IRC log for #kde on 20101021

00:05.02*** join/#kde chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
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02:33.06Oleg_how come I can't use the middle mouse button to move stuff around on the kde panel?
02:33.20Oleg_I was able to do it with the previous versions of kde
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03:15.53gobi42what's up guys
03:16.16break19my blood pressure
03:16.39gobi42yeah that's never good are you running kde 4.5 by chance
03:17.04break19yea, but that has nothing to do with it :)
03:18.29*** join/#kde gigasoft (
03:19.11gobi42well i was useing the ghost window decaration with kde 4.4 and upgrade to 4.5 and now everythie i try to switch window decroations i click apply and my screen goes black and i can't do anything any idea's
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03:31.22break19gobi42: weird. video card?
03:32.23gobi42no i didn't add the kde 4.5 extra repo so i juat added that and going to do a update from that and see if that solves my problems
03:33.33break19ah, yea. gotta be sure to have all the old parts upgraded.
03:37.40gobi42well i installed everything but debug stuff and soruce stuff so then i should be good right
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03:39.45break19should, gotta reload X to be sure to load the new versions
03:40.12break19"init 3 && init 5" from a terminal should do the trick
03:44.13gobi42now will that commad work in opensuse break19
03:46.41break19gobi42: should
03:47.25gobi42ok cool thanks for the help man
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05:31.30jk-hey all
05:32.04jk-anyone know if it's possible to disable the plain-text formatting (ie, *bold* and /italic/ being transformed into bold and italic) in kmail?
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06:25.12sresuis playing KNetWalk
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06:58.29sturlesIs it possible to configure Akonadi to use an external database for all users?
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07:17.24suigenerisdoes kde allow ctrl+shift+u combination to type hex codes?
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09:08.20_spm_DragetThe default area at the bottom right with the icons of currently running programms and such... how is it called?
09:08.28_spm_DragetI accidently removed it
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09:30.33lelamal_spm_Draget: the system tray?
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09:30.59_spm_Dragetyeah, found it, thanks. KDE should have a category for 'default elements' or something like this :P
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10:00.52buntfalkeI would like to "mirror" a certain part of the screen to another monitor. Hints, anyone?
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10:46.04[machine]is there a better place than here to query a problem with kmail?  it's hammering my disk for >7 hours on startup each day but never used to... i'm installing the debug symbols to try and get a better fix on it, but from strace it appears to be reading all files in my local Maildirs
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11:47.16mun__can one add new Google Calendar events using krunner?
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14:28.49roconnorI'm using KDE 4.4.5 and my menu bar is half black / half grey <> Any idea what would cause this and how to fix it?
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14:29.35yao_ziyuanam i right that 'top' is a more accurate monitor than gnome/kde's graphical system monitors?
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14:30.14cb400fdon't see why it would be more accurate than ksysguard
14:30.45cb400fI believe gnome-system-monitor is inaccurate.. cuz it tends to use 60% cpu itself, but...  >:-)
14:31.24cb400froconnor: and you don't have some window behind that panel? does the problem persist after kde/plasma restart? .. try switching plasma theme?
14:31.37yao_ziyuancb400f: open a konsole and run 'top'
14:31.55yao_ziyuancb400f: if your desktop is idle, x is supposed to be the most cpu-demanding. how much CPU% does it use?
14:31.57icwienerroconnor: That's the Panel, not the Menubar. :) ... Is there something behind the panel? Or might that just be the colour of the background image?
14:32.05yao_ziyuancb400f: and then go to ksysguard and see how much ksysguard says
14:32.33roconnornope nothing behind the panel
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14:33.35cb400fno weird wallpaper either? ;-)
14:33.49cb400fyao_ziyuan: you're right.. top has an extra decimal
14:33.54roconnorcb400f: well I have a wall paper, but it has no discontinity
14:34.57yao_ziyuancb400f: i'm talking about accuracy, not precision
14:35.04roconnorcb400f: where is the plama theme settings?
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14:35.29cb400fdepends on your kde version.. it's moved around every release
14:35.31roconnorah found it
14:35.38roconnorstyle -> workspace
14:35.55icwieneryao_ziyuan: So, what do you see?
14:36.17roconnorcb400f: ah, switching from Air to Oxygen and Back seems to fix it
14:36.43cb400fhm.. maybe some weird glitch in graphics drawing
14:37.16yao_ziyuanicwiener: i have a kubuntu 9.04 in which 'top' says X uses 6% CPU... and a fedora 13/gnome in which 'top' says X uses 1% CPU...
14:37.22roconnorcb400f: I think it has been like that since I upgraded from kde 4.3 to kde 4.4, which was a long time ago, so I may be misremembering.
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14:45.01icwieneryao_ziyuan: And what do you find strange about that?
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14:45.39guerrilhais there a way to burn a dvd only having its .vob file?
14:45.46yao_ziyuanicwiener: it could be kubuntu 9.04's poor configuration of kde. will test fedora 13's kde now.
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14:45.57ElvanorWhere does KAddressBook stores the contacts?
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14:51.49Elvanorcb400f: It looks like it uses something else
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14:52.05ElvanorI wiped this directory, but the contact is still there
14:52.11ElvanorIt seems to use Akonadi
14:52.36cb400fit is cached in the akonadi database too yes... which additionally feeds it to nepomuk
14:52.52Elvanorcb400f: so how do I delete the cache?
14:52.58ElvanorHow do I restart Akonadi ?
14:53.07cb400fakonadictl restart
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14:55.27Elvanorcb400f: did not help
14:55.36Elvanordo I have to wipe out the MySQL DB >
14:56.46cb400fguess you can use 'akonadiconsole'
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14:57.16Elvanorakonadiconsole: command not found
14:57.19cb400fI don't have experience with deleting all my contacts.. normally the problem is the opposite ;-)
14:57.30Elvanorcb400f: well I want to import contacts
14:57.41ElvanorI had a previous kabc directory on another drive
14:58.03ElvanorI copied it to the new home, but KAddressBook gives me blank contacts
14:59.55cb400fthere's a systemsettings module for handling akonadi resources too.. don't remember what it's called in 4.5
15:00.02cb400fmaybe "personal information"
15:00.38cb400fI'd recommend deleting everything .. and when done creating a new addressbook by importing the vcf
15:01.01cb400fas a new addressbook of type 'akonadi' using /kabc/std.vcf as its source
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15:04.38shal3rJovie is the worst thing ever. I just cannot get rid of him.
15:04.54cb400fthought it was a her
15:05.26Elvanorcb400f: I am on a 4.4
15:06.06cb400fah, then it's systemsettings -> advanced -> kde resources
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15:09.06shal3rNow image this: this morning i'm doing meeting with new client and at some point Jovie starts talking about some logfiles very loud.
15:09.07Gentoochildhi there. Many times now I seem to have accidentially triggered right to left input in the editor component by a shortcut.
15:09.10Gentoochildwhat is taht shortcut?
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15:11.49Elvanorcb400f: importing worked
15:12.02Elvanorhowever under my old KAddressbook I had defined categories
15:12.10ElvanorHow do I get those on the 4.4 ?
15:12.18Elvanor(The previous was 4.3)
15:12.49cb400fdunno if that's possible.. the new akonadified kaddressbook in 4.4 had some feature regressions
15:13.05cb400fI think categories and distrbutionlists were some of the areas affected
15:13.42cb400fbetter ask in #kontact for expert information
15:14.58ElvanorI need categories
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15:18.19cb400fmaybe it's possible to achieve the same with multiple different addressbooks or something
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15:27.49qalOr just use tagging?
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15:35.21nobarkingis there a way to add user style themes to rekonq?
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15:54.33sresuThere used to be an issue about KNetworkManager getting disabled when sleeping system to RAM. Is this resolved with the latest stable release?
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16:14.37Lars_Gis there a simple way/plugin for kmail/kontact to archive all emails prior to date X somewhere (even a file) and delete them off the folder and the imap server?
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16:38.28bblissRandom Question:  I'm having an issue where I see a different desktop background after I unlock my screensaver, and which also shows through sometimes on various desktop effects.  Besides KDM (which i assume is drawing my normal wallpaper), what else could be setting a wallpaper that sits "behind" the main KDM-drawn wallpaper?
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16:40.34nobarkingso sidux just became aptosid?
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16:45.09nobarkingicwiener: thanks
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17:21.29nobarkingwhat are some kde alternatives to ekiga?
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17:25.07cb400fif you like ekiga why don't you just use it? ... maybe look at qutecom, kcall, twinkle
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18:08.38Lars_Gis there a simple way/plugin for kmail/kontact to archive all emails prior to date X somewhere (even a file) and delete them off the folder and the imap server?
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18:22.46GNU\colossusLars_G, I don't know of such a thing, but it'd be trivially done on the server side if you have shell access to the Maildir in question
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18:23.39Lars_GGNU\colossus: I want to clean the server side as well
18:24.35GNU\colossusLars_G, and that's what you'd be doing :)
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19:25.41bblissRandom Question:  I'm having an issue where I see a different desktop background after I unlock my screensaver, and which also shows through sometimes on various desktop effects.  Besides KDM (which i assume is drawing my normal wallpaper), what else could be setting a wallpaper that sits "behind" the main KDM-drawn wallpaper?
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19:31.05SolakDespite google, I couldn't find a solution for the problem that I can't find the possible options for WallpaperMode in backgroundrc (it is set to 'Scaled', but I want it to be 'Scale & Crop').
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19:31.40thiago_homedoesn't the drop-down have the options?
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19:33.20Solakthiago_home: only in the settings for desktop appearance, but for kdm I have to edit the values manually.
19:34.12Solakthiago_home: I'm not sure the config file accepts ampersands and spaces.
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19:35.09thiago_homekdm... oh
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19:39.31Solakreboot, brb
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19:44.15Solaksigh. found it, sys admin settings :)
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20:02.10Jinkoa poi....
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20:38.46Phoulhey folks, does anyone know if theres a way to restart knotify4 without restarting kde
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20:38.52pinotreekill it
20:39.11Phouland to get it back?..
20:39.59pinotreeit will be restarted again when needed
20:40.58Phouli didnt know that :) thanks
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20:54.15ichbindergqview and GwenView are both changing the date of an image when your rotate it. This messes up with sorting them according to their date. Is there another simple image folder viewer that does fast rotation without messing up the date?
20:55.32TheSimkinichbinder: you need to rotate and save to another file if you want to preserve the date.
20:55.39TheSimkinyou can't write to a file and not expect it's date to change.
20:56.32TheSimkinwhy does you sort by file name instead of date
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20:59.14ichbinderTheSimkin: hm, if the filename is created in a way that sticks to the date
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20:59.42ichbinderTheSimkin: well, the image itself contains information on the capture date.
21:00.29ichbinderTheSimkin: would be great if Dolphin could sort for this feature. And also display the "full" information
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21:23.54tjingboemi have nvidia and twinview running but the right screen remains black but shows the mouse cursor....what is wrong?
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