IRC log for #kde on 20090501

00:00.16kdepepopattern, which colors?
00:01.10*** join/#kde diddly (
00:01.39diddlyhi all, dolphin seems to be caching my samba authentications, can i turn that off or clear the cache?  if so where?
00:02.42*** join/#kde megaf (n=megaf@unaffiliated/megaf)
00:03.02panoRasi: omg, I have the same problem with the chars...^^
00:03.13panosvn also "complains" about it
00:05.22patternkdepepo: i don't know what they're called or where they're located... but these colors are used for part of opera (the menus and address bar) and also for pretty much all of amarok
00:05.39patterni remember setting them using kcontrol years ago
00:06.11patternbut now even the old versions of kcontrol don't work for me... and systemsettings just doesn't have any kind of control over those colors, from what i can tell
00:06.38kdepepopattern, systemsettings changes KDE 4 color, not KDE 3 or Opera colors.
00:08.05*** join/#kde Rasi (
00:08.38Rasipani: :)
00:09.02panoRasi: Im pano ;-D haha^^
00:09.22Rasitab error
00:09.50*** join/#kde hack (
00:10.56patternkdepepo: what can i use to change kde3 colors?  (apart from kcontrol)
00:11.15*** join/#kde EricKerin (
00:11.19kdepepopattern, a text editor :) you can manually edit the config files
00:11.32patternwhere are they located?
00:11.46*** join/#kde jordo2323 (
00:12.04*** part/#kde EricKerin (
00:12.53kdepepo.kde/share/config/kdeglobals section [General]
00:14.40patternthanks, kdepepo
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00:20.14*** join/#kde PovAddict (n=nicolas@
00:20.20PovAddict is this maintained? :/
00:20.33PovAddictthere's only two tasks, from 2004
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00:23.10cjaeanyone know how I can make dolphin look like this either of the top two, I am using kde 4.2 which I love btw if anyone here contributed :-)
00:24.19Rasicjae: the 1st is not possible
00:24.23Rasithe 2nd is easy
00:24.31Rasidisable all panels and get a dark color scheme
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00:25.31cjaeI am not sure I am following you, actually all I want to do is get rid of the ugly grey
00:25.39cjaein dolphin
00:26.17*** join/#kde Ahadiel (
00:26.43Rasiget a color scheme
00:26.51Rasisystemsettings -> appearance -> color scheme
00:26.56Rasisystemsettings -> appearance -> colors
00:27.29Rasidolphin follows your global color settings
00:28.05Rasiclick the get new schemes buttons
00:28.58Rasibtw.. i like my grey desktop: :)
00:29.04panoRasi: did you find any solution for the locale problem? It sucks not being able to enter german umlauts, when yo actually need them^^
00:29.24cjaewow cool thank you very much
00:29.32Rasipano only an ugly workaround
00:29.35cjaeoh I cant see what I type
00:30.13panoRasi: a workaround is good enough for me (at least until tomorrow, where I'll find a real solution)
00:30.36cjaecan somene type
00:30.39RasiLC_ALL=en_US.utf8 LANG=en_US.utf8 LANGUAGE=en_US.utf8 urxvt
00:30.46Rasimight work with konsole too
00:31.57panok, thanks and bye^^
00:32.05panogotta go sleep now
00:32.12panogood night everyone
00:32.29*** join/#kde _dfox (
00:32.42Rasigosh that show windows on hovering entry in taskbar is so annoying
00:32.49Rasii hope they dont make it default in 4.3
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00:36.10cjaecan someone say my name
00:36.43*** join/#kde ignacio (n=ignacio@unaffiliated/ignacio)
00:36.47cjaetrying different fonts
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00:40.52cjaeok well thanks anyway and appreciate the help Rasi :-)
00:41.03cjaewow pink not cool
00:41.40*** join/#kde bbelt16ag (
00:42.00cjaewow I like kde even more now
00:43.03Rasioff for now
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01:42.08*** join/#kde caotic (n=caotic@
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01:44.16caoticis there anyway to fetch an attachement form a particular email in kmail from the fileysystem
01:45.07caoticerr: filesystem
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02:16.58*** join/#kde Tekno_Cowboy (n=Tekno_Co@
02:18.19Tekno_CowboyHello. I would like to know if there is any way to tell yaquake which screen to be on in a dual display environment. Can anyone here help me or direct me to where I might find the answer?
02:18.43caoticTekno_Cowboy: left click
02:20.46caoticTekno_Cowboy: actually i am wrong, but click in the arrow pointin down at the border, there should be a screen menu, asuming that your Ddisplay is correctly configured & you have the same or > version that I do
02:21.30Tekno_Cowboycaotic: Oddly enough, that was exactly what I needed to "hear". The answer popped into my head almost instantly.
02:22.04*** join/#kde kenami (n=kenami@
02:22.36caoticTekno_Cowboy: so no "thank you" awarded ...
02:22.39Tekno_CowboyIt's now working on the correct screen. Thanks a bunch :D
02:22.56Tekno_CowboySorry I'm a slow typer...
02:23.15caoticTekno_Cowboy: I am just messing with you :P
02:23.23*** join/#kde gigasoft (n=gigasoft@
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03:23.40aspectI plugged in to an external monitor this morning and now the pane in the panel that normally displays knetworkmanager, skim, etc icons has disappeared. restarted to no avail .. any clues?
03:25.40aspectI'm not even sure what that area is called
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03:39.54zaapiel-mobilehai guyz
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03:40.38zaapiel-mobileim curious as to if their is anything like DreamScene on Vista similiar or planned for kde4
03:42.24*** join/#kde naught101 (
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03:52.09cygwinports1) what is the official word on Qt4.5 with KDE4.2.2, and 2) if I ship Qt4.5, is the kde phonon-4.3.0 still required or can qt-phonon be used?
03:53.40*** part/#kde zaapiel-mobile (n=zaapiel@unaffiliated/zaapiel)
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03:59.13murrantcygwinports: In my distro (Gentoo) the kde packages rely on phonon-kde, but I think it would work with qt-phonon-4.5 (sorry I don't know for sure)
03:59.36*** join/#kde timgreen (n=timgreen@
04:02.19cygwinportsmurrant: qt4.4 shipped with phonon-4.2, while kde4.2 deps phonon-4.3, hence the need for the kde-phonon.  but qt4.5.1 phonon shows a version of 4.3.1
04:03.29cygwinportsI suppose that leads to 3) will kde4.3 require a newer version of phonon then that shipping with qt4.5?  it really doesn't work to ship two minor versions of the same library simultaneously
04:05.13*** join/#kde peaches (
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04:47.15*** join/#kde Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:47.23SargunHow do I disable the login chime?
04:53.13drantinSargun: in systemsettings -> Notifications, change event source to KDE System Notifications
04:53.30Sargundrantin, thanks
04:58.05comawhiteanyone know where each application's cache is?
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05:12.19murrantcygwinports: yes, kde 4.2 phonon and qt 4.5 phonon both = phonon version 4.3,  on my svn kde install phonon so name is 4.4.0
05:13.57*** join/#kde megaf_ (n=megaf@unaffiliated/megaf)
05:18.26shepherdIs it possible to edit the menu that appears when I right click my desktop ( the one that says Konsole, run command.. etc )
05:20.42DhraakellianI wouldn't be surprised, but I'm not right off seeing it in kcontrol
05:23.53SargunI'm hitting a really weird bug. After logging out,and then back in. My media keys stop working. They're assigned in global shortcuts. If I go global shortcuts, and reassign the keys, they start working. Any ideas?
05:33.12*** join/#kde AliTarihi (n=lomion@unaffiliated/alitarihi)
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05:48.03SargunHow do I set a hotkey to lock the screen?
05:55.30*** join/#kde AliTarihi (n=lomion@unaffiliated/alitarihi)
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06:07.45messertingSargun: dunno, but for me ctrl-alt-L works. I couldn't find any settings for it though...
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06:23.27cygwinportsmurrant: somehow I'm not surprised, thx
06:24.27cygwinportsso to whom do I need to explain that having two different versions of phonon just doesn't work for packagers??
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07:29.21dereinei want to create some plugins for krunner, are there any tutorials (i never created anything for kde)
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07:47.36xivenHey everyone
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07:48.52xivenI need some help..I just installed Kubuntu Jaunty, with KDE console my keyboard works..but when I boot into KDE, neither keyboard nor mouse will do anything...
07:49.02xivenAny idea what could be the cause?
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07:56.54KollapseHi, where does kde4 store it's wallpapers ?
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07:59.30xdan779Kollapse:  globally $KDEDIRS/share/wallpapers
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08:00.59Kollapsexdan779, understood, thanks
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08:55.09bercikWhat package offers additional widgets to add please?
08:55.49boom1992distro channel... in general kdeplasma-addons
08:56.30berciki already asked there..
08:56.40dereinecould someone point me to docu how to write krunner plugins in python/js
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09:11.00SargunMy media keys break across restarts of KDE, any idea?
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10:22.04Rioting_PacifistI have a very long line of text and i can't figure out how to tell kate to insert linebreaks at every <div :S
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10:23.15Rioting_Pacifistnvm i was being dumb i can just copy a newline marker evenif i cant see it
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10:44.51tuxick"failed to activate desktop effects using the given configurations", is there any place where i could find more info?
10:45.13tuxickit's "a bit" vague
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10:46.38tuxick(**) Extension "Composite" is enabled
10:48.54kdepepotuxick, you could retry KDE 4.2.3 (out in about a week), there has been a bug fixed.
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10:56.51tuxickkdepepo: so it'll produce a more useful message?
10:57.07kdepepotuxick, or work as expected...
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10:58.39tuxickeven better
10:58.51tuxickbut i have 4.2.2 working ok on nvidia
10:58.55tuxickafter months of pain
10:59.15tuxicknow i'm facing ati X1300
10:59.34tuxicki'll wait and see
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11:02.29jasper_Ive got a problem with using 2 monitors, i want to be able to click firefox in screen 1 and then let it open in screen 1, and if i click firefox on screen 2 i want to get it to open in screen 2. (not just firefox but all applications should act like this) Is this possible? Using nvidia 180 driver with 9600gt nivdia card. (kde4) ubuntu 9.04
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11:37.27tosmohi. everytime i start kmail i get asked whether i want to migrate passwords to kwallet. everytime i click "migrate", enter my kwallet password an nothing happens. next time startig kmail i'm asked again
11:38.30tosmoany suggestion whats wrong`
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11:47.49nascentmindhi. how can i find out the version od kde i am running?
11:48.53biophysicsGoto Help-> About KDE
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11:49.20biophysicsdo this in dolphin or konsole or konqueror
11:49.38nascentmindgot it.
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11:52.24freeedrich|kde4-config --version
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11:58.37nmuntzhello, quick question: are there any plans on bringing back the old good printer configuration to system settings? system-config-printer is not nearly as good as it used to be and i couldn't find it anywhere for kde 4.3 plans
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12:01.33thiago_homeif someone does it, it'll be back
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12:02.09thiago_homedon't ask for when something will happen
12:02.11thiago_homeoffer to do it
12:02.50nmuntzthiago_home: is that something ongoing already? i dont want to duplicate work
12:03.54nmuntzit might be a very good project to get me back into kde development actually :)
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12:42.39Knightingaleq: is there a kde tool to change the screen resolution?
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12:52.30RasiKnightingale: its in systemsettings
12:52.48Rasikeep in mind that it wont work with nvidia driver
12:52.57Rasibecause they dont support the randr standard
12:53.16Rasiwhich means use nvidia-settings for that
12:53.25Jucatoworked on my desktop last I tried... old nvidia driver though...
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13:01.02othersfriendslet's fight!
13:01.20*** mode/#kde [+o pinotree] by ChanServ
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13:06.03cccharlesI'm having trouble setting the window size for Konsole (4.2.2). It does remember how it was last set, but I cannot force it to a particular size. Even the --geometry argument listed in --help-kde doesn't seem to work.
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13:18.18somekoollittle bug since I updated to kubuntu 9.04. only KDE3 and GTK systray icons are displayed. KDE4 systray icons are all black ???
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13:21.19Half-Leftsomekool: That should all be gone now
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13:25.13somekoolHalf-Left: ???
13:26.09kdepepocccharles, regression is already reported.
13:26.58Half-Leftsomekool: Icons not showing in your tray
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13:28.19cccharleskdepepo: ah, must have missed that. thanks.
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13:29.23somekoolHalf-Left: are you trying to be helpful or being funny ?
13:29.52Jucatosomekool: have you tried asking other people in #kubuntu ?
13:30.18somekoolyes, so far no answer
13:30.34somekoolnothing came up on google yet
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13:30.51kdepepocccharles, what you could try is using KWin rules to force a size
13:30.59somekoolrunning kde 4.2.2
13:31.31Half-Leftsomekool: Why would I be funny, it's a simple answer
13:33.07Half-Leftsomekool: Is composting on?
13:34.16somekooldesktop effects are on, yes
13:34.53Half-LeftDo the icons show ok with it off?
13:35.19karthik_<somekool>: I had same problems. Just remove the systray itself. logout (do not kill X) and then check in console there are NO kdeprocesses. relogin. add systemstray - everythinhg OK
13:35.21somekooli shall try. but I will need to restart X
13:35.45Half-LeftYou shouldn't need to
13:36.04somekoolok, I will try this first. disabling desktop effects. see if all icons are showing
13:38.11Half-LeftMandriva 2009 switched to KDE4.2.2 as default, nice!
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13:40.40somekoolkarthik_: i will try that later. thanks
13:40.53gundam_rx78nt1good morning/afternoon/evening
13:41.01cccharleskdepepo: thanks for the suggestion, but I actually need a few different sizes. Ideally I'd like to see this on a per-profile basis... I can fake it via launchers, but I don't think that I can set up multiple sizes via kwin.
13:41.23gundam_rx78nt1is there a kdm theme howto available so I can create my own custom kdm theme?
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13:41.39g3ddoes anyone know if there is a way to change window layout in KNode? i.e. to have a different arrangement of groups, threads and message windows?
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13:43.01kdepepocccharles, you can add your vote to
13:43.46somekoolits funny. disabling desktop effects makes my panel bar blue. reenabling it gets it black. systray icons for kde4 appilcation are all black when desktop effects enabled and are a white square with desktop effects disabled. kde3 application (konversation) and gtk app (pidgin) are fine
13:44.06*** join/#kde Sho_ (n=EHS1@kde/hein)
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13:44.54Half-Leftsomekool: Sounds like a driver issue or bug, latest Qt4 solved issues like that
13:48.04cccharleskdepepo: great idea. thanks, I'll do that :-).
13:48.15Alethesis konversation going to be done for kde4?
13:48.35Alethesquassel is the pits
13:48.41Sho_Alethes: Sure. Port is in /branches/work/konvi-kde4 and generally works fine; beta is forthcoming
13:48.48kdepepoAlethes, depending on your distribution, you can already test alpha versions of Konversation for KDE4 ...
13:48.54AlethesSho_:  glad to hear it
13:49.04Aletheseh, it's ok
13:49.09AlethesI'll just use the kde3 version for now
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13:49.28Half-LeftYou're to scare? :p
13:49.44Alethesheh, just don't have time to deal with stuff that doesn't work
13:49.48AlethesI need to get stuff done :)
13:49.52somekoolwants kubuntu packages ;)
13:49.59Half-LeftIt works VERY well
13:51.08Sho_Well to be fair it is pre-alpha and there is still a good chance of us adding stuff that breaks it again temporarily. But yes, it's been rather stable for the last few weeks.
13:51.17somekoolHalf-Left:  Qt: 4.5.0
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13:52.01AlethesI've got mandriva 2009.1 going at work so I'm finally using KDE4 and it rocks my socks
13:52.06AlethesI just love it
13:52.19AlethesI haven't upgraded kubuntu at home yet
13:52.28Half-Leftsomekool: Like I said, it sounds more like a graphics driver issue, What card do you have and are you using a proprietary driver?
13:52.55ajavidhow do I restart my panels without restarting kde
13:52.55somekoolnvidia, yes, and it was working fine in 8.10
13:53.06ajavidall of a sudden all my things are weird looking
13:53.13ajavidplasma, how do I restart it
13:53.22Half-Leftsomekool: Well switch to the nv oxrg driver and see it the issue persists
13:53.46somekoolthansks for the suggestion
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13:55.28Sho_Cool: - I always kind of preferred the treeview approach
13:56.28Half-LeftSho_: Oh no, KDE3 is coming back :p
13:56.39*** join/#kde Ci-Dev_ (
13:56.42Sho_Half-Left: Well the icon view is still the default :)
13:56.55Half-Leftgood :)
13:57.00Sho_(which is fine for me, really - just like to have the option to use the tree)
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13:57.40Half-LeftTo much duplication I think
13:58.24Sho_Just faster to navigate, IMO
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13:59.08Sho_Half-Left: There's no real duplication - it's one app, and the only burden placed on it over the KDE 4.2 version in terms of the default UI is an extra "Configure" button
13:59.58*** part/#kde kriko (n=kristjan@
13:59.58Half-LeftSho_: Click on thr tree view shows whats already there on the right hand side
14:00.28Freddy2according to kde's website hard feature freeze is next week, while final release is set at july.. is this information updated?
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14:00.43Earthnailhey there, just curious
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14:01.09Earthnailin 4.3, will there be a new default theme for home-html sites? (Like the konqueror start page or the loading page in kmail)
14:01.30kdepepoEarthnail, did you design a new?
14:02.18Sho_Earthnail: I did see something new somewhere, iirc ... but ask in #oxygen
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14:02.27Earthnailkdepepo: ^^
14:02.32EarthnailSho_: alright, thanks
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14:02.47Sho_Half-Left: Hm not sure I get what you mean
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14:04.22Half-LeftSho_: I see now, the right click won't show the model on thr right hand side, just the menu
14:05.03Half-LeftOh hover :p
14:06.33Sho_Half-Left: It's a hover tooltip ... the right-hand side shows one of those HTML overview thingies when you click a top-level category, otherwise if you click a sub-item it just shows that KCM. Basically like KControl.
14:07.02Sho_Half-Left: I agree the hover tooltip is of dubious usefulness in tree mode, though. For icon view it's nice though.
14:07.40Half-LeftSho_: Yer, hover it better, it's ok for KDE enthusiasts
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14:08.13jensphey there, I'm using kde 4.2.2, how can I stop my panel from being transparent?
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14:09.29jenspand why does changing desktop effects reset my panels height?
14:10.14Half-LeftSho_: Problem I see is that when will it stop> The current systemsettings has nice usability,I think it's more a answer for the KDE legacy users
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14:11.59Half-Leftjensp: With desktop effects on no, though the theme is a svg file which you can change
14:12.08Sho_Half-Left: Like I said, the only burden to the default interface vs. 4.2 is an extra "Configure" button ... and I don't think that "legacy" is appropriate here, because it implies "out-dated", but personally I find a tree nicer to navigage for the control center *today*, not just *yesterday*
14:12.26jenspHalf-Left: ok thanks, I'll have a look at that
14:13.26zhickwould a bug-report because of kwin not working nicely with the latest dri2/kms/ttm bits of mesa/radeon/kernel be accepted? I'm pretty sure it's a kwin bug (something to do with xdamage), since compiz is working fine.
14:14.08Sho_zhick: why wouldn't it be accepted?
14:14.53zhickSho_: because the mesa/radeon/kernel bits are straight from git branches, and still very experimental :>
14:15.01jenspHalf-Left: where do I find themes I installed myself? ~/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/$themename only contains a empty wallpaper directory
14:15.03Half-LeftSho_: I'd like to see what non KDE users thing about it really, I don't see a need for the tree view except for as I've stated, your maybe used to Kcontrol
14:15.15*** join/#kde Rasi (
14:15.23Half-Leftjensp: Default directory
14:15.44Half-Leftjensp: not.kde, it's root
14:16.09Sho_zhick: well, it may be easier to just hop to #kwin and talk to the devs. if they ask you to file it, you will :)
14:16.19Half-Lefti.e usr/share/apps/desktoptheme/default
14:16.22jenspHalf-Left: ahh ok, thanks :)
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14:16.44zhickSho_: thanks, didnt know kwin had an own channel :)
14:17.39Half-Leftjensp: widgets/panel-background.svgz, the opaque directory is the one with no desktop effects appied
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14:19.14jenspHalf-Left: got it working, thank you :)
14:19.37*** join/#kde Frenchy (n=Frenchy@
14:20.10Frenchyhello every one :)
14:20.21Frenchyis there a way to go around Bug 174326:   kcmshell4 kdm error
14:21.37Frenchyi can't really change kdm themes because of that bug
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14:24.14Frenchylol, Half-Left why did u smiled ??? is it on my question ?
14:24.36Sho_Frenchy: no in reference to someone thanking him for something else
14:25.05kdepepoHalf-Left, never smile again!!!
14:25.13Half-LeftSho_: I don't see much point in the search as well, usually you have a search if you have loads of modules
14:25.39Half-LeftYes, I like to smile randomly :p
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14:26.10Sho_Half-Left: (a) The search is already in there since KDE 4.2, of course, (b) it is actually useful because you can make it react to non-KDE terminology and thus make it easier to find things for OS X and Windows switchers
14:26.42Sho_Half-Left: err, already in there since KDE 4.0 I meant
14:27.04Half-LeftSho_: take Windows 7, damn that needs a search, but system settings just doesn't
14:28.02hartung-reywhere can i start strigi-indexing?
14:28.55Half-LeftTo me, search implies you've lost something, Why do you need to search if it's looking right in-front of you? :p
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14:30.53Half-Lefthartung-rey: systemsettings>Advanced>Desktop Search
14:31.11Sho_Half-Left: I just gave you a reason ..
14:31.42hartung-reyHalf-Left: there is nepomuk and strigi enabled, but "strigi is nor running"
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14:33.50Half-LeftSho_: I don't think thats a solid enough reason, systemsettings is not deep enough to warant one in my view
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14:34.16Half-Lefthartung-rey: 4.1?
14:34.27hartung-reyHalf-Left: 4.2.2
14:34.57Sho_Half-Left: That's fine - but the developers of System Settings and OS X obviously disagree :)
14:35.01Half-LeftTry to re-enable it
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14:36.13Half-LeftSho_: Well, copying the search from Apple makes it assume they are right
14:36.34*** join/#kde ichbinesderelch (
14:37.14Half-LeftTo me it's useless searching for something thats right in-front of you, it doesn't use 'search' properly
14:37.50Sho_Half-Left: As someone who has used the search in the OS X control center I think they *are* right. If I were to switch the other way around, I'd probably use it in System Settings, too. It's just easier to type "wallpaper" if you know you want that than stop and ponder what to click on
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14:39.06Half-LeftSho_: If thats the case then systemsettings icons and text have not done their job right
14:39.16Sho_Half-Left: See it less like a search and more like a "tell it what you want to change", maybe
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14:39.43Half-LeftThe search doesnt search deeper
14:39.57Half-LeftIf it did then ok fair enough
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14:40.56Sho_Half-Left: Should we also remove the search from Kickoff? The menu is a two-level hierarchy by default, too
14:41.14Half-LeftSho_: If I type 'backend' it should show the Phonon backend module
14:41.32Sho_Half-Left: The search doesn't operate over enough keywords yet, yeah
14:42.11Half-LeftSho_: No because thats searching for stuff thats out of sight, i.e what search essentially means
14:42.17Sho_but rather than remove the search, the correct fix is to add more keywords
14:43.15Sho_Half-Left: If your definition of "out of sight" is "not everything is seen at once", may I remind you that System Settings has two tabs which are not shown concurrently?
14:43.37Half-LeftSho_: All I'm saying is that if you're going to add a search, make it search for things are 'are' out of sight
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14:44.16Half-LeftSho_: But the search assuming I can search for anyway in there
14:44.34Sho_I'm unable to parse "But the search assuming I can search for anyway in there", sorry
14:44.56*** part/#kde jensp (n=jens@unaffiliated/jensp)
14:45.09Half-LeftThe search should search anywhere in the systemsettings
14:45.12somekoolremoving the systray, restarting my kde session and reenabling the systray did not change a thing ;(
14:45.28somekoolI guess I will need to wait for a kubuntu/kde fix.
14:45.51Half-Leftsomekool: Did you try using the nv Xorg driver?
14:46.32somekoolI`m on a twinhead setup. when using 8.04 I first try using xorg driver but could not get the twinhead to work
14:46.43somekoolproprietary is recommended for my hardware
14:47.58Half-Leftsomekool: Only nvidia are responsible for that, if you get bugs then it's our KDE or kubuntu's fault
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14:48.30Half-LeftSho_: Sorry for the bad grammar there :p
14:48.41JucatoHalf-Left, not all nvidia drivers. the legacy legacy one is working fine for me. but I'm not on Kubuntu
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14:49.36Jucatoyes, a missing word can change an entire statement's meaning :)
14:49.45Half-Leftindeed :p
14:50.20Half-LeftTyping to fast again :p
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14:51.17Rasisomekool: kdesu nvidia-settings
14:51.26Rasichange what you need for twinview and hit "save"
14:51.38Rasifrom then on you can en/disable your 2nd monitor with the user
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14:52.20somekoolRasi: thats but it is not my trouble ;)
14:52.32somekoolthanks but it is not my trouble ;)
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14:52.44Half-LeftSho_: I think a bug report for the search in system settings is called for actually :p
14:54.14somekoolwonder why there is no french word for [ shurgs, grin, sigh, ... ]
14:54.22Half-LeftWell it must do because it doesn't search deeper, makes it rather useless
14:54.51tuxickthe french don't even have a word for 'entrepeneur'
14:54.56tuxickas a famous prez once said
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14:55.14Half-Leftsomekool: Usually means 'I don't know'
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14:55.56Sho_No, in this case it meant "If you're really so full of yourself as to file a 'meh I don't use it remove it' bug report, knock yourself out", but "*shrugs*" felt more diplomatic
14:56.48Half-LeftI'm not so full of myself
14:56.54tuxickonly half full!
14:56.58tuxickor half empty?
14:57.43Half-LeftBut so called usability experts are
14:58.44Sho_I never called myself a usability expert. I call myself a user. I find the search useful. I've seen it be useful to other users as well. I think it's not as good as it could be, but that calls for further improvement, not removal, in my mind.
14:59.00somekoolHalf-Left: yes there is a nice picture on wikipedia ;)
15:00.26Half-LeftSho_: I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about general so called usability experts, the whole search issues I've just highlighted proves it
15:01.08Sho_You've not highlighted a single search issue
15:01.12Sho_You've said you don't find it useful
15:01.18Sho_That is not highlighting of issues ;)
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15:01.53Half-LeftAre you seriously telling me that the search in systemsettings is proper and truely usable?
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15:02.27Half-LeftIt doesn't search, it onyl picks out whats already there right in-front of you
15:03.02Sho_No, as I said, it could be better - it needs to operate on more keywords to measure up to the one that austensibly inspired it (i.e. the one in the OS X control center)
15:03.12Half-LeftIt's like saying 'I'm going to search for my bed in my bedroom'
15:03.35JucatoHalf-Left: actually it does. unless by "what's in front of you" means "the kcm's included by a particular icon"... which is not exactly in front of you
15:04.11Sho_(ostensibly, rather ... ouch, my spelling)
15:04.17Half-LeftSearching for the backend module(which is doesn't) is a prime example
15:05.02Sho_Jucato: I also reminded him there are two tabs that are not concurrently shown, but he ignored that as well
15:05.46Sho_anyhow, I don't really think we're going to find any common ground here :)
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15:05.53Sho_walks away
15:05.53Half-LeftSho_: You highlighted a flaw in the search, great
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15:42.58wektHas anyone here used the nfs kio service for NFS3?  does it work?  It tells me Authentication Failed: Method ip4-localhost Not Supported
15:43.56wektand I am able to mount the NFS volume on the command line.
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16:03.38tuxpenguinhow can i configure kopete for irc
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16:04.29tuxpenguinplease i need it
16:04.31Jucatotuxpenguin: the IRC plugin for Kopete has not been ported to KDE 4
16:04.47Jucato(in short, no IRC for KDE 4's Kopete)
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16:06.46ogetwhy does network file transfers stall in dolphin? I tried nfs and fish connections. They all stall at some point.
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16:10.51ogetI'll try samba. But it's weird that such regressions keep happening in 2009. I should be able to transfer files with no hassle
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16:19.36RWolfhow to turn font smoothing off in KDE?
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16:22.51Half-LeftRWolf: systemsettings>Appearance>Fonts
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16:23.43Half-Leftrdieter: Would hell freeze over if you got KDE4 default in fedora? :p
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16:24.36aLeiteDoes anyone have an idea why when I use Kdm kde is not entirely translated into my language, while when I use gdm it is?
16:24.43aLeiteI am using kde trunk
16:24.53rdieterHalf-Left: probably something like that.  I don't care about the default, but I personally would prefer to call a spade a spade.  fedora desktop spin really is fedora gnome
16:25.27gomoranaLeite: You probably has selected your Language in gdm, this is not possible in kdm, so the locale get's not set.
16:25.42aLeiteI selected my language on KDM too
16:25.48Half-Leftrdieter: Mandriva default to KDE4 now, your goal on devement states really KDE4 should be default
16:26.01aLeiteSome parts of kde are translated and others not
16:26.33aLeiteKDM does not select languages yet?
16:26.43rdieterHalf-Left: maybe I misinterpretted what you meant with the word "default".  default kde environment?  or default desktop? or other?
16:27.06*** join/#kde _BentJ (
16:27.08Half-Leftrdieter: Default desktop environment
16:27.30gomoranaLeite: gdm has a menu where you can select the language, kdm (3) has not.
16:28.00aLeitegomoran: I am using KDE 4 trunk.. I compiled it myself on ubuntu
16:28.19GiantTalkingCowYeah, that'll never happen. If Gnome 3, I just see Fedora using XFCE instead.
16:28.21rdieterHalf-Left: ok, but I don't think we have that has a goal (yet).
16:28.34*** join/#kde FlyingFoX (n=FlyingFo@
16:28.51rdieterHalf-Left: we're half-way there producing our own kde spin, where kde is indeed used by default
16:28.55GiantTalkingCowIf Gnome 3 turns out as bad as it looks, I meant to say
16:29.42Half-Leftrdieter: Fedora like fast developed projects, it says in your goals on your page, KDE4 is very much like that. I'm astounded you default to gnome still
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16:30.19rdieterHalf-Left: again, the default depends on which spin or media you download.
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16:30.51Half-Leftrdieter: yer, you can download KDE version which is a link, the main version (like Ubuntu) is gnome
16:31.18JucatoHalf-Left: probably something more appropriate for #fedora-kde
16:31.30rdieteruh huh.
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16:36.21gomoranaLeite: you can try and log int to a failsafe session and start kde from the terminal: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 startkde (or so).
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16:38.04aLeitegomoran: Yep, I'll try
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16:39.33ldpI get this error when I try importing a GPG key with KMail: kmail: relocation error: /usr/lib/ symbol gpgme_cancel_async, version GPGME_1.1 not defined in file with link time reference
16:39.39ldpAny fixes?
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16:42.51Rasildp: tried to import it inside of kgpg?
16:43.10pinotreeldp: how did you install kmail?
16:43.24auxsvrldp: are you sure you have the right dependencies?
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17:06.04ldpauxsvr: I don't know the dependencies
17:06.08ldpI installed kdemod on arch
17:06.19ldpI made the key through kpgp
17:06.34ldpBut it apparently doesn't work with kmail
17:06.48auxsvrldp: there seems to be something wrong with the packages
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17:08.22ldpauxsvr: quite
17:08.37ldpauxsvr: Do you know of the offending package? I'll..install it :|
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17:13.28auxsvrldp: maybe you should ask arch developers for more help
17:13.53auxsvrldp:  symbol gpgme_cancel_async doesn't exist here
17:14.08auxsvrldp: in the corresponding libraries
17:14.18ldpI'll ask the kdemod devs
17:16.18ajavidI'm on remote laptop
17:16.30ajavidamarok 1 and/or 2 either that works, will be on desktop
17:16.51ajavidin kde3 I could do this
17:17.01ajaviddcop amarok player nowPlaying
17:17.09ajavidand get the currently  playing track to use in my scripts or whatever
17:17.22ajavidwith amarok2 and/or kde4, how do I do this ?
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17:17.37ajavidget the currently playing track? I see kde4 uses not the same dcop as kde3
17:17.52ajavidits not really an amarok question, I just want to know how I can do this in kde
17:18.03ajavidI used to be able to ssh --dcop-session-user something
17:18.42ajavidlike ssh user@desktop dcop --user user amarok...
17:18.51ajaviddoes anyone know what I'm talking about?
17:19.09ajavidi'd like to know what the equivalen in kde4 is
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17:20.47lilltigerajavid: use qdbus
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18:04.13asdfasdfasdfsadfhello is there a way to add an internet radio stream to amarok? ive got an url or ar .pls but i cant find a way to add it within amarok2.
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18:14.37pontoasdfasdfasdfsadf: you can add a stream in the playlists tab.
18:15.39asdfasdfasdfsadfit worked
18:15.58gomoranWhich xml library is used by KDE4?
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18:26.03sandboxhi guys
18:26.09sandboxI am new to Qt
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18:26.37sandboxI am getting a small compile time error in my simple program
18:26.44sandboxcan some one help me solve this??
18:27.27sandboxsorry wrong tab
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18:33.44cumulus007How to remove a plasmoid from the desktop with the command line?
18:34.34tuxickevery time i hear "plasmoid" i have to think of some SF movie
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18:39.22Half-Leftaseigo: Is the download of plasmoids properly permitted in 4.2.2?
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18:40.47aseigoHalf-Left: define "properly"
18:41.01Alethesaseigo: hey stranger :)
18:41.02aseigocumulus007: while plasma is running?
18:41.04aseigoAlethes: yo
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18:41.12Half-Leftaseigo: As in through GNHS
18:41.12cumulus007No, it's shut down
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18:41.20aseigoHalf-Left: yes, that works.
18:41.23cumulus007because it crashes immediately because of the Gris plasmoid
18:41.31cumulus007*Grid plasmoid
18:41.50aseigocumulus007: ok, open plasma-appletsrc (or plasma-desktop-appletsrc in kde 4.3 and beyond) and look for plugin=<name of plugin> and delete that configu group
18:42.12Half-Leftaseigo: Didn't you say something about a security framework, that's ok now then I assume?
18:42.31aseigoHalf-Left: no, we don't have full support for that yet. will be in 4.4 though as we have soc people working on it
18:42.53cumulus007aseigo: thhose 2 commands aren't available on my system
18:43.02aseigocumulus007: they aren't commands. they are files.
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18:43.21cumulus007in ~/.kde?
18:43.23aseigo$EDITOR `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config/plasma-appletsrc
18:43.25*** part/#kde MYT (n=MYT@
18:43.38Half-Leftaseigo: As of now I get a error of installing the plasmoid, says failed but it does put that plasmoid in the list
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18:44.47Half-Left"installation of /tmp/kde-'me'/// failed!"
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18:45.42linuxguyhi guys
18:45.48cumulus007thanks aseigo, I found the applet, deletd it, and Plasma starts up again :)
18:45.56aseigolinuxguy: yo
18:46.05linuxguyhow can I change the icon for the start menu.
18:46.13aseigoHalf-Left: ew. that doesn't look too healthy.
18:46.16linuxguyexcuse me k menu
18:46.22cumulus007linuxguy: It's possible in 4.3
18:46.23aseigolinuxguy: in 4.3, right click, settings, change it
18:46.32aseigolinuxguy: in 4.2, you have to mess with the icon on disk
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18:47.06linuxguywhats an easy way to see what version I am running.
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18:47.40aseigokde4-config --version
18:47.46aseigoor in the Help menu of any kde app
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18:48.47linuxguyok, cool.  its 4.2.2 how can I find the name of the icon?
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18:52.59rdieterlinuxguy: it's part of your icon theme, usually called start-here.png or start-here-kde.png
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18:53.00linuxguysorry to apear likea dumb ass,but I am new to kbuntu/kde4. in debain kde was always something I choose to install instead of coming with the os. have to admit i like kbuntu alot.
18:53.00Half-Leftaseigo: We were just discussing it in #fedora-kde, we all seem to get that error
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18:58.05linuxguythanks rdieter
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19:02.38deminishedhow do i make programs start automaticly when startx starts ?
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19:05.04hacostademinished: settings -> advanced -> Autostart
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19:05.56deminishedhacosta,  i dont see "advanced"
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19:06.26hacostait's a tab
19:06.39hacostayou have General tab
19:06.43hacostaand advanced tab
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19:06.53hacostajust below overview
19:07.11deminishederm ok where do i find settings ?
19:07.21deminishedbecause i dont have a window with tabs...
19:07.33deminishedi have settings on the start menu which opens more options
19:07.37hacostarun systemsettings
19:08.01deminishedi think its not the latest version
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19:08.24deminishedkde 3.5.10
19:08.58hacostaoh well.. there should be a hidden folder in your home directory
19:09.01hacostacalled .kde
19:09.16hacostainside you'll find an Autostart folder
19:09.28hacostajust put there whatever script you want to run.
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19:09.38deminishedhmm i found .kde
19:09.42deminishedno autostart folder...
19:09.53deminishedi am apt-get install systemsettings also
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19:10.30deminishedsystemsettings didnt see to work out either
19:10.36deminishedopens a blank window with a search bar
19:10.57deminishedwith greyed out search and overview buttons
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19:11.58deminishedhacosta, anything else i can try ?
19:12.11hacostademinished: try creating the Autostart folder
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19:12.42deminishedwhats the format of the script
19:12.47deminishedis it the same as a .sh script
19:12.52deminishedwhat file name should i use?
19:12.56deminishedany file name ?
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19:13.18hacostaa script should work fine, just make it executable.
19:13.26deminishedhacosta, lets say for example i want to start kate
19:13.44deminishedhow do i make a .sh script executable ?
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19:14.25hacostasave it
19:14.29deminishedas ?
19:14.34hacostaas or whatever
19:14.46hacostathen run chmod +x
19:15.13deminishedok now restart kde ?
19:15.29deminishedok thanks brb
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19:16.55deminishedhacosta, didnt work..
19:16.58deminishedno kate
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19:17.17wolterhow do i start the kde networkd manager?
19:17.30wolteralso, neither my mouse, nor my touchpad, work in my ubuntu kde session
19:17.37wolterwhat do I have to do?
19:17.49hacostademinished: i don't know then, it's strage that you don't have that Autostart folder (the caps matter)
19:18.02*** join/#kde root (n=root@
19:18.11deminishedyeah it was capitalised
19:18.17thiago_homewolter: I think you need to ask in #ubuntu or #kubuntu
19:18.30thiago_homewolter: first, if your mouse and touchpad aren't working, that's an problem
19:18.34thiago_homewe can't help you with that
19:18.50thiago_homesecond that indicates a misconfigured system, which could be the cause of further problems
19:18.59thiago_homeand third, NM is really distribution-specific
19:19.15hacostademinished: how are you starting kde?
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19:19.25deminishedfrom cmd line
19:19.30hacostajust add it to your .xinitrc file then
19:19.39Guest89307hi all
19:19.41deminishedok looking for that..
19:20.40Guest89307i need help cas i want to install paltalk
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19:21.37deminishedok i made some changes
19:21.38abosarahanybody here
19:21.45deminishedre testing
19:22.24tuxickwhat is supposed to replace kitchensync on kde4?
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19:26.50deminishedhacosta, no luck
19:27.27abosarahanyone plz can he help me for install the PalTalk messenger
19:27.45hacostademinished: can you post your .xinitrc file?
19:27.53hacostathere should be no exec before startkde
19:27.55deminishedyeah sure...
19:30.11hacostai meant the one in your home
19:30.31apt~/.xinitrc is the traditional personal startup script used by xinit/startx, but in Debian ~/.xsession is preferred.  xdm and startx use ~/.xsession; gdm uses ~/.gnomerc instead.
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19:32.52deminisheddont have one..
19:33.59hacostai don't know how kde is even started then.. sorry
19:34.01*** join/#kde Pnux (n=pnux@
19:34.41Pnuxhey, i just killed the panels using ctrl+alt+esc, is there a way to bring it up without restarting x? im on debian
19:35.22hacostakquitapp plasma && kdeinit4_wrapper plasma
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19:36.43Pnuxoh, and using kde 3.5.10 (not sure about the 10, but deff 3.5)
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19:38.12hacostaoh.. killall kicker && kicker
19:38.32hacostamaybe there is kquitapp in kde 3
19:38.36hacostadon't know.
19:39.05hacostaactually.. killall kicker; kicker
19:39.13hacostait probably is already dead ;)
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19:39.18Pnuxpnux@debian:~$ kquitapp plasma && kdeinit_wrapper plasmabash: kquitapp: command not found
19:39.40Pnuxit was death already, all i had to do was run kicker
19:39.44Pnuxthanks for the help
19:39.45pinotreePnux: that is for kde4
19:39.57pinotreeyou need kicker for panels, and kdesktop for the desktop
19:40.37Pnuxpinotree: i figured that, i was telling hacosta that kquitapp doesnt work on KDE3
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19:52.43ghabitHello. I have a problem with konqueror - on several sites it adding itself :80 to address and I cannot open page with error 'Security Breach or Incorrect Firewall'. And I need to remove every time :80 by hands. How to fix it?
19:52.54epsaswom 6
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19:58.38gomoranAren't the tristate checkboxes in TreeViews in Oxygen are a bit to big?
19:59.42pillumHey, I have a problem with Konsole. I can only run it as root :( Can anybody help me?
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20:01.06pillumP.S. its KDE4 on FreeBSD 7.1
20:01.16Sho_wow, I never knew about ctrl+t in kate (swapping the characters on both sides of the cursor)
20:01.20thiago_homewhat happens when you run it as a normal user?
20:01.52pillumit closes itself after a second
20:01.54thiago_homeSho_: Emacs has the same feature, in the same shortcut
20:02.07thiago_homeSho_: but I still haven't understood the purpose/use-case for that feature
20:02.17thiago_homepillum: what does it print in its standard output and error?
20:02.20thiago_homepillum: does it crash?
20:02.36Sho_thiago_home: since when does niftyness need a purpose?! ;)
20:02.44Sho_thiago_home: dunno, will have to see if it ends up being useful ;)
20:03.45pillumit prints doesn't print anything special
20:03.58pillumthe same thing it does when I run it as root
20:04.30hacostait's really useful to correct typos
20:04.37thiago_homepillum: can you run it in gdb?
20:04.39hacostaxp (in vim) or kate vim mode
20:05.34thiago_homefinds it easier to hit backspace twice and retype than to use Ctrl+T
20:05.40pillumLast line: <unknown program name>(6903)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.
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20:05.52thiago_homepillum: try running with --nofork
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20:07.44pillumnow the last lines are: [New Thread 0x2b002470 (LWP 100172)]] \n [Thread 0x2b002470 (LWP 100172) exited] \n\n Program exited normally.
20:09.07thiago_homesees no way a KUniqueApplication could close the pipe like that
20:09.10thiago_homeunless it crashed
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20:39.52thechefI want to move the channel tabs to the left in Konversation. I had it that way previously but I do not remember how I managed to get it there.
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20:40.27thechefI found it.
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20:47.31ivevyxexiIs there anyway to use a socks proxy for tracker communication in ktorrent?
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20:48.11Jaxad0127hello, is there any way for me to tell KDE to not resize my panels?
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21:04.58JustMe[GnR]should i upgrade to 4.3?
21:05.06thiago_homeif you want
21:05.18JustMe[GnR]how unstable is it?
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21:05.36thiago_homea bit
21:05.38thiago_homenot more than usual
21:05.41thiago_homeuses it daily
21:06.45JustMe[GnR]if you had to choose between 4.2.2 and 4.3... what would it be?
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21:10.22jad4is waiting for the beta
21:11.05jad4it would be nice if someone fied
21:11.15jad4it's been messed up for quite a while now
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21:14.55ronin_I just upgraded from kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 (which intern brought kde4 to 4.2.2) but now KDE locks up randomly and often crashes
21:15.47ronin_the console after a crash said something about acapi, I don't know what that would have to do with aything but I disabled acapi
21:15.48tuxickronin_: video driver?
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21:16.14ronin_tuxick: 96.43.10
21:16.52tuxickronin_: 180.51 here
21:16.58tuxickfinally one that doesn't crash
21:17.16tuxickassuning that's nvidia
21:17.26ronin_I don't think I can run 180 because I have a GeForce 4 Ti 4200. So I need a legacy driver right?
21:17.40tuxickchecked /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
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21:19.54mograwhat's the little "hourglass" for on a Widget description in "Add Widgets"?
21:19.57ronin_There are a couple erors about the mouse being missing
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21:20.30ronin_warnings abour "dri2" not being loaded...
21:20.54jeismais there a way to control totem's playlist through the terminal?
21:21.50ronin_tuxick: here is the output from the log, I don't see anything telling in there
21:22.28tuxickronin_: indeed
21:22.39tuxicksadly nvidia takes a few million parameters
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21:23.00ronin_Im not convinced its the driver
21:23.16jeismaare there commands to save and load playlists for totem through the console?
21:23.19ronin_I could reinstall it...
21:23.29tuxickwell i've had HORRIBLE problems with kde4 on nvidia
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21:23.45tuxickand there's some threads accusing nvidia
21:23.56tuxickbtw, effects on or off?
21:24.05tuxickwhat about glxinfo and friends?
21:24.05ronin_on, Ill try turning thme off
21:24.12tuxickheh good plan
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21:26.36mograsimple question, what's the little "hourglass" for on a Widget description in "Add Widgets"?
21:26.43ronin_actually, the were disabled, so I just enabled them :D
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21:26.58pinotreemogra: should be like "widget used recently"
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21:28.01mograis there a list of widgets "known to pin CPU?" No idea why, but plasma was at 100%, so I removed one widget at a time, and after the calendar was removed, plasma's cpu usage dropped significantly
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21:28.14pinotreekde version?
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21:28.35mogra4.2.2, Arch KDEMod build
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21:29.03pinotreei recall a problem like the one you are describing, involving the calendar
21:29.12pinotreeiirc should be fixed for kde 4.2.3
21:29.40mograany release date on that yet?
21:29.48pinotree7-10 days
21:29.51mograor rather, expected time frame*
21:30.25mograso, probably about 2, maybe 3 weeks till it hits kdemod repos, given past turnaround
21:30.33GiantTalkingCowSpeaking of KDEMod, I really hope they eventually get that Chakra LiveCD out of alpha.
21:30.46mograGiantTalkingCow: you mean working at all? ;)
21:31.13GiantTalkingCowmogra: Was it that bad? I recall getting it working last month, although it had some bugs.
21:32.51mograeh, I had a large amount of problems with it. It's much smoother just installing Arch base and following the kdemod install instructions
21:33.34mograI might be exaggerating on "working at all", but... It'd be nice if it were, as you say, out of alpha. A quick path, so to speak, to having Arch+KDEMod, at the least
21:33.41GiantTalkingCowI suppose, but I'm getting tired of cli installations, mostly because I can't remember how I set it up last and have to end up looking everything up again.
21:34.14GiantTalkingCowIt's not hard, but it is tedious.
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21:35.24mograGiantTalkingCow: pacman -Qqe | grep -v "$(pacman -Qmq)" > pkglist
21:36.00mograit's in the Wiki, too, btw
21:36.34mograpacman -S $(cat pkglist)
21:36.40mogra^- to reinstall installed pkgs
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21:37.18GiantTalkingCowI'm sure it is, but I've gotten lazy these days when it comes to looking stuff up. I probably missed it, or something. Actually at this point, every one of the OSes I use seems to be more of a pain in the ass than is worthwhile... it makes me pine for the days of the Amiga. Or BeOS. :P
21:39.23GiantTalkingCowMost modern OSes have a UI that bugs the hell out of me. KISS has either gone too far and evolved into "you can't change these features even by editing a config file" (aka Gnome and OS X) or "here's everything and the kitchen sink, only all organized like someone's messy closet" (Windows and KDE).
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21:41.26ronin_tuxick: its funny, KDE still locks up sometimes but it seems to run better with desktop effects enabled
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21:42.13GiantTalkingCowIt certainly does. That's one thing the 4.x team got working very smoothly. (on every machine I've tried it on, anyhow)
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21:42.48tuxickronin_: funny indeed :)
21:42.56tuxickit was quite the reverse for me
21:43.34GiantTalkingCowWere you using the latest version of If so, it's a driver problem. (and easily fixed by downgrading or sidegrading)
21:43.36ronin_tuxick: I also disabled the KDE twitter widget and that seems to help too
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21:46.14tuxicktwitter = evil
21:46.27tuxickyou should delete it, and burn the drive it was on
21:46.41mograthere a way I can fire the "disable trackpad" event when an external mouse is plugged in to USB?
21:48.55mogranevermind, found some hal events... time to tinker
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22:08.34vjacobsomeone know what to do about ?
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22:08.50vjacobI'm not able to set my clock here, and the clock is obviously set wrong...
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22:16.23mograyou know what would be helpful IMO... GIMP style guidelines for Widget alignment
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22:19.41ShingoshiThis is REAL funny! I just started plasma in XFCE!! I'm running the KDE panel now, instead of XFCE's.
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22:21.00tuxickShingoshi: almost scary
22:22.05luke-jr_any alternatives to Plasma?
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22:24.33vjacobcan someone translate: debug: [pppd] Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group access ?
22:24.50vjacobe.g. does this error mean that I should change permissions on that file or what?
22:26.20Half-Leftluke-jr_: Yer, gnome, xfce etc.. :p
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22:28.03vjacobwhat do people here use to connect with VPN ins KDE4?
22:29.30Shingoshiluke-jr_: I wish there was an alternative. Plasma kept crashing my panel and losing all the icons on it.
22:29.55ShingoshiI was simply left with a completely blank panel.
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22:30.20ShingoshiAnd it happened like clockwork! On schedule.
22:31.14Half-LeftPlasma doesn't crash the panel, it is the panel and the desktop
22:31.49Half-LeftAtleast you can reproduce it :)
22:32.30vjacobhello. can someone read what I'm writing?
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22:51.49luke-jr_Half-Left: GTK+ is automatic fail
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22:53.11SoylentYellowI keep getting "unable to create io-slave" when I try to press the back button in Konqueror while browsing the internet.
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22:58.31Half-Leftluke-jr_: No comment :p
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23:15.11frankS2hello, the 3d effects in KDe suddenly stopped working, how can i restttart it?
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23:25.24[A2K]hello. In KDE 3.5 i could scroll mousewheel over some window and it became focused, but the window that was active before that did not hide under new active window. Is it possible in kde4?
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23:26.45thiago_homeI don't think so
23:27.06[A2K]but i like this kde feature :(
23:27.10[A2K]it works in gnome too
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23:28.35thiago_homehow can you like a feature that doesn't exist?
23:29.34[A2K]most WMs focus window on mouse scroll over them
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23:29.53Half-LeftKDE4 can do that yes with the mouse wheel
23:29.57thiago_homeconsidering kwin corresponds to 45% or more of the WMs, I'd say most don't
23:30.21[A2K]Half-Left: how to configure that?
23:30.21nick01how do I get to use single click in dolphin ? I forgot
23:30.50Half-Left[A2K]: Your wanting to control the focus of windows by the mouse wheel?
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23:31.13thiago_homenick01: you haven't taken a look at Dolphin's configuration, have you?
23:32.05Half-Left[A2K]: Without clicking?
23:32.06[A2K]Half-Left: i want to focus window without hiding the window that is over it
23:32.07nick01thiago_home: I have- cant see it
23:32.15[A2K]yes, to focus without a click
23:32.40thiago_homenick01: Settings, Configure Dolphin, Navigation, select "single-click to open files and folders"
23:33.47Half-Left[A2K]: Right click the title bar and Configure Window behavior>Actions
23:34.04nick01thiago_home: I dont have navigation in settings - configure dolphin
23:34.28thiago_homewhich version of KDE is that?
23:34.49nick01thiago_home: 4.2.2 comes with 2009.1
23:35.18thiago_homeI think that menu has been there for a while
23:35.24[A2K]Half-Left: there are no options for mouse wheel scroll. Only for middle click. Middle clicks works like i want wheel scroll to work, but it also pastes clipboard content.
23:35.27thiago_homebut I can't be sure. I'm running 4.3 (pre-alpha)
23:35.59Half-Left[A2K]: Look at "Titlebar Wheel event"
23:36.36[A2K]Half-Left: that will work only on titlebar
23:41.15Half-Left[A2K]: Looks like thats all you can do
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23:42.17nick01is flash supposed to be working in konqueror (kde 4.2.2) =
23:42.53mal|lappyI have a question concerning taglib, would this be the right place to ask it (as it is a part of kde)
23:42.54nick01thiago_home: with the 64 bit flash it isnt
23:43.12thiago_homethere's no 64-bit flash
23:43.16thiago_homethere's only a 32-bit one
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23:43.32nick01thiago_home: theres an aphpa one
23:43.44thiago_homehave you installed it?
23:43.56nick01thiago_home: yes
23:43.58thiago_homeanyways, it doesn't matter
23:44.03thiago_homeit has never been tested with Konqueror
23:44.08thiago_homeso there's no telling whether it works or not
23:44.10thiago_homeuse the 32-bit one
23:44.16nick01thiago_home: ook
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23:45.04mal|lappySo my taglib question: Is it possible to open a file in taglib read only? When I try to open a media file which is already open (eg being played), it fails to open it (the file is opened in such a way that other programs can open it for read only).
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