IRC log for #kde on 20090106

00:00.11aseigocenuij: and the "flyout menu is too far away" was fixed some time ago, btw.
00:00.11cenuijaseigo: your in dreamland, you had better exercise your cencorship if you wish to have the last word in this "conversation" +b ahoy
00:00.38aseigohave it your way. it's not about you, it's about this channel being a useful, enjoyable place for others.
00:00.43*** mode/#kde [+b cenuij!*@*] by aseigo
00:00.45*** kick/#kde [cenuij!n=aseigo@kde/aseigo] by aseigo (aseigo)
00:01.07*** join/#kde BurkeOne (
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00:01.35BurkeOnesorry, I just experienced a crash... do somebody know if kopete is still maintained?
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00:01.58aseigoBurkeOne: yes, actively so. new features and everything in 4.2 ;)
00:02.29BurkeOneso, just kopete'S Webpage is unmaintained?
00:02.56Sputooooh, I didn't even know that the cashew is draggable now :D
00:03.26puslingcan't drag his cashew
00:04.48aseigoBurkeOne: probably. =/
00:05.31bonsaikitteneats some salty cashews and watches kde trunk compile
00:05.37BurkeOneso, what about a guestmode in Kopete? what about a restored IRC plugin or full integration of Telepaphy/Decibel? Did they managed to get those things in?
00:05.38puslingtoo many open source webpages is outdated - usually because it is more interesting to write code than webpages
00:05.39Sputcan drag his cashew
00:05.42Sputwow that's shiny :D
00:06.04puslingwhat's a guestmode ?
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00:06.47BurkeOne"Allow people other than the current user to use another IM account while not bloating the user settings, like a sandbox mode. "
00:07.18puslingoh. I hope that's at the very bottom of thee todo
00:08.39*** join/#kde guax (n=guaxinim@
00:08.43BurkeOneBTW: does anybody know if techbase=>feature plan for 4.2 is up to date? It seems many features didn't get ready for 4.2....
00:09.28reavertmwell, I guess updating feature plan needs some work as well, and kde is short in manpower
00:09.59reavertmso people, don't complain - contribute!
00:10.25BurkeOneThat is something people like me could handle. But from where get I the information of feature status?
00:11.21bonsaikittenBurkeOne: you ask, be patient and hope that people will point you in the right direction - at times frustrating, but the results are so nice
00:12.31reavertmpossibly asking devs on irc would be best idea, I guess when you tell you want to help, someone will guide in valid direction (but it should be done in some 'working' hours when more devs are around
00:12.33BurkeOnedoesn't sound satisfying. Developers should think about documentation, and that feature plan is a documentation as well IMO
00:12.50BurkeOnebut well... maybe there no other choise
00:13.46*** join/#kde habarnam (n=habarnam@
00:13.55puslingBurkeOne: just follow along the right places in svn to see when someting gets started and more or less finished
00:14.32puslingI did thing that the feature plan was quite ambitious when created, so I'm satisfied with the amount of finished vs notfinished.
00:14.35bonsaikittenBurkeOne: it's a matter of priorization - there's finite time and infinite amounts of ideas
00:14.39sandsmarkBurkeOne: they're to busy implementing the features to update all the feature plans, todos and README's :p
00:15.10aseigoBurkeOne: other projects do similarly. the promo team is working on the 4.2 release docs
00:16.10BurkeOne@pusling: That work could be significantly  easier if the dev just tell somebody, that a certain feature can be marked as done...
00:16.26BurkeOneThx for that features list
00:16.52BurkeOnethat is absolutely one of the most intersting pages I have seen  that day :)
00:17.05BurkeOneLast Question: Rumors said, that there's  started a fork of KDE3, recently. Is that true?
00:17.17*** join/#kde thoand (
00:18.17thoandhi, I switched to kde4.2 beta2 yesterday and have to say it works great, I am using the open source radeon driver since yesterday too and now I have a stable and beautiful system, thank you!
00:18.24sandsmarkBurkeOne: people have talked about it since pre-4.0 release, noone has done anything yet
00:18.29reavertmnah, just some .dot trolling ;)
00:18.30sandsmark(lot of hot air, though! :p)
00:18.47BurkeOneI see
00:18.57puslingsandsmark: where is that trolling ?
00:19.14BurkeOneSounds that one or two trolls try to rickroll you^^
00:19.19BurkeOnein some way
00:19.26sandsmarkpusling: blog comments, on the dot, slashdot, etc.
00:19.47sandsmarkin dark and damp places, where they the trolls thrive :p
00:20.18reavertmforking kde is impractical - too much work, no gain really = no point really
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00:21.36BurkeOneI am curious how a fork of KDE3 would look like... they would have to fork qt3 as well
00:22.28sandsmarkthose who talk about probably haven't written a line of c++ in their whole life
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00:23.48BurkeOneI cannot judge that statement, I only wrote java and javascript things...
00:23.55BurkeOneprobably youre right
00:24.21aseigodepends on what they wanted to do
00:24.30BurkeOnedoes anyone consider to implement yahoo desktop gadgets(or how they are called) support?
00:24.49aseigoif they just wanted to do maintenance (bug fixing, etc) a dozen or so realy committed people could keep it going in that fashion
00:24.49BurkeOneor even support for windows vsidebar widgets in plasma?
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00:25.15sandsmarkBurkeOne: you want MORE gadgets support? I haven't even tried all the types of gadgets yet (only superkaramba and normal plasmoids :p)
00:25.17aseigoif they wanted to do feature devel and keep it running with things like networkmanager 0.7, the it's a bigger effort. huge, actually.
00:25.28aseigoBurkeOne: yeah, both would be cool. well, the vista one more than the yahoo one.
00:25.42sandsmarkBurkeOne: you can have a sidebar, just add another panel? :p
00:25.49BurkeOneAFAIK KDE3 is still officially maintained and in bugfixing mode
00:26.00aseigoBurkeOne: the yahoo one is HUGE (i looked that API), they don't seem to have THAT many widgets or users of them .. so the effort/payoff ratio seems .. low
00:26.24aseigothe vista ones would be interesting just from a "ha ha. we have YOUR widgets too!" perspective ;)
00:26.30aseigoplasma katamari
00:26.40aseigothey also seemed a bit less involved API wise last i looked at them
00:26.50puslingaseigo: if the vista widgets is binary thingies, you could use libwine ? ;)
00:26.50sandsmarkah, you mean the widgets, not the sidebar, I suck at reading :p
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00:27.08BurkeOneI don't want a sidebar, I am well aware of plasma's capabilities. Therefore, I would like to see my  favourite Desktop shell to rule the world, considering almost every applet  possible^^
00:27.16aseigowe're not going to be doing any more official releases of 3.5.x, no .. but people are welcome to continue fixing bugs, finishing translations, etc.. quite a bit of that went on in 2008
00:27.46sandsmarkaseigo: but distros will have to checkout from svn to get it?
00:27.47BurkeOneat least Sidebar widgets would be nice, because I could use the train schedule widget for my city
00:28.05BurkeOneso, no 3.5.11?
00:28.34sandsmarkmaybe, if someone forks it into Quaker Desktop Environment? :p
00:28.52BurkeOneWhy not releasing 3.5.11 on the same day like 4.2 - with 42 bugs fixed;)
00:29.38puslingaseigo: oh. have fun with the cooking in switzerland
00:30.35*** join/#kde Mirra (
00:31.39BurkeOneDoes someone know if googlle gadgets behave well in a panel?
00:31.50BurkeOneThey have a trainticker clock...
00:32.04BurkeOne...with date*gasp*
00:32.22puslingBurkeOne: try ?
00:32.42BurkeOnedon't have 4.2 installed yet
00:32.50BurkeOnethat come on january 27
00:33.11puslingis considering when to switch to 4.2
00:33.56BurkeOnelast time I switched to 4.1 R, but this time I want to be surprised by it
00:34.04BurkeOne4.1 RC, I meant
00:34.25puslingprobably switches when debian expereimntal switches
00:34.35*** join/#kde treffer__ (
00:35.40sandsmarkhas been on 4.2 for a couple of weeks already, and just upped another snapshot :D
00:36.16*** join/#kde TobiaszCudnik1 (
00:36.23BurkeOneI tried a KDE four live CD for Beta 1, but it alsways crashed when I started kPat
00:36.39puslingand that's the most important app in kde.
00:37.07sandsmarkseriously, what's a desktop environment without card games? :)
00:37.13BurkeOneFull ack
00:37.21BurkeOneI just miss MS-Hearts
00:37.28puslingbut those bastards have killed kolf
00:37.40BurkeOneKolf2 is coming;)
00:37.47puslingyeah. but for 4.3
00:37.54puslingand tehy killed kolf1 for 4.2
00:38.41BurkeOneI gues Kolf need a nice looking 2D-Engine
00:38.53puslingand a not broken on.
00:38.54BurkeOneand some animations
00:39.06puslingkolf is quite hard to play when your ball end up in the lines
00:39.13sandsmarkI'm waiting for kdevelop, so I can ditch vim when coding :D
00:39.20BurkeOnewell, yes
00:39.21stonedIf I was the headless horsemen’s horse, I would fuck with that dude. Yeah, we’re going that way. We’re not headed towards the hay. Imagine if the headless horsemen had a headless horse, that would be fucking chaos. We need a head!
00:39.36stonedI’d hate to be the headless horsemen’s dentist. You wouldn’t make very much money.
00:39.59puslingoh. stoned is stoned
00:40.04BurkeOneIs it possible to code games with KDE? Somethink like supertux or some windows-like strategy-games?
00:40.13stonedit is
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00:40.35sandsmarkBurkeOne: there was a 3d RTS written using the kdegames libraries, iirc
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00:40.49stonedyou have to install kdevelop, the language you want, its bindings in whichever graphical toolkit you want, gl or sdl
00:40.52puslingBurkeOne: just combine the rubick cube game with ksirk and there you are.
00:40.53BurkeOneI should have a look
00:41.05Jucato(not necessary on the kdevelop part)
00:41.26stonedmore than likely you should use a 3d game engine
00:41.29BurkeOneWhat exactly does the Nepomuk search runner in Krunner? What are the benefits?
00:41.39stonedor a game engine of some sort of at least game development libraries
00:41.40sandsmarkall your files
00:41.43stonedor frameworks
00:41.54sandsmarkit's damn annoying here, it keeps getting new results, which resets the choice I made :p
00:42.17sandsmark«Boson is an OpenGL real-time strategy game. It is designed to run on Unix (Linux) computers, and is built on top of the KDE, Qt and kdegames libraries.»
00:42.22sandsmarkit's dead, though
00:42.23puslingBurkeOne: nepomuk is for actually finding all your pr0n spread all over your harddrive.
00:42.33BurkeOneI know
00:43.18BurkeOneI want to find a file with a name I hardly remeber. Something about "homework". So now I open Krunner an type "search homework" ?
00:43.36BurkeOneor better "find homework"?^^
00:43.44sandsmarkjust "homework" works for me :p
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00:44.11BurkeOneso It has access to the index?
00:44.12sandsmarkthough it searches through contents too
00:45.05BurkeOnedoes nepomuk also indexes recently plugged-in devices an shared folders?
00:45.25sandsmarkit only searches the paths you specify, afaik
00:46.27sandsmarkhow to kill plasma with this checkout: plug in your OpenMoko Freerunner! :p
00:47.13BurkeOnesorry for my permanent topic switching, but I am crawling through the plasma changelog atm, which causes some urgend questions from time to time;)
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00:48.33BurkeOneA Krunner-plugin for the amarok-database would also be useful
00:49.10puslingit would be more useful for amarok to use nepomuk
00:49.45BurkeOnemaybe just a matter of time
00:51.01sandsmarkit was too slow, iirc
00:51.07Dhraakellianis klotz/kldraw still seeing active development?
00:51.22sandsmarkyeah, I think someone picked it up not too long ago
00:51.56DhraakellianI remember seeing something about it in the commit digest blurb a couple months ago, but nothing since
00:52.29BurkeOneokay thanks for your attention.  Good luck with the trolls. Just show them some videos of KDE 4.2 instead of screenshot only in the release announcements for "the Answer" ;)
00:52.43*** join/#kde TobiaszCudnik1 (
00:54.12Dhraakellianfires up the KDE3 khotkeys
00:55.08Dhraakellianwould it be possible to make a khotkeys gesture to focus a window without raising it?
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01:06.38*** mode/#kde [+o Jucato] by ChanServ
01:06.41*** mode/#kde [-b *!*@] by Jucato
01:06.43*** mode/#kde [-b *!*] by Jucato
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01:22.04soreauI have some question about cmake. Where can I ask about it?
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01:23.09soreauI am trying to figure out how to set the install path. So far, I tried "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/build cmake ../build" but the subsequent make and make install just installs to /usr/local/ anyway
01:23.53*** join/#kde GerbilSoft (
01:24.27Jucatoit should be "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/blah/blah etc etc"
01:24.42soreautries it
01:24.47Jucatoyou should be running cmake in the build dir (which is separate from the source dir)
01:25.42soreauI am
01:26.34*** join/#kde White_Pelican (
01:27.15Dhraakellianhow would I get a folder in kmail to show up in the folder list but not have its unread messages count towards the total displayed in the systray?
01:27.31Skrot-I get "Unknown CMake command "macro_write_basic_cmake_version_file"." when I try to compile kdepimlibs trunk. Any ideas?
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01:28.11Skrot-hm, nevermind. Old cmakecache :>
01:28.24Dhraakellian(I want my gmail/IMAP spam folder to be present so that I can move stuff there and occasionally check for false positives, but I don't want spam cluttering up the message count in the systray icon)
01:28.51*** part/#kde karen (n=karen@
01:29.09pinotreeSkrot-: old kdelibs?
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01:30.09Skrot-rather no kdelibs. I tried to compile kdepimlibs prior to kdelibs earlier. Cleaning the cmake cache solved the issue. :)
01:30.41soreauJucato: Well that worked but now when I run the program, it uses the libs in /usr, not in /opt where they are located. Might you have a clue on how to make this work?
01:30.49*** join/#kde Emess (
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01:32.11Jucatoset the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
01:33.44*** join/#kde Leo_ (
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01:49.25Vash63Hey, all of my kopete notifications come up on the top center area of my screen... I want them on the bottom right.
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01:49.30Vash63Is there a way to change this?
01:49.53apowgotta be, mine don't do that
01:49.58apownever did actually lol
01:50.25Vash63It does for my friend too, and on both of my KDE installs.
01:50.27DhraakellianI thought they just came up at the systray's location
01:52.41*** join/#kde moocow (
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01:59.37STiATDoes anyone know where to find developer docs for phonon ("user" docs)? the page doesn't seem to work correctly for me
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02:34.43arktosHey all!
02:34.56*** join/#kde joe-coder (
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02:35.08joe-coderI can't get dolphin to hide hidden folders in the folder view
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02:35.23MirrakorIs Albert around?
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02:35.29Mirrakor(Astal Cid)
02:35.37joe-codermy home folder has 7 of my own folders and 73 hidden ones that won't hide
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02:36.58joe-coderI even deleted ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin and restarted.
02:37.09Mirrakoris there an KDE frontend for pdftk?
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02:41.13joe-coderhuh, there was another option for show hidden files that appeared when right clicking on the folder
02:41.26joe-coderthis was different than view, show hidden files and alt+.
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02:42.04joe-coderfor anyone involved with kde/dolphin user interface, that might be something worth noting.
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03:06.22WangXJis there anybody here?
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03:07.59newsensecan anyone suggest a kde email notification applet
03:08.12WangXJi just want to make friends with you,
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03:08.33WangXJwhy no people speak to me?
03:08.42WangXJso sad
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03:10.49newsenseno one here knows of a good kde email notification applet ?
03:11.46WangXJmy msn is,i just want to improve my english,is there anybody willing to help me?
03:12.40Jucatonewsense: try korn
03:13.00JucatoWangXJ: this is not a social channel. please ask in ##linguistics
03:13.05Jucatoor #freenode-social
03:13.42WangXJthanks a lot
03:15.58*** part/#kde WangXJ (n=WangXJ@
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03:16.28predderI'm running kde 4.1, how can I make the contents of ~/Desktop appear on the actual desktop
03:16.50predderright now I can add like single files/folders
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03:20.11Vash63Add the Desktop folder to your folderview?
03:20.21*** part/#kde newsense (n=newsense@unaffiliated/newsense)
03:20.29Vash63Add Widget, Folderview
03:20.36Vash63Change its settings to point to ~/Desktop
03:21.03Vash63You can't set your entire desktop to be a folder, that's coming in 4.2 but personally folderviews are nicer anyway.
03:21.29predderthanks Vash63, giving it a try now
03:22.56predderahh yeah, that worked the treat
03:23.02predderit's _really_ slow though!
03:24.14preddercore2, 3gb ram, 8800gt video and there's a half a second delay when I tell it to scroll
03:26.12Vash63Anyone have any preferences for good qt4 video players?
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03:54.16derek_kVash63: dragon
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04:09.17Sigma0824Hello KDE Community.
04:09.30Sigma0824Anyone have a few minutes to help with a minor problem
04:09.44Sigma0824I am trying to mount a blank media like a CD or DVD
04:09.57Vash63Anyone know what the best ATi driver for compositing in 4.1 is? I'm on fglrx now but have a few issues, wondering if either of the OSS drivers would be better.
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04:13.16Sigma0824Can some help with HOWTO mount blank media?
04:15.18Sigma0824Mandriva 2009. KDE 4.1.3
04:15.33derek_kSigma0824: what are you trying to do?
04:15.46Sigma0824thank you.
04:16.19Sigma0824Basically when you insert a cd or dvd into the drive, it shows up on "recently plugged in devices"
04:16.29Sigma0824but when I put in blank media nothing happens
04:17.03Sigma0824I would like to mount it so Virtualbox can See and use it.
04:17.04derek_kSigma0824: there is no file system to mount on a blank cd or dvd
04:17.18Sigma0824I see
04:17.37derek_kSigma0824: are you trying to write to it?
04:17.59Sigma0824But in Virtualbox, natively everything works fine
04:19.19derek_kSigma0824: I'm not sure Virtualbox supports that. try running something like k3b or equivalent in the virtualbox
04:19.33Sigma0824ok, I will try now
04:20.04Sigma0824Virtualbox says it supports writting data, but not music CD. But I have been able to get it to work
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04:24.55Sigma0824I will look at that right now!
04:27.16Sigma0824derek_k: thanks I have been looking on their forums. must have missed that one
04:27.35derek_kSigma0824: google is your friend
04:28.14Sigma0824derek_k: good idea, I searched through their 'forum search'. and yes it is
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04:41.36DhraakellianI'm *almost* getting used to the (rather literally) counter-intuitive scrollwheel-over-desktop direction
04:42.49Dhraakellianhmm... actually, I suppose it's not counter intuitive if you rotate your mouse counterclockwise and pretend the scrollwheel is actually a dial/knob/whatever on the cube
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04:43.35TowerNethow do you use CMake to find a list of files so that you can feed them to FOREACH() ?
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04:44.30TowerNetFIND_FILE finds 1 file
04:44.35TowerNetI need to generate a list
04:47.27TowerNetEXEC_PROGRAM looks like the only way
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04:53.11predderpkill konsole
04:53.19predder... whoops.
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05:55.03TwinReverbis there a way to make kmail save your mail in a different location than ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/whatever/whatever ?
05:58.28N9NUyou can specify it within the "accounts" options for each pop account u have i believe
05:58.42TwinReverbi don't see it at all
05:59.04N9NUhm..i know its there somewhere...lemme see mind
06:01.36N9NUok i was thinking of of changing download mail dir to another folder ...
06:01.41N9NUi see what your saying
06:02.02TwinReverbyep i can't make it ~/Mail
06:02.29N9NUi am sure there is some way to mod that
06:02.33TwinReverbi could hard link it but that would be silly because it would cause my backups (via rsync) to increase in size
06:02.51N9NUyeah thats possible, but like ya said...
06:03.00N9NUi assume you get a lot of mail
06:03.17N9NUwhether crap or not lol
06:03.37TwinReverbi was only trying to make my /home heirarchy more like mac os x (not because mac os x is better, but only because i am not organized so i needed to pick something and use that as my method of organization lol)
06:04.20TwinReverbi could try a symlink approach but i don't know if that would break anything
06:04.24N9NUyeah i understand......
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06:04.59N9NUit shound just have to remember i guess where the link is from and points to
06:05.04N9NUshouldnt be a big deal
06:05.24N9NUin fact....i BRB...gunna try something
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06:45.00DhraakellianTwinReverb: why not make it ~/Mail?
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06:46.22DumbleHello world !
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06:52.29TwinReverbDhraakellian, actually, i'm trying to make it ~/Mail
06:52.34TwinReverbthere's no "why not"
06:52.58Dhraakellianmove the folder where it's stored to ~/Mail?
06:53.12TwinReverbi want to but there is no setting
06:53.31Dhraakellianthere's mv
06:53.41Dhraakellianand see if KMail just picks up on it
06:53.54TwinReverbum, no, i'm not risking destroying my mail
06:54.15Dhraakelliancopy it somewhere else then
06:54.24Dhraakellianand then mv it to ~/Mail
06:54.26TwinReverbdude you don't get it
06:54.33TwinReverbi'm not risking destroying my mail
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06:54.43TwinReverbif there is no setting, i am find with it the way it is
06:54.59TwinReverball i was asking was if there is a setting in kmail
06:55.10DhraakellianI think KMail will automatically pick up on it if it's in ~/Mail
06:55.15TwinReverbi don't need to move it to ~/Mail anyways
06:55.27Dhraakellianand backing up the directory first means that you can just put it back the way it was
06:55.30TwinReverband i doubt it because i had some old emails in ~/Mail already that i had forgotten about.  those did not show up.
06:55.43TwinReverbi had to use the import tool
06:56.08Dhraakellianhas old ISP email in ~/Mail
06:56.14TwinReverband once i imported them, i went back and used fuser to see if KMail was using anything in that directory but it was not
06:56.48TwinReverba symlink from ~/Mail to where it is in .kde isn't bad but i doubt i'll do that
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08:00.40sidhhello everybody
08:01.19sidhi use xrandr to have dual screen with my laptop and a external screen
08:01.51sidhi use kde 3.5.10
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08:02.27sidhbut i would like to dedicate a kde desktop to the laptop screen
08:02.31sidhis it possible ?
08:03.33stonedwhat do you eman dedicate
08:04.03stonedsidh, i don't get it
08:04.46sidhstoned: now with my dual screen i can move one app from a screen to anonther because both screen share the same desktop
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08:06.11sidhwhat i would like is to make laptop screen belongs to desktop 1 e.g. and the external screen would belongs to other desktop
08:06.25stonedso you have two desktops?
08:06.27stonedwhat /
08:06.53sidhok maybe desktop is not the appropriate term
08:06.59sidhsorry i'm not english
08:07.01stonedyes im confused
08:07.04stoned1 laptop
08:07.10stoned1 external monitor
08:07.21sidhi mean kde desktop
08:07.23stoned1 external monitor hooked up to laptop
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08:07.48stonedlaptop screen + external monitor == current working config (where you can drag windows across)
08:07.48sidhwhen you press ctrl+ tab you move from a desktop to another
08:08.06stonedso far am I understanding?
08:08.17sidhthat is what i call a desktop
08:08.24stonednow what do you want to do?
08:08.33stonedexplain in my terms
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08:09.10sidhfor the moment with my current working config
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08:09.13stonedyou want laptop screen to be dedicated to laptop and external monitor also hooked up to laptop but dedicated to itself (end result: you can't drag windows across)
08:09.16stonedis this what you want?
08:09.25futonrevolutionahey all
08:09.32sidhi have my thunderbird on the left (laptop) screen
08:09.41stonedyou know
08:09.44futonrevolutionI've got a kopete toolbar problem
08:09.46stonedI can't help you if you can't answer my questions.
08:09.46sidhand other apps on the rght (external)
08:09.52stonedyou're confusing me evenmore
08:10.00stonedif you want help, try to make it easy for us
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08:10.13stoneddon't make it even more complicated
08:10.19stonedand please, learn to answer qeustions
08:10.38stonedI am now irritted and I will leave IRC. Good luck with your problem
08:10.44sidhif i press ctrl + tab, i mova to another "desktop" for both screen
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08:11.13sidhsorry stoned : yes you understand what i mean
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08:12.46sidhstoned: sorry i didn't see you asked another question, i was focused on the description of my needs
08:13.38sidhhave a nice day
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08:14.32elbarplasma -> javascript-engine broken in trunk?
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08:15.12aseigosidh: you want xinerama or xrandr
08:15.22aseigosidh: and then kde just adapts to that for you
08:15.40aseigoelbar: svn up kdelibs/plasma/
08:15.58futonrevolutionanyone have kopete expertise?
08:16.26elbaraseigo: soon(tm) =)
08:16.36futonrevolutionI disabled the main toolbar, and when I try to enable it again it doesn't show up
08:16.52futonrevolutionother ones do, like the search and whatnot
08:16.59futonrevolutionthis is 3.5.10 by the way
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08:17.16sidhaseigo: now i use xrandr to have dual screen
08:17.52aseigofutonrevolution: neat. sounds like a bug. you could always try removing the kopetewindow.rc file in .kde/share/apps/data/kopeterc when kopete isn't running and see if that helps... or look in the kopeterc for a section on toolbars
08:18.11sidhbut as stoned conclude, i need that app on the laptop screen don't cross on the external screen
08:18.13aseigosidh: great. so you can put different things (panels, etc) on the two screens
08:18.47aseigokwin should "snap" them to the edges of the screen so it's easy to line them up, and maximizing shouldn't only stay on the one screen
08:18.54aseigoif it doesn't there's a bug somewhere
08:19.17Dhraakellianokay, I just spent *far* too much time on that
08:19.33Dhraakellianmaking Domino look like Oxygen with the Darkblue-deb color scheme
08:20.05Dhraakellianbut the results seem pretty good
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08:24.39futonrevolutionaseigo: yeah, it's pretty much a bug, but I fixed it by messing with the kopeterc toolbar section
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08:30.15sidhaseigo: in kcontrol, there was a "mutiple window" tab in the display section
08:30.46sidhi ticked off an option an restart kde, now this tab has disappeared
08:30.52sidhhow to restore it ?
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08:37.53sidhi found this
08:38.14sidhthis is my startupconfig file
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08:38.34sidhmaybe there is something to comment out wut what ?
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08:42.54bgmikiSystem Setings --> Network Setings --> Network Settings tab = Could not parse the XML file (). ????
08:44.16annmabgmiki: pardon?
08:44.34bgmikii get this
08:44.44annmanew install?
08:44.51bgmikiyes last night
08:45.21annmawhat kde version?
08:45.41annmaand how did you install
08:45.42bgmikiVersion 4.1.87 (KDE 4.1.87 (KDE 4.2 >= 20090101))
08:46.17bgmikimaybe i do something wrong
08:46.42annmahow did you install this? distro?
08:46.52bgmikicompile from svn
08:47.43annmaI also have svn and all is fine in network settings
08:47.49annmadid you try a new user?
08:48.06bgmikino i will try tnx annma
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08:51.21Moultdolphins a little slow once it displays 50+ files. any way to speed it up a little?
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08:52.01annmayou mean when it previews?
08:52.34axleAxWhat would happen if ~/.kde4 was deleted
08:52.56annmayou risk losing your mail and some data axleAx
08:52.57MoultaxleAx: you lose all your settings
08:53.05annmaand also all your settings
08:53.09annmanearly all
08:53.13MoultaxleAx: why not try it out? (just rename it temporarily)
08:53.31MoultaxleAx: i did it once, but i didn't make a detailed list of all i lost, don't worry it isn't super horrible
08:53.31annmaif you use kmail, do not delete .kde4
08:53.35axleAxBut kde will create a new one
08:53.41Moultannma: no previews turned on
08:53.56annmaMoult: so what is slow exactly?
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08:54.33annmaI opened a folder with 56 files and it displays instantaneously
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08:56.03Moultannma: it "seems" slower, like scrolling is noticably slower whilst browsing to other files is slower too
08:56.21Moultannma: sorry 50 was a bit of an exaggeration, i'm right now in a dir with 100 files
08:57.23annmado you have a nvidia video card?
08:57.28Moultannma: yes
08:57.47Moultannma: window resizing is also laggy, but i think that is a known issue (any updates on that btw?)
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08:58.28annmayou need latest driver to improve things
08:58.50annmarefer to which has some tips for video cards
08:59.00Moultannma: i am using the latest driver, it's very usable, the only thing is resizing which is slightly noticable
08:59.47annmawell then it's not very usable Moult
09:00.04Moultannma: other than resizing windows ;)
09:00.08annmaI can only point you to userbase to check if you have all settings possible OK
09:00.22aseigoMoult: which version of kde? 4.1?
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09:01.10aseigoMoult: it's faster in 4.2 compared to 4.1, but whether or not you'll notice depends on a number of variables (not everyone / every system is affect equally by all issues)
09:01.41Moultaseigo: i'm running 4.1.87
09:01.51Moultaseigo: the snapshots
09:02.07aseigoah... ok, those (hopefully) aren't release builds then
09:02.24Moultaseigo: i think it's a week or so behind svn
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09:02.31aseigo(hopefully, i say, because snapshots should be built so that we can get reasonable backtraces and debug output on konsole from them)
09:02.51aseigoand that considerably slows certain things down, fileviews being one of them
09:03.38aseigonotes that he's always surprised by how much faster kde is on other people's machines, and then usually remembers a second or two later that he runs full debug builds and they have optimized compiles installed ;)
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09:03.57Moultis this the relevant userbase page?
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09:09.05Moultouch kwin crash
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09:19.17sidhok i can get back with my "multiple monitors" tab in "Periphérals -> Display" of kcontrol
09:20.41sidhbut i still can move a window from one screen to another and i don't want that
09:21.29sidhi would like that screen 1 is desktop 1 and screen 2 is desktop 2,3,4 (e.g.)
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09:28.19analyzerhi all
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09:31.09dstambouis there a cpufreq applet (shows / allows you to alter cpu speed) for kde4?
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09:32.06annmayou can see CPU usage in an applet
09:32.35dstambouannma: aye, I saw that, it's more the alter part that I'm after :)
09:33.21annmanever altered CPU
09:33.27naught101where can I set KDEDIR permanently?
09:33.57dstambouannma: it's useful for a laptop!
09:34.05annmaI have a laptop
09:34.20annmayou mean for using less battery?
09:34.34dstambouannma: for less battery, yes, sometimes to not use the fan, etc.
09:34.38dstambousometimes don't need full speed
09:34.44annmaso you are after PowerDevil
09:35.00annmamy laptop doe snot seem to let me alter processors
09:35.11dstambouannma: not really, just a simple interface to cpufreq :)
09:35.12annmabut I see an option in PowerDevil
09:35.46annmayou set up a profile and switch to it when needed
09:36.24dstambouannma: ah, maybe that's behind the "More" button, which crashes kcmshell when I run it hehe
09:36.36annmaoh too bad for you
09:36.52annmaI love this PowerDevil stuff
09:37.07dstambouannma: how is it different from klaptopwhatever kde3 had?
09:37.27annmaI never used klpatopwhatever while I use PowerDeviil
09:37.48annmaPowerDevil is intuitive and smart in my opinion
09:37.54dstambouannma: you are odd for a laptop user! I always try to squeeze the last bit of battery of mine
09:37.59annmaaccessed through the battery applet
09:38.25annmadstambou: when you build all day you suck power anyway
09:38.40annmamy last laptop could not stand it in fact
09:38.56annmait heated so much it powered off
09:39.01dstambouah fair enough, I tend to use mine at uni and on the run more than at home. When I'm at home I dock it (and then I don't mind about cpu and power and such)
09:39.02dstambouannma: ouch
09:39.06dstambouat least it didn't melt!
09:39.20annmaI got rid of it before it was damaged ;)
09:39.53dstambouannma: probably a wise move - I see a fray in my laptop power cord, and now I begin to worry :o
09:39.59annmaI dim the screen mainly to save battery
09:40.18dstambouannma: yes, me too, and also sometimes wireless off if I can live with it off
09:40.32annmadoes it really make a difference?
09:41.08dstambouand make sure beagle and those evil indexing programs are off
09:41.09dstambouannma: can double my battery life
09:41.09dstambouannma: which is pretty good!
09:41.18dstambouannma: I think you can more than halve power use with dim screen/wireless off/low cpu
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09:46.11Bouannma: I finally managed to compile l10n-fr after your yesterday fix :)
09:47.34Bouannma: what is weird is that after changing language to fr in preferences, everything was in french except the kicker menu. I had to restart my computer to have the kicker menu in french too
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09:50.58Dhraakellianhmm... do the 4.2 betas allow for per-desktop wallpapers?
09:52.38Kame2Dhraakellian: yes, but there is no gui for it
09:53.07Dhraakellianand a separate slideshow on each desktop?
09:53.24Dhraakellianhow hard is it to set up via config files?
09:53.51Dhraakellianusing 4.1.3 now, and I can't tell at a glance which desktop I'm on
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09:54.22Kame2i think it's just one line in the plasmarc. but don't know exactly
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09:54.54Dhraakelliando you know if a GUI for it is expected by the RC or final release?
09:54.59annmaBou: that's weird
09:56.26Dhraakellianhas his desktop wallpapers somewhat color-coded
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09:56.58Bouannma: actually i see now that there is a message when changing of language saying that only newly launched application will benefit of it, and that login out/in was necessary to apply it everywhere
09:57.15Dhraakellianand now it is time for me to have been in bed
09:57.22Dhraakelliang'night/morning, all
09:57.30Kame2Dhraakellian: it is planed for 4.3
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09:58.29Dhraakellianah, okay
09:58.41Dhraakellianso perhaps I'll look into trying out the betas tomorrow
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10:22.00aRahimhi guys, i am usinf fedora 9 with kde 4.1 but it does not save my screen resolution settings
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10:25.32Pconfigmaybe it has something to do with your xorg configuration?
10:25.55aRahimno its kde 4 specific
10:26.32aRahimwhen i click Display it changes to the right reso but when i log out and log in it changes back to defaults one
10:27.47Pconfigodd, well i don't know enough about kde to help you :)
10:28.10Jucatohave you tried asking in #fedora or #fedora-kde ?
10:28.25aRahimthis is my problem
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10:29.37Pconfigseems it ain't distro related then, as he used kubuntu
10:29.59Pconfigwhat driver are you using?
10:30.15Jucatohm.. he said using fedora...
10:30.40Pconfigyes, but on the forums there's someone with the same problem using kubuntu
10:30.43aRahimintel 845
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10:31.09Kame2aRahim: start krandr
10:31.35aRahimthen what
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10:31.43Kame2than select your solution
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10:32.30aRahimi already tried it but it changes again :(
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10:36.04Kame2isn't there a distribution-tool to set resolution system-wide?
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10:42.43lup0anyone know how to get the back and forward buttons on a logitech mouse to work in dolphin? They currently work in firefox.
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11:02.50andrei_mihailahi all
11:03.24andrei_mihailaI'm using kde-4.1.87 on gentoo
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11:03.50andrei_mihailaand global keyboard shortcuts don't work
11:04.10andrei_mihaila(no alt+tab, no alt+f4... etc)
11:04.30andrei_mihailaI have 2 boxes, one is x86 the other is amd64
11:04.46andrei_mihailaon the first one they work ok, on the latter they don't
11:05.15andrei_mihailaI was hoping for some hint from you
11:05.59andrei_mihailaI've tried fixes found on the web but they didn't work for me
11:06.29andrei_mihailait seems the kdedglobalaccel is not loaded on my box
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11:06.52andrei_mihailaand dbus org.kde.kded /kded loadModule kdedglobalaccel returns false
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11:07.32KanniballI can't see subtitles (srt) in dragon player, using kubuntu 8.10 and Fedora 9. BEGIN: void Codeine::VideoWindow::setSubtitle(int)  using index:  -1  returned desc has index:  -1
11:08.43Kanniballanother weird thing, is that I have "amarok :" in the beggining of lines when run dragon with --debug
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11:24.14myeggowhat is your favourite bittorrent client?
11:26.50gavleektorrent ftw! :)
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11:29.05mfilipewill the kde project release a kde3 version? .11?
11:29.49annmamfilipe: what would you want it for?
11:30.28GNU\colossusi'd like to see it fix three bugs I'm about to report ;)
11:30.48annmawhat apps?
11:31.01GNU\colossus(two konqueror crashes, one jpeg decoder kpart(?) crash
11:31.05mfilipeannma: since the kde3.5.10 release the branch get many patches
11:31.21annmamfilipe: really?
11:31.51annmaGNU\colossus: what about the konq crashes, let's check if kde4 solves them
11:32.20annmamfilipe: I don't see many patches here
11:32.37annmamost modules have not been touched in 4 months
11:33.08mfilipeannma: but the kde3.5.10 was released in 6 months
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11:34.08annmayour distro can apply the patches if it wants
11:34.18annmadistros do that usually
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11:34.43annmaGNU\colossus: can you tell me about 1st konq crash please?
11:35.01GNU\colossusannma: do you have an ebay account?
11:35.16GNU\colossus(ebay crashes konqui under certain circumstances)
11:35.17annmaah no
11:35.27mfilipeannma: do you know if opensuse does this?
11:35.34annmado you have a good backtrace with debug symbols?
11:35.40annmamfilipe: ask them
11:35.46GNU\colossusannma: I'm about to generate one
11:35.49GNU\colossus(and file the bug right now)
11:35.51annmamost opensuse devels are KDEs
11:38.50annmaI have a bug report for one of my app with useless backtrace, no distrib or version specified and no steps to reproduce
11:39.22annmaalready asked twice for more precisions
11:39.53annmaa good backtrace is compulsory in a crash
11:40.42GNU\colossusannma: it doesn't surprise me that it has been hit by someone else already:
11:41.43annmacan you test the patch by any chance?
11:41.57annmathe backtrace in the report is very good, from Raul
11:42.27annmathe patch is one line
11:42.33annmaif you have sources GNU\colossus
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11:47.58Pconfighey, i've got crash in the plasma weatherstation widget from trunk but i can't seem to get a good backtrace
11:48.22Pconfigthe backtrace get's lost in QT libraries although i just intalled libqt4-dbg
11:48.39Pconfigor do i need to rebuild everything after i installed the qt debugging symbols?
11:48.47annmaPconfig: tell me what kde4 version and how does it crash
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11:49.00annmais it the <lcd weather applet<?
11:49.04GNU\colossuswhat's the component of KD responsible for rendering JPEG images in KDE 3.5?
11:49.14Pconfigi've got the trunk version from yesterday en yes it's the lcd weather applet
11:49.29annmaPconfig: tell me how to reproduce
11:49.32pinotreeGNU\colossus: what is your bug?
11:49.35annmado you have qt-copy?
11:49.55Pconfigafter i added a city to it, close the settings panel en then move my mouse over it, plasme crashes
11:50.02GNU\colossuspinotree: - crashes (KDE 3.5.10) Konqueror, Gwenview et al, possibly due to malformed EXIF data
11:50.26annmaPconfig: does it do it with other widgets as Twitter?
11:50.40pinotreeGNU\colossus: gwenview does not crash
11:50.54GNU\colossuspinotree: well it does here
11:50.59Pconfigannma, wait a second, i'll switch to my trunk session ;)
11:51.05GNU\colossusQt: 3.3.8b
11:51.07GNU\colossusKDE: 3.5.10
11:51.08GNU\colossusGwenview: 1.4.2
11:51.09pinotreenot even konqueror with its embedded image viewer
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11:51.22GNU\colossuspinotree: what version are you running? what arch?
11:51.25annmaPconfig: no such crash here
11:51.28pinotreesame as you
11:51.42GNU\colossuson an amd64 host?
11:52.03pinotreecan you please run `gwenview thatfile.jpg` and pastebin the backtrace?
11:52.10annmaGNU\colossus: no crash on trunk konq
11:52.27GNU\colossuspinotree, annma: do you have parsing of exif data enabled?
11:52.36pinotreeGNU\colossus: please get a backtrace
11:52.50GNU\colossusyeah I'm asking because the bt suggests that is the problem
11:53.04Pconfigannma: I don't have a twitter account actually :p
11:53.19annmaPconfig: do you use qt-copy?
11:53.37annmaPconfig: I can't reproduce
11:53.38GNU\colossusannma: pinotree:
11:53.43Pconfigannma: let me find out what it is (pretty now here :))
11:53.50annmaI worked on this applet recently Pconfig
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11:54.06pinotreewhich version of exiv2?
11:54.28Pconfigannma: i meant what qt-copy is :P
11:55.53annmaPconfig: how do you build trunk? with a distro?
11:56.02annmaqt-copy is qt with patches
11:56.11Pconfigannma: i'm running kubuntu
11:56.17annma1 of these patches fixes a focus event in qt
11:56.25annmayour trunk is from kubuntu?
11:56.41annmayou said trunk from yesterday
11:56.43Pconfigi got it from svn but built it on kubuntu
11:56.53annmaso you build it manually?
11:56.56Pconfigyes :)
11:57.04annmaso, do you build qt-copy?
11:57.24annmaso that would fixe it
11:57.36annmaif you had qt-copy you wouldn't have your crash
11:57.46Pconfiglet me try to build qt-copy then
11:57.57annmayou need to rebuild everything afterwards
11:58.03annmaand apply patches in qt-copy
11:58.17annmaas said in the README.qt-copy
11:58.35Pconfigok, i'll do my best :)
11:58.37annmaalso build in debug mode to get backtrace
11:58.50annmaif you want to report stuff you need to build with debug
11:58.56Pconfigi noticed
11:59.19annmaI couls have told you 100% if it was the focus bug or not if you had the bt
11:59.30annmaI nearly know the bt by heart
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12:01.40Pconfigthis is my current backtrace, probably of none value
12:02.20annmayes, nothing from qt which is where it all happens
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12:02.51Pconfiggetting qt-copy now
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12:03.02Pconfigwill take me some time to figure it all out and rebuild everything :)
12:03.12Pconfigwhat parts of kde do i need to rebuild?
12:04.38Pconfig[12:57] <annma> you need to rebuild everything afterwards
12:05.11pinotreethere should be no need to rebuild everything
12:05.40annmanot everything but kdeplasma-addons
12:05.49pinotreenot even
12:05.56annmaanyway I was looking for the bt but as the bugs are closed I can't find one
12:06.02annmano then
12:06.57annmaPconfig: in the meantime, try something please
12:07.17annmaclose your LCD applet and readd it then configure it with the configure icon in the handle
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12:07.21annmaNOT with the button
12:07.32annmatell me if the crash is still there please
12:08.33Pconfigthat works
12:08.52annmayes so I was right
12:09.15Pconfigso when i'd compile qt-copy with patches applied
12:09.20Pconfigeverrything should be ok?
12:09.26annmayes it'll be fixed, see link I pasted
12:09.52annmathe crash happens with the configure button without the qt-copy patch, all widgets with such a button crash the same
12:10.24Pconfigok, that's nice :)
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12:11.59annmait says sun but it's snowing
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12:13.28Pconfighehe :P
12:13.37Pconfigsun is shining over here
12:13.43Boulucky you
12:13.54Pconfigit's -5 or something though
12:13.58annmaBou: where do you live?
12:14.09Bouannma: Paris, pretty cold today
12:14.24annmamy daughter is heading to Paris right now
12:14.31Bouobligated to work from bedroom, rest of the flat is too cold =)
12:14.36Pconfigif i build qt-copy will it overwrite my current qt installation?
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12:14.49annmaPconfig: install it in $KDEDIR
12:14.57annmaset QTDIR before
12:14.58Bouannma: teel her to get a good pull-over and warm shoes. there is also snow
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12:15.11annmaBou: she is heading for Brazil though
12:15.19Pconfigannma: in the configure line, right?
12:15.36Boupff ;)
12:15.40annmaPconfig: as prefix
12:15.52annmaand then in your .bashrc
12:16.05annmaI don't install qt myself
12:16.40Pconfigso how did you get qt-copy then?
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12:17.29annmaI point to the src dir
12:17.41annmathe src dir is the install dir in a sense
12:18.06annmahopes pinotree does not read this garbage
12:18.27pinotreehugs annma
12:18.40Pconfiganyway, i need to go now, will try to get qt-copy running later today, thanks for the help!
12:18.50annmaok, bye!
12:20.30Bouannma: do you still use the twitter plasmoid?
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12:20.55Boucan you check this:
12:20.57annmaI was trying to get it show the dates but this seems quite difficult
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12:21.24Bouchange the display of desktop so that it displays a folder view instead of "desktop"
12:21.35Bouthen chnage back to "desktop" view
12:21.47Bouin my case, plasmoids were changed of location
12:22.12Bouand now, i can move then , but if i click again anywhere on desktop, they are moved around :S
12:22.41annmaI changed to folder then I am back to desktop
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12:22.55Boudid the widget change of place?
12:23.32annmawell all widgets were "côte à côte"
12:23.47annmaI put Twitter farther and yes, it changed
12:23.51Bouif you move them now, do they stay where you put them?
12:24.08annmalol no!!!
12:24.22Bouin my case, if I move them, after one second, they move to another place
12:24.23annmaI think there is a bug report on that but I am not sure
12:24.36annmafor me too they move
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12:25.52annmasomeone tried to explain me that thing before Christmas and I had trouble to understand what he means
12:27.14Bouit's easier to understand english from french to french I guess ^^
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13:07.16Sho_Anyone using KDE 4.2 Beta 1 or Beta 2 here who happens to have a problem with Akregator freezing on quit?
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13:24.47marco_what about the dictionary plasmoid.. is possible to use other languages?
13:26.11ReptileHow do i change the standard plasmoid background from black to transparent
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13:39.20xenolhow can i hibernate via k menu? i know there is a option, but i dont know how to make it to show to me :>
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13:53.15MrRatxenol: If you have support in your kernel/system and setup powerdevil function, it shows in menu
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13:54.13MrRatxenol: in the "leave" section along with logout/shutdown etc..
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14:05.14lenscapekonqueror crashes on ebay. Just click My Ebay
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14:06.44Pconfig[12:35] <GNU\colossus> (ebay crashes konqui under certain circumstances)
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14:11.09Pconfiglenscape, it doesn't crash for me
14:11.22Pconfignot with 4.2 beta and not with svn
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14:11.39lenscape3.5.9 here
14:12.14Pconfigoh, got now quick to test that one, sorry :)
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14:12.55lenscapeno worries. Trying Opera instead. Found a stupid bug in ebay and want to check it isn't a browser issue
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14:15.29lenscapenope. Stupid ebay. You can't enter a discount (-ve) only a surcharge (+v) when you send an invoice.
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14:15.36lenscapegod, I hate ebay.
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14:18.47k4_i have a usability question
14:19.02k4_how do i get rid of all the gnome program's in the kde4 menu ?
14:19.15k4_(kde clasic menu)
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14:19.34pinotreeedit your menu and remove them
14:19.42k4_by hand ?
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14:20.14k4_no these are hundred's
14:20.31k4_i want to do other thing's this afternoon
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14:20.57xenolMrRat:  i got it in powerdevil, in kernel, i can suspend/hibernate from console, but in Leave, there is small white triangle. i dont know how to display that option
14:21.06xenolif i click on it, then i will shutdown my lappy
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14:22.04pinotreeeven if you click and hold it pressed fr a couple of seconds? it should display a menu, if what you say (about the triangle) is true
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14:27.55xenolpinotree: i guess so, will try in few mins
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14:29.45pastelesfollow the steps  but i have this error when run this command: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .
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14:30.07pastelesi use kde 4.1.3
14:30.37tomazpasteles: are you super user?
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14:31.01tomazyou should be
14:31.04tomazwhat distro do you use?
14:31.24tomazput a `sudo` before the command
14:31.33tomazand check if you have CMake installed too, ;)
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14:32.03pastelesi haven't sudo, but i can login su
14:32.20tomazdebian doesn`t have sudo? o.O
14:32.45pastelesi haven't installed
14:32.47tomazyah, you need to  use superuser to install somewhere that`s not in your user permissions.
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14:33.17pastelessorry for my poor english
14:33.50pastelesi have the same error with my user and superuser
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14:34.28tomazand, what`s exactly the error?
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14:36.14pastelesthis --->
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14:44.56cassiopeaHey. I'm having some trouble burning a dvd in k3b. When I go to the burn window, where the burning device is selected it just says "Please insert blank .. medium", even though KDE detects the blank dvd when I insert it and gives me the option to open k3b and burn a disc. I've checked in k3b's setup, under the devices section it correctly identifies my dvd rw drive. What could be the problem?
14:45.07Devil_Insidedid plasma in KDE 4.1 support two monitors with separate desktops...?
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14:45.43tomazpasteles: FindKDE4Internal.cmake
14:45.52tomazyou don`t have the kde4 devel package
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14:46.21cb400fcassiopea: which distro?
14:47.03cb400fDevil_Inside: afaik no
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14:47.12cassiopeacb400f, gentoo, I've asked in #gentoo, but didn't get a response, I was hoping this might be something you guys could help with
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14:47.43cb400fok.. I thought you may be using openSUSE 11.1.. which has some cd burning permission problems
14:47.59cassiopeacb400f, no, I've tried as root as well
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15:10.59victorlfIs it normal that kde 4.1.3 makes X use more than 40% cpu all the time?? (2GHz core duo)
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15:11.51thiago_homevictorlf: yes, if you're not using a decent driver
15:11.55thiago_homewhich one are you using?
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15:12.12victorlfnvidia privative
15:12.28thiago_homewhich version?
15:13.03k4_i got 180.16 , and it 50% faster in kde4
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15:13.17thiago_home177.82 works fine here, but I'm using trunk
15:13.29thiago_homeI suggest you upgrade to 4.1.4 or (preferrably), 4.2 beta
15:13.56victorlfok, I'll get an overlay, because they are not yet in gentoo's portage
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15:14.19victorlf(although a friend said he had problems compiling it)
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15:20.13Hetfieldwith kd4 and glxgear i get 6000 while kde3 i got 10k
15:20.18Hetfieldmmm quite weird
15:20.23Hetfieldguess it's the composite
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15:24.00xxploitIm using the classic style menu in kde 4.2 beta and was wondering if its possible to remove the favorites menu, any suggestions?
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15:28.43victorlfIn kde 4.1.3, (gentoo), is there some way of adding application buttons (like a firefox button) to the panel? I've recently installed kubuntu and I could do it, but can't find the way in gentoo. Is there some special package or something?
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15:31.28spawn57xxploit: I think it's possible, right click the menu and select "application launcher menu settings", and in the window that pops up, change view to "applications"'ll only see applications that way
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15:36.34elbarvictorlf, open the main for your app...right click on the app (name/icon) and add to panel
15:37.09elbarvictorlf, you maybe need to unlock widgets
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15:47.16victorlfelbar: right click opens the app
15:47.48eggy_Hello, in kde3 I had konq-plugins installed, and when I was on a website with rss feeds, an icon at the bottom appear with which I could add the feed to akregator. This seems to have disappeared in kde4, while I do have konq-plugins installed. How do I add feeds to akregator in konqueror?
15:48.27elbarvictorlf, not here...maybe you have configured it that way?
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15:49.27victorlfelbar: got it now, it's because I was using classic view of launcher
15:49.45victorlfelbar: thanks a LOT, i was thinking of getting gnome... xD
15:49.52elbarvictorlf, ah ok....classic = old = not good :P
15:50.02pinotreeeggy_: is the plugin enabled? (see konqueror Settings → Configure Extensions)
15:50.42eggy_pinotree: ooh I see. No, it only lists the 'text-to-speech' plugin
15:51.11pinotreeeggy_: then you don't have the extra plugins for kde4's konqueror
15:52.07eggy_pinotree: ah. I run debian unstable with packages from experimental, and I have version Version: 4:3.5.9-2 of konq-plugins. Apparently, I need some other package
15:52.23pinotreei think so, best ask in #debian-kde
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15:53.02eggy_pinotree: ok, thanks
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16:15.05MrRatIs there a way to make kmenu display actual names instead of descriptions?
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16:17.42thiagothat usually implies telling him how :-)
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16:20.01pinotreeMrRat: right click on the kmenu button, launcher configuration, in the options there
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16:23.17MrRatok i dont see any option like that there
16:23.30MrRati see General and keyboard shortcut
16:23.51MrRatunder General i only have switch tabs on hover
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16:26.02MrRatIs this a distro specific build issue? or am I blind?
16:26.15annmano I don't have it either
16:26.23annmaand I have real vanilla true KDE
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16:26.38MrRati like to think i do too annma :)
16:26.49annmaClassic mebu has it
16:26.59annmamebu sounds like I have a cold
16:28.18MrRatah ok, thanks, classic menu does have it
16:29.48annmaClassic menu config in French is too wide
16:30.14tampakrapswitch to greek it's wider
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16:31.40Vonordoes the krdc program bring a server with it too?
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16:37.58elbarwild guess..try krfb
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16:40.04Vonorwooha, this krfb is pretty slow :D
16:40.34tstaerkVonor, what do you want to do?
16:41.26Vonorworking on my moms computer. need to see her desktop quite often to tell her what to do
16:41.41tstaerkannma, my wife loves khangman and kanagram!
16:41.54annma:) nice, thanks!
16:42.27tstaerkyou know it is in the 2nd level of the top menu of a Dell netbook?
16:42.50tstaerkso, Education -> KHangman
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16:42.56Tanktalusargh - kde 4.2 keeps blanking the screen if I don't touch anything for about 30-60 seconds ... (e.g., reading a website, watching a youtube vid) ... and I can't figure out how to get it to stop :-(
16:43.32tstaerkTanktalus, have you tried the kommand systemsettings?
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16:43.58thiagoxset -dpms
16:44.10Tanktaluststaerk: as far as I can tell, my systemsettings say no screen saver and no power management...
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16:44.57tstaerkTanktalus, then try thiago's hint
16:45.07Tanktalusdpms was already disabled it seems...
16:45.18thiagoxset s 0
16:45.53Tanktalusok, I'll try that and see if it makes a difference, thiago - thanks.  Though I think that's a bug somewhere in systemsettings ;-)
16:46.10annmawow tstaerk
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16:47.01tstaerkannma, that is the best menu usability I have ever seen under Linux
16:47.34annmais it a custom distro?
16:48.05tstaerkno, Ubuntu 8.04 with a deb dell-launcher
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17:05.08mofgWould anyone know why there are no screen saver listed in screen saver settings?
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17:06.32thiagodo you have any screensavers installed?
17:07.30mofgYes kscreensaver, xscreensaver and anything else I could find that has to do with screen saver
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17:09.45mofgthiago A screen screen saver will start at the time I have set but they are random and there is no list to choose from
17:10.00gavleemofg: is this on Gentoo? i think i had this problem before
17:10.24mofggavlee Suse 11.1
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17:10.45mofgKDE 3.5
17:11.31mofgI found forum thread but know real fix
17:12.04ldolezalhi, do you know where ever is some configuration of kde4 (resp. 4.2 from project-neon).. because i can't get out with blue plasna panel (with oxygen theme) and blue windows shadow :(
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17:12.47gavleemofg: i've not used Suse for a while and i was on kde4 when i had that issue. probably something different, no idea :(
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17:13.10karthikpCan someone explain what's the difference between "Texture From Pixmap", "Shared Memory" and "Fallback" in the desktop effects advanced settings?
17:13.12mofggavlee thanks
17:13.35mofgthis is a strange one
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17:13.59karthikpThe texture filter has helpful hints regarding which one to use, but the opengl mode drop box has no hints.
17:15.20ldolezalsimply, I have created new user, first log in to kde neon, but there is strange blue panel (and without opacity but kwin-compositing is running) and blue shadows around active windows (but in shadow effect is black color)
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17:29.20SimAtWorkwhat's a good djvu viewer for kde?
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17:29.27SimAtWorkor are there any?
17:29.32SimAtWorkkde 3.5 or 4.1.x
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17:30.24pinotreeSimAtWork: okular for kde 4
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17:36.56SimAtWorkpinotree: okular says it can't open it
17:37.23pinotreeSimAtWork: how did you install okular? distro packages or self-compiled?
17:37.31SimAtWorkpinotree: gentoo
17:37.54pinotreeSimAtWork: #gentoo-kde, asking for ways to enable the djvu support in okular
17:38.04SimAtWorkpinotree: i think i just figured it out
17:38.08SimAtWorkthere is a djvu use flag for okular
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17:39.41SimAtWorki wonder what the htmlhandbook use flag would do
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17:44.00MrRatSimAtWork: heh, its quite self explainatory
17:44.02SimAtWorkokular supports a LOT of formats.
17:44.18MrRatSimAtWork: but euse -i htmlhandbook if you must see
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17:44.40SimAtWorkwhat is euse ?
17:44.44pinotreeSimAtWork:, to be precise
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17:46.13MrRatSimAtWork: its in gentoolkit, man euse
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17:47.18SimAtWorkman, i've learned a bundle today
17:47.19SimAtWorkthanks guys
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18:16.07kilasmurfso, i just installed slackware the other night, which comes with everything you need for kde n all that. the only thing is, i cant get to any of the kde settings as user. it ony works as root. what do i have to change permissions to to get this to work correctly?
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18:16.56kilasmurffor example, i went to go to konqueror settings. and it only showed a blank window.
18:17.23kilasmurfsame with kcontrol
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18:19.19Rushmoomhey guys
18:19.30Rushmoommy Plasma just broke, in a weird way
18:20.07Rushmoomit feel like there's an invisible layer above all the windows, that misdirects my mouse clicks
18:20.27kilasmurfwelcome to the matrix
18:20.33RushmoomKeyboard interaction is completely normal, but mouse clicks don't do what they're supposed to
18:20.53Rushmoome.g. trying to close windows results in them being resized, etc..
18:21.15kilasmurfthat doesnt exactly sound like a window manager problem
18:21.17RushmoomI'm running KDE 4.1.3 on Gentoo
18:21.27RushmoomYeah, it might be an X issue
18:21.38kilasmurfespecially if you just said your plasma just broke
18:21.46Rushmoomon the other hand, I recently recompiled libplasma
18:22.20Rushmoomhmm.. where would you start to look?
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18:22.43kilasmurfat whatever i changed last
18:22.57kilasmurfim no pro though
18:22.59Rushmoom"I didn't change *anything*!!111"
18:23.15kilasmurfyou said you just recompiled libplasma 0_o
18:23.22Rushmoomthat was irony ;)
18:23.28RushmoomWell, I recompiled libplasma like 3 hours ago
18:23.53RushmoomBut, it didn't break instantly, and besides that, I couldn't remember chaning anything of relevance
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18:25.45RushmoomIn the display manager (kdm), behaviour also seems normal
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18:26.07Rushmoom(at the graphical login prompt i mean..)
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18:27.54RushmoomD'oh.. My wireless mouse is the culprit. I thought I checked that o0.. I apologize...
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18:29.50jmazohi there
18:29.56jmazoI have a development question
18:30.08jmazoright channel or is there a kde-dev channel?
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18:41.35DarkAdmirali wonder why there is no kde4 rc1 released :(
18:41.53pinotreewhy there should be yet?
18:42.27pinotreethis is your only solely trustworthy source
18:42.54DarkAdmiralkk, thx :)
18:43.04pinotreeJanuary 13th, 2009: Release KDE 4.2 RC 1
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18:47.03holycowwhat is the kde pdf reader?
18:47.11holycowi don't see kpdf around any longer
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18:56.08PoliticianOLDHello everyone, does anyone know if it is possible to display the "global" share ratio (= the sum of all uploads/ the sum of all downloads) (I know this is a simple calculation, but just to not have to calculate)?
18:56.12PoliticianOLDin ktorrent
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18:58.35Tanktalusargh - kde 4.2 keeps blanking the screen if I don't touch anything for about 30-60 seconds ... (e.g., reading a website, watching a youtube vid) ... and I can't figure out how to get it to stop :-(  xset s 0 and xset -dpms both don't do anything... :-(
18:59.35tstaerkTanktalus, system settings->display -> power control
18:59.50Tanktaluststaerk: that's currently unchecked.
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19:01.10tstaerkTanktalus, as far as I understood you, systemsettings-> desktop->screen saver -> start automatically is unchecked as well
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19:02.12tstaerkTanktalus, using your user for calling systemsettings?
19:02.21Tanktalus:-P  Yes.
19:02.37tstaerkTanktalus, tested with a freshly installed user? Without KDE?
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19:03.18TanktalusI only have KDE 4.2 installed - nothing else ;-)  (Well, I have some KDE 3.5.10 installed, but not enough to actually bring up).  Haven't tried with another user, no.
19:03.34TanktalusThough I *have* deleted ~/.kde from time to time... :-)
19:04.33tstaerkTanktalus, try with a new user (useradd -m). If no success, try with a knoppix cd. Deleting .kde may not be enough, there might be /tmp/kde-user, ~/.kde4, ...
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19:05.28tstaerkthat is why I recommend a test user. No compromises.
19:05.42TanktalusOi... I may be running KDE4.2, but it *is* my primary desktop... rebooting into knoppix would be ... bigger pains.  :-)
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19:06.05tstaerkno problem, try a test user first.
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19:09.54tstaerkTanktalus, maybe some process is calling xscreensaver.
19:10.25Tanktalushmmm... that'd be hard to figure out...
19:10.31tstaerkTanktalus, can you call xscreensaver and see if it does the same as your "blanking" problem ?
19:10.56tstaerkAnd can you call a ps -A while the screen is blanked?
19:11.06Tanktalusah... xscreensaver isn't installed.  :-)
19:11.30TanktalusThat reduces the likelihood of xscreensaver being called :-)
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19:11.43tstaerk... to 0%
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19:16.40chlueHello, is there a way to get a one click 'abilitily' to toggle the state of composing from kwin? I normaly use it, but it inteferences with opengl games. (kde4.1.3)
19:17.08kilasmurfanyone on my kde settings as user?
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19:21.37drdozerare there any good tools for manipulating complex kmail filters?
19:22.00aseigojust the dialog that's in kmail itself.
19:22.12chlueok I found the answer to my question myself. There is a global shortcut (default Shift + Alt + F12) to toggle composing.
19:22.32aseigochlue: yeah, there's also a plasmoid for that somewhere. look on perhaps; or maybe it's in playground. somewhere though...
19:22.37aseigoclickety click
19:23.02*** part/#kde artista_frustrad (
19:23.20drdozeraseigo: ok, thx - I have an inbox with 25k messages in (1.5Gig) and am manually making filters for each mailing list that's still not being filtered out
19:23.38drdozerkmail (since I upgraded to kde 4.?) can't handle this many messages in the inbox
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19:26.26drdozerI've got a laptop and a desktop - is there a utility that will let me sync (some of) my home and kde settings between the two?
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19:26.38drdozersynchronize, not client/server
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19:28.25kilasmurfanyone... bueller?
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19:36.32chluedrdozer: on a file basis? Them might be something for you.
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19:38.23drdozerchlue: thanks - that may do some of it - but I wouldn't know how to set it up to mirror the *right* bits of .kde and other 'magic' directories
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19:44.50chluedrdozer: I never found a good save solution for this, too. My stategy is to use imap for mails, opera with sync feature for bockmarks and keep all my private files on the pc and only a mirror on the laptop. Not that great, but at least I know what I am doing.
19:45.49drdozerI really want my laptop to be my desktop-lite
19:46.07drdozersame settings as desktop, shared chat histories and things but only the data I want to take with me
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19:46.58junkDawgieexamine the capabilities of synkron ..
19:47.34junkDawgieto mirror the pc with the laptop you would "clone" the pc to lappy
19:47.35chluedrdozer: shared chat histories are something I miss, too. But this either requieres online storrage or merging.
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19:48.33Skrot-Is there some magic trick required to make the KDM KCM module (and others that require root privileges) trigger a question for root/sudo password? I'm using Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE built from trunk :)
19:48.55drdozermm - is there someone I can lobby to try to convince that this sort of functionality is a 'must have' for a future kde release?
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19:49.14drdozerit sounds like the sort of thing that needs to be supported by the kde platform, rather than individual apps
19:49.40tstaerkdrdozer, I think everyone agrees on that.
19:49.56tstaerkdrdozer, the developers are not short of ideas, rather short of time.
19:50.06tstaerkIf you want to implement it, do it.
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19:50.25tstaerkIf not, open a wish at and see how many people vote for it.
19:50.37tstaerkand tell me the bug # so I can vote for it.
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19:56.47Tanktaluststaerk: krunner_lock is being called ... not sure why...
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19:57.42tstaerkTanktalus, also as new user?
19:57.57tstaerkTanktalus, rename krunner_lock to krunner_lock_old
19:58.03Tanktalushaven't had a chance for that ... try one thing at a time.  Including LUNCH.  :-P
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19:58.32tstaerkTanktalus, from the US, eh?
19:58.45tstaerkjust finished dinner
19:59.00Tanktaluststaerk: nope.
19:59.04Tanktalusis a proud Canuckian.
19:59.19TanktalusClose, though.  Even 'mericans get us confused ;-)
19:59.37tstaerkAmericans are you all </nitpick>
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20:00.33TanktalusStill not US :-P
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20:02.21*** mode/#kde [-o annma] by annma
20:03.19tstaerkannma, come on, you are not so bad :)
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20:05.57praedorDoes one need to run kwatchgnupg in order to make gnupg work in kmail?
20:06.58praedorI should say in KDE4 (4.1.3):  kwatchgnupg and kmail
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20:08.26praedorI couldn't get pineentry-qt and gnupg to work in kmail (kde4) until I, in desperation, started up kwatchgnupg because it was the only way I could get the necessary gnupg log-socket to form and work
20:08.37*** part/#kde tstaerk (
20:09.05praedornow that I have gnupg and kmail working, I am loath to shut down kwatchgnupg even though it is a TREMENDOUS pain in the ass.
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20:09.35praedorI fear it will wreck the finally working encryption function in kmail.
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20:13.02rtrahi. what's the equivalent command to kcontrol in kde4? I need do run it remotely with X11 forwarding, I don't have a desktop to explore.
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20:14.01SSJ_GZrtra: systemsettings
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20:24.23rtraSSJ_GZ: thank you
20:24.40sergiombhi , how I see history of klipper on kde 4 ?
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20:25.41tstaerkdrdozer, I though we were talking about an automated kdesu?
20:25.49sergiombhi , how I get  history of klipper on kde 4 on a bash shell ?
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20:27.49pinotreesergiomb: what do you really want to do?
20:28.27sergiombI don't remenber , dcopclient klipper getitens
20:28.45tstaerksergiomb, no, what do you want to accomplish?
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20:29.19sergiombI wanf get a string that I lost , and is in history of klipper
20:30.12drdozertstaerk: mm - want to add that on to the end of my feature request?
20:30.25drdozerI think for managing app settings, something a little deeper would be needed
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20:33.57rniamohi, what is the kde application to see all the prcessus running ?
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20:36.01rniamoi'm looking for something like gnome-system-monitor
20:37.55rniamothank you :)
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20:40.12sergiombtstaerk:  pinotree:  on kde 3 dcop klipper klipper getClipboardHistoryMenu
20:40.26sergiombbut don't work on kde 4
20:40.30tstaerksergiomb, dcop -> qdbus
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20:41.16popcornPanici have an external monitor for my laptop. i want it to extend my lappy. the external one is the only one on right now. whats wrong??
20:42.05tstaerkpopcornPanic, normally you have a control key on your laptop to switch this.
20:42.24tstaerkfor me, it is labeled CRT/LCD and is combined by Fn and F8.
20:43.12popcornPanictstaerk: mine is the same. it does nothing
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20:43.44tstaerkqdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper
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20:44.50popcornPanich/o before we solve that...
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20:45.20popcornPanici just installed sabayon 4.0. it comes with kde 3.5, should i install the latter version of kde?
20:45.21xxploitIm having a problem burning music to cd's with kb3 heres the output any suggestions?
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20:46.24sergiombtstaerk: cool thanks it works , qdbus  org.kde.klipper /klipper getClipboardHistoryMenu >& klipperlist
20:46.40sergiombtstaerk:  I found the item ! thanks
20:46.56popcornPanicxxploit: i see something about Operation not permitted. try it with sudo
20:48.10tstaerksergiomb, hehe... at the moment I did not get this command, I was struggling myself, thanks!
20:48.16xxploitpopcornPanic: no diff same error
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20:49.09sergiombtstaerk: many thanks and bye I have to leave now
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20:57.18knusperfroschwhat's the current (4.2) app to sync mobile phones? kandy? kmobiletools? kitchensync?
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21:01.04Half-Leftknusperfrosch: Pretty sure it's kitchensync
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21:07.46ghostcubehi folks !
21:08.09ghostcubei have a problem i want to get jackd to the sound device list in the systemsettings
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21:08.24ghostcubei have seen this on some images but iam on kubuntu and i dont get this working
21:08.55wadHi, folks. I'm using Kubuntu on my laptop, and I'm having trouble configuring it to show the display on both the laptop display and an external monitor (I just want the display cloned). What's the best way to troubleshoot this?
21:09.03wadI've backed up my xorg.conf file.
21:09.38wadI've tried the little system settings GUI tool, but it just honked the whole system.
21:10.12wadRight now, when I boot, I see the login screen (GUI version) on both screens, but once I log in, I only get the external display.
21:10.19wadI'd like to have the display on the laptop screen also.
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21:12.19wadI guess nobody has any advice.
21:12.26wadtries in #kubuntu
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21:14.36sandsmarkwad: it's probably a kubuntu problem, so good choice ;)
21:14.43sandsmarkI usually use krandrtray to set up my screen
21:15.05wadsandsmark, :)
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21:21.08ghostcubewad on nvidia cards nvidia settings works  fine
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21:23.57thomasjHello, i try to get something working again, the old code is: onclick="dcop amarok player play"  but that does not work with kde4 amarok2. Maybe one could help me with the new "way" to do it. Or with other words, what's the replacement for the dcop call?
21:24.14wadThanks guys.... playing with it now.
21:24.31thomasjsandsmark, qdbus, was that for me?
21:24.45thomasjsandsmark, cool :) thanks
21:24.51sandsmarknp ;)
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21:26.22user3hey all
21:26.51user3does kde have an equivalent to system->preference->keyboard (repeat settings), like gnome?
21:27.18tstaerkuser3, KDE 3 or 4?
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21:27.29user3tstaerk: kde3
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21:28.03pinotreekde control center → perhiperals → keyboard → enable keyboard repeatition
21:28.14emanuelHi all. I'm using KDE 4.1.85, how can I make kmail to sort messages by date, most recent first, the default?
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21:28.19user3tstaerk: thanks
21:28.35user3gotta run
21:29.17tstaerkemanuel, this is the default
21:29.24DanielWmounting from kde stoped  working. either since the update of hal or the one of kde (trunk from this day at the moment)...
21:29.26kostjacould I have your /etc/pam.d/kdm configuration file?
21:29.28emanuelEven, how can I make that setting to persist in a particular folder...
21:29.33kostjaI can't login with kdm
21:29.59DanielWsomething about permission denied by policy from dbus/hal in dolphin as error messages..
21:30.11DanielWany ideas?
21:30.22BULLEDanielW: fedora ?
21:30.28DanielWBULLE: arch linux
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21:30.40emanueltstaerk: how can I change the default?
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21:31.22tstaerkemanuel, I think if you leave kmail, your setting is stored
21:32.00paviare there KDE applications for accessibility like  "Gnome accessibility" ?
21:32.49tstaerkyes, kmouth e.g.
21:33.05emanueltstaerk: in mine, I go to Change sort order -> By Date/Time (most recent first) and that's fine, but when I leave the folder and go back to it, the sort order changed.
21:33.18DanielWpavi:  but well it seems very outdated..
21:33.31paviis kmouth like orca in gnome ?
21:33.44paviDanielW, lemme check out
21:33.44tstaerkI do not know orca in gnome
21:34.13tstaerkalso see
21:34.15paviapt-cache search screen reader gave me gnome-orca - Scriptable screen reader
21:34.27tstaerk that was changed 7 hours ago
21:35.01pavitstaerk, good to hear that :)
21:35.14tstaerksorry, two days
21:35.29tstaerkkmag is a screen magnifier
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21:37.23pavi  talks of things during 3.4 days .. :(  its 4.1.x now .. looks like it has no volunteers
21:37.37thomasjsandsmark, i had to change as well player to /player but now it works with qdbus :D Thank you very much!
21:37.57tstaerkpavi, you can volunteer and write help directly on
21:37.58sandsmarknp, have fun ;)
21:38.11sandsmarkpavi: I think they're working on it
21:38.36sandsmarkthey just mailed people and asked if they had any usability studies laying around, and seele has done a couple this year
21:38.38tstaerksandsmark, it is wrong to hope for "them", just write the help.
21:38.44pavisandsmark, I can volunteer for updating the website while looking at changelog ;)
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21:38.46tstaerkUsers are best for writing help for users.
21:39.22tstaerkpavi, the user help for all KDE applications is consolidated on
21:39.38sandsmarkoh, nvm, I confused accessibility with usability... :p
21:40.36pavisandsmark, accessibility means the program must be accessible to all kinds of users irrespective of their disabilities
21:41.01paviusability is just how usable the program is
21:41.04sandsmarkI'm just tired, been on a train all day ;)
21:43.14paviceleste has done lot of work on usability , not much after KDE4 though
21:44.12sandsmarkand that is good, because too few care/know a lot about usability :p
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21:46.57tstaerkusability is an exciting topic.
21:47.22tstaerkIt comprises useful error messages and sensible defaults
21:47.57pavirecently there was a thread in ILUG bombay complaining about the lack of usability in linux , someone told that those were things of past and pinted to KDE usability project
21:49.43tstaerkthis is great, however, doing a project is not enough, every programmer has to be creative about it
21:51.02pavitstaerk, check out
21:51.21pavitstaerk, yes
21:53.32tstaerkpavi, exactly that is wrong. Every developer has heard about the HIG, but no one reads it.
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21:54.22pavitstaerk, maybe because it sounds too boring and sometimes obvious
21:54.48tstaerkthis is because of the "usability" of the HIG. It is not "usable" because no one knows where it is.
21:55.19tstaerkI talked with Ellen about it, she said it will soon be ready
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21:55.39tstaerkSo I did not read it. Just pointing me to a wiki would have done the trick
21:55.50pavitstaerk, its there if we look at some  blogs
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21:56.37tstaerkwell ok I know how to use my programs ;)
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22:05.43hallownameanyone here on trunk want to test the openbrain plasmoid? it's an AI bot, desktop assistant.
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22:09.06bolocohi, all
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22:09.10k4_hallowname: does it look like the word paperclip ??? then YES !!
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22:10.35hallownamek4_: umm... it looks liek a rectangular plasmoid to me... lol...
22:10.39kendricki'm dumb. i finally noticed that my xorg.conf had generic vid driver. when i set it to something more specific (intel whatever), suddenly i had compositing effects and all sorts of 3D goodness
22:10.51kendrickhowever, when i run GL stuff (screensaver, glxgears, etc.), i get flickering of the windows behind
22:11.03kendrickis there some magic way to have the comp. effects turn off when a GL-based app runs?
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22:13.37darken_is there a way to make the system tray in kde4 expand by content and not by the space that it has available? this happens when you add a new panel and inside it you add the system tray
22:14.44darken_when you have a taskmanager, it forces the system tray to be as small as its contents
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22:24.03Phlogithats a useful backtrace right?
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22:27.43reavertmmore of less, at least it shows line number
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22:30.54mercutio22which is the mail app in KDE?
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22:31.33reavertmk<application> -> kmail :)
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22:50.43neyzanyone noticed the "stop" button does not work on the kde "transfer" window ?
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22:51.51boom1992neyz: depends on what the job is doing I think
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22:52.18neyzboom1992: it's impossible for me to stop a FT transfer without killing the processes
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22:52.55boom1992neyz: FT?
22:53.32neyzboom1992: sorry my P key is kinda broken ^^
22:53.40boom1992ah ok :D
22:54.07boom1992neyz: well, it should work (tm), but really dunno, use kget as rescue and report it as a bug at (assing it to the kio product)...
22:55.01termite473842I think it's known, so search first
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22:55.37CMD_L1N3neyz: i feel your pain. my tab was broken so i had to sacrafice my caps lock to fix it
22:55.58boom1992haha CMD_L1N3
22:56.07neyzCMD_L1N3: it's always a matter of priority
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22:56.54CMD_L1N3neyz: for real. who uses caps anyways?
22:57.37neyzfair enough
22:58.06CMD_L1N3(duct tape + shift) = caps lock
22:58.47neyzheh how is the ATI/Nvidia war going on on linux ? i heard ATI was making lots of progress while before it as Nvidia or nothing for 3D accelerated graphics
22:59.50CMD_L1N3go ahead and ruin your machine with amd products if you want to
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23:01.04neyzCMD_L1N3: i get it now : your ATI card broke your Caps Lock key
23:01.13CMD_L1N3neyz: haha actually no
23:01.35CMD_L1N3if it did anything it would melt it off
23:02.20CMD_L1N3whats a good cpu monitor for kde?
23:02.31CMD_L1N3i'm more of a gnome guy
23:03.28hallownameCMD_L1N3: ksysguard is thorough, but top is fast
23:03.47sandsmarkor just one of the nifty plasmoids
23:04.02sandsmarkksysguard "lite" (ctrl+esc) starts about as fast as top here
23:04.10sandsmark(if not faster)
23:04.35JucatoCtrl+Esc vs. Ctrl+T (yakuake) + typing "top"
23:04.43hallownamesandsmark: yea i use the cpu plasmoid from playground :D
23:04.45Jucatoer.. Win+T I mean
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23:05.42neyzJucato: nice, didn't know that Ctrl+Esc thanks !
23:05.57CMD_L1N3that helps Jucato
23:06.12Jucato(sandsmark said it first :P)
23:06.59sandsmark(yakuake is bound to the key uppermost right on my keyboard, which happens to be pause/break)
23:07.38Jucatolaptop keyboard?
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23:14.44mercutio22is there a way to make Konsole transparent?
23:18.14LnxSlckmercutio22, i think so
23:19.27sandsmarkmercutio22: kde3 or 4?
23:19.33sandsmarkin kde3 you need to patch it, iirc
23:19.46mercutio22sandsmark> kde4
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23:20.30JucatoEdit CUrrent Profile -> Apperance -> Edit (whatever scheme you have selected) -> Background Transparency
23:20.30neyzanyone knows about a nice viewer for pictures ? i find showfoto really how to say.. heavy maybe
23:21.55neyzJucato: thanks, going to look into it
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23:25.44ambro951What's up with NetworkManager support? it was said it'll be ready for 4.2, but it doesn't seem so.
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23:27.31k4__ambro951: :)
23:28.18mercutio22is it still important to have konqueror in KDE4?
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23:28.33k4__ambro951: if i would code in my sparetime the priority to meet some deadline would be for sure Zero !
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23:28.56k4__but i think the amazing kde people did some great work on networkmanager in 4.2
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23:29.12ambro951k4__: any idea where the current work can be found (if there is any) ?
23:29.27k4__ambro951: yea , knetworkmanager
23:29.48pinotreemercutio22: ?
23:29.51ambro951k4__: I mean the new applet
23:30.01k4__ah the plasma applet ?
23:30.17ambro951mercutio22: konqueror is useless crap, forget about it and use firefox
23:30.43mercutio22ambro951> hmmm, thought so
23:30.50k4__ambro951: that's the state of work currently :
23:31.03k4__good progress i think !
23:31.21pinotreeambro951: nice how you blindly judge, and with a quite delicate language...
23:31.43k4__jebas did a good job on this one
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23:32.36ambro951pinotree: too bad it's true; the fact that half of flash applets don't load and every flash freezes the browser for 2 seconds makes it totally useless
23:32.49ambro951pinotree: and face it, a browser without flash is useless
23:32.59pinotreeambro951: probably for you, not for other people
23:33.08k4__ambro951: yea i hope the 64bit version that's currently out will make it much better
23:33.09ambro951pinotree: for everyone
23:33.16pinotreeambro951: wrong
23:33.39pinotreeambro951: and i saw also firefox users not using flash because their browser crashed
23:34.03ambro951pinotree: I've seen this on all distros that use flash10; if they flash9 it still freezes for 2s on every applet
23:34.19ambro951pinotree: I haven't, firefox works great with flash
23:34.36pinotree... for you :)
23:34.38k4__ambro951: not here :-/
23:35.10k4__ambro951: it works , but *good* is something different
23:35.11ambro951it's not flash that's problematic, it's the lack of manpower and skill on the KDE side...
23:35.23pinotreeambro951: don't confuse -your- experience as the soley reason to judge "crap" a software that is quite good and working for others
23:35.26adsFF works great with flash ... and after some websites it will crash.
23:35.47rohanpmconsiders turning off flash and javascript by default necessary for a sane internet in any browser
23:36.00k4__lol, turn off javascript
23:36.18ambro951pinotree: I'm quite sure my experience is similar to other users, it seems the devs just don't care
23:36.29k4__turn off your computer to not make it crash ! (---:
23:36.37pinotreeambro951: sure, flash developers don't care about !firefox browsers, yes
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23:37.12ambro951pinotree: I wonder why firefox is the default browser in opensuse, even though everything else is kde
23:37.12adsok, another, unrelated question: in KDE 3 i could configure my "konsole" and save the settings as default. In KDE 4 i don't have a "save" option but instead the "konsole" always opens in the last state (full screen, as example). How can i revert the behaviour?
23:37.16pinotreeambro951: like when said plugin explicitely wants the exact firefox user agent, otherwise it will crash
23:37.38pinotreeambro951: do you find normal such behaviour for a software?
23:38.43pinotreeambro951: and remember supporting flash is basically looking at how a black box reacts to inputs, not a 5 minute job, no?
23:38.48ambro951pinotree: it's not hard to fake it if it's needed; better use a hack than have such a major feature broken
23:38.58k4__ambro951: networkmanager plasma applet: /playground/base/plasma/applets/networkmanager/
23:39.01adsOh, and how can i deactivate the "wait 30 seconds before shutdown" window?
23:39.18ambro951k4__: thanks' I'll look into it
23:39.48k4__i build playground/base always , so i should have it+
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23:52.09badcrci'm running debian with kde 4.1 and somehow the main toolbar in konqueror has disappeared on me. if i right click the toolbar areas i can see that it thinks it is showing but it is not. i have tried unchecking it there and rechecking to show the main toolbar but it doesn't help. i have also renamed my konquerorrc under ~/.kde4/share/config/
23:52.58badcrci am about to go back to 3.5.x but i don't want to let it win...
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