IRC log for #kde on 20111225

00:04.53*** join/#kde cablop (~quassel@
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00:17.51*** join/#kde JackyAlcine (~desktop@sii/jackyalcine)
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00:45.51*** join/#kde Hoyt (~shadowalk@
00:45.59Hoythi , anyone using amarok here ?
00:46.32Hoytit doesn't seem to work without mysql
00:47.07*** join/#kde manutortosa (
00:48.17*** join/#kde werwolf_x_ (~werwolf@
00:49.55JackWedt_: your mail should still be in your kderoot, even if you migrated it.  i moved to dovecot for an imap server, still looking for a good email program, even tried kmail2 on my new imap server, but had to give it up.  hopefully they'll get it working in 2012 :)
00:59.33*** join/#kde coolstar-pc (4cfd0338@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:00.09coolstar-pcCan anyone explain to me how to show the icons on the desktop instead of this "folder view" thing?
01:02.31*** join/#kde hoodwanked (
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01:26.59*** part/#kde coolstar-pc (4cfd0338@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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01:46.06*** join/#kde DaemonFC (~ryan@unaffiliated/daemonfc)
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02:21.18vsraoHi. I had clicked on the "Configure Touchpad" button once. And now, each time Plasma starts, I get the "No touchpad found" dialog. How do I disable this? (KDE 4.7.3, Kubuntu 11.10)
02:24.40*** join/#kde Walzmyn (
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03:18.59*** part/#kde fengya90 (~quassel@2001:da8:e000:1a08:226:22ff:fea5:e550)
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03:32.43*** join/#kde sacredchao (~chao@gateway/tor-sasl/nike)
03:33.05sacredchaoHi, my laptop has 2 batteries and I was wondering if I could have a status icon in my taskbar that shows BOTH
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03:59.09*** join/#kde JackyAlcine (~desktop@sii/jackyalcine)
04:03.09*** join/#kde Sarra (4ca95871@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:03.33Sarrais there any person who can help me
04:04.16Sarrai need help
04:10.51*** join/#kde Kaede (~Kaede@unaffiliated/kaede)
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04:49.53Santa_ClausHo ho ho; merry Christmas!
04:50.53*** join/#kde thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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05:03.15*** join/#kde mastertheknife (~kfir@2001:470:1f0b:1a6f:21a:4dff:fe55:9cf6)
05:04.39*** join/#kde sanett (~quassel@
05:04.54sanettis kde 4.8 available?
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05:55.27*** part/#kde werwolf_x_ (~werwolf@
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06:17.13*** join/#kde Leoneof (~Leon@unaffiliated/leoneof)
07:00.26*** join/#kde amoR (
07:06.38*** join/#kde Wyatt|Work (
07:08.35Wyatt|WorkMerry Christmas all!  If anyone happens to know, is there a way to store multiple plasma profiles?  For example, I want to start a new profile and customise it to be "light" because I'm under memory pressure right now.
07:08.53Wyatt|WorkErr, not that I'm particularly expecting an answer given the day...
07:11.46*** join/#kde hagabaka (~hagabaka@unaffiliated/hagabaka)
07:15.35*** join/#kde mastertheknife (~kfir@2001:470:1f0b:1a6f:21a:4dff:fe55:9cf6)
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07:59.15*** join/#kde adnap (
08:00.59*** join/#kde `moebius` (
08:06.49*** join/#kde Gilde2 (
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08:55.18*** join/#kde tommis (
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09:38.02*** join/#kde az (
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09:49.09*** join/#kde jachin (~jachin@
09:56.42*** join/#kde `moebius` (
10:02.31*** join/#kde ignotusp (
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11:29.35*** join/#kde CaptainCrunch (
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11:30.22CaptainCrunchcan some one check the letters in this irrsi screenshot plz ? letters to not overlap to next line , in this shot one should see yyyy  jjjj and gg at the bottom this happens throughout Konsole application not only irssi :  Konsole Version 2.7.4 ; KDE 4.7.4 (4.7.4)
11:31.55*** join/#kde kashajim (~hasan@
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11:32.44kashajimmy system time is set to ATC, but KDE displays time in UTC, how to switch to ATC in KDE? fedora 16
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11:38.29CaptainCrunchlol found a bug report in konsole enable -bi-di in profile and its gone ...
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12:23.04kashajimhow can I set system time to local time, rather than UTC?
12:23.19kashajimsystem uses local time, but KDE shows UTC. this is the problem
12:26.42*** join/#kde manutortosa (
12:28.52jachinMost of distro has completed time setting with ntp protocol.
12:29.06jachinWhat kind of distribution are you using?
12:29.32jachinMaybe, there are localtime file in /etc directory.
12:31.20jachinCore 15?
12:31.24kashajimCore 16
12:32.11jachinCould you try to execute 'international-time'?
12:32.47*** join/#kde MaskMaster (~quassel@
12:32.56kashajimbash: international-time: command not found...
12:33.15kashajiminternational-time: command not found...
12:34.05jachinHmmm.. anyway, you are using KDE, you could set with time panel.
12:34.33*** join/#kde amgarchIn9 (
12:36.16jachinBut if you couldn't keep the time on your PC, you need to change setting with 'hwclock -localtime' command
12:36.49jachinOf course, with root privileges.
12:38.41*** join/#kde mokoloko (
12:39.11*** join/#kde JackW (
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14:25.23*** join/#kde Shaan7 (~shantanu@kde/developer/shantanu)
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14:45.33FlyingFoXhi i am trying to update my installed kde packages and i am using the kde windows downolader 0.9.9-5. But everytime it downloads e.g. amarok it downloads it and says checksum failed at the end. I tried multiple download location ( and university of esslingen). I am starting the downloader as administrator under win 7. Any ideas whats going wrong here?
14:49.15*** join/#kde rdale (
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16:37.08lduroshow do you call this "widget" in KDE that allows you to have shortcuts in the panel but these shortcuts behave like the task manager
16:37.12lduroswhen the program is already opened
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17:00.58edgyHi, In kmail I am getting: There is currently no session to the IMAP server available, what's this?
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17:02.47seboillaki pardus
17:04.33wodimlduros, the task manager?
17:06.04lduroswodim: but the task manager doesn't give you "shortcuts" to click when the program isn't opened, and then become shortcut to the open window when it has already been open? what I'd like is something similar to unity or Gnome Shell
17:06.18ldurosI just don't know how it's called, someone told me there was somehting like that on KDE
17:07.35wodimit gives you the possibility of having shortcuts
17:07.50wodimjust right click the task and click "show a shorcut when the program is not running"
17:08.03ldurosaah ok
17:08.24Sho_or use Icon Tasks
17:08.34Sho_it's like unity or win7
17:08.48ldurosaah so it's show launcher when not running, i see it in the task manager :-)
17:08.52*** join/#kde mcorteel__ (
17:08.54Sho_even supports the unity overlay api
17:09.00ldurosIcon Tasks? so how would that differ? :-)
17:09.26seboillaki kde and pardus
17:09.47Sho_in 4.8 it is bundled with kde
17:10.00Sho_in kdeplasma-addons
17:11.45wodimsebo, what the hell
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17:15.45bretzeluh... What is really different in kde 4.8 worth it to call it 4.8 ? ( I would put 4.7.5 ) I see nothing really noticable ( performance, visuals, configs etc ... )
17:17.25sebowodim: There's nothing like a bird pardus is from the kde
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17:25.17Sho_bretzel: significantly rewritten dolphin 2.0, massive performance gains in kwin, lots of new stuff in apps (e.g. kate), lots of rewrites and new api in the shell (qml components and plasmoids, tabbox in kwin, etc)
17:27.09Sho_bretzel: and if you'd call that 4.7.5 then you don't know how "bugfix releases" work :)
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17:34.35bretzelSho_ : sorry, I woudn't be sarcastic. I was on the impression that kde 4.8 was for following Qt 4.8 version naming... I 've just read the release day ( january 25, 2012) - still much time to glue things. ) and I hope that with this 4.7 => 4.8 which implies much work on `in-middle- project developement requirements will be worth it.
17:35.54Sho_bretzel: no, 4.8 is 4.8 because it's six month after 4.7and we make a major release every six months
17:36.15Sho_the qt version number doesn't matter
17:36.21bretzelSho_: thanks I've got it :-)
17:37.37Sho_and 4.8 contains just as much or actually more work than 4.7 did
17:39.47JackWlooking forwards to it :)
17:40.41*** join/#kde Droste (
17:45.07bretzelJackW: : Indeed me either :)
17:47.48bretzelAny one aware if KAppilcation Template ( KAppTemplate) will include some QML plasma ?  ( cannot find words about it ) - Btw, The plasma engines ( data, script, etc...) are so over complex, it is almost impossible to get into it without long learning days! ...
17:50.29bretzel...just borwsing the plasma-widget sm_* source code is scaring me to the point that I just abandon the study of it at every attemps ...
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18:35.52ldurosi'd like to make a shortcut to toggle window fullscreen instead of doing ALT+F3 Advanced >> Fullscreen
18:35.56lduroshow can I do that?
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18:41.30ngong_kwave: how to import mp3? should work but I am too blind to find any menu item
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20:54.25soeehi, whats the best gui for git ?
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21:02.29cb400fdolphin maybe
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21:02.46XVampireXHallo :D
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21:03.35XVampireXSay, ubuntu has got this thing called Lens, where by plugins you can get views of different things... kinda like the idea of "Views" on Drupal, kinda cool that thing, is there anything similar to it on KDE?
21:04.31edt_How can I figure out why kde 4.7.4 suddenly decided not to start power managerment - it claims there are no valid backend plugins (like what happened when hal was removed)
21:05.53edt_this on arch with qt-4.8.0-2 and kdelibs 4.7.4-2
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21:06.50edt_I'd sort of like for it to work so I can power off my screen when its not being used
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21:07.51XVampireXhaha, I think I might have worse problems with the latest KDE on kubuntu, the one on their repos :D
21:08.00XVampireXvolume slider sometimes gets stuck
21:08.47edt_XVampireX kmail4 just lost 40,000+ messages - I am not happy with kde4 right now
21:09.04XVampireXgmail works for me ;)
21:10.37JackWedt_: if you migrated to kmail2, your old email are still in ~/.kde4
21:11.20JackWedt_: also running prerelase software i suppose that you are helping debugging it, so no need to be unhappy
21:11.41edt_JackW its what arch installed - no testing repos here
21:12.06JackWedt_: that said i gave up on kmail2 for the moment and migrated my mail to an imap server instead (dovecot)
21:14.14edt_JackW migration is another story.  Full text indexing is a joke in that I ooms my 8G box trying to index my old kernel archives (400K messages).  Those are ok now.  My new kernel emails from the last 4 months are gone now.
21:14.32soeeXVampireX, there is some problem with kmix
21:14.45XVampireXSo it's a known problem
21:14.51soeefor me it sops working often and starting to use ~ 40% cpu
21:15.00soeeso i have to kill it :)
21:15.07XVampireXand then what?
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21:16.41XVampireXand the new stuff in dolphin is funny and kind of cool
21:16.49XVampireXhow now it's very dynamic
21:17.19JackWedt_: i run kde on arch and i have kde 4.7.4...
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21:19.39JackWedt_: all your emails are still in ~/.kde4 they were not deleted by the migration.  ok what you have gotten with the new system of course won't be stored there anymore
21:20.46JackWXVampireX: you can always restart it if it died.  alt-f2 kmix
21:21.09XVampireXThanks :D
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21:35.24edt_JackW messages lost were new messages.  kmail had its folder setup corrupted.  I moved messages I wanted to keep to a new maildir and reset kmail.  When I importd the maildir the messages I wanted to keep were gone.  kmail2 is a pita.  It really has poblems with large maildirs.
21:39.12JackWedt_: yeah, at the moment i hate it too
21:39.41edt_family time now
21:40.01JackWor rather i find it unusable (but didn't try for a while).  maybe one of the drawback of using archlinux and adopting new software early
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21:40.37JackWhave a good one
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22:03.02XVampireXJackW: I replaced kmix with veromix for now
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