IRC log for #kde on 20101020

00:01.22*** join/#kde desti (
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00:26.11ryan__how can I install kde 4.5.2 in fedora?
00:26.38_stijn_yum install kde-desktop  ? :p
00:27.01_stijn_maybe you can google that question before executing that command
00:27.40ryan__No package kde-desktop available.
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00:44.44sharp15junkDawgie: how did you send that comment about kbuildsycoca4?
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00:58.14enderw99can i run any arbitrary command via dbus?
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00:59.32verbalshadowhow to i share my reviews done with okular with others?
01:02.20Oleg_why is kde 4.5.2 still soft masked in gentoo?
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01:04.28paddesoft masked??
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01:05.00JucatoOleg_: please ask in #gentoo-kde
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01:09.46srk9I am running KDE 4.5.2 on Gentoo Linux and I have Amarok installed at the moment. I do not like the interface very well, so I thought I would try out something called Clementine, which is a fork of Amarok. Since Clementine is a fork of Amarok, it would not surprise me if the two conflicted with one another in terms of storing their databases. Does anyone know if that is the case?
01:10.38srk9Basically, I want to switch back and forth between them until I decide which one I like better and I am concerned that one might corrupt another's music database.
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01:16.04_stijn_you can use an mysql database
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01:16.29avdgor sqlite
01:16.56_stijn_amarok uses MySQL
01:17.27_stijn_just go to settings > Amarok settings and click "Database" tab srk9
01:18.35*** join/#kde quhan (~quhan@
01:18.59quhanis there someone know how to read xml file in konqueror?
01:20.14junkDawgieyou can read them unchanged with the "preview in text editor" selection of the context menu, quhan
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01:23.43quhanjunkDawgie, I want use a xslt file to transfer xml... I mean open a xml, it appears a HTML view..
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01:25.01paleywienerhullo, I'm trying to add a button to the KDE tool-bar which opens a folder when clicked, trouble is, I don't know which action to select.. is there a way for me to get a list of actions from sycoca? Are actions stored in sycoca? I have ktradertest but no ktraderclient (lenny)
01:25.03junkDawgiesorry then, quhan... i thought you merely wanted to see inside an existing file....
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02:15.43PovAddicthow do I move a file to the trash from the command line?
02:16.56PovAddict"ktrash --help" tells me to use "kfmclient move foo trash:/", and doing that says 'move' is not a valid kfmclient command
02:17.36thrice`you're just trying to remove a file, or you need to go be in the trash?
02:17.55PovAddictwell I know I can just do 'rm', but that's not the point :)
02:18.42thrice`well ;)
02:19.50PovAddictaha! the correct command is "kioclient move"
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02:20.47PovAddictLANG=es translation error :)
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02:22.04srk9Does anyone know if it is possible to make amarok automatically loop after it has finished playing a playlist?
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02:22.46PovAddictsrk9: yes
02:23.00PovAddictclick the rightmost button at the bottom of the playlist
02:23.15PovAddictyou can choose repeat and random options there
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02:25.50srk9PovAddict: That is incredibly difficult to discover. I would have never found it.
02:26.14PovAddictsrk9: Amarok cares about usability, please file a bug and/or complain in #amarok
02:26.41srk9PovAddict: I will add it to my to do list. I have too many bug reports to file for different things and too much offline work to do to be able to file them. :/
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02:43.58PovAddictthrice`: 'kioclient move foo trash:/' worked, and I fixed the translation :)
02:44.18thrice`I was just going to suggest rm originally :p
02:44.40thrice`nice to know, though; probably a move to ~/.local/share/Trash some place might work too
02:45.44PovAddicttrash dir has a bunch of metadata like date of deletion and original location
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02:53.08*** join/#kde Elv13 (~lepagee@
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02:55.08Elv13I get this millions of time and applications dont work as expected (broken kio, mimetype, kparts)
02:55.14Elv13(KSycoca) KSycoca::flagError: ERROR: KSycoca database corruption!
02:55.22Elv13how do I remove this database
02:55.41Elv13kbuildsycoca4 crash
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02:57.18PovAddictElv13: try: kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental
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02:58.31Elv13PovAddict: no
02:58.37Elv13don't help
02:58.57Elv13it went infinite loop in fact
02:59.25Elv13I will have to kill kbuildsycoca4, "less" now show me more than 100k error line
02:59.52Elv13how yo I just truely delete the broken DB?
03:00.24PovAddictit's in /var/tmp/kdecache-yourusername/ksycoca4
03:00.48Elv13PovAddict: already tried that, in .kde and /tmp too, I deleted every references to kde
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03:01.11PovAddict...what do you mean "every reference to KDE"?
03:01.36PovAddictyou aren't supposed to delete ~/.kde
03:01.53Elv13PovAddict: I moved it, it does not help
03:02.48Elv13it is supposed to be 4.5.2. I have 4.6 svn too, but it's not enable for this account
03:03.09Elv13lsof show no open files in the 4.6 prefix
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03:06.41Elv13it's probably due to Qt 4.7
03:08.09*** join/#kde Licuadora (
03:08.45LicuadoraI am using a new distro, but I wanto to know what version I have, like, if I am using 32 bits or 32 bits
03:09.00LicuadoraWhat's the Terminal command for know that?
03:09.01PovAddict32 or 32?
03:09.11LicuadoraI mean, 64 bits
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03:09.34Elv13uname -a
03:09.38LicuadoraPovAddict, tu eres español...
03:09.44Elv13no relation to kde, but it's uname -a
03:09.52PovAddictthat's not related to kde anyway, I'd ask #yourdistro
03:10.32Elv13they have an IRC channal too
03:10.54PovAddictjoin #backtrack-es
03:11.01Elv13kde is just the front end, the GUI shell, not the distribution
03:11.02LicuadoraIt says here is it's a little bit older
03:11.20PovAddictthat's the kernel version
03:11.24Licuadoradoes i686 means 64 bits?
03:11.31PovAddictno, that's 32-bits
03:11.47PovAddictmy Debian system says: 2.6.32-5-amd64
03:12.05PovAddictLinux tahu 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Sep 17 21:50:19 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
03:12.05LicuadoraI should have known...
03:12.07*** join/#kde jayne (maddhatt@freenode/staff/jayne)
03:12.46LicuadoraI still have not install Backtrack
03:13.03LicuadoraHey, can I have KDE in Ubuntu along with Gnome?
03:13.22LicuadoraLike, in the Login screen, choose between gnome and kde?
03:13.24Elv1332bit work on 64bit system too, there is no point to have 64bit if you have less than 16 gig of ram (4 recommanded)
03:13.39PovAddictLicuadora: yes, but again, that's a #ubuntu question, not #kde
03:13.54Elv13The login screen of Gnome is not recommanded with KDE, it will disable some functions
03:13.55LicuadoraI have 4gb and plan to insert 4gb on a stick
03:14.11Elv1332bit is fine with a bigmem kernel
03:14.25miasmahmm, any idea what the aperture values are supposed to mean in gwenview's file property dialog? 194698/65536 :S
03:14.35LicuadoraSo.... i should go to Ubuntu, eh?
03:14.38miasmais it somewhere near f/2.8 :F
03:15.06PovAddictLicuadora: you should go to #ubuntu to ask Ubuntu questions, or to #backtrack-linux to ask Backtrack questions
03:15.39LicuadoraSince the GUI was KDE, i thought you where gonna help
03:15.58Licuadorabut that's ok, i'll leave
03:16.55break19Licuadora: while you're at it, go ask Michelin about starter problems on your car, because you have Michelin tires on it....
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03:17.31Licuadorabreak19: People can be so cruel sometimes
03:17.43PovAddictit's for your benefit
03:17.49PovAddictyou'll get better help in the specific channels
03:18.10PovAddictprobably few people here used backtrack
03:18.51miasmawhy do people spend so much time educating new users to ask questions on the right channel.. wouldn't it be just simpler to say 'yes' to a simple question :F
03:19.30Licuadoramiasma: You tell them man!
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03:20.24PovAddictmiasma: 194698/65536 seems to be f/2.8 indeed
03:21.15LicuadoraI'll leave. thank you very much
03:21.21*** part/#kde Licuadora (
03:22.23miasmaPovAddict: apparently the following versions of gwenview use more familiar notation, starting from some future version of kde
03:22.47PovAddict194698/65536 is what is stored in the image's metadata
03:22.58PovAddictso it seems gwenview shows it as-is instead of converting
03:23.01miasmayes, but e.g. exiv2 shows F2.8
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03:23.31quintopiahow can i fix the size of my panel for netbooks which has been accidentally mis-sized in KDE 4.4.2 (Kubuntu Lucid)?
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03:23.41PovAddictmiasma: my point is: it's not a bug, it's an (important) missing feature :)
03:23.46quintopia(it's about half the height it should be)
03:23.49miasmaPovAddict: ok =)
03:24.44break19quintopia: click the "cashew" on the panel, should bring up another panel on top of your current panel, click_drag where it says height, to the height you want it to be
03:25.30miasmaPovAddict: gwenview should probably also get a cr2 preview feature
03:25.43miasmait seems to display cr2 files just fine and dolphin already previews them
03:26.50quintopiathere is no cashew on the panel, and the cashew on the plasma-netbook desktop container doesn't seem to want to let me modify that
03:27.04*** join/#kde Drone4four (
03:27.21break19unlock widgets and do it again
03:27.40break19when you lock the widgets, it removes the cashew from the panel(s)
03:28.04quintopiahad to unlock the panel separately, then it showed up
03:28.10break19bingo :)
03:28.13*** join/#kde zegenie (
03:33.33Drone4fourhow do I make my panel bigger?  i'm running KDE 4.4.2.  I searched Google and checked the KDE dox but couldn't find an an answer to my question
03:34.08quintopiai just asked that
03:34.39quintopiaunlock panel, click cashew, a new panel pops up under it with a "height" button.  click and drag said button to adjust panel height
03:34.43break19then it is your turn to pass on the secret :)
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03:35.15Drone4fourah i see
03:35.19Drone4fourty quintopia =D
03:35.22break19and thus, the knowledge pool is expanded yet again.
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03:54.05ryan__I installed kde and now my wifi isn't worked fine in gnome...does any one know what the issue is and how I can fix it?
03:54.39xaphirryan__: try wicd
03:54.57xaphirwhat distro you running?
03:55.22ryan__I was on 4.4 and it wasn't working there either so I tried upgrading
03:55.28xaphirI said what distro
03:55.29ryan__fedora 14
03:55.43xaphirgo to and use those repos to get wicd
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03:55.58ryan__ok thanks
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03:56.18xaphirryan__: make sure that wicd is running as a service before you work the wicd ui
03:56.27xaphirchkconfig at the konsole
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04:28.15vinleodI have a keyboard layout that doesn't show up in the configuration window for KDE Keyboard Layout Switcher, but if I invoke setkbmap in Konsole with that layout, I can select it within the layout switcher. How do I get it to show up permanently in the configuration window? Fedora 13; KDE 4.4.5
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05:14.24rindolfHi all. After today's Mandriva Linux Cooker upgrade I'm getting "KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now. The error was:Unknown resource" when starting KMail and then it closes abruptly. Help!!!
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05:31.07rindolf - here's the bug.
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06:06.58Dracoshey all, how do I fix this:
06:07.17Dracosthe "About KDE" menu item is that high in every kde app
06:08.30thiago_homenever seen that...
06:08.35thiago_homeI didn't even know that was possible
06:09.24Dracosit's that high even when it's not actually a menu item
06:09.57DracosI think I saw it as an icon in a dialog sidebar once
06:11.41Dracoskonsole, kate, dolphin, quassel, every app
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06:37.35ZombieI've noticed a problem with my WahCade setup since Migrating to KDE 4.
06:37.56ZombieBut now, it asks for confirmation from kfmclient.
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08:44.39elmargolthere is no usable version of kpresenter yet?
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08:47.08phrearchany idea how i can convince kate to save its settings?
08:47.16phrearchi tried modifying vim ~/.kde4/share/apps/kate/sessions/Default%20Session.katesession  but that wouldnt work
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08:47.33phrearchit just doesnt seem to save its settings, like the plugins that are enabled
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08:53.59seegi have multimedia keys in my laptop and when the amarok window is in focus i can use them
08:54.19seegis there a way to use these keys in amarok when i'm working in another window, i.e. amarok is not in focus?
08:56.45yahhI have a problem with kmail in fd13, Is this right channel to ask?
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08:58.12dpyhi guys
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08:59.02dpyanyone here using kdesvn?  I'm trying to get a revision tree of the repository, but kdesvn just gives an empty dialog. It seems to retrieve the information, but it doesn't display any resulting graph...
08:59.20seegah, ok, i did this with xbindkeys ;)
08:59.22dpyI've tried Mandriva, Ubuntu, building it myself...
08:59.48sturlesAfter upgrading to KDE4 all users are creating a .local/share/akonadi/db_data directory containing 140 MiB of data.  This quickly ate all space on the /home partition.  How can this be avoided?  I have about 2000 users, and 140 MiB is more than 95% of them used before.  My RAIDS and backup system is not scaled for this.
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09:08.10sturlesThere.  Full /home.  Crap!
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09:09.12yahhI have a problem that suddenly my one month older mails become unread status, when i check using webmail, it was showing unread there as well
09:09.22yahhwhat could be the reason behind this?
09:11.25gigasoftsomething turns off my desktop effects, how can i disable that program ?
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10:44.30simion314hi, i am trying to setup a dul montor in kubuntu 10.04, the Display and monitors section in system settings is ubuntu specific or is part of kde?
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10:46.47Kame2simion314: this is part of kde
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10:49.56simion314Kame2: i am trying to using it but i faield, i get no result and no error message or something to point me in the right direction, do i need to install other apps (i can't find many recent posts on the forums to apply to my situation),
10:50.39Kame2simion314: please provide more details. what exactly are you doing, what do you expect and what does happen?
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10:54.43simion314Kame2: i have a laptop and i atached a monitor to it, i want to have a for start this monitors diplay difrent things,or a virtual desktop each or to split one desktop like in windows
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10:56.14simion314now i have same thins in both monitors and the resolution of the smaller one, the changes in system settings will not affect anything, and after restarting system settings they come back to default, i get no error message
10:57.05Kame2so you select, say, first monitor below second and you still get a clone, right?
10:57.05simion314Kame2: tried this now  but i do not know what is the problem or if kde uses this think in background of the system settings
10:57.30simion314Kame2: yes, i still get a clone
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10:59.37simion314should i join a canel for xorg or linux to get more help? i would be nice if the kde system settings will print the errors it finds
11:00.32Kame2give me a moment. i try to reproduce
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11:05.23Kame2for me it works as expected
11:07.33Kame2so maybe your display controler cannot handle the size you want. not enaugh memory or such
11:07.58Kame2still, you are right that there should be a error message displayed
11:08.07Kame2please fill a bug at
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11:09.28simion314Kame2: ok,it is posible to have a virtual desktop in one screen and other in other screen? or this stuff is to low level to know about kde virtual desktops?
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11:10.24Kame2i don't know if this is possible. i would say no, but don't know it for sure
11:15.36simion314Kame2: do you have a xorg.conf?
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11:19.53fantihello! what is akonadiserver for? and why does it start own mysql-server instances?
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12:04.20KubuntiacCan someone try installing the Workspace theme "Breathe" (on KDE-look / System Settings -> Workspace Appearence -> Get new Themes) and let me know if it installs properly for you? (ie you can see Breathe listed with Oxygen and Air as selectable themes)
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12:06.11annmaKubuntiac: I am looking
12:06.21annmado yo uhave the kde-look url by any chance?
12:06.47cb400fand what kde version? .. maybe you have the one with unzip problems (4.5.1?)
12:07.02annmafrom SystemSettings -> Workspace Appearance -> Desktop Theme -> Get New Themes it seems not to be a desktop theme
12:07.07annmacb400f: no
12:07.12annmait seems to be icons
12:07.19annmanot a desktop theme
12:07.26cb400fah ;-)
12:07.30annmaI run trunk
12:07.32SpidaIs this (taskbar entries being displayed on top of each other) a known bug?
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12:08.30annmaKubuntiac: probably the category of this add-on is wrong, if you have the kde-look URL that would help me
12:08.38Kubuntiack. one sec
12:08.57annmaSpida: when did that happen? what kde version?
12:09.01Kubuntiac(Plasma theme)
12:09.22KubuntiacIt has icons and an altered panel
12:09.37annmalet me look
12:09.42Spidaannma: 4.4.5.
12:09.52annmain any case, nothing appears on the list Kubuntiac
12:10.09annmaSpida: this happens on a new Debian install of 4.4.5?
12:10.20annmaas a default new install?
12:10.37annmai.e; on a new user as well?
12:10.43Kubuntiac:/ ok, thx annma!
12:10.58SpidaI changed the size of the panel and added a few... widgets or what they are called now, obviously
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12:11.27annmaSpida: file a bug then with exact steps to reproduce
12:11.45annmawhat panel size, what did you add, and so on
12:12.01Spidaok, will do
12:12.56annmaKubuntiac: first this so called theme does not install anything in .kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/
12:13.07annmathat's where the desktop themes should be installed locally
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12:13.34KubuntiacThats where it is on my pc...
12:13.46annmais it installed there correctly?
12:14.00annmafrom the Get New Themes dialog?
12:14.07KubuntiacI just zipped up ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/mytheme folder and uploaded...
12:14.31annmayou mean you are the author of this thjeme?
12:14.47KubuntiacI copied the air folder, made modifications (including the .desktop file) and chose my theme from Workspace Appearence
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12:15.31annmawhat I am saying is that when I use the "Get New Theme" dialog and when I install your "Breathe" it is not installed correctly on my system
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12:15.58Kubuntiack. I'm just trying to figure out why and how to fix it..:/
12:16.19KubuntiacIt works on my pc and folder structure looks the same as other themes
12:16.33annmathis si not a test
12:16.52annmaremove it from your .kde/share/apps/desktoptheme
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12:16.59annmathen try the Get New Theme dialog
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12:20.28Kubuntiacannma: I tried that. GHNS says it's installed, but doesn't seem to copy it to the right location
12:20.48KubuntiacThe folder doesn't appear in .kde/share/apps/desktoptheme
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12:23.50KubuntiacHey, does the name of the tar.gz need to match exactly the theme name? My file is breathe-v0.5.1.tar.gz and theme folder is called just breathe...
12:24.21annmaah maybe
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12:26.08Kubuntiack. Just changed the file to be just breathe.tar.gz... Let's see if that works
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12:27.34Kubuntiacannma: Nope :/
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12:31.18popplerhi there
12:31.31popplerhow do I save a session in kde? I can't find any "save session" button
12:31.54poppler**kde 4.5.2
12:32.04annmapoppler: in the session settings in System Settings
12:32.27popplerSession Management - System settings?
12:32.59annmaKubuntiac: I am looking at what it is doing but my internet is very slow
12:33.04popplerI was there already but there seems to be no save session,very weird
12:33.22annmaKubuntiac: here is what I get
12:33.27annmaplasmapkg(8822)/libplasma Plasma::Package::installPackage: "/home/annma/.kde-4.6/share/apps/desktoptheme//default" already exists
12:33.28annmaInstallation of /tmp/annma-kde-trunk2/kde-annma///133873-breathe.tar.gz failed.
12:33.41annmaKubuntiac: you are trying to install under the name "default"
12:33.56annmathis is why it fails
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12:34.28KubuntiacI wonder why it would do that when it's all in a folder called breathe?
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12:36.31annmaKubuntiac: in metadata.desktop you have X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=default
12:36.45annmalet me look at other themes to check if it is the cause
12:37.40annmayou need to have "breathe" as name here
12:37.58annmaor Breathe, whatever you want
12:38.12Kubuntiacannma: You are a genius!
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12:38.18annmaKubuntiac: ;)
12:39.35KubuntiacTrying it now...
12:41.45Kubuntiacannma: Boo-yah! That was it! \o/ Woo hoo!
12:42.36annmaI'll retry via Get New Theme when you have uploaded it
12:42.40annmayou're welcome
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12:51.12annmaOK I see it now
12:51.26annmaI don't see anything different when applying it though
12:52.53KubuntiacIt recreated the folder on my computer *sigh*
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13:04.28dziaduhi guys
13:05.42dziaduwhy kcalc in kde 4.5 is so "shitty"? in previous KDEs I could, using check boxes configure kcalc as I wish, now, because of these "shitty" radio buttons, I can select only one confuration ans switch between them often
13:05.52dziaduis there any good reason for this?
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13:07.26thrice`perhaps instead of calling people's work shitty, you could open a friendly feature request to restore advanced configuration of buttons?
13:08.07dziaduthrice`: i don't call its work shitty, because I like kcalc
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13:08.41dziadui just don't like last changes, and it doesn't change nothing in my opinion about their good work
13:09.03annmaso issue a bug report and explain exactly why you don't like them
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13:09.24annmawhy do you need to switch between configs
13:09.45Kubuntiacannma: I think it was just a bad upload. I deleted the theme folder, uninstalled, re-installed and it worked fine. Before it was only creating one empty subfolder
13:10.05annmaKubuntiac: yes
13:10.22annmaI don't see a difference on the Battery icon but I am not very graphical
13:10.40annmathe panel applies OK for example when I switch to Oxygen and then to Breathe
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13:11.00annmait already had more than 50 downloads
13:11.31dziaduannma: because I have to use all options:  science, numerical, statistic, and I have all buttons in one window - was much faster
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13:12.05annmaso tellall that in the bug report
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13:12.16annmaI don't even have kcalc myself to look
13:12.25Kubuntiacannma: It's pretty subtle on most of them. You see it mostly on the scissors and the wired network icons. Oh, and Amarok and Konversation go monochrome :)
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13:12.50annmaweird I have the old klipper icon
13:13.05Kubuntiacscissors or clipboard?
13:13.39annmaI get the board one
13:14.01KubuntiacWeird... I get scissors.
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13:15.25annmayes I see your scissors with inkscape
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13:15.47annmabut they don't apply
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13:33.29annmaother themes icons do not apply as well
13:35.15Kubuntiacannma: Maybe it's just some weird caching thing mixed with using the default icons when it doesn't find something
13:35.44Kubuntiacannma: or dare I say it, a bug! o.O
13:35.59annmayes, I am investigating
13:36.14annmaif it's a bug I'll crush it!!! in any case it's not your fault
13:36.19KubuntiacKDE's lucky to have you ;)
13:36.43KubuntiacNot being my fault makes for a refreshing change lol
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14:11.35Fri13Hi, offtopic but does anyone remember from here the blog post in about drawing a depencies with graphviz? You got png with all runtime depencies drawed nicely?
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14:15.46annmaKubuntiac: it was my fault, I killed kded4 earlier
14:15.56annmawhen I restart plasma-desktop I get your icons
14:16.02annmaso it's all OK!
14:16.35KubuntiacIt's funny though... I do find that icons frequently don't update for a few minutes for me
14:16.48Kubuntiacespecially network manager and message indicator
14:17.20annmayes it's buggy
14:17.33annmaI lost Konversation icon by coming back to Air
14:17.37KubuntiacAnyway, thanks for your help. I'm now hard at work replacing those dayglo icons in the "
14:17.46Kubuntiacleave" menu with something more subtle
14:18.16KubuntiacI find that just clicking on another theme, then clicking back and clicking apply a couple of times helps
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14:42.30yahhI have a problem that suddenly my one month older mails become unread status, when i check using webmail, it was showing unread there as well
14:42.39yahhwhat could be the reason behind this?
14:42.46yahhI am using KMail v1.13.5
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14:54.45urkudHi! Is it possible to send an e-mail from command line using kmail?
14:54.52urkudI don't want kmail to show composer
14:55.08urkudBecause I need to send quite a few e-mails
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14:55.59yahhwhy don't you use sendmail command?
14:56.33urkudyahh: because I don't have sendmail on my laptop, and I want these letters in my kmail folders.
14:56.35yahhi'm not sure about kmail command line
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14:59.23urkudFoung it! Just ask composer to send the e-mail right now using qdbus
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15:07.11nobarkingwhy does Opera look like a GTK application if it uses Qt?
15:07.48sreichbecause it's a good example of the abuses that any programmer can make
15:07.53cb400fit doesn't anymore.. but even better.. since 10.60 it has "real" kde and/or gnome integration
15:07.55sreichit has a custom theming crappy thing going on
15:08.03sreichcb400f: ah, really
15:08.14sreichnow all we need is FF, chrome :)
15:08.22cb400fyup.. nice kde filedialog.. pretty decent mimetype association etc.
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15:08.52leo_rockwayI wonder if you guys can help me with something that somebody brought to my attention: I drag and drop an application from the traditional K menu (ie, not lancelot) into a panel. I right click on the icon of the application I just added to the panel and click on icon settings, expecting to be able to change the icon... but I can't.
15:09.10cb400fin 10.7x it should even render fonts the same way as kde (if running in kde)
15:09.43leo_rockwayI'm using 4.5.2, but this was reported to me by someone using 4.4.5. The funny thing is that he has two comps with 4.4.5 and in one he can change the icon and on the other one he can't.
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15:10.18nobarkingcb400f: i'm on 10.63 it feels like it's using QtCurve, but the file dialog is there
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15:16.15cb400fnobarking: there are some skins with oxygen icons and feel.. far from perfect, but...
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15:26.09sushiyantWhy when i open a app in one of multi desktops i see it in all of multi desktops ?
15:26.28sreichyou have to go into the settings of the task manager
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15:27.05sreichright click where the window icons show up, "task manager settings"
15:27.12sreichor just open the panel settings (unlock widgets)
15:30.22sushiyantsreich: but i can not found task manager
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15:32.46cb400fsushiyant: if you have < kde sc 4.5  you need empty space in the taskmanager to easily access the settings
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15:33.27leo_rockwaysushiyant: you see the window on all desktops or the entry in the taskbar in all desktops?
15:33.59sushiyantleo_rockway:  entry in the taskbar in all desktops
15:34.12leo_rockwayokay, then do what sreich said...
15:34.46sushiyantleo_rockway: but i have kde 4.4.2
15:35.20cb400fso you either need empty space in the taskbar or you need to open the panel configuration (click on cashew in panel)
15:36.54ToxygeneKCacheGrind question: Anyone know why I wouldn't be seeing more than one level of call graph or map data? (
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15:38.02sushiyantcb400f: leo_rockway : sreich : tnx
15:38.58cb400fwonders who to bribe to have that default changed anyway.. never heard about anyone who wants taskbar entries on every desktop
15:40.10sreichpost a patch for it on reviewboard for plasma
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15:40.24sreichI agree, the default doesn't seem to be well thought out
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15:41.06cb400fI think it's definitely the most FAQ how to change that setting ;-)
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15:41.13cb400fat least since 4.5 it's much easier
15:41.32peremendebian/kde 4.5.2 from question
15:41.34peremenwhy network entry in knetworkmanager is not displayed in tray icon's menu, but connection is working?
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16:28.30ZombieAnyone living?
16:28.46bonsaikittenno ;)
16:28.48KubuntiacHurrrrrrrrrrr..... braaaainnns....
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16:59.12gnacso I'm having a stupid problem with ksnapshot.  It used to be able to spawn other image applications like gimp and gwenview, but now it seems that it is not storing the tmp file in the place it is telling the spawned app.  The spawned app says it cannot find the file.
16:59.45gnacI've searched my home directory, /var and /tmp for the ksnapshot temp file. no luck.
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17:09.02Kame2gnac: after you start ksnapshot and it has taken its first snapshot atomaticaly, you have to make a second snapshot. than it works. this is a known bug
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17:13.06gnacKame2: ahh, thanks.  I tested that and the second shot works.
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17:26.12eddybhi there
17:26.27eddybmy system's sound is a bit of a mess
17:26.32eddybcame here with a question
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17:27.12eddybis there an easy way to cleanup Phonon(or whatever manages sound in kde4)'s setting/preferences?
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17:28.32xaphirI think you can delete the phonon rc file and it will recreate it
17:28.40xaphirback it up just in case tho.
17:28.53eddybuser or system -wide?
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17:29.31xaphirI've heard it being done on per user basis, but not much beyond that
17:29.39xaphirsomeone else here knows more I'm sure
17:29.46eddyb(I am talking about all those sound devices that exist or don't, in the System settings->Multimedia->Phonon)
17:29.53eddybwhich I can't delete from there, btw
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17:30.41toketinin the task manager how can i see only task's icons?
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17:31.04xaphireddyb: yeah, that should be fixable by moving the phonon rc and letting it redetect
17:31.13xaphirbtw I don't see a phonon rc in /etc
17:31.19eddyb/etc/kde4 has nothing related...
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17:31.44interployHey guys, question about Kate... Is there a way to change the default open file directory?
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17:36.12roconnorI'm using KDE 4.4.5 under NixOS and my menu bar is half black / half grey <> Any idea what would cause this and how to fix it?
17:36.44roconnor <-- direct link
17:37.34eddybmoved it, now pressing my "Fix ALSA" button, which restarts ALSA
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17:38.28eddybremoving and then adding configuration for sound in YaST works better :P
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17:54.45xaphireddyb: where'd you see the "fix alsa" button?
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17:57.07xaphirping eddyb
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18:03.28eddybxaphir: pong
18:03.39eddybsorry, made the button myself :P
18:03.42xaphirwhere was your phonondevicesrc located
18:04.16xaphirdid it recreate it ok?
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18:05.35xaphirwhat did you do exactly
18:05.46eddybright now?
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18:05.55xaphirto fix the rc file
18:06.10eddybdeleting and then saving a brand new sound configuration in YaST
18:06.21xaphirAhh yast.  ok
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18:07.26eddybhmm, it creates a dumb file :(
18:07.37eddybjust the Digital Intel HDA device
18:07.42eddybwhich is not what I want
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18:08.26eddybthe thing is...
18:08.34eddybsystemsettings show all of them
18:08.50eddybphonondevicesrc is not yet changed
18:09.25eddybsaving that configuration does nothing to phonondevicesrc :(
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18:54.15_spm_DragetInside the default kde file-selection dialog I can use the keyboard to find a folder by pressing the first letters. If I press enter, I would expect the dialog to open the folder, but instead it saves the file in there right away. I was just wondering if I am the only one who would favor a different behaviour (opening the folder only)
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18:55.41_spm_DragetA second thing: If I delete a file in this dialog, the currently selected file (that is delete) is not simply unselected but the next file is selected and also the default name to save gets switched to the newly selected file. I would also find it more convinient if the selection would go away if the selected item is deleted.
18:55.49_spm_DragetFrom usability points of view...
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18:57.14icwiener__spm_Draget: The chances that these points are heard by the right people are better, if you file a report at
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18:58.10_spm_Drageticwiener_: True…
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19:12.58troyrandom question of the day: ripping dvd (video) using kde - any commonly used techinique?
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19:13.36troywants to convert his dvd collection into something useful for his media centre
19:13.50troyis k3b the way?
19:14.01eddybI use vlc for such things
19:14.24troythanks eddyb - will poke at it :)
19:14.43eddybit's known to work good and that just installed/basic settings :P
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19:21.49alienBOBtroy: handbrake
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19:23.17troyalienBOB: you have packages, I presume :)
19:23.38alienBOBMind the dependencies
19:24.21alienBOBtroy -
19:24.48thrice`alienBOB, you should use snapshots for that one; they recently removed the webkit dependency on linux, and also the hal dependency
19:25.01thrice`which is kinda nice :)
19:26.16thrice`the handbrake guys actually recommend later SVN over 0.9.4, since so many bugs have been fixed, and some newer DVDs don't work nicely with it
19:26.20troyalienBOB: do you vlc packages have codecs removed due to patents as well? I never did check that
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19:26.40alienBOBI have both versions of VLC packages troy
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19:27.15alienBOBthrice`: I'll make some time to build a newer handbrake then... the VLC guys keep lagging on a new release
19:27.28troyah, I see :)
19:28.10thrice`alienBOB, :)  it's nice, they even added a little bit of logic for the DVD-scan, so it's much more intelligent about picking out the right title
19:28.25alienBOBOnly pity is that it uses a GTK interface
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19:28.42troythanks alienBOB, as usual :)
19:28.51thrice`yes; there was a Qt interface developed for awhile, but that sadly didn't go anywhere :(
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19:29.01thrice`the CLI is pretty intuitive and simple, though
19:29.12alienBOBNo problem, you are one of my more visible supporters troy ;-)
19:29.17alienBOBthrice`: agreed
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19:30.07thrice`I usually use VLC to find the title properly, and then just call the CLI
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19:50.44lacey_the battery indicator works as root but not as a user how can I fix this?
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19:57.37Henson_Dcould someone help me verify a bug in dolphin?  I haven't figured out exactly how to reproduce it, but it happens very often.  In column view when I try to create a new folder using the right mouse button menu or the menu bar at the top, very frequently it will have the "Create New" item greyed out for a writeable directory.  However when switching to Details view it works just fine.  When...
19:57.44Henson_Dyou switch back to column view it'll work properly.
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20:00.03amdrozdI have the same problem :) and i don't know how to reproduce it too :]
20:00.46Henson_Damdrozd: what distro are you running?
20:01.22Henson_Damdrozd: or are you compiling KDE from SVN source?
20:02.22amdrozdHenson_D: i'm on Arch Linux 64b and no i have kde from repo :)
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20:03.22Henson_Damdrozd: ok, I'm on Kubuntu, so it seems like it might not be a distro-specific problem
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20:05.25amdrozdHenson_D: You can use f10 :) but if you like a mouse...
20:07.15lacey_anyone know what could be causing the battery indicator to work under root but not a user?
20:07.19amdrozdHenson_D: f10 works even if option in menu is grayed :)
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20:08.13Henson_Damdrozd: yeah.  For some reason dolphin's column view is way buggier than the others.  I've submitted several bugs about its usability.  I wonder if many people use it?  Ever since I used OS X way back when it first came out, I've found the column view style of browsing to be very nice.
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20:08.30Henson_Damdrozd: the others being the other view modes like details or icons
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20:16.47amdrozdHenson_D: I like this view too :) but i don't care soo much about this bug because I prefer keyboard :)
20:17.07Henson_Damdrozd: ahh, I see.  Well thanks for the f10 tip, I'll use that until this bug gets squashed :-)
20:18.12troyalienBOB: kde could really use a nice ripping interface like we have for audiocd's :/
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20:18.58amdrozdHenson_D: No problem :) try others f[1-12] keys :)
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20:19.31troylacey_: usually a permissions problem :)
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20:21.07troylacey_: it's probably trying to read the current state from hal, and hal is disinclined to acquiesce :)
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20:50.40troyalienBOB: you're right - handbrake is pretty nice; pity it can't dump the subtitles
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21:12.05monkey_d_luffywhen I choose to reboot in KDE, does it call /etc/init.d/reboot or does it call /sbin/reboot ?    I would like to use kexec on reboot, that's why I'm asking.
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21:14.43pinotreemonkey_d_luffy: if you are using kdm, see "login manager" in system settings
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21:14.56Tasserhow do I tell KDE to shut down the computer on lid close?
21:16.36troyTasser: in system-settings, look for Power Management
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21:17.08troyTasser: then choose Profiles on the left, and for a particular profile, select Actions, and choose what to do when the lid closes
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21:18.40monkey_d_luffypinotree: nice :)  thanks *thumbs up*
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21:18.47troyTasser: let me know if that helps - I have it set to "Suspend to RAM" for lid closure as that works 100% on my laptop, and I open and close it often enough
21:19.18troynotes that that settings screen gets totally redone for 4.6, iirc
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21:19.38Tassertroy, well, yeah suspend to ram doesn't seem to work on that archlinux here fully....
21:19.46monkey_d_luffyTasser: make sure you have the software for it, check if you have the program s2ram in your machine   (well, at least that is how debian works)
21:20.22Tassermonkey_d_luffy, I'm usually going like echo mem > /sys/power/state ;-)
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21:21.29troywonders why that works out of the box on slackware :P
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21:21.47troythe world must be going craaazy! :P
21:23.08Tassertroy, works on my arch here ;-)
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21:28.10AlexPsuspend to ram works perfectly on Arch here
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21:59.46Tassercan I set own commands for suspend?
21:59.55Tasserlooks like I need to pass some parameters to s2ram
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23:13.44chemtailUsing 4.5.1 on Kubuntu 10.10.  When pressing, say, the applauncher hotkey, the menu pops up, but it does not retract and disappear when i press again, as in previous versions.
23:13.50chemtailFeature or bug?
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23:33.57dfreyI'm trying to get started with KDE programming.  Where is a good place to ask questions?
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23:35.38neoclustdfrey: you can look on the junior job bugs on kde bugzilla
23:37.27dfreyneoclust: more specifically, I'm having problems getting the tools set up to build KDE applications, so I'm looking for somewhere to ask about that.
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23:38.17neoclustdfrey: i _think_ that #kde-devel can help
23:38.43dfreyneoclust: thanks
23:38.49neoclustdfrey: you can look on the tech pages too
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