IRC log for #kde on 20091231

00:01.14klikklakare nepomuk indexed files encrypted in any way? .. say I have a directory of movies and I'd rather keep them encrypted, but would still like to use (once I know how) the semantic stuff.  so would indexing them be a breach of security?
00:01.27klikklakor do I have to truecrypt my home?
00:01.52thiagoI answered your first question:
00:01.56thiagoare the indexes encrypted? no
00:02.02klikklakI was just about to ask. :)
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00:02.49evil-sheekSo, no one knows what parameter controls the black text on black background, both in lancelot and in KDE apps??
00:03.32thiagoall apps?
00:04.10evil-sheekYes, all the apps I've used so far ----
00:04.17thiagowhat's special about lancelot?
00:04.31klikklakanother one: I was making a plasmoid this morning.  I got around to making the ui with the designer, but it dies because pykdeuic4 complains about kde_i18n_string.  How quickly are problems like this solved?
00:04.39evil-sheekI just like how it looks ---
00:04.42klikklakI'm running arch, so distro side isn't a problem
00:05.03thiagoevil-sheek: when did it start? what happened just before it started?
00:05.25klikklakkind of a silly question though.  maybe there's a workaround? .. or rather I'll just wait.
00:05.39evil-sheekthiago: It's a Color scheme that I'm using and it seems to leave out that part of the color scheme
00:05.47thiagoevil-sheek: change it
00:06.01evil-sheekthiago: So, I was thinking of adjusting it manually?
00:08.08klikklakoh.  just found the bug report, it's solved in svn.  got to wait for arch to catch up.
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00:10.06evil-sheekthiago: Thanks
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00:30.57klikklakbtw, don't know if there are devs here but: I love kde4, I moved from using emacs to fully experiencing the desktop environment.  it's that good.
00:31.47thiagoyou're comparing KDE to Emacs?
00:32.06*** join/#kde Jetchisel (n=Jetchise@opensuse/member/jetchisel)
00:32.35klikklakfor daily tasks I used orgmode, gnus, dired etc. now it's kontact, browser, filemanager/konsole
00:33.06klikklakok, I also want to try out eric4, that leaves only latex as emacs-job
00:33.09MinceRwell, emacs is an operating system. perhaps we could make KDE run on top of emacs. ;)
00:33.23klikklakembed it everywhere :)
00:33.47MinceRand then you could run Kate in Emacs!
00:35.12Jucatoor run emacs in kate
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01:28.56Jetchiselbye folks.....see you next year :P
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02:19.23aliaseI'm having problem displaying japanese characters in kde applications, works fine in gtk applications though. Using slackware and kde 4.2.
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02:36.20deximatdoes anyone know how to bypass failing burning disk that is less than 50% used in K3B?
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02:44.06Se7enLChey, anybody here know amarok well?
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03:54.50Bonster__how u restart the plasmoid if it all crashes?
03:55.10sreich2alt+f2 , type in plasma-desktop
03:55.25sreich2assuming you are referring to plasma
03:55.42Bonster__oh thanks
03:55.48Bonster__got it working now
03:55.54sreich2fwiw it should restart automatically
03:56.09Bonster__yea sometimes it does
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03:56.16Bonster__but sometimes it dont
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03:58.03newsenseanyone know how i can get my keyboard volume keys to work in kde4 ?
03:58.12newsensemy other keyboard works
04:00.55sreich2provided that those keys are registered by X, as keys..
04:01.10sreich2you can go to system settings->keyboard->global keyboard shortcuts::KMix
04:01.14sreich2then set the shortcut there
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04:02.51newsensesreich2: cool thanks, couldn't find it but it sounds similar to how i did it on kde3
04:04.48newsensesreich2: funny now it started working
04:05.07newsenseafter i went to system settings>keyboard
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04:06.09Bonster__how u disable this popup
04:06.50MinceRi'm guessing it's one of the options under settings/configure notifications
04:07.07MinceRit might be set to notify with an active popup on incoming message or something
04:07.40sreich2you can check it to either "show a popup", play a sound, etc
04:10.33Bonster__MinceR, alright ill check it out thanks
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04:37.31Bonster__saw some video where u can drag windows to group them, but that doesnt seem to work, or it that not release yet?
04:38.15sreich2it is for 4.3
04:38.40sreich2actually I think it's 4.4
04:38.59Bonster__oh im in the 4.4 beta 2
04:39.09Bonster__but cant seem to do that
04:39.10sreich2set the windeco to Oxygen
04:39.26sreich2then go into kwin settings and set a button to perform the window tabbing action
04:39.35sreich2e.g. middle mouse button draggin the window will do it
04:39.43sreich2(set the option to that)
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04:43.38klikklakwhats the status on sync?
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04:44.04klikklakalso can I snarf all my gmail contacts someway automatically? (I can download vcards yeah, but other way)
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04:48.04zookoDear people of #kde: I'm using konqueror but not kde (I'm running xmonad window manager and launching konqueror from the cmdline in a terminal).
04:48.11zookoHow do I configure it to do anti-aliasing?
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04:55.16Bonstersreich2, where is that exactly, cant seem to find it
04:55.44sreich2what step are you at?
04:57.24Bonster1st one
04:57.31Bonsteru said find the oxygen
04:57.39Bonsternot sure where that is
04:58.20sreich2then set it to oxygen
04:58.31Bonsteroh yea is already oxgen
04:59.36Bonsterbut wheres the hotkey for tab windows?
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05:02.02sreich2syssettings->window behavior
05:02.15*** part/#kde junkDawgie (
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05:08.40Bonstersreich2, thanks that took an hour, but i got it, hi5 for u
05:09.00sreich2you're welcome
05:09.02lmurrayBonster, middle-click drag window titlebars
05:09.38Bonsterlmurray, yea that wasnt on by default
05:09.57sreich2goes to bed
05:10.02lmurrayIt is on by default, you must have changed something
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05:11.17Bonsterlmurray, no it was like that when i got it, well might be a kubuntu thing i donno
05:11.33lmurrayDid you upgrade from an older version?
05:11.43Bonsterlmurray, yea
05:11.53lmurrayThen you changed it in the older version :)
05:12.02lmurrayWell, maybe
05:12.08lmurrayThe KCM cannot tell the difference
05:14.02Bonsterlmurray, dont think i changed anything only been using kde for a few days
05:14.15lmurrayMeh, ignore me
05:15.28Bonsteris there a way to add ur own custom web search in krunner?
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05:16.42Bonsterfor instants if u type 'gg:merry xmas' into krunner
05:16.49Bonsterit opens google search
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05:21.09QwertyMBonster: that's krunner using Konqueror's web shortcuts I think
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05:23.45QwertyMBonster: Konq~ > Configure Konq~ > Web Shortcuts > New [To create your own]
05:24.14BonsterQwertyM, oh i see
05:25.04Bonsterthink ill try bash alias 1st then
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05:25.47QwertyMok :) it'd open the search in the default browser only though, not necessarily konq
05:26.50BonsterQwertyM, yea i no, it opens in my chromium, but not sure where u can edit that
05:27.50QwertyMBonster: you want it to open in konq or chromium itself? add shortcuts in konq, they'd open in chromium just like gg: does
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05:28.16QwertyMwhich is a little odd, really :p
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05:29.58BonsterQwertyM, no i just though it was a file somewhere, but yea is kinnda odd
05:30.16QwertyMoh it is, .kde/share/services/searchproviders
05:31.17Bonsteris that tie to konquer tho?
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06:05.47diskeeperhey I need some help with backtrack 3!
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06:11.14diskeeperi am trying to use ndiswrapper
06:11.36diskeeperbut i dont know how to use "root" just bt
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06:35.23millertiIt used to be that I could drag an archive from one Dolphin window to another, and I'd get an option to Extract Here.  Then Dolphin crashed, and it won't do it anymore.  I get the option, but Dolphin doesn't do anything.  Although right now, it's using 200% CPU for what I can't tell you.
06:43.01*** join/#kde me_ (
06:43.30millertiActually, just about everything I do causes Dolphin to crash.
06:45.43millertiWhere does KDE physically keep the Trash?
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06:51.31me_millerti: /home/me_/.local/share/Trash/files/
06:51.50me_assuming your username is me_
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07:26.54diskeeperdoes backtrack 3 have apt-get?
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07:29.45ownifierwhere is apt-get
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07:40.17epochhappy new year n all that wonderful stuff
07:40.26epochanyone know where dcop ran off to?
07:40.33epochmy slackware 13 doesnt have it
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07:40.52epochand i wrote a few perl programs that are riddled with dcop's dependency
07:41.05epochhate to see that time go to waste
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07:42.14subitohi, how can i sync my clock?
07:42.32PFYsubito: ntpd
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07:42.57evil-sheekHi, I'm trying to run KDE Apps as root ---- Except, the apps don't launch, I try to run them, eg. kdesu kwrite --- and it just hangs --- When I run it as su -c 'kwrite' --- It fails, session not found --- When I run has su -c 'dbus-launch kwrite' --- it runs fine?
07:43.53subitoPFY: thanks
07:44.02PFYsubito: yup
07:44.12evil-sheekKDE 4.4 Beta2 --- OpenSuSE 11.2 ---- I don't know if it's related to dbus ---- If it's related, how would I fix it?
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08:18.16oneforallhmm knoq file mode drag drop the tabs and instead of it moving it . It opens a ne blank one
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08:44.16xxtjaxxHi everyone I got akonadi here and try to get it running the only problem I have is that it doesnt connect to dbus and the following output comes out when i try akonadiconsole from the console
08:44.21xxtjaxxcan anyone help me?
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10:44.44bluesceadawhat would I use for bluetooth support in kde4
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10:49.05alsurenhrm... kio_imap4 is using 100PU on one of my cores
10:51.44alsurenah. Seems it's because of the imap server with the self-signed certificate
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10:52.26alsurenwonder if someone tried to fix a bug or whether it's just because my workaround died
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11:10.08leleobhzKDE Development Platform: 4.3.85 (KDE 4.3.85 (KDE 4.4 Beta2)) - Ive configured akonadi to read all my mail, microblogs and contacts, but kontact dont use this information. have some client at kde that uses akonadi or a way to make all kontact apps use akonadi data?
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12:20.50cibaeris there a way to switch between different dpi settings easily?
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12:40.22kdepepocibaer, isn't dpi a property of the monitor?
12:40.49cibaerkdepepo: yes, and I often switch monitors
12:40.58cibaerthats the problem
12:41.36cibaerdoes a monitor send its size  ?
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12:42.18kdepepocibaer, yes, and xorg picks it up. So you need to remove any hard coded sizes from xorg.conf (or remove that file altogether)
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12:44.37cibaerI had problems without xorg.conf too, xrandr always choosed wrong resolutions, but perhaps i should try to remove the size of the screen
12:45.05rhombusWhen I try to add a menu item to the launcher using kmenuedit, my changes don't save. The progress bar appears briefly, stays at 0%, then vanishes.
12:45.13rhombusThere is no error message.
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12:45.28rhombusIf I close kmenuedit and start it again, the changes are gone.
12:46.16rhombusThis looks like a permissions problem, but my .kde directory seems to have the correct ownership and permissions. I tried creating a new user and testing it there, but the result was the same.
12:46.42rhombusIf I start an su session in konsole, then try to start kmenuedit from there, it hangs without ever displaying a window.
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12:47.13rhombusWhen I do an strace on it, it seems to stall on a READ, waiting for something (for what, I have no idea)
12:47.45rhombusThe long and short of it is that I still don't know what's actually wrong here, only that it doesn't work.
12:48.02rhombusAnyone? Anyone?
12:48.42rhombus...Bueller... Bueller... Bueller...
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12:51.09soa2iiHej, how do you get 5.1 sound working in phonon applications? I know 5.1 sound works great here because mplayer and xine can play 5.1 sound without problems. Other applications (amarok, kaffeine, dragonplayer – especially all phonon apps) just play stereo sound. What's wrong here?
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13:03.34rhombusokay, so now I've moved /etc/xdg/menus to a backup file, /etc/xdg/menus.backup. Log out, log in again, my menus are completely gone, except for favourites.
13:04.10rhombuscopy /etc/xdg/menus.backup back /etc/xdg/menus, log out, log in again, and my menus are *STILL* gone :(
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14:02.26pinotreealter: no spam please.
14:03.53alterpinotree, sorry
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14:12.34Half-LeftNow that's spam in it's purest form :p
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14:40.55espereguanyone can tell me how to get a notification in python?
14:41.52espereguSho_: k thx
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15:05.14reduzQuestion! Why even though i disabled the "contact gone online" notification in kopete, i still get the popups when people comes online?
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15:34.32looongerwill there be kde 4.3.5 before kde 4.4.0?
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15:36.51Torchlooonger: not as far as i know
15:38.26Jucatoaccording to , there won't be
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15:41.19KwpolskaI'd saw somewhere the Window Manager change section in systemsettings, but I can't find it now. Where it is?
15:41.24looongerJucato: yes, I wasn't sure how reliable the info was
15:41.56Jucatoit's kept up to date quite regularly (if it needs updating)
15:42.28looongerKwpolska: chodzi ci o zmiane dekoracji okna czy co?
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15:42.43Kwpolskaloonger: window manager means window manager.
15:42.48Torchlooonger: english please
15:43.10looongerKwpolska: you don't like kwin?
15:43.26Kwpolskaloonger: partially, yes.
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15:43.43looongerTorch: english? I can't speak english
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15:44.19lmurrayKwpolska, System settings -> default applications -> window manager
15:45.28looongerKwpolska: exactly
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15:47.52looongerlmurray: he didn't even thank you :/
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15:48.20panteliskrandtray is possible to handle second monitor (projector) .use propertiary drivers  ???
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15:49.46Moobyfrpantelis: yes
15:50.19pantelisxrand suppotr the??
15:50.37pantelisnice !! do you use this??
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16:14.01Frogbarfi am trying to compile something with cmake
16:14.06Frogbarfi forgot how
16:14.09Frogbarfthere is not readme
16:14.51Torchrun cmake, then make and make install
16:15.39sir_lewk_cmake generates makefiles, like that autoconf stuff
16:15.49Frogbarfwhat is this erorr :"Could NOT find KDE4Workspace (missing: KDE4Workspace_CONFIG)"  I don't see any packages called kde4workspace
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16:16.22Torchyou're probably missing devel packages
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16:17.29Torchfind out if your distro provides packages like kdebase-devel or similar
16:18.05Frogbarfit's suse
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16:54.09Frogbarfgot it working,
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17:12.56Ronis_BRI'm calling konsole from a bash, how can I avoid it to run at background?
17:13.05OrvSo, anyone else getting X server Timeouts with KDM, with the latest set up updates?   Anyone found a fix (nothing specific from Google yet)
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17:24.12wng--is it possible to install kdebase3-runtime on a kde4 system without screwing things up, I'm trying to run Quanta and access the fish:// protocol on a kde4 system
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17:27.02Torchwng--: you should ask in your distro's channel, but generally it should work
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17:38.55sachaelstrigi/nepomuk index metadata. do they do "normal" locate-like file search?
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17:42.07sachaeluh oh, maybe asking questions on new years even isn't the best idea :)
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17:51.29ePortel6607Guys I have a couple of questions regarding KDE's native desktop effects and compiz
17:52.06ePortel66071) is Kde native effects have anything to do with Compiz?  It's doesn't rely on Compiz, does it?
17:52.28Kame2booth use opengl but nothing more
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17:52.52sachaeli think KDE's effects are better integrated in KDE than compiz in gnome?
17:53.44ePortel66072) When shutting off KDE's effects and Compiz is used instead OTHER than using the "fusion-icon" to start Compiz on login...what was the other method used.   PCLOS had a control center options that would start compiz without the icon but I can't seem to find who it's beeing done to translate it to KDE4
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17:54.26ePortel6607sachael: well I agree with that. But the options are very limited and the smoothness of the effects isn't as nice
17:54.36Kame2i don't know exactly what you mean, but from kde there is no integration of compiz
17:54.38ePortel6607Kame2: thanks I get it
17:54.46belakIs there a way to make qt3 apps look likt my kde4 apps?
17:55.02belaksorry, qt4
17:55.28roerich_yeah rewrite them
17:55.41ePortel6607Kame2: Ok so if KDE's native effects are turned off and compiz is on what is the best way to start Compiz on login?
17:55.42belakJust wondering
17:56.21belakLike with the gtk theme that uses the qt widgets
17:56.21Kame2you can say kde to use compiz as window manager. so it is started on login
17:56.44ePortel6607Oh does ANYBODY know who to have a cubecap with KDE's native effects on a "cube" less than 4 sides?
18:01.00ePortel6607reduz: yeah I noticed that too.. Also did Kopete loss the options to use IRC?
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18:05.44cibaeri am confused by the battery plasmoid settings/kde4 powersave settings
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18:06.23cibaerthere is a submenu actions , where i can choose to turn screen off after 5 min of system inactivity
18:06.49cibaerand a submenu screen, where I can set the same with different values
18:06.54cibaerwhich settings are applied?
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18:09.06reduzePortel6607: seems like it :( it's quite annoying to say truth
18:09.27ePortel6607reduz: ah yeah..the growing pains of a new OS :)
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18:09.44ePortel6607reduz: nothing new's takes lots of time to work this crap out
18:09.58reduzi can imagine
18:10.14reduzdo you know any alterntive to kopete?
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18:12.42reduzhmm kopete also forgets the toolbars i remove from it upon restart
18:13.09Torchreduz: works for me. also turning off notifications.
18:13.14Torchreduz: which kopete version? which kde version?
18:13.27evil-sheekHi, can someone explain to me(offer suggestions), to as why 'kdesu' hangs and doesn't prompt me for root password? What I could try to fix this?
18:14.15reduzno clue over here
18:14.17reduzi'm new to kde
18:14.28reduzi'm trying it out, coming from gnomeworld
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18:14.55Torchevil-sheek: which app are you trying to run with it? how do you run it? krunner? shell?
18:15.30reduzi have to say i'm very impressed about the maturity of the KDE apps
18:15.32cibaerand is there a setting where i can disable password dialog after screen powersave?
18:16.41Torchcibaer: try system settings -> desktop -> screen saver -> require password
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18:17.46cibaerwould make sense in powersave options too
18:18.29cibaerTorch: its already deactivated
18:18.41cibaerso the setting seems not to apply for energy saving
18:19.00Torchcibaer: i was kinda expecting that :-(
18:19.00cibaerthats not very usable
18:19.42Torchcibaer: next try: system settings -> advanced -> power management -> general -> lock screen on resume
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18:20.38cibaerah, thanks. sorry that I did not see that myself
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18:25.28evil-sheekTorch: I solve the problem, I was running it via console, 'kdesu test'(as an example) ---- it just hanged there ----
18:26.13evil-sheekTorch: I was going through my process list and say this '/usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/kdesud' and a normal kill, didn't do the job, a kill -9 --- then kdesu worked
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18:30.40subitokonversation is taking 100% of the cpu since i've upgraded to kde 4.4 beta 2
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18:32.09shadeslayerHappy new year!!
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19:11.02cibaeris there a way to disable notebook screen backlight when powering screen off?
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19:25.33regomodocibaer: good question. I've recently wondered the same thing and forgot all about it.
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19:26.25regomodoAlso, i'd like to know how to lock the screen via cli so I can modify my acpi-scripts. My lock-screen button does nothing.
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19:27.16sreichyou'll have to use dbus
19:27.23sreichprobably going through ksmserver
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19:30.08sreichactually. doesn't look like you can do it through ksmserver, or any other interface that I can see...
19:30.10sreichnot sure.
19:30.45myrkraverkhello, I have a slight issue: the kbd for kde apps is arabic, and I don't know why: non-kde apps work fine, xchat, opera, WoW and so on
19:31.13myrkraverkis there a way for me to find out why?
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19:31.22sreichregomodo: use org.kde.krunner, objPath "ScreenSaver/" method:Lock
19:31.39drabinahello, do you know what is the status of kivio? I mean status of porting it to qt4?
19:31.59drabinaqt3 based release was really cool
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19:33.08Tekk_what do you put in the category section of a .desktop to put it inInternet in the K menu?
19:33.09myrkraverkI'm using kde 3.4 -- which is probably old, right?
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19:35.25Torchmyrkraverk: 3.4? stone age ;-)
19:36.17Torchmyrkraverk: Network
19:36.24Torchoops. sorry.
19:36.26myrkraverkTorch, ;) it's what on my system, and I just wanted to try it -- I guess I'll just use non-kde apps for a while then ;)
19:36.33Torchand the other guy is gone... *sigh*
19:36.58Torchmyrkraverk: it'll probably work just fine. it's just that kde is so much better today.
19:37.44myrkraverkTorch, except that kde apps have arabic keyboard, but not non-kde apps ;)
19:38.31Torchmyrkraverk: hmm, strange. check in kcontrol for the keyboard settings.
19:38.52sreichyeah, 3.4 is very old ;-)
19:39.06sreichshame on you for not updating :)
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19:41.27myrkraverkone, the "enable kbd layout" is not checked, when I check it and try to apply us kbd, it only says in the icon in the kde bar, that here was an error setting the kbd layout
19:41.48myrkraverk(I use setxkxmap myself to set the kbd, so that is *probably* not the issue
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19:45.56regomodoscreich: How exactly would I use that?
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19:50.41sreichregomodo: qdbus org.kde.krunner /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.Lock
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19:51.19sreichthe parameters that are there (after qdbus) are service, objectpath, method, respectively.
19:51.36sreichyou can use qdbusviewer (which is a gui) to browse them all, or just use tab completion with qdbus
19:52.16regomodosreich: brilliant, thanks for that. I must look into qdbus.
19:52.25sreichyou're welcome.
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20:10.28regomodoah nut's. That only works if run by the logged in user. I need to figure out how to run it from root (because of acpid).
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20:38.08evil-sheekHi, Can someone suggest to, a KDE USB Web Cam app? I have DigiKam(Seems not to be working)?
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21:23.14Tekk_is there a list of the categories somewhere?(network, etc)
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21:25.18tsukasaTekk_, talking menu categories?
21:26.06Tekk_tsukasa: Yeah, I can never remember that "Internet" is network, which is why im asking
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21:51.32regomodoAnyone know the reasone why I get 'Error while loading Default Calendar.' when I check the Default Calendar checkbox in Calendar?
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22:11.23teddycan anyone help me get flash player working in konqueror on gentoo? I installed nsplugins and put the flashplugin in ~/.mozilla/plugins which was one of the dirs konqueror is supposed to check, but it doesnt find the plugin
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22:29.55myrkraverkcan I make kde *not* minimize WoW when I switch desktops?
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22:34.07caoticis there any plans to bring back kderegexpeditor ? ( I miss it a lot, Kodos, not really taking its place
22:36.01caoticI guess todya is not the right day to ask this question ^ :P. probably everybody is idle
22:36.28Torchcaotic: no. not idle. drunk ;-)
22:37.05caoticTorch: yeah still not a good day . and by now at least half the wold is or has been partying already :D
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22:46.19teddycan anyone help me get flash in konqueror? i installed nsplugins and downloaded the plugin but it doesnt work
22:48.06teddyhmmm well i didnt realize there was a gentoo package for flash. nevermind people. this will probably do it
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23:01.20AlexElliottcaotic: I have such plans, don't know if anyone else does.
23:02.33AlexElliott I have that so far, but it's not really that close to any kind of stable release
23:03.41AlexElliottIt's not a port though, it's a ground-up new app.
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23:08.32caoticAlexElliott: Really ? thats great. ... and a lot of work
23:08.56caoticAlexElliott: I am happy that that application is not forgotten :D
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23:09.55AlexElliottCould be worse, and I do love working in Qt :)
23:11.30MasterShadeIs Qt really that good?
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23:12.23AlexElliottI can't claim to have tried everything, but it's my favourite toolkit that I have.
23:12.42MasterShadeWell, what have you tried?
23:15.24AlexElliottJava's various packages, some GTKmm, boost (though that last one only has some overlap), I have tried to avoid VB(.NET) but haven't quite managed it entirely.
23:16.22AlexElliottSo, missing things like, wxWidgets, the relevent bits of Cocoa (though can't say I like obj-c much)
23:18.58TorchMasterShade: it is. there is also #qt
23:19.20MasterShadeYeah thanks, but I'm not that advanced yet. I'm still learning C++ basics
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