IRC log for #kde on 20090110

00:00.30*** join/#kde gionny (n=gionnybo@unaffiliated/gionnyboss)
00:01.37gionnyI am using ArchLinux with the kdemod repo and, after last update (kde 4.1.4), Dophin "Paste" menu item and ctrl+v shortcut is always disabled, even if there is something to paste and I have write permission in that folder.
00:02.06gionnyis this a known KDE bug? or is it maybe a bug due to the repo I am using?
00:02.22gionnyI would just like to help KDE developers if this is a bug to be solved
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00:03.04*** join/#kde GerbilSoft (
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00:06.39liberviscomeh you people have a really funny definition of "stable" software..
00:06.56liberviscogoes back to GNOME after hours setting up KDE4 for nothing
00:07.01*** part/#kde libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco)
00:07.32pinotreeyou have a funny definition of "patience", dear
00:11.14*** join/#kde bwayne (
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00:13.58WishMasterNNDHow did he manage to need hours in order to set up KDE 4?
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00:17.25animeloeWishMasterNND: easy
00:17.39animeloeit's called DIALUP MODEM+80386
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00:31.28mfilipeis there any irc client for kde4?
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00:35.35animeloeLinking CXX shared library ../../lib/
00:35.35animeloeCMakeFiles/smokeakonadi.dir/x_2.o: In function `x_Akonadi__AgentInstanceCreateJob::doResume()':
00:35.35animeloex_2.cpp:(.text._ZN33x_Akonadi__AgentInstanceCreateJob8doResumeEv[x_Akonadi__AgentInstanceCreateJob::doResume()]+0x5c): undefined reference to `KJob::doResume()'
00:35.39animeloeand more stuff like that
00:35.46*** join/#kde kronic (n=blowfish@
00:35.50animeloekdebindings svn (wed)
00:35.55*** part/#kde Dario_Andres (
00:36.44kronicwhy doesn't kde recognize two separate video modes with twinview?
00:36.55kronicinstead it creates one large video mode
00:37.14*** join/#kde marc_collin (i=6014a5e5@gateway/web/ajax/
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00:37.46marc_collinwith kde 4.2 beta, i have some problem with powerevil.. when i close my laptop it's suppose to do suspend to ram... but it do nothing...
00:39.36*** join/#kde Lord^Anubis (n=anubis@unaffiliated/lordanubis/x-837129)
00:40.58Tanktaluswhy does the nepomukservices take up so much CPU time?
00:41.29*** join/#kde victorlf___ (n=victor@
00:43.26marc_collinbecause it indexes your files with strigi...
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00:59.12*** join/#kde fumanchu182 (
00:59.34fumanchu182are docs for 4.0 out yet?
00:59.57fumanchu182i find it painfully hard to add a shortcut to the panel, in fact i can't apparently a right click is not as intiuitive as it was in previous versions
01:02.40cb400ffumanchu182: you're using 4.0?
01:02.47*** join/#kde Mirra (
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01:04.32fumanchu182yes unfortunately, i am not here to bitch just to rtfm
01:04.39fumanchu182but there is no manual apparently
01:04.49fumanchu182i figured it out
01:04.51fumanchu182but it was painful
01:04.56fumanchu182as i had to switch to kick-off
01:05.01fumanchu182instead of being able to do it from kmenu
01:05.02pinotree(an update to kde 4.1 is strongly recommended)
01:05.15fumanchu182i actually think i am on kde 4.1
01:05.22fumanchu182is there a way of checking kde versions besides help?
01:05.29cb400fyou can drag items from kickoff
01:05.32cb400fto the panel
01:05.37pinotreefrom any kde application, Help → About KDE
01:05.38cb400fif widgets are unlocked
01:05.45fumanchu182yes but what about if i use kmenu?
01:05.48fumanchu182i can't drag anything
01:05.59*** join/#kde castingcrowns (
01:06.04cb400fwell.. that's not the official default
01:06.22fumanchu182so i am stuck with kickoff or have to switch to do a simple procedure
01:06.33fumanchu182and dragging and dropping from kickoff does not work
01:06.42fumanchu182i get a red circle with the line through it
01:06.45fumanchu182and no panel is locked
01:06.58castingcrownsWith kopete, when you recive a message from a buddy and the chat window is open, but not in focus. The task manager flashes for about 2 seconds. Is this a feture of kopete, or the task manager?
01:06.59cb400fsure it does.. just have to be precise in finding the place to drop
01:07.00*** join/#kde Tidus (n=tidus@unaffiliated/tidus)
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01:07.09fumanchu182well let me ask you this
01:07.18cb400fit's much better in 4.2 which is out in 2½ weeks
01:07.22fumanchu182do i have to be in the "edit" mode of the panel to drag and drop?
01:07.37fumanchu182is 4.2 gold or still in testing?
01:07.39cb400fnope.. you just have to find a free pixel to drop on
01:08.17fumanchu182found the free pixel point which is above the taskbar in a slight line
01:08.43fumanchu182but i assume there is no documentation available?
01:09.35*** join/#kde ninjaslim (
01:09.50cb400fdunno about plasma docs.. it's so rapidly changing anyway.. and with lots of different backports in different distros
01:10.18fumanchu182well i am on ubuntu 8.10 and it has older kde 3.x docs
01:10.43fumanchu182from 2002 lol
01:11.57*** join/#kde Psi-Jack (
01:12.12Psi-JackKMail from 4.2 beta2 is sig11'ing on start.
01:14.21animeloeanyone know about my compiling problem?
01:16.53*** join/#kde mschiff (
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01:22.22*** join/#kde kilt (
01:25.00kiltI use plasma applet "new device notifier" of kde4 to mount usb flash drive. I would like to modify default mount option for this kind of devices but I can't find where it is managed and even if it's possible to configure. Could you help me please ?
01:25.18Jucatoatm it's not possible to configure it
01:26.08kiltokay, that's why I can't find ^^   thank you for the quick answer
01:27.02*** join/#kde Tidus (n=tidus@unaffiliated/tidus)
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01:35.45ld50_I tagged a file, should't it appear in dolphin when i go to: nepomuksearch:/hasTag:"myTag" ?
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01:50.42*** part/#kde kilt (
01:54.27*** join/#kde Dhraakellian (
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02:00.57*** join/#kde Thundercloud (
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02:43.07*** join/#kde zak (
02:43.25zakIs the new today's nvidia update help the kde4 NVIDIA "bug"?
02:43.29zakdoes it*
02:50.07*** join/#kde DoctorPepper (n=kingsize@
02:58.27zakWould kde4.2 beta 2 be newer than kde 4.1.3 ?
03:00.35*** join/#kde Jejem (
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03:01.01*** join/#kde zubair (n=zubair@
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03:01.36PhlogistiqueHi there
03:01.46PhlogistiqueI've got a problem with my KDE
03:02.04PhlogistiqueThere are very short "stops"
03:02.16ld50_zak, yes
03:02.19Phlogistiqueevery 10 to 30 seconds approx.
03:02.38Phlogistiquewich I can feel when I play a video, a sound, etc.
03:02.58Phlogistiquethese "stops" do not occur when kded and kded4 are not running
03:03.16PhlogistiqueAnd I can prevent them by killing these two processes
03:03.39zakwhat are those processes?
03:04.22PhlogistiqueI imagine these processes hold a central role in communication between application
03:04.34Phlogistiqueand kio, etc.
03:04.48*** join/#kde alessiopardo (n=alessiop@
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03:05.09ld50_Phlogistique, what are you using to play videos?
03:05.11PhlogistiqueNepomuk and desktop effects are switched off
03:05.26Phlogistiqueld50_: mplayer. I get the same problem when playing stepmania
03:05.40PhlogistiqueI can try to confirm it with other players
03:07.32Phlogistiqueconfirmed with VLC
03:07.54PhlogistiqueDoes anyone else encounter the same problem?
03:07.58Jucatokded and kded4 are the central KDE (3 and 4 respectively) daemons/processes
03:08.17zakPhlogistique which kde?
03:08.20PhlogistiqueKDE 4.1.2 under Ubuntu
03:08.25Phlogistiquelast version
03:08.25*** join/#kde usman (n=usman@
03:08.43zaki have them sometimes on kde 4.1.3 under gentoo
03:08.52zakthought it was part of the nvidia bug
03:09.33PhlogistiqueMy system has an integrated Intel graphic card
03:12.00*** join/#kde tsukasa` (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
03:12.43PhlogistiqueOh, the problem does not happen when kded4 is killed and kded is still running.
03:13.10*** part/#kde usman (n=usman@
03:16.28PhlogistiqueThe problem seems to stop when kded4 is killed and then launched again.
03:16.38PhlogistiqueI'll try to confirm this one
03:18.50*** join/#kde doctorwhite (
03:22.31Phlogistiqueany idea ?
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03:31.34gionnynever had those problems with ArchLinux, neither in my pc with an nvidia card, neither in my laptop with an intel integrated card
03:31.38*** join/#kde syamcr (n=syamcr@
03:32.33syamcrHello all
03:32.45syamcrCan anybody please confirm a KDE bug for me..
03:33.16syamcrI am seeing this on Fedora. Arch Linux KDE 4.1 doesn't even have 'Set date / time automatically' option
03:33.55syamcrI want to know if the problem exists with KDE 4 shipped with other distros
03:36.48syamcrAnybody there..
03:38.29PhlogistiqueI'm there
03:38.33PhlogistiqueI'll try
03:38.44gionnysyamcr: in archlinux I don't have the option to set date / time automatically... that's because I installed openntpd instead of ntpd? I don't know...
03:39.00gionnysyamcr: I just have a daemon running that does it and that's all
03:39.57syamcrYes.. a friend of mine confirmed that it's not there in arch Linux
03:39.58syamcrI'm testing a debian based 4.2 live CD. The options is NOT there too
03:39.58animeloeI'm guessing no one here knows about my compiling issue
03:40.11syamcrDoes the option vanish automagically if ntp is not present?
03:40.14PhlogistiqueI confirm under Ubuntu 7.10
03:40.46zakanimeloe: what distro
03:40.52syamcrPhlogistique: Are you confirming the bug report? (repeated time servers)
03:41.02gionnysyamcr: I don't know... I have openntpd, but it is an ntpd replacement... uhm... maybe it is just a Fedora add to that dialog
03:41.41syamcrPhlogistique: Can you please check this too:
03:41.53*** join/#kde sonic (
03:42.02syamcrgionny: That's what I want to confirm too, before filing one in bugs.kde
03:43.11gionnysyamcr: actually, I don't know if I don't have it because it is not installed or I miss some package that this feature relies on or simply it is not included in KDE
03:43.17syamcrSince Phlogistique confirms the bug in Ubuntu 7.10 too, I guess this is indeed a KDE problem
03:45.35gionnysyamcr: probably I don't have it because I use openntpd instead of ntpd...
03:47.44syamcrgionny: So the availabilty of that option in system-settings is conditional!
03:48.54animeloerollyour own
03:49.52animeloeGNU C Library stable release version 2.8, by Roland McGrath et al.
03:49.53animeloeCompiled by GNU CC version 4.3.2.
03:49.53animeloeCompiled on a Linux >><< system on 2009-01-04.
03:51.01*** part/#kde stoned (n=stoned@unaffiliated/stoned)
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03:53.56gionnysyamcr: I really don't know
03:55.01*** join/#kde ClassFoo (n=ClassFoo@
03:55.02gionnysyamcr: it can be built-in in KDE and conditional (depending if you installed or not a package it depends too), but can be distro-specific, too. Both things are plausible, I just don't know which one it is
03:55.21syamcrgionny; Ok. thanks for the help
03:56.44*** join/#kde mf_ (
04:00.41gionnysyamcr: I guess you can open a bug report to KDE, too, as the Fedora developers suggested you... so you can see what KDE developers say
04:01.37syamcrgionny: I did just that..
04:06.24*** join/#kde shash_ (n=shash@amarok/developer/shash)
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04:13.16*** join/#kde Andre_Gondim (n=Andre@ubuntu/member/andregondim)
04:14.25*** join/#kde Xpert (
04:14.42XpertTenho uma duvida fatal no KDE 4.10
04:14.50Xpertexclui minha barra principal de baixo
04:15.07Xpertadicionei um novo painel mas ele foi pra cima e nao consigo adicionar os widgets corretos
04:15.12Xpertpara ficar como estava antes
04:15.23Xperte alem disso os itens minimizados nao aparecem mais na barra
04:15.27Xperto que devo fazer ?
04:15.29Xpertalguma dica
04:15.55*** join/#kde alpha66 (
04:18.51Xpertninguem ?
04:19.17Xperthere is an english channel ?
04:20.23Andre_GondimXpert, yeah, if you write in english, there is more chance
04:25.25*** join/#kde PSiL0 (
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04:51.24*** join/#kde g1lt (
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04:56.08*** join/#kde Gigantic (n=superwom@
04:56.44GiganticHow can I know if KDE4's sound system is using alsamixer or skiping it?
04:57.24GiganticKDE4 fail to use pulse or artsd or jack
04:57.39drantinkde4 uses phonon
04:57.44Giganticit always end falling back to NVidia CK804 with ALC850
04:57.52drantinyou can tell phonon to use other things
04:58.07Giganticyes, how do I know if phonon use alsamixer or skiping ?
04:58.21Giganticit fail to use anything else
04:58.33Giganticdevice busy device busy
04:58.39drantinafaik, the only two options for phonon are gstreamer and xine, each of which should be able to be set up to use pulse or alsa
04:58.49Gigantichow can jackd be busy, not posible
04:59.42Giganticchecking ~/.xine/config
05:00.16*** join/#kde kdepepo (
05:00.52drantinGigantic: check in systemsettings-> sound to see if it's set to use xine or gstreamer
05:01.18Giganticyes it is
05:01.22Giganticno problem
05:01.40Giganticall kde4 apps output to phonon right?
05:02.21Giganticproblem must be phonon-xine skiping alsamixer...
05:02.37GiganticI have no idea with: bool, default:
05:02.48drantinwhat does alsamixer have to do with anything? just have xine set to use alsa
05:03.29Giganticis skip alsamixer
05:03.39Giganticthat is the problem
05:03.49Giganticso the resource is busy
05:03.52drantinalsamixer is an application to set volume levels, other things don't access it like that...
05:04.33Giganticthat is a mixer
05:04.37*** join/#kde kde_pepo (
05:05.21drantinis xine set to use alsa?
05:05.31GiganticI told yes,
05:05.39Giganticbut is using hw mixer
05:08.42*** join/#kde kuadrosx (n=kuadrosx@
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05:09.07*** join/#kde AliTarihi (n=seleres@unaffiliated/alitarihi)
05:09.25Giganticty, I am looking at xine's now
05:10.25*** join/#kde crazy_pete (
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05:20.55*** join/#kde maazu (n=maazu@
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05:28.26Xperti have a problem
05:28.34Xpertanyone can help me in kde
05:28.40Xpertmy main pannel dissapeared
05:28.43Xperti wanna put it back
05:28.51maazuwhat version?
05:29.06maazuugh! sorry, i am with KDE 4.0
05:29.17Xpertisnt very similar ?
05:29.45Giganticjust right click the desktop
05:29.53Xpertadd pannel ok ?
05:29.53Giganticthere is an option about "add panel"
05:29.59Xpertand then which widgets ?
05:30.05Xpertthats the problem
05:30.07Giganticwhatever you want
05:30.21Xpertthe minimizated itens do not appear more in the pannel
05:30.29Giganticsystem tray
05:30.29Xpertwhat have i to do for appear again
05:30.38Giganticjust add systray to hat panel
05:30.48Xpertsystem tray
05:30.51Xpertand which more ?
05:30.58Giganticahtever you want
05:31.09Xperti want the way it was when installed
05:31.10Giganticyour choice
05:31.13Xperti know
05:31.16Xpertbut i m a novice
05:31.40Giganticwhatever you learn you learn it for yourself anyways...
05:31.47Giganticthere is an option to add a default panel...
05:32.16Giganticright click and instead of add panel you have add defaul panel
05:34.16Xpertbut why the minimizated icons do not appear anymore ?
05:34.26Xperti have to reopen the programs all the time
05:34.42Giganticadd system tray
05:35.23Xperti ve already added
05:35.28Xpertand the itens do not appear
05:37.18Giganticin a console add: killall -9 plasma ; rm -rf ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* ; sleep 10 && plasma &
05:37.23Giganticbe VERBATIM
05:38.05*** join/#kde Abhinand (n=kdemod@
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05:48.04*** join/#kde GSF1200S (n=poeticrp@unaffiliated/gsf1200s)
05:49.57GSF1200SI cannot get konqueror to remember its size when I close it. So if its fullscreen, than I close it, it opens up a small window again.. any ideas... konsole does it too
05:50.19maazui think that is desirable
05:51.08GSF1200Shmm.. really.. I dont remember doing this before..
05:51.40GSF1200Skate for instance will stay the size it was last time...
05:52.03Xpertrm -rf ~/.kde4/shar/config/plasma*
05:52.07maazugroupies needs autographing
05:52.09*** part/#kde maazu (n=maazu@
05:52.34GSF1200SXpert.. argh man.. im on kde3.. that an issue in here?
05:52.52GiganticXpert: I said verbatim
05:53.01Xpertwhat is verbatim ?
05:53.10Xperti dont know what is this
05:55.13Xpertcannot connect to the X server
05:55.26Xpertconnot find de D-bus session server
05:55.34Xpertpipe closed unexpectedly
05:55.55Giganticverbatim means: word by word
05:56.12Giganticdon't add anything dont omit anything
05:56.18Xpertyes i tryed verbatin
05:56.28Giganticif you skiped something it's your bad, restart it
05:57.20GiganticXpert: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace twice would make it easier
05:57.29Gigantictry that, X will restart
05:57.58Xpert1 (6687)
05:58.04Xpertthe error
05:58.37Giganticretry: killall -9 plasma ; rm -rf ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* ; sleep 10 && plasma &
05:58.45Gigantictehn restart X
05:59.09Giganticit is logout and login or reboot pc if it is easier fo you,
06:00.53*** join/#kde Lord^Anubis (n=anubis@unaffiliated/lordanubis/x-837129)
06:03.30_n0intrepid w/4.2b2 feels nice!  (vs. the old broken setup i was trying to fix)
06:06.08*** part/#kde matgore (
06:06.51GSF1200Shopefully by 4.3 kde will be as mature as 3.5.10 was... KDE 4.2b2 looks pretty sweet...
06:07.50Giganticdamned bot
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06:44.51P-Luc_Auclairwould it be actually possible to replace Win apps with KDE ones? instead or explorer, use dolphin, and replace all file/software associations, even replace ?gdi/aero? with kwin? basically only keeping the windows kernel and rip everything off
06:44.54Psi-JackIs there a way to start kmail without it doing the auto-check? I think that's what's presently causing my kmail to sig11 crash everytime I load itup.
06:47.25P-Luc_Auclairthere is most probably an option in the config files of kontact/kmail, but I couldn't say where
06:48.29*** join/#kde neverendingo (
06:51.07Psi-JackYeah, even kontact is crashing. heh
06:52.07GSF1200SP-Luc_Auclair: I hope that never happens.. if it does there would be much less incentive for newcomers to come to linux
06:52.41GSF1200Si suppose its free software, etc.. but in my own selfishness, I wouldnt mind linux having a chance...
06:54.46*** join/#kde Dolo (
06:55.22Dolohow can i be super user all the time so i dont keep getting messege to contact system admin?
06:55.47Dolojust wanted to copy a file says i dont have permission
06:57.08GSF1200Ssudo cp /usr/share/file /home/user/  ?
06:57.39Doloid like to be able to use the desktop rather than the terminal every time
06:57.54GSF1200Sopen konqueror as root
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06:58.56DoloDolo is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.
06:59.27Dolowtf does that mean/
06:59.32Doloreported to who
06:59.38GSF1200Scan you use sudo for any root action?
06:59.47GSF1200Sprolly not
07:00.00GSF1200Shold on.. ill tell you.. gimme a sec
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07:00.22Doloi dunno i normally use su
07:00.43GSF1200Sthats why hold on...
07:00.57drantinyou can, only problems will be with redirections
07:01.04Dolobut i dont know the command to start konqueror
07:01.11drantinthe command is konqueror
07:01.19Psi-JackDolo: How about "konqueror" just like you said?
07:01.22Dolobash: konqueror: command not found
07:01.57Psi-JackWell, then it's either, A> Not in your path like it /should/ be, or you don't have KDE installed at all.
07:01.57drantinis it in your $PATH?
07:02.01GSF1200SEDITOR=nano visudo
07:02.25GSF1200Soh hell.. could be that too..
07:02.28Doloim using fedora core 9
07:02.35Doloi did an install from the live cd
07:02.58Doloalso i dont seem to be finding stuff on package manager
07:03.01drantinalso, by default sudo doesn't pass environment variables
07:04.08GSF1200Sguys.. it sounds to me like sudo just doesnt have him listed as a user
07:04.34GSF1200Sthings work fine as root, when he does su - or whatever...
07:04.42Doloisnt there some way to logg in as super user?
07:04.44GSF1200SEDITOR=nano visudo
07:04.50Psi-Jacksudo su - is the only good way to use sudo.
07:04.54*** join/#kde Gigantic (n=superwom@unaffiliated/gigantic)
07:05.15GSF1200Sand ensure youre in the file with all priveledges...
07:05.19Psi-Jacksudo in common use otherwise, is very bad practice.
07:05.31Giganticdoes anyone know about bug reports with locale?
07:05.34Psi-Jacksudo /some/executable != good proper use of sudo.
07:05.35drantinI use sudo for most everything, except when I need to do redirections, then I use su -c "whatever > whatever2"
07:06.09drantinhow is sudo worse than using root itself for everything?
07:06.18Doloapparently i have nautilus file browser
07:06.23Giganticsudo plasma ftw
07:06.24Psi-JackBecause you think you're using it right, when you're not.
07:06.27drantinnautilus would be gnome
07:06.28Doloand i dont see konq on package manager
07:06.36GSF1200SDolo: have you tried what I said?
07:06.49Dolou want me to type that in terminal?
07:06.57GSF1200Syes, as root
07:07.04GSF1200Sso login the terminal as root
07:07.06GiganticDolo: My condoloences
07:07.14GSF1200Swithout sudo.. obviously
07:07.18Dolobash: visudo: command not found
07:07.41drantinPsi-Jack: that was a fairly meaningless answer...
07:07.42GSF1200Soh well shit.. you may not have vi installed
07:07.59Doloi used a live cd to format cuz i figured 1 cd be easyer
07:08.11Dolodidnt relize it be all gnome
07:08.18Doloi coulda sworn it was kde live
07:08.28GSF1200Syeah, gnome is default on fedora now..
07:08.32GSF1200Shas been for a while
07:08.33Dolowell fedora core 9 version
07:08.48Doloi switched to ubuntu for a while
07:09.02Dolostill have it on the other hard drive
07:09.05Psi-Jackdrantin: Heh. Look at all them Ubuntu users, using sudo like every command. That's exactly the wrong way to use sudo.
07:09.19Dolobut i liked linux from back in the day i had fc 5
07:09.35Doloand fc 7
07:10.08Doloforgot almost everything being on ubuntu
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07:10.23Dolodont remeber permission problems
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07:10.44GSF1200Sit sounds like to me that you are not in /etc/sudoers as a user with priveledge.. at least when I installed arch the first time, the install wiki was saying to do the command I listed above, as vi had to save it, but allowing you to use nano if it was more familiar
07:11.11Doloonly thing i wanted to do was copy the grub file
07:11.31Doloi think i need to edit it cuz ubuntu isnt recognizing my primary ide
07:11.40Dolofedora core
07:11.47Doloisnt recognizing my primary ide
07:11.52Dolowhich has ubuntu
07:12.04Doloso i cant do dual boot
07:12.28Dolofc is on priary sata
07:12.30GSF1200Swell, if you have nautilus
07:12.34GSF1200Syou can at least
07:12.39GSF1200Ssu -
07:12.48Psi-JackOh, and It's just Fedora now, no more Core. ;)
07:13.02GSF1200Sand log in as root.. then nautilus
07:13.03Psi-JackThere's also kdesu command, too, for the kde wrapper to su.
07:13.21GSF1200Strue.. thats prefereable with KDE gui apps
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07:13.32Psi-JackThat's preferable with X11, period.
07:13.35*** join/#kde Kathrin-26^away (
07:13.36GSF1200Sas gksudo is with gtk apps, or gnome in general
07:14.04GSF1200Swell, yeah I guess, although a gtk based environmennt prolly wont have kdesu
07:14.05Psi-JackIf you're running KDE, kdesu is the preferred one, and gnome-su or whatever gnome uses these days, for Gnome.
07:14.24GSF1200Syeah, for sure..
07:16.13*** join/#kde silv3r_m00n (n=enlighte@
07:16.18silv3r_m00nhi there
07:16.26silv3r_m00ncan i install kde4 along with kde3 ?
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07:17.04Psi-Jacksilv3r_m00n: Well, yes.
07:17.06GSF1200Si suppose...
07:17.18drantinit's a lot easier if your distro supports it
07:17.19Psi-JackLong as you prefix the two to different installation roots.
07:17.25GSF1200Sit would put them in different config folders..
07:17.33silv3r_m00nPsi-Jack: will it create any dependency problems ?
07:17.34smurfsloverwhy does KDE Deamon ask for my kwallet password on login?
07:17.49silv3r_m00nPsi-Jack: different installation roots ?
07:17.52silv3r_m00nmeans ?
07:17.54Psi-Jacksilv3r_m00n: Dependancy problems? That really depends on your distribution.
07:18.14drantinand sometimes the order of directories listed in $PATH
07:18.23silv3r_m00nPsi-Jack: i am using ubuntu.....btw what does it mean different installation roots
07:19.00Psi-Jacksilv3r_m00n: It means --prefix during configure for pre-compiling. :p
07:19.00drantinsilv3r_m00n: it means installing one to some place like /usr/kde/3.5 and the other to /usr/kde/4.2
07:19.24Psi-Jacksilv3r_m00n: For example. OpenSUSE does it by using /opt/kde3 as the root prefix for KDE 3.x, and /usr for the prefix for KDE 4.x
07:19.35GSF1200Si think ubuntu has a seperate repo that has kde 4.2b2 and of course kde 3.5.10
07:19.37Psi-JackSo they are completely seperate.
07:19.45GSF1200Swhat are you on? intrepid or hardy?
07:20.19*** join/#kde Jucato (n=Jucato@
07:20.20GSF1200Swell yeah, the seperate repo essentially automatically does the prefix for the user
07:20.24Psi-JackBleh, Ubuntu needs to stop giving names to their distros, and just give numbers, that's it.
07:20.42GSF1200Sheh.. well, 8.04 or 8.10
07:21.29GSF1200Si think ubuntu is good.. I just cant stand the freeze after release.. the naming and stuff isnt that bad...
07:22.28Psi-JackIt is bad. Debian-based distributions are the last living stock of distros giving names to each release. Nobody else does, because it only adds more confusion. :p
07:22.44Psi-JackAnd has no actual useful value.
07:23.11GSF1200Show about arch linux?
07:23.20GSF1200Sdont panic, overlord, etc
07:23.47Psi-Jackjust shakes his head.
07:24.35GSF1200Shehe.. I see what you mean man.. I mean unless you know ubuntu/debian/mepis or whatever, you wouldnt know by name which is newer.. vs. number based..
07:24.47*** join/#kde NSaibot (
07:25.26Psi-JackThat too. But with Ubuntu specifically, you know even more than just a number. You know when that was released, year and month.
07:26.47Giganticif you were using Windows it would be easier to know the version :P
07:27.15Psi-Jackswings low.
07:28.34GSF1200SPsi-Jack.. yeah
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08:03.59ZarinP-Luc_Auclair, There is no such thing as a window manager for Windows so there is no way KWin can be ported to a windows app
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08:18.04GiganticHow do you get back the Menu in konqueror? could someone check the key shortcut for me please
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08:20.50Giganticah nvm
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08:44.53doxtorHello, I'm using KDE 3.5.10 on Debian Lenny and it won't login normal user, just root. After logging in it displays the login screen again. Where should like for an error?
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08:49.23annmadoxtor: is that a new install?
08:49.52doxtorannma: not so new, it worked before
08:50.05doxtorXorg.0.log isn't showing any errors
08:50.13annmaso what did you do to break it?
08:50.17doxtorjust that it can't find path to certain font
08:50.24annmadid you upgrade stuff?
08:50.37doxtoryeah, I did upgrade
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08:51.19doxtornot recently, though
08:51.23doxtorcould last upgrade brake it?
08:51.45annmakde does not stop working just like that
08:52.19doxtorit logs in fine under root
08:52.35annmaso that means permission problems
08:52.35doxtorwhat could be wrong with my username's kde settings?
08:52.42annmatry a new user to see
08:53.10*** join/#kde JackFromShadow (
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08:54.01smurfsloverhi there
08:54.14smurfsloveri'm running 4.2 from suse's unstable repo
08:54.32smurfsloverand i have kde deamon asking for the kwallet password everytime i login
08:54.42smurfsloveris this normal behaviour?
08:56.48doxtorannma: it doesn't work under other user
08:57.08annmaother == new?
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08:58.23annmaso ask your distro channel how to repair it
08:58.41annmait means it is messed globally
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08:58.56smurfsloverannma: can you help me with my kde deamon problem?
08:59.04doxtorannma: ok, thanks
08:59.23annmasmurfslover: if it did not do that previously then it's either your install or a bug
08:59.33annmadid you ask Suse smurfslover
08:59.48annmaI don't use kwallet myself
09:00.08smurfsloverdidn't get any respond about my problem in #suse yesterday
09:00.18smurfslovergonna try again today
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09:00.33smurfslover4.2 is very nice btw
09:00.57smurfsloveris it possible to name the activities?
09:01.12annmaI think not
09:01.28annmaas I see no such setting
09:01.42smurfsloverhaven't found it either
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09:02.14annmaoh yes
09:02.24smurfslovercause now in the activity tabbar it states 'desktop' twice
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09:02.43annmahehe found it
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09:03.07annmain Desktop settings, under the box where you choose Desktop or Folderview you can enter a name
09:03.10the_phello. i have a question to the annotations in okular. where are they saved? can i give them to an other person? i can't find any function to save them.
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09:04.11smurfsloverannma: great that worked!
09:04.29annmaI was confused as I have my KDE in French
09:04.32smurfsloveranother thing i can't find anymore: enabling numlock at kde startup
09:04.50annmait's in systemsettings I think
09:04.57annmawasn't it in kcontrol?
09:05.14smurfsloverwhen i select keyborad and mouse i don't have a keyboard entry
09:05.35smurfsloveronly mouse, joystick and keyboard shortcuts
09:05.44smurfsloverin systemsettings
09:05.52smurfsloverhad it in 4.1.3
09:06.08annmaah I have it
09:06.19annmathat's a distro problem, it never disappeared
09:06.37annmathe numlock is there but if I remember it is buggy
09:06.47annmadid it work in KDE3?
09:06.56smurfslovernever had kde3 on opensuse
09:07.02smurfsloverworked in 4.1.3 from stable
09:07.14annmanot sure it really worked
09:07.29smurfsloverit did iirc
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09:07.38smurfsloveronly used 4.1.3 for 2 days then upgraded
09:07.39annmaI remember looking at the code and letting go because of X calls
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09:08.02rindolfHi all.
09:08.16smurfslovernumlockx alreasy installed so should work through that :)
09:08.18annmasmurfslover: ask in suse channel
09:08.49annmaweird that this keyboard kcm is not there
09:08.52smurfsloverbbl have to wake up my girlfriend and feed the baby
09:09.02smurfsloverthx for your help annma
09:09.12rindolfIn K3KMail, the "saved" folder" comes before the Spam. In K4KMail (trunk), it comes afterwards. I want it the K3Mail's way. I tried to move it, but I can only put it inside a folder, not re-order the sub-items.
09:10.21annmahehe have fun smurfslover :)
09:12.04annmaare those folders default rindolf
09:12.13annmaI don't have them
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09:23.19rindolfannma: no, I created them.
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09:48.50cuciHi folks! I have recent issue with okular: it can't open chm files anymore
09:49.10cuciokular is from svn
09:49.16pinotreedid you compile the chm support?
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09:49.41cuciI just double checked...yes
09:49.42Divyeshany one knows how to remove IcedTea JVM ?
09:49.57pinotreeDivyesh: ask in the channel of your distro
09:49.57cuciI get okular(2342)/kio (KIOJob) KIO::SlaveInterface::dispatch: error  109   "ms-its:/home/cuci/hard/medicina/Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract - 8th Ed.CHM::/"
09:50.01cuciin console
09:50.36cuciI dont know exactly at what kio-slave it is refering and such
09:50.51pinotreedoes it work with other documents?
09:51.13Divyeshpinotree:plz tell how to go to another channel
09:51.20Divyeshi am linux noob
09:51.36GiganticMe too
09:51.36pinotreeDivyesh: what is your distro?
09:51.42cuciPinaraf: as a charm
09:51.44DivyeshFedora 8
09:51.53pinotreeDivyesh: write: /join #fedora
09:51.55GiganticFedora 8 is too old isn't it
09:51.57cucipinotree: sorry as a charm
09:52.04Divyeshya it is too old
09:52.14cuciwith pdf
09:52.15Divyesh:/join #fedora
09:52.23pinotreewithout the colon...
09:52.52Divyeshthanks pinotree
09:52.54RichiHhe made it
09:53.17pinotreehf's with RichiH
09:53.43RichiHpinotree: any idea if will be fixed for 4.2?
09:53.49RichiHand session management..
09:53.58rindolfHmm.. K4KMail got stuck sending a message.
09:54.07RichiHif they aren't, i will be forced to go back to 4.1 :(
09:54.09pinotreenot sure, not an area i can say anything
09:54.16rindolfOK, now it's OK.
09:54.34RichiHpinotree: kk, ta
09:58.05cucipinotree: hints?
09:58.19pinotreeis the file public?
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09:59.22cucialso when closing okular after getting tired of waiting it crashes...should I send you the backtrace?
09:59.46cucino it's not a link it's the file itself
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10:00.37cucialso xchm works fine with that file
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10:01.55pinotreeis the file big?
10:02.12pinotreecan you paste the bt in a pastebin?
10:02.25cucisorry bt?
10:03.02cuci151 mb
10:05.58pinotree looks like the same
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10:23.23Phlogianyone knows the dbus command for turning on/off the kwin deskto effects?
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10:51.08DumbleHello world !
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10:53.54ElvanorI installed knetworkconf for 3.5, where is the app / panel or whatever?
10:54.34pinotreekde control center → internet & networking → network settings
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11:00.44Phlogianyone knows the dbus command for turning on/off the kwin deskto effects?
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11:02.12boobaais there a stopwatch-like kicker applet for 3.5.9? it should measure and display time since start as h:m:s, and restart from zero on click
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11:31.52firsmHow do I get KDE4/kwin to open new windows on the monitor the mouse pointer is at and not at a completely random monitor?
11:32.25ZarinSystem settings -> Window behavior -> active screen follows mouse
11:32.55ZarinWhen that is disabled windows open on the screen that has the active window
11:33.04ZarinEnabled it's the screen with the mouse
11:33.29firsmmmh, but I just started opera from a terminal (which, I guess, is the active window) and it started on the other monitor. I'm using twinview tho
11:33.55ZarinPlease type "pgrep kwin" in the terminal
11:34.22ZarinWhich screen had the mouse on it?
11:34.50firsmthe screen opera was supposed to open on
11:35.28firsmenabling "active screen follows mouse still shows the same behavior"
11:36.00firsmhowever, some applications open on the correct monitor and some not
11:36.19ZarinHow many screens do you have?
11:36.32firsmjust two
11:36.36firsmusing twinview
11:36.43firsmone is smaller than the other
11:36.59firsmwell I guess if I'm using twinview I only have 1 screen
11:37.03ZarinSo if you have your terminal and mouse cursor on the same screen the window opens on the other? Try a different application
11:37.07ZarinSome applications override KWin's placement
11:37.34firsmyeah as I said, some apps do it correctly and some not
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11:39.07ZarinThen it's the applications that have a problem, contact their authors
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11:39.38firsmalright, seems to work correctly with firefox but not opera
11:40.18firsmin fact, opera seems to open at the location it was closed at
11:41.10ZarinIntended feature then
11:42.15firsmguess so. thanks
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11:44.36Giganticwhere is the kde4's recently opened hisstory?
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11:54.39doc__hi there
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12:22.54sackhackersince yesterday i have channel germany. Can i get tv with kaffeine over channel?
12:23.23sackhackeror is it only possible with dvbt receiver on laptop?
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12:26.02thiago_homehow do you receive that channel?
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12:28.03sackhackerover channel modem and than intern ove lan
12:29.08drvoodooi think you mean cable modem?
12:29.50drvoodooand cable germany (Kabel Deutschland) as your provider
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12:31.36sackhackeroh i did a mistake.
12:31.36sackhackeri think i need a app which acts as a digital receiver
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13:19.29PhlogiI can't find a method on kwin's dbus to toggle desktop effects... is it impossible?
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13:29.13marco_pyqt stops compiling, if someone know why, help me out of it:
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13:33.34Phlogidoes anyone know how those global key bindings are connected to the kde applications? Can I emit such key presses somhow with a shell command?
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14:23.52vinnie_how do i get apps the get focus to automatically switch to top?
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14:40.18v6lurhi. what are the right options for 'kdialog --geticon' ? i tried filesystems, apps, Applications, etc, but it always opens up with "Actons" view :/
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14:41.40M8eehello.. having trouble figuring out how to disable TOOLTIPS in konqueror kde4.2
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14:43.36v6lur(@kubuntu hardy, kde3)
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14:45.07pinotreev6lur: kdialog --geticon Desktop Applications
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14:46.57v6lurthanks a lot :)
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14:50.55v6lurhm, what's the option for file systems view? i tried Filesystem, Filesystems, "File system", "File systems", "File System". "File Systems", but they get me to actions again
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14:57.00v6lurhmh - and that's not even Actions view - it's something like "all icons from every category together, but still labeled Actions"
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15:00.45v6lurkdialog --geticon Desktop Mimetypes opens up the "all-in-actions" view as well
15:02.38pinotreev6lur: MimeTypes
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15:03.29v6lur...and FileSystems, then. ok
15:03.35v6lurthanks again :)
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15:27.43mehrabI wanna install a plasmoid from source, but when I try the commands, I get these errors and can't install :
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15:29.10Half-Leftmehrab: missing kdebase dev package of some sort
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15:31.10mehrabHalf-Left: I'm going to install it, hope it works
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15:32.07Half-Leftmehrab: wee we dont support distros here, you should ask your distro channel about package names for plasma
15:32.56boobaais there a stopwatch-like kicker applet for 3.5.9? it should measure and display time since start as h:m:s, and restart from zero on click
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15:33.34mehrabHalf-Left: I thought this is not related to distro exactly, anyway if I asked it in wrong place I'm sorry
15:34.52Half-Leftno worries
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15:36.36CuBe0wLhi all! I've messed up my file type assicioations in kde3.5.9, how can I reset them?
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15:46.40KomiaPoikain kde4.1 how can i put the panel on top?
15:47.15arezeyfirst unlock the widgets, then right-click the panel, choose panel settings
15:48.05arezeythere's a big black bar with a few buttons, grab that and throw it to the top
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15:53.49KomiaPoikaarezey: thx
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15:56.31Giganticwhere were the favicons held in the konqui's cache...
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15:59.19GiganticI can't find the favicons cache anywhere
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16:15.05Xperti have a problem
16:15.17Xpertmy main pannel dont appear the minimizated icons
16:15.30GraveDiggerwhoohoo, 4.1.4 is out! Oo
16:15.34GraveDiggerdidn't notice
16:15.37Xperti removed it and now i m not able to put it the way it was before
16:15.56pinotreeGraveDigger: in 3 days
16:16.05GraveDiggeryeah, shame on me :(
16:16.58pinotreeshames on GraveDigger :P
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16:17.36pinotreepatpats GraveDigger and offers him a drink
16:17.48Xpertno help to me  ,?
16:18.35pinotreenot sure i understood; what is your kde version? what did you do? how is your panel now?
16:19.26boobaahmm, I've just managed to compile kdevelop's hello world applet, but the generated .desktop file lacks the "Type=" line. what should it contain?
16:19.35boobaa"Type=Application" doesn't seem to help me
16:20.41J-23Qt: 3.3.8b
16:20.42J-23KDE: 3.5.10-3.fc11 Fedora
16:20.44J-23kde-config: 1.0
16:20.53J-23curses Konversation
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16:28.52schafiI've got performance problems with kde especially when I scroll. Could this be a problem of qt4?
16:29.18XpertHi to all.
16:29.25Xpertanyone can help me with KDE 4.10
16:30.35tictric_Xpert: if you just ask your question somebody who knows the answer might have the time to help you
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16:32.12Xpertmy problem is that in the main pannel the icons do not appear more minimizated, i m using alt+tab
16:32.25Xpertthe simplely dont go to the pannel anymore.
16:33.59Xpertanother question, what plasma do ? it is on my desktop ... a small windows and i cant remove it...
16:34.08Xpertit is floating and i wanna remove it
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16:35.27recoilDoes anyone of any SMART (HD Monitoring utilities) frontends for KDE?  I was thinking of something that sat in the system tray and I could click on to see statuses?
16:35.37tictric_if you right click on the desktop you can unlock the plasma widgets
16:36.28tictric_once they are unlocked you can mouse over them which will show you sort of a tool bar with a close button. Click on it to remove the widget
16:36.33tuxickany reports here about kde-4.1.3 losing keyboard?
16:36.40tuxicki can't imagine i'm the only one again
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16:37.02tictric_tuxick: you lost your keyboard?
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16:37.22tuxickyes, totally, even capslock not responding
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16:37.29Xperttictric_:  they are not locked
16:37.32tuxicki have to restart kde to restore it
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16:37.52tictric_Xpert: then you should be able to remove the widgets you don't need
16:37.53Xperttictric_: the tool bar of rotation option and closing is not appearing :|
16:37.53recoiltuxick: I had it happen yesterday when I was switching effects off
16:37.54daftdhi guys, Where can i post feature requests for KDE?
16:38.13Xpertwanna a screenshot ?
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16:38.48Xperttictric_: how can i put my itens to be minimizated in the  bar
16:39.01Xpertiim using ALT+TAB
16:39.26tuxickrecoil: i can use effects, kde will crash when i start kmail
16:39.35tictric_I don't know the exact english term at the moment but there is a window bar plasmoid that displays open applications
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16:39.47tictric_maybe you removed it while playing around
16:39.54recoiltuxick: That's really odd.  Are you using an NV based card?
16:39.58Xperti guess so too tictric_
16:39.59daftdjust to check does any one knows a feature for "ALT +F2" => Enter in command. : drag to some menu (list)
16:40.03Xperthow can i put it again
16:40.04tuxickrecoil: of course :)
16:40.13tuxickthat's why it's almost too buggy to use in the first place
16:40.41tictric_Xpert: you should change your nick :-)
16:40.43recoiltuxick: Bizarre, i have no issues with that here.  I just sometimes lose the keyboard if I toggle effects off, so I can run a game or something like that.
16:41.06tuxickwell something is wrong
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16:41.13Xperttictric_:  lol
16:41.20tictric_Xpert: you click on the cashew on the right side of that taskbar
16:41.34tuxickalso konqueror usually fails to respond to ctrl-f
16:41.38tictric_then you click on add widgets
16:41.40Xperttictric_: add widegets ok ?
16:41.44Xpertwich widget ?
16:42.00tictric_window bar or something
16:42.14tictric_drag and drop it to the task bar
16:43.04recoiltuxick: Are you using a distro provided version of KDE?  If so, what distro?
16:43.12tuxickno, gentoo
16:43.26tuxickan dist providing kde4 is mad
16:44.07tuxickit was simple curiousity that got me into this mess
16:44.55Xperttictric: i m not finding no window bar ...
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16:45.29tictricI can't remember the correct english term and I don't have an english environment open at the moment
16:45.37tictricplay a bit around
16:46.07recoiltuxick: Actually, I find suse's version really good.  They've backported a lot of 4.2 stuff into 4.1, and I find it to be a lot more stable (and complete) than kubuntu's or Fedoras
16:46.17[Kame2]tuxick: in which case do you lost your keyboard?
16:46.20tictricin german it's Fensterleiste
16:46.33tictricpretty obvious anyway
16:46.56tuxick[Kame2]: haven't found a pattern, it think shift-pgup in konsole might be related though
16:47.21tuxickrecoil: if you have to fiddle and patch so much, something is wrong :)
16:47.35tuxickbut i heard suse is contributing a lot
16:47.42recoiltuxick: Well, that's the beauty of it..  I do nothing.  I just install it and go  :)
16:47.47tuxicki've also tried svn
16:47.48[Kame2]tuxick: if i let my laptop on over night, in the morning, i get a black screen, not responding to anything. but acpi acts on powerbutton so i can shutdown
16:47.54tuxickbut that already starts with a crashing kwin
16:48.03tuxick[Kame2]: nono, it's while working
16:48.20Xpertsee there
16:48.23tuxickthere's also no pattern in konqueror no longer responding to ctrl-f
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16:48.34[Kame2]ok, while working it's all ok for me
16:49.34tictricXpert: impressive :-) Scroll further down
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16:49.52[Kame2]the thing with a black screen seems to be related to a memory lack. if login via ssh i can see that xorg, kwin and knotify4 are using all of my ram
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16:50.20tictricit has one of those generic icons
16:50.29[Kame2]tuxick: ctrl-f works for me
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16:50.48[Kame2]tuxick: gentoo, kde 4.1.3, xorg 7.4, intel
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16:51.32Xperttictric: what may i do then ?
16:51.45Xpertisnt some problem about plasma w
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16:52.03tictricdrag it with your mouse on the taskbar
16:52.10tuxicknvidia could still be the main problem
16:52.28tuxickno idea if/how that affects keyboard but afair it is touched
16:52.45Xperttictric: drag what ?
16:52.52Xpertthat small window ?
16:52.58Xpertbut it doesnt go there
16:53.01tuxicki heard 4.1.3 can be rather stable on sane video cards
16:53.02tictricor anywhere on the screen. That window bar plasmoid
16:53.02Xpertit dont enter there
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16:53.13Xpertit dont enter in the pannel
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16:53.16Xperti dont know why
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16:53.44tictricsorry, i've got to pick up my son. Maybe someone else can help you meanwhile
16:54.07[Kame2]tuxick: yeah, it' very stable for me, as long as i turn off my laptop over night (hibernate)
16:54.09Xpertanyone can help me ?
16:54.23Xperta kde 4.1 problem that itens minimizated dont appear more in the main windows
16:54.28Xpertmain pannel *
16:55.05pinotreetry adding a taskbar widget on the panel
16:55.13*** join/#kde Mirra (
16:55.18Xpertpinotree: which exactly ?
16:55.24Xperti ve already tried almost all
16:55.32Xpertwanna a screenshot ?
16:55.35pinotreeisn't there a "taskbar" widget?
16:55.46Xpertlet me sse
16:56.01*** join/#kde dreamtheater (
16:56.12Xpertpinotree: ty i found
16:56.17Xpertty very much
16:56.23*** join/#kde looonger (
16:56.28guaxthink that they should turn into small shaded windows like win 3.1 and early versions of linux window managers when there's no app to handle the minimize
16:56.54*** join/#kde pmatos (
16:57.00KomiaPoikaERROR: The kernel you are installing for is a Xen kernel!
16:57.10MinceRiirc they turned into icons with captions in win3.1
16:57.26recoilthey went away entirely in OS/2
16:58.08MinceRwin9x did the small shaded window approach but it was rarely visible
16:58.15*** join/#kde kW (n=kW@unaffiliated/kw)
16:58.16MinceR(only if explorer.exe wasn't running)
16:58.18Sinisterwith kmaqil filters can you block all of a country like *!*@*.de ?
16:58.22guaxMinceR: so, very often
16:58.30*** join/#kde looonger (
16:58.54guaxMinceR: and im quite sure win 3.1 does that too
16:59.08MinceRi've never seen win3.1 do that
16:59.49guaxlet me see
17:00.39guaxooo, yeah
17:00.41guaxthe icons
17:00.42*** join/#kde mendred (n=mendred@
17:00.54guaxMinceR: now i remember, shame on me
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17:08.07*** join/#kde Alen (n=alen@
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17:10.18*** join/#kde Fish (
17:10.24*** join/#kde Kushal (n=root@
17:10.32KushalHI all
17:11.23*** join/#kde looonger (
17:12.12*** join/#kde MrPaul (n=MrPaul@unaffiliated/mrpaul)
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17:13.35*** join/#kde Kushal (n=root@
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17:13.54KushalHi any one knows Xen virtualization here ?
17:13.57KushalHi any one knows Xen virtualization here ?
17:14.05KushalHi any one knows Xen virtualization here ?
17:14.07GNU\colossusvery wrong channel
17:14.12GNU\colossusvery wrong way of asking
17:14.22KushalHi any one knows Xen virtualization here ?
17:14.27KRFyes, Kushal. you are plenking
17:15.05arezeyhe seems to be even ircing as root.
17:15.15KushalHi any one knows Xen virtualization here..Plz pm me
17:15.57KushalHi any one knows Xen virtualization here ?
17:16.07KRFKushal, i suggest reading some IRC guidelines
17:16.49tuxickKushal: are you an idiot?
17:17.15*** join/#kde david__ (
17:17.38*** join/#kde Fri13 (
17:17.45FishI think he broke his keyboard
17:17.58GNU\colossusKushal: in the way of a complete and utter moron
17:18.00animeloesomeone ban him
17:18.07animeloefoolish one
17:18.31*** join/#kde looonger (
17:18.37Kushalwhat are u saying
17:18.50Kushalwhy shud u ban me ?
17:18.50arezeyu is not a pronoun.
17:19.12arezeyignorance is no excuse.
17:19.18Half-LeftKushal: This is a KDE support channel, ask about or leave and dont spam the channel, is that clear?
17:19.38Kushali m asking about KDE only
17:19.39MrGrim-Kushal: you're being somewhat of a prick, asking for help by spamming, and in a channel completely unrealted to what you want help with
17:19.46arezeyXen doesn't belong into KDE.
17:19.54Kushalthen ?
17:19.59Kushalwhere does it belong
17:20.28*** join/#kde looonger (
17:20.49arezeyand don't pm me!
17:21.12KushalI m asking u ..coz i don know
17:21.43arezeygo google "irc guidelines", read, google Xen, and then go ask in the right channel.
17:21.45*** join/#kde the_p (
17:22.06*** join/#kde Sam_123 (n=root@
17:22.07rEthis was quite an impressive amount of fail for one person :)
17:22.22Sam_123is there anybody knowing KDE ?
17:22.37arezeySam_123, well, this is #kde. what'd you think?
17:22.53Sam_123I m new for KDE environment
17:23.00Sam_123I havent used linux before
17:23.08arezeyif you have a question/problem go ahead
17:23.08Sam_123I used Windows
17:23.22Sam_123I want to learn KDE commands
17:23.27*** join/#kde Hamburger1984 (
17:23.46arezeykde commands?
17:24.01Sam_123can u teach me some networking commands
17:24.13Fri13Sam_123: commandline commands?
17:24.18Sam_123Before that I have one Q for u
17:24.18Dumblethese are Linux command, not KDE
17:24.22SSJ_GZSam_123 == Kushal, BTW
17:24.23rEdon't you want to know about xen first? *scnr
17:24.45arezeyidiot.. should have noticed.
17:24.46Sam_123what is difference between KDE n GNOME ?
17:24.59Dumbleask to gnome people :P
17:24.59Fri13SSJ_GZ: what you mean?
17:25.22Sam_123I found that KDE is faster than GNOME
17:25.24arezeyFri13, scroll up
17:25.27SSJ_GZFri13: Scroll up
17:25.59Sam_123Is there anybody who will answer mw ?
17:26.09Fri13SSJ_GZ: arezey ah... just got enough info just after I joined :-)
17:26.19*** join/#kde LnxSlck (n=LnxSlck@
17:26.30Fri13loves the possiblity to place person to ignore list...
17:26.47Dumblekdegames in SVG are realy nice (I think that everytime I start one of them :D )
17:26.49pinotreeSam_123: your questions are highly subjective -- the best thing you can do is trying them and judging yourself (as you would be using kde/gnome/whatever, not "us")
17:28.04*** join/#kde sxe (
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17:28.38Half-LeftDumble: Yes thankfully we can themes and develop them really easy in KDE4
17:28.56Sam_123I have read those IRC guidelines
17:29.06Sam_123Thanks Arezey
17:29.24*** join/#kde MethoS- (
17:29.26arezeystunned, for once that worked!
17:29.49Sam_123How to mount windows drives  ?
17:31.14Sam_123Can anybody help me ??? How to mount windows drives  ?
17:31.34pinotreeplease be patient
17:33.35SSJ_GZSam_123: Please don't PM people for help, thankyou :)
17:35.59*** join/#kde gregorio (
17:36.24Sam_123ungethym u r a good person
17:36.58*** join/#kde Fish (
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17:39.11SSJ_GZSam_123: Again, please don't PM people for help, thankyou :)
17:39.26Sam_123why ?
17:39.42*** join/#kde mendred (n=mendred@
17:39.42cb400fbecause it's ineffective.. and invasion of privacy
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17:42.47animeloegiggles and spams everyone *giggle* :P
17:44.21Sam_123KDE problem : Cant close any window...Any solution ???
17:46.23Dumblectrl+alt+backspace ?
17:46.30*** join/#kde kde185 (
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17:47.27Samuel-NotAFKKedit becomes unresponsive when I open a 19.9MB text file.
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17:48.14*** join/#kde Sam_123 (n=root@
17:48.35Sam_123who said cntrl+alt+backspace ?
17:48.56boobaahasn't it closed all your windows? ;)
17:49.17Sam_123it closed everything
17:49.41Sam_123I m new here it doesnt mean that u will tell anything
17:51.24Sam_123Actually problem is title bar has disappeared for every window that i open...
17:51.39SSJ_GZSam_123: Sounds like kwin has crashed.
17:51.44Sam_123Thts y i m not able to close any window
17:51.49SSJ_GZSam_123: Open konsole, and type:
17:51.53SSJ_GZkwin --replace
17:52.02*** join/#kde ArneBab (
17:52.03Sam_123what is command
17:52.15Sam_123"kwin --replace" ?
17:52.32recoilSam_123: Just out curiosity, what distribution are you using?
17:52.44Dumbleit relaunch window manager
17:52.46SSJ_GZSam_123: kwin is KDE's window manager, which gives you the titlebars, close buttons etc.
17:53.21ChemBroisn't fc8 outdatet, Sam_123?
17:53.35recoilYou've got KDE4 on Fc8?
17:53.41Sam_123no i don know..How to check that ?
17:53.55FlyingFoXis it normal, that kde4 only remembers my applet settings when i lock them before logging out?
17:54.01Sam_123I m new to LINUX..I m windows programmer
17:54.46recoilSam_123: Well, first thing I would do is find and run the FC8 updater... it sounds like your KDE (which I imagine is KDE 3) has some issues, and there should be fixes available.
17:55.06recoilSam_123: Second, I'd look at getting a newer version of FC, or perhaps, another distro if that's the direction in which you want to go.
17:55.23ungethymSam_123: are you really running KDE, not GNOME?
17:55.33habarnamyeah... Sam_123, try Ubuntu... it's the friendlyest distro these days
17:55.45Sam_123No I cant try Ubuntu
17:55.58Sam_123I m currently working on Xen project
17:56.06Dumblethe latest fedora is FC 10
17:56.14Sam_123Dom-0 must be fc8 for that
17:56.17lojackSam_123: If it happens again, CTRL + ALT + ESC should change your cursor to a skull-n-crossbones
17:56.33Dumbleyou'll got an up to date version and latest version of xen
17:56.37*** join/#kde just (
17:56.48lojackSam_123: Use the skull-n-crossbones to click inside a non-responsive app (window) to KILL the app
17:56.57*** join/#kde boom1992 (
17:57.04recoilhabarnam: He'd probably want to try Kubuntu, if he wants KDE
17:57.18Sam_123i have got "xen-3.1.0-13.fc8"
17:57.21Fri13Are you guys now 100% he is not a troll?
17:57.27habarnamrecoil... i was trying to avoid him using kde :P
17:57.29*** join/#kde just (
17:57.29Dumblerecoil, seems he wants to stay with fedora
17:57.45Sam_123My problem is arround virtualization
17:57.51*** join/#kde kde185 (
17:57.52DumbleFri13, only 0,001%
17:57.54Sam_123Thts y i need to use fc8
17:58.09recoilSam_123: The latest xen is 3.3
17:58.22Sam_123yes i know
17:58.25*** join/#kde sdljfhs0h0 (i=hdshs008@gateway/tor/x-c6db6a0d54a04ab0)
17:58.31recoilSam_123: I'm pretty sure that's in FC10
17:58.55Sam_123Ok u mean to say that Xen-3.3 is there in FC10
17:59.03*** join/#kde tempelhueter (n=gmr@
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17:59.56recoilSam_123: If I were a betting man, and if I cheated and looked at the FC10 features, I'd say: Yes, yes it is.
18:00.39Sam_123recoil: ok :)
18:00.44recoilSam_123: Wait... I may be wrong on that.  It seems that there is some conflicting info
18:00.55Sam_123recoil : Means ?
18:01.06*** part/#kde uvercinka (n=uvercink@
18:01.22sdljfhs0h0ok. i have multiple konsole sessions open in tabs. there is a shortcut 'Shift+Ctrl+<Right/Left>' to switch between tabs, but when i have 'su'ed and am root and switch to the next tab i remain root instead of taking on the credentials of the user who opened the other tab.
18:01.27recoilSam_123: It's in FC10, but there is no DOM0 support.  What that means, I can't tell you.
18:01.44Sam_123lojack : CNTRL+ALT+ESC is not working
18:02.27sdljfhs0h0does that make sense?
18:02.29Sam_123recoil: How come ? means there will be only Dom-U ?
18:02.32*** join/#kde cheko (
18:02.44recoilSam_123: I dunno... I use ESX myself  :)
18:02.45Fri13Someone should go to #fedora channell..
18:02.53SSJ_GZsdljfhs0h0: Shift+Ctrl+<Right/Left> moves tabs, not switches :)
18:03.08Sam_123recoil: ESX means ?
18:03.11SSJ_GZHehe :)
18:03.21sdljfhs0h0JJS_GZ: *oh. so is there a switch tab shortcut
18:03.33recoilSam_123: VMWare ESX
18:03.36SSJ_GZsdljfhs0h0: Don't press CTRL
18:03.46Sam_123ok that is latest version I heard
18:04.01sdljfhs0h0SSJ_GZ: sweet. thanks man
18:04.03*** join/#kde marko_d (n=maki@
18:04.04kde185Sam_123: alt + F2 and then click on the button that says "Show System Activity" when your mouse hovers over it
18:04.07Somethiefuhm guys iam using firefox on kde 4 but now firefox has kde-styled checkboxes, buttons and so on, its nice but they are just too big and cause alot of layouts to break (like gmail's mail list now has half of the messages than before cuz the checkbox is just huge compared to the font size); so is it possible to use other checkbox style in firefox?
18:04.12recoilSam_123: I may regret asking this, but what the hell... what exactly are you trying to do with Xen?
18:04.39*** join/#kde fawek (
18:05.01sdljfhs0h0if i upgrade from 3.5.5 to 4 or 4.1, will i miss anything from the old version. it's the only reason i haven't upgraded yet
18:05.06*** part/#kde boobaa (n=boobaa@frugalware/developer/boobaa)
18:05.22Sam_123recoil: I m trying to extract resource info(RAM usage,CPU usage,Process Table, etc)from each Dom-U....
18:06.15*** join/#kde Psychey (
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18:06.48Sam_123kde185       : ALT+F2 gives run command
18:07.15kde185Sam_123: yeah but there should a be a button that brings up a process list, kind of like Window's task manager
18:07.45Sam_123there is no button like that
18:07.48Fri13mortum: you miss some KDE3 applications if you do not keep KDE3 libraries. Like K3b application
18:08.08Sam_123only options , run,cancel buttins are there
18:08.34kde185hmmm strange.  What version of kde are you running?
18:08.41Sam_123I don know
18:08.47Sam_123How to check that
18:08.54Sam_123I m new in Linux
18:08.58*** join/#kde non7top (n=non7top@
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18:09.51lojackSam_123: Check this link
18:10.34Fri13Sam_123: open any KDE application (filemanager etc) and click "Help" on menu and select last option
18:11.01Sam_123properties option ?
18:11.06Fri13Sam_123: About KDE
18:11.26Sam_123ya i got
18:11.30Sam_123then ?
18:11.37Fri13Sam_123: the version...
18:11.43kde185it should say the version
18:11.52*** join/#kde looonger (
18:12.01soa2iiCan anyone tell me what a quassel-core is? I tried to use Quassel instead of Konversation (because of Qt4 only) but that program is ... not really userfreidnly... or am I wrong?
18:12.04Fri13As I tought...
18:12.06*** join/#kde cheko (
18:12.37ChemBrosoa2ii: quassel-core is the core, start this and then the quassel-client
18:12.50kde185Sam_123: I can't remember where the process manager is in KDE 3, but I know it has one. sorry
18:13.13soa2iiChemBro: Why does an IRC-Client need smth like that?
18:13.19ChemBroand soa2ii: there is a quassel-channel
18:13.42soa2iiChemBro: OK
18:13.50ChemBroask it in the quasselchannel, they will explain it to you
18:14.05ChemBroi for myself need a core/client-system
18:14.07recoilI kinda like KVirc
18:14.12pinotreesoa2ii: #quassel please
18:14.17Sam_123i m trying to find system manager
18:14.25soa2iipinotree: I'm still there ;)
18:14.27recoilSam_123: Did you try CTRL + ESC?
18:14.41Sam_123yes i got
18:14.43*** join/#kde erik-k (
18:15.01Sam_123System Guard
18:15.20recoilSam_123: yeah, i believe you can look at processes with that, but it's been a while since I used KDE 3.x
18:16.02Sam_123ya :-)
18:16.21Sam_123I m using KDE(infact Linux) from last 2 days
18:16.46Sam_123recoil: where is that process table in GUI ?
18:17.02*** join/#kde looonger (
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18:17.24recoilSam_123: As I said, it's been a while since I've used KDE 3.x, and I don't really recall.
18:17.47Sam_123recoil:can we make our KDE look like VISTA ?
18:18.19recoilSam_123: Well, if you use KDE 4 a while, specifically some of the effects, you'll probably want to make Vista look like KDE 4
18:18.48Sam_123ya i agree that KDE has got good performance as compared to VISTA
18:19.02Sam_123but just for knowlwdge i m asking
18:19.07*** join/#kde looonger (
18:20.03kde185Sam_123: Just download Fedora 10 and give it a try.  It has a more up to date KDE not to mention better/newer hardware support
18:20.17Sam_123recoil : OK
18:20.28*** join/#kde eerf (
18:20.40Sam_123kde185: Any good theme do u have ?
18:20.43eerfDoes anyone know what meta key is?
18:20.46*** part/#kde freak_vishal (n=vishalga@
18:20.53PhilRodeerf: usually Alt
18:20.54*** join/#kde Xpert (
18:21.09recoilSam_123: As for DOM0, I know that opensuse has Xen, but I'm not sure if it has DOM0.  It does, however, have the best KDE desktop around, IMO.
18:21.14eerfHow do you know for sure?
18:22.03Sam_123recoil: When u say there is no Dom-0...Does that mean - there are only Dom-U
18:22.10Xpertfor install a .deb is dpkg -r filename.deb ?
18:22.17Xpertit inst running ...
18:22.21pinotreeXpert: ask in #ubuntu or #debian
18:22.28eerfI mean how do you check if it is alt?
18:22.38recoilSam_123: I don't know anything about xen.  I'm just telling you what I read via google.  You could, to be honest, try googling this yourself.
18:22.43pinotreeSam_123, recoil: what about bringing the Xen discussion in a Xen channel?
18:23.18Sam_123pinotree: i thought there is only KDE channel
18:23.21kde185Sam_123: Personally I really like the default theme that comes with KDE 4.
18:23.35Sam_123pinotree: how to go in Xen channel ?
18:23.52Sam_123kde185: mIne is KDE 3 na ?
18:24.12kde185Sam_123: that's correct
18:24.44Sam_123what are those numbers mean ?
18:24.45PhilRodeerf: xmodmap, probably - let me see
18:25.09PhilRodeerf: well, I guess it depends: why do you need to know?
18:25.14*** join/#kde habarnam (
18:26.10kde185Sam_123: version 5.8 of the KDE 3 series
18:26.15kde185sort of
18:26.15*** join/#kde Fish (
18:26.36Sam_123kde185: and what about numbers in Kernel version
18:26.43*** join/#kde Pullarotta^ (n=pullis@
18:26.48kde185no one calls it 5.8, the linux world is full of sub-sub-sub versions of a program
18:27.18*** join/#kde kriko (n=kristjan@
18:27.35Fri13It is KDE 3.5.8 version
18:28.22Fri13Three big releases... few big release of these releases and then few releases for those smaller bugfixed etc.
18:29.36vitalany people here having trouble compiling kde 4.2.60 from trunk? something in kdebase seem broken to me, and I just downloaded the sources from trunk with svn.
18:29.51Fri13vital: you mean 4.1.60?
18:30.01Fri13or current 4.1.96
18:30.08*** join/#kde Fish- (
18:30.12ChemBroFri13: he means 4.2.60
18:30.20vitalindeed, says 4.2.60
18:30.21pinotreevital: trunk compiles, what is your error?
18:31.57kde185is there an ETA for the a fix to the corrupt system tray icons?  I found a bug report but no mention of when it'll be fixed upstream
18:32.07*** join/#kde fatalerrors (
18:32.24pinotreekde185: what is your kde version?
18:32.44kde185pinotree: I'm running off of the ubuntu neon nightly repository
18:32.49*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna (
18:32.53pinotreevital: looks like a local problem on your side, that code is untouched since long
18:33.04pinotreekde185: and that means, which version?
18:33.16kde185pinotree: 4.2.60
18:33.18Half-Leftkde185: You have to wait until the tray spec is finished, most lightly a few releases yet
18:33.28vitalpinotree:  okay, I guess I'll have to search some more then... thanks a lot!
18:33.31*** join/#kde Fish (
18:33.40pinotreekde185: should already be fixed
18:34.14kde185pinotree: It's slightly better, but with compositing it still does it, and happens more often with auto-hiding task bar
18:34.24*** join/#kde lunarvalleys (
18:35.13Half-LeftSome people get better results when using non nvidia cards
18:35.24Half-Leftor no composting
18:35.49*** join/#kde genady12_ (
18:36.34mfilipewhere is the path to file that store Notes-it for kde4?
18:36.51kde185Half-Left: I've got ATI.  It's not a show-stopper for me, I was just curious when/if the new spec would be made
18:37.10J-23can somebody help me with "New device notifier" applet?
18:37.23J-23or rather automounting in Dolphin
18:37.58*** join/#kde thrice` (i=thrice@unaffiliated/thrice/x-000000001)
18:38.03Half-Leftkde185: a while yet, not sure when, maybe a few releases, it's all about making app play proper in the sys tray
18:38.18Sam_123How to play avi files in KDE ?
18:38.30Half-Leftuse a video player
18:38.36*** join/#kde habarnam (
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18:39.33J-23"Error when trying to access <device name>, system returned: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy: <-- (action, result)"
18:39.47*** join/#kde Phlogi (
18:40.13eerfPhilRod: Sorry. I was googling for it.
18:40.20*** join/#kde Jejem (
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18:40.39lojackSam_123: AVI is like a container, and can have audio/video inside that was encoded using any number of codecs
18:41.05drantinnot only like a container, it's called a container :D
18:41.07eerfPhilRod: I just installed compiz-fusion on F!0 with KDE and need meta key to use some of the plug-ins.
18:41.16lojackSam_123: The right question is, what codec was used to encode the video you want to watch
18:41.16Fri13Windows developer who does not know about Avi is container?
18:41.36lojackFri13: Easy...
18:41.38thrice`hi all; can anyone help with websvn ?  I'm trying to grab the 4.1.96/ tag
18:42.03J-23how can I fix that?
18:42.06Half-Leftask away
18:42.34thrice`well, svn co   doesn't seem to work
18:42.53Fri13thrice`: there is script to get trunk version
18:42.53lojackSam_123: Also, as others have mentioned (politely), you should mention your KDE version when asking KDE question -- KDE3 vs KDE4 usually is enough
18:43.38pinotreethrice`: websvn is not an svn server.
18:43.54lojackSam_123: You probably will need 'win32codecs-all' package to play videos that use Microsoft codecs
18:44.28pinotreethrice`: please take a look at
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18:44.53lojackSam_123: As for video players (the apps), you have a number available to you, and they may or may not be installed on your system
18:45.15kde185Sam_123: I think that the #fedora channel would be a better place to ask that, but for various legal reasons Fedora doesn't include the ability to use the most widely used media formats
18:45.35lojackSam_123: Kaffeine, MPlayer, Xiine, etc.
18:45.45thrice`pinotree: d'oh.  thanks, that's working :>
18:47.35Xperthow i reduce the size of the icons in kde 4.1 ?
18:47.44Xpertthe icons that appear in the system tray
18:48.12pinotreesystray specifications define the size of the icons at 22x22px, so you cannot
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18:48.55Xpertsystray specifications ? how i go in this menu ?
18:49.03Fri13Xpert: You cant
18:49.04Xpertjust right click in systray ?
18:49.15Fri13Xpert: it is standard to have only that size icons
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18:52.45PhilRodeerf: hm, try Alt+shift
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18:53.25eerfPhilRod: I tired alt, windows key for meta
18:53.35eerfPhilRod: but no...
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18:55.27eerfPhilRod: what is mode 1?
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18:57.15PhilRodeerf: the other thing to try is "xmodmap -pk | grep -i meta"
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18:59.45Sam_123lojack: I hv Kaffeine player
19:00.10Sam_123lojack: But its not working for AVI
19:00.49PhilRodeerf: as far as I understand it, that looks like Meta should be Alt+Shift
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19:01.50eerfso if its says to press meta + ctrl +_ F12, then I have to press 4 keys like shift + alt + ctrl + F12?
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19:03.38eerfPhilRod: Thanks but I give up.
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19:08.27Sam_123Where will i get IP adress configuration ?
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19:46.37Sam_123I wish to Hibernate KDE...
19:46.53Sam_123How to hibernate from KDE ?
19:48.49boom1992Sam_123: kde4?
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19:49.24boom1992no idea then
19:49.40Sam_123boom1992:any command for hibernation
19:50.21boom1992I have no clue... sorry, in kde4 there is a menu-entry
19:50.37Sam_123boom1992:ok thnx
19:50.51[Kame2]is there a way how the hibernation in kde4 is done? i want that it hibernates like /usr/sbin/hibernate (unloading nic-drivers and such)
19:51.29[Kame2]*a way to CHANGE how hiber...
19:51.47rmh3093is there an equivilant to file-roller in kde?
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19:53.42rmh3093or qt4 based archiver?
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19:55.54junkDawgiermh3093: ark is the default archive tool in kde4, there are also other tools peazip or q7z
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19:56.32rmh3093junkDawgie: thanks
19:56.43junkDawgiealso there is sevicemenu addons for dolphin and konqueror
19:56.52rmh3093ark is was i was looking for
19:56.57rmh3093i knew there had to be something
19:57.39junkDawgiepersonally i find the Extract and Compress servicemenu addon the most useful
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19:58.10rmh3093"service menu"??
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19:58.46junkDawgieit adds a right-click context menu selection in the dolphin or konqueror file managers
19:59.33junkDawgieark has that too but it's an "open with" type of choice
20:00.03junkDawgiejust adds a step
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20:01.01ungethymSam_123: You should find "hibernate" in the shutdown menu
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20:03.05Psycheyanyone here using kmail 4.1.2?
20:04.19Psychey...and are able to send mails just fine?
20:04.41Psycheysome bugs are preventing me from doing just that..
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20:07.54[Kame2]Psychey: i use 4.1.3 but used 4.1.2 before 4.1.3 where out. don't remember any problems
20:08.43Psycheythanks, neither did i... until recently. now it simply refuses to send any mails at all..
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20:10.20krikoHello! Which is the official kde forum: or
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20:11.47SSJ_GZkriko: The second one :)
20:12.25krikoI used to visit the first one for long time, what happened? Did they move completely?
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20:21.14estananyone if there's been any changes to the folderview plasmoid in 4.2?
20:21.28estane.g. does it have a list view now?
20:21.31schafiscrolling lists in dolphin is quite slow ... does anybody know how to solve this?
20:21.50estanschafi: i've always had that, though it's been getting marginally better with time..
20:22.05estanschafi: what graphics hardware do you have?
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20:22.14schafiestan: intel 915gm
20:23.02estanschafi: okay, i have a 945gm and it's pretty slow here too :/
20:23.31schafiestan: the problem: I've got this slow scrolling on all lists (also in amarok, when I scroll my local collection) ... I didn't know that kde4 is so extremely hardware hungry :-(
20:23.33estani don't know why, it's a bit better on my stationary with nvidia+latest drivers..
20:24.00estanschafi: i don't think this is symptomatic of kde4 per se, i'm sure there's way to fix these issues.
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20:24.22estankde4 is quite fast, but has rough edges. this is one of them currently.
20:24.27schafiestan: I also tried latest Xorg stuff (xserver and driver from git)
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20:24.56schafiestan: the strange thing: no performance problems with gtk2 apps ... it seems to be a qt4 problem
20:25.02estanokay. yea well i think this particular problem is more a problem with kde/qt than with xorg or the intel driver.
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20:25.24estanyes, but it's not so strange, it's two completely different pieces of software.
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20:26.16estanand the qt+kde4 stack can be considered much younger than the current gtk+gnome one, so it has more rough edges. let's hope it's fixed in 4.2.
20:26.22marco_howto autounmask kde 4.1.87?
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20:26.34estanmarco_: i think #gentoo for that.
20:26.56estan(if you're talking about gentoo portage masking/unmasking).
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20:27.47marco_yes estan i talk about gentoo
20:28.20estanokay. then #gentoo.
20:28.26schafiestan: yeah but when I can't fix this I have to switch DE ... with these performance problems, kde4 is not ready for daily use for me ... I need a productive environment with a good performance :-(
20:28.35estanschafi: okay.
20:29.01estannot going to argue there, if it's not acceptable to you yet then that's just the way it is ;)
20:29.28vinnie_how do i get apps the get focus to automatically switch to top?
20:29.33schafiestan: last try for me is to change to qt4.5
20:30.24estanschafi: might be worth a shot. try searching too and see if it's been reported.. maybe some developer who is knowledgeable has commented.
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20:30.42estanvinnie_: not sure it's possible in kde4 yet.
20:31.07vinnie_estan: im using 3.5.10
20:31.17vinnie_on slackware 12.2
20:31.34estanvinnie_: okay. then i don't know ;) it was a long time since i used it so i don't know where to set it..
20:33.47schafiestan: there is a bug report but no solution yet ... hope this will get fixed soon :-)
20:34.15SSJ_GZschafi: Link to bug report?
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20:35.18SSJ_GZschafi: Thanks!
20:35.36schafiSSJ_GZ:  the bug could be related to the new semantic stuff like nepomuk
20:35.49SSJ_GZschafi: Possibly.
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20:50.50OldManI just installed the KDE4.2 rpms from the KDE-redhat repository. Now the panel is blue. How do I change the background color of the panel?
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20:51.53OldManI don't see anything in the Overview/Appearance/Colors tabs...
20:52.13OldManNot in right-click->Panel Settings either...
20:52.29OldManNor in "More Settings" under that, either.
20:53.58kdepepoOldMan, change the Plasma theme to something that respects system colors (Aya comes to mind)
20:54.09OldManWhere's that?
20:54.21kdepepoOld, right click desktop, "Configure"
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20:54.56kdepepoOldMan, there is a combo that should read "Oxygen". If you do not have Aya, bug your distributor to package it.
20:54.58OldManIs it a bug that that's not accessible from the "Appearance" tab of the system settings window?
20:55.12kdepepoOldMan, yes, known.
20:55.32OldManThank you. And I do have Aya, and it does look pretty good. THanks.
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21:03.03znhHello people. I'd like to know if my system is able to run kde good enough on my pretty old system. It's a 800mhz with 256 megs of ram
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21:04.51mcasis there a way to add a  new web shortcut for a web search for konqueror  to many installations?
21:05.03mcasis there a config file or something?
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21:15.25wesleyis it hard to get kde running on osx
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21:17.47OldManDunno; I don't run OS X.
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21:19.28cb400fwesley: .. it's beta.. and you don't get a kde desktop (yet) .. just apps
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21:20.52wesleycb400f how hard is it to get it on mac
21:21.21cb400fI don't have that stuff.. but I should think it's as easy as installing any other .dmg
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21:21.42cb400f.. how well it works afterwards is a different matter entirely
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21:23.37wesleyi going dual boot my pc with kde4.2 kubuntu 9.04
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21:26.14wesleyare they planning to get the whole envirioment to osx?
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21:28.45OldManSo um, new version of kmail... I'm seeing the list of emails now has lines in it that say "Today," "Yesterday," etc.
21:29.21OldManI've changed the "theme" to classic, so now the date shows in one of the columns... so I don't need those; they now just make the list view not show as many emails, since some lines are taken up with those. How do I turn them off?
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21:31.00Half-LeftOldMan: Try the buttons on top right
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21:33.28OldManHalf-Left, I'm playing with them... and have found a way to customize almost everything else... but NOT the presence of the group header.
21:33.33OldManI just want the group headers to go away.
21:34.04OldMan(And I'm curious to know if there was any UI testing on making this the default... or if it was a GNOME-style, "we-know-better-than-our-users" middle finger.)
21:34.12Half-LeftGroup header?
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21:36.16Half-LeftOldMan: Well you'll always get someone who dont like it, it's been very positive change from what I've seen
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21:37.51OldManWell, that's exactly my question: is there any UI testing of such "improvements?" SuSE or anybody actually collecting data on such changes?
21:38.56Half-LeftYou should ask on the mailing lists, pretty sure they dont just throw things togther at random
21:39.43OldManThere IS precedent for that, sadly. :(
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21:42.23OldManHey, I found it!
21:42.30OldManAggregation -> Flat Date View
21:42.40OldManThanks, kmail folks, for remembering to incorporate some feature parity!
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21:44.34DrSlonyHelp, I use a dark theme that looks great for photography work, but I get unreadable colours in *some* forum textareas, does anyone know how to fix it on my end? Which exact color in System Settings is used?
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21:55.33_mwoodj_Hi. I believe KDE has a dashboard feature similar to OS X. I am pretty sure that I have popped it up by accident before but now that I want it I can't figure out how to pop it up. If this is a feature how do I make it come up?
21:57.47[Kame2]_mwoodj_: ctrl+F12
21:58.06[Kame2]or you put the plasmoid in your panel
21:58.33_mwoodj_THanks a lot... I know its F12 in OS X and I tried F12 and alt+F12... don't know why I didn't try ctrl+F12. I appreciate it.
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22:02.54redpillhow can i refresh my "start" menu
22:05.41DrSlonytry /usr/bin/kbuildsycoca4
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22:11.52hallownamethe most popular rosetta stone piracy + wine + kwin works! thank you community!!!
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23:08.16victim[v]can KDESVN do branches? I'm using KDE 3.5.10 and kdesvn 0.14.6
23:08.27victim[v]if it can, how?
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23:12.48karthikhi I was wondering if there is a way to save KDE settings "without logout" ? If I make some changes (like move panel-launcher -plasmoids ) then if I do not logout it is not saved. this is intrepid ibex
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23:14.42johjohhello... i'd like to change my konqueror's background image... dunno how to do it... could some1 gimme a hint? i'm on kde 3.5
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23:18.40pinotreejohjoh: view → configure the background
23:19.19johjohpinotree: on where? which menu?
23:19.24pinotreein konqueror
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23:21.07pinotreejohjoh: ↑
23:22.15johjohpinotree: found it... thx... was looking on the wrong menu... it's on view menu
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23:35.21Maximuscan anyone recommend a theme for kde 3.5 where the widgets are optimized for space and not needlessly large? :p
23:36.25cb400fwasn't there one called lipstick or something ?
23:36.33cb400ftries to remember the distant past
23:37.33MinceRi don't remember it as being optimized for space though
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23:37.58MinceRQtCurve might fit the description though
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23:54.24MinceRwhat's the command that pops up the "shutdown" dialog?
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23:54.47MinceRdoes 'dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface logout' do this?
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23:58.50pinotreeMinceR: try dcop ksmserver ksmserver logout 1 0 3
23:59.04MinceRi'll try that
23:59.17MinceR(i'll boot another pc to mess with this on :) )

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