IRC log for #kde on 20100504

00:00.26anishyou want [Containments]
00:01.09anishrather, resize your panel, and see what changes
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00:04.26gorgonzolaok, will check
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00:08.03gorgonzolawoa. this is huge! :P
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00:10.57Maceranish: yes
00:11.07Maceri just removed konqueror and am testing out chromium now
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00:13.12gorgonzolaanish: hey, maximum size and minimum size kinda work like dynamic size... thanks.
00:13.26ScuniziIs there a kde front end for sane?
00:15.17anishScunizi: skanlite
00:15.46Scunizianish: thanks.. I'll see if it's in my repos.
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00:22.48Macerchromium has gotten WAY better since i last tried it
00:22.52Maceri think i can remove ff
00:23.01Macerbut i'm not sure how well it plays flash video in linux
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00:30.20Vamp898*What does virtuoso-t do?
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00:31.36Vamp898it runs two times on my system. The first process needs ~100mb of memory and the second one ~40mb
00:34.08Vamp898i just read that its something like a database but i wonder why it is started by nepomuk/strigi when akonadi/amarok already started mysql? Is it something very different to MySQL or does it have a special reason why i need so much Server Database Applications to use my Desktop?
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00:49.13troyvamp left before anyone could answer...
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01:53.13Cap_J_L_PicardI have KDE 4.4.2 on a dual head system (nvidia twinview + xinerama) and I have seperate panel on each monitor with a taskbar and each taskbar is set to only show windows on the monitor. However when a window is fullscreen on one monitor it is showing up on both taskbars?
01:54.30troyCap_J_L_Picard: file a bug :) it sounds like you have enough information for that
01:54.41Cap_J_L_Picardfull screen video windows and such are fine, just when it's scaled maximised by kwin for things like firefox
01:55.05troyCap_J_L_Picard: what's likely happening is an off-by-one error or somesuch where the kwin borders are spilling onto the other screen - so kwin thinks the window is spanning both monitors
01:55.25Cap_J_L_Picardtroy: Figured it might be, but someone else noticing it and confirming it, just to check it's not just my configuration.
01:55.32Cap_J_L_Picardtroy: I though of that...
01:55.43troyif not the border, then the window shadow or something *shrugs*
01:56.20Cap_J_L_Picardas it happens both with and without compositing, it's not the shadow...
01:56.37troythen I'll assume it's the border
01:56.50troyor the code that's trying to figure out which screen a window is one has an off-by-one error
01:56.58Cap_J_L_Picardwell, maximised windows are set to only have a top border here...
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01:59.45Cap_J_L_Picardit doesn't matter the window or the screen.
01:59.46Cap_J_L_Picardas far as I can tell there is no actual pixel spilover viewable...
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02:33.49barrapontoi'm running kde4 on debian but i can't see the cups menu item in system settings. what should i install?
02:33.57barrapontoi can see it on my archlinux install.
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04:31.14nawk_what system/program is responsible for providing multiple workspaces ?
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04:39.24alisonken1nocwhich desktop are you using? gnome kde fluxbox fvwm95 blackbox .... ?
04:39.42Sho_he's in #kde, what do you think? ;)
04:39.49zekenawk_: that;d be the desktop environment, not xorg
04:40.17Sho_nawk_: kwin, the window manager
04:40.31nawk_Sho_ right. Thanks
04:40.49alisonken1nocSho_, being in several channels, I'm used to seeing questions that are not always on topic :)
04:41.28Sho_alisonken1noc: fair enough :)
04:41.46nawk_desktop environment, as far as I understand is a set of programs that provides GUI to different functionalities
04:42.01nawk_which includes a file manager, window manager, etc
04:42.13nawk_feel free to rectify my understanding
04:42.21alisonken1nocdesktop environment is what provides the look and feel for applications that use a gui
04:42.31alisonken1nocso that the file manager, window manager, etc. all look the same
04:42.38alisonken1nocreasonably the same, rather
04:43.08Sho_that's not really true
04:43.20alisonken1nocin the case of kde and gnome, they provide extra functionality that some other de's don't
04:43.20Sho_the look and feel is provided by toolkits applications use, or by applications themselves
04:44.21alisonken1nocI was under the impression the toolkits just provide the widgets and the de provides the look and feel aspects
04:44.29nawk_Sho_ right, that's also what I understand b/c GTK+ and QT look fairly different i.e. distinguishable
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04:45.19Sho_nawk_: virtual desktops are a part of the ewmh/netwm spec that window managers like kwin implement. so kwin does the major part of the heavy lifting in kde's case. however the desktop shell - the program responsible for drawing the desktop and the panels - acts in concert with the window manager there, e.g. by showing the pager applet that provides a visual overview of the virtual desktops. the desktop shell in kde is called plasma. plasma in turn uses code from kde's
04:45.20Sho_libraries to implement that functionality.
04:45.37Sho_nawk_: so on the whole, virtual desktop functionality is distributed over several codebases
04:47.31alisonken1nocit also depends on if you're talking to a user or someone with a clue about what happens behind the clicks
04:48.18Sho_well, one of the nice things about open source is that it's open for people to learn about how it works :-)
04:48.28*** join/#kde mozafar (~mozafar@
04:48.31nawk_Sho_ you're cool
04:48.37mozafarhi all
04:49.39nawk_Sho_ I'm a CS student and don't know everything and is happy to learn that the open source community welcomes new comers :-)
04:50.05hanibanaais there any way to define a shortcut to activate/come up a minimized application/task ? (KDE 4)
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04:50.22Sho_nawk_: hehe, we survive on interested newcomers! :) don't hesitate to ask
04:50.46alisonken1nochanibanaa, I believe that would be one of the generic X options that gui apps are supposed to support
04:51.53alisonken1nochanibanaa, possibly "man X" and look at -iconic
04:52.27hanibanaaalisonken1noc: thanks
04:52.51Sho_hanibanaa: a specific app?
04:53.10alisonken1nocalso note the comments on that as well
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04:55.17hanibanaaSho_ : no just thought about that. And seting it for any apps....
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04:56.39hanibanaaSho_: good for times which one is keyboard-bounded ;) instead of using alt-tab
04:56.50Sho_hanibanaa: depends. if it's a kde app, you can always use KDE's Input Actions to set up a global shortcut that makes a D-Bus call to unminimize the app. if it's a single-instance app, simply rerunning its executable will also usually unminimize and raise it. failing that, alt+tab unminimizes a window if you go to it (as long as alt+tab is set to minimized windows, which it does by default)
04:57.13Sho_*set to show minimized windows
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04:58.24hanibanaahow do define a "KDE application", Sho_ ?
04:59.02Sho_hanibanaa: An application that uses KDE's libraries, in particular, the class KApplication
04:59.23hanibanaaSho_: how to find out that thing?
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04:59.45Sho_hanibanaa: Usually it's going to have "About KDE" in its "Help" menu, provided it has a menu bar ..
05:00.28hanibanaaSho_: what about something like VirtualBox?
05:01.02Sho_not a KDE app
05:01.37Sho_for a non-KDE app, you could use the utility wmctrl ( to create a command that unminimizes a window with a certain window title, and then let a KDE Input Action run that
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05:02.06Sho_i.e. you set up an Input Action with a global shortcut that runs a wmctrl command to unminimize the window with a certain window title
05:03.15hanibanaayes thanks great points.
05:04.56nawk_Sho_ So you (too) started out by "lurking in various KDE-related IRC channel" heh  So during the early phase ("early 2005) did you know all the in and outs of the X Window System and the ewmh (both these documents are friggin hug as a mofo) its hard to imagine one can put it into perspective that easily.
05:05.40Sho_nawk_: no, back then I didn't :)
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05:19.57dbboltonwhen i try to set a keyboard shortcut involving the windows/mod4/meta key, it just shows up in the dialog as four squares
05:20.33biohazrdanyone know why kontact would startup but just sits there inactive?
05:21.17biohazrdkontact(30760)/kdeui (kdelibs): No such XML file ......kde4/share/apps/kontact/local-.rc
05:21.45biohazrdall the apps seem to work standalone
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05:43.07||arifaXhow can I manually refresh content of kde menu. I am used to not to reboot all the time since linux now runs so smooth on my netbook. I really need to refresh somehow the menu?
05:43.59Sho_||arifaX: normally you should not have to do this manually - but you can force it by running "kbuildsycoca4"
05:44.06alisonken1noc||arifaX, hmmm - mine autorefreshes anytime I make changes to the application directory
05:45.19||arifaXalisonken1noc:  and Sho_: it does not automatically (kubuntu). but kbuildsycoca4 did it - thanks very much
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05:45.41Sho_something's broken on kubuntu, then
05:46.04||arifaXSho_: or some packages do not initiate it at install end?
05:47.12Sho_||arifaX: even if they didn't, kded usually watches the relevant folders and refreshes the SYstem COnfiguration CAche (-> sycoca) when their contents change
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05:49.29alisonken1nockubuntu possibly, they have been known to make some tweaks. I use slackware and haven't had that issue
05:50.35||arifaXalisonken1noc: I think they will fix that. I love it.
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06:18.51k1lumin4t1any news on quanta?
06:19.44zegeniekdevelop4 is doing a good job with web development afaict :)
06:20.03k1lumin4t1yes, but not as complete as quanta
06:20.56svuorelak1lumin4t1: follow milian wolff's blog.
06:21.17k1lumin4t1svuorela, could you share an url?
06:22.20Jucatothere is a Google Summer of Code student who will be working on it I think
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06:22.52svuorelak1lumin4t1: I*m trying to find it ,)
06:23.01svuorelaJucato: guess what the name of that student is ... ;)
06:23.45k1lumin4t1Jucato, on quanta you mean?
06:23.46Jucatosvuorela: Sune Vuorela?
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06:24.00Jucatok1lumin4t1: yep
06:24.01svuorelaJucato: nope. I'm not gsoc student
06:24.03k1lumin4t1Jucato, nice
06:24.16Jucatosvuorela: I'm sarcastic :)
06:24.20svuorelaJucato: and I_really dislike doing webdevelopment stuff
06:24.43k1lumin4t1Jucato, I'd like to help KDE with some spanish translation
06:25.01svuorelak1lumin4t1: then you should contact albert
06:25.16k1lumin4t1svuorela, who's albert?
06:26.10k1lumin4t1KDE 4.4. is hot!
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06:53.01ForgeAusjust thought I'd ask on behalf of someone else in #Kbuuntu (not getting a response) Question: how can I make Yakuake to be able to use left/right/up/down key in insert mode?
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07:21.17CokeHello. How can I turn off the session menu and system menu in KDM?
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08:17.37d3xok, that's strange - i'm installing 4.4.3 from debian sid right now. when was it released? there is no release note, this # says "4.4.2 is out". what's going on? :)
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08:18.43cb400fd3x: it's not released
08:18.48cb400fbut it _is_ tagged
08:19.00cb400fso debian are breaking the law, breaking the law :-)
08:19.36ForgeAusuh whats.. "it?"
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08:20.31cb400fit == kde sc 4.4.3
08:20.55cb400fsoftware compilation
08:21.17ForgeAus4.4.x is recent :)
08:21.45ForgeAusI'm still way back 4.2.x in Kubuntu Intrepid...
08:22.18cb400fewww.. you sure have something to look forward to :-)
08:22.28ForgeAus(kinda got stuck with drivespace and upgrading, etc.. so goina wait til I get a new PC before I upgrade... I probably won't recognise it by that time lol
08:23.15ForgeAusI could, of course scrap and reinstall from scratch something new...
08:23.31alisonken1nocmight try slackware - it may surprise you
08:23.47ForgeAusslackware is ok
08:23.59ForgeAusI liked zenwalk and wolvix when I tried them
08:24.18ForgeAusbut I settled on Kubuntu, although I'm thinking of moving to mint...
08:24.26alisonken1nocunfortunately, zenwalk and wolvix have departed from base slackware, but still not bad distros
08:24.29ForgeAusmeanwhile I have my hands full toying with PCLinuxOS liveDVD's
08:24.38alisonken1nocalways fun trying new things
08:25.01ForgeAusSlax is on my HawkPE boot CD lol thats another slackware-based distro
08:25.43ForgeAuswell the good thing about slackware is most of the packets that are binary can be dumped in Kubuntu and in my experience mostly work out of the box... (although your not supposed to do that)
08:26.02ForgeAussource packages don't... they need to be aliened or something
08:26.27d3xcb400f, thanks for clarifying :)
08:27.11alisonken1nocsince slackware packages are basically tarballs, it's easy to install a slackware package in other distro's
08:27.16d3xand debian is not that much "breaking the law" :) there are many -git or -svn versions of different packages in sid :)
08:27.20ForgeAusand with the big stuff like mono or complex proggies that install in many places, I wouldn't suggest using a slackware package and dumping the binary for it, especially if theres a *buntu package for that proggy...
08:27.22alisonken1noccan't say the same about other distro packages
08:27.51ForgeAusis that why theres a sidux? :)
08:28.22ForgeAusalisonken1noc I find .deb's to be nice, I'm not so experienced with rpm's but I've heard of rpmhell which makes me shiver just thinking about it
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08:28.25d3xdebian packages are arballs with some pre- and post- scripts. easy to install on anything (just 'ar x package.deb' and you have all your files)
08:28.31ForgeAussofar I havn't come across that problem, thankfully
08:29.30ForgeAusyeah they use shell archiving ar as opposed to cpio that rpm's use...
08:29.51ForgeAusI think thats shell archive, not sure about that bit
08:30.13alisonken1nocar correct, not sure about the shell part
08:31.00ForgeAusoddly when I asked and needed that info for Interix
08:31.04ForgeAusthe debian pplz wouldn't tell me!
08:31.13alisonken1nochowever, they are still an archive of 2 archives, so you end up doing double unarchiving to get to the real files
08:31.16saLOUtsetxkbmap -layout de,us,de -variant nodeadkeys,,neo -option -option grp:menu_toggle doesnt work for me: i cannot access the third level, i.e.  [<] + [m] = 1
08:31.40ForgeAusin fact they even banned me from the channel #debian, since I wasn't using the Debian distro itself
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08:31.52ForgeAus(ie debian-interix != debian)
08:32.13ForgeAusI would have thought they were the ppl that would know how to open a debian package manually
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08:32.42dadadahello fellows
08:32.52alisonken1nocya thunk? :) however, as picky as the guys at ##slackware can be, even they don't have a problem talking about the package format
08:33.00alisonken1nocregardless of which distro you use
08:33.01dadadadoes somebody know if there is a simple "old windows wordpad" type richtext application?
08:33.16dadadaI mean a word process with only basics, that is quick?
08:33.18alisonken1nocfor kde that would kate
08:33.32dadadaalisonken1noc: can you make text bold, italic, etc?
08:33.47dadadaI mean wordpad not notepad like
08:33.55ForgeAushehe I think its mostly that dpkg is so ingraned in Debian that if you don't have a working dpkg then they don't want to think about how it actually works!
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08:35.05alisonken1nocdadada, not sure since I pretty much use kate for scripting/basic text and OOo for advanced stuff
08:35.35dadadaalisonken1noc: I want basic text with minor things like bold, italic
08:35.44boris``i'm trying to prevent KDE from displaying one of my windows partitions in the dolphin sidebar to unprivileged users. are those devices probed through hal?
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08:35.58Torchboris``: yes
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08:36.22ForgeAusKOffice is a KDE OO.o alternative but not sure how far "there" that is... as yet..
08:36.49boris``Torch: can i fix it by using hal-set-property to set its volume.ignore to true? or is there another way i should do it?
08:36.56dadadaForgeAus: koffice is more complex than I need, I think
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08:38.41Torchboris``: that might work. just try it.
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08:41.48boris``well, i already have and it didn't change anything about my current KDE session. i'm wondering if i need to restart the hal daemon, and if changes made with hal-set-property are persistent or if i need to edit the configuration files instead
08:42.27boris``truth be told i have no idea what happens if i restart the hal daemon during a desktop session
08:43.53alisonken1nocI believe changes to system settings may require a logout/login to become effective, but don't quote me on that
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08:58.53MoDaXd3x: and you complain because?
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08:59.29d3xMoDaX, ?
09:01.02MaikBHello.  As off kde-4.4.0 (now 4.4.3) krunner locks up if I don't type a command fast enough.  After about 7 seconds it becomes responsive again.  Did someone else observed this behavior?
09:01.27MoDaXd3x: wrt 4.4.3
09:01.33MaikBThe odd thing is, that there is no notable CPU load, nor the HDD is busy
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09:02.23cb400fMaikB: did see some of that.. I just think it has too many darn runners enabled by default
09:02.37alisonken1nocMaikB, are you using an ati chipset for graphics?
09:02.43cb400fI disabled about 3/4 of them that I don't use anyway and it seems nice and fast since then
09:02.51MaikBalisonken1noc, no
09:03.16alisonken1nocok - then cb400f may have something for you to look at
09:03.18MaikBalisonken1noc, I saw this on a intel chipset, and now nvidia (new Notebook)
09:03.46alisonken1nocI've only seen it on computers with an ati chipset
09:03.49cb400fmy main suspects are the wikipedia and nepomuk runners
09:03.51d3xMoDaX, did i _complain_ about 4.4.3? i only said it's weird that there was no release and it's already in debian, but cb400f clarified it for me
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09:04.15MaikBcb400f, where can I deactivate these runners?
09:04.35cb400falt+f2 -> click on "the wrench"
09:04.56MaikBwell, I'm trying to.. waiting..
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09:07.12MaikBcb400f, thx a ton!
09:07.28MoDaXd3x: if you are aware what version was previously there, you should not be surprised
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09:08.16MaikBI think it is some internet service that times out
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09:08.22MaikBbecause there is no load whatsoever
09:08.45MoDaXd3x: and what's more important why it was there
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09:25.41MaikBThe krunner settings dialog is locking up all the time, meh
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09:29.09[Steven_M]hi all
09:29.33MaikBcb400f, seems like the "Locations" runner cause the delay
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09:30.20cb400fhmm.. that was one of the plugins I kept enabled
09:30.20MaikBfeels like a timeout is going on
09:30.24[Steven_M]okular's text selection tool isn't selecting any text.
09:31.33MaikBcb400f, take it with a grain of salt. i just enabled the runners one by one.
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09:32.39xTsHi. Whats the name of the program that starts the "starter dialog"? The thing that pops up, when you press alt+f2?
09:32.42xTsit just crashed...
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09:33.14[Steven_M]xTs: krunner I think
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09:33.20MaikBxTs, krunner
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09:34.06xTsyep, that's it. Thank you
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09:34.24MaikBxTs, I got trouble with it as well.  The problem isn't krunner itself, but with one of the so called "runners" it forwards the text to you are entering
09:35.01MaikBI wonder if there is a wiki page about "problematic" runners
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09:36.00MaikBSnice alt+F2 is a very common action, this is IMO a serious issue
09:36.24[Steven_M]okular's text selection tool isn't selecting any text, can anyone help
09:36.45MaikBif I wouldn't already use KDE and would see this behavior the first time, I would move back to whatever I used before
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09:37.54cb400f[Steven_M]: worksforme "Introduction to Linux" (that text was just copy/pasted from a pdf)
09:37.59MaikB[Steven_M], what do you exactly mean by "not selecting"? No colored rectangle show up when u are trying to select??
09:38.18cb400f.. so we'd need some info on your distro, kde version, what document you're trying to select text in etc.
09:40.26MaikB[Steven_M], works fine here: So there are two possibilities: 1. Your okular version is buggy 2. you didn't use the interface right
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09:40.37pinotreeor the document has no text
09:40.40MaikBor, the pdf is odd
09:41.19MaikBmaybe it is just an image
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09:41.35[Steven_M]cb400f: MaikB: yep no rectangle, kde version 4.3.5 , gentoo
09:41.40tuxickcopy&paste stopped working on this box, after idling over long weekend
09:41.52tuxickwhere can i look for solution without restarting/rebooting?
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09:42.04xTsuhm, how embarrassing... congratulating a friend for his 25th birthday, because korganizer tells me so and he's 26...
09:42.12ultrav1oletIs KDE 4.4.3 being delayed?
09:42.36pinotreeultrav1olet: why?
09:42.50ultrav1oletIt's now 10:00 GMT and most mirrors don't even have 4.4.3 directory
09:42.55MaikB[Steven_M], there is the "Selection" and the "Text Selection" tool, does the "Selection" tool work?
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09:43.01pinotree.... and?
09:43.12ultrav1oletit was supposed to be released today
09:43.12xTs.oO( debian unstable has... )
09:43.17pinotree.... and?
09:43.17MaikBhm, kde-4.4.3 entered Arch stable
09:43.21MaikBjust installed it
09:43.29pinotreeultrav1olet: where it is written we must release at 10utc?
09:43.59ultrav1oletI've no idea, but mirrors should already have it ... maybe :)
09:44.05pinotreemaybe not
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09:44.27ultrav1oletotherwise why do you need a 7 days delay before making tarballs and releasing it officially?
09:44.50ultrav1oletI thought so that mirrors had time to synchronize
09:44.53pinotreemake sure it compiles for most of the distros, basic testing, stuff like that?
09:45.18ultrav1oletI quite agree with that notion :)
09:45.27pinotreeokay, then be *patient*
09:45.40ultrav1oletI will, thank you :)
09:46.50[Steven_M]MaikB: yes, there is both tools, the selection tool seems to work, but that copies it as a picture.
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09:48.06MaikB[Steven_M], When the selection is made, a dialog should pop up with two groups of actions: 1. Text 2. Image
09:48.11MaikBat least this is what i see
09:48.15pinotree[Steven_M]: if that tool gives you no option to copy text, then it means your pdf has no text
09:48.59MaikB[Steven_M] ,  plz try another pdf
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09:51.13[Steven_M]pinotree: oh dear, I'll have a lot of typing to do :(
09:52.47MaikB[Steven_M], shall I find a pdf where I can select text and give you the url
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09:53.10MaikB[Steven_M], you seem to be overwhelmed
09:53.31[Steven_M]MaikB: stand by
09:54.55MaikBworks for me
09:55.45[Steven_M]MaikB: just tried another pdf and it worked
09:56.52[Steven_M]MaikB: just a shame that the pdf I need doesn't work. :(
09:56.58MaikBso pinotree is right, the area you selected in the original pdf is an image
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09:57.45[Steven_M]MaikB: indeed, never mind
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09:59.20[Steven_M]MaikB: I thought pdf readers had an OCR component
10:00.32MaikB[Steven_M], does the acrobat reader? never hear of this
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10:02.12[Steven_M]I thought that was how selecting text in pdf's worked, clearly not
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10:03.16[Steven_M]MaikB: I thought that was how selecting text in pdf's worked, clearly not
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10:04.59MaikB[Steven_M], nope :)
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10:06.31[Steven_M]MaikB: you must think I'm pretty foolish :)
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10:08.59tuxickaha just had to -HUP klipper
10:09.03MaikB[Steven_M], Actually I don't think there is a need to know such details.
10:09.41MaikBsome ppl have to know, but most not
10:11.01[Steven_M]MaikB: well, thanks for your help anyway :)
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10:11.56[Steven_M]pinotree: and thanks for your help too :)
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10:38.18AlexC_I'm attempting to add a network printer, however am very confused as to how with KDE. I go to Printer Configuration, then 'New Network Printer' however the 'Forward' button is grayed out
10:38.29AlexC_under 'Select Connection' I see 'other', and that is it
10:38.42leszekis it possible to disable the "users logged on tty" question in kdm4 when pressing shutdown ?
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10:39.24leszekAlexC_: cups is installed ?
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10:39.35AlexC_leszek: yep
10:39.55d3xAlexC_, can you (your user) access it? or only root?
10:40.38AlexC_d3x: access what?
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10:43.58ademmeris KDE SC 4.4.3 in time?
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10:46.05Sho_ademmer: the current plan is to do the release later tonight
10:46.53AlexC_Arch must have jumpped the gun again :P Got 4.4.3 updates today
10:47.09Sho_tsk tsk :)
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10:51.23ademmerSho_: is there alreay a draft of the changelog or do I really need to read the footlong svn log? :)
10:51.34ademmeris always way too curious
10:52.32Sho_ademmer: but that probably contains 10% of the actual changes
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10:53.08Sho_developers have to add their stuff to the changelog page themselves, and most never do, and the forgetfulness increases with every point release
10:53.25ademmerSho_: thx! so back to the svn log ;)
10:53.33Sho_yeah :)
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10:54.08ademmerSho_: I frequently follow the amarok svn log and rebuild from time to time if there were interesting changes. but the whole kde log is too much to follow
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10:57.02Sho_ademmer: I like reading a good changelog, too, that's why I keep a very detailled one for Konversation
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11:18.14tuxickdevice notifier stopped working, where to look for that?
11:19.41annmaexplain "stopped working"
11:19.46annmaafter upgrade?
11:20.58tuxicknevermind, it was device failure, hammer fixed it
11:23.13annmatuxick: aren't you a Gentoo user?
11:23.33tuxickannma: kubuntu on this box :)
11:23.40tuxicki'm a slut!
11:24.20annmaanyway when you ask questions can you precise things like "WHEN" did it stop working or "for what device"
11:24.30annmayou're a pro here now
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11:26.49tuxickwell i meant 'what to look for' in the sense 'what's name of process/whatever to look for'
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11:28.34jillsmitthi everyone
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11:30.40jillsmitti have a little problem with 4.4.2... i have nvidia drivers installed and "Xorg -configure" was okay but i see my desktop is slow
11:31.19jillsmittslow switching between windows, resize and more
11:32.10jillsmittkonqueror works very slow, what can i do to fix it?
11:32.37Moultjillsmitt: firstly ensure you are running the latest nvidia-drivers, which is 195.36.24
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11:33.31Moultjillsmitt: secondly determine whether or not it's a 3D issue - try turning off compositing. If it stops lagging it's a 3D issue.
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11:34.02jillsmitthmm i have an 195.36.15-2
11:34.24Sho_jillsmitt: are you sure you're using the nvidia drivers?
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11:35.05MoultSho_: that version naming scheme is a nvidia-driver
11:35.20Sho_Moult: that means he installed it, not that he's using it
11:35.53jillsmitti just do this to know what version of driver i have
11:36.02Moultcorrect ;)
11:36.32Sho_jillsmitt: please paste the output of "glxinfo | grep -i nvidia"
11:36.49jillsmittokay, wait a second
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11:38.05Sho_looks like you're using the driver then, yes
11:38.53jillsmittvery fine when i am just moving windows on one desktop
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11:39.24jillsmittbut if i start its resizing...
11:40.43Moultjillsmitt: resizing has always been a problem - i suggest turning off showing content in resizing windows in systemsettings and enabling the resize border desktop effect.
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11:42.58jillsmittMoult: hmm its 2010.. disable showing content was in 1995 with win95
11:43.11jillsmitti dont want in 1995
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11:43.29Moultjillsmitt: yes. i'm frustrated with graphics drivers. why can't they just work. :(
11:43.33jillsmittthanks for help =)
11:44.17jillsmittmaybe my distro's kde packages are bad?
11:44.32jillsmittbecause i just install it from repository
11:48.18Moultjillsmitt: don't think so
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11:56.22MaikBI added the "Panel Shadow" widget to my desktop.  I seems to act as a feature for the panels.  Since there is no handle ( is there ), how can I remove it?
11:57.03annmaright click -> there's no Remove Panel?
11:57.31annmanot sure this Panel Sahdow is from KDE to be frank, it seems a third part contribution
11:57.32cb400fdo you actually want to remove it or do you want to hide it temporarily+
11:57.39MaikBPanel Shadow is no panel on its own
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11:57.58annmawhat is it then?
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11:58.13MaikBI refer to the "Panel Shadow" plasma feature, not a single panel
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11:58.25annmaI don't have it from KDE svn sources
11:58.51annmawhere did you set it?
11:59.27MaikBpacman -Ql kde-extragear-plasmoids|grep shadow
11:59.27MaikBkde-extragear-plasmoids /usr/lib/kde4/
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11:59.38MaikBit is in extra gears
11:59.44dcorbin_workWhat is Akonadi, and why do I want it running on my system?
12:00.06MaikBI added it via the "Add Widget" dialog
12:00.54annmaI don't have it then
12:01.05annmacan you ask your distro channel then
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12:01.27MaikBthis isn't an official distro package
12:01.29annmathere's no extragear/plasmoids in KDE svn as far as I know
12:01.36annmaso what is it
12:01.56annmado you have the exact svn URL or the package URL?
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12:02.55MaikBthe last link must be wrong
12:03.19annmathis is not KDE shipping
12:03.33annmaeither you ask the author or your distro if you have a distro package
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12:05.21MaikBannma, let put this in a more general context: before 4.4 it was possible to remove plasmoids via the '-' in the "add plasmoid" dialog.  Is there something similar in 4.4
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12:06.32annmaI think you remove them from their Remove menu
12:06.40MaikBannma, I know how to remove this particular widget it by editing textfiles in ~/.kde4, this is not my point.  My point is: Did I discover a regression in the plasma configuration dialog or not
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12:07.00annmathis plasmoid is not shipped from KDE
12:07.12MaikBannma, Yes, I know
12:07.21annmaand the Remove - did not really work
12:07.25annmadid it?
12:07.28MaikBI don't have a problem
12:07.41MaikBI wonder if I spotted a weakness
12:07.49annmaso why do you say it's a regression
12:07.50MaikBAnd I'm here to discuss it
12:08.10annmadid it work?
12:08.26MaikBBecause before it was possible to remove widget from an central place
12:08.36MaikBis there now an central place to remove them?
12:08.37annmawas it?
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12:08.48annmadid it work?
12:08.53cb400fyeah.. from the old widget explorer you could remove stuff
12:09.14neverendingoMaikB: it might be a design decision
12:09.16MaikBcb400f, "widget explorer", thx for this term
12:09.34annmano I think it did not really work
12:09.36MaikBneverendingo, yes, this is quite possible
12:09.41annmaand thus was removed because of it
12:09.47annmalook at bug reports about it
12:09.47neverendingoannma: it did, indeed
12:09.57MaikBit always worked for me
12:10.09annmafor all kind of applets?
12:10.27MoultI'm curious - of all the nvidia drivers every single one seems to have problems with KDE. I don't know about the ATi side but I doubt they're much better. (I'm talking about the full-blown desktop experience with all effects) What do developers use then?
12:10.35MaikBis it possible for a plasma widget register itself as widget, while not providing any real estate?
12:11.16MaikBIf so, there is no way other than editing the configuration files directly.  I just wonder if the related devs are aware of this.
12:11.45neverendingoMaikB: try #plasma, the devs hang out there ;)
12:11.53MaikBneverendingo, ok, thx
12:13.20annmaremove currently does not work well in KNS for ex neverendingo
12:13.31annmalike the comic applet
12:13.56neverendingoannma: can't say much as it was removed
12:14.10neverendingoi remember using it though
12:14.23annmawhat was removed? 1 applet???
12:14.35annmaI am saying that generally Remove does not work well
12:15.00neverendingoannma: :D no, the widget explorer "-" sign, where you were able to remove a widget centrally
12:15.09annmaand for KNS it does not work, as a precise example try removing a Comic provider
12:15.24annmadid it work well with all kind of widgets?
12:15.31annmalike Python, JS, ..?
12:15.37neverendingoit did, once, yes
12:16.07neverendingoit was just supposed to remove a widget, not data providers
12:16.49annmaonce is not a general answer
12:17.08||arifaXbelives deactivating caps lock is a pleasure and loves the new experience
12:17.09neverendingo:) just because it is not existant anymore
12:17.54neverendingoannma: you don't remember the old widget explorer?
12:18.12neverendingowith the add and remove buttons?
12:18.20annmaI do but I don't remember Remove working so good
12:18.45annmaI am just saying that Remove did not remove any widget as far as I know
12:18.55neverendingonever had a  problem with that...
12:19.00MaikBIf widgets are not supposed to not render a widget, but no error is throw due to technical limitation, it is a bug that has to be fixed by the widget author. Well, if :)
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12:19.43annmaneverendingo: YOU never had a problem in YOUR limited testing
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12:19.54MaikBAnother possibility is, that we miss the place where it can be done without having to click it widget itself
12:20.01neverendingoannma: possibly :)
12:20.07annmaI refer to bug reports I see in mailing lists and general problems
12:20.32annmaI am automatically subscribed to any Plasma bug reports and their follow-ups
12:20.42neverendingothen we are back to my first point... design decision :P
12:21.04annmanot design but broken
12:21.13MaikBlimiting the number of places where things can be done is a good thing
12:21.50neverendingoannma: comes to the same point ;)
12:22.24annmanot at all
12:22.42MaikBneverendingo, I think what annma is saying, this feature was planed to be there, but didn't work out.
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12:23.22MaikBNice to know that faulty features are removed
12:24.15annmaI might be wrong though in my memory of it that's why I told you to look for bug reports about it
12:24.26neverendingoannma: ah ok, sorry
12:24.35annmaas I see numerous reports going by
12:24.46annmaand I am very interested in Plasma
12:25.29neverendingowell, who not :P
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12:25.39MaikBannma, what is KNS?
12:25.59neverendingoKDE New Stuff
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12:27.03AlexC_I'm confused about how encryption via PGP works in Kmail. From what I know, the email needs to be encrypted with the recipients public key - and they decrypt it with their private key. However, where on earth do I select *their* public key? All I can see is how to select mine, which obviously wont work
12:27.35alienBOBAlexC_: you have to import their public key into your keychain first
12:27.56AlexC_alienBOB: yep, already done - will KMail pick this up when I sees I am sending to someone whos public key I have?
12:28.15alienBOBNo idea, I do not use kmail, but I expect it would do as you say
12:28.33neverendingoit does
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12:29.30AlexC_a ha, yes it does. It's now working :)
12:29.44The_ManU_212i ahve the issue mentioned here how to solve udner kde4?
12:30.45AlexC_one issue though - I have set the trust of this key to 'Fully', however KMail is complaining that "The following keys or certificates have unknown trust level:"
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12:34.08neverendingoAlexC_: set it to "absolutely" if you really trust that person
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12:37.27AlexC_neverendingo: thanks, strange that 'fully' doesn't do it
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12:41.54Vladimiroffhello, is there published yet kde 4.4.3 changelog, cuz there is nothing at, but it is in arch stable repos already
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12:43.21cb400fthat's cuz they're jumping the gun to look cool
12:43.51annmaVladimiroff: not yet, it'll be published on the release day
12:44.08alienBOBWhich is today...
12:44.11annmaRelease Day == on KDE website, not on distro repos
12:44.11alienBOBI hope
12:44.27alienBOBAt least that is what the release schedule tells me
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12:44.32annmadistros packagers are given tarballs days before the release to test them
12:45.01Vladimiroffannma: ok. I was thinking for somewhere in, but didn't found it there. anyway, it is not a problem to wait a little :)
12:45.04*** join/#kde Cephalon (
12:45.09alienBOBI also see that Debian has already published their packages for KDE SC 4.4.3... very inconsiderate of the fact that the sources are not even final
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12:57.47TorchalienBOB: well, you see... debian loves to be bleeding edge. everyone knows that.
12:58.45annmadon't be mean
12:58.54pinotreealienBOB: considering debian has lots of transitions current and the current window available for kde is that, there was no other choice
13:00.36alienBOBThey could have waited for another window _after_ the official KDE release, right?
13:01.02pinotreethey were already waiting for more than 2 months
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13:01.17alienBOBThey could have added 4.4.2 then
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13:02.17pinotree"they could" easy to speak when you are not aware of the various issues in the process, right?
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13:28.37delightis it possible to set an event sound to tell you that a copy/move process finished ? .. there is events for basicly everything but this .. @ least i could not find any
13:32.27Sho_delight: I don't think so … sounds like a great suggestion though, you should file it
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13:35.17delightSho_: yes would be nice if it would be configurable ... for me i would set an short quit unintrusive sound signal ... even thou you could argue its clear by looking into the tray
13:35.42delightI will file it :) maybe others like the idea too
13:36.31Sho_delight: I like it
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13:44.30_abc_What is the expected name of email filenames for kmail and kmailcvt? The suffix?
13:44.33_abc_I tried .rfc822 but it's not that.
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13:50.32delightSho_: hope this is understandable
13:52.15Sho_delight: yep … I moved it to kio:uiserver, which I think is the correct product and component
13:52.41delightSho_: well i didn't know better ;) thanks :)
13:53.02Sho_delight: sure, np
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14:17.28csgeekso.. this keeps happening every once in a while...and I was wondering if anyone knew how to recover from it.  My entire kde environment is working fine...except the run dialog
14:18.07csgeekI can start apps via konsole, or start apps from the start menu...but I can't get the run prompt to appear.  If I log back in.. everything is fine.
14:19.15neverendingocsgeek: can you maybe give a bit more detail? (kde version etd) and could it be you are also using gtk apps?
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14:20.25csgeekLucid, kde 4.4.2
14:20.52csgeekdefinitely using gtk apps as well.. well.. firefox that's gtk 1.x iirc
14:20.59csgeekand pidgin
14:20.59helo(running lucid) clicking on rhythmbox icon on the panel task area doesn't hide/show it
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14:21.34neverendingocsgeek: did you try to run F2 without any gtk app being active?
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14:21.54csgeekI can quiet all my gtk apps sure...
14:21.59csgeekI'd be suprised if that fixes anything
14:22.36csgeekI have it mapped to meta+space  even if I right click on the desktop and select Run it doesn't do anything
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14:22.48Torchcsgeek: is the krunner process still running?
14:23.12csgeekit is...
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14:24.08csgeekat least I think it is
14:26.11csgeekwell.. killing krunner and restarting it fixes that
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14:26.48umeboshihi guys, I'm using debian/sid and I've just upgraded to kde 4.4.3
14:27.14umeboshiI've noticed that when you drag a window to the edge of the screen, it seems to maximize now
14:27.36umeboshiI looked in the "system settings" shell for a config option for this, but couldn't find one
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14:28.24Sho_umeboshi: System Settings -> Desktop -> Screen Edges -> middle group box
14:28.43umeboshithanks, I was looking in window behaviour
14:29.21umeboshicool, I got it now, thanks a lot :)
14:29.54umeboshihow "stable" is the new kaffeine player?
14:30.16umeboshiI've been using kaffeine very regularly since kde3, but I just got a new kde4 version
14:30.28Sho_uses smplayer and dragon
14:30.36umeboshiI can't get it to handle streams yet
14:30.48umeboshiI may start using another player myself
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14:31.12umeboshiI tried out dragon when I first upgraded to kde4, and it was ok, haven't looked at smplayer yet
14:31.17Sho_i never liked the kaffeine ui
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14:31.53umeboshiI never cared too much for it either, but managed to get used to it for many years
14:32.27umeboshiI'm going to take a look at smplayer, thanks for mentioning it :)
14:35.01umeboshiit seems "configure kaffeine" has only two options
14:35.33Sho_well their current version is a "pre3"
14:35.35umeboshiI just started smplayer, and it seems to be ok
14:35.46umeboshiSho_: lol, it's very "pre" :)
14:36.35wajasui get leftover windows showing the desktop background in the outlined shape of the system notification windows. could that be an xwindow config issue? or kde4.4.2?
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14:37.19umeboshiwajasu: I get those too, and have been for a while, still haven't figured it out
14:37.32umeboshiwajasu: I also have "desktop effects" turned off
14:38.06Sho_graphics driver bug, probably
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14:39.33umeboshiSho_: I was thinking it was a bug somewhere in between plasma and kwin
14:39.49wajasui've had it for a couple of months, and have desktop effects off as well.  i have an nvidia 275 card. 2048x1152 screen.
14:39.58umeboshiit's like plasma will overlay a part of a window, but that part of the window is not redrawn when re-exposed
14:40.38umeboshiI've gotten used the the problem and it doesn't bother me much anymore
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14:41.27umeboshianyway, I need to get back to work
14:41.34umeboshiI really appreciate the help :)
14:41.41umeboshiy'all have a good day today :)
14:41.48wajasuit doesn't bother me.  i might try switching to the nouveau nvidia open source driver to see if its a driver issue.
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14:45.39wajasui can't get the probelm to happen with desktop effect on.  maybe event processing is different in kde.  OR because the desktop effects use opebgl for compositing, the driver is not hitting any possible driver bug.
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14:47.42alibabaHello, can somebody, please, help me with KDE 3.5 ? I had automatic login as one user working, but when i added another user I allowed to disable this feature. Meanwhile I removed the other user, but I cannot get automatic login working again.  Can somebody, please, help?
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15:12.41alibabaHi, I was disconnected. My KDE 3.5 autologin does not work any more. Can somebody, please, help?
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15:18.25alibabaThis happened when I added another user. I accidently allowed to disable autologin, and not I cannot re-enable it again.
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15:22.51alibabanobody here who can help?
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15:33.20gawenHi! Does anyone know how I can clear the wallpaper list on KDE 4.4.3 ? I've added many and now I'd like reset it to default
15:34.24alibabaSince I added a second user amd i accidently allowed Yast to disable autologin in kdm, I cannot get autologin working again. I use KDE 3.5 on openSuSE 11.1.  Can somebody, please help?
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15:47.07Simkinhey guys
15:47.13Simkini can't find the file size view in konqueror
15:47.18Simkinwas this feature removed?
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15:49.31GrueMasterSimkin: Try detailed view.  Also, check to make sure the size column is active in detailed view.
15:50.36Simkini'm in detailed view
15:50.41Simkinbut i still don't have the file size view tool
15:50.45Simkindo you know which tool i mean?
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15:52.04GrueMasterI guess not.  I have a column with file sizes listed.  If I need individual info on a file, I right click and select properties.
15:52.16Simkinthe file size view scans the entire drive/directory
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15:52.36Simkinand then shows the files/directories in a graphically representative way of their size
15:52.40Simkinso bigger files take up more of the screen
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15:53.03pawan_tejwanihey , can Anybody tell me how to update java version in fedora, I mean whats the command to update java,
15:53.14GrueMasterInteresting.  I don't think I have ever used that.  And I have been using KDE for a long time.
15:53.16pawan_tejwaniI type 'yum update java' it says no packages selected
15:53.33pinotreepawan_tejwani: ask in #fedora please
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16:06.16agriggiohello all
16:06.23agriggioa question for kde 4 experts
16:06.36agriggiois it possible to use a SOCKS proxy with kmail and knode?
16:09.15agriggionobody knows?
16:09.34Simkinno idea agriggio
16:09.40Simkini haven't used a socks proxy since win 3.1
16:10.16agriggioshould I try asking to #kde-devel ?
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16:13.15Simkini think googling woud be be the better option
16:13.25agriggiotried already
16:13.28agriggiofound nothing
16:13.31Simkinagriggio: why do you need to use a socks proxy?
16:13.41agriggiobecause I'm behind a firewall
16:13.46Simkinagriggio: if you change the networking otpions for kde in general, it may affect kamil and knode.
16:14.06agriggiobut I couldn't find an option for setting the SOCKS proxy
16:14.07Simkinso "K" menu
16:14.10Simkinsystem settings.
16:14.11agriggioit was in kde3
16:14.13Simkinfirst thing is proxy
16:14.17*** join/#kde VectorX (~Dekan@
16:14.17agriggiobut it's gone (apparently) in kde4
16:14.44VectorXhi is there an gui application that i can use to compress to zip or rar and offers functions like multi volume ?
16:14.56shadeslayerVectorX: what about ark ?
16:15.01Simkinnever heard of multi volume VectorX
16:15.10Simkinbut konqueror/dolphin have archival features built right in.
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16:15.40VectorXmulti volume is where you split a archive into smaller files
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16:15.50Simkinoh, to split it up
16:15.57VectorXdoes ark do that ?
16:16.02shadeslayerVectorX: yeah ark can do that i think
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16:16.41SimkinVectorX: may i ask, why do you want to do this?
16:17.03SimkinVectorX: i haven't wanted to do that since i left floppies behind many years ago.
16:18.23VectorXso that i can create smaller files of some db's where you dont have to download a whole file
16:18.29VectorXand it ends up corrupt
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16:21.42SimkinVectorX: you shouldn't get corruption because of large files.
16:22.17SimkinVectorX: care to tell me more about the problem?  I think we could find a better solution.
16:22.41Chriss0110VectorX: never tested that but you could try split and cat to split up archives
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16:29.23EvaLuaTehello world
16:30.51EvaLuaTeI'm using kmail (Version 1.13.2) on ubuntu 10.04 and find this the best maiclient I have used so far, but I have a slight problem with it (or maybe it's just that I don't know how to do it).
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16:31.56GNU\colossuswhat's the problem?
16:33.08EvaLuaTeI want to use kmail to manage multiple E-Mail accounts, but no matter what account I want to reply for (I'm in the second account in the list for example) it still uses the default sending identity (which I consider pretty dumb...). Isn't there any possibility to assign a sending identity to each IMAP account? I would find it pretty slow to select 'Message -> Send mail via -> [other_account]' for
16:33.13EvaLuaTeeach message I'm sending
16:34.17cb400fyou can set the default identitify per folder
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16:34.32EvaLuaTecb400f: how would I do that please?
16:34.44cb400fright click folder -> properties
16:34.48VectorXChriss0110 yeah thats the method i have found thus far too
16:34.58EvaLuaTeok, let's see :)
16:35.04cb400fof course that assumes you don't have the same inbox folder for all accounts
16:35.31VectorXok so I opened kate typed some stuff and trying to save in /var/www  but i dont have permission can i escalate the existing kate session to root ?
16:35.38VectorXsu i mean
16:36.21cb400fprolly not.. but you can copy/paste to a kate running with proper permissions :-)
16:36.22alisonken1homenot really - but you can save it in your home directory and open a term + su to move it
16:36.33alisonken1homeor do what cb400f suggests :)
16:36.43VectorXhow how could i create a new kate as su, when i try from the cli i get Kate: cannot connect to X server
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16:37.06VectorXalisonken1home i guess that would work too
16:37.11cb400f'kdesu kate'
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16:37.57VectorXcb400f same result, No protocol specified Kate: cannot connect to X server
16:38.30EvaLuaTecb400f: if I set a sending identity to a folder that has mutiple subfolders, will that identity apply to all the subfolders too?
16:38.46cb400fdon't remember.. try and see :-)
16:38.51EvaLuaTecb400f: ok
16:38.59VectorXok just copied it
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16:44.04EvaLuaTecb400f: ok, setting a identity to a folder seems to work, thank you. I've got one more question though. Is it possible to 'deactivate' local folders and use the server folders instead? When I send a message for example, it gets stored in the local folder outbox, I would like it to be saved on the server folder .Sent though, is this possible?
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16:44.36GNU\colossusEvaLuaTe: it is. you cannot get rid of the "local" folder completely though
16:45.33EvaLuaTeGNU\colossus: ok, that's no problem, I don't mind it being there as long as my messages get stored on the server. Could you please tell me how I would go about doing this?
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16:50.36pj_bHi, I'd like that clicking on a minimized window would never minimize it. The current behavior for me is to toggle minimzed, and I would like it to just turn it off. Can anyone please tell me how to do that?
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17:01.14EvaLuaTeGNU\colossus: ? :)
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17:16.59VectorXsorry for sounding vague but whats the package manager that is not official and you arnt supposed to use which has a lot of software ?
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17:19.06avenirVectorX: package managers don't provide software. repositories do, which you can use with any package manager.
17:19.34VectorXyeah it was something that you install, then sort of has a list of software you can install
17:19.40avenirVectorX: and repositories are distribution-specific.
17:19.46avenirVectorX: what's your distribution
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17:21.50avenirVectorX: do you have synaptic installed?
17:22.29VectorXyeah this was like an unofficial thing
17:22.34VectorXi forget the name
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17:24.07aveniri don't use debian, but i'm sure that you can add repositories in synaptic. you just need to find a list of repositories that provide extra software (ask on #debian or something). it doesn't matter if you use 'official' synaptic or any other package manager.
17:24.30VectorXavenir what do you use
17:24.57VectorXah a solid distro
17:26.06QwertyMwasn't it /etc/apt/sources.list?
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17:34.13VectorXok got it, Ultamatix
17:35.25aveniri wonder if kde 4.4.3 is ready
17:35.57d3xavenir, it's tagged
17:36.13d3xand already in debian (sid) and arch at least
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17:37.19avenird3x: what does 'tagged' mean?
17:38.09d3xthe code in svn/git is marked as 4.4.3 and no further changes should be made to it (unless someone finds an outstanding bug i guess)
17:38.20avenirthank you
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17:38.24d3x(like syntax error or something)
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17:44.08Captain_HaddockHi, is there a reliable samba front-end in KDE 4.4?
17:44.47thiagojust type in dolphin: smb:/
17:45.04Captain_Haddockthiago: sorry, I mean a front-end to configure it.
17:45.40thiagoah, not that I know of
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17:53.36karstenKDE3 question: pop-up dialogs, focus.  Set to "Focus Under Mouse" and "Focus stealing prevention level" = "Low".  Pop-up dialogs (confirmations, search, etc.) do *NOT* get focus.  I'd prefer they did.  Any settings to change this?
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18:30.18sh4g0help, how i can back to default setting of my KDE
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18:31.26sh4g0help, how i can back to default setting of my KDE
18:32.52QwertyMthe dirtiest way would be to move your .kde (or .kde4) directory to a different name and logoff/log back on
18:33.03QwertyMbut why are you looking to do this? has something gone wrong?
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18:33.34QwertyMits always a pain to configure all KDE applications back to your preferences again :\
18:34.03StrikerTTDBut it is so fun
18:34.29tuxickyou shouldn't have to reconfigure all
18:34.37asranielhi there. i was just wondering. is there any known bug with kde and nvidia gpu drivers that can cause lag? for me, everything is lagging. activating a window, min/maximizing them, taking focus. sometimes scrolling in applications (like konqueror, but others too). just wondering if i can do anything about that
18:34.56tuxickasraniel: yup, it's an nvidia feature
18:35.09tuxickyou could write them an angry mail
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18:35.22tuxickkde4 tries to get most out of video
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18:35.30tuxickand that doesn't work out too well with nvidia :(
18:35.45tuxickmake sure you get the latestest driver
18:36.08tuxickand of course have a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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18:40.17Flutiju`Hi dudes, can I import a personnal certificate in Konqueror ?
18:40.49asranieltuxick: ok.. lets hope the nouveau driver will be better..
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18:40.50Flutiju`How ? ^^
18:41.05tuxickasraniel: that has crap/no 3D support, no?
18:41.16asranieltuxick: hey, one has to have hopes ;)
18:41.25tuxickthe best solution would be closing USPA
18:41.30tuxickburn the place down
18:41.37tuxickand make some SANE people start over
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18:42.17d3xasraniel, try disabling some effects
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18:42.56d3xasraniel, and playing with compositing settings (opengl vs xrender, 2- vs 3-line scaling etc)
18:43.10tuxickd3x: it's the 2D bit that sucks
18:43.16tuxick3D works rather well
18:43.26asranield3x: didn't think of that. lets try that.but yeah, i doubt it will make such a big difference
18:43.43tuxickif you find a magic permutation please let me know :)
18:43.52asranielsure :)
18:43.56d3xnvidia works ok for me ;)
18:44.03asranielcurrently i can watch my openoffice window redraw when it comes up..
18:44.18tuxickdid you eselect opengl set nvidia?
18:44.26tuxickor at least first eselect opengl list
18:44.27d3xoh, in konsole tab-switching is damn slow on one of my machines (gf8300)
18:44.37tuxickd3x: yes, that's one of the symptons
18:44.48d3xbut apart from that everything works fine
18:45.14tuxickon my ati box i have the reverse
18:45.20tuxickslower 3D but good 2D
18:45.37d3xand, btw, kde people should not blame everything on nvidia when in other DEs/programs everything works great, but not in kde...
18:46.00tuxicki tend to agree
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18:46.56asranielby the way, is there a way to remove smooth scrooling? i think that would already help a little..
18:48.05d3xthere is... don't remember where, tough ;)
18:49.09asranielinteresting. simple changin focus between 2 foreground windows makes the fps drop to 10 for like a second
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18:50.32jimmy51_what's a good visual way to see the physical drives and their partitions in linux with KDE?
18:50.35jimmy51_(similar to diskmgmt.msc in Windows)
18:50.57d3xasraniel, btw, what gfx card?
18:51.12Captain_Haddockjimmy51_: there's kde-partitionmanager
18:51.17Captain_Haddockor something like that.
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18:51.57asranield3x: nvidia quadro nvs 140m
18:52.00d3xJinko, 'similar to * in windows' doesn't mean much to me ;)
18:52.05jimmy51_Captain_Haddock: hmm.... command not found.
18:52.15Captain_Haddockjimmy51_: might just be partitionmanager
18:52.19Captain_Haddockyou will need to install it
18:52.29jimmy51_ah, ok.
18:52.41jimmy51_is that intentionally not a default app?
18:53.04Captain_Haddockjimmy51_: it's a partition manager. So, yes.
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18:54.22jimmy51_Captain_Haddock: because people could mess stuff up quick?
18:56.12Captain_Haddockjimmy51_: it's seldom necessary post-installation.
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19:43.59grnmtnis there any way way to hide the klipper icon in the system tray?
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19:47.28avenirgrnmtn: which kde?
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19:48.41avenirright-click on system tray (not on one of the icons that are inside it), choose system tray settings, auto hide, set klipper to hidden
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19:49.11grnmtngreat, thanks!
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20:01.28delightSimkin: about your question like 4 hours ago :-D ... lol ... i think you where looking for filelight ... try installing it and you get back what you want ... don't expect it to be insight dolphin ... that was only possible in konqueror with a kpart view (at least as far as i know)
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20:14.58jthomas_sbfilelight is awesome
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20:19.19Ronis_BRshouldn't kde 4.4.3 be released today?
20:19.45aveniri'µ waiting for it too
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20:21.12jthomas_sbits in Debian Sid (Unstable), but I've not heard anything more aobut it
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20:26.55pj_bHi, I'd like that clicking on a minimized window would never minimize it. The current behavior for me is to toggle minimzed, and I would like it to just turn it off. Can anyone please tell me how to do that?
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20:29.09sreichpj_b: I don't understand your question/problem
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20:30.19pj_bI'd like it if clicking on a app in the task manager never minimized it.
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20:34.05sreichwhat do you want it to do?
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20:34.33pj_bOnly raise it if it was minimized
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20:49.36Simkindelight: thanks, i'll look for filelight
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20:57.08Simkindelight: filielight is ok, file size view was way better
20:57.27Simkinbut this will do
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20:59.22jthomas_sbpj_b I also don't understand.  How would it ever be minimized if you remove the button?
21:00.15jthomas_sbpj_b you can right-click on a window, select Advanced >Special Application Settings, and in there you can prevent a window from having the minimize button, you can define a desktop, you can make it borderless...
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21:00.29avenirjthomas_sb: he's not talking about removing button
21:00.38sreichyeah, what avenir said
21:00.39avenirjthomas_sb: he's talking about the task panel
21:00.52sreichs/task panel/task widget/
21:01.15jthomas_sbah so clicking there wouldn't minimize, only bring to the front?
21:02.02sreichno, it does both..
21:02.30jthomas_sbcurrently does both, but pj_b seems to only want it to bring to front
21:02.57sreichwhich I still don't see the point in..
21:03.02sreichjust don't click it twice. problem solved.
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21:04.41jthomas_sbSo in the right-click window title bar > Advanced > Special Window/App settings > Preferences, what is that right-most checkbox for?  For example, there, if I set "Keep Above" and I turn it on with the left-most checkbox, and then select (say) "Force", what is the right-most checkbox for?
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21:05.03WallyMI am using gentoo and want to know how to auto login, tried to kdesu klcontrol but fail to load it any ideas?
21:05.16jthomas_sbkdesudo systemsettings
21:05.25jthomas_sbor kdesu systemsettings
21:06.10WallyMThat does nothing for me
21:06.30jthomas_sbkde 4?
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21:06.54WallyMjthomas_sb, yeah 4.3.5
21:07.53WallyMjthomas_sb, ty its working
21:08.08WallyMhad to do as user not root
21:08.24jthomas_sbyes, that is what kdesu does, makes your user have root privs
21:08.37WallyMcool ty
21:09.48delightis there a bug about dolphin not beeing able to access or @least rename files with wrong encoded characters ?
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21:10.14jthomas_sb" @least " wow.
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21:10.39delightwas working fine in kde3.x ... since kde4 filemanagers ain't able to access those files any longer
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21:11.04jthomas_sbnot sure; can you access/rename them from a commandline?  from Konqueror?
21:11.18delightjthomas_sb: i can rename from command line
21:12.31jthomas_sbwhen you right-click > rename what happens?
21:13.25delighti think konqueror is not possible either (i can double check) ... i used nautilus as a work around (not having it installed any longer) it was showing the filename and adding something like "(invalid character encoding)" to the filenames end ... <<< it allows you to rename
21:14.13delighthang on ... i'll take my laptop to that compi with that "damaged" files
21:16.36pj_bWell thanks, I'll look into it. As to why I want that behaviour, I like having multiple konsole/konqueror windows to group tabs, but somethimes I get confused between them.
21:16.40delightjthomas_sb: well it starts as usual same as F2 ;) <<< lol ... and then an error message appears saying that the file "filanme<?>bla" is not existing.
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21:17.44alienBOBHere in NL the 4th of may is nearing its end. Will we see KDE SC 4.4.3 today, europe time?
21:18.06delightso the point is ... i can allways rename the file on  shell but dolphin should be able too ... even thou i got to admit files are from some samba share before utf8 ...
21:18.26roerichalienBOB: eh debian had kde 4.4.3 packages yesterday?
21:18.51jthomas_sbdelight i am not sure; if you can provide a file and report a bug about it that would be best I am sure.
21:19.06jthomas_sbSo in the right-click window title bar > Advanced > Special Window/App settings > Preferences, what is that right-most checkbox for?  For example, there, if I set "Keep Above" and I turn it on with the left-most checkbox, and then select (say) "Force", what is the right-most checkbox for?
21:19.17alienBOBDebian cheated, and released even though the sources should only be available to distro packagers. Not to be released ahead of time
21:19.18delightroerich: yes its there ... but its not officially announced
21:19.42jthomas_sbalienBOB souldn't sources be available to everyone?
21:20.05delightjthomas_sb: well i could try to zip one ... maybe that will work ... i'll try to preserve one of them
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21:20.22alienBOBOnly as of today jthomas_sb - distro packagers get early access so they can build binary packages and release those at the same time KDE releases the source officially
21:20.24jthomas_sbyeah that is a good idea.  make sure it doesn't have sensitive data
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21:20.29roerichnm I use it with archlinux on my laptop so let's wait another pacman update
21:20.59delightjthomas_sb: btw konqueror shows the same behaviour
21:21.15jthomas_sbodd delight, i've never had that issue.
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21:22.30delightwell then you never had a file with invalid characters
21:23.40delighti have seen this problem in all versions since 4.0 ... usually you don't have files with invalid encoding .. as i mentioned ... its from a system pre-utf8 erra ... where on the samba share there where files with special chars like é or ö or so
21:24.18delightthe console cp copies them ... mv is possible too ... but no access on dolphin .. i guess its some kio thingy
21:25.32delightjthomas_sb: hehe ... tar cvfz simply removes the invalid character ... lol ... trying to find a way to preserve that thing
21:25.53jthomas_sbdelight how about tarring up a folder ?
21:26.14jthomas_sbor just gzip the file, no tar?
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21:27.00delightjthomas_sb: rar worked
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21:27.53delightwell its an Beyoncé interlude ... so its not legal to post that file :-/
21:28.15delightyou can tell about the é
21:28.28jthomas_sbyes i would say not.  can you create a file on that samba share, move it over to you, and see what happens?
21:29.02KurosukeUsing 4.4.2, I can't get any keyboard shortcuts to work. Anyone else had this problem?
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21:29.47delightjthomas_sb: i would need an old box with pre utf-8 ... i moved them all to utf-8 ... let me see if i can to something about it ... i got an idea
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21:30.47delightnice a simple touch worked ;) on console ... so i can rar that now and attach it to a bug ... its a new 0 byte file
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21:31.11jthomas_sbbut isn't it utf8 now?
21:31.42jthomas_sbif you created a new file, i would think so
21:31.43delightjthomas_sb: darn ... it just looked like it ... but its a file that was al right
21:32.09delightlol ... i got some more ideas lets see if something works ;)
21:32.32jthomas_sbis there maybe a folder with naming issues, that you could remove all of the contents, rar that up, and submit that?  folders should be safe for legal reasons
21:32.48jthomas_sbi gotta go, but back tomorrow and I'd like to hear your solution!
21:33.22delightdarn i tryed audacity ;) but it would not open the file
21:33.47delightmaybe you like the rar file send ... on irc for the momment ... and i'll try to fix that
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21:49.26sh4g0help, why kde can't load my HD partitions?
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21:50.35thiago_homesh4g0: why should KDE do that?
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21:50.38thiago_homeit's a system job
21:51.08thiago_homemounting filesystems is a task for the system
21:51.11sh4g0on "dolphin"
21:51.15thiago_homeKDE simply sees that they are mounted and uses them
21:51.47sh4g0ok.. so how i can mount my partitions
21:52.01pinotreewhich kde version?
21:52.19sh4g0how i can see my kde version?
21:52.39pinotreehelp → about kde in almost any kde application
21:53.05delightso i got an file with invalid char attached to ... description how to reproduce included ... if someone likes to have a look @ it
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21:54.20delighti think its some kio-filehandler problem ... but i can't tell what component exactly ... so i left it as kde general
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21:55.51thiago_homedelight: an invalid char in the file name, or in the file contents?
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21:56.30delightthiago_home: well its a rar ... "invalidchar.rar" that has a zero length file that you can use to reproduce the error
21:56.38delightits the file name thou
21:56.46thiago_homeinvalid chars in file names are considered filesystem corruption
21:56.48thiago_homethey are not supported
21:56.51delightthe file i have put into the rar is 0Byte ;)
21:56.52thiago_homefix the filename
21:57.12pinotreedelight: please don't use non-free formats like rar
21:57.35delightpinotree: i tryed tar.gz ... but it would simply remove the invalid character
21:57.42delightthats what i tryed first
21:58.00sreichbecause it was smart :)
21:58.14thiago_homedelight: your bug is now resolved, as WONTFIX
21:58.17thiago_homeit's not a bug
21:58.26delight+ i know its not right to have invalid chars ... + i simply rename files on console ... but i think dolphin should be able to handle such files .. like konqueror in 3.x was able to ... and nautilus is able to
21:58.47delightsreich: funny ;)
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21:59.02thiago_homeright, but dolphin can't fsck
21:59.05delightthiago_home: it not a feature either
21:59.14thiago_homeso fixing filesystem corruption is not a feature of the file manager
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21:59.21delightthiago_home: you don't need fsck .. you simply to a mv on console
21:59.27delightor rename with nautilus
21:59.44thiago_homebut the point is that there are features outside the scope of a filemanager
21:59.49thiago_homefilesystem corruption fixing is one of them
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21:59.55delightthiago_home: but dolphin should be able to handle that + fsck does not work here
21:59.59thiago_homeI classify invalid-encoded filenames as filesystem corruption
22:00.12thiago_hometherefore, I decided that it's not a feature we want in dolphin
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22:00.44thiago_homewhat's more, it would be extremely hard and painful to get this working in dolphin, for very little benefit and a huge chance of regression.
22:00.48thiago_homeso please use mv
22:00.53sreichfsck not working seems like a major system issue in and of itself...
22:01.04thiago_homesreich: you're missing the point
22:01.16sh4g0one more cuestion, how i can do to my kde don't show in all desktop my windows?¡
22:01.34sreichthiago_home: no, I got the point. I was addressing a different one.
22:01.51thiago_homesreich: you're addressing a non-issue.
22:01.57delightthiago_home: of course i do mv whenever i find such a file ...  files are from a box pre utf-8 time ... offering an samba share ... files with wrong special chars turned into such invalid chared files
22:02.05sreichthiago_home: right
22:02.35thiago_homedelight: the point is that it's extremely hard to do that
22:02.38sreichat least a non-issue in terms of this issue..
22:02.43thiago_homehow do you represent a char that can't be represented?
22:02.50delightthiago_home: got it
22:02.52sreichbut certainly an issue if his filesystem gets corrupted :)
22:03.02thiago_homesreich: you're still missing the point.
22:03.20delightthiago_home: well its represented by dolphin right now ... its simply inaccessible
22:03.33thiago_homeKDE classifies invalid-encoded file names as filesystem corruption. That's why dolphin doesn't handle them.
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22:03.51delightso in dolphin it says something like "filename (invalid encoding)"
22:03.54thiago_homebut from the fs layer's perspective, any arbitrary 8-bit data short of slashes and NULs is valid filenames.
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22:04.28sreichthiago_home: no, I'm not missing the I have said..
22:04.30delightso in nautilus it says something like "filename (invalid encoding)"
22:04.38delightthats what i ment to say
22:04.53delightpoint is it lets you access it fine .. rename, delete, copy, move
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22:05.15thiago_homedelight: and my point is that it's very hard to let you rename, copy, delete, move such a file
22:05.22thiago_homebecause it contains a character that cannot be represented
22:05.34thiago_homewhat happens if there are two files with two different characters that can't be represented in the same position?
22:05.37delighthow was it done in kde 3.5 ?
22:05.46thiago_homeby introducing a hack into QString
22:05.51delighti see
22:05.54thiago_homethe hack was removed in Qt 4.4, after 5 years of UTF-8 transition.
22:06.08thiago_homethe hack was only for UTF-8 as well, so it didn't work if your encoding was different.
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22:08.25delightwell i allways got my got console ;) ... not that friendly from a new users perspective ... but still way better then it was in windows ... i remember it was a huge issue deleting such things back then ;)
22:09.03d3xAFAIR it was something like: format c: /q /f
22:09.18delightd3x: the only solution :-D
22:09.59sreichwhy would there be invalid characters in filenames in the first place?
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22:10.59delightsreich: as i mentioned ... i got them from a pre utf8 box sharing some folder via samba where the users used special non-ascii chars like é or ö
22:11.24sreichah, didn't see that
22:11.25thiago_homedelight: or creating files that start with a dot
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22:12.00delightwhen i mounted those partition on a utf8 system the filenames was corrupted ... only good way would have been the painfully slow network copy ...
22:12.22d3xdelight, wrong :)
22:12.26delightbut for me its ok ... and i understand the point of thiago ... so i'll go with mv
22:12.35d3xyou should have mounted it with proper encoding
22:12.51delightd3x: yes ... that might have worked too ;)
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22:29.44jcolbyanyone know if 4.4.3 is still being released today?
22:30.18thiago_homeit's half past midnight, so unlikely
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22:31.06jcolbywell it is not that late here  :)
22:31.07Macerit's nice using chromium in kubuntu
22:31.12Macergood replacement for konqueror
22:31.20Macertoo bad konqueror seems so horrible :)
22:31.29thiago_homeKDE is mostly developed in Europe, where it's half past midnight.
22:31.38thiago_homeMacer: konqueror is very nice for me.
22:31.46delightMacer: chromium is not fitting in with its window-decoration ... have you tryed rekonq ?
22:31.53Macerwhy can't i drag icons to the desktop folder from the classic k menu?
22:32.01Macerdelight: get new themes for it ;)
22:32.31Macerjust go to extensions and download new themes
22:33.11Macerwhat i hate more so are the fact that i can't figure out how to change the windows looking window controls
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22:33.28Maceri'm trying to find a way to change them so they don't look so windowsish in kubuntu :)
22:33.40delightMacer: not talking about the look ... I'm talking about the fell .. like it ain't got the window-buttons postitoned as you preffered in kde ... if you activate to use windows decoration of the system you loose the (using less space) benefit
22:33.51delightrekonq did a very good job interface wise
22:34.40delightand its also webkit <<< i think thats your point against konquoror .. which is elseways a very smooth browser unless you got to that google gwt sides
22:35.42Macerwell. my point against konqueror is the java script sucks for it
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22:35.51Macerajax stuff acts funny especially in zimbra which i NEED to use :)
22:36.23amgarchIn9hi, how do I get rid of bluetooth applet in the panel permanently? My laptop deosnt even have any.
22:36.28delightMacer: you got a point ... but chromium is acting weired on a lot of sides too ... in that case only firefox helps
22:36.29Macergmail's web interface acts a little flakey too but i am weaning away from gmail and google as much as i can but damn they made an awesome browser haha
22:36.42Macerdelight: i find ff to be slower
22:36.51Macerand so far i haven't ran into many problems with chromium at all
22:36.52delightyes and its starting slower too
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22:37.08amgarchIn9same staff with the printer applet, always appears after reboot
22:37.14Macerff kind of got bloated :)
22:37.16delightthat true .. but its not acting weired ... i eaven have strange behaviours on google docs with chromium
22:37.34Macerheh. i use the zimbra docs stuff ;)
22:37.43Maceri need to set up more domains on my zimbra server
22:37.48delightMacer: try rekonq you might like it ... even thou its pretty young 0.4 ... but i find it to be pretty nice
22:37.49amgarchIn9this is most recent 4.4.2 in kubuntu 10.4
22:38.20Macerdelight: no thanks ;) if i run into problems with chromium i will but otherwise it looks like i'm sticking with this
22:38.26delightamgarchIn9: go into the systemtray settings by right-clicking
22:39.10Macerhm. i don't really need a desktop folder on the desktop.. there are like 4 apps i actually use all the time and i can just shove those into the panel
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22:39.37Maceri think i'm just going to download a bunch of useless cpu sucking widgets haha
22:39.52delightMacer: i did the same for a little bit more then a year ... now i find myself beeing half time back on firefox ... but i installed plugins like omibar and otheres to make the behaviour and look more like a mix of chromium and safari
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22:40.35amgarchIn9delight: you probbaly saved me a few days of life. I'll see after reboot. Thanks!
22:41.24Macera few days of life :)
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22:41.49Macerdelight: yeah well. :) i like chromium so far.. it takes a little while to find the stuff you hate especially when you want something to be good
22:41.57Macerkind of like marriage haha
22:42.07amgarchIn9I hate it when something bothers me and I cant get rid of it. Not good for life expectancy
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22:43.18Macerhm. i only found 2 widgets that are in the default install that i will use.. time to download a whole bunch more
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22:43.31Maceri'm going to make my desktop retarded with a ton of widgets just to do it
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22:43.39Macermaybe there is a chromium widget :)
22:43.51sh4g0kde don't mount my USB why?¡
22:44.14thiago_homebecause you didn't mount it
22:44.25thiago_homeif you click the option to mount it, it will mount
22:44.25sh4g0so.. how i can do tath?
22:44.42sh4g0where is the option?¡
22:45.18sh4g0uh.. yes mount
22:45.20Macerwtf. why is my cpu clock freq running full speed?
22:45.23sh4g0sorry my error
22:45.28Macerno cpufreq or something?
22:45.55Macerthis is what i get for installing kubuntu on a macbook
22:46.04Macerno wonder the battery hasn't lasted long :)
22:46.18DebianUTNepomuk maybe?
22:46.36*** join/#kde RMCampos (~ricardo@hyadesinc/pub/sbin/rmcampos)
22:46.42RMCamposhi all
22:47.06sh4g0i have this error: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.volume.PermissionDenied: Refusing to mount device /dev/sda3 for uid=1000
22:47.14sh4g0some one can help me!
22:47.16delightMacer: what kind of macbook ? i got a macbook pro 17" from last year ... i want to put kubuntu on
22:47.20thiago_homesh4g0: ask your distro's channel
22:47.26thiago_homesh4g0: that is not a KDE problem now.
22:47.37delightMacer: on the live cd it showed up no wlan thou
22:47.56sh4g0oks :D
22:48.00RMCamposI need to add a keyboard shortcut, how ?
22:48.06delightMacer: but the touchpad was working fine ... multitouch
22:48.24thiago_homeRMCampos: right-click the K Menu, select Menu Editor
22:48.34thiago_homeRMCampos: then find the item you want to add a shortcut to and add the shortcut
22:48.56RMCamposthiago_home: I need to add on F12 button
22:49.00Macerit's like 2 yrs old.. i got it like a year and a half ago from someone getting rid of it
22:49.03Macerit's like an older black one
22:49.10Macereverything works except the cam
22:49.12thiago_homeRMCampos: ok, it's not a problem
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22:50.49Macerdelight: i'm trying to find out if there is some sort of cpufreq problem
22:50.58Macerhoping that maybe there is a power option to enable it so the cpu will throttle down
22:51.38delightMacer: well i just ordered an 2 Terra HD to backup my data ... next step is osx + kubuntu in parallel ... but as far as i saw there is no write acess to hfs+ if journaling is enabled ... well things ain't allways perfect ... I have to see how good it support the hardware and maybe switch completle ... even thou the osx is pretty nice to (some shortcommings)
22:52.24delightMacer did you try to set it up in the energie settings (systemsetting/advanced)
22:53.28Macerdelight: i have an 8TB opensolaris fileserver for backing up ;)
22:53.30Macerzfs ftw
22:54.42Macerdelight: under capabilities it says "CPU can be turned Off" with a NO there :)
22:54.50delightMacer: well you are all set up ;) ... I'm allmost got only laptops by now ... but I'm considering a NAS ...
22:55.01Macerhas supported for the policies tho so hm
22:55.07delightlet me check my dell
22:55.52delightsame here ... but the battery life time is really good
22:55.54Macerok.. i guess it's set to (ondemand) now
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22:56.09delight@ least as good as it was with the XP system that was included
22:56.10Macerhm. so is performance tho
22:56.53Macerwonder what "conservative" is for cpu freq scaling :)
22:57.16delightwell it says supported cpu-settings <<< I'm just freely translating ... ain't got my system set to english
22:57.31*** join/#kde FSCV (
22:57.36Macerit seems to support it
22:57.56Macerit supports dynamic.. which i gues is what i need for the cpufreq stuff
22:57.56delightMacer: it says like speed, dynamic, energie safing .... stuff like that
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22:58.22Maceri wonder what conservative is though for dynamic
22:58.23delightyou can try to switch to a different powerprofile
22:58.29Maceryeah. i'm using power saving now
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22:59.34MacerUnlike the ondemand governor, conversative doesn't jump to maximum frequency when CPU load is high, but increases the frequency step by step. Further tuning through files in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/. Still requires userland tools (programs, scripts) if governor switching or similar is desired.
22:59.54Macerawesome.. seems like that is way better
23:02.58delightMacer: does it adjust the screen brightness automaticly depending on the brightness of you sorrounding  ? (like in osx)
23:03.08Macermy mb never did that
23:03.15Macermy n900 does that. i honestly find it irritating
23:03.39Macermaybe it's a mb pro thing or something.. but that sounds like something i would disable if i could
23:05.20*** join/#kde gigasoft (~gigasoft@
23:05.51Macerah well. going to work on installing widgets :) thanks delight the power saving stuff hopefully will help out a bit. it hasn't been lasting nearly as long as osx was
23:06.10delightMacer: good luck
23:08.26*** join/#kde poppler (~poppler@unaffiliated/poppler)
23:08.45popplerhi there
23:09.19popplerI'm on kde 4.4.2, is there a way to see last completed jobs in the system tray? (like a history of last transferred or copied files?)
23:10.13popplerI was doing a drag and drop but something went wrong and suddenly it started transferring gob knows where. Now it's done but I want to know where it went
23:10.33popplersome log of transferring jobs?
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23:24.50delightpoppler: i don't know in which system you get such a thing unless you use some commanline tool
23:25.06delightbesides where do you want it to be locked ?
23:25.15popplereh, you're right
23:25.23popplerbut I was hoping there were such a thing
23:25.51guillom« You have not entered enough keywords to describe this bug »
23:26.03guillom« That's because 3 words describe it perfectly, silly »
23:26.13popplerfor there was some sluggishness from the system when I was drag and dropping and the sucker quickly transferred it somewhere else! ahah
23:26.43popplerhate when that happens lol
23:27.04delightyou can allways search for filenames and find your files in that case
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23:38.01Cap_J_L_Picardarorae is part of kwin isn't it?
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23:42.50mfilipeis the akonadi-googledata in KDE-4.4.3?
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23:47.02chomwitthi. i installed kdevelop in debian sqeeze but it not localized to greek. I have installed the kde-l10n-el packages
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