IRC log for #kde on 20091113

00:03.28*** join/#kde george (n=george@
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00:10.50cibaerI have rewritten the gui code of kmix, what do you think of:
00:12.26Torchcibaer: imagine 24 or 48 channels.
00:12.47cibaeryou can select which you want
00:13.08Torchcibaer: i can?
00:13.30Torchcibaer: ah, yes.... that... ;-)
00:13.33Torchcibaer: no, with a pro soundcard.
00:14.06cibaeryou can't select with a pro soundcard?
00:14.22Torchcibaer: you don't want to, of course. why would you? it's a freakin' mixer! ;-)
00:15.00*** join/#kde chgtg (n=hongguan@
00:15.09cibaerI could add an option, to make the min-width configurable
00:15.20cibaerbut it is much clearer now I think
00:15.31sreichgood. kmix is ugly imo
00:15.48cibaeralso the icons say more than the icontexts beside the checkboxes before
00:16.28cibaerI think, that the previous layout code could never have worked
00:16.30Torchi agree it looks better but is even less usable with a lot of channels.
00:17.49cibaerI you really have so much channels (which most users don't have), you can a) display only few b) hide the channel-names c) or I I have to make the min-size and label-position configurable
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00:18.14Torchcibaer: no. that's not the problem.
00:18.25cibaerI am also not shure, if it is good to not separate the in/out channels anymore
00:18.26Torchcibaer: just don't use that red input-source-pseudo-radio-button, that would solve the problem, i guess.
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00:19.36cibaerbut where to put it then? theoretically it is possible to disable the record-select button, too
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00:19.57cibaerto put it under the mute button is ugly I think
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00:21.49Torchcibaer: that's how it looks like for me currently with half the channels configured to be hidden (some kmix versions crashed until i did that):
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00:22.05Torch(i don't use that card under linux, it's a pro card for windows audio software)
00:22.30cibaerhehe, I am a musician, too
00:22.34Torchcibaer: now imagine how that looks with the two buttons below the sliders.
00:23.20cibaerthe buttons take as much space as the sliders
00:23.45Torchcibaer: maybe the icons above the sliders could serve as mute buttons too... like greying them out when the channel's muted?
00:23.59Torchis not sure how easily discoverable that is, though.
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00:24.31cibaermhm, perhaps that not obvious enough
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00:26.24Torchcibaer: maybe kmix is important enough for some discussion about it's future layout on kde-usability?
00:26.39Torchcibaer: anyway, it's great you're taking care of it!
00:27.01cibaerI was inspired by vista ;)
00:27.11Torchcibaer: hehe
00:27.37sreichcibaer: and you did the opposite, right?
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00:27.57cibaerno, I really like the new vista mixer
00:28.04PovAddictlooking at that kmix screenshot...
00:28.06sreichyeah, I do too
00:28.09cibaerIt also has mixers for each application
00:28.21sreichindividual volume controls is a nice feature
00:28.22PovAddictthat seems to be only usable on a touchscreen, not with a mouse :P
00:28.33PovAddictand if you can move multiple sliders at once, like a physical mixer
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00:39.10clearyhi Guest98815
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00:41.36clearyGuest98815: do you have a question or something?
00:41.57Guest98815I had a question, im trying to change my mac address under the command line and when i do i get a "TOO MANY FILES OPEN IN SYSTEM" message, i tryed going into init 3 and 1 but that didnt do anything can anyone help?
00:42.31szalGuest98815: question for your distro's channel, hasn't got anything to do w/ KDE
00:42.35clearythis is kde support, I don't think your question has anything to do with kde
00:42.58Guest98815im running kde
00:43.11clearyGuest98815: not in init 3 or 1
00:43.43Guest98815bye thelphanks for your
00:43.58Guest98815thanks for your help*
00:44.24*** part/#kde Guest98815 (
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00:59.26clearyis it possible to change the desktop wallpaper when the folderview plasma desktop containment is in use?
01:00.40*** join/#kde kavurt (
01:00.56clearynvm, found it as soon as I asked
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01:44.06iateadonutthe only thing i really need visible at all times in my panel is the system tray icon for pidgin, so i can see when i have a new message... is there a way to add a small widget (system tray with the single icon for pidgin) that stays on top of all my other windows somewhere near the corner of the screen?
01:45.01iateadonutcome to think of it, skype would be good to have on there two.
01:45.23*** join/#kde caotic (n=caotic@
01:46.17*** join/#kde Miesco (
01:47.05MiescoHow do I update my kickoff application launcher
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02:02.03kisistenhi, why would k3b use 100% of CPU speed, is it not enough swap space?
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02:33.06[mors]I was using kde 42 and had sticky note
02:33.16[mors]just upgraded to kde43 (using kubuntu)
02:33.21[mors]and all stick notes are gone.. :/
02:33.25[mors]were did kde42 store them ?
02:33.51PovAddictwas it knote, or a note plasmoid, or what?
02:34.06[mors]the sticky ntes plasmoid
02:36.35[mors]seems it's stored in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc
02:36.59PovAddicta single .rc with everything all plasmoids store? :/
02:37.01PovAddictthat sucks
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02:40.13[mors]well, at least it's not lost
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02:40.38[mors]why is it upgrading each kde version so disasterous ? gosh... most apps can never mport their data
02:40.47[mors]amarok was another good example
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03:04.44mograhave there been many performance issues/complaints with plasma-desktop in 4.3.3? It seems to be spiking my cpu quite a bit more than in 4.3.1
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03:48.10tavlmy keyboard layout is perfect, at console level. KDE is mixing some keys, in my numeric pad... i just cant find the correct layout, as there's no one, in KDE, with the same "name" as the used in console (btw, my layout is br-abnt2)
03:49.24tavlin fact, its misunderstanding the "." in my numpad as ","... and it's kinda annoying, for me...
03:50.29*** join/#kde Mata (n=Mata@
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05:35.58White_Pelicancan someone help me with a configuration question in kmail for kde4?
05:36.29PhrkOnLsh(channel's been dead all night, I think)
05:36.40PovAddictJust Ask Your Question
05:37.07White_Pelicanhow do i alllow images to show up as attachments in the emails?
05:37.47White_Pelicanused to be in kmail for kde 3, they would show up below as an image with a clickabl link
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05:40.18White_Pelicanyou could click on it and gt the optipn to opn in say gwenview or save as
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05:45.55PhrkOnLshWhite_Pelican: I think there is an option somewhere
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05:46.25White_Pelicanty :)
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05:47.58PhrkOnLshWhite_Pelican: view->attachments->inline
05:48.13White_PelicanI didi that
05:48.25White_Pelicanonly shows the image once
05:48.41White_Pelicanand you have to right click and save the image
05:48.49PhrkOnLshyeah, wtf
05:48.55White_Pelicaner save attachments
05:49.11PhrkOnLshI'm sorry, White_Pelican, idk :<
05:49.19White_Pelicanthanks anyway
05:49.26White_Pelicanunadvertised feature? hehe
05:50.39White_PelicanI'll deal
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07:04.06crazy_peteI am seeing something rather weird, if i view a pdf document whose paper size is A4, kpdf cuts off the top.  If i view a letter size document KPDF displays it very well.  I cannot find where to adjust the paper size in the kpdf docs.  Anyone have any idea? Thanx
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07:48.35DumbleHello world !
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07:52.10crazy_petelol i love asking a question and patiently waiting for an answer... only to have a netsplit scroll it off the page before anyone notices :)
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07:53.06Sho_crazy_pete: hm KPDF is kinda ancient ..
07:53.21crazy_petedamn and i was just really finding that i love it :)
07:53.29crazy_petewhat do u recommend instead, Sho_ ?
07:53.34Sho_crazy_pete: Okular
07:54.59crazy_petety but i am on centos, i do wanna install kde4 on it but not tonight
07:55.11crazy_petethere must be a way to make kpdf display A4
07:55.26crazy_pete(lol letter paper, as if you NEEDED another reason to hate the USA) :)
07:57.47thiagocrazy-sized paper
07:58.00thiagoI had never seen Letter until I started working for an American company
07:58.22thiagoand I was once reading a book and people kept talking about "legal pad", writing on one, etc.
07:58.24crazy_petescientific stuff all over the world is written on A4
07:58.34crazy_peteheheh thiago
07:58.36thiagoand since the book had nothing to do with lawyers, I was quite confused
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08:12.26crazy_peteso anyone know how to make kpdf properly display the paper size for the document it is reading?
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08:14.58szaldefine 'properly display'
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08:25.22Sho_crazy_pete: my suggestion is to wait around for pinotree to become un-away
08:25.33crazy_petelol Sho_
08:25.43Sho_crazy_pete: he's a former kpdf dev and the current okular (which replaced kpdf) maintainer
08:26.07Sho_so if anyone knows it would be him
08:26.18crazy_peteoddly all i can find on google is people complaining about kpdf not properly displaying anything BUT A4 and others replying "Screw you for not loving the USA enough"
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08:26.36Sho_well, it's quite possible they fixed it for okular basically
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08:28.41crazy_pete(i wonder how many other media, besides the internet, could mentioning paper size result in a nationalistic flamefest?) :)
08:29.38Sho_probably on the Annual Transcontinental Printed Paper Congress
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08:54.58kervelhi, anybody else noticed that the webkit kpart became useable lately ? i'm testing it for 20min and it seems promising
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09:23.27Boohbahapps restored from the tray, e.g. amarok and ktorrent, do not remember their window size from before they were closed. Is there a configuration setting to fix this, or a bug?
09:23.59MiescoHow do I update my Kickoff application launcher?
09:24.19TorchBoohbah: in which case do they not do this?
09:24.45BoohbahTorch: in all cases
09:24.59TorchMiesco: assuming you are talking about kde4 and want to modify the application launcher's contents, right click on it and pick "menu editor"
09:25.27TorchBoohbah: please explain in detail the steps to reproduce the problem.
09:25.29MiescoTorch: Once I emerge an app, shouldn't it automatically go into the menu?
09:25.41TorchMiesco: emerge? gentoo?
09:25.58MiescoTorch: yes
09:26.07BoohbahTorch: i close the window to the tray, i restore from the tray, window size is too small. i resize window larger, close app (amarok, ktorrent, kmix,) window is small again.
09:26.18TorchMiesco: the answer is of course "yes it should". might be a gentoo-specific problem then
09:26.19thiagoMiesco: if the .desktop file is added to the proper directory, yes
09:26.33BoohbahMiesco: yes, my gentoo does. what is the app?
09:26.59TorchBoohbah: works correctly here.
09:27.00MiescoBoohbah: kdevelop
09:28.07BoohbahTorch: what distribution do you have? mine is gentoo
09:28.36TorchBoohbah: kubuntu 9.04
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10:13.55aditsuhi, how can I preview pdf files in dolphin?
10:14.10aditsualso how can I group tasks manually in the taskbar?
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10:31.05QwertyMaditsu: for the pdf thumbs you would need the kdegraphics module installed (the one that comes with okular, gwenview and such)
10:31.45QwertyMaditsu: if that is already installed, check the size limits and pdf-thumb plugin option (see if its checked) in Dolphin's general settings > Preview tab
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10:38.31aditsuQwertyM: oh I didn't have kdegraphics, installing now, thanks
10:39.37victoriacan I listen to mms:// with kaffeine?
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10:42.56Boohbahvictoria: i think so. if not, amarok can
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10:54.57zeltakhi guys! anyone knows where one could dl the All the oxygen set in svg form? i want to create my own theme by adjusting some colors?
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10:57.42QwertyMzeltak: you could check them out from the repository under kdesupport for the latest. There is also: but I don't know how updated it is.
10:58.40QwertyMzeltak: otherwise, look under `kde4-config --prefix`/share/icons/oxygen if you already have KDE installed
10:59.09zeltakthx QwertyM :) can you guide me on how to check them out? (do you have a link?)
10:59.27zeltakyeah i have kde but /share/icons/oxygen dosent have svg :(
11:00.02QwertyMthey seem to have svgz here, I'm on arch (scalable dir?)
11:00.25pinotreeSho_: ?
11:00.26zeltakyup im on kubuntu and only have very few svg.. :(
11:00.47QwertyMsvn co svn://
11:01.09zeltakthx QwertyM :)
11:01.14QwertyMzeltak: open and see in browser if this place contains what you need
11:01.30zeltakthx trying it now
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11:02.01zeltakyup its exactly what i want :)
11:02.38zeltakthx a bunch QwertyM :)
11:02.43Sho_pinotree: ?
11:03.04pinotree<Sho_> crazy_pete: my suggestion is to wait around for pinotree to become un-away
11:04.10Sho_pinotree: he had a problem with kpdf not supporting his letter-sized (as opposed to A4) PDF
11:04.47Sho_[08:03] <crazy_pete> I am seeing something rather weird, if i view a pdf document whose paper size is A4, kpdf cuts off the top.  If i view a letter size document KPDF displays it very well.  I cannot find where to adjust the paper size in the kpdf docs.  Anyone have any idea? Thanx
11:05.05Sho_[09:12] <crazy_pete> so anyone know how to make kpdf properly display the paper size for the document it is reading?
11:05.14Sho_[09:25] <Sho_> crazy_pete: my suggestion is to wait around for pinotree to become un-away
11:05.16Sho_[09:25] <crazy_pete> lol Sho_
11:05.17Sho_[09:25] <Sho_> crazy_pete: he's a former kpdf dev and the current okular (which replaced kpdf) maintainer
11:05.17pinotreethere's no such thing as "paper size"
11:05.19Sho_[09:25] <Sho_> so if anyone knows it would be him
11:05.28Sho_do tell him
11:05.30pinotreethere is the size each page claims to have
11:05.33Sho_i hate pdf ;)
11:06.12crazy_peteso why doesn't kpdf display a PDF document that is A4 sized properly?
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11:06.28crazy_peteand for that matter why do others complain that it doesn't display letter sized properly?
11:06.50crazy_petein xpdf there was a config parametre u set in the config file to tell it to display which paper size
11:07.00pinotreecan you show me the document, please?
11:07.03crazy_petei assume there was something similiar in kpdf?
11:07.12pinotreeno, there's no such thing
11:07.31crazy_petenot really because it is a personal letter and if i put it out on the internet, the girl to whom it is addressed would freak out :)
11:08.13crazy_peteoh sorry i misunderstood you pinotree  there is no such thing in KPDF
11:08.25crazy_pete(never mind what i WAS thinking) :)
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11:09.02pinotreekpdf uses the page size each page tells to have
11:09.21pinotreedid you try with other viewers such as okular or evince?
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11:45.15candinhoafter my computer crash sometimes when i log out, the log out box is all bugged
11:45.19candinhohow can i fix it?
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13:30.41Fazer2hey, the default system-monitor plasmoid doesn't display info about partitions
13:30.54Fazer2when I go to its settings, there are no partitions to select
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13:33.11Fazer2also, my friend has the same applet and he has grids and numbers displayed on CPU and RAM monitors, but I can't find any option to activate them on mine applet
13:33.28Fazer2(this is the same applet as his)
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13:34.12TorchFazer2: make it bigger
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13:35.11Fazer2Torch: ok, now it occupies almost the whole screen and still - it doesn't display grids and numbers
13:35.25TorchFazer2: then i don't know.
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14:18.55nescius_hello, if you know, where are sessions stored in KDE4?
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14:47.17Torchnescius_: $HOME/.kde/share/config/session
14:48.19nescius_Torch: thank you very much, is this the order of applications starting after login?
14:48.41nescius_be right back
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14:49.34Torchnescius_: no, the order is probably determined by $HOME/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc
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14:51.04nesciusTorch: the problem is that kwin starts as last... I have deleted ~/.kde/share/config/session/* but it still starts last
14:51.47Torchnescius: humm. i would not have expected kwin startup to be controlled by x session management
14:52.08Torchnescius: in other words, i think your problem lies elsewhere, but i can't easily say where.
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14:52.52nesciuswell, me neither, however this configuration is actually copied from version 3.5 old few years now
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14:53.22Torchnescius: why not just move the .kde dir somewhere safe and try a fresh config to see if this changes things?
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14:54.19nesciusyes, ok, that works, seems I'll have to actually do some cleaning
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15:41.22hagabakawould kde 4.3.3 work with qt 4.6?
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15:42.02pinotreeqt 4.6 is not released yet
15:42.32Sho_hagabaka: fwiw, it works fine for weeks here with b1
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15:43.02Sho_hagabaka: only issue I've found so far is a missing kde logo in the logout dialog with the Air theme
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15:43.10hagabakapinotree: well there's a ubuntu ppa around with the technical preview
15:43.17Sho_which is serious, but somehow I manage to survive
15:43.28Sho_the technical preview is older than the beta obviously
15:43.35Sho_I'd recommend against using that
15:43.46pinotreehagabaka: unless you are a kde developer, using an unstable version is highly not recommended
15:43.56hagabakaoh it's a beta
15:44.08Sho_the technical preview is PRE-beta
15:44.17Sho_it's more like an alpha
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15:49.22Half-Lefthagabaka: Most lightly they will treat it as stable like the rest of their releases :p
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15:50.23hagabakai've been using kernel and X packages from ppas, but hesitating to do it with Qt
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15:51.18Half-LeftLet's hope you don't hit a nasty bug then
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15:53.49Half-LeftI heard the new Ubuntu had a few nasty ones, looks like some people are not testing very well
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15:56.46hagabakais it possible to write a custom systray applet? I want to write a systray + task list which shows only one icon for each application, which acts as both its task and systray icon
15:57.09Half-Leftask in #plasma
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16:20.30Ahmuckhow does one purge kde wallet from kde4?
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16:21.36pinotreeyou can disable it in system settings → advanced → kde wallet
16:22.38Ahmuckcan't purge it as before?
16:22.44Ahmuckie, sudo aptitude purge kdewallet
16:23.03pinotreeas before?
16:23.16pinotreethe kde wallet system is part of the kde libraries, you cannot purge it
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16:24.19Ahmuckin kde3
16:24.25pinotreethe same
16:24.38TorchAhmuck: what do you _really_ want to achieve?
16:24.41Ahmuckbefore i was alway able to "purge" the kde wallet system
16:24.50Ahmuckwell, it's got a nag screen
16:24.56Ahmucki don't want to use it
16:24.58TorchAhmuck: disable it, then.
16:25.05TorchAhmuck: you'll never hear of it again.
16:25.08pinotreethen disable it, like i told you before
16:25.09Ahmuckmoreever, it appears that it won't accept any password
16:25.31TorchAhmuck: that won't matter if you disable it.
16:25.35Ahmuckwell, i was looking under "advanced" tab, but there is no kde wallet there
16:25.57Ahmuckealier, i did purge kdewalletmanagement
16:26.00TorchAhmuck: did you uninstall the wallet manager?
16:26.05TorchAhmuck: well, that explains that then
16:26.08TorchAhmuck: reinstall it
16:26.18Ahmucksoooo ... need the wallet manager to turn it off i see
16:26.26pinotreekwalletmanagement is *only* the configuration part i pointed you before
16:26.35pinotree(plus a window to browse the stored keys)
16:26.44pinotreebut it is *not* the wallet system
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16:29.54Ahmuck"The name or g.kde.kwalletd was not provided by any .service files"
16:30.49Ahmucka windows to browse the stored keys?
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16:36.53thiagoAhmuck: g?
16:36.55thiagoAhmuck: not org?
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17:03.42Ahmuckdon't delete .kde4?
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17:11.50daumif i do alt f2 then type kate and hit enter it crashes, however if i do alt f2 type kate, and click "runc ommand kate" it works fine any ideas?
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17:15.34Half-Leftpinotree fixed all the bugs, yay no more support!
17:16.07Half-LeftIn other words, it's quiet in here
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17:30.14bbeckDoes anyone know how to use the Journal in Kontact?  When I create a new journal it asks me what storage folder I want to save to, but none are listed so I can't save.
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17:38.23fengshaunHi, today I just booted up my computer and plasma-desktop doesn't start.  Starting it from konsole give me this:
17:38.25fengshaunQDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""
17:38.26fengshaunObject::connect: No such signal SystemTray::Manager::jobStateChanged(SystemTray::Job*)
17:38.51fengshaunwith 1000+ lines of QGraphicsGridLayout::itemAt: invalid index 1
17:39.16fengshaunand doesn't run.  My screen is black right now, applications are fine though!  What can I do to fix this?
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17:42.20bbeckAnyone know what the kopete plasmoid is supposed to do?  Mine just displays a line that says connect with and arrow, and a clock icon.
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17:50.43kde185I'm building kdebase from svn, but it's not compiling.  It looks like I don't have some dependency installed but I have no idea what I need to install.  Here's what it says: "~/kdesvn/kdebase/runtime/nepomuk/services/queryservice/dbusoperators.h:26:32: error: Nepomuk/Query/Result: No such file or directory"
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17:51.59kde185can someone tell me what I need to install?  I went to and installed all of the packages that it says I need to build kde from svn but apparently it's not complete
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17:57.38Torchkde185: you did follow this one as well:  ?
17:57.52Half-Leftkde185: Did you install kdesuport?
17:58.49kde185Torch: no I hadn't seen that page
17:59.01Torchkde185: you're missing kdesupport, probably, as half-left says.
17:59.09Torchkde185: follow that page before trying to build kdelibs and -base
17:59.12kde185Half-Left: I'm using kdesvn-build and it did build and install correctly
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17:59.45kde185the only thing failing to build is kdebase
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18:00.40Half-LeftThe error suggests you're missing some part of nepomuk
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18:01.57fax8anyone knows cli shortcut to show kde global appareance font's settings?
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18:02.36Torchkde185: what does this produce: ls $KDEDIR/include/KDE/Nepomuk/Query/Result
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18:03.04Torchfax8: what do you mean? you want to open the kcm from the shell?
18:03.10kde185Torch: bash: /include/KDE/Nepomuk/Query/Result: No such file or directory
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18:03.22kde185Torch: I'm not in the svn environment yet though
18:03.24Torchkde185: ok... $KDEDIR is not set. that's probably not helping
18:03.30Torchkde185: ah, you should do that there
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18:04.34kde185Torch: I believe kdesvn-build is able to complete even if you aren't currently in the development environment
18:04.58fax8Torch: don't know what kcm is.. I'm looking for the shell command to simply popup the global settings for fonts under kde4.. if that possible
18:05.04Torchkde185: i don't know anything about kdesvn-build... i build manually.
18:05.56kde185Torch: it's looking like I might have to do that, I've been trying to get kdesvn-build to work for that last week
18:06.10Torchfax8: try "kcmshell4 fontinst"
18:06.25Torchkde185: oh, that's quite some time.
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18:06.53Torchkde185: building manually is not that hard provided you are already familiar with stuff like g++, cmake and make... at least a little.
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18:07.42fax8Torch: near.. that was for installing fonts.. correct one was "kcmshell4 fonts" .. thanks
18:08.11kde185Torch: then I'll probably do that, unless I can find a solution within the next hour or so
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18:13.56bendjI have KDE compositing == ON, with "Display Grid" enabled @ ScreenEdge config for mouse-in-lower-right-corner.  I'd *like* to have DisplayGrid triggered instead by a two-button (chord) click.  1st question -- is this doable in KDE ?
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18:14.59Torchfax8: my crystal ball's in the shop. maybe next time ;-)
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18:19.14fax8Torch: right, I didn't explained that really well.. thank btw
18:19.40Torchfax8: np
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19:18.20tappleis there a way to disable the temporary pager that pops up whenever I switch desktops?
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19:19.20Shuratapple : Yes
19:20.05tappleHow do I disable the temporary pager that pops up whenever I switch desktops?
19:20.16Shurasystemsettings → Windows behaviour, uncheck "Display the desktop name when switching…" (or something lke that
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19:21.19tapplethank you Shura
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19:28.43Pnuxhey guys.. does anybody know how much until quanta for KDE4 is released? Kate is killing me..
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19:42.48benklopI just put a CD in the drive and KDE didn't do anything...
19:43.33Pnux!tell pnux about kde4
19:43.48Pnuxso.. no bot for #kde
19:44.13benklopguess not
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19:46.06zakwhat kde3 package shall i install to get ''ksirtet' and ' kfouleggs'
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19:50.16Ko_deZHi. My okular pdf reader seems to be a whole lot slower than it used to be before I upgraded my ubuntu to karmic. It also seems to render poorly. It looks like when you downscale a picture using nearest neighbour, where some lines disappear randomly.
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19:58.03ssuominenDoes any of you know KDE4/Qt4 UPN monitoring programs?
19:58.09ssuominenerr. UPS
19:58.21ssuominenSimilar to knutclient
19:58.24Ko_deZNoone? I used to be able to browse trough my house-drawings with no problem at all, zooming in to see tiny detalis and so on. Now it renders very slowly, and gives me a blank screen when zooming in more than a couple hundred percent.
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20:08.00cr3rzemjestin JuK Version 3.2.3 Using KDE 4.2.4 (KDE 4.2.4) almost every time a next song is being played, after ~5 seconds volume of current song drops, then raises again, while previous song is still being played (then suddenly stops - no fade in/out).
20:08.38cr3rzemjest^is this a bug
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20:11.11cr3rzemjesthalp/wat do
20:12.31caoticI have problems with kdesvn, where could I get some help ? #kdesvn desnt exists
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20:21.08linuxien-librehi , where can i get the source code of the module which is used in Kopete to get a new themes/icons.. ?
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20:22.18linuxien-libreNecos: i'll explain
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20:22.54linuxien-librewhenwe want to add a new theme or wallpaper to kde desktop we get a GUI
20:23.16linuxien-librealso when we  want to download more themes/icons for Kopete or other KDE apps
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20:23.41Necosso you want an app to manage kde themes?
20:23.50linuxien-librei want the code used in this GUI , how to get thoses themes...
20:23.59Necosor you want the source code to the kde control center gui?
20:24.04linuxien-libreto manage yes, but not kde themes
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20:24.34linuxien-librei want to use the same thing to manage extensions :)
20:24.37Necosall kde apps use whatever the kde theme is set to AFAIK
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20:25.08Necosoh, you want to use just the gui components to make a similar tool for OO.o
20:25.16Torchlinuxien-libre: thats probably khotnewstuf
20:25.20Torchstuff, even
20:25.26Necosdo you realize how hard that's going to be? :)
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20:26.07linuxien-libreyes , i want just the code which is used to get the informations about extensions/theme...
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20:26.35Necoslinuxien-libre, there's an API reference for that... you don't need the source
20:26.40Torchlinuxien-libre: the source is in kdebase/runtime/knewstuff. good luck ;-)
20:27.24linuxien-libreNecos:  an API? is it used just with KDE apps?
20:27.41linuxien-librei want to create a simple manager with Python/Qt
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20:29.02NecosAFAIK, it's for kde apps, but i'm not a dev
20:29.11linuxien-librewhere can i get the API/Documentation please ?
20:29.24linuxien-libremay be in kde-dev?
20:29.38Torchlinuxien-libre: there probably isn't any
20:29.49Torchlinuxien-libre: read the source and see if you can use it.
20:30.49linuxien-libreis there any kde-dev channel?
20:30.51Necos ?
20:32.06Simkin4.3.3 is stable and awesome!!!
20:32.11Simkinthanks guys
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20:35.48amgarchinglook at the "Details" tab of the progress dialog in KPackageKit
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20:38.29jappeldid someone have contact to wade olson recently - or do you know what happened to him?
20:38.35luke-jrneed a temperature sensor for Plasma... any ideas?
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20:40.20jappelluke-jr: there is a plasmoid for this, i think it s shipped by default
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20:41.12jappelluke-jr: 'Monitor del sistema - Temperatura'  - in spanish
20:46.26linuxien-libreTorch: like this one :
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20:52.20txukiehi i hope im in the right channel
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20:52.39txukieI have weird problems with sound through hdmi
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20:52.58txukieit stops working in a fairly random way until i reboot
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20:54.00txukiei use gentoo x86_64
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21:04.38luke-jrjappel: a useless plasmoid :/
21:04.41luke-jrjappel: it has no way to show a number
21:05.42jappelluke-jr: i never tried it myself, but you are aware that you need to activate kernel support for these sensors?
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21:14.05luke-jrjappel: yes
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21:25.08axtrozhey guys
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21:25.42axtrozcan anyone tell me where can i find the oxygen icons in kde 4.3 from svn? i got the whole 4.3 branch + the kdesupport-for-4.3 but
21:26.02axtrozi just can't seem to find them anywhere to install them
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21:32.59hackspiderhi i installed crossover linux 8 and office 2007. when i try to start word or any other application from kickoff it doesn't start, but when i start it from a terminal by ./winword in cxoffice/bin directory it fires up without any problem
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21:33.27axtrozthiago_home: thanks :)
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21:34.56tripzeroanyone know what the kde panel (kicker?) uses to talk to the window manager?
21:35.04tripzeroie, what library?
21:35.14thiago_homeKDE 3 panel is kicker
21:35.18thiago_homethe KDE 4 is plasma
21:35.21thiago_homeit uses libX11
21:35.27thiago_homejust like all X11 apps
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21:37.44tripzerothiago_home: okay, i was just hoping they had developed some abstraction code above pure X11 code
21:39.15thiago_homethere is, in kdeui
21:39.27jophishdoes the sound that play's at login just use regular alsa, and the default device. I have been trying to get 5.1 sound working on my system, however the only sounds I can ever hear from it are the login/logout jingle
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21:40.10do0obanyone having issues with the kde4 window decorations when running compiz?
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21:41.10thiago_homedo0ob: there are no kde4 window decorations when running compiz
21:41.19thiago_homedo0ob: if you're running compiz, you have compiz window decorations
21:41.34tripzerocompiz can use gtk-window-decorations
21:41.38do0obbut i should be able to use kde4-window-decorator
21:41.48tripzeroand/or emerald
21:41.50thiago_homedon't care
21:41.52do0obwhy doesn't it work with oxygen or ozone?
21:41.55thiago_homeyou're using compiz, so it's compiz window decorations
21:41.59thiago_hometherefore, compiz problem
21:42.05do0obright now i'm using Redmond, not too happy about it
21:42.10thiago_homeif you're not using kwin, we can't help you, sorry.
21:42.18tripzerodo0od: i don't have issues
21:43.19do0obtripzero: which distro are you using?
21:44.06tripzerodo0ob: kubuntu
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21:48.59PsynoKhi0heya, when reinstalling/upgrading a KDE-distro, with the partition setup including a separate /home which remains untouched in the process, is KDE supposed to gracefully fallback to "composite effects off" when acceleration isn't available out-of-the-box?
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21:49.38PsynoKhi0(supposing the user left them on before the installation)
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21:53.28sreichPsynoKhi0: yes
21:53.43sreichPsynoKhi0: it does this anytime. Like if your computer gets really really slow, it will turn them off then also
21:53.53sreichor if your drivers for some reason stopped supporting it
21:55.12PsynoKhi0ok I see
21:55.20PsynoKhi0guess my problem was something else then
21:55.58do0obhave you tried renaming .kde?
21:56.58PsynoKhi0I just deleted it, that kind of did the trick though apparently the cause was different than what I had guessed :)
21:58.37PsynoKhi0different from*
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21:59.50PsynoKhi0thanks for the info still, gonna go dig some more... have a nice one!
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22:04.56kaddihi, how can I join a jabber group with kopete?
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22:05.18wamtyhow can i switch to analog monitor on kde i have primary for lcd monitor, analog = TV
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22:05.39Fantom__how can i switch to analog monitor on kde3 i have primary for lcd monitor, analog = TV
22:05.43wamtyU FUCK
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22:21.41kaddiso asked differently can kopete 0.80.2 be used for multi user chats or not at all?
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22:21.53gigasofti have problem to play encrypted dvd with  many's, i tryed all. any help?
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22:22.26thiago_homeplease ask your distribution's channel
22:22.32thiago_homeyou probably need to install some non-free packages
22:23.14cb400fkaddi: what protocol?
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22:29.12cb400fkaddi: not sure then.. have been in multiperson chats with msn.. but those were prolly initiated by others though
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23:38.43mck182hey, got a little peculiar problem
23:39.01mck182is there a way to get a crash traceback of some kde app to console?
23:39.08mck182instead of handling it by kcrash?
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23:39.45mck182as I have installed some theme preset and this crashes anything I run, even the kcrash utility :)
23:39.56mck182so no way for me to get the tracebak
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