IRC log for #kde on 20110719

00:01.41*** join/#kde Jucato (~jucato@kde/developer/jucato)
00:02.43swerveit seems that the KDE screensaver manager is in fact just a front end for xscreensaver
00:03.11swervei removed xscreensaver, and it didn't come on or let me select screensavers
00:03.38swervei.e., they didn't exist
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07:40.24szal*scratches head* it looks as if the 'Window under cursor' setting in KSnapshot doesn't work on 32bit; it tries to capture an area larger than the screen resulting in an image that contains only transparency; no problem on 64bit
07:40.25szal(tested w/ Kubuntu 11.04, both aforementioned architectures)
07:40.27szal(KDE 4.6.5)
07:40.29szalanyone reading this, please do me a favour & confirm, if you can :)
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09:00.35devilszal: i can :)
09:00.53deviland: yes, we can :)
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10:38.15hussamhi, what's the correct way to purge the nepomuk/strigi database?
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11:09.29szaldevil: and?  result?
11:10.42devilszal: works fine here (debian)
11:12.18devilas well
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12:09.10saidihi i have a problem, there is a black line on top of the task bar. how can i fix that?
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12:24.58d_knighthi i put certain function into my ~/.bashrc file; now i need to set some files to be run under this function's name when "clicked" ("open with" dialog); it works under pseudoterminal, please can this be solved by not creating a file script?
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12:38.11inkbottleHi, I'm looking for a Widget to put in panel that would display plain today date and large enough. (The one in digital clock is ok but it has to share it's room with time so it's too small)
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14:51.43Aluminok, so this may be an idiosyncrasy of my own setup, but my best guess is that I hit some kind of obscure hot key
14:52.12Aluminthe thing is, all my letters are coming out order to type like this (normally), I have to leave caps lock turned on
14:52.36Aluminat first I thought I had a stuck shift key, but the number keys are still working normally
14:53.23Aluminwhat may be a clue is that I was trying to hit Alt-Shift-. when it started...I kinda fat-fingered it and flailed around a bit on the keyboard and I may have activated something :)
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14:54.43Aluminmy next great idea for troubleshooting is to log out and back in, I'm kinda curious, I'd like to fix this with something other than "reboot magic" if I can
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14:58.54PureSinehello, not sure it is a right room. I'm a windows c++ programmer, I'm considering using linux for an industrial equipment, I have a question, is it possible to load a GUI program without entering Gnome or KDE environment or even see their logo. I want my GUI program loads right after POST. if that's possible can I still use graphical APIs of Gnome or KDE ?
14:58.54MinceRswitching keyboard layouts back and forth might fix it
14:59.31AluminPureSine: you could have a framebuffer/svgalib program
14:59.36Aluminthen you wouldn't have an X server at all
14:59.41MinceRPureSine: you can boot straight into X11 with autologin and start your GUI app from xsession or whatever
15:00.02MinceRthough in an industrial application you might even hack your way around the autologin part too
15:00.03PureSineso it is possible
15:00.17Aluminyeah that's also possible to have X but not run GNOME or KDE on top of it as MinceR said
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15:00.40Aluminthere are other, more lightweight environments as well, if you want _some_ kind of desktop, just not a big heavy one
15:00.45MinceRgenerally GNOME and KDE apps do work without having the DE launched before them
15:00.50MinceRthey just need their dependencies
15:01.12MinceRif they need some part of the DE to run (gnome-settings-daemon, for example) they start it for themselves
15:01.26AluminPureSine: coming from a Windows environment, you may find a few terminology definitions helpful
15:01.33MinceRthey tend to need some sort of window manager though
15:01.45MinceR(otherwise some of their windows might become inaccessible)
15:02.35Aluminin a UNIX-ish environment, there's a very clear separation between the program that handles window operations and draws the desktop (in your environment, "explorer.exe") and the basic software that understands the video hardware and presents the display
15:02.37PureSineactually I don't want any desktop I want company logo to be displayed at the start of computer and then it rights go to the GUI program
15:02.47AluminI'm not sure what the analog of that part is in MSW
15:03.53Aluminwhen you start up a graphical environment, you start the X server which gives you the base display...and then as a separate step you launch a window manager / desktop environment, as well as any "applications" (I use quotes because the window manager itself is really just an application too)
15:04.19Aluminpoint being, you can start X, and then if you don't want a desktop environment...just don't start one
15:04.26Aluminyou can just run your app fullscreen
15:05.13Aluminnow, as MinceR was saying, if you don't run a window manager at all, then the one thing you have to make sure of is that your app figures out how big the display is (resolution) and sizes/positions itself accordingly
15:05.24Aluminnormally that's handled by the window manager, but if you don't have one... :)
15:06.04PureSineso you mean I can't use graphical classes ?
15:06.13James147it also might be useful to have a window manager for dialog windows ^^
15:06.20Aluminyeah that too
15:06.37AluminI would say unless you're _very_ serious about system resources, you want some kind of window manager running
15:06.42Alumineven if it's twm :D
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15:07.17AluminPureSine: yeah you can use, say, GTK or Qt regardless
15:07.42Aluminjust because an app uses GTK doesn't mean it needs GNOME, and just using Qt doesn't imply a dependency on KDE
15:09.00PureSinewell I used to be a MS-DOS (pre-windows) programmers, in that environment it was pretty hard to generate a GUI but it is very easy using windows APIs, I just hope to be able to access graphical APIs without showing any desktop or linux logo , or user be able to switch  or run another program
15:10.10MinceRX11 can do that for you
15:10.28MinceR(along with widget toolkits if you need one, like GTK+ and Qt)
15:10.39AluminI'd say probably what you want then is to make a user to run your program, and set that user's X configuration to just run a really minimal window manager...remove all the WM's panels or whatever, and use xsetroot to put your logo on the desktop if you like
15:10.47Aluminthen launch your application fullscreen
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15:11.26AluminI believe, but don't quote me on this, that xdm can do automatic login for a specific user
15:11.31AluminI know gdm and kdm can
15:12.07MinceRi suspect that you can also get away booting into X without xdm, kdm or gdm
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15:13.11Aluminseems like that should be possible...I can't immediately think of the nuts and bolts of it but yeah, I'm sure you can
15:13.52Aluminanother question I'd say there, though, is whether you need to retain the option to be able to occasionally override the auto login (so you can log in as an administrative user to do maintenance tasks, etc)
15:14.26MinceRsay, by running startx as whatever user you want it from rc.local or from an init script
15:14.48PureSinehmmm, yes that woulb be good idea but not prime object
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15:16.23PureSineok, I think I will start by researching X11 is that a good idea ?
15:16.56James147PureSine: I would suggest starting by getting to know how linux works
15:17.38PureSinehmmm you mean from user point of view or understand it throughly ?
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15:18.06MinceRother things you may want to research is how X11 and the x session are started (startx, xinit) and how init and the rc scripts work
15:18.24MinceR(from a script writer/sysadmin standpoint, mostly)
15:19.10PureSinecan it be researched in a week or so , I fear that becoming a sys admin may take too much time
15:20.13James147PureSine: depends on how quick you learn... though I would recomend trying to install archlinux if you dont mind beening thrown in at the deep end :) they have execlent documentation that should explain most of what you want
15:21.22James147^^ or at the very least reading their beginners guide
15:22.47PureSineok thanks a lot
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15:27.34Aluminam I just being jaded, or does "I'm a Microsoft programmer, and I want to write a kiosk-mode X11 a week enough time to come up to speed?" sound kinda facepalm-inducing?
15:27.47Aluminprobably better that I was afk-ed when he said that :P
15:28.55AluminMinceR: that's a good idea on the keymap switching by the way, lemme see how that works out
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15:29.00James147Alumin: he didnt say he wanted to write it in a week... just if it was possible to figure out how to learn what he needed to do in a week
15:29.26AluminI agree, that is what he _said_
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15:30.10Aluminthat's why I asked if I were just being jaded, because my interpretation is that he's planning on starting to write production code in a week if not before
15:30.15James147Alumin: All depends on how dedicated he is to learning :)
15:30.38MinceRyes, it does sound scary
15:30.39Aluminand how much of his current job he's going to be expected to continue performing in the interim...probably 100% of it :)
15:30.57MinceRit's better to start such things off with someone who has knowledge and experience already
15:31.20James147MinceR: assuming you have someone like that
15:31.32MinceRwell, that's what the job market is for :>
15:32.38Aluminyeah, here's a novel idea...if you don't have someone qualified to do what you want to do, don't start until you do!
15:32.46AluminI know, I know, that's socialism or something
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15:33.46Aluminapparently I have "Disable keyboard layouts" selected
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15:34.07Aluminstill, let's give it a go
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15:38.04Aluminno, that didn't affect it...but it did generate several other questions
15:38.10Aluminthere are all kinds of fancy options in here
15:38.36Alumin"Using space key to input non-breakable space character" "Non-breakable space character at third level, nothing at fourth level"
15:38.44Aluminwhat does "level" mean in that context?
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15:39.50thiagoAlumin: the keyboard shift level
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15:39.58thiagolevel 1 is no Caps, no Shift
15:40.00thiagolevel 2 is Shift
15:40.03thiagolevel 3 is AltGr
15:40.08thiagolevel 4 is AltGr+Shift
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16:13.08contrastGreets, everyone... Can someone tell me how to reset the idle timer in KDE? I'm wanting to use this script -, but it uses gnome-screensaver to reset the idle time.
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16:15.48contrastActually, with some modifications to the script, I could probably make do with any command that prevents PowerDevil from putting the system to sleep.
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16:33.08Alumincontrast: perhaps "qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver SimulateUserActivity
16:33.33Aluminyou can check the idle time with "qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver GetSessionIdleTime"
16:34.10Aluminthe "poke" doesn't work for me (doesn't reset the timer) but I'm on an older version of KDE...this page suggests it may be fixed in a later version:
16:35.02Aluminalthough...the specific wording in that bug leads me to believe that the person submitting the patch believed that the functionality was already working for this use case (where the screensaver is not yet active) *shrug*
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16:35.08AluminYMMV :)
16:35.52Aluminif you don't have qdbus you may be able to use dbus-send, but I found its syntax a bit...unfriendly
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16:36.48contrastAlumin: sounds promising; thanks a lot! :)
16:37.03Aluminno problem...hope it works out for you
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16:40.34contrastAlumin: Worked out perfect, thanks again. Peace!
16:41.49Aluminthat's good...guess once I upgrade to 4.3 I'll be able to do it :P
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17:49.34SkyNet2000hi oOze
17:49.37SkyNet2000is that you
17:49.45\marcohi all
17:49.46SkyNet2000haha cool
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17:50.08SkyNet2000never knew kde had a channel i thought they would
17:50.09\marcoA little question: is there a way to edit or delete a nepomuk tag?
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17:50.32SkyNet2000oOze:  you use kde ever?
17:50.36\marcomaybe not using sopranocmd export, import & co
17:50.45oOzeSkyNet2000, see PM
17:50.55SkyNet2000let me look oOze
17:51.17SkyNet2000got it
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17:56.00\marcoi found it
17:56.33\marcothere's a tiny trash at the end of the tag's name
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18:02.14al_nz1in KDE, how do I stop the taskbar from floating and get it docked back with the bottom 'bar' ?
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18:17.22VaterGarpHas it become impossible in KDE 4.6.5 to print a document with, say, two pages on one sheet of paper?
18:17.35VaterGarpThere's no such option in the printing dialog anymore
18:17.54VaterGarpNot duplex, but simpy two pages side by side
18:18.35VaterGarpI  know it used to be there but it's not anymore
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18:21.49VaterGarpHow is this possible? Why are options _removed_?
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18:24.20knatWhen I have many tasks open and a second row of tasks start, the tasks pop below my quick lanch icons, how can I make it not do that
18:24.33knathere is a screen shot
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18:48.09can|hello, i have question about ktimetracker's desktop number limit, is this the correct place to ask?
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18:49.04can|i have debian/testing so i guess that should be kde4 ?
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19:09.11Daskreechknat: Which KDE is that?
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19:27.31rindolfHi all.
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19:50.20lamahhow can i restore icons form panel before the clock i have removed it all of them :( kde4
19:50.44rindolflamah: s/before the clock/before the time/?
19:51.05lamahrindolf: before digital clock
19:51.20lamahkvirc icon notifications etc.
19:51.33rindolflamah: do you mean the system tray?
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19:51.47lamahsys tray in panel
19:52.24rindolflamah: ah.
19:52.40rindolflamah: go to the panel's cashes, select "Add Widgets"
19:52.48rindolflamah: and there search for "system".
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19:54.12lamahrindolf: thanks :))
19:54.50rindolfSkyNet2000: hi.
19:55.04SkyNet2000hi there rindolf
19:55.18SkyNet2000maybe you can help me
19:55.23rindolfSkyNet2000: I can try.
19:55.45SkyNet2000im trying to get widgets off the net i have installed to work
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19:56.07SkyNet2000but none of them work of the net i have downloaded and installed
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19:58.04rindolfSkyNet2000: what kind of widgets?
19:58.32SkyNet2000its for the system
19:58.47SkyNet2000but none of the widgets work i install
19:59.03SkyNet2000just the ones that came with my os
20:00.06SkyNet2000the widgets will say could not create a python scriptengine
20:00.24devilSkyNet2000: plasma-scriptengine-python is b0rked (in debian at least)
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20:01.11SkyNet2000im on linux mint11 katya
20:01.18SkyNet2000ok thank you
20:01.22SkyNet2000so i can fix this?
20:01.38devilSkyNet2000: read the bug report
20:01.40SkyNet2000i have put kdestanderd on
20:01.50SkyNet2000ok devil  and thanks
20:02.04devilSkyNet2000: the bug is fixed in git, so it should be fixed soonish
20:02.17devilcommit 65edfa5001cefc4fae25afa4e7c0564c556d1e33
20:02.38SkyNet2000im lost
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20:16.43knatWhen I have many tasks open and a second row of tasks start, the tasks pop below my quick lanch icons, how can I make it not do that here is a screen shot  I am using KDE 4.6
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20:20.55DaskreechHmm Got a new monitor and plasma starts crashing every few minutes
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20:21.02DaskreechThe_User_: ping
20:21.20The_User_Daskreech: pong?
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20:21.39DaskreechThe_User_: Any ideas as to why a montior would make GHNS freeze up?
20:21.54The_User_no, do not use multiple monitors and I am not a plasma dev
20:21.59The_User_just be patient
20:22.06The_User_instead of pinging random people :D
20:22.22The_User_or try #plasma
20:22.41The_User_#plasma seems to be more active currently
20:24.34DaskreechThe_User_: Actually I was going to ask how you are :)
20:25.00The_User_Daskreech: you know me?
20:25.01Daskreechhow are you :)
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20:25.13DaskreechThe_User_: Great
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21:06.00DaskreechCan Nepomuk searches be done from the File dialog?
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21:09.37SkyNet2000whats Nepomuk
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21:10.38DaskreechLong story but a system that should know more about your system than you
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21:15.54DaskreechSkyNet2000: Well since no one else is talking ... :)
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21:16.17DaskreechSkyNet2000: It's a relationship engine. It tries to take data and create relationship points between them
21:16.42DaskreechSort of a program that makes data into information
21:16.50Daskreechor at the very least richer data
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21:41.59nyuszika7hHi, why does the compose key work in X11 but not in the terminal?
21:42.18nyuszika7hOh, nevermind, it _does_ work in konsole.
21:42.38nyuszika7hI accidently pressed Alt instead of Win.
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23:28.08rajitAny debian users here who could help me with setting up plasma nm?
23:33.09devilwill not touch nm with a 10-foot pole
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23:34.29rajitdevil: what do you use?
23:34.51devilmanualy editing
23:35.07rajiti need a simple gui.. any suggestions
23:35.24rajitim used to plasma nm
23:35.45rajittravel to a lot of different locations and need to connect to a lot of different networks
23:35.52rajitwifi, of course
23:36.00devilnot really, there is ceni, (aptosid tool) but its not in debian, its nice and easy
23:36.41rajitwell i am on aptosid :D
23:36.56devilthen you have ceni.
23:37.01rajitand ceni is what i used
23:37.06rajitto connect to the net
23:37.16devilwhats wrong?
23:37.42rajiti need a pretty gui! :P
23:37.57devillook at wifi-radar
23:38.35devilwhat is the problem with the plasma nm widgetß
23:38.53rajitwell plasma nm widget is installed
23:39.01rajitbut it's just not showing any connections
23:39.08rajiteven though ceni shows them
23:39.19devilany errors?
23:40.04devildoes that widget rely on python-syriptengines?
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23:40.12rajitim not sure
23:40.15rajithow do i find out
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23:40.23devilgoogle knows
23:40.29rajitsorry, im totally fresh to debian
23:40.30devilif so, there is a bug
23:40.34rajitok lemme see
23:40.38rajitbtw, what if it is?
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23:46.14rajitwell i don't think it's that
23:46.37rajitcuz even the network manager config is not able to show any wireless connections
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23:47.46devilrajit: you can try to mv /interfaces and scan again
23:48.16devilafaik nm does not like reconfigured stuff
23:48.36devilpreconfigured, that is
23:48.41rajitwhat exactly do I move?
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23:49.18rajiti mean, could you be a lil' more specific?
23:49.35devilrajit:  /etc/network/interfaces
23:49.48rajitbe right back
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23:53.24rajitdevil: That did the trick! :D
23:53.31rajitthanks a ton mate!!! :)
23:54.19devilthats the crux with nm, it wantsyour net exclusively
23:54.41rajitThat is mean of it
23:55.05rajitdevil: I'm totally loving aptosid. It's soo fast
23:55.13devilwell, i like to be in the drivers seat.
23:55.25rajitChakra on my desktop and now aptosid on my notebook
23:55.32devilrajit: i like aptosid, just not the makers
23:56.09devilyou might find out. i was with the team for 6 years, just left recently
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23:56.51rajitwell i hope you find peace and satisfaction in whatever you put your efforts into
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23:56.58rajitsometimes it just doesn't work
23:57.46Vasisthamy dad receives about 8 messages/day that are blank - no subject, no body, no date. Is there a way to catch these in a kmail filter?
23:58.27*** part/#kde imbezol (

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