IRC log for #kde on 20090606

00:00.23magyarI find Klingon sound very powerful and fascinating
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00:26.11battlemidgetwish there was an updated perl interface to qt4
00:29.02FujiVickeryDoes anyone know how to change the statusicons in kopete globally?
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00:46.53infinullFujiVickery: you mean like change: /usr/share/icons/{theme}/scalable/status/user-*.svgz ?
00:47.41*** join/#kde pbn (
00:48.32pbnHI in KDE 4.2.x I'd would like... whan my mouse is on the right of the screen, it will automatically go to the left of the next desktop... how could   I do that ?
00:50.41infinullpbn: I believe it's: System Settings/Window Behaviour/Advanced/Active Desktop Borders
00:51.24infinullpbn: nope that's something else
00:51.42*** join/#kde arrenlex (
00:52.02*** join/#kde Sebboh (
00:52.29arrenlexI have a monitor above and a monitor below. If I put a panel on both, I can't drag windows past the panel onto the lower monitor. How do I enable this?
00:53.24SebbohHi.  I want some quick shortcut keys to control window tiling, like, some keypress to automagically immediately resize/move the current window to fill only the right half of the screen, or the lower left corner, etc.  All of those options.  What should I use to get that?
00:55.04*** join/#kde hubar_ (
00:55.53hubar_question, what is the New Network Manager in KDE4.3 called?
00:55.56infinullSebboh: try: System Settings/keyboard/Global keyboard shortcuts/kwin/pack*
00:57.52infinullSebboh: not quite what you want? I don't know another way (besides changing the window manager)
00:58.31Sebbohdunno yet, checking.  I've used awesome and some random utility on windows--but for this machine I need kioslaves. :P
01:00.59*** join/#kde mschiff (
01:01.20Sebbohinfinull, it's close.  Do you know how to combine these functions?  Pack+grow combined might work.
01:02.26infinullSebboh: I do not know ufortunately :-(
01:02.53SebbohI'll play with it a bit. :) thanks for your help.
01:03.20infinullyou're welcome
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01:22.37Lars_GAny idea what libs python based plasmoids need to run?
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01:28.53infinullLars_G: my understanding is that plasmoids are *.so files; so you'd need bootstrap (C++) code to load python; then again I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to deving
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01:42.52elfMobilek3b is giving me this message on startup... "No CD/DVD writer found."   what could my problems be.  This is on a fresh install
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03:11.21dashcloud_Hi, I'd like to thank the KDE for an awesome 4.3 beta 1- it looks great, works very well, and smooths out many rough edges
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04:17.49*** join/#kde PovAddict (n=nicolas@
04:18.37PovAddictI noticed Kopete (0.12.7, kde3.5.10) had started showing text, like status notifications, in English
04:18.53PovAddictit had been showing everything correctly localized (in Spanish) before
04:19.03PovAddictso I restarted it
04:19.17PovAddictand it opened the wizard to connect to an IM service
04:19.25PovAddictapparently it lost all preferences
04:21.24PovAddictok I found it actually kept my accounts... but it didn't connect on startup, and it asked me to add new account...
04:21.39PovAddictalso, MSN connects and GTalk says "operation not recognized"
04:22.25*** join/#kde comraderaikov (
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04:31.04luke-jrKate crashed
04:31.10luke-jrare my unsaved datas saved ANYWHERE?
04:31.32PovAddictdid you close the crash report thingy yet?
04:31.57luke-jrit didn't open
04:32.08PovAddictoh so it just silently quit?
04:32.52*** join/#kde The_Ball (n=The_Ball@
04:33.13luke-jrPovAddict: yeah
04:38.11*** join/#kde hubar_ (
04:39.48PovAddictno idea
04:39.52PovAddictI use vim :)
04:41.29*** part/#kde PovAddict (n=nicolas@
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05:05.56linuxguy12hey anyone know how to make konqueror save a url to a war archive from the command line?
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05:20.30cool_walking_Is there any release plan for KDE on Windows?  Is a "when it's working" kind of thing, or is it in a state that it can be released concurrently with the Linux version?
05:21.02*** join/#kde gigasoft (n=gigasoft@
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05:25.03MrGrimcool_walking_: the windows team lost their builder.. he recently blogged about leaving the windows stuff for a while
05:25.17MrGrimI'm not sure how large the team is and how quickly they can recover from a loss
05:25.22MrGrimbut I'm sure they will
05:25.40*** join/#kde Macer (
05:26.03MrGrimthe good news is he's still w/ kde
05:26.09MrGrimjust playing for the other team for a bit :)
05:26.10Macerhello. i am getting horrible performance in kde4 on an intel 945 and was wondering if anybody can direct me to anywhere that can give me some help with the performance
05:26.38Maceri get 10fps from the 3d effects .. it's horrible
05:26.49MrGrimMacer: that's more in the area of distribution or X
05:27.07MrGrimnot too much you can change about kde to improve that
05:27.08GrueMasterCould be the drivers.  The Intel Graphics drivers are going through a major rewrite.
05:27.08cool_walking_Well, if I had my choice I would only use KDE on Linux too.  I just use Windows at work and being able to run KDE apps is very nice.
05:27.16Macerhm. well. it's kubuntu so i figured it was pretty straightforward. but thanks i will ask there
05:27.34MacerGrueMaster: yeah. i don't get nearly as bad of a performance hit in windows 7 .. it actually works quite well
05:28.03Macerbut in kde4 it is just absolutely horrid
05:28.07MrGrimcool_walking_: I had the extreme pleasure of showing up to my first day at work w/ my employer sayig "here's your laptop. I didn't upgrade the vista basic license as I just assumed you'd probably install linux. Feel free to take the rest of the day to set it up."
05:28.22Maceralmost like it's using mesa .. but it isn't. it is using the intel with direct rendering working
05:28.36GrueMastermacer, I know that this release of kubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu has issues with the INtel drivers.  they are working with Intel on a fix, and should hopefully get a tested release available soon.
05:28.39cool_walking_MrGrim: Lucky :)
05:28.46TheMoonMasterMacer: Windows 7 probably has proprietary drivers for your card.
05:28.50MacerGrueMaster: oh. ok. thank you.
05:28.54MacerTheMoonMaster: i'm sure they do
05:29.07TheMoonMasterThats why it's faster.
05:29.09Maceri was looking around to see if intel had any proprietary drivers i could use
05:29.13Macerfor linux
05:29.18TheMoonMasterI don't believe so.
05:29.29Maceri don't either. :-\ kind of sucks.
05:29.34MrGrimcool_walking_: though I must admit having a cabinet full of msdn dvd's has got me trying out some microsoft stuff I've been ignoring for the past 10 years
05:29.37Maceri guess there is the alternative.. just build another computer
05:29.51GrueMasterThe lead Intel developer for the linux graphics driver is also one of the lead X developers.  It's all open.
05:29.53Macerbut i like the shuttle k45 because it is incredibly small
05:30.15MacerGrueMaster: ah. so it isn't a matter of proprietaryness?
05:30.16MrGrimMacer: the open drivers are developed by intel. The open drivers are in a pretty good state now, but they can be tricky and an old distribution may not be new enough
05:30.47MacerMrGrim: i just installed and updated kubuntu. :) just so it would be an easy install of kde4
05:30.55TheMoonMasterMy eee uses intel but I don't use effects with it.
05:30.58GrueMasterYou could try Intel's latest release.  Not sure what the url is, but google it.
05:31.12Macerhm. ok. i will look around for it. thank you.
05:31.22TheMoonMasterThats it.
05:31.30GrueMasteryea, what TheMoonMaster said.
05:31.39cool_walking_MrGrim: Great, so I can continue to ignore the msdn CDs in our cabinet for 8 more years then? ;)
05:31.47MrGrimMacer: to get decent performance from intel right now you really need kernel 2.6.29, mesa 7.4. xorg-server 1.6, intel-dri 7.4, and the 2.7 series if the intel driver
05:32.07MrGrimif your kubuntu is not equipped to that point you will likely run into performance issues
05:32.12Macerhm. i didn't even check to see what i was running now
05:32.32GrueMasterNow, if only we could get KDE4 to support dual monitors with separate desktops...
05:32.54MrGrimGrueMaster: I never understood that setup... not being able to drag windows between monitors makes my head hurt
05:32.55Macerwell. i will work on that and see if i can update those things
05:33.02GrueMasterI have an nVidia 9600GT
05:33.26MrGrimGrueMaster: I'm not really sure what I'm suppose to infer from that
05:33.31GrueMasterI actually prefer it.  On each monitor, I can have 4 separate desktops.
05:33.41TheMoonMasterI remember when I bought my laptop a while ago I was dead set on a nvidia card because I didn't want to get intel graphics for it.
05:33.52TheMoonMasterThat and I heard ATI has horrible drivers.
05:33.56MrGrimGrueMaster: I've been told (but have not been avble to confirm) that 4.3 will support per display virtual desktops
05:34.12MrGrimwhen using xinerama type dual head
05:34.30MrGrimcause I would quite enjoy that feature
05:34.58GrueMasterWith KDE 3.5.x, I had email, firefox, amarok, and akegretor on one monitor, each in it's own desktop.  On the other monitor, I had pidgin, VirtualBox, and two development environments, again on separate desktops.
05:35.02*** join/#kde Moult (n=Moult@
05:35.43GrueMasterMrGrim: I've heard the same thing (read about it in the forum), but it is also described as more of a fluke than a feature.
05:35.55MrGrimwell there's some confusion
05:36.05MrGrimthere is (I've confirmed) per display _plasma activities_
05:36.21MrGrimand I'm worried someone who should stop speaking went and twisted that into per display virtual desktops
05:36.31GrueMasterthat sounds like a step in the right direction.
05:36.46MrGrimand it wasn't a fluke
05:37.01MrGrimit was not exposed in the UI in 4.2 cause it was commited after feature freeze and buggy
05:37.06MrGrimbut the ability was intentional
05:37.12MrGrim(per display activities I'm speaking of)
05:38.37GrueMasterWell, I hope they bring it back in full.  I really don't like having KDE4 on one display, and icewm on the other, just to get basic functionality (although having different screensavers on each monitor is rather interesting).
05:38.49MrGrimthis is why I ignore forums.. people here half truths, add their own interpretation, then go to another thread and regurgitate the composite as fact, and the cycle repeats and repeats until you wonder where all of this nonsense comes from
05:39.28MrGrimGrueMaster: "basic" functionality
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05:39.34GrueMasterUntil I hear it in a release note, I will continue pestering.
05:39.36MrGrimper display virtual desktops would be a first
05:39.48MrGrimthere's nothing basic about that
05:39.56GrueMasterBy basic functionality, I mean having dual separate desktops.
05:40.04MrGrimo that
05:40.13GrueMasterIcewm is very basic when compaired with KDE4.
05:40.58MrGrimGrueMaster: hmm.. ya I imagine if it can't do that then multiple independent sessions in general would not be possible (e.g. logged into X at home and then starting a NX session from work)
05:40.59GrueMasterNo background, aweful menus, very basic status bar.
05:41.07MrGrimnever tried, but that would be a shame
05:41.42MrGrimI've done that kind of thing before w/ kde3
05:41.45GrueMasterI'm not sure that it can't do that.  Usually, you can have separate Xsessions (:0, :1, etc).
05:41.54*** join/#kde fyanardi_ (n=edi@
05:42.04MrGrimGrueMaster: ok now I'm confused
05:42.10MrGrimis that not what you were just saying it can't do?
05:42.10GrueMasterBut with dual monitors that are separate, they show up as :0.0 &:0.1
05:42.20MrGrimwhat's the difference?
05:43.43GrueMasterWith :0.0 & :0.1, the mouse can move across both monitors, but they are autonomous beyond that.  With separate sessions (:0, :1, etc), each session is usually tied to a separate tty.
05:44.10GrueMasterAnd you can't see both simultaneously.  Nor can you move the mouse between the two.
05:44.52MrGrimhmm, so I guess the question is the limitation due to the inability for KDE to internally distinguish independent sessions of lack of working with X to display them
05:45.09MrGrimit does seem like it'd be complex as kde does write a ton of state to disk and memory on bootup
05:45.19MrGrimand it'd have to make sure a second KDE would not intefere
05:46.19MrGrimGrueMaster: when I ran two x sessions on kde3 I would run into issues where apps would refuse to run on one session if they were already running on another
05:46.22GrueMasterEssentially, X supports dual monitors in three different ways (depending on video card support).  1 is to mirror the output on both displays (i.e. a laptop with external VGA connector).  2. is to have a virtual display that spans across both monitors (i.e. 2048x768).  3. Each monitor is separate and only the mouse moves between the two.
05:47.07GrueMasterSome apps are like that, but most should be tied to the $DISPLAY environment they were launched in.
05:47.31xdan779GrueMaster: what is it that you need from 3
05:47.37GrueMasterFirefox has issues with multiple sessions.
05:48.25*** join/#kde benklop (
05:48.38xdan779GrueMaster: what is Firefoxes issue with multiple sessions
05:48.42GrueMasterRight now, I want configuration 3.  Unfortunately, kwin (4.x) refuses to run in both :0.0 and :0.1 sessions.  kwin (3.x) worked fine.
05:49.17xdan779GrueMaster: I know you want option 3 but why
05:49.23GrueMasterIt doesn't separate caches for individual sessions, only individual users.
05:50.03GrueMasterxdan779: scrollback a bit to see my described usage model.
05:50.45xdan779GrueMaster: very sorry I logged at 12:31 anything before that I am not aware
05:50.48GrueMasterEssentially, for my work, it is more convenient to have separate desktops on multiple monitors.
05:52.02xdan779GrueMaster: KDE4 can provide two separate desktops on multiple monitors using Xinemera
05:52.30*** join/#kde devilsadvocate_ (n=devilsad@
05:53.11GrueMasterxdan779: briefly, each monitor houses 4 desktops.  On screen 1, I have email, firefox, amarok, and akregator on separate desktops.  On screen 2, I have Pidgin, VirtualBox, and two separate development environments on individual desktops.
05:53.42GrueMasterI thought xinerama only allowed one large virtual monitor.
05:54.32xdan779GrueMaster: you can do that using KDE4 with xinmera
05:54.33GrueMasterAnd if it will work as I have described, how come all of the developers in the forum are saying it won't?
05:55.23*** join/#kde emi (
05:55.27GrueMasterI'll give it a whirl, but I have my doubts.
05:55.30ZarinWhat are you trying to achieve?
05:55.43ZarinIndependant VDs per screen?
05:55.49xdan779GrueMaster: hmm actualy I am only running one instance of destop pager, easy enough for me to test though
05:55.52GrueMasterZarin: please don't make me spell it out for a 3rd time in as many minutes.
05:56.10*** join/#kde kusa (
05:56.10ZarinOkay, I'll leave you alone to your own devices
05:56.44GrueMasterZarin: not trying to be mean, I just described my usage model twice in the last 15 minutes.
05:56.57ZarinAnd I don't have the time to read 15 minutes of backlog
05:57.13xdan779GrueMaster: ahh you are right using desktop pager on two differant panels does not give you two sets of desktops
05:57.20GrueMastercan you scroll back 4 minutes worth?
05:57.24linuxguy12hey anyone know how to make konqueror save a url to a war archive from the command line?
05:58.28xdan779GrueMaster: even so I am sure that going back to the old unix style of duel monitors is not the best fix
05:59.07xdan779GrueMaster: maybe something the devs of pager can address
05:59.16GrueMasterHow is this old style?  It is far more convenient, especially when I need to multitask.
06:00.07ZarinJust read the last 15 minutes of backlog, it's so scattered I still don't know what you are trying to do :)
06:00.33GrueMasterI've used the virtual monitor approach (which is also what WIndows provides).  I don't like it as much, especially when watching a movie full screen while debugging an app.
06:00.41ZarinHmm, actually it was 30 minutes worth...
06:01.21GrueMasterZarin: 10:53:06 PM) GrueMaster: xdan779: briefly, each monitor houses 4 desktops.  On screen 1, I have email, firefox, amarok, and akregator on separate desktops.  On screen 2, I have Pidgin, VirtualBox, and two separate development environments on individual desktops.
06:02.12ZarinThe word "desktop" as too many different meanings, can you be more specific?
06:02.19xdan779GrueMaster: I understand what your saying, so the problem you have is that pager does not give you a seperate set of desktops in each screen
06:03.04GrueMasterHonestly, I'm not sure what app needs to run on the second desktop for this to work.  I think pager and kwin both to start with.
06:03.14xdan779GrueMaster: this seems like more a limitation of pager that Xinemera
06:03.46GrueMasterHence why I'm here instead of on an xorg room.
06:04.16GrueMasterMy scenario worked perfectly under KDE 3.5.x
06:04.24ZarinThe ICCCM and EWMH window manager hints were never designed with multi-monitor in mind so unfortunately the Xinerama-based multi-monitor desktop is extremely limited in that regard.
06:04.36ZarinVirtual desktops and the pager in particular
06:04.38GrueMasterAll I want to know is if it is on the roadmap for 4.x, and how soon.
06:05.24GrueMasterAnd I'm not the only user that wants this.
06:06.46ZarinIf you're wanting individual virtual desktops per screen or multiple pager support both of which are not supported by the current X standards and will require a massive amount of planning and code rewrite to implement correctly.
06:07.01ZarinThus you can pretty much say "It won't happen"
06:07.31GrueMasterNot supported by the current X standard?  Both nvidia and ATI support this feature, and it is well documented.
06:07.50ZarinWhat "support" is this?
06:07.55GrueMasterAs far as coding goes, IT WORKED IN 3.5!
06:08.03MrGrimZarin: is it true in kde 4.3 there is the ability for per display virtual desktops instead of per virtual framebuffer virtual desktops?
06:08.03GrueMasterSo the code is there.
06:08.22ZarinIn that case we are still talking about completely different things
06:08.38xdan779Zarin: would it really be that difficult to have two seperate pagers with their own set of desktops
06:08.57MrGrimZarin: e.g. desktop 3 being shown on the right monitor and desktop 1 on the left while still using xinerama
06:09.04MrGrimI don't think it's true
06:09.06MrGrimbut I heard it
06:09.24ZarinMrGrim, it's not supported and will not be supported in Xinerama-mode for the reasons I mentioned above
06:09.34*** join/#kde hkBst (n=hkBst@gentoo/developer/hkbst)
06:09.38xdan779GrueMaster: I really do not know for sure, but maybe file a request to the pager devs, and see what they say
06:10.07ZarinIt's possible in multihead-mode (:0.0 and :0.1) but that's completely different technology
06:10.15ZarinAnd has it's own disadvantages
06:10.23GrueMasterThat's exactly what I am talking about.
06:10.28MrGrimI'm going to go cry myself to sleep now then punch the person that got my hopes up
06:10.58GrueMastermultihead mode support in KDE 4.x - WHEN?
06:11.01*** join/#kde BurgessShale (
06:11.03ZarinGrueMaster, Multihead mode is currently unsupported in KDE 4 because nobody wants to maintain the code. If you would like to donate your services patches are certainly welcome.
06:11.26MrGrimGrueMaster: iow you're that last person left using that archaic setup :P
06:11.28ZarinThe two main codebases that require patches is KWin and Plasma
06:12.00ZarinI think KWin now works in multihead on 4.3 but I think that was an accident and I cannot garentee how stable it is
06:12.06ZarinPlasma still doesn't like multiple X screens
06:12.21MrGrimZarin: do you have time to discuss in more detail with me the innards of X for a bit? I'd like to understand the limitations more thoroughly
06:12.49ZarinMrGrim, and
06:12.54GrueMasterI got the same kind of run around at Linuxfest NW and again at UDS-Barcelona.  What happened to the KDE developers?
06:13.02MrGrimZarin: well I understand those
06:13.20ZarinMrGrim, if you understand those then you know everything you need to know
06:13.33MrGrimZarin: but what I don't understand is between kwin, plasma, and compositing is there no enough information to bypass X altogether and just display what you want to display?
06:13.58ZarinMrGrim, Wayland?
06:14.17*** join/#kde texnofobix (n=texnofob@
06:14.29ZarinDon't really understand what you are referring to
06:14.30MrGrimZarin: no not like that. I mean as I understand compositing the compositor gets a pixmap of every window in memory, and plasma does similar with its shell
06:14.51MrGrimZarin: so, if you want to display the contents of desktop 1 on the left monitor and the contents of desktop 3 on the right monitor.. could you just not do it
06:14.52MrGrimX be damned?
06:14.59ZarinPlasma is just another program that has a decoration-less, fullscreen window
06:15.05MrGrimeven better
06:15.39MrGrimZarin: part of the advantages of compositing I understand is the window manage has all of the information it needs to draw the desktop as it sees fit
06:15.50MrGrimwith that I'm having a hard time understanding why the cooperation of the X server is needed
06:16.04ZarinAccording to the EWMH (Second link) the virtual desktop property is attached to the root window. There is only one root window per X screen; thus there can only be one desktop in Xinerama but two desktops in multihead X.
06:16.34ZarinAs there is only one root window on a Xinerama setup spanning multiple screens
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06:16.56MrGrimZarin: so (and just theortically, I'm not wanting to get into if this is a good idea or not), could kwin implement virtual desktops virtually inside itself on top of a single EWHM virtual desktop
06:17.00kendrickhrm, it's been a long time.
06:17.20kendrickwhere are docs on how to create a .desktop(?) file that will give me a context menu
06:17.23MrGrimusing only a single root window
06:17.28ZarinMrGrim, it will not be standards compatible and therefore not backwards compatible either
06:17.35kendricki want to make my own "Open With..." kind of action
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06:17.45ZarinI've wanted to write a new standard but it takes so much time and effort
06:17.57ZarinAnd then getting is blessed by all the major parties
06:18.02MrGrimZarin: beyond the window manage what else depends on EWHM to behave properly?
06:18.16kendrick"service".. hrm
06:18.25ZarinMrGrim, every single window manager in existance
06:18.47MrGrimZarin: ok, bu tin theory you'd be running only one at a time :)
06:19.00MrGrimso if the currently running one just rolled its own virtual desktop solution the only negative effect is not support from the X server
06:19.02ZarinMrGrim, every single toolkit as well
06:19.42MrGrimZarin: thank you for your time. I'll read into the details of this.
06:19.44ZarinICCCM, EWMH and any new standard is above the X server and does not depend on it
06:19.59ZarinIt's just the way all X clients interact with it
06:20.24kendrick <-- found it
06:20.27*** part/#kde kendrick (
06:20.53linuxguy12hey guys my company is letting my team have access to its gsx replication lab. its has a totally web based interface with tons preconfiged vmware images ready to click on and use.
06:21.11MrGrimhmm, it would seem like poor design if kmail's proper operation was somehow tied to how it was drawn.. in fact it seems like that would screw with any kind of compositing as well. You can scale, bend, distort, and move windows around (e.g. prsent windows, wobbly windows) without any adverse effect on how those apps operate
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06:21.15linuxguy12plus can make our own, upload our own images etc.
06:21.32MrGrimsee it just seems like, if you really wanted to, you could simulate virtual desktops with the same concepts
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06:22.05ZarinMrGrim, the problem I had is how do you actually manage windows that cross over two screens at once
06:22.07MrGrimpushing a new standard through is all well and good, but in the meantime... :)
06:22.23MrGrimZarin: so you've considered this before?
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06:22.31ZarinMrGrim, I spent months working on it
06:22.41MrGrimZarin: fascinating.. do you have any code left over?
06:22.44ZarinMrGrim, which is why I say it's not realistically possible :)
06:23.08ZarinNot much code
06:23.11GrueMasterZarin: what you are describing is a different working model.
06:23.20MrGrimZarin: if you still have code I'd love to look over your methods to see if I can maybe offer new insight. I have a graphics background
06:23.31MrGrimjust not much of a low level X background
06:23.35xdan779Zarin:  the taskmanger does it quite easily, why not pager. pager can can do 8 plus desktops why not allocate 4 to instance and 4 to another
06:24.09GrueMasterThe model I describe doesn't allow windows to cross screens.  That would require a virtual desktop setup like xinerama, that spans two monitors.
06:24.33ZarinGrueMaster, Xinerama isn't for you then. What you want is the old multihead
06:24.50linuxguy12ok how can I use dcop to retreive the current url of all open windows and tabs in windows of konqueror?
06:24.51MrGrimZarin: did you have problems w/ inter screen movement period, or only when trying to display different desktops on different displays?
06:25.04MrGrimor did you even get that far?
06:25.34ZarinMrGrim, As I mentioned above I don't have much code, it was all done on paper and planning with some basic code skeletons that I never finished.
06:26.05MrGrimZarin: so, can I assume if I were to attempt this you would be open to implementing this as a kde extension?
06:26.11ZarinI guess my main problem was how to visualise everything as I was trying to use compositing to its best
06:26.30ZarinNot a KDE extension, it requires a completely new desktop shell that replaces both KWin and Plasma.
06:26.52MrGrimso plasma does have to be rolled in somehow?
06:26.56MrGrimyou can't trick it?
06:27.17ZarinWell if you don't mind having an old-style desktop with a new-style window handling then Plasma is fine how it is
06:27.27GrueMasterMy guess is that both kwin and plasma need to be modified to support multiple sessions.
06:27.42MrGrimGrueMaster: we're talking about something completely different here :)
06:27.46ZarinGrueMaster, pretty much spot on
06:27.57MrGrimor so I thought
06:28.09ZarinMrGrim, I'm having two convos here at once :)
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06:28.15MrGrimyou're good :)
06:28.21ZarinOne with GrueMaster about multihead and one with you about Xinerama
06:28.49MrGrimZarin: ok, well this has now officially fascinated me. If I can somehow find the time I want to dig into this
06:29.04ZarinThat was my old code before I abandoned it
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06:29.19MrGrimand this is not kde then?
06:29.24ZarinNot KDE
06:29.35ZarinBut I think that old version used KDE libraries
06:29.42ZarinSo I guess you could say it was
06:29.55ZarinNewer version of my "Aethis" don't use the KDE libraries at all
06:30.21ZarinLatest code being at but it's completely different to that old repo
06:30.28ZarinAnd is of no use to you :)
06:30.35MrGrimfair enough
06:30.47MrGrimnew experiment on something else? :)
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06:31.15ZarinPretty much
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06:31.56MrGrimhmm git is not liking that... it's "git clone <url>", right?
06:31.57ZarinI'm fed up with X though so I want to help out on Wayland then write the new compositor for it. It sounds like the better way of going about it
06:32.11*** join/#kde KennethP (n=kpo@
06:32.18MrGrimZarin: I'd never support wayland w/o network transparency
06:32.32MrGrimI use that extensively
06:33.02MrGrimI do not know if it has it
06:33.05bertodseraHi! can anyone confirm that it is possible to define an alternative "date engine" in KDE? And if so, is there any docs about it? Can't seem to google out anything
06:33.12*** part/#kde cool_walking_ (
06:33.22MrGrimbut the tendency for the "abandon X" crowd is to treat network transparency as the problem
06:33.32ZarinIt is the problem
06:33.55ZarinIf network transparency at the protocol layer is removed then desktop Linux can be drastically improved
06:34.07ZarinNetwork usage can be a layer above, such as in the compositor
06:34.21ZarinKinda like what Compiz is doing with NOMAD
06:34.47ZarinWhich is how Windows does it with remote desktop as well :)
06:35.32ZarinMrGrim, "git clone git://", "old" branch
06:36.01MrGrimya and windows remote desktop is painfully slow compared to an optimized X stream like, for example, NX
06:36.37MrGrimand the compositor has no knowledge below the pixmap of the window so there are limits to how fast it can be
06:36.49xdan779Zarin: remote desktop does not support running multiple single apps from multiple users either
06:37.13Zarinxdan779, NOMAD in theory can
06:37.30xdan779Zarin: X as a fact can now
06:37.34xdan779for ages
06:37.58ZarinX does it at the protocol level, NOMAD does it at the window level, remote desktop does it at the screen level.
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06:39.01ZarinThat protocol level is extremely complex in X and prevents some very powerful optimizations when being run on the local machine
06:39.04ZarinX currently does some special things for local machines but it still has to treat it as a network
06:39.06xdan779Zarin: you maybe right but as a user X runs just fine locally
06:39.25MrGrimthe window level is barely a step above vnc if I understand what window level means
06:39.28xdan779Zarin: it is a good thing that it treats it that way localy
06:39.28Zarinxdan779, users don't know how much it's limiting us developers
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06:40.19ZarinBut anyway I must call this convo short, got stuff to do :(
06:40.24ZarinWas just getting interesting as well
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06:40.48MrGrimZarin: ya, ttyl
06:41.13xdan779Zarin: I am not a developer so I have no reason to argue, just saying that X works well, and the network transparency is fantastic
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06:42.07xdan779Zarin: later Zarin can pick up another time
06:42.25ZarinI will not argue that having network transparency at the protocol layer does has its own advnatages that no other method can have, but for normal desktop usage it just gets in the way
06:42.39ZarinMost users only ever run on a single machine with a single user
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06:44.27ZarinOf course, if a new system is used that specializes on local machines (Such as Wayland) there is nothing stopping you from running a root-less X server on top of it to run those remote apps
06:44.43ZarinWhich is what the Wayland dev(s) are trying to do right now actually
06:44.50xdan779Zarin: sure dos single user single os, thank god unix and X for that matter was not designed that way
06:44.51ZarinIn between working on porting Cairo and stuff
06:45.35xdan779most users eg. windows run as root to
06:45.51ZarinNot in W7 :)
06:46.17MrGrimZarin: I'm not considered about running remote apps as much as I am having remote apps to run
06:46.21ZarinWhen I used W7 I ran completely as an unpriveledged user and has no problems with normal usage
06:46.24xdan779Zarin: true not in win 7 to bad most 3rd party apps do not conform
06:46.28MrGrimif everything writes code against wayland
06:46.33MrGrimI won't be able to run their apps remotely
06:46.39MrGrimwhich would be a real loss
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06:47.19ZarinMrGrim, Almost every app these days uses a toolkit, that toolkit abstracts the method used to communicate with the user
06:47.39ZarinThus a toolkit can abstract to either Wayland RDC or X protocol with ease
06:47.57ZarinSuch as what they already do with X vs mobile devices
06:48.15MrGrimZarin: my concern would be as the desktop users start to massively outnumber folks like me X will be forgotten and I'll be complaining about the good old days :)
06:48.15xdan779in windows 7 and Vista it is better but, due to how third party legit apps are develped. people allow everything to be installed woth root privs
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06:49.31MrGrimZarin: now don't tease, go :)
06:49.36MrGrimdon't let us keep you :)
06:50.29MrGrimxdan779: funny... I'd make not requiring admin access part of the definition of legit
06:50.31Zarinxdan779, that's a social problem, not a technical one
06:51.02Zarinused W7 everyday for six weeks. It can run identically to how we use Linux today
06:51.04MrGrimwould you call a linux app legit if it demanded root when it didn't need it? :)
06:51.22ZarinChoose your apps wisely and things just work fine
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06:51.45xdan779MrGrim: as is with linux, suid bit aside your program should not run with root privs
06:52.07MrGrimdemand the same from windows apps
06:52.14MrGrimif they don't cooperate.. who needs 'em?
06:52.45MrGrimunless your using a niche business or artistic app
06:52.48xdan779MrGrim: you hit the nail on the head
06:52.48MrGrimyou have options
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06:55.18ZarinThe only time I ever needed to run as administrator (Through UAC) was when installing applications, during normal usage I never got a UAC notification
06:55.24xdan779MrGrim Zarin you are both right but it is obviose most users do not demand that
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06:55.58xdan779my point wiht X yea Users don;t demand such things, but I don;t really think that means anything
06:56.07ZarinAny application written post-Vista by a respectible developer acts nicely with permissions
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06:57.05Zaringoes eats food
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07:03.43oup1I've just upgraded to kubuntu 9.04 and my windowing system seems to be messed up. There are no close/maximise/minimise buttons and other weirdness
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07:12.25muepI'm trying to follow this: on openSUSE 11.1 with KDE updated to version 4.2
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07:13.29muepHowever the line 'include(KDE4Defaults)' makes cmake fail
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07:14.27muepis the guide up to date, or am I missing something? I already tried to check if I am missing some kde development related libraries
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07:25.46gdeburemuep, did you ask on kde-devel ? Might be more appropriate
07:26.04muepgdebure: oh, I'll try there
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08:01.17N9NUit is so nice to this this version work perfect for me: Version 4.2.90 (KDE 4.2.90 (KDE 4.3 Beta2))
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08:51.44sartsWhere are the kde themes located?
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08:59.12sartsnucleo: thanks, but I mean on disk ;)
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09:00.55nucleosarts: for example color schemes in /usr/share/kde4/apps/color-schemes/ or in ~/.kde/share/apps/color-schemes
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09:01.11sartsI see
09:01.50nucleosarts: ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme
09:02.40sartsYou are really helpfull, thanks. :)
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09:09.30jaggz-Control Panel -> Regional & Accessibility -> Input Actions:  // Needs a Copy action which duplicates the entry and Disables it.
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09:09.42jaggz-How would I go about adding that myself?
09:09.46jaggz-to help you
09:10.27jaggz-otherwise, I'm editing khotkeysrc by hand, but "dcop khotkeys khotkeys reread_configuration" doesn't seem to work -- my new sequences are not loaded that is.
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09:11.15jaggz-I'm using Debian -> Lenny I guess?  5.0.1
09:12.00jaggz-looks like kde 3.5.10
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09:53.23alpha_one_x86Hello, in openGL desktop effect I have some bug with kde 4.2.4, kde 4.3 solve it?
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09:54.42Half-LeftWhat bug?
09:56.06thiago_homealpha_one_x86: try with 4.3 and tell us if it's solved
09:56.35alpha_one_x86Graphical/visual bug
09:57.43alpha_one_x86Panel which is deformed, white border of ~15px in some moment
09:59.42alpha_one_x86I take it
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10:00.22alpha_one_x86White home near ultracopier-svn folder
10:01.18thiago_homeI've never seen that
10:02.04alpha_one_x86I have see that's since I have tried KDE 4.1, and this bug it's with all my nvidia card
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10:02.51thiago_homeI only have nvidia and I've never seen it
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10:04.27alpha_one_x86I have this effect activated: Blur, slide, taskbar thumbnails, transluency, (focus) Dialog parent, Dim screen for admin mode, cover switch, desktop cuben desktop grid, present windows
10:04.51alpha_one_x86No bug in "Compositing type" Xrender
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10:06.20Half-LeftTry 4.3 or use a newer Nvidia driver
10:07.20alpha_one_x86Strange!!! Ksnapshot show my Kmenu but it's not show at screen when the screenshot is take (take with delay of 5s, open and close quickly the menu)
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10:08.41alpha_one_x86No newer KDE or/and nvidia driver in portage tree under gentoo
10:09.03alpha_one_x86I have this visual bug since start of KDE
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10:09.27Half-LeftWell, you have to prove it's a KDE bug
10:09.59alpha_one_x86With KDE3 and e17 no bug
10:10.02thiago_hometry another driver, like nouveau
10:10.16Half-LeftKDE is totally different
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10:10.37thiago_homealpha_one_x86: you could have said the problem doesn't appear with /bin/ls...
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10:11.20alpha_one_x86I thinks I have this bug because it's include in KDE only for good supported card, because with less openGL extension supported I have not this bug
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10:11.29Half-LeftDifferent technology in KDE4, so saying other DEs don't have such a bug is not relevant.
10:11.51alpha_one_x86thiago_home: I have not understund
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10:12.40thiago_homesaying KDE 3 didn't have the bug is the same as saying /bin/ls doesn't
10:12.43thiago_homeit's completely different
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10:13.39alpha_one_x86And I seam see pading (internal margin) evry where (of same space as visual bug), and plasma have scroll bar vertical, what I need scroll up for it's hiden
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10:14.20alpha_one_x86thiago_home: understand
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10:15.26alpha_one_x86I will go report this bug to kde bug, have you usefull test to do?
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10:17.10thiago_homebesides the one I already asked
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10:18.09alpha_one_x86And have you serie 8 or 9 geforce with proprietary drivers?
10:18.27thiago_homehas 8400GM and 8600GT
10:18.31menaksince 4.2.2 kmail doesn't quote when replying to mails. is that a bug or an option i haven't found yet?
10:18.56menaki just get an empty email, no quotes
10:19.06menakhas anyone else encountered that?
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10:19.26pontomenak: did you mark something in the mail accidentally?
10:19.40menakponto: nope
10:19.53menakusing gentoo, same on three computers
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10:20.15menakif i mask versions above kmail 4.2.2 it's fine
10:20.16alpha_one_x86I use drivers 180.60 but same bug with older drivers
10:20.40thiago_home180.51 here, no bug
10:20.50menaki thought it was a kmail 4.2.3 bug, but it's still there in 4.2.4
10:21.22pontomenak: I've never seen this bug. using 4.2.4 now.
10:21.44menakponto: hmm, wierd
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10:22.47menakis going to join #gentoo and see if it's a gentoo specific problem
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10:24.33DumbleHello world
10:25.16Half-Leftalpha_one_x86: About that bug report. You mean the menu floats about the panel?
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10:26.42alpha_one_x86No it's more slim on some part
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10:29.04Half-Leftit's not really a clear bug report and how to reproduce it
10:31.15alpha_one_x86I have lot of visual bug, you can see only it, you can mis it
10:31.30alpha_one_x86*you cant mis it
10:31.31Half-LeftIt's like telling the developer to look for a needle in a haystack, assuming the needle is even there.
10:31.59*** join/#kde ddhanasekar (n=ddhanase@
10:32.15Half-LeftYes sure, we're not denying that but you have to provde it's a KDE corruption but and not a driver or Xorg one.
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10:33.49ddhanasekarhow to upgrade java versin
10:33.57ddhanasekarhow to upgrade java version
10:34.20thiago_homeno clue
10:34.33thiago_homeyou should ask your distribution's channel
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10:35.52ddhanasekarI have open sun jdk which is alredy presented in fedora10 when i installed
10:36.50pinotreeddhanasekar: ask in #fedora
10:37.03alpha_one_x86I will reboot for test with 185 nvidia drivers
10:37.09ddhanasekaryes I have installed Fedora10
10:37.48thiago_homeddhanasekar: there wasn't a question to be answered with "yes"
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10:41.36alpha_one_x86Re, same bug with 185 series drivers under KDE
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10:42.31rethusin quanta i have auto-comlete activated. how can i deactivate
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11:49.02JackWinter2i've been googling and experimenting, but am not quite sure what is the best combination for kde 4.2.3, i have an samsung x20 laptop with intel 915 gfx.  i have installed cpufrqutils and the cpu seems to scale up and down like it should.  powerdevil seems to work pretty well dimmming the screen when power is unplugged etc.  i can also suspend to disk after configuring the swap.  what i can't get working is suspend to ram.  i tried first of all with just
11:49.04JackWinter2powerdevil and it suspends and restarts once, next time it hangs with a black screen on restart.  now i've tried adding s2ram which says the laptop is supported, but get the same result from the command line.  iny links or tips what kde needs for full laptop support ?
11:49.37thiago_homea good laptop
11:49.41thiago_homeit works just fine on my Dell XPS
11:50.05thiago_homeyour hardware is not supported by your Linux kernel version
11:50.08JackWinter2x20 is pretty good, but old by now
11:50.09thiago_homeit has nothing to do with KDE
11:51.14*** join/#kde |igor_ (n=igor@
11:51.18JackWinter2ok, i assume that cpufrequtils have nothing to do with kde4, but gives functionality and is used by kde4 if installed ?
11:51.46JackWinter2does powerdevil need s2ram ?
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12:21.12simey00irchow can I make kdesktop not to reserve the sound devices?
12:21.23simey00ircMany non-kde applications like wine or some games have no sound when kdesktop runs.
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12:22.55simey00irchow can I make kdesktop not to reserve the sound devices?
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12:22.59simey00ircMany non-kde applications like wine or some games have no sound when kdesktop runs.
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12:24.39simey00ircKdesktop keeps these files opened:
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12:27.53shadeslayeri want to upgrade to 4.3 but cant do so because of packaging issues :(
12:28.34simey00irchow can I make kdesktop not to reserve the sound devices?
12:28.37simey00ircMany non-kde applications like wine or some games have no sound when kdesktop runs.
12:28.40simey00ircKdesktop keeps these files opened:
12:30.03pinotreesimey00irc: stop repeating your question every 4 minutes, and be patient
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12:34.50thiago_homewas going to answer
12:34.52thiago_hometoo bad he left
12:35.01thiago_homewell, I was going to tell him to use arts
12:35.13zc00giidoes anyone here know who is managing kdemod-testing for x86_64?
12:35.24pinotreezc00gii: #archlinux
12:35.28thiago_homewell, considering we have no clue what kdemod is...
12:35.31thiago_homeno, we don't know
12:36.13zc00giiI'm going to kdemod-unstable
12:36.25thiago_homewhere's that?
12:36.28*** join/#kde FakeTerminal (n=vincent@
12:37.23zc00giithiago_home: kdemod is a h4xx0r3d kde that is more modular and designed for Arch Linux
12:37.49thiago_homethen I suggest you follow pinotree's suggestion
12:38.05zc00giikdemod-testing and kdemod-unstable are a two of the repos
12:38.18zc00giiI'm just going to kdemod-unstable
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12:40.58AzcratesHi, any way to run 3.5 apps on 4.2 ? I can't run quanta.
12:42.03cb400fwhat distro? .. shouldn't be a problem on most distros
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12:42.39Azcratesgentoo over here
12:42.51AzcratesShould I ask in #gentoo-kde ?
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12:43.13cb400fwould probably be better
12:43.22Azcratesok thanks
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12:45.12astalhi everyone
12:45.19shadeslayeranyone have kde 4.3 + ubuntu??
12:45.32astalI'm experimenting some problems with solid after having updated to 4.2.4 on gentoo
12:45.48astalit doesn't see my audio device anymore, nor the battery...
12:50.59shadeslayerim getting this bug :
12:53.00astalis this a known bug?
12:54.13thiago_homeI heard of some icons being repeated in
12:54.28thiago_homebut this is a packaging bug. Please ask in a Ubuntu/Kubuntu channel.
12:54.40shadeslayerastal: no idea..its filed there tho
12:55.04shadeslayerthiago_home: thats why i was asking if somebody had ubuntu+KDE 4.3
12:55.16thiago_homeyou're going to find them in those channels.
12:55.46shadeslayeroh and one more thing..whats the diff. b/w activities and desktops ??
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12:56.41astalsolid complains that my audio device isn't working... but it is!
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12:57.19thiago_homeprobably it's held in use by another process
12:57.22thiago_homebecause it's working
12:57.34quatroniumTcupHallo ! I am using kopete under gnome and want to change the default web browser to firefox How can I do this ? Where is the Configuration file ?
12:58.21astalthiago_home: i don't think so... it used to work fine, the problems started to happen just after update, and it's the same for the battery that is not detected...
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13:05.47quatroniumTcupok found a little program to do it..
13:06.11pinotreeshadeslayer: you should ask in #kubuntu
13:06.29shadeslayerpinotree: heh...they advise not to install kde 4.3 :P
13:07.03shadeslayeralso Do not install KDE 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there still are dependency issues
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13:07.52shadeslayerso im listening to them and waiting for beta 2 (hopefully without the dependency problems)
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14:05.02thiago_homeit's in the middle of the first screen in dual monitors
14:05.20lmorgadothiago_home: not.. its in the middle of both screens
14:05.25thiago_homeno, it's not
14:05.29thiago_homeit's in the middle of the first screen
14:05.36thiago_homeI saw it yesterday
14:05.50lmorgadoon my monitor i bet
14:06.05xxtjaxxwhy do we have to use this friggin scim ?
14:06.08lmorgadomaybe my xorg.conf is not configured right but its in the middle of both
14:06.21thiago_homethen configure xorg right
14:06.34lmorgadothiago_home: can you give me your xorg.conf so i can compare
14:06.35thiago_homexxtjaxx: Japanese speaker? Chinese? Korean?
14:06.53xxtjaxxoh ...
14:07.27lmorgadothiago_home: whats wrong with this:
14:07.39lmorgadothiago_home: my one gives me kdm in the middle
14:07.53JackWinter2argh still confused.  with kde 4.2.3 and powerdevil i don't need any extra software for power management on a laptop?  it will take care of cpu scaling, hibernating, suspend to ram etc without installing cpufrequtils or anything else ?
14:08.06xxtjaxxbecfaus e it makes me friggin sick testing the new opensuse 11.2 milestone and every few minutes it switches between english and german keyboard
14:08.21thiago_homexxtjaxx: don't use it then
14:08.39thiago_homeJackWinter2: you don't need KDE or powerdevil to do that
14:08.42xxtjaxxit executes it self
14:08.52thiago_homeJackWinter2: CPU scaling, hibernating and suspending are done by the kernel
14:08.58xxtjaxxNo really if i click exit in the bar it starty up again
14:09.02thiago_homexxtjaxx: kill it and make sure it doesn't execute again
14:09.19lmorgadothiago_home: you have 2 video cards ?
14:09.26lmorgadothiago_home: or nvidia with twinview
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14:11.29JackWinter2thiago_home: so do i or do i not need cpufrequtils ?  i run kde 4.2.3 on a kernel
14:11.30thiago_homenvidia with twinview
14:11.40thiago_homeJackWinter2: I don't eve know what cpufrequtils is
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14:11.55thiago_homeJackWinter2: I know my laptop is running at 1 GHz scaled down, suspends and hibernates
14:12.08lmorgadothiago_home: any idea on the ati equivalent.. my dual screen works good with
14:12.24lmorgadothiago_home: but i have that kdm in the middle of the screen fuckup
14:12.38JackWinter2thiago_home: ok, thanks.  i'll start over and see what i can make powerdevil do.  suppose the drawback of reading outdated info while googling :)
14:13.05thiago_homelmorgado: no. Use the fireglcontrolpanel.
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14:13.43lmorgadothiago_home: ok.. checking that out.. thanks
14:20.59zc00giihow do I know what version of kde I'm running?
14:21.13zc00giilmorgado: try hotplugging
14:21.15thiago_homeAbout KDE in any KDE application
14:21.49zc00giithiago_home: I don't see that
14:22.05thiago_homeI do
14:22.10thiago_homein every KDE application, in the Help menu
14:23.14zc00giiI'm running kde4.3b1(kde4.2.88) but I don't see the folder "peeking" from the folderview plasmoid
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14:24.06lmorgadozc00gii: hotplugging?
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14:24.22zc00giilmorgado: yes
14:24.28zc00giilmorgado: what distro do you use?
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14:24.31lmorgadotrying this damn catalyst control centre but it doesnt allow me to enable xinerama
14:24.50lmorgadozc00gii: im on kubuntu 9.04
14:24.58zc00giilmorgado: use the opensource driver
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14:25.18zc00giiit's easier to set up
14:25.23lmorgadofor some reason the kubuntu dudes disabled multiple monitor in the gui for system -» settigns -» display
14:25.24zc00giimake sure hal is running
14:25.39zc00giiI hate kubuntu
14:25.46zc00giianything to do with *buntu
14:26.09lmorgadowell.. it usually saves me more time that it takes
14:26.22lmorgadozc00gii: let me look into the opensource driver fot ati
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14:26.34thiago_homelmorgado: not really. That option is only supported on Intel.
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14:26.38lmorgadozc00gii: isnt hotplug just for "hot plug" devices
14:26.45lmorgadosuch as usb stuff
14:26.48zc00giilmorgado: nope
14:27.04zc00giimake sure hal is running
14:27.09zc00giiremove xorg.conf
14:27.16zc00giiuse the opensource driver
14:27.20zc00giithen restart X11
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14:27.50zc00giirestarting kde
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14:29.03JackWinter2thiago_home: i think cpufrequtils give powerdevil the ability to switch cpu speed.  without it configured powerdevil loses the ability.  and yes there are kernel modules loaded for it.  ok, then i just have to trouble shoot my kernel and figure out why suspend to ram only works once.
14:29.48thiago_homeJackWinter2: you know, one thing just came to mind:
14:29.59thiago_homeJackWinter2: suspending didn't work properly for me until I upgraded my BIOS firmware
14:30.28JackWinter2aha, i'll see about that too.  thanks
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14:35.23zc00giifigured out why I couldn't folder view
14:35.29zc00giiI was running the old plasma
14:35.42zc00giilmorgado: need any more info on hotplugging
14:36.12lmorgadozc00gii: not yet.. im still trying to remember which drivers there were for ATI
14:36.31lmorgadozc00gii: its a bloody mess aparently (last time i used dual screen it was with nvidia)
14:36.56lmorgadozc00gii: i dont really need hotplugging i think
14:37.04lmorgadozc00gii: the monitors are always plugged in
14:37.10zc00giilmorgado: so?
14:37.17zc00giihotplugging has more advantages
14:37.28lmorgadozc00gii: why do i need it for then?
14:37.32zc00giilike the volume buttons on your keyboard are automatically configured
14:37.50lmorgadoi see
14:38.11zc00giiand other small but important things
14:38.11lmorgadonow im more worried about double screen without that annoying kdm in the middle
14:39.18zc00giiis in love with 4.2.88
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14:50.25soa2iiHi there. Will there be a plugin-feature for Konqueror in KDE 4? I really miss smth like NoScript in Konqueror.
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14:51.22thiago_homesoa2ii: that feature has existed for 6 years or so
14:51.34soa2iithiago_home: ? Where?
14:51.43thiago_homewhere what?
14:51.45soa2iiI do not mean the Java filter under preferences...
14:51.53thiago_homeKonqueror supports plugins and has supported for years
14:51.53soa2iithis is much too complicated.
14:52.01soa2iiOh ok.
14:52.09soa2iiBut _is_ there smth like noscript?
14:52.16thiago_homeI have no idea what noscript is
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14:52.34thiago_homewrote a plugin for setting the encoding of filesystem displays back in 2004 or 2003
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14:53.02soa2iithiago_home: You'll get smth like that in the statusbar
14:53.24templaedhelhello, I have kde 4.3, and I can't figure out how to move a panel from the top to the bottom
14:53.26soa2iiWhere you can easily set up java (script) for different domains
14:54.16thiago_homesoa2ii: you can turn it on and off in the Tools menu, HTML settings
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14:54.34thiago_hometemplaedhel: click the cashew to the right of the panel
14:54.40thiago_homethen you can drag it
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14:54.51templaedhelI try, but it doesn't drag
14:55.06soa2iithiago_home: Yes, but genrally. Noscript can easily allow java on a domain basis and stores it.
14:55.18soa2iiSo you'll get something like a java (script) filter.
14:55.20thiago_homesoa2ii: write a plugin for that
14:55.35templaedheloh, I need to use both mouse buttons
14:56.10pinotreesoa2ii: you can have java & javascript per-domain policies
14:56.58soa2iipinotree: Yes, I know
14:57.06soa2iiBut the compfortable?
14:57.25soa2iiAlways clicking through settings and set up smth...
14:57.48soa2iiThe "allow temporary"-function in NoScript is quite cool too
14:57.48thiago_homeso, like I said, write a plugin
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15:31.30Raleskhi all, I tend to compile KDE unstable releases (4.2.xx) and I found that since .85 (including that), the Plasma themes do not work...  Everything except for Aya, displays a black border and is otherwise horribly broken.
15:31.30druggy_anyone know how to disable QT from using symlinks in a way that windows uses .lnk, which is going to the absolute path pointed by symlink instead of normal way that is in command line shells?
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15:34.05Raleskon the other hand, I've been told that the openSuse builds of the same releases do work just fine -- I'm not sure what could be going wrong, I don't patch anything but .desktop files and they don't hack away on plasma either...
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15:34.44annewit's impossible to print the ImageMagick man page through konqueror
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15:34.49annewI have debug info -
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15:34.54annewwhere should it go to?
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15:35.11druggy_how to prevent QT/KDE from solving symlinks?
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15:43.40druggy_how to prevent QT/KDE from resolving symlinks?
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15:47.38tjisherHmm so this is one of those room where no one helps, doesn't bode well
15:48.17tjisherQuestion is if someone did know would they come at the wood work ?
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15:52.06tjisherGeuss that's my answer :)
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15:53.55Mamaroktjisher: it's Saturday afternoon in Europe...
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16:00.01tjisherGeus I just assumed an optional workforce would be more active at the weekend, but I take your point
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16:01.47Mamarokoptional workforce? ...
16:02.12Mamaroktjisher: I don't know what you imagine KDE people are doing all week long...
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16:06.27tjisherSo everyone gets paid to work on kde?! But maybe I'm over emphasizing the hobby element
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16:09.34Mamaroktjisher: no, not at all, but most are working all week long and diserve some free time, don't you think?
16:09.53Mamaroktjisher: what was your question?
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16:10.48olaf123I have used krdc/krfb in kde 3.5. When I use krdc/krfb now, in kde 4.2, I can login, see the screen, but its terrible with a lot of "colour-blocks" on the screen. Where is my mistake ?
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16:16.10tjisherMe ? No, no question, was just thinking of helping out in some OS project, which means I need to find the maintainers and the if the comm is helpful
16:17.05tjisherMy c++ voodoo Is a little weak after all :)
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16:17.37templaedhelwhy does adept show different results then synaptic?
16:18.55Mamaroktemplaedhel: no idea, maybe you have unsigned sources
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16:33.21jcervidaedoes anything like OS X automator exist for kde?
16:34.03Mamarokjcervidae: I don't even know what that is, could you explain the aim of this tool?
16:34.29jcervidaeMamarok: it interacts with programs like a user would, it's a macro program
16:35.00Mamarokjcervidae: but what does it do, and what do yu use it for?
16:35.45jcervidaewell, so you can say, make macro to print pdf properly because lpr sucks and okular does it correctly, i can then write macro to make okular print pdf by sending it keyboard inputs/mouse clicks, and turn it into cli program that prints my pdf properly
16:36.24jcervidaeor maybe i have to fill in lots of web page forms with a mail merge, it can automate firefox for me (i know not exactly kde there) and do the merge
16:36.34jcervidae(theres already a solution to that called imacro but its not free)
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16:37.30Mamarokjcervidae: write a script using dbus? I don't know if there is a macrorecorder yet in KDE4
16:37.46jcervidaeokular has dbus support?
16:37.54pinotreeit does
16:38.20jcervidaei mean a macro recorder would be even more awesome but that solves my problem i wanted one for :)
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16:41.24junkDawgiejcervidae: seems i saw a service menu for printing pdf documents (right click out of konqueror) on kde-apps... or kde-look.... might be something you might check.
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16:44.09druggy_how to prevent QT/KDE from resolving symlinks? at present time it acts the same way as .lnk in windows, which is gay and un-unixish
16:44.54jcervidaejunkDawgie: i wanted to be able to do it from the cli without any clicks which i can if it supports print via dbus
16:44.56cghislaidruggy_: explain a bit more what you mean please
16:45.10druggy_cghislai: what part?
16:45.28jcervidaedruggy_: if all the trolls on a bridge ate all of your cakes but gave you a penny how many carbon rods would you have?
16:45.40cghislaidruggy_: as it acts the same way as windows .lnk
16:46.34druggy_well. if you click .lnk in windows it transfers you to the directory pointed by that lnk instead of normal way of only adding somename.lnk to your current directory stack
16:46.35junkDawgiejcervidae: my point was that the service menu most likely points to an included script... which may give you some insight.
16:46.54druggy_jcervidae: i dont understand
16:46.56cghislaipinotree: can i have a private talk?
16:47.10pinotreehm, ok
16:47.19jcervidaedruggy_: i thought your question was a joke what do you mean prevent it resolving symlinks of course symlinks should be resolved
16:47.39druggy_jcervidae: ???
16:47.56jcervidaedruggy_: stop eating my carbon rods.
16:48.09druggy_jcervidae: symlinks should be just added to current directory name instead of changing focus to new directory, thats the whole idea of symlink
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16:49.15druggy_jcervidae: you seem to not understand that there are people who think other way than you and imposing your way of thinking on them, as in "symlinks should be resolved" is kinda bad
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16:49.44jcervidaedruggy_: ok, ill accept you might be serious and i just don't understand what you mean then
16:50.03druggy_so far i only found that kde/qt does such strange things as resolving symling in gui, other apps just act in normal  unix way
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16:50.40jcervidaedruggy_: in dolphin symlink appear to me like the file they point to which is exactly what i want them to do
16:50.53jcervidaeyou want a little icon next to them to show they're a symlink, isn't that what windows does with .lnk?
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16:51.53jcervidaedruggy_: oh, i don't use konq.
16:51.55druggy_jcervidae: my point is sortof like that bug description, only i like my symlinks not resolved, as in not changed whole current directory to the directory poitned by symlink
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16:52.32jcervidaeyou mean you don't want it to resolve the link to its absolute path
16:52.36jcervidaebut to pretend it's the symlink
16:52.39druggy_jcervidae: its not konq specyfic, it occurs in opera which is only app i use from qt/kde world
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16:53.05jcervidaeopens up dolphin and has a play
16:53.49jcervidaedruggy_: i have a ~/tmp dir, which is symlinked to from ~/Documents/tmp, Documents is in my CDPATH so i can cd tmp anywhere and end up in.... let's see what dolphin does with this:)
16:54.27druggy_jcervidae: i have symlink called data in ~ that points to /mnt/big/data, when i cnage into ~/data i want it to be in ~/data as any linux app doews, qt/kde instead does something wierd by taking me to /mnt/big/data so when i chose to one level up i cant get back into point of entry
16:54.58jcervidaedruggy_: dolphin doesn't behave this way
16:55.08onesandzeroshello all.  When building KDE stuff from source, have any of you seen an error like Unknown CMake command "kde4_add_library"?  The distro is Arch, and I'm trying to build an svn pull of Kexi.  I was able to build Konversation and Krename without any problems.  I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
16:55.18druggy_jcervidae: some apps do :(
16:55.21jcervidaemy tmp symlink had a little icon on it signifying it was a symlink and the path it changed to was ~/Documents/tmp
16:55.25jcervidaenot ~/tmp
16:55.31jcervidaemaybe it's a KDE3 problem?
16:55.51druggy_ive no ide, for me kde was always bonkers on many usability issues
16:56.18druggy_i only use few programs from kde desktop, i dont use kde as my main desktop
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16:56.54jcervidaedruggy_: is opera even a qt app?
16:56.58druggy_i thought that there might be some swithch in general kde config that says "dontresolvesymlinksffs = true"
16:57.02druggy_it is
16:57.12druggy_i use shared qt version of it
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16:57.22druggy_guess ill bug them about it
16:57.36mokolokonope i just heard couple of days ago that it isn't real qt app
16:57.38jcervidaedruggy_: you could probably be a dick and make a library which hijacks the resolve symlink c library call, returns a bs result and LD_PRELOAD it into opera :)
16:58.04DexterFlet's say I have a dir tree with about 8 levels and lots of pictures in them and I'd like to generate a thumbnail index for all of them - any program that can do that?
16:58.07mokolokoit uses it's own toolkit under qt
16:58.18druggy_yeah, but it would be quite gay/microsoft way of patching a patch to apatch instead of taking out porblem at root
16:58.32jcervidaedruggy_: well i don't have your problems in kde4
16:58.34MamarokDexterF: Digikam?
16:58.38jcervidae... ?
16:58.44druggy_guess its opera specyfic then
16:59.45druggy_k, thx anyway for claryfing things a bit
17:00.45jcervidaedruggy_: give dolphin a chance as a file manager :) it's midnight commander + cli :D
17:00.46DexterFMamarok: dunno, never really used it
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17:01.02MamarokDexterF: go for it, it's really nice :)
17:01.08druggy_jcervidae: i like totalcommander + wine :)
17:01.20DexterFMamarok: well, why not.
17:01.37jcervidaeyeah you keep your oldschool two pane, i got a three pane, the two panes and a third cli pane that follows me around
17:01.45jcervidaehow kickass is that? dolphin rocks
17:01.55druggy_im too stupid for 3pane view :P
17:02.11druggy_my head only has capacity for 2 :P
17:02.21jcervidaedruggy_: when you first install dolphin it looks like windoze explorer too :( it only does that if you open the preferences
17:02.27druggy_but ill give it a go and wee what it can do
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17:03.02jcervidaedruggy_: when i saw it i thought "oh crap they killed kde what is this trash" then went into prefs and realised they just started it in newbie mode but you could turn it into mega-power with a few tickboxes
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17:03.50DexterFMamarok: it says "Do not use a moutn path on a remote computer" - in bold type. right on start. digikam is out :P
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17:04.18jimbobukhi folks. Could anyone explain if its possible for me to login to my full kde desktop over the network via a remote xserver. I'm sure i've done it a long time ago but don't even know where to start looking.
17:04.24MamarokDexterF: then I don't know, sorry
17:04.25druggy_jcervidae: i know, but still there are many things oss thingies lack when compared to totalcommander, only advantaage of oss soltuions are being native to linux
17:05.16jcervidaedruggy_: it's been years since i used totalcommander and my head is a FIFO buffer, name something i'll see if dolphin can do it
17:05.27neighborleeis kde in fedora 11 rc ( yes, its only a 'few' days from release so I felt it was 'stable' enough ) not stalbe or is it  fedora itself I wonder causing grief ;)..I tried to resize kde panel, which is amazing btw..and it crashed and restarted itself..I think at the time Iwas resizing 'height'..anyway just curious and thx anyone!
17:05.41jcervidaeneighborlee: yes i am talking to you from FC11
17:05.57jcervidaebut don't upgrade with the cd media seriously or you will destroy your system
17:06.04jcervidaeonly upgrade with a DVD
17:06.25druggy_jcervidae: cant do since i didnt gave oss a chance since 2-3 years ago, things might have changed since then
17:06.29jcervidaethey are half-heartedly taking my bug reports seriously about it, they admit its a problem but they are too focused on the code not the fact it destroys thousands of peoples compuers :)
17:06.39neighborleejcervidae, nice
17:07.17neighborleejcervidae, I did a full install
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17:07.33neighborleejcervidae, are you seeing any such issues ? < maybe I hit a flukey crash who knows >
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17:07.48neighborleejcervidae, im inclined to think its fedora, as the installer is also very flakey
17:08.28jcervidaeneighborlee: anaconda couldn't resolve a dependency problem related to the xsane scanner system somewhere in disk 2, crashed and burned and left me with a system that had half fc10 packages, half fc11 and many simply missing :)
17:09.05jcervidaeneighborlee: spoke to the devs about it, they informed me a DVD based upgrade would detect the problem as it has all the RPM headers available before beginning where as CD doesnt
17:09.15jcervidaeand they screamed at me when i suggested splitting the RPM headers
17:09.28jcervidaeso... upgrade to FC11 = yes, do it with CD = NO NO NO , NEVER
17:09.38neighborleejcervidae, oh happy joy ;))
17:10.19neighborleeI 'was' going to go with mandriva..I still MIGHT
17:10.34neighborleebut im miffed with them too atm, not having a 64bit livecd installer
17:10.35tuxicktry kubuntu
17:10.41jcervidaenah fedora is worth it
17:10.44jcervidaejust use the DVD
17:10.46jcervidaenot the CD
17:10.48neighborleeI have the dvd
17:10.49jcervidaeand all will be well.
17:11.01tuxickgets popcorn for distwar
17:11.03mokolokopffft yum upgrade will do :P
17:11.23Mamaroktuxick: that would be in -offtopic then :)
17:11.35jcervidaemokoloko: my  package-cleanup --problems | wc -l was over 1000 after anaconda fuxed me, i don't thnk yum upgrade would have done much better :)
17:11.39neighborleeI try to avoid buntu* like the plague.dont trust them on any level
17:11.42tuxickhey i'll just watch!
17:11.50jcervidaeis now down to 95
17:12.12neighborleeso its either fedora or mandriva at this juncture
17:12.50jcervidaeneighborlee: fedora is a great distro, but the devs are erm, "hard-edged" types socially if you know what i mean
17:12.53neighborleeand im still semi peaved at fedora for making yum proivdes harder to use..sometimes I wish things could be left alone that work well :))
17:13.18jcervidaeneighborlee: oh come on, yum provides '*/binary' isn't hard :)
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17:13.19neighborleejcervidae, yea, I totaly know what you mean..
17:13.27neighborleejcervidae, its anal
17:13.54neighborleejcervidae,any idea why they changed it
17:14.09neighborleebut anyway..the installer is a mess imho..
17:14.17neighborleethats a much bigger issue
17:14.36neighborleeI do admire fedora alot
17:14.47jcervidaeneighborlee: nope. but in linux things change all the time for no reasonable benefit to the end user, which is why i now like high level easy distros like fedora not slackware or gentoo to run my systems so i can have a life which doesn't involve learning other peoples arcane program options :D
17:15.15jcervidae(that obsoltete themselves in 3 months time)
17:15.19neighborleejcervidae, thats for darn certain ;)
17:15.48neighborleejcervidae, well said..and I agree 100%
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17:16.39neighborleejcervidae, well fedora is stil on my system,,,I really do want tokeep it..maybe ill try my LUCK at  a bug report,,see if I do any better than poor stefan LOL
17:16.59jcervidaethey're actually polite to you in the bug reportse
17:17.11neighborleeoh btw since this is a kde channel...GREAT job with kde 4 guys/gals if any
17:17.16neighborleeits really stunning
17:17.23jcervidaeon irc they are asses but their bug report replies are polite and useful :)
17:17.45neighborleejcervidae, irc asses..yes, ive seen that too..:))
17:17.50neighborleegets around
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17:18.44jcervidaetheres still nothing better than fedora
17:18.54jcervidaepity t doesn't use apt and they scream at you if you ever say so :)
17:18.55druggy_jcervidae: there is, arch linux
17:18.57neighborleejcervidae, mandriva is close imho
17:19.09neighborleejcervidae, haha
17:19.19Rioting_Pacifistunless you actually want to use your computer, or do something crazy like run firefox in kde
17:19.26dmeadhey channel, i'm on gentoo trying to get kde4 to work. but i'm having problems using the nvidia opengl implementation
17:19.26jcervidaedruggy_: yeah arch is ok, but im scared about using a distro where they think GUI's are evil and most of the dev team are in high school :)
17:19.46neighborleeRioting_Pacifist, lol ;)
17:19.47dmeadwhen i switch to nvidia, kde4 crashes on startup. when i switch to x11 it runs but runs slowly
17:19.53jcervidaedruggy_: have to admit i did like pacman :)
17:20.07thiago_homeKDE crashes or X11 crashes?
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17:20.12thiago_homethere's an importnat difference there
17:20.12druggy_jcervidae: thats just fud, arch is really awesome due to its cleannes and simplicity, and i agree that guis on linux are evil :P
17:20.13neighborleejcervidae, and rc.conf is indeed file is handy ;))
17:20.25dmeadthiago_home, kde crashes and i have to kill x11
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17:20.36neighborleeevil my arse..its all what YOU like
17:20.40thiago_homedmead: since KDE is not an application, which application crashes?
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17:20.53Rioting_Pacifistdruggy_: simplicity doesn't mean don't do anything and fail misserably when you try and use prelinking
17:20.54neighborleeremember linus comments about gnome DUMBing things down..lets not go there shall we ? ;)))
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17:20.57dmeadhold on and i'll get the line from dmsg
17:20.59druggy_i like openbox, but i have lotsof terminals open :P
17:21.20thiago_homebut I don't know nvidia could influence ksmserver, since it isn't even graphical
17:21.26Rioting_Pacifistdmead: be happy you can kill it, my xorg zombies if i open a corrupted firefox profile
17:21.32druggy_and i woudnt use anything bloated as kde or gnome, thx but no thanks :P
17:21.49neighborleewell that I do respect alot yes
17:22.01druggy_some kde apps are gems tho, but there are few and far between
17:22.05Rioting_Pacifistdruggy_:  features != bload
17:22.09neighborleeclean and small and  useable.I agree is sexy ;)
17:22.14dmeadthiago_home, well the segfault message says it's from libgl
17:22.27thiago_homedruggy_: bloated means big beyond reason and diseased
17:22.36thiago_homedmead: hmm
17:22.39thiago_homedmead: which KDE version?
17:22.39JukeBoxHeroHalf-Left: are you the one who introduced me to Arora?
17:22.53thiago_homedmead: then it can't be what I'm thinking about
17:22.56jcervidaedruggy_: 200gb hd's cost $10 on eBay bloated? who carews
17:22.56druggy_thiago_home: well, thats what exactly kde or gnome look like, isnt it? :P
17:23.00neighborleedruggy_, like k3b..konversation..
17:23.03Half-LeftJukeBoxHero: Can't remember
17:23.12thiago_homewonders why ksmserver links to libplasma
17:23.23JukeBoxHeroHalf-Left: ok but you know it right?
17:23.43druggy_people with kernals without spinlock care to save last few amps on their batteries to have ultra mobile thingies :)
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17:23.46dmeadthiago_home, here it is: ksmserver[6591]: segfault at 10 ip 00007f6e6e3e55ea sp 00007fff81d1dc88 error 4 in[7f6e6d90e000+da2000]
17:24.05Half-LeftSure, yep. I recommend it sometimes
17:24.08jcervidaedruggy_: sorry i didn't install KDE on my android phone
17:24.11thiago_homedruggy_: I don't think you can have a kernel without spinlocks
17:24.18thiago_homedruggy_: or any threading support
17:24.31dmeadlockless threads :o
17:24.32druggy_i kike k3b, and kdevelop 3.5 was cool too, but newer one is broken badly
17:24.33thiago_homedmead: well, that library is supplied by NVidia
17:24.54thiago_homedmead: that's implemented by the kernel with spinlock primitives
17:25.03thiago_homedmead: and preemption
17:25.05jcervidaedruggy_: weird that, i hate k3b it always coasters for me, wodim and growisofs for the win
17:25.10thiago_homeI meant druggy_ for the last two messages
17:26.49jcervidaethiago_home: what is your job? you are actually the oracle.
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17:27.08thiago_homejcervidae: Product Manager for Qt
17:27.20jcervidaethat explains it
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17:29.56Rioting_PacifistDo kross scripts work on ( ktorrent Version 3.2.1Using KDE 4.2.3 )?
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17:31.22redorangekde works very slow in kubuntu on my laptop
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17:31.31redorangegraphics card or the cpu is the reason?
17:31.36jcervidaeredorange: kubuntu is slow, install fedora
17:31.39druggy_jcervidae:  how do you burn disks with that?
17:31.56Rioting_Pacifistredorange: fedora sucks stick with kubuntu, just turn of desktop effects
17:32.03redorangekde has a very nice cd burn software
17:32.09druggy_jcervidae: i used it before when it was called cdrtools or such, but it was a bit pain, and k3b does nice things to wrangle that mess
17:32.19jcervidaedruggy_: hold on while i look in the notes program tomboy which comes with FEDORA... :)
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17:32.37jcervidaewodim -dao dev=/dev/dvd ~/Download/stresslinux-0.3.1.iso
17:32.38redorangetomboy comes in every kde i guess
17:32.46jcervidaetomboy is a GNOME mono app
17:32.48jcervidaenot kde
17:32.54redorangeomg really?
17:33.02jcervidaethe kde equivilent is gay
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17:33.08redorangeyellow post it one
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17:33.17druggy_jcervidae: , well cool but i ment, how do you do archive of your stuff, decide on which stuf goes in which disk etc
17:33.33redorangek3b is very good
17:33.51tuxickyou mean it's been ported now?
17:33.51jcervidaedruggy_: mkisofs -o ../HaxedFedora-dvd.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -T -J .
17:34.02*** part/#kde redorange (n=darbooka@
17:34.14jcervidaedruggy_: better answer: i keep notes in tomboy
17:34.16druggy_jcervidae: i see,... thats why i like k3b :P
17:34.16zc00giiwhat does plasmoids use to run?
17:34.22zc00giijavascript right?
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17:35.08jcervidaedruggy_: start a notebook , besides thats unfair i was making a bootable windoze,linux,dos,everything compatible dvd there
17:35.11einar77zc00gii: C++, javascript, ruby, python and possibly others, depends on the type
17:35.37jcervidaedruggy_: install tomboy it's worth it
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17:35.57jcervidaeor some whatever equivilent note taking program
17:36.11jcervidaehell even vi and a directory hierarchy would be better than nothing :)
17:36.17jcervidaeyou can always fgrep.
17:36.34jcervidaetomboy makes it EASY though which is why you should install it
17:36.47jcervidaei have hundreds of notes of how to do things in linux i copy and paste from every day
17:37.22druggy_jcervidae: i keep my  todoos in .txt, which i then grep and pipe to conky, works much better than tomboy notes, at least for me :)
17:37.56druggy_more cleaner and faster to do anything with it form keyboard only :)
17:38.05jcervidaedruggy_: i have beagle installed, i press alt+space type "burn dvd" and im presented with all my own language explaination and copy/paste boilerplates of how to master dvds from the cli
17:38.28jcervidaeit takes me less than 40 seconds to do and i don't need a cerebral  memory to make it work
17:40.52druggy_its webpage doesnt have screenshots :(
17:40.55jcervidaedruggy_: thats why i dont like arch linux
17:41.04jcervidaeit's NOT always faster from the CLI
17:41.45jcervidaesometimes the GUI does it better, especially if you are working with a files group that have properties which are hard to express simply in logical terms
17:41.56druggy_beagle still looks a bit of mess, i always kept my dirs clean and hadn had need for such thing
17:41.59jcervidaeswhy i got three-pane file manager, split pane and CLI
17:42.45jcervidaedruggy_: put the extended attributes on the file system if you dont like it u can always delete it, beagle is a mess but being able to press alt+space and type burn dvd and press enter in 5 seconds as a work flow is worth it
17:43.27druggy_as long it flows your boat its cool i guess, my workflow is different
17:43.49jcervidaedruggy_: do you have a tiling wm?
17:44.06druggy_no, openbox+conky
17:44.20jcervidaewell then at least we might understand one another
17:44.27jcervidaei'll never get the tiling wm people :)
17:44.40jcervidaekde launches my apps on the right virtual desktop at the size i told it to
17:44.47druggy_yeah, theyre quite strange :P
17:44.55jcervidaewhy the hell would i want some random tiling decision that makes vi too small and firefox too big
17:46.16druggy_yup, thats a bit akward, but i know some ppl like it yet i dont know why :P
17:46.41jcervidaedruggy_: what gets me is that the people who like it are usually geekier than me, that is more skilled with PCs
17:47.08jcervidaeso it seems like im missing something, except i replay it again and again and i think it's just that they are better coders and don't understand how to manage windows :)
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17:48.15druggy_its cool to do things completely mouselss, but for some apps it just doesnt work, and seting oneself in such rigid env is imo a bit strange, but i guess they know something about it i dont, its still on my to check out whehter i like it or not list :)
17:48.38jcervidaedruggy_: i use KDE practically mouseless ....
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17:48.54jcervidaeexcept it opens the windows where i TOLD it to, on the virtual desktop i TOLD it to
17:49.10jcervidaexnomad opens it where it thinks it should be how big it thinks it should be
17:49.11jcervidaei don't get it
17:49.43druggy_there are many flavours of tiling managers, that one isnt the best afair what others told me
17:50.28jcervidaedruggy_: only thing in kde i use the mouse for really  is file operations where the files have properties which aren't easily scriptable under 30 seconds with some grep awk sed xargs, etc
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17:50.45jcervidaeand then the GUI is the superior solution which is why the arch attitude annoys me
17:50.59jcervidaeevery pawn for it's square
17:52.46druggy_well, most people use guis on arch, but having them defaoult is evil since there are many uses for non X boxes
17:53.17jcervidaedruggy_: i last tried arch about 5 years ago they talked to me like i was a fool because i was a kde fan boy
17:53.23jcervidaelinus torvalds is a kde fan boy
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17:53.48Rioting_Pacifistdruggy_: some distros have the crazy idea that you can have a seperate install disc for the non X boxes
17:53.49jcervidaehe is smarter than me or the creator of arch linux, it was dumb
17:53.52druggy_its only to keep core very sane and clean, but it allows of many modifications, sortol like slackware but with many automations to meet modern standarts :P
17:53.54jcervidaeand resulted in changing distros
17:54.05Rioting_Pacifistjcervidae: *was* KDE4 didn't impress him much
17:54.53jcervidaeRioting_Pacifist: hmm :) i don't like the way the KDE devs react with "we do this for free, fuck you" but can't hold it against them because it's true
17:55.03jcervidae(re: bugs in kde4)
17:56.09jcervidaeanyway i persisted with kde4 and found it worth the effort in the long run, its not very stable but all the things which crash are nonsense like plasma and it just restarts without anything bad having happened
17:56.14jcervidaeso i'm still a kde fan boy
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17:56.24Rioting_Pacifistarch and fedora have there places, but i hate idiots that claim they are better than the kubuntu/etc, all distros have thier place
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17:56.57druggy_you can still have your kde on arch, no biggie, but yet youll be still frowned upon by openbox folks :P
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17:57.27jcervidaeRioting_Pacifist: ok, ignoring your idiot label, what you say is sort of true, but the fractionation of the linux community is also why it isn't the success it should be
17:58.03jcervidaewe would all be better with one distro that was was as easy to use as windows, as customizable as gentoo and if everyone stopped their pet projects it could happen
17:58.46jcervidaenot sure how to put the money behind it mind you, i'm not an accountant
17:58.57jcervidaebut a good accountant could become bill gates mk 2 if he worked it out :)
17:59.20Rioting_Pacifistjcervidae: we would be much worse off, because everybody would be stuck on an unstable rolling release OR a lame old timed released OR a really old "when its ready release"
17:59.36druggy_there is ubuntu that does exactly that, its pain to configure as gentoo, and it looks like windows :P
17:59.53druggy_looks and behaves :P
17:59.59jcervidaeRioting_Pacifist: i disagree and we leave it at that. :)
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18:00.21jimbobukhey folks. So i just managed to do an ssh -X to my server, and then startkde actually started booting.. When it got there tho some of my windows didn't seem to appear properly. Anyone got any suggestions
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18:00.45jcervidaedruggy_: that thing was horrible i wish i never heard of it
18:00.53Rioting_Pacifistkubuntu users would be stuck with the hard to setup, unstable distro like fedora (which im currently using) or old stable distro (like debian which i also use), all distros have thier faults, arch has MANY
18:01.25druggy_jimbobuk:  do you share your remote dir via nfs or sth similiar? if not then there might be different settings for windows on remote and on local
18:01.26Rioting_Pacifistpacman and aur cant lay a finger on apt, and having to upgrade constantly isn't for everybody
18:02.10jimbobukdruggy_: I've not setup remote sharing at all yet, i'm ssh-ing onto the machine and trying to host a desktop session on the server but drawn via the xserver on my client
18:02.29jcervidaeRioting_Pacifist: i agree with everything you just said there, what i was trying to convey before is if you got all those clever people on the same project, put one 14" penis boss in charge to STFU everyones personal peeves and direct it towards a common goal of all base belong to linux, you'd not just get a mac os x killer ud get a windows killer
18:02.33druggy_jimbobuk: i know, i use similar setup
18:02.48jimbobukdruggy_: the client is a mac, so perhaps it was this that wasn't working so well
18:03.14jimbobukdruggy_:  i couldn't actually move away from the remote "desktop" either.. so ended up having to ssh onto my mac and kill its xserver to get back to normal
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18:03.24jimbobukdruggy_: so you are able to login to remote machines with full desktops in kde4 then?
18:03.59ThePeghi together, i'm trying to get kde 4.2 to run with ubuntu 9.04 (from debootstrap), but the startup stops right after the splash, no taskbar, no icons but a coursor; i can't find anything wrong in the logs, any suggestions how to locate the problem?
18:04.18jcervidaebrb 15 min
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18:05.04druggy_jimbobuk: hmm... ah, that one, no i only used remote apps via ssh on my local machine with my local window manage, i never used window manage via remote x connection
18:05.14Rioting_PacifistThePeg: once xorg starts can you add kde apps from a tty using DISPLAY=:0 konqueror, etc
18:05.32jimbobukdruggy_: ahh ok. well its meant to be possible.. i'm going in again with fullscreen X11 app on mac, perhaps it'll behave a bit better
18:06.16Rioting_PacifistThePeg: start up components one by one and figure which is failing (kwin, kicker (called something else in kde4),kdesktop(might be part of the new kicker)
18:07.26druggy_jimbobuk: theres always tightvnc, but its a bit cumbersome when compared to raw X, it cant do opengl via ssh, which is cool on some occasions :)
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18:08.10druggy_playing gltron on remote machine with display on local is ftw when machines are  few kilometers apart :P
18:08.31ThePegRioting_Pacifist: : when i try to start a app i get "Bus error" on tty
18:08.58jimbobukdruggy_: yeah i'd like to really just not need to hook up the monitor often on this thing so performance being great when needed will be fa
18:09.08Rioting_PacifistThePeg: any app? what if you start X by itself then startloading parts in?
18:09.49ThePegwhat parts do you mean?
18:10.07druggy_jimbobuk: vnc has also nice bonus of acting as commandline screen equivalent, so i.e. i have that way utorrent running on wine  on linux box :)
18:10.59jimbobukdruggy_: different command line screen than just ssh-ing and staying at the terminal?
18:11.59druggy_jimbobuk: vnc acts like rdp on windows, its window on desktop can be closed and it still lives on server
18:13.02jimbobukdruggy_: ahh
18:13.53druggy_sortof x-server-in-a-box that one can connect to with viewer
18:14.19druggy_but it has performance issues, no hw acceleration inside
18:16.02druggy_at least last time i checked for it about few yers ago it didnt had opengl
18:18.13jimbobukdruggy_: well it worked this time.. my mac client i enabled the root window... and it seems to be working
18:18.28jimbobukdruggy_: nice! tho u do see some lag over wifi on some of the menu widgets
18:19.19jimbobukperhaps a more lightweight WM would be appropriate, but very impressed...
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18:28.17jcervidaehow about this for an idea, forget X. write a new low-level library from ground up to support QT which uses direct openGL
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18:28.39jcervidaethen u got KDE on steroids
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18:29.40jcervidaeX should be killed off it's legacy and needs to die, continued supporting of it holds back progress like all conservative views
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18:30.09jcervidaeits gotta be a big project right? but imagine if you pull it off? get google summer project funding :)
18:30.18jcervidaesome wizzkid can do it for nothing
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18:30.21kdepepojcervidae, first have the replacement, then obsolete X.
18:30.34jcervidaekdepepo: yes of course
18:30.45jcervidaeyou can't obsolete X without something to replace it :)
18:30.51jcervidaebut it SHOULD be obsoleted
18:31.04jcervidaeand if your new system just supported QT via the latest opengl
18:31.15jcervidaewell you're well on the way to having something fast and very cool
18:31.29jcervidae, compile firefox with that QT-GTK bridge library thing
18:31.33jcervidaeand bam your all set
18:32.07zengai want to execute a mouseclick on an x/y coordinate (that i can specify) on my desktop when i click a shortcut combination on my keyboard, anyone an idea how to achieve this, what scripting lang/tool can do this?
18:32.19zengakde / opensuse 11.0
18:32.32zengakde 3.5.9
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18:33.44jcervidaezenga: i asked a similar question earlier and nobody had an answer :/ tho i was asking for a macro program the problem is the same one, maybe your answer is to hijack the keyboard or mouse driver.
18:34.18zengathere is a macro program (xnee), but its a bit too complicated for the needs i have
18:34.22CPU_Wizardhello. is there any superkaramba/plasma gadget to put a konsole window as plugin at my desktop?
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18:34.30jcervidaemind you thinking about it and my minor qt programming experience u shouldnt need to do that
18:34.34jcervidaeu can just send signals
18:34.50jcervidaeptrace the app
18:35.17jcervidaefire off events
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18:35.33jcervidaezenga: hmm ill look at it
18:35.37jcervidaecuz i want a macro prog
18:36.01zengathere is also JW_Record_Playback
18:36.10jcervidaenot part of my distro apparently
18:36.14jimbobukanyone know where i can set to do a console boot instead of a windows manager one, leaving me to just type startx once logged in
18:36.20zengathough i prefer to keep my system as standard as possible
18:36.44jcervidaei remember screwing around with ptrace for a day it should probably be quite easy to attach a process and send it bogus events to fire the required signals
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18:37.20zengai'll have a look, never heard / used it
18:37.20jcervidaeif u really need a click on x/y co-ords not an app specific response well i dunno :)
18:37.32jcervidaezenga: its for debugging but its quite simple
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18:37.40jcervidaeit lets u "enter" the program
18:37.50jcervidaethen u can send it commands and call its functions like you are it
18:37.51zengayeah well its basically for a browser game lol
18:38.06jcervidaeman ptrace
18:38.10jcervidaeor if ur in kde
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18:38.18jcervidaeman:ptrace from konq
18:38.27jcervidaecept i always found the console one faster to navigate
18:38.37jcervidaebut the konq kioslave version looked so much nicer :/
18:38.38zengaalreadt reading the man
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18:52.09spirov92can someone help me get flash running in kde4 konqueror?
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18:52.47spirov92oh, saw the topic-running 4.2 on openSUSE 11.1
18:59.53spirov92I dare to ask the forbidden question: anyone here?
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19:12.18infinullspirov92: (I was trying to help you yesterday right?): on Arch, I just install konq-plugins, flashplugin, and libflashsupport, and it works
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19:13.46sandsmarkmeh, xcompmgr works, kwin just refuses to give me compositing
19:13.48infinullspirov92: what does about:plugins say? are any plugins installed?
19:14.05sandsmarkkwin(22511) KWin::Extensions::init: Extensions: shape: 0x "11"  composite: 0x "4"  render: 0x "a"  fixes: 0x "40"
19:14.05sandsmarkkwin(22511) KWin::Workspace::setupCompositing: No compositing
19:14.16sandsmark(is the output when trying to enable it)
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19:24.35spirov92infinull: hi again
19:25.05infinullspirov92: hello
19:26.53spirov92 here's about:plugins
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19:27.31sandsmark“KWIN_COMPOSE=O kwin --replace&” worked
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19:28.29zc00giiwhat program is ran to add widgets?
19:29.00spirov92infinull: I installed nspluginwrapper and kdebase4-nsplugin yesterday, what else do I have to do?
19:30.07infinullspirov92: I'm at a loss, about:plugins says you have flash installed, you're sure it doesn't work?
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19:32.00spirov92infinull: weird... it apears that it is installed, but it's somehow broken.
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19:32.44infinullspirov92: could it be a 64-bit/32-bit issue? (are you running 64-bit linux?)
19:32.46spirov92on youtube, it shows me a black rectanle, and right-clicking on it shows the dialog typical for flash
19:33.04spirov92infinull: no, I use a 32-bit machine and 32-bit software :p
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19:33.49Fanoflinuxhow can we use synaptic in fedora
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19:34.11infinullspirov92: hmmm... I would try uninstalling flash; rebooting; installing flash; rebooting; and then trying again; unlikely to work, but it's the best I've got
19:34.27spirov92infinull: I'll run it in a terminal and see if there's any errors
19:34.44infinullprobably a good plan as well...
19:35.31thiago_homewhat does rebooting have to do with anything?
19:35.47infinullflash is weird;
19:35.52drantin"in a windows world"
19:35.59infinullsometimes I kick it and it starts working again
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19:36.25infinullbut that was when I was running kubuntu (64-bit w/ the 64 bit flash beta)
19:36.49infinullusually I'd just need to restart firefox though...
19:36.56spirov92infinull: konqueror output:
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19:39.14mbwjr12hey all. I'm using kate and konqueror to build a website, with file access over sftp. My login and password are stored in kwallet, however both prompt me to click ok when saving files, etc. to these sites.
19:39.31mbwjr12is there a way to disable this and just have it automatically use your saved info when it needs to?
19:39.54infinullspirov92: this is what mine looks like:
19:40.10tuxickdidn't know kate could work over sftp
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19:40.27mbwjr12tuxick: the kio protocol handlers work kde wide.
19:40.30infinullso basically that Gdk error seems to be "normal" (youtube works for me)
19:40.44mbwjr12tuxick: you just type in the protocol in any kde dialog and it should work.
19:40.53tuxickah :)
19:41.01tuxickwasn't aware of that
19:41.08tuxicki knew konq was pretty smart
19:41.18mbwjr12it's so useful it's probably my favorite kde feature.
19:41.24tuxicki can imagine
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19:41.50mbwjr12you can use fish://<hostname> to access files over ssh without having to install samba, ftp, etc.
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19:43.00tuxickwhy fish instead of sftp?
19:43.30mbwjr12sftp is nice, if your target is an ftp server. however, let's say you have to linux machines you want to transfer files over, and you already have ssh installed.
19:43.50mbwjr12then, you just use fish://targetmachine to access those files without having to install ftp
19:43.59mbwjr12to = two
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19:44.45mbwjr12i use it all the time for managing servers without having to worry about configuring and maintaining ftp access correctly.
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19:47.13tuxicksftp isn't ftp
19:47.15coz_hey guys  when trying a few superkaramba themes I get  an error to install additional  kross stuff?
19:47.25sandsmarksftp > fish
19:47.31mbwjr12tuxick: sftp is encrypted ftp
19:47.32tuxickk will try!
19:47.36mbwjr12tuxick: fish = ssh
19:47.49thiago_homesftp is file transfer over SSH
19:47.53thiago_homeencrypted ftp is ftps
19:47.58tuxick"SFTP is not FTP run over SSH, but rather a new protocol designed from the ground up by the IETF SECSH working group."
19:48.09sandsmarkyes, and ~all ssh daemons support sftp
19:48.21infinullunless sftp has been disabled
19:48.22sandsmarkand it is the recommended way to transfer files over ssh
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19:48.29infinull(damn you University sysadmins!)
19:48.31sandsmarkinfinull: never seen a server without it
19:48.35mbwjr12sandsmark: then why fish at all?
19:48.48sandsmarkmbwjr12: because it's needed when sftp isn't available?
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19:49.01thiago_homefish is useful when the server doesn't have the sftp subsystem enabled
19:49.03thiago_homeit happens
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19:49.22mbwjr12thiago_home: is that way less secure than sftp?
19:49.54thiago_homejust as secure
19:50.00infinulljust slower
19:50.03thiago_homeboth solutions work over ssh
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19:50.11thiago_homenot necessarily slower, but with a larger setup overhead
19:50.14mbwjr12right, then what is the advantage of sftp over fish?
19:50.16thiago_homeit requires shell access though
19:50.16sandsmarkand one is much less hackish, imho
19:50.36thiago_homefor most purposes, sftp and fish are equals
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19:51.57mbwjr12maybe one of you can answer my original question then.
19:52.16mbwjr12how do i have kio automatically use my saved login and password with me having to click ok on the dialog?
19:52.36mbwjr12* without me having to click ok on the dialog?
19:53.12sandsmarkI use sftp and a ssh public key
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19:54.30mbwjr12sandsmark: i don't think that is an option in this case
19:54.43sandsmarkI'm not aware of any other options
19:55.48mbwjr12well, kio knows my login, i just want it to use it without asking
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19:57.05SSJ_GZmbwjr12: IIRC, there is a long-standing bug report about this.
19:57.18mbwjr12SSJ_GZ: ah, i see
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20:16.59guaxproductive saturday, desktop refresh =P ->
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20:20.13tuxickamarok went nuts
20:20.22tuxicknow shows and plays every song twice
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20:24.29andreas__Is KDe 4.2.86 a kde 4.3 beta or a kde 4.2.4? Because doesnt let me add a wish/bug for kde 4.2.86 distributed as a suse rpm for the new milestone they have
20:25.22jimbobukis it a problem that i show no network connections under manage network connections
20:25.30jimbobukbut the lan is working?
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20:25.37jimbobuksorry it IS working, yet not listed
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20:26.35andreas__sandsmark starnge the bugs site doesnt let me add a bug for that and claims that i havent set a kde  relesase
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20:40.13DocTraxhi all
20:40.19DocTraxi have problem with plasma
20:40.43DocTraxit hangs after a few minutes
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20:41.36DocTraxthe tasks become invisible but are clickable
20:41.54DocTraxthe desktop disappears
20:42.17DocTraxthe context menu does not work anymore
20:42.30DocTraxworkaround is restarting plasma
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20:47.45KollapseHi, is there any way to have a laptop's display turn off after let's say 1 minute ?
20:48.15sandsmarkKollapse: what version of KDE?
20:48.19KollapseKDE 4.2
20:48.22KollapseI don't just mean blank
20:48.25KollapseI mean off
20:48.58sandsmarkKollapse: system settings → advanced → system → power management
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20:50.42KollapseIs it at ... -> Edit Profiles -> any profile -> Screen -> Enable display power management ?
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20:51.41KollapseIf it is then I can't think of the difference between Standby and Suspend. Are they refering to suspeding the screen or the whole computer ?
20:52.47Kollapseyeah what ?
20:52.49sandsmarkyeah to the first
20:53.09Kollapseok and which one of the options should I enable ? Are they refering to the monitor or the computer ?
20:53.13sandsmarkthe screen stuff is under the screen tab
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20:53.59KollapseOk, and the difference between standby and suspend?
20:54.43sandsmarkI have no idea
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21:01.50mustuwhat is the key board shortcut to switch tabs in Konsole
21:02.15Raleskthat's the default, anyway
21:02.32mustuRalesk: ya it worked .. thanx
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21:03.22Raleskas a packager, I tend to compile KDE unstable releases (4.2.xx) and I found that since .85 (including that), the Plasma themes do not work...  Everything except for Aya, displays a black border and is otherwise horribly broken.
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21:03.37Raleskon the other hand, I've been told that the openSuse builds of the same releases do work just fine -- I'm not sure what could be going wrong, I don't patch anything but .desktop files and they don't hack away on plasma either...
21:04.31Raleskanyone any guesses what might be going on?  is there some change in the Beta I should be aware of?
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21:11.59fatalerrorswhat do you think of this idea:
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21:13.40sandsmarkfatalerrors: there's already a brainstorm subforum on the kde forums
21:14.40fatalerrorssandsmark: where? i'm not realy speaking about brainstorming... it's more about coordination
21:14.54sandsmarkwhat do you mean coordination?
21:16.46sandsmarkhere's the brainstorm thingy:
21:20.01kdepepoisn't techbase all about developer coordination for the different KDE projects?
21:20.28fatalerrorsmanaging task that have to be done (by publishing enough information for new developers) with priority
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21:22.32fatalerrorsnew developers in actual projects can continue... the more we have developers on the same project, the less the project can die
21:24.55sandsmarklike on bugzilla?
21:25.05sandsmarkwhere they mark jobs as junior jobs for new developers?
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21:34.32reavertmapparently there was some attempt - - but that was not the way really I guess
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21:37.36reavertmI guess some 'staffing needs' page (maybe autogenerated - tracking svn commit count excluding scripty) would be needed. Junior jobs currently accessible as bugzilla search
21:39.06reavertm(mark bug with keyword: junior-jobs)
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21:45.14arkaschaHm, no sound when playing youtube in konqueror or firefox. Sound ok otherwise. Any ideas ? Using kde-4.2.88 @ opensuse.
21:45.27thiago_homeblame Adobe
21:45.47arkaschathiago_home: ok, did so, but still I can't hear anything.
21:46.05thiago_homedoes your distro use pulseaudio?
21:46.21arkaschathiago_home: actually I have no idea. How do I find out ?
21:46.33thiago_homeis there a process called "pulseaudio" running?
21:46.52*** join/#kde coz_ (n=coz@unaffiliated/coz/x-457345)
21:47.03thiago_homeok, then I don't know
21:49.49*** join/#kde Yemmi (
21:50.20coz_ok my two day love affair  with kde is beginning to fade :)  still the icon grid.. with panel at top of screen.. lets icons rest under the panel... the  device notifier widget is painful on panel or on desktop   ....  any solutions?
21:50.41arkaschathiago_home: Ooops, actually pulseaudio IS running. Fired the "ps" on the wrong system, sorry !
21:50.53thiago_homearkascha: heh, been there done that
21:50.58thiago_homearkascha: try killing pulseaudio
21:51.03coz_I am also getting  kross errors with  superkaramba on kde 4.2.4
21:51.06arkaschathiago_home: !
21:51.08thiago_homearkascha: then try youtube
21:51.20*** join/#kde Ashraf (n=Ashraf@
21:52.31arkaschathiago_home: silent as a rock.
21:52.48thiago_homekill it again
21:52.51thiago_homeit comes back
21:53.04arkaschathiago_home: oh: "I'll be back ! "
21:54.20arkaschathiago_home: you are a genius !
21:54.21*** join/#kde ghabit (n=quassel@
21:54.38ghabitHello. Is it possible to manage installed plasmoids using console?
21:54.54arkaschathiago_home: ok, I'll read into pulseaudio, thanks for the hint !
21:55.07*** join/#kde task_struct (n=Kernel@
21:55.13einar77ghabit: for user-installed one yes, using the "plasmapkg" command
21:55.23ghabitThank you!
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22:03.05zc00giiwhen I use blue marble I get an error saying I don't support open gl shaders
22:03.12zc00giihow can I change that
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22:03.20thiago_homeget a better video card
22:03.22zc00giifunkyou: I got kdemod-unstable working
22:03.26sandsmarkzc00gii: get proper drivers or graphics card
22:03.26thiago_homeor better drivers for good cards
22:03.32zc00giithiago_home: no money
22:03.43sandsmarkthen you're SOL
22:03.49zc00giido I need the proprietary drivers?
22:03.56zc00giirather then the open source?
22:04.00zc00gii(ATI drivers)
22:04.11sandsmarkyou need drivers who support open gl shaders
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22:08.25zc00giiswitching to the catalyst drivers
22:08.46zc00giionce I compile it
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22:10.09zc00giinot compile
22:10.13zc00giibut install
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22:12.18crouch88hey guys what irc software would you recommend for windows? mirc? or is there anything better?
22:12.33zc00giithis is KDE
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22:12.46zc00giinot windows
22:13.08crouch88i'm sorry a site pointed to this room as being software troubleshooting channel
22:13.24zc00giiKDE software trouble shooting
22:13.28pinotreeyeah, for KDE, not for Windows troubleshooting
22:13.42crouch88ok sorry
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22:17.10zc00giicatalyst-util installed =D
22:17.19zc00giinow for the catalyst package
22:19.49*** join/#kde Pythonoras (n=Pi@
22:20.04*** join/#kde Ronis_BR (
22:20.10Ronis_BRhi all
22:20.15*** part/#kde aclemens (
22:20.32Ronis_BRis there a way for dolphin open the protocol obex or anything that make possible to access bluetooth devices?
22:20.49sandsmarkinstall kdebluetooth?
22:20.59Ronis_BRsandsmark: it is for kde3
22:21.09Ronis_BRand kdebluetooth4 doesn't work well
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22:25.23Ronis_BRi think I have to install kde3
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22:28.54infinullthere's no kio_slave for obex yet... kdebluetooth supports sending and receiving but not obex browse
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22:30.39Ronis_BRinfinull: hum
22:30.49Ronis_BRinfinull: so I can't do nothing :)
22:31.33infinullI got kdebluetooth4 working under kubuntu & archlinux; but yeah you can send/receive but not browse (also got a mouse to work)
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22:35.20Ronis_BRinfinull: i couldn't send with kdebluetooth4
22:36.25infinullRonis_BR: ?, I just right-clicked the bluetooth icon and hit send file... it was flakey, but if the gods were favoring me I get get ringtones off my comp and onto my cell
22:36.51*** join/#kde Pythonoras (n=Pi@
22:37.02coz_right now the desktop looks like this
22:37.12coz_you can see the upper most icon is under the panel
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22:38.32Ronis_BRinfinull: I get some error and the transfer holds
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22:39.58marcoIs there a php programmer here?
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22:41.00coz_marcan,   you might want to try #linux channel  if no one here answers  no guarantee they will answer on #linux eigher but you may have more of a broad   spectrum iw   people there
22:41.21coz_of not iw
22:43.12infinullI've been known to dabble in php
22:44.15marcoi need a good editor for it
22:44.18marcoi have kde 4.2
22:45.06xjjkmarco: AFAIK there isn't one in KDE 4.2... Quanta was good but isn't being ported
22:45.52infinullkate supports php syntax
22:45.52marcoi try kate now..
22:46.15xjjkoh, you just want syntax highlighting? kate's grea
22:46.24zc00giimy failed attempt with the catalyst broke my compositing
22:46.48infinullhe wants a "good php editor" (I'm a vimmer, so I wouldn't know a good editor if it hit me in the face)
22:48.05infinullRonis_BR: bluetooth was working before, but I can't get it to work now; after I send it hit send (on the device select screen) nothing happens
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23:00.42LukasLTHow to remove activitie?
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23:00.52cghislaizoom out
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23:03.45LukasLTcghislai: and when what to do? :)
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23:04.43cghislaiLukasLT: should be obvious. You sure you zoomed out using the little box in the upright corner?
23:05.37LukasLTyep, zoomed out,
23:06.36LukasLTall I get is Lock controls, Shoertcut settings, Add activitie, Zoom out (again?), configure plasma
23:08.22LukasLTand Add plasmoids Zoomin, Settings, Lock, Shortcuts Add activitie, zoomout
23:12.26cghislaiLukasLT: there should be a red cross under your activities
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23:13.32LukasLTnope, no cross
23:13.50LukasLTcould send you a screenshot :(
23:14.15cghislaithere is more than 1?
23:14.38LukasLTmore than one activitie?
23:14.46LukasLTby now 11
23:15.34LukasLTI have twin-view with 4 virtual desktops, so 8 makes sence
23:15.37cghislaiwell, you should be able to remove from there. Now im running beta2 so there might have been change
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23:16.30LukasLTis there a manual online for .kde4/share/config files?
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23:24.13thiago_homeLukasLT: no
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23:25.15LukasLTmight be do u know where activities settings are stored?
23:25.30LukasLTI'll do this hard way
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23:31.13JuJuBeeI just re-arranged my partitions and /home moved from /dev/sdb7 to /dev/sdb6 as a result.  Thins seem ok except my panel customization are gone.
23:32.13karthikpJuJuBee: You could move your .kde4 directory over from your old home to the now one and all the kde apps will have their old settings back. :)
23:32.59JuJuBeeMy /home is still being referenced correctly.
23:33.46JuJuBeeafter reboot, I have no /dev/sdb7 anymore
23:34.03karthikpOh. weird, then. As I understood it, all configs are stored in ~/.kde4/share/config or apps/
23:34.25karthikpOh, does that mean that the old .kde4 directory is no more?
23:34.32JuJuBeeThat's what I thought also. I wonder if something was referencing by /dev/sdb7 or something...
23:35.20karthikpI don't think I understand. Your old home was on sdb7.
23:35.21cghislaiJuJuBee: grep -R "/dev/sb7" /home/$YOURUSERNAME/.kde4 shoud tell you
23:35.33LukasLTby moving, do you mean cut-paste way
23:35.35cghislaibut that wouldsurprise me
23:36.17*** join/#kde alphad (n=alphad@
23:36.28karthikpYour new home is sdb6. Just copy-paste .kde4 from the old location to the new one.
23:36.52JuJuBeeYou are not getting what I am saying.
23:37.02JuJuBeeI have no sdb7.  It changed to sdb6
23:37.24JuJuBeejust on different /dev
23:37.44LukasLTbut did you done this in by some move avtion or 'repointed' to a new address?
23:37.47JuJuBeeOh, I don't have .kde4, only .kde
23:37.53JuJuBeeUsing kubuntu jaunty
23:38.37JuJuBeeLukasLT: I rearranged my partitions using gparted.  I deleted on shrunk one and expanded another.
23:38.49JuJuBeeas a result, the labels changed
23:39.11LukasLTkde auto creates .kde4 if it is deleted, and if files was unaccessabel for some short time, kde could just simplly overwritten old data
23:39.59karthikpAre your other settings preserved and only the panel settings lost?
23:40.07drvoodoohe is on jaunty, he doesn't have a .kde4 only a .kde
23:41.00karthikpRight. I wanted to see if only some settings were lost. That might indicate that it's not a complete loss of all settings.
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23:42.36JuJuBeeMy K-menu favories are the same still
23:43.29drvoodoook, that's good.
23:43.51drvoodoodid you change the device while running KDE?
23:44.52drvoodooare plasmoids gone, or only the panel?
23:46.00drvoodoohmm, but you had /home unmounted while moving the partitions...
23:46.16JuJuBeecorrect unmounted
23:46.25drvoodooso an open file while moving should not be the problem
23:47.07JuJuBeeMy plasmoids seem in tact...
23:47.43JuJuBeeAlso another question.  My desktop is using glassified theme and so is my laptop.  On my laptop, the panel background is not transparent for some reason as is  on my desktop.
23:48.12*** join/#kde Moult (n=Moult@
23:48.22JuJuBeeJust updated the theme on laptop to make sure using same one
23:48.30drvoodoodid you install any updates regarding kde?
23:48.38JuJuBeeon laptop?
23:49.01drvoodooon the machine, where your panle settings are gone
23:49.12JuJuBeeJust did sudo apt-get update and upgrade this morning
23:49.33JuJuBeethat has never caused this to happen before...
23:49.33drvoodooafter that, everything was fine?
23:49.40JuJuBeeseems so
23:50.34drvoodooregarding your second question. the panel is transparent when the desktop effects are enabled
23:50.57JuJuBeeOh, ok
23:51.32*** join/#kde Fink_x (
23:52.25JuJuBeeThat's weird, they were enabled.  Switched off and back on anb voila` transparent...
23:53.11JuJuBeeBut back to first problem... what else can I check?
23:53.43drvoodoook, kde is intelligent and if your laptop is under heavy load, it should disable the effects for now
23:54.18drvoodooin the system-settings module, there are enabled though
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23:55.20drvoodooif that's happen you can enable the effects by a keyboard shortcut
23:55.41drvoodooalt + shift + F12
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