IRC log for #kde on 20081111

00:00.09*** join/#kde izua (n=izua@
00:00.15izuahi. is there a shortcut for poping up a terminal?
00:00.59*** part/#kde homebrewcider (
00:02.05Predator106izua: it's usually alt + f2
00:02.08*** join/#kde magyar (
00:02.15Predator106then type in something like konsole
00:02.23Predator106but I don't think there's one for terminal built in
00:04.36*** join/#kde MethoS- (
00:08.31*** join/#kde jared (
00:08.46*** join/#kde aer (n=aer@ howto for f9 anybody know?thanks
00:12.44luke-jraer: that is an illegal file and unsupported
00:13.33*** join/#kde Githz (n=slobo@
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00:15.31*** part/#kde izua (n=izua@
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00:17.38*** part/#kde aer (n=aer@
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00:19.53g-hennuxsomehow i've lost the shortcut Alt+F1 for opening the K-menu; anyone could tell me how to recreate that?
00:20.01*** join/#kde Cueball (
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00:45.29*** join/#kde ewilson (
00:47.38*** join/#kde kc8hfi (n=kc8hfi@
00:47.51ewilsonhello everyone.  does anyone know the order that kde copies the contents of a folder?
00:48.01ewilsoni'm on knoppix, kde 3.5.5
00:48.11ewilsonif that matters
00:50.10*** join/#kde epoch (n=K-I-S-S@p3m/member/epoch)
00:52.29PeterFAWhat's the name of the wifi scanner for KDE 3.5.9?
00:52.36*** join/#kde pedepy (
00:53.08*** part/#kde nasser (n=irc4arab@
00:53.29*** part/#kde arnaldoq (n=arnaldoq@
00:56.49junkDawgiei might be mistaken, but look at ethereal
00:57.27*** join/#kde ClassFoo (n=ClassFoo@
00:58.03*** join/#kde kevinbmonette (n=kevinbmo@
01:01.39*** join/#kde Zaister (
01:03.44*** join/#kde Yolanda (n=ClassFoo@
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01:09.22*** join/#kde nuonguy (
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01:19.28*** join/#kde caotic (n=caotic@
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01:22.51*** join/#kde Orv (
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01:26.03clarkdaanyone experience error with printing from kmail?
01:26.37OrvAnyone know when KDE 4.1.3 will be pushed out to Kubuntu?
01:27.35JucatoOrv: and ask in #kubuntu thanks
01:27.45OrvJucato: Thanks.
01:28.06OrvJust what I needed. Thanks again.
01:33.53*** join/#kde Stalafin (
01:34.02Stalafindoes ligature still exist? or is it dead?
01:36.42Jucatostill exist? in source code maybe. but Okular is the default and actively maintained multi-format document viewer
01:40.17Stalafinyeah, i just got to know about it, read one big article that was from 2007... wondered what had happened
01:40.43*** join/#kde [STUCK] (
01:50.31*** join/#kde hibread (n=hibread@
01:52.37*** join/#kde Ejdes| (n=Ejdesgaa@
02:07.38*** join/#kde g-henna (
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02:08.51*** join/#kde Gigantic (n=12345@unaffiliated/gigantic)
02:08.58*** part/#kde Gigantic (n=12345@unaffiliated/gigantic)
02:11.47*** part/#kde clarkda (
02:15.18*** join/#kde dirigeant (n=dirigean@unaffiliated/mew/x-344925)
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03:02.51Sinisteri just watched Futureweapons they put a .50 cal on a m4 how can you make there more lines under the icons ?
03:03.17Sinistersorry two channels
03:06.54*** join/#kde cwiedel (
03:07.56cwiedelI am using Gentoo with KDE 3.5. I tried to emerge kdegames and it says it is blocked. Any ideas?
03:08.21katastrophetry kdegames-meta
03:11.19cwiedelkatastrophe: thank you, that worked!
03:11.46cwiedelNow I can get to important business :-D
03:17.34*** join/#kde ganymede (
03:18.14ganymedeis anyone else noticing that taskbar and title bar icons are corrupted when using KDE apps over X11 forwarding?
03:18.52ganymedei'm using XWin-32 8.0 and PuTTY on the client side and OpenSSH on the server
03:19.19*** join/#kde phoenixz (n=sven@
03:19.57ganymede <-- i believe this bug is related but is seems to simply be closed with no further discussion
03:20.21ganymedeand it's also from like kde 2.2
03:20.51ganymedeoh, never mind, i read it more carefully, and it's not related
03:28.46*** join/#kde tsukasa` (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
03:29.15*** join/#kde thermogenic (
03:32.10thermogenichello, any ideas how I can get the laptop to go to "suspend to ram" mode when i close my lid in 4.1.2?  I think klaptopdaemon provided this in 3.5.9
03:33.50*** join/#kde jcbccxkj (n=janderso@
03:34.13*** join/#kde Kame2 (
03:36.27*** join/#kde root (n=root@
03:41.01*** join/#kde mag_ (
03:41.14*** part/#kde mag_ (
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03:58.53*** join/#kde KDE4000 (
03:59.00KDE4000hi guys
03:59.10KDE4000i have this "HTTP Cache cleaner" thing going
03:59.15KDE4000after i closed konqueror
03:59.18*** join/#kde Emess (
03:59.28KDE4000any ideas on how to get rid of it (other than loging out and in?)
04:00.00Predator106KDE4000: just open up a terminal and type in 'xkill' then click the window that is there
04:00.26Predator106be sure not to click anything like minimize or whatever, because the first thing you click kills that window
04:00.29KDE4000its a thing in the tray
04:00.43KDE4000and its notifiying be by bouncing under my mouse cursor
04:00.53KDE4000its getting really annoying
04:00.59Predator106just go into a process list and search for somethin' you may recognize
04:01.05KDE4000i have so much stuff going i dont want to logout
04:01.07KDE4000i allready did that
04:01.15KDE4000and killed a bunch of kio_http
04:01.47Predator106well i think the bouncy cursor times out after a lil while
04:01.47KDE4000omg, it finaly went away
04:01.58KDE4000it was doing it for like 8 minutes
04:02.05Predator106lol, nice
04:02.08KDE4000i closed kate :/
04:19.08*** join/#kde concernedcitizen (n=itsatarp@
04:24.03*** join/#kde holycow (
04:24.52*** join/#kde Ahadiel (
04:32.02*** join/#kde Aeoris_ (
04:49.40*** join/#kde ClassFoo (n=ClassFoo@
04:53.05*** join/#kde epoch (n=K-I-S-S@p3m/member/epoch)
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05:00.33k-godFor amarok on an EeePC: how do you get a set of the default radio streams that should come with amarok but doesn't on the EeePC?
05:03.10*** join/#kde _kde_pepo (
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05:08.25aseigok-god: hm.. good question... probably from the amarok sources?
05:08.46*** join/#kde phoenixz (n=sven@
05:09.12aseigok-god: you could scour through for it
05:10.07*** join/#kde epoch (n=K-I-S-S@p3m/member/epoch)
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05:12.27kishorei have logged into a kde session that is built from SVN but am using kopete from kubuntu ibex binaries
05:13.13kishorekopete launches but has no accounts...
05:14.00Jucatokishore: is the user that is running the kde-svn session the same user that has accounts in kopete?
05:14.09kishoreit must be a problem of paths but im not sure to let my build and distro binaries co exist?
05:14.20*** join/#kde ryanakca (n=ryan@ubuntu/member/ryanakca)
05:14.32Jucatobasically, your KDE SVN session might be using a different $KDEHOME path that your binaries (kopete) are using
05:14.42Jucatoso yes, problem with paths I guess
05:14.43*** join/#kde Jahooty (
05:15.09kishoreboth use ~/.kde
05:15.18Jahootyhey, for kmail is there a way to have images in an email display in the email instead of just a list of icons at the end?
05:16.07*** part/#kde mag_ (
05:16.52JucatoJahooty: KDE 4? View menu -> Attachments -> Inline?
05:16.56kishoreJucato: My intention was that i use svn built apps when available and distro packages otherwise
05:17.13*** join/#kde cgoncalv1s_ (
05:17.23Jahooty3.5 sorry
05:17.26Jucatokishore: well then compile kdenetwork to get kopete? :)
05:17.32JucatoJahooty: ah then I'm not sure.
05:17.52kishoreJucato: and i was just hoping to avoid that! ;)
05:18.04*** join/#kde cgoncalv2s_ (
05:18.21Jahootyi have the same menu option though
05:18.22Jucatothen that violates your "use svn built apps when available", since kopete is available in svn :)
05:18.25Jahootydoesn't seem to help
05:18.43Jucatoworks here for me. but KDE 4
05:19.33*** join/#kde kde__pepo (
05:21.14Jahootyi'll try kde 4 then
05:28.46*** join/#kde LF|Irssi (n=sean@
05:34.56*** join/#kde Emess (
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05:35.21*** join/#kde Cueball (
05:39.04*** join/#kde Jahooty (
05:39.18*** join/#kde codename (
05:39.23Jahootyok, so in kde4 you can't have a file on your desktop, you just get a widget instead, right?
05:39.30Jahootya widget for that file
05:39.42*** join/#kde jeekl (
05:40.22luke-jrJahooty: widgets are not files
05:40.37Jahootybut you can have a widget representing say an .odt document
05:40.49Jahootyi have lots of those
05:41.13Jahootyif you populate a desktop in kde 3.5 and then log into kde4, you end up with a widget for each file you had there
05:41.17luke-jrwhat is .odt
05:41.26Jahootyopen document text
05:41.27luke-jrJahooty: I didn't.
05:41.30Jahootyi did
05:41.40luke-jrI ended up with a desktop, with a single folder widget
05:41.48Jahootyi've got lots of widgets for random crap and i want to know if i can get rid of them all
05:41.54Jahootyinstead of clicking one by one
05:42.37*** join/#kde uten (n=uten@
05:44.08Jahootywhat distro?
05:44.11*** join/#kde SAS_Spidey01 (n=SAS_Spid@
05:46.44Jahootyso what happens to all the files in the ~/Desktop directory?
05:47.30*** join/#kde hagabaka` (n=hagabaka@nanomachine.STUDENT.CWRU.Edu)
05:47.49Kame2they just stay there...
05:48.10Kame2and you can put a folderview on your desktop, is you want to see them
05:48.53Jahootyhow do you put the folderview there?
05:49.05Kame2but if you have the desktop full of widgets from your desktop-dir, the questen is: are you using kde 4.0? if so, please update as far as possible
05:49.54Jahootyhow do i find out?
05:50.34Kame2just start any kde-program (maybe dolphin) and klick help -> about kde
05:51.07Jahootymandriva 2009.0 if it makes a difference
05:51.33Kame2ok, so just klick on the top right corner of your desktop and chose 'add widgets'
05:51.53Jahootythere are no options that match what you described
05:51.57Kame2hop you get it, cause i have to get my train now. ;) bye
05:52.12Jahootynever mind
05:53.24*** join/#kde dagar (
05:53.45Jahootygot it
05:55.13Jahootyhow do i make konqueror the default file manager?
05:55.38*** join/#kde zblach (
05:56.28k-godJahooty: In KDE, you can specify default application associations.
05:57.50Jahootyi think i found that, but i see nowhere to specify it for a folder
05:58.24k-godaseigo: Thanks.  Any idea what the format of the playlists is?
05:58.38k-godJahooty: "file manager" or somewot is what you're looking for.
05:59.26Jahootyunder kde components?
06:00.06Jahootyin the kde control center?
06:00.22JucatoJahooty: System Settings -> Advanced tab -> File Associations, look fore inode/directory
06:00.24k-godJahooty: I use some KDE apps, I don't run the full desktop
06:00.52Jahootyok, found it
06:01.31Jahootyforgot about inodes
06:02.25k-godYeah apparently inodes
06:02.41k-god*Very* intuitive ;-)
06:04.22Jucatothere will be a way to select a file manager in Default Applications in KDE 4.2. thank you for your patience
06:04.32*** join/#kde Emess (
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06:05.13k-godWhere'd you get that?
06:08.49Jucatoget what?
06:09.48Chrysalisdoes anyone know why my wmii or kde3 sessions arent showing in kdm4? kdm3 works fine
06:12.04aseigodifferent location for the .desktop files? =)
06:12.14aseigoname kde4-config --prefix vs kde3-config --prefix
06:12.21aseigoer, kde-config --prefix
06:12.48k-godJucato: the 4.2 info
06:14.03Jucatok-god: source code
06:14.19*** join/#kde holymoo (
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06:14.53Chrysalisaseigo, /usr for 4 /opt for 3
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06:16.10Chrysalisbut i dont see what that has to do with sessions
06:16.10aseigoChrysalis: right, so look in /opt/kde3/share/apps/kdm/sessions/ and see if that's different from the kde4 v
06:16.10*** join/#kde bottiger ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:16.10Chrysalisarent those in /etc/X11/sessions
06:16.11*** join/#kde Madtree ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:16.13*** join/#kde mortti (i=mortti@
06:16.17aseigodepends on your distro/installation
06:16.25aseigoi'm going to guess in your case the answer is "no"
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06:17.26*** join/#kde Zaister ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:18.11*** join/#kde Emess ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:26.23*** join/#kde ronino (n=ronino@
06:28.19*** join/#kde et (
06:28.26Sinistercan you go back to kde 3.5 after 4.1 ?
06:28.38*** join/#kde nhnFreespirit (
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06:28.57Chrysalisnot with kdm4
06:28.59*** join/#kde cyndis (n=cyndis@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:29.07aseigoSinister: some settings may not transfer nicely back ... desktop stuff is completely separate so that doesn't matter; it's just the apps like kontact which are config sensitive
06:29.19aseigoChrysalis: lol
06:29.40*** join/#kde Aishiko ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:30.00*** join/#kde tsb (
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06:30.03Sinisteri got 35,000 mp3's to del it seems it wants me to just del ther ones i can see i dont see a select all tab
06:30.42*** join/#kde Tanktalus (n=nfn@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:31.07Sinisterand whats with these huge ass icons
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06:32.34roninowhen hitting alt + tab, my kde 4.1.3 just switches thru the windows without having that little list in the middle of the screen as it used to be, desktop effects are off, any idea where to reset to the old behavior?
06:33.05*** join/#kde firephoto_ (
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06:34.11Sinisteri just figured out this new kde thing
06:34.18Sinisterits like new coke
06:34.19*** join/#kde DanielW (
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06:37.45aseigoponders how much Sinister has read about new coke's history .. as it was rather interesting.
06:37.57supert0nesare the ati 3450 considered recommended for kde4?
06:38.15supert0nesi'm trying to find what card to buy next
06:38.39aseigohasn't tried one...
06:38.54aseigoafaik they are supposed to work decently well with current drivers..
06:39.09supert0neswell its ati vs nvidia
06:39.17supert0nesand i havent heard very good things about nvidia
06:39.29aseigoright now the nvidia situation is very rough
06:39.36Chrysalisits getting there
06:39.46aseigoit's getting better, but over the last year it's been 2 steps forward, one step back, 1 step forward, two steps back
06:39.53Chrysalisif you try to take it easy with plasmoids nvidia is fine
06:40.02supert0neswho does that?
06:40.25Chrysaliswell, who pimps their desktop with them?
06:40.29Chrysalisi dont ;p
06:46.36*** join/#kde The3_14ed|r (
06:53.12supert0nesthe plasmoids and my nvidia aren't the problem at all i know it is for the 8 series cards but for the 7 its things like open office or eclipse messing with my taskbar/systray issues
06:53.40*** part/#kde inaeth (
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06:54.20supert0nesi'm actually building my mom a computer and want to see if she can do kde4 I would hate to have to revert to windows since i can solve most issues with ssh
06:55.20*** join/#kde kenami (n=yalhua@
06:56.02*** join/#kde Kame2 (
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07:01.28*** join/#kde Lap_64 (n=Lap_64@unaffiliated/lap64)
07:01.32Lap_64hi there
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07:01.36Lap_64i am using kde4.1.2
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07:02.16Lap_64can any one tell me how can i get back old kde3.5 look on kde4 as when i load the desktop it shows me a seperate window for desktop
07:02.21Lap_64and there are no desktop icons
07:02.25Lap_64and things like that
07:03.47Jucatothat's not a separate "window" but a widget on the desktop. and that's your ~/Desktop icons (icons/files that you put in the ~/Desktop folder go in there, and vice versa)
07:04.13Jucatoyou can resize it to your hearts content. in KDE 4.2, you will be able to get that old KDE 3.5 look back
07:04.30Jucato(actually you can now, but it's difficult afaik)
07:05.04*** join/#kde gamaral-mobile (n=gamaral@kde/developer/gamaral)
07:05.29Jucatothat Folder View widget can be made to show any folder by the way. it's not limited to just the ~/Desktop folder
07:06.09Chrysalisi think he means the folderview settings in desktop settings, click the plasma icon in top right corner to get there if you are in icon view
07:07.54*** part/#kde supert0nes (
07:08.00*** join/#kde gamaral-mobile (n=gamaral@kde/developer/gamaral)
07:08.17Kame2Chrysalis: that is part of kde 4.2 and not in 4.1
07:08.30JucatoChrysalis: you're living in the future :)
07:08.47Lap_64i  am missing kde3.5
07:08.56*** join/#kde lewnidas_ (
07:09.06Kame2so why do you installed 4.1?
07:10.13*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna2 (
07:14.06*** join/#kde manu_hack (
07:14.17*** join/#kde NSaibot (
07:14.33*** join/#kde MrInternet (
07:14.48MrInternetHow do you use the .cps files created by that kwin video plugin?
07:17.35*** join/#kde israel (n=israel@
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07:20.24MrInternetAh, found cpsrecode, for kubuntu, it's in the capseo package.
07:21.56*** join/#kde buscher (
07:22.43Lap_64Kame2,  just wanted to see whats new
07:22.51Lap_64Kame2,  now facing problem in operating it
07:22.55Lap_64its confusing
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07:28.51Kame2Lap_64: and you cannot just install kde 3?
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07:29.48Lap_64Kame2,  well there is some problem with that as well arts-3.5.10 and arts-3.5.9  blocking
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07:32.22Kame2i use kde 3.5 without arts. don't know if it is an option for you (or your distribution)
07:32.58Lap_64Kame2,  i am using gentoo
07:33.07Lap_64Kame2,  well lots of apps need arts
07:33.10Lap_64like amarok
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07:33.31Kame2i use gentoo too, and there is absolute no app i know, wich need arts...
07:33.55Kame2amarok can use xine for playback
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08:01.36freakynlhi, is gnome-settings-daemon not supposed to be loaded when a gtk app is started? it seems w/o it i get some default gtk set up instead of my configured font sizes, themes etc. it also doesn't seem to apply the kde theme then (if i load gnome-settings-daemon i get the same look on the window's title bar as other kde apps have) (kde 4.1.3 gentoo ~amd64)
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08:47.02theseinfeldquick question: which component installs the default .kde directory in KDE 4?
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08:47.57theseinfeldI mean ~/.kde
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09:06.49nogagplzWhere abouts can I specify what users appear in the autologin list? it's currently empty, and I can't figure out why
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09:39.24johannes_hei guys! need help with kde-window-decorator ... my window decoration - that is, main bar with minimize, maximize buttons - is missing ... what's wrong?? help!
09:39.58annmahow did you install kde? is it a new install? did it appear suddenly?
09:40.05annmaand kde version?
09:40.17johannes_it is a fresh gentoo install.. problem appeared right in the beginning
09:40.25johannes_i did a emerge -av kde-meta
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09:40.40johannes_kde ... think 3.5.9
09:40.40annmadid you ask in Gentoo for support then
09:40.53annmathis is a distribution matter
09:41.04johannes_thought this was a gentoo channel sorry
09:41.28zeltakhi:) anyone know of a good (and still in development) podcast software for kde?
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09:46.15Jucatoannma: btw, "kde-window-decorator" is a compiz window decoration
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09:47.12annmaso #compiz
09:47.21Jucatoyep. but he's gone now
09:47.22annmawelcome to user hell
09:47.39Jucatomini netsplit!! :)
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09:47.53annmaanyway if he gets nothing then his install is bad
09:48.51annmalike the bug reports with thousand lines of (no debugging symbols found)
09:49.04annmahow can people sanely paste those and leave them
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09:58.31g-hennuxkde4: in the sound config dialog, i have selected "USB Audio" as primary output device. however, stereo output is sent only via the front speakers. i have a working .asoundrc that sends stereo to all channels and then sets pcm.!default to use this upmix, e.g. kaffeine (from kde3) plays all stereo sound in surround, but kde4 applications using phonon won't
09:58.39roninomy kitchensync is crashing with the kdepim plugin: <unknown program name>(31795)/: Communication problem with  "kitchensync" , it probably crashed. Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "
09:58.40roninoany idea?
09:59.04g-hennuxhow can i configure the devices that are used by phonon?
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10:04.13AardwolfHi, can someone please explain how I unpack an archive with ark?
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10:05.09AardwolfPressing the extract button just gives a stupid error, and also I didn't find the way to make it automatically unpack in the same folder where the archive file is without manually having to select it
10:05.40AardwolfAnd dragging and dropping also doesn't seem to work!
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10:47.05kollagreat, kde-4.1.3 is heaploads better than 4.1.2
10:48.19kollahow come one can have blending on login wallpaper, but not on desktop wallpaper?
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10:48.42kollaand how do I get my desktop icons back?
10:48.44chris_rc1i have setup kontact to work with google calendar. however, ever since kde 4.1 i cannot get the resource view on the left though it is checked in the side panel list. any clues why?
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10:51.31chris_rc1and my to-dos disappear after i enter them in kontact...
10:53.30chris_rc1the sidebar settings have no effect whatsoever
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11:02.36chris_rc1is there any known issue with the sidebars in kontact?
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11:03.15chris_rc1or could anybody pls tell me whether it works for them so i can exclude a bug?
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11:15.31katastrophei know this problem, its very hard to pull the sidebar out
11:15.43katastrophebut possible, just try hard
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11:31.45chris_rc1katastrophe: you are kidding me, right?
11:31.54katastropheno actually not
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11:32.08katastrophei dont know the bug #
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11:32.21chris_rc1so how do i do it then?
11:32.56katastrophewell if you enabled it in the menu, you get the resize cursor when you hover over the edge on the left
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11:33.12katastrophejust try to pull it on the right
11:33.18chris_rc1not working
11:33.19katastropheit will eventually work
11:33.24katastrophetry it more often
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11:34.01katastrophehm or perhaps on diffirent positions
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11:35.05chris_rc1that is weird
11:35.24chris_rc1i can only move the sidebar leftwards
11:35.42katastropheyeah kinda wacky behaviour
11:36.08chris_rc1so you have kde 4.1 running and it works for you?
11:37.30katastrophetry to pull it  on different positions
11:37.46katastropheit works always for me after trying multiple times
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11:41.49chris_rc1in korganizerrc everything is set to true
11:42.22chris_rc1now it's working
11:42.26katastrophehm k
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11:43.36chris_rc1cheers. gtg
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12:16.23ewoerneris there no way to change bug titles anymore?
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12:17.50pinotreeewoerner: if you have the permission for it, click on the title (it's a line edit)
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12:18.31ewoernerpinotree: thanks, missed that
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12:32.07Half-LeftUgh, webkitkde is in playground, dont think I should touch that :/
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12:33.46kollathese days, kde itself is playground
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12:42.52dkremerI want to know about konversation, which is linked with kdelibs3.5
12:43.22dkremerI don't manage to put it in the 'boite a miniature' and using it as likse it's closed.
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12:43.48dkremerIs it normal ?
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13:14.25gkiagiadkremer: um, what is the 'boite a miniature' ?
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13:14.52annmathe systray
13:15.01annmaFrench for it
13:15.10annmacomes at the rescue
13:15.17gkiagiaah... dkremer, there is an option for that in konversation's settings
13:15.41gkiagiathe systray was my first thought, too, but I wanted to be sure
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13:34.04dkremerI do not remember where is this option.
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13:34.54annmaSettings ->Configure Konversation -> Behavior -> General
13:34.56Jucatoannma: if you could be so kind to translate for dkremer: Settings menu -> Configure Konversation -> General -> top options
13:35.03JucatoI typed too much and lost :(
13:35.25annmaI don't have it in French
13:35.41annmaif he cannot make sense of it he must ask in #kde-fr
13:35.46dkremerannma: not a problem
13:36.13Jucatoannma: pfftt... I thought you even had the kernel in French :P
13:36.18Jucatoer.. BASH I mean
13:36.38dkremerIt's done. But what Im' blind to not see this option, since I have looked for it during two hours at less.
13:36.58dkremerthank you very much annma
13:37.43annmayou're welcome
13:38.10annmaI'll switch to French near the release to correct the translation
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13:45.45gardintrappKonsole randomly inserts ^@. Anyone know what may cause that? I am using Konsole 2.1 KDE 4.1.3
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13:46.58gardintrappbash works in other terminals
13:47.18annmadid you try a new user?
13:47.21annmais that global?
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13:47.48gardintrappit is the same for a normal user and for root
13:48.10annmadoes it happen in a new install?
13:48.18annmais it a new install?
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13:48.46Half-LeftAhhh, hiding icons in the tray, nice new feature :)
13:48.47gardintrappyes, it has been like this since I installed KDE4
13:49.04annmadid you ask your distro then?
13:49.36gardintrappYes I did, they suggested I try to ask here
13:50.16annmaI have kde4 from source and no^@ in konsole
13:50.29annmaI use konsole all the times with multiple tabs
13:50.34grepperanyone know how to fix the repeated "Shell - Konsole" titlebar string for konsole ?
13:50.44grepper"Shell - Konsole - Shell - Konsole - Shell - Konsole" is what is says now
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13:51.37grepperapparently I have the version for the mentally challenged :P
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13:53.40grepperI checked my bash initialization files, and I don't see any escape sequences that might be contributing to it
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14:01.03grepperhm, plus it adds the name of the running program and doesn't remove it when the program exits ( as in editing a file with vim )
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14:04.44balazsbelaHello.I'm trying to build kde4 under debian
14:04.56balazsbelaand I get this error when compiling kdesupport module
14:06.08Jucatoyou will have to run "make VERBOSE=on" or "make -j1" since that output doesn't have any info at all
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14:07.25kde4balazsbela: I had a simalar problem a few days ago. Check if qdbuscpp2xml is available and works ls -l $QTDIR/bin/qdbuscpp2xml
14:08.03balazsbelaactually it's not available
14:08.12balazsbelawhat to do ?
14:08.17kde4install qt-copy
14:08.23kde4what qt are you using?
14:08.31balazsbelado I have to build qt-copy from kde ?
14:08.37balazsbelaI tried but it didn't quite build
14:08.40kde4without this generating og
14:08.46kde4of org.freedesktop.Akonadi.DebugInterface.xml will not work
14:08.46Jucatonot necessarily
14:08.59balazsbeladoes it work with standard qt ?
14:09.05Jucatoyou can use vanilla Qt, but you still need to make sure you have built Qt with the correct options
14:09.23balazsbelaI'll try building qt-copy
14:09.35Jucatobe sure to read README.qt-copy
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14:10.35balazsbelaI followed this tutorial
14:11.08balazsbelaand I'll paste the error when it gets there
14:11.21kde4balazsbela: ok, you should also read this here:
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14:19.51balazsbelaOk, this is the error when building qt-copy
14:21.07balazsbelakde4 ?
14:22.01kde4not kde4 ?
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14:22.37balazsbelaThis is the qt-copy from the kde svn
14:22.42balazsbelait fails to build
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14:24.22kde4Did you follow README.qt-copy?
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14:26.34balazsbelaI followed the techbase article
14:26.43balazsbelabut it doesn't contradict README.qt-copy
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14:37.37Elrohiri can't find how to set the position of the knotify window. can y help me?
14:37.55Elrohirjust installed kde-4.1.3 from sources
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14:50.09markumanwhat the hell happend with thunderbird running in kde4 ???
14:50.11markumanif i open window compose...the kde pannel get broken
14:50.20markumanand no ctrl+v (paste) is possible in new mail
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14:59.04JLPmarkuman: broken nvidia drivers (as far as the panel is concerned)
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14:59.54markumanJLP: and with openoffice it is the same
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15:00.08markumanJLP: perhaps it is an xulrunner / java issue...
15:00.51markumanJLP: and if it is an nvidia driver issue...why copy/paste won't work in apps using xulrunner and the panel gets broken?
15:01.43JLPmarkuman: on my computers at home this panel brakage only happens on the computer with nvidia, all fine on others with ati
15:02.12JLPmarcan: you can even try to switch to open source nv driver and it should get just fine
15:02.31JLPups, markuman ↑
15:02.46JLPmarkuman: as for pasting i don't get that problem
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15:20.30markumanJLP: i'm running now the nv driver. no more graphic errors in the panel. but copy/paste is always impossible
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16:20.27BCMMis there a plasma applet which approximately resembles the kicker system monitor applet?
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16:21.04gkiagiayes, there is exactly the same applet ported to plasma
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16:21.18gkiagiait's in playground I think...
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16:21.23gkiagiaor in kde-apps
16:23.17BCMMit was always my first source for "why is it slow?"
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16:39.45Xk2chi everybody
16:40.30Xk2canyone knows what and how can be set with "TabColor" in konsolerc?
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16:40.52Xk2ci didn't found any documentation about it.
16:42.10annmawhat konsole version?
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16:43.15Xk2ckonsole 1.6.6 (kde 3.5.10) annma
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16:44.12Xk2cwhat i would like to able to, is to change the colour of text insidethe konsole tabs
16:44.51Xk2cit's current black
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16:51.10Xk2cok nevermind
16:51.37Xk2ci go on google-ing
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16:53.54*** join/#kde cant_login (
16:54.15cant_loginlaptop lost battery power while logged into tty session.. since then system boots fine upto login window, accepts password & drop right back to login again.  can log into tty session with user & password.  added new user via tty session.  new user also accepts password at login & drops back to blank login window.  Please help
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16:59.11icwienerIs svn up'ing kdesupport from trunk segfaulting on the admin external for anyone but me?
16:59.35annmawhat app?
16:59.46annmaI svn up on app basis
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17:00.49annmais it akonadi?
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17:02.16icwienerannma: No it's in kdesupport directly.
17:02.39annmawhat is admin in kdesupport doing then?
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17:02.51annmaI don't have kdesupport/admin here
17:03.03annmayou should ask in #kde-devel
17:03.37icwienerannma: Ok, thx. I'll look into it a bit further and ask in a bit. :)
17:04.17*** join/#kde MrPhr3ak (n=user@
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17:04.38annmano admin in top
17:05.00Curly-Whirlywhat the hell
17:05.01cant_logini'm stuck at the login window.. added new user via tty & still can loginnn.. please help
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17:05.18icwienersvn propget svn:externals: admin
17:05.23icwienerannma: ^^
17:05.31icwienerwebsvn cannot display externals
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17:05.42icwienerYupp, surprise here too. :)
17:05.59annmayou definitively have to signal this
17:06.15annmacant_login: ask your distro channel
17:06.34cant_loginisn't that what this is?
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17:06.58annmano, this is generic KDE channel, not your distro channel
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17:07.11annmaobviously your install is not good enough if you can't login
17:07.16icwienercant_login: KDE is a graphical user interface used by many distros, like openSuse, Kubuntu, ...
17:07.32cant_loginsomething happened yesterday when it lost power while logged into a tty session
17:07.42cant_loginit's been working fine
17:08.03annmaso in tty with the new user, what does it say?
17:08.05u-racant_login: check your PAM configuration
17:08.26u-rado you have a file called kde in /etc/pam.d/
17:08.28cant_loginit puts me at a prompt
17:08.54cant_logini have a file kdm in /etc/pam.d
17:09.01cant_loginno kde though
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17:10.30cant_loginannma.. tty works fine.. i log in like usual and it sits me at a prompt... "user@Medion:~$"
17:11.04annmaI mean when you try startx for ex
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17:12.21cant_loginit doesn't say anything.. i type in the password.. it looks like it's attempting to login like usual, then it puts me right back at the login window annma
17:13.07cant_loginu-ra, how do i check the pam config?
17:13.40u-raerm, well, it depends on your distro, i guess
17:14.08cant_loginintrepid kubuntu
17:14.18u-rahere on my fedora box i had a similar problem when i couldn't login because i was installing as a user
17:14.33u-raso i didn't have the permission to configure PAM
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17:14.53u-rabut your problem sounds different...
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17:15.14cant_logineverything worked fine yesterday.. havn't installed or upgraded anything
17:15.15u-rai just got a "permission denied" everytime i tried to login via kdm
17:15.30cant_loginnope.. it accepts the password.. it just doesn't go anywhere
17:15.35*** part/#kde oberling (
17:15.55u-racant_login: yeah, that rules pam out
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17:17.05u-racant_login: have you checked the .xsession-errors in your home dir?
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17:19.58cant_loginnot yet.. i did just try something.. i clicked on console login under sessions.. it dropped me to my tty1 session.. i tried startx and got "(EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)
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17:22.20cant_login.xsessions-errors... last 200 lines "Error: HAL seems not to be running"
17:22.41u-racant_login: that shouldn't be fatal to X startup, make sure you specify a different display, as :0 is taken because kdm is running
17:22.44cant_loginHAL seems to load fine during boot up though.. i didn't see anything out of the ordinary
17:23.22u-racant_login: er, can't help there, guess it's kubuntu specific
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17:24.49cant_loginthanks anyway
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17:25.49seren_why am i getting versions from this channel?
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17:29.28junkDawgiei was curious about that myself
17:29.42junkDawgieseems we are in somebody's crosshairs
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17:33.27pinotreeit was just a moron passing by
17:33.38junkDawgiethe version of the IRC client you are using.. a CTCP request at 11:04
17:33.47adrian_alguien habla español?
17:34.28pinotreeadrian_: go to #kde-es
17:34.34junkDawgieeste cuarto hablamos inges solomente, 'migo
17:34.39adrian_thx ;)
17:35.12*** join/#kde JasonCO (
17:35.30JasonCOin kde 4, where can i edit the settings for a menu item?
17:35.40JasonCOlike the command used to start it etc
17:35.46JasonCOfor the K menu
17:36.05junkDawgieright click "menu edit"
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17:37.18JasonCOjunkDawgie, ive tried right clicking all over the place -- i cant seem to find the magical spot
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17:38.31JasonCOjunkDawgie, this is the new Kmenu in KDE4 -- not the traditional one
17:39.07junkDawgiei right click the icon that brings up the menu and i get Menu Editor, Application Launcher Settings and Panel Settings... and i use kde4.... since 4.0.4
17:39.31JasonCOOOOOHHH right click ON the K icon -- im sorry - -
17:39.31JasonCOthank you
17:39.45junkDawgiegood luck jason
17:39.46JasonCObrain fart
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17:41.25jhamlinall of the calendar programs I've tried truncate event titles when viewing in monthview.  I want to see the entire event title in monthview: the title should be word-wrapped instead of just cutting it off.  Is there any such calendar program?
17:41.34jhamlinI can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would want their calender to cut off the event titles after only a few words... arg.  every calender seems to be like that.
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17:44.47belredhi, i'm using krdc and lost the main menu.  how do you get it back?
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17:46.36belredCtrl-M worked... thanks.  is Ctrl-M a consistent way to toggle menu's in kde?
17:47.14pinotreefor the applications that allow to hide their menu, yes
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17:56.14Tanktalusany suggestions on getting past "undefined reference to `Plasma::Containment::StyleOption::StyleOption()'" error during plasma workspace 4.1.72 compilation?
17:57.22pinotreehow old is your kdelibs?
17:57.46Tanktaluspinotree: I recompiled it this morning.
17:59.31TanktalusI should correct myself - it's a linking error, not compilation.
17:59.50Tanktalus(Ok, so technically linking is part of compilation, but "linking error" is more specific.)
18:00.33Gentlepinotree: just in case you misread, he is using alpha1 snapshots, so it's "old" ;)
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18:01.13Tanktalusyeah, kdelibs is 4.1.72, not svn.
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18:01.41rellisIs this the correct syntax to use a specific port through dolphin? s
18:01.58rellisI can ssh -p 722 just fine on the command line.. but dolphin doesnt seem to want to use port 722
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18:03.09ettry fish://?
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18:14.44dMaggotanybody knows where's the config file for knetworkmanager with the stored keys??
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18:20.22pumphausdoes the kwin blur effect work for anyone?
18:20.22pumphaus(using trunk)
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18:30.26AruNatsuhello guys
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18:31.30AruNatsuwhen i try to open my external harddrive w/ dolphin, it automatically mounts it but with ntfs option (not ntfs-3g). so i can't write anything on the drive. is there any way to change that dolphin's default behavior so that it mounts with option -t ntfs-3g?
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18:34.17balazsbelaHello.I'm trying to compile kdelibs
18:34.20balazsbelaand I get this
18:34.26balazsbelaI'm not sure what it wants me to do
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18:38.26Tanktalusany suggestions on getting past "undefined reference to `Plasma::Containment::StyleOption::StyleOption()'" error during plasma workspace 4.1.72 compilation (entire tree compiled with 4.1.72, not svn)?
18:38.39mwengesomone must have done this already: a python script that uses to 'translate' pot files?
18:39.14mwengeseems like a nice way to get some boilerplate translations into your app, and outrage native speakers into contributing improved translations
18:39.27mwengeanyone know of/have such a script?
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18:52.48balazsbelaI get this error when building kdelibs
18:53.14pinotreesvn-clean .
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18:54.51progger1986with wich command can i shutdown or reboot my computer without root-rights on kde4?
18:55.20balazsbelapinotree: same
18:55.41pinotreebalazsbela: first clean, then compile in a separate build directory
18:56.33balazsbelathis is a separate build directory
18:57.53pinotreeyou have to do `svn-clean .` in the source directory
18:58.51balazsbelaerr, I don't seem to have that command :S
18:59.03balazsbelais it the same as svn cleanup ?
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19:04.36balazsbelaOk,got it but still same error
19:06.42Tanktaluswonders when 4.1.73 will be out... :-(
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19:11.47BCMMwhat is the kde4 equivalent of Kooka?
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19:14.09pothiboHi, I wanted to know where are the new kmail changes that are talked about on the planet? I just compiled kdepim from trunk and I see nothing changed...
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19:21.27wilsonsammHow can I get KDE 4 apps to be the same colour as KDE 3.5 apps? Can I copy the config directory?
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19:42.14doug_hi all - i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction for curing my kwin never starts issue... (gentoo, kde 4.1.2)
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19:42.52termite47384does kde 4.1.3 have scanning support?  It seems libkscan was dropped in the 4.1 cycle.  Anyone know what replaced it?
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19:44.32hexdudeHello, I'm using KDE4, and I've managed to get a white screen whenever I log in, I think all I did before it happened was play with some effects, but ive switched off all the effects in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc and it still happens, can anyone point me in the right direction please?
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19:45.10doug_hexdude, is kwin crashing repeatedly?
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19:45.29hexdudeim not sure, how would i find that out?
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19:45.44doug_check ~/.xsession-errors
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19:49.02Chrom_hi all
19:49.14Chrom_doesn anybody know if it's possible to save windows position and size in kde4?
19:49.47Chrom_I mean make kde remember position of windows in the state they are when they get closed
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19:50.55Maxapress alt+f3
19:51.46Maxaadvanced... special window settings.. position. havent tested myself
19:52.17doug_does nowt for me
19:52.44Chrom_so there's no way?
19:53.03doug_aha got it
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19:54.02Maxa...or is it "application settings" :)
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19:54.53hexdudehmm .xsession-errors ends in a lot of fatal IO errors, will the source of these give me a clue about where to change something?
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19:55.12Chrom_and one more thing, once I install a new plasmoid, how do I remove it?
19:56.34*** part/#kde piquadrat (
19:56.40doug_hexdude, unsure - im in the same(ish) boat myself, ive yet to have kwin not bomb
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19:56.57doug_hexdude, pastiebin your grief?
19:57.19hexdudeill try, it might be a bit of a challenge for me in text mode ;)
19:57.53doug_theres an ebuild for cmd line "post to pastiebin" app - cannae remem the name orf hand tho - soz
19:58.00NuMaStresajust installed kde 4 ... wow ... it really looks nice
19:58.28doug_hexdude, emerge app-text/wgetpaste # might help you given no x
19:58.55doug_wishes he could see the bling (on gentoo) for himself
19:59.57doug_oh soz - assumed your on gentoo (wrong channel)
20:00.10doug_hopefully your distro will have that package
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20:02.12hexdudehmm, i dont think so, i think ill try reducing the things that run on startup to a minimum, and see if that file looks any clearer
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20:11.51hexdudeim thinking of copying the default settings files over mine, hoping that that will work
20:12.51hexdudeill tell you if it goes well :)
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20:17.32epochi have a serious malfunction here with the KDE Panel -- I open up my apps, I have no sign of them in the panel, so if I minimize the app, it disappears...  yet still exists in the running processes list
20:17.58epochlike xchat is maximized just fine, but if i minimize it POOF GONE
20:18.28epochany ideas because im all out of them
20:19.17*** join/#kde Wofl_ (
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20:19.49hexdudehi, copying the default config over mine solved my problem, so somewhere it was a faulty setting of mine
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20:20.44Wofl_hey, korganiser keeps on moving my dates and times around...
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20:20.56tuxicka player!
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20:21.14doug_hexdude, cool
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20:22.27Wofl_anyone have any lovely ideas?
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20:25.45robert_yay, I accidentally xkilled my KDE 3.5 run dialog
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20:29.35hexdudeanywhoo, if you're interested and dont already know where the defaults are, they're in ls /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/ . I'll be off, thanks for your time :)
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20:33.50robert_what's the executable name (KDE 3.5) of the application launcher window?
20:33.54yansanmois there a way to configure Accept-language in konqueror?
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20:36.21pinotreerobert_: it is part of kdesktop, the application that handle the desktop
20:36.44robert_pinotree, so I should just restart kdesktop?
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20:37.24pinotreeyeah (you should have no desktop icons as well)
20:37.37doug_does anyone here have issues with kwin crashing (stopping the desktop env firing up..) with kde 4.1.2 ? (like this: )
20:38.21*** join/#kde nick125 (n=quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
20:38.23robert_there we go
20:38.28pinotreedoug_: a crash dialog should appear, no?
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20:41.35ganymededid anyone else notice that doing almost anything on korganizer via SSH/X11-forwarding generates almost 2 MB/sec traffic and is still sluggish? this is korganizer 4.1.3 and also other 4.x.x versions. konqeror, on the other hand, generates much less X11 traffic when scrolling, even with smooth scrolling
20:41.40doug_pinotree, i dont get the desktop at all - so the the splash screen (which shows the desktop components loading...) never shows the final kwin logo appear, and i just get a blank screen and mouse pointer
20:41.56doug_pinotree, im getting those errors from ~/.xsession-errors
20:42.04ganymededoes korganizer redraw the entire window with every keypress or mouse event or something?
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20:42.38pinotreeganymede: try changing the widget style to eg plastique, and see whether and how much the traffic changes
20:43.25ganymedepinotree, it is still sluggish with plastique. i tried oxygen, skulpture, and plastique, and it is the appeoxmiately the same
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20:43.58ganymedepinotree, this is probably because much more traffic is used up in the calendar area than in GUI elements. (although even while typing things into textboxes, it still generates a lot of traffic)
20:44.14pinotreei'd report it
20:45.09*** join/#kde Dumble (n=Dumble@
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20:46.13ganymedelol, i have no idea whether i have a bugzilla account =(
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20:46.50ganymedeare inactive bugzilla accoutns ever cleared? i don't want to bloat the system with multiple accounts
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20:50.44Tekhnehow can i dynamically (e.g. from the shell) set a konsole session's title bar in kde 4.1.2?
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20:51.25Tekhnei've seen `dcop` as a solution, but it depends on $KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION which doesn't seem to be defined in my environment
20:51.46ganymedeTekhne, dbus maybe? i think dcop was dropped in 4.x.x
20:51.49katastropheits dbus now
20:51.49pinotreethere's no dcop in kde4, so that won't work
20:52.01*** join/#kde balazsbela (n=balazsbe@
20:52.08Tekhnekatastrophe, pinotree: ah, okay.
20:52.09balazsbelaI'm trying to compile kdelibs
20:52.12balazsbelaand I get this error
20:52.26Tekhnekatastrophe, pinotree: hmm, no docs on dbus?
20:52.52katastropheTekhne try qdbus
20:53.12Tekhnekatastrophe: okay, checking it...
20:53.15gkiagiabalazsbela: you have an old version of strigi I guess
20:53.53balazsbelaI compiled the kdesupport module successfully
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20:54.32gkiagiayes, but... /usr/include/strigi/streamendanalyzer.h  <-- it's using strigi from /usr, not from your kde-devel directory...
20:54.32balazsbelawhat should I do ?
20:54.44balazsbelai understand
20:54.49gkiagiauninstall strigi-dev packages :)
20:54.52Tekhnekatastrophe: search the pkgs doesn't show a qdbus-doc or anything similar, no man page found and `qdbus {-h|--help}` doesn't work
20:55.26katastropheTekhne execute qdbus without arguments
20:55.36katastrophethen you see a list of dbus registered apps
20:55.40*** join/#kde smokey (
20:55.42Tekhnekatastrophe: okay, done.
20:55.45katastropheand you can query them about their methods
20:56.07Tekhnekatastrophe: ah, okay.
20:56.10Tekhnei think i see
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20:59.11Tekhnekatastrophe: `qdbus org.kde.konsole` seems to give a list of "paths"
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20:59.32Tekhnekatastrophe: i queried "/MainApplication" and some others, but i don't see an obvious one for the title bar
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23:14.42*** topic/#kde is KDE 4.1.3 is out! See | KDE FAQ: | KDE forum: | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde or ~/.kde4
23:16.52RaylzHalf-Left: looks nice
23:17.21Half-Leftyer, better now than then
23:18.04*** join/#kde silver_hook (
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23:18.37silver_hookHullo. I have a problem where I suspect KDE (3.x) to mess up my X mouse settings.
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23:20.52silver_hookI've set up my 'xorg.conf' with ButtonMapping, so my mouse works as I want it to. But the weird thing is that in KDM these settings work as expected, but when I log in and enter the KDE session itself, my settings in 'xorg.conf' get lost and some defaults take over.
23:21.13silver_hookDoes KDE send a SetPointerMapping request on login/startup?
23:21.46silver_hook(that's what someone on the Xorg mailing list thinks could be the root of the problem, if it's true)
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23:36.58kachnahello there,i have an issue that bothers me lately...i use single click to use icons and stuff,but i don't want the auto-select thing,however,no matter if i turn it on or off in that kde settings panel,it's always on,any idea about how to get rid of it?
23:38.35sharp15how much is involved in configuring kdm to allow xdmcp login?  both systems are using kdm as desktop manager.
23:39.42sharp15i'm using kdm from kde
23:40.06sharp15that is kde 4.1.2 on gentoo.
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23:44.36Neremorhas the kcontrol utility been removed from version 4 of kde?
23:44.48Neremori'm really missing it!
23:44.59kachnasame here :P
23:45.04katastropheits systemsettings now
23:45.15Neremorbut many features are missing
23:45.20Neremorlike the kdm settings
23:45.22FiNeXgood night people!
23:45.31Neremorthey had once been in the kcontrol panel, but now...
23:45.33katastrophehm kdm settings should be there
23:45.45katastropheif not, thats a distro problem
23:45.54Neremori'm using kubuntu
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23:46.04katastropheno idea :p ask them
23:46.05Neremorwhich name should they have?
23:46.34Neremoroh sorry
23:46.36Neremorfound it
23:47.40Neremorbut i can't install themes within it...
23:47.47katastropheyou have to be root
23:49.01Neremorthere was a tab called "themes"
23:49.16Neremorit's late, i should sleep for a few hours :D
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23:50.45sharp15i guess my question was too generic.
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23:58.06silver_hookDoes anyone have an idea about that weird KDE+mouse problem?
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