IRC log for #kde on 20101113

00:00.55castingcrownsIs there a way to stop a wireless card from obtaining an IP in knetworkmanager if I have two wireless cards and do not wish to dissable wireless competly
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00:17.02buscherthe icon cache in kde-4.5, does it save the images somewhere on the disk?
00:18.41thiagoyes, in the cache file
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00:45.50*** join/#kde Bugson (
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00:47.28Bugsonguys any way to restore home.desktop from my desktop, I overwrited it by mistake, tried one from /usr/share... but it's not what was there from the begining
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00:58.05roerichrename .kde4 to another directoryname before starting kde
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01:21.00Bugsonthx roerich ;)
01:30.08*** join/#kde salvin (~salvin@unaffiliated/salvin)
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01:35.22Bugsonand is there some way to make shadows non sticky to other windows and shadows?
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02:01.30EffBeeAFAIK the sticky shadows thing only happens with the panel shadows?
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03:53.23ashesi just bought a wide screen lcd. xorg is using 1920x1080 resolution, but kde4 doesn't seem to be using it. the bar on the bottom of my display isn't going across the screen, for example
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03:57.2794SAABL69 - Binary wrapper to run any binary app through different linux machines (same arch though) .. without installing any dependence!
03:57.4394SAABL69just spreading news
03:58.18*** join/#kde syb_ (~quassel@
03:58.47ashesnevermind. i found the toolbox
03:58.58*** part/#kde ashes (
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04:34.14A209379975hi bitches
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04:55.54nikhil_when i open amarok via krunner, it crashes plasma (which restarts) and then continues running fine. anybody seen this behaviour before?
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05:13.33*** join/#kde crocket (~crocket@
05:13.44crocketDoes KDM read /etc/login.conf completely?
05:13.47crocketOr does it read partially?
05:14.06crocketIs KDM aware of /etc/login.conf?
05:14.28dasKreechshould be
05:15.08crocketshould be?
05:15.17crocketdasKreech, /etc/login.conf is specific to FreeBSD
05:15.32crocketIt's hard to imagine KDE developers made FreeBSD-specific code.
05:15.41*** join/#kde swo (
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05:20.36crocketKDE is cross-platform
05:20.50crocketDevelopers are encouraged to write platform-independent codes
05:20.55crocketdasKreech, That's why
05:21.28crocketThere may be some sort of platform independent codes that read /etc/login.conf on FreeBSD.
05:21.35dasKreechyes but that sometimes means detecting which platform you are on and acting appropriately
05:22.13dasKreechKate would suck if when you ran it on Windows it made all your files UNIX style. It would break everything on your system horriblt
05:22.39dasKreechso it does windows specific things if that is what makes sense for that action
05:22.59crocketThere must be some sort of middle layer.
05:23.36crocketdasKreech, Are you a developer?
05:24.34dasKreechnot for KDE
05:25.37crocketdasKreech, GDM doesn't read /etc/login.conf directly
05:25.51crocketBut it results in reading some entries in /etc/login.conf
05:27.44crocketdasKreech, GDM 2.30.5 is horrible since Xsession script in GDM depends on /etc/profile to read environment values.
05:27.59crocketdasKreech, KDM depends on /etc/login.conf to read environment values.
05:28.04*** join/#kde qal (~qal@unaffiliated/qal)
05:28.28crocketdasKreech, GDM reads only PATH and LANG from /etc/login.conf
05:29.20dasKreechwhat are you looking from in login.conf ?
05:29.31crocketsetenv, lang, charset
05:29.43crocketThose set environment values
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05:29.59crocketlang matches $LANG
05:30.05crocketcharset matches $MM_CHARSET
05:30.13crocketsetenv sets various environment values
05:32.08*** join/#kde dani_l (~dani@kde/developer/laidig)
05:32.14crocketdasKreech, Are you willing to fix GDM?
05:32.32crocketI don't know about the latest version of GDM, though.
05:32.50dasKreechcrocket: join the GNOME dev channel and aske them
05:33.46dasKreechtry /server
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06:59.21oneforallstrange 4.5.3 the tab in konq file mode went back to the left
07:00.27oneforallin this version can that place tree be put to the bottom ?
07:00.48oneforalltried drag drop but it still not grabbing it
07:03.25*** join/#kde mmalek (
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07:04.26oneforallweird since 4.5.1 I still can't get the cube to work
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07:07.08oneforallhmm I tried to enable fade and I get a popup saying a few things can't be enabled O.o NO copy and paste :(  :)
07:08.50*** join/#kde Bourgeois (~Bourgeois@unaffiliated/bourgeois)
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07:20.29oneforallhmm still can't reaize the search box in konq :(
07:24.29*** join/#kde Dracos (
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07:50.53oneforallany idea how I can find out why cube and other things are getting disabled ?
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07:52.44oneforallflip switch, cube, sharpen, cover switch ..
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08:00.09oneforallhmm seeing its been a problem since 4.5.1 for others too. As soon as you startx it disabling them
08:02.00*** join/#kde teho (
08:03.00oneforalland no xsession-errors
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08:30.27oneforallah its defauilting to xREender
08:30.49oneforallworked good with opengl . but now it refuses to work with opengl
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09:37.41DewiI want to run kde once; but it is running 'x-session-manager' which on my system is gnome
09:37.55Dewiwhat is the kde equivalent and how do I make it run instead?
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09:44.42cb400fsounds like you should ask your distro
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09:57.17*** join/#kde miniBill (minibill@gateway/shell/
09:57.22miniBillI love KDE
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10:00.19jeffmr4 or 3?
10:01.34cb400fthere's only one kde.. and it's not 3 ;-)
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10:03.48Insomniac_How to change system fonts?
10:04.02jeffmrsome distros use 3
10:05.08cb400fwhen debian squeeze and centos6 get released there should be no more distros using kde3.. at least in their latest version
10:05.15jeffmrsystem settings - appearnce - fonts
10:05.17Insomniac_How to change system fonts in KDE? The fonts options doesn't allow to change it
10:05.28Insomniac_jeffmr: There is no option to cahnge
10:05.36cb400fwhat exactly do you mean by "system fonts"?
10:06.02Insomniac_cb400f: Fonts for every text you see other than CLI
10:06.09jeffmrit looks like there is to me
10:06.21jeffmrcb400f, backtrack-linux uses 3
10:06.27Insomniac_Every window, browser options, kate options etc
10:06.43cb400fyou can set kde fonts in kde systemsettings
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10:07.23cb400fthere's no one place that will guaranteed configure fonts for _all_ apps of all different frameworks
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10:08.52Insomniac_Thats' possible. Found it under Applicaion appearance->fonts
10:09.11cb400fa security distro .. shipping a dead, unmaintained desktop? ;-)
10:09.17Insomniac_'Adjust all fonts'
10:09.29pinotree... all fonts for kde apps, yes
10:09.31jeffmrhence not all distros
10:09.32Insomniac_cb400f: What?
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10:41.04sxei have this strange problem with aurorae windecos since yesterday.. the shadows are messed up. some advice?
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10:59.49hyper_chhi there, I have a new notebook and it has a broadcomm wifi card. I loaded the retricted drivers and it recognizes the wifis.... however when I add the passwort, it fails to connect and re-asks for the password
10:59.54hyper_chhow can I find out what's wrong?
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11:01.08mueslohey, how do you remove a widget from plasma-desktop without starting it? the problem is that fancytasks (or so I think) is crashing plasma-desktop whenever I try to start it
11:01.44muesloby "without starting it", Imeant without starting plasmadesktop of course
11:02.25*** part/#kde Dewi (
11:02.36sxemueslo: thats not possible
11:02.46sxeyou have to remove it from the config file
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11:04.57sxeand search for the "[Containments]" you want to remove
11:05.12mueslolooking through /var/log/messages I also found Nov 13 11:54:45 MUESLIMOBIL kernel: [40320.862950] plasma-desktop[21169]: segfault at 50 ip 00007fef3d6176b9 sp 00007fff59e6c9a0 error 4 in[7fef3d270000+a29000]
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11:15.29mueslookay I went the easier way and just deinstalled it via yast
11:15.44muesloso it really was the widget that was causing a crash
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11:29.49sxehow can i change ONLY the color of the oxygen window decoration? i was only able to change the color by changing the whole window background.
11:32.06Sho_enable "Outline window title" in the deco options, then it uses the window deco color from the colorscheme
11:34.08sxeyes i noticed that but the the title has an othe rbackground..
11:34.20sxeis that the only possibility?
11:34.33sxeuh.. that sucks. ;)
11:34.39sxebut thx
11:34.51Sho_there is an Oxygen fork called Ozone that optionally respects the color settings
11:35.16sxeah ok.. yes i remember about it
11:35.22sxeis it up to date?
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11:35.39Sho_not sure. it was shipped with KDE for a while, but iirc it was removed when Oxygen added the outline option
11:35.52Sho_but it would probably still work with 4.5's deco API
11:35.54sxehm ok
11:36.03sxei will check kde-look
11:36.41hyper_chhi Sho_
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11:55.39parapentehi! have the problems with kwin effects and intel driver been fixed?
11:56.41parapenteI'm on 4.5.3 and I still can't see the kmenu if I enable desktop effects
11:56.53parapenteis there a fix for this?
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11:58.16annmaparapente: really? you can't see the k menu?
11:59.09parapenteif I keep pressing on the kde *some* times it appears but most of the times it is invisible
11:59.29annmawhat's the Intel card?
12:00.00annmaand did that happen on 4.5.3?
12:00.11annmame too and I have effects and I have the K menu
12:00.25annmawhat about previous versions?
12:00.25parapenteno it was a problem from in all 4.5 series
12:00.35parapenteit was ok in 4.4.x
12:00.38annmaall the 4.5 series?
12:00.41parapenteyes :-/
12:00.47annmadid you report it?
12:01.44parapenteno I didn't. I had seen various posts in the web about problems with graphics cards (especially intel ones) so I thought it was temporary
12:02.19parapenteI don't know how I could found out more about what could be wrong
12:02.19annmadid you ask your distro channel to see if other such cards owners have the same?
12:02.30annmathis card is pretty common is the place to report bugs
12:03.00annmayou need to see what effects are enabled
12:03.16annmatry only the minimum and see if the problem is still there
12:03.26annmain short: investigate a bit more
12:03.35parapentethanks annma
12:03.50annmain system settings, what do you have checked in Desktop effects?
12:03.51parapenteI'll do a bit of testing and ask the gentoo guys
12:03.57annmayes please do so
12:03.59parapenteright now no
12:04.09parapenteone moment to enable it
12:04.29annmaenable minimum, i.e. desktop effects but uncheck all common settings
12:04.38annmadescribe precisely what happensd then
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12:09.40oneforallso any idea why some effect don't work 4.5.1-3 ?
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12:10.22annmawhat effect
12:10.28annmawhat card
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12:10.34annmadid they work previously
12:10.36annmaand so on
12:10.45parapenteannma, I have disabled everything from the "All effects" Tab and everything from common settings
12:10.51parapenteand it still happens :-/
12:11.01annmaoneforall: I thought you would know how to ask questions after all the time you spent here
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12:11.11annmaparapente: screenshpt
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12:14.01oneforallI forget ah the parts other that the cube disabled . would love a copy paste in the popup eror box . but it doesn't have that
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12:14.26oneforallI posted earlier but its gone too
12:14.36oneforallwhat more do you want
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12:15.04parapentethat screenshot should show the kmenu. It's after I have pressed on the K icon
12:15.36parapentethe dialog has no effect on all comboboxes
12:15.47annmaparapente: what's your K menu? Kickoff or cmlassical?
12:16.35annmaoneforall: I don't follow you, look in
12:16.43annmaparapente: what's your K menu? Kickoff or classical?
12:17.04oneforallcover switch, flip switch, sharpen, descktop cube, desktop cube animation all get disabled since 4.5.1 to 3 for me
12:17.36annmaoneforall: weird as 4.5.1. to 4.5.3 is only a bug fix release
12:18.04annmaparapente: please try a new user with defaults maybe
12:18.17annmadefaults as default theme and style
12:18.30annmaI can't reproduce your problem parapente
12:18.37annmasame card
12:18.40oneforallyeah google I seen others with the same but no fix
12:18.51annmaI did not say google oneforall
12:18.59annmai said
12:19.13oneforallmust be opengl cause its defaulting to xrender and refuses to change to opengl
12:19.14annmagoogle can return you anything and its contrary
12:19.26annmaso google is not a reference
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12:20.03parapenteit's actually the oxygen theme and style for windows and Aya for the plasma so I don't think that would solve this but I will try
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12:21.05parapenteannma, could you plz post a screenshot of your advanced tab for the desktop effects?
12:22.39annmaI only enable defaults
12:22.59parapenteto see if I enabled something that I shouldn't
12:23.21annmatry disable them all for a start
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12:24.20annmain All effects
12:24.29annmauncheck them and see what happens
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12:30.53parapenteannma, I have already disabled everything in that tab
12:31.56annmatry switching to classical menu
12:32.02annmafor the Kmenuy
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12:33.24parapente!!! it's working! :-D
12:33.36parapenteso it must have to do with kickoff
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13:35.00_spm_DragetIf I want to set an enviroment variable for my user... where should I do this? If it do it inside my .bashrc, KDE will not notice it until I load a bash console, or? Or is bashrc parsed anyways when KDE starts?
13:36.20Sho_Add a file in ~/.kde/env/ and put export VAR=value in it
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14:09.23lineinthesandHow can I start the kde4 system settings via command line?
14:09.56annmalineinthesand: ^^
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14:10.45lineinthesandannma, thank you! But it doesn't seem to work as root... :o(
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14:11.03lineinthesand(Cannot find dbus session server)
14:11.18annmawhy as root?
14:11.26lineinthesandThe thing is: I need to configure the fonts for root larger.
14:11.50annmaask your distribution maybe
14:11.53lineinthesand(If I use certain applications as root)
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14:12.48pinotreelineinthesand: alt+f2, "kdesu systemsettings"
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14:16.05lineinthesandpinotree, thank you very much!
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14:31.20skfinWhat is the default saving directory for new wallpapers when using the get new-thing
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14:32.05annmain your .kde folder
14:32.06Tron1982hi skfin
14:32.09Tron1982kde folder
14:32.25annma.kde/share/wallpapers I think
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14:32.56Tron1982im having problems with my floppy
14:33.10skfinOkay, thought so too but I was too blind for wallpapers :)
14:33.18Tron1982im using fedora 14 with kde, but i think its a fedora problem instead kde
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14:33.42Klessohi. Is someone who can tell me why to chose KDE instead GNOME.
14:34.02Tron1982when i boot and kdm starts, my floppy led stays with the light on
14:34.20Tron1982Klesso, you must install both desktops?
14:34.21annmaKlesso: try both and choose yourself
14:34.39Tron1982when you start, choose your type session
14:34.45annmaKlesso: or look at screenshots and see for yourself
14:34.49Tron1982KDE, Gnome or another
14:34.53annmait's your call Klesso
14:34.55KlessoTron1982 I just want to know why to pro-KDE uses it
14:35.09annmabecause we like the look of it
14:35.12Klessowhat advantages has kde, that gnome doesn't have
14:35.18Tron1982look Klesso
14:35.20annmabecause we like the development
14:35.26Tron1982i think KDE is more powerfull
14:35.37Tron1982very well optimized
14:35.40Tron1982yes annma
14:36.17Tron1982ive always use gnome...beacuse a few years ago gnome was very easely and simple
14:36.28Klessobut it looks like wind... hmm you know
14:36.29Tron1982but now actually gnome is very obsoleted
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14:36.54Tron1982Klesso, my recomendattion is tha yu must use kde
14:37.15Tron1982now kde is very stable and optimized
14:37.17annmaKlesso: if you don't want to use it, then don't but do not write stupid things here
14:37.18KlessoTron1982, I must ? really ?
14:37.27annmait looks like whatever you want it to look
14:37.28Tron1982try to install
14:37.33Klessono I don'like gnome
14:37.37Tron1982an example
14:37.40annmaKlesso: you can make it look like gnome as a matter of fact
14:37.53Tron1982in gnome, try to import some pictures with the simple wellshot
14:38.00annmarun a live CD and choose
14:38.08pinotreeplease, all, no need to do neither comparsions with gnome nor with windows
14:38.12Tron1982and anfter that, try to import the same pictures with digikam in kde
14:38.23annmait's your freedom Klesso
14:38.25juanmabcfrom my point of view the gnome *user interface guidelines* for all apps is something very good for a desktop environment
14:38.30KlessoI prefer kde but I think it's too slow and heavy
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14:38.40Tron1982not now Klesso
14:38.45annmaslow and heavy? you have a 10 years old PC?
14:38.51Tron1982the old kdes was a little slow
14:38.56annmaKlesso: if you tried it, why do you asl
14:39.01pinotreeKlesso: asking to others why you should use something, whatever it is, it is not logic at all; if you would like to use something, then try that before
14:39.36annmaKlesso: either you tried it and it was slow and then use a light environment or you did not try it and you talk rubbish
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14:40.59KlessoListen all. I don't criticize you. I just want to know kde's advantages. I don't troll, I'm not a pro-GNOME you know
14:41.35Tron1982kdes advantages: powerful, beauty, stable, fluid, optimized...
14:41.38pinotreeKlesso: we can list you all the things we find better in kde, and none of them matter to your usage at all
14:41.42Tron1982a lot of kde native apps
14:41.48Klessopinotree I tried it but I find kde slower than gnome
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14:42.03pinotreeKlesso: if you want to know the kde advantages for _you_, then you should try
14:42.16Tron1982exactly pinotree
14:42.29annmaso if it's slow for your machine then use something light Klesso
14:42.31pinotreeKlesso: it's up to you, you have the freedom to use whatever you prefer
14:42.42pinotreesimple and easy
14:42.58Klessopinotree, gnome apps are slow
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14:43.03Tron1982gnome is very simple, obsoleted, ...
14:43.05annmafor once you can have the freedom of choice, do not ask for other people advices
14:43.06Klessoby exemple Gparted
14:43.16annmaKlesso: please stop with Gnome apps
14:43.19Tron1982wellshot its a simple picture manager
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14:44.03Tron1982by the way, Klesso you can look some youtbe vids about the two graphic desktops
14:44.10pinotreeKlesso: i don't want lists of your findings
14:44.11Tron1982some reviews
14:44.41pinotreeKlesso: note also you can just use whichever applications you want, using "kde" does not mean using only kde applications (and the same with gnome, xfce, etc)
14:45.22Tron1982kde uses nepomuk and strigi, to make semantic searches
14:45.25pinotreeKlesso: you did your finding, so now it's up to you to sum it up and use, with _absolute freedom_, whatever you want to
14:45.26Tron1982is very powerful
14:46.14Tron1982someone uses fedora 14 here?
14:46.22Klessolol ok thanks to all. I'll keep it. Just gnome apps're slow
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14:47.09Tron1982i dont know how to solve my floppy problem
14:47.27Tron1982regardin the green led thath stays on
14:47.36Tron1982when i start with fedora
14:48.04Tron1982im trying to lod the floppy mod when i start with fedora
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14:48.34Tron1982but when i login with kdm...the graphical interface doesnt works
14:48.45Tron1982so y unload the module and again work fine
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14:53.38HuskypawFormerly my meta-key was the windows key but now it cycles between terminals and X. How to set it back?
14:54.01Tron1982in kde?
14:54.45HuskypawYeah Tron1982, where in KDE?
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14:54.51HuskypawI'm on 4.5.3..
14:55.36Tron1982i think you must go to system preferences
14:56.04Tron1982keyboard access
14:56.14Tron1982fast keyboad access
14:56.46HuskypawThere is no keyboard access
14:56.47Sho_Huskypaw: System Settings -> Input Devices -> Keyboard -> Advanced -> Alt/Win Key Behavior
14:56.48Tron1982but i dont remember now
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14:59.47HuskypawDoesn't work Sho_, pressing win key still cycles through terminals and X. :(
15:00.18Sho_sorry, dunno then
15:00.44HuskypawWell what's your meta-key Sho_?
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15:00.53Sho_the win key
15:01.59HuskypawI only have to check 'Meta is mapped to Left Win', am I right?
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15:02.24Sho_though I personally did not have to set anything
15:02.29Sho_meta on win is usually the default
15:02.36Sho_from the keyboard model/layout
15:02.47HuskypawAnd when pressing meta, those stars appear?
15:03.49HuskypawYeah, those stars spinning around the cursor.
15:04.09Sho_oh, sounds like kwin's locate cursor effect plugin? I don't have it enabled here
15:04.20Sho_but yeah, if that reacts to meta, they would appear.
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15:09.59HuskypawIs there a way I can see what key meta is bound to atm?
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15:18.20juanmabcwhat's the deal with google mail rendering?, what's a good mail provider for konqueror?
15:18.50juanmabc(upgrade your browser for faster, better Gmail) ...
15:19.12thorgtjuanmabc: you can cheat :)
15:19.22thorgtok, here you are:
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15:19.55thorgtSettings > Configure Konqueror > Browser Identification
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15:20.34thorgtthere you hit "New..." and add "" and use say "Firefox 3.0.5"
15:20.53thorgtBUT be aware that Qt (Konaueror) rendering is SLOW in gmail
15:21.20thorgtyou may experience hangups and freezes
15:21.36thorgtso better use plain HTML view or do not use gmail with konqueror
15:21.46thorgtthat's it :)
15:22.51realfhi. what is the possible reason of the fact  that the 'Weather' widget does not work while using proxy in OpenSuSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4?
15:22.58juanmabcthanks, i will say konqueror is chrome and google would be happy of their stats in their world.
15:23.18thorgtdo not forget to change view type in GMail
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15:40.15thorgtrealf: that's the KDE second most hated bug :)
15:40.42thorgtlook it up on b.k.o ( they say there that it works in kde 4.5
15:41.02thorgt(the Big Proxy Bug)
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15:47.17realfbut in Mandriva Spring 2010 it works (KDE 4.4.3)...
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15:49.06ee_larsis there any python plasmoid developper here??
15:49.23Sho_ee_lars: better chance in #plasma
15:49.59ee_larsok thanks you Sho_ :)
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16:26.44GenKretonis there a way to configure what recent documents shows in kde?
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16:28.32annmaGenKreton: what do yo umean?
16:28.48annmain Kockoff?
16:28.53GenKretonannma: so it may exclude certain folders, or only show some filetypes
16:30.48annmano I am not aware of such a feature
16:31.05GenKretonalright, thanks
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16:35.02GenKretonannma: this is probably pie-in-the-sky but you seem in the know, is it possible to get krunner plugins working in kickoff?
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16:38.18annmaI think not
16:38.28GenKretonok, thanks
16:38.57annmaif I type =3+5 I get nothing while in krunner I'll get 8
16:39.21GenKretonI love krunners functionality
16:39.29GenKretonif I could get wbe shortcuts working it would be perfect hehe
16:39.52GenKretonit should be trivial to change the code to use krunner in kickoff, maybe there is a technical reason not to
16:40.59annmaweb shortcuts should working
16:41.06annmathey work on pre 4.6
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16:41.20annmathe kickoff bar is a search bar
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16:41.25GenKretonthey work in konq and rekonq but not krunner despite the plugin being activated
16:41.28annmanot a mini cli
16:42.00GenKretonI'm running 4.5.3
16:42.11annmatrunk here
16:42.24annmameaning pre 4.6
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16:42.35annmaso maybe they got fixed
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16:50.10alintrying to play with the taskscheduler in kde... I set up a job... some simple qt program... I click run now and works... when runs via the scheduler I get an email with I cannot connect to X
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16:58.37parapenteannma, it seems there already is a bug report for the problem I have with composite and kmenu:
16:59.15parapenteit seems to have to do with xorg and the intel driver
16:59.39annmaah excellent yo ucan ad a comment in it
17:02.26annmaparapente: what kernel do yo have?
17:03.50annmawhen you disable direct rendering, does it work?
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17:04.59parapenteunfortunately I can't disable direct rendering. If I try to do so, kwin complains that it can't use composite with these settings
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17:45.29HuskypawMy Dragon Media Player only produces video, but no sound. What can I do?
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17:48.46piggzturn the volume up? ;)
17:50.56Huskypawpiggz, doesn't work. I guess it misses a sound codec..
17:51.06*** part/#kde Tukeke (~Tukeke@unaffiliated/tukeke)
17:51.09HuskypawTrying to emerge the newest xine-lib now..
17:51.21piggzis it all or one video?
17:51.41piggztry playing in vlc maybe, or mplayer from the cmdline to see what codecs are used
17:51.42HuskypawNearly all videos. Do they coincidentally all have the same sound codec?
17:51.52HuskypawPlaying in VLC or xine works..
17:52.01HuskypawI want that DP working however.
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17:53.07piggztry setting a different backend in phonon
17:53.44HuskypawWhat's phonon? o.O
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17:56.31HuskypawWhat's pulseaudio? Do I really want this?
17:57.50HuskypawLooks like phonon doesn't work.. |3
17:58.05tsimpsonpulseaudio is (basically) like what aRts was in KDE3
17:58.17HuskypawSo I _don't_ want this.
17:58.22piggzyou do
17:58.24piggzmost likely
17:58.26HuskypawPhonon should work with ALSA too?
17:58.43HuskypawShouldn't Phonon give sound without pulseaudio? :/
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17:59.21HuskypawBut why doesn't it?
17:59.25piggzbut, pulseaudio shouldnt be an issue, its good enough these days that it 'just works'
17:59.41HuskypawI don't want an additional layer tho!
18:00.05MoDaXHuskypaw: just remove pulseaudio
18:00.11MoDaXHuskypaw: agreed
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18:00.28piggzdepending on your distro, you might not have a choice
18:00.32HuskypawWell still I have no audio..
18:00.38HuskypawIt's Gentoo; I have lots of.
18:00.51HuskypawSound works on Firefox..
18:00.52MoDaXHuskypaw: does aplay /dev/urandom work?
18:00.56HuskypawFlash plugin..
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18:01.14HuskypawOh yes it does, MoDaX.
18:01.24piggztell phonon to use the xine backend
18:01.29piggzit might be using gstreamer
18:02.28tsimpsonafaik, pulseaudio does have a tendency to lock the sound device, so nothing else can use it (not even ALSA)
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18:25.26HuskypawStill no sound in KDE, but firefox, flash plugin, xine and all other do produce sound
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18:28.38saidinesh5Huskypaw: i had an issue like this, when phonon was configured to use alsa and skype uses pulseaudio
18:29.01saidinesh5so one gets the lock and
18:29.15saidinesh5the other doesn't work, in my case the kde apps...
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18:30.43Huskypawsaidinesh5, how did you resolve this?
18:31.16saidinesh5changing phonon's device to pulse audio too...
18:32.12saidinesh5that would be in the "device preferences"
18:32.16saidinesh5of configuring phonon
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18:32.51HuskypawWhere's that section, saidinesh5?
18:34.00saidinesh5hmm.... well i currently am not in kde, but it should be in system settings or you can go there by amarok > settings > configure amarok > playback > configure phonon
18:34.23saidinesh5can't live without amarok, so installed it even in his ubuntu environment
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18:34.50HuskypawPhonon can't get any audio out of my device.
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18:35.06HuskypawDoes it want me to have deprecated support in kernel?
18:35.12HuskypawLike old OSS stuff 'n alike?
18:35.22*** part/#kde rlopez (~rlopez@
18:35.56saidinesh5no.. i dont think so
18:36.15saidinesh5probably you didnt install the corresponding backend
18:36.20HuskypawIt works!
18:36.39HuskypawBut still I'd really like to have it work directly with ALSA..
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18:37.02saidinesh5as in ?
18:37.20HuskypawFirefox and Flash are using ALSA directly too
18:37.43saidinesh5and what does your phonon use?
18:38.13saidinesh5you might have to install phonon-alsa backend if it isnt there (i had to install phonon-pulse)
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18:39.13HuskypawOooh, thanks for that advice saidinesh5!
18:39.27HuskypawSo Dragon Player only uses Phonon, but never ALSA directly?
18:39.40saidinesh5yes.. atleast thats what i think
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19:11.16HuskypawNow the sound test in Phonon does work, but Dragon Player still doesn't do sound and even no video now. Shortly after start, it crashes and takes whole KDE with it..
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19:16.33saidinesh5it never crashed the whole of the KDE for me Huskypaw... could you please test it by closing all other non kde applications?
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19:18.03annmaHuskypaw: also pastebin the crash backtrace
19:20.53saidinesh5annma: looks like another crash ^^
19:22.37annmatoo bad, a backtrace usually gives a lot of clues on what's wrong
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19:43.49HuskypawAgain, sound test of Phonon works but Dragon Player only displays filename, not even video anymore and no sound then crashes and takes KDE with it.
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19:47.48EffBeeUse a different Phonon backend.
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19:49.25annmapastebin crash backtrace please Huskypaw
19:49.29thiagoHuskypaw: how can KDE crash? What exactly crashed?
19:49.31annmaso I can see what is wrong
19:49.51HuskypawWell that will take a while.. I'm gonna watch a movie now.
19:50.00annmayour call
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20:34.30bodomHi there. May someone help me with network manager? My interfaces are displayed as "unamanaged" and I can't make them work
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20:51.03saidinesh5bodom: try starting your networkmanager with sudo
20:52.17bodomsaidinesh5: it's already running as root
20:54.08saidinesh5hmm.. sorry, last i had a similar problem doing that helped me...
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21:00.44bodomsolved :)
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21:13.38davidfoleyHi Guys, what is the quivalent of Gnome Seahorse in KDE?
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21:15.36Kame2davidfoley: you should describe what seahorse does.
21:17.14davidfoleySorry Seahorse is a password and encryption key management application
21:17.34saidinesh5kwallet manages all the passwords
21:17.40saidinesh5in kde
21:20.44pinotree... for password, while kgpg for gpg keys
21:22.28pinotreeor also kleopatra for gpg keys and certificates
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21:37.24devilpt_i cant decide a kde distro
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21:40.35pino_rm_my_banpinotree can  u pls remove my ban ?
21:40.40pino_rm_my_bani love you
21:41.31pino_rm_my_banpinotree pls :(
21:41.50*** mode/#kde [+o pinotree] by ChanServ
21:41.56*** kick/#kde [pino_rm_my_ban!~pino@kde/pino] by pinotree ( stop being annoying, for real.)
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21:42.56*** kick/#kde [pino_rm_my_ban!~pino@kde/pino] by pinotree (what about thinking at the trollish attitude you had more than once? for now, stay out of #kde)
21:43.10*** mode/#kde [+b *!*@*] by pinotree
21:43.22devilpt_kushou es tuga?
21:43.32pinotreei didn't want to do that, but if he insists...
21:44.30devilpt_anyone can help decide a kde distro?
21:45.49devilpt_or it's better to ask in other channel?
21:47.30saidinesh5devilpt_: whats your expertise level?
21:47.38ompauldevilpt_: try this list,
21:47.55devilpt_i already read it
21:48.09devilpt_i was thinking about mandrive or opensuse
21:48.19saidinesh5well i personally found suse really polished and stable
21:48.30devilpt_but now im using mint kde
21:48.36devilpt_and it's a bit unstable
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21:48.51saidinesh5hmm.. yes i felt it so...
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21:49.29devilpt_i ve read many good things about arch
21:49.32saidinesh5i found Suse a really nice and polished desktop experience....
21:49.42saidinesh5yes, i personally use arch....
21:50.00saidinesh5but if you are a newbie, it can be a bit of pain to edit the configuration files by hand
21:50.24devilpt_im going to intall it on another computer
21:50.37devilpt_to learn ^^
21:50.48saidinesh5but once set up(after a really painful setup process) you are always on cutting edge software, and is nice and stable
21:51.15saidinesh5and once you get the hang of it, you know exactly where to look under the hood if anything doesnt work
21:51.44devilpt_but im not going to install it on my main
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21:52.31saidinesh5ahh.. make sure that you have a good internet connection(anything better than a dial up) and a bit of time on your hands
21:52.41saidinesh5you ll learn a lot on arch
21:53.21devilpt_my internet is good at home
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21:53.43devilpt_but i dont stay much time in home -.-
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21:54.22saidinesh5well to help you decide, when you first install arch, the only thing you have at your disposal is a terminal and a connection to the internet
21:54.49devilpt_i have more
21:54.50saidinesh5you will have to install *everything* by hand (starting from the drivers and X to the whole of KDE)
21:54.56devilpt_i have a second computer ^^
21:55.41saidinesh5you can use that to keep the arch beginner's wiki open
21:55.43saidinesh5while installing
21:56.01devilpt_i loved the documentation of arch linux
21:56.18saidinesh5+1 they explained it all at one place...
21:57.26devilpt_but the community is not very noob friendly
21:57.33devilpt_i think
21:57.47saidinesh5arch expects you to know what you are dealing with
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21:58.36saidinesh5if something doesnt work, you must be able to tell what doesnt work...(if you have figured out what doesnt work, you really are half way through solving the problem ;) )
21:59.37devilpt_and packages?
21:59.51saidinesh5you have them all
22:00.03saidinesh5basically arch's package manager is pacman
22:00.21saidinesh5in which you have most packages packaged for arch
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22:01.00saidinesh5if you can't find anything in there, you can look in AUR or use the tool called yaourt, which automatically brings the package you need from the net and compiles it for your PC
22:01.24devilpt_i dont need to compile it?
22:01.32saidinesh5it does it for you..
22:02.09saidinesh5so if pacman -S <package> doesnt work for you, yaourt -S <package> will work the magic
22:02.10devilpt_that's a relieve
22:03.01devilpt_im going to install arch linux on my netbook
22:03.17devilpt_its an eeepc1005HA
22:03.35devilpt_do you think that i can put gnome?
22:03.36saidinesh5i dont think you will face any problems with that
22:03.51saidinesh5arch has both kde and gnome in the default repositories
22:04.29devilpt_kde is a bit heavy to it
22:04.37saidinesh5and when you install arch all you get is a blank terminal
22:04.39devilpt_but i like kde
22:04.50devilpt_i love the plasma thing
22:04.50saidinesh5so you can remove all the bloat while installing
22:05.04saidinesh5yeah .. i love it too (although my nvidia card hates it)
22:05.12devilpt_i xD
22:05.32devilpt_i already seen some tutorial a read a bit of the wiki
22:05.50saidinesh5oh then you can directly jump into it..
22:05.58devilpt_(sorry for my porr english xD)
22:06.08saidinesh5hehe its okay..
22:06.32devilpt_it's better to play safe
22:06.50saidinesh5had more fun when he tried arch without reading the wiki and broke something and then read the wiki to fix it
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22:07.39devilpt_that's why i only want arch on my netbook
22:08.00devilpt_for a time at least
22:08.04saidinesh5well if i were you , the first thing i ll read is how to setup networking on arch
22:08.32devilpt_but now im more focused on my main
22:08.33saidinesh5cuz once thats there, everything else is just a matter of installing
22:08.45saidinesh5as in?
22:09.05devilpt_i need a stable kde newbie-friendly distro xD
22:09.54devilpt_do you think that it's worth to install openSUSE instead of mandriva?
22:09.56saidinesh5well i  ve tried both Suse and Kubuntu... both fit your description
22:10.05*** mode/#kde [-o pinotree] by pinotree
22:10.07devilpt_kubuntu is like mint kde
22:10.13devilpt_or worst
22:10.37saidinesh5yes, mint kde is someone setting up your kubuntu fr you :D
22:11.39*** join/#kde sresu (
22:11.50devilpt_yeah its sad that ubuntu's main DE is gnome xD
22:12.24devilpt_if it was KDE i didnt think twice linux mint all the way!
22:12.27saidinesh5is on ubuntu with all kde apps: dolphin yakuake quassel kontact parley and not to forget amaROCK!!
22:13.28devilpt_the ubuntu's community is very good
22:13.37devilpt_and mint's to
22:13.59devilpt_i dont know much about opensuse
22:14.21saidinesh5neither do i
22:15.02*** part/#kde subik|mac_ (
22:18.18devilpt_there isn't a portuguese community in openSUSE neither Mandriva (and Mandriva have many brazilian developers)
22:19.07saidinesh5oh i dont know about that... all i can remember is seeing a lot of foreign language posts in ubuntu forums
22:19.26saidinesh5and they dont mind questions from other linux distros too..
22:20.05devilpt_but it's lame
22:20.19saidinesh5hehe... no idea..
22:20.28devilpt_im not going to leech another community xD
22:20.41devilpt_but se this xD
22:21.20saidinesh5ah google chrome's language translation feature rocks!!
22:21.56devilpt_its a portuguese speaking community
22:22.23devilpt_(its ashame that is brazilian xD)
22:22.26saidinesh5that reminds me, arch's wiki was more than enough for all my arch related problems
22:22.43saidinesh5never touched arch forums till date
22:23.13devilpt_but i like to involving in the community
22:23.19devilpt_to help others
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22:23.23devilpt_and to help linux
22:23.48saidinesh5ya .. i really wonder what if i wasnt introduced to this whole community thing
22:24.21devilpt_the bigest problem is that i cant write english -.-
22:24.36devilpt_but i can understand it quite well
22:25.00saidinesh5oh... i would think that.. i mean i understood everything that you wrote
22:25.11saidinesh5so isnt that english ? ;)
22:26.02*** join/#kde bradford- (~bradford@
22:26.22devilpt_yeah but it's a bit lame to write with a lot of errors
22:26.36devilpt_grammar errors
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22:27.10saidinesh5i wouldnt worry about that...
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22:28.41devilpt_but the worst part is the english technical expressions that i dont know
22:29.16devilpt_i know to solve a problem but i dont know how to say it
22:29.36devilpt_and is to technical to google translation to help xD
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22:43.11kushoupinotree: now you could deban vodafone's portuguese users and just ban the boring guy ?
22:44.14pinotreekushou: there are already 5 bans on him, but if he changes nick, indent and ip, dunno what else resort to
22:45.34kushouyou could try to ban a channel he is in and nobody else uses
22:46.08kushoubut, if i fond out the channel is ban, he just have to /part to join #kde again
22:46.19*** join/#kde alphad64 (~alphad64@
22:46.35pinotreeyes, he want to come here, where he trolled a week ago (or two)
22:46.38*** join/#kde mendred (
22:47.06kushouI was there, I saw :)
22:50.58devilpt_yes it's an atack to my country!!!
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22:55.38devilpt_this chat is always quiet?
22:59.21devilpt_if my kde crashes what i must do to restart it?
22:59.57devilpt_until now i had to do a soft reboot
23:00.38pinotreewhat do you mean with "kde crashes"? that wallpaper and panels disappear, or that you get brought back to the login screen?
23:01.02devilpt_kde freezes
23:01.09devilpt_and i cant do nothing
23:01.19devilpt_except ctrl + alt + f1
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23:03.58devilpt_in linux mint kde it happen many times
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23:05.24devilpt_and in opensuse live cd happen to (but i think thats normal)
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23:38.16oneforallannma, figured it out . been so long since I ran glxinfo glxgears but " Error: glXCreateContext failed" need I say more ;D
23:38.39*** join/#kde wolas (~wolas@
23:40.00oneforallI see thou Xrender still doesn't work with those, cube, desktop cube animation etc
23:40.35oneforallnever used that before anyway , always picked opengl. So I don't know if that ever worked
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23:47.03zePh7rhey people, I'm using opensuse 11.3 with kde 4.4.4 and ever since the start I noticed my desktop effects were kind of choppy. I have a mobility radeon graphics card, usind the x11 opensource drivers (have never messed with the binary ones). Am I missing anything?
23:48.08zePh7roh, and my card is kind of good and well supported by the drivers, since I'm using it, it never happened to crash X
23:48.34oneforallhmm, weird the bottom kicker(panel) has white borders around it now in 4.5.3
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23:58.58maazunice day
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