IRC log for #kde on 20130504

00:01.48*** join/#kde salamanderrake (
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00:10.24johnjohn1011what is kde on windows?
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00:13.26wgoslingIt is a port of some windows programs to Windows.
00:13.54johnjohn1011why not just install kde?
00:14.00johnjohn1011on an linux system
00:14.19wgoslingit is a port of some *kde programs to Windows.
00:14.36wgoslingwell obviously it is for those times you are just stukc in windows
00:15.07johnjohn1011which is all the time at work!  glad to get to my linux at home
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02:07.14cjaeall wesites seems to be 2011  or earlier. need to integrate chrome into kde 4.9.5. not sure if poosible from settings or by extension
02:08.47*** join/#kde lowsfer (
02:10.36cjaewell i have the gtk themes but I think all it does is the title bar, font and this folder looking view is aweful
02:12.50*** join/#kde mycookie (
02:13.15cjaeeverything seems very granular too
02:13.21*** join/#kde aayush (~aayush@
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02:19.57cjaenm got it
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02:33.51*** join/#kde micqo (~jason@
02:36.20micqohello, everyone. can i make kmail behave like thunderbird a bit? kmail is an awesome client, but it keeps asking gmail password everytime wi-fi disconnects and on startup. really annoying. any idea?
02:37.08msxmicqo: yes of course
02:37.21msxyou need to let it use kwallet
02:38.27*** join/#kde Spaceghost (~quassel@unaffiliated/spaceghost)
02:38.38msxah claa ahora venis
02:38.46micqomsx, oh, i tried this one :) then i have to enter kwallet password _and_ kmail password :) may be i'm doing smth wrong, though
02:38.47msxSpaceghost: te sentis con culpa?
02:39.14msxSpaceghost: me thinks he needs to stop trolling here, ahh well, nevermind
02:39.35msxmicqo: mostly
02:39.53msxmicqo: i would recommend you just delete your old wallet and create a new one
02:40.14msxkeep in mind that the best practice would be to: 1. delete the default wallet
02:40.25msx2. close all your apps and log out and in again
02:40.59msx3. decide whether you'll need for an extra secure wallet ör if you can go with default one, more usble but without any password
02:41.25msxmicqo: be warned you will lose your data stored there and will need to add everything again
02:42.02msxbut, as i think this way everything would work rather well from now on, i highly recommend you to at least give this a try
02:42.08msxmicqo: HTH
02:42.12micqomsx, thanks a lot. i'll try it now. i seems back then i used the secure wallet and that's why it asked password eveytime...
02:42.24msxmicqo: exactly
02:42.54msxthat's very useful in case anyone else than you access your computer with an open session
02:43.25msxbut if you take care about that, i don't need you need to secure the wallet itself
02:44.02msxmicqo: i'm going for wild trolling now (irc's great, just give me a whistle if you need further assistance
02:44.06msxgood luck
02:44.30micqomsx, by open session you mean ssh or smth like that?
02:44.48micqomsx, thanks a lot again! and i didn't want to troll anyone :)
02:45.00micqojust didn't know what to do :)
02:45.16msxmicqo: oh forgive my very limited english
02:45.32msxi wanted to point "logged in"
02:46.29micqoit's ok :)
02:47.08micqoand was it Latin or Esperanto?
02:47.37msxis there any akonadi present?
02:47.43msxhaha lol
02:47.54msxany akonadi "expert" present?
02:48.09*** join/#kde cjae_ (
02:48.35msxi just want to know if it's normal to have some good 490.000 files in .local/share/akonaid/file_db directory
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02:48.43msxit seems HUGE to me
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04:13.27guru_hmm there a plugin to get ktorrent to work from firefox?
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04:13.51guru_with magnet torrents
04:16.05valorieguru_: can't you set that in systemsettings?
04:16.09rdieterguru_: add x-scheme-handler/magnet to MimeTypes= line in ktorrent.desktop
04:16.46rdieterpatches fedora ktorrent builds, been meaning to poke upstream about that
04:17.52rdieterguru_: in particular,
04:19.16rdieterthen (re)run update-desktop-database, firefox then should recognize ktorrent as a valid handler for magnet links
04:20.02*** join/#kde badone (~brad@
04:20.21guru_thanks will look at that :)
04:24.46rdieterinteresting, ^^ might be required too then
04:25.38cjaeif i understand question right, drove me nuts since I always use ff
04:25.58cjaehate the way chrome is ...but it is fast
04:26.37cjaehas more better grammer
04:30.04*** join/#kde DarthGandalf (~Vetinari@znc/developer/DarthGandalf)
04:33.10guru_nice the about:config one :)
04:36.05*** join/#kde Juan (~juan@unaffiliated/juan)
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04:57.01cjaeguru_: :-)
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08:13.20rindolfHi all.
08:15.10kaiser92_hi rindolf
08:15.13kaiser92_how r u man
08:15.40rindolfIn gwenview when I click on a photo at the bottom of many folders and then click the Up button or the browse button the position is set to that of the top of the directory - not the previous position. Is this a known problem? I'm on KDE-4.10.2 on Mageia 3 Cauldron.
08:15.55rindolfkaiser92_: I'm fine - trying to debug a gwenview bug.
08:18.48*** join/#kde AURELIUS (~AURELIUS@
08:18.52kaiser92_ah cool
08:20.52kaiser92_rindolf: can i pm you a minute please?
08:20.58kaiser92_it is very important
08:21.01rindolfkaiser92_: yes, you can.
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08:36.17dinosaur_milkshahi everyone
08:37.01rindolfdinosaur_milksha: hi, what's up?
08:37.25dinosaur_milkshai just recently returned to kde
08:37.35*** join/#kde k2s (
08:38.06dinosaur_milkshaand i'm somewhat disappointed that most of the issues i had have not been addressed
08:38.30cheesecakesdinosaur_milksha: join the club
08:38.38*** join/#kde MarkRS (~MarkRS@2001:8b0:6481:a9c7:230:18ff:fe00:1)
08:38.42dinosaur_milkshai'm a designer
08:38.57cheesecakescool ilove designers
08:39.01dinosaur_milkshaso there are lots of things that bug me ^^
08:39.04cheesecakesthey have the best wallpapers
08:39.22*** part/#kde MarkRS (~MarkRS@2001:8b0:6481:a9c7:230:18ff:fe00:1)
08:39.26dinosaur_milkshai like whitespace
08:39.42cheesecakesi like black
08:39.43dinosaur_milkshabut it seems most kde users don't
08:40.07dinosaur_milkshai'm interested in things like changing the padding in text boxes or the height of buttons
08:40.19dinosaur_milkshaand wondering how to best get into this stuff
08:40.54*** join/#kde Malsasa (~Malsasa@
08:41.16cheesecakesi am a new user from gnome
08:41.27dinosaur_milkshaoh cool
08:41.27*** join/#kde brli7848 (~quassel@
08:41.28cheesecakesi havent figured out a lot of stuff yet :(
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08:42.00dinosaur_milkshathey seem to do a better job of whitespace and padding related stuff than kde
08:42.23cheesecakesbut kde works more brilliantly on my laptop hence i moved
08:42.29dinosaur_milkshai see
08:42.36dinosaur_milkshayeah, i like kde functionality
08:42.45dinosaur_milkshajust have yet to make it look good
08:43.25cheesecakesi have some kinks i need to fix
08:43.48cheesecakesmy kinks are more funcionaliry related like getting to unmute properly
08:44.02dinosaur_milkshai see
08:44.08*** join/#kde mck182 (~mck182@kde/developer/mklapetek)
08:44.25Jucatodinosaur_milksha: those settings are determined by what is called the widget style. Oxygen, the KDE default, doesn't really have much to configure in that department, but you can install a style called QtCurve (check your distro's packages) that gives you a lot of knobs to turn. once you've installed it, go to System Settings ->Application Appearance -> Style, and select QtCurve and then click on Configure
08:44.39valoriedinosaur_milksha: we have a team of artists, and I'll bet they would welcome your help
08:44.59valoriethe community makes the decisions here, so pitch in and you'll be one of those people
08:45.23valorieor.... listen to Jucato
08:45.35dinosaur_milkshacool, thanks
08:45.44Jucatonah nah. don't listen to me. *runs around the room*
08:45.44dinosaur_milkshai've tried fiddling with qtcurve
08:46.10*** join/#kde georgelappies (~george@
08:46.16Jucatodinosaur_milksha: there are a lot of themes on for QtCurve for inspiration
08:46.25dinosaur_milkshabut assuming i want to keep the oxygen style just add the padding, would i have to change the source code?
08:46.41Jucatounfortunately, yes I think so
08:47.13dinosaur_milkshawhere can i get that? and is it being actively developed? might they be open to patches that make it more configurable?
08:49.12valorieinteresting question
08:49.56dinosaur_milkshai'm still wading through search results but doesn't look too good thus far
08:50.01valorie#kde-artists might be a good place to start
08:50.44dinosaur_milkshaoh cool. sounds like that might be a good place to hang out
08:50.51Jucatoactively developed: sort of, in the sense that it's a core part of KDE releases, but I think its in maintenance mode right now. in other words, I don't think they are accepting new features, which is what "more configurable" would be
08:51.43Jucatobut from what I remember also, I think they made the decision not to make Oxygen too configurable like the way QtCurve is. the two have different goals
08:51.43dinosaur_milkshajucato: i see
08:52.38JucatoOxygen's goal is to deliver a visual identity for KDE 4, so it doesn't make much sense to let users change that and advertise it as Oxygen. QtCurve on the other hand is really made to be themeable
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08:54.34Jucato is I think the source code for Oxygen
08:54.56dinosaur_milkshayeah, that makes sense. but changing the padding would be more of a usability thing. actually i think it would be best if there was more padding by default but i don't see pushing that as a realistic option
08:55.29dinosaur_milkshasweet, thanks jucato
08:55.42dinosaur_milkshanow just have to spend the next weeks trying to get it to compile
08:55.43valoriebecome part of the dialog
08:56.04valoriewho knows, that might be seen as the finishing touch
08:56.17valorieNuno rocks
08:56.19JucatoI guess if you could convince them that the padding needs to be fixed, that could still go in
08:56.30valoriehe's the only one from the team I've met
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08:57.01dinosaur_milkshaok cool
08:57.02valoriethey want usability as well as beauty, of course
08:57.15dinosaur_milkshai'll see what i can do
08:57.16Jucatoof course
08:57.20Jucatoanyway gtg
08:57.33dinosaur_milkshathanks again
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08:59.19Jucatocheesecakes: sorry, no idea about your double mute-single unmute problem. you can try asking the question again a bit later
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09:00.12valoriecheesecakes: or maybe ask in #kde-multimedia
09:00.25valoriethat's where the audio people are
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09:03.47cheesecakesok cool thanks
09:03.56cheesecakeswill try multimedia too
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09:37.09zoraelIs Umbrello being actively developed/maintained? The websvn links are dead, and the (latest?) 4.10.2 release seems quite buggy
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10:34.34cheesecakeshey leszek
10:37.13niteshnarayanlalhi i was trying to clone a repo from
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10:37.50niteshnarayanlalbut i am not sure if i need to fill the developer application form for this
10:38.14cb400fyou can checkout from anonsvn
10:38.15niteshnarayanlalas i may not be committing any changes as of now
10:38.20cb400fbut most stuff is moved to git anyway
10:38.31niteshnarayanlaloh is that so
10:38.40niteshnarayanlalbecause i am quite new to svn
10:38.50niteshnarayanlalbut had used git number of times
10:39.16niteshnarayanlali need to clone  trunk/kdesupport/oxygen-icons
10:39.33cb400fok, that's still in svn
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10:40.29cb400fso you can just check that out anonymously from anonsvn
10:40.49cb400fof course, if you want to contribute back you'll need "the real thing"
10:41.00niteshnarayanlalyeah true
10:41.02cb400fbut worry about that when the time comes
10:41.22niteshnarayanlalbut right now i just want to clone it
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10:41.40cb400fin svn lingo it's a "checkout" :-)
10:41.54cb400fcloning is git lingo
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10:43.23niteshnarayanlalyeah :P it happens because in most of daily projects i use git
10:44.22niteshnarayanlalsvn co svn+ssh://
10:44.30niteshnarayanlali think this is the right command to use
10:44.41niteshnarayanlalbut not sure why i am still getting the same error
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10:46.49cb400fdon't think you need +ssh on anonsvn.. that's kinda the point
10:46.57cb400ftry 'svn co svn://'
10:47.28niteshnarayanlalcb400f, yeap thanks dude :)
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10:48.21cb400fgood luck.. it's a friggin' huge repo these days :-)
10:48.50niteshnarayanlalyeah lets it will certainly take some time :)
10:48.58niteshnarayanlal*let see .
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11:27.04hnsz2002what tool able to record video from firewire dv camera?
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11:27.33hnsz2002a few years ago i used kino, but this is no anymore
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11:42.26MarkRSWhere is the Kontact data (all elements) in 4.8.5?
11:42.42MarkRSO need to do a major OS upgrade so I want to backup all my Kontact data first, but can't find it
11:43.09MarkRSdespite looking at various Wikis
11:43.18MarkRS for example
11:43.27MarkRSMy data is not there
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12:19.02doublehpsome PDF open with any PDF reader is fine, but in Karbon, french letters become black stuff; how to fix the issue and get expected chars in Karbon ?
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12:21.05Jucatodoublehp: have you tried opening it in Okular?
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12:21.48doublehpno, can't install it
12:22.21Jucatowhy not?
12:22.35Jucatowhat are you planning to do with the PDF in karbon?
12:23.28doublehpedit it
12:24.00Jucatoah hm ... I'm not sure Karbon can handle editing PDF's
12:24.09doublehpit does
12:25.06Jucatomaybe you could ask in #calligra if there should be something else installed for it to be recognize those letters, but it sounds a bit like missing fonts. not really sure (never tried editing a pdf in Karbon before)
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12:26.59doublehpi have all required locales, but Karbon only seems to handle en_US ...
12:27.18doublehpi don't understand why it refuses to handle en_GB/UK and fr_FR
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12:56.37doublehpJucato: flpsed is VERY light (below 3M installed), and does the job (add text where I need).
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13:22.40bd___Hello, what is currently the best Launcher for KDE? I don't like neither Kickoff nor the classic menu
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13:34.54cheesecakeswb dinosaur_milksha
13:35.14dinosaur_milkshaoh hai cheesecakes
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13:35.35cheesecakeshave any luck with whitespace ?
13:35.45BCMMcan one build and install compiled plasmoids in a per-user way?
13:35.55cheesecakesi totally mis-interpreted your whitespace last time lol
13:36.04cheesecakesi meant black as in theme colors
13:36.13dinosaur_milkshaif i understand correctly, it's gonna be about as difficult as things can get
13:36.15cheesecakesand you were saying padding
13:36.28dinosaur_milkshaoh yes, padding
13:36.35cheesecakesi use arch so i am used to difficulty
13:36.51dinosaur_milkshayeah, it looks like i'll have to recompile kde
13:37.03dinosaur_milkshaso i'm working on getting stuff set up for that
13:37.08cheesecakeswhat distro do you use ?
13:37.26dinosaur_milkshai'm on linux mint
13:37.36dinosaur_milkshajust installed it about a week ago
13:37.49dinosaur_milkshayears ago i used kubuntu a bit
13:37.56dinosaur_milkshabut i'm most familiar with gentoo :D
13:38.05dinosaur_milkshawhich is... much more time consuming
13:38.16cheesecakesahh than you are used to compiling
13:38.33dinosaur_milkshaoh yes
13:38.40Jucatorecompile kde?
13:38.47cheesecakesmaybe we should move this to kde-chat (or is it ok if no one else talks here anyway)
13:40.23dinosaur_milkshaJucato: well actually i just want to compile the oxygen theme, but i need all the kde requisites for that, right? i might be going about it wrong though. does that make sense?
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13:41.42Jucatodinosaur_milksha: no, you don't need to recompile anything else except, at most, kde-workspace. everything else you would need would have already been packaged by your distro and is the same version as the version of kde-workspace you are changing
13:42.17dinosaur_milkshaoh, ok ^^
13:42.39dinosaur_milkshai did have a feeling it should be easier
13:42.43JucatoI forgot if there's an APT command for it, but with Fedora/yum for example, "yum-builddep kde-workspace" would install everything that's needed (except gcc-c++) to build kde-workspace (where oxygen is)
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13:43.31dinosaur_milkshaoh sweet
13:43.39Jucatothen you get the source package for the exact kde-workspace version that matches your system, modify oxygen, etc etc
13:43.42dinosaur_milkshado you know if there's a debian alternative?
13:44.44Jucato"apt-get build-dep" it seems
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13:47.13dinosaur_milkshai'm not too fluent with apt
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13:50.36Jucatome neither
13:50.38Jucatoat least not anymore
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13:57.30dinosaur_milkshaok cool, that command did a bunch of stuff
13:58.04dinosaur_milkshabut cmake is still complaining... no udev. is that the package's fault? like a missing dependency in the config?
13:58.41cheesecakesno udev :O
13:59.04cheesecakesdude that is like the first thing kernel looks for i think
13:59.12dinosaur_milkshathat just means the libudev-dev is missing
13:59.20dinosaur_milkshaso udev is there but not the development files
13:59.48Jucatoyou might want to try to delete CMakeCache.txt and run cmake again. but if it still complains, yeah it's missing -dev stuff
13:59.54Jucato(which should have been pulled in)
14:00.03Jucatowhere did you get your source for kde-workspace btw?
14:00.23Jucatoum ...
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14:01.31dinosaur_milkshai should be using the stable branch i have installed, right?
14:01.34Jucatoyes, the problem with that is you got the super latest version of the code, which might not match what your distro has in its packages.
14:01.47dinosaur_milkshaoh yeah
14:01.49dinosaur_milkshagood point
14:02.31Jucatowhich might mean (but maybe not in this case) that the latest version introduced new dependencies that the version in your distro doesn't yet need.
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14:02.44Jucatoit may not be the case now, but it's still best to use matching versions
14:03.52Jucatoapt-get source <package name> will get you your distro's version of the source code
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14:05.11dinosaur_milkshai'll try that then
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14:05.19Jucatobut you can also just switch to the git branch that matches your KDE version
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14:07.21dinosaur_milkshathat wouldn't have the distro-specific patches though
14:07.44Jucatohm nope
14:07.59dinosaur_milkshathanks for helping me out btw
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14:08.17JucatoI forgot, but there's supposed to be a command to run after "apt-get source" that would apply the distro patches (which are also downloaded with the source package)
14:08.33dinosaur_milkshai think it got done automatically
14:09.35Jucatook good
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14:09.55Jucatomy packaging knowledge has become rusty
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14:11.17cheesecakesJucato: what distro do you use ?
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14:29.10dinosaur_milkshaok, so what's the best way to test the new kde-workspace?
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14:34.48BluesKajHiyas all
14:36.47dinosaur_milkshahi BluesKaj
14:37.25msxBluesKaj: hey :D
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14:39.10BluesKajhi dinosaur_milksha , msx
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15:03.06daimonionAnyone having issue with KDE dialogs run from non KDE apps aren't translated?
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15:10.17BCMMcan k3b rip to FLAC? what requirements does it have?
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15:21.35msxdaimonion: no here, did you check the lang packs are installed?
15:22.26msxdaimonion: also it may be worh checking your /etc/locale.conf
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15:27.05daimonionNope, everything is OK there.
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15:27.28daimonionThe fact is that dialogs aren't translated when run from QT apps.
15:27.40daimonionI have this in my console: KGlobal::locale(): Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work
15:28.05daimonionAnd it apperas that this bug is old at least 3 years:
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15:53.47dinosaur_milkshawhat's the name of the kde-dev channel?
15:56.47dinosaur_milkshaoh... there isn't one
15:58.23Artakhadinosaur_milksha, #kde-devel
15:58.41dinosaur_milkshaoh thanks
15:58.48dinosaur_milkshaweird, it's not on this page though:
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16:02.52toskydinosaur_milksha: it's not a user-oriented channel
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16:16.27dinosaur_milkshai guess
16:19.13arminhm, konsole really seems to behave completely wrong with fixed width fonts :(
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17:37.28ginpbhi, there is any alternative to kiosktool?
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18:10.27ginpbthere is any official tutorial about kiosk mode?
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18:45.23camulushi are there any good RSS programs besides akregator?
18:45.43camulusakregator wants me to install nepomuk(no go)
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18:55.24Sho_camulus: Akregator doesn't use Nepomuk
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18:59.17camulusSho_: than why does it want me to install it?
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19:07.33Sho_camulus: because some of the packages it depends on are libraries that offer a variety of services and some of those do use nepomuk
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19:08.40camulusSho_: so indirectly it uses nepomuk
19:09.07camulusthats just what i am seeing here
19:09.23Sho_camulus: No, Akregator doesn't use Nepomuk
19:09.45camulusthen there is something wrong with the libraries it depends on
19:09.57camulusthey should not install nepomuk
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19:10.43Sho_camulus: Imagine a library as a store that offers a variety of items that are made from a variety of resources
19:10.56Sho_camulus: Some of those items may be made out of Nepomuk bits
19:11.05Sho_camulus: None of the items Akregator uses are
19:11.20Sho_camulus: But that means the store still buys Nepomuk bits for the customers who want the other items
19:11.33camulusand those bits should have a corresponding config flag for not building them if i dont need them
19:11.43Sho_camulus: The point is that Akregator has no runtime dependency on Nepomuk, so you don't need to run Nepomuk to run Akregator
19:11.50camulusand if those bits are required by akregator then yes it indirectly uses nepomuk
19:12.01Sho_If you mind the 2 MB or whatever of diskspace usage though, you can't do anything about that, no
19:12.22camulusnepomuk does a lot more than just use 2MB
19:12.22Sho_camulus: No, you still didn't understand
19:12.25camulusi do
19:12.28camulusyou dont
19:12.39Sho_camulus: In the distro you are using, Akregator is not the only package that depends on those library packages
19:12.46Sho_Some of the other packages need the bits that use Nepomuk
19:12.55camulusi only emerge one package
19:12.56Sho_So the distro can't compile the libs with Nepomuk disabled
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19:13.13Sho_but "using" is a runtime concept
19:13.19Sho_And Akregator simply does not use Nepomuk, period
19:13.25camulus[21:11:01] <camulus> and those bits should have a corresponding config flag for not building them if i dont need them
19:13.42Sho_That's a request for your distro then
19:13.55camulusmy distro doesnt deal with config flags thats KDEs job
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19:14.36Sho_Gentoo exposes them in the form of USE flags
19:14.50Sho_In fact it has one, USE=semantic-desktop
19:15.07Sho_Check if you like the deplist better if you disable that one
19:15.19camuluscheck my paste again... sigh
19:15.22camulusand READ
19:16.14Sho_I did, and it shows semantic-desktop as enabled
19:16.25camulusBY AKREGATOR
19:16.47camulus# required by akregator (argument)
19:16.49camulus>=kde-base/kdepimlibs-4.10.2 semantic-desktop
19:16.53Sho_Ah, ok
19:17.06Sho_That's a packaging bug then
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19:17.58Sho_Because again, Akregator has no runtime or build time dependencies on Nepomuk
19:18.09camulusidoes it install widgets?
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19:18.26Sho_No (and Nepomuk has nothing to do with widgets)
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19:18.55Sho_ <- no mentions of nepomuk in the akregator codebase
19:19.07ginpbthere is any official tutorial about kiosk mode?
19:19.15ginpbor there is any alternative to kiosktool?
19:19.18Sho_ginpb: The sysadmin section on is your best bet
19:19.39Sho_If there's nothing there the answer is probably "no"
19:19.50Sho_FWIW, Kiosk hasn't seen a lot of love in the KDE 4 cycle
19:19.52camuluswell fix it then kde dev
19:20.21ginpbSho_: at techbase suggest usign kiosktool
19:20.36Sho_ginpb: I think kiosktool probably never got ported to KDE 4 or so :/
19:20.47Sho_camulus: I'm not a Gentoo dev, I can't fix their packages
19:20.58ginpbSho_: there is a non finished port
19:21.06JuanI read somewhere it might get some love soon.
19:21.17Sho_Juan: That would be cool
19:21.32JuanOr was it one of Seigo's videos
19:21.52ginpbnow i'm trying to make a kiosk system, and kde apparently is the only one that offer full control over everything
19:21.52cb400fjriddell mentioned it on his post about commercial support for kubuntu
19:22.58Sho_camulus: <- the akregator ebuild doesn't actually depend on semantic-desktop though, so I still think that dep is introduced lower in the stack
19:23.05ginpbthe problem is that the only graphical tool capable to do so is kiosktool
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19:27.13camulusSho_: kdepim-common-libs wants me to re-install kdepimlibs with semantic-desktop which in turn wants me to install nepomuk
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19:27.44Sho_camulus: Right I'd have suspected kdepimlibs too, because that's where the glue code is in that feeds email data into Nepomuk I guess
19:28.08Sho_camulus: But Akregator doesn't use that stuff, so ... you're going to lose some diskspace, but you don't need to run Nepomuk
19:28.52Sho_camulus: That said, Akregator probably will start using Akonadi and Nepomuk at some point in the future, it just hasn't been ported yet
19:29.07camuluswhich i want to avoid
19:29.20Sho_Right now it's very standalone - I think the only reason it even has a kdepimlibs dep might be so it can embed into Kontact
19:29.49camulusbut i dont have the kontact use flag on
19:30.25Sho_well, I can't tell whether Gentoo could allow you to disable more stuff or if the KDE buildsystem won't allow them without doing further research
19:30.40Sho_I doubt Akregator has a config flag to disable the Kontact dep
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19:31.04Sho_Since KDE releases modules, and Akregator is part of kdepim, and kde-workspace depends on kdepimlibs too anyway
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19:31.19Sho_So it's not particularly worth it to put work into making kdepimlibs optional
19:31.40Sho_s/Kontact dep/kdepimlibs dep/ rather
19:31.47camulusthen kde is not worth using
19:31.56camulusmight as well go back to windows
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19:32.09Sho_Note btw that your fear of Nepomuk is probably for the file indexing part which you don't need to enable for any of this anyway
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19:32.21Sho_Even mail indexing can be disabled separately
19:32.39Sho_And Nepomuk can also be switche off entirely - but if you disable the indexing, Nepomuk is pretty lightweight anyway
19:32.40camulusi am using gentoo so i can disable stuff not so i can install stuff i dont need
19:33.13Sho_yeah, I used Gentoo from 2002-2009 myself
19:34.13Sho_the "depend on package with a particular USE flag enabled" feature was added fairly recently before I left IIRC
19:34.24camulusis there any alternative to akkregator that does what i want? read RSS feeds?
19:34.54Sho_No KDE apps I know of at least
19:35.04Sho_well, there's an RSS reader Plasma widget
19:35.05BluesKajproblem with nepomuk and akonadi is they have so many co-dependencies linked to other apps , it's a trade off we kde users who don't use them have to live with , disabling is the only option
19:36.20Sho_uses Akregator every day and is mostly happy anyway
19:37.01Sho_Both on the laptop (where I have Nepomuk disabled) and on the desktop (where I use Nepomuk quite a bit)
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19:40.02lord_robhi! drag and drop for files doesn't seem to work on my pc :/ debian sid, kde 4.10.2 official. I need to copy paste in order to copy files. Is it a parameter ?
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19:41.56lord_robit worked with earlier versions anyway
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19:45.53camulusdesign your desktop software better
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19:47.49heinnot arrogant at all :)
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20:32.10ginpbi cannot find information about kiosk mode on kde4
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20:36.07BluesKajginpb, what about matchbox , not sure if that's what you need
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20:36.41Greylockstry here:
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20:38.13Greylocksor it can be d.loaded here:
20:38.34Greylockshope that helps :)
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20:42.58ginpbGreylocks: thanks but talk about kde 3.x not 4
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20:44.08ginpbBluesKaj: matchbox the windows manager?
20:48.03BluesKajginpb, i found it in muon under kiosk
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20:53.12ginpbBluesKaj: muon?
20:54.05BluesKajoh yeah , sorry , whatever package manager your OS uses, ginpb
20:55.10ginpbBluesKaj: ah ok
20:58.00ginpbwell apparently the kiosk feature for kde4 are not documented
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21:48.46lord_robhi! drag and drop for files doesn't seem to work on my pc :/ debian sid, kde 4.10.2 official. I need to copy paste in order to copy files. Is it a parameter ?
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21:58.42cb400fwhat files? dragging from where? dropping on what?
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22:03.14rd13812hi in kde i get wrong character for filenames in dolphin but correct one in nautilus. how can i fix this?
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22:14.26camulusrd13812: what distro
22:14.40rd13812kubuntu 13.04
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23:42.42ElminsterIt would be useful to place links on the desktop to launch apps that must be started with wine. I've tried setting up a link with the form "wine /path/to/program.exe" in the "command" field of an application link. This fails. Does anyone know how to do it?
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23:56.20jovinElminster: my wow desktop file looks like this maybe it helps :)

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