IRC log for #kde on 20090904

00:02.03*** join/#kde peacenik (
00:03.19*** join/#kde Kenjiro (n=kenjiro@unaffiliated/kenjiro)
00:03.24Kenjirohello there
00:04.01Kenjirowould anybody here know why my kde apps can't copy/paste among themselves? Example, I can't copy text from konqueror and paste in kate (or vice versa)
00:04.11Kenjirobut I can copy text from firefox and paste on kate/konqueror
00:04.29Kenjiroin fact... it looks like I can't copy text FROM kde apps. Only paste TO them
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00:12.17Kenjirorunning kde-4.3.1
00:12.29Kenjiroand this is strange, because till yesterday everything was fine
00:13.16yoosthat sometimes happens to me
00:13.35yoosnot sure, but sometimes, it works when I press ctrl+c twice
00:13.55yoosthough I'm not sure if it's the same thing :|
00:14.11N9NU-1is back.
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00:14.58Kenjiroyoos: it doesn't work even if I right-click and choose "copy"
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00:18.36Kenjiroregarding kde apps, I can only copy from an app and paste in itself (like copy from kate and paste in kate)
00:18.42Kenjirodamn weird
00:19.04KenjiroI had that problem when I tried using qt-4.5.2.
00:19.22Kenjirobut then I changed to kde-qt (4.5.2) and that stoped
00:19.40KenjiroI am still running that same kde-qt, but now out of the blue it stopped copying :(
00:20.27*** join/#kde pembo13 (n=pembo13@
00:21.30oneforallwell I tried to open the setting from konsole. To see if there was an error, when I try to change the individual setting. But it still gives that same message
00:29.36*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna2 (
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00:43.40comawhitewhy can't I check Different activity for each desktop?
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00:46.14esaym153how to add "open terminal here" to context menu?
00:46.57esaym153or even better, have the F4 button open a terminal in the current directory.  Currently some mini half screen one opens....
00:48.22MTGapThere is a thing in dolphin to open a terminal in the current directory
00:49.05MTGapYou can even have a terminal within dolphin
00:49.46esaym153MTGap: yea if you press F4, but it gives you a small mini one attached to dolphin
00:50.46MTGapyeah but how big of a terminal do you need, another cool thing is yakuake which is a drop down terminal from your deskto
00:52.40*** join/#kde kc8hfi_niven (n=kc8hfi@
00:52.45esaym153MTGap: I just want the a normal konsole session, which is what pressing f4 in kde3 would do. Pressing shift+f4 gives you a regular konsole session but it is not in the same directory as dolphin
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00:53.35MTGapesaym153: yeah I have no clue, I'm interesting in figuring out how to add context menus to
00:53.54MTGapI want something that can resize images, they have something for converting them but not resizing them
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00:58.13esaym153MTGap: like a scipt or something?
00:58.40peacenikdoes anyone know how to edit the context menus for Dolphin?
00:58.51MTGapesaym153: yeah but with what your talking about where I can right click an image and click on resize...
00:59.00MTGapwhich is what peacenik is talking about right now
00:59.26esaym153it could be done in konqueror
00:59.36MTGap? how so
01:00.02peacenikyes usually it is some kind of script (usually ending in rc . . .), but I can't find it for dolphin.
01:00.34*** join/#kde mschiff_ (
01:01.02peacenikhave also looked on net and forums, but haven't found anything
01:01.08Kenjiroso... I guess no one knows how to fix that problem I am having, right?
01:01.50MTGaphmm I'll have to look into this, yeah I'm a newbie kde user seeing as I've only started using linux and kde since 4.2.2 so I never was part of the kde 3 users that used konqueror as a file browser. I'm using what I started with
01:01.57esaym153MTGap: something like this:
01:01.59peacenikKenjiro: you asked about copy - paste between apps right?
01:02.34MTGapoh cool...
01:02.43esaym153the "%u" means current file or directory or something.  I am not sure if it is still the same in kde4
01:02.45MTGapdoes dolphin have servicemenus let me look?
01:03.11Kenjiropeacenik: yep
01:03.13esaym153MTGap: I would think that it is similar to konqueror
01:03.17Kenjirobetween kde apps
01:03.26MTGapno it doesn't but it has to be able to do it
01:03.47peacenikKenjiro: I can't replicate - I have no prob copying from konqueror and dolphin
01:03.49Kenjiro(kde-qt (qt-4.5.2))
01:03.50neverendingo_peacenik: in case you want to ged rid of "rar", configure dolphin -> services
01:03.51oneforallany ideas?
01:04.04MTGaphmm I don't have it under konqueror either, so maybe dolphin does have it..
01:04.21MTGapcause gnome has nautilus scripts..
01:04.32Kenjiropeacenik: I didn't have that problem too till yesterday. In fact... I think that by the begining of the today's afternoon I didn't that problem
01:04.35Kenjiroit began tonight
01:04.42Kenjiroand no, I didn't change any software
01:05.11MTGapesaym153: I found something! haven't looked through all of it yet
01:05.33peacenikneverendingo_: configure where?
01:05.44neverendingo_peacenik: in dolphin
01:05.54neverendingo_peacenik: settings
01:06.25peacenikKenjiro: try closing apps - sometimes that can helpp you locate
01:06.28esaym153MTGap: rofl, I just found it too
01:06.57MTGapesaym153: yeah, I had never heard of them called service menus.. I hate when I'm looking for something and can't find it for a long time just because it has a stupid name lol
01:07.03peacenikneverendingo_: yes I don't know where services are in that menu
01:07.21MTGapI bet you could write a script to open at current directory
01:07.22Kenjiropeacenik: I even tried closing KDE and X
01:07.37Kenjirothe only thing I haven't tried yet is rebooting the whole computer
01:07.45Kenjiro(because I am accessing it remotely)
01:08.08MTGapesaym153: yeah there are a lot of servicemenu results for dolphin
01:08.50MTGapesaym153: I think I found what your looking for:
01:09.35neverendingo_peacenik: let's try a different route. locate ark_addtoservicemenu.desktop
01:09.50peacenikneverendingo_: settings -> show menubar | show toolbar | config shortcuts | conf. toolbars | config dolphin
01:10.02neverendingo_peacenik: config dolphin
01:10.15neverendingo_peacenik: but whatever, just edit the above file
01:11.15*** join/#kde _Vi (
01:12.16_ViKDE 3.5. When some menu or pop-up is opened (like under firefox's address bar), I cannot use keyboard shortcuts.
01:12.24_ViHow to fix it?
01:14.00peacenikneverendingo_: thanks that seems to be what I was looking for - I'll check that out for a while
01:15.36*** join/#kde docgnome (n=dkerschn@
01:15.38docgnomeis there a way to swap capslock and contol quickly inside kde, or do i have to go fiddle with my x config
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01:16.09docgnomekde 4.3 is what i'm using
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01:19.12esaym153how do I make these balls and clocks smaller:
01:19.32esaym153they used to be tiny, now today on the update from 4.2 to 4.3.1 they are big like that ....
01:20.05Kenjiroesaym153: I had that same problem on my netbook. Weird I didn't on my desktop
01:20.21*** part/#kde docgnome (n=dkerschn@
01:20.35Kenjirowhat I did on my  netbook... was change the STYLE
01:21.58esaym153doesn't seem to help
01:23.20carpiiif i setup kmail to use IMAP with gmail, how will labels be handled? Will they be treated as folders, or not at all?
01:23.26KenjiroI changed the style  and I got smaller icons
01:24.23*** join/#kde word (
01:25.06peacenikneverendingo_: the "ark_addtoservicemenu.desktop" is in "/usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/" - so i assume that this is system wide. Can they be done on a per user basis? If so where would they be put?
01:25.21*** join/#kde fyanardi (n=quassel@
01:25.48carpiiid assume ~/.kde4/share/ etc
01:26.42neverendingo_or .kde, whatever your distro uses
01:27.23Kenjirooh well... let's see if my kde will magicaly solve the problem, as magicaly as it showed up.
01:27.31_ViHow to file a bug against KDE 3.5 (which is default in Debian)?
01:27.57_ViIt says "You are not using a recent KDE version".
01:29.00neverendingo_peacenik: so just copy it to .kde(4)/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/
01:29.53peacenikok I just found it after I asked - thanks
01:35.04*** join/#kde Josie (
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01:37.50nobilishow to see yahoo chatroom verification message on kopete?
01:38.41*** join/#kde docgnome (n=dkerschn@
01:39.16docgnomeanyone use scim and kde4?
01:39.43docgnomecan't seem to activate scim in kde4 apps
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02:03.32*** join/#kde fyanardi_ (n=quassel@
02:04.32peacenikneverendingo_: worked perfectly, thanks
02:04.53neverendingo_peacenik: yw
02:07.30*** join/#kde navetz (n=quassel@
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02:41.29docgnomeanyone using kde4 and scim? i can't seem to get it to active in any gtk or kde apps. I only seem to be able to activate it in urxvt
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03:25.23surrealgirlhey are there any kde developer here?
03:25.40surrealgirleither way send them my regards for kde4, it rocks
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04:01.33jzmerwhat service should i start for kstart in order to have amarok play music with pulseaudio in gnome? i did something like "kstart --service /usr/share/kde4/services/kded/phononserver.desktop" but it does not seem to work . . .
04:07.27*** join/#kde Guest39748 (
04:07.40Guest39748how can I get akregator to use a proxy?
04:08.40Guest39748btw 4.3.1 runs great
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04:09.07Guest39748when kosmic kola gets final its going to be great.
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04:32.43navetzhow do you reinstall the icon set for kde4?
04:32.47navetzmy icons are messed up
04:33.22navetzmy prev ,next , parent folder , home folder, etc icons are all the exact same
04:33.36navetzthis is the icons in konqueror, kate, dolphin etc
04:34.28*** join/#kde Szadek_ (n=quassel@
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04:42.35Woogawhich packages i need to configure fonts in kde4 applications?
04:42.55Woogai just installed konqueror with all it's dependences but can't see any gui font config
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05:19.37fyanardi_Woonga: font settings are inside SystemSettings
05:20.00fyanardi_Wooga: ^^ sorry, wrong nick :D
05:20.20Woogawhere do i get this?
05:20.31Woogai just don't want to install wholde kde to configure it
05:21.15Jucatotry this command "kcmshell4 fonts". if that works, you're in luck. if it doesn't, you may have to install a bit more packages
05:21.24Jucatobut you definitely don't have to install all of KDE
05:21.43WoogaJucato: oh, it works!
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06:03.41andipi just got a message from "the kde desktop manager" about features that could not be activated. is there somewhere i can look to find out _why_ they could not be activated?
06:03.43comawhitewhy can't I check Different activity for each desktop?
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06:05.27andipwhen i right-click the pager (multiple desktops), and choose "configure desktops". what's supposed to be started? some executable?
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06:11.43comawhiteandip: it's a bug. can you report it?
06:13.16andipwhat's a bug?
06:14.26andipi mean, the multiple desktops, or the feature-thing? both?
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07:05.16navetzafter upgrading to kde4 kubuntu 9.04 vmware fusion no longer works (it is not supported) does any on know of any fixes/workaround to this?
07:05.48Jucatoyou'll have to ask in your distro
07:06.48Jucatovmware fusion is the "seamless" feature in vmware right?
07:07.02Jucato(actually I think the responsibility for that would be with vmware. vbox's feature also doesn't completely work. the desktop part specifically)
07:08.20navetzJucato: humm this is why I don't like upgrading :( I need to use photoshop right now and my vm is down
07:08.55navetzJucato: do you know if there is a way to run an older kernel?
07:09.17Jucatowell, if it's a kernel issue, you can jsut boot into an older kernel (again, a distro question)
07:09.35Jucatobest to ask in #kubuntu
07:10.09navetzalright thanks
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07:39.00rindolfHi all! Where is the (joke) interview with Konqi the dragon? It seems to have disappeared from
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07:40.29rindolf - hmmm........
07:40.52backflipHi! Does anyone know if you can connect via mobile broadband devices and knetworkmanager yet?
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07:52.48cb400fbackflip: should be possible.. may require some settings tweaking and possibly even manual dns setup :-(
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07:54.02backflipRight now I'm using kinternet from kde3 to do that
07:54.17backflipMy knetworkmanager has a tab like that, but it's grayed out
07:55.00cb400fkde3 or 4 knm?
07:55.11backflipfrom kde4
07:55.14cb400f... using nm-applet is also an option
07:55.47backflipI have five tabs: Wired, Wireless, Mobile broadband, VPN and DSL
07:55.57backflipmobile broadband and dsl are disabled
07:56.28backflipI thought I missed some packages, but I can't find any I haven't installed yet
07:56.29cb400fweird.. and your device is attached and detected?
07:56.43backflipI would think so
07:58.27backflipit's not too much of an issue
07:58.56backflipwould've been nice to have everything in one program, though ;)
07:59.26cb400fI guess you use opensuse?
07:59.26backflipthanks :)
07:59.32backflipi do
07:59.38cb400f.. think kinternet might be dropped for 11.2 :-)
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08:00.33backflipwell, i'll have to hammer in the 11.1 rpm then
08:00.41cb400fyou can always use nm-applet.. then you'll have all in one app.. a mighty ugly gnome app.. but at least it'll work
08:02.26szalyour 'hammer in' reminded me of that :D
08:02.39backflipi have a rather peculiar configuration of mobile broadband hardware, a palm centro with additional usb modem driver
08:03.09backflipbut is that tab in knm4 supposed to work yet anyway?
08:03.52cb400fpartially.. it isn't supposed to be greyed out
08:04.08cb400fdon't have mobile bb myself.. but I've tried to help a friend get his working with knm4
08:04.31backflipwell, like i said, mine's a bit special
08:04.52cb400falmost got it working.. just wouldn't get dns... but it's in very active development.. every week there are new fixes (and new bugs :-( )
08:05.15cb400f.. it's not released mind you... just svn snapshots for testing available
08:05.46backflipanother question... there once was this networkmanager plasma applet that i liked very much
08:05.53backflipwell, when it was working anyway
08:06.25cb400fit still exists.. but the "normal" systray thingy is higher priority
08:06.30backflipi see
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08:06.54backflipbecause right now everything the applet does is display a crude image of a cell phone
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08:08.26cb400fthe plasmoid is completely b0rked after they did some architectural changes.. but I think it's (slowly) being developed still
08:09.03backflipthank you very much!
08:09.10backflipand have a nice day
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08:29.44andiphow can i enable transparent windows? afaik composite is enabled (xorg-log and xdpyinfo says so), but i still see an error-msg telling me my desktop doesn't support it
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08:40.07szalandip: glxinfo | grep -i direct
08:42.50andipszal: "direct rendering yes"
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08:54.27alpha_one_x86Hello, I don't no found how use activity by vitual desktop
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08:55.53rindolfalpha_one_x86: what?
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08:56.13rindolfalpha_one_x86: do you mean you cannot find how to use a different activity per virtual desktop?
08:56.23alpha_one_x86I want configure different widget for each my virtual desktop
08:56.41alpha_one_x86yes, it's that's I thinks
08:56.45rindolfalpha_one_x86: ah.
08:56.58rindolfalpha_one_x86: you need to press the top-right cashew and then zoom out.
08:57.13rindolfalpha_one_x86: and then you have an option for that in the context menu.
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08:58.51alpha_one_x86Found, that it's can't be more visible (directly "configure plasma" in the right top menu)?
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09:00.21rindolfalpha_one_x86: I don't understand.
09:00.28rindolfalpha_one_x86: what is your native language?
09:01.01alpha_one_x86I use KDE since lot of time, and is it's not easy for my to found this options, what about the beginer...
09:01.12rindolfalpha_one_x86: ah.
09:01.14rindolfalpha_one_x86: OK.
09:01.27rindolfalpha_one_x86: I don't speak French well.
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09:02.41alpha_one_x86I have heavy lag when I'm in zoom out, ~3fps, and I use nvidia proprietary drivers, normal?
09:02.50rindolfHi kanguru
09:02.55kanguruhey rindolf
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09:03.00rindolfalpha_one_x86: meet kanguru - he speaks French well.
09:03.04cb400falpha_one_x86: it's a new feature in kde 4.3 ...  how many beginners use that?
09:03.12kangurusalut alpha_one_x86
09:03.19cb400f.. and in 4.3.1 the option is more "accesible".. right via the desktop cashew
09:03.24cb400fwithout zooming out
09:03.26kangurutu as un probleme ?
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09:04.36alpha_one_x86I'm in 4.3.1, but after lot of search alone I had not found this option
09:05.28alpha_one_x86kanguru: je disait qu'en fait j'ai eu du mal à trouvé l'options pour les activity par desktop
09:05.48alpha_one_x86Et que quand je zoom out je lag comme c'est pas possible, c'est affreux
09:06.29rindolfalpha_one_x86: maybe you need to "Lock widgets"
09:07.01alpha_one_x86Tested with and without, same result
09:07.15kangurualpha: qu'est ce que tu entends dire par activite desktop
09:08.29kangurualpha: tu peux m'expliquer ton probleme en prive ?
09:08.44soa2iiHi. What is Akonadi really intended for? A desktop independend thing (so you can install it without using KDE at all) or will it require kdelibs?
09:08.46alpha_one_x86Quand par virtual desktop on as des widget différent, via l'option: Configure plasma -> different activity par each desktop
09:09.29soa2iiBecause in the docs the architecture looks like it will just work with KDE/Gnome
09:09.52soa2iiWhy is there a special API and not just a Calendar API?
09:10.07Jucatosoa2ii: it doesn't require kdelibs, but it does require Qt. it's desktop-independent.
09:10.16Jucatobecause it's not just for calendars
09:10.26soa2iiJucato: OK.
09:10.37soa2iiJucato: Of course it can do more...
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09:10.56soa2iiBut why is there a KDE API and not a calendar api, contact api, note api ... and so on
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09:12.50Jucatoto make it easier for KDE apps to use. consistency with KDE API. integration with the rest of KDE, etc.?
09:13.32Jucatothinks there's an #akonadi channel
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09:18.38andipis there no longer a way to have different backgrounds on different virtual desktops?
09:19.27cb400fdepends on your version...
09:19.28rindolfandip: on KDE 4.3.x , you can assign different activities
09:19.40rindolfandip: for different virtual desktosp.
09:19.45rindolfandip: and there's also a bug to fix it.
09:19.52rindolfI'd like to work on it maybe.
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09:20.48andip4.3.1 is my version. and tbh i have NO clue what the zoom out and different activities is good for.
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09:21.49cb400fclick on the cashew -> plasma settings -> different act. for each desktop
09:22.13cb400fthen you can also have different widgets on each desktop
09:22.36cb400fand you can enable separate dashboard too
09:22.49cb400f.. and then finally put some widgets on your screensaver :-)
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09:23.46andipwhen i click the cashew (i'm guessing you mean the thing in the upper right corner of my screen) i see no option called plasma settings
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09:24.05cb400fyou're sure you have 4.3.1?
09:24.19cb400fin 4.3.0 you need to zoom out to get the option
09:24.20andipwell, according to portage i do
09:25.38cb400fdid you restart after updating? :-)
09:26.09andipyes, logged out, and restarted kdm
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09:27.59andipi zoomed out now, configured plasma with diff act for each desktop, but it seems that's "zoom-out dekstop", not virtual desktop
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09:31.05ffjiahi there
09:31.32ffjiahow can I disable sub categories in menu? like "Internet -> Communication -> Kopete", I'd like it be "Internet -> Kopete"
09:33.15ffjiaI can use KDE Menu Editor, but it could be a long and boring work
09:33.47lemmaffjia: afaik vanilla kde doesn't have subcategories.. at least mine doesn't. which distribution are you using?
09:34.02ffjiaarch linux
09:34.10ffjiakde 4.4 subversion
09:34.25lemmaffjia: well, maybe 4.4 does. I'm on 4.3 stable here
09:34.59lemmaffjia: sorry, no idea how to mass-move the entries
09:35.36ffjialemma: thanks any way ;)
09:37.02ffjialemma: which distro are you using?
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09:38.52lemmaffjia: debian
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09:41.14ffjialemma: I remember that 3.3 have "subcategories" in arch ...
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09:43.10slackytudeIm trying to get my own actions for dolphin defined but it seems Im missing google foo
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09:43.25lemmaffjia: I don't really know as I usually don't use the menu to launch stuff. I actually had to open the menu to check if I had subcategories :)
09:43.40slackytudeso, any clues how I could define my own actions for right click on any file in dolphin?
09:44.31lemmaslackytude: maybe this could help (haven't read it):
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09:47.21ffjialemma: hehe, I just have delete a subcategory, and the submenus
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09:52.56slackytudelemma, thx, still now working tho. guess Im doing something wrong
09:53.36lemmaslackytude: I never tried it either. I just figured it might be the one tutorial people on kde-apps are using to make their service menus
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09:54.37Jucatoit's the standard tutorial (for KDE 4). if you dont' mind posting your service menu, it's name, and where you're putting it, maybe someone who knows servicemenus well might be of assistance
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09:57.25slackytude/home/icke/.kde/share/kde4/services/ this is what kde4-config gives me as my path for services
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09:57.59slackytudeI added a ServiceMenus dir and copied an existing servicemenu over from /usr/share
09:58.08slackytudeJucato, no?
09:58.22Jucatono no.  what is `kde4-config --localprefix` ?
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09:59.02Jucatohm... that's weird.. afaik ServiceMenus are in ~/.kde(4)/share/services/ServiceMenus/
09:59.03andipwhen i "zoom out", i can see 4 different "desktops", with differences. when i zoom in, i get my apps and stuff there, but only one background. does this mean i now have to zoom out and change, instead of pressing <ctrl+f*> to change virtual desktop and background?
09:59.38Jucatotry to put it in ~/.kde/share/services/ServiceMenus/
09:59.49Jucato(presuming the contents of the .desktop file you made is correct)
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10:01.31andipmind you guys, i'm "nagging" about this mostly to find out if "something" is wrong, or if i just don't understand how to do this or that. from my pow it seems alot of stuff just doesn't work, but i dunno how it's supposed to be so..
10:01.37slackytudeJucato, no joy
10:02.02slackytudeJucato, and Im guessing it is correct since its an existing menu entry I copied over from /usr/shre and changed to foo
10:02.26Jucatoyou just renamed it? hm... sounds fishy
10:02.42slackytudeno, I changed the name inside the file as well
10:02.59slackytude[Desktop Action encrypt]
10:03.01Jucato(may be right on the ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/ path btw)
10:03.21slackytudethere is no .kde4, just .kde
10:03.33Jucatook. here it's ~/.kde4 for KDE4. anyway
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10:08.25lemmaandip: no, that's normal. with KDE4 you have activities (different desktops/widgets) and virtual desktops (like before)
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10:08.45lemmaandip: the background is tied to the activity, so changing the virtual desktop doesn't change it.
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10:09.00lemmaandip: better integration of the 2 concepts in in the works (eg. activity = virtual desktop)
10:09.32rogersmanhi everyone...just wondering if anyone knows if there is an option to adjust the opacity of file preview window? thanx
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10:09.57andiplemma: thank you very much! finally a usable answer :)
10:11.06lemmarogersman: which file preview window do you mean?
10:12.36wangjunfengeveryone is use english.I'm Chinese.
10:12.42wangjunfengI like it!
10:13.33rindolfwangjunfeng: Chinglish FTW!
10:15.50JucatoEnglish only please
10:16.36lemma(sorry, I just love how different charactersets work seemlessly nowadays :))
10:17.23wangjunfengOK OK!
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10:18.09rogersmanwhen hovering over a file on desktop, or even hovering over a title in system tray, a blank preview box comes up display the contents/full filename of said file...a very handy feature in kde 4.3, but i'de like to reduce the opacity
10:18.23rogersmanblank=black :-p
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10:23.43rogersmanany ideas mr lemma?
10:23.44rindolfwangjunfeng: where do you live in China?
10:23.50rindolfwangjunfeng: I don't speak Chinese.
10:23.56rindolfwangjunfeng: and cannot really read it.
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10:26.22wangjunfengohy! hi! I'm in BeiJing
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10:27.50wangjunfengthat's nothing that you can't speak Chinese!
10:28.56wangjunfengDo you like China? and where do you live
10:29.22lemmarogersman: sorry, no. else I would have answered :) but clearing things up others can help you
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10:33.24derRichardon my fresh kde4.3.1 knotfy crashes often after suspend2{ram,disk}. i'm using opensuse11.1. phonon is using the xine backend. is this a known problem?
10:33.32wangjunfengOh! Come on!
10:34.16rogersmanwell cheers anyway, ill file a request on kdebugs
10:34.47slackytudenothing I do has any effect -_-
10:36.31Jucatorogersman: can you give a screenshot of what you're referring to
10:36.51rogersmannot at the at work ;-)
10:37.23Jucatowell, then I can't be sure whether you're referring to something that's controlled by a theme
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10:38.03Jucato(if my hunch is right, then you're referring to popups like when you also hover over items on the panel, then those are theme-dependent, and there are no special controls for their opacity)
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10:42.22slackytudeJucato, got any other idea? I think I'll drop this issue otherwise, for now at least
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10:43.11Jucatoslackytude: sorry. none
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10:50.27nonniihi.  I was trying to find if there is a way to configure the way that KDE4 uses KB, KiB and such. With google I only found discussions if KB or KiB should be used in KDE by default, but not a way to change the behaviour. Is there a way? I'm not willing to start a flame- or other kind of war over this, just asking if it can be configred by users.
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10:52.25nonniibtw, I would like to change my settings so that kB would be 1000 bytes,  so is that possible?
10:52.46rogersman@Jucato...hmm would be nice tho...they can be a bit intrusive
10:52.57szalnonnii: that wouldn't be correct, because by definition 1 kB = 1024 bytes
10:53.30nonniiszal, I'm not gonna go there
10:53.53nonniiIt's my machine and my preference
10:54.03nonniijust asking if it can be done
10:54.05Jucatorogersman: well that depends on the theme and whether you have desktop compositing/effects enabled. some themes have glass-like popups that are fairly transparent when desktop effects are enabled)
10:56.04szalnonnii: the unit itself is not a matter of discussion because it is NOT a multiplier of 10 or any power of it but a power of 2, 2^10 to be precise
10:56.21szalnonnii: as to the denominator of the unit, that's a totally different question
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10:57.27nonniiszal, so ... is it possible?
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10:57.58nonniiI know of the differing opinions, I just would like to try it out
10:58.01szalI have no idea and, honestly, I don't fsckin' care :)
10:58.21rogersmani just started using compiz so ill have a look see, cheers mate
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10:59.25szalto me the KiB, MiB, GiB and so on is fine, and as I said, the unit itself is not to be disputed, it's been internationally agreed upon the way it is
11:00.12navetzdoes anyone know if kde4 can comress as a zip?
11:00.23navetzi use to be able to right click on a folder and click compress as zip but now only rar and gzip are avaliable
11:00.27nonniiszal, to me KiB and such ar more than fine too, I'd just like some way to have base 10 too, in addition
11:00.31navetzi dont know if people on windows will be able to open these
11:01.08lemmanavetz: try ark from kdeutils. I think it also features service menu items to do it in dolphin
11:01.13szalnavetz: you Windows people can install (or have installed by their admin) 7-Zip which can uncompress about any archive format
11:02.01navetzszal: I'm not the windows person, I am trying to zip some pictures for friends. I would like it to be easy for them
11:02.14lemmanonnii: I think it might have been made configurable after that discussion but I'm not 100% sure. if it is it won't be configurable in KDE 4.3 though, only 4.4
11:02.32Jucatonavetz:  Ark can handle zip
11:02.34szalnavetz: put 'em in a self-extracting RAR or 7z archive ;)
11:02.47nonniilemma, oh. Maybe I just have to wait for 4.4 of google a bit more
11:02.50Jucato(but the appropriate zip utility must be installed as well. which should be the job of your distro)
11:02.54szalso they need only double-click the archive
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11:04.14navetzahh i got it thanks guys
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11:09.37navetzdoes anyone know of any packages i can install to add more functionality to my actions menu (when I right click on a picture)
11:09.53navetzin kde3 i use to be able to resize, rotate, etc pictures by just right clicking and going to actions
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11:15.17lemmanavetz: check the service menus section on many actions are provided separately
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11:16.00navetzlemma: ahh thanks :D
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11:20.58oneforallwhast the command to test the destop files ?
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11:22.09oneforallthansk will try that
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11:24.52oneforall  so its like Icon=qt-recordmydesktop and not Icon=qt-recordmydesktop.png ?
11:25.28oneforallwould thos warning be why its not gettign added to the menu ?
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11:27.57oneforalljjdarn I wonder what part never compiled right for apps not gettign added to the menu. even with a like this
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11:29.14pinotreeoneforall: we don't use update-desktop-database at all. please paste your .desktop file, and say which is the installation path for it
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11:29.40asdzxcis it possible to reorder taskbar in kde4 ?
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11:30.41oneforall  thats the one with qt--recordmydesktop.desktop
11:31.05oneforallerr qt-recordmydesktop src
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11:32.37Torchasdzxc:  in the taskbar settings there's a dropdown called "sorting". pick "manually".
11:32.44oneforallso whats used now ?
11:32.59pinotreeoneforall: where is that installed?
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11:34.03asdzxcTorch: how can then sort it ? drag&drop ?
11:34.17Torchasdzxc: yes.
11:34.23oneforallshould end up under media . I think
11:34.46asdzxcTorch: btw, i can't open taskbar settings. where should i click ?
11:35.03asdzxcTorch: when i click on a window, it will open settings for that window only
11:35.14asdzxcTorch: when i click on 'free space', it will open Panel settings
11:35.15*** join/#kde neverendingo__ (
11:35.32Torchasdzxc: click on the cashew on the far right end of the panel. after that, right click on the taskbar and you'll get the context menu.
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11:36.32asdzxcTorch: cool, thnx very much
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11:37.35szalGuest26722: don't IRC as root..
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11:46.17oneforallpinotree so whats is used to update the menu? something scans it every few mins ? and adds it to some database?
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11:47.34yannfwhat's the tool for changing one key mapping of the keyboard?
11:48.38annmahow do you mean?
11:49.52szalannma: looks like you can drop that mode now ;)
11:50.16*** join/#kde cuco (n=elcuco@
11:50.20NekawAi'm getting so upset i'm never gonna get kopete built gonna have to abandon yahoo messenger all together at the rate i'm going
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11:50.52annmaszal: ah yes
11:51.10annma(are you scared?)
11:51.18*** mode/#kde [-o annma] by annma
11:51.20szalwhy, should I? :D
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11:52.46sputnickhi there. what about MS-exchange connector in kde-4.3.0 ? I read that it should be in this realease...
11:53.07sputnick( or 4.3.1 )
11:53.16yannfannma, I'd like to get Πwith AltGr+shift+o
11:53.22szalwho told you that?
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11:53.48szalto my knowledge an M$ Exchange connector is only available for Evolution (= Gnome)
11:54.11sputnickif that works in gnome, that should work on kde ;)
11:54.19oneforallwell I checked in root and other user and its added. now to figure out what and where in this users .kde or one of the others is interfering
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11:54.21cb400fsputnick: something is under development for akonadi.. but I think akonadi will only be at preview level for 4.4 even
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11:54.51cb400f.. but nothing supports that exchange stuff well anyway.. especially not if it's exchange 2007 afaik
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11:55.20sputnickinteroprerability they said... Jesus
11:55.26cb400fmaybe it should be called exchains :-)
11:56.41annmayannf: did you try SystemSettings -> Input Actions?
11:57.24annmahmm not sure how to say to print the char
11:58.31annmayannf: yes it's there
11:58.40annmalook in Examples
11:58.44yannfit seems I don't have this installed
11:58.52annmawhat KDE version?
11:59.03*** join/#kde will (
11:59.05annmathat was kcontrol then
11:59.15tuxicki thought MAPI was proprietary
11:59.19annmasee if you have an Input Actions in KControl
11:59.23tuxicklicense mess etc
11:59.35*** join/#kde ttf (n=tom@unaffiliated/ttf)
11:59.36tuxickor did megalosoft come up with something new now?
12:00.36ttfhi all.. I am experiencing a weird problem in 4.3: copying strings to the clipboard by marking with the mouse is not working in konsole
12:00.37oneforall.config/menus this the one that should get updated ?
12:01.02ttfwhen I mark a word the clipboard (klipper, xclipboard) remain empty
12:01.22annmaif you mark a word from konsole you mean
12:01.23ttfwhen I mark a word in e.g. kmail or firefox it gets copied to the clipboard
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12:01.46annmait works here
12:01.55ttfit worked till yesterday
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12:02.04annmaand what happened yesterday
12:02.05ttfI tried changing fonts in konsole - no change
12:02.20ttfnothing much - pretty sure about that
12:02.39NekawAkeeps getting the same error over/over again, if anyone can recommend anything please let me know
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12:02.58ttfeven right-click, copy does not copy things to either clipboard
12:03.10ttfany idea where to start searching?
12:03.16sxecan someone tell me what going wrong when make sais a modul is missing. like this one: --   package 'indicate' not found. Whats a modul and where is make looking for it?
12:03.41annmatry backing up konsolerc file from `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config ttf
12:03.58annmasxe: pastebin output so we can see better please
12:04.22sxehi annma.. you are my personal supporter right? ;)
12:04.55annmaI am!
12:05.01sxehehe .. nice :P
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12:05.06annmait'll be 10?/hour!!!
12:05.26sxehere we go
12:05.28lemmaNekawA: you are trying to link libkopete against too old kdelibs.
12:05.35sxei only wont to know what a module is
12:05.55ttfannma: and then - deleting konsolerc and try in a new one?
12:06.04NekawAlemma how can i fix this i just compiled the new kdelibs from source it should be installed in the default directory
12:06.08annmabacking up I said ttf
12:06.20annmaclose konsole, backup the config file and open konsole
12:06.21lemmaNekawA: is your stable install KDE 4.1?
12:06.38NekawAnot sure, how do i check that
12:07.04ttfannma: k
12:07.06*** join/#kde me`n`u (
12:07.06annmasxe: what module are you building?
12:07.18oneforallakonadi this what takes care of the menu and eveythign tot he database?
12:07.43sxei'm trying to complile libindicate-qt
12:07.58sxeits part of the nem message indicator plasmoid for kde
12:08.02lemmaNekawA: kde4-config --version
12:08.04annmaso you need this indicate package probably
12:08.09me`n`ugerman kde channel?
12:08.10lemmaNekawA: sorry, I have to leave right now.
12:08.11annmapoints sxe to Google
12:08.24sxeyes i have compiled libindicate..
12:08.28annmais this libindicate-qt thing in KDE svn?
12:08.38sxebut i don't know what a "module" in this case is
12:08.42sxethats my question :)
12:08.47annmais this libindicate-qt thing in KDE svn?
12:08.52sxeannma: no
12:08.56NekawAKDE: 4.3.1 (KDE 4.3.1)
12:09.00sxeits in launchpad
12:09.01annmaOK so I cannot cjheck further
12:09.06ttfannma: okay - after closing all the konsoles and re-opening them it works again...
12:09.10sxeno sry..
12:09.14ttfannma: thanks!
12:09.15sxethx for your time..
12:09.25me`n`uis there a german kde channel?
12:09.39sxeme`n`u: I'm german .. what are you looking for?
12:09.46annmasxe: pastebin the CMakeFile.txt
12:09.53annmattf: you're welcome!
12:10.20me`n`uich habe kubuntu [das ist doch kubuntu?]
12:10.33sxeme... there is a kubuntu channel ..
12:10.37sxeyou should ask there i think
12:10.43annmaand #kdede
12:10.58annmano sorry
12:11.06annma#kde-de maybe
12:11.10sxejoin #kubuntu-de
12:11.19me`n`ui'm there already
12:11.30sxeok :)
12:11.44annmathat's the one!!!!
12:11.51annmabut not many people
12:11.59sxei love the pastbin plasmoid ^^
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12:13.39annmanothing really important here
12:13.53sxei think the indicate module should be installed by an other package libindicate
12:14.11sxei installed libindicate but i have no clue how a modeule looks like..
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12:14.54annmasxe: try askin agateau in a private query
12:15.13sxewhos that?
12:15.33annmalook here
12:15.51*** join/#kde LXj (
12:15.52annmahe is a kde devel now paid by Ubuntu
12:16.04sxeah ok .. thx i will bother him ^^
12:16.06annmahe seems ivolved in this libindicate thing
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12:32.45NekawAwait..if i change my repository to testing isn't KDE 4.3 and kopete 4.3 in the testing repo?  like i could install it from there and avoid all these building issues
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12:35.35cb400fDebian testing?
12:37.23NekawAi been tring to build from source with nothing but fails if it's in the repo' that would be MUCH easier
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12:38.15szalas if there were anything even remotely current in Debian :P
12:38.42NekawAnot normally
12:38.55NekawAbut i'm just trying to get up to version 4.x so that yahoo admin will stop messaging me
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12:45.25ttfkeyboard shortcut to show all windows on all desktops in kde4?
12:46.47thiagowith desktop effects enabled and the "Present Windows" effect on
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12:54.46NekawAi'm afraid to see what happens now
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12:58.02alexexwtf? there are 3 plasmoids that keep appearing in the upper left corner, i didnt put there, 3 system monitors, is that a bug?
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13:00.14ghellerhmm KDE on OS X/X11 is interesting
13:00.25ghellergood morning all
13:00.29rindolfHi gheller
13:00.32gheller= )
13:00.36rindolfUri gheller
13:00.42GNU\colossuskep in mind you'd still have the crappy foundation that is OS X though ;)
13:00.52gheller:P Iike OS X:P
13:01.06ghellerI'd go pure Linux but I have apps that I need to run so ya
13:01.40ghellerI have a Debian NetInstall disc ready if I ever decide to set up a partition for dualbootin
13:02.01*** join/#kde Welsh_Dwarf (
13:02.08ghellerI'll do it when I feel like messing with drivers for Apple's iSight cam and then some
13:02.34ghellerI might tackle that later today since it's my 2nd day off this week from work
13:03.33ghellerfor w/e reason I could only get v1.1 of Konver to build
13:03.36ghellerthat's so odd
13:04.23NekawAthis is a screenshot of my kopete install from repositories,
13:04.55NekawAwhy can't I add yahoo account?  there is no available accounts to add program loaded but there are no menu options and i can't add any accounts
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13:23.30yannfannma, it effectively changed the key (the old character is disabled), but the new one doesn't appear
13:23.55annmayannf: sorry I don't have kde3.5 anymore
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13:45.18kcbhi vn_
13:46.00kcbwhere r u now?
13:46.21kcbr u here to chat?
13:47.01MinceRs w r
13:47.39oneforalldarn what do i need to delete for the menus to get updated . Its working form other user accounts, Just not this one :(
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13:50.51MinceRoneforall: ~/.kde/cache-<yourusername>/ksycoca* ? (just an educated guess, better rename than erase)
13:50.58MinceRalso, i think there's a command to update them
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13:51.29MinceRprobably has something related to ksycoca in its name
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13:52.26oneforallis that whats the menu update tool writes to allso? ksycoca(the data file)
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13:56.35NekawAkopete seems to be running, 'testbed' account connects, but my yahoo account won't connect..
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13:58.02MinceRoneforall: afaik sycoca holds the database built from the .desktop files that make up the menus
13:58.08MinceR(possibly others)
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13:58.35oneforallsycoca where is that ?
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13:59.41oneforallwell crap there is nothing in /tmp/kde-guru
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14:02.28MinceRwait, i forgot to say i'm looking at kde3, it might be different on kde4
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14:07.38oneforallI'd think kde4 still puts that ksycoca in /tmp/kde-username
14:08.13XrX|Eweeanyone knows if exchange support will be available with kde 4.4?
14:08.25oneforallah no it the link to var
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14:08.53oneforallcould have sworn it did it to the tmp one too
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14:13.39uservalhelpp heree someone???
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14:21.52brain0hey, quick question. In KDE3, there was a feature in konqueror to create a html photo gallery with previews from a folder of photos. where has it gone in kde4?
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14:23.08Jucatobrain0: install kipi-plugins for KDE 4
14:23.31DumbleHello world !
14:23.41Jucatoyou're late!
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14:24.35brain0Jucato: done, where can I find the feature now?
14:24.41JucatoTools menu
14:24.59brain0in dolphin? or where?
14:25.20Jucatoin Konqueror. Tools -> Create Image Gallery
14:25.31Jucatoor in Gwenview  as well
14:26.08Jucatoin Gwenview it's under Plugins
14:26.31Jucatooh crap wait... I think the one for Konqueror is in konq-plugins (or konqueror-plugins, depending on distro)
14:26.44brain0ah, gwenview
14:27.00Jucatoah yes sorry
14:27.17Jucatokipi-plugins has its own HTML image gallery plugin. konqueror has its own
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14:27.33Jucatothe one gwenview and digikam uses is from kipi-plugins
14:27.59*** join/#kde cuco ( accounts can connect no icq no yahoo no nothing how wierd
14:28.58JucatoNekawA: sounds like a packaging/installation problem
14:29.06Jucatobest to ask your distro about it
14:30.36brain0Jucato: thank you, I installed kipi-plugins and used the one from gwenview. I'll also look at konq-plugins
14:30.40NekawAi just recompiled kopete from source
14:30.51brain0goodbye and many thanks
14:30.52*** part/#kde brain0 (n=brain0@archlinux/developer/brain0)
14:31.10NekawAdistro version didn't work, but it did give me the dependencies i needed to build from source
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14:35.14*** topic/#kde is KDE 4.3.1 is out! See | KDE FAQ: | KDE forum: | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde or ~/.kde4
14:35.44slackytudeI see wall and write gets displayed
14:35.51oneforallwish that was back under the help icon in the classic menu so i can just drag drop it
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14:36.13Jucatoslackytude: kdialog --passivepopup "text here" <delay time>
14:36.58oneforallhmmm the classic menu even lost the lost & found entry
14:37.02slackytudeJucato, nice ^-^  thx
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14:40.23bluevalwhat i have to do to be identified to a channel?
14:40.51daumweird - kate i told to associate *.php;*.php3;*.wml;*.phtml;*.phtm;*.inc,*.ctp with php(html) files, yet it still when i open a ctp file it doesn't highlight
14:40.56daumany ideas?
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14:41.42bluevalwhat i have to do to be identified to a channel?
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14:43.59oneforallgeez even save in the menu editoriosn't bring them mback :(
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14:50.22oneforallahh it just clicked in my head every upgrade the damn  Home.desktop for konq file manager mode.  will allways have this crap now "NoDisplay=true"  :(
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14:51.20rogersmananyone experiencing odd mouse scrolling weirdness? my mouse wheel works okay but every so often it will go in the direction opposite to what i want....anyone else?
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14:56.20slackytudehow do I make a new launcher on desktop
14:56.27slackytudegotta do it with dolphin?
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14:58.32slackytudewhy dont I see the crap that is on my Desktop folder
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14:58.47slackytudesorry for bugging you guys, I used xfce for years
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15:03.34oneforallso what is it that runs and updates the menus ? and what file is it that gets edited when it does?
15:03.50Jucatoslackytude: by default, there should be a widget/applet on your desktop that is set to show the ~/Desktop folder. you can drop in there, resize it to make it larger, etc
15:04.19slackytudeJucato, hrm
15:04.25Jucatoif you want to make the whole desktop be your ~/Desktop folder again, right-click on the desktop -> Desktop Settings -> switch Type to Folder View
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15:06.11oneforallI notice that deaktop folder from setting up new users the home one does nothing and the k . I have to wait and press hard on my mouse or it just shows up for a split second
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15:06.14slackytudeJucato, I see
15:06.19slackytudeJucato, interesting
15:07.10slackytudeJucato, can this folder applet be minimized?
15:07.10Jucatominimized? nope. closed/removed? yes
15:07.28slackytudethis will need some getting used too, but its nice
15:07.45neverendingo__slackytude: switch it back to default desktop, right click on the desktop -> add widgets and d&d folderview to the desktop
15:08.03neverendingo__slackytude: then you can resize it in any way
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15:08.05oneforallslackytude wait till you try and do a diff bg for each desktop :)
15:09.25slackytudeneverendingo__, ah, cool
15:09.32slackytudeneverendingo__, need to clean that one out
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15:10.41neverendingo__slackytude: there is also another option for launchers: right click on the menu entry you wish to have on the desktop -> select "add to desktop"
15:11.02neverendingo__slackytude: but the last way will not add an entry to your Desktop folder
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15:15.46ForgeAuswheres the best place to find a kde3.5.x (9 or above) for interix?
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15:16.27ForgeAusif I want kde4 theres always kde4win native ...
15:17.05ForgeAusand mac has macports and/or fink at least one of them has kde3
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15:20.19oneforallwish the right click on the panel had the menu in the list so you can click on the app you want right where the mouse is
15:20.38oneforallstill lost of missing right click
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15:44.39marisnany ideas why task manager displays one window as present on all desktops? I have enabled display only active desktop windows option.
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15:46.15ForgeAusuh because its paranoid? lol
15:47.17marisnForgeAus: n/f On Desktop1 where window is located I see two window names in Task manager and both reffer to same window...
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16:20.15oneforallwhy is it now in kong(file manager mode) when I middle click for a picture to open in quckshow. It open but it also opens another tab :(
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16:20.59oneforallworked so nice in kde3
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17:03.15Newbie16hi all
17:03.28Newbie16i've lost plasma, it started but then disappeared, what is the new command to start it?
17:03.42Newbie16ah plasma-desktop
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17:26.58hobanhello everyone. Can someone please suggest a good plasmoid/applet/whatever that will either prompt for my kerberos password and perform a kinit for me or integrate with KDM so it can use the same password, then tell me when my kerberos ticket has expired and prompt me for the password again to get a new ticket?
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17:35.36Nece228ive got strange problem
17:35.58Nece228ive installed gnome, then uninstall and when i back to kde 4.3.1 kde works horribly slow
17:36.16Nece228when i run kde with other user everything is fast
17:36.53Nece228it happens only to one user
17:36.57Nece228whats wrong?
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17:44.46sky_1Hi where i can check answer for my mail to kde-artists ?
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17:45.27xxtjaxxsky_1 get a mailing list account so you can get mailing list mails to you
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17:46.12hobanhello everyone. Can someone please suggest a good plasmoid/applet/whatever that will either prompt for my kerberos password and perform a kinit for me or integrate with KDM so it can use the same password, then tell me when my kerberos ticket has expired and prompt me for the password again to get a new ticket?
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17:47.15Nece228anybody know anwser?
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17:52.40Nece228it looks like ill have to recreate user... damn, i already did that few times
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18:49.28berniyhhi there
18:49.42berniyhis it possible to import tbirds message filters into kmail?
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18:57.47e01i have problem with default  dolphin in kde4.2.4
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18:58.28e01the dolphin try to cache the file first
18:58.37e01how can i set to not cache it
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19:03.46ttfwhat's the keyboard shortcut to show all windows on all desktops in kde4?
19:03.54ttfI'm not having desktop effects enabled
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19:06.48blkdghello, i am using kde 4.2 with slackware 13.0. how do i add an icon to a kde menu?
19:08.30blkdgi would like to add amdcccle to my kde menu, but i can't. how do i add this? i tried the kde menu update tool and it does not see amdcccle
19:08.36maouris this ok ? :-/  by installing kdepimlibs5 , i should remove some packages ?!
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19:10.10Guest96882how do I get konqueuror in kola to stop adding www to addresses?
19:10.20Peace-blkdg: omg... right button
19:10.53Peace-blkdg: like in kde 3.5 but maybe that feauters was added on kde 4.3
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19:11.29blkdgi'm in the system settings window and i can't right click Peace-
19:11.29heroidhow do i install kde3.5 in ubuntu jaunty?
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19:11.43Peace-blkdg: right on the dock
19:11.52Guest96882but seriously "
19:11.54blkdgoh thatks!\
19:12.07Peace-heroid: there are some repo for that
19:12.12Guest96882how do I get konqueror to stop adding www to addresses?
19:12.22Guest96882its driving me nuts.
19:12.30Peace-heroid: but.... i think kde 3 is dead and kde 4 is pretty nice
19:12.35blkdgi'm just getting use to this.
19:12.41blkdgthanks agian
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19:12.46Guest96882how do I get konqueror to stop adding a www to .i2p addreses?
19:13.11szalPeace-: wrong channel ;)
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19:13.32Peace-xD szal
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19:14.16Guest96882pm me I have to go.
19:15.04fax8hi all, I'd like to have click mouse wheel scrolling for kde apps.. is that possible to enable?
19:15.08heroidahh can i has the repo
19:15.11Ash-Foxme I have to go.
19:15.19Ash-Fox-> *me* I have to go.
19:15.58Peace-heroid: i think on , news... you can get that informations
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19:16.12Peace-*on news
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19:19.11Peace-heroid: found out
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19:23.25messertingHi, after I installed LXDE, it seems xdg-open want to use Xarchiver instead of Ark. how can I change it back?
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19:25.26blkdghello, i am using kde 4.2 with slack 13.0. if i make a file with kate, and save it to my /Desktop, why isn't the icon for that file on my desktop? i can see it with an ls or with dolphin.
19:26.34messertingblkdg: you need to add the file widget or plasmoid or whatever it is called :)
19:27.35messertingblkdg: It is called "Folder View" I think.
19:27.42thiago_homeor switch the desktop to folderview
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19:28.09messertingthiago_home: how do we do that?
19:28.15blkdgthanks messerting
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19:31.06thiago_homeright-click the desktop, Configure Desktop
19:31.10thiago_homechoose Folderview
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19:53.32messertingthiago_home: oh, simple as that. thanks :)
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20:13.17IdeogroabpfHey does kwin have something like the color filter plugin in compiz?
20:13.38mgraesslinwhat does the color filter plugin?
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20:14.08Ideogroabpfahh, will a youtube explain well?
20:14.09Tatshhow do i make KDE 4 pop up notifications for newly plugged in devices like my flash drive?
20:14.36mechanical_man_Tatsh: thas an own plasmoid
20:14.43ajoxhey all. i want to create a theme for my Sony Ericsson Handy and need oxygen artwork files... do you know good ressources for that=
20:14.44Tatshi have that plasmoid enabled
20:14.49Tatshbut i'd rather it pop up on its own
20:14.57Ideogroabpf it's pretty clearly labelled inbetween other features shown in the video
20:14.59Tatshkde 3 used to do this (that is my argument :P)
20:15.10mechanical_man_Tatsh: it should pop up, if a new device is detected
20:15.16Ideogroabpfin this demo it's seen as making everything green
20:15.34Tatshdoes it have to be on the bar mechanical_man ?
20:15.48mgraesslinI don't want to watch a 6 min Compiz showoff ;-)
20:16.00Ideogroabpfit's in the beginning really
20:16.09Ideogroabpfthe filter part ends before 1:30
20:16.20TatshDevice Notifier right?
20:16.43IdeogroabpfI'm not sure it will serve my needs anyway but I'll have to try and see first
20:18.01mechanical_man_Tatsh: yes, device nofifier. and yes, you should place it e.g. on the taskbar
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20:18.09mgraesslinIdeogroabpf: there is an invert effect in kwin
20:18.23IdeogroabpfWell, that's useful for other things
20:18.58IdeogroabpfI guess what I'm really interested is in compressing the color space into a smaller color space really
20:19.25IdeogroabpfBut uhh, nobody's probably got around to making something like that yet
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20:30.29KaristianHi there. This may be a stupid question but: Where can I configure the signature in kmail?
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20:33.22thiago_homein the KMail settings
20:33.34thiago_homeSettings, Configure KMail, in the identity
20:34.35Karistianthiago_home: Ahhhhhhh! Identity! I searched and searched and didn't find it. There it is! :) Thank you! :)
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20:49.10IdeogroabpfI'd hate to interrupt the idle but does anyone know of water effects for kwin
20:49.34mgraesslinthere is one unfinished in a git branch on my harddisk
20:50.56Ideogroabpfhmm, I'll ask you about it sometime then
20:51.00*** join/#kde Sarah` (i=183b09f5@gateway/web/freenode/x-kbqcrdobjwgwbjce)
20:51.34mgraesslinlet's say it clear: that was playing around with technology and is like the compiz one totally slow
20:51.48IdeogroabpfAww! :C It's cool
20:52.03mgraesslinoh and I have no idea about physics so it is not really correct
20:52.08IdeogroabpfI can always get the latter if I reeeeally want it
20:52.20mgraesslinit's just a sine curve expanding on the screen
20:53.02Sarah`Hi, everyone. I just installed Arch Linux, Xorg, and KDE. It seems that it's not allowing me to set a display resolution greater than 1024x768, despite my laptop being 1280x800 natively.
20:53.05Sarah`Could someone pretty please give me a hand?
20:53.56mgraesslinthat's from end of April and probably the last state
20:54.19IdeogroabpfYeah the wave dynamics have been done quite awesome in compiz
20:54.40mgraesslinthe borders?
20:54.47mgraesslinthat would not be that difficult
20:55.23mgraesslinor water walls or how they are called
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20:59.05hallownameSarah`: #archlinux or's x section...
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21:02.29Soup-N-Sandwichanybody familar with Diskdrake/Harddrake?
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21:03.05thiago_home-> #mandriva
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21:09.03hallownamemeh i would give a kidneystone for kopete to do myspaceim. i have to use pidgin -.-
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21:10.27GNU\colossusmyspaceim… for those who've overcome cancer, and are willing to cope with something even more ugly.
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21:10.40GNU\colossusisn't myspaceim also just XMPP?
21:10.58GNU\colossusif it isn't, it's about as stupid as the site's average user (no offense ;))
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21:15.17nesciusonce, back in pre kde4 times, someone was advertising how cool the kde4 will be and mentioned automatic language detection into spellcheck
21:15.58thiago_homeunfortunately, the developer doing that disappeared
21:16.06thiago_homewe haven't heard from him at all
21:16.06nesciusamong other things forgoten, well, at least we have rotating plasma widgets
21:16.08thiago_homewe're worried
21:16.19thiago_homenot forgotten
21:16.22nesciusthiago_home: sorry :)
21:16.23thiago_homeI've just given you a reason
21:18.14cb400fnescius: it would be unfair to the competition if akonadi, nepomuk/strigi, sonnet, decibel etc. all just worked feature complete already :-)
21:18.42nesciusthiago_home: well, i am not surre if my language skillz would be good enough to do c++ without the spellcheck :) not mentioning guessing if we are speaking in american or english.. or italian and spanish
21:18.59nesciuscb400f: i am using opensuse..
21:19.58nesciuscb400f: none of what you mentioned does work here in 4.3.1
21:20.18nesciusnot even its repository..
21:20.36cb400fexactly ... it would be unfair if it did work :-)
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21:21.33nesciusso, do you have any idea what that spellcheck guy had in mind?
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21:22.16cb400fnot really.. seem to remember it was claimed that about 20 chars would be enough to judge which language was used
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21:22.38cb400fmaybe it's just to check installed hunspell dictionaries and see what fits best
21:22.47NSaibotam i supposed to activate somethin on in order the microblog widget to work?
21:23.10NSaibotso far i only see my avatar, but no messages at all.
21:23.16nesciusi mean how do you want to do such thing? ...maybe if all related spellcheck languages would be installed..
21:24.39cb400fmaybe it was supposed to assume that the user had installed the dictionaries for the languages he knows
21:24.44cb400fand wants to write
21:24.51thiago_homeprobably frequency check
21:25.18cb400fmost people would prolly only need 2-3 langs max
21:25.45cb400fof course a few crazies know 100+ langs.. but that's prolly not what the sonnet guy had in mind
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21:27.21nesciusthat would only mean doing some quick reference checks for words which still could be misspelled against 2-3 arrays containing few tousands words at least
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21:30.38nesciusexcuse my engrish, konversation spellcheck refuses to switch itself :)
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21:40.31nesciuscb400f: maybe some linguist could help.. i suspect that some languages using latin could use some letters more often than others and even some accents, but then what about people who dont use the accents at all? l33t ppls..
21:41.09cb400fdetecting the language would be useless without the dictionaries installed anyway
21:41.37cb400fI think you're making much more of it, than was ever intended
21:42.25cb400fI think the point was just to let people easily have spellcheck for eg English and their native language
21:42.49cb400fwithout manual switching back and forth
21:44.14*** join/#kde Thundercloud (
21:48.24nesciuscool :) English and American :D however, this will be still a bit more problematic thing to do, unless the other language is not simplified chinise or kanji or something like that..
21:48.36netsurf3hi all, is it possible to write context menu scripts for running on files. for example convert this selected file to an ipod compatible format
21:48.49netsurf3similar to the nautilus scripts
21:48.57nesciusnetsurf3: yes, it is possible
21:49.18netsurf3nescius, where can i find out how to do this?
21:49.39*** join/#kde lcafiero ( contains some examples of that, good luck.
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21:58.58Titan8990has anyone else had an issue with konsole displaying the cursor an extra char to the right and the fonts moving positions when highlighting? I am running kde 4.2 with nvidia drivers
21:59.27thiago_homeit means the font metrics are wrong
21:59.53Titan8990thiago_home, thanks, is the kde specific or system wide?
22:00.17thiago_homecould be either
22:00.22thiago_homecould be also konsole-specific
22:00.33thiago_homedoes it happen for every text, or just after some characters?
22:00.44debuggerTitan8990: It's distro specific...
22:01.07Titan8990debugger, and of course im using a distro that i don't typically....
22:01.15debuggerTitan8990: Just play with the preferences, set a good font, check the preferences.
22:01.27debugger-preferences +settings
22:01.39debuggerI mean, konsole's settings
22:03.17Titan8990wouldn't even be having this problem if suse had a mrxvt package in the repos
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22:08.26Titan8990i changed font to fixed width and its fine now
22:08.45Titan8990thanks again for the help
22:13.04esaym153anyone here like akonadi ?
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22:22.16e01esaym153: i not like it
22:22.50Titan8990i just had a look at it, concept sounds nice
22:23.05Titan8990but imo might as well just mount /home via NFS, accomplishes the same thing
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22:31.46esaym153yea, wonder why it is being forced on us
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22:32.12esaym153maybe it will be optional in the future, it sure isn't know
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22:51.53Guest96882hi guys. how do I keep konqueror from adding www to addresses
22:52.07sysop2hi guys. how do I keep konqueror from adding www to addresses
22:52.15thiago_homeit doesn't add
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22:52.57sysop2it does
22:53.08thiago_homeit has never done it here
22:54.19sysop2it does it on .i2p addresses
22:54.38sysop2I bet it doesnt because its a .com or whatever normal address you use.
22:57.45thiago_homegive me an example of something you type and it adds www
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23:03.10PenguiniatorIt does if you type http://
23:03.48thiago_homewell, you can't expect Konqueror to show anything if you type just http://
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23:04.58JakeSayshey is kde 4.3 available for osx?
23:05.43Penguiniatorit tries to complete what you type by prepending http://www. before the text you're typing. It's plain to see. Even just typing s single h does it.
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23:08.17Sho_JakeSays: I think there's a #kde-mac, and #fink is also applicable
23:09.42JakeSaysSho_: ok thanks
23:11.01thiago_homePenguiniator: so?
23:11.04thiago_homePenguiniator: what's the big deal?
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23:11.39Penguiniatorthe op wants to know how to disable it... not get an argument about whether it behaves that way.
23:12.04thiago_homeyou can't disable it
23:12.12Penguiniatorbetter answer
23:12.14thiago_homeit's offering you an extra choice
23:12.23thiago_homewhy do you want to get the choice that you already have?
23:12.37thiago_homedoesn't see the point of completing something with nothing
23:12.45thiago_homeit's not completing, it's just giving you back what you already had
23:12.57JakeSaysthinks thiago_home is ubiquitous.
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23:34.15oneforalldarn I changed the file amanger but when I pop in a cd/dvd it opns in that thunar :(
23:34.43sysop2thiago:  sorry got dragged away http://forum.i2p
23:35.28sysop2I cant figure a way around it.
23:35.55Penguiniatoravoid typing in http://. Just type forum.i2p instead
23:36.01sysop2ok brb
23:36.53Penguiniatorthe ptb say it can't be disabled.
23:37.07sysop2the ptb? wtf is a ptb?
23:37.16Penguiniatorpowers that be
23:37.45sysop2oh ok. can it be a changable feature in a upcoming version?
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23:38.33sysop2it makes using i2p and konqueror almost impossible.
23:39.16Penguiniatorthat's a question for the devs
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23:39.47sysop2is there another channel for the devs or do I have to wait for them to be in channel?
23:40.42Penguiniatorthere should be another channel... don't know off the top of my head what it is
23:42.47oneforallerr how doi I get it to load in the file manager I want ?
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23:45.52Jahootyis it possible with kde 4 do have a traditional style desktop with icons on it?
23:49.21oneforallI have a couple icons on it ;)
23:49.30oneforallk3b for 1
23:50.00Jahootyi don't want a plasmoid though, i want a real desktop
23:50.04Jahootycan i have that?
23:50.27oneforalloh dunno .
23:51.35oneforallall I know so far is I had to fix the desktop file for konq file manager mode to apear in the menu. home.desktop.
23:51.49oneforallclassic menu and classic setting
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23:53.01nesciussysop2: bugreport that, whatever it is...
23:53.15nesciussysop2: what is it anyway?
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23:54.01sysop2nescius: it keeps adding a www to .i2p addresses. as in forum.i2p becomes
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23:54.35nesciusand using konqueror is almost impossible.
23:55.00nesciussysop2: which version?
23:55.22nescius4.3.1 does not add anything, it just plain fail in whatever browser
23:56.08sysop2I am running kde 4.3
23:56.09nesciusby the way, www is never added by a browser, it is usually http redirect
23:56.32nesciusthus a webserver issue
23:56.34sysop2well since I am never making it to the page it cant be a http redirect
23:57.25nesciussince all browsers i have here could not connect to the server, i would not blame konqueror for this one this time
23:57.40sysop2well it works fine in firefox.
23:58.04nesciuswell not for my firefox
23:58.05sysop2.i2p address are like .onion addreses. you can only connect to them if you using i2p.
23:58.17nesciusah right, torr?
23:58.23sysop2like tor but not.
23:58.33nesciusaha, ok
23:58.55sysop2just google i2p its pretty intresting.
23:59.09sysop2I cant use konqueror with it at all.

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