IRC log for #kde on 20121212

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01:01.03michealPWI'm using KDE 4.9.4 on Kubuntu 12.04.1. When I resize Konsole it goes black and it fails to redraw the window properly (It's missing the file|edit menus, the scroll bar, all the text from the terminal etc.) Oddly enough, gnome-terminal does not have this behavior when run in KDE.
01:02.08*** join/#kde lnxslck (
01:02.46*** join/#kde almoxarife (~almoxarif@unaffiliated/almoxarife)
01:04.20*** join/#kde crecker (~crecker@
01:04.58michealPWI've tried toggling a whole bunch of Desktop Effects' settings to find a culprit (Qt from Native to Raster, Scaling from Cubic to Smooth and Accurate etc.) but couldn't seem to find the cause. Any help would be great, thx!
01:06.06*** join/#kde phuzion (
01:06.56DaZmichealPW: what graphic card? :v
01:07.20michealPWSorry, it's an ATI 6550D. I'm using the proprietary fglrx (12.10)
01:07.39michealPWErr, HD 6550D or whatever. I guess it's AMD not ATI hehe
01:08.03DaZi have no idea about those >:
01:08.16michealPWIs there a simple way to make videos, maybe I can make a short video that demonstrates it?
01:08.25michealPWMaybe that will help? If not nvm
01:08.45Torchrecordmydesktop is usually recommended (i haven't used it myself)
01:08.54Torchproblem is, the video might not show the bug
01:08.55michealPWKewl I'll check it out thx
01:09.02michealPWAh, hrmm
01:09.07DaZscreenshot would be good as well imo :v
01:09.21michealPWLemme see if I can capture it with a screenshot :D
01:09.26Torchyes, sure, that might be more than enough
01:10.46Torchyou could also try the open source driver (radeon)
01:12.46michealPWSo the two terminals on the right are Konsole. One is a normal Konsole, the one in the top right is a resized Konsole. Also there's gnome-terminal in the top left for reference, it was resized also has transparent background working fine.
01:14.28michealPWIt's weird 'cause I mean Konsole I can enable transparent background and use it perfectly fine... Until I resize the window haha it all goes crazytown on me.
01:14.49DaZand if it's not transparent, it's ok? :v
01:15.06michealPWIn the screen konsole has transparency disabled (I thought maybe that was it, too)
01:15.08Torchi don't think the transparency is the issue
01:15.13*** join/#kde phuzion (
01:15.49Torchfile a bug on and see if a konsole dev finds the time to answer
01:16.01Torchin the meantime, try the radeon driver
01:16.18michealPWis it "ati" or "radeon" in xorg.conf?
01:16.21michealPWI can't remember hehe
01:16.41Torchradeon, i think. haven't used an ATI card in years (and never will again if i can avoid it)
01:16.49michealPWhaha I hear ya :P
01:17.03michealPWIunno I hear bad things 'bout nVidia on Linux too so we're screwed either way :(
01:17.14Torchi mean (off topic, i know) their WINDOWS drivers have bugs like that
01:17.21DaZi'm using intel <:
01:17.39DaZthough since ati merged with amd, it's much better
01:17.39*** part/#kde crecker (~crecker@
01:18.04michealPWYes it has really improved a lot for me. I remember in 2007 hehe
01:18.07michealPWIt was great times :|
01:18.14*** join/#kde rdieter (
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01:19.03zenguy_pcwith clipit i can manage the clipboard history and delete multiple entries.. why isn't this possible with klipper
01:19.44michealPWklipper has such a better name than clipit, though (just saying..)
01:21.14michealPWDo I login with my email? Gah so many accounts haha I can never remember :|
01:21.47michealPWJah it's email
01:22.36zenguy_pcalso clipit has the ability to make static entries too ..
01:22.59Torchzenguy_pc: you could also file wishlist entries on for those issues
01:23.07Torchzenguy_pc: mentioning _here_ what you're missing won't do anything
01:23.12*** join/#kde phuzion (
01:24.29michealPWOh I think I found it on
01:25.07michealPWIt's marked fixed in upstream, but I've got kubuntu backports and KDE 4.9.4 :|
01:25.47Torchthat means it's fixed in the video driver, i would guess
01:25.54Torchand you probably don't have the latest
01:26.08Torchupstream here is not KDE, of course, this being KDE's issue tracker
01:26.58Torchdid you try the suggested workaround?
01:27.33michealPWOh hey that works
01:27.39michealPWCool beans!
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01:33.59zenguy_pcTorch:  will do.. seemed sort of obvious though
01:35.32michealPWFiddle sticks
01:37.20michealPWWhen I'm in Dolphin and right-click -> Actions -> Open Terminal Here it opens konsole without that --notransparency switch :\
01:37.52michealPWEven though I went to Default Applications and set it to use a custom terminal "konsole --notransparency" hehe :(
01:39.15michealPWI'll try the radeon driver anyways to confirm it's a problem with fglrx. Weird that gnome-terminal doesn't also cause the problem though..
01:39.22Torchnot at all
01:39.31Torchkonsole does a lot more than gnome's terminal can do
01:39.46Torchit probably renders its own window contents to that end
01:39.59michealPWAh, I see
01:41.11Torchto make the argument stick, try setting it in the menu editor (right click on KDE's menu icon and open the application editor)
01:41.25Torchthis _should_ affect dolphin too, but i'm not a 100% sure about it
01:42.04TorchIt's well hidden in the menu editor under "system". you'll have to add the option to the "command" that is run
01:42.18michealPWoh hah I was looking in "Utilities"
01:42.32Torchyep, doesn't help that utilities has an icon looking like konsole's...
01:43.08michealPWhah, I've got all this LXDE crap laying around left over from when I tried out Lubuntu
01:43.32Torchall these are files under $HOME/.local/share
01:43.40Torchmight want to look through those one day
01:43.43Torchbe careful though ;-)
01:43.47michealPWhehe yea :)
01:44.30michealPWBah, still not. Maybe it's a dolphin extension that provides that action? Maybe it cares not what 'Default Application' is set :P
01:44.48michealPWActually let me try setting something completely different and see if it listens to anything at all in that area
01:45.25michealPWJah, so no matter what Actions -> Open Terminal Here will _always_ open Konsole there
01:45.29Torchah, yes, it's a dolphin service
01:45.53michealPWIf I could track down it's config I bet I can change it (*crosses fingers*)
01:46.04Torchsame way, with a desktop file
01:46.32michealPWAh, so actions is just a directory with .desktop files in it?
01:46.40michealPWThat would make sense :P
01:46.49Torchit's a bit more complicated than that, but that's what it amounts to, yes.
01:47.26michealPWhaha I typed "Dolphin Actions" in duckduckgo and got a whole bunch of like "Save the dolphin" kind of pages (giggle)
01:47.31michealPWNeed to be more specific *cough*
01:48.21michealPW+kde, +edit
01:48.23michealPWbingo! ;)
01:50.41*** join/#kde phuzion (
01:52.26michealPWAck it's not where this page said it was (~/.kde/share/kde4/service/ServiceMenu) there's no ServiceMenu folder, just an nsplugin.desktop file :|
01:52.31michealPWFiddle sticks!
01:53.11*** part/#kde shakesoda (
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01:55.07michealPWhah, I fixed it!
01:56.30michealPWI was browsing around in ~/.kde and found ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole/Shell.profile. I opened it with vim and added Transparency=false and transparency=false to the end of it and now when I open konsole it's as if I ran konsole --notransparency
01:57.38michealPWK so it's Transparency=false
01:58.56*** join/#kde office (
02:00.16michealPWOh wait no I'm retarded
02:00.24michealPWLOL your solution is what worked not mine (blush)
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02:07.20urlwolfI have a strange crash. Mouse and keyboard events don't work. I use awesomewm, but it cannot be it; I restarted it and still the same
02:08.01urlwolfkubuntu just released a kde update and this started happenning
02:11.50Torchmaybe ask in #kubuntu?
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02:35.45oneforall2the hardware temp widget how do I change it to Celsius?
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03:03.14michealPWGod I fail at life
03:03.30michealPWI can't find the .desktop file for Dolphin's "Open terminal here" service.
03:03.44michealPWIt's a "Service Menu", right? LOL am I at least on the right track? :(
03:05.08*** join/#kde Shaan7 (~quassel@kde/developer/shantanu)
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07:00.45jeltschHi, I’m using KDE 4.9.3 on Kubuntu 12.10. Hi, I have an external harddisk. Everytime I mount it, Nepomuk starts to index it. I don’t understand why.
07:00.57jeltschFirst, the KDE system settings say that Nepomuk should only index my home folder and not removable media.
07:01.05jeltschSecond, I thought that once Nepomuk has read the harddisk, it won’t reread it, but only check for changes.
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07:18.23almoxarifejeltsch: is it indexing or looking for changes?
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07:19.13jeltschalmoxarife: It works with the harddisk for quite some time, but maybe it takes that long to look for changes.
07:19.37jeltschHow can I tell if it is looking for changes or indexing?
07:19.55almoxarifejeltsch: do you actively use the info gathered by nepomuk?
07:20.37jeltschalmoxarife: So far not.
07:21.56almoxarifejeltsch: if you dont use it you may want to just disable it, when you finally decide to index for some purpose then re-enable it
07:22.43jeltschHmm, this might be an option. So far I wanted it to be enabled, because I’d like to have a look at Nepomuk at some time.
07:22.44almoxarifejeltsch: better yet, look at 'recoll' for indexing
07:22.55jeltschWhat is this?
07:23.06jeltschIs it as integrated into KDE as Nepomuk is?
07:23.16almoxarifejeltsch: a real indexer with less overhead than nepomuk
07:23.23jeltschNo KDE support?
07:23.31almoxarifejeltsch: recoll-kde yes
07:23.52jeltschHmm, but then I have two indexers installed. Nepomuk and recoll.
07:24.16jeltschAnyway, even if Nepomuk is only looking for changes on the harddisk, why is it doing this?
07:24.43jeltschAfter all, KDE’s system settings say “Ignore all removable media”.
07:25.01jeltsch(Referring to indexing.)
07:25.26jeltschIf Nepomuk doesn’t index, does it still have to look for changes for some reason?
07:25.37*** join/#kde drdanz (~quassel@
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07:27.28almoxarifejeltsch: i looked at my settings, what do you have checked?
07:27.52*** join/#kde Nickwiz (
07:29.02jeltschI’m using German and will translate the German texts to English. So don’t be surprised if my English labels don’t match what’s on your machine.
07:29.12jeltschI go to “Desktop search”.
07:29.15almoxarifejeltsch: ok
07:29.40jeltschSecond tab is “Desktop query” or so.
07:29.54almoxarifejeltsch: first tab, go there first
07:30.01*** join/#kde samxan_ (~sam@kde/developer/bairagya)
07:30.07jeltschAll three boxes checked.
07:30.07NickwizRunning ubuntu with Gnome. Is it possible to install KDE in a "separate home"? As in not have gnome and kde installed in same /home/username/ as it becomes a bit messy.
07:30.30thiagoNickwiz: sure. Create a new user.
07:30.32jeltschNickwiz: Neither KDE nor GNOME is installed in the home directory.
07:30.47jeltschOnly their per-user configuration lives there.
07:30.47thiagoNickwiz: also note that you're confusing "install" with "settings"
07:30.54Nickwizjeltsch: no, but there is a lot of config directories and files
07:31.10jeltschNickwiz: Yes, but “installed in” is something different.
07:31.28Nickwizyes; bad language on my part
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07:33.01jeltschalmoxarife: On the second tab (“Desktop query”), there is “Personal folder” chosen as the only “local folder
07:33.23jeltschwhose date shall be indexed for “quick desktop” search.
07:33.36almoxarifejeltsch: but on the first tab you already added what to indexing?
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07:34.24almoxarifejeltsch: on the first tab, strip any dir/folder you dont want indexed
07:34.33NickwizSo; if I install KDE no config/settings etc will be added to /home/ until logged in using KDE - is this correct?
07:34.46jeltschalmoxarife: I cannot add any directories or such to indexing. There are only three tabs: “Activate Nepomuk semantic services”, “Activate Nepomuk file indexer”, and “Activate e-mail indexer”.
07:34.48almoxarifeNickwiz: yes
07:35.02vHandajeltsch: next tab
07:35.08jeltschI mean, on the first tab there are no directories, only three checkboxes.
07:35.12vHanda"Customize Index Folder"
07:35.32jeltschvHanda: Yes, this is what I thought, but almoxarife seems to use a KDE version where there are directories on the first tab.
07:35.48vHandawhich version?
07:36.04vHandaIt has been like that for the last 3 releases or so
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07:36.36NickwizOK. Thanks.
07:36.40almoxarifejeltsch: on the second tab there is an option to 'customize', strip there too
07:36.50jeltschvHanda: There is no German equivalent to “Customize index folder” on the second tab. Only “Customized index folders”. Is this what you mean?
07:37.24vHandawith 4.10, this looks a lot pretier.
07:37.30vHandalook - :)
07:38.18jeltschvHanda: Only the folders in my home directory are checked there.
07:38.24jeltschNot the external harddisk.
07:38.36jeltschBut it’s the harddisk that is accessed every time I mount it.
07:38.42jeltschAnd I don’t like it.
07:38.42almoxarifei am using ver 4.9.4
07:38.57jeltschalmoxarife: Strange. Almost the same version I use (4.9.3).
07:39.13vHandajeltsch: ohhhh! Sorry about that. The problem is that you cannot unmount, right?
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07:39.36almoxarifejeltsch: your “Customize index folder” is what i see,
07:40.29jeltschvHanda: Not just that. The problem is further that the harddisk works heavily for some time, causing noise, ageing faster, and slowing down access.
07:40.48almoxarifejeltsch: really, if indexing is a priority, install 'recoll' , indexing is important to me, i use it as the system 'google' , nepomuk is not the answer to indexing
07:41.22jeltschBut still I like to be able to disable just access of this external harddisk.
07:41.46jeltschEspecially, since I think it shouldn’t be accessed at all in the first place, given my configuration.
07:41.50vHandajeltsch: If it helps, most of the these problems have been fixed with 4.10. It still traverses the entire hard-disk once when it is mounted, but I'm going to disable that as well.
07:42.15vHandajeltsch: The reason it is accesed, is cause you could have tagged/rated files in the hard-disk
07:42.20almoxarifejeltsch: external disks, 'harddisk' would be those that can not be removed, but i understand
07:42.33vHandaand we need to install some watches to monitor file moves
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07:43.08almoxarifevHanda: his issue is with 'external' disks, if i understand
07:43.24vHandayup. I was explaining that only.
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07:43.51jeltschalmoxarife: As far as I understand, a “harddisk” is a collection of actual disks who are hard, as opposed to floppy disks, who are not hard, but floppy.
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07:44.39jeltschalmoxarife: I used to think that “hard” referred to the disk being permanently mounted into the computer, but I think I recently read that this is not the case.
07:45.03almoxarifejeltsch: i dont want to confuse things any more than they are, using the term 'hard-disk' within the english world means those drives that are fixed, i didnt create the mess
07:45.46*** join/#kde Kaede (~Kaede@unaffiliated/kaede)
07:46.10almoxarifegenerally speaking, a hard-drive=fixed drive
07:46.11jeltschvHanda: Aha. I thought that this tagging and rating was tied to indexing, so that tagging and rating is not possible if indexing is disabled.
07:46.30vHandano. It is.
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07:46.53vHandaTagging and rating are possible even if indexing is not enabled.
07:47.12jeltschalmoxarife: Well, fixed disk is probably the term that only refers to the things mounted into the computer. The problem is that until some years ago, all harddisks were fixed disks, leading to confusion of both terms.
07:47.39vHandaTagging/Rating is the reason your hard-disk is accesed. The filewatch service installs watches to monitor file moves. We do not want to be in a position where your tags are lost if you move a file.
07:48.30jeltschvHanda: And to install these watches it has to recurse through all directories, but it won’t read file content, right?
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07:50.17jeltschvHanda: Hmm, can I disable tagging and indexing for this particular external harddisk or maybe all removable media?
07:51.04jeltschBy the way, what happens if I move a file before a watch has been installed to it? Are tags and ratings lost in this case?
07:51.35almoxarifehow uses tags and ratings?
07:51.59jeltschAnd isn’t it possible to tell the kernel that it should inform KDE about *any* file move on the harddisk, avoiding the need to install a watch for every single file?
07:52.31jeltschthiago: No to what?
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07:52.45almoxarifejeltsch: you are back to not having a need for what you are trying so hard to control
07:54.02jeltschalmoxarife: My point is that I want to learn about these features. Maybe they might be useful for me, and I just wouldn’t know if I wouldn’t look at them. Furthermore, I like to implement KDE bindings for the Haskell programming language in the future, so a better knowledge of KDE would be good for me.
07:54.42vHandajeltsch: I'm thinking of adding something like that. Disabling tagging and rating.
07:54.49vHanda( for external media )
07:55.20jeltschvHanda: So for now, I have to live with this harddisk access as it cannot be disabled. Is this correct?
07:55.26thiagojeltsch: no, it's not possible to ask the kernel for every single notification regardless
07:56.05jeltschthiago: Hmm, this is really a weakness, as you need time linear in the number of files everytime you mount a harddisk!
07:56.08vHandajeltsch: pretty much. You could switch off the filewatch process, but then you run the risk on loosing metadta when you move a file. Also you won't have real-time indexing.
07:56.42vHandaHow to switch it off -
07:57.09vHandajeltsch: Yes. It's is problematic. And that isn't even the worst problem.
07:57.38jeltschvHanda: What are worse problems?
07:57.57vHandahaving to monitor the src AND destination directory in the case of file moves
07:58.04vHanda=> We have install watches EVERYWHERE
07:58.12vHandaif we want to intercept file moves
07:58.29jeltschvHanda: Scary! There is really no other solution under Linux?
07:58.39vHandanope :/
07:59.14jeltschvHanda: Isn’t storing ratings and tags in a separate database an inappropriate concept?
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07:59.28jeltschWhat about storing them in extended attributes?
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07:59.47vHandaThere are problems with those approaches, cause it isn't just about tags and ratings.
08:00.00vHandaI'll try to write stuff like this down on the wiki
08:00.02vHandatoo long to explain
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08:00.41jeltschvHanda: But at the moment, it seems to me that the Linux kernel is just not ready for what you try to achieve. Maybe one should push the Linux developers a bit.
08:00.56vHandawe have been :/
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08:01.06jeltschNo success?
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08:01.57jeltschvHanda: To return to my above question: What happens if I move a file on the external disk before the filewatch services has set up a watch for that file? Are tags and ratings lost in this case?
08:02.33jeltschvHanda: yup to “no success” or to “tags and ratings are lost in this case”?
08:02.43vHanda"tags and ratings are lost"
08:03.01vHandathough the file watch process is quite fast, so it usually shouldn't be a problem
08:03.48jeltschvHanda: It is a classical race condition, I would say. And race conditions are always a problem. To argue with watch installation time just means to talk about probabilities.
08:04.03jeltschAnd for my harddisk, it takes quite some time to index.
08:04.05almoxarifevHanda: nice blog, what if i set all values in nepomukserverrc to 'false'?, yes, i dont want nepomuk or indexing to occur
08:04.23vHandaalmoxarife: You can disable Nepomuk from the system settings if you don't want it.
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08:04.42almoxarifevHanda: all within nepomukserverrc?
08:04.57vHandaforget about nepomukserverrc, just use the SystemSettings
08:05.47jeltschvHanda: I really think that the approach of storing tags and ratings in a separate database is conceputally wrong. Why not use extended attributes at least for tags and ratings?
08:05.58almoxarifevHanda: i still have remnants of nepomuk running,  akonadi_nepomuk_feeder
08:06.23vHandajeltsch: too long, will write on the wiki
08:06.28jeltschFor indexing, it might not be necessary to install watches, is it?
08:06.50vHandawe need creation/modification events => We need watches
08:06.56almoxarifejeltsch: my point, for indexing, RECOLL!
08:07.11vHandaalmoxarife: PIM requires Nepomuk. No way out.
08:07.16vHandagoes back to work
08:07.26almoxarifevHanda: thnks
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08:08.24jeltschvHanda: Thank you for all the information.
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08:24.49safridzalhi, im using debian testing kde 4.8.4 and i got seg fault when i run games like supertuxkart, zaz,
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08:25.48safridzalwell, it doesnt say "seg fault" when i run it from menu, but if i run it from konsole, thats what i got on the auto-close apps
08:25.57safridzalany suggestion?
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08:30.44almoxarifesafridzal: what seg-faults?
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08:34.08safridzalalmoxarife: it just say seg fault
08:34.20safridzalim using debian testing kde 4.8.4 and i got seg fault when i run games like supertuxkart, zaz,
08:34.29safridzalwell, it doesnt say "seg fault" when i run it from menu, but if i run it from konsole, thats what i got on the auto-close apps
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08:35.37safridzalnever happen using gnome2 or mate on this laptop
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08:36.04safridzalso i think its my kde or fglrx that not fit properly
08:36.16almoxarifewhat specifically seg faults?
08:36.27safridzalgooglin for about 1 hour, and got nothing
08:36.56safridzalalmoxarife: cant tell you, konsole only says "segmentation fault"
08:37.04safridzalno other explanation
08:37.16almoxarifesafridzal: what distro?
08:37.24safridzaldebian testing
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08:37.35safridzalwell, its LMDE KDE + testing repo
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08:38.16almoxarifesafridzal: pastebin /var/log/syslog or messages , which ever applies to your distro
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08:42.43safridzalalmoxarife: my pastebin wdget not responding
08:43.11safridzalnow my panel not responding
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08:43.28safridzalugh.. is there something like killall gnome-panel on kde??
08:44.21almoxarifesafridzal: same command in terminal applies
08:44.53safridzalkde-panel: no process found
08:45.12almoxarifesafridzal: which applys, /var/log/syslog or messages?
08:45.20safridzalsyslog is there
08:45.49safridzalbut now i cant access my dolphin, the panel is not responding ( and my dolphin is minimized)
08:46.00almoxarifesafridzal: via terminal,              pastebin /var/log/syslog
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08:46.37safridzalpastebin: command not found
08:46.49safridzaland on apt-get : E: Unable to locate package pastebin
08:46.50almoxarifesafridzal: via terminal,              pastebinit /var/log/syslog
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08:47.22safridzalkay, installing now
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08:48.22safridzalalmoxarife: is there something like killall gnome-panel on kde?? my panel not responding
08:48.34almoxarifesafridzal: i assume that 'testing' repo is a Not-stable repo
08:49.06almoxarifesafridzal: pkill plasma-desktop
08:49.45safridzali done pkill plasma-desktop, but how to turn it back?
08:50.16hzenginsafridzal try using startkde"
08:50.24hzenginor plasma-desktop
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08:50.56safridzalalmoxarife: testing isnt stable repo, but its more stable than unstable
08:51.15safridzalugh, now my plasma is bind to konsole. wait, ill restart
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08:55.23almoxarifei dont undersand, you load 'non-stable' but expect stability and are surprised when its not :)
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08:56.21safridzalalmoxarife: kay, hows my syslog?
08:57.38almoxarifeDec 12 10:16:05 aragorn-1215b kernel: [21349.449823] supertuxkart[12934]: segfault at 2 ip 00007fb3e163c10f sp 00007fff7159f680 error 4 in[7fb3e13bd000+557000] <-- safridzal... , either its incomplete or it was just one instance[7fb3e13bd000+557000 <-- is not a happy camper
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08:58.56safridzalmm, i still dont get it..
08:59.02safridzalso, whats the problem here then?
08:59.18safridzalthat libirr-somthing package??
08:59.22almoxarifesafridzal: you should, you are using non stable, as expected you have bugs
08:59.54safridzalowh,, i get it, so i just have to file a bug report then.. right?
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09:00.53safridzalwell, i'll continue my search then, thanks almoxarife :D
09:00.54almoxarifesafridzal: no idea, that would be distro specific
09:01.43safridzalwell, its not happening on ubuntu or mint mate/cinn, but its happening on kubuntu also
09:01.59safridzalthats why i think its kde related :D
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09:05.35almoxarife <-- no its not, its the game,
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09:07.50safridzalalmoxarife: owh, cool :D i'll add comment to that bug then.. thanks
09:08.33almoxarifesafridzal: its debian that is the problem, not kde
09:09.31safridzalowh, and since kubuntu import debian package, so its affecting kubuntu also then, right?
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09:41.25cardamonGTK really isn't playing nice with the dark color theme KDE feeds it, and I keep getting light text in light textboxes, particularly in iceweasel.
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10:14.52jeltschWhy can’t I unmount my external harddisk under KDE? vHanda told me that this can happen because KDE installs watches to track changes on the external disk. But shouldn’t at least the unmount tool of KDE be able to deal with the file watching of KDE?
10:15.07jeltschOr is there some other reason for not being able to unmount?
10:15.11vHandafixed in 4.10
10:15.27jeltschOkay, so I misinterpreted your remark.
10:15.32vHandaqdbus /servicecontrol shutdown
10:15.42vHandaThat'll close that process ^
10:16.17jeltschAnd do I have to restart this service afterwards? Or can I use an option “restart” instead of “shutdown”?
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10:22.33AristideHi !
10:22.46AristideDo you know a software for edit HTML / PHP page, with konqueror integration ?
10:22.46einar77_workvHanda: when was that fixed? I saw this ~last thursday when restoring a backup from an external HDD
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10:22.59einar77_work(running latest git)
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10:23.46vHandaeinar77_work: Mon Dec 3
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10:25.32einar77_workI'll try to reproduce at home again
10:25.48einar77_workvHanda: do you watch specific mount mounts?
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10:26.11vHandanot specific
10:26.19einar77_workusing solid?
10:26.37einar77_workok, then it's probably solid
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10:52.12AristideHi ! Do you know a software for edit HTML / PHP page, with konqueror integration ?
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13:01.34eatins2does anyone know how to print from linux
13:01.42eatins2i have fedora 17
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13:13.22rdietereatins2: better question for #fedora,  but... :  yum groupinstall  "Printing Support",  then run system-config-printer
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13:14.42eatins2i ask there too
13:16.16eatins2run system-config-printer
13:16.18eatins2bash: run: command not found
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13:16.47eatins2ok without run infront
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13:18.26eatins2thanx rdieter
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13:18.45eatins2now i set up printer  its correct model
13:18.59eatins2but it doesnt want to print test page
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13:27.47eatscan anyone help me with printing
13:28.19eatssystem has correct printer installed but it doesnt print
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13:29.23gandalf-magicno one here,only you and me.
13:29.47eatsi got kernel panic
13:30.35eatsnow i cant get back in wint ususal nick
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13:36.20codertuxhi, I'm using the 4.10 beta1 and I lost the OpenVPN connections in the networkmanager applet
13:36.27codertuxany way to see what's wrong?
13:38.11codertuxI can edit the connections, but the VPN section won't show up
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13:47.26BluesKajHey all
13:47.53Treadstone__71Hello BluesKaj
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14:08.33caf4926has anyone here had sucess with connecting to a Nexus tablet in Dolphin usin PTP or MTP?
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15:02.41zenguy_pcdoes dolphin have a dropdown menu of the tabs open when the number of tabs bring up the scroll options < & >
15:03.12zenguy_pcif it doesn't i'll have to make a feature request
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15:46.29jalcinezenguy_pc: no, it doesn't
15:46.34jalcinejust tried it.
15:46.38jalcinemakes a scrolling bar of tabs
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15:47.06jalcinebut i think that something like that would be a function of the current engine that renders widgets/controls
15:47.07zenguy_pcjalcine:  ok
15:47.39zenguy_pckinda annoyign to scroll back and forth.. that firefox tab menu with the scroll option too is the best
15:49.05jalcineShould be a button or something squeezed in next to or in place of that << >> button in the tab-bar.
15:49.10jalcineMight require a edit of that control.
15:49.47jalcineOr a quicker fix would be to provide a tool bar menu item that has a list of open tabs and having that in the menubar.
15:49.59jalcineis saying it out loud to see the sensibility in it :)
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16:01.52zenguy_pcjalcine:  yeah thats not good enough
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16:02.30zenguy_pctakes to long if i have a folders with  long names open
16:02.55zenguy_pcjalcine:  thats what i'm going to file as a enhancement/wishlist now
16:03.06zenguy_pci'll post a link when i'm done to you can +1 it
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16:19.03jalcinesweet :)
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16:39.27basslinerhi, can i define that pressing alt-j will send ctrl-tab to an application in X, but just for that one single application?
16:39.49thiagoif you press Alt+J, it sends Alt+J
16:41.40basslinerthiago: well i know i could do that globally in X, but just for an application would make sense in this place.
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17:11.34zenguy_pcjalcine:  sorry i took so long .. . i was busy going through killpper bugs
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17:49.05latteratrying to copy text to my workstation's clipboard using xclip over a forwarded X11 connection (ssh -Y), but it seems that the clipboard isn't being set
17:49.12latteraanyone know how to fix that?
17:49.28latteraI've verified that the forwarding works right (I can execute xterm, and xterm shows up)
17:49.54latterabut it seems kde has its own clipboard and doesn't respect the native Xorg clipboard
17:50.30latteraah, nevermind, it does!
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18:12.15zenguy_pcyou closed klipper?
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18:49.10fatalerrorshi everybody
18:49.26fatalerrorsi'm using kde 4.9.3 on sabayon linux
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18:50.03fatalerrorsrecently an nvidia drivers update broke everything
18:50.20fatalerrorsand kde refuse to use opengl for rendering
18:50.33fatalerrorseven if it's working with games
18:50.52fatalerrorsso what could be wrong ? missing deps ?
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18:59.44wgoslingfatalerrors: kwin will print some debug info in the console when you start it. Try 'kwin --replace' and see if it gives you a hint. Just be careful not to close that console.
19:04.46fatalerrorswgosling: opengl vendor string is VMware !!!??
19:04.55fatalerrorsthat's crazy
19:05.24fatalerrorsthat means nvidia drivers are not correctly installed i supose
19:05.37toskyfatalerrors: check it using /var/log/Xorg.0.log
19:07.22fatalerrors[  1533.575] (II) NVIDIA(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
19:07.22fatalerrors[  1533.575] (II) NVIDIA(0): [DRI2]   VDPAU driver: nvidia
19:07.40BluesKajfatalerrors, to check your nvidia driver , try glxinfo | grep OpenGL , the version string is the installed driver/module
19:08.32BluesKajyou may have to install mesa-utils , to use the glxinfo command
19:08.50fatalerrorsOpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc. OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x301) OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 9.0OpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc.
19:08.50fatalerrorsOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x301)
19:08.50fatalerrorsOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 9.0
19:09.06fatalerrorsvmware is not normal for me
19:09.41BluesKajdo you have VMware installed?
19:10.00fatalerrorsand i never tryed
19:10.18toskyfatalerrors, BluesKaj: wait, wait, vmware is normal, as VMWare owns Tungsten graphics, the maintainers of Mesa
19:10.30BluesKajwell fatalerrors you don't have the nvidia driver installed
19:10.39toskyfatalerrors: the problem is that you are using the llvmpipe driver (software rendering)
19:10.59toskyfatalerrors: as I told you, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log - the COMPLETE file, not just a single excerpt
19:11.06toskycheck for lines like (EE)
19:11.23toskyyou can paste in a pastebin
19:11.35BluesKajlook in additional driver ib in the kmenu>applications>system
19:11.48fatalerrorsyes i get it
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19:12.06fatalerrorsfailed to initialise nvidia glx module
19:12.46toskyso something was wrong in the update of nvidia driver; you should have updated both the kernel driver and the xorg/glx driver
19:13.02toskythis is a distribution-specific problem
19:13.08fatalerrorsin my distro it's all in a single package
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19:13.18fatalerrorsyes i ask them
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19:13.59toskyto summarize: kwin did not enable graphical effects because you are using the basic llvmpime (software rendering) driver
19:14.02BluesKajsome distros don't use xorg.conf any longer , they let the user decide if he needs one
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19:15.54BluesKajI'm on kubuntu and the nvidia driver I'm using is called nvidia-current , dunno about other distros if that module is the same name
19:16.45BluesKajwhich in my casse is the NVIDIA 304.51
19:17.14fatalerrorsok my fault... just forget to re-run : eselect opengl set nvidia
19:17.25toskyBluesKaj: when xorg.conf is not created, xorg autodetects the settings; if you need to use the closed nvidia driver, you need a minimal xorg.conf to specify that
19:17.50BluesKajyeah , nvidia-xconfig
19:18.07toskyanyway, this has nothing to do with kwin :)
19:18.19fatalerrorsyes kwin rocks
19:18.31BluesKajwell, his driver certainly does
19:18.33fatalerrorsit's very fast even without opengl
19:18.50fatalerrorstransparency is working and desktop grid
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19:19.04esingCan I remap the start menu hotkey alt+f1 in KDE to the super win key?
19:19.43fatalerrorsok see you guys  i have to restart x server
19:22.10wgoslingesing: yes, but you need to use ksuperkey:
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19:23.29esingThank you wgosling
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19:25.15esingAre the dependenceies the same on LMDE?
19:25.16esingsudo apt-get install gcc make libx11-dev libxtst-dev
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19:57.21esing_Can I install Gnome's magnifier on kde?
19:58.10DaZyou can try
19:58.21DaZbut why not try kde magnifier instead? :v
19:58.26esing_Already tried
19:58.31DaZand? >:
19:59.02esing_I want to zoom in the whole screen, not only see the zoom in a window
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19:59.33DaZesing_: you can enable kwin effect to do this
20:01.18DaZit's called zoom :v
20:01.33esing_I have to try that out
20:01.52esing_Unfortunaetly I hided the menu bar and can't bring it back in kmag :/
20:02.15Sho_esing_: ctrl+m
20:02.26esing_Oh, thanks
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20:10.36esing_Wow, that is exactly what I wanted
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20:10.57esing_So I guess that is the inbuilt KDE magnifier since it is within kde's options and not from kmag
20:11.32lord_robrdieter: hi! do you remember me ? I had a problem with konqueror with webkit on this page (crash) ; here's the backtrace :
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20:12.07xdan779yes that is very interesting esing I did not know kwin could do that
20:12.39esing_Is there a way that I can set the KDE magnifier (Kwin) to 'superkey+something'? :)
20:13.42esing_Right now I put it to alt++ and alt+-, but I'd perfere superkey++/- so I could use alt++/- for something else
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20:14.05philverbHi, I want to have Google Chrome use ktorrent to open magnet links while using KDE.  I have looked on a number of occasions for a recipe, but so far none have worked.  Is there a known recipe to make this possible?
20:14.47xdan779I think so from systemsettings -> configure desktop effects -> all effects
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20:15.17philverbxdan779: Were you telling that to me about magnet links?
20:15.44DaZyes, because there's nobody else on this channel ;_;
20:16.17philverbDaZ: Unnecessary.
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20:17.02esing_xdan779:  That's where I set alt++/- but I guess it doesn't support the superkey. I try to figure that tomorrow out
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20:18.02xdan779oh sorry philverb, that was meant for esing
20:18.05MoviuroHi all... It's becoming weird... KMail doesn't send my mail anymore... I just sent one and now, even after I restart it, it won't send what's in the "Send Box" (or whatever it is in English).... Archlinux, KDE 4.9.4....
20:18.28philverbxdan779: Understood.  There was just a bit of lag time without any new input to the channel, so I thought I'd ask.
20:18.29Moviurono message, no warnings, nothing
20:18.42xdan779philverb what are magnet links not a term I have heard before
20:18.57DaZtorrent stuff :v
20:19.10philverbxdan779: Filesharing protocol with a distinct URI pattern.
20:19.19xdan779esing I beleive meta is how the superkey is referred as
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20:20.42xdan779ahh philverb that would have to be a setting in chrome, does chrome even support opening files with a program yet
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20:20.54esing_xdan779:  Worked, appreciated much
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20:22.22philverbxdan779: It does, but there's some gconf stuff involved, along with /usr/bin/xdg-open.
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20:23.29DaZi don't think chrome handles protocol handlers through xdg :v
20:23.49DaZthough, dunnolol
20:23.49xdan779yea I am afraid chrome is out of my realm, I have used it before but out side of the menu setting I do not know anything else on how to configure it
20:23.53DaZphilverb: try this
20:26.55DaZeh, there's some content about making chromium open magnets
20:27.11DaZbut i'm way too lazy to tired to test them ;_;
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20:39.42lord_robwhat a bug status "solved upstream" means ? That I need to upgrade to have that bug fixed right ?
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20:41.20zenguy_pcjalcine:  hey are you the gut who posed a kio for google drive and dropbox?
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20:41.58jalcinezenguy_pc: yeah I'm working on it still
20:42.14wgoslinglord_rob: it means that the bug was in a library the app depends on, and the bug was fixed in that library.
20:42.15jalcineI might rename it to be kio-cloudstorage
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20:42.53zenguy_pcon the page right now.. cool idea.. can't wait to see it implemented.. i haven't tried google drive yet but i might now
20:43.04thiagolord_rob: it means the bug is not in KDE, but in some other project that KDE uses
20:43.19thiagolord_rob: it does not mean the bug was solved at all. It just means that it's not in KDE code and KDE can do nothing about it.
20:43.22zenguy_pcif so , do it soon as not to confuese future adoptees/users
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20:44.34zenguy_pcit helps to add formerly 'project_name" so search engines can pick it up to for prosperity purposes.
20:46.50lord_robI C
20:48.00lord_robbecause I was about to report about to report a bug which was exactly reported yesterday, and marked as duplicate a long time ago
20:48.47lord_robbut with 4.9 the bug was still there
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20:49.07lord_robshould reread before typing enter :/
20:50.27jalcineno problem
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20:51.09lord_robthe reported bug was exactly what I was talking about on irc yesterday here and  #debian-kde
20:51.15lord_robsame crash
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20:52.51philverbDaz:  Thanks, but my chrome setup *will* and *does* open magnets; it just refuses to open them with ktorrent instead of transmission.
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21:01.06philverbEveryone who was listening to my question about Magnet links:  Thank you very much, but I found the answer I needed.  It uses xdg-mime:
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21:27.52AchillionGeneral KDE question: Has the whole issue with streaming media from mounted directories been addressed? When you click-mount something in dolphin, it uses smb:// or sftp:// type addresses which some software (e.g., VLC) don't recognise (if you double click a video file). Is there an easy way around this? I usually just sshfs mount a network share and go through that, but it would be nice to have something that just click-mounts in Dolphin
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21:35.10MoviuroAchillion: you cannot stream from ssh distant machines ?
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21:39.02jalcineAchillion: that's odd.
21:39.04AchillionIf I mount using sftp://address in dolphin and then navigate to a media file and open with VLC, I get an error "VLC is unable to open the MRL". Dragon player tries to download an SFTP plugin but fails
21:39.42MoviuroAchillion: try fish://
21:39.53jalcineI think that something like this is a bug in VLC, it should be using network streams when it detects a specific protocol
21:40.04Moviurouse fish://
21:40.09jalcineat the same time, it might not just support streaming over that protocol.
21:40.35Torchnon-kde apps cannot use the kio_slaves
21:40.35Moviurohas got no issue using fish://
21:41.01jalcineTorch: true..
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21:41.34AchillionTorch: Yes. Which is why I'm asking if there's a way to have dolphin use mountpoints
21:41.36jalcineThough there has been work to get GIO and KIO support, if that even matters here.
21:42.18jalcineAchillion: if it's down via 'mount', it should be able to read it, that's in the userspace of the kernel
21:42.53Achillionusing fish, a non kde program (VLC again) just starts a transfer to /var/tmp/
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21:53.39AchillionI think I'll just stick to sshfs-ing
21:57.07zenguy_pcspeakign of sshfs
21:57.31zenguy_pci was thinking of submitting a brainstorm idea.. a native kde sshfs manager
21:57.46zenguy_pcthere isn't a qt based one
21:58.31zenguy_pcsshfs is pretty neat and lots of people are experimenting with vps and local servers
22:00.03FLHerneI might use one of those :-)
22:00.06jalcinesounds like a good one.
22:01.26zenguy_pcAchillion:  i think it's a bug only with kde since gnome doesn't have that problem.. i can do sshfs and regualar ssh in nautilus then stream no problem
22:02.01zenguy_pcuse sftpman-gtk
22:02.36zenguy_pcpysshfs is lackluckster..  i was thinking about learning how to program to experiment with it
22:02.59jalcineWhat does sftpman-gtk do?
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22:04.25zenguy_pcYou can use sftpman (an sshfs helper) to mount a remote system - accessible via SSH - to a local folder.
22:04.25zenguy_pcsftpman offers both a command-line tool (sftpman) and a GTK frontend (sftpman-gtk, see screenshot), each packaged separately.
22:04.25zenguy_pcWith sftpman, you first setup (define) your remote filesystems and then you mount/unmount them easily (with one click/command).
22:05.35zenguy_pcmy issue with it is that it doesn't let you mount outside of /mnt/sshfs
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22:10.03zenguy_pcsshfs is pretty easy though.. sshfs user@server:/remote/folder ~/mount_point
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22:10.32zenguy_pci keep a few of those in my bash history
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22:11.31danhariboI had an alias for it
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22:12.04zenguy_pcah i should do the same
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22:14.03Achillionzenguy_pc: When you mount something in nautilus gnome uses ~/.gvfs mountpoint, so any program can use that if they dont support network streams
22:14.55zenguy_pcAchillion:  yeah i noticed that when using ncdu
22:15.57Achillionsomething like that would be nice in kde
22:16.02Achillionwith dolphin
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22:18.06zenguy_pcncdu or sshfs gui?
22:18.12Achillionsshfs gui
22:18.24Achillionsomething integrated in dolphin maybe
22:18.35zenguy_pcyeah kde is still the best though
22:19.01zenguy_pci'd like native comic book preview support
22:19.03AchillionI like it.
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22:19.31AchillionBeen my standard DE for the past year or so. But I like to mix it up
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22:19.44zenguy_pcdolphin is the most ful featured filemanger there is.. i tried nautilus 3 in xfce and they gutted it
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22:19.59zenguy_pcno buttons .. it a travesty
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22:20.38AchillionI like some of gnome3's stuff though. Like the popup chat-reply thing
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22:20.59zenguy_pci was settign up dolhin the otehr day and i was experimenting with smal,medium,large icons and icons and no text etc.. i was see what would fit my workflow.. thats the best way to do things
22:22.02Achilliongotta run
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23:21.17esing2Iam used to switch firefox tabs with ctrl+tab-number ; e.g.: ctrl+2    - Is it possible to set that in kde?
23:23.28Torchesing2: in rekonq, the default is alt+1, alt+2 and so on
23:23.45Torchesing2: you can set which shortcut to use (including setting it to ctrl+n) in the settings
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23:25.01esing2Torch: Do you mean the hotkey settings in KDE? (Didn't find options for that)
23:26.01Torchesing2: no, rekonq directly
23:26.19Torchesing2: menu -> configure rekonq
23:26.33Torchesing2: the menu's well hidden, that's some kind of hot thing to do these days
23:27.23esing2Ye, I don't have rekonq installed.  I will look again thoroughly through firefox settings, worst case I'd have to install a firefox addon to access its hotkeys
23:27.55esing2Thanks for the hint
23:28.14Torchesing2: wait, what? you were talking about _FIREFOX_ settings?
23:28.17Torchesing2: on #kde?
23:28.55esing2Torch:  Yus, because I thought I would have to set those settings in kde globally
23:29.02Torchesing2: when you mentioned firefox i was assumung you were aiming for a behaviour LIKE firefox
23:31.03Torchesing2: i wouldn't know then. kde does have global shortcuts but those aren't meant for use cases like this
23:31.19Torchesing2: kde apps have their own shortcuts. and firefox not being a kde app, i can't tell how it manaages its shortcuts.
23:32.00esing2Ye, but that information helps me. So I know that I have to get it in firefox right :)
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23:50.20puchuwhere can i find the that option in kde that disabled the popup like "close" when i hover with the mouse above the "x" in the top left conrer of a windows?
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23:53.05zenguy_pcwhen i group two or 4 windows together, can i make them into a grid/tiled "window"
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23:54.49Torchpuchu: system settings -> workspace appearance -> window decorations -> configure buttons
23:57.02puchuTorch: thanks
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