IRC log for #kde on 20130217

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02:43.14dk0rI'm on arch using networkmanager. When I try to configure KDE Control Module with a vpnc connection I receive the error: "No agents were available for this request". Any suggestions?
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04:09.32AndrewX192Keep having a problem on KDE 4.9.5, where my system stops responding to mouse input (everything works via keyboard), but I cannot click on anything. no X events are generated - but the mouse is fine
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04:20.17AndrewX192I can get access for a few seconds if I right click on the plasma dock
04:20.35AndrewX192but a few seconds later, it taks away my access and I can only use my keyboard again
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04:32.48AndrewX192could not regain session, forced to zap server
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04:34.50AndrewX192rolled mouse over clock widget, and it ah
04:35.05AndrewX192rolled mouse over clock widget, and it happened again.
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05:47.19factorAnyone kow why or how to get kde kmix to connect to alsa controls
05:47.57factorI reinstalled to 64 bit debian 7.0 and my kde sound (kmix) and wifi plasma controls no longer work.
05:53.09*** join/#kde cahyadi (~cahyadi@
05:57.52troyalienBOB: PCM was muted, and not listed in kmix by default... alsamixer fixed it *shrug*
05:58.36troyfactor: works for me - but since I spent a bit of today diagnosing an alsa issue, maybe I'll give your issue a shot as well
05:59.05troyfactor: first question - can you get sound out of other programs (non kde... eg, vlc)
05:59.33factorsorry was afk
05:59.48troyno worries - I only just responded seconds ago :D
06:00.08factorYes I have to use alsamixer gui I made an ico for it
06:00.21factorbut I cant use kimix
06:00.30troywhat version of kde?
06:00.56factorwas setting up my wobbly windows.
06:01.01factorhold on
06:01.08troyhaha, okay :D
06:01.51factorkde 4.8.4
06:02.23troywhen you use a kde app to play sound, does it work?
06:02.36factorwill try amarok , but let see
06:02.48troydragon works for a quick check (don't have to index anything)
06:04.23factoryes amarok does , I had to use alsamixergui to hear it though
06:04.57factorkmix wont even start
06:05.02troyI have kde 4.10.0 installed, and kmix has changed quite a bit since then
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06:05.17troyokay, start kmix from a console and put the logs up on pastebin
06:05.31factorQDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
06:05.39factorthatis the commandline error I guet
06:05.46troythat's the only error?
06:05.58factoron the commandline yes
06:06.14factorget it twice then it ends
06:06.19*** join/#kde geek (~killown@unaffiliated/geek)
06:06.26troyI just started kmix here, and it gives me that message twice as well, and functions correctly
06:06.36factori pulled all the pulse audio stuff out
06:06.47troyI don't have that either (slackware)
06:07.05factorI may not have tasks on
06:07.08troyafter I get that error twice, I get a bunch of lines like this:
06:07.10troyQDBusConnection for control created "/Mixers/ALSA__HDA_Intel_MID_1/Master_0"
06:07.13factorhold so i can see it in my tray
06:07.27factorI dont get them
06:08.01troydo you have a custom /etc/asound.conf or similar?
06:08.39factorlet me see if I did, I have my old hard drive attached
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06:09.47troyother thing to check... can you try moving ~/.kde/share/config/kmix* someplace else? (I'd say to delete them, but then you don't have a backup of the settings if you care to restore them)
06:10.57factorthe only backend I have is vlc
06:11.10factoreverything set to analog as it should be as first chocie
06:11.14troythat's fine - that's the one I use too
06:12.21factorok its working
06:12.32factorand i added system tray and its shwoing up
06:12.46troyhigh fives himself
06:12.47factorworking perfect now
06:12.50troywhich one was the fix?
06:12.59factori love smooth tasks as well .
06:13.05factorjust had it and not system tray
06:13.12troyoh, hah!
06:13.33*** join/#kde Rish (~quassel@
06:13.46troyoh, I think I understand
06:14.06troybecause it was already running (but not visible), starting again from the command line did nothing
06:14.09factorbut wifi plasma widget is not working. , I wonder what network add is getting in its way
06:14.38troyfactor: does debian use networkmanager to manage the network connections?
06:14.42factorDo you use the kde wifi plasma widget for network management
06:15.00troyyep, but on slackware, you need to enable networkmanager first (and disable the manual networking)
06:15.12factorrecall all sorts of versions like avahi or something
06:15.27factorbut I have networkmanager-kde installed
06:15.40troyit needs a daemon running in the background to speak to
06:15.45troymake sure it's running
06:16.28troyfor me I see /usr/sbin/NetworkManager in my process table
06:16.32troythat's what KDE requires
06:16.40troyor the applet won't work
06:16.46factorwireless-tools made the interfaces config file
06:17.19factori have that
06:17.35factorbut you said its running in your ps table
06:18.00factorroot      3167  0.0  0.0 158184  5700 ?        Ssl  Feb16   0:00 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager
06:18.18factorseems to be running.
06:18.20troyroot      2188  0.0  0.1 244872  6428 ?        Ssl  Feb16   0:09 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager
06:18.24troylooks similar, yep :D
06:18.45factorwhen I open the network plasma widget it says wireless <hidden network>
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06:19.21troymine shows that as the first entry, plus like 35 others (big apartment building - lots of neighbours :D)
06:19.41troyor, neighbors, if you're a yankee :D
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06:19.57troylet me see
06:20.40factornot to many out in the woods , but 1 or 2 sometimes
06:21.29troyokay - not quite sure - going to think for a minute
06:22.37troyif you go to the command line and run 'nm-tool', does it list all your wireless access points?
06:22.47factorthat is fine , I will see what i can do , having sound control back is a big plus
06:23.50factortroy, will work on it later on after work. just woke up to fix what i could
06:24.07troyhaha, okay...
06:24.28factorit can wait , it works. Just cant reinit when it goes awry.
06:25.03factorI think its just some default debian control , I have to disable and let kde take over.
06:25.16troymore likely it's networkmanager you need to let take over
06:25.26troykde just talks to it over dbus... doesn't actually do anything itself :D
06:25.45factorYes kde works well with IPC
06:25.47troyokay, have fun at work :D
06:25.54factordcop now dbus working well
06:26.09factordbus is nice for controlling things by commandline
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06:28.00factorhcan I add active desktop back grounds
06:28.20troyI think plasma does that.. lemme check
06:28.44factorthatis what i thought, used to have superkaramba, but thought kde had it all as well
06:29.00troyright click on desktop, bring up the dialog where you set the desktop background
06:29.12factoryes looking at it
06:29.17troysomewhere on the top will be a dropdown that says Image - change that to something more entertaining
06:29.40troyI have 4.10 so I might have newer things, but I get animated background, a globe, etc.
06:29.41factorWas wondering if kde had a way to add options to this list
06:29.56factorYe si have that
06:30.02troyfactor: well, I'm not sure how easy it is, but the whole of plasma is modular
06:30.41factorlooks like 4.9 added animated wallpaper
06:30.47factorI have 4.8.4 currently
06:31.40troyyeah - on 4.10 there's three animations to choose from, but no super obvious way to add more easily
06:31.53troyit's kind of distracting... keeps changing colours :D
06:32.16troythere's a really funny 'ascii animals' animation :D
06:32.30factorlooks like you can make mplayer the widget for the background
06:33.09factorok thanks , see about getting back to sleep
06:33.20troyit's not even midnight here
06:33.29troyokay, ciao
06:34.40factordesktop layout is pretty cool. leading into the touch screen type layouts
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07:19.38ZannyIt's been a month and I haven't had any major breaks in 4.10. So excellent release! Improvements, nothing wrong, just putting out some kudos for a good job on my end.
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08:59.12krioni'm having ksmserver segfaulting
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08:59.23krioni'm wondering what to do in order to make him to work
09:01.26tcbwould it be possible to add "reverse sort" and a "filter by date" to the folderview plasmoid?
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09:14.24Moviurohi all! Is there a KDE integrated IDE for java ?
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11:03.00ZorroTgpg in kmail is not prompting for a passphrase, simply refusing to decrypt mail with the result of "bad passphrase"
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11:04.01undead_RamchandrZorroT: run kmail from cmd and give output
11:05.53ZorroTundead_Ramchandr: nothing relevant. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connectionc reated before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave, warnings about font config and Hspell hebrew dictionary sizes.
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11:09.58ZorroTi found two references to the bug, both quite old (2007)
11:10.07ZorroTbut the fixes... didn't.
11:11.00ZorroT( )
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11:34.50BluesKajHey all
11:38.30Sho_hi tomw889
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12:29.23DyrvereCan't I use a fully fledged window menu instead of window title?
12:31.30rindolfDyrvere: hi.
12:31.35rindolfDyrvere: right click.
12:31.41rindolfDyrvere: what is your theme?
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12:32.40DyrvereOxygen Window&Border with Oxygen-Genesis plasma.
12:35.32DyrvereThere should be a menu row style that replaces Window title with the menu. :p
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13:18.56Psi|4wardHey everyone
13:19.35Psi|4wardUpdated to KDE 4.10 and now my whole desktop looks blurred (catalyst prop driver, opengl, raster)
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13:24.29MamarokPsi|4ward: disable the blur in the desktop effects?
13:24.39Mamarokand use the free driver, Catalyst sucks
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13:26.49Psi|4wardMamarok: i need catalyst to get 3 screens working with spaned desktop
13:27.27Psi|4wardMamarok: i ve not one desktop effect activated
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13:28.41Mamarokdit you at least try the free driver with KDE 4.10.0 before dismissing it as not working? KWin now supports OpenGL, so it should just work
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13:29.12Psi|4wardits because the eyefinity technics
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13:30.04Psi|4wardit really seems a bug in OpenGL, XRendr compsiting renders everything sharp
13:30.45Mamarokoh well, make a bug report. But you will get the same remarks as I did, use the open driver, at least give it a shot
13:31.08Psi|4wardill over to try
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13:52.27Psi|4wardMamarok: seems to work perfect with readeon!
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14:01.15Mamaroktold you so :)
14:01.30Eliatropewhy does Arch recommend this? "and uncomment the following line // sql_mode=strict_trans_tables"
14:01.52MamarokI don't know, ask them?
14:02.20Mamarokor ask in #kontact, they might know
14:02.28EliatropeMamarok, you think creating mysql-local isn't necessary?
14:02.43MamarokEliatrope: I don't know, didn't I just say that?
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14:22.47FurquanHow can I contribute?
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14:25.36FurquanI wanna help in developing applications
14:25.50FurquanBut don't know how to do it?
14:26.00invariantFurquan, the process for contribution is documented.
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14:26.38FurquanWhat prior knowledge is required
14:26.41BluesKajFurquan, you can ask in #kde-devel
14:26.54invariantFurquan, there are various languages you use, but C++ is used for the core things, which means you need to essentially already be a skilled programmer to contribute in a meaningful way.
14:27.24invariantFurquan, the typical way to get started is to find stuff that annoys you and send patches for that.
14:27.39BluesKajjust click on the # and thee channel will open
14:29.40ahiemstraFurquan: this might help:
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14:33.09MamarokFurquan: read the KDE guide:
14:33.43FurquanThanks all of you
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14:34.28Mamarokthen head over to the junior Jobs (the links are in techbase) and look at the code, just don't ask people to tell you what do do on ever line, if you can code you should be able to figure out that on your own, Junior Jobs are low hanign fruits
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14:40.43smashyhi all
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16:18.55OkitainDoes anyone use lightdm?
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16:19.09muepquite certainly someone uses it
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16:19.38OkitainWell, I'm not quite abstract with the question.
16:20.19Sho_I've seen some folks trying lightdm-kde, yeah ... haven't tried it myself yet
16:20.53OkitainFor some reason, it resets to what seems like gtk-greeter for me.
16:20.59Sho_Okitain: the lightdm-kde dev tells me there's a #kde-lightdm
16:21.47Sho_unless it's a front for, say, my little pony discussion it sounds like you might have a higher chance of success there
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16:24.28dtrubyAnyone know how to stop the screen from locking when laptop lid is shut and an external monitor is plugged in? This would be a minor annoyance but because if this it locks every time I switch activity as well :'(
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16:40.12Paddy_NIMore people should use KDE
16:40.55Paddy_NII wonder if a survey has ever been carried out on KDE developers and which distros they primarily use
16:41.38Paddy_NII would like to know what distro presents the most accurate representaion of KDE from the developers point of view
16:42.56Sho_Paddy_NI: A lot of developers compile KDE themselves of course, so the distro isn't necessarily directly relevant to their KDE experience
16:43.18Paddy_NIOh.. I suppose that's a good point
16:43.20*** join/#kde MercurialAlchemi (~mercurial@
16:43.26Sho_Paddy_NI: Beyond that, as a KDE dev, I can't say I've detected any trend of any one distro having a particular hold over the dev community
16:43.33Paddy_NIwhat about package management?
16:43.41Sho_Paddy_NI: Lots of Kubuntu, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Gentoo, Arch, ..
16:44.18Paddy_NIYeah I switched back to KDE this year when I installed OpenSUSE 12.2..
16:44.30Paddy_NISo far I really cannot believe how I did without KDE
16:44.44Sho_I'm on Fedora myself
16:45.04Paddy_NIOh nice.. It's been a while since I have used Fedora
16:45.24Sho_and previously I was on Gentoo
16:45.40Paddy_NIGentoo and Arch both have my curiosity
16:45.56Paddy_NIGentoo however has had it much longer
16:46.11Sho_I used Gentoo for seven years actually
16:46.27Sho_on Fedora since 2009
16:46.28Paddy_NIWhat made you make the switch away?
16:46.52BluesKajI ran ran opensude 12.2 for a while , it's nice and stable with kde
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16:47.03BluesKajerr opensuse
16:47.16Paddy_NIYeah I really like it
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16:47.25Sho_You could say bad conscience, in a way ... I realized that with the improvements in power management, the source-based approach of compiling everything on the leaf nodes instead of centrally on the distro buidl infrastructure is systematically less energy-efficient
16:47.36Sho_That nagged me, so I decided to go to a binary distro
16:47.45Sho_Otherwise Gentoo is a very nice system for what it does, thoguh
16:47.50Paddy_NIOh well that's a good reason
16:48.12BluesKajPaddy_NI, I also ran arch to see what the fuss was all about , but I couldn't find anything to fuss over :)
16:49.06Paddy_NII guess Gentoo has my interest simply to increase my knowledge with compiling software and generally learning linux
16:49.24Paddy_NIThe hand book looks really nice
16:49.24Sho_Actually Fedora  and Arch were the two binary distros I was trying to decide between when I left Gentoo, but Arch had some obvious problems to me back then like the lack of debug symbol packages
16:49.28BluesKajtesting kubuntu 13.04 atm ...quite stable so far
16:49.29Sho_dunno if that has been fixed since
16:49.53Sho_Paddy_NI: Oh yeah, Gentoo is very nice in teaching system-level stuff
16:50.08Paddy_NIBluesKaj: I often wonder how KDE performance differs between Kubuntu and other distros
16:50.44OkitainPaddy_NI: Some people say Ubuntu can't cook KDE well.
16:50.46BluesKajPaddy_NI, can't say I've really noticed much diff
16:50.49Paddy_NISho_: I have a Nexus 7 which would be nice to house the Gentoo Hand Book on.. all I need is time :_)
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16:51.56Paddy_NIEver since I have tried OpenSUSE KDE I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the overall KDE experience
16:51.59Sho_ah yeah, I have a Nexus 7 too
16:53.00Paddy_NISho_: Yeah I believe it is completely necessary to have another internet connected device when experimenting on your main computer
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16:53.38Paddy_NISho_: Gentoo will break my brain I am sure but with a Nexus 7 on stand by I will be able to dig myself out
16:53.41Sho_certainly comes in handy, didn't have a tablet back in 2002 tho :)
16:53.48BluesKajPaddy_NI, i lked opensuse a lot , but I'm commited to testing on Kubuntu 13.04 and ran out of room on the HDD ..too many OS s
16:54.15Paddy_NIBluesKaj: I yeah I used to have that problem when I distro hopped on a near weekly basis
16:54.39Sho_my distrohopping time actually ended with Gentoo
16:54.39BluesKajsome ppl say trying to compile gentoo is like wearing a hair shirt :)
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16:54.42Paddy_NII have since made myself stick with a distro for as long as I can
16:54.46Sho_it wars the first I liked enough to stick with it
16:55.21Paddy_NII love the idea of having something compiled specifically to my hardware
16:56.02Paddy_NIBut I will be sticking with OpenSUSE until I feel adventurous enough
16:56.05Sho_well, I liked the bottom-up approach of the handbook taking you through installing a very minimal system and then progessively adding to that, because it taught you what you actually had installed and how things fit together
16:56.21Sho_nowadays I emulate that with Fedora by installing a minimal system with the netinstall ISO first
16:56.26Sho_so my Gentoo ways haven't quite left me
16:56.30Paddy_NISho_: That is definitely a major appeal for me
16:56.40Paddy_NISho_: Ah I see :_)
16:57.12BluesKajmy linux chops aren't ready for the likes of gentoo , but I'm looking into apt-build with some friends who are contemplating another debian based OS
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16:57.51Paddy_NIBluesKaj: That sounds interesting.. I must admit I do miss apt massively
16:58.05Paddy_NIgetting used to zypper is not easy
16:58.15Sho_how so?
16:58.28Sho_been a while since I used zypper, and then only lightly, but seemed ok
16:58.44Paddy_NISho_: Oh I guess things like package name completion when trying to install something
16:59.09BluesKaji thought zypper was ok , I even managed to create some aliases for the update and upgrades
16:59.22Sho_I used to run openSUSE in my laptop for about half a year or so, probably around 2006 or 2007
16:59.29Paddy_NISho_: Or being able to grab the source effortlessly "apt-get source package_name"
16:59.41Sho_but I had problems with KDE upgrades and some rather unhappy support experiences in their channels, so I dropped it again
16:59.55Paddy_NIBluesKaj: Yeah I am sure zypper is great I just have the old habits
17:00.26Paddy_NISho_: that's a good reason to drop any distro
17:00.46Paddy_NIOne simply needs someone to turn to for help every now and then
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17:01.20Paddy_NIcan be extremely fatiguing
17:01.43BluesKajSho_, agreed , found the suse support chans full juvey attitudes and converstion , not nuch help/support there
17:01.49Sho_Their KDE upgrades at the time were in unsupported add-on repositories and of relatively shoddy quality, and when I asked for help I got rather brusque replies along the lines of "stick to the DVD if you can't handle it"
17:02.11Paddy_NIlol... yeah I absolutely detest that attitude
17:02.21Sho_And they had ~18 months release cycles at the time while KDE released every 6-8, so I felt there was a legitimate demand for KDE upgrades
17:02.24BluesKajnot much support rather
17:02.31Sho_Anyway, they've changed quite a bit since then I'm sure
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17:02.58Paddy_NISho_: They now have a semi-rolling release called "tumbleweed"
17:03.11BluesKajSho_, I'm talking about 6 weeks ago
17:03.17Paddy_NIand a few more irc channels with some pleasant people lately
17:03.31Sho_ah, rolling is nice (-> Gentoo), tho Fedora comes close
17:03.38Paddy_NI#opensuse-kde is a good channel
17:04.05Paddy_NIAptosid seems very interesting also
17:04.33Paddy_NIrolling releases will definitely be the future for linux
17:04.46Paddy_NIeventually that is
17:05.34Paddy_NIThere is chatter among most communities regarding the possibilities
17:06.37OkitainPaddy_NI: as soon as we have infinite devs, that is.
17:06.52Paddy_NIlol.. yeah I guess that is an issue
17:07.04OkitainOr no more than 3 major distributions.
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17:07.25NeuhristideHi !
17:07.25Sho_I wouldn't say that rolling requires more manpower, actually
17:07.31Paddy_NIOkitain: I do like the future possibilities that services like "Flattr" present
17:08.07OkitainSho_: new versions of everything mean needed rigorious testing.
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17:09.15OkitainWhich needs either manpower or slow, slow update cycles.
17:09.21Paddy_NIOkitain: How does Arch manage?
17:09.28Paddy_NIand Chakra?
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17:09.53Sho_but 'new versions of everything' is actually what a big rollup release approximates, wheras rolling is a series of smaller changes over time
17:09.54Paddy_NII legitimately wonder
17:10.09Sho_the testing approach usually is to have a firehose branch that testers sample frquently enough
17:10.09OkitainPaddy_NI: and Deb-unstable, and Mga-cauldron...
17:10.40OkitainThey mostly rely on the mantra that everything can break.
17:10.51Paddy_NII guess it depends how it is spit up
17:10.57Okitain(At least Arch is notorious for that.)
17:11.02Paddy_NIWhat gets updated and when
17:11.15OkitainGentoo says that everything is in the users' hands.
17:11.19Paddy_NIperhaps the kernel could be every 6 months
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17:11.52Sho_the kernel is actually relatively unlikely to break things these days
17:12.12TheKingI got a problem with the bouncing ball.
17:12.18Paddy_NIThings are less coupled
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17:13.26TheKingIt went below the screen.
17:13.36Paddy_NII must admit my heart sank when I heard that Mandriva was sinking... My first installed linux OS was Mandrake 10.1
17:13.50Sho_my first distro was Corel Linux
17:13.56OkitainPaddy_NI: Well, they split.
17:13.56Sho_a strange freak of history, that one ..
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17:14.08Paddy_NIIs Mageia any where near as good?
17:14.28Paddy_NISho_: Corel Linux.. I must look that up
17:14.34OkitainPaddy_NI: Using 3-Beta - it's snappy.
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17:15.01Paddy_NIOkitain: They split.. how so..?
17:15.02OkitainThere is mageia, there is rosa and there is openmandriva.
17:15.09Sho_Paddy_NI: Remnants of Corel Linux later turned into Xandros
17:15.12Paddy_NII thought it was money
17:15.31Okitainopenmandriva is dead on arrival.
17:15.39OkitainMageia is flourishing.
17:16.18OkitainROSA is done by Russian devs with money from the government, so it's kind of exotic.
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17:17.39Paddy_NIOkitain: That makes me happy knowing that the extremely high quality that Mandrake/Mandriva brought to linux is still alive
17:18.08Paddy_NII guess it's because it was my first installation of linux
17:18.16Paddy_NImade me switch completely
17:18.55OkitainPaddy_NI: I'm kind of wondering if there's any other distro that doesn't suck.
17:19.25Paddy_NIthen we would have nothing left to fix.. that would be boring
17:19.46Paddy_NIinnovation would be stagnant
17:20.07Sho_is quite happy with Fedora on the not-sucking front
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17:20.29Paddy_NII like the "Why Linux Sucks" videos
17:20.33Paddy_NI*On youtube
17:20.34OkitainWe still have graphics drivers.
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17:20.55Paddy_NIOkitain: Well with the introduction of steam that should rapidly change
17:21.13Paddy_NIremember wifi issues
17:21.23OkitainPaddy_NI: Yep, any second now.
17:21.23OkitainStill waiting for the thing to run on my laptop.
17:21.52Paddy_NIThankfully gone.. I get more wifi troubles doing windows installations than *anywhere* else
17:22.10Paddy_NIOkitain: lol.. I installed it last night
17:22.24Sho_my TV tuner card works fine on Linux, and not at all on Windows because there are no 64 bit drivers for it ..
17:22.40Paddy_NIworks beautifully on OpenSUSE.. I actually stopped playing games a few years ago
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17:22.46Paddy_NIBut I could not resist
17:23.05Paddy_NIit is a landmark for linux after all
17:23.18Paddy_NISho_: Nasty
17:24.49Sho_actually has Steam open right now
17:25.16Paddy_NII'm going to check it out for a few minutes to see what is available
17:26.16Sho_I seem to have 39 Linux games in it
17:26.48Paddy_NIwhat the hell.. really?
17:27.11Sho_lots of indie stuff picked up for cheap via the humble bundle sales etc.
17:27.17Paddy_NIis installing Half-Life :-D
17:27.33Sho_yeah I did that earlier :)
17:27.40Paddy_NISho_: Excellent
17:27.49Paddy_NISho_: X3!!
17:28.01Paddy_NIoh dear my marriage is going to suffer
17:28.05Sho_yeah, has a Linux beta as of two-three weeks ago or so
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17:30.31Paddy_NISho_: When you play a game on steam do you disable desktop effects>
17:30.43Sho_Paddy_NI: Not usually no
17:30.47Paddy_NIwould it be wise to?
17:31.14Sho_Well it does make for some overhead, but with most of these games it should be totally negligible
17:31.30Paddy_NIExcellent :-)
17:31.34kaasineeshi guys in qt-creator i am trying to push to git but i get an error 'error: cannot run ssh-askpass: No such file or directory' what do i do?
17:33.20Sho_I have to say I had some negative experiences with Steam on Linux though, though in some sense it is sort of my own fault for using it on Fedora instead of the distro it was made for
17:33.54Sho_For example, the executable of The Book of Unwritten Tales is actually a shell script that tries to do apt* calls to install necessary dependencies, which of course can't work on Fedora
17:34.06Sho_When I modified that shell script to comment out those calls, the game ran fine
17:34.23Sho_I am hoping Valve will give devs some guidelines to use to avoid distro-specific stuff like that
17:35.27Paddy_NIOh dear that does sound nasty
17:35.41Paddy_NIBut I guess they cannot make it for every distro at once
17:35.48Paddy_NIthis will take time :-)
17:36.02Sho_Valve seems quite open to help make it work on other distros though
17:36.07Sho_so we'll see how it develops ove time
17:37.11Sho_(great game btw ;)
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17:38.32Paddy_NII shall make note of that game at once :-D
17:39.10Sho_if you like adventure games, it's really excellent
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17:41.07yaccStupid question, but my browsers seem to have "forgotten" stored passwords the moment I've switched from Gnome to KDE?
17:41.41ompaulyacc: eh no - unless you changed the home directory for these browsers
17:41.48ompaulyacc: you must use the same browser
17:42.33*** join/#kde aracele_ (~quassel@
17:42.38yaccompaul: No I did not, but chromium asked for KWallet while filling in the relevant form, which suggests to me, that the data might be still in the GNOME equivalent of KWallet?
17:43.24yaccompaul, OTOH, I did upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04LTS to 12.04LTS (which prompted the KDE switch, Unity is real crap), ...
17:44.22yaccAnd chromium still knows it's configuration it misses the form fillin :(
17:45.43Paddy_NIompaul: :-)
17:46.38ompaulyacc: if you used to do stuff in gnome the same passwords should apply - but frankly what ubuntu does in it's upgrade to wallets is a question you should ask them
17:46.56ompaulbecause unity is not default anywhere else and it might have done something simple or not
17:47.39ompaulwaves at Paddy_NI
17:48.07roastedHello friends!
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17:48.35yaccompaul, solved it, seahorse does allow to access the keyring and the relevant data is there, ... :)
17:48.46roastedI just noticed something a little strange. In Dolphin (KDE 4.10, Kubuntu 12.04) if I right click a file on my samba share and hit move to trash, it says access denied (I own the file, 755 perms). If I highlight it and hit delete (which is the key for move to trash) it works fine. Eh???
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17:51.35yaccNow that leaves the question how to clone the information from gnome-keyring into kwallet?
17:54.23ompaulyacc: can you turn off the gnome-keyring
17:54.31ompaulthen work out the other
17:55.04OkitainAFAIK, there is no way to import that?
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17:57.31yaccompaul, well, I can extract the stuff via Python script, but there seems to be a keyring library for python that supports a number of keyring libraries, including gnome keyring and kwallet :)
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17:59.53Shalok_ShalomHi there !
18:00.24Shalok_ShalomI wnat to ask, why kde 4 is more resource intensive than a e17/rqt q with kde apps and kwin ?
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18:04.23Shalok_Shalomroasted: hi
18:04.43Shalok_Shalomwhy kde 4 is more resource intensive than a e17/rqt q with kde apps and kwin ?
18:04.58SonikkuAmericaShalok_Shalom: Good question.
18:05.14roastedE17 is pretty bare bones in comparison to KDE, iirc.
18:05.44SonikkuAmericaroasted: Yep, it is. Also, it uses flat X rather than a separate desktop manager.
18:06.10SonikkuAmericaAh, I'll just copy it from the *buntu channel factoid
18:06.31SonikkuAmericaAccording to ubottu, "Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version."
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18:07.11SonikkuAmericaThis is more of a #kde-chat question though.
18:07.34elena-IKhi there. I want to bind the "Present Windows" desktop effect to a mouse button, but the custom keybinding field only accepts keyboard keys. now what?
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18:08.50heathi can print a test page, but when i go to print in okular, nothing happens
18:08.53Shalok_ShalomSonikkuAmerica: E17 is a full DE with own libs
18:09.03heathanyone have experience with something like this?
18:09.17SonikkuAmericaShalok_Shalom: I know that (I've used it before)
18:10.10heathE [17/Feb/2013:12:07:44 -0600] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file "/usr/share/cups/model/samsung/cms/CLP-510cms2"!
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18:10.55SonikkuAmericaheath: Sounds more like an issue with cups. Is it the latest version for your distro?
18:11.27Shalok_Shalomhi thor
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18:25.10roastedI just noticed something a little strange. In Dolphin (KDE 4.10, Kubuntu 12.04) if I right click a file on my samba share and hit move to trash, it says access denied (I own the file, 755 perms). If I highlight it and hit delete (which is the key for move to trash) it works fine. Eh???
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20:12.13heathSonderblade: there was an error in /var/log
20:12.19heathpasted it in the cups channel
20:12.39heather... meant to direct that to a guy who is no longer here
20:12.54heathanyway, i immediately realized it had to be a cups issue
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20:23.53KWhat4Is there a way to force kate to not open documents in muli document mode?  I understand what is trying to be done with this feature but more times the not the idea does not even come close to fitting my usability reqirment.
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20:25.24troyKWhat4: there might be a #kate channel about
20:25.27quupis there some user friendly way to record a video of rectangular area of desktop? similar to ksnapshot
20:26.24troyquup: there used to be a kwin plugin to record video, but I'm not sure it was ever production ready
20:26.47troyat least, on 4.10 I don't see it installed by default
20:27.44alienBOBweeps after 4 hours of fighting with Ubuntu install and Unity "desktop"
20:27.59troyquup: try this:
20:28.03troyalienBOB: why?
20:28.17troyalienBOB: are you trying to package unity for slackware?
20:28.35troyquup: or search for more similar apps
20:29.10alienBOBtroy: my son wanted Ubuntu instead of Slackware to start gaming on Linux
20:29.42DaZcan't you just setup stem on slackware :v
20:29.47DaZsteam even
20:30.21troyDaZ: yes, alienBOB is the one who posted those instructions :D
20:30.52quuptroy· thanks
20:30.55DaZidunnolol, i don't live in the slackware space :v
20:31.01troyDaZ: but you won't get any official support if things don't work :D
20:31.12DaZthey usually do though
20:31.20troyunofficial support, yep
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20:31.58troyDaZ: slackware is a nice KDE distro, you should try it sometime :D
20:32.02alienBOBSteam on Slackware works perfectly, but you only get a Tux item in Team Fortress 2 if your OS is actually Ubuntu. I never get that Tux no matter how much I play
20:32.16troyalienBOB: hahaha
20:32.19troyhow does it know?
20:32.30troyis it running uname -a and checking?
20:32.47alienBOBFirst thing steam says when it starts (on the commmandline): "Running on Slackware 14.0 64-bit"
20:33.05DaZtroy: arch4lyfe :c
20:33.08troyhow does it know?
20:33.49cb400fmaybe it simply read /etc/*release* or that lsb file or sumfink
20:33.49troyalienBOB: is it running a startup script that's checking for the distro? Can you spoof it?
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20:34.50gdebureOn 4.10, new user account, my notifications look weird :
20:34.52alienBOBtroy: I could try strace-ing the binary, see if it reads /etc/slackware-version perhaps
20:34.59gdebureThis is on 2 different machines
20:35.05troyalienBOB: or /etc/os-release
20:35.15troyas cb400f suggests :D
20:35.25gdebureDoes not happen on an existing account
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20:35.58troygdebure: what distro?
20:36.08gdeburetroy: Archlinux
20:36.24troypoints DaZ at gdebure and tells him to help :D
20:36.48*** part/#kde MarkRS (~Mark@2001:8b0:6481:a9c7:230:18ff:fe00:1)
20:37.03troygdebure: if you change your plasma theme, does that resolve anything?
20:37.08DaZi don't use default notifications :v
20:37.29gdeburetroy: yes, tried a few other themes, but no effect
20:37.42DaZthough i've seen something like this on this channel already ;_;
20:37.50troygdebure: do you have kwin compositing turned on?
20:37.57gdeburetroy: yes
20:38.09gdebureI can try to disable them, hold on
20:38.19troyhrm, I don't know - looks perfect here on 4.10
20:38.33troyit's probably some default setting that's wrong on arch
20:39.01gdeburetroy: well KDE is pretty much vanilla on Arch, so might something upstream
20:39.22troygdebure: I'm on slackware - it's pretty much 100% vanilla here, so it's certainly not upstream
20:39.36gdeburetroy: ah, ok.
20:39.38troyalienBOB: how many patches do you apply to KDE?
20:39.48gdeburedid you try on a new user account, just in case ?
20:39.56troyoh, I can do that
20:40.02troyit'll take a minute
20:40.05gdebureit doesn't happen on accounts that existed pre 4.10
20:40.08gdeburethanks :)
20:40.56gdeburetroy: meanwhile, I've disabled compositing, but no change
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20:43.26troygdebure: created new users, loaded it in second X session (first time I've tried that with KDE by the way - worked flawlessly... colour me impressed)
20:43.31troythe notifications looks normal
20:43.54gdeburetroy: OK, thanks for the check :)
20:44.04gdebureI'll check in #archlinux, then
20:44.04invariantHas anyone ever seen simon in a working state?
20:44.12troyI am having the odd drawing glitch with the new session manager (i.e. if I hit logout, the dialog doesn't quite draw correctly)
20:44.22troyinvariant: yep, but I haven't tried it in about two years
20:45.18troyinvariant: Peter, the guy who writes it is super friendly - just ask him directly if you're having trouble
20:45.37invarianttroy, it's just supersensitive to the installation instructions.
20:45.44invarianttroy, I got it to run now :)
20:46.07troyinvariant: aha! well, that's good
20:46.09invarianttroy, if you don't setup a proper environment, it will just crash.
20:46.26troyfile bugs perhaps :D
20:49.26invarianttroy, I don't get it, though. Where do I get training data?
20:50.56alienBOBtroy: the only patches I apply are to address compilation errors. No functional patches
20:51.27alienBOBtroy: and /etc/os-release is indeed what's being consulted
20:57.37invarianttroy, it seems to be an application, but I don't seen any applications for its current incarnation.
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20:58.14invarianttroy, I was expecting to see something which would ask me to read some standard EU text for 5 minutes and which would then create a good model of my voice.
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21:07.19troyalienBOB: so you got your tux then? :D
21:07.58troyinvariant: there's some standard voice models out there someplace... although I can't recall the details
21:08.24alienBOBtroy: No TF2 server to be found at this time of day which runs "Team Fortress 2 Beta"
21:08.41alienBOBBut at least steam now thinks I am on ubuntu
21:10.27troyalienBOB: is there some system to have the modified file only be visible to steam process(es)? like how LD_PRELOAD can grab alternate libs?
21:11.24troyI mean, without setting up a jail :D
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21:19.20alienBOBtroy: I don't think so, but since Slackware itself does not use /etc/os-release (it is a Poettering invention ;-) I can edit it safely
21:20.14troyalienBOB: ah, I was wondering when it showed up :D at leasts it's human readable
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21:25.28ufomanhow do I tell what method does kde/powerdevil use for changing screen backlight levels?
21:26.23troyuse the source, luke!
21:26.39troyno seriously, if you don't have the source code, there's online source code browsers
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21:26.55troyif you don't understand code, then someone else will need to look
21:27.11ufomantroy: I actually meant checking it at runtime
21:27.20ufomanbut looking at source might not be that dumb
21:27.27troyufoman: there might be a dbus call for it
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21:28.07ufomanwell it has a backlight helper app that is used by a dbus service
21:28.10troyufoman: you could run qdbusviewer and browse around
21:29.47ufomantroy: basically my "issue" is that the backlight works, and it should not based on what I know
21:32.56ufomangoogle sez I need nvidiabl module for backlight control, I don't have it and I can change backlight level in KDE
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21:39.13ufomantroy: I have ran dbusmonitor on system bus... there is no communication when I manually change brightness
21:39.31thiagoufoman: dbus-monitor on the system bus does not capture any calls
21:39.39thiagoso your testing was faulty
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21:41.58ufomanthiago: ahh, thnx
21:42.15ufomanis there any way to capture calls then?
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21:46.50thiagoufoman: only if you modify the system bus configuration and reboot
21:47.33thiagobe careful about mucking with system configuration
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21:49.55ufomanthiago: screwing something up is not an issue ;)
21:50.09ufomanI can play with stuff
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22:21.16drupolI've upgraded to KDE 4.10 and since, no more icons on my desktop. I'm running Gentoo. Any idea what might be the problem ?
22:23.13DaZgentoo is
22:23.37drupolSorry I just found the problem...
22:23.48*** part/#kde KWhat4 (
22:24.00drupolNo, gentoo is fine, it's me who set no icon on desktop, I just re enabled it !
22:24.55troyDaZ: it's funny seeing an arch user make fun of a gentoo user :D
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22:25.16DaZi'm not making fun of the users
22:26.01DaZevery problem with kde on gentoo i've seen here was related to the flags used during compilation :c
22:26.26drupolIn this case, the problem was me :-)
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22:28.24drupolNow I've got my icons:
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22:36.42drupolbye all, thanks for the support !
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23:25.04arminhi - is there a way to include a trash bypassing delete command in the context menu of dolphin? it's pretty annoying in case of files that are on an NFS volume that they have to be transferred over the network completely to put them in my local trash.
23:25.41thiagouse Delete, instead of Move to Trash
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23:25.49thiagothere's an option in Dolphin settings to show that
23:26.23arminany hint where?
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23:27.03arminah, in services. m(
23:27.20arminok i'm not thinking of delete being service yet. :)
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