IRC log for #kde on 20081201

00:01.29*** join/#kde St_MPA3b (
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00:08.34*** join/#kde Static-- (n=jason@VDSL-151-118-129-72.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
00:11.04WalzmynI need some help tracking down a config file in KDE4 if anybody's got the time.
00:13.07*** join/#kde krau[away] (n=root@
00:13.51*** join/#kde Nyha (
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00:14.39ShingoshiHow do I change the size of the icons in the systemtray? I want two rows of them like I had before upgrading to KDE4.
00:15.31*** join/#kde VistaUser (
00:16.02neverendingoShingoshi: try to make the panel higher. changing the icons size is not yet possible
00:16.09WalzmynShingoshi, i'm by no means an expert, but I think those things have not been added in yet
00:16.52ShingoshiThanks. I figured it out after asking here! LOL
00:17.10neverendingoWalzmyn: which config file?
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00:17.51drantinWalzmyn: any particular config?
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00:18.10Walzmynneverendingo, i believe some folks in #kubuntu have pointed me in the right direction, i'm trying to work on it now
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00:18.21WalzmynI turned on desktop effects and now my screen is black
00:18.21cb400fShingoshi: .. also depends on your kde version... "kde4" doesn't say much.. could be 4.0... 4.1... 4.2... makes quite a bit of difference
00:18.42*** part/#kde ganeshix (
00:19.16ShingoshiWalzmyn: I have it right now. I fixed it before I got your answer, Which was correct by the way.
00:19.19*** join/#kde Nyha (
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00:20.05ShingoshiNow, I just need to decrease the size of the clock's font, if that's possible.
00:20.15WalzmynShingoshi, good deal. I'm waiting on those upgrades as well as auto hide before i put KDE4 on my primary compu
00:20.37ShingoshiYeah, I do miss the autohide.
00:21.26ShingoshiI'm going to check in systemsettings and see if I can change the clock's font size. bbl
00:21.28cb400fin case you're interested both of those features are backported to the opensuse 11.1 kde 4.1.3
00:21.50neverendingoWalzmyn, Shingoshi: autohide is implemented in 4.2
00:23.35WalzmynHow do i see which version i'm running?
00:23.39*** join/#kde ginge (
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00:23.59neverendingoWalzmyn: any kde app, help -> about kde
00:24.10neverendingo^any kde4 app, sorry
00:24.17Walzmynoh yeah, i knew that
00:24.18ShingoshiI have 4.1.3. Slackware doesn't have KDE4 released as stable yet. But the clock's font must be hidden.
00:24.28Nightstalkerhey guys, anyone have problems installing xine ?
00:25.06gingehi all. Kate in 4.1 is driving me insane with the new embedded search box resizing my split views with no way to shrink it back down. Can I put something in a config anywhere to use old style find/replace dialog?
00:25.49WalzmynOK, i'm running 4.1.2 on ye olde desktop.
00:26.14WalzmynLaptop's got a wide screen and that's just too much realestate to lose, i gotta have the auto hide before I move it up
00:27.13gingealternatively, where am I best posting for real options on how to stop my carefully sized split windows from moving?
00:27.54ShingoshiJust now got upgrades for Slackware, but KDE was not among them.
00:28.16*** join/#kde quambo (
00:28.51Nightstalkeranyone know where to get rpm2cpio ?
00:28.57kdepepoginge, report a bug on
00:29.05*** join/#kde DestroyFX (
00:29.07gingekdepepo: cool. thanks
00:29.10*** join/#kde LingusMcGunny (i=LingusMc@gateway/tor/x-ca702d28f183bdc3)
00:29.36kdepepoit is a bit better in 4.2, ginge. But still too wide for me, too. I use Kate3.
00:29.49LingusMcGunnyHi, i'm running KDE 3.5.9 on NetBSD/i386 4.0. How can i configure my KDE apps to use convmv? Is there a control panel option or something somewhere?
00:29.56quambomy system tray icons have just been black boxes since building kde last. Anyone know where they should be stored and if this is a bug?
00:33.15*** join/#kde _neversfelde (
00:33.15gingeokay, I see a couple of reports on that bug already.15994 and 192063. Will add my comment. Thanks.
00:33.54*** join/#kde VistaUser (
00:34.17gingeAnother one for you then... with compositing turned on, some programs just appear as an empty box with a window border. Cadsoft's Eagle PCB for example. Any known workarounds?
00:35.17*** join/#kde deepfriedsquirre (n=ed@
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00:37.05Nightstalkerlocalhost ~ # ASSERT: "!icon.isEmpty()" in (81)
00:37.05NightstalkerASSERT: "!icon.isEmpty()" in (81)
00:37.05Nightstalkergrep: /etc/*version: No such file or directory
00:37.05Nightstalkerwhich: no rpm2cpio in (/sbin:/sbin:/sbin:/usr/kde/3.5/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/athena/sbin:/usr/i586-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/4.1.2:/opt/blackdown-jdk-
00:37.38*** part/#kde LingusMcGunny (i=LingusMc@gateway/tor/x-ca702d28f183bdc3)
00:37.55*** join/#kde phreak4257 (
00:38.21pinotreeNightstalker: you might want to ask in the channel of your distro to know how you can install rpm2cpio
00:38.36Nightstalkeryes, this thing is making me angry
00:39.29*** join/#kde Cagada (
00:39.40pinotreewell, asking in the wrong channel won't make it better...
00:41.00gingehmm will file a report. cya
00:41.31*** join/#kde LnxSlck (n=LnxSlck@
00:41.35*** part/#kde Nightstalker (
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00:46.45*** join/#kde termite473841 (
00:47.01termite473841is the difference between 4.1.80 and 4.1.81?
00:47.12*** part/#kde quambo (
00:49.19pinotreeit is a developer snapshot
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00:51.07*** part/#kde ckrinke (
00:51.35BeteNoirewhere can i disable ctrl&- shortcut which decreases font size in konsole?
00:52.00*** join/#kde litb (
00:52.55termite473841pinotree: bugfix?  why a new snapshop 2 days after the beta?
00:53.29*** join/#kde Tegelane (
00:53.40pinotreetermite473841: the beta was taken actually one week before was released (just like with any other kde release)
00:53.57ShingoshiWhy am I getting this when I try to install new themes from the net as root? I want to add new themes for my login manager.
00:54.45pinotreeBeteNoire: like any other kde application, Settings → Configure shortcuts
00:56.01termite473841pinotree: so it's just another snapshot, right?
00:56.12pinotree<pinotree> it is a developer snapshot
00:56.21BeteNoireyou mean keyboard and mouse → shortcuts?
00:56.23termite473841sorry :)
00:56.34pinotreeBeteNoire: no i mean the main konsole menu
00:56.37*** part/#kde termite473841 (
00:58.01BeteNoirewell... the problem is that i disabled all shortcuts but the action stays
00:58.24VistaUsermy wobbling function doesnt work
00:58.47ShingoshiBeteNoire: Did you log out and back in again? It may not become effective until then.
00:59.18BeteNoirei just can't see that shortcut option
00:59.54*** join/#kde margiolas (
01:01.22*** join/#kde Walzmyn (
01:02.40VistaUserwhats difference between konsol and teminal?
01:02.52*** join/#kde allen (n=allen@
01:04.43allenI have ubuntu with KDE 4.1 desktop and it reboots back to sign in for no apparent reason solution?
01:05.15*** join/#kde ClassFoo (n=ClassFoo@
01:06.11*** join/#kde neversfelde (
01:13.41*** join/#kde igsera (
01:16.56*** join/#kde Cerulean (n=paul@kde/developer/giannaros)
01:17.25*** join/#kde neversfelde_ (
01:18.14CeruleanI'm trying to map some global shortcuts to commands. I do so using the item in systemsettings, but to no effect -- the shortcuts are just ignored as before.
01:18.31CeruleanI've logged out and logged back in, but still the same. I'm using openSUSE 11.0 and KDE4.1.1
01:18.49Ceruleanany ideas as to what's going wrong?
01:22.20*** join/#kde trumee_ (
01:22.53*** part/#kde trumee_ (
01:25.09*** join/#kde Lord^Anubis_ (
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01:28.59ShingoshiWhat would be causing this to happen?   "Could not start process Cannot talk to klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files."  I'm using KDE-4.1.3
01:32.05*** join/#kde Fri13 (
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01:41.06*** join/#kde Bulwinkle (
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01:50.53*** join/#kde Shingoshi (
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02:08.03FedoraNubim trying to install FC KDE and i cant...
02:08.13FedoraNubwhen it reuqests me the root password it crashes
02:09.01FedoraNubim using the live CD. if i I check the logs, when i run the liveinst i get some FATAL errors, such as FATAL ext3 module not present
02:09.08FedoraNubanyone already faced the problem_
02:10.15*** join/#kde octox2 (
02:10.24*** join/#kde karl_ (n=karl@
02:11.14karl_Is there a command I can use to access the kdm configurator? similar to kcontrol for 3.5? I'm in fluxbox and would like to change settings through the KDE configurator.
02:12.11*** join/#kde LjL (n=ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl)
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02:13.21Jucatokarl_: systemsettings (advanced tab -> Login Manager)
02:13.31JucatoFedoraNub: please ask in #fedora
02:13.42karl_thank you kindly
02:14.36*** join/#kde Imaginativeone_ (
02:16.07FedoraNubJucate I did :P
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02:38.15phreak97hey all, I'm using slax on a usb drive to get back into my eee-pc after filling the hard drive (i think) and causing it to be unable to boot.. only i dont know the linux filestructure will enough to find any of my stuff..
02:38.32phreak97where are desktop items stored?
02:40.58*** join/#kde Lord^Anubis_ (n=anubis@unaffiliated/lordanubis/x-837129)
02:44.25*** join/#kde pinheiro (
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02:58.59*** join/#kde jhulst (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
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03:04.54scriptxsince using compiz in Ubuntu 8.10 w/KDE4, my Task Manager icons are.. all the same? all of the apps down there have the same icon.
03:07.58*** join/#kde nolhay (n=nolhay@unaffiliated/nolhay)
03:08.17nolhaywhere is the source for the cashew in kde 4.0?
03:09.07nolhayspecifically 4.0.4
03:09.12*** join/#kde peng__ (n=peng@
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03:27.07scriptxanyone know how to enable the cube effect in kwin?
03:27.47Zarinscriptx, System settings -> desktop -> all effects, down the bottom there should be a "desktop cube"
03:28.01ZarinAssuming you are using 4.2 or a distro that has unofficially backported it
03:28.02scriptxit was not included in the latest release(s)
03:28.05scriptxdue to stability
03:28.22ZarinThen you can't enable it without compiling your own KDE
03:28.34scriptxwill just wait
03:28.40scriptxi really like what kwin has brought to the table
03:28.49scriptxi'm just so used to the cube by now
03:28.58scriptxthat i must stick with compiz until i can get the kwin cube
03:31.32raininjai wish e17 would play better with kde4
03:34.23*** join/#kde ]Kame2[ (
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03:44.12*** join/#kde tsukasa` (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
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03:51.05zx2c4any way to force plasma to save its settings w/o calling kquitapp on it?
03:53.03*** join/#kde Nightstalker (
03:53.27Nightstalkerhey everyone
03:53.29*** join/#kde litb_ (
03:53.42Nightstalkeranyone use portato ?
03:56.47estharWhere can I find the updated info on kephal in KDE 4.2 fleshing out multi-monitor support?  Perhaps ability to handle multiple X11 screens, or decent Xinerama support?
03:59.05sabayonlive-2813has any one tried to install linux on a ps3
03:59.13*** join/#kde nuonguy (
03:59.34sabayonlive-2813any one here
03:59.38*** join/#kde werdnum (n=andrew@wikimedia/Werdna)
03:59.57werdnumsudo acpitool -s seems to work at suspending my laptop, but the option on the KDE menu doesn't.
04:00.02sabayonlive-2813I need help some one
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04:08.34ybitis there an app similar to gobby which is based on the qt library?
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04:27.00dMaggothi, I used to have Sabayon linux which had a KMenu with search capability (I think it was called open-suse style or something), how can I get that on a fresh install??
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04:35.45linux_stumy webcam is able to work in skype using the gspcav driver; however, nothing shows up at all in the kopete "configure video device" menu.  is there anything i can do to troubleshoot this?
04:47.30*** part/#kde dMaggot (n=david@
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06:42.18Tm_Tnice traffc
06:42.29*** part/#kde danielmr (n=danielmr@
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07:16.41zx2c4why is my taskbar green? how can i change that
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07:21.49burguahi all!
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07:22.20burguaafter starting kde dont work arrow keys and touchpad
07:23.12burguawithout X anything works
07:23.28burgua(except, maybe, touchpad)
07:24.59*** part/#kde burgua (n=burgua@
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07:25.29enyawixis konversation for kde4* out yet?
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07:29.37icwienerenyawix: No. One guy is working hard atm to merge his porting efforts to the kde svn. It will still take some time though.
07:30.45enyawixI wish i cold help :(
07:30.52*** join/#kde Sarah (
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07:35.45icwienerenyawix: At the moment there is nothing there to help. Just hundreds of merge conflics to be solved. If the code is in svn, this will change however. If you want to help, try asking in #konversation then.
07:37.33*** join/#kde alediaferia (
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07:46.46Dumblehello world !
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07:52.52Duesentriebhi all. since the last ubpdate (ubuntu 8.04, KDE 3.5.10), kded takes 100% CPU all the time. what can cause this? how to fix it?
07:53.22Duesentriebthe cmdline is kded [kdeinit] --new-startup
07:57.30werdnumDuesentrieb: alt-sysrq-i (joking) will stop that process.
07:57.54Duesentriebwerdnum: hey there :)
07:58.39*** join/#kde Phlogi (
07:59.03Duesentriebwell i can kill it easily enough. But woun't I be missing it, then? Also... WTF GIVES? what is it doing?
07:59.13Duesentriebit does that after every restart.
07:59.33Duesentriebi can kill it and start a new instance. the new instance does not seem to have the problem. at least not when started with no params.
07:59.38*** join/#kde theseinfeld (
08:05.10*** join/#kde Yolanda (n=ClassFoo@
08:05.34scriptxDuesentrieb: did you upgrade to 8.04?
08:05.57Duesentriebno, it was a fresh install.
08:06.06scriptxjust wondering
08:06.13scriptxwhy not install 8.10 ?
08:06.22scriptxif you're going to install something fresh today :)
08:07.04Duesentriebi'm not.
08:07.31scriptxoh. perhaps i misread when you said: <Duesentrieb> no, it was a fresh install.
08:07.53Duesentriebi installed 8.04 when it was new, i did not upgrade to it. i stayed updated with patches since then.
08:08.10ZombieAre an of you artists who do art for KDELook?
08:08.34Duesentriebi'll go to 8.10 when i got a couple of days to waste and a spare machine in case stuff breaks
08:08.37Duesentriebi *need* my box :)
08:09.04Duesentriebscriptx: so, how do i tell wtf kded is doing and why?
08:09.06*** join/#kde matkor (
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08:10.24scriptxidk Duesentrieb. if it were me, i might try booting single user and making sure the packages aren't broken
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08:15.25Duesentriebscriptx: why would a broken package lead to an infinite loop? in my experience, stuff like that leads to things failing to start...
08:15.55scriptxlisten you're the one asking for help
08:16.05scriptxdon't shoot me down if you don't like what i have to say
08:16.20scriptxungrateful bastard. it's 3am ffs, good luck.
08:16.23Duesentriebscriptx: sorry, didn't mean to. i'm trying to understand why I do things and what I'm looking for.
08:17.08Duesentriebscriptx: didn't mean to spoil your evening. get some sleep. 9am here, i just woke up to a broken box :(
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08:20.01Dumblegrmbl ! still have crashes with kmail :s
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08:20.35shepherdHow can I change my default resolution in kde ? everytime I restart it goes back to something else
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08:48.55Rasiaseigo: i am really screwed  here with this zsh thing... any idea how i could backtrace it?
08:49.00Rasi(watch my latest comment)
08:49.34aseigoRasi: i'll catch up with it tomorrow. almost 2am here =)
08:49.55Rasiguess its time to build another sun :)
08:50.10Rasitimezones are so nineties
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09:03.36scriptxDuesentrieb: no harm :) i understand your pain\
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09:04.05werdnumscriptx: go to bed :)
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09:34.30shepherdHow do I make a different resolution "automatic"
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09:41.00gkiagiashepherd: what do you mean?
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09:49.48shepherdgkiagia: my computer always starts in 1280x800, and then I have to change it to 1680x1050 manually
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09:54.18gkiagiashepherd: that's more of an xorg configuration problem, although kde (at least 3.5) is also able to remember the resolution by a configuration option in kcontrol
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09:55.05shepherdgkiagia: alright, thanks
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10:33.23slimjimflimanybody know how to get konsole to flash when i get a notification
10:33.34slimjimflimer flash in the taskbar?
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10:34.45Jucatoslimjimflim: Settings menu -> Configure Notifications in tandem with View menu -> Monitor for Activity perhaps?
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10:36.26slimjimflimoh i bet it's activity detected in a monitored session
10:36.29slimjimflimthen through view
10:37.19slimjimflimnope, that triggers any keystroke
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10:37.41slimjimflimso in irssi i hit /beep to get it to beep
10:37.55slimjimflimi can't find where to disable the beep in notifications
10:38.12slimjimflimoo, but it is flashing in the taskbar now
10:39.00Jucatothe beep is coming from irssi, not Konsole
10:39.12Jucato(unless you enabled it in Konsole in COnfigure Notifications)
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10:40.08slimjimflimjucato, idk how to get the notifications to connect w/ the beep
10:40.24Jucatothen no
10:40.28Jucatoit's irssi
10:40.51slimjimflimno what?...take it to #irssi?
10:41.10Jucatono it's not Konsole beeping :)
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10:43.29slimjimflimjucato, ok, now everytime the minute changes i get notified
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10:43.45slimjimflimso it flashes and gives me a little popup box on the taskbar
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10:44.49Jucatoremove the popup if you want
10:45.00slimjimflimoooo, it's under bell
10:45.07slimjimflimit IS konsole doing it
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10:45.22slimjimflimsettings -> bell
10:45.25Jucatoslimjimflim: that removes *any* bell notification in Konsole
10:45.38Jucatothat include the "bell" when you mistype commands
10:46.02Jucatoor like when you hit Tab twice
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11:05.31Dimplesimple question: currently my files in ~/Desktop do not appear as icons on my desktop. How to configure kde4 to get this behavior?
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11:13.44chakie_workhi folks
11:14.45chakie_workany ideas what might be wrong when i have no desktop on my other monitor? i can drag windows there and use them but there are no plasma stuff (background, popup menu etc)
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11:20.51chakie_worki assume nobody has seen this bug before
11:21.34chakie_workupgrading to intrepid seems to have broken lots that worked in hardy
11:21.48annmahmmm is it KDE?
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11:24.03chakie_workannma: i guess plasma is a part of kde?
11:24.37annmaintrepid and hardy are not parts of kde
11:24.42MadneXHow can i delete from the menu a software already uninstalled ?? - KDE 4.1.3
11:25.02annmaMadneX: use menu editor, right click on menu icon to access it
11:25.27annmarerunning kbuildsycoca4 might also update the menu
11:25.31annmafor kde4
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11:26.16chakie_workannma: ah, no, of course not
11:27.29chakie_workall my keyboard shortcuts were lost in the upgrade which is slightly annoying. lots of repainting issues in apps
11:28.03annmachakie_work: instead of mentioning distros, in this channel can you speak in terms of KDE versions?
11:28.13annmaupgrade from what KDE to what?
11:28.19chakie_workannma: 4.1.3 it seems to be
11:28.20annmathat would be more useful
11:28.27MadneXannma, thanks for the answer, but.. where is menu editor? i can't find it..
11:28.32annmaFROM what TO what
11:28.47annmaMadneX: right click on menu icon
11:29.11chakie_workannma: 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 as a part of kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10
11:29.44chakie_workit seems every distro manages to break kde as they package it
11:29.52annmawell KDE from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 only did bugfixes
11:30.00annmathe rest does not concern us
11:30.08annmawe don't want distro flame here
11:30.21annmacomplain to the proper channels please
11:30.26MadneXannma, i remember that on kde 3.5, kde 4.1 doesnt have that ;-(
11:30.31psteynarchlinux doesn't :P
11:30.45annmaKDE 4.1.3 should not break anything from 4.1.2 as only bug fixes went in
11:31.06annmaMadneX: I have it
11:31.24annmatop menu entry when I right click
11:31.53chakie_workannma: it's pretty hard for a newbie to know what belongs where, especially as the components don't seem like something distros would meddle with
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11:33.52annmawell I tell you
11:34.07annmaasking distro channel first is always the best anyway
11:34.21annmaas they will forward bugs to us anyway
11:34.34MadneXannma, thanks a lot, just find't :-)
11:34.34annmabugs that are trully ours though
11:34.45annmaMadneX: :)
11:35.20Dedihow i hate dolphin
11:35.32annmause konqueror
11:35.49annmayou never need to use anything in Linux world
11:35.56annmayou always have several choices
11:37.20chakie_workdolphin is nice... that little app i just love i kde4
11:37.36Deditrue but konqueror isnt really better :)
11:38.19annmaDedi: instead of saying useless stuff like that, can you better say what you want?
11:38.24Dedichakie_work: i applied at least 15 times any settings and they all get resettet when dolphin crashes, and it crashes alot
11:38.42annmatell me to make it crash
11:39.25annmaI never crashed it except in a well know thing
11:39.25chakie_workDedi: well, yes, most kde4 apps forget their settings when logging out, so don't configure anything :)
11:39.25annmareally guys
11:39.25Dediannma: the last time: use split mode, move files :>
11:39.25annmayou're saying nonsense
11:39.31annmaI do that all day long Dedi
11:39.50chakie_workdolphin doesn't crash for m either, but it does forget all settings
11:39.54annmaDedi: I test KDE with a new .kde4 folder then I move the old one
11:40.05annmachakie_work: ??? what settings????
11:40.06Dedichakie_work: hm the only thing i lose settings is plasma when crashing, but they get permanently saved when using kquitapp plasma, which seems not to work with dolphin
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11:40.15annmalol guys
11:40.20annmayou are so mixed up
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11:40.23chakie_workannma: default view mode, split mode, expandable tree etc
11:40.37annmachakie_work: OK now open an editor
11:41.26annmain your $KDEHOME/share/config open dolphinrc
11:41.35chakie_workluckily dolphin doesn't crash for me so i only have to setup the settings once ever few weeks
11:41.57annmaevery few weeks?
11:42.11annmaso when does it forget its settings?
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11:42.20Dedii should be happy anyway, compared to dolphin 3 months ago its really good now :D
11:42.22chakie_workwhen it's closed
11:42.29chakie_workie when i log out
11:43.09annmawhat setting then?
11:43.11chakie_workannma: you mean d3lphinrc?
11:43.24annmachakie_work: I am talking of kde4
11:43.33annmadolphin is a kde4 app, was not a kde3 one
11:44.03annmaso first when you complain about something complain in an efficient way: tell the version and the real problem
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11:44.17annmawhat dolphin does not keep its settings and when?
11:44.20chakie_workoh, i'm sorry, there was a dolphinrc there too
11:44.30chakie_workkde4's dolphin
11:44.35marek_hi, can you help me with kde 4.2? i have no programs in menu...
11:44.36chakie_workno kde3 here anymore
11:44.42Dediim talkin too about kde4 :)
11:44.47chakie_worknot since 4.1.0
11:44.48annmamarek_: using what KDE?
11:44.55marek_annma 4.2
11:44.59marek_beta 1
11:45.15annmamarek_: where from?
11:45.23marek_and second question - what is internal extender for?
11:45.34marek_annma from nighty repo
11:45.49annmaknown problem of neon project, complain elsewhere
11:45.59chakie_workah, now my second screen has received half a wallpaper, but still no cashew or menu
11:46.07annmamy daily build has menu
11:46.10marek_annma ok ill wait for updates
11:46.19annmacomplain to them
11:46.27annmawhy do you use that stuff?
11:46.51annmachakie_work: for dual screens look at, I don't use 2 monitors
11:47.03marek_annma kde 4.2?
11:47.17annmayes marek_ why do you use these builds?
11:47.38marek_well i have one good reason for now, kde 4.1 dont have multipe rows in task manager
11:47.46annmachakie_work: so what setting is not kept after logout?
11:48.04chakie_workannma: default view mode for instance
11:48.05annmamarek_: and your distro did not ship beta 1?
11:48.16chakie_workannma: i want "details" and exandable trees
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11:48.27annmachakie_work: tell me the procedure
11:48.35annmawhat to set
11:48.46marek_annma i added repo for my kubuntu 8.10
11:48.48marek_thats all
11:49.00marek_there was no beta in official repos
11:49.01annmamarek_: so complain to #kubuntu
11:49.09annmaor build from source
11:49.17annmayou'll have all your progs in your menu
11:49.29annmachakie_work: what menu? what setting?
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11:50.05chakie_workannma: the "Details" check button in the tool bar for instance
11:50.09chakie_workannma: it's not preserved
11:50.17annmawhen you log out it's not?
11:50.27annmawhat about when you quit dolphin then
11:50.33annmaand restart it
11:50.37annmain the same session
11:51.39annmahmm indeed it is not preserved!!!
11:51.50annmachakie_work: is tehre a bug report about that?
11:52.29chakie_workannma: i haven't looked
11:52.35annmaplease do so
11:52.36chakie_workannma: but it's done that for me since 4.1.0
11:52.40annmawhat the hell really
11:52.50annmayes then you MUST report it
11:52.52chakie_workso i'd be suprised if it wasn't known
11:53.12annmaif everybody does like you it won't be known
11:53.24annmathe dolphin devel is not in IRC
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11:53.32chakie_workbut my settings usually vanish when i log out, not when i restart apps
11:53.34annmaso whatever I'll shout will not be heard
11:53.40chakie_workok :)
11:53.48annmadid you test as I said or not?
11:54.03chakie_workyes, that works
11:54.08chakie_workstart, set, restart
11:54.08annmadid you set it and then close dolphion and restart it?
11:54.13chakie_workworks as expected
11:54.14annmathat works????
11:54.27chakie_worklogging out/in does not for me
11:54.30annmaso what was added in dolphinrc?
11:54.37annmabe focused
11:54.42chakie_workyes, i set up dolhin now as i wanted, quit it and started
11:54.44annmado not mix everything
11:55.00annmaso pastebin dolphinrc please
11:55.07chakie_workto be focused
11:55.22annmayou said it's details view and expandable tree
11:55.23chakie_worki do think the whole issue is that shutdowns never finish cleanly
11:55.35annmathat's not a kde issue then
11:55.37chakie_workif i log out from kde, it never finishes
11:55.41annmaplease pastebin your dolphinrc
11:55.53chakie_workok, hang on
11:55.54annmaso that I can see why mine is not restored
11:56.25annmaand if NONE of your settings are kept why do you blame dolphin???
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11:56.57chakie_worknot everything is always lost, so settings are retained
11:57.51annmawhat are "some" then?
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11:58.09chakie_workkmail seems to never lose anything. konqueror works too
11:58.23chakie_workkonsole loses, dolphin loses
11:58.36chakie_workplasma loses
11:58.46annmaok so post your dolphinrc so I can see how this setting is saved as it's not kept for me
11:59.28chakie_worklin #3 was edited, included a dew fish:// entries i don't want to share
11:59.35chakie_work"a few"
12:00.06annmathanks yes
12:00.23annmaso I have to check why the config is not written for me
12:00.29annmathanks, taht's helpful
12:00.50annmaso: dolphin keeps its settings on restart in same session, settings are correctly written
12:01.00chakie_workseems to do
12:01.07annmaI don't see why logging out would erase this file
12:01.10chakie_workdidn't do that in 4.1.0
12:01.22annmawe're now, please bare with me
12:01.38chakie_workyeah, i'm sorry
12:01.39annmabackup this file in dolphinrc.bak
12:01.46annmakeep the dolphinrc
12:02.03annmai.e. copy dolphinrc to dolphinrc.bak or soemthing
12:02.22annmawhen you log out next time, look at the dolphinrc
12:02.45annmacompare it to the .bak and see if it was rewritten or erased
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12:03.29annmaafter next login compare dolphinrc and dolphinrc.bak, provided you don't change the view setting
12:03.32chakie_workwill do
12:03.34Dimplesimple question: currently my files in ~/Desktop do not appear as icons on my desktop. How to configure kde4 to get this behavior?
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12:03.38annmaand tell me about it
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12:03.48chakie_worki have it now set up as i want, i won't touch any more settings
12:03.54annmaDimple: they are in folderview
12:04.11Dimpleannma: folderview? what is it?
12:04.21annmawhat kde version?
12:04.28Dimpleannma: 4.1 or so
12:04.52annmaok so when you log first time in kde, you don't have Desktop folderview on your desktop?
12:05.26Dimpleis it that black box that I closed ?
12:05.54DimpleI thought it could be but I don't know how to reopen it ;)
12:05.55annmalike top one here
12:06.15annmaright click on desktop, Add Widgets, add Folderview
12:06.31Dimpleaha, let us see
12:07.37Dimpleannma: except it is not in the list!
12:08.30annmaDimple: ask your distro about it then
12:08.44annmaKDE ships it as default, distros cut stuff into pieces
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12:09.41Dimplewell it was here when I started it for the first time
12:09.55DimpleI closed it cause it was an empty black box
12:10.03annmait must be in the list then
12:10.12Dimpleannma: thanks anyways, now that I know the name of it, I'll find it
12:10.17annmaI know that KUbuntu ships it separately for ex
12:15.43thechefI clearly type kdesvn into the Alt+F2 dialog in kde4, but it starts KDE Bugbuster. It looks like it starts what that "search" thread currently holds even in case it doesn't match the search. Quite weird.
12:16.32annmakdesvn does nothing for me in krunner
12:16.47thechefIt needs to be installed :D
12:16.57annmawhat is kdesvn exactly?
12:17.08thechefSVN tool for KDE
12:17.14thechefWhatever if i type too fast it starts the wrong program
12:17.19werdnumask a stupid question...
12:17.33chakie_workugh, now konsole has lost all the profiles i use
12:17.33annmaI use KDE svn trunk and I don't have this kdesvn
12:17.49annmachakie_work: after logout?
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12:18.08annmachakie_work: profiles ar ein $KDEHOME/share/apps/konsole I think
12:18.17thechefumm yeah, I don't think the application matters, because it looks like krunner is doing something wrong
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12:18.46chakie_workannma: yeah, i just started needing my profiles after my login two hours ago
12:19.09chakie_worki had several ssh profiles there
12:19.28kamathlni have a laptop with 128 mb ram .. is KDE ok for it ?
12:20.22annmakamathln: seems too low
12:20.32annmafor any desktop environment
12:20.39annmalook for small distros probably
12:21.03annmakamathln: ask in #linux and look at forums and google
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12:21.16annmaI think KDE requires 256 Mb RAM
12:21.38kamathlnannma: thx
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12:21.54kamathlni think i will stick with e till i upgrade ram
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12:26.47blip-hi all, i want to have a local project on Quanta/KDEwebdev where the files are stored on my machine, but I want 1 click publishing ability to an ftp server... is it true that this cannot be done ?   because when i tried to make a remote project then it ends up using the files on the remote server and editing them.  what can i do ?   thanks
12:27.02*** join/#kde FreakGuard (n=FreakGua@unaffiliated/freakguard)
12:27.15FreakGuardhow to tell the kde apps to close and save their settings?
12:27.42annmayou quit a kde app and it writes its settings
12:27.51annmaFIle -> Quit generally
12:28.17FreakGuardannma, is there an "all-kill" switch?
12:28.23annmablip-: maybe there'a a #quanta channel
12:28.27FreakGuardlike for shutdown (except I'm not using kdm)
12:28.37annmaFreakGuard: ouch, all-kill sounds drasktik
12:28.46annmawhy do yo want that?
12:29.07*** part/#kde blip- (n=blip-@unaffiliated/blip-)
12:29.07FreakGuardannma, I'm using fluxbox with some kde apps, and "halt" is my usual way to shutdown
12:29.14annmaif you shutdown apps will keep their settings
12:29.20annmano problem then
12:29.32FreakGuardannma, not really
12:29.34annmaI also do halt from terminal from time to time
12:29.41FreakGuardX is down faster than kde apps...
12:29.58Phlogican anyone reproduce ? How does it look like on your system?
12:29.59annmayesterday I typed halt from KDE konsole
12:30.15annmaand everyting was saved FreakGuard
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12:30.32Dimpleannma: I could find it thank you
12:30.34annmamy kate was up with the correct session files
12:30.46annmaand so on
12:30.55annmaFreakGuard: ^^
12:30.57FreakGuardannma, well
12:31.17annmaI don't think "X is down faster than kde apps"
12:31.43annmanice Dimple :)
12:32.11Dimplein any case, impressive the effort made on kde4
12:32.37annmathanks Dimple :)
12:32.51DimpleI compiled it when it was first available in gentoo, the difference is so big with what I see now
12:32.59FreakGuardannma, I'll check full KDE later on ;)
12:33.30annmaDimple: yes and it'll keep improving!
12:33.43FreakGuardannma, isn't konsole pretty slow? try urxvt :)
12:33.49annmaFreakGuard: this shouldn't happen that you loose kde settings when you issue halt
12:33.59annmapretty slow????
12:34.10annmahow do yo measure a terminal slowness????
12:34.13annmatell me
12:34.17FreakGuardannma, starting?
12:34.26annmait starts instantly
12:34.31annmait's restored from session
12:34.42FreakGuardso it's loaded before ^^
12:34.59annmawhat machine do you have so you can measure konsole start versus some other terminal?
12:35.07annmait's loaded at start
12:35.13annmanot "before"
12:36.02annmai don't have this urxvt on my system
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12:36.10FreakGuardit's called rxvt-unicode
12:36.35annmarx does not complete to anything, I don't have it
12:36.42annmaanyway I love konsole
12:36.47FreakGuardannma, distro?
12:37.03annmaI can install it
12:37.10*** part/#kde budm (
12:37.15annmabut I bet it'll look like a 70s geek thing
12:37.34FreakGuarddepens on what you config ;)
12:37.40annmaI don't config
12:37.44FreakGuardI'm using that and yakuake here
12:37.47annmaI usually use vanilla apps
12:38.01FreakGuardI usually use vanilla configure apps ;)
12:38.04annmaI don't like yakuake
12:38.29Jucatoaw.. :P
12:38.38annmaanyway I doubt that on a dual core with 3Gb RAM one terminal starts faster than another
12:38.39FreakGuardJucato, on what?
12:38.48FreakGuardannma, point taken
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12:38.54Jucatoon annma ;)
12:39.01annmaI am not a geek
12:39.11annmaI love good looking and modern apps
12:39.16Sho_annma: You don't like Yakuake? *sobs*
12:39.19annmano VI and emacs for me
12:39.25annmasorry Sho_
12:39.28FreakGuardI'm using either
12:39.29annmaI do love konvi
12:39.31FreakGuardI use vim ;)
12:39.45FreakGuardehh *neither
12:39.48annmasome tools are typically "geek-tools"
12:39.58FreakGuardthe ones you can work fast with?
12:40.22Jucatoif you need to have a konsole window always open. then you are a geek. you can simply roll yakuake away when you don't need it >:)
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12:40.36FreakGuardJucato, I need it ;)
12:40.43FreakGuardat least a root and a user console :D
12:40.46JucatoFreakGuard: that was for annma :)
12:40.53FreakGuardJucato, hehe
12:41.06FreakGuardbut I miss something like 95% width in yakuake
12:41.24FreakGuard90% is too small (<80) and 100% looks ugly
12:41.24Jucatoonly uses vim for very quick edits on the command line. for more intense and multi-file editing, he uses kate
12:41.38Sho_FreakGuard: If you want to know a secret, it does accept "95" in the settings file ;)
12:41.38annmaI need konsole all the time
12:41.50FreakGuardSho_, thought something like that
12:41.51Jucatoannma: then you *are* a geek :P
12:41.52annmaI put it on the devel desktop Jucato
12:42.07*** join/#kde solid (
12:42.08FreakGuardSho_, where is that one?
12:42.19FreakGuardSho_, ups. wrong folder finded
12:42.29Sho_FreakGuard: ~/.kde/share/config/yakuakerc or ~/.kde4/share/config/yakuakerc depending on your distro/KDE ver
12:42.45Jucato[Window] group, Height/Width property
12:42.47annmaOH GOSH this urxvt!!!!!!!!!!!
12:43.05FreakGuardSho_, eh? there's just a Height :(
12:43.15annmano tabs???
12:43.29FreakGuardannma, urxvt-tabbed
12:43.34Sho_FreakGuard: Probably because you're on Width 90, which is the default, and KDE files only save stuff in their config that deviates from the global default
12:43.47annmawho wants such an old thing
12:43.49Sho_FreakGuard: I.e. just close Yakuake, add Width= with the value you want to the file (in [Window] as Jucato says) and then start Yakuake
12:43.54FreakGuardSho_, hm :(
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12:44.10JucatoFreakGuard: why ":("?
12:44.31annmawe're in times of modern Linux where we can compete with other OSs, we don't want things like this
12:44.35Jucatoit's not like you can't add the width or height property if it isn't written there yet :)
12:44.36FreakGuardhrhr *grin
12:45.00FreakGuardannma, define "modern". fancy-looking but not really useful?
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12:45.09Sho_annma: Well as far as competing with other OSs goes, just about any X11 terminal emulator is better than Windows' cmd.exe ;)
12:45.21FreakGuardJucato, sometimes I'm just mentally stuck :(
12:45.37annmaFreakGuard: what is useful in a terminal is the shell
12:45.56annmateh terminal itself is just tohost the shell
12:46.08annmareally this 70s look, I just hate it
12:46.13FreakGuardand the setting "layer +1" in the WM ;)
12:46.31annmakonsole does the job as well as your thing and as fast
12:47.03annmait has pleasant colors taht don't strain my eyes
12:47.08annmathat I can set
12:47.16FreakGuard.Xdefaults :P
12:47.18annmait has nice fonts that I can choose
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12:47.27FreakGuardactually I'm using a konsole theme in there ;)
12:47.33annmaI can EASILY choose
12:47.44annmanot freaking edit a config file
12:47.54FreakGuardwhat isn't easy about writing some numbers in a config file?
12:47.58FreakGuardor just c/p them?
12:48.36FreakGuardbut hey, that's just 2 ideologies clashing, no sense - got some other things to do ^^
12:49.03annmayes the geek way and the normal people way
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12:49.25annmaI don't like wasting time in geek ways when I'm not a geek
12:49.38*** join/#kde |Krooks| (n=Krooks@
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12:49.46annmahence konsole, kate, they are tools for people like me
12:49.58annmaI do develop the same
12:50.17annmabeing a woman also maybe is a parameter
12:50.49psteynpics or you aren't
12:50.49*** join/#kde sigma_ (n=sigma@
12:50.59Jucatopsteyn: aren't want?
12:51.04|Krooks|I keep getting "Mp3 Audio Decoder plugin not found." frpm k3b but I have libmad installed already
12:51.13psteyna woman :)
12:51.14Jucatopsteyn: aren't what?
12:51.25Jucatopsteyn: google. she's not that hard to find
12:51.30psteynsigh, im joking.
12:51.45sigma_so when's k3b and konversation due out? wish i could at least give k3b a test run
12:51.49psteynno girls on the interwebz meme etc
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12:51.59Skrot-this week in: internet memes gone wrong ^^
12:52.12annmaanyway I don't believe any terminal starts faster than another on today's hardware
12:52.27Jucatothis month in: humor translates poorly over the internet
12:52.35sigma_they are the only apps that are preventing me from having the total kde4 experience
12:52.38*** join/#kde DawnLight (n=dawn@
12:52.55annmaah we do want konvi for kde4, yes
12:52.59annmaWE DO
12:53.04Skrot-yes we do
12:53.09annmasigma_: yell with me please
12:53.15Skrot-But I think k3b will be out before konvi, it's already in extragear
12:53.16Tm_Twho does?
12:53.20annmaWE DO
12:53.24annmathe people
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12:53.36annmastares at Sho_
12:53.42sigma_Skrot-: alpha, beta or rc?
12:53.52Skrot-sigma_: No idea, I've just seen it there
12:53.53Tm_Tannma: you hu-man are weird
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12:54.13annmahey dear Sho_ when will we be totally happy in kde4?
12:54.43Sho_if you're like me probably once that odd empty-space rectangle to the left of your Kickoff button that you can't figure out goes away
12:54.46pinotreek3b has no active developers, so there's nothing planned
12:55.11Tm_Thmm, I wonder how's Arson doing these days
12:55.40|Krooks|no active developer is not good
12:55.43Sho_pinotree: Hm trueg no longer working on it?
12:55.50annmaSho_: the rectangle is gone in trunk
12:56.02sigma_pinotree: i thought it was one of the flagship kde apps?
12:56.03Sho_annma: cool, I'm on beta 1 atm
12:56.07pinotreeSho_: actively, no, he's working on nepomuk mostly
12:56.15annmaah yes was a bug in beta
12:56.20pinotreesigma_: and?
12:56.46sigma_pinotree: shouldn't it have more than one dev?
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12:57.03Tm_Tsigma_: really should, but does it? (;)
12:57.20Tm_Tbeing "a flagship" doesn't mean huge resources
12:57.35pinotreek3b in kde3 was mostly a "one man" product
12:57.36Tm_Tjust means you have a flag in your forehead or such
12:57.39DawnLighthello. i've the kubuntu kde 4.1.2 and kontact crashes part of the times after i start it and give it the wallet password. also when i press send on a message. the send issue is reproduceable. can i help some how? i don't program. and another thing is that i've been using debian etch and migrated my home directory to kubuntu intrepid so could this be the reason for crashes in kontact?
12:57.51Jucatothere's a very thick line between "should" and "actually does" ;)
12:58.06sigma_clearly not. i hate the kde3 k3b, looks so out of place amongst all the kde4 apps
12:58.17Tm_TJucato: indeed
12:58.37annmasigma_: devels are people like you and me
12:58.38JucatoDawnLight: you could 1. upgrade to 4.1.3 (latest stable) and 2. check with other #kubuntu people (since it doesn't seem to be a general KDE issue)
12:58.43annmanot aliens from outer space
12:58.51annmasigma_: ^^
12:59.00annmajust like YOU
12:59.13|Krooks|on k3b website. it says he is working on a kde4 port but with not too many new features, so he will call it vrsion 1.1
12:59.16sigma_oh one thing i did want to ask, has kiosk been upgraded to kde4?
12:59.22DawnLightJucato: thanks
12:59.59annmakiosk is there
13:00.05annmakioskTOOL is not
13:00.08*** join/#kde backblue (n=igor@
13:00.25backbluemorning, how can i change the font's size in kde 4.1?
13:00.39sigma_kiosktool is the gui?
13:00.40annmasystem settings -> appearance -> font
13:00.52annmalack of developers again
13:01.21sigma_oh well guess its currently better for them to focus on the core desktop
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13:02.37sigma_so guys what ever happened to the guy that created kde? dont hear much or anything about him these days
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13:02.48backblueno, i mean the shell command for doing that..
13:02.51annmajust read planetKDE or the dot
13:02.55annmaor mailing lists
13:03.04backbluei tryed qtconfig but no success.
13:03.09annmahe is still writing from time to time sigma_
13:03.25pinotreebackblue: why cannot you use the gui?
13:03.50backbluepinotree: i'm not running kde, and i cant run.
13:03.57pinotree... and?
13:04.11backblueso how should i follow the gui, if i'm in gnome?
13:04.22pinotreeyou can run systemsettings in gnome, you know?
13:04.47Sputsigma_: he's head of R&D in Qt Software/Germany
13:04.51Sput(was used to be Trolltech)
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13:05.19msni just installed kde4 on my laptop....
13:05.25sigma_ah i see
13:05.39Sputmh, the really sad thing about k3b in KDE4 is that the port _almost_ works... the UI is usable, you can do everything, until you press the burn button and it just hangs
13:05.43msnthe only problem is its just dimming the screen even with power connected
13:06.04Sputlooks like it's just a matter of calling the cdrecord tools correctly, but then again, if it was that easy, it would be working by now
13:06.19msnand i have to use Fn+brightness every 2 mins to bring it abck to max
13:06.46msnpowersave is set not to dim the screen
13:08.58backbluepinotree: thanks, this was the command i was looking for.
13:09.21backblueguys, do you know how do i enable konsole qt3 behaviour?
13:09.34pinotreethat is?
13:09.36sigma_Sput: hopefully it will be usable by the time kde4.2 is released
13:09.38backbluei need the bookmarks entry, on the bottom
13:09.53backbluethe hold konsole add it, the new one, i dont find a way to do it.
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13:16.52backblueseems like i still have to use old konsole! :(
13:17.31annmawhat bookmarks entry
13:17.43annmadon't you have a bookmark menu?
13:18.39backblueon the bottom? like the old one?
13:19.19backbluethe old one, you just click on the button, choose the bookmark, and it open a new tab with it.
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13:19.44backblueon the new one, i just have the bookmarks on the top, and it does not open in a new tab.
13:20.26annmaso what do you want from this bookmark thing?
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13:23.46backblueannma: if you dont use this i'm telling in the old konsole, will be hard to explain.
13:24.16annmakonsole was rewritten
13:24.21*** join/#kde Lord^Anubis_ (n=anubis@unaffiliated/lordanubis/x-837129)
13:24.22NyhaEvery time I start KDE the Korganizer starts and this is a part of kdepim, can I make it start Kontact?
13:24.31annmaif some functionality is not there and you want it, please issue a bug report
13:27.21backbluepage 14, at the end of the page
13:27.37backblue"The bookmark list is displayed at the bottom of the menu. Select a bookmark to change to that location."
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13:29.53NakkelI find this relevant to my interests, can anyone tell me more than what can be guessed from URL?
13:30.16annmayou can svn that from kde svn
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13:31.33NakkelSure but its all encrypted in this weird cpp thingie.
13:31.35Jimi__Hendrixim haviing a problem with my panel
13:32.04Jimi__Hendrixthe widgets arent horizontel...they are all small and verticle
13:32.15Jimi__Hendrixthey won let me drag them so they are horizontal
13:32.18Jimi__Hendrixhow do i fix this
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13:54.31|Krooks|whats up jimmy boy
13:57.51Jimi__Hendrixthe widgets arent horizontel...they are all small and verticle
13:57.53Jimi__Hendrixthey won let me drag them so they are horizontal
13:57.56Jimi__Hendrixhow do i fix this
13:58.10Jimi__Hendrixtahts whats up |Krooks|
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14:01.45|Krooks|Jimi__Hendrix: kde3 or kde4 ?
14:02.09|Krooks|are you smoking grass ?
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14:12.39junkDawgieJimi__Hendrix: do you have the toolbar appear when you mouse over the widget?
14:13.47Jimi__Hendrixi dont think so
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14:15.41junkDawgieyou should first "unlock" the widgets by right-clicking an empty place on the plasma workspace and choose "unlock".... then hover over the widget you want to change and a toolbar will appear... the top icon on the toolbar changes the size by click-drag in any direction
14:15.58Roland123what's the shortcut to minimize everything?
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14:16.36junkDawgiein kde4 there is a widget for that, look in "Add widgets"
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14:31.14Roland123junkDawgie: i found that... but i'd like to know a keyboard shortcut
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14:31.44junkDawgiei'm not aware of one, roland
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14:33.40Roland123junkDawgie: but could you tell me, what's the dashboard?
14:34.37Jucatoyou could think of it as the desktop minus anything in the panel. it's a "layer" where all desktop applets lie
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14:35.49junkDawgiemy understanding is that it refers to the plasma workspace..... what used to be called the "desktop"....think of it as a layer on top of the wallpaper..... where the plasmoids reside
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14:37.36junkDawgieyou can call up the "dashboard" and then click a plasmoid, and then as the new window appears, the dashboard reverts to background again
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14:38.23junkDawgieyou can see how that works by the Ctl+F12 shortcut
14:38.53Roland123i think ctrl+F12 was the shortcut i was looking for
14:39.18Roland123so thnx
14:42.22JucatoShow Desktop and Show Dashboard is practically the same except for two crucial differences: 1. Show Dashboard doesn't show the panel. Show Desktop does
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14:43.09Jucato2. Show Desktop is actually "Minimize All Windows". so clicking on a minimized window will restore only that window and not the rest. but clicking/deactivating Show Dashboard "restores" everything
14:44.07Roland123Jucato: i'd like to find a "Minimize all windows" keyboard shortcut... or assign it somehow but.. didn't find it in system settings -> keyboars
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14:47.09Jucatoand some of them are broken anyway. maybe 4.2
14:49.20Roland123ah... so there's no minimize all... shortcut in 4.1... that explains alot..
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15:01.43vbgunzcurious. will there be an option to resize scrollbars width/height in 4.2? I find them quite small and hard to grab sometimes
15:02.08vbgunzparticularly in the oxygen theme
15:02.39Jucatovbgunz: that's on a per style basis
15:03.54vbgunzJucato: I really like the new scrollbars. there beautiful compared to 4.1. I just think theyre kind of small :(
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15:08.32dereineis it possible to turn off notifications
15:08.34dereinethe new stlye
15:09.33Jucatowhich notifications?
15:10.11dereinethe notifications from kopete, "kcopy" etc.
15:10.19dereinebecause they break very often kde4.2
15:10.39Jucatoah I don't know. I'm still on 4.1 :)
15:11.03dereinehas a very slow internet so i cannot switch back until next weekend
15:15.10neverendingodereine: try configure -> configure notifications and disable all entries
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15:16.01wesley_hi how do i add NL to kde dev
15:16.24dereineneverendingo: there is not a entry like this
15:17.20pinotreewesley_: what would you want to do?
15:17.50wesley_add dutch as default
15:18.12wesley_i want to install dutch laugange
15:18.14pinotreekcontrol/systemsettings → regional & accessibility → language & country
15:18.24neverendingodereine: Settings -> configure notifications?
15:18.37wesley_no its needs to be installed i have kde4.2 dev
15:18.43dereineneverendingo: ah there thx
15:18.44pinotreewesley_: if you have kde installed with distro packages, then ask in the channel of your distro for the package name
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15:20.04pinotreewesley_: then follow's_l10n_Module, using nl instead of de, and ignoring templates and x-test
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15:52.30|Krooks|is it not possible to have a text file on my desktop on kde4 ? I right click on the desktop and no New in the context menu.
15:53.09karthikp|Krooks|: Add a folder view applet first.
15:53.32annmaor drag any text file from dolphin to desktop
15:53.38karthikpInside that, you can use it as a nocmal desktop (with icons)
15:53.41annmait'll get on the desktop as icon
15:54.05annmadragging from kmenu or dolphin or whatever will work too
15:54.44karthikpI understand there will be an option to have a full screen folderview in 4.2 (coming Jan).
15:55.03karthikpThat will look like the traditional desktop.
15:56.09|Krooks|I see. Thanks. I'll try both ways and see which one I prefer
15:56.15*** join/#kde Zaister (
15:58.05|Krooks|annma: your way not possible. I get a no entry sign when I drag the text file to the desktop. I'm using 4.1.80
15:58.43annmaweird I do
15:58.58annmayou cannot drag anything on the desktop?
15:59.25|Krooks|annma: its ok. Widgets locked
15:59.37|Krooks|annma: sorry. My mistake
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16:02.32mib_q07x3ay1Well bollixs !
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16:07.19wesley_pinotree, i downloaded the nl lauguage so how to install
16:07.31elTigreHi, I think, "Lokalize" corrupts my .po files
16:07.35pinotreewesley_: it is explained in the guide
16:07.38elTigreand I can't figure out how to fix it...
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16:07.48annmaelTigre: how corrupted?
16:08.12elTigrewhen compiling messages I get "msgid" und "msgstr" entry don't both begin with "\n"
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16:08.37elTigreI can't figure out at all, why that should matter
16:09.15mohan_hi, does kmail provide offline mail support?
16:09.18elTigreor how to fix that
16:09.35Emessanyone know where I could find an SVG of the KDE gear logo?
16:09.35elTigreanma: I just don't know what the error message means
16:09.43wesley_pinotree it doesnt really make sens
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16:10.14pinotreewesley_: what is the problem? you have to compile the translations, and install them
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16:16.03|Krooks|so I know some of you are developers in here. Are you guys on live version from svn ?
16:16.17annmaof course
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16:18.44|Krooks|annma: let me guess. you are using gentoo ?
16:18.53annmawe're using KDE svn
16:19.05annmanot a distro
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16:20.17balazsbelaHello all, my friend buit kde4 using kdesvnbuild script
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16:20.27balazsbelaand he sent me his directory containing the binaries
16:20.31|Krooks|annma: I know. But what distro are you using ?
16:20.40balazsbelaI copied the bashrc from techbase, and set up a new user for it
16:20.51balazsbelabut it won't start, here you can find my .xsession-errors file
16:21.31balazsbelaand here are the environment variables and the xsessions file
16:22.10annmathe distro is not relevant, is it?
16:22.30annma|Krooks|: the distro has nothing with kde from svn
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16:24.38|Krooks|annma: its not relevant. Its just that gentoo has a nice source based build system and I'm just thinking that maybe many KDE developers like prefer to use it. Just curious.
16:25.18|Krooks|I'm using 4.1.80 snapshot.
16:25.44|Krooks|on Gentoo its very easy to get that on my system
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16:28.51annmawhat nice source based system
16:29.06annmayou're using a gentoo snapshot
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16:31.02balazsbelawhat module should I compile to get gtk-qt-engine in kde4 ?
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16:33.32|Krooks|annma: well, not exactly called a 'gentoo snapshot'. Gentoo has got this packaging system called portage. This system has a kinda subsystem called overlays. One of the overlay is called kde-crazy, which you pick to install the snapshots or live. Its something like.
16:34.10|Krooks|annma: something like that.
16:35.30annmaand do you still have the sources and build dir?
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16:38.29|Krooks|annma: yes.
16:39.04|Krooks|annma: #gentoo-kde . maybe you will see some familiar nicks in there.
16:40.08annma|Krooks|: developers who use gentoo usually use kde svn outside gentoo anyway
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16:40.20annmaI would not bother myself to compile everything anyway
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16:40.32|Krooks|annma: ok
16:40.45annmaI am not the type of person who likes to edit config files and such
16:40.54annmadevelopers want control over the build
16:41.01annmathey have their own scripts
16:41.06|Krooks|I see.
16:41.24Gentle`annma: technically portage always uses the same svn checkout directory, you could work on the code but that's highly impractical, so everyone who's serious about development of course uses kdesvn
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16:41.38annmathat's what I said
16:42.00annmamost developers I know who work on trunk use their own scripts and build their own way
16:42.11annmaeven those who are Gentoo-based
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16:43.04annmait's easier for us to check dependencies from cmake output for ex
16:43.10Gentle`the compilation system always uses a clean source directory, so it's really no fun to work on one file when everything will be recompiled every build ;)
16:43.31annmaclean source dor?
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16:43.40annmaclean source dir?
16:43.44annmaor you mean BUILD dir
16:44.22annma|Krooks| said he keeps build and src
16:44.49Gentle`annma: first the source will be copied to a sandbox, then the build process is started there, after install the sandbox gets deleted, that's what makes development practically impossible
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16:45.04Gentle`annma: hence why I felt I should interfere
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16:45.06|Krooks|annma: sorry. I may be wrong.
16:45.18annmawekk so Gentoo is not for devels at all
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16:46.29moukagentoo is COOL
16:46.37moukait's the best learning distro
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16:46.45|Krooks|ok here we go
16:46.45Gentle`annma: well that depends, you have very high control over what versions of which lib will be installed since you don't have to rely on linking consistency, but if your software should run on any distribution then such things shouldn't be needed
16:47.15annmaI prefer installing my distro in a few clicks and a few minutes personally
16:47.16Gentle`annma: other than that, I wouldn't call it exactly developer friendly. Way too much distracting administrative work to keep track of ;)
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16:47.52annmaGentoo users are often mislead in thinking that we all use it for developing
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16:47.59annmawe only use some scripts and that is
16:48.56|Krooks|annma: and those scripts auto builds from kdesnv ?
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16:49.30annmathey auto-update for ex
16:49.54|Krooks|I see nice.
16:49.54annmaother scripts allow to build a small part of KDE like for ex I am building konsole over and over to check a bug
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16:50.20stonedI'm not sure if I was amazingly stoned the other time when I read that article or if I was dreaming last night about it
16:50.22|Krooks|annma: sounds nice.
16:50.23stonedI can't remember which
16:50.29Gentle`|Krooks|: see for example. If you need to work on sourcecode, you really need your code in place so you can work on it and test compile in a flexible way
16:50.36stoneddoes php have bindings for the Qt toolkit?
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16:50.46annmasounds a pain you mean |Krooks| as I can't find why there's a bug
16:51.08annmaGentle`: more like techbase doc
16:51.11annmathe scripts
16:51.26|Krooks|so where is git in all this ?
16:51.34annmano git yet
16:51.43annmasome use git locally
16:51.45|Krooks|or is it a whole different story ?
16:52.03annmait's not a build matter
16:52.04Gentle`|Krooks|: git would allow flexible branching, you can import svn into git and then add your own branch to keep track of your patches for example
16:52.25annmait had drawbacks though
16:52.31annmanothing is all white
16:52.59pinotreestoned: yes, it is inkdebindings
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16:55.10stonedpinotree, ok
16:55.22stonedpinotree, that would be php-qt right?
16:55.30pinotreeyour guess i correct
16:55.48stonedyes because there wasn't a debian package called php-qt i could find
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16:56.13stonedI tried gtk2 in php
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16:56.23stonedI'm not really down with gtk, I just loath it
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16:57.11stonedlisten to how weird this was and I hope qt isn't this way
16:57.28stonedyou can't put two of the same control in a gtkwindow object
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16:57.45stonedyou have to add containers of vertical or horizontal types and stuff your controls in there
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16:57.54stonedyour other option is to make them using glade
16:58.02stonedwhich is again horrible horrible terrible!
16:59.23stonedpinotree, what about Qt bindings for Mono/C#
16:59.26stonedlike Qt# or something?
16:59.30stonedlika a gtk# there is
16:59.37pinotreeQyoto, always in kdebindings
16:59.37stonedis there anything of the sort?
16:59.42stonedthat was the one
16:59.49stonedcrazy 5 lettered wor dI was looking for
16:59.59stonedso I wasn't dreaming
17:00.01pinotreekdebindings should be your favourite place :)
17:00.03stonedI was just really stoned
17:00.07stonedthanks bro
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17:02.08stonedyou know
17:02.10stonedI don't like C++
17:02.12mohan_hello, does kmail support offline folder facility?
17:02.31stonedwhat means offline folder mohan_ ?
17:02.53stonedif your mails are downloaded to local machine you can view them in kmail if thats what you mean
17:02.55rdalei guess c++ is even worse after the fifth bong
17:03.04mohan_stoned: even if i am not connected to network, i should be able to read my mails (already retrieved)
17:03.09stonedrdale, no native garbage collection
17:03.13mohan_stoned: yeah, i am looking for that
17:03.19stonedactually I don't wanna go into the cons of C++
17:03.28stonedI'll focus more on the pros of C#
17:03.42mohan_stoned: i have an imap account. but it always tries connecting to n/w while browsing the folders
17:03.56stonedimap is not offline
17:04.08stonedyou need pop3 to read offline mail
17:04.15stonedpop3 will download mail to your local client
17:04.24stonedbut you can configure it to leave a copy of the mail on server as well
17:04.36stonedthat way you always have a local copy of yoru email and you can browse it offline
17:04.42mohan_stoned: but i don't have pop3 account
17:04.49stonedI'm not an networking expert
17:04.56stonedI dunno if you can use imap offline
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17:05.32stonedits a client feature let me see
17:06.00stonedYou can use any IMAP server with "disconnected IMAP". It will create a cache
17:06.00stonedof the mails from the IMAP server on your local harddisk and "synchronize"
17:06.01stonedchanges to the server in regular intervals.
17:06.04stonedi found this
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17:08.37cenuijcurses akregator
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17:08.46stonedanyway I don't use kmail anyway
17:08.50stonedthunderbird ftw!
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17:09.12cenuijoh hey would have though, akregator randomly marking items as read is a bug over 1 year old
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17:09.24cenuijtime to dump ths festing pile of horse dung
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17:16.41mohan_stoned: thank you, i shall try.... i am using thunderbird to cache my imap mails
17:16.48mohan_want to start using kmail
17:16.57wesley_i have downloaded nl localazation, so how do i install it? normall commands dont worj
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17:32.46kronos003whats the story with quanta being removed from kdewebdev
17:33.03kronos003in kde 4
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17:39.20aseigokronos003: they are still working on a first kde4 release; they share a bunch of code with kdevelop now so that's been a sticking point
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17:39.51kronos003i see
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17:41.45laynorhi, something strange happened and I can't see the address text entry in konqueror 3.5 anymore
17:41.51laynorwhat should I check?
17:44.58laynoralso, I noticed gif animations are much slower in konqueror than in firefox, is that normal?
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17:47.54kronos003aseigo: im guessing qt4 instnt backward compatible with qt3?
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17:52.44aseigokronos003: no
17:53.07Tomm_1000wie heisst in fedora10 das Tool, mit dem ich bei KDE die Darstellung und das Erscheinungsbild, vor allem Schriften und Schriftgrößen, einstellen kann?
17:54.08Half-Leftwowoo, didn't know VLC ported to Qt4
17:54.17kronos003aseigo: how soon do you think we might see a qt4 version?
17:54.20Tomm_1000Oh, is the language here English? I am sorry! Could someone tell me please, what the name of the KDE-Control-Center is in fedora10? I want to change the size of the menü fonts.
17:55.22dereineTomm_1000: as i sead
17:56.12Tomm_1000dereine: sorry, yum cannot find a program called systemsettings. Maybe I have to explain more: I am running Gnome desktop and am using several kde programs.
17:56.28dereineTomm_1000: thats preinstalled on EVERY kde4
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17:57.11Tomm_1000dereine: thanks for the hint - but how can I figure out, wich kde-version I have installed?
17:57.30dereineTomm_1000: does you desktop look nice /me duck
17:57.34dereine? by default
17:57.45aseigokronos003: don't know for sure. perhaps ask the quanta team directly.
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17:58.07kronos003do they have a channel here
17:58.25Tomm_1000dereine: my desktop is gnome. i just use some kde-programs, and for those i want to change the size of the menue fonts
17:58.40dereineTomm_1000: try to start kcontrol
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17:59.23Tomm_1000dereine: i had tried, but kcontrol is not known either. also yum cannot install it
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18:00.15shepherdHiya, is there something special I have to do to get Konqueror to play flash? I have adobe flash installed but they just come up blank
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18:00.33shepherdhowever I do not recieve the "you don't have flash player installed" anymore, they just don't show up
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18:02.13Half-Leftshepherd: Point konqueror plugin settings to where the file is and click the "Scan for plugins" button
18:02.24shepherdI'll give it a go, thanks
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18:04.28shepherdHalf-Left: Hmm, no it sees the plugin.
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18:04.52shepherdHalf-Left: It still just comes up blank though, any other ideas by chance?
18:05.11Half-LeftYou used the scan option?
18:06.00Half-LeftAnd if the .so file in the direct set in konqueror plugins? was in /usr/lib/mozilla and /usr/lib/flash-plugin so I told it to use the one in flash-plugin
18:06.01shepherdbut it had the same result
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18:06.27Half-LeftKDE4 version?
18:06.37shepherdYea I'm using KDE4
18:06.45Half-LeftWhich version?
18:06.53shepherd4.1.3 I think
18:08.21Half-LeftTry getting the plugin from adobe and manually pointing it to ~/.mozilla/plugins
18:09.28Half-LeftYou can get the version 10 from there and putting it in that directory, it it's not there make it
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18:12.59shepherdhmm.. still nothing shows up :s
18:13.28shepherdYea :(
18:14.04Half-LeftYou hti thescan option?
18:14.12shepherdBut like I said, the message saying flash wasn't found no longer appears, it just seems like it's about to load, then doesn't.
18:14.20shepherdYea, I did, and it found
18:14.38Half-LeftRestart konqueror and try
18:14.41shepherdI did
18:14.47shepherdStill not working though :(
18:15.03Half-LeftWhat does ti actually show?
18:15.27shepherdWant a screenshot? it pushes the text down about as far as the size of the flash video
18:15.30shepherdbut nothing appears in that area
18:16.07Half-Lefthmmm, not sure why that is
18:16.08shepherdit works in firefox.. but I' prefer using konqueror :(
18:16.28Half-LeftI'm using trunk (4.2) and it works fine
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18:17.45tudonshould konqueror work with openjdk on x64?
18:18.04Half-LeftYour using x86_64?
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18:18.24scsiraideris there a way to save my kde4 session from cmdline
18:18.25Half-Leftshepherd: ^
18:18.42shepherdHalf-Left: no I'm on 32bit
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18:22.28Half-Lefttudon: Just tested jre on x64 in Konqueror, yer works
18:22.39tudonwhat is the java path you have set
18:23.31tudonok let me check
18:23.56Half-LeftThe test page on Sun's website whos the animating java logo
18:24.07*** part/#kde Tomm_1000 (
18:25.05Half-LeftVersion 4.1.81 (KDE 4.1.81 (KDE 4.2 >= 20081128))
18:25.20tudoni dont have the same path. also im using openjdk not sun . but it works in firefox
18:25.44Half-LeftNot tried jdk
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18:30.02LSUso for someone who'se been absent from 4.0 to the latest, how is it?
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18:31.56Half-LeftLSU: Oh man
18:32.40Half-LeftLSU: 4.1 is soooo much better and 4.2 is awesome, should please alot of KDE3 people with all the new stuff
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18:33.17LSUthat makes me happy
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18:33.38LSUyeah, i used 4.0 being a huge 3 fan, and it made me tear up honestly lol
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18:45.51scsiraiderare there are kde4 irc clients
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18:50.23Half-Leftscsiraider: Quassel but it's Qt4
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18:50.32scsiraideryeah qt4 is ok
18:52.11SSJ_GZQuassel is being KDE4-ified, I here.
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18:56.42t11aluno07Someone there ?
18:57.32LuikeHow nice @_@
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19:02.45sigma20whats the command to run to logout of kde4? kubuntu linux
19:02.52raijinok ihave issues building kdebindings. the plasma-ruby applets arent being built. . .
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19:09.38thiago_homesigma20: click the logout button
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19:10.11jschallapart from this ONE issue with mouse buttons i'm really really loving kde. how do i bind mouse buttons to things like back/forward in konqueror, or bind meta+scroll to zoom?
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19:11.24thiago_homeyou don't
19:11.29thiago_homezoom is Ctrl+scroll
19:11.50jschallthiago_home: i can't live without back/forward being my mouse buttons.
19:12.08thiago_homethen you'll need a different browser
19:12.16thiago_homeI've been living without mouse gestures for months now
19:12.24jschallthiago_home: damn
19:12.29jschallthiago_home: that's really crappy.
19:12.33thiago_homeit's annoying, but since I don't know how to implement them, I'm happily waiting for someone to do that.
19:12.59jschallthiago_home: is there any disadvantage to using gtk2 apps in kde?
19:13.12jschallthiago_home: firefox is gtk right?
19:13.17thiago_homejschall: yes, gtk is loaded into memory
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19:13.42jschallthiago_home: there wouldn't happen to be a qt version of firefox, would there? =P
19:13.57thiago_homethat project has been announced 3 times
19:14.01thiago_homeno one finishes it
19:14.12thiago_homethere's no interest in completing and maintaining a Qt version of Firefox
19:14.21thiago_homewe had better finish a WebKit-based browser instead
19:14.23jschallsomeone should frigging finish konqueror and there'd be no need
19:15.09jschallthiago_home: i don't understand why the mouse buttons can't be bound to anything, all the key binding widgets only accept keys...
19:15.14sigma20should use the firefox engine in konq! that wud make one mother of a browser:)
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19:15.41jschallsigma20: that would be one crappy browser, because it still wouldn't support mouse buttons for back/forward.
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19:16.09jschallhow big is gtk in memory?
19:16.23thiago_homenot much
19:16.25thiago_homebut larger than 0
19:16.36jschallyeah, no problem. i have 2gb, soon 4gb of ram
19:17.15sigma20but i dont use those buttons!
19:17.26jschallthiago_home: it's just really really annoying me! kde is AMAZING, but it just lacks mouse binding capabilities
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19:17.42jschallthiago_home: which is the last thing i'd expect to be difficult to implement
19:18.16VistaUsercan someone help me with a big problem, i want to go back to my normal vista mode and i pop in hp recovery discs and dont wwwork
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19:19.00sigma20what does that have to do with kde vistauser?
19:19.20VistaUseridk but is there a channel for this problem lol
19:20.05jschallthiago_home: wait, i think i found how to do it, system settings->advanced->input actions
19:20.36jschallthiago_home: oh, that's just gestures and keyboard
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19:28.51jschallthis behavior can't possibly be right, does konqueror seriously not support mouse side buttons?
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19:28.59jschallthey work fine in firefox
19:28.59thiago_homejschall: correct
19:29.04jschallthiago_home: that's amazingly retarded.
19:29.04VistaUsercan u dual boot with ubuntu first then vista?
19:29.04jschallVistaUser: yes
19:29.08jschallVistaUser: do you mean ubuntu first on the list?
19:29.13VistaUseryah cause right now i am fully in ubuntu now i want to have vista to
19:29.16jschallVistaUser: so you mean by installing ubuntu first, then vista?
19:29.20pinotreeVistaUser: please ask in #ubuntu or ##linux, not here
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19:29.23jschallVistaUser: you can, but you're going to have to restore grub afterwards. that's as far as i'll help in this channel, it's offtopic
19:29.31jthomasanyone use KOffice?  In KWord (1.6.3) the bottoms of my letters like 'g p y' get cut off and I also cannot see my _underscores_ is there a way to correct this?
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19:30.26annmajthomas: #koffice
19:30.48jthomasok thanks
19:31.47*** join/#kde driva2009 (n=Thor@wikipedia/Tmalmjursson)
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19:32.23driva2009evening all. I need a little help with KDE4.  I need to have more than one timezone shown on my clock widget, but can't get this to work
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19:32.54driva2009Is it possible to do this, or do I need 2 clocks, one for each TZ?
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19:33.05afiefIs there a way to send files to bluetooth devices in kde?
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19:33.34driva2009afief: Which version of KDE do you have?
19:34.01driva2009and also which operating system?
19:34.17annmadriva2009: kde version?
19:34.29driva20094.1.2, annma
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19:34.50afiefkde 4.1
19:34.59annmayou can show added tz in the tooltip driva2009
19:35.05annmanot on the clock itself
19:35.13driva2009I have tooltips off.
19:35.44annmaso either you want a full new clock or use the tooltip to see aditional tzs
19:36.20driva2009i better switch the tooltip on - my monitor is not really big enough to use 2 clocks at a size which I can see :)
19:36.42thiago_homejschall: or just the fact that none of the developers have mice with those buttons
19:36.47thiago_homejschall: so no one felt the need.
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19:45.27driva2009annma: couldn't get the tooltips to work, so I have 2 clocks, one set to london, one to tokyo
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19:45.30annmawhen you set tokyo in timezone tab of settings it doe snot show in tooltip?
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19:45.34annmaweird maybe it was not done in 4.1.2
19:45.34driva2009brb - i just been called out. See you when I get back, annma :)
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19:45.34driva2009hates radiopagers
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19:56.42vbgunzjust curious. this statement: "For the 4.2 release, the KDE team has fixed literally thousands of bugs" ... 1000's as in "since 4.1" or 4.0?
19:57.15thiago_homeprobably since 4.1
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19:57.38cb400f.. and it prolly includes new ones that weren't there in 4.1 either :-)
19:58.03annmaI think the more kde4 progresses the less bugs cb400f
19:58.49vbgunzman, I want KDE to kick the DE posse in the rear quad-core
19:58.58annmahowever there are some still there from KDE3!
19:59.15annmaand some bugs are annoying little beasts
19:59.23annmathey keep reappearing
19:59.27martin_whats de
19:59.36vbgunzdesktop environment
20:00.14martin_kde is my favorite
20:00.47vbgunzyup. agreed. 4.2 got me the most exicted about KDE so far since 3.5.10 :)
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20:01.25cb400f3.5.10 was not long ago :-)
20:01.54martin_im just use to knowing which files i have to edit to get things set up the way i want....remote logins, root logins etc
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20:02.59martin_still a lot of things that have to be done by way of text edotir on text file
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20:05.33Fri13-Hi, what meaning is the "Internet Extended Container" plasmoid/widget on KDE 4.2 beta1 ?
20:06.47thiago_homeI don't think it was supposed to be visible
20:07.21Fri13-thiago_home: Internal, yes... *tired
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20:07.34ShirakawasunaHi.  With xorg 7.4, evdev drivers are enabled by default for the mouse/keyboard.  For my keyboard, this would have been generally fine, however I like to use my right alt key as a compose key.  I originally had this set in the kde keyboard layout config, but had to disable my layout to get the arrow keys to work.  The basic question I'm getting at is: does kde 4 have a 'setxkbmap -model evdev' option somewhere that I missed?
20:07.36Fri13-thiago_home: what it should do if it should not be a visible?
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20:08.13Shirakawasunaat the moment, I've turned off the evdev keyboard driver, but I'd prefer to stay with the default configs
20:09.07ShirakawasunaI ask because GNOME users have reported that this fixes their issues in general.  It would also allow me to use the keymap options that let me use right alt as compose.
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20:09.13thiago_homeFri13-: it's supposed to be an internal plasmoid
20:09.17thiago_homeused to add spacing
20:09.43Fri13-thiago_home: Add spacing between plasmoids/widgets and so on staying hidden?
20:09.47thiago_homeShirakawasuna: does setxkbmap work?
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20:09.58thiago_homeFri13-: yes
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20:11.41Shirakawasunathiago_home: the last time I tried from a terminal w/ the evdev keyboard driver, it didn't work
20:11.53thiago_homethen blame setxkbmap
20:11.57Shirakawasunathiago_home: which would be a bit weird considering those gnome users
20:12.00thiago_homeget that working first, then we can look into kxkb
20:12.20ShirakawasunaI'll see if I can find others w/ the same problem
20:12.31tudonthe weather widget in kde4 is usa only?
20:12.53annmawhich one? LCD weather?
20:12.59annmait has 3 engines
20:13.08tudonin plasma desktop widgets
20:13.11annmause BBC for Europe
20:13.20tudonWeather Widget is the name
20:13.35tudonit works with postal codes
20:13.40thiago_homeBBC seemed to be UK only
20:14.02annmano I use it for Toulouse
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20:14.26annmaBBC is worldwide I think but for big towns
20:14.44tudonbbc has a widget?
20:14.54annmathe LCD weather applet
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20:15.19annmait has 3 data engines: BBC NOAA and ENv Canada
20:15.25thiago_homeno engines here
20:15.29thiago_homethe drop-down list is empty
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20:15.53tudonis it also for plasma
20:15.57annmais it the LCD weather from kdeplasma-addons?
20:16.17annmatudon: we know it's for plasma, I am asking for its name from Add Widgets
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20:16.58annmaI am asking if we all speak from the one from kdeplasma-addons whichis called LCD Weather Station
20:17.13annmain 4.2 at least but I think it was there in 4.1
20:17.33tudonits not in mine. im trying to find it in web
20:17.39thiago_homeyep, that's the one here
20:18.06annmait should get 3 engines
20:18.20thiago_homenone listed
20:18.27annmaespecially if you have trunk thiago_home
20:18.33thiago_homeyep, trunk
20:18.39annmaso you cannot get any weather data displayed?
20:18.51annmathe engine is in kdebase
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20:19.01thiago_homeI've updated kdebase today
20:19.09tudonwhen i select download new widgets it only lists a few. is that a bug?
20:19.24annmaI did not check it today but I fixed it recently
20:19.54annmaI still have the sources
20:20.22tudonon the kde look site i find much more plasmoids
20:20.26thiago_homerestarting plasma
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20:20.52thiago_homenow plasma promptly crashes when adding the LCD Weather widget
20:21.03user1i cannot unpack archives with mouse context menu (kde4)
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20:21.21annmathiago_home: I think it should crash when you configure it with the button
20:21.25user1what do i need for that?
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20:23.09thiago_homeboth applets crash
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20:26.11thiago_homeannma: after updating playground/base, it now works
20:26.41thiago_homenow it displays a very ugly white and grey icon with an empty sign (Ø)
20:26.52annmaplayground/base is another applet
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20:27.19annmait's a more sophisticated one which will replace current for 4.3
20:28.05thiago_homeit's weather-none-available
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20:28.47annmait's always cold where you are anyway, cold and snowing!
20:28.52Lele_Alguém sabe como fazer com q amarok toque alguma coisa ?
20:29.29annmaLele_: only ENglish here, what language is that?
20:30.00*** join/#kde junkDawgie (
20:30.02thiago_homeit was snowing just now
20:30.05thiago_homeannma: that's portuguese
20:30.13thiago_homeLele_: Amarok 1 or 2?
20:30.20annmaportuguese from portugal or brasil
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20:30.29Lele_thks thiago
20:30.31annmaah there's a KDE BR channel
20:30.38thiago_homeyep, #kde-brasil
20:30.46annmalol I forgot you are br
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20:31.09thiago_homethere are no specific BR or PT words in what Lele_ said, but I don't think pt_PT would speak like that
20:31.25Lele_thiago amarok 1.94
20:31.38thiago_homeLele_: which phonon backend is selected?
20:31.43thiago_homeand do other KDE applications play?
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20:32.30Lele_Sorry my english not is very well
20:32.48thiago_homeannma: it's kinda white outside now
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20:32.55thiago_homeLele_: /join #kde-brasil
20:33.17Lele_tkhs thiago
20:33.26annmanice, the Pyrénées also are all white
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20:33.34annmaLele_: Leandro ?
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20:34.42Lele_not Alex
20:34.57Lele_my name ys Alex
20:35.24Guest11997hiiiiiii      iam hossam
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20:35.42cgahi all, where do themes for kdm get downloaded when i download them from system settings --> login manager?
20:35.46annmaah nice name Lele_
20:35.52Fri13Hi, does someone know where on the KDE4 SVN trunk the theme "Bespin" actually is located?
20:35.55arezeyGuest11997, ircing as root is bad.
20:36.11annmaFri13: kdeartwork maybe
20:38.08Fri13annma: I cant find at all it from trunk/KDE/kdeartwork/. Is there easy way to do a search for whole SVN?
20:38.26thiago_homeFri13: make sure you have it all checked out, then use locate on your system
20:38.42Fri13thiago_home: Thats wise :-D
20:38.57pinotreeFri13: there's no bespin in kde
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20:39.07user1how do i unpack archives in kde4?
20:39.32Fri13pinotree: is that theme developing moved from KDE svn?
20:39.38thiago_homeuser1: ark, but it's not working
20:39.47pinotreeFri13: bespin is not a theme kde provides, but a 3rd party one
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20:40.26Fri13pinotree: Well, I just know from site that it is available from kde trunk SVN only.
20:40.32user1what about context menu? i remember there was a package for kde4 which adds "pack" and "unpack" to mouse context menu
20:40.53user1but i cannot remember the name of that package
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20:46.20raijinVersion 4.1.81-1m.mo5.Kilroy Momonga Linux (KDE 4.1.81)
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20:48.09aissenhi, what plasmoid could i use to match the system monitor (CPU, network, disk, memory… :) ) in kicker?
20:48.25thiago_homethe CPU, network, disk and memory plasmoids
20:48.38thiago_homebut I don't think they look nice on the panel
20:48.44thiago_homethey look better on the desktop
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20:49.18user1where can i find such plasmoids?
20:49.26thiago_homeI think they're unreleased
20:49.35thiago_homeyou can find the source code in playground and build them yourself
20:49.36aisseni like to have them on panel  :( to have an immediate overview
20:49.42thiago_homeso do I
20:49.47thiago_homebut I don't think they look good
20:49.49Fri13annma: Found the theme. It was not on the KDE trunk... twisted the text in my mind to mean a KDE trunk (a KDE site was open background so mayby from there ;-)).
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20:50.00aissenthiago_home: so you settled without it?
20:50.03thiago_homethe CPU temperature one, for instance, shows a half-circle and a needle pointing
20:50.07thiago_homethat's a waste of space
20:50.09Hossamhiii every body
20:50.16thiago_homeaissen: yes, especially since I can't lay out the panel how I like
20:50.25thiago_homethe more plasmoids I add, the smaller the taskbar gets
20:50.34thiago_homeand that's the most important thing in the panel
20:50.49aissenok, too bad, i thought gnome had a poor panel :(
20:50.51Hossamits good
20:51.03thiago_homeit'll be much nicer in 4.2
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20:51.15thiago_homethere are a couple of plasmoids that will fill in the needs
20:51.15aissenthiago_home: ok
20:51.19Hossambut strong base
20:52.33raijinVersion 4.1.81-1m.mo5.Kilroy Momonga Linux (KDE 4.1.81)
20:52.45raijinplasma works again
20:53.11raijinalthough it doesnt want to show the panel when compositing is truned on
20:53.54cgammm i had to kill systemsettings with xkill and now it wont start anymore. any advice?
20:54.12thiago_homecga: killall systemsettings
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21:03.02downhillgamesaseigo; <3 (no homo)
21:03.14vbgunzgot a somewhat offtopic question that only needs a single answer. when you stand by uploading a torrent what is the one word in which you can say you are? is it peer?
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21:03.27aseigodownhillgames: haha =)
21:03.50aseigovbgunz: seeder
21:03.50downhillgamesthat's good! smile! :p how are ya?
21:04.01aseigovbgunz: everyone is a peer, uploaders are seeder
21:04.05aseigoer, seeders
21:04.14vbgunzseeder, got it, thanks aseigo :)
21:04.17aseigodownhillgames: ok.. just did a massive rework of the new systray code
21:04.23aseigosatisfying that
21:04.35downhillgamesdoes it load this aeon now? *duck*
21:05.00downhillgamesok, ok, it wasn't that bad.
21:05.56downhillgamessorry :|
21:05.57aseigodownhillgames: i'm not a magician ;) but yeah, it's a bit better
21:06.25downhillgameswhen will we (the end users) be able to try said improvements?
21:06.31ManaPiratHey there
21:06.32downhillgamesI mean, in a stable release
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21:06.48aseigodownhillgames: jan 27, 4.2.0
21:07.07downhillgamescan't believe it's December already. the snow is comin' down hard outside tho, so it must be :|
21:07.17ManaPiratif i use xrandr to change my screen size, kde 4.1.2 seems not aware of the change and the desktop does not resize. Is there a better way how to (maybe even automaticly) change the screen-size in the "kde-way"?
21:07.28aseigodownhillgames: we're supposed to get snow later today. where are you?
21:07.37downhillgamesGrand Rapids-ish, Michigan
21:07.40downhillgamesand you?
21:07.55aseigoManaPirat: that works for some people, and not for others in 4.1... massive mess between xrandr and qt..
21:08.14aseigoManaPirat: we've replaced the qt code with something called kephal in 4.2. install the beta and test so we can make sure it's all good =)
21:08.50ManaPiratmehehe - this is my office-desktop. Ill tets it when kde 4.2.x enters gentoo testing ;)
21:09.24ManaPiratxorg 1.5.2 is enough of a problem for me allready. But i found now what i was looking for - krandrtray ... its very much hidden
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21:10.54downhillgamesaseigo lives in his own world apparently D:
21:11.09downhillgamesj/k man, but I gotta get going. take care ^_^
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21:11.19downhillgamesand keep it up!
21:11.24aseigodownhillgames: Clagary, Canada
21:11.28aseigodownhillgames: see ya
21:11.36downhillgamesoh, ok. not so close
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21:12.19edneymatiasanyone running kde 4.2 on fedora 10?
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21:16.16zx2c4anyone care to help me with aiglx/fglrx/kwin ?
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21:18.08BULLEedneymatias: nope, not yet
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21:18.36edneymatiasBULLE: thank you!
21:18.54zx2c4*sigh* anybody?
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21:26.41ilyak_Why the flash plugin 9 fails in debian lenny with segfault?
21:26.46ilyak_Each other tide
21:26.59ilyak_KDE version is 3.5.9
21:27.27ilyak_This is unfortunate because I can no longer watch my pron^Wflash ads
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21:31.01jschallcan someone try going to applications:/ in konqueror and clicking on something? that repeatably crashes konqueror for me.
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21:32.32edneymatiasjschall: not for me
21:32.43thiago_homejschall: works fine
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21:47.52FreakGuardhow to say the kde apps to quit and save their settings? they don't seem to like "halt" in combination with fluxbox
21:48.37thiago_homeXSM should be enough
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21:50.02FreakGuardthiago_home, hm?
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21:51.49thiago_homeXSM notifying that the session is exiting should cause a clean exit of all apps
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21:52.39al_hi, can anyone give a hint why in the logout (kickoff?) menu i don't have the usual three choices log off, shutdown, restart, but only one of them?
21:52.45FreakGuardthiago_home, actually doesn't
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21:52.53al_the one offered depends on the setting of shutdownType in ksmserverrc
21:52.59thiago_homeal_: how did you start KDE?
21:53.06al_thiago: kdm
21:53.32al_kubuntu default session i guess
21:53.36*** join/#kde tkstka (
21:54.07tkstkahow can I get default settings for KDE? I accidently my whole toolbar :c
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21:54.23thiago_homeremove/move the config files
21:54.43tkstkawhere exactly is the config file
21:54.52thiago_homein ~/.kde
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21:55.04thiago_homeor ~/.kde4 if your distribution sets it up differently
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21:55.57zigovr3hi all, in kde 3.5, knetworkmanager fail to access kwallet anymore, it's stuck to "waiting for key from kwallet" and kwallet doesn't come up
21:56.55zigovr3I can launch kwallet manually, but it doesn't help either, it never asks for the passwork for knetworkmanager
21:57.50hyper_chI prefer now WICD over knetworkmanager
21:58.07zigovr3ah well I restarted X and now it works again
21:58.11zigovr3strange bug ...
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22:01.42un_anyone know if trunk:/kdelibs/plasma/theme.cpp:call to svg.cpp:445: has been patched yet? dashboard still reports a failure, but i need to svn up
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22:05.07lilltigerDoes anyone know what "Qt-subapplication" might be in xrestop cos that thing is leaking alot of memory
22:07.52un_lilltiger: yakuake is a subclass of qtsubapp... lots of apps are, what ran the subapp?
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22:08.24lilltigerun_: how do I find that out?
22:09.04lilltigerfound it
22:09.08lilltigerplsma :(
22:09.28lilltigerbut i tried to restart it, dident releasethe pxm memory
22:10.51lilltigerGot it to release the pxm memory now itall looks ok inxrestop but in top x still uses 22% memory (of 4GB)
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22:23.04WNxCrypticHow do I change the theme on a fresh KDE install?
22:24.19sjraarkeWNxCryptic: Right-click on the desktop, desktop settings
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22:28.39DeviantPeerHi all! Can anyone tell me in what configuration file the selection for the there is?
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22:29.38WNxCrypticsjraarke, I just removed the bottom panel =\ how do I add that back on?
22:29.55DeviantPeersorry.. just read what I wrote before.. makes no sense. ;)
22:30.25DeviantPeeranyone know where the theme selection is stored? what file is used to store that config.
22:30.31tkstkaok so I need to reset default for kde4.1
22:30.42srednausing the latest xorg with hotplugging, my keyboard isn't functioning in KDE - the arrow keys are not working. In gnome there is a 'evdev managed keyboard' type, will there be something like that in KDE?
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22:30.47tkstkasomeone said I should take away teh conficfile
22:32.17sjraarkeWNxCryptic: Did you remove it or hide it?
22:32.52WNxCrypticI've got a basic panel back so I can access application menu
22:33.29sjraarkeWNxCryptic: Richt-click on the Desktop, Unlock Widgets, Ricght-click again, add widgets
22:34.32sjraarkeWNxCryptic: If You want to add widgets to the panel then right-click on the panel, add widgets
22:35.03*** join/#kde Darksiteevil (
22:35.24WNxCrypticsjraarke, yes I understand that do I move the panel to the bottom, for starters.
22:35.56sjraarkeWNxCryptic: right-click panel, select panel options
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22:37.42WNxCrypticsjraarke, windows that I have open do not show up on the panel.
22:38.29sjraarkeWNxCryptic: add taskmanager widget to the panel. It's not the panel  but the task manager that shows the open windows
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22:41.13tkstkahow do I set a panel at the bottom of my screen
22:41.18tkstkait goes automaticly up
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22:43.17sjraarketkstka: the standard panel or a panel that you added?
22:43.37tkstkawell I somehow deleted my standar
22:43.44sjraarketkstka: right-click on the panel, select panel options
22:43.45tkstkaso I try to get it back
22:44.05tkstkapanel settings
22:44.24tkstkawell I have new panel
22:45.20sjraarketkstka: stop hitting the enter key for punctuation
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22:45.56WNxCrypticI changed the theme of KDE and the system tray icons are all funky..they have a black blackground
22:46.32sjraarkeWNxCryptic: It's a known issue with the background of the systemtray icons. People are working on it
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22:48.09WNxCrypticsjraarke, is there any way to edit the images used for system tray icons
22:48.43tkstkaso is there a way to get back that panel?
22:49.13WNxCryptictkstka, no
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22:49.17sjraarkeWNxCryptic: Most likely, I have never tried it. However, if they are embedded in the source then you would have to edit the source files. Not something for the faint haerted
22:49.17un_WNxCryptic: not unless you edit the actual running applications icons under /usr/share/icons
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22:49.48tkstkaSo I make a newone.. how do I get it at the bottom part of my screen?
22:50.04WNxCrypticPanel options
22:50.22tkstkayes but I dont see anything I can move some arrows in the panel
22:50.46WNxCrypticThe black bar that appears beneath the panel (with the left align, center align, right align buttons)
22:50.53WNxCrypticclick and hold on that and drag it. It moves the panel.
22:50.58sjraarketkstka: Select panel options and then drag the panel
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22:51.45tkstkaI tried to move it like hunderd times.. but it didnt then I moved it in the center of the bar
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22:52.20damanaanyone have kde4.2 for fedora 10 ?
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22:58.32damanaanyone have kde4.2 for fedora 10 ?
22:59.42pinotreedamana: don't ask to ask, just ask
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23:00.35damanai need to know repo for fedora10 (kde4.2)
23:00.47pinotreedamana: then you need to ask in #fedora-kde
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23:08.59vbgunzcurious. does konqueror 4.1 have a status bar? I remember looking at the status bar in 3 and seeing how many files I had selected or how many were in the folder... I do not see this anymore :/
23:09.46xenoldo i need to have cpufrequtils set up in order to have powerdevil scale my cpu? :>
23:10.42lilltigerxenol: Im not sure, but i guess yes, at least have the module loaded
23:10.52lilltigerand for that you need kernel support for it
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23:11.40xenollilltiger: i got kernel support for it, just not sure if i need to see the cpufreq as well
23:11.44xenolbut thx
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23:28.59damanai have't found any bugs with beta1
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23:37.55jhutchins_wkHow can I get korganizer to show just journal topics without notes?  At least when notes are empty.
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23:41.57_teatimeHuh? when did KDE4 switch to having "OK" to the right of "cancel"?
23:42.36_teatimesomeone please tell me I can configure this.. I'm too old to learn new tricks :P
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23:50.34WNxCrypticI'm trying to change my splash screen in KDE 4.1 via the system settings
23:50.45WNxCrypticBut when I 'install' a new splash screen it doesn't show up on the list
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23:56.23pinotreebe patient
23:57.05laynorhey, konqueror (KDE 3.5) doesn't show the address bar anymore. What could it be?
23:57.26teatimeis still hunting for the ok/cancel button order switch configuration thingie..
23:58.49laynorI think it happened since I installed kde 4.1 :(

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