IRC log for #kde on 20110820

00:03.03heraclitus_nabukadnezar43, ok i set default sound card but it doesn't seem to stay that way, i open alsamixer again and it shows hda. and worse, even if intel ich6 is selected and alamixer is open, there is no sound
00:03.49nabukadnezar43right click kmix
00:03.54nabukadnezar43selct master channel
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00:04.20nabukadnezar43volume up all those channels
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00:13.04heraclitus_nabukadnezar43, done, internal audio is master channel, both channels are unmuted, volume up, both are visible, in kde multimedia settings the internal audio (intel ich6) is everywhere the upper one, still no sound, except in multimedia settings test, that is
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00:20.57heraclitus_restart the stupid thing, but if it would not work then, i will blacklist hdmi sound
00:22.25heraclitus_and perhaps i also have to remove all things, except alsa
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00:43.46heraclitus_ok, i muted hdmi sound, because i lost patience, though i think this was not what brought the sound on
00:46.07heraclitus_then what happened, was that after restart, the sound was on, but kde played the login sound only after i run the first application. and after it played the login sound, the sound didn't work any more
00:49.35heraclitus_then i removed the channel from visible channels in kde mixer's sound configuration, and then i made it visible again, and this brought the sound on. but this has to be done every time after restart
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01:35.35heraclitus_had to remove pulseaudio too, now everything works. i know ulseaudio is what finally causes that rubbish, but i don't know whether there is some way without blacklisting hdmi sound, no time for experimenting...
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05:02.57bbeckDoes anyone know where I can go to look at the okteta source?
05:03.22bbeckI know there's a website where I can browse  the git repo, but google is doing its best to hide it from me.
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05:08.08VergeI was looking for Akregator's source the other day
05:08.18VergeAll I found was was some three-year-old repo
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05:14.52atomopawnIs dow?
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05:16.17Aishikohello, I have kde4.6 and it doesn't detect removable media, either CDs/DVDss or USB anything
05:18.52AishikoI have spent a couple of days trying to figure it out, I have udisks installed and still nothing I am in the plugdev group
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06:08.46valorieVerge: see /usr/share/doc/akregator/README/
06:10.18valorieI believe all you have to do is enable the sources repo, and download it directly
06:11.04valoriebut the readme should guide you to the website and techbase docs, which might enable you http access to git
06:11.24VergeI don't such a repo nor do I have that file
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06:35.20valorieVerge: ^^^
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06:53.21ShashiHi. I am using KDE 4.5. In my home folder, i have a folder "Desktop" with few applications icons. But my "folder view" widget is showing my home folder items, not my "Desktop" folder items. Please anyone tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
06:53.59VergeSet it to show your Desktop directory then
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06:55.45ShashiYes, i can do that. But by default it should show "Desktop" folder right?  Why this is happening ?
06:56.28cb400fno, by default newly added folderviews show the home dir
06:56.52Verge~/Desktop is something they are trying to ignore these days
06:56.52apt...but /desktop is already something else...
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07:01.01ShashiOK. How to change this behaviour? . How to make that, by default, the "folder view" widget will shows "Desktop" folder? . My problem is, if i explicitly set the path, then "folder view" widget shows the top  as "Home -> Desktop". Where as if i set as "Show the Desktop folder", then it will show the top as "Desktop folder". Showing as "Home -> Desktop" not looking good .
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07:08.55alirezaThe use of Linux in a Web kiosk I need to have a solution for on screen keyboard
07:09.37cb400fthere's kvkbd
07:09.52cb400falso there's some virtual keyboard plasmoid iirc
07:09.58cb400f.. never tried either one though
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07:12.42alirezakvkbd when you click on an input text will be displayed?
07:13.03alirezaOr ever will be displayed?
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07:48.52daedaluzdoes KDE have a native input method for east-asian languages? I have weird problems with ibus
07:49.58agumonkeyHi peeps
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07:50.26BILLYKANEdaedaluz,maybe you can try fcitx
07:50.48BILLYKANEthe developer of fcitx is a big fan of kde
07:50.59agumonkeyWhere can I disable starting nepomuk , completely disable , not just with System Settings ( there's still 2 processes related to nepomuk running )
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09:25.41youagreewhat is the entropy-kioslaves package good for?
09:27.06youagreei've been running kde on sabayon without that so far but i wonder what features entropy-kioslaves provides, what is it useful for ?
09:30.20youagreewill it hurt if i install it?
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09:40.31alirezaThe use of Linux in a Web kiosk I need to have a solution for on screen keyboard
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10:06.43rindolfHi all.
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10:25.31t3hrealadamdhow would I go about removing the sliding "New Activity" bar off of my screen? I'm not sure how it even showed up.
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10:25.59VergeRemove it like any other plasmoid
10:26.42nyuszika7hHi, can anyone help me? I only have one window open, and when I try to start an application, I get the error 'Maximum number of clients reached'.
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10:26.51nyuszika7h`xlsclients' shows a lot of '<unknown>' windows.
10:27.12nyuszika7hAnd is it normal that '/usr/bin/plasma-desktop' is listed a lot of times?
10:27.37t3hrealadamdVerge: I don't see any way to remove it. Nothing on right-click or in the actual menu
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10:27.57t3hrealadamdVerge: Also, I'm fairly new to KDE, so some of this isn't exactly obvious yet
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10:29.20VergeUnlock the widgets, then remove it
10:29.30t3hrealadamdmy widgets aren't locked
10:30.37VergeThen click on the panel's configuration icon and move the cursor above the activities plasmoid and select remove
10:31.41t3hrealadamdyeah, still nothing
10:31.43t3hrealadamdit's not in my main panel
10:31.53t3hrealadamdhang on, screenshotting
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10:32.23t3hrealadamdThe "bar" on the right.
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10:36.37VergeOh that
10:36.38kde_pepot3hrealadamd, that's the desktop cashew. Move it to a corner
10:36.40VergeYou can't remove it
10:37.37t3hrealadamdmust have popped out when I moved the bar to the top
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10:43.32nyuszika7hSo, can anyone help me?
10:43.54thiagonyuszika7h: doubtful. I don't think anyone has ever seen that problem.
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10:44.40nyuszika7hNow it seems it got magically solved... I didn't do anything.
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11:18.00GordonGRHallo everyone. Question: How can I have document templates in Dolphin/Konqueror, like in Nautilus/Thunar?
11:18.38thiagodo  you want to add a new template?
11:19.44GordonGRI have several ready from when I was using XFCE
11:20.01GordonGRbut yes, I want to convert/transport them
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11:20.59thiagothere's a directory somewhere where you can put the templates
11:21.03thiagoI just don't know what it is
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11:21.46GordonGRI figured that much... but couldn't find it either
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11:32.41TrewasI am having problems getting service menus to work in dolphin following, no matter where I put the .desktop file it does not show up in dolphin
11:32.52Trewaskde 4.6 in ubuntu 11.04, if that matters
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11:53.49JackWjust upgraded an old kde machine to 4.7, but have some strange problems (i think with permissions, policykit, notworkmanager, etc).  thought it might be a good idea to reset the kde config for the user account.  (not all that much to lose there to be honest)  on archlinux most of the kde stuff is configured in ~/.kde4, but wondering what other paths might well be removed?  so far i've seen that kde-pim seems to have a penchant for storing
11:53.49JackWstuff elsewhere, like in ~/.local.
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11:54.22thiagoand ~/.config
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11:54.31thiagobut there are other things stored there, so be careful about removing completely
11:54.59JackWhmm, think i liked better when kde kept all it's stuff in one place :)  thanks
11:55.03GordonGRyou can always back them up somewhere else, remove them, see if things work correctly and recopy those you deem important
11:55.31GordonGRbtw, do we know where the document templates directory is? :)
11:55.50thiagoJackW: the stuff outside ~/.kde is because it's non-KDE
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11:56.11thiagoJackW: i.e., specifications or applications intended to be used in non-KDE environments
11:56.28JackWthiago: ah, so it's archlinux patching kde-pim?
11:56.41thiagoJackW: what do you mean?
11:57.25JackWthiago: kde-pim seems to store databases with mail outside of ~/.kde for instance
11:57.57JackWmore specifically kmail2
11:58.44thiagonot kdepim
11:58.52thiagoakonadi, which is technically not part of KDE
11:59.11thiagono one but KDE uses it, but it's still written as non-KDE
12:01.22GordonGRoh! 238613 has local light enabled
12:01.57GordonGRGraphics Card Vendor: Tungsten Graphics, Inc
12:01.57GordonGRGraphics Card: Mesa DRI Intel(R) G41  x86/MMX/SSE2
12:01.57GordonGROpenGL Version: 1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.10.3)
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12:03.49JackWthiago: ah, akonadi isn't part of kde, that makes me happy to hear..!  it's the single most annoying piece of software i've had on my desktops in the last few years :)  was actually beginning to have hard feelings against kde due to it B)
12:04.22thiagoJackW: it was created by KDE for use in KDE (and others)
12:04.32JackWin any ways on my main machine i removed all the kde-pim stuff and shut off akonadi and am a lot happier with it.
12:04.40thiagosame with nepomuk, soprano, solid, phonon, etc.
12:04.51GordonGRguys, sorry for the paste
12:04.59thiagothose decisions come from 2005 when we decided to make more frameworks available for non-KDE applications
12:05.28JackWok, so wipining ~/.kde should then remove most if not all of the kde configs.  i'll give that a go
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12:06.51JackWthiago: i think i'm gonna have to sit down a google kde real well some day to understand how all the pieces fit together
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12:13.16GordonGRHallo everyone. Question: How can I have document templates in Dolphin/Konqueror, like in Nautilus/Thunar?
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12:15.10Trewasbtw I got the service menu .desktop file working, the guide in says to use ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin which should be X-KDE-Servicetypes followed by mimetypes the service applies to
12:15.22thiagoGordonGR: shouldn't you just ask what folder to put the templates in?
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12:15.28thiagoGordonGR: I've already told you that you can have.
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12:16.44GordonGRgood point
12:17.30Trewasas a recent gnome refugee I have to say kde looks and feels really good, replacement to nautilus scripts was the last thing missing :)
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12:27.35daedaluzTrewas: and it's getting quickly better. 4.3 two years ago was the first usable release, now 4.7 is wiping the floor with Windows, OS X and GNOME3
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12:49.10Sho_daedaluz: i actually thought 4.2 was pretty cool already
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14:31.28edgyHi, after upgrading my kde to 4.7. I received an Arabic message in kmail and I can read it properly, but when I click reply, the quoted message is garbage
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14:39.12PythonSnakeedgy: unicode
14:39.29edgyPythonSnake: the message was cp1256
14:39.57edgyPythonSnake: unicode messages works well
14:41.04PythonSnakeconvert to utf8
14:41.12edgyPythonSnake: how?
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14:42.55edgyPythonSnake: you know I was wrong, all messages utf or not, I cannot reply to it
14:43.12edgyPythonSnake: I mean the quoted messages comes as garbage
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14:43.52PythonSnakeedgy: delete quoted message. solved.
14:44.23edgyPythonSnake: are you kidding? isn't this a bug?
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15:09.04ssalso whats the easiest way of going about building 4.7?
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15:28.14PythonSnakessal: ./configure && make && make install as root
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15:28.38pinotreewhich ./configure?
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15:40.17EvilGuruI have somehow managed to disable window snapping under kwin.  Where is the setting to enable it?
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15:41.15mcorteelEvilGuru: in the window behavior menu (right click on the title bar)
15:41.35Sho_EvilGuru: System Settings -> Window Behavior -> Window Behavior -> Snap Zones
15:41.59mcorteelor that
15:43.18EvilGuruDoes clicking Defaults reset all tabs?  Or just the currently open one
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15:44.02Sho_probably the entire KCM, i.e. all tabs
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15:45.06EvilGuruOkay thanks for the hint about where to find it.  I thought it was an effect for some reason
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15:51.57JackWhmm, where would be the best place to look for support on networkmanager/umts usbmodem and the knetwork plasma widget?  seems like on a hardware level it works like it should, but the applet doesn't work to well.  as a matter of fact after removing everything in ~/.kde, ~/.local and ~/.config it won't even see the umts modem anymore, before it used to see it, but required me to create a new connection eachh time i wanted to dial
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16:14.56edgyhi, i added a vpn connection into knetworkmanager, where is the configuration file that stores this?
16:15.23mfraz74any idea why I'm seeing phantom items in the task manager after I close a window?
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16:20.11shreyaHi there a specific channel for asking kde based errors or can i post here? :)
16:20.34thiagoit's fine here i ran into a problem with kbuildsycoca4
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16:21.21shreyait gives a plethora of errors which I am pasting here
16:22.20PythonSnaketoo bad
16:22.35PythonSnakeyou'll have to reinstall whole distro
16:22.40shreyaWhen i searched a bit,it seems that there is some problems with thw files in the .kde directory
16:22.45PythonSnakehehe just joking !
16:22.59PythonSnakerun with sudo
16:23.02*** join/#kde Fauve (~Fauve@
16:23.04shreyaOh well you scared me
16:23.18shreyaI will pastebin that second
16:23.20thiagois KDEDIR set?
16:23.30PythonSnakemyself I'm going to do a fresh linux install :P
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16:24.36shreyathiago:I am sory are you talking about this
16:24.37shreyaexport KDEDIRS=/path/to/install:$KDEDIRS
16:24.41shreyaI did that
16:24.47thiagoexactly that?
16:24.54shreyaumm yes
16:25.08thiagoor is "/path/to/install" a replacement for something, like the path to the installation?
16:25.37shreyaOh i meant i gave thae path :P
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16:26.14shreyaThiago:I just checked
16:26.23shreyaI copy pasted the wrong commands
16:26.30shreyaThe one with path to install
16:26.36shreyaNow what do I do?
16:26.44shreyaIt will not run any kde app
16:26.57thiagounset KDEDIRS
16:27.14thiagotype that: unset KDEDIRS
16:27.33shreyain the buold dir?
16:28.00shreyaWell did that
16:28.04shreyaanything else?
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16:30.00shreyanow it says:Command 'kbuildsycoca4' is available in '/usr/bin/kbuildsycoca4'
16:30.00shreyaThe command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.
16:31.10thiagodid you type unset KDEDIRS?
16:31.14thiagolooks like you unset PATH
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16:33.53JackW1hmm, it seems like the gnome network mgt applet works fine, suppose i'll have to wait a little longer for the kde one to work with umts too.
16:34.16thiagoin my experience, it's NM that doesn't work
16:34.19thiagonot the applet
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16:35.12JackW1could be, have been investigating it for 5-6 hours now, but it kinda sucks without netaccess :)
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16:36.30JackW1had it working somewhat, the removed all kde configs, and now the umts modem doesn't show up at all.  the gnome applet finds it straightaway.  any alternatives to networkmanager that works better?
16:37.14JackW1vwdial works too, wondering if it's not NM/policykit or something like that
16:39.00JackW1but think i'll devote the rest of he day to straighten the kde install out.  it was setup for phonon-xine, but arch apparently dropped that, so kde couldn't shutdown nor reboot.  got that fixed too now
16:39.50JackW1the nm applet seems to work fine for me with NM and wired/wifi, just umts modems that mess me up.
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16:43.01shreyathiago:Is there any way of resetting it?
16:43.16thiagoshreya: resetting what?
16:43.38shreyathiago:the path variable that I accidently unset
16:43.45thiagoyes, type: exit
16:43.57thiagoit's not permanent, so just exit your shell
16:44.47shreyaSo if I open up a new console now the problem will go away?
16:45.04thiagoyes works! :)
16:46.03shreyaYou have been a real help
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16:55.58sammaelhey guys
16:57.29sammaeli do have one question since im new in kde it seems that only preinstalled window decorations works for me
16:57.49sammaelevery other acting weird
16:58.21sammaelis that normal ? ;p
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16:59.54thiagoevery other what is acting weird?
17:01.35thiagoalso, "weird" is subjective. We don't know what's weird for you.
17:01.51thiagoit might be that what you see is expected, but it could be a problem. You'll have to be more specific.
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17:07.21sammaelwhen i point mouse at some element at window bar it looks like its some bad textures
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17:08.25sammaelinstead of button i have white square and some random colors in it
17:11.12sammaelit looks like those installed themes dose not support hightlighting button but i kinda dont belive evey theme is acting the same
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17:17.32sammaelwell, i will try with some others decoration and then start to wondering what going on
17:17.40sammaelbye bye
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17:30.42gatoHi folks: I've a problem with a pygtk app. Since I upgraded to Fedora 15 KDE, some gtk commands are not working. For example, set_wrap_width from gtk.combo_box_new_text() is not working, and the combo shows only one column. Any clues??
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17:32.01Sho_gato: PyGTK and GTK+ have nothing to do with KDE
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17:34.43gatoSho_: I understand, but I thought that KDE must be overwriting some defaults, no? My app worked fine in FC13, and it still works fine in Winodws and Maemo. Only problem is FC15. It also doesn't obey other commands, like background colors.
17:36.40Sho_not to my knowledge
17:37.29gatoDo you know where I can find help? GTK IRC channels seem dead, and redhat bugzilla is a joke.
17:38.22Sho_gato: Gnome's IRC channels are on OFTC I think
17:38.49Sho_not sure, though
17:39.01gatoOk. Thanks.
17:39.10Sho_whatever leads to, i guess
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17:40.00gatoOk. Thanks!! :)
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18:07.11Kurdistanhi I need help with bluedevil.
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18:07.24Daskreechanything more specific?
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18:08.42KurdistanDaskreech: I can not transfer files from phone to computer and the other way.
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18:09.42KurdistanDaskreech: even if it recognize my phone
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18:10.01DaskreechWhat version of bluedevil?
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18:14.39Kurdistan:) I got it worked after testing every single usb-input.
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18:47.24boomtopperHow do you add a plasmoid to the system tray? I've tried dragging but I'm unable to put it there? I'm trying to put the telepathy widget there but I can only place it either side of the system tray.
18:48.13boomtopperOhh wait found it. It's in the prefs that I can do it :)
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19:50.22cojackhello guys
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19:53.37cojackif I would like to write pluginable self application using kde api, where I should start to read the techbase?
19:58.20Tigerboyhi does anyone know of a way to resize the mouse cursor?(like in Gnome there is a resize slider in the mouse cursor theme area).
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20:03.58DaskreechTigerboy: hmm never thought of that
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20:07.25lord_robHi ! When I copy a file from a folder to another I don't see the progress window anymore ... How can I renable it ? kde 4.6.5
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20:09.32Tigerboydaskreech yep it's one thing I like about gnome... should be possible to do it somehow in kde I would think.
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20:10.39cb400flord_rob: you should have a little "pie diagram" thingy in the panel indicating the progress
20:11.04cb400fwhere there's normally the "i"
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20:13.56lord_robYes I know but the problem I have is that when I copy a file from my pc to my phone 80 mb via usb I don't see when copy has finished and it's dangerous because this file needs to be flashed as a new firmware
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20:15.52thiagoalways finds it nice how the circular section diagram gets different names according to the culture
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20:15.57thiagoin English, it's a pie chart
20:16.03thiagoin French, it's a camembert chart
20:16.09thiagoin Portuguese, it's a pizza chart
20:16.28lord_roband the file appears directly as copied on the destination
20:16.35lord_robwithout delay
20:16.55lord_robso I have to wait an arbitrary time
20:16.55mfraz74to me it looks like the countdown you used to see at the start of old films
20:17.17thiagolord_rob: when you eject the device, it's copied
20:17.30thiagoand the delay/immediateness is not due to KDE, it's how your system works
20:17.32pinotreethiago: hmm pizza
20:17.44pinotree(and hmm pie too)
20:17.47thiagoif you need to mount your device in Sync mode, please consult your udisk settings
20:17.51thiagopinotree: how is it called in Italian?
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20:18.11pinotreethe italian equivalent of "pie chart"
20:18.51mfraz74the other option is to use the command line
20:19.15thiagowhich is just as quick or slow
20:19.26pinotreethiago: it wasn't a question, but the reply :)
20:19.42lord_roband if I unmount the device, I suppose the data shoulkd be synced
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20:19.52JackW1bom proveito
20:20.01thiagopinotree: yeah, I always found it weird to call it a pie chart, since most pies I know are square or rectangular
20:20.13pinotreethiago: pie/cake, just like the one you get when you have your birthday
20:20.15lord_robbut an error is displayed : an app is currently using the device
20:20.26lord_robbut this app is only dolphin
20:20.42mfraz74pies don't last that long over here for me to tell what shape it was
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20:21.00pinotreethiago: weird, if i go to a confetioner's here, most are round, and some are rectangular
20:21.02Daskreechthiago: Do you know if the mouse pointers in KDE are scalable?
20:21.23pinotreeDaskreech: kde doesn't draw the cursor, X does
20:21.36Daskreechpinotree: Ah. In Framebuffer?
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20:22.08DaskreechDoes it pick up a hint somewhere? For colour and size etc?
20:23.46thiagoDaskreech: never seen it do that
20:23.49thiagoit's not impossible
20:24.06JackW1Daskreech: did you try system settings->workspace appearance?
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20:25.35Tigerboypinotree: the desktop is an overlay to x among other things
20:25.36DaskreechAh ok. Tigerboy was looking for a way to scale. Far as I know the only way to scale the pointer size would be a new theme (well at least GUI wise)
20:26.04Tigerboygnome has a way to easily scale
20:26.05DaskreechI don't know if you can just put a new px size in a config file
20:26.44Tigerboyfunny cause kde usually does more than gnome on most things
20:26.49thiagoyou can scale a pixmap, but it will be ugly
20:26.59DaskreechTigerboy: Do you jsut want the cursour to be more easily seen?
20:27.09Tigerboyyes bigger
20:27.17Daskreechor have a bigger hit target or something?
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20:27.37DaskreechYou can make it functionally bigger even if it's not visually bigger
20:27.40JackW1Tigerboy: install a bigger cursor theme?
20:27.46Tigerboywell, people in my office that use kde wanted the same feature that is on gnome to resize the cursor
20:28.12DaskreechTigerboy: Maybe look for a large mouse theme?
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20:28.39Tigerboyyes I will try... but i'm thinking if it can be done on gnome it should be possible on kde too
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20:28.58DaskreechGenerally that's the case
20:29.28Daskreechthiago: That's what I was thinking as well. First thought was the mouse cursour isn't vector is it?
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20:29.57Tigerboythey resize very smoothly
20:30.23Tigerboyat least under gentoo and debian I have had some problems with ubuntu
20:30.52DaskreechHaven't played with Gnome mice in a while :)
20:31.18Tigerboyit's the same themes etc
20:31.33Tigerboyjust the kde is lacking the resize slider
20:32.38Tigerboyfrom my research-- kde used to have a way to make the mouse large (not a slider but just one setting of large)
20:33.17cb400fyou mean the cursor theme?
20:35.08LPLATESHi all :) --- Anyone know how chunky,(MB/GB) KDE 3.5 or 4.6 etc. might be when installed - Have around 1GB free on /usr - [FREEBSD SYSTEM] - Thanks :)
20:35.53thiagocan be as small as 200 MB
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20:37.08thiagomy full build is 1.8 GB
20:37.30LPLATESWould be using a FreeBSD port from the ports collection...Got stung with Gnome recently, think I lost 1.5 or more GB and really only wanted the panel - didn't think it would put that much extra junk in considering already had all the GTK and other libraries that apps' like Firefox use.
20:37.53LPLATESthiago, - yikes!
20:38.05thiagoLPLATES: I think it includes debugging info
20:38.31TigerboyLPLATES: one thing I dislike about gnome lately is the sloppy interconnecting massive dependencies.
20:38.34LPLATESthiago, what version do you have?
20:39.09thiagoLPLATES: master build of July
20:39.23cojackguys stupid question
20:39.33cojackhow to make visible kDebug() output in kdevelop?
20:39.40LPLATESYeh I hate Gnome also - but always liked the panel over the KDE one -- my old system ran Gnome panel and Full KDE with Enlightenment as Window manager - would like to make something similar on this updated system.
20:39.44Tigerboythat and gnone 3 which is almost anti linux in it's design
20:40.39LPLATESHATE the gnome file manager also :) - KDE for the win on that,(least my old version 3.x one) hope any new Konquerer isn't Gnome-like :)
20:41.33TigerboyLPlates: you just have to assume about 20 gig of wasted nonsense with linux as things are now.  I don't worry about it just be careful to size your affected partitions accordingly.
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20:42.53LPLATESTigerboy, LOL - have about 1GB free on /usr currently :) --- FreeBSD system - yick to Linux, too little config structure & Windows programming mentality it seems to me lately.
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20:43.21TigerboyLaplates: yes nautilus is very buggy.... But it can be controlled if you don't let gdm3 tear your system to ribbons ... well I have had these mysterious crashes caused by the iceauthority and now finally have that under control.
20:44.39TigerboyLplates: yes it is really almost anti-linux as I say. I just try to figure out what is going on and adjust for it as quickly as I can.
20:44.40LPLATESthiago, - missed the "Master build of July" message - that a 3.x or 4.6x or 4.7?
20:44.58thiagoLPLATES: it's the master branch, built in July
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20:46.55LPLATESthiago, guessing 4.6x -- as 4.7 only got released on July 27th according to main KDE website on it's news --- yeh, snuck back, had a looksee ;)
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20:47.15graphitemasteris there a reason ark cannot preview txt files?
20:47.23graphitemasterbut it can preview anything else ( such as an image )
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20:49.49Daskreechgraphitemaster: works here
20:50.11thiagoLPLATES: then it's 4.7 RC
20:50.22thiagoLPLATES: or pre-alpha of 4.8
20:50.44qophowdie, I am getting: server failed authenticity check ( The certificate auth is not trusted for this purpose
20:51.10qopassume that I just have to tell konqueror or somethng to accept verising
20:51.14qopbut where?
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20:53.52LPLATESthiago, - thanks --- What's the stability like? - any minor/major issues?
20:54.16thiagoLPLATES: doing fine
20:54.27thiagothere are some annoying issues that have cropped up recently, though
20:54.46thiagothe taskbar in plasma has a lot of ghost entries, so over time the buttons get smaller and smaller
20:55.00thiagothere's a focus issue in kwin that focuses the wrong window every now and then
20:55.22thiagoand someone introduced unstable code in KIO recently, but the fix should be in today
20:55.32LPLATESTigerboy, - what version KDE are you running - and as above of thiago - any stability or slowness issues with your version --- I'm running PIII 672MHz,(overclocked) & 512MB ram - so cannot have anything too leaky or bloaty --- already have Firefox & wretched Opera fullfilling that requirement :)
20:55.45mfraz74thiago: i've noticed that happening a lot recently
20:55.57thiagomfraz74: which one? the focus?
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20:56.12mfraz74thiago: the ghost entries after i close down an app
20:56.26LPLATESMeaning Firefox & Opera being leaky & bloated :P
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20:57.09mfraz74i've also had some overlapping, so I have to sort alphabetically now
20:57.59cojackneed help
20:58.14cojackI just fallow this tutorial
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20:58.43LPLATESI wouldn't be using composite -- I assume that's maybe something Plasma uses and creates issues with? --(mplayer tears and flickers on xorg.conf having composite features active for some reason)
20:59.16thiagoLPLATES: I'm right now watching a video with mplayer, with compositing on
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20:59.58LPLATESthiago, think it's due to my Nvidia drivers from memory - using old Geforce3
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21:01.14LPLATESwas listed in a FAQ -- thinking; pretty certain now it was with the Nvidia drivers.
21:04.46LPLATESthiago, Tigerboy --- Gotta go - thanks for the help & chat though :)
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21:10.38PythonSnakeKDE is taking forever to load. It freezes at boot screen. Intel GMA HD, Arch Linux.
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21:11.35Teratogenshould have gone with Slackware! =)
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21:20.15Aishikohello, with the change to udisk is there a new group to be in for mounting usb hotmountable/swapable drives?
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21:24.35AishikoI am in the usb and plugdev groups but it keeps saying permission denied
21:25.00Aishikodoes anyone have any ideas?
21:30.22thiagoAishiko: it's not about groups
21:30.28thiagoit's about polkit
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21:31.41chetnickwhen I open dolphin with a bunch of video files kio_thumbnail eats up all available RAM. within 20 seconds ~4GB is consumed and system becomes iresponsive.
21:32.41chetnickThat is some serious bug or mem leak in kde 4.7. I haven't noticed that behaviour in 4.6
21:33.28Aishikothiago, alright then what do I do? since I have no clue how to access the new policy area since they started this whole kde switch
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21:33.51JackWchetnick: keep an eye on akonadi?
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21:34.17chetnickJackW: ?
21:36.22JackWchetnick: i mean keep an eye on what it's doing, i've had a lot of problems with it lately though 4gb gone in seconds sounds like something else
21:37.21thiagoAishiko: nor do I. It just comes pre-configured on my Linux system.
21:37.32thiagoAishiko: please check with your distribution how to configure udisks correctly.
21:39.40Aishikothiago, shouldn't it be universal on how to configure it?
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21:41.20valoriethiago: while we're discussing mounting, I'm noticing that since 4.7, my CD drive isn't mounted
21:41.26valorieand I can't mount it
21:41.34valoriesomething is askew
21:42.12thiagocan you mount with udisks --mount?
21:44.40valorie$ udisks --mount
21:44.49valorieand then a list of options
21:45.15thiagoright, now use the right optoins :-)
21:45.15valorie$ udisks --poll-for-media
21:45.34valorieam I using it wrong?
21:45.40thiagoudisks --enumerate, find your CD device, udisks --mount <paste the device here>
21:47.33valoriewhich might it be?
21:47.47thiagoas in /dev/sr0 :-)
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21:50.53thiagovalorie: pass the device identifier you see in --enumerate
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21:52.24valorietried that first
21:52.58thiagois there a CD in the drive?
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21:56.25valorietrying to rip a cd, but keep getting an error message:
21:56.27valorieSound Juicer could not read the track listing on this CD.
21:56.28valorie[13:55] <valorie> Reason: Cannot access CD: The specified location is not mounted
21:56.36valorieDolphin can't see it either
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22:05.26thiagoyou can't mount an audio CD
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22:07.34valorieKDE no longer has a CD ripping app, so I use Sound Juicer
22:07.43PythonSnakefailsafe works
22:07.46valoriecries for the lost Kaudiocreator....
22:08.01PythonSnakenormal freezes at loading screen
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22:08.24thiagovalorie: kio_audiocd doesn't work either?
22:08.38valorieno, I can't see the CD drive in Dolphin
22:08.58valorieI guess I didn't try kio_audiocd by itself
22:09.20valoriekio_audiocd: command not found
22:09.24thiagojust type audiocd:/ in dolphin
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22:09.55pinotreevalorie: note kaudiocreator is still being developed, an there's a kde4 version of it
22:10.24valorieright, apachelogger packaged it, but it only crashes
22:10.29valoriehaven't tried it recently
22:10.44pinotreemaybe that was an older version?
22:10.53pinotree(disclaimer: i didn't try it myself)
22:11.15valorieI dig up a port to 4.x on kde-apps, and he grumbled and packaged it
22:11.44valorieaudiocd:/ finds an empty CD
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22:12.18valorieyet I can listen in Amarok
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22:14.36valoriethere is no kaudiocreator in the *buntu repositories
22:15.09valorieso I'm going to assume that development stopped after the port
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22:19.43valoriein any case, the problem is the lack of automounting
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22:20.03valorieI can work around the ripping part in a few different ways
22:20.41valoriecf. Aishiko's problem earlier, where the USB drive isn't mountable
22:21.11thiagoyou can't mount a non-data CD
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22:21.26valoriebut the drive should be mounted, should it not?
22:21.40thiagoif it doesn't have a filesystem, it can't be mounted
22:21.55valoriewhy does soundjuicer want it mounted for, then?
22:22.07thiagono clue
22:22.16valorieI've been using this same app ever since kaud. disappeared
22:22.32valoriewith the occasional use of the kio slave, amarok and rippit
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23:02.17jmichaelxSho_: are you involved with the yakuake terminal?
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23:06.12Sho_jmichaelx: yep
23:07.35jmichaelxSho_: i am using version 2.9.8 in kubuntu on multiple machines, both at home and at work, and in every case, yakuake is not saving to .bash_history as it should
23:07.58jmichaelxSho_: this may be a known issue to you already
23:08.07Sho_jmichaelx: .bash_history is written by the bash shell, not by Yakuake
23:08.13Sho_Yakuake is a terminal emulator, not a shell
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23:08.54Sho_Yakuake is unware of command history on any level since the terminal emulator is not involved
23:10.05jmichaelxSho_: the only this is that this is not how yakuake had behaved through the last several kubuntu iterations
23:10.18jmichaelxthe only thing is*
23:10.23Sho_jmichaelx: Again, Yakuake is not involved with history in any way
23:10.30Sho_This is related to your bash configuration
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23:10.54Sho_Or Kubuntu's default bashrc/bash_profile/profile, etc.
23:10.59jmichaelxSho_: so what you are saying is that something in the bashrc might have changed?
23:11.23jmichaelxSho_: because when using konsole, i do not have this problem
23:11.34jmichaelxSho_: many thanks for the info
23:11.47Sho_In fact, even if the terminal emulator were involved with history - which it isn't - it still wouldn't be related to Yakuake, since Yakuake actually embeds the Konsole KPart component for terminal emulation, so strictly speaking Yakuake's code doesn't even know it does anything with terminals ;)
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23:14.58jmichaelxSho_: i guess i need to look into why history in konsole gets saved, and in yakuake it no longer does.... i had seen this before, but it was several years ago
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23:20.46Sho_jmichaelx: The only thing I can imagine is that Konsole and Yakuake are set to use different terminal profiles and one is configured to spawn a login shell and the other a non-login shell, causing different startup files to be read (see "Invocation" in the bash manpage) and those different startup files setting different history-related shopts
23:20.58Sho_that's a fairly convoluted scenario though
23:21.52jmichaelxSho_: i have, however, seen many things that convoluted :-)
23:22.44valoriejmichaelx: I haven't seen any difference in yakuake lately
23:22.50valorieseems to keep my history just fine
23:23.07Sho_just to reiterate, Yakuake doesn't keep history
23:23.13Sho_nor does konsole
23:23.15valorieuses kub w/ 4.7
23:23.18Sho_that's the shell's job
23:23.33valorieok, it displays it fine, sorry
23:24.14jmichaelxvalorie: i would be curious as to what the difference is then, because i am seeing this on about 6 different machines
23:24.58jmichaelxvalorie: bash sessions in konsole are saved just fine. in yakuake, not at all
23:25.16valorieif that were so for me, I wouldn't be using yakuake
23:25.28valorieup arrow is my most faithful friend
23:25.39Sho_FWIW, I haven't heard any similar report from any other Kubuntu users
23:25.58jmichaelxvalorie: up arrow is also mine... but i am also addicted to yakuake, and have been for years
23:26.19valorieI just started using it within the last 6 months
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23:26.54jmichaelxSho_: i would be fairly confident that it isn't only me, but who knows
23:27.45Sho_jmichaelx: Probably not, but Yakuake 2.9.8 has been out since January, and if it were a prevalent problem causd by something in either Yakuake or the Konsole KPart I'd probably have heard about it by now
23:28.42jmichaelxSho_: no doubt. this problem did not show up for me until upgrading to 11.04.... i am wondering if something in .bashrc did not get changed at that time
23:28.59Sho_Or in /etc/profile
23:29.05jmichaelxor .bash_profile, etc
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23:29.41jmichaelxyou have already convinced me that this isn't a yakuake bug
23:30.19Sho_the histappend shopt might be relevant e.g.
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23:32.04jmichaelxSho_: yes, it might be, i was just looking into that
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23:33.30Sho_is currently waiting for KDE 4.7.1 to release before releasing 2.9.9, btw :)
23:34.00jmichaelxwill be looking forward to it
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