IRC log for #kde on 20130627

00:06.28*** join/#kde dev_ (
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00:56.33kirinapCan I change my wallpaper with a hotkey and without a time-limit like on the slide-show plugin?
00:57.37kirinapI basically want the slideshow plugin to not change my wallpaper unlesss I change it with rightclick+next wallpaper (menu+next wallpaper)
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00:59.30kirinap0:1:0 is the lower and 23:59:59 is the upper limit. I'd like to have 00:00:00 to disable the timer.
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01:03.18kirinapoh... is it possible to reset the timer somehow??
01:03.25kirinapthat would do it.
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07:00.53sling-shotI am on PCLinuxOS 2013 fully updated with KDE 4.10.4
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07:01.35sling-shotI am trying to build LibKScreen. What is the option to disable XCB support during the build?
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07:42.11b4284hi there
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07:43.19b4284i noticed that dolphin copy files with a socket, wouldn't that be slower due to an overhead ?
07:43.44b4284especially when copying a large amount of small files
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08:30.41PlasmaHHhi, does kde have any hotkey functionality to put the mouse cursor onto a specific screen?
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09:39.09hyper_chhi there, I wonder, if there a simple way to have a kompare do a side-by-side comparison of two git commits?
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09:47.57Jucatohyper_ch: perhaps
09:48.32hyper_chJucato: saw that and Kompare tells me "Could not parse diff output."
09:48.55Jucatowhat command are you using?
09:49.11hyper_chgit diff | kompare -
09:49.25Jucatoi think you're supposed to put something after "diff" there
09:49.26hyper_chgit show | kompare -     this somewhat works
09:49.33hyper_chI get 5 files but all are the "same"...
09:49.39Jucatolike: git diff commit1 commit2 | kompare -
09:50.00JucatoI did "git diff HEAD..HEAD^ | kompare -" and it worked
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09:50.29hyper_chJucato: not really...
09:50.34hyper_chI have 5 different files open
09:50.40hyper_chand when selection, they all show the same
09:50.52hyper_chand they only show parts of the file
09:51.09hyper_chI'd like to have a full side-by-side comparison :(
09:51.16Jucatousing "git show"?
09:51.36hyper_chusing git diff
09:51.38hyper_chand git show
09:51.41hyper_chshows both the same
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09:53.41JucatoI'm not seeing that. I'm using this exact command under my konvi git clone: "git show 87d55394 | kompare -"
09:54.07hyper_chdoes compare list the full file?
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09:54.45Jucatothis is what I get
09:56.19hyper_chJucato: for me it just shows a part of the file
09:57.21hyper_chJucato: full file
09:57.38Jucatoum, yes. that's normal. that's what diffs do
09:57.52hyper_chbut I want the full file being shown
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10:08.04neverendingohyper_ch: diff generates a patch with the default of 3 context lines around the change. you could circumvent that with a hack
10:08.14neverendingouse git diff -U999999 HEAD..HEAD^ | kompare -
10:08.20BluesKaj_Hiyas all
10:09.06hyper_chneverendingo: thx :) btw, what does  HEAD^  mean?
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10:09.27JucatoHEAD = tip of the current branch, HEAD^ is the commit before that
10:09.37JucatoHEAD^^ is the one before HEAD^, etc.
10:09.42hyper_chknew HEAD but not HEAD^
10:09.55hyper_chnow that I could properly script :)
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10:19.26PlasmaHHdoes kde have any hotkey functionality to put the mouse cursor onto a specific screen?
10:20.14CMoH|officehey. how can I change the theme from the lock screen? it used to match the login theme, but after an update it changed
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10:50.25qqqqqqqqq9Hi, doesn't kaffeine-1.3-git store TimeShift-data like 1.2 does?
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10:57.56enkiduhello. is there any possibility to read progress from notification circle using dbus?
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11:01.32edgy_Hi, when I boot kde some times sound works and sometimes I need to kill pulseaudio to have it work, how can I fix this please?
11:01.53rindolfedgy_: hi.
11:02.00rindolfedgy_: you can disable PulseAudio.
11:02.21edgy_rindolf: I want to fix it rather than disable it
11:02.35rindolfedgy_: OK.
11:02.47rindolfedgy_: disabling PulseAudio won't disable sound completely.
11:03.22enkiduedgy_: what is your soundcard model?
11:03.30edgy_rindolf: I know but I guess pulseaudio has many advantages and I want to keep it if possible
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11:03.57edgy_enkidu: % lspci  |grep -i audio
11:03.58edgy_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)
11:03.58edgy_01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 HDMI Audio Controller (rev a1)
11:04.11enkiduHDA, as expected
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11:04.34enkiduyou can use ALSA internal mixer rather than pulseaudio
11:05.30edgy_with every reboot kde is giving a message of kde wants to remove sound devices ...
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11:06.12edgy_my understanding is kde disabled the device and hence pulseaudio cannot use it
11:06.40enkiduno, it is rather opposite
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11:06.57enkidudevice is taken by pulseaudio, so KDE cannot use it directly
11:07.58BluesKaj_edgy_, have you checked systemsettings>multimedia>phonon>device preference?
11:07.58edgy_enkidu: but why sometimes it works properly? is this a know bug?
11:08.22enkiduif KDE takes care of it before pulseaudo starts, it works
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11:09.29edgy_BluesKaj_: I checked the device prefs and sometimes it says pulseaudio, others it gives me different lists but the when it works there a device "analog internal audio" or something which is enabled
11:09.47edgy_enkidu: so it's a racing condition? how can I control this latency then?
11:10.02BluesKaj_edgy_, and in phonon , hardware setup set your audio outputs
11:10.06enkiduedgy_: disable pulseaudio, enable DMIX
11:10.47enkiduor use real soundcard, not just sound interface
11:11.18BluesKaj_enkidu, you realze that if you disa=ble pulse , audio on websites that use flash , like youtube will have no sound
11:11.57edgy_BluesKaj_: I tried that and it works when I have the option of "Built-in Audio" but sometimes I only have the option of "HDMI audio" and I cannot switch
11:12.37BluesKaj_what OS are you using edgy_ ?
11:12.45edgy_BluesKaj_: linux/arch
11:13.58enkiduBluesKaj_: I have disabled pulseaudio and enabled dmix. works for me
11:14.00BluesKaj_ok edgy_ use permissions , and do  modprobe snd_hda_intel
11:14.30BluesKaj_enkidu, and which OS are you using ?
11:15.24edgy_BluesKaj_: use permissions? how?
11:15.34enkidualso, i could just reorder my soundcards so one with hardware mixer would be #0
11:16.09edgy_BluesKaj_: I also agree with enkidu that when I kill pulseaudio with pulseaudio -k youtube and flash audio works well
11:16.35edgy_I am not sure whether I need pulseaudio but I see it's a default nowadays so I assume it's for a reason
11:16.42BluesKaj_edgy_, whatever you use as poermission to install a package as root
11:17.38edgy_BluesKaj_: sorry I don't understand you. snd_hda_intel is already loaded, then what?
11:18.04BluesKaj_yeah , but it loads as soon as you use flash ,.killing pulse doesn't mean it's not going to be used
11:19.17BluesKaj_edgy_, the intel driver should load at startup
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11:20.12edgy_BluesKaj_: sorry, so you want me to do what?
11:20.30BluesKaj_edgy_, you already did it
11:20.45BluesKaj_probly need to reboot
11:20.45edgy_BluesKaj_: did what?
11:21.10edgy_BluesKaj_: you mean changing the device?
11:21.22BluesKaj_loaded the driver , there's no output in the terminal if it does
11:21.29edgy_BluesKaj_: the problem is it get lost with a reboot
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11:23.54BluesKaj_edgy_ , the hdmi is your graphics card linking to your soundcards output and sending it along with the video , to the hdmi out , so don't let that confuse you unless you want to use that
11:24.35edgy_BluesKaj_: I am not using hdmi, ok let me reboot and start from scratch, ok?
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11:33.46edgyI now rebooted and the fist dialog I got is
11:33.55edgyhow can I get rid of this?
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11:36.04BluesKaj_edgy, why kde does this a semi bug of sorts , just choose "no"
11:36.31edgyBluesKaj_: ok I chose no, and the sound now works
11:36.49edgyBluesKaj_: but i am sure with another reboot or two it woul not
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11:37.07edgyBluesKaj_: it's random
11:37.23edgyBluesKaj_: do you believe me? ;)
11:37.35rdieteredgy: imo, just say yes and be done with it (sometimes device names really do change due to kernel/driver upgrades and such)
11:37.40BluesKaj_ok edgy do  you have this file . /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
11:38.04rdieterit's happened to me a couple of times that way, iirc
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11:38.20BluesKaj_rdieter, uhm , not a good prctice , no will get rid of his audio
11:38.26edgyBluesKaj_: no, the modprobe.d is empty
11:38.33rdieterit fixed the problem for me.  ymmv
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11:39.04edgyrdieter: whether I say yes or no, the problem always happens for me, rest assured
11:39.22BluesKaj_rdieter, well maybe for you , not necessarily for others
11:39.23rdieteredgy: oh, I didn't see any mention of your answering yes in the backcroll
11:40.14edgyrdieter: yes, maybe I didn't mention it here but I am living with this problem months ago and tried everything possible
11:40.19rdieterbut I agree, that dialog is bad.
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11:41.34BluesKaj_edgy, just check your phonon now to see which devices list in that dialog
11:41.46peace--mm why kde looks ugly on windows?
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11:43.54edgyBluesKaj_: this is how it look now
11:45.26edgyBluesKaj_: and look at this:
11:45.52edgythe sound card is set to the hdmi controller which I am not using, isn't this strange?
11:46.20enkiduedgy - do you have phonon pulseaudio sink?
11:46.33BluesKaj_choose the analog if you have speakers connected to your pc
11:46.41edgyenkidu: how can I check?
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11:47.23edgyBluesKaj_: even without choosing the analog it's working, if I choose analog it also works but when I reboot it get lost and I need to reset it again every time!
11:48.41BluesKaj_make sure the hardware devicew choice is analog . that'e wgat phonon ios using , they need to be the same , edgy
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11:50.27edgyBluesKaj_: like this: ?
11:51.19edgyBluesKaj_: is this what you want me to do?
11:51.29BluesKaj_edgy, in device prefernce , make sure you click on the analog and choose apply at the bottom right , same goes for the device preference and all other devices at the bottom , click apply for those as well
11:53.01edgyBluesKaj_: sorry in device pref I have this:, apply doesn't work here?
11:53.25edgyBluesKaj_: analog stereo is already at top
11:53.51BluesKaj_click to highlight it and choose apply
11:55.26edgyBluesKaj_: I highlight it as in but apply is dimmed
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11:57.35edgyBluesKaj_: am I missing something?
11:57.39BluesKaj_click on "apply device list to ":
11:58.08BluesKaj_then apply
11:59.52edgyBluesKaj_: ah! ok, done
12:00.55edgyBluesKaj_: ok now what I am saying is if I reboot all this would be lost
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12:01.14edgyBluesKaj_: not only that if I just close the dialog and reopen it again, the prefs are lost
12:01.48edgyBluesKaj_: I just tried it and the sound device is back to HDMI
12:04.32BluesKaj_sorry about that , my pc just arbitrarily shut down , without any notification ...fidrt time that' ever happened
12:04.40BluesKaj_fist time
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12:18.11edgyBluesKaj_: np, did you see my replies?
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12:19.02BluesKaj_,yes , did you click on "apply device list to " ,and apply , edgy ?
12:19.19edgyBluesKaj_: ok now what I am saying is if I reboot or close the dialog all this would be lost, and yes, I clicked apply device list and apply
12:21.24BluesKaj_those choices you just made should stick , lots of ppl don't bother with going thru that and theat annoying device dialog keeps popping up because they haven't done it
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12:22.22edgyBluesKaj_: I will record a video for you so you can check ...
12:22.36BluesKaj_no need
12:23.21edgyBluesKaj_: so the question is why the options doesn't stick?
12:23.22BluesKaj_if the choices don't work , I believe you
12:24.08BluesKaj_have you chosen all those options before , edgy?
12:24.24edgywhich options?
12:24.51BluesKaj_the procedure I asked you to follow earlier
12:26.13edgyBluesKaj_: no, it's my first time to try this "apply to devices list" option
12:26.52edgyBluesKaj_: but I have already tried changing the sound card device and everytime it's lost
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12:27.12BluesKaj_that's what should solidify your choices
12:27.55edgyBluesKaj_: but as you see, even with that option, still the settings are lost
12:28.12BluesKaj_I'm surprised you have no /etc/modprobe.d file
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12:29.58BluesKaj_edgy, check your software manager , look for alsa-base and alsa-utils
12:30.33edgyBluesKaj_: please download this
12:31.37edgyalsa-plugins 1.0.27-1
12:31.43edgygnome-alsamixer 0.9.6-4
12:31.43edgypulseaudio-alsa 2-2
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12:35.44BluesKaj_edgy, I noticed in the phonon hardware device output you had headphones selected , is this what you wnat ?
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12:59.14edgyBluesKaj: yes, I am using headphones
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13:03.07BluesKajedgy, ok
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13:08.37edgyBluesKaj: I have to go now, thanks for your help
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14:00.44rewarpHi. I need help entering tty sessions over krdc to a vnc. How do I do ctrl+alt+F1 on krdc?
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16:31.37gdyHi! I've received an encrypted email message that contains an attachment (which is also encrypted). How can I save the attachment to disc with KMail/Kontact? When I right-click and "Save attachments", it saves the whole encrypted message to disc, i.e. the way it is in the MIME structure as an attachment, but it doesn't save the actual attachment separately.
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17:14.50poornimaHi all
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17:29.13olskolircHow do I add a menu to kmenuedit - NOT an entry to a menu, a whole new menu that already exist from another desktop please?
17:32.07poornimau can't link it like that
17:32.23poornimau have to write an java program for it
17:32.32poornimastill, im not sure
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17:38.33AristideHi !
17:38.45AristideI use KDE App on LXDE, but I want to use GTK+ apparence settings in KDE. I have choose GTK + Theme in Kde setting manager, but oxygen theme is again used
17:38.46AristideSo, GTK is not set on Oxygen. So, GTK+ Theme setting is not set on "Oxygen"
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17:44.42An_Ony_Mooseis there a way to adjust the increments that KMix raises/lowers the volume when one scrolls on the icon in the system tray? An increase/decrease of 15 percent is too large for me.
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19:55.18wgoslingstack_: you probably need the development headers for xcb. It will be named something like 'libxcb-dev'.
19:57.49stack_its not libxcb-dev I think ..
20:00.59toskystack_: but it can be something close; on Debian stable and testing it's libxcb1-dev
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20:52.44estanhm. anyone know how i can make krunner respect my regular PATH? i have some scripts i'd like to be able to run from it.
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21:05.13estannevermind, realized i could create a .desktop instead.
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