a Dolphin 'bookmark' that just won't die, each time it's deleted (and is definitely removed from bookmarks.xml) it reappears the moment the next instance of dolphin is started. I've grepped the whole filesystem looking for somewhere that it must be getting this bookmark from with no luck (mageia 3, kde 4.10.2)
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13:32.26stuartmthe 'bookmark' is Videos which is pointing at ~/ (wouldn't be a problem if it pointed at ~/Videos like it should)
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15:44.06*** topic/#kde is KDE SC 4.10 is out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde or ~/.kde4
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15:53.21Dark_lightHow can I make appmenu-qt always visible?
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15:59.57Maple__Question not directly related to KDE. If I were to install oxygen-gtk2 & -gtk3 during a KDE session, would the oxygen theme also be visible during a GNOME session? I'm using Arch + GDM w/ KDE and GNOME.
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16:14.38Sho_Maple__: No
16:14.57Sho_Maple__: Well it depends on what you mean with "visible"
16:15.03Sho_Maple__: It'd be available for selection, yes
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17:30.47petteygI set my default Konsole (2.10.5, KDE 4.10.5) profile to a different font face and size. Now, when I open Konsole, everything is cut off (like it doesn't know the correct width of characters) until I go into the settings, change the font to something else, then change it back.  How do I fix this?
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20:07.21roquettohi there, I am trying to setup my kolab account on kmail (archlinux 4.10.5), the wizard will reach the page where I can enter my server address and the kolab version, but won't get past, no matter what I enter there, any clues?
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20:29.39geomyidaeqmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/qt/bin/qmake': No such file or directory
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20:37.36thiagogeomyidae: self-explanatory
20:38.47geomyidaebut why it was looking there was a bit of a mystery
20:38.57geomyidaemust be an artifact of my three qt installs side by side
20:39.07geomyidaeI fixed it anyhow, by adding another :)
20:39.10geomyidaeeverything works again
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21:25.51unutulmusolanhi everytime i mute i have to unmute every channel manually how can i fix it
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21:56.13ajrlegitsDoes anyone know if there's a configuration option to change the direction of the cursor for left-handed users?
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22:14.03Taggghello, where can i find the source for kdebase?
22:14.29Tagggi can't find it here:
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22:37.09tsimpsonTaggg: there is no more kdebase, there's KDE Runtime, Workspace and Applications
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22:40.04Tagggtsimpson: yeah i just realized that, thanks!
22:41.14Tagggtsimpson: got a good suggestion for a way to find the revision where kdebase was removed?
22:41.33Tagggthis is taking ages: svn log svn:// -v | grep kdebase
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22:45.10tsimpsonTaggg: I'm pretty sure it was split with 4.0
22:45.16tsimpsonso, a long time ago
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22:56.47mucha090hi all
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22:58.03mucha090where i can change font size in "time and date" plasmoid?
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23:00.30mucha090how to change font size in "time and date" plasmoid
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23:13.53rdietermucha090: i don't think you can... text (presumably) resizes to fit the size of the applet
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23:19.01geomyidaedoes kde cache theme svgz or something?
23:19.16rdietergeomyidae: yes
23:19.22geomyidaerdieter: how can I clear it
23:20.42rdietergeomyidae: in ~/.kde/cache-<hostname>  , remove plasma-*
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23:21.18geomyidaerdieter: thanks a bunch
23:21.46mucha090rdieter it`s bad
23:22.14mucha090because when i disable my own color for font
23:22.27mucha090then i will have bigger font
23:22.34mucha090and its weird
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23:50.12geomyidaeokay I've been trying for like half an hour
23:50.21geomyidaewhat svg controls the background of the icon-only-task manageR?
23:50.48Sho_you mean the button background?
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23:52.41StravHi! Small question: is it I or kde's sound (multimedia) configuration is overly complicated and seldom does the right job (like switching to an usb headset when connected)?
23:52.48geomyidaeSho_: /is/ it button?
23:52.54geomyidaeI thought I tried modifying that one to no effect
23:53.15StravIt feels as buggy as the multi-monitor support before kscreen came along.
23:54.33Strav(my main question is: is there something like kscreen for kde's audio config?)
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23:57.23Sho_geomyidae: the buttons use tasks.svgz unless they use one of the icontasks-specific rendering options
23:58.59geomyidaemaybe I don't know what I'm doing but I managed to change one of them
23:59.11geomyidaeIve changed everything that looks even remotely close and can't make it look different.
23:59.24Sho_geomyidae: I wrote the new task manager in 4.11 so I vaguely know what I'm doing :)

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