IRC log for #kde on 20081021

00:01.09*** join/#kde bbuss (n=magoo@
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00:03.55bbelt16aghey peeps
00:04.12bbelt16aghow do I change the colors  in akregator?
00:04.32bbelt16agmy articles in the  right top pain ( the names of  articles)  are  a  annoying  birght  red
00:04.42bbelt16agits not  in kcontrol any ideas
00:07.10enderstanyone know how to fix this in kmail - ?
00:08.15bbussenderst: This happens when you press Ctrl in Konqueror...
00:09.18endersti don't touch anything in kmail. doesn't matter if i preview or open the email
00:10.51bbussi really don't know cause i don't use kmail... but i think that pressing Ctrl don't fix that, right? :P
00:11.29enderstit does go away, sure
00:12.21bbussbut come back everytime you open/preview an e-mail?
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00:29.04ryanakcaHow can I change the browsing language in Konqueror? (I'd like it to pass french as the language instead of english)
00:30.20*** join/#kde mxttie (
00:31.18bbussryanakca: Try in Konqueror: Help -> "Switch application language..."
00:31.59*** join/#kde Cueball (
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00:33.37ryanakcabbuss: thanks
00:34.29ryanakcabbuss: I don't want to change Konqueror's language, just the language it sends / requests from the web servers
00:35.16bbusswell... you want to change the language of web-pages you visit?
00:35.29ryanakcabbuss: yes.
00:35.50bbusswell... i think you can't do this =]
00:36.19bbussThe guy who made the page is the one that defines what languages his website suports
00:36.58bbussIn some sites, youy can choose... in another... you can't...
00:37.01ryanakcathe web browser sends an Accept-Language HTTP header. It tells the server what language you prefer, and then if the server has that language enabled / implemented it'll serve you in that language, if not, it'll just server you in the server's default language
00:38.15ryanakcabbuss: at least, according to , you'll have to scroll down to the first bullet in ``Changed in Django 1.0''
00:38.34bbusswell ok... i didn't know that... but let's try it
00:38.47bbussgo to Settings -> configure Konqueror...
00:39.07*** join/#kde anselmolsm (n=anselmol@
00:39.09bbussSelect Browser Identification... and check "Add Language information"
00:39.51bbussi think it will send your language in the header...
00:40.37bbussbut maybe your konqueror needs to be in the language you want... in this case, french....
00:41.21*** join/#kde eternaleye (
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00:42.51ryanakcabbuss: I think so, it goes en-GB, en-US, en... no fr :/
00:44.56*** join/#kde letto (n=letto@
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00:48.13ryanakcabbuss: aha,
00:50.04*** join/#kde bg_ (
00:50.39ryanakcabbuss: the decop line doesn't work though... ``object not accessible''
00:51.52*** join/#kde BerMeJo (
00:51.55BerMeJohi all
00:52.21bbusshey =]
00:52.57BerMeJoim trying to run kde4 experimental in debian lenny, i can't boot X i get "Wwarning: --old-kde does not end with /share/config. Might wreak havoc."
00:53.13BerMeJoi can't find anything in google...
00:53.26ryanakcabbuss: is there a konqueror channel? I see #konqueror , but it looks pretty much dead / ChanServ says it hasn't been used it 3 weeks :)
00:53.58*** join/#kde kc8hfi (n=kc8hfi@
00:54.27ryanakcabbuss: 20:53:35 [freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Last used  : Sep 23 09:44:00 2008 (3 weeks, 6 days, 15:09:35 ago)    :-/
00:55.17*** join/#kde texnofobix (
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00:56.23Jucato#khtml perhaps?
00:56.34bbussryanakca: in your terminal (i'm using konsole here)... try to type "dcop konqueror-" and then type TAB 2 times... (autocomplete)
00:57.23bbusshere it lists "konqueror-7776" and "konqueror-7817"...
00:57.55bbussthen... it the command "dcop konqueror-* KIO..." try to replace the * with the numbers...
00:58.04*** join/#kde _luke_ (
00:58.16ryanakcabbuss: dcop k<tab><tab> gives the choice between kded, klauncher, knetworkmanager and knotify... which explains why konqueror-* returned object not accessible...
00:58.40bbusswith dcop k<tab><tab> you don't see konqueror?
00:58.51bbuss(to use dcop you have to be running konqueror)
00:59.12bbuss(FIX: to use dcop to send a message do konqueror... you have to be running konqueror)
00:59.23*** join/#kde nogagplz (
00:59.28*** part/#kde nogagplz (
01:00.23*** join/#kde Ace2016 (
01:00.25ryanakcabbuss: konqueror is running :)
01:00.46Ace2016OMG Nvidia + KDE4 = SLOW/Laggy
01:00.51bbussand dcop k<tab><tab> can't find it??? O.o
01:00.56Ace2016OMG Nvidia + KDE4 +XGL = Blazing Fast!!!
01:01.16*** join/#kde sharp15 (
01:01.26bbussAce2016: Which drivers?
01:01.26Ace2016i mean the alt+f2 dialogue doesn't lag, at all, not one bit
01:01.32ryanakcabbuss: nope... *sigh*
01:01.39Ace2016i mean the alt+f2 dialogue doesn't lag, at all, not one bit 177.80
01:01.51ryanakcabbuss: oh well. I'll just restart konqueror
01:01.52Ace2016they are also slower than with xgl, much much slower
01:02.39*** join/#kde Epocher (n=epocher@
01:03.04Ace2016now to see how fast kde really is
01:03.19*** join/#kde Racchio (
01:03.45Ace2016now typing konsole fast gets me konsole
01:03.58aseigoAce2016: i got rid of the last bit of white flicker on show in krunner today too
01:04.01Ace2016instead of typing konsole and ending up with konversation
01:04.02aseigoAce2016: it's really smoooth now on show
01:04.28aseigois rather happy with that
01:04.30Ace2016aseigo: ah so an updated version of kde4 to make it faster on nvidia cards?
01:04.34aseigoit was my small win for the day ;)
01:04.46aseigoAce2016: it's not actually faster, it just looks faster (no flicker)
01:05.20Ace2016well unless you can get rid of the rendering lagg i won't be using nvidia on its own, shame really
01:05.51*** join/#kde nogagplz (
01:06.41Racchiowhy is nvidia so slow with kde compositing, being so fast with compiz?
01:07.01*** join/#kde cahimira (n=cahimira@
01:07.11Ace2016will only buy ati from now on
01:07.21Ace2016that slowness is simply unacceptable
01:07.50Ace2016i'll tolerate glitches in 3d but 2d speed is what a desktop needs to be all about
01:08.12Racchiomy ati randomly hangs the entire system
01:08.36Ace2016hardware issue? could be ram
01:08.46Ace2016my ram died after hanging completely
01:08.51Ace2016ocz junk
01:08.59Ace2016also hates ocz
01:09.00Racchiothree different ati cards did the same
01:09.24Ace2016there you go, clearly its not the graphics card now is it
01:09.30Racchionvidia don't
01:10.04Racchiobut is slow with kde4
01:10.08Ace2016motherboard issue
01:11.13Ace2016i think there is a bug in krunner
01:11.16Racchiooh wait: problems with ati are there only when i use openGl
01:11.31Racchioor 3d related stuff
01:11.36Ace2016or power
01:12.12Ace2016i have to type:  system monitor for the icon to show up, system m doesn't show up, system mon doesn't make it show, the full thing is needed, how come???
01:13.06*** join/#kde texnofobix (
01:13.22Racchiowhat happens with just system OR monitor?
01:14.16*** join/#kde Zaister_ (
01:15.04shiznixAce2016: try here ->
01:15.12Ace2016m... nothing, mo... nothing, mon shows kdiamond
01:15.31Ace2016s... shows system settings
01:18.03RacchioI must go now...ciaooo!/
01:18.15*** part/#kde Racchio (
01:18.16*** join/#kde LoRdNiKoN (
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01:51.58*** join/#kde miburo (n=miburo@
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02:01.19*** join/#kde shadowfunk (
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02:17.11*** join/#kde Ace2016_ (
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02:24.10*** join/#kde syli725 (n=syli725@
02:24.22syli725where is the screensaver setup in kde4.1? can not find it....
02:25.21*** join/#kde pothibo (
02:25.28syli725please ignore my last question. just found it in systemsettings > Desktop. I don't know why "search" feature doesn't find it in systemsettings so I thought it was not in it.
02:27.19Jucatoit does here
02:27.36Tanktalus"No rule to make target `kmail/org.kde.kmail.kmail.xml', needed by `kontact/plugins/kmail/kmailinterface.cpp'.  Stop." <-- does this look familiar to anyone?  (4.1.70)
02:30.29syli725Jucato, yeah, it does there, but search feature iin systemsettings seems useless to find what I want. btw, are you still awake? no sleep? LOL.
02:36.31*** join/#kde jag_ (
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02:44.35*** join/#kde desti (
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02:50.11Jucatosyli725: it's 10:50 in the morning :)
02:50.51Jucatosyli725: when you search in system settings, displays the group where you'll find the settings. it won't show you the setting itself
02:51.15Jucatolike if you type "screensaver", it will display the Desktop group, which has the screen saver settings
02:51.53syli725Jucato, yeah, you are right. :) just realized that. thanks.
02:54.14*** join/#kde gilt (
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02:57.14*** join/#kde Paddy_EIRE (n=Paddy_EI@
02:58.24*** join/#kde eternaleye_ (
03:01.46Tanktalus"No rule to make target `kmail/org.kde.kmail.kmail.xml', needed by `kontact/plugins/kmail/kmailinterface.cpp'.  Stop." <-- does this look familiar to anyone?  (4.1.70)  I don't see org.kde.kmail.kmail* inside the kdepim tarball at all...
03:02.52*** join/#kde shizlap__ (
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03:09.00*** join/#kde Pensa`MIA (
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03:31.58*** join/#kde ArkoldThos (n=ArkoldTh@
03:36.17*** join/#kde DGMurdockIII (
03:36.21DGMurdockIIIdose anyone now any free software that can turn a pocket pc in to a remote for a tv?
03:39.30*** join/#kde creepa (i=creepa@unaffiliated/creepa)
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04:07.28*** part/#kde syli725 (n=syli725@
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04:23.17*** join/#kde deftone (
04:23.58deftoneHow do I reset to the default desktop when i first installed Kubuntu?
04:27.48*** join/#kde esthar (
04:29.42*** join/#kde Simkin (
04:30.30sortealLater bitches!
04:30.34*** join/#kde sabocat (
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04:32.01deftoneanyone sucessfully resest desktop settings in Kubuntu
04:32.27*** part/#kde deftone (
04:41.29sortealZzzzz -.-
04:44.51*** join/#kde kdepepo (
04:46.22*** join/#kde juantascon (n=juandieg@
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04:51.19*** join/#kde Cueball (
04:53.28sortealZzzzz -.-
04:53.32*** join/#kde Kame2 (
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05:01.01*** join/#kde EisNerd_ (
05:02.07*** join/#kde adam (
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05:08.04*** join/#kde Smak (
05:10.21*** join/#kde Zarin (n=cr@kde/developer/lmurray)
05:12.35SmakSo anyone "in the know" know if kopete 4.x is going to support IRC in the near future or not?
05:15.54*** join/#kde Lord^Anubis (
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07:04.09*** join/#kde fmarmond (
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07:25.11JackWinterhi i have a problem with all my kde windows being resized and having the menubar placed off screen when exiting a wine/opengl game.  i can see my wallpaper briefly tiled, so it's probably a problem with resolution.  is there a way that i can lock the kde desktop to a certain resolution?
07:27.29*** join/#kde Jejem (
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07:33.06*** join/#kde Trevelyan (n=TJ@unaffiliated/trevelyan)
07:36.48*** join/#kde Ujjwol (n=Ujjwol@
07:41.01*** join/#kde Thundercloud (
07:41.18Gyachedoes kopete support webcam sending and receiving of window live
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07:42.03*** join/#kde Phlogi (
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07:44.30*** join/#kde luna1 (
07:48.01Gyachedoes kopete support webcam sending and receiving of window live
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07:54.56wawan_rootwhat is this??
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07:56.17JPThello, this is the nearly official kde channel :)
07:56.30*** join/#kde supert0nes (n=archer@
07:56.56wawan_rootoh good i love kde
07:57.02JPTme, too :)
07:57.13JackWinterme too :]
07:57.25wawan_rooti think its better than gnome
07:57.33wawan_rootif you ask me
07:57.38JackWinterstill on 3.5.9, afraid to take the plunch :)
08:01.41espereguwhat is the shortcut to get the main menu back in an application? I start it and it suddenly has no menu anymore.
08:02.02rmrfchikoh, korganizer doesn't support caldav :(
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08:11.25cb400fesperegu: ctrl+m ?
08:11.42cb400ftalking about the menu bar in apps?
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08:17.49tMishHow do I disable ^B adding bookmark in kde4 console ? It's vim key !!!
08:19.46irina_rtMish: Settings, Configure shortcuts
08:21.11tMishirina rempt
08:21.31irina_ryou called?
08:21.47tMishok thanks
08:22.05irina_rdid it work?
08:22.27tMishirina is russian name. isn't ?
08:22.39irina_ryes, but <sigh> I'm not Russian
08:22.49irina_r(always have to explain that)
08:23.42irina_rthe name is also rumanian, polish, bulgarian, etcetera :-)
08:24.07tMishyou are one kde staff members ?
08:24.21irina_rgoodness no!
08:24.25*** join/#kde gavster (n=gavster@
08:24.46irina_rwhat makes you think that?
08:24.47tMishyou're dutch ?
08:24.55*** part/#kde gavster (n=gavster@
08:25.48irina_ryes, does that make me more likely to be a staff member?
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08:27.18esperegucb400f: yeah. that was it. thx very much
08:30.04*** join/#kde buscher (
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08:40.37thiagotMish: I thought we removed all simple shortcuts in Konsole
08:40.51thiagotMish: yeah, we did
08:40.52*** join/#kde gavster_ (n=gavster@
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08:52.05aantipopwhich files do i need to copy from my home dir to the root home dir to make applications i open as root look like my user's theme
08:52.11aantipop(in kde3)
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09:01.45gkiagiaaantipop: run kcontrol as root and choose the same theme
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09:02.58chakie_workhm, konqueror is *incredibly* sluggish for on a *fast* system.
09:03.13chakie_workscrolling takes a computer age eternity
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09:03.53chakie_workabout a second for any scrolling
09:04.49chakie_workprobably all the flash banners and other resource sucking ads
09:04.56GNU\colossuschakie_work: works ok here. kde 3.5.10, intel gma graphics, exa accel
09:05.10chakie_workyes, it was fast on a 3.5 system
09:05.34chakie_workother sites aren't slow, but some are very
09:06.01chakie_workthis is 4.1.2, that is
09:06.29GNU\colossuskonqui 3.5.10 reproducably SIGFPEs here when opening a "My eBay" site...
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09:10.58skwurp_Anyone know how to get kwallet to store a password after you have clicked "no" the first time the dialog box popped up for a site, but now you want to store your details at that site?
09:12.02aantipopgkiagia: thank you
09:12.22*** part/#kde aantipop (
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09:26.10fartashhi, I'm a fan of dark themes but in suse I checked kde4 and got a problem to work with non-kde4 apps like firefox and pidgin in which font colors are light based on theme and background is not, is there anyway I could have none of background nor foreground from theme in this apps?
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09:34.13gkiagiafartash: systemsettings->appearence->colors->apply kde colors to non-kde4 apps
09:34.40gkiagiaeither try to enable or disable this
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09:35.13fartashgkiagia: that wouldn't change the light forground color
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10:44.52haffi___Hi, how do I setup two monitors on a laptop with an ATI card
10:45.14haffi___I have kubuntu 8.10 beta and the proprietary drivers for ATI setup
10:46.23haffi___the display configuration utility in KDE 4.1 only gives me one monitor option
10:46.44haffi___and it seems like /etc/X11/xorg.conf isn't used for configuration
10:47.29smyleyyou should have something like the ati catalyst control center
10:47.43smyleyi think it comes with the driver
10:47.50smyleyyou can configure it there
10:47.56haffi___ok, I'll search for it
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12:14.00segehmm, why can't i have two konsoll with different size? =)
12:14.11segekind of annoying. bug of feature? =)
12:14.42irina_rwhich version?
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12:15.04irina_rcan't you resize the konsole once you have it, or can't you start the konsole with a different size than the other?
12:15.21segeirina_r: Version 2.1
12:15.22segeUsing KDE 4.1.2 (KDE 4.1.2)
12:15.34irina_ryeah, same as mine
12:15.44segeif i resize one and then go back to my other one it automatically get's the same size
12:15.54irina_reek, nasty bug!
12:15.57irina_rmine don't
12:16.15segehmm, wait, maybe it's just when i've used 'detach view'..
12:16.27segeprobably is.
12:16.29irina_roh! basically stays the same konsole in that case
12:16.45irina_rI'll try that, could even be useful as a feature
12:16.57irina_rwhen I need another one I usually just start it with krunner
12:16.59segeno, i really dont think so =)
12:17.07Half-LeftUnless you apply different window settings
12:17.08segeit's annoying the hell out of me =)
12:17.38segei'll have to learn to start a new one instead of detaching i think
12:18.16irina_rI have one open atm on one side of the screen ,full height and about 1/3 width, running irssi, and another landscape-shaped to play nethack in
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12:18.39irina_rit would annoy me no end if they became the same size, true!
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12:19.06segeif you change between them or start a new tab they stay with their individual sizes?
12:19.31irina_rstay the same size, but they were started individually, not one as a new tab in the other
12:19.46segeah okej
12:19.59segeit works here as well. just when i detach.
12:20.16irina_rwhen i do New Window from either it starts up as the default
12:20.42irina_reven New Tab and detach view becomes default size
12:21.03irina_rchanging from one to the other keeps both intact
12:21.08segedetach, resize and go back to your 'main' konsole?
12:21.39irina_rnope, they stay as I put them
12:21.48segehmm, mine don't.
12:22.00irina_rnow has five konsoles of wildly varying sizes floating around the desktop :-)
12:22.22segethat's my ordinary day.. that's why this started to annoy me a little =)
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12:24.40irina_rsege: yes, I can imagine!
12:25.02irina_rmust be a distro bug, I have the same konsole and kde version (kubuntu intrepid beta) and it doesn't happen here
12:25.24segehmm, kubuntu 8.04 with kde4.1.2-repos. should be the same.
12:25.55irina_rI must say that (a) I got a konsole update this morning and (b) I hadn't tried split view until now
12:26.22segelooking for an update.. =)
12:26.41segenothing there. well, i'll live. thanks anyway
12:27.19irina_rI think it's the intrepid update frenzy :-)
12:27.52irina_r79 updates this morning, over 200 yesterday, new surprises all the time! :-)
12:28.16irina_rnow kmail doesn't remember my shortcuts (though akregator does, which it used not to)
12:29.06segebeta is.. lovely
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12:30.11irina_rI bask in the luxury of knowing that if it stops working completely, I can reboot to 3.5 :-)
12:31.20_RedGhost_urg, kmail
12:31.35irina_rwhat's wrong with it?
12:31.56_RedGhost_hm, don't try to use IMAP with a high-volume mailing list :)
12:32.07irina_rah yes, but I don't do that :-)
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12:32.39_RedGhost_it even ate some mail from that list
12:32.56_RedGhost_and I find it generally pretty slow
12:33.21_RedGhost_(though having the picture of your contact in the mail header is nice enough)
12:33.51irina_r<shrug> I don't have imap or high-volume lists so I might as well use an interface I like
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12:40.06_RedGhost_sure, whatever works for you
12:40.15_RedGhost_Thunderbird works for me :)
12:40.49irina_rokay, at least there's somehting that works!
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12:44.39_RedGhost_for the rest I use kde apps, except for gimp and FF
12:45.37irina_rI'm married to boud of krita fame so we're his alpha testers :-)
12:45.55irina_rbut my daughter the artist uses gimp if she actually wants to get somethign done.
12:45.59Jucatopoor you :)
12:46.11Jucatohush irina_r!! don't say that in here ;)
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12:46.18Jucatois gonna tell boud
12:46.59_RedGhost_That said, one day krita will beat gimp
12:47.01irina_rhe knows!
12:47.03_RedGhost_just on the interface
12:47.05irina_ryes, he knows that too!
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12:48.21_RedGhost_my daughter uses inkscape
12:48.24_RedGhost_and she is 3 :)
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12:50.11Jucatowell if just the UI, then Krita beats it already :P
12:50.27Jucatoirina_r: it's one thing to know, and another thing to publicly admit defeat :)
12:50.32Jucatogoes to bed
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12:52.20Half-Leftit's just a shame Krita is a crash fest ATM :p
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12:52.40Jucatodepends probably on what version you're using
12:52.54Jucato(that said, KWord is more of a crash fest for me... for some actions I can't seem to reliably reproduce)
12:52.55Half-LeftAnd slow as hell with Opengl
12:53.26Half-LeftI just can't use it over GIMP any time soon
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12:56.02irina_rI've given up on KWord completely
12:56.05irina_rwell, temporarily
12:56.19irina_reven getting used to OpenOffice.
12:56.28Half-LeftQuiet like Krita's UI but I customize GIMP to fit my needs anyway so
12:57.32JucatoI'm probably one of the very few people (part of the insane group) that sort of likes the GIMP's UI (which I think is also the same as Adobe's UI on OS X). I use the same type of UI on Qt 4 Designer
12:57.47Jucatoanyway, really gone :)
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12:58.42_RedGhost_I used kword with sucess (to write something pretty simple) some time ago
12:59.10irina_rdon't try the current version!
12:59.16_RedGhost_I'll be glad the day it's useable enough to replace 5min-loading-time-oowriter
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12:59.30Half-Left2.6 GIMP UI is better default but you can move panels around how you like, I never use the default, mind you I use GIMP daily
13:00.12irina_rOO couldn't read my file afterwards, I had to open it with kate and select the text
13:00.23flowerwhen will I know what the kde team does with my reported bugs/ wishes? I reported a important issue/ wish concerning the lack of freeness in kde4 to choose your own search engine in the 'new kmenu's search function', but no one is responding to it. I think it is a important issue when your slogan is. KDE:  Be Free!
13:00.27gergapdoes anyone know how to add assembly files to CMakeLists.txt? e.g. "cas32.s" which can be compiled just like that "cc -xarch=v9 cas32test.c cas32.s"
13:00.40irina_rsorry, way over my head :-)
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13:00.57_RedGhost_irina_r: that's brutal
13:02.00Half-Leftflower: Search engine?
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13:02.23Half-Leftflower: In konqueror you mean?
13:02.33flowerHalf-Left: no in the new kde menu
13:03.00flowerHalf-Left: you can search for apps, and then you also get an option to search on the internet with google
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13:03.37_RedGhost_I'm not sure it's really worth it to invest time in this menu... isn't it due to be replaced anyway?
13:03.40Half-LeftYou mean krunner?
13:03.46flowerHalf-Left: I want to be free to choose which search engine I want to use, like I AM in konqueror etc and which should be normal when you use KDE
13:04.07_RedGhost_Half-Left: there's a search function in the menu itself... not the krunner popup
13:04.15flowerHalf-Left: no
13:04.33Half-Leftoh i see
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13:06.52_RedGhost_well, it's not as much as a bug as a wishlit
13:07.19_RedGhost_and there are many things more urgent, I'm afraid, so that's probably why nothing has happened so far
13:08.28Half-Leftflower: Making a bit of a fuss over nothing really
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13:09.52raininjaok dying plasma
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13:10.34Half-Leftflower: Google to be fair support opensource projects, found them, opensource their own apps and have a open platform themselfs
13:10.57flowerHalf-Left: you say nothing... I say then: you don't understand how important this issue is in perspect of philosphy... kde philosophy: Be Free! If that's your slogan, moreover your goal, you should act as soon as possible if users can only use a miljards company like Google for the search function in the menu
13:11.05_RedGhost_*mutters malevolently about the copy/paste on Linux*
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13:11.35flowerHalf-Left: Doesn't matter what you think about Google. It IS a matter of principles for letting your users choose which favourite search engine they want to choose!
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13:12.00_RedGhost_Come on, that's hardly a critical functionality
13:12.12Half-Leftflower: Really that much of a issue in kickoff, it's only kickoff
13:12.39flowerHalf-Left: maybe I love Google maybe I don't like their privacy policy or position on the internet
13:12.52flowerHalf-Left: kickoff?
13:13.00Half-LeftThe menu
13:13.10flowerHalf-Left: you're right, yes
13:13.13irina_rthe great ugly menu-type object
13:13.24Half-LeftSUSE made it so ask them or the maintainer for it in KDE
13:13.40_RedGhost_it looks like a UFO, that menu
13:13.58Half-LeftLooks better in the coming 4.2
13:14.03irina_rI'm using the old-fashioned one when i use a menu at all
13:14.12Half-LeftBut I've gotten to like it and used to it now
13:14.26irina_rah well, whatever works
13:14.31_RedGhost_krunner is quite enough for my needs
13:14.45Half-LeftOld kde menu is a usability nightmare like the Windows menu
13:14.50flowerHalf-Left: how is kickoff named on bugs.kde?
13:14.52_RedGhost_just lookign forward to quicksand
13:14.59irina_rI don't like this incarnation of krunner, tries to second-guess me too much and doesn't remember enough history
13:14.59raininjai despise start menus
13:15.15_RedGhost_Half-Left: long time you haven't used Windows
13:15.20irina_ralso, text box to type in feels cramped
13:15.25Half-LeftI must admit I didn't like it much eather
13:15.25_RedGhost_Remember, nothing is *sorted* in Windows
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13:15.46Half-LeftWindows never had a menu like kickoff
13:15.54_RedGhost_Vista has
13:16.09Half-Leftit's a different concept and it's still different then Vista's
13:16.22_RedGhost_yes, but much closer than XP for instance
13:16.29_RedGhost_and you have the integrated search as well
13:16.43Half-LeftNot at all, Kickoff is self contained, XP menu never was
13:17.01_RedGhost_not sure what you mean by that?
13:17.22irina_rI only keep the menu around because I forget what things are called
13:17.26Half-Leftit doesn't expand itself to show you stuff
13:17.26_RedGhost_and I was comparing the old KDE menu to the current one
13:17.50_RedGhost_ah, ok
13:18.11Half-Lefthalf screen for aload of apps, quarter screen for a few apps, thats bad usability if you aks me
13:18.12_RedGhost_what I was trying to say is: old kde menu > XP menu
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13:20.27Half-LeftYou can have a million apps in there and it stays the same size, imagine that in a old KDE menu or XP one
13:20.43Half-LeftI've seen a XP menu fill the screen and go off it with apps
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13:21.15_RedGhost_XP-style menu sucks
13:21.21Half-LeftWho is their right mind would want a menu to fill their screen with a ton of apps
13:21.39_RedGhost_hmm, looks like krunner is not overly useable when it has a lot of matches
13:22.04irina_r_RedGhost_: I partially solved it by not having it search my bookmarks
13:22.06_RedGhost_no scrollbar, you need to click on << and >> and it doesn't scroll automatically to where your selecdtion is
13:22.11irina_rbecause most of thos start with 'www'
13:22.16Half-LeftAgain it's self contained
13:22.24_RedGhost_I was just trying 'games'
13:22.36_RedGhost_but kdegames has too many apps for little krunner
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13:22.53irina_rlol, I have only installed the games I actually play
13:22.59irina_rthat's a dozen or so
13:23.04_RedGhost_as for bookmarks, I use FF, so :)
13:23.17Half-LeftThats why you have a next pagae lik option
13:23.27_RedGhost_has not been completely assimilated by the Borg yet
13:23.45_RedGhost_Half-Left: yeah, but you can switch from match to match with tab
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13:24.42_RedGhost_I'd expect tab to <next_match_on_next_page> to change the page
13:25.16_RedGhost_instead, I see it selects the top of an icon at the bottom of the krunner window, but I can't see the icon until I click on 'next page' -> not practical
13:25.30_RedGhost_fortunately, I rarely have so many matches
13:25.35Half-LeftYer but people on the whole dont use tab so
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13:25.46_RedGhost_you think?
13:26.05Half-LeftYou have to make KDE for people who dont know shortcut keys
13:26.08_RedGhost_that's very useful with krunner, I can't imagine using the mouse every time
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13:26.13Half-Leftor right clicks
13:26.20_RedGhost_I think you have to make KDE also for people who do :)
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13:26.54Half-LeftWell, thats just krunner for now
13:27.00fvahi, anyone else on trunk lost all global shortcuts recently?
13:27.12Half-Left_RedGhost_: Bug report it then
13:27.30_RedGhost_Half-Left: it's not a big issue, I should probably report later, but I'm not going to whine loudly about it
13:27.38_RedGhost_particularly if it's a pain to fix
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13:28.15Half-LeftWell it's not your concern if it is, if it's a valid bug is should get fixed like other bugs
13:28.16indietrashhey is there any way to have kmix shortcuts available in full screen applications? I want to regulate the volume whilst playing Neverwinter Nights.
13:28.23_RedGhost_I'd rather the tray icons don't look like pooh
13:29.01_RedGhost_what I mean is that it shouldn't be seen as high-priority
13:29.03Half-Left_RedGhost_: Now thats a bigger issue, the new spec for the tray should be here soon
13:29.33Half-LeftNext tech shows old tech bugs
13:29.49_RedGhost_trolls a bit... I wouldn't mind if it was Gnome, the rest of the desktop is already ugly :D
13:30.19_RedGhost_Half-Left: so you think it'll make it for 4.2?
13:31.02Half-LeftNot sure, I think they are still threashing it out with the GTK devs and freedesktop
13:31.47Half-LeftBut it will be much better than anything before it
13:31.57_RedGhost_it's one of my two real points of contentions with kde4
13:32.41Half-LeftWell people are saying ATI cards dont ahve tray corruption
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13:33.14Half-LeftAnd trunk seems to work better, but randomly
13:33.50_RedGhost_Half-Left: well, actually... I have the ati driver and a Radeon on the laptop
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13:34.05_RedGhost_and my system tray looks like my home computer with an Nvidia
13:34.19Half-LeftYer, it's pretty random that it happens
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13:35.34Half-LeftBut Aaron has made it quiet clear about how he feels about apps and system tray :p
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13:36.03_RedGhost_That they should be taken behind the chemical shed and shot?
13:36.30Half-LeftSome apps shouldn't be even in the tray
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13:36.48Half-LeftThey course much evil
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13:37.37_RedGhost_I would imagine
13:37.49Half-LeftI dont think people understand that apps int he tray colour evil and the devs who make it look good kind of like a hack just for that
13:38.07_RedGhost_there's that, and there's the sheer number of them
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13:38.49_RedGhost_it doesn't work too badly on Windows, actually
13:38.55_RedGhost_since it hides 'inactive' apps
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13:39.31Half-LeftYer because Windows apps have so many, hiding them doesn't hide the problem
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13:39.48Half-LeftIt doesn't solve anything
13:39.53_RedGhost_it makes it manageable for the user
13:39.56_RedGhost_a little
13:40.16Half-LeftWhat, hiding apps that you can see?
13:40.25Half-LeftOh great
13:40.26_RedGhost_hiding antivirus and co
13:41.18_RedGhost_but I agree that you can still end up with a bloated system tray
13:41.27_RedGhost_particularly on pre-installed system
13:42.26Half-Leftmost apps dont need to be in there, they should be transparent to the user
13:44.20_RedGhost_but it's convenient for some apps
13:44.33_RedGhost_like an email client or an IM or a feed reader
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13:44.43_RedGhost_or amarok
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13:45.05Half-Left_RedGhost_: I watched a GIMP video and this guy had it on Windows and kept getting popups from the tray about virus's :p
13:45.57Half-LeftNo, dont tell me, just friggin deal with it and leave me alone
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13:46.30_RedGhost_well, I guess I prefer warning to "zoinks, I killed your app"
13:46.38Half-LeftYou buy a app like that to take care of it, not to be bugged about it, just do it and leave the user alone, same with firewalls
13:48.10Half-LeftBut thats windos, flawed OS if ever I saw one, but anyway
13:49.39_RedGhost_no argument about Windows' flaws
13:49.52_RedGhost_though to be honest no OS are free of it
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13:53.18Half-Leftcatch you later
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15:25.20ASIRIneilujHi !
15:25.51ASIRIneilujis there any user of kleopatra 2.0.0-rc1 here ?
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15:26.34ASIRIneilujajani_mgo: hi, hello, greetings, ...
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15:27.03ASIRIneilujI'm getting a strange behavior and I'm wondering if it's a misuse on my side or a bug
15:27.06ajani_mgowhat's that?
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15:28.19ASIRIneilujwhen I want to sign a GPG certificate, I select "details of this certificate" then the second tab and "sign" button
15:28.53ASIRIneilujI get a wizard, on the first screen I check the checkbox, then click next
15:29.43ASIRIneilujbut on the second page, it's impossible for me to finish "sign" button is greyed
15:29.57ASIRIneilujam I doing something wrong, is that just not implemented yet, or am I facing a bug ?
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16:12.32stevem_Lo, I just read a wikipedia article (so I must check :P) that Konquerer in KDE 4.1 uses WebKit not QT... this correct?
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16:13.18ajani_mgoyea i think
16:13.42ajani_mgooh hang on
16:13.51ajani_mgowebkit and not qt?
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16:14.02ajani_mgoi alwaes thought webkit was the rendering engine
16:14.12ajani_mgoand qt the gui
16:14.20ajani_mgoand they need not necessarily conflict :)
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16:15.50ajani_mgofor one, i know it has at least till kde4 used khtml as its rendering engine
16:15.52gkiagiastevem_: konqueror uses the KHTML engine, which is the parent of webkit (webkit is a fork of khtml)
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16:17.12aleshusis here anyone who have problems with openoffice 3 writer?? on my comupter it freezes few second after start. i am using arch linux distro
16:17.24stevem_gkiagia, I know the history of WebKit and KHTML - so wikipedia is wrong?
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16:17.39gkiagiastevem_: link?
16:17.51stevem_It says that KDE 4.1's Konquerer will use the Trolltech QT port of WebKit
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16:21.24stevem_gkiagia, any thoughts?
16:21.26gkiagiastevem_: it must be reffering to the webkit kpart (an external plugin to use webkit in konqueror) that is being separately developed, but it's status is unknown to me at least.
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16:21.59gkiagiathis information must be out of date. I haven't seen this for kde 4.1
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16:22.11gkiagiamaybe someone else in here knows?
16:22.14stevem_gkiagia, I think Kubuntu has that plugin and its on my default
16:22.36gkiagiawell, I don't use kubuntu, so I don't know
16:22.42stevem_neither do I :D
16:22.48stevem_But I am thinking of trying Sidux with KDE
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16:23.13gkiagiagood choice :)
16:23.24stevem_they also have XFCE :P which looks nice too
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16:23.37stevem_But it depends on if they've solved the sucky menu editor issue
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16:27.38Half-LeftXfce has turned into a gnome clone, they may as well have folked gnome and called it xfce
16:28.11ASIRIneilujHalf-Left: what does it have to do with KDE ?
16:28.56Half-LeftASIRIneiluj: Nothing what so ever, responding to above if you most know
16:29.24ASIRIneilujgkiagia: at least one information is defintively wrong in the WP article you posted, "Ars Technica website published an article announcing that the KDE team would move from KHTML to WebKit.[28]"
16:29.50*** join/#kde Salze (
16:30.01ASIRIneilujthat's not what Troy Unrau says here
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16:31.36SeicherlBoBI have a thinkpad without a button for the context menu. I'd like to use a acpi event to "fake invoke" that keystroke. Any ideas how to do that? acpi_fakekey $KEY_MENU is not working (xev is not responding)
16:32.26Half-LeftWebkit seems to be the one to convert to ,epiphany already has it in the works
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16:33.22ASIRIneilujhe says that a Webkit KPart is being developped in parallel of the default KHTML KPart
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16:35.29gkiagiasomeone please correct that wikipedia entry :)
16:35.31Half-Leftshaves SSJ_GZ
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16:59.14x_linkThe K-letter in my K-menu, how can I change it to another icon?
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17:00.14SeicherlBoBI would like to configure a key to behave like the "context menu" key in windows (actually do the same as a right click). I tried to map it to "Context Menu" via KDE System Settings Keyboard - but that wont have any effect. any suggestions?
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17:01.59SeicherlBoBbtw. I'm using KDE 3.5.10
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17:08.16x_linkSo nobody knows?
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17:12.00x_linkhyper_ch: You don't know anything about my question maybe? =)
17:12.20hyper_chx_link: if you tell me the question
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17:15.36x_linkhyper_ch:  The K-letter in my K-menu, how can I change it to another icon?
17:16.02hyper_chx_link: install another theme maybe
17:16.15x_linkI just want to change that icon.
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17:16.25x_linkhyper_ch: Where are this icons, I don't find it.
17:16.33hyper_chx_link: no clue
17:16.44hyper_chx_link: I never change theme or alter anything with it
17:17.04enyawixis kalrm working strange in 4.x?
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17:17.22x_linkhyper_ch: Okey.
17:17.24enyawixsometimes it works some time it will not
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17:32.56cr3rzemjesti see .xsession options don't work for kde?
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17:33.28cr3rzemjesti found i should add symlink/script in .kde/Autostart but it doesnt work still
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17:35.45Developperhello guys i am trying to compile a program but it fails, it is part of the kde it says creating hash table permission denied
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17:39.19LokkiHow can I type unicode characters in KDE based programs ctrl+shift+u doesn't seem to work
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17:48.04lilltigerLokki: AltGr+key gives some unicode chars
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17:49.10LokkiWhat's Gr?
17:50.28lilltigerthe AltGr key.. just right of space
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17:52.53Lokkithat doesn't do anything other than trigger the menu at the top of the window
17:53.51lilltigerhow strange..
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17:56.30gta4kvHey! Anyone can get kde 4.1 packages list, please? My Ubuntu don't want install this by apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop.
17:57.21gkiagiagta4kv: #kubuntu-kde4
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17:58.04gkiagiaask in #kubuntu-kde4 or #kubuntu
17:58.15gta4kvOh. Well, thx.
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18:04.53krikoAnyone using k3b for kde4?
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18:06.51awosykwin does not work for me using radeonhd
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18:07.06awosyit this a known problem? or is it just my config?
18:07.35SimAtWorki've never heard of kwin not working due to the video driver...
18:07.44SimAtWorkare you sure it is kwin and not x windows in general?
18:07.55awosyeverything works fine
18:08.10awosybut when i try to enable kwin it works, but effect don't
18:08.22testiI have samba shares I wish to mount. The entries already exist in /etc/fsab, but I can't find the control in KDE to mount them
18:08.23awosylike the tab swich replacement eg
18:08.27testior unmount them
18:08.28SimAtWorkoh, effects....
18:08.36gkiagiaawosy: does radeonhd support dri for your card?
18:08.43awosyyes it does
18:08.47awosyand it is enabled
18:08.51testiI have KDE4, Kubuntu
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18:09.11SimAtWorknever done it with an ati card awosy, so i can't help you directly.  but try googling for your distributions name and how to turn on "composite" in x windows... or something to that effect.
18:09.26SimAtWorkuh.. effect.
18:09.30gkiagiatesti: sudo mount ...
18:09.42awosyok will do SimAtWork thx
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18:10.04gkiagiaawosy: you can also try switching kwin to xrender mode
18:10.11gkiagiafrom the advanced settings
18:10.40testigkiagia: Yes I know (it also works without sudo), but I want to control it via KDE and not via command line
18:10.49awosythat's the problem i guess gkiagia i can't switch to the other mode
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18:11.34gkiagiatesti: smb4k ? that's a kde3 app but works pretty good
18:11.36luke-jrawosy: IIRC, radeonhd is still in development
18:11.51awosygkiagia: i can't switch to the open gl mode
18:12.12luke-jrawosy: it's probably a bug in radeonhd
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18:12.53testigkiagia: nono, i remember when I had KDE3 I had symbols on my desktop for these cifs fstab entries and clicking them was sufficient for these to be mounted.
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18:13.44testiOr when I opened the "system:/" in Konqueror, but "system:/" no longer exists here
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18:17.32gkiagiatesti: doesn't dolphin show them in the sidebar?
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18:24.40enyawixkriko k3b for kde4? is that out?
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18:32.18testigkiagia: no it doesn't, can i add them there?
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18:46.16crazy_petePlease tell me, when i am in a multi-tabbed konsole window, is there a way to switch tabs without using the mouse? (I checked the help and all the menu choices)
18:47.16mrbig4545i cant remember though
18:47.31mrbig4545shift + left/right arrow
18:48.42crazy_petewow awesome worked perfect the 1st time, mrbig4545 !
18:49.19mrbig4545i keep finding new shortcuts!
18:49.25*** join/#kde FlyingFoX-XIII (n=FlyingFo@
18:49.38mrbig4545like just the other day, i found out you can get straight to vim from less, by pressing v
18:49.46mrbig4545was new to me, and  very handy!
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18:51.58crazy_petethat worked the first time 2 mrbig4545 !
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18:52.07crazy_petethat is just beautiful!!!
18:52.08mrbig4545cool :D
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18:52.33mrbig4545you know the bash ones, there real handy, ctrl+d to log out, ctrl+r to search through history
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18:52.54mrbig4545and ctrl+z to pause whats running, can then be sent to background with bg
18:53.03mrbig4545like screen, but not as good, but sometimes better!
18:53.52mrbig4545there all i know, so theres probably a tonne more!
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18:56.29mrbig4545crazy_pete, ive found a new one
18:56.41mrbig4545ctrl+shit+left/right moves the tab around
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18:58.40mrbig4545well im off
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19:51.49ArkoldThosheya :)
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20:59.11opensourcecathi all. is the nepomuksearch:/ kio_slave usable to show, let's say, only items tagged as "x"?
20:59.31opensourcecati'm trying with nepomuksearch:/tag:x
20:59.53opensourcecatbut does'n work on latest openSUSE's UNSTABLE kde4.1.70
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21:01.59g2g591opensourcecat: well it looks like you're using a prebuild of 4.2 , so it may very easily be broken in there
21:03.00opensourcecatg2g591: so it should work with nepomuksearch:/tag:x?
21:03.13opensourcecatdoes it work on 4.1.2?
21:04.03g2g591no idea, let me check
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21:05.37g2g591opensourcecat: arg, soemthings come up, i cant check right now
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21:09.18Ace2016Hi all
21:09.31Ace2016every single time konqueror starts i get a malformed url error
21:09.49Ace2016what do i do about these? i get 4 of them in a row then the app shows up and works like normal
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21:10.48Ace2016it also shows if i open a new folder in a new tab while middle clicking
21:10.56Ace2016removing history had no effect :(
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21:12.41aroedlHow can I move the K menu icon in the KDE4 panel?
21:13.04Ace2016click on the liver icon
21:13.14aroedlSince I restarted KDE, the K menu icon is on the wrong side of the panel.
21:13.15Ace2016then then try moving it
21:13.20gkiagialol, it's a plasma icon
21:14.07aroedlAny other ideas/suggestions?
21:14.10Ace2016oh wait i mean stomach shaped
21:14.15Ace2016aroedl: that works
21:14.36aroedlAce2016: Thank you!
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21:16.49thiago_homearoedl: do you mean the right side of the panel? :-P
21:17.17aroedlthiago_home: Exactly. :)
21:17.45thiago_homeso right is wrong?
21:17.56aroedlFor me it is.
21:18.48aroedlBTW: I love KDE4! I'm using KDE since version 1 and I just switched to KDE4 a couple of days ago.
21:19.17tdi_kAce2016: did you try changing your home directory ?
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21:33.48Ace2016no i didn't change my home directory, i changed the default file browser though
21:34.02Ace2016aroedl: nvidia for graphics?
21:35.06aroedlWorks great.
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21:37.28Ace2016aroedl: using Xgl?
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21:37.53Ace2016What card is it? 7xxx?
21:38.11aroedlAce2016: nVidia Corporation G72M [Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300]
21:38.57Ace2016thought so, if you had an 8xxx or 9xxx then you would have complained of how slow it was, even with the new 177.80 drivers
21:39.06jazkaAce2016: yea
21:39.23jazkaand it just slows down after you use it for a while
21:39.40aroedlHere is my screen section, Ace2016:
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21:40.09aroedlAce2016: It also helps to execute this: nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=1
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21:41.19Ace2016i gave up on that, even with those it starts to slow down after a while, after a day or two going from maximised to restored window states takes far too long
21:41.23Ace2016so i use Xgl
21:43.04aroedlMy system is a 64-bit system. And of course, I have to use the nspluginwrapper for Flash. I have to killall npviewer.bin every now and then to get the performance back.
21:44.27Ace2016same 64bit here but i usually have to killall -9 opera
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22:04.46kexmancould anyone help me get konqueror to work with my ppp ?
22:04.52kexmanppp0 is up and working
22:04.56kexmannot using kde networkmanager
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22:05.06kexmankopete work
22:05.08kexmanssh works
22:05.11kexmanname resolution works
22:05.26Thundercloudkexman: First question! You haven't got any proxies enabled by accident do you?
22:05.28kexmankonqueror refuses to get me webpages
22:05.33kexmantelnet works as well
22:05.40kexmanThundercloud: i didnt
22:05.44kexmani just installed kubuntu
22:05.48kexmanand using out of the box settings
22:05.57kexmanbut anyway just to be sure where could i look for a proxy ?
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22:07.05ThundercloudSettings -> Configure Konqueror
22:07.21ThundercloudMake sure no weird settings are enabled
22:08.44kexmanthis kubuntu has a weired kde i tell you that :)
22:09.07ThundercloudKubuntu is pretty fail imo :)
22:09.11kexmanfail ?
22:09.13kexmanhehe :)
22:09.18kexmanyeah i think that too now !!!
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22:09.25kexmanubuntu itself ... i am starting to think ...
22:09.29kexmannever used it before
22:09.30ThundercloudNah Debian
22:09.38kexmanset it up at my friend
22:09.41kexmannow he cant use the net
22:09.47kexmanbut we can speak over kopete :) hehehe
22:09.52kexmani mean he cant use the net ...
22:09.54kexmancant browse
22:09.57kexmananyway internet is so slow
22:10.16kexmanand i had to enable a bunch of weird stuff in ubuntu adept stuff just to get mozilla out of the cave :)
22:10.25kexmanThundercloud: problem is that i didnt set up kdenetworkmanager
22:10.27kexmannor kpppd
22:10.38kexmani am using a script that i start with "pon E220" command
22:10.43kexmanand everything works fine
22:10.52kexmanso konqueror would be expected to work as well right ? : 0
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22:11.49kexmanThundercloud: so i should fire up kcontrol you say ?
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22:11.57kexmani use kde btw and i love it (under gentoo) :)
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22:12.17Thundercloudkexman: Nah not in kcontrol
22:12.20ThundercloudJust in konqueror settings
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22:12.39voltycommand line to move a window to the current desktop ?
22:12.55Thundercloudcome again?
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22:19.30kexmanThundercloud: ohh
22:20.01kexmanconnect to the internet directly !
22:20.03kexmanno proxy
22:20.30pinotreevolty: wmctrl
22:20.47ThundercloudI dunno then :)
22:21.16kexmanno idea ? :)
22:21.23kexmanhow could i test ?
22:21.27kexmandebug ?
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22:25.30voltypinotree: thx
22:26.14NamShubhow can I convert the cps file from kwin's records to something else?
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22:28.42NamShuboooh got it
22:29.10NamShub[install captury + capseo, use cpsrecode]
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22:30.11Kudoskde 4 fedora 9, after running updates, when i start a session now the screen blacks out
22:30.20pinotreeooh too late
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22:30.41Kudosit's weird, i still have the mouse cursor and i can see shadowy outlines if i right click
22:31.06Kudosany ideas?
22:31.25NamShubpinotree: and are the video supposed to have all sort of weird artefacts, do you know?
22:31.41pinotreehas no idea
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22:34.40NamShuboh it seems like one color channel is completely off
22:37.59NamShubanyone tried?
22:38.23NamShubthis almost work but i couldnt tell if its the recording that messed things up or the redecoding :P
22:38.37Kudosit seems there's some incompatibilty between the version of kde4 that ships with fedora 9 and 4.1.2
22:38.51Kudosi deleted .kde in my home dir and it works fine now
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22:47.39flyingfox__how do i change the default program with which to open .pdf files? i have several installed and want to make okular the default one.
22:47.54pinotreeflyingfox__: kde3 or kde4?
22:48.16pinotreesystemsettings → advanced → file associations → application/pdf
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22:48.48flyingfox__oh ... thx
22:48.54flyingfox__must have missed that spot
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22:54.01illogic-alanyone here know why kdegraphics needs/wants gmp?
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23:14.36DashkalCan someone direct me to the correct place to inquire about kde on win32?  If this is appropriate, is there any plan to port plasma and the rest of the desktop as well as the individual apps? (think replacing the win32 shell with kde)
23:16.42pinotreeDashkal: #kde-windows
23:17.20Dashkalpinotree: danke
23:17.47pinotreebitte (disclaimer: i'm not german)
23:18.13lilltigerany plans.. bah plasma already runs on win32 scary but true..
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23:18.37Dashkallilltiger: sweet.  I use win32 for the apps, but I'd be a very happy man to replace explorer with plasma
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23:19.09lilltigerid recommend you to replace win32.. but then some people like instability and viruses..
23:19.52w0hey there
23:20.00DashkalI already have.  I do serious work under ubuntu.  That said, I am also a PC gamer and wine isn't really worth the hassle to me.  Given that I'm stuck with it some of the time, I'm trying to reduce the pain of using it
23:20.26w0I'm using some emacs-23 right now, and I was wondering if there was a way to make just the text background transparent using some black magic from kde41
23:20.35lilltigerDashkal: play wesnoth ;D great game
23:20.48Dashkallilltiger: heh.  my soul belongs to warcrack, I'm afraid
23:21.11lilltigerplayed that during the beta and got bored of it.. :D
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23:22.41lilltigerw0: dosent look like it,  no way to exclude the text from the opacity settings that is :(
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23:25.15IneluctableMy trash folder says access denied (file name) to wat ever folder or file I try to delete.  can any one help?
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23:36.25danieledoes anyone knows how to remove the animation of the icons when launching an application?
23:36.28danieleon kde3
23:37.51pinotreekde control center → look & themes → application launch feedback
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23:45.50danielepinotree: thankyou, i solved
23:46.00pinotreeyou're welcome
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