IRC log for #kde on 20090831

00:01.55*** join/#kde rain_ (n=user@
00:02.13Sho_MTGap: well the standard only specifies some icons
00:02.24Sho_MTGap: Oxygen has many more icons, with the naming following the rules of the standarsd
00:02.46MTGapuh so anyway to tell what icon an application is using
00:03.00MTGap(not the application icon, just an icon in the application)
00:03.02Sho_looking at the source
00:03.42MTGapfun lol
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00:03.52MTGapthey are all in trunk?
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00:11.58Sho_MTGap: the icons? yeah
00:12.37MTGapok thanks I'll take a look
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00:56.30simcop2387is there any option to have kmail remember grouping information on all threads in my mailboxes (i'm using imap, can switch to virtually anything else if necessary)
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00:57.38PhrkOnLshyou should use ftp.
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01:00.15simcop2387PhrkOnLsh: hmm can you do mbox/maildir over ftp...? that would be a really hairy ordeal
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01:01.55cormount sftp in fstab, looks like local folder
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01:02.57coryou need ssh access, though, not regular ftp. that may be doable, too, but I've not looked into it. kio slaves make most protocols transparent, in the right apps
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01:15.42carpiihow do i stop kmail showing little notification windows as its checking each accounts mail ?  its making my life unhappy :(
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01:17.16cornotifications are making all our lives unhappy. the developer fled to siberia
01:17.40cortry launching kate with 30 sftp documents!
01:17.58Jucatocor: you're referring to the same thing
01:18.22cormy bad, I assumed kmail use the kde system notifications. I use thunderbird
01:18.45Jucatocarpii: there's an up/down arrow beside the progress bar at the bottom of the window. click it to make notifications hide
01:18.56corDON'T CLICK THAT!
01:19.02corthat's just the start of MORE trouble!
01:19.21Jucatocor: it's both to show and hide
01:19.35carpiiso should i or shouldnt i ?
01:19.41corhide my nutt!
01:19.43Jucatokmail doesn't show notifications (that will popup in plasma) by default
01:19.49carpiithanks Jucato
01:20.03Jucatocarpii: test it yourself. it's not destructive as cor would like you to believe
01:20.03carpiii think thats fixed it. I knew i hadnt gone in and changed any settings, which is why it was a bit odd :)
01:20.07Jucatoit's an on/off switch
01:20.10carpiiits ok, seems to work fine
01:20.22carpiimy life is rosy again \o/
01:20.33Jucatostill thinks cor is referring to a completely different thing
01:20.39corquite possibly
01:20.46carpiiand seems quite angry about it, too
01:20.50Jucatoand if you're not using kmail, how the hell do you know what it does/doesn't do?
01:20.59corI ended up disabling them, so now they are wee regular windows
01:21.07Jucatoyes. completely different thing
01:21.10corwhich you MUST NOT minimize, or else you will never see again
01:21.30Jucatoand I reiterate [09:21] <Jucato> kmail doesn't show notifications (that will popup in plasma, which is cor's issue) by default
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01:22.46cornot angry, not at all.
01:22.50cormore amused.
01:23.07carpiiwell thats good
01:23.09Jucatoconfusing carpii in the process
01:23.13carpiippl shouldnt be angry on a sunday night
01:23.20corit was fun, though
01:23.20carpiiesp when theres no work tmrw :D
01:23.54cornice one
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01:31.05eypherathDoes someone here know something about 4.3 under deb-sid?
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01:34.19ganymedehi, i'm using kate and it's getting slow an unresponsive when i type in really long lines. by the time i'm at line 3088, column 1000 or something like, it slows down so when i type, the letters don't show up immediately but i have to wait for them to keep up with my typing. this is on a p4 2.4 ghz with 1 GB of RAM. this happens either when LaTeX syntax highlighting is enabled or with no syntax highlighting. does anyone know how i can sp
01:34.19ganymedeeed kate up?
01:34.42ganymedethis really makes it difficult to type; it's even worse than typing without looking at the screen because the letters not coming up on time is disorienting
01:35.04corhappens to me, too.
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01:35.26coron 32 bit and 64 bit platforms and a range of specs
01:36.14corI haven't noticed it for a long while, but then, I;ve mostly been working with short files these last couple of months!
01:36.20*** join/#kde Phlogi (
01:36.32ganymedecor: yeah, i would have switched to emacs for these documents but emacs doesn't really have a scrollbar...except non-console emacs, but that has a terrible font last time i checked
01:37.17ganymedei can't switch to any other text editor because KDE fonts look too nice and clear and when you're typing really long latex paragraphs, clarity becomes important
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01:37.30vianahi all
01:37.36corI'm hoping the Komodo crew keep at it, a moz-based text editor, that makes up the holy trinity
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01:37.48corbut it sucks with kio
01:38.10ganymedeever since fuse, kio has been less of a requirement
01:38.11Timslinhow do i change the icons in F11 KDE?
01:38.27vianai can't find my program in the bottom when it minimium
01:38.41corI don't know anything about fuse
01:38.50eypherathWell...Maybe I'll just ask my question...In sidux with kde 4.3 kpackage doesn't work at all, but is still installed...But deleting it will delete a metapackage called kdeadmin also...Is kdeadmin as important as it sounds and if, is there a way to get rid of kpackage?
01:39.11PhrkOnLshi prefer kio over fuse, tbh
01:39.14corviana, you can set it to show windows form *all* desktops. it sounds like your window is on another desktop. but maybe not.
01:39.17ganymedecor: it's like kio but not limited to KDE apps, it's usable by any apps
01:39.27corI like the sound of that!
01:39.38corthat's kio's greatest weakness, for sure
01:40.09Jucatoeypherath: that's a very distro-specific question. you'll have to ask in Debian's channel
01:40.45eypherath@Jucato: Thanks...Will do just that...
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01:41.17Jucatoganymede: doing what FUSE does is afaik just a part of what KIO provides. it's not a complete 1:1 replacement. (and there's kio_fuse I think)
01:41.45ganymedeJucato: i'm not sure what kio does that fuse doesn't, sorry
01:43.04ganymede(unless it's something really technical and obscure)
01:43.12vianahow can i show work station
01:43.21vianaand i can't find it
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01:44.55Timslindo Gnome icons work in KDE?
01:45.53richerVETimslin: Gnome icons? any icon must work
01:46.38richerVETimslin: if your question is, if it appears in kde menu, well, that depends
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01:47.46TimslinricherVE, i use KDE and want to use these icons
01:47.46JucatoTimslin: those parts of the theme that complies with the standard for icon names will work in KDE. but there will be some that are not covered by the gnome icons
01:48.06*** part/#kde Bou (
01:48.07Jucato(Crystal SVG is a KDE icon  theme though)
01:48.35richerVETimslin: Jucato has the answer
01:48.56corany icons work, if they are in the right places
01:49.04corand they aren't .ico files!
01:49.18Jucatocor: not really. they should have the right names as well
01:49.35corI'm not saying a "theme" could drop into place
01:49.47corbut icons themselves are cross-platform ;o)
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01:57.27Timslinhow do i install the icons?
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02:02.16Sericais konq supposed to display han characters encoded in gb18030 correctly on a web page?
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02:03.54notKlaatuanyone ever had any trouble assigning the encryption gpg in kmail ?
02:04.09notKlaatui can set my signing method, just not encryption
02:04.17isaacvvare some keys not supported by KDE yet? For example brightness up/down, sleep, etc....
02:04.24isaacvvit says key not supported by Qt
02:05.37Timslinwhere can i find this control centerin kde? search doesn't give any results (3rd picture)
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02:07.09notKlaatuTimslin: system settings
02:07.15notKlaatuTimslin: i assume you're in kde4
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02:07.42notKlaatuTimslin: just do an alt-F2 and type in system settings.  should take you right to it.  icon is a hammer and wrench or something.
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02:10.15notKlaatuTimslin: i think you're looking for the Appearance sub menu.
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02:10.46notKlaatuTimslin: oh, no, that's from kde3.  nevermind....
02:10.55notKlaatudidn't really look at the pic very hard, sorry.
02:11.36JucatoTimslin: what KDE version are you on?
02:11.56Timslinjucato, how do i find out?
02:12.20Jucatoin a KDE app, go to the Help menu -> About KDE
02:12.43TimslinJucato, 4.3.0
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02:13.00Timslinfound it, it's in system settings>apearence
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02:15.27sir_lewkis there a way to disable the white atmosphere "halo" around earth when using the marble desktop thing?
02:15.38corsamba users: sudo aptitude install kdenetwork-filesharing
02:15.47cora system settings applet for samba!
02:15.57Timslinif i download icons/fonts/splash screens etc etc where do i place them so they show up automatically in system settings>appearence?
02:16.40JucatoTimslin: it's much easier to just install them from the GUI (drag and drop for icons)
02:17.04Jucatosaves you the hassle of unzipping/extracting those (they usually come in archives) and manually placing them in the proper locations
02:17.50TimslinJucato, sorry i don't understand, how do i install them via the GUI?
02:18.36TimslinJucato, ignore me. Not very familiar with Linux and ask stupid questions at time
02:19.03corthe applets have buttons for you to install themes and such, no?
02:19.33corI didn't realize you could drag icons into icon dialogs, though, gotta try that
02:19.41JucatoSystem Settings -> Appearance -> Icons, Splash Screen, System Settings -> Font installer
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02:23.20TimslinJucato, changing things wouldn't cause system instabiolity would it
02:23.59Jucatoit shouldn't. changes are local (user only) and are just cosmetic (appearances only)
02:24.53TimslinJucato, cool thank you. wanted to change things for a while now and didn;t have a clue how to go about it :)
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02:30.34M0E_lnxguys, where does kde3 expect the user face icons to be located?
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02:31.43corto me that equates to buying a peecee and just admiring the outside of the case, the smoothness of the monitor.
02:31.59corswitch it on!, explore em buttons!
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02:36.58oneforallhmm lots of effects that don't want to work now. popup saying the cube etc .
02:39.01oneforallthat might be from the weird way to get individual bg's on the desktops ?
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02:42.01corone interesting effect of the multiple-desktop "activities" is that the "cube" splins through all sides when you login. makes ye dizzy
02:42.36MiescoIs KDE making a webkit browser?
02:43.32oneforalllol  I still just do startx . But then I rarely shut down
02:44.22oneforallI take it that "activities" mean each desktop is  like a personal one
02:44.36corjust different wallpapers
02:44.49corbut the whole activities shebang has to be enabled to get that
02:45.46oneforalloh yeah but not just the wall paper . widgets etc . I see the clock and everything else I have isn'y in sticky mode to the other desktops.
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02:46.34oneforallplus no right click on a widget to send it to anthor desktop or sticky etc hmm
02:46.34coryou can set that
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02:46.50corthere's only 2 plasma settings, and that's one of them!
02:46.59oneforalllol yeah as strange as getting wallpaper to work for each desktop eh
02:47.18cornah, none of that yet. I forsee lots of that sort of thing in future KDE, though
02:48.04oneforallah crap I forgot and upgraded mesa and lost render.
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02:48.22MiescoAre there any good looking alpha projects?
02:48.32oneforallonly need to upgrade it in  my chroot
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02:50.46JucatoMiesco: is *KDE* making a webkit browser? if you mean an official, shipped by default, browser developed by, no. if you're asking if someone's making a kde-integrated webkit browser, then yes. see the rekonq project
02:52.21*** join/#kde M0E_lnx (
02:54.34MiescoJucato: Is webkit better then KHTML?
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02:56.06Sho_Miesco: both have their pros and cons
02:56.58MiescoSho_: Is konqueror always going to use KHTML?
02:57.29Sho_Miesco: Konqueror can already use WebKit via the WebKit KPart (experimental)
02:57.57M0E_lnxguys, how do I get KDM to show a picture for my user account?
02:57.59MiescoSho_: Do you think konqueror is going to use webkit by default in the future?
02:58.30Sho_Miesco: Not in the near-term. Longer-term, who knows. It's a subject of debate within KDE.
02:58.55MiescoSho_: What apps do you develop?
02:59.31Sho_Miesco: I maintain Konversation and Yakuake, but I have code all over the place
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03:01.19panzican anyone tell my how the pagger applet receives mouse move events even when the mouse is NOT hovering the applet?
03:01.40panziI just cant figure it out!
03:02.14Sho_panzi: why do you think it does?
03:02.26Jucatopanzi: I'm guessing you're rolling your mouse wheel over an empty space in the desktop
03:02.45M0E_lnxface icon guys.... anybody?
03:02.49Jucatothen please specify
03:02.59coradvanced programming techniques?
03:03.07panziwhen I drag a thumb window and move it to the edge so that you can still see it inside the pager applet but your mouse is already outside, you can still move the window!
03:03.37panziI tried to implement something similar myself but it stops moving when the mouse pointer leaves the applet
03:03.58oneforallTo change your desktop theme to "(Customized)", open the desktop Appearance Settings and select "(Customized)" from the droplist
03:04.05cormaybe the thumb is really receiving the events and passing them on
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03:04.35JucatoM0E_lnx: run System Settings as root (kdesu or kdesudo), Advanced -> Login Manager -> Users tab -> set User Image Source at the side to "User, System"
03:04.57oneforallwhere is that ? I find desktop theme details , desktop search . the in the general tab  appearance
03:05.05JucatoM0E_lnx: then you'll have to change your accounts face icon in System Settings -> About Me
03:05.18Jucato(or you can set a global face icon in the Login Manager settings for all users)
03:06.28corAphorism: a concise and clever statement.
03:06.46corAfterism: a concise and clever statement you only think of when it's too late.
03:06.56cor--- Linux fortunes
03:06.59M0E_lnxJucato: I did, but KDM ignores it
03:07.30corthose afterisms just keep slamming me tonight!
03:07.32panzicor: I'm staring at the source and can'T see how its done:
03:07.48corthat's one of the worst feelings ever
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03:07.50panzithe setAcceptsHoverEvents(true); doesn'T do it
03:07.57M0E_lnxok.. nvm got it.. kdm settings
03:08.06corI'm no C coder, but I can usually see how something is *done*
03:09.22*** join/#kde Mata (n=Mata@
03:09.43panziI don't think this problem here is something that wouldn't be there when KDE/Qt would be written in C
03:09.53panzithe gobject system is also OOP
03:09.55P4C0hello guys, I'm a bit into panic mode... I was playing with kde themes, and I choosed gtk style... it crashed and now I can't start it, I get QGtkStyle cannot be used together with GTK_Qt engine... how can I revert this? failesafe mode doesn't work :(
03:10.04panziits just syntax
03:10.11panzihow is it done?
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03:10.24Sho_panzi: ask in #plasma
03:10.33corsomewhere in the underbelly, is the answer
03:10.34panziSho_: good idea
03:10.42corand report back!
03:10.59Sho_well this is technically off-topic here
03:11.51P4C0I can't start kde :( please help!
03:11.52corthat seems odd
03:12.01Sho_P4C0: there's a widgetStyle= line in ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals
03:12.08Sho_P4C0: change the value to oxygen
03:12.19P4C0Sho_: thanks a lot, just a second :)
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03:14.17P4C0Sho_: working now, thanks a lot!
03:14.48oneforalldesktop Appearance Settings where is this ?
03:15.27P4C0the reason why I tried to change it, it because QMessageBox::critical() doesn't display any icon, and it seems to be theme related, maybe this is a bit OT here, but does anyone knows if oxygen defines QMessageBox::Critical (::Information, ::Error) icons?
03:15.27Sho_P4C0: np
03:15.52Sho_P4C0: #oxygen or #kde-devel
03:16.00P4C0Sho_: thanks
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03:34.11oneforalldarn hal, policy crap . its as bad as win registry
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06:18.47oneforallBad parameters so hekpfull :)
06:20.50oneforallhmm got the usb stick and camera to show up but its only in media in konq. Kde3 it showed up in that service tree too
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06:27.21daemoenhey guys, any progress on kdevelop for kde 4?
06:29.01Jucato (see News) and #kdevelop
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06:55.08oneforallyeah another thing missing in konq tree in the right click is properties
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06:57.05oneforallIts onlt there for the main folders HOME Folde, Root Folder etc . but none of the subs
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06:59.53DumbleHello world !
07:00.21oneforalllots more missing from that right click. create folder file etc . everything thats in the panel right click is missing from the tree right click.
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07:03.20oneforallI see now dolphin if you add a url it'll open konq .But that still doesn't get my vote :)
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07:14.15oneforalleach of the panels home folder, root folder, service etc do not have the x to close them any more. but I see dolphin has that too :(
07:18.08oneforallthere a way om konq to adjust the search bar? The width si so darn small
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07:24.43reavertmdammit I have to say this - after using kde4 for so long time, I find kickoff very wrong approach in terms of usability
07:25.30reavertmI have no clue what usability test revealed that this is the most usable way of providing 'start' menu, but for me it just doesn't work
07:25.43thiago_homeand there were usability tests
07:25.50reavertmit is nice and all, but requires so many clicking, scrolling to get anything from it
07:26.04reavertmI know there were, they were even mentioned in SUSE page Iirc
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07:26.57reavertm"the difference between the theory and the practice is that in theory there's no difference between the theory and the practice, but in practice there is"
07:27.09reavertmpractice doesn't work best for me in this case
07:28.56oneforallyeah moving the iconsor widgets what ever theya re calles is still a pain in the but to do somethign so simple(thats was simple)
07:28.58reavertmand recent actions taken in trunk (further categorisation of .desktop entries in groups like in example with Internet or Games) will require even more clicks
07:29.32reavertmI suppose it's tradeoff between 'knowing what to click' and 'getting it clicked faster'
07:29.56oneforallthe size bar is nice . the clocked used to be nice to change the time but now you have to go into setting to do that. but that might be on the list to add
07:29.57Jucatoreavertm: if you already know the app exists, why click a lot when you can just type in the name or description of the app? or if it's a frequently used app, why not put it in the favorites tab?
07:29.57reavertmkickoff seems to be directed for the former (so new users)
07:30.18reavertmoh I use this of course
07:31.08oneforallbecause the comparison to spending the time to use run to type is as bad as all the clicking . it was there quick and simple now its cumbersome to do it
07:32.01oneforallyeah new users didn't get to see how much quicker ,simpler and faster the old way was
07:32.02Jucatoright-click -> Switch to Classic Menu Style. Done
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07:32.21reavertmJucato: that's not the way to solve the problem
07:32.23szalif you know a program's name you don't need to click it anyway, just enter (part of) its name in the search box & when it comes up press Return ;)
07:32.49Jucatoreavertm: it's the way to solve the problem for people who want the old style
07:33.04oneforallyeah the menu for classic is allmost nack. still a few missing things. like right click on the app and right intot he menu editor etc. both don't have that now thou.
07:33.43oneforallbut the panel(kicker) is still a pain to move things around or just move the panel its self
07:34.03Jucatohe's mentioning a problem that is present in *both* implementations. it has nothing to do with kickoff vs classic
07:34.24Jucatoand now you're switching to a whole different "problem"
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07:35.07oneforallyeah classic menu now. But classic menu always had it . where this new turtle has never
07:35.08reavertmclassic is too bare to be considered true alternative for kickoff
07:35.22Jucatotoo bare?
07:36.22oneforallbare as in no 95 style logo down the left side :)
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07:36.34reavertmmentioned tight click and of course logo :)
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07:37.30Jucatoyes the right click is missing, I already said that. and it's for both menus. so it's a bug/missing feature. what logo? and those 2 "missing" things make it already "bare"?
07:37.34reavertmalso 'show menu titles' could be on by default - (just found it)
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07:38.05oneforallthe hover still works great for me. quick to move around like before. But as far as I know they are still working on bring back the missing things. I dunno about the logo thou. It could have the nice frame \s arounf it thou
07:38.48oneforallI still see they refuse to have konq show up in the menu you have to go find the desktop file and edit it too
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07:39.36reavertm(lancelot on the other hand always felt like bloated beyond imagination for my)
07:39.39oneforallI had that fixed too and it got over writen this upgrade too. just like changing the theme on me
07:39.41reavertm(for me)
07:40.12reavertmoneforall: ? konqueror is here....
07:40.19oneforallreavertm lancelot is kinda in the middle
07:40.43Jucatomixing up issues and topics again. making it sound like they're all intricately related
07:40.46oneforallbut not on the menu you have to go edit the desktop file
07:41.46reavertmoneforall: what's up with konqueror? all fine here
07:42.49reavertmJucato: oh come on, can I just make some general rant occasionally? :P
07:43.00Jucatowasn't referring to you
07:43.12reavertmand no, I have no constructive ideas for kickoff yet
07:43.19oneforallreavertm 1) its was never in the menu (konq in file manager mode not the browser setup) .the file is there but a line to make it not show in the menu at all. Like ti used to
07:44.05reavertmfine, dolphin is new default file manager
07:46.01oneforall2) missing right click option from the tree panel 3) close buttons on those panels 4) the service panel doesn't show the usb sticks things mounted etc 5) quickshow isn't opening when I click on images like it does in kde and even dolphin(wich has most of what I've said here now)
07:46.29oneforalldon't care I don't like dolphin and you can change that too thank goodness
07:47.32oneforallchanges itt o because when you click on the notify for you isb etc it was opening thunar for me
07:48.13oneforalldoes in kde/does in kde3
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07:52.27reavertmI think I may start using thiago way of getting apps run - krunner
07:52.46oneforallthere a channel dealing with the theme manager "Customize individual desktop theme items" .
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07:54.23oneforallI run lots for konsole but there are some you want to run from the menu because you don't rememebr even part of the name or any extra switches/options etc .
07:54.26Jucatoonly uses kickoff for the favorites tab and the leave tab. krunner for everything else
07:54.44Jucatooh and recently used apps (sometimes,but not often)
07:55.41oneforallnice for drag drop to the desktop or kicker
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08:02.04oneforallTo change your desktop theme to "(Customized)", open
08:04.29oneforalldesktop Appearance Settings where is this ? All I find is Look & Feel appearance ,Desktop Theme Details , Desktop>Desktop Efects , Desktop Search
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08:06.28dreamtheaterCan someone tell me where to set the transparency of the start menu (lancelot respectively)?
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08:08.35Moultdreamtheater: the plasma theme sets that
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08:13.02dreamtheaterMoult: Do you know which part of the theme sets it?
08:13.24Moultdreamtheater: unfortunatley no i've never poked through the theme files. shouldn't be that hard to find it though
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08:16.11bulsain network I have created a permanent link to an ftp (folder /) now this link called "name" works perfectly, but when I add an entry "remote:/name" to the dolphin sidebar it points to "ftp://user@server:21/name" - a folder which doesn't exist - should I report this as a bug?
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08:42.32soa2iiHi! I got KDE 4.3.0 installed on Gentoo but sometimes I got massive rendering errors (some applications for example miss redrawing parts of them and then the background shines through). I got an Intel 945 GM card in a first generation MacBook... any special tips for this combination? I found smth telling I should try rendering method XAA in my xorg.conf but then my screen will stay black and I see my EFI-screen again but it seems that my linux is still running
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08:57.08dchmeliki hope kde4 is going to be exactly like kde3 but better
08:58.22dchmeliki accidentally removed the taskbar because the new interface is very counter-intuitive... and i do not see a taskbar in the widget list... how do i get it back?
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09:04.34sxedchmelik: rightclick to your desktop
09:04.40sxeunlock widgets
09:04.47sxethen you can add a new pannel
09:05.17sxeit not in the widget list its a seperate entry right under "add new widget" in the rightclick menu
09:05.30dchmeliki cannot 'click' because the keyboard shortcuts are set differently, and i opened console and got rid of its border and now cannot get to the desktop
09:05.40dchmeliki meant konsole
09:06.22dchmelikwhy would i want to add a new panel?  it is already there--just not the taskbar
09:06.36sxeah sry.. i get you wrong
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09:07.06dchmelikthe panel is so much harder to configure that you can move the mouse around not knowing what you are doing
09:07.08sxei don't know whats the name in englisch
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09:07.52dchmelikit looks like it is 'activity bar', but it does nothing.  nothing.
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09:08.40sxehm ..
09:09.03dchmelikit just says 'desktop' and does not show what programs are running
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09:09.41sxei think you are not using the right widget
09:09.48sxemine does not say anything about desktop
09:10.59sxeyou see a "call sign" in it?
09:11.09dchmeliki removed it, let me add it again
09:11.26dchmelikno, it only says 'Desktop.'
09:12.06sxeyou are talking about the widget that shows the little icons of programs like klipper/kopete and so on?
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09:12.25sxeor the one that shows the open windows?
09:12.38dchmelikbut for now the one that shows open windows
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09:12.44dchmeliki wish they would be the same though
09:13.04sxei use not the default kde4 one..
09:13.08sxei use staks..
09:13.25dchmelikis that in the widget list?
09:13.28sxeyes let me show you
09:13.42sxeoh no ..
09:13.48sxenop per default
09:13.52sxeyou have to install it ..
09:13.52dchmeliki did not see it in there
09:13.58sxewhat distribution are you using?
09:14.29dchmelikit looked like there was a taskbar but when i was trying to change the panel the mouse moved around and i had to close whatever that bar was
09:14.34sxelook if there exists a pakage for your distribution
09:14.41dchmelikthe mouse took it right out of the panel
09:14.52sxeyes .. thats a bit strange
09:14.56sxeif in edit morde
09:15.00sxeyou can klick on a widget
09:15.04dchmelikwell it is how it is set up
09:15.07dchmelikit did that with the clock too
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09:15.11sxeand after taht its focused and you can move it
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09:16.10dchmelikwhere is the meny to change the keyboard shortcuts configuration now for kde4?
09:16.13dchmeliki mean menu?
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09:16.29sxelets first search for your widget ..
09:16.38dchmeliki am searching
09:16.50dchmelikbut i see nothing called staks... is it stasks?
09:17.04sxein german ist called "Fensterleiste" so in english it shoeld be named like: Windowlist or something like that
09:17.49dchmeliki thought you said it was staks... and i do not see 'window list' in the widget menu either
09:17.49sxestaks is an other one.. but not the default one.. you have to install it if you want to use it
09:18.24sxesry i don't know how the default one is called in english :(
09:18.30dchmeliki would not mind using the default one... i think it will take me a week or two or three setting it up as much as like i had kde3
09:19.07sxethis is the one i'm talking about
09:19.13sxebut there is a fork of it i think
09:19.20dchmeliki would rather just use the default
09:19.25sxebut i use this old version
09:19.31dchmeliki would compile kde4.3 before i try anything specific
09:19.34sxeit is there.. :)
09:19.39sxelook for it ^^ sry
09:20.29dchmeliki found it
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09:20.42sxeah nice
09:26.32dchmelikwhere is the menu to change what OS the keyboard shortcuts work like?
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09:28.09sxesystemsettings > keyboard & mouse
09:28.55dchmeliki already looked there but i saw nothing like 'Windows' 'Mac' 'KDE' 'Unix' like kde3 had
09:29.31dchmelikthe newer style of configuration with icons instead of a list is much harder for me and maybe i missed it
09:29.49sxeyou can change the view of systemsettings
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09:30.19sxeon the top is an icon to change to listview
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09:31.07dchmeliki did not see any icon other than binoculars, which looks like it is for the search
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09:32.32sxewhat kde4 version are you using?
09:33.02dchmelik4.2.4 i think
09:33.07sxeah ok ..
09:33.18sxethats only possible in 4.3
09:33.33dchmeliki do not see an 'about' in settings anymore so i do not know how to check that either... but i can check in the terminal
09:33.38sxe4.3 is a huge improvement..
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09:34.28dchmelikyeah, i just checked--it is 4.2.4
09:34.38Xilenti can't move an new desktiop icon from one screen to the other
09:34.42dchmeliki will try to compile 4.3 as soon as i get 4.2.4 configured
09:34.58sxedchmelik: i would prefer to install 4.3 directly..
09:35.04sxethere are a lot of changes..
09:35.11dchmelikwell the packages are not made for Slackware64
09:35.12sxei think its simpler to switch directly
09:36.08XilentVersion 4.2.4 (KDE 4.2.4) "release 2"
09:36.12dchmelikguis are probably the last thing they will make for current whenever they start updating things
09:36.18sxeXilent: it doesn't work seamless here too
09:36.28dchmelikit is not that hard to compile anyway--i think
09:36.41sxebut it works.. :)
09:36.58dchmelikbut did you mean i should try to find a package instead of compiling it?
09:36.59sxeXilent: but i'm using kde 4.3
09:37.21sxei prefer using pakages of big programs like kde ..
09:37.36sxei would talke a lot of time to compile it by yourselfe
09:37.41dchmelikit makes no difference to me as long as it works
09:37.49dchmeliki have a 20Gflops machine
09:37.58sxei use precompiled pakaged..
09:38.05sxe(i'm on archlinux)
09:38.37sxei there are precompiled pakages play with them .. and if it works you can make your own ones..
09:38.42sxei there are precompiled pakages play with them .. and if it works you can make your own ones.. :)
09:38.56dchmelikyou mean the arch ones?  they might work, but i think the package system is different
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09:39.14sxeno i mean pakages for your distribution
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09:39.26geo27Hello ! Could someone explain me why when I want to play a midi file from frescobaldi with my laptop it launches timidity without any interface, and why doing the same thing on my laptop launches timidity with an interface (it corresponds to -ia command line parameter) ? Both machines were installed with same versions of timidity and frescobaldi (gentoo machines).
09:39.28sxemaybe there is a repository ..
09:39.30dchmelikwell gui ones will probably not be out for weeks, as i said
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09:39.53jibadeehawhat is a good kde 4 distribution
09:40.03dchmelik3.4 ;)
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09:40.21sxejibadeeha: depends on your linux skill i think :)
09:40.36sxegood beginner distributions are suse and kubuntu ( suse more i think)
09:40.43sxebut i like archlinux
09:41.02jibadeehathanks sxe will try suse
09:41.43homyHi! In dolphin "Details" View Mode the Size only displays the number of items for folders. Can I set it to display the actual folder Size (that is, total size of its contents)?
09:42.25sxehomy.. i don't think so .. but i'm not sure
09:43.11homyMaybe its just not enabled by default because of the extra overhead, but I didn't find any setting in dolphins settings.
09:43.32sxeyes.. that could be a huge overhead.. :)
09:43.40sxesry i don't know if thats possible
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09:49.17dchmeliki enabled transluceny but it is not working... but that is not as important as some other things
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09:52.29Xilentsxe, i can move old icons from one screen to the other, but new icons not
09:52.50Xilentnew icon = kmenu, right klick add to workspace
09:52.52sxehow do you create the new icons?
09:53.12sxesry i'm using kde 4.3
09:53.17sxei cannot help you with that
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09:53.23Xilentnever mind
09:53.46Xilenti'm trying to make the new icon to an old one ;-)
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10:00.10Xilentrestarting kde has not fixed the prob, but dropping the icon on the second screen worked now
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10:29.48Eddi|zuHausewhy does a copy window have its progress (XX%) in the title bar, but a move window does not?
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10:42.36malichi! my wlan isnt working in kde 4.3. Do i need the knetworkmanager ?
10:43.00malicor is the widget enough
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10:48.44krikosometimes when I login into kde cpu monitor plasmoid is dead - no cpus detected. What could be wrong?
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10:51.22Guest23222I am facing issues with sound card ! I am using sabayon4 kde
10:51.42pinotreeGuest23222: → #sabayon
10:51.43Guest23222no audio at all from day 1
10:51.54MadGirlpulseaudio is, like, being really weird right now for a lot of people.
10:52.18Guest23222so this is not the right channel for help ?
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10:58.50homyHow can I open isos and look at the contents? I tried opening it with ark, but it doesn't know that archive type.
10:59.26gjulianmount ISOFILE MOUNTPOINT -t iso9660
10:59.54gjulianrun as root
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11:10.01carl-hmmm .. i just switched to kde .. after having used gnome for a long time .. and im impressed .. though i use conky and it seems the transperance of conky disappeared so now its a bi black ugly blob in the upper corner
11:10.52carl-also i wonder .. cause i use gnote ( note taking application ) in gnome .. like sitting on the panel .. what would be its equal in kde ??
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11:22.25nreaucarl-: there is a note plasmoid I think
11:22.43nreaucarl-: check the plasmoid (widgets) list
11:22.53carl-k k will do .. thanks
11:24.17nreaucarl-: and also knotes I think
11:25.46carl-aha .. another thing .. where do i set keyboard shortcut to switch virtual desktop .. in gnome this use to be ctrl + alt + > | <
11:28.47nreauhave you checked the system settings?
11:28.54Boushould be there
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11:32.28Bugsonguys I have a problem with dvb on kaffeine, I don't have any audio until I'll pause the stream and start it back, this mean that audio works only when timeshift is on, is there some way to solve it?
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11:56.48carl-and well  anabling "desktop effects" (kwin) seems really slow .. like the windows update slow i have tried using compiz and well as this is not lifechanging though it seems kwin is very sluggish compared to what i experienced on compiz
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11:58.40Walexcarl-: probably your card does RENDER or Composite slowly, or the driver does not support acceleratio well.
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11:59.14carl-Walex: is this true even if it works very well in compiz ??
11:59.15Walexcarl-: Compiz and KWin use different aspects of the acceleration; some bits may be acelerated or not.
11:59.23carl-Walex: aah k k
11:59.58carl-Walex: so no "tweeking" available to fix that then . .. just my card not up to date i guess .. nvidia 6600
12:00.30Walexcarl-: for example it used to be that KDE antialiasing was very slow with the binary nVidia driver because KDE used a specific feature that the nVidia driver implemented badly.
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12:01.40carl-Walex: i c .. hmm well then maybe one should not try and combine kwin and nvidia then :)
12:01.43Walexcarl-: no, virtualy any semi-recent card, including a 6600, has the acceleration to do effects and OpenGL decently, it is just an issue of which particular detail is optimnized.
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12:02.46Walexcarl-: in general the nVidia binary driver does not support "effects" well, but that depends a lot on which particular driver version, which version of Compiz/KWIn and which rendering strategy is use.
12:03.04carl-Walex: well . so you say there is not much i can try .. as said effects or not wont change my world in any way .. i wont use them if they cripple me in any way
12:03.04lmurraywould really like to know the source of Walex's information
12:03.13lmurrayI'm running nVidia and get well over 500fps in KWin
12:03.18Walexcarl-: I think that if you do a web search you will find several recommedations on which particular combination of settings is best.
12:04.03Walexlmurray: 3D openGL has nothing to do with KWin. And it works pretty well. It is things like AIGLX or RENDER/Composite that are a mess.
12:04.22carl-Walex: thanks .. any info on the nouveau driver how are they coming along ??
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12:07.23Walexcarl-: haven't been folowing that a lot -- it workish. but not quite ready yet.
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12:11.59Walexcarl-: note the number of warnings in here:
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12:17.35Eddi|zuHausehow can i set dolphin to one-process-per-window?
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12:55.07helmutHi. can you help me with a completely broken kde (4.3 after upgrade from 4.2)? in particular it broke my akonadi database.
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12:57.22helmutmysql.err tells me it cannot open mysql.db.
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12:58.28helmutand can I somehow get rid of these focus-stealing windows with a moving blue box inside?
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13:12.27sinthetekfor some reason k3b keeps saying to insert a writable medium though cdrecord can write to the same disks fine
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13:13.39sintheteki do not have a full kde install though. do you think perhaps that might be a factor? i never  had problems with older versions of k3b
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13:13.55sinthetekwith similar setup
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13:17.35schafiI'm missing a main feature o kde 4.3 here: how can I sync akonadi with google-calendar? I read that it is possible but can't find any options here
13:18.09helmutyou can start akonadi? cool. my setup broke completely after upgrading
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13:35.15annmahelmut: check with your distro that you installed all required mysql
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13:35.27helmutannma: it worked with 4.2
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13:35.50annmaso it's an upgrade bug
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13:57.45alexexis there some date for kde 4.3.1 already?
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14:00.04plovshi guys! i forgot the name of an app that you can use to stitch 3 screenshots together at a slight angle and with a dropshadow, i *think* it was a qt app
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14:01.41Jucatoit is a qt app
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14:12.10gregueuhhi !
14:12.47gregueuhI'm trying to develop an akonadi resource which uses KIO to perform some tasks, but having some issues : is this the right place to ask ?
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14:15.00Sputmzanetti: there was a commit to kdelirc recently "fix profiles"… but now both kdelirc and kscd want to install kscd.profile.xml to $prefix/share/profiles
14:16.22Sputmzanetti: which one should go?
14:16.29Jucatogregueuh: #akonadi might bembetter
14:17.16Sputmzanetti: also, is it correct that kdelirc installs stuff like remotes profiles to a global namespace like $prefix/share/apps rather than $prefix/share/apps/kdelirc or something?
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14:18.35gregueuhJucato: ok, thanks
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14:22.48plovsJucato, thanks! that was it, i have been looking for an hour .... duh screenie ...
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14:23.56stef_204guys is libkdecore4 a file to upgrade to KDE4?
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14:30.27carl-hmm where do i configure keyboard shortcuts to commands .. like start dolphin on "win + button" or the like
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14:41.07helmutcan someone tell me how to disable akonadi?
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14:43.24helmutit is so fucked up that it is simply unbearable.
14:43.54helmutI'll just forget about displaying birthdays in korganizer and be happy if the rest just works.
14:44.06helmut(like it did in 4.2)
14:45.33Jucatohelmut: what's the problem about displaying birthdays?
14:45.58helmutthey are not displayed.
14:46.10helmutthat functionality was lost after upgrading from 4.1 to 4.2
14:46.23helmutnow I upgraded to 4.3 and akonadi got fucked up
14:46.46JucatoI've had them since 4.1 (or maybe 4.2). but they're here. even with akonadi (no f* up there)
14:47.08helmutI migrated my data to akonadi because I was told that displaying birthdays is no longer supported without akonadi in 4.2.
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14:47.36JucatoI only migrated my data to akonadi in 4.3. or rather, it did that for me.
14:47.50Jucatoand I stlll have birthdays
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14:49.30pusling"can someone please tell me how I disable the storage of korganizer and kaddressbook?"
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14:50.08helmutpusling: they still support vcf and ical.
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14:51.08helmutJucato: could you help me get to a usable state?
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14:51.29helmutJucato: that means starting kaddressbook and korganizer without progress bars and error messages.
14:51.42Jucatohelmut: that part I don't know :)
14:51.48helmutJucato: it tries and fails twice to start akonadi.
14:51.51Jucato(I always get one from korganizer)
14:52.20helmutthe error dialog shows that mysqld could not be started
14:52.36helmutand the mysql.err indicates that some mysql.db file is expected, but not found.
14:52.43puslinghelmut: why can't you get your mysql started ?
14:52.50Jucatoah. not those errors. sorry
14:53.14alexexCan anybody tell me whats going on with the networkmanager plasmoid? its really hard to get reliable information about it, and everytime i tried to compile it, i just see "network management is changing" after starting?
14:53.22helmutpusling: it lacks a mysql.db file
14:54.00helmutpusling: according to mysql.err in ~/.local/share/aknodai/db_data
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14:54.28puslingit should create that. or did you mess with the permissions ?
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14:57.20helmutpusling: I messed with non-written dependencies.
14:57.31helmutpusling: maybe that's not all I messed with.
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15:01.31puslinghelmut: can your user write into that directory ?
15:02.20helmutpusling: yes. the problem was different.
15:02.51helmutpusling: I somehow forgot to upgrade akonadi-server (I can only do upgrades in small blocks due to disk space issues %-).
15:03.06helmutpusling: and it was not pulled in by some kde-package as versioned dependency.
15:04.19puslinghelmut: please file a bug against akonadi-server saying it should have a strict = dependency on libakonadiprivate1
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15:05.10helmutpusling: ok. should the integration of kaddressbook birthdays in korganizer work by now?
15:05.20puslingno clues.
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15:09.27Jucato"should work" on your system? not sure (considering you have bigger issues). but it's definitely working, at least for me
15:11.09helmutok. my problems got sorted out.
15:11.22helmutthree problems involved:
15:11.43helmut1) missing versioned dependency on akonadi-server caused bad things to happen
15:12.19helmut2) some faq entry advised on shrinking innodb_log_file_size in mysqld.conf which caused other trouble
15:12.29helmut3) missing package kdepim-kresources for birthday integration
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15:20.51sxecan someone tell me where i can find the kopete dbus dokus?
15:20.56sxei cannot find anything.. :(
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15:26.26NJLis there any good reason that the tab plugin for kate disappears everytime I restart kate?
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15:31.20lemmaNJL: no :-)
15:32.15MTGapIs there anyway for me to resize an image from dolphin. It has the ability to convert it. Anything for resizing
15:35.19sputnickhi there. Is it possible to set dolphin & konqueror to open file management in "detail" mode instead of "icon" mode by default ?
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15:41.39sobczykhi, since friday I get some strange errors with kde and X server, in messages I noticed "BUG using smp_processor_id() in preemptible [000000] code /(some number)" how can I fix it? Since I got this message kdm lost it's settings and I have no bar on the bottom, and a default wallpaper
15:42.05sobczyktaht should be X/(some number)
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15:49.51eraccHi all, where does kmail save an e-mail one is writing when a crash occurs?
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15:52.15eraccOh yes, distribution = Mandriva 2009.1, kmail version = 1.9.10 from KDE 3.5.10.
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15:53.41MTGap_check .kde/share/apps/kmail/autosave
15:53.46MTGap_at least I believe it
15:53.53MTGap_* 's that way in 4.3
15:54.00MTGap_not sure about 3.5
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15:56.00glenis detach chat window known to be broken in kde 4.3.0?
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15:57.34MTGap_in kopete or something?
15:58.33glenin kopete yes
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16:09.09eraccMTGap_, thank you. That is it.
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16:10.16uservalhow can i see the channels list
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16:11.06MTGap_your welcome glad I could help
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16:22.19MTGap_Can anyone explain to me why kde isn't using my icon theme's status icons or emblems?
16:22.24MTGap_Is there a cache somewhere
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16:24.06sputnickMTGap_: ls -ld ~/.kde*/cache*
16:24.16uservalhow i intall audio and video drivers in fedora 11
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16:26.25MTGap_yeah but is that holding the icons.. I can easily change icons under actions etc... everything besides emblems and status
16:26.42MTGap_it keeps using oxygen's instead.. my only fix for that is writing over oxygen's theme
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16:27.54sputnickMTGap_: ls /usr/share/icons/
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16:29.18MTGap_yeah well using system settings to remove the theme should clear it all out
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16:42.53_Qwerty_in kmail, how can I forward a mail with picture in it? I tried but the picture were removed from the forwarded mail?
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16:44.03annmadid you attach it?
16:45.01_Qwerty_no it was already in the mail i received and wanted to forward
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16:46.18hannoHi, I'm with kmail, kde 4.3.0, all ssl connections fail
16:46.33hannoneither the error message nor the console produces any useful error message
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16:47.22_Qwerty_annma: I forwarded a funny mail from work to my home e-mail address, and when I was about to forward it to my friends I couldent because the picture where removed
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16:48.23annmawhat did kmail say?
16:49.39hannoannma, something about ssl negotiation failed
16:49.51hannoon two different hosts, so it's most likely a client problem
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16:50.05corin kate, I set the backup prefix to ~/Documents/path/backup/folder but nothing happens? are only characters allowed, not paths??
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16:52.40_Qwerty_actually I think my kmail treats mail as non html, and thats perhaps why the images was lost
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16:53.56annmamight be _Qwerty_
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16:55.54sobczykhi how can I reset main kde config?
16:56.07annmawhy do you wantthat?
16:56.12sobczykAfter logging in I don't have menu with start button
16:56.23annmayou mean a panel?
16:56.30sobczykI lost wallpaper and probably more
16:56.33annmayou just upgraded?
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16:56.53sobczykno, I got some bugs with kernel X and fglrx
16:57.09sobczykX crashed i that probably wiped some config
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16:57.33sobczyknow the bottom bar does not start
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16:58.18sobczykis there a way to fix it?
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16:59.16annmain konsole type
16:59.26annmakde4-config --localprefix
16:59.33annmapaste output please
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16:59.45veritosWhat is the relationship of Guidance and PowerDevil? Do they work together somehow?
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17:00.12sobczykas it supposed to be
17:00.36annmait can be anything sobczyk
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17:00.53annmaso if you want to reset your plasma settings you will log out
17:01.18annmathen you backup all /home/sobczyk/.kde4/share/config/plasma* files
17:01.24annmathen you log in again
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17:07.04sobczykworked like a charm
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17:07.39sobczykI'll put most of the things in .kde4 in a git repo to not loose it again
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17:22.03jim_chatCurrently, KDE 4.3 applications using Phonon produce sound with cracking or popping.  Applications which use a back-end directly (xine) work fine.  Any suggestions as to what I could do to fix this?
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17:27.07junkDawgiejim_chat: if have pulseaudio you can investigate workarounds related to that subsystem, i have the same situation.
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17:29.29jim_chatjunkDawgie, I've removed pulse from my system for the high crime of introducing more problems than solving.
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17:29.51veritosjunkDawgie, jim_chat, Doesn't ALSA have dmix on by default now?
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17:30.45jim_chatveritos, does for my distro
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17:31.54junkDawgiethis seems to especially noticiable on creative audigy cards with alsa drivers on marginal cpus
17:32.01veritosjim_chat, yeah, i think it's enabled upstream now, and only the ones that come with pulse would disable it (read: Ubuntu)
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17:35.16junkDawgiejim_chat: did you install esound instead?
17:35.39corpaste 3: has anyone come across a uTorrent > kTorrent RSS filter converter?
17:35.42corjust curious
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17:39.40jim_chatjunkDawgie, nope
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17:47.34jim_chatThe really annoying thing is that because all kde 4 uses phonon all kde 4 apps with sound are broken.  They worked fine before when they supported the backends directly (xine, gstreamer, etc) and when they didn't "just work" you could configure the how the application used the backend.  I just don't understand these backward leaps we Linux folk keep taking with audio.
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17:49.04veritosIs there a reason why I should even have guidance-power-manager installed?
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17:51.05veritos(I've got PowerDevil)
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18:13.33oneforallwhats a good webcam tool?
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18:19.20bernieany kstars hacker around?
18:19.33bernieor kde edu in general
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18:29.04freinhardoneforall: depends on what it should be capable of.
18:29.44oneforallrunning it :)
18:29.48oneforallusing it
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18:31.04oneforallacuually I might need a kernel patch for this Bus 005 Device 036: ID 046d:0870 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express ..
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18:32.23freinhardoneforall: i guess you know that your answer doesn't contain any information to narrow down what you want to do with a "webcam tool"
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18:34.51oneforallmainly one to test it . I know there is xawtv . but is there anything better
18:35.19ajavidits not a tumor
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18:36.41freinhardoneforall: just use kopete
18:36.53carl-hmm anyone know of problems with msn in kopete .. it works for a while and then all of a sudden loose contact
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18:37.39carl-just startet using kde .. and in gnome i have never any problems with pidgin .. although the same settings and all
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18:48.50Luyt(kde3) How can I disable Konqueror's status bar?
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19:00.48reavertm if one writes strigianalyzer, just those ontologies from that page can be used?
19:01.20reavertm(I'm writing 3ds strigi analyzer and cannot find anything suitable..)
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19:33.04sobczykare there any kde4 log files?
19:33.28sobczykI lost panel again and after logout/login I had clean settings
19:33.29MoDaXsobczyk: ~/.xsession-errors or similar
19:34.41annmasobczyk: I thought it worked previously
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19:35.23sobczykIt works now, but oonly the settings were lost
19:35.39sobczykthe previous time the bar did not show up at all
19:36.49sobczykhmm i deleted some files from kmail directory (.kde4/share/apps/kmail/) and bar disappeared
19:39.06jim_chatXine+Phonon = cracking and popping.  Applications that use Xine by itself are fine.  Gstreamer+Phonon seems to works fine. Resolution: After much ado use gstreamer and conclude that Phonon doesn't succeed in letting one chose between multiple back-ends :D
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19:49.48Riddell** in 10 minutes there will be a tutorial in writing Plasmoids in Python in #ubuntu-classroom
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19:54.52rdieterjim_chat: I can switch between phonon backends, do it all the time.  systemsettings -> multimedia (backend tab)
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20:00.36jim_chatrdieter, you've missed my joke.  I can switch between backends but it is futile because only the gstreamer one works with phonon (at lest on my system).  Thus I only have one option using a system which is supposed to provide more than one option :D
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20:01.23rdieterok, just wanted to clear up any possible misconception (fwiw, both backends work ok for me, at least no crackling)
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20:03.25duvnellwhat window manager normally runs under KDE?
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20:03.49duvnelldoes it support the --replace argument?
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20:13.06Aisonhello, is there a special channel for kde devel versions?
20:14.02jim_chatrdieter, just curious what distribution do you use?
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20:14.30rdieterjim_chat: fedora (11)
20:15.20Aisoni'm trying to compile pykde4, but it allways fails because of sip or akonadi sip, no idea
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20:18.55eqisowSo, according to my googling it's not recommended to run xine with pulseaudio, but when pulse is removed/disabled I have no sound with xine. gstreamer sound works, but it has issues. OS is Fedora 11
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20:19.38jim_chatrdieter, ok thanks.   I might try to duplicate my problems on a live cd with my hardware to see if its distribution specific or just me.
20:20.48rdieterjim_chat: pulseaudio + alsa/driver bugs may have something to do with it too
20:22.15jim_chatrdieter, I'm not using pulse at the moment, just alsa
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20:25.44jim_chateqisow, have you tried removing/renaming the xine configuration file associated with your application?
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20:36.07ChemBrodoes anyone know, how I can get my mails in kmail sorted in some folders like "march" "april" "may" ... and so on?
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20:38.14jipang_menjeritanybody here?
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20:50.44eqisowHaving some sound issues, using gstreamer/alsa: Amarok is locking the sound device so that other audio doesn't work. Additionally, if non KDE apps (flash, whatever) are using sound, amarok has no sound. However, sound mixing seems to be working because I can hear sound from flash and speaker-test at the same time. Any ideas?
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20:51.23eqisowxine/alsa* sorry
20:51.24thiago_homeconfigure your alsa for dmix
20:51.26thiago_homeah, xine
20:51.28thiago_homethen no game
20:51.30thiago_homeuse gstreamer
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20:51.46eqisowgstreamer has no sound at all :/
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20:52.39ChemBrothen use mplayer backend
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20:52.42MTGapdoes anyone know what icon kopete uses for the 'set status' with the user
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20:53.02MTGapI'm trying to change but can't find what icon it's using
20:53.11eqisowChemBro: Fedora doesn't seem to provide a mplayer backend for Phonon
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20:54.24sputnickhi there
20:54.49cb400fhm.. there's a usuable mplayer phonon backend?
20:55.25sputnickis it possible to set dolphin and konqueror with the "details" view instead of "icon" view by default ?
20:55.59sputnickmaybe I need to modify sources ?
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20:56.30sputnickor fill a feature request...
20:56.41sputnickor both ;)
20:57.07MTGapwell have you taken a look at settings>general
20:57.20MTGapthere is an option for use common view properties for all folders
20:57.23MTGapthat might help you
20:57.49MTGapyeah just tried it, it works
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21:04.43sputnickMTGap: which item in settings>general ?
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21:05.03sputnicktheres 17 items
21:05.31MTGapumm let me pull it up again
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21:05.54MTGapok Settings>Configure Dolphin>General
21:06.15MTGapThen the first tab (Behavior) there is View Properties
21:06.40MTGapWith two radio buttons, you'll want to have Use common view properties for all folders
21:07.09MTGapdo you see that?
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21:10.56sputnickMTGap: I think it's the first button :
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21:12.46MTGapuh well I used the second option, and I switched it the view to details and then closed it, and it opened in details and was details everywhere. Was that not what you wanted?
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21:14.24sputnickLC_ALL=C /usr/bin/dolphin :
21:14.50sputnickok, thanks MTGap
21:15.21MTGapyour welcome
21:15.59sputnickMTGap: where did you switch ?
21:16.19sputnickin dolphin view menu ?
21:16.59MTGapuh yeah the option under View>View Mode>Details
21:17.23sputnickok, sounds right... thanks again
21:17.39MTGapand then if you have the setting for use Use common view properties for all folders, it should always be details
21:21.39sputnickyeah, works for both dolphin & konqueror ^^
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21:22.17duvnellhow can I programatically determine if kde is running?  I checked if kded4 is running, but that seems to run even when you run any kde app while gnome is running
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21:25.30eqisowKDE4.3 with alsa/xine on F11 mixing issues: flash/speaker-test works, but amarok blocks both speaker-test and flash and speaker-test/flash both block amarok
21:25.40eqisowand gstreamer gives no sound at all, period
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21:41.04jekkthi ho i use kde 4  may question is can i install  animated desktop?
21:41.31jekktwhen yes which keywords i should use to find more in google
21:41.59ghostcubethe desktop effects ?
21:42.11jekktyes animate my wallpaper
21:42.36jekktlike windows vista can do:)
21:43.07jekkti would put a falling water on my wallpaper:)
21:43.08ghostcubeyou can try systemsettings >> desktop >>
21:43.24jekkti use all these function:>
21:43.25ghostcubeand there the effects section go to all effects
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21:43.34jekktyes and after this?
21:43.59ghostcubetry compiz
21:44.07jekktwhat is this?
21:44.07MadGirlthis is, like, day two of non sequitors
21:45.27*** join/#kde marko_d (n=maki@
21:45.49jekktghostcube, you know what i mean something like screensaver but on real wallpaper:) which animate the whole time
21:46.11ghostcubehmm you can put an movie player to backround with compiz
21:46.18ghostcubeto let it seem its inside the desktop
21:46.21ghostcubeby adding rules
21:46.53jekktsemms to be an future projekt:>
21:47.10carpiisounds like something youd enjoy for 5 mins, then turn it off and get sick of it ;)
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21:51.14walker_How do I set up multiple monitors with a single desktop?
21:51.23walker_I have a laptop screen, then a desktop LCD screen.
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21:53.56walker_I've been through the Display settings and it says that I don't have the single desktop configured
21:55.31*** join/#kde Khas (n=khas@
21:56.09KhasWhenever I enter a local file path in konqueror, I get an error message saying 'malformed URL' but then it goes there anyway.  Have I messed something up?
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21:58.49maddslackerI use konqueror to log into a java application at work, and somehow it has decided to try to open with an association to wine, which then fails. as a different user it opens correctly in java
21:59.05maddslackerwhere in kde can I change the reference back to java for this site/app?
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22:02.07maddslackeras an aside, i even tried renaming my /kde folder and created a fresh one and still had the same issue
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22:09.38honschuHi, is it somehow possible that a window don't recieve key/mouse events so that the window below gets it? I ask because I just want to show a window.
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22:11.58Khashonschu: I think what you want is focus follows mouse.  Settings -> Window Behaviour -> Window Behaviour -> Focus -> Policy = "Focus Follows Mouse"
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22:12.32KhasAny window under your mouse will have the focus of input.
22:13.48duvnellhow can I programatically tell if the users desktop is locked?
22:14.11duvnellxdg-screensaver can be used to lock the desktop programmatically,  but not tell if it's already locked
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22:23.06MTGapDoes anyone know where this icon is located: the ooo one: I don't want to change it I just want to use it.
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22:28.54harry_is there a way for kmail to 'force' a date/time stamp when the email itself does not contain one?
22:31.21honschuKhas: No, I want that the window below the window gets the key/mouse-events.
22:32.09Khashonschu: I don't think that's possible.
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22:33.14honschuKhas: The windowmanager could possible pass the event to another window - but maybe there is a X function or something that prevents the window from getting mouse/button events.
22:34.10KhasX needs some way to know which window to pass stuff to.  That is done by focus.  Focus is determined by mouse, either by clicking on the window you want to focus, which raises it as well, or by simply following the position of the mouse.
22:34.23KhasIt takes the window that is topmost under the cursor.
22:34.33KhasThis is why I think it is not possible.
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22:35.53Timslinwhy do i have the kde "K" showing as the apllication launcher icon?
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22:42.57oneforallthere no mouse button control to turn on the cube ?
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22:50.04Khasoneforall: you can set a desktop corner to bring it up?
22:50.41oneforallhmm no idea what that is . like a desktop icon ?
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22:55.30sputnickI have a bug with kdemod4.0.0, when I start ksnapshot with a dual screen, the cursor disepear on the right screen... does I need to fill a report bug on kdemod or kde bug tracker ?
22:55.59Khasoneforall: kde 4, yes?
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22:59.36KhasSettings -> Desktop -> Screen Edges
22:59.55KhasSelect one of the edges for Desktop Cube - Cube
23:00.04KhasThen whenever you move your mouse to that corner, the cube will show.
23:00.16KhasYou can left-click-and-drag round the cube, and right click on a face to go to that face.
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23:02.20oneforallyeah the left click right click I know. compfusion and the other could do it with middle click on the desktop
23:02.41marcosRzhow do I change the kde folder colors?
23:02.57oneforallall i see is disable , only when moving windows and Always enabled
23:03.06*** join/#kde Tatewaki (n=tatewaki@
23:03.51oneforallah I see the list now when you pick the little square on the monitor picture
23:04.09oneforallI was just leaving it as the tope left the first time.
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23:04.16MiescoWhats KDE's default text editor?
23:04.44oneforallah each corner can do each effect . cube cylinder etc
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23:05.19KhasYup, same with edges.
23:05.49MadGirlwell, kate is sexy
23:06.26oneforallyeah she is :)
23:08.16Jucatokwrite is the default text editor
23:09.01marcosRzhow do I change the kde folder colors, only the folders???
23:11.21Miescooneforall: Are you the maintener?
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23:13.56billsinthegamecan you recommend any kde 4.2 based distros which work out of the box dont tell me about opensuse i have used it any polished distros?????
23:14.53oneforalldunno I compile my own :)
23:16.03billsinthegameoneforall: compiling is not my problem but i need a very polished one like what zenwalk did with xfce something like that which works and plays everything out of the box
23:16.58honschuIs it somehow possible to get rounded corners as old MacOS has?
23:17.23Jucatohonschu: rounded corners where?
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23:18.10oneforallwell for video you'd never normally get that or audio. the mp3 and ltos of video patent issues
23:18.57billsinthegameoneforall: try zenwalk or dreamlinux
23:19.11billsinthegameoneforall: they play everything otb
23:19.12honschuJucato: The desktop.
23:19.20oneforallI've seen them but no thanks . I'll stay with my own .
23:19.31billsinthegameoneforall: what are you using
23:19.56oneforallI cross compiled slackware to 64bit
23:20.41billsinthegameok have you tried any other?? kde ones??
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23:20.52oneforallbut I have kernel 2.6.31-rc3 , gcc4.4, kde 4.3 ....lots
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23:21.40Jucatobillsinthegame: unfortunately, you're the only one who'll be able to decide if something is "polished" enough for you or not. some would consider openSUSE polished. others wouldn't. you'll have to try them out. I think Kubuntu and Fedora's latest ships with 4.2 (but you'll want to upgrade to 4.3 immediately anyway)
23:22.05Jucatonot sure what Chakra (Archlinux based) has atm
23:23.01oneforalland is polished where you can rip mp3 . cause most distros have that striped out . or libdvdcss
23:23.19Jucatoand those are just the big names. you might actually find what you want in some other smaller, less popular distros.
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23:23.40billsinthegameJucato: i am done with the corporate ones they hang to the patents shit. I want a community based ones i used opensuse but whenever i install it i have to do a 6,7 hr homework so i am asking for recommendations
23:24.27billsinthegameJucato: but those smaller and less popular ones work like charm (personal experience!!)
23:24.30Sho_billsinthegame: well upgrading kde to 4.3 is super easy on fedora
23:24.40Sho_(unlike on opensuse in my personal experience)
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23:26.08billsinthegameSho_: are you using kde 4.3?? howz it ?? runs fine ?? less bugs?? faster than xp??
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23:26.49billsinthegameSho_: xfce is faster but i want to go back to good olden kde days
23:27.10Sho_billsinthegame: runs fine overall and is speedy. has a few bugs here and there I ran into, but most will be fixed in 4.3.1 which will come out soon.
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23:28.50billsinthegameSho_: i basically use it for some programming, watching movies and browsing and some games thats it  so i am looking for a nice distro no suse
23:29.12billsinthegameSho_:  is your recommendation fedora with kde??
23:29.16szaloneforall: you know that 2.6.31-rc7 exists? :P
23:29.21Sho_billsinthegame: Yeah, I really like Fedora 11 with KDE 4.3
23:29.38Sho_billsinthegame: Speedy & no-nonsense
23:29.55oneforallyeah so . I cut my sekf off for now . not going to grab a new one every week :)
23:30.11oneforallwell every 2wks ruffly
23:30.31oneforallor rc that can be ever few days :)
23:30.31billsinthegameSho_: ok then i am gonna try it
23:30.44szalbillsinthegame: what's the problem w/ pulling in Packman after finishing installing?  after all, you won't be doing a fresh install every other day, do you?
23:30.58Sho_billsinthegame: On Fedora 11, KDE 4.3 is a regular software update, no messing with unsupported repositories like on openSUSe
23:31.07oneforalljust tieing off  to backup to an iso. tweeking etc
23:31.46philotuxohi, anyone had problem with sftp on dolphin ?
23:31.48billsinthegamethe problem with suse is it somehow gives me a impression that its bloated
23:32.15oneforallhad to fix hal. they changed it form /etc/udev to ${exec_prefix}/lib  but that kinda made the rules goto /usr/lib lol
23:33.00szalbloat is in the eye of the beholder..  if you want a no-frills approach, you might be well of w/ Slack or one of its derivatives (which Zenwalk is), or Arch
23:33.00billsinthegamebloated in sense for a normal install with everthing working will take more than 3gb!! not that i have low disk space still
23:33.15oneforalladded the --with-udev-prefix=/lib yummy
23:33.25billsinthegameszal: i am using zenwalk presently
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23:34.09billsinthegameszal: but they concentrate only on xfce and polishing it. zenwalks xfce is pretty good i love it
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23:34.37oneforallnot because I like kde . I just don't care for xfce
23:34.43Necoswith the change from autoconf to cmake, how does one build kitchensync in 4.3?
23:35.18szalif I could get properly working automatic dependency resolution for Slack, I'd probably go Slack
23:35.37honschuDo I have to open up a window if I would like to draw to X?
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23:36.06billsinthegameoneforall: i too thought like that but when kde4 came out i had to search for options . use xfce once then you like it
23:36.20oneforallszal I've used it for years and I don't care for those apps at all . they never fit in for me . I rarely even open pgktools. I do it from cli(konsole )
23:37.04szaloneforall: no need for a graphical pkg manager frontend, I just don't want to hunt down dependencies myself
23:37.38oneforallno I've used xfce,flux,bb,kde,E not 17 yet. but I prefer kde over xfce
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23:38.29Necosyou forgot openbox oneforall :P
23:38.36oneforallszal I compile and find the deps . I'm bad for keeping notes but I've been forcing my self the last few months to keep them. :)
23:38.56oneforallI hate that word deps. its so rell hell too me lol
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23:40.29szalto me, openSUSE, especially w/ KDE, feels most integral, that's why I always kept coming back to it..  the perception that all parts of the system are well and sensibly put together to me is more important than perceived bloat
23:41.19oneforallszal I have a few thousnad build scripts I made
23:41.37oneforalltry cross compilign lol
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23:45.36oneforalliirc rc8 is out now
23:45.56oneforallyeah it is
23:46.20oneforallwell if its like the last few .31 should be out soon
23:47.19oneforallno wait thats when they got to like the next has been out
23:49.31MTGapCan anyone help me figure out where this icon is (the openoffice one, at bottom of screenshot / Argument Essay)
23:50.00oneforallhmm looking at the gitweb maybe I was right the first time there. afterrc8 is a trend for the final to be next
23:50.25Necosdamn it...
23:50.28Necosno wonder...
23:50.38Necoskitchensync hasn't been ported to KDE4?
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23:55.23Necoscrap... now i have to figure out a way to get my blackberry sync'd with kontact in kde4
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