IRC log for #kde on 20130330

00:06.53*** join/#kde Juan (~juan@unaffiliated/juan)
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01:10.35tanghuswtf? korgac suddenly decided to trigger all alarms over and over again. Had to kill the little bugger.
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01:13.20*** join/#kde Jucato_ (~jucato@kde/developer/jucato)
01:15.23*** join/#kde wgosling_ (
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01:18.19neverendingotanghus: are you kidding me? happened to me as well just now :D
01:22.25*** join/#kde bit-pirate (~quassel@
01:26.16tanghusneverendingo: A KDE Easter egg ;)
01:26.37neverendingomust be, somehow...
01:27.01neverendingotanghus: or did you switch distros by any chance today or did some major updates?
01:27.16tanghusI made no changes at all
01:27.49neverendingothen it must be an easter egg
01:28.01tanghusthere was an update to libxml that's all.
01:28.02neverendingocan't be for real at the same time for different persons
01:28.07tanghusyeah, must be :)
01:28.22tanghusWhat TZ are you in?
01:28.47tanghusDenmark here, so same
01:28.53neverendingoold and future events, absolutely unrelated?
01:30.14tanghusback from 4-5 years and birthdays coming in 2014 :D
01:30.23*** join/#kde wolftune (~aaron@
01:31.36DrSlonyY2K bug finally hits!
01:31.42tanghusany pimsters here?
01:36.08*** join/#kde dj3mb3 (
01:47.02*** join/#kde DaemonFC (~daemonfc@unaffiliated/daemonfc)
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02:01.49*** join/#kde schijnndraeff (~schijnn@
02:01.56JLPtanghus neverendingo: it's happening to me too
02:02.33tanghusHa ha, the poor pimsters will get an influx of bug reports
02:06.54*** join/#kde len (
02:07.53*** join/#kde niteshnarayanlal (Nitesh@fedora/niteshnarayanlal)
02:10.42buscherheh, have that "feature" too :)
02:12.03*** join/#kde binaryhat (
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02:14.22cornfeedhobodoes anyone recommend a good git cliet for kde??
02:16.04DaZhow about git? :v
02:17.05tanghusJLP: I just chimed in on that bug too ;)
02:21.37*** join/#kde tomcat_berlin_ (
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02:37.13cornfeedhoboDaZ: it sux
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02:39.44DaZcornfeedhobo: it doesn't.
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02:40.47DaZthere's qgit, but i don't know if it can do much :v
02:44.01cornfeedhobohmm brb
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02:52.56cornfeedhoboDaZ: this doesnt look like what i have seen before. i will give the stock gui a try again
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09:12.16williamherryhi, I am noticed that there are two type of magic lamp effect, they seems switch random, I like both of them but can't find the rule of which one show
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09:40.47Baldrunlo all
09:40.58Baldrunanyone else using kde and having problem with notifications only being displayed for a blimp of a second?
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11:32.48markandhello there
11:33.18markandI'm trying to import photos via digikam but I can't get any thumbnails :(
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12:13.49BluesKajHiyas all
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12:38.15LynoureHello, I've experienced a sudden drop in Dolphin generated ogg file sizes, from ~4M to 50K
12:38.35LynoureI've checked my settings for ogg encoding, but the slider there does not show the scale it uses.
12:38.42*** join/#kde MadAGu (
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12:40.51Lynoureseems these oggs do not play either. :/
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12:42.31AciD`hey, is there a way to use bigger fonts in akregator than in the rest of the kde system ? It seems it's tied to the global font size, but perhaps I'm wrong
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12:44.53DaZAciD`: there's always qss :v
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12:45.21CounterPillowWho's responsible for killing of the greatness that was kde-windows?
12:45.31DaZit's dead? :v
12:45.45AciD`DaZ > no qss in the ubuntu repo
12:45.59CounterPillowDaZ: hasn't seen an update in a while
12:46.04CounterPillowstill on 4.8.0
12:46.14CounterPillowusing dangerously outdated library versions such as poppler 18
12:46.35CounterPillowI've spent about 4 hours yesterday trying to build some packages myself
12:46.42CounterPillowbut cmake sucks
12:46.45DaZCounterPillow: join the project then :v
12:46.59CounterPillowyeah, does someone want to help me?
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12:47.36DaZ#kde-windows is related to, well. kde on windows :v
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12:48.00CounterPillowDaZ: aaand no one there is really talking, I was already there yesterday
12:48.37weoxsomething have memory leak in my desktop , it is kwin or plasma-desktop , how can i figure it out what is it ?? when i run :kquitapp kwin , my memory usage decrease 1.4gb ,
12:48.42AciD`CounterPillow > patience is a key feature in kde related apps channel :)
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12:49.09CounterPillowAciD`: I think if I'm talking to a gravestone it won't respond in a timely fashion either way
12:49.20AciD`weox > ctrl + esc should show you your memory usage
12:49.40DaZkde channels are dead most of the time ;v
12:49.41AciD`CounterPillow > :)
12:49.57AciD`I had to wait 15 days to get an answer on #akonadi
12:50.20AciD`then managed to find a workaround for my problem
12:50.24AciD`all in 1 month
12:51.06*** join/#kde Theo (
12:51.39weoxAciD` : problem is here , in system monitor  , in process list , show nothing . as normal kwin has ~80mb , desktop plas has ~50mb , but when i kill kwin , it is freeing 1.4gb of memory
12:52.09*** join/#kde PasNox_ (~pasnox@2a01:e35:8b4f:f2a0:600e:155a:61bf:4f9b)
12:52.18AciD`weox > use `free -m` when using kwin
12:52.20weoxAciD`: but in memory usage i can see , my system ate memory
12:52.28AciD`then the same cmd after you killed it
12:52.52AciD`if only the "-/+ buffers/cache" "free" line changed, don't bother :)
12:53.37weoxAciD` : i am on arch . thanks for this , another problem , where can i found kwin log ? is there any logging for kwin and kde app?
12:54.36AciD`weox > I'm using kwin with 65 Mib of used memory (on kde 4.10.1), 15 Mib of it is shared, and 1Gib of virtual memory
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13:00.24weoxAciD`: thanks for help
13:00.37AciD`weox > you are welcome
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13:13.52Baldrunanyone else using kde and having problem with notifications only being displayed for a blimp of a second?
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13:39.37Phr33d0mBaldrun nope
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14:14.16edgyNi, file indexer is not working, nepomuk controller shows: Scanning for recent changes in files for desktop search. Index files: 0 files in index
14:15.01edgyI am configured only one folder with a couple of small files and I am getting this:
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14:27.26vHandaedgy: 4.10.1?
14:28.03edgyvHanda: yes
14:28.24vHandathat's strange. Run nepomukindexer on any file?
14:39.43edgyvHanda: I ran it manually and it now says 1 file in index
14:40.12vHandaso indexing is working perfectly, but files aren't being indexed.
14:40.32vHandaare they files in /home/edgy/test" ?
14:40.40vHandacause this is the only folder that has been marked for indexing
14:42.50edgyvHanda: yes
14:42.50edgyvHanda: no, wait
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14:48.15edgyvHanda: In test I have a text file, an epub, a pdf, all contains a couple of words
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14:51.33edgyvHanda: if I try to index the epub file manually, I am getting and searching with dolphin doesn't reveal it
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14:56.04boratynskiGood evening.
14:56.45edgyvHanda: the options in Dolphin: any time, any rating, documents, ... all dimmed and greyed
14:56.53edgyboratynski: good evening
14:57.59boratynskiEvening, damn, afternoon, holidays. :-) Doesn't matter. I've got small question. Have anyone of you tried to install KDE on Atoms?
14:58.12edgyvHanda: so my main issue now is why I need to launch nepomuk manually to index my files and why it's only indexing text but not epub e.g
14:59.16*** join/#kde zzAMzz (
14:59.18invariantedgy, why are you wasting your time on nepomuk?
14:59.32invariantedgy, nepomuk has never worked for any real work load and never will.
14:59.42edgyinvariant: I have a library of ebooks that I need to search for any text on it
14:59.43invariantedgy, perhaps KDE on Windows will be able to work.
14:59.51edgyinvariant: really?
14:59.59invariantedgy, so, use something which is designed for that.
15:00.07edgyinvariant: like what?
15:01.12invariantedgy, most people disable Nepomuk unless they have a tiny amount of files.
15:01.41invariantedgy, Nepomuk depends on kernel features which were not designed to solve the problem which Nepomuk tries to solve.
15:02.08invariantedgy, it's like using a horse to win a flight contest.
15:02.23invariantedgy, the logic is really twisted.
15:03.05invariantedgy, it goes like this. Some people have a problem "we want to do desktop search", then there are a bunch of developers who see there is a Linux kernel and see a horse, and nothing else.
15:03.44invariantedgy, then instead of building an fighter jet, they "reuse" the horse, because in their mind it is "impossible" to build a fighter jet.
15:04.08edgyinvariant: but some people are saying it's working for them!
15:04.14edgyinvariant: and give good reviews
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15:04.31invariantedgy, sure, a sucker is born every minute.
15:04.33vHandaedgy: we don't indexing epub right now
15:04.42vHandasorry. I couldn't get it into 4.10
15:04.44edgyvHanda: and pdf?
15:04.50vHandawe do index pdfs :)
15:05.10invariantedgy, just use recoll, it's very fast too.
15:05.28invariantedgy, it's not perfect, but a lot more perfect than Nepomuk will ever be.
15:05.29edgyinvariant: I will certainly look for recoll and try it
15:05.38invariantedgy, it contains epub filters.
15:05.49invariantedgy, how many documents do you have/
15:06.04vHandaRecoll does work nicely if you only care about desktop search. Nepomuk on other hand also acts as an intermediate storage between applications
15:06.28vHandainvariant: how does recoll handle file updates?
15:06.34invariant"Recoll is based on the very strong Xapian search engine library, for which it provides a powerful text extraction layer and a complete, yet easy to use, Qt graphical interface."
15:06.45invariantRecoll doesn't reinvent the wheel.
15:06.55invariantvHanda, likely in a terrible way.
15:07.18invariantvHanda, I think it stats every file.
15:07.23vHandaright, so the same as Nepomuk. Probably.
15:07.25vHandaoh. no.
15:07.34vHandawe use inotify, which has its share of problems, but works ok
15:07.46invariantvHanda, nepomuk use inotify on 20M+ files.
15:08.02vHandawell, it creates 1 per folder
15:08.03edgyvHanda: I put a text like EEEEE in a pdf and nepomukindexer test/libreoffice.pdf and from dolphin searched for EEEEE and the file didn't came  out
15:08.07invariantIt uses a ton of memory, and it takes a long time to apply them.
15:08.37vHandaedgy: could you give me the file path?
15:08.37invariantvHanda, anyway, this is all chit chat.
15:08.40edgyvHanda: I have giga's of pdf and epub but for now I am testing nepomuk with 3 files I created myself
15:08.50invariantvHanda, the solution is clear and has been documented already.
15:08.56invariantvHanda, write a replacement for inotify.
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15:09.03vHandainvariant: it is? ah right.
15:09.32invariantvHanda, then provide the right interface, connect that to nepomuk and all the users rejoice.
15:09.41invariantThe users will say "wow, how does it do that".
15:09.46vHandathat would be awesome! :)
15:09.51invariant"Hey, it runs 100 times faster!"
15:10.00invariant"KDE is cool!"
15:10.20invariantBut now it's just "yeah, they have this totally cool RDF tech, but well, it doesn't really fit".
15:11.00invariantAt least my understanding is that the RDF tech is also used by some company which likely means that it is quite fast.
15:11.08edgyvHanda: the file path? /home/edgy/test/libreoffice.pdf
15:11.36*** join/#kde phoenix_firebrd (~quassel@
15:11.50vHanda$ nepomukcmd query 'select * where { ?r ?p ?o . ?r nie:url <file:///home/edgy/test/libreoffice.pdf> . }'
15:12.12*** join/#kde AciD` (
15:12.29invariantvHanda, which query language is that?
15:12.54invariantvHanda, ok, so nothing the nepomuk devs invented?
15:13.04invariantThat's at least something they did the right way then.
15:13.05vHandanope. W3C standard
15:13.54invariantI am also not sure what's so special about kernel code.
15:14.06invariantThe kernel also just runs C and has a C API.
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15:14.56vHandaso the plain text has been indexed
15:14.57vHandar -> <nepomuk:/res/f030a684-0d36-4551-bb3a-f6972d59158e>; p -> <>; o -> "EEEEE\nععععع\n"^^<>
15:15.07invariantAll you need to do is add a conditional before every write access to a file, dynamically rewrite the code after it has been accessed at most once and add it to some parallel queue.
15:15.22edgyvHanda: yes, the plain text indexed but not the epub and not the pdf
15:15.29invariantIn Scheme this would take perhaps 30 lines or so.
15:15.36vHandaedgy: I meant the text from the pdf file has been indexed
15:15.45vHandanow we need to figure out why search is not working
15:16.02vHandaedgy: $ kioclient list 'nepomuksearch:/EEEEE'
15:17.00vHandainvariant: I think it's more of a case of comfort level. One gets comfortable with one langauge / API and it takes time to get into the C way of programming
15:17.03vHandaand the kernel
15:17.41edgyvHanda: yes, kioclient list the file, Alt-F2 also listed the file, but dolphin doesn't
15:18.01vHandacould you type 'nepomuksearch:/EEEEE' in the dolphin location bar?
15:19.00edgyvHanda: urgenly I need to be away for 10 mins, I will be back, and really thanks for your care
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15:40.39edgyvHanda: nepomuksearch:/EEEEE worked
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15:40.56vHandaright so there is something wrong with Dolphin
15:41.07vHandawhat options were chosen when you were searching via dolphin?
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15:43.36vHandaedgy: I'm concerned about the from here (munzir)
15:43.40vHandatry everywhere?
15:44.19edgyvHanda: tried everywhere and still the same, btw I replaced munzir with edgy in all the outputs I pasted before ;)
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15:44.42vHandalet me look at the dolphin code
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15:46.41edgyvHanda: thanks and also Nepomuk controller give the message "Scanning for recent changes in files for desktop search" taking forever doesn't seems correct
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15:48.44edgyvHanda: also, what's this error: /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/TSSTcorp_DVDWBD_TS_LB23D_R8CP6GRBA01008" : property "Drive" does not exist
15:49.01*** join/#kde az (
15:49.17vHandasolid stuff. Nepomuk is trying to detect the removable media and is failing to do so
15:49.49edgyvHanda: I don't have a removable media!
15:50.15edgyvHanda: you are nepomuk developer?
15:51.08vHandawell, solid is trying to report some UDisks2 drive.
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15:51.44vHandaedgy: qdbus /nepomukfileindexer isCleaning
15:52.03edgyvHanda: true
15:52.20vHandaedgy: it's cleaning some old indexed stuff.
15:52.43vHandaThis will only happen when you're idle with 4.10.2
15:53.34edgyvHanda: there is nothing to clean, I removed all the old nepomuk directories in my home and started from scratch and it's taking a couple of days may be
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16:01.07edgyvHanda: 23M     .kde4/share/apps/nepomuk
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16:26.23edgyvHanda: do you need any info for me to help debug the issue or that's enough? because I have to go
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16:42.37edgyvHanda: % qdbus *nepomuk*
16:42.38edgyprocess 6291: arguments to dbus_message_new_method_call() were incorrect, assertion "destination == NULL || _dbus_check_is_valid_bus_name (destination)" failed in file dbus-message.c line 1265.
16:42.38edgyThis is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
16:42.38edgy[1]    6291 abort (core dumped)  qdbus *nepomuk*
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17:54.44lvellahi there
17:54.55lvellaI think I found a bug, how to proceed?
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17:56.02Torchlvella: search for it on if you can't find it, report it yourself there.
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17:57.59lvellahow is it called, in english, that feature that shows the contents of a directory in the desktop
17:58.15Torchlvella: folder view?
17:58.17lvellamine is in portuguese
17:58.21lvellamay be...
17:58.27Phr33d0mFolder View
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18:25.57lvellawhat "product" is responsible for "folder view" in bug report window?
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18:33.55msxhi all :) does anybody knows where are stored current desktop's plasmoids/widgets data? i need to remove a folder widget that is duplicated but there isn't a way to remove it
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18:39.48estanhi. why does the startkde4 script add the PATH to where qt4 binaries are installed to the PATH? KDE doesn't need those to be in the PATH to run, right? they should only be needed if you want to develop qt4 apps.
18:40.56estani'm on arch, and they recently switched to Qt5 as the default Qt version (that is, /usr/bin/qmake is the Qt5 version, while /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 is a symlink to /usr/lib/qt4/bin/qmake)
18:41.50estanbut i was surprised to notice that "qmake" in a konsole gave me the Qt4 version, not Qt5. then i noticed that /usr/lib/qt4/bin was in my PATH, and that it was startkde4 that added it.
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18:43.24estanit's right at the start of the script, around line 19-33. it adds the output of kde4-config --qt-binaries (which is /usr/lib/qt/bin for me) to the PATH.
18:43.58estani don't see why that should be necessary? what is it when just running KDE that requires the Qt tools to be in the PATH?
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18:44.18DarthCodusi just upgraded my ubuntu to 12.10, and my desktop grid doesn't seem to be working
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18:45.46DarthCodusmy discrete card's drivers were were removed in the upgrade, but that can't be the problem, right?
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19:05.02thiagoestan: Arch is out-of-policy. Their setup is not supported, period.
19:05.29thiagoArch will need to fix their build of Qt 5.
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19:05.48thiagoOn distributions where Qt 4 is supported, "qmake" on path must default to Qt 4.
19:05.59thiagoif Qt 5 is also supported, the distribution should install qtchooser.
19:09.03PasNoxHi i'm using kde sc 4.10.1 and nepomuk database engine ( virtuoso-t ) still does not respects the memory limit ( 100MB), it's currently 400MB size :/ what i can do ?
19:09.06estanthiago: okay, fair enough. but where is this policy documented, and what's the rationale for it? why should KDE care what versions of Qt tools are the the default (from a runtime perspective)?
19:09.31PasNoxeven by deactivating / reactivating it it use more 100MB ( it's currently 140MB after restart)
19:09.49estani just commented out that section of my /usr/bin/startkde and KDE started fine.
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19:21.43athlon1Hello. Can any tell me if is possible to play a video as screensaver? I user opensuse 12.3 Thanks
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19:39.25thiagoestan: it was discussed in the Qt mailing lists.
19:39.40thiagoestan: this was the agreement between the Qt devs and the distro packagers.
19:39.47thiagoestan: now all packagers must abide.
19:39.59thiagoestan: KDE cares because KDE 4 compilation searches for qmake and that must be the Qt 4 version.
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19:45.04estanthiago: ah. alright. i understand that for compilation it's necessary, but for just running KDE? why have it added to the PATH in the startkde script?
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19:52.07estananyway, shame on my distro for going against upstream policy :) mostly i think they're quite OK regarding things like that.
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19:58.42athlon1I'm trying to acess and says "502 Bad gaeway". Can any tell me if works other days?
19:59.18thiagoestan: it shouldn't be necessary, provided qdbus is on path and works
19:59.42thiagoestan: startkde adds the Qt 4 path anyway
20:01.34estanthiago: right, but that's what i'm wondering; why does startkde need to add the path with the Qt 4 executables (qmake, uic, moc et.c.) to the PATH? i understand if it needs these tools to be compiled, but for just running it?
20:01.51estan(or perhaps i misunderstood your "startkde adds the Qt 4 path anyway")
20:02.49thiagoestan: it needs to add the path that contains qdbus
20:04.24estanthiago: alright. at the moment i'm running with that section commented, so the qdbus in my PATH is the Qt 5 one.
20:06.14estananyway, let's just hope Arch comes to their senses then. thanks for the info.
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20:45.22DrSlonyHi, how can I use dbus commands to mount, or is there some kde4 applet/program I can run when using Awesome WM to automount?
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21:01.12godhackis there a kde IRC application with latex support?
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21:22.57aPpYeI have two entries for the same partition under Devices in Dolphin.  One listed with the correct label, and the other listed as 465gb hard drive ...  I thought it might  be a dolphin config thing  but I already tried deleting anything with the phrase "dolphin" from anywhere in my home directory to no avail.  I figure there is something going on with the partition itself?
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21:24.41aPpYeI would rather not recreate the partition, as it will take a while to move 200+ gigs of data back and forth.
21:25.16BluesKajaPpYe:  run sudo fdisk -l to find the dev assigned to the partitions and mount the one you access.
21:25.36BluesKajwant access to
21:28.33aPpYeokay, I ran fdisk -l and it produced some output ... I forgot to mention that the "incorrect" entry for the partition asks for root password when I click on it.  When I enter it, it says that /dev/sde1 is already mounted...  It is indeed mounted already ... the exact error message is as such:
21:28.35aPpYeAn error occurred while accessing '465.8 GiB Hard Drive', the system responded: The kernel driver for this filesystem type is not available.: Error mounting: mount: /dev/sde already mounted or /media/d1c14ab0-fa16-4c2c-81cb-dc0e5172ed99 busy
21:29.31aPpYeit is ext4 as far as I know ...
21:29.52aPpYeand It is already mounted and useable ... I even have it in fstab
21:29.57aPpYeand it mounts fine there...
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21:35.16BluesKajaPpYe:  run sudo blkid and add the uuid instead of the /dev/sdX in fstab, and drop the quotes in the string
21:35.33aPpYeBluesKaj, it is already the uuid
21:35.35aPpYein fstab
21:36.26aPpYeI did move some stuff around after the install ... but here is my fstab and everything is working correctly as far as I know, except for the extra entry in dolphin.
21:36.36BluesKajaPpYe:  did you get an option to skip or fix manually when you booted your pc ?
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21:39.35aPpYewell, I
21:39.54aPpYerebooted this ubuntu system with /forcefsck
21:39.59aPpYeand let it run through
21:40.08aPpYeseveral times
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21:42.41aPpYeI suppose I can manually dismount and run fsck with some other options?
21:42.44BluesKajaPpYe:  perhaps the uuid changed if you moved some partitions around
21:44.01aPpYewell, if the uuid changed, it would not mount correctly in the first place right?  Like I said, it is mounted correctly ... here is my fstab.
21:44.22aPpYethe offending partition is /dev/sde ... the one that is currently mounted at /home/aPpYe
21:44.31aPpYeand it is perfectly accessible.
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21:45.52aPpYethe only thing I moved around was the mount point.  I did not physically move anything.
21:47.23aPpYehrm.  I guess in the amount of time that I have been waiting for some good solution, I could have moved everything off, recreated the partition and put it back on ...
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21:49.39BluesKajaPpYe:  I haven't seen "relatime" option before ..I normally use "defaults" under options
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21:52.18aPpYerelatime is related to "noatime" ... it makes filesystem have better performance because it does not update access times for files/folders ...  noatime supposedly breaks some stuff and relatime does not.  I don't remember the specifics, but I have used relatime for years on many machines.
21:53.44BluesKajok , so it's not really relavant then
21:54.47aPpYeI am guessing this is a problem with the partiton and not kde ... I was hoping for a simple fix.  I will recreate the partition and see what happens.
21:56.00BluesKajok , my experience with fstab rather limited and I'm out of ideas anyway :)
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22:02.13BluesKajwell. it's dinnertime here ....laters
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22:21.53WalzmynIs there a setting somewhere in Kontact to turn off flash/java plugins the way you can in a web browser?
22:22.42rdieterWalzmyn: I thought plugins were disabled by default already.  do you have evidence to the contrary?
22:23.38Walzmynrdieter: Kontact keeps crashing asking for a flash plugin. I want it to just ignore any flash request.
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22:30.18rdieteryeah, kdepim/messageviewer/mailwebview_webkit.cpp contains:
22:32.15rdieterWalzmyn: maybe your problem is something else?
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22:32.40rdieterWalzmyn: when you say kontact, are you talking about kmail or ??
22:32.51rdieterie, the email component.
22:33.17rdietermight help to mention your distro and kde version too
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22:56.47lnxslck - awesom new console
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23:33.05Walzmynrdieter: sorry, supper got ready. I'm running KDE 4.10.1 on Kubuntu 12.04 and the offending section would be Agrigator. It only happens if I open a webpage in a tab and leave it open
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