IRC log for #kde on 20090303

00:00.11Scoobaspeazsomething must not be working right though because i cant change anything or view anything with it
00:00.22Scoobaspeazi have a list of things on the left but when i select any of them nothing happens
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01:01.09jk-hi all
01:01.42jk-what should KDE (using 4.2 here) be doing when I plug in an external monitor?
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01:03.56eliaspjk-: i'd say nothing at all until you configure it
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01:17.06sharp15i'm having a problem with kpdf.  everytime poppler is recompiled kpdf looses the sidebar.  how do i get the sidebar back?  i've tried recompiling kpdf and deleting it's configuration files but no change.
01:17.25dboehmerin kubuntu there was a nice widget in my panel which i could use to browser my home dir
01:17.42dboehmerin arch linux i do only find the folder view widget which does not allow browsing directories
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01:17.46sharp15it would seem relevant that i'm using gentoo.
01:18.00dboehmerhow to get a widget like in kubuntu?
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01:19.42eliaspdboehmer: you're probably looking for 'Lancelot' which provides such a directory launcher/browser
01:20.19pinotreesharp15: kpdf has no use of poppler
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01:22.20dboehmereliasp: i have just installed lancelot (2 different widgets available here) but they have nothing to do with what i need
01:22.45sharp15pinotree: then why did portage rebuild kpdf?
01:23.05pinotreesharp15: #gentoo-kde
01:23.25sharp15either way kpdf was rebuilt and the sidebar disappeared.  now i can't tell what page i'm on or how many are in the document.
01:23.38*** join/#kde Jucato (n=Jucato@
01:24.25pinotreeSettings → Show navigation panel
01:24.35dboehmerhello everyone
01:24.43stonedbeen a while whats up fellers
01:25.05dboehmeri know that there is a little widget on the default kde desktop of kubuntu which can be used to browse through the home dir
01:25.29szaldboehmer: why not ask in #kubuntu?  they should know what the name is ;)
01:25.33dboehmercan somebody please tell me what its name is?
01:25.36sharp15pinotree: thank you. :).  and according to portage kpdf-3.5.9 does depend on poppler. but i'll follow that up with the #gentoo-kde folks.
01:26.02dboehmerszal: that was i actually wanted to do. sorry, wrong tab
01:26.05pinotreesharp15: if that is true, then gentoo is fscking up kpdf.
01:26.51szalsharp15: 3.5.9?  aren't these folks a bit behind time?
01:27.15Jucato(somehow that situation sounds familiar :)
01:27.43szalif it were Debian, I could understand using an old version, but not for Gentoo..
01:29.23sharp15szal: only the portions that need recompiled get updated (saves on compiling time.) :)  i can't use kde-4 yet because i'm actually using hardened-gentoo with PaX/PIE/SSP (advanced and uncommon features) enabled.
01:29.52sharp15and yes these features have frequently made me look like a moron.
01:29.56szalsharp15: I'm not talking KDE 4, but 3.5.10
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01:31.22sharp15szal: ok.  did kpdf's code (not kde dependencies) change between 3.5.9 and 3.5.10?
01:31.42pinotreealmost no
01:32.14szalto my knowledge KDE 4 doesn't have Kpdf
01:32.48engineeryou always have acrobat the reader
01:33.15sharp15szal: i thought you were asking why i wasn't using okular.
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01:33.36szalengineer: that's what I installed due to imho severe rendering problems from poppler in Okular
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01:33.59szalcrappy-looking fonts
01:34.06szalwith a few notable exceptions
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01:34.50szalpinotree: most fonts in PDFs in Okular look almost like bitmaps
01:35.11pinotreepoppler version?
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01:35.57pinotreea) update to 0.10.4
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01:36.08pinotreeb) configure your fontconfig properly
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01:36.54UnixOneCan you help me export my emails and calendar entries etc? I don't know howto do that. It's for backup purposes. I will import them on an other computer maybe
01:37.08UnixOneI use PIM Kontact
01:38.01UnixOneI hope it's done with exporting a table in mysql. Because I thought Kontact uses Akonadi or so..
01:38.22szalpinotree: define 'properly'
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01:38.40UnixOneI've kde4.2
01:38.50pinotreeopen a document in kpdf, file → properties → fonts
01:39.12pinotreeyou see the list of fonts in the document, with some/all of them being external
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01:39.46pinotreedo the same in okular, and basing on what you told, you should see different files used for the same fonts
01:40.15szalpinotree: most of my PDFs have their fonts embedded
01:40.23pinotreethe other way round
01:40.52pinotreeif all the pdf documents would have embedded fonts, the rendering would not be that different from eg acroread
01:41.17pinotreethe problems come when the document has not a font, and a system one mus be used
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01:46.07UnixOneWhat is that? I goto systemssettings->KDE-Ressources.. and I see kontacts, notes etc. ??
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01:46.16UnixOneIs that the data of Kontact?
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01:46.30InvaderNOPI just noticed this not sure if it's relevant or not
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01:49.22sharp15pinotree: according to #gentoo-kde. kpdf can work sans poppler but rendering is terrible.
01:49.52pinotreesharp15: kpdf is not done to go with poppler
01:50.22*** part/#kde InvaderNOP (
01:51.02szalpinotree: seems the rendering has improved quite a bit in KDE 4.2.1, but still not optimal..  Kpdf's rendering was better imho
01:51.25pinotreeszal: kde nor okular does not render pdf documents
01:51.35pinotreesharp15: kpdf has (for various reasons) its embedded xpdf copy, and it is tested to work *only* with it
01:51.57szalpinotree: I meant Okular in KDE 4.2.1, don't be so picky if it's obvious ;)
01:52.12pinotreesame, okular does not render
01:52.21pinotreesharp15: if gentoo guys decided to wildly patch kpdf, it's their fault
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01:55.43szalpinotree: ; <<-- look at the difference particularly in the fine print (font: Thorndale AMT (Agfa Monotype), embedded subset)
01:57.39pinotreelooks like acroread is less aliased
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01:58.46UnixOneszal: acrobat seems to use differnt fonts..
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02:01.38szalpinotree: still I think Acroread's rendering is more 'natural', it more resembles what it looks like when printed..  and if you look at the fine print in Okular you will notice spacing irregularities
02:01.59pinotreeszal: file a bug for poppler then
02:02.25szalsuch like are common in the display in word processing programs
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02:09.52MrRatSJr|Work: what video card?
02:14.48SJr|WorkIntel something, MrRat
02:16.51MrRatsorry, im not familar with "intel something" but i do know that dual monitor is still lacking on kde4 with exception of nvidia's twinview which works flawless for me
02:17.37SJr|WorkYeah twinview works on another machine ,but it's not nvidia, it's specifically Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics. I can't even get it to work under Gnome
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02:19.03jk-SJr|Work: working fine here on an intel chipset
02:19.10SJr|WorkWhat are you doing to enable it
02:19.23jk-does 'xrandr' show that two monitors are connected?
02:19.29jk-just the display options.
02:19.53SJr|Worknot currently because I disconnected it, and added it to my windows box.
02:20.01SJr|Workkrandrtray was just tanking.
02:20.32jk-SJr|Work: tanking how?
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02:21.20SJr|Worksorry I'm back
02:21.25SJr|Worklemme try this now
02:21.32SJr|WorkI just hooked up the monitor again
02:21.55SJr|WorkNo xrandr does not see the other monitor currently
02:22.04SJr|WorkIt thinks it's disabled
02:22.09SJr|Workerrr disconnected.
02:22.28SJr|WorkIt is most assuredly connected
02:22.30jk-ok, that'd be the problem then :)
02:24.34jk-not sure - you may be best asking on the xorg channel.
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02:24.50jk-anything in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
02:24.59jk-sorry, anything *relevant* :)
02:25.10SJr|Worklol I wouldn't know how to distinguish
02:25.25jk-try looking for lines with (EE) or (WW)
02:25.56SJr|WorkEE intel(0) cannot support DRI with with FB width > 1024
02:26.05derek_kSJr|Work: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log
02:27.09SJr|Workhmmmm a whole bunch of ugly errors under WW
02:27.52SJr|WorkI also tried enable Xinerama in the xorg.conf but X wouldn't start afterwards.
02:29.31jk-SJr|Work: ok, probably best to show that to the xorg people
02:29.35jk-see if they have any ideas.
02:29.42SJr|Work#xorg ?
02:29.49jk-i think so
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03:29.22keisangi_putting stuff to trash is painfully slow
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04:27.49excalibasHello, how can I stop the mouse scroll to change the desktop?
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04:28.56excalibassorry that is stop the mouse scroll from switching the desktop
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04:58.47erik-kWhy do I need to download the very latest version of QT every few weeks when I update KDE4? Seems like half as often as I try to update kde I end up having to somehow get QT first
04:59.09erik-khalf the time it wants a version that's not even in my package repository yet
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05:41.34MaNIother then turning all visual effects off and switching to a simple high contrast theme, anyone got any tips for making kde faster over vnc?
05:41.43MaNI(kde 3 taht is)
05:43.49mib_vf6x6jlsanyone have any idea why my nick is mib instead of the one I entered?
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05:46.49MaNImib_vf6x6jls, you got ghosted by someone who owns the nickname mib possibly
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06:06.38jnmbkHi, is there a screen reader for KDE?
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06:13.33echoesopensuse 11.1 x86_64/kde 4.2.65. i had an xserver crash, had to reboot, and now my folder view plasmoid is empty. i tried removing it and adding it back but it stays empty no matter what folder i set it to display.
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06:16.21echoesideas anyone?
06:16.30karthikpAnyone see random crashes in KWin after the 4.2.1 update?
06:17.01Zarinkarthikp, disable present windows
06:17.08karthikpIt seems like if I trigger present windows while a flash video is playing/loading, it crashes the first time.
06:17.20karthikpZarin: I should have come here sooner. :)
06:17.36karthikpI spent the better part of yesterday figuring this out :P
06:17.49Zarinkarthikp, it crashes whenever the window you previously selected was closed
06:18.52karthikpThis window wasn't closed. It also seems to crash if I have flash playing. But just once. After the first crash, it works fine.
06:19.48karthikpSo, any idea when the fix will be released for us Present Windows loving folk?
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06:21.19karthikpI think it's the effect I use most in KWin, so this is kind of a damper in my workflow atm...
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06:24.26ZarinI guess I need to tell them to delay 4.2.1 =\
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06:40.51Zarinkarthikp, Okay I've committed the fixes to the 4.2 branch and will ask the release team to repackage 4.2.1. Hopefully the distributions that released it before it was announced will update their packages as well.
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06:44.31karthikpZarin: Thanks a bunch! When the fix is released, I'll bug the archlinux people to update their repo. Sweet.
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07:35.42DumbleHello world !
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08:41.28mkdreadhi, is korganizer usable in kde4? it seems a lot of configurations aren't very user-friendly and views (day, week) fail for me
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08:58.18SAngeliHi, anyone can tell me how to backup / restore Kmail profile?
08:58.43SAngeli seems to be down or unaccessible from my Internet connection
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09:05.18ikrabbesup ?
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09:18.31shodan45how do you change the theme on the "Analog Clock"?
09:19.25shodan45description says it's SVG themable, but I don't see any option for that :/
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09:20.59shodan45oh, and I'm running opensuse 11.1 w/ kde 4.2
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09:25.31smurfslovershodan45: configure desktop/advanced/desktop theme details
09:26.04smurfsloveror you can edit ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc manually
09:26.14smurfslovergui option is the easiest
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09:28.50shodan45smurfslover, sweet, thanks :D
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09:57.23muh2000where is the future release roadmap located on
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10:08.13[mors]hi folks
10:08.25[mors]does kde4 follow the conventions ?
10:08.48[mors]I have some non kde apps which can't detect the right programs to open certain files, nor recognize the proper date formats
10:09.03[mors]and I've setted up everything on system settings
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10:17.25naught101how do I switch between kwin and the compositing engine in kde4.2?
10:18.35Zarinnaught101, System settings -> Desktop
10:19.04naught101Zarin: I know, but it seems to have crashed or something - kwin has taken back over
10:19.40naught101hrmm... some settings are wrong or something... failed to switch..
10:19.51Jucatothe compositing engine is part of kwin
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10:21.22naught101ok. maybe I need to reboot (...)
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10:45.09mnihi all
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10:45.36mnipls can any body help me with the meaning of K in KDE
10:46.40Qu4Zmni: It stands for KDE, I think.
10:46.43Qu4ZOr it's just K
10:46.51Qu4ZI prefer the former explanation, though.
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10:47.54mniyeah, i know that it's for KDE
10:48.09mnibut i need the meaning of the K alone
10:48.34friedrich|it has none
10:48.35Machtinmight be some KKK thing :o or it just means nothing
10:48.52Qu4Zmni: The K stands for KDE.
10:48.54Machtinwell.. nothing but "K" ;)
10:49.00friedrich|it used to stand for "[K]ool [D]esktop [E]nvironment"
10:49.02Qu4ZI'm sticking by that explanation.
10:49.17friedrich|but nowadays it has no real meaning.
10:49.39friedrich|(to be honest, it show's kde's relation to the klu klux klan) :ßp
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10:52.06mniNo i doubt much
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10:53.26mnimay be the foundation VP name 'Kalle'
10:53.42mniKalle Dalheimer
10:53.53mniK FOR KALLE
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11:02.13MartiiniMay I ask someone to file a bugreport for me
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11:03.17MartiiniPlease .. Someone file a bugreport - feature request. - in Terminal when select a path , give option to open that path with right mouse click
11:04.22Jejemand what about filling it yourself?
11:05.27Jejemto fill, no ? :)
11:05.42szalnah, file a bug
11:05.45Martiiniits easier for dedicated people .. i have filed bugreports/requests but they all go unnoticed
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11:05.59Jejemszal: thanks for the info ;)
11:07.17szalMartiini: I guess the problem is: how is the terminal or some interpreting layer supposed to know that the selection is a path?
11:07.49szalfor URLs this is relatively trivial as there are stringently occurring characters in there
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11:09.53dokmahi guys! I've lost my keyboard after upgrade on debian
11:10.02dokmano numpad, altgr, curly brackets
11:10.21szalI guess you should ask the Debian folks first :)
11:10.35dokmamight be so
11:10.36Martiiniwell ..... for example .. in terminal emulator .. /home/martin/.kde/share/apps/okular/docdata/  .. is a path .. right ... so ..  I wish clicking on it would give a menu like Hyperwords in Firefox .. where I could choose option "open path in Dolphin"
11:10.39dokmaI'll do that
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11:11.11Martiinisomeone please file a bugreport for this ?? please
11:11.18Martiinieh ?
11:11.59freeedrich|file your own ones?
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11:12.27szalthe only reliable solution to this I can imagine is for you to do the extra work and type 'file://' before the path, then it could definitely know it is one
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11:14.38Martiiniszal: correct, that works
11:14.57Martiini(except for me it opens in nautilus)
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11:20.35Martiiniszal: so ... is there any way regular paths in Terminal can be made  to appear as a link and open in dolphin ??
11:22.03Martiinianyone talk to me
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11:22.52Martiiniit is frustrating to shout things into the vast empty space of tha internets
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11:27.43murrcosshi, has anyone a solution to this problem: i made a shortcut for aterm, <F4>, now when i press F4, aterm opens, but when i press it a second time, nothing happens, and my keyboard is all locked up. i can't type anything, just alt-shift-sysreq-b works. now when i close the first aterm, the second one appears and a "sorry - KDE Daemon: kdeinit could not launch aterm"-window
11:28.24murrcosshi Martiini
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11:29.17murrcossah, and after the sorry-window shows up, the keyboard is unlocked...
11:29.29Martiinihow do you create shortcuts to applications
11:29.51murrcossin the menu, right klick on a item, edit, and there you can do it
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11:34.38Martiinimurrcoss: how do I assign a key to that shortcut ??
11:35.24murrcossMartiini: klick on it, klick on the square right of the arrow, and press a key
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11:38.24MartiiniIm on kde4.2 .. I just made a shortcut of application on desktop .. now .. right click on desktop icon gives me "Icon Settings" "Desktop options"  "Remove this icon"
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11:39.21Martiinimurrcoss:  I just described what Im seeing .. there is no option to assign a key to desktop shortcut
11:39.55Martiinii have no idea
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11:40.58MartiiniHow many developers are there who work on kde4 ?? (fulltime professionals) ???
11:41.03murrcossMartiini: not a desktop shortcut, a keyboard shortcut
11:41.50Martiiniyes, that right ,, how have you done it
11:43.49murrcossjust like i told you, but you also can assign shortcuts in settings-regional&accessibility-keyboard shortcuts-command shortcuts
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11:45.49Martiinimurrcoss: r u shure .. ure not on about gnome ??
11:46.04murrcossMartiini: yes, i am...
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11:46.16Martiinithis is #kde
11:46.53Martiinimurrcoss:  how old are you?
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11:50.20murrcossMartiini: 23 ;p
11:51.52Martiini... and u've posted gnome questiong to #kde ???
11:52.50murrcossMartiini: nope, that's a question about kde...
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11:53.29MartiiniI can see the vision of kde4 and what its supposed to be but it seems the work ahead is too overwhelming for a small team of kde4 developers
11:53.51MartiiniApple and Microsoft get all the best developers ... Im guessing
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11:54.12EmessMartiini: just Apple
11:54.19Emessand by all the best developers I mean Woz
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11:54.34EmessApple Mail is by far the best mail client I have ever seen or used
11:54.34Martiiniyess .. if only kde4 became as good as apple OSX
11:54.42MartiiniWoz has retired .. hasnt he
11:54.43EmessMartiini: you mean kde3.5
11:54.56Emessif 3.5.11 was using Qt4, I would probably stick with KDE
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11:55.14annmaEmess: ???
11:55.16MartiiniWoz must have billions in Apple shares .. he has no incentive to develop anything
11:55.31annmaEmess: 3.5.11 using Qt 4 is KDE4
11:55.44annmacalm down
11:55.59Emessannma: no, KDE4 is "everything I hate about metacity, compiz, and explorer, done in Qt4"
11:56.04murrcossEmess: jop, 3.5 is much nicer ;)
11:56.11Emessmurrcoss: yes <3
11:56.16psteynkde 4 rocks
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11:56.22[mors]does kde4 follow the conventions ?
11:56.32[mors]I have some non kde apps which can't detect the right programs to open certain files, nor recognize the proper date formats, and I've setted up everything on system settings
11:56.32pinotreewhich ones are you referring to?
11:56.40annmaEmess: you don(t knwo what you are talking about obviously
11:56.47EmessI have some Qt programs which DEPEND on oxygen
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11:56.55Emesswhich is the only reason I use kde4 in the first place
11:56.57annma[mors]: we do
11:57.03psteynshame you gonna be ok Emess?
11:57.08psteynwanna talk about it?
11:57.14Emessannma: how so?
11:57.15annmaQt programs which depend on Oxygen??? which ones?
11:57.19pinotreeEmess: oxygen is not a dependency for anything
11:57.22Emessannma: kdenlive
11:57.32Emessit rages if the oxygen icons aren't present
11:57.34Emessfor some reason :S
11:57.53annmaask your distro about it
11:57.53Emessnot like that matters tho, I just boot OSX and Premier/AFX :)
11:57.55pinotreethat's an icon theme
11:58.02Emesspinotree: I know, thats why its weird
11:58.30pinotreeand anyway, you can install the oxygen icon theme without anything kde4 bit
11:58.43Emessa desktop is meant to make using your machine easier, not get in the way
11:58.53annmaisn't kdenlive depending on kdelibs?
11:58.53Emessand plasma gets in the way a whole lot for me
11:59.08annmaEmess: use gnome or kde3 and be happy
11:59.21Emessannma: nfi, it installs fine under kde3 with kdelibs4 installed, but if oxygen is not the current icon set IN USE it spits out all sorts of errors
11:59.29EmessI did use kde3 until this started happening
11:59.37annmaso complain either to your distro or the author
11:59.40Emessand gnome no thanks, maybe Antico or AWM or OpenBox
11:59.48annmakdenlive is NOT in KDE official anyway
11:59.54EmessI know that
11:59.56annmaso I cannot check it
12:00.00Emessbut I said it was a Qt app, not KDE
12:00.06annmaso ask your distro or complain to the devels
12:00.12EmessI dont think its my distro problem either way
12:00.21annmahere we support KDE official progs
12:00.35pinotree(kdenlive is a kde4 application, FYI)
12:00.55annmaso oxygen icons should be installed
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12:01.24Emessidk if I even want to deal with linux anymore really, I'm getting tired of the instability :/
12:01.41annmago deal with Vista
12:01.48Emesswindows is even worse :)
12:02.04Emessmore liek go deal with BSD or OSX, or Solaris if I feel like destroying my morale
12:02.47annma[mors]: can you elaborate on your problem?
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12:05.13brotEmess: if you like to have fun with osx than take your favourite usb-stick and plug it in and out real fast.
12:05.22vbgunzis powerdevil the power management application for a desktop also? I just don't think it works :(
12:05.38brotthat was enough to get system freezes with osx.
12:05.52Emessbrot: I don't particularly LIKE OSX, I just happen to like its mail client and how adobe products are actually stable and usable
12:06.02annmavbgunz: elaborate
12:06.12Emessalso what part of kde4 manages that lockin screen after inactivity, powerdevil?
12:06.29vbgunzannma: I have a desktop. is powerdevil supposed to work on one or only notebooks?
12:06.38Emessmy screen randomly goes black when that happens and I can login but nothing comes up for like 20 minutes unless I shift VC or something a few times :S
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12:06.54annmavbgunz: ?
12:07.30vbgunzannma: under services it states its a laptop power manager. I have several options in powerdevil talking about battery life and lid, etc
12:08.00annmaand what does not work on your desktop then?
12:08.17vbgunzanyhow, I have "When power button pressed" set to "suspend to ram" but if I tap power on my box, it doesn't suspend to ram. it sort of shuts down all together (not hold for 4 seconds)
12:08.32[mors]annma: I have to check first if it's the application misbehaving
12:08.39[mors]would be odd if it was kde :p
12:08.40annma[mors]: OK
12:08.49annmakeep me informes
12:08.57vbgunzalso, I've set it to sleep in 1 minute. stood around to watch and 15 minutes will pass until my ordiinary screensaver kicks in :/
12:09.29vbgunzI can go to sleep overnight while it is set to sleep in 60 minutes and I will wake up and it never slept
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12:09.57vbgunzI believe personally no matter what I do to try and tweak up my power management I am doing it in the wrong application.
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12:11.01[mors]annma: are $LC_TIME and $LC_ALL meant to do anything ?
12:11.07vbgunzits so bad in fact I was honestly no joke (not saying to say) was thinking about uninstalling it because I just don't think it works in any capacity. under services it says running. I am convinced this is a notebook/laptop only power management application. is it not?
12:12.02annma[mors]: you should explain better your problem
12:12.14annmathose are env vars, not freedesktop stuff
12:13.00TyposuI'm getting hal "rejected message" messages when kde tries to use powerdevil features, How do I fix it?
12:13.55[mors]annma: the application developer rely on the $LANG to find out the locale from which they should extract the date formats. I've setted up my localte as Portugal in System settings>Regional & language, but $LANG still returns en-US.UTF-8
12:14.28annmaSystem Settings is for KDE apps
12:14.47annmait sets the $KDE_LANG variable
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12:15.21annmait relies on you having the KDE translations installed
12:15.44annmawhat app are you talking about and does it have translations installed?
12:16.59vbgunzI just deleted every profile in powerdevil. set lock screen to 1 minute. going idle
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12:17.34kushal_12_27_200I tried to run openSuSE with KDE 4.2 on Parallels 4 on a MacBook running Tiger (10.4.11) I was unable to get the screen resolution right on the live CD ... Do you suppose it is a problem with KDE or with Parallels? Thanks
12:18.16[mors]annma: it's Opera
12:18.23[mors]from one of the Opera guys.
12:18.26[mors]Opera uses the standard C90 strftime function to get date/time formatting. It's something that every Unix system has. It has nothing to do with
12:18.59annmaso set LANG to pt_PT
12:19.21annmanot sure how this has to do with KDE
12:19.29Typosuim wondering if anyone knows how to get powerdevil to function correctly. all it gets from Hal is "Rejected send message" errors in logs.
12:20.04[mors]annma: why does KDE sets KDE_LANG and not LANG ? LANG is the defacto standard used by ALL apps
12:20.17[mors]ALLs as in, ALL that seem not to be KDE ones
12:20.36annma[mors]: to use a translation you need it installed first
12:20.38Typosumy user is in the powerdev group as google suggests would fix this...
12:20.54annmado you have Opera Pt translation for a start?
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12:21.28[mors]annma: opera pt is unrelated, i'm talking about date formats
12:21.40vbgunzI've tried going idle not interacting with my box in anyway 2 times now and both times. powerdevil will not lock the screen in 1 minute
12:21.45vbgunztrying again
12:21.46annmayou're talking about lots of stuff [mors]
12:21.53[mors]annma: and BTW, $KDE_LANG is empty
12:22.07annmarestart you question then
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12:22.16annmaabout sate format where? how? what's wrong?
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12:23.08[mors]annma: i'm currently talking about date formats. Opera uses strftime, which relies on $LANG. When changing the locale on KDE system setting, kde does not change $LANG, nor creates $KDE_LANG. Where should applications get their locale info ?
12:23.20*** join/#kde Frando_ (
12:23.29annmaKDE does not set Opera format
12:23.35annmaKDE sets KDE formats
12:23.38murrcossdoes anyone know something about keyboard-shortcuts can block the keyboard?
12:23.48annmaso Opera and KDE are unrelated
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12:24.20[mors]annma: where does KDE store the locale info?
12:24.37annmaKDE locale info is for KDE proges
12:24.41[mors]annma: it's not Opera format, it's strftime, C90 standard format, used by many unix apps
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12:24.50dokmahey guys. my numlock key is inverted. is there a way to revert it to proper behaviour?
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12:24.59dokmathat's in kde in the ttys it's ok
12:25.28annma[mors]: format is set by your distro for your Unix apps
12:25.58annmahow do you change the locale in SystemSettings?
12:26.08[mors]annma: what you're saying makes no sense... so kde stores all it's setting to itself, and if I have an application which is non-Qt/on-kde it will not integrate
12:26.23annmaKDE stores only KDE settings
12:26.27annmanot all settings
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12:26.33annmawhy would it
12:27.02vbgunzheh, no joke. I set everything for 1 minute in powerdevil and nothing happens after 1 minute. the powerdevil service is running. kded4 crashed I think the first time. could this have something to do with it?
12:27.21Typosuit seems dbus broke stuff
12:27.29Typosuor at least thats the hint I've gotten.
12:27.59Typosuthey changed some policy which means apps have to install some new file to get it to work properly again
12:28.02[mors]annma: do you have a sinlge clue of what I'm talking about ? gah...
12:28.07[mors]annma: thank you
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12:28.15annmaI am a kde devel [mors]
12:28.25annmaplus a translator
12:28.29vbgunzTyposu: you're saying powerdevil is broken?
12:28.35[mors]annma: System Settings>Regional & language -> you can set locale there !
12:28.36annmaso I do have a clue about KDE system settings and locale
12:28.38vbgunzim convinced it is
12:28.38Typosuno, Im saying dbus broke powerdevil
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12:28.53Typosuits dbus's fault from what I can see.
12:28.59vbgunzheh, nothing breaks. something breaks something else :/
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12:29.00arekmis looking for "grep -E 'okular.*pdf' /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache" output on kde4 system
12:29.22pinotreearekm: looking for what?
12:29.29Typosuvbgunz: not true, but generally people strive to not change policies on widely used interfaces.
12:29.44vbgunzis there a manual way to associate my powerbutton with "suspend to ram"?
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12:30.10arekmpinotree: output of that command
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12:30.14annma[mors]: do SHift F1 to read help in this systemsettings module
12:30.17pinotreearekm: what for?
12:30.18Typosuvbgunz: probably with khotkey or something.
12:30.23Typosuassign a key to a pm comman
12:30.27annma[mors]: it says it's for KDE apps only
12:30.37arekmpinotree: to see if there are kde4/blah.desktop or kde4-blah.desktop entries
12:30.41JackTop_vbgunzdo you run hal with dbus ?
12:30.51vbgunzJackTop_: I think so
12:30.58pinotreearekm: what is your real problem?
12:31.09vbgunzJackTop_: I only think so because I was running through something and saw hal as the only option one sec
12:31.30JackTop_vbgunz are you using evdev with xorg ?
12:31.31arekmpinotree: that opera tries to open kde4-blah.desktop file while there is kde4/blah.desktop file (when dealing with opening pdf)
12:31.35arekmpinotree: happy now? :>
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12:31.43vbgunzJackTop_: under hardware "power management backend" ... its the only option
12:31.53Typosuvbgunz: I might have a fix...
12:32.06vbgunzJackTop_: how do I find out, just looking at xorg.conf?
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12:32.25vbgunzunder module?
12:32.39vbgunzdbe, extmod, type1, freetype, glx
12:32.45pinotreearekm: yes, telling the problem is always better than asking for unuseful questions
12:33.20arekmpinotree: these are useful question for me, that's why I ask them, so, could you paste output of that command?
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12:34.11vbgunzJackTop_: whats the deal with evdev and xorg?
12:34.35JackTop_hmm, that is a bit thorny, i just found about all this stuff this morning.  but the new way of doing things is to run hal/dbus as demons, then configure hal to detect your mouse and keybard, and then in xorg use nothing for input devices.  i had a similar problem with not all my buttons on the mouse being detected.  there is however a quick test you can do.  run an application called xev, and see if something happens when you press the power button.
12:34.40vbgunzJackTop_: going through my xorg.log I can see it has been loaded
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12:39.07[mors]annma: in which file does KDE store file type associations ?
12:39.48pinotreearekm: it gives the result you expected
12:40.27arekmso "/" not "-" ? ok, thanks
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12:42.03Erenhi folks, is there anyone using KMail with a mail alias?
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12:42.37ErenI've been using Gmail POP3 service. I have an alias and I want to send e-mails to the appropriate mailing list with that alias
12:43.09ErenI haven't figured out how to send/get e-mails to/from alias :)
12:44.21vbgunzI just installed cpufrequtils hoping it would kcik powerdevil in the ass... I think powerdevil kicked cpufrequtils in the scrotums instead
12:44.31pinotreearekm: come to #kde-devel and ask dfaure
12:44.46GraveDiggervbgunz: and it did epically
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12:47.46JackTopvbgunz: sorry i had some probs with this laptop :)
12:48.10vbgunzI just went to get coffee. 2 minutes idle... nothing... maybe a name change is in order? mofodevil?
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12:48.25JackTopa question you are talking about the powerbutton on the keyboard right ?
12:48.50vbgunzor how about, we-didnot-break-it-they-did-devil?
12:49.33JackTopeven though i think the powerbutton on the case also acts as an input device when pressed briefly
12:50.01GraveDiggerevent device that is
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12:51.00vbgunznot sure how to set it up as "suspend to ram"... it does something just doesn't suspend to ram... I think it borks and is trying to suspend to disk or hybrid instead... I just got suspend to ram working flawlessly so far
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12:52.10vbgunzhow do I restart kded4?
12:52.48vbgunzkillall kded4; kded4 ?
12:53.41GraveDiggerlog out and log in again
12:53.53vbgunzthats not cool :(
12:53.59vbgunzdamn :/
12:56.21JackTopvbgunz: ah, then you're issue is something completely different to what i'm talking about.  afaik for suspend to disk to work you need a swap partition equal or bigger than your system ram...
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12:57.01vbgunzJackTop: I have 6GB ram, a 12GB partition
12:57.32JackTopvbgunz: 12gb swap ?
12:57.35vbgunzI actually blew out a Windows Server 2008 partition by trying to resize it with gparted...
12:57.42rmrfchikhi, I have two identical key shortcuts for copy in kmail (Ctrl-C). Each time I press Ctrl-C kmail complains it has two identical actions and do not perfom copy.
12:57.48rmrfchikHow to remove one binding?
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12:58.05vbgunzJackTop: yeah man, anything to get suspending to work :)
12:58.21vbgunzI just got powerdevil to actually work
12:59.20vbgunzI installed cpufrequtils *but* had to run $ sudo killall kded4; kded4 & .... that worked for me. powerdevil for the first time ever actually locked my screen in 1 minute... am going to try locking in 1 and suspending in 2... will brb
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12:59.49vbgunzI did that because kded4 died on me in this session and powerdevil, khotkeys, etc refused to work for me
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12:59.58vbgunzam going to test it again in a minute
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13:01.58vbgunzwell, here we go... (joker)
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13:04.22JackTopa quick question.  just waited for fsck to finish on a 1 TB drive, and there was some corruption in the .kde4 dir.  since it's a relatively new installation, all i need to do is delete .kd4 and it will be recreated.  right ?
13:05.16JackTopdon't mind loosing anything mail or configuration related, since i just installed it a few days ago, and have all the important stuff in another home
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13:05.50TindorJackTop, it's quite safe to delete it then
13:06.10Tindorand everything will be ok, if you're sure you won't miss anything
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13:11.13JackTopthanks tindor, and thank god it seems like my fs is ok, no idea why it got corrupted.
13:11.27arekmuhm qt-x11-opensource-src-4.5.0.tar.gz slowly downloading, faster mirror welcome
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13:25.50fbe_Hi where can I find the (git/svn/whatever) repository for kdebluetooth4? thx
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13:31.30rmrfchikhi, I have two identical key shortcuts for copy in kmail (Ctrl-C). Each time I press Ctrl-C kmail complains it has two identical actions and do not perfom copy.
13:31.31rmrfchikHow to remove one binding?
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13:35.13lhgergocan you tell me, 3.5.x series will be countinued after the 3.5.10?
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13:42.37JackWinterwhat is the best way to migrate your data from kde 3.5.10 to 4.2 ?  just copy you old .kde over to the new account and let kde do it itself, or to import data from each application ?  really just is email/accounts/addressbook/calendar/bookmarks.  irc and all the other stuff might even be better to configure one by one..
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13:45.10_RedGhost_Hi there
13:45.17_RedGhost_I see some 4.2.1 packages out there
13:45.26_RedGhost_any chance of finding release notes?
13:45.49excalibasHow do I is stop the mouse scroll from switching the desktop?
13:46.52Jucato_RedGhost_: it's not officially released yet. those packages are considered pre-release and might still change (for example, a crucial fix was added a few hours ago)
13:46.54JackWinter_RedGhost_: i think you have to wait until the 5:th for the official release :)
13:47.18_RedGhost_no dist-upgrade for me then :)
13:47.37_RedGhost_4.2 works like a charm anyway (mostly)
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13:50.53pielgrzymhi peeps
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13:51.28pielgrzymI'm replacing my good'old kde3 with latest kde4. will it reuse old config files or should I rather make a new dir?
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13:55.04vbgunzwell. I got powerdevil to atleast do something when a certain amount of time is up *but* cannot get it to intercept the power button nor does it intercept the "suspend to ram" menu item in kickoff :/
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13:59.40damadahi, I have some very strange mouse cursor corruptions lately, on a dual screen setup (don't know if this is important). I *think* it's triggered if the cursor is on a screen edge for some time, but I can't tell for sure
14:00.01damadachanging the cursor theme didn't help, I still get the corrupted cursor after some time... I think the trigger is to have it at a screen border for some time... Here's some shots I took with my lousy cellphone camera:
14:00.39damadathe graphics driver is radeonhd, the screen layout is being done with xrandr
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14:04.33AuthorityAnyone know how to trigger the KDE logout sequence without clicking the logout buttons (and no, I don't want to do ctrl+alt+bksp)
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14:05.45shadeslayerusing the power button??
14:06.20shadeslayeryou can use kpowersave to configure your buttons
14:06.53Authorityshadeslayer: thanks, I'll take a look at kpowersave
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14:11.41ld50KDE4.2 can be built against QT4.5, right?
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14:13.44ld50and is it a good idea? or does KDE4.2 have any hacks/workarounds for Qt4.4 bugs that don't make sense against Qt4.5?
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14:22.30Kenjiroguys, should quanta plus come with kdewebdev?
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14:23.29excalibasHow do I is stop the mouse scroll from switching the desktop?
14:23.37JackWinteri'm on kde 4.2.1 on arch now.  any chance that the 4.2.1 release will have <MergeDir>applications-merged</MergeDir> in /etc/xdg/menus/ ?  otherwise all my wine applications appear in lost & found
14:24.19KenjiroJackWinter: do you have all kde-4.2.1 packages installed?
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14:25.38Typosuso I mostly got my suspend issues worked out. now its just pm-suspend being difficult. won't use kernel mode suspend, only uswsusp which happens to not resume properly.
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14:29.07JackWinterKenjiro: i had this problem with 4.2.0, and adding the above line fixed it.  i just upgraded to 4.2.1 tagged and had to redo the edit to  i'm not sure if i have all packages (arch noob), but i think i do...
14:29.46JackWinterany specific package ?
14:30.09KenjiroI just wanted to know if you have kdewebdev installed and then... if you have quanta plus
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14:30.40Kenjiro(which, as far as I know, should come with kdewebdev)
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14:32.28JackWinterkdewebdev 4.2.1 and i don't think i have quanta.  no package names so, nor a man page ?
14:32.55JackWinterKenjiro: ^^
14:33.12KenjiroJackWinter: quanta should be part of kdewebdev.
14:33.20Kenjirotry running it (execute quanta)
14:33.29JackWinterdoes not execute
14:33.35Kenjirohmmmmmmmmmm as I thought
14:33.39KenjiroJackWinter: ok, really thanks
14:33.50JackWinternp, happy if i can help
14:34.08Kenjironow I have to find  out what I have to fix so to have quanta working here
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14:40.46JackWinteri've fixed my xorg.conf and now get all 12 buttons in xev.  how do i assign them to different functions in kde 4.2.1 ?
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14:41.47JackWinteror do i have to assign them to X events ?
14:43.31coubeatczechhello, do you know how to adjust apearence of kde apps, when I do not use tem in kde, but in different WM...?
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14:45.30pinotreecoubeatczech: use kcontrol (kde3) or systemsettings (kde4)
14:46.03coubeatczechpinotree: thanks
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14:49.22thiago_homeJackWinter: mouse buttons?
14:50.59JackWinteryeah, i have a lot of buttons on this mouse, as an example i can tilt the scrollwheel horisontally so would like to use that for horisontal scroll.  i have other buttons i'd like to use for backwards/forwards, i have a wheel for zoom, etc.
14:51.10jthomas_My friend's KDE4 doesn't have all of the applications in the menu, like KDEnlive isn't there but it runs from [alt][f2].  How do we update his menu?
14:51.14JackWinterthiago_home: ^^
14:51.53thiago_homeJackWinter: you can't use them in Qt applications, since Qt only recognises up to 5 buttons only
14:52.00thiago_homethat includes the wheel up and wheel down
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14:52.38JackWinteroops, so any workarounds ?
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14:54.16mountainjewcan anybody wireless rt73usb locks up my whole system whenever i upload....then i gotta reset and usually get hdd corruption from it :(
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15:05.04OxDeadC0deodd, I finally got KDE running again, but the damndest thing keeps happening.. control, alt, and shift are (At random without me touching them) being held down, usually (but not always) pressing them all will "cure" it for a bit (a bit being 10 seconds to a minute). Makes it very difficult to use =|. Symptoms appear in both ubuntu 4.2 and nightly-neon(Both up to date).. Qt problems maybe?
15:05.20OxDeadC0debut not in gnome
15:05.29thiago_homeI doubt it
15:05.31OxDeadC0de(And I hate gnome, sorry for the newlines)
15:05.33thiago_homeit usually is X's fault
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15:05.52thiago_homeor some weird interaction with a keyboard-grabbing application
15:06.07OxDeadC0dewell I did do some very stupid things while inhebriated involving trying to overwrite 4.2 with svn at one point, that bombed, finally got it all back and reinstalled everything
15:06.08thiago_homeit grabs the keyboard and doesn't let the app see the KeyRelease event
15:06.24OxDeadC0debut I don't even press it for it to happen so how does it get a keyPressed event?
15:07.02thiago_homeoh, without touching?
15:07.08thiago_homenow that's something I've never seen
15:07.19OxDeadC0dealso, kded was using 100% cpu last night
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15:07.39OxDeadC0deI think something is still broken (Like I said, i gave myself some "dll-hell" trying to replace 4.2 with svn)
15:08.08OxDeadC0deI think I still have qt-copy with patches applied installed over ubuntu's qt too
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15:09.07l0calh0s1Is possible to set dpi manually?
15:09.07thiago_homel0calh0s1: you shouldn't do that
15:09.07thiago_homeit's possible, but you shouldn't do it
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15:09.51l0calh0s1i want using clear type and turner's patches :/
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15:11.03thiago_homeI don't know who turner is
15:11.09ld50some times I have duplicate systray icons: is it a known problem?
15:11.09thiago_homein any case, DPI is a calculated value
15:11.11OxDeadC0deugh I think I'll have to nuke my main partition, if nobody has any ideas =|. but need cables for my external hard drive to do it
15:11.28thiago_homeit's the screen resolution divided by the screen size
15:11.35l0calh0s1thiago_home: david turner.
15:11.55thiago_homeif you want to change the DPI, you ought to change one of those two parameters instead (e.g., get a bigger or smaller monitor)
15:11.58thiago_homel0calh0s1: never heard of him
15:12.01l0calh0s1thiago_home: but fonts in 91 dpi sesolution or 92 looks better that in 96dpi
15:12.02thiago_homewhy do you want to set the DPI?
15:12.19OxDeadC0delame, arora can't load that imageshack image =|
15:12.34thiago_homeld50: which one?
15:12.48l0calh0s1becouse i used fonts settings on gnome by manual settings, and imho kdes fonts are ugly..
15:12.57ld50thiago_home, the blue xchat icon should be smplayer's icon
15:13.08thiago_homeld50: why?
15:13.14thiago_homel0calh0s1: KDE default fonts are the system fonts
15:13.28thiago_homel0calh0s1: blame your distribution for not choosing proper default settings (or for screwing them up)
15:13.46thiago_homel0calh0s1: and, like I said, DPI is calculated.
15:13.48OxDeadC0deld50 the plasma team is working on a whole new system tray applet that should cure a ton of problems
15:14.19ld50thiago_home, well, it is smplayer's icon, it's just the image that is wrong
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15:15.12thiago_homeld50: and why do you think this is the systray's fault?
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15:17.28ld50thiago_home, I didn't say that, but it happens with other applications too, sometimes, so it might be KDE's/Qt's fault
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15:31.09ld50OxDeadC0de, are you using Qt 4.5?
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15:32.15ld50I just updated to Qt4.5 and that arora/imageshack issue is now gone
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15:34.35l0calh0s1i hate kde 4.2 :/
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15:35.01l0calh0s1there is no way to configure fonts by mine
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15:35.13l0calh0s1on gnome fonts looks great
15:35.19BeteNoireit works for me
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15:35.22l0calh0s1on kde terrible
15:36.05l0calh0s1ugly fonts
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15:36.05ociomaxl0calh0s1: what are you talking about?
15:36.14ociomaxare you ever seen systemsetting -> appeareance -> fonts??
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15:36.18pielgrzymhi peeps
15:36.21l0calh0s1about fonts antyaliasing in kde 4
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15:36.41l0calh0s1pielgrzym: pielgrzymkujesz?
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15:36.54pielgrzymperhaps here someone will know the answer - kde 4.2 - after logging in (via exec startkde) I get an empty screen with checked backgroud :|
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15:37.01pielgrzyml0calh0s1: wkurwiam sie moja dystrybucja ;P
15:37.15pielgrzyml0calh0s1: gentoo
15:37.15l0calh0s1kubuntu? :D
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15:37.43l0calh0s1ah, then you should imho try change xorg.conf or install other version of drivers
15:37.45pielgrzyml0calh0s1: 11 jebanych godzin budowania kade (184 pakiety) i chuj a nie kde ;)
15:37.58l0calh0s1pielgrzym: bo kde to chujstwo straszne
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15:38.02l0calh0s1zaraz nas wyjebia :D
15:38.04pielgrzyml0calh0s1: well, all other wm's just work (awesome, xfce, openbox)
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15:38.19pielgrzyml0calh0s1: yup, I think so too, but I wanna new amarok ;)
15:38.33l0calh0s1amarok2 sucks more than new kde ;P
15:38.35pielgrzyml0calh0s1: just for some c++ practicing ;)
15:38.51pielgrzyml0calh0s1: for now - yes :) it's not mature enought ;)
15:39.08l0calh0s1also you can use windows to c++
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15:39.16l0calh0s1try mpd and sonata
15:39.31l0calh0s1or ncmpc <3
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15:39.45l0calh0s1offtopic ;)
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15:40.25l0calh0s1ociomax: i want manualy set my configuration
15:40.36l0calh0s1but its so hard for me
15:40.38pielgrzyml0calh0s1: oh how those suck. I don't wanna flame, but those are useless. nobody cares about queue managemen. collection browser is a shit etc
15:40.56BeteNoirestraszne, kurwa
15:41.11pielgrzymBeteNoire: nie straszne - chujowe :]
15:41.11l0calh0s1no, ze ja pierdole
15:41.18pielgrzymjak cale mpd
15:41.22ociomaxl0calh0s1: systemseetings -> appeareance -> fonts -> antialiased -> configure
15:41.25pinotreeenglish please
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15:42.01l0calh0s1ociomax: yes, but i still gets fonts looking antoher from gnome's fonts
15:42.21pielgrzymah, it seems to be plasma issue of some kind - when I run 'plasma' on plain openbox I get the stinking checked background :|
15:42.24l0calh0s1on gnomei using cleartype and patcher for it
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15:42.46l0calh0s1pielgrzym: remove openbox :)
15:43.30pielgrzyml0calh0s1: errr? you did not quite understand me :]
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15:43.47ociomaxl0calh0s1: mine are ok, using Fedora 10 and KDE 4.2
15:43.51ociomaxunder gnome too
15:43.58l0calh0s1ociomax: :/
15:44.01ociomaxi've changed DPI
15:44.26ociomax120 PPP
15:44.44l0calh0s1u never seen nice looking fonts :P
15:44.59*** join/#kde dusty_ (
15:45.51ociomaxl0calh0s1: then show me some nice fonts
15:45.55l0calh0s1ociomax: that is my gnome looks:
15:46.44l0calh0s1Try compare this with kde default fonts antyaliasing settings.
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15:47.08l0calh0s1try to
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15:47.51l0calh0s1Its old screen, now ive got better looking fonts :D
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15:49.29ociomaxl0calh0s1: this is (was) my desktop
15:49.29ociomaxnow it's better :)
15:49.29ociomaxfor me, this fonts are ok
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15:49.47l0calh0s1i must sing up
15:50.26l0calh0s1Omg, for what they want my name....
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15:50.48lilltigeryahoo is just stupid..
15:51.46lilltigerand it blocks right klick to view the image as well.. and no enlarhge image..
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15:52.02lilltigerwhy do people use that service.. it sucks
15:52.02l0calh0s1ociomax: so that is default fonts, and for me its looking... worse that my fonts settings
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15:52.21l0calh0s1lilltiger: why peaople use nasza-klasa?!
15:52.34JackWinteranyone else wanting to use more than 5 buttons with their mouse check out btnx.  works great with evdev and kde.
15:52.36l0calh0s1sorry for my mistakes, i am tired.
15:53.00lilltigerl0calh0s1: what is nasza-klasa? :D
15:53.22ociomaxl0calh0s1: i don't understand what exactly do you want
15:53.45ociomaxl0calh0s1: change the font? better antialiasing? what??
15:54.19l0calh0s1ociomax: fonts have some types of rendering/looking
15:54.29*** join/#kde utdmr (n=utdmr@
15:55.00l0calh0s1and linux by default use not cleartype
15:55.09lilltigeruse the dejavu fonts if you have an tft and want AA
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15:55.20l0calh0s1so i want cleartype in kde4
15:55.28l0calh0s1but its impossible to get it.
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15:56.02lilltigerl0calh0s1: try the dejavu fonts
15:56.38l0calh0s1this is the same fonts like sand
15:57.39lilltigerdejavu looks better
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15:58.21l0calh0s1lilltiger: antyaliasing is not "aka clearype"
15:58.23l0calh0s1lol ;d
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15:58.56l0calh0s1Its a way..
15:59.38lilltigerif you want to know what it is..
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16:00.20oneforallhi what is it I can run on an app.desktop to find out why its not working ?
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16:00.46lilltigerand KDE gives you that in it's AA settings for the fonts, and with the font DejaVu you get eaven better result then you get in windows
16:00.56oneforallkde 3.5.9
16:01.03l0calh0s1Fuc. hotkeys
16:01.22l0calh0s1lilltiger: that is one way to get antyaliasing
16:01.28l0calh0s1- cleartype
16:01.46l0calh0s1nvm ;)
16:02.02oneforall/usr/bin/update-desktop-database usr/share/applications  this just showed me I had /usr/bin/update-desktop-database usr/share/applications >/dev/null 2>&1  O.o :)
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16:10.27ld50_does qtcreator come with qt-copy?
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16:11.32Jucatoafaik, no. it's shipped separately, like in Qt upstream
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16:17.44Phoxiscan anyone help me on a networkmanager and a system-config-network problem?
16:17.48Phoxisi went to #fedora
16:18.01Phoxisno one answered it , i waited for 2 hours
16:18.17Phoxisit is a simple problem, and it is as below
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16:19.05Phoxisi have configured an xDSL connection in fedora 10 with system-config-network and checked that it will not come up at boot time and also it will be controled with NetworkManager
16:19.20Phoxisbut it doesnot shows in the network manager's DSL connection's list
16:19.28Phoxiswhat might the problem>?
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16:22.32Phoxiscan anybody hear me
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16:23.22BouEarth to Phoxis: we can hear you
16:23.40Phoxisthanks, i though i have some connection problem
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16:25.10Jejem<Phoxis> i have configured an xDSL connection in fedora 10 with system-config-network and checked that it will not come up at boot time and also it will be controled with NetworkManager
16:25.39annewPhoxis: wired connection?
16:25.41JejemNetworkManager handles xDSL connections ?
16:25.52Phoxisi created an xDSL connection
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16:26.01Phoxisit should show under the DSL tab
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16:26.30Phoxisthe eth0 is showing in which i configuered (the System eth0) from system-config-network
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16:27.55annewPhoxis: if NM is going to control it, it's better to edit the connection from the NM interface, IMO
16:28.12Jejemi agree with annew
16:28.22Jejemdon't use fedora's tool at all
16:28.28Phoxisi agree too, but why is this happennig
16:28.32Phoxisthat is the question
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16:28.59Phoxisi use neither nm nor systen-config-network, i use cmdline
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16:29.08annewNM works for my wifi
16:29.17Phoxisthis is strange that the guide in fedora unity says doesnot works
16:29.24Phoxisfor me
16:29.30annews-c-n is probably best if you are using a static box but
16:29.40annewNM is good for laptops and roaming
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16:30.00Phoxisi have a ADSL connection with dynamic ip
16:30.10Phoxisso what can be the problem, ay idea?
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16:30.21annewso do lots of people :-)
16:30.24annewshould be fine
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16:30.39anneweither take out NM control
16:30.45annewor configure it in NM
16:30.50annewdon't mix the two
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16:31.00Phoxisi want to mix, and thats the question
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16:31.30annewthey have different strengths
16:31.37annewand weaknesses
16:31.38Phoxisi can create a connection through pppoe-setup , system-config-network, and nm , and connect separately
16:31.52Phoxisbut using s-c-n with nm dont work
16:32.09Phoxisthey should have compatibility
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16:32.25oneforallhey when I  use the edit menu in my user account shouldn't the app.descktop goto ~/.kde/share/applnk/?
16:33.55annmawhen you add an entry?
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16:34.19alpha_one_x86hello, I have a question, what's about wifi and kde 4.2 ?
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16:34.39annmaalpha_one_x86: most distros have their own wifi tools
16:34.54annmaif not, they should
16:34.59Jucatooneforall: afaik no. KDE follows the fd.o spec on menus. so they go to ~/.local/share/applications/
16:35.31oneforallah thanks . why is it some are put in that link I said ?
16:35.31Jucatoleaves the world to annma
16:35.37alpha_one_x86yes but I search unifed and integrated wifi tool for kde 4.2 (like wlassistant or like in windows XP)
16:35.37annmahey Jucato
16:35.42annmadon't leave me!!!
16:35.58annmaalpha_one_x86: what for?
16:36.12oneforallis it like the default go there and the ones the user makes goto .local
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16:36.23Jucatooneforall: not really sure if applnk is still used (or officially recommended)...
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16:36.27annmaare you constantly moving and connecting to free wifis?
16:36.33Jucatoanyway.. gone...
16:37.17alpha_one_x86For have graphical tool, the iwconfig is in all distro, and I want/should have GUI tools in KDE in system setting for begginner
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16:37.40oneforallExec[$e]=kompozer  made it with this but the org one I have errors out and never shows up in the menu
16:37.46alpha_one_x86And for me: don't use iwconfig in cl
16:37.54annmaalpha_one_x86: what distro are you using?
16:38.08annmaah that explains
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16:39.16alpha_one_x86annma: But I thinks for (it's in spirit of KDE 4) don't change soft between all disto who use 4.2 have unified tool
16:39.43annmapersonally I don't think it as a part of a desktop
16:39.51annmaI see it as a distro tool
16:40.01dashcloudhi, has anyone else successfully compiled+used the mplayer phonon backend here:
16:40.07annmaknetworkmanager will come soon for you however alpha_one_x86
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16:40.33alpha_one_x86Not me, KDE integraten webbrowser, ... network ethernet tool but NOT wifi tools?
16:40.39pinotreedashcloud: #videolan
16:40.54annmajust do it alpha_one_x86
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16:41.02annmawe provide what we do
16:41.25alpha_one_x86I work on avdanced copier for KDE4 (ultracopier), I can't all do
16:41.36annmawhat module is that in?
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16:42.15annmayour code
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16:42.52oneforallCould not parse file '/usr/share/applications/kompozer.desktop': Invalid key name: Exec[$e] strange user makes it with that but global its a nono eh O.o
16:42.52alpha_one_x86not included in the main line, for near...
16:43.03annmaah OK
16:43.17annmathe network thing is in playground somewhere, check it out
16:43.22alpha_one_x86for next week I hope
16:43.26annmaand ask for wifi if not
16:43.42alpha_one_x86ok, on kde bugs?
16:43.46annmaas I said my distro has tools for all that so I did not check it
16:43.55annmaah no
16:44.00annmadirectly to the devels
16:44.05pinotreethe network management gui actually do manages wireless....
16:44.09annmakde bugs is overkill for stuff in playground
16:44.26annmaI thought so but was not sure
16:44.40annmaalpha_one_x86: just check it out
16:44.41alpha_one_x86pinotree: no or where?
16:44.48annmait's in working state
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16:45.08alpha_one_x86annme: oki, then it's planned for KDE 4.3?
16:45.17annmaalpha_one_x86: probably in playground/network go have a look through websvn
16:45.24annmaand get it
16:45.31pinotreeno, playground/base/networkmanager
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16:45.58annmaah yes
16:46.10Half-LeftNetwork manager for KDE4.x is actually in some distros that are in dev mode, i.e Kubuntu
16:46.12pinotreealpha_one_x86: i don't understand your question; but, NetworkManager manages wireless as well
16:46.28oneforallweird now I remove [$e]  and rerun /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -v /usr/share/applications  and it not even showing up :(
16:46.31alpha_one_x86and about the stable version? I thinks it's ok in KDE 4.3? no?
16:47.29Half-LeftWell yes because it's being used in distros right now during there testing, so yes
16:47.37*** join/#kde bo0ts__ (
16:47.39spicausisthere's this weird problem with recent trunk of kde which I can't figure out; basically nothing really would like to start from the krunner (alt-f2), e.g. dolphin won't run. in the same time, when started from console or application menu, it starts just fine
16:48.08alpha_one_x86pinotree: yes but no avaible under gentoo for kde 4.X, and in pannel we can see all for manage the ethernet connexion but no for the wifi, the begginer thinks (I thinks) check it in system setting -> network settings
16:49.12pinotreealpha_one_x86: you're confusing things, as NetworkManager is NOT that control center module
16:50.00spicausisif I run "dolphin 2>/tmp/err" it shows a reasonable debug log, nothing about missing libs or anything I could expect
16:50.10oneforalldarn making a app.desktop file for the packages some times works and sometimes it just wont show up in the menu O.o
16:50.41oneforalltry looking at other ones and it looks right too
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16:52.04pinotreeoneforall: it has no categories
16:52.44alpha_one_x86pinotree: no I have see that's, but i thinks KDE should have module in network setting for wiki like modules wired network
16:53.16pinotreealpha_one_x86: do you read what i said before, or not?
16:53.32pinotreedo you know knetworkmanager?
16:53.38Half-Leftalpha_one_x86: As I said, some distros backport this already, it maybe part of 4.3, maybe
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16:55.04alpha_one_x86pinotree: yes I know, but I prefered modules in system setting pannel
16:55.26pinotreeand some people don't
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16:57.39alpha_one_x86Yes but for people we want, it's planned (as second solution) ... it's that's my wish and question
16:57.57pinotreewe cannot have everything just people want everything
16:58.06pinotreesomething has sense, and something else no
16:58.51Half-LeftSome people choose to listen to what they want as well
16:58.53*** join/#kde Ace2017_- (
16:58.56oneforall tried like this and still nope O.o
16:59.40oneforall/usr/bin/update-desktop-database -v and no error and its not listing
17:00.00alpha_one_x86pinotree: do you thinks if I develop the module it's can be include in the main line, or I need do that's just for me (or as external packet)?
17:00.03pinotreeoneforall: forget update-desktop-database, it has nothing to do
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17:04.31bo0ts__Hi, I use KDE 4.2 on arch64. Some apps behave strange. For example Akregator can't archive feeds and starts up with "unable to loadstorage backend plugin "". no feeds archived". Any ideas where to look for solutions?
17:04.35annmabeginners do not use Gentoo anyway
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17:04.43oneforalldarn one stuborn thing :(
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17:06.29JKac3BEqhi, i have a lot of text files that i need to quickly scan through and delete if necessary.  does anyone know of a program that works like that?
17:06.50bo0ts__grep + rm
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17:07.49Phoxisis there any book on qt4 programming except C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4
17:07.58paehow do I set options for kde3 programs from kde4?
17:08.06paeprograms like amarok and krusader?
17:08.20annmapae: you run kde3 kcontrol
17:08.31annmadepends what options
17:08.42annmaapp-specific options are in app config dialog
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17:08.55oneforallannma whats is it I need to run for it to show up in the menu . I even tried the update tool and its not finding it(global kompozer.desktop)
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17:09.08thiago_homepae: each program has its own configuration dialog
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17:09.22thiago_homepae: for KDE-global settings, use the KDE-global programs. In KDE3's case, that's kcontrol.
17:09.25paehmm, I don't have that in my distro... I want to set doubleclik for opening files in amarok files tab, and disable the hand icon when over a directory in krusader
17:09.39annmaoneforall: ?
17:09.42*** join/#kde Greyhound- (i=Greyhoun@
17:09.56annmaoneforall: I did not follow your question
17:10.27oneforallwell its installed to /usr/share/applications/kompozer.desktop but its not showing in the menu
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17:11.15annmaoneforall: did you run kbuildsycoca?
17:11.19annmais it kde3 or 4?
17:11.24annmais lost*
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17:14.03alpha_one_x86annma: sorry, yes but it's for go too way no specific distro desktop, imagine wifi tools of windows XP under KDE, it's not serious, it's like firefox with engine and settings ie
17:14.55oneforallyeah just did and still its no where on the menu
17:15.09alpha_one_x86And if i do the crasy (I'm french sorry for my english), no solid needed because it's distro specific, same for bluetooth, for pluged in device, ....
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17:15.21annmaoneforall: explain from beginning: what's kde-config --prefix and what do you install
17:16.10annmaalpha_one_x86: just check this knetworkmanager and if you don't like it, write the devels
17:16.16vbgunzwhat exactly is happening when you click on "suspend to ram" in kickoff? whats being called?
17:16.19annmaemails in all files
17:16.22thiago_homevbgunz: HAL
17:16.33annmaoneforall: kompozer: what is that
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17:16.52oneforalllike nvu with bug fixes
17:17.03vbgunzthiago_home: I guess what I am after is how do I change what it does or tweak what it does? e.g., /etc/acpi/ ... is the file to be tweaked in there?
17:17.07annmaso you compiled it?
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17:17.15alpha_one_x86annma: yes it's configure the wifi, but it's not in KDE
17:17.28annmaalpha_one_x86: it is in KDE
17:17.34annmait's in the making
17:17.35oneforallyes . just having trouble getting the desktop file to work and have it show up inthe menu
17:17.42annmado you think things are done magically?
17:18.06annmaoneforall: pastebin the desktop file
17:18.17alpha_one_x86annma: ok, I don't konw that's. If it's included in KDE it's perfect
17:18.30thiago_homevbgunz: not a KDE question. You need to ask HAL people.
17:18.41annmaalpha_one_x86: it's in the process of being included
17:18.45alpha_one_x86(I have need just do the right module for system setting and it's all)
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17:19.00vbgunzthiago_home: ok, what do I need to do to tweak what the actual kickoff menu option does/.
17:19.20thiago_homevbgunz: talk to HAL people.
17:19.26alpha_one_x86and about k3b or other package for burn? In progress to include?
17:20.12pinotreek3b is not part of kde releases, and its author asked so
17:20.48Half-LeftBurning cd/dvd, so stone age :p
17:20.50vbgunzthiago_home: I understand that... I can change all the shortcuts except for those, etc. is there a file to change what those links do now?
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17:21.04thiago_homevbgunz: those aren't links. Those are system calls to HAL.
17:21.15thiago_homevbgunz: they are hardcoded as system calls
17:21.26alpha_one_x86ok, thanks for all
17:21.38vbgunzahh. damn ...
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17:22.39oneforallnot even showing up in an other user acount
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17:23.43Phoxissuggestion needed: should i start learning Qt4 or wait for Qt5
17:24.55Half-LeftStart learning Qt4.x
17:24.58thiago_homePhoxis: that depends. How long can you wait?
17:25.17thiago_homeif you can wait 3-5 years or more, wait for Qt 5
17:25.20Phoxisif the syntax differs too much then it would be a problem
17:25.34Phoxisoh , 3 - 5 years
17:25.38Phoxisthen i will start Qt4
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17:26.46annmawhere is this Kompozer from? url?
17:26.51annmaoneforall: ^^
17:27.00annmasounds really badly done
17:27.15annmaicon path hardcoded in .desktop file!!!
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17:28.33oneforallthey don't have one . I have that in audacity.desktop and others and they all work .
17:28.48annmaso that explain
17:29.01oneforallwhy is it one doesn't :)
17:29.12annmaI suggest you get a KDE desktop file as template
17:29.34annmawhy is it one doesn't???
17:31.00blip-hi all,  my system has become slow recently so what I did was create a new user account and I started copying over only specific config files.  I copied over .evolution and some of the kde configs for Amarok.   for some reason this is having no effect at all... when I start evolution or Amarok on my new user account they give me the new user welcome screen as if they don't see my configs.  what's happening ?    thanks
17:31.06blip-I use KDE3 btw
17:32.20annmaoneforall: next time you'll explain straight away that you made up the desktop file
17:32.48oneforallok I got it looks like it was StartupNotify=False had true
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17:33.09oneforalland I took out Application from Categories=Development;
17:33.20annmado not hardcode icon path
17:33.25oneforallI did at the beginning
17:33.34NoirSoldatsHello all, I'm using KDE4.2, having a problem with sounds not playing in IM clients (Kopete or Pidgin) all the time.. Sometimes they work, most of the time they don't.. they seem to work more reliably if I've freshly booted the system and haven't played other sounds yet.. but once I start my audio player or play a video or website audio they don't work anymore in the IM client.. Seems to me like a multiplexing issue.
17:33.45oneforallwhy ? that works
17:33.53annmathat works for you
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17:34.07annmaif it's only on your system OK but not for distribution
17:34.43annmathat told me it was a fishy file
17:36.33oneforallok where is somethign that explains the Categories part . All you can use in there and where it'll end up . like if your making the package so its will show up in a kde menu system or a gnome etc
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17:40.11annmathey have the standard specs
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17:43.29oneforallshouldn't that be at kde some where for the basic app.desktop files
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17:44.34blip-hi,   is .kde/share/apps/amarok the only place where amarok config files are stored ??    I copied over that directory to a new user account but I just get a default amarok when I start it up.  must I restart the system
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17:46.34tstaerkblip-, look if there is a .kde4
17:47.04tstaerkshare/config/amarokrc - does it exist?
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17:47.29tstaerkand /usr/share/config/amarokrc (system-wide)
17:47.41tstaerkor /usr/local/share ...
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17:48.27blip-tstaerk: I'm in kde 3
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17:50.19blip-tstaerk: thanks that worked
17:50.30tstaerkis happy
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18:00.20the_phello. why does kmail not show the priority of the emails?
18:01.18cubashi, is there any way how could I set size of app icons in taskbar panel? the icons next to the kde button
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18:02.08cubasthey are too big and too far from each other, but I can't find any settings for this
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18:03.21lucas__cubas: KDE version please
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18:06.36lucas__cubas: they take the size of the panel..
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18:08.53cubaslucas__, I've got the panel size for having two rows of windows in taskbar, which is essential for me
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18:09.49lucas__cubas: so if you want the icons to be smaller you can add a kpanel applet
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18:10.05lucas__cubas: to place icons in it
18:10.15lucas__then change its settings
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18:14.47cubasthank you
18:15.43lucas__cubas: yw
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18:16.40Kenjiroguys, I tried this question this morning but didn't get any response. So I try again now: Shouldn't Quanta+ come with kdewebdev?
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18:17.18pinotreequanta is not ported to kde4 yet
18:17.44NTAuthorityoh, oops, wrong channel
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18:19.40lucas__the_p: version please
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18:20.46the_plucas__: kde 4.2.0
18:21.04the_plucas__: kmail 1.11.0
18:21.10lucas__the_p: not implemented
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18:21.39lucas__the_p: (yet)
18:21.56the_plucas__: ok. thanks for the info.
18:22.03lucas__the_p: yw
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18:24.13tuxickwhat's the story with kmail popping up kwallet dialog on another desktop, i believe sometimes even under other windows?
18:24.24tuxicknot to first time i think it simply crashed
18:24.46NTAuthoritydoes kontact 4.2 (or whichever is the latest) still look as cluttered like 3.5?
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18:27.14sparrhow can I make kde listen to mouse buttons and the keyboard to keep the screensaver at bay, instead of just mouse movement?
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18:32.59[mors]hi folks
18:33.28[mors]in which files does KDE4 store the current locale (the user chooses in the system settings) and in which file does KDE4 store file type associations ?
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18:44.55Kenjiropinotree: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thanks (about quanta)
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18:57.19AnonycatWhy would I be getting the message "There was an error loading data providers" whenever I try to get hot new stuff?
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19:03.15josh-lhi, trying to use plasma theme glassified, the panel isnt that whiteish clear that it should be... help?
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19:08.08NoirSoldatsHello all, I'm using KDE4.2, having a problem with sounds not playing in IM clients (Kopete or Pidgin) all the time.. Sometimes they work, most of the time they don't.. they seem to work more reliably if I've freshly booted the system and haven't played other sounds yet.. but once I start my audio player or play a video or website audio they don't work anymore in the IM client.. Seems to me like a multiplexing issue.
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19:22.30cumulus007how to show an each monitor another workspace?
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19:23.02hagabakaugh, some widgets get squeezed by other widgets when they're placed in the same panel
19:23.07UnixOneI've just compiled the latest kernel and it's very speedy and works well. But I've got an error in the console when typing dmesg. I don't know if I should consider this as harmfull or not..
19:23.09UnixOneI've got no error in $dmesg except nepomukservices[4955]: segfault at 4 ip b7d4d7e2 sp bfb53db0 error 4 in[b7cfa000+225000] And I've read that it has something to do with java.. maybe it's gone on the next reboot..
19:23.11*** part/#kde [mors] (
19:23.26hagabakait would be nice if widgets in panels can be positioned and sized freely like on the desktop
19:23.31cumulus007UnixOne: my nepomuk crashes here all the time
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19:24.17UnixOnecumulus007: which version of nepmuk do you have?
19:24.19Half-Leftcumulus007: 64bit?
19:24.32UnixOnehowto check the status of nepomuk?
19:24.37Half-LeftAhhh, it's your java then
19:24.50UnixOneyes, that's what I read ..
19:24.58UnixOnemaybe related to openjdk
19:25.04UnixOneor sun-java
19:25.06cumulus007I have Sun's stuff
19:25.10UnixOnethat's why
19:25.14cumulus007erhm, do I?
19:25.25UnixOneat least. that's what I've read on google...
19:25.35cumulus007yes, I do
19:25.53Half-Leftwonders why his windows dont focus on click anymore and only focus on clicking the window boarder
19:26.00UnixOnecumulus007: you can uninstall sun-java and install openjdk to see if the error is gone. (use the 64bit version)
19:26.08cumulus007I dislike openjdk
19:26.25UnixOnecumulus007: if the error is gone, try to install sun-java again and see if it's related to that problem
19:26.27cumulus007and I'm not dependent of java, so I'll wait until it gets fixed ;)
19:26.30UnixOnecumulus007: me too
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19:26.51UnixOneUnixOne: I'm dependant of it ;) I'm coding java apps.
19:26.58Half-LeftSeasame backend in 32bit works fine with Java
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19:28.28UnixOneHalf-Left: I have 32-bit
19:28.48Half-LeftShould be working fine then really
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19:29.31UnixOneI will reboot and see if the error is gone. If not uninstall sun-java. reboot.. if not install openjdk see if the error is gone and report back here ;)
19:30.05UnixOnereboot is very fast now. maybe due to the new kernel. Or due to my slim installation with Ubuntu-terminal-server-cd
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19:30.31UnixOnewill reboot. cu
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19:40.44UnixOneAll errors fixed :)
19:41.28UnixOneI just disabled #kernel.maps_protect = 1
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19:42.42UnixOnecumulus007: I've no more a problem with nepomuk :P
19:42.48cumulus007I see
19:42.55cumulus007I'm too lazy to reboot my computer
19:43.16UnixOnecumulus007: maybe it's fixed due to the reboot or due to the variable I disabled in /etc/sysctl.d/10-process-security.conf
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19:53.58sub___hibread, can someone help me with a k3b issue? It won't read some of my .cue files although they seem correct to me. error message "seems not to be a usable image" can I get a more detailed error? what doesnt the parser like in my cue file?
19:54.02sub___hi I mean
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20:03.39hagabakawhat is the "internal extender container" widget?
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20:06.35Ace2017_-is it possible to make kde4 write all configs when they are changed?
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20:07.02Ace2017_-something locked up and i lost most of my kde config, plasma, konversation and kwin settings are gnome
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20:08.24gohmifunewhat's responsible for power management under 4.2?
20:09.07PuffTheMagicis there a way to enabled composite in kwin with out going to system settings -> desktop
20:09.15PuffTheMagicis there a cli command or atext tile i can edit?
20:10.02hagabakathere's a plasma applet called "Toggle Compositing", in ubuntu the package plasma-widget-toggle-compositing
20:10.31hagabakayou can probably do it from command line with dbus, but i don't know the command
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20:10.53gohmifuneare their any known notification issues with power management?
20:11.41lastofthewolvesne problems here
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20:13.22gohmifunelastofthewolves: are you on a desktop or a laptop?
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20:14.08lastofthewolvesgohmufune: I'm on a HP Compaq laptop
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20:15.45call_me_KI'm so sorry
20:16.41gohmifunelastofthewolves: do you know off hand, what percentages you warning messages appear?
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20:18.01jad4hi guys
20:18.28jad4I can't login on the dot using my gmail username
20:18.29lastofthewolvesgohmifune: 15,10 and 5 I gueass
20:18.39jad4is openID login supposed to be working?
20:18.54jad4or are not all gmail addresses valide opnID logins
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20:19.17jad4or do I need to do something for my gmail address to be a valid openID login....
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20:21.20gohmifunelastofthewolves: I'll tray those, my warning messages were later, and just suspect that it thinks my batteries are dropping out to early or something. Thanks
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20:23.00ulathhmm.. hat jemand ne ahnung wo sich der kmix in kde4.2 startet? bei mir öffnet er sich nach jedem login. jedoch ist im autostartordner nix zu finden und es wird immer eine leere session geladen
20:23.17ulathund er soll sich nicht öffnen :)
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20:23.50lastofthewolvesulath: und warum nicht?
20:24.54drostieDoes anyone know how to get KDE 4.2's network management settings to work with the Eduroam network?
20:25.00ulathweil ich den hdspmixer meiner rme multiface II benutze
20:25.09ulathmit jack
20:25.43cubasis it possible to configure taskbar and system tray applets ?
20:25.49ulathund es nervt den jedes mal weg zu klicken
20:25.52cubasicon size etc.
20:25.53kdepepo#kde-de ?
20:26.01cubaskde 3.5.10 for german talking
20:26.11pinotreeotherwise, english here
20:26.40drostiecubas: other than by right clicking them, not so much.
20:27.15drostieAt the very least, is there online documentation for the new Network Manager?
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20:28.02cubasdrostie, rightclicking throws entire panel configuration options...not for the particular applet...quick launcher has got it's own right-clicking menu
20:28.53drostiecubas: if you right click e.g. the system panel, you should get an entry saying "System Tray Settings...", which is what I was referring to.
20:29.54drostieBut if you're trying to get it to stop automatically filling up space, good luck. There's no spacer widget in KDE 4.2 by default, and I found it very difficult to compile the ones at
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20:30.05cubasdrostie, so that's might be kde >4 feature...nothing like this on 3.5
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20:30.19drostieAh, yes, sorry.
20:30.55drostieYou said so clearly, but I somehow missed it. My apologies. ^^;;
20:31.13cubasI wouldn't mind, but t is the last part where icons are too big, last part I need to change...
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20:35.44csgeekis there an amarok build for windows at this point? .. if so. how stable is it?
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20:39.31call_me_KI run 0% windows, but last I knew Amarok 1.x was ported to windows and ran perfectly
20:40.38call_me_KI don't think 2.x has been do to a lack of interest as far as project maintainance goes, but I could be wrong. Maybe you should just read the Amarok web site?
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20:42.04lastofthewolvescsgeek: check or
20:42.53drostie:-/ so nobody knows of any documentation source for the 4.2 network management?
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20:46.28BekirHi EveryBody
20:47.28Half-Leftdroog62: What network manager would that be?
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20:50.28drostieHalf-Left: The new one in KDE 4.2. The "Network Management" plasmoid that acts as a partial frontend to the GNOME network-manager package and stores its settings at ~/.kde/share/{apps,config}/networkmanagement.
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20:51.09Half-Leftdroog62: There is no such thing that comes with 4.2
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20:51.44call_me_Kthere is a knetworkmanager plasmoid
20:52.07drostieI'm not talking about knetworkmanager, but yes, that exists too.
20:52.12drostieBroken as it is.
20:52.13call_me_Klast I'd heard it was a WIP and last I tried it it was obviously so
20:52.14Half-LeftNot with 4.2
20:52.33Half-LeftIf you have it's from your distro
20:53.39*** join/#kde Blubbel (
20:53.59Half-LeftKubuntu alpha ships with the network manager plasmoid
20:54.04*** join/#kde sven_oostenbrink (n=sven@
20:54.28Half-LeftHas nothing to do with the official 4.2 release
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20:55.17call_me_Knetwork manager is also availalbe in suse's kde factory repos, but once again it's not a part of kde 4.2
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20:57.21call_me_Kas a unreleased WIP it may not have docs. As a part of kde-docs, I can assure you it's not on the TODO to write one so it's probably not anywhere near ready for release
20:57.27ruedigerI have a problem with KDM. I want KDM to run ~/XSession or xinitrc when I log in. The documentation says that there should be session called "Custom" to do that. But there is no such session type and it's not hidden as far as I can see (and even unhiding it didn't work). How can I use "custom" as a session type or is there another way to make kdm run xsession/xinitrc?
20:57.31call_me_Kor it's a 3rd party plasmoid
20:58.01ruediger(I'm using KDE from Kubuntu 8.10 backports. so it's a KDE 4.2)
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21:02.15Half-Leftruediger: xinitrc is used by startx command to load the DE
21:03.06ruedigerbut I want to use KDM and not start x from the terminal :)
21:03.20call_me_Kxinintrc is started via rc, not kdm. details I can't provide you with as I run openSUSE witch uses init.d instead of rc for runtime control, but neverthelessKDM doesn't "run" xinitrc, it's started by the runlevel control in rl5
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21:03.34drostieHalf-Left: ok. Found the trunk/playground page for it. You're right, then.
21:03.41Half-LeftWhat do you want to do exactly?, login to where?
21:04.01Half-Leftdrostie: I know I was :p
21:04.10ruedigeri want to login as a normal user and KDM to run ~/.xsession
21:04.19ruedigerand not to start KDE or anything else :)
21:04.36Half-LeftSo you want to login with just a terminal?
21:04.40call_me_Kruediger: you're saying you want a KDM login at boottime vs the command line?
21:05.07ruedigerHalf-Left: no. the xsession starts the window manager I want to use
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21:05.45Half-Leftkde safemode doesn't run anything, just a terminal if you want to know
21:05.50ruediger <-- I want the "custom" type. But it's not in the session type menu
21:06.17call_me_Kyou want a full graphical, network supported, multiuser environment, aka runlevel 5
21:06.43call_me_Kummm.... oh
21:07.15call_me_KI have that option
21:07.28flabrhi there...i run kde 4.1 with suse 11.1 and compiz fusion...dont know why but in Configure Desktop --> Display --> Refresh is set to 50Hz instead of Auto...if I change to Auto and then save...when I go back there is 50 Hz again...any ideas why i cannot save as Auto?
21:07.49call_me_Kdon't know how to traslate it from suse "sysconfig" to "normal linux" though
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21:09.24DarkMaci`m using kde 4.2.0 and at login screen (xdm) is see my name and right beside the username
21:09.24call_me_Knot to mention I never use it
21:09.42DarkMachow can i put it back as was before
21:09.49DarkMacto show only the name
21:10.02Half-LeftWe dont support xdm
21:10.19call_me_Kwhat he said ^^
21:10.47DarkMacdo you support kdm ?
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21:10.55call_me_Kkdm is fully themable via KDE control center
21:11.05Half-LeftWell yer, ofcourse :p
21:11.20call_me_Kset up KDM, and you can easily tweak it to your heart's desire.
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21:14.03ruedigerhmm I guess I'll just create my own session type, then.
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21:19.21DarkMaci still cant get rid of that thing
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21:20.11tsbI'm 99.99999% certain this can't be done, but here goes; is it possible to kwin to somehow remember which firefox-window was on which desktop? I usually have 3 firefox windows, each on different desktops. I have to distribute them myself on every startup..
21:21.34Half-LeftDarkMac: You mean you want to use KDM instead of xdm?
21:22.06DarkMactsb: right click a window toolbar-click advanced then choose special application settings
21:22.34DarkMacclick desktop...then choose remember from combo list
21:22.42DarkMacand then choose desktop number
21:23.02DarkMacHalf-Left: lool... no no... i know how to do that
21:23.18kdepepotsb, make sure you differentiate the windows somehow... by title etc.
21:23.23DarkMaci dont even know how to explain (not a native english speaker)
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21:23.38DarkMactsb: read above
21:23.45DarkMacHalf-Left: in kdm
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21:24.11DarkMaci have the Name and also the username displayed sidebyside
21:24.34DarkMacsomething like : DarkMacdarkmac
21:24.46DarkMacbefore...there was only DarkMac
21:25.07DarkMacit was only the name displayed in that list
21:25.29DarkMacnow i have the name AND the username displayed
21:25.38DarkMachow do i revert that?
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21:26.07DarkMacdid you understood my issue Half-Left?
21:26.09Half-LeftCustomize the login manager in systemsettings
21:26.59DarkMachow? cause every settings i do there it doesnt change anything....
21:27.00*** join/#kde TheWoozle (
21:27.15DarkMaci`ve unchecked Use theme greeter
21:27.28Half-LeftNot sure then
21:27.29DarkMaci`ve choosed a gui style
21:27.33DarkMaca gui theme
21:27.43DarkMacbut it doesnt apply tem
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21:27.59Half-LeftMaybe it's the theme itself
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21:28.51tsbDarkMac, right, I know that, however won't that just force all 3 firefox windows on some desktop? I want 3 different firefox windows on 3 different desktops! and they all have a dynamic title..
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21:40.04ByteMe_hello all
21:41.33ByteMe_Trying fedora 10, I just made the switch from kubuntu
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21:43.00blip-hi all,  can the KDE3 panel be run outside of KDE ?   I want to run it inside openbox as it's the best panel I've found so far
21:43.27boom1992just start kicker
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21:44.53ByteMe_I just went to change the theme from Oxygen to Elegance and the kicker vanashed
21:44.59ByteMe_any way to get it back?
21:45.36blip-boom1992: ok that worked,  I'm pretty surprised though with the low memory usage.  I ran KDESystemGuard and it shows VMRss to be 16MB.... my other panel that I have running is called FBPanel and is using 22MB as shown in VMRss.   nice :)
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21:46.35boom1992blip-: power of kde... no kidding... dunno where it hangs ;)
21:47.03blip-wait,  I just realized this isn't very different from my previous setup where I ran KDE/openbox session ie ob becomes the wm and KDE the rest.    I've done the opposite now,   Openbox/KDE session,  lol several hours and I'm back in square one :)
21:48.19ByteMe_logging out to see it it resets
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21:54.45ByteMe_how to i remove installed programs in add/remove?
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21:54.56ByteMe_none of my software shows up
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21:59.19ByteMe_never mind
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22:11.46excalibashello, How do I change the soundcard to my usb soundcard? I have trye on the system settings/Multimedia and it works for everything exept for what I need that is the realplay. please help
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22:15.32jbwivhey guys...running kde 4.2 here. Does anyone have problems with plasma crashing like at least 3-4 times a day? It always (mostly) recovers, but I'm wondering if there's a fix I'm not aware of. This is on Ubuntu Ibex...
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22:16.35chris-rc1i am trying to run kaffeine (which worked until yesterday), but now i get an error message that says "cannot find xine_part in search path". it is installed though
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22:20.00Pconfighey, anyone else got problems building kdesupport from trunk?
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22:39.09GhabitHello. How to change kdm background? At systemsettings I have message 'the background cannot be configured separately in themed mode' at Background KDM page.
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22:39.49chris-rc1does anybody know the kde search path?
22:39.52KenjiroGhabit: disable the theme in KDM then
22:39.55chris-rc1kaffeine, sorry
22:40.35GhabitKenjiro: How I can do it?
22:41.58KenjiroGhabit: too bad I am not in front of my PC now, otherwise I could help you for sure :(
22:42.36Kenjirobut if my memory serves me well.. there should be a check box you can UNCHECK, disabling the theme in KDM
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22:44.11GhabitKenjiro: Found, thanks! X)
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22:45.59Kenjirono problem
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23:09.16mini-man_are those the "old" oxygen icons?
23:09.29mini-man_in the previews
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23:19.05kdepepomini-man_, yep, that website is four years old ;)
23:21.18excalibashow do I stop the external screen from shutting own when I close my laptop?
23:21.34DirkGentlyexcalibas: bios setting maybe?
23:22.10GhabitHello. I'm looking for virtual keyboard for kde4, advise me please.
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23:26.58kibabAny ideas why, when I have power management enabled in my account, my monitor doesn't shut off after XX minutes, but under a different account (that never enabled power management) it shuts off correctly?
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23:28.46kibabDid the ability to follow links in konqueror by doing /textThatIsPartOfALink [enter] disappear, or is there a setting for that now?
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23:30.31caotic_is there any way to locate the mouse cursor in the screen with a keystroke ? like a visual alert or something ?
23:31.06scoobaspeazi know there is a compiz setting for that
23:31.17scoobaspeazbut you have to enable compiz for it to work
23:31.45scoobaspeazthe compiz setting makes a ripple effect around the cursor when you hit a certain key stroke
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23:32.53caotic_mm anything for a non compiz machine ?
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23:36.26echoesopensuse 11.1 x86_64/kde 4.2.65/intel core 2 duo 3.33ghz. nepomukservicestub is eating nearly 100% (of both?) of my CPUs somewhat often. is anyone else experiencing this?
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23:39.19jad4_hi guys
23:39.28jad4_I have KDE 4.2.1 opensuse packages installed
23:39.42jad4_and got a bug on the dock in the panel
23:39.49caoticsorry I went offline, anbody with suggestions for finding the mose cursor in a non compiz machine ?
23:40.08jad4_should I report that at novell's or kde's bugzilla?
23:40.58hpladdsIn KDE 4.1 my Dolphin only displays in full-screen. Any idea how to reset
23:41.01*** join/#kde excalibas (
23:42.16kibabjad4_: what is the bug?
23:42.33jad4_kibab: most icons are not displayed on the dock
23:42.45kibabjad4_: nvidia drivers?
23:42.55jad4_kibab: such as kmix, kopete, klipper or skype
23:43.15jad4_kibab: amarok 1.4, knetwork manager works fine
23:43.26jad4_kibab: well might be but it was working with kde 4.2.0
23:43.40jad4_kibab: oh and I'm ATI :P
23:43.56kibabjad4_: I see that problem all the time with nvidia-drivers and non-qt applications (eg. gtk)
23:44.41echoesmaybe this is my nepomuk problem:
23:44.52jad4_kibab: well like I said... I have ATI
23:45.01jad4_kibab: and it was working before the update...
23:45.02echoesalthough i don't suspend ever as i'm on a desktop pc...
23:45.09jad4_with kde 4.2.0
23:46.43kibabjad4_: you might try 'Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"' in xorg.conf (for ATI), but I'm not sure if it's the same issue
23:47.33kibabechoes: I've seen it eat all my processor, but I'm not sure if letting it run would to completion would have resolved it
23:47.46kibabechoes: I ended up disabling it
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23:48.14echoes@ kibab. me either.
23:48.39echoesi just let it run to completion, seems to be fine now. so is it indexing?
23:49.22echoesi mean when it eats 100% cpu (or near that), its indexing right?
23:49.43kibabechoes: mine was.  I presume it will only index newly modified files once it's completed... but with no processor left, I wasn't going to give it that much freedom
23:50.23echoesi love using locate. one must run updatedb too, is/was kio_locate ported to kde4?
23:50.34kibabjad4_: oh, and I think that might just be for the binary ati drivers, but I'm not sure
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23:50.58Mescalit1^excuse me
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23:51.13Mescalit1^i need to repaint a notification
23:51.17Mescalit1^after it's already been displayed
23:51.20Mescalit1^i updated the text in it
23:51.29Mescalit1^does anyone know if this is possible or how to do it?
23:51.38echoesunrelated question. prolly will sound stupidly simple, but how do i blacklist kmix from startup?
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23:52.03Mescalit1^you can't black list it, just remove it from your autostart
23:52.21echoesit isn't in my autostart but it autostarts!
23:52.45jad4_kibab: actually nevermind it's kde 4.2.0 I got confused
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23:52.55jad4_kibab: so it must have been the Qt update
23:53.11echoesdidn't kmix used to have an option "Don't start uplogin" or some equivalent?
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23:56.45tsbHow can I turn off composition from the cli? I'm guessing I would do it through dbus.
23:57.29Mescalit1^you can probably do it through dbus, i'll check
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23:57.58yao_ziyuani posted a screenshot to please vote for me!
23:58.12Mescalit1^tsb: qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin
23:59.18Mescalit1^seems you can query it but not set it

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