IRC log for #kde on 20100226

00:00.04*** join/#kde nstoddar (
00:00.36lliehuok, thought so, but couldn't confirm (I'm using a firefox version where I don't see those "ended abruptly, do you want to restore session?" messages)
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00:03.18scorpius_where can I get a list of currently open windows and their IDs
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00:04.47szalsince when is Gwenview unable to edit PNG or TIFF images?
00:05.29lliehuhmm...there's a tool called wmctrl that can close windows gracefully (given you're using an EWMH compliant window manager)
00:05.59lliehuit works at least in KDE SC 4.4, but you could try it with KDE 3 kwin, too I guess
00:08.39*** join/#kde fire`lalala (~fire`
00:09.59lliehuszal: I can edit PNG images fine in Gwenview that's shipped with KDE 4.4 SC, what version are you using?
00:10.54*** part/#kde sdtandil (~gaston@
00:11.13Gentoochildszal: do you have Kipi plugins installed?
00:11.14szallliehu: Gwenview Version 2.4.0 Using KDE Development Platform 4.4.00 (KDE 4.4.0) "release 2"
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00:12.24szalGentoochild: yes, I have
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00:19.09szallliehu, Gentoochild: it used to work here too w/ KDE 4.3.x
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00:21.40lliehuszal: ok. does gwenview's console output show anything unusual? what distribution do you use btw?
00:22.07szallliehu: openSUSE 11.2 w/ KDE 4.4.0 from openSUSE Build Service
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00:22.41lliehuszal: ok
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00:24.57szalhmm, no idea what's the thing..  opened Gwenview on the terminal, no problem w/ an arbitrary TIFF
00:25.57szalsaved the img as PNG, no problem either
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00:26.55szalnormally opened also works now, no friggin' idea what that was..
00:27.11lliehuheh. so no problems now?
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00:43.18pipiwhere do I find kate in 4.4 ?
00:44.10szaloff-topic but related -> <- one of my favourite photographs, the construction site of a new block for a coalfire power station some 20 km from where I live
00:44.41szalpipi: ask your distro folks, they know how they packaged it
00:45.25pipioh, I was reading and it seems to be part od kdebase so it didnt occur to me to check with the fecora guys first
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00:46.04kde__pepopipi, kate is in kdesdk
00:46.26pipilet m etry a yum for that
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00:48.07szalperhaps a stupid question -> what does the message at the bottom of Kopete's main window mean?  here it says 'Offline', though I'm connected to the 2 networks I set up there & online
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00:50.45pipithanks pepo, just as soon as I read your answers i remembered yum provides
00:50.59pipikdesdk-4.4.0-1.fc11.i586 : The KDE Software Development Kit (SDK)
00:51.01pipiRepo        : kde
00:51.02pipiMatched from:
00:51.04pipiOther       : kate
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01:25.31DavidFreemanHi.  I have a fresh installation of Fedora 12 on a laptop (still using my Fedora 11 /home/$USER directory) and have noticed that the volume buttons are not working. Although pressing them *does* bring up the volume control widget, they have no effect on the audio level.  I observe that in 'systemsettings', the Multimedia=> sound section has no entries for PulseAudio, but only "Internal Audio Analog Stereo".  'pulseaudio' is running
01:25.39DavidFreemanAny ideas about getting my hardware volume control buttons to work?
01:29.08*** join/#kde kdepepo (
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01:48.45Frogbarfwhere does amarok get its colors from?
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01:51.08ryanakcaHow can I tell if KDM is sourcing my ~/.xinitrc ?
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01:53.54Frogbarfrename .xinitrc?
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02:22.21Paddy_NIHello I was wondering if there was anything like this for kde4
02:25.10Paddy_NIno I am talking about that specific page
02:25.22Paddy_NII am well aware of kde/gnome-look
02:25.59Paddy_NIkde-look has a grand total of zero tutorials :)
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02:27.02sreichoh, I thought you were referring to themability
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02:28.58Paddy_NIoh sorry I was not very clear :)
02:29.18*** join/#kde eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
02:29.50Paddy_NIIt seems qt theming requires a strong knowledge of C++ and I have a strong knowledge of no programming languages
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02:30.35Qvintvsany recs for a kde/qt ftp client?
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02:31.34Paddy_NII was looking for a simple enough way in to programming by doing something that is aesthetically pleasing to start the ball rolling for me
02:31.49Paddy_NIQvintvs: konqueror does a good job
02:32.37QvintvsPaddy_NI: ya, I heard that somewhere else, wasn't sure if there was anything better floating around somewhere
02:33.22Paddy_NIQvintvs: this may be a little old
02:33.23kdepepoPaddy_NI, if you are looking for KDE theming options without writing C++, then use style sheets. See
02:33.39*** join/#kde jgoss (~josh@unaffiliated/jgoss)
02:33.53Paddy_NIkdepepo: just found it.. thanks but aint that on a per application basis?
02:34.02sreichyeah, that's what /me was thinking. They don't seem much different from the GTK ones
02:35.01Paddy_NIwould be nice to see dedicated theming IDEs/design environments
02:35.03QvintvsPaddy_NI: didn't mean I had any real problems with konqueror, was just just curious if there was a seperate kde app specificaly for it. I'll prob stick with konqueror for now
02:35.43kdepepoQvintvs, there is also kftpgrabber
02:35.46Paddy_NIQvintvs: only real way to know is to try out a few ad see what fits you best
02:36.08kdepepoQvintvs, thats a WS_FTP type app
02:36.21Paddy_NIQvintvs: if you like midnight commander you might like krusader it would make a very efficient ftp client
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02:37.11Paddy_NIyou can also point the folder view plasmoid at an ftp address which is really nice
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02:41.14pipifireftp for firefox
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03:43.24clearyHi folks - I'm running debian sid, but I've got an issue where the power management widgets do not detect my cpus or sensors
03:44.10clearyI *think* it should work, but I'm just missing a package - for the life of me I can't work it out though
03:44.14clearyanyone got any ideas?
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04:20.31clearythe answer to my question is: ksysguardd
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04:56.02zinoxanyone knows if there is any STasks plasmoid version for kde 4.4??
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04:58.40QwertyManiacthe alternative smooth tasks works in 4.4, although not very well yet
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05:03.44zinoxQwertyManiac where i got this alternative smooth tasks?
05:08.22QwertyManiaczinox: -- its a well-updated fork of STasks
05:08.24*** part/#kde p1mrx (
05:10.30zinoxQwertyManiac, but it kde 4.4 has natively
05:10.35zinoxi am using it now
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05:10.56zinoxsmoth tasks looks like windows 7 tasks
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06:45.08zinoxi am using kde full efects with emerald but if i put mouse pointer in the right corner of scrollbar i can't move scroll    so i need move I need to move a little to the left to the scrollbar for it works.  anyway in kwin i don't have this problem ;; do anyone here know how fix it?
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06:52.15lmurrayzinox: Emerald bug, talk to the Compiz guys
06:52.42zinoxthank you
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07:04.06lmurrayArgh stupid heat, I called a phone number an "address" =\
07:04.08zinoxthere is anyway to use emerald without use compiz-fusion?? because i like kde compiz settings
07:04.26lmurrayNo, Emerald requires Compiz
07:04.29lmurrayIt's a Compiz decoration
07:04.37lmurrayAnd is in no way related to KDE
07:05.02zinoxkwin has ugly themes
07:05.55lmurrayThere are a lot of good ones around if you look on
07:06.18lmurrayThanks to Aurorae lots of new themes are being developed now
07:06.28lmurrayOr rather, lots are being ported from other WMs to KWin
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07:07.56zinoxthere is any kwin theme looks like windows 7? i think not
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07:08.34lmurrayzinox: I know one that is under development, it's not released yet though
07:08.43lmurrayfinds a screenshot
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07:09.55lmurraySomething to look forward to for KDE SC 4.5 ^_^
07:10.09zinoxlmurray, cool theme
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07:11.01zinoxkde needs improve kwin appearance
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07:43.44zekelmurray: nice, but now, kde4 == vista :P
07:43.49zekein terms of aero like
07:44.20zekewill it work even without a graphics card unlike windows aero
07:44.44detratehow can I change the dimensions of a virtual desktop?
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07:56.31carl-im on fedora kde 4.4 since i upgraded i have this process virtuoso-t taking 100% cpu ..
07:57.03carl-it belongs to some virtuoso-opensource package and if i want to remove it it seems half of kde is going with it ..
07:57.12carl-what is it and what does it do??
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07:59.31carl-also seems i have nepomukservices eating away pretty good at my cpu ..
08:00.17Torchcarl-: if it doesn't work right, ask on #fedora
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08:05.57carl-Torch: well .. since i do not know in this case what "work right" is .. maybe its just really really busy .. however .. i have no idea what functionality it provides and what new features i get from it ..
08:06.15carl-it seems however to be most important to almost all of kde
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08:08.30carl-what starts it and what uses the virtuoso universal server
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08:09.55Torchcarl-: it's used by nepomuk as a backend. nepomuk, in turn, is the semantic desktop feature of kde sc 4.3 and later. it provides searching and tagging, for instance.
08:10.13QwertyManiaccarl-: used by nepomuk, options of which lie in SS > Advanced Tab > Desktop Search
08:11.02carl-aah well .. i did enable that also since the update kontact complained when i started it about nepomuk not being enabled ..
08:11.14carl-well now i disabled it again .. problem solved
08:11.30carl-nothing that was worth eating 100% cpu
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08:11.51carl-i could search my mails fine before ..
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08:22.58wonacki don't know which version of kde i am using. previous version is indicated in the kdm login screen. but what i current have is a screen of several white circles in different shade, with the login box. any one knows which version is this?
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08:29.00xdan779wonack: login into kde and select any kde app in the upper in the main menu bar select help -> about kde  will give you the version number
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08:30.36JZAhi is there a way to efficiently change between activities
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08:30.52wonackxdan779: thks but i can't get into kde. the system is looping at the kdm login screen. after i login, the screen blanks for several secs and then the login screen re-appears.,
08:31.14JZAis there a plasmoid that can offer easily switching between activities with one click?
08:31.54wonackxdan779: from kde screenshot that i found through surfing, i think my kde is either 4.2 or 4.3.
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08:33.17wonackxdan779: you happen to be using debian?
08:35.53wonackhow to find out which version of kde is installed on my system?
08:35.55tdnAfter upgrading to KDE 4.4 my fixed width fonts are all messed up. Screen dump here:  How do I solve this issue?
08:36.22tdnIt happens with Inconsolata and Droid Sans Mono, but not with DejaVu Mono.
08:36.47wonacksorry, last question meant for #debian.
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08:39.15thomasj_wonack, for your loop problem, check /var/log/kdm.log
08:39.51xdan779wonack:  no need to be sorry, help -> about kde should give you the version of kde you are using regardless of distro as to why your graphical login manager changed though may be a good question to ask the debian channel
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08:40.52wonackthomasj_: thks, I have done that. also checked .xsession-errors, its blank.
08:41.49thomasj_wonack, is there a group in debian to install KDE from, like kde-desktop, you might miss some essential files.
08:41.58wonacki think kde is not installed. i renamed .kde but it was not regenerated.
08:42.41wonackis it possible to get the kdm login screen if kde is not installed?
08:43.26*** join/#kde Illusioneer (
08:43.57thomasj_wonack, sure, kdm can be installed almost without the rest of kde
08:44.49wonackthomasj_: thks, i think i will go check if kde is installed. thks, everyone, bye.
08:45.09thomasj_wonack, but to get the possibility to login into kde, you need a bit more than just kdm. So maybe something like a "groupupdate kde" might help you.
08:45.13xdan779wonack: kdm is part of kde-workspace you would need qt, kdelibs, kdepimlibs, and kde-workspace at min
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09:18.27lng_hi! how to turn off these startup/shutdown nasty sounds?
09:22.51tdnlng_, System Settings > Notofications
09:23.26tdnlng_, then you select KDE system notifications and there it is. I know, it is not very intuitive :(
09:24.09lmurraydetrate: By definition of a virtual desktop it will always be the same size as your monitor(s). KDE does not support "large desktops", aka "viewports".
09:24.29detrateI guess I mean activity across 2 monitors
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10:05.31lng_tdn: thanks
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10:07.02lng_tdn: I just have Settings and System
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10:33.49vldmrbug in kde... why cannot open kde after kdm login ?
10:34.21vldmrits restarting X
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10:40.38vldmrcan someone help ?
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10:45.25pARAd0X85I have a strange problem after moving to KDE4.4 :
10:45.41pARAd0X85when I keep my PC without doing any action,
10:45.55pARAd0X85the CPU0 usage grow up to 99%
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10:46.11pARAd0X85when I move the mouse, it falls to 42
10:46.40pARAd0X85CPU1 usage is about 20%
10:47.48MamarokpARAd0X85: and what does top tell you what is using the CPU?
10:50.14*** join/#kde TR1N1TY (
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10:50.52brotTR1N1TY: gfy
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10:51.27TR1N1TYhack the planet
10:51.29TR1N1TYhack the planet
10:51.43TR1N1TYhack the planet
10:51.53TR1N1TYhack the planet
10:51.55TR1N1TYhack the planet
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10:52.24pARAd0X85someone kick this out ?
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10:52.47TR1N1TYhack the planet
10:52.51pARAd0X85ChanServ: TR1N1TY is doing bad things !
10:52.53TR1N1TYhack the planet
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10:54.26Mamarokannew: can you kick that guy?
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10:54.50Mamarokmarienz: glad to see you :)
10:54.53TR1N1TYhack the planet
10:54.57TR1N1TYhack the planet
10:54.58Mamarokhe is trolling multiple chans
10:54.59TR1N1TYhack the planet
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10:56.07vldmrwhy cannot open kde after kdm login ?
10:56.08Mamarokmarienz: thanks a lot :)
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10:56.40pARAd0X85Mamarok: Xorg takes ~80% then plasma-desktop 13%
10:56.42marienzno problem
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10:57.26NightroseMamarok: who?
10:57.26Mamaroktoo late, freenode staff helped
10:57.31Nightroseah ok
10:57.40vldmrIm having problems when I login kde... its start but not completely open kde
10:57.42*** mode/#kde [-o Nightrose] by Nightrose
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10:57.48VorTechSand as your op is now alive, seeya!
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10:58.23vldmrIm using slackware linux... can someone help ?
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11:14.45vldmrwhere can I see the kde's log ?
11:15.04annmawhat's your problem
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11:19.06annmavldmr: what's your problem
11:20.29vldmrIm having problems when I login kdm... its start kde but not completely open it
11:21.01alienBOBPlease explain in more detail vldmr
11:21.48annmavldmr: new install? upgrade? what does it do?
11:22.00vldmralienBOB: Im using slack current
11:22.36annmavldmr: new install? upgrade? what does it do?
11:22.59vldmrI new install
11:23.29szalwhat does the message at the bottom of Kopete's main window mean?  here it says 'Offline', though I'm connected to the 2 networks I set up there & online
11:23.49*** part/#kde Thoradin (
11:25.36alienBOBvldmr: does KDE start when you start it from the console using "startx"?
11:26.14alienBOBYour statement "its start kde but not completely open it" is not at all helpful. In what way "not completely" ?
11:26.52vldmrjust a moment
11:27.54vldmralienBOB: I believe it can be the problem with user uid and gid
11:28.21vldmralienBOB: in current
11:28.53alienBOBvldmr: I do not have a crystal ball and you are not answering my questions
11:29.47vldmralienBOB: kde doesnt start with console 'startx' command
11:30.08vldmrits fronzer in load components screen
11:30.11alienBOBIn that case, do you see errors on the console?
11:30.22alienBOBfronzer? Frozen?
11:30.44alienBOBLook in /var/log/Xorg*log to see if X is logging any errors
11:31.33alienBOBCan you kill X and KDE by pressing Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace or do you have to perform a hard reset?
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11:32.08annmaif it's a new install then obviously it's not installed properly
11:32.19alienBOBvldmr: I think this is no a KDE problem, if you need help debugging your Slackware system then the ##slackware channel may be a better option
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11:35.05vldmrkde fronzen... keyboard and mouse fronzen
11:35.20vldmrI will restartinga and see the error
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11:36.07szaland how in the world can it be that some nutjob spams the channel for 5 mins & no one throws them out? o0  a spam protection setting would surely do its job here
11:36.33annmawhat nutjob spam?
11:36.41szalplus, if there was an answer to my last question, please repeat, I got knocked off the 'net immediately after that
11:36.50alisonken1nocalienBOB: didn't know you hung out here :)
11:36.56Mamarokannma: earlier here
11:37.03szalannma: about 45 mins ago
11:37.04annmaoh OK
11:37.11annmawas talked about szal
11:37.22Mamarokit took a long time til some freenode staffer banned im, the ops were not looking...
11:38.09alienBOBalisonken1noc: well I build KDE packages for Slackware, so this is a natural channel to be in ;-)
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11:38.27Mamarokannma: there should be a way to call the ops easier, without having to query ChanServ
11:38.29annmawow alienBOB
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11:38.35vldmralienBOB: x log fine... no errors
11:38.39annmaMamarok: yes
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11:38.52vldmralienBOB: running another WM fine too
11:39.16annmawhat WM?
11:39.52annmavldmr: what WM?
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11:40.31vldmrxfce run fine
11:40.38vldmrlike example
11:41.13annmaI thought a WM in KDE
11:41.23vldmrremembering this sistem doesnt have a graphic card acceleration
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11:44.07vldmrwhere can I see the kde start log ?
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11:45.39alienBOBvldmr: did you create a new user, or is this a user account that has been using KDE3 previously?
11:46.47vldmralienBOB: full format
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11:47.06vldmrnothing old here
11:47.09alienBOBWhat graphics hardware vldmr?
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11:48.58vldmrVia S3 Unichrome Pro
11:49.22vldmropenchrome driver I suppose
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11:52.47vldmralienBOB: its a kde problem... can be a render problem with any devices model like sis and openchrome
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11:53.23vldmrcan be a problem too
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11:53.49vldmralienBOB: we have updates for these days in current ?
11:54.00GNU\colossuswhenever I'm idle in my session for too long (say, an hour or so), something crashes and I find myself back on KDM's login screen. any ideas what could be the cause of that or how to narrow down the culprit? (KDE 4.4 on Gentoo)
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12:12.32annmaGNU\colossus: you get no backtrace?
12:12.47annmaan hour is not long
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12:19.13TorchGNU\colossus: first thing comes to mind is screensaver or power management of course. did you disable those already?
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12:24.35GNU\colossusannma: no, nothing.
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12:25.01GNU\colossusTorch: I don't have powermgmt enabled (except for DPMS in the X server itself), though I'll try deactivating the "Blank" screensaver
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12:32.08zinoxhow do i to start sound icon tray baceuse it disappear
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12:32.49Torchzinox: alt+f2. type kmix. return.
12:33.01zinoxthanks a lot
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12:47.16isiI'm using Fedora 12 and there was an update to KDE 4.4. Now the Digital Clock is in 12h format instead of 24h. I cannot find an option to change this. Any idea=
12:47.55annmaisi: try in SYstemSettings in your locale settings if I remember correctly
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12:53.33isiannma: thx, under regional & language there is a Time Format option
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12:57.08SinnerPhi, how do I disable, in KDE 4.4.0, the pop-up whenever I hover my mouse on Kmail's folder list?
12:57.42SinnerPit uses "tooltip" color scheme. I have tooltips disabled on Kmail
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13:14.57TorchSinnerP: configure -> apprearance -> layout -> folder tooltips?
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13:27.40SinnerPTorch: there are no "folder tooltips" in Layout
13:28.05SinnerPoh, wait
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13:28.19SinnerPhits forehead with open palm
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13:33.56beersis planet kde down?
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13:36.48urkudseems so
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13:43.48annmanot there
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13:44.41SinnerPbeers: there is a website aclled "is it down for everyone or just for me?"; google it and use it to figure out if it is really down
13:45.21urkudI was unable to load it 10 minutes ago, works now.
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14:13.37annewSho_: someone on ML asking about Kommander - didn't I read that it's unmaintained?
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14:14.47annewnm - apparently there is a kubuntu version, so probably not
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14:23.04Sho_annew: I think I at least saw KDE 4 port activity some time ago ..
14:23.20annewlooks like it - sorry to have bothered you
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14:33.24GNU\colossusokular is so awesome.
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14:36.27pARAd0X85is there any option in Konversation to move connect/disconnect messages out of the IRC main text ?
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14:36.58pARAd0X85at least move it in a new sub window in right
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14:37.53Sho_pARAd0X85: There's Behavior -> Chat Window -> Hide Join/Nick/Part
14:38.19Sho_annew: no bother, but I don't know much about Kommander either :)
14:39.38pARAd0X85Sho_: thanks :)
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14:43.08smookihow to get the session manager using azerty (french) keymap please ?
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14:43.51urkudTweak you Xorg config?..
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15:11.07johndHi. It seems the printer-dialoge in KDE 4.4 is broken. How can I add a printer now?
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15:17.47cedwardsjohnd: I use the cups web interface:
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15:29.34johndcedwards: hey cool, thanks. I get "forbidden" trying to add the printer though. :)
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15:33.20cedwardsjohnd: it should prompt you to login, and the required login is root:password
15:33.34johndcedwards: yes, I needed the root login. Thanks again!
15:34.18cedwardsjohnd: np. I much prefer the web interface to any GUI tool I've ever found.
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15:38.06johndcedwards: yeah it was pretty good! And cups found ALL the printers here automatically. Magic. :)
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15:39.36cedwardsjohnd: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
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15:40.25jerryluci'm trying to setup kdm correct. but ca't get it to execute commands as user when i login. I've used the wiki. Is it just to add "exec command" in /usr/share/config/kdm/Xsession?
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15:40.52Fox_1_hi all
15:41.08johndcedwards: indeed
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15:41.54Fox_1_people I'm using kubuntu with KDE 4.4.0 and want to know which package(s) I must install to have Development documentation in KDE Help Center, if it's possible?
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15:43.42johndcedwards: I withdraw my magic-comment; duplex isn't avaliable!
15:43.44annmathere's no devel doc in KHelpCenter
15:43.55annmaFox_1_: there's only apps doc
15:44.00cedwardsjohnd: it should be.. keep digging?
15:44.43habarnamfor whomever is interested in testing caldav support for korganizer:
15:44.45johndcedwards: no I mean it's there, it's jsut grayed out on options
15:44.56johndcedwards: that's more likely a cups issue though
15:45.16annmaFox_1_: use
15:45.36annmaor in KDE type KDE:KDE_class_name
15:45.46Fox_1_know about that, just want to have off-line help :)
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15:46.02annmaso build kdelibs API doc
15:46.10annmaor ask your distro if they ahve it
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15:46.51Fox_1_ok, thanks
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16:14.47unsequiturHello all. I recently installed KDE SC 4.4. After installation however, I find that (somehow) GTK seems to be drawing the windows
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16:18.20gr1m-lapHello, any have any experience with diagnosing why the new libssh based sftp ioslave in 4.4 is still ignoring keys?
16:18.30mika_hi, where kaddressbook save all its contacts? i changed distro, saving all the home folder, and i've to restore them
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16:20.54unsequiturHere is a screenshot of the desktop :
16:21.16unsequiturAs you can see, the top right bar seems to be something GNOME would do
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16:21.42unsequiturThe nice little KDE buttins seem to be missing
16:21.43gr1m-lapugh, sftp is just completely broken
16:21.46gr1m-lapeven password auth fails
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16:22.00unsequiturHow do I fix this? Thanks in advance!
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16:24.00Half-Leftunsequitur: It's a third party app so we don't support it
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16:24.11Half-Leftask the author
16:24.20unsequiturHalf-Left: What is?
16:24.34Half-LeftThat dialogue
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16:25.17unsequiturHalf-Left: I should clarify : I'm talking about the little close, minimize button on the top right of every window
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16:26.21unsequiturIt looks like something from GNOME right? I thought the default KDE bar was grey in colour, with a much nicer look
16:27.04Half-LeftYou seem to be not running kwin then
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16:27.28Half-Lefttry kwin --replace
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16:27.30unsequiturHalf-Left: How do I start kwin?
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16:29.15unsequiturHalf-Left: Yes! That worked! Thanks a LOT!
16:29.46unsequiturHalf-Left: Do I have to do this every time I reboot?
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16:30.16Half-LeftNo because your KDE uses kwin by default
16:30.17FrogbarfHow do I change the color of my text input in Kopete?
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16:30.37unsequiturHalf-Left: Oh, ok. Thanks again.
16:30.51Half-Leftunsequitur: Check the application defaults in systemsettings, the one for Window Manager
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16:32.27unsequiturHalf-Left: The radio button for "Use the default KDE window manager (KWin) is checked"
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16:32.57Half-LeftFrogbarf: In the kopete configuration under Chat WIndow
16:33.40FrogbarfHalf-Left:  then where?
16:34.04FrogbarfI see colours and fonts but that does not modify the input, just the output
16:36.22Half-LeftNo idea then
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16:40.46o_aHow do I see/access a shared plasmoid?
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17:02.55famas5x5 off
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17:07.00TylerMhi all.. running kde 3.5.10 on sidux..
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17:07.09TylerMfor last several months i have to restart X at least once
17:07.18TylerMbefore my window decorations start to show up :)
17:07.23TylerMsound familiar to anyone?
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17:07.47TylerMother WMs seem fine
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17:16.30draglyhello! Anyone here with some knowledge about Qt-plugins?
17:16.54draglyI'm wondering if one might specify slots in a plugin interface?
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17:55.11fatpelt_laptopafternoon all.  is it possible to make a window ignore clicks?  I see that i can make "always above" and "transparent", but can i add, ignore clicks and pass them trough to whatever is below them?
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18:03.48Vamp898Last time i was here a guy told me that KDE was never called "Kool Desktop Environment" but in the e-Mail where Matthias Ettrich announced KDE he called it "Kool Desktop Environment". Was that just in the e-Mail or was the first Versions of KDE called "Kool ..." ?
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18:05.07annmawas just the email I think
18:08.39Vamp898ah ok
18:08.42thiago_homeVamp898: yes, it was just the email
18:08.47Vamp898thx =)
18:08.52thiago_homeand that's because Martin Konold urged him to make the K have a name
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18:09.10thiago_homeit wasn't called that before the email and never called again after the email
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18:09.30pinotree.oO(Konold Desktop Environment?)
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18:10.23thiago_homenote how Kalle Dalheimer gets involved in projects that start with KD
18:10.31thiago_homeKDE, KDAB, KD Executor
18:10.37pinotreeguess why...
18:11.12pinotreethiago_home: you could have your dbus fork called TJM-Bus :P
18:11.54thiago_homethe J-middlename-clan keeps their existence a secret
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18:17.03kde_peponixternal, back in KDE town? :)
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18:19.14nixternalkde_pepo: never left kde town :)
18:19.27nixternalbeen a bit busy, but still here
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18:20.52kde_pepoI am still wondering what's the status of the debian packages :)
18:21.30kde_pepoI managed to build ubuntu debs, but openSUSE buildservice does not allow KDE4 packages for debian yet
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18:22.17nixternalmore than likely need updating, however what you had proposed for changes, wasn't accepted...that kind of annoyed to move forward the current structure would stay the same even though you wanted it differently
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18:22.54kde_pepoah, the splitting isnt allowed? no problem, then make a single package...
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18:23.38kde_pepoI had the impression that unstable stuff is allowed to change
18:23.38nixternalI can add that to the todo list
18:23.46nixternalas did i
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18:50.04flolo_newis it a bug, or do I misunderstand some concepts in KDE, that I cant scroll with my mousewheel on desktop the viewports when desktop activity is set to folder
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18:54.17ParkotronSo I'm in a computer lab which has full KDE and Gnome installations, but GDM is locked down to only allow logging into Gnome.
18:54.41ParkotronIs there a way to shutdown Gnome and start KDE without logging out?
18:54.56kde_pepofrom terminal maybe?
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18:55.16TylerMstartkde from within gnome?  :)
18:55.38ParkotronTylerM: That kind of works, but it just opens KDE on top of Gnome.
18:55.53ParkotronPlasma panels over Gnome ones, etc.
18:55.54TylerMthen maybe you can kill the gnome stuff? not sure
18:55.55flolo_newis there somewhere a KDE-buglist, because this must be a bug
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18:56.23flolo_newCan't connect to the database.
18:56.24flolo_newError: Too many connections
18:56.31flolo_newFor help, please send mail to the webmaster (
18:56.39TylerMwhat to do when your window decorations disappear? :(
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18:57.43ParkotronTylerM: Can you get to a console?
18:57.43ParkotronTylerM: Then just do "kwin --replace".
18:57.43TylerMthey actually aren't there when i log in.. if I restart X then it works
18:57.43TylerMweird eh?
18:57.48kde_pepoCompiz? :)
18:58.06TylerMyou think it's to blame?
18:58.12TylerMi just blame nvidia for everything ;-)
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18:58.37flolo_newI also got some nvidia issues
18:58.53flolo_newhow to set a wallpaper spanning over 2 monitors
18:59.14flolo_newI am using twinview and the internet is full of people who want it the other way around
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18:59.39TylerMkde and the decorations used to run perfect for me.. but last couple months this one problem geting in the way
19:00.37flolo_newI dont know how to tell KDE that I have only "one" monitor
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19:05.48HandyGandyIs there any way to remove that ugly red X ans "remove" from a panel?
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19:08.57QwertyMHandyGandy: ?
19:09.34Mooby-frthey are broken plasmoids
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19:26.27spectralis there something like "compare folders" in dolphin?
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19:39.06buntfalkehow to change qt3 settings with kde4?
19:39.35Half-Leftqt3config most likely
19:39.40Sho_buntfalke: qt3 used to include a "qtconfig" tool, your distro might have that as qtconfig-qt3 or qt3config or so
19:39.41buntfalkeqtconfig "desktop settings" doesnt work
19:40.06buntfalkelet's search
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19:40.24buntfalkemight the settings be screwed because i accidentally deleted the .config folder?
19:40.34dadadado you know any method to start applications minimized or hidden, kde apps or linux in general?
19:40.57buntfalkedadada: kstart
19:42.58dadadabuntfalke: I'm running kde apps in openbox WM
19:43.15dadadaand it seems kstart is destroying the order of windows there
19:43.32buntfalkehehe, weeeell - you're doomed then ;-)
19:43.49buntfalkeno, srly - might be possible, i just dunno how
19:44.00Sho_doubts that's kstart's fault
19:44.28dadadawhat I want to do is starting kmail but not having to see it, except in the systray
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19:44.44Sho_kmail has options for that I think
19:44.57dadadasystray yes, but the rest I don't find
19:46.29buntfalkekwin would allow for that, too...
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19:49.12JohnWelbornIs there a fix or a bug ticket open for how setting the tab title in konsole via dbus will revert after a few seconds? "qdbus org.kde.konsole $KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION setTitle 1 test"
19:50.26JohnWelbornit happens with foresight, kde 4.3.1, konsole 2.3.1
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19:52.57TorchJohnWelborn: the behaviour has not changed in kde 4.4
19:53.06JohnWelbornTorch: thanks
19:53.28JohnWelbornThere is mention of it here:
19:53.31JohnWelbornbut I don't see a ticket yet
19:53.43TorchJohnWelborn: no idea. i haven't checked
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19:54.24detrate-can I define dimensions of desktop "activities" ?
19:56.03JohnWelbornThis one mentions it:
19:56.20JohnWelbornhowever I can rename manually and it stays
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19:57.05TorchJohnWelborn: same here in 4.4
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19:58.28buntfalkeso kde3 offers no qt3 related things at all anymore, right?
19:58.33buntfalkeerr, kde4
19:58.53buntfalkei mean, no themes, configuration frontends, et cetera?
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20:00.10cadthecoderi have Could not create a python scriptengine for the blah blah plasmoid error
20:00.19Torchbuntfalke: what are you looking for?
20:00.21cadthecoderim on fedora11 any help
20:00.40Torchcadthecoder: ask on #fedora.
20:00.59buntfalkeTorch: a way to get a little less ugly qt3 apps on debian testing with kde4. they look like motif, and qtconfig-qt3 doesnt offer anything better (cde, motif, windows, ... styles only)
20:01.29cadthecoderTorch ive asked but couldnt get an answer
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20:02.03Torchbuntfalke: it offers what's installed. kde4 has nothing to do with that, however. ask on your distro channel how to get qt3 styles.
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20:02.44Torchcadthecoder: patience helps. also, precise descriptions. "blah blah" sure isn't precise.
20:03.10buntfalkeTorch: well - seems like the stuff's gone from deb testing
20:03.10cadthecoderi meant that part of error is varying.
20:03.21cadthecoderaccording to the name of plasmoids
20:03.26buntfalkei just wondered wether kde4 might hide some themes somewhere, in case they're needed :-)
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20:03.45Torchbuntfalke: kde4 cannot help you in this case. it's completely independant from qt3.
20:04.07Torchcadthecoder: you've got installation or configuration problems if you get that.
20:04.27cadthecoderwell, what should i look for?
20:04.36*** join/#kde NSaibot (~quassel@
20:05.28Torchcadthecoder: you upgraded to a different kde version?
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20:05.50Torchcadthecoder: and you had plasmoids downloaded for your user (i.e. not installed from packages)?
20:06.30cadthecoderi ve used 'get new widgets' button for downloading
20:06.42cadthecoderand i did a yum update recently
20:06.45Torchcadthecoder: that's what i meant.
20:06.49Torchcadthecoder: ok, i see.
20:07.23Torchcadthecoder: there's a command line app called plasmapkg
20:07.29Torchcadthecoder: it will list and uninstall plasmoids
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20:07.44Torchcadthecoder: use it to uninstall anything you downloaded with "get new widgets" for your user
20:07.55cadthecoderok im on it
20:08.40cadthecoderNo package plasmapkg available.
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20:09.07Torchcadthecoder: it's an application, not a package
20:09.16Torchcadthecoder: you should have it already. just run it from a shell.
20:10.10cadthecoderi did then what should i do
20:11.38cadthecoderi can list my plasmoids but don know which one to remove
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20:12.18Torchcadthecoder: the one(s) you get the error message for
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20:15.26cadthecoderwell interesting but, they are not on the list?
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20:16.37cadthecoderoh sorry it has a mixed cased name i found and removed it
20:16.48Torchcadthecoder: repeat for any plasmoid giving you the error
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20:18.59cadthecoderok i did.
20:19.13Torchcadthecoder: now reinstall with the "get new widgets" feature
20:19.21Torchcadthecoder: hopefully the plasmoids will then work
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20:20.06semehi guys
20:21.09cadthecoderTorch i doesnt work =/
20:21.18cadthecoderstill i see the same error
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20:21.40semecan anyone give me a hand with something... I'm trying to switch development to linux from windows... I used to be a unix admin (long long ago) but for many years I've been doing java and .net development...
20:21.56cadthecoderjust to note, i ve experienced those errors in several distros.
20:22.18semeI am looking for recommendations on a good IDE that will allow me to program in java, c#, python, c/c++ and has profiling, debugging, UI development all built in
20:22.26semeand supported in the IDe
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20:22.35Torchcadthecoder: sorry to hear that. unfortunately if this doesn't help i cannot tell you what might.
20:22.39cadthecoderseme: go with NetBeans
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20:23.10Torchseme: KDE offers kdevelop.-
20:23.12*** join/#kde o_a (~quassel@hyadesinc/pub/usr/bin/oa)
20:23.18semeideallyit would also have integrated support for php on apache, java enterprise dev on a app svr, and on mono
20:23.34Torchseme: if that is not what you're looking for (from the .net and java requirements it probably isn't), this is totally off topic here.
20:23.36lamdkanyone know the key to switch between same application window in kde4.4?
20:23.39urkudseme: just add all this to kdevelop
20:23.46semehe hee
20:24.00Torchseme: you're indeed asking on the wrong channel
20:24.06semehe hee
20:24.28semewell I asked here b/c I thought you guys may be able to recommend.... given your experience but yes it is off topic...
20:24.44semeI tried kdevelop but that isn't working on ubuntu right now
20:25.21semekdevelop 4 isn't ready yet and the kdevelop 3.5 on ubuntu 9.10 thing is a bit much
20:25.37Torchseme: kdevelop4 works fine for me
20:25.45Torchseme: don't use the one from kubuntu, though
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20:25.58semeTorch: do you do python or java dev on it?
20:26.06Torchseme: no, kde.
20:26.11semei compiled kdevelop4 from src and it didn't have much in it
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20:26.33semeI didn't have time to figure out how to compile all the different modules (I think that is what I needed)
20:26.39Torchseme: i have no idea how mature its python support is. java probably not that much...
20:26.43sreichkdev4 works perfectly for me too
20:26.48sreich(in C++)
20:27.02semeyeah kdev4 on c++ looked ok... no ui in the src build though
20:27.05*** join/#kde aledec (~aledec@
20:27.12Torchseme: no... what?
20:27.31sreichui in the src build?
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20:27.58semewhen I built it from src I didn't see any way to build UI's
20:28.04cadthecoderTorch: so nothing to do?
20:28.08Torchseme: that's what qtdesigner is for.
20:28.23Torchcadthecoder: i cannot help you, sorry. that doesn't mean there's no way.
20:28.23semeI could load the qtdesigner app but that was seperate
20:28.30Torchseme: so?
20:28.36semeis that how most people do it... they use one app to design the UI and another for the other code?
20:28.42semeeverything seperate?
20:28.50cadthecoderTorch: thanks anyway
20:28.51Torchseme: well, i spend 99% of my time in kdevelop.
20:28.57*** part/#kde cadthecoder (~d4af231f@gateway/web/freenode/x-ykjaucmucgnchdla)
20:29.03Torchseme: qtdesigner is great, but it's a very small part of development.
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20:29.09Torchseme: so nothing wrong with it being separate.
20:29.18Torchseme: if you want perfect integration, try qtcreator
20:29.51semeok... does qtcreator support non-qt development.. meaning kde development or java/python/php?
20:29.58sreichTorch: seme: I don't use the designer at all really
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20:30.10semeI see
20:30.16sreichseme: yes (dunno about non-C++ languages)
20:30.17Torchseme: it's nokia's qt ide...
20:30.29semeok well so far... netbeans has almost all of what I was looking for outside of the UI designer
20:30.42Torchseme: if you're not interested in kde development, ask somewhere else, really.
20:30.46sreichI write all of my ui's in code, as usually that's all that can be used anyways, when you have stuff that has to be resolved on the fly
20:30.49semekdevelop looks great in theory but I wasn't able to get it to work well (I'll try again tonight)
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20:31.06Torchseme: forget the kubuntu packages, they're old and broken
20:32.18semebasically I'm realizing that the distros all pretty much blow at packaging the apps... they should focus on the core OS, desktop and a generic set of common libs accross the distros... and let the app developers put together the packages :)
20:32.32Torchseme: only that they don't.
20:32.43Torchseme: i've been packaging one of my apps when it was new.
20:32.46Torchseme: not fun.
20:32.52semehe hee
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20:34.12Torchseme: distro's suck at packaging when they do a sloppy job. simple as that.
20:34.13*** join/#kde binarylooks (~quassel@
20:34.32Torchseme: or make a decision to package something from svn without talking to the dev first.
20:35.25semeok thats it... I have it... the answer is "Create another distro" j/k ;-)
20:35.31semethis time it will be done right!!!
20:35.33semehe hee
20:35.35semeok thanks guys
20:35.44semeI'll try kdevelop again and qtcreator and see if they work
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20:56.47SikksensHey! does anyone know if I could install Choqok on PC-BSD?
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20:57.27urkudSikksens: You can try
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20:58.33SikksensI know it uses KDE4 but dont see any unix installers..
20:58.33summelis there a ftps client in qt4? or a kio slave for dolphin? oO
20:59.04Torchsummel: no. (didn't you ask that already a couple of weeks ago?)
20:59.22urkudSikksens: What do you mean by "unix installer"?
20:59.24summelno i didnt
20:59.30summelwhy isnt there one? -_-
20:59.38urkudmkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make; make install
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20:59.53SikksensAll the installers are for linux..
21:00.06urkudYou need *sources*, not installer
21:00.08Torchsummel: sorry then. no, there isn't. there used to be some project on, but it's not maintained IIRC
21:00.19Torchsummel: no one uses ftps, that's why. use sftp.
21:00.31summeli dont have a choice...
21:00.36SikksensOh I need Cmake too! lemme try it!
21:00.43summelyes most stuff on kde-apps is unmanitained -_-
21:01.35urkudsummel: if you have no choice, write kioslave. It should not be too hard if you have some ftps library.
21:01.45summeli am not a programmer :(
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21:02.20Torchwriting a kio slave is not trivial.
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21:02.35summelthought so ^^
21:02.45Torchsummel: there
21:02.54Torchsummel: no chance for sftp?
21:03.06summelits not my server
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21:03.18summeli guess i have to install gtk2 then >_>
21:03.28urkudTry looking for fuse ftps:/
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21:06.25Half-Leftgah, kdelook's file limit bad small :/
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21:09.20summelkftp is also unmaintained? oO
21:10.56Torchsummel: looks kde4-ish from the screenshots at least
21:11.13summellast release is from 2007 oO
21:11.26Torchsummel: yeah, saw that. as long as it works, who cares.
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21:11.51Torchnahh, wait, that's not kde4
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21:12.44summelso no gui client for kde4 then :/
21:13.13Torchsummel: that's the kioslave
21:13.24Torchsummel: you might try if it works for you
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21:16.29Torchlooks at the source code.
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21:17.58Sho_Torch: Are you interested in moving partition manager to kdeutils or kdeadmin one day?
21:19.11TorchSho_: hmm. why are you asking?
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21:19.54Sho_Torch: Just out of the blue, really. I think it might be a good idea to spread it around more.
21:20.18TorchSho_: it depends on libparted. libparted is linux-only. (dunno if there's a working *bsd-version)
21:20.26TorchSho_: solid to the rescue... then we talk ;-)
21:21.57Sho_Torch: There are plenty of apps in the core modules we don't enable for build on all our target platforms, though, and if a core module app would be in need of Solid additions to cover more of them that might spur Solid development
21:22.20Sho_Torch: For example the BSD people might suddenly get interested in that, or so.
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21:22.45Sho_(whoops, we're not on -cafe)
21:22.53TorchSho_: no.
21:22.59TorchSho_: i was wondering why you were asking here ;-)
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21:23.17sreichhehe, yeah.. :)
21:23.39TorchSho_: on the other hand, everything related to partition manager is of general interest to any kde user ;-)
21:23.41Sho_Torch: I guess I usually see you talk in -cafe and when I saw those lines from you up there I somehow figured we were there ;)
21:24.00Sho_You know me, IRC noob and all.
21:24.17TorchSho_: yeah, newfangled stuff, that IRC things.
21:24.33TorchSho_: you should one day deal with it in detail. maybe write an app...
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22:04.10PragmaticAnarchyhey do u ppl know if blur effect is present on kde4.4?
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22:08.36bourn3hey how can i start netbook view in kde 4.4?
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22:12.38sreichbourn3: syssettings->desktop->workspace->form factor
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22:20.41vjoehey dudes
22:20.56bourn3thanks sreich!
22:20.59vjoeis it possible to have a mac like taskbar in kde?
22:21.12vjoein which no windows have a title bar, cause it is in the taskbar
22:21.48urkudAre you talking about taskbar, or menus?
22:22.10urkudWindows on MacOS have title bars (AFAIR)
22:22.12vjoethe thing at the top
22:22.30Torchvjoe: no menubar?
22:22.41urkudThis is "global menu". Possible with bespin style (I haven't tested).
22:22.57vjoesomething like awesome is also pretty cool
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22:23.14vjoethe terms and the webrowser have no title bar
22:23.21vjoebecause it is at the top in the taskbar
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22:24.32cb400fkwin in 4.5 will have tiling
22:24.43cb400fand plasma-netbook hides titlebars
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22:30.35PasNoxis there some know problem with mdi in KDE 4.4 with oxygen style ?
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22:31.05PasNoxmy program is using QMdiArea and if i use oxygen style it's slow down so much
22:31.12PasNoxwhen i change style and restart all is ok
22:31.24PasNoxi was not having this problem with kde 4.3
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22:35.34abstract3di installed networkmanager but i cannt find the programm :$ i have restarted dbus, i have started networkmanager daemon but i cant find the "executable"
22:36.24thiago_homeabstract3d: wrong channel
22:36.29thiago_homeplease ask in your distribution's channel
22:36.57Starwatcherhi all, is there a way to get knemo to see a usb modem?
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22:51.15d-fens_hi, whats needed to get a text spoken via a speech synthesizer?
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22:58.34dadadahow do you start krunner's top equivalent directly?
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22:59.56dadadaurkud: I want to integrate it in a menu... so I need a command
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23:02.01urkudksysguard is more than this thing krunner starts
23:02.14d-fens_its just the process part
23:02.25dadadabut it's better ^^
23:02.42dadadaso no problem, if it would show fewer things it would be a problem
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23:03.32urkudThis: qdbus org.kde.krunner /App org.kde.krunner.App.showTaskManager
23:03.46urkudtells krunner to open "task manager"
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23:04.33dadadaurkud: thanks, also very good info
23:05.07urkudYou can do many things with qdbus ;)
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23:08.03dadadaurkud: is there a wiki or something that lists all useful kde dbus calls? examples?
23:08.40sreichno need
23:08.50d-fens_qdbusviewer is your friend
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23:08.51sreichjust use qdbusviewer
23:08.56sreichor run qdbus from terminal
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23:29.09detratecan I define the dimensions of an activity in kde 4.4?
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23:29.41urkudWhat do you mean?
23:29.56urkudEvery activity occupies full screen if active
23:30.09urkud(or have I missed something?)
23:30.33urkudDo you want to change your screen resolution when changing activities?
23:31.03*** join/#kde gcala (
23:31.47detrateyes, can I have it occupy more?
23:31.50detrateI have dual monitors
23:31.56detrateand I'd like the activity to span both
23:32.05detratemostly because when I do the desktop grid, everything gets all confusing
23:32.23detrateI explain my situation more in depth here:
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23:34.36binarylooksdetrate: do you have the system settings > Desktop > Multiple Desltops > Different activity... enabled?
23:34.39tyler-wylieKDE 4.4 is win
23:34.48binarylookstyler-wylie: ?
23:35.09detrateyes, binarylooks because I needed to set the wallpapers to match to build my muscle memory on the strange behavior
23:35.18detratebut with or without, they still behave the same
23:35.22detrateas 8 virtual desktops
23:35.55binarylooksdetrate: I also have dual monitors (nvidia) honestly, I gave up on configuring stuff. None of the developers (almost noen) have dual monitors, so everything is sort of shaky
23:36.17detrateso many good things too...
23:36.20binarylooksI use one monitor with folder views and a panel to launch and organize stuff anf one with all my open windoes
23:36.29detratebut this is really very hurtful to my workflow
23:36.45detratemaybe I'll use compiz + kde 4.4 instead..
23:36.51detratethough I love how desktop grid works
23:37.01binarylooksone to work, one to sometimes glimpse at (quassel, notifications, clock)
23:37.03detratewith the 'expose' like effect inside of the grid
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23:37.42binarylooksdetrate: you can use compiz instead of kwin. I am not sure how this would work out though
23:37.51detratebinarylooks: we should pitch in together to buy a developer a second monitor :-P
23:38.00binarylooksdetrate: how do u intend to use the activities on your monitors then?
23:38.11detratebinarylooks: I described it in my thread:
23:38.14binarylooksdetrate: I actually thought about that too
23:38.25binarylooksdetrate: reding...
23:38.33detratebinarylooks: I'm serious, I will donate money to get this feature
23:38.48detrateit is essential to my workflow
23:39.03detratespliting my mind across monitors everytime I go to desktop grid makes me ill
23:39.16binarylooksdetrate: there are many bugreports about that on bko (
23:39.39detrateon dual monitors?
23:39.48detrateI haven't seen any bug reports on this
23:40.46binarylooksdetrate: you should read chani's latest posts. let me get the website...
23:40.52detrateokay, thanks
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23:42.40detrateisn't that where he is basically saying the behavior I wish for won't be implemented?
23:42.42detrateor am I confusing it
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23:43.34detratehmm, this might be different
23:44.13sreichdetrate: Chani == she ;-)
23:44.21binarylooksdetrate: chani = she :-)
23:44.36sreichbinarylooks: no assignment to const! :)
23:44.56binarylookssreich: is genre really a const nowadays?
23:45.01binarylookssreich: :-)
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23:45.25binarylooksdetrate: well, I think you are right. Honestly, I donot really understand why they don't separate it
23:45.26sreichgenre? don't you mean gender? but yeah, good point hehe
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23:46.06binarylookssreich: hmm. where did gendre come from. Brain needs sleep I guess
23:46.20binarylooksI give up. typos all around and confusing brain
23:46.22detrateI think it's "rude" for lack of a better word, to assume the user wants a 1 to 1 relationship with activities and their monitors
23:46.25sreichbinarylooks: hehe
23:47.00binarylooksdetrate: many people hve gone and discussed with the developers. mainly aseigo.
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23:47.33detrateany suggestions on how I can grease the wheels?
23:47.39binarylooksdetrate: no clear solution available. Sounds simple in my view. two monitors = one activity, but somehow it seems to not be simple at all
23:48.04detrateyeah, I was thinking about trying to hack up something in my xorg but I'm afraid it will try and treat my monitors the same
23:48.06detrateor worse
23:48.15binarylooksdetrate: make a clear statement on why you need the feature, a nice screenshot and clear text in a good blgpost
23:48.16detratewhen I maximize, maximize to both monitors
23:48.27detrateisn't that what I did on ubuntu forums? :-P
23:48.48detrateI mean, I guess I can spice it up and put it on my blog
23:48.58detratedo I then share it on kde forums instead?
23:49.09binarylooksdetrate: I undestand it, because I have two monitors, but somebody who is used to one monitor porbably doesn't. I'm sorry, I do not have a solution
23:49.33binarylooksdetrate: try brainstorm on kde forums
23:49.39detratewell I appreicate the empathy, advice and discussion
23:49.55detrateI felt like I was going crazy alone for a while
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23:50.29detrate[k]ubuntu 10.04 comes out in april and I'd like to have a firm decision about going forward with KDE by then
23:51.25binarylooksdetrate: I can only say I love KDE. But that doesn't really matter that much :-)
23:51.58binarylooksdetrate: good luck, and keep an open mind. gnome is good, kde is good, you just have to feel which one fits you best
23:52.29detratehonestly, I hated kde 4.0-4.3, too buggy, missing too many features for me.. but 4.4... was enough to make me seriously consider dropping gnome all together
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23:52.52detrateand I do think that qt is the future
23:53.02detrateespecially with in the game
23:53.18binarylooksdetrate: I'm with you there. wait a sec, I'll show you a cool plasma mobile video...
23:53.22tyler-wyliedetrate: I've gone full KDE after 4.3.5, i just wish there was a libpurple IM client written in QT
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23:54.09detratetyler-wylie: I still use pidgin
23:54.14detrateand actually gnome-terminal LOL!
23:54.25detratebut that's just because I installed 4.4 from backports PPA
23:54.31tyler-wyliedetrate: I love kopete but it doesn't work with my company's openfire jabber server
23:54.32detrateso I had gnome and all that already
23:54.41detratetyler-wylie: why not just use pidgin?
23:54.45detratedon't want no gtk?
23:54.53tyler-wyliedetrate: I am using pidgin, I hate pidgin
23:55.07tyler-wyliedetrate: Kopete can import adium message styles, looks much better
23:55.10detratebinarylooks: I played with similar devices at CES, definitely like that form factor
23:55.15detrateI would kill for a nokia n9000
23:55.31detratetyler-wylie: there is always empathy :-P
23:55.40tyler-wyliedetrate: gtk is blech
23:55.40detrate(I think empathy sucks)
23:55.55detratekonversation is the main reason I'm even in KDE today :-P
23:56.03binarylooksdetrate: I want a notion ink adam with plasma. :-)
23:56.10detratemainly because gnome failed at drawing the window decorations sometimes :-P
23:56.14binarylooksor something similar
23:56.25tyler-wyliedetrate: Kopete is the superior client minus not working with openfire jabber server
23:56.38detratetyler-wylie: I only use AIM, so I don't really care
23:56.41detrateI take IRC more seriously
23:56.53detrate3/4 of my buddylist for AIM doesn't even sign on anymore
23:56.59detrateall those people use facebook chat
23:57.01detrateNO THANK YOU
23:57.02tyler-wylieyea, but for work I need to be in our jabber server soooooooooooo
23:57.20detratetyler-wylie: does jabber work with bittle bee?
23:57.37detratesorry, that
23:57.39tyler-wylieIt's a bug with qca-tls I think though, psi doesn't work either
23:57.53detratemaybe you can get an updated version from a ppa
23:58.00detrateor compile yourself ;-P
23:58.01tyler-wyliedetrate: using Fedora atm
23:58.05detrateah, I'm sorry.
23:58.11tyler-wyliedetrate: Tried a few different versions
23:58.27detratefedora is the cause of your errors :-P
23:58.32detratejust kidding.. but sorta not..
23:58.40detratelast time I tried fedora, it didn't even find my NIC...
23:58.41urkudHave you filed a bug report?
23:58.46detratewhich is like 3 years old
23:58.59detrateubuntu had no problem, nor slax
23:59.16detrateerr, I'll bbiab
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23:59.34tyler-wylieurkud: I'm getting close to, I'm not able to get any debug information from the server's admins because well, they're pretty overworked as is

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