IRC log for #kde on 20130628

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02:59.22xeviousHow can I set the default TERM variable for Konsole and Yakuake session?
02:59.45xeviousIt's defaulting to xterm and I need it to be xterm-256color
03:01.41tsimpsonxevious: when you edit the profile you should see an "Edit..." button next to an "Environment" label
03:02.27xeviousShucks. I had skimmed right past that about a million times.
03:03.19*** part/#kde xevious (~matt@unaffiliated/xevious)
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06:10.53coolackhello all, I have a silly question
06:11.05coolackwhat is the button on top left corner of windows for?
06:11.28coolackvery top left corner next to application icon on the window border
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06:22.40coolackanyone know what the button in the top left corner of windows is for?  to the right of the application icon
06:23.39VoidAtValhallacoolack: did you try push it ?
06:23.48coolackya nothing happens lol
06:24.15*** join/#kde zerbp (
06:24.16VoidAtValhallacoolack: and did you try change to another desktop ?
06:25.03coolackI don't know what you mean
06:25.18coolackI was using lxde before.  now i'm on kde
06:25.26valorieyou can have multiple desktops if you want
06:25.28coolackwondering what that button is for
06:25.39valoriethat button makes the application appear on all of them
06:25.54VoidAtValhallacoolack: click that button then change your current virtual desktop number
06:25.54coolacknow i can sleep tks
06:25.59coolackI see
06:26.05VoidAtValhalla:) you are welcome :)
06:26.35valorienot a silly question!
06:26.53valoriethere is a tooltip though
06:26.56VoidAtValhallacoolack: also look in window decoration settings :)
06:27.05*** join/#kde fewcha (~sanjiban@
06:28.02coolackya i just downloaded a new look
06:28.12coolackkde really looks great
06:28.36*** join/#kde mannerov (~quassel@
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06:30.03coolackI'm using oxygen
06:30.38coolackand dark translucent windows.   ghost deco is pretty cool looking too
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06:32.11coolackthis is like lxde on steroids
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08:31.05silv3r_m00ni am using ktorrent, and the internet connection is bit unstable, ktorrent waits for a long time to resume downloads after the internet is up again, is there a way to make it resume download immediately ?
08:31.52*** join/#kde ahfernandez (
08:32.02ahfernandezhello i cme in peace
08:32.25ahfernandezhowm do i save my dual monitor configuration so i dont haver to do it everytime i reboot?  thank you
08:33.11*** join/#kde Lynxx (
08:34.31[Enrico]ahfernandez: the next version of KDE will do that by default. If you are on KDE 4.10 you can install kscreen (the new feature integrated in 4.11). If you have an older KDE I guess you can generate an Xorg configuration, but I don't recommend it
08:34.57ahfernandezlets see what do i have.........
08:35.43ahfernandezKDE - Be Free!
08:35.45ahfernandezPlatform Version 4.8.4 (4.8.4)
08:35.57Lynxxhow do i make kde look like windows 95
08:36.32silv3r_m00nLynxx: why ?
08:36.40*** join/#kde rahulch (~rahul@
08:36.40Lynxxbecause i want it to look like it
08:36.59silv3r_m00nLynxx: why do you love windows 95 so much
08:37.10Lynxxthat isnt answering my question
08:37.11[Enrico]ahfernandez: well there is a "save as default" button in the Display and Monitor KCM under systemsettings in that version isn't it?
08:37.13Lynxxtroll elsewhere
08:37.32ahfernandezill try it
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08:39.47[Enrico]Lynxx: ?
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08:55.47An_Ony_Mooseis there a way to adjust the increments that KMix raises/lowers the volume when one scrolls on the icon in the system tray? An increase/decrease of 15 percent is too large for me.
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09:05.57[Enrico]An_Ony_Moose: known bug :( . A workaround is to change  VolumePercentageStep=2 (2 because 2*3 == 6%) in .kde/share/config/kmixrc in the [Global] section IIRC
09:06.30[Enrico]there is also a patch attached to the bug if case you want to try
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09:14.58*** topic/#kde is KDE SC 4.10 is out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde or ~/.kde4
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09:35.47An_Ony_Moose[Enrico]: thanks, all I needed was some way to configure it. It's not like I'll change it regularly :)
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09:37.47An_Ony_Moose[Enrico]: it works just fine. Thanks again!
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09:50.56An_Ony_MooseI installed OpenClonk a while back. It decided to tell the system that plain text files are actually Clonk keys. Is there a way to get rid of this? I've tried searching all over the place (~/.local/share/, /usr/local, /usr)... but I can't find it anywhere except in share/mime/, to which it always returns when update-mime-database is run. Can anyone help?
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09:53.21An_Ony_MooseProgress! I seem to have finally got rid of it, but konqueror still knows this incorrect association. How can this be fixed?
09:53.43[Enrico]An_Ony_Moose: that sounds like a bug in the OpenClonk package. You should report that to your distribution bug tracking system. As a workaround you can change the text file association in systemsettings I guess
09:54.23An_Ony_MooseI tried that, it resets for some reason
09:54.48*** join/#kde jgrulich (~jgrulich@
09:55.01An_Ony_MooseI installed it by compiling/installing it myself so I'm going to report the bug in the Openclonk tracking system
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10:00.08geomyidaeIs the systray protocol really so convoluted that it's impossible for the plasma widget to scale up the icons?
10:00.27geomyidaeIt's the *only* part of the KDE ui that's not properly resizable and it just looks silly on a hidpi monitor :(
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10:12.13BluesKajHey all
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11:08.12gits1225So, is there no way to delete an account (identity) created on
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13:53.16Moulthow do i change the default wallpaper that is set when i create a fresh activity?
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13:55.43rdieterMoult: I believe the wallpaper gets pulled from your current/default plasma theme
13:55.54Moultrdieter: oh, that's annoying.
13:56.04Moultrdieter: is there a gui way to config that?
13:56.35rdieterno, though creating your own plasma theme (ie, one that inherits from something else only changing wallpaper) isn't rocket science either
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13:57.36rdieterof course, that requires you to create a kde wallpaper (i think), like the others under /usr/share/wallpapers
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13:58.47rdieterto be fair, it's not like you're creating activities all the time, it's also not hard to change/set wallpaper manually (is it?)
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15:10.23Greylocksdoes anyone use rekonq as their web browser? any comments about it in general?
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15:14.07gits1225Greylocks: no. Firefox > rekonq
15:14.46Greylocksaye thats what I use too was curious about rekonq though
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15:16.55rdieteri use rekonq occasionally, though honestly resort to chrome/chromium and firefox most of the time
15:17.52Greylocksrdieter what do you find lacking in rekonq?
15:18.13gits1225I bet you use rekonq because the guilt of not using accumulates for a while and you just have to use it to release it rdieter
15:18.46rdieterkiller feature of chrome/firefox for me personally, is profile sync (ie, my settings, addons, bookmarks sync to whatever computer I use)
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15:19.10BluesKajrekonq doesn't follow the other browser conventions when it comes to bookmarks toolbars and adding them from FF and chromium etc .... so it's a pita to setup IMO
15:19.11rdietergits1225: that too, I need to test it once in awhile. :)
15:20.34gits1225Chrome extentions sucks so bad compared to firefox
15:20.44gits1225That's why firefox is my fav
15:20.52gits1225Don't use sync though
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15:24.04BluesKajused FF for a long time , but it got slow due our ISP connection probs here (some idiot cut the fibre optic cable a couple blocks away) and we're still having problems, but chromium-browser is much quicker
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15:37.21clarjon1Hello all. I was wondering if it was possible to have a window set up so it -appeared- to be on top, half opacity or so, but have mouseclicks/etc go to the windows that are "below" it. Essentially, I'd like to configure it so I can have a see-thru window/dialog box that stays on top,but doesn't obstruct what's being focussed
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15:40.26clarjon1In other words, can I configure kwin with it's compositor to have a window appear to be on top, but behave as if it's on bottom?
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15:41.02gits1225clarjon1: There is a #kwin if you don't get a response here
15:41.27clarjon1Oh cool. Thanks for that :)
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18:23.35l_rsomeone must explain me why i have such big files   in /var/tmp  like      472M    /var/tmp/kdecache-me
18:23.42l_rit's eating all my space!!!
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18:27.06rdieterl_r: not really, I believe those are sparse files
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18:28.16l_rrdieter, sparse files?
18:28.20l_rwhat do you mean
18:28.27l_rwhat is generating them?
18:28.32l_rhow can i limit them?
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18:29.26rdieterthe size might *seem* big, but use ondisk is actually much smaller
18:31.08l_rrdieter, ? i have deleted them and now i have all my free space, now i have 2,2G. before i had only 10 *MB*
18:33.15rdieterI'm just saying those numbers are misleading
18:33.34rdieterthe cache will autogenerate itself soon
18:34.37rdieteronly for your current icon/plasma theme, of course deleting old stuff you're not using anymore would help
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18:39.42barlasHaving some problem with Kmail and GPG, when sending encrypted message, kmail gives the error, "Could not compose message: General error"
18:39.46barlasAny ideas?
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21:57.46jonezgreetings. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to enable the "regular expression editor widget" in kmail. failing that, I just need docs on what variation is being used. I've tried various things (delimiting the string, etc) but can't get the filter to do what I want :)
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