IRC log for #kde on 20080918

00:06.09*** join/#kde idem (
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00:10.19dunasJust wanted to say that I'm using KDE 4.1.1 (KDEmod for Arch to be precise) and I love it.
00:10.40*** part/#kde enyawix (
00:11.59*** join/#kde binarycodes (n=quassel@
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00:12.36binarycodeswhat is a good kde based partition editor?
00:12.58*** join/#kde cremuss (
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00:14.49rohanpmbinarycodes: qtparted, though it's not KDE based (just Qt)
00:15.56binarycodesrohanpm: thanks
00:16.07*** join/#kde kde4_ (
00:16.51*** join/#kde aTrain (
00:18.02*** join/#kde BlueG (
00:22.07*** join/#kde BenB (
00:22.25*** part/#kde BenB (
00:22.25BlueGKopete 0.12.7 on KDE 3.5.10 won't actually connect when I set the status to online, running it from the terminal shows "libkopete: [void Kopete::WalletManager::openWalletInner()]  still waiting for earlier request", how can I restart the kwalletmanager or tell kopete to let me enter the passwords manually?
00:24.50*** join/#kde dansushi (
00:27.17*** join/#kde MethoS- (
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00:27.43blauzahl-laptopBlueG: #kopete might be able to help you better. or at least give you somethign that isn't overkill
00:31.37*** join/#kde jthomas_ (
00:31.59*** join/#kde binarycodes (n=quassel@
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00:34.32BlueGwhat is the actual kwallet binary called?
00:36.31*** join/#kde binarycodes (n=quassel@
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00:37.23*** join/#kde peterjohnhartman (
00:37.57wart_Hi folks.  I don't normally use KDE but I do use okular and okular for some reason won't print to my cups configured printer.  What is the kde commandline tool to configure a printer?
00:38.32wart_(I'm not running okular in kde but in fvwm with kdelibs installed on a gentoo box.)
00:43.00*** join/#kde krassyo_ (
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00:54.13binarycodesamarok isn't stable yet for kde4, so what do you guys use?
00:54.59binarycodesi tried the svn one, but its far from stable
00:55.54*** join/#kde jal (
00:58.08*** join/#kde LoneShadow (
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01:01.56*** join/#kde fred (
01:10.05*** join/#kde t_s_o (
01:10.11*** join/#kde jordo2323 (
01:10.50jordo2323How is KDE 4.0 coming along? (I am a Gnome user, but was loyal to KDE 3.5 in the past) Thoughts appreciated.
01:13.40*** part/#kde karthik (n=karthik@
01:15.28notriddlejordo2323: 4.1 is certainly better that 4.0. So it's doing okay.
01:16.10*** join/#kde kc8hfi (n=kc8hfi@
01:18.42*** join/#kde fir3 (
01:22.23*** join/#kde extor (
01:22.53extorAre there any OSD packages for KDE? Something similar to gnome-osd but obviously made for KDE?
01:24.58*** join/#kde kronos003 (
01:25.15kronos003what setting do i need to change to shrink the font in ktorrent?
01:27.28*** join/#kde chackal_sjc (
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01:37.48*** join/#kde a__thing (
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01:40.47extorktorrent is awesome
01:42.23extorBy beating the kde apps with a stick each time you alter the dpi settings
01:42.39BlueGkronos003: I think you can do that in Control Center under Appearance & Themes -> Fonts
01:43.29kronos003BlueG: would that also be in gnome or do i need to install something - full kde and gnome are installed and im runnig gnome
01:45.07BlueGhmm, I am not sure about that one... you may be able to run the kde control center from gnome... I really don't know how that works
01:45.10kronos003the gnome setting doesnt seem to affect ktorrent
01:45.24kronos003what is the command for that
01:48.34BlueGhmm, I am not sure about that one... you may be able to run the kde control center from gnome...
01:49.03BlueGoops, wrong key stroke... kcontrol is the command you are looking for
01:50.10BlueGheh, accidentally copying and pasting parts of my previous comment back into the channel makes me look like a blathering idiot
01:50.20BlueGbut then maybe I am :-)
01:53.31kronos003i seem to have sorted it ot - rather hackishly
01:54.10kronos003would be nice if kde and gnome could agree on a backend control standard so things work the way they should
01:56.16*** join/#kde andycr (
01:59.22extorwonders if gnome-OSD would work on KDE
02:01.35*** join/#kde broeman (n=broeman@
02:01.59*** join/#kde Gigadelic_IIDX (
02:03.06*** join/#kde enyawix (
02:06.30*** join/#kde tuxwulf (
02:06.34*** join/#kde anselmolsm (n=anselmol@
02:06.47BlueGkronos003: so what was your solution? Did you just force the DPI in kcontrol?
02:10.00*** join/#kde kenami (n=yalhua@
02:13.20BlueGHow do I restart kwallet?
02:17.12drantinkill it and run it again?
02:17.21*** join/#kde fir3 (
02:18.57*** join/#kde Ahadiel (
02:20.23*** join/#kde tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:22.34*** join/#kde Wraithan (
02:23.01WraithanAnyone know how dependant the on the rest of the system is KDE's launcher?
02:23.47WraithanOr whatever the app that is launched with alt+f2 is
02:24.17drantinkrunner ?
02:24.45drantinpretty certain it has deps on at least kdelibs and plasma, at least on kde4...
02:25.27extorIs there a way to make KDE automatically log in to a certain user without having to type in the username and password each time?
02:25.47WraithanI REALLY like it, but my main box I run xfce+xmonad because I have seen rather poor performance using wine with kde(mod)
02:25.59Wraithankde4 and kdemod
02:26.04g2g591extor: yes, check out the kdm (or login manager) settings in kcontrol or systemesettings
02:27.42g2g591Wraithan: I don't run wine much, but when I do (yes on Arch linux) , it doesn't seem to affect performance here....
02:27.46extorHmm it has those convenience options unavailable. Do I need to run kcontrol as root?
02:28.07extorit says attention, read help
02:28.25*** join/#kde krassyo__ (
02:28.32Wraithang2g591: nVidia or ati? not that I heard it makes a difference
02:28.55g2g591Wraithan: nvidia
02:29.05extordang it is not letting me su to admin mode
02:29.13g2g591extor: you need to run it as root (or, if theres an administrator button, use that)
02:29.28Wraithanbut on my friends box (never ran kde or kdemod on my gaming box) he was using nvidia (which is what I use) and was half a second delay or more when you switched applicatoins
02:29.30extoryeah I clicked the admin button but it says conversation with su failed
02:29.49Wraithanhe changed over to a gnome setup and delay went away, same with a xfce setup
02:29.53g2g591Wraithan: well, nvidia 6150 LE , its an on board thing that didn't have the other problem with nvidia drivers and kwin composting
02:30.10g2g591extor: well... try just running kdesu kcontrol
02:30.26Wraithang2g591: hmm
02:30.48extorconversation with su failed there too
02:31.02Wraithang2g591: well perhaps I will give it a shot, he wasn't running xmonad as his WM as I will perhaps the problem he was experience had to do with the kde WM
02:31.11extorwhen I launch kcontrol as root I get an X server error
02:31.29extorXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
02:32.04Wraithanis it pretty easy to disable stuff on the panel, like the pager and 'kickoff'?
02:32.06extorhow do I fix X so that any user can launche a KDE app in my X session?
02:36.41sabocatAnyone here use KTorrent?
02:38.19*** join/#kde doctorwhite (
02:38.34*** part/#kde enyawix (
02:39.06g2g591extor: you MUST use kdesu (or gksu) to launch gui apps as root
02:39.33g2g591extor: otherwise you get that error that you did :)
02:39.45tengulreI have already LiveCD ISO file, I want modify something and remake this ISO file, How to do?
02:40.35extorwell I did an xhost + and that fixed the error
02:40.58g2g591or , you could do that i suppose if you want to go all smart and all cli on me
02:45.55BlueGdrantin: I am not sure what the binary is called for kwallet...
02:46.04*** join/#kde hays (n=hays@unaffiliated/hays)
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02:47.29drantinBlueG: kwalletd? kwalletmanager?
02:48.03BlueGdrantin: slocate kwallet didn't find it...
02:48.21drantinodd system, that's what they're called here...
02:53.15Jucatolocate is only as accurate as its index database
02:59.18drantinpersonally, `which kwalletd` finds it for me...
02:59.42drantinalso, typing kwallet[tab][tab] was how i got those other two names
03:02.07*** join/#kde chh (n=chh@
03:04.10*** join/#kde dunas (
03:04.32dunasGoogle is remarkably not wanting to throw anything back at me for using transparency and the like with Conky in 4.1.1
03:05.53*** join/#kde pinotree_ (n=pino@kde/pino)
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03:10.07*** join/#kde sabocat (
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03:11.44*** join/#kde garu (
03:11.52garuhi everyone
03:12.55garucan someone tell me how do I upgrade from KDE 4.0 to KDE 4.1?
03:14.17haysit would depend on your distro
03:16.54*** join/#kde klow (n=klow@
03:18.50texnofobixdoes anyone else's dialogs hang?
03:19.04texnofobixin kde 4.0.5
03:19.12tengulrehi,all ! how to auto running a app when I login in gamin desktop ?
03:19.15texnofobixunless it's b/c i'm running foldingathome
03:19.56*** join/#kde johnny69 (
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03:25.13garuhays I'm running openSuse 11.0
03:27.06texnofobixgaru: find the packages for it
03:27.14texnofobixnot too sure since i run gentoo
03:27.44*** part/#kde lumpy (
03:31.49*** join/#kde Iki (
03:32.24*** join/#kde Germthegeek (
03:33.16GermthegeekQ: Is there anyway to make Twhirl show up alongside my plasmoids when I view my Dashboard?
03:33.17*** join/#kde Zanella (n=zan@
03:33.49*** part/#kde Zanella (n=zan@
03:36.55GermthegeekKDE 4.1.1, Ubuntu Hardy
03:37.07Germthegeekforgot to post those if they matter :)
03:37.30*** join/#kde pusling_ (i=pusling@
03:51.30texnofobixi'm tired of waiting for 4.1 to come to gentoo ....
03:52.24GermthegeekVM + Kubuntu?
03:52.47texnofobixi could
03:52.58texnofobixbut that would impact my foldingathome :P
03:53.14Germthegeekif you do make sure to enable the ppa
03:53.45texnofobixis going to try this
03:54.21Germthegeekahh my eyes
03:56.25*** join/#kde LimCore (n=rafal@unaffiliated/limcore)
03:56.30LimCorein konsole, how to save/restore entire session (with several tabs in it) to save each tabs profile,work dir,name etc
04:01.01*** join/#kde SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
04:15.34*** join/#kde Timberwolf5578 (n=Timberwo@
04:15.47Timberwolf5578Which do you all think is the best KDE distro?
04:16.59*** join/#kde nogagplz (
04:18.26dunasI like Arch, personally.
04:18.46dunasAlso, is there any really good guide to Conky with KDE4.1.1?
04:18.53*** join/#kde gades (n=gades@unaffiliated/gades)
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04:29.39*** join/#kde Qu4Z (
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04:56.00aseigodunas: iirc Conky is not likely to work nicely since it assumes things it shouldn't (like a painted xrootwindow)
04:56.34aseigodunas: it's doing things the Old Way (pre-composited wm's) and plasma simply does not provide for that
04:57.04*** join/#kde ivanich_ (n=ivanich@office.TeNeT.Odessa.UA)
04:57.51dunasaseigo, darn. Is there a KDE4.1.1-compatable replacement?
04:58.52aseigommm... plasma? =)
05:00.02texnofobixhi aseigo
05:00.53*** join/#kde Tahvok (
05:01.07texnofobixi'm finally tired of waiting for the portage people to put 4.1.1 in so i'm using an overlay
05:01.14texnofobixis waiting for it to compile
05:01.34texnofobixi also hope the few bugs i noticed in kgpg are fixed there too
05:01.58aseigogives texnofobix svn ;-)
05:02.15texnofobixheh ... i could compile svn
05:02.15aseigofollow the branch and you can get updates as they happen!
05:02.33texnofobixi like some stablity on this box though
05:02.58texnofobixcome november I am planning on migrating my wife over to kde
05:03.08texnofobixattempt #2 that is
05:04.25*** join/#kde SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
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05:05.06texnofobixheh any chance of a Rexx scripting interface in kde4? ;)
05:07.05*** join/#kde Ci-Dev_ (
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05:19.49Timberwolf5578I heard the fastest KDE distro (that is not hard to install) is Sidux.  Is this true?
05:21.45*** join/#kde Aceler (
05:24.38aseigohas never tried sidux
05:24.49texnofobixi've never heard of it
05:25.03aseigotexnofobix: the 4.1 branch is what the 4.1.x releases are drawn from
05:25.13*** join/#kde drau (
05:25.14Jucatosmiles wryly as a few people take the bait :)
05:25.19aseigotexnofobix: so basically you get to enjoy bugfixes before official releases ;)
05:25.24texnofobixoh nice
05:25.38*** join/#kde sabayonlive-7819 (
05:25.49texnofobixaseigo: I"m installing this >
05:25.56texnofobixfor amd64 :)
05:26.42*** join/#kde drau (
05:26.58texnofobix5 of 73 packages to compile and install
05:27.49*** join/#kde drau (
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05:41.49bbelt16ag slams IPOD on the grounda dn stomps on it
05:41.54bbelt16agTAKE THAT  APPLE
05:42.04bbelt16agI am   infuriated.
05:42.24bbelt16agI can  not for the  life of me  get a  dang  video  any video to encode properly so I can  play it on my ipod
05:42.34bbelt16agI even used  newbie  windows software WTH
05:42.59*** join/#kde Arno[Slack] (
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05:50.48sabocatAnyone know why KTorrent would not want to build against the correct version of KDE?
05:53.29Timberwolf5578What distros are you all using?
05:56.28*** join/#kde Kame2 (
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06:40.52Sput"Because without walls, you can’t have windows. Thank you for writing our slogans for us.  WTF are these people thinking?"
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06:48.28Dumblehello world !
06:52.21*** join/#kde desti (
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07:32.07d1zzyany idea of a channel dedicated for kdepim? I want to ask some things about kmail and eventually enter some feature request if needed on the tracker
07:32.45*** join/#kde mikearthur (
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07:38.25Jucatod1zzy: #kontact
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07:42.19d1zzyJucato: thanks :)
07:42.24*** part/#kde d1zzy (n=dizzy@unaffiliated/developer)
07:42.41ingwaDoes anybody know about a good tutorial for writing kwin rules?
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07:59.28pinotreeingwa: either on techbase, or #kwin
08:00.29*** part/#kde Wraithan (
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08:02.13ingwapinotree: we have already looked at techbase, but #kwin is a good tip.  Thanks
08:02.22*** part/#kde ingwa (
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08:16.19Chrysalishey, what is the difference between kde trunk and branches
08:16.34Chrysalisbasically i am trying to figure out what does applying branch patches do
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08:19.37Chrysalisfrom what i gather trunk is basically the latest stable version and branches is where people develop/add updates to?
08:20.13GraveDiggerits exactly the other way around
08:20.34Chrysalishmm, so why would you wanna add branch updates if it was the other way around
08:20.59Chrysalisi am confused
08:21.03GraveDiggerbecause ther is also a need to add updates to stable releases
08:21.07GraveDiggerlike bugfixes
08:21.09GraveDiggerand such
08:21.37Chrysalisoh i get it, so it updates branch from trunk?
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08:36.19CyBaHgm all
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09:10.35virhilothere are any way to send notify to kde from console?
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09:15.00gkiagiavirhilo: what do you mean?
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09:15.28virhilogkiagia: nofiy like that from ktorrent
09:15.54virhiloi want to send message from console to that 'notify';]
09:16.04*** join/#kde Asim (n=Asim@
09:16.05gkiagiaI see..
09:16.15*** join/#kde LimCore_ (n=rafal@unaffiliated/limcore)
09:16.24virhiloi googled but found nothink
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09:19.26gkiagiavirhilo: it's possible through dbus but I don't know how to make it work with qdbus
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09:42.26virhilogkiagia: qdbus org.kde.knotify /Notify and
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09:42.35virhilosth else
09:42.43virhilobut i don't know what
09:42.47gkiagiavirhilo: it's the event method
09:42.58knusperfroschgoz a blue box on my screen saying "Filter:" where's that one from and how do i get rid of it?
09:42.59gkiagiavirhilo: but I don't know how to pass the arguments it needs
09:43.16gkiagiait needs a QVariantList and I have no idea how to specify this on the command line
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09:44.37gkiagiaknusperfrosch: blue box? on kde? maybe try xkill?
09:46.57virhilogkiagia: i found the pythonj sollution-i'll test if it's work
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09:51.28annmaknusperfrosch: did you ask your distro cahnnel about it?
09:52.01knusperfroschannma: gentoo, built from svn
09:52.19annmasvn what
09:52.27annmaall KDE is svn knusperfrosch
09:52.43virhilogkiagia: >>> import sys
09:52.43virhilo>>> import dbus
09:52.44virhilo>>> kn=dbus.SessionBus().get_object('org.kde.knotify', '/Notify')>>> kn.event('warning', 'kde', [], 'hello-dbus here:P', [0, 0, 0, 0], [''], 0, dbus_interface='org.kde.KNotify')
09:52.47annmatry a new user and if this is still there please ask in Gentoo relevant channel
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09:52.52annmaknusperfrosch: ^^
09:53.07knusperfroschannma: got a fresh user
09:53.33annmadoes your kde work?
09:53.52Jucatolooks like an artifact from the Present Windows desktop effect
09:53.53annmaI have kde trunk and never got that filter
09:53.58knusperfroschwhy wouldn't it?  just some annoying blue box saying "filter" ;)
09:54.21Jucatoannma: Present Windows kwin effect, type to filter out windows matching what you typed
09:54.25Sho_Does anyone know if KMail supports a Combined Inbox mode?
09:54.26annmaknusperfrosch: do you have desktop effects enabled?
09:54.38annmaJucato: shouldn't be as default?
09:54.45knusperfroschannma: yes i do
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09:54.56annmaso you're not running defaults are you?
09:55.11gkiagiavirhilo: does that work? I don't know python...
09:55.14annmamy kde svn trunk has no effects as default
09:55.23Jucatoannma: seli just blogged that it is enabled now by default in trunk
09:55.34knusperfroschJucato: desktop effects was the bad guy..
09:55.56virhilogkiagia: yes-work
09:55.59annmaOK Jucato
09:56.04annmavery very recent
09:56.10virhilogkiagia: type it in python insternactive console
09:56.15virhilo>>> means newline
09:56.16annmawere the effects default for you knusperfrosch
09:57.02knusperfroschannma: must be, otherwise i wouldn't have seen that box with my new user
09:57.28annmaif you are running trunk you are running UNSTABLE knusperfrosch
09:57.36annmaso be ready to get broken stuff
09:58.02annmaalso read planetKDE
09:58.04knusperfroschannma: did i complain about anything? just wanted to know where that box comes from
09:58.15annmaI am just telling you
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09:58.26Jucatoknusperfrosch: <Jucato> annma: Present Windows kwin effect, type to filter out windows matching what you typed
09:59.55annmadid you see the video cards page Jucato
10:00.00annmawill come handy
10:00.14Jucatoyeah. I will have to put mine in there too :)
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10:30.05annmaweird effects are not enabled for me
10:30.33zak_annma: toujours la mandriva?:)
10:30.43annmaKDE trunk
10:30.50annmanothing to do with distro
10:31.08annmamouse cursors are not refreshed properly
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10:31.37lemmaannma: I think I witnessed that too eg. in konqueror
10:32.05annmalemma: exactly
10:32.35annmamy card is not good enough probably to get effects as default
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10:33.22lemmaannma: or seli doesn't know enough about it as he blogged ^^
10:33.49annmait's an Intel 965
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10:42.22piccaanyone here know if there is a KDE 3.5.10 planned?
10:42.33swemarkHi, im having some issues with my background being displaced when running dual-monitor setup, it appear indented on my second monitor whereas its fine on the first one.
10:42.41swemarkKDE4.1.1 kubuntu
10:42.53*** join/#kde Gentle_ (
10:43.20thiagopicca: 3.5.10 was already released
10:44.12annmapicca: has all the latest releases
10:45.05annmaswemark: likely a bug, look at please
10:45.33pirhoDoes anyone know where the color setting for panel is located on kde4?
10:45.56swemarkannma, im thinking it has to do with plasma
10:45.59lemmapirho: it doesn't have color but only theme settings
10:46.02swemarknot sure. still tinkering
10:46.32lemmapirho: rightclick on the desktop and choose "Desktop Settings..."
10:46.36annmaswemark: of course as the background is one of plasma jobs
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10:47.08swemarkfigures, still noob :)
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10:48.07pirholemma: I tried different themes and all of them seems to have dark gray background and black foreground.
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10:48.51annmapirho: Glassified is transparent if you have desktop effects enabled
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11:00.02pirhoannma: my desktop effect is disabled by default.
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11:00.54annmapirho: yes but if you enable them you get a transparent panel with Glassified
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11:04.00pirhoannma: tried enabling and all I get is black screen?
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11:05.00lemmais a fan of White glass
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11:05.33garuhi everyone
11:06.59lemmapirho: you could also try oxygen connections
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11:08.59pirholemma: what is "oxygen connections"?
11:09.13lemmapirho: it's another rather bright (whitish) theme
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11:12.20garucan someone tell me how do I install extra themes in kde 3.5?
11:13.09Jucatogaru: depends on what kind of theme it is
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11:15.52garuJucato extra themes like "kde-icons-aquafusion".in pclinuxos 2007 all I had to do was search that in the synaptic.but with openSuse in the package manager, it just can't find any extra theme.
11:16.52pirholemma: tried oxygen theme and it made no difference.
11:16.59Jucatogaru: because different distros have different sets of packages. what might be in one distro may not be in another. KDE itself doesn't make these packages
11:18.04garuJucato humn...oki doki.just trying to find extra themes...cant find
11:18.13pirholemma: only oxygen theme I found was in "theme manager", is this the correct one?
11:18.31Jucatogaru: and #opensuse-kde if you have questions aboute their packages
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11:26.17lemmapirho: I get it like this: right-click on the desktop, choose "Desktop settings..". Click "New Theme" and wait for the list to load. then look it up in the list and press insttall
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11:34.10Micettonerois there a kde4 irc client?
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11:35.50pirholemma: when i right click on desktop, only thing i see is "Configure Desktop...".  When I choose this, there is no "New Theme" option.
11:36.05bonsaikittenMicettonero: not really, konversation seems to be a bit difficult, but quassel is a qt4 irc client
11:36.16bonsaikittenintegrates well, but not really kde-centric
11:36.32lemmapirho: where do you set your wallpaper? it should be the same dialog
11:39.41imagelifeis away: Gone away for now.
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11:41.09pirholemma: its "Configure Desktop..", but there is no "New Theme" option.  It only has "Desktop Theme" which has only 2 choices.
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11:43.05lemmapirho: which version of KDE are you running?
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11:46.06pirholemma: It's "kde 4.0.4", one that came with suse11.
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11:48.52lemmapirho: in that case it seems that the new theme stuff either wasn't part of 4.0.4 yet or was stripped out
11:49.06lemmapirho: please try asking in an opensuse channel
11:49.55pirholemma: ok, thanks for u r help.
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12:16.45xjuniorhi! In kde 4.1.0 Kopete+Jabber was working fine, now in 4.1.1 I can't even add a jabber account. Can somebody help me?
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12:17.38pinotreexjunior: hi! it would be nice if you could avoid cross-posting question, thanks!
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12:18.04xjuniorpinotree: cross-posting question ?
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12:18.10annmaand ask in #kopete
12:18.41annma4.1.1 is a bug fix version of 4.1.0 so if it's broken this is a regression
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12:20.04Half-Leftwow, this bespin theme really shows what Qt4 can do
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12:23.29xjuniorannma: I'm asking in #kopete
12:23.31pinotreemarko_d: please FIX your connection
12:23.47xjuniorpinotree: I keep not understand what you mean by "cross-posting question"...
12:24.01annmain several channels
12:24.15pinotreexjunior: you asked the same question at the same time in different channels
12:24.29xjuniorpinotree: yeah.....
12:24.37xjuniorto different people, yeah
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12:33.05megahealthhi, i have a problem here :
12:33.33annmanew install? distro? kde version?
12:33.39annmadoing what?
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12:36.43Half-LeftYer I get that message with strigi
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12:39.10lemmapirho: I forgot to mention: I advise you upgrade to the latest version available - preferably 4.1.1 :)
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12:46.55z0d14kIn Kate, there used to be a way to run multiple instances at the same time.  I am running Kate 2.5.9 on KDE 3.5.9 (Ubuntu Hardy) and I can't find the setting anywhere......
12:47.09z0d14kAny ideas where I should look to find that?
12:47.24annmathere are sessions now
12:47.34annmaSession -> New
12:47.49annmaI run pre-KDE 4.2 though
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12:48.08z0d14kI tried that.  It replaces my current session with a new one.
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12:48.24annmatry calling a new Kate then?
12:48.41Jucatoz0d14k: edit the Kate menu entry in K Menu and remove the --use (or -U) flag in the command field
12:48.44z0d14kIt brings the current session to the foreground.
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12:49.17Jucatoannma: Kubuntu makes kate use --use by default
12:49.26oobehey i need to know what is the command to start the run dialouge i.e alt f2 in kde 3 i know its krunner in kde4 but i need to know what it is for kde3 so i can add it to my compiz bindings
12:49.44z0d14kthat did it.  Awesome.  thanks Jucato and annma.
12:50.01marcusUOh welll.
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13:15.00niklaswehow will i create an shortcut on the Desktop right click (create Luncher) doesn't exist
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13:17.45oobehey i need to know what is the command to start the run dialouge i.e alt f2 in kde 3 i know its krunner in kde4 but i need to know what it is for kde3 so i can add it to my compiz bindings
13:17.55annmadrag your app from K menu to desktop niklaswe
13:18.20niklasweannma: oh okey.. but i cant find Terminal :p
13:18.31annmaTerminal is not an app
13:18.34annmaKonsole maybe
13:18.59niklasweannma: no i know =)
13:19.08pinotreeoobe: there's no own application -- that dialog is part of kdesktop, the kde application for handling the desktop
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13:24.53annmaJucato: KMail from 3.5, can I set the mail location not in config?
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13:28.55hyper_chanyone is using catch-all email?
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13:29.15ninixmy kwin doesn't start at startup, any hint ?
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13:29.32annmaninix: new problem?
13:29.33hyper_chor rather who can I set kmail to set as sender the same email address that was used to send the mail to?
13:29.53annmahyper_ch: #kontact
13:30.03hyper_channma: thx :)
13:30.23ninixannma: yes
13:30.39annmawhat did you do then?
13:30.40*** join/#kde bgeddy (
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13:30.56ninixjust upgrading my kubuntu system
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13:31.16annmaask in #kubuntu then
13:31.25annmaalso try a new user
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13:34.03oobepinotree, thanks
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13:36.07Aw0Ldoes kitchensync 4.1 work for anyone else?
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13:47.32dcrabsHi, can somebody tell me how to enable auto spellcheck in kate or kwrite? (KDE4.1)
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13:52.30indietrashhi. I'm on Gentoo and have made an ebuild for the hackedbox wm. but I cannot seem to find this in the kdm. the ebuild makes the hackedbox file in /etc/X11/Sessions properly, but it still doesn't show. any tips on what can be wrong? I'm on KDE 3.5.9
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14:01.17Half-Leftindietrash: /usr/share/xsessions
14:01.25Half-Lefttry that
14:01.37indietrashlooks right
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14:03.13indietrashI'm going to test it now.  brb.
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14:06.51indietrashhi. it didn't help.
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14:09.37indietrashoh well. gotta go. I'll probably be back later.
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14:41.34xcNobody say a word
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14:46.00funkyouhi! does someone have an intel X4500 and got composite working?
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14:47.09zhickis git:// down?
14:48.08pinotreezhick: ask in its gentoo channel
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14:49.31zhickpinotree: i did but nobody's answering
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14:50.24zhickpinotree: and since the channel-topic said "If we're too quiet try #kde"" i guess i'd try here ;)
14:50.44pinotreezhick: this is totally out of our responsabilities
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14:51.54zhickpinotree: too bad :>
14:53.19networkedcompiling kdelibs-4.1.1 on 64 bit.. at 98% where it is making up xml documents and it fails because it can't find dtd/kdex.dtd... any easy fix?
14:53.51networkedit actually causes meinproc to segault
14:54.16annmapastebin exact error while doing make VERBOSE=1
14:54.23annmalook topic for pastebin
14:54.37*** join/#kde FreshPrince (
14:55.11FreshPrincei've installed kdebase.. but the entry with "startkde" in ~/.xinitrc does not work i can't find the correct phat
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14:55.34annmaopen a terminal
14:55.46annmakde4-config --prefix
14:55.50annmapaste output
14:55.55annmais this kde4?
14:56.05FreshPrinceannma: i'm on X (tty)
14:56.08FreshPrincekde4 yes
14:56.39annmaso tupe what I said
14:56.45FreshPrincei can't start my lovely kde :P
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14:57.08FreshPrincehe says /usr
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14:57.29annmaOK so your startkde is in /usr/bin
14:57.36FreshPrinceoh ok
14:57.40FreshPrincei'll try
14:57.56FreshPrinceno its not :(
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14:58.17FreshPrinceeven "locate startkde" gives me no output
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14:59.51annmawhat distro?
15:00.33*** join/#kde arezey (n=arezey@unaffiliated/aleksanteri)
15:00.35annmaask in their channel
15:00.40annmayour install is broken
15:00.48oobevery good
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15:01.04SimAtWorkhey annma
15:01.05Jejemarchlinux sucks.
15:01.18SimAtWorki'm using gentoo an di'm upgrading to 3.5.10 on x86_64
15:01.44SimAtWorkand I keep getting packages that fail to compile/install with an error about emake $FUNCTION:functionname failed
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15:01.53SimAtWorkor something like that.. trying to get another error message.
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15:02.57oc2k1Is there anyIRC client for KDE4.x ?
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15:08.07SimAtWorkthat's the exact error, i this case for konq-plugins
15:08.14SimAtWorkanyone know what that means?  or is that a gentoo question?
15:08.19oc2k1which version?
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15:08.52oc2k1paste the error
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15:11.11shevyif i run kde, will i get more girls?
15:12.12oc2k1paste more ..... or search in the history for the  error
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15:12.55SimAtWorki tried to open the build.log it was talking about
15:12.57SimAtWorkbut it was empty
15:13.40oc2k1paste more of the output
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15:14.02SimAtWorkok. it'll be a few mins i did a resume --skipfirst so i lost the scroll back buffer
15:14.19micettonerokwallet asks me at the startup the password for kopete. How can i type it automatically?
15:14.22*** part/#kde zhick (
15:14.45SimAtWorkmicettonero: it's asking for the password for the wallet.  i think if you set a blank password it'll stop asking.
15:14.45thiagokwallet asks you the password for the wallet
15:14.48thiagoyou have to type it
15:14.49SimAtWorkmicettonero: but that's not a good idea.
15:15.03mfwittenIs there no such thing as KGlobal anymore?
15:15.49micettoneroha ok
15:15.50mfwittenshevy: You'll get approximately 8 times as many girls, which means 0 ;-P
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15:17.30CuBe0wLhi all! I'm using debian unstable, and I use kde 3.5.9 After last week's update, a lot of my KDE apps start up very slowly
15:17.39CuBe0wLhas anybody enconutered this problem yet?
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15:18.06oc2k1@SimAtWork: the error is somewhere above that message
15:19.01CuBe0wLapplications I've found starting up really slow: konqueror, krusader, gwenview
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15:20.16networked .. error compiling kdelibs-4.1.1 on 64 bit system
15:20.29oobeCuBe0wL, look in /var/log/syslog for thinsg
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15:21.55oc2k1@networked: try again.
15:22.17networkedoc2k1 whatta mean?
15:22.26oc2k1the compiler crashed
15:22.35networkedyeah it fails over and over
15:22.49networkedi did a strace on it
15:23.05networkedlooks like it's related to xmllint and dtd/kdex.dtd
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15:32.50CuBe0wLoobe, my room mate said, I should start an iostate 1 and vmstat 1 while starting an application (he knows a lot more about linux administration then me). reading the output, he said there's no CPU usage happening when starting an app
15:33.07CuBe0wLoobe, what should I look for in syslog?
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15:34.58bschindlerHi - I just added the crystal monitor applet but I cannot move it around the screen (even when unlocked) - am I missing something?
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15:35.09SimAtWorkoc2k1: this time it was koffice
15:35.57oobeCuBe0wL, just errors
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15:36.40oobeyou can also try starting apps from the konsole and see if you get any messages while they start
15:37.06oc2k1line12 : maybe you have to update another package first
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15:38.35networkedso no channels on compiler errors/fixes during build?
15:39.34oc2k1that isn't always so simple....
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15:47.02networkedwould an strace of the actual command failing help?
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15:47.54annmanetworked: issue "make VERBOSE=1"
15:48.09annmaand repastebin with last compiling line
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15:48.37networkedannma i posted link up above, you might have been afk
15:49.47annmamake VERBOSE=1?
15:49.48*** join/#kde marko_d (n=marko_d@
15:50.21annmaand paste more
15:50.28annmaI can't see what dir you're in
15:50.50networkedhang on
15:51.01*** join/#kde adamt (
15:51.03annmathat's the first thing to do
15:51.38networkedannma I'm using redhat 4 system, which everything is a bit older on
15:51.48networkedi did recompiler newer dependencies if needed
15:51.48annmathat's not related
15:52.21annmayou are building KDE and have a build error: do "make VERBOSE=1" and pastebin the full last compiling line and error
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15:53.03networkedannma: I did "make VERBOSE=1" (without quotes)...
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16:15.42Mirrahow to create a standard patch for kde?
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16:19.06aseigoMirra: from an svn checkout?
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16:19.29luna1hi :-) i have a problem in kde 3.5.9: i have installed support for my language (italian) then i go to Control Center/Regional & Accessibility/Country Region & Language, then when i select italian nothing happens. U.S. English (the standard one) remains and i can't add my language
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16:23.06Mirraaseigo: no from file a and file b
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16:36.59aseigoMirra: ok.. so just use diff
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16:37.13aseigoMirra: we prefer the unified diff format... diff -u3 usually does the trick =)
16:37.45aseigoMirra: -wB is also nice (removes whitespace changes)
16:37.59Mirraaseigo: -u or -u3?
16:38.01aseigoer, -wbB
16:38.13aseigoMirra: either one.. iirc 3 is the default value, so -u is good enough
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16:48.32riiany command and conquer 3 players here?
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17:01.03Shirakawasunahmm, I'm having some problems w/ kwallet
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17:01.16Shirakawasunamy default one, named 'kdewallet', no longer appears in the list to select the default wallet
17:02.05Shirakawasunaand all the symptoms you'd expect from that are getting annoying: can't save passwords, it wants to open old backup wallets, etc... I tried deleting the other wallets, but no luck
17:02.17Shirakawasunait *still* has one of them as default, despite the fact that it's no longer there
17:02.42*** part/#kde Zanella (n=zan@
17:03.06Shirakawasunak, hacked the rc file, it worked... bad kwalletmanager, bad!
17:04.36damjanwhen I start some GL application, I get black rectangles when some of the Plasma widgets repaint .. the rectangles are repainted in 1 sec by the GL application itself ubt its still very very ugly
17:04.47damjanI have a intel 945gm
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17:09.48jthomasI want to set up a rule in my KMail that, any emails coming to a specific address with 10+ people in the To line, get an auto response saying, "Due to SPAM and security concerns, this address does not accept mass-emails, please send such emails using the 'bcc' field of your email program'.  Can anyone suggest a way to do this?  I am guessing 'regular expression' but for a non-coder like me, this is anything but regular.
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17:24.33damjanjthomas: Im not sure reg-ex can count ... otherwise, you just need to count the @
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17:28.48jthomasyeah i don't know how to do that counting; in #kontact they said there is no end user support but that it is unlikely that kmail can do this, and that I would need an outside app to adjust the header before kmail got it, damjan
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17:36.38_mankiGreetings all.  Is there a shortcut key for pasting primary X selection? (alternative for middle-clicking the mouse)
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17:42.43g-hennuxi have a problem with my kontact in kde 3.5.9 (but been there since 3.5.x): everytime i open a contact in the kaddressbook component from my local addressbook and then close it again (using ok or cancel, with or without changing anything), kontact freezes for a couple of seconds and has an unacceptably high load
17:42.53g-hennuxi assume this is related to kontact going nuts for half a minute when being closed; i can hardly do anything else during that time
17:42.58g-hennuxthe first problem only happens for local contacts, not for addressbooks on an imap server etc
17:43.05g-hennux -- and i don't think *this* is normal either
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17:47.16aleskandrois there a way to have a jazz rythm as in finale with rosegarden?
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17:47.50caransacHey, I have a problem, I belive with de "system tray". Some programs that are supposed to be minimized in the system tray like KnetworkManager, Kpowersave are not, and I have a very small window opened on the top lefthand corner instead
17:48.25caransacOn the other hand I have Kopete that is minimised in the system tray
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17:54.23g-hennuxupdate: i tried the action recommended here: and seems to work
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18:03.46gkiagiacaransac: known bug, just log out and log in again
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18:16.40wallshotam i overlooking any irc app in kde4?
18:16.52wallshotseems ksirc has been ditched, and irc protocol has been commented out of kopete
18:17.33wallshoti'm back on a ncurses irc client, though I'd rather be using a kde4 app
18:17.34*** join/#kde Fri13 (
18:18.33thiago_homeyou can use konversation
18:18.48thiago_homethe IRC protocol wasn't ported to KDE 4 because no one was interested in doing the work
18:18.53wallshoto sweet, haven't heard of that.  i'll check it out, thanks
18:19.12*** join/#kde kde4_ (
18:19.15thiago_homekonversation is a KDE 3 application
18:19.25thiago_homeand ksirc wasn't purged out of the web
18:19.27thiago_homeit's still there
18:19.47wallshothrmz ... ksirc was part of my kde package, probably kdenetwork previously ... i though t...
18:19.57thiago_homeinstall it again
18:20.10wallshotkdenetwork3 ...
18:20.20wallshoti have kdenetwork4 installed, but no ksirc got built with it
18:20.23*** join/#kde Ejdes|Lap (n=Ejdesgaa@
18:20.32thiago_homeksirc isn't part of KDE 4's kdenetwork
18:20.34thiago_homethat's correct
18:20.34wallshotat least, i think it was in the network package
18:20.46thiago_homebut it wasn't purged out of the Internet. The KDE 3 versions are still around.
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18:20.49thiago_homeuse them if you like it.
18:21.21wallshotyeah ... i guess i may have to ... i was hoping to migrate off of kde3 apps.
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18:21.43thiago_homewe haven't ported all apps
18:21.45thiago_homethat will take years
18:21.56Half-Leftquassel is a good IRC Qt4 app
18:22.02wallshotyah there's a lot of kde toys to rewrite i guess
18:22.04*** join/#kde Baughn (
18:22.06Half-LeftThey just released 0.3.1
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18:22.33wallshoti'll take a peek at that then too
18:22.35wallshotthanks guys
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18:26.20Vezirso even though my sound is turned up in kmix, i still don't get any sound when using KDE
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18:34.57piccaanyone know if kde 3.5.10 is planned or close to release ... i am thinking of compiling kde 3.5.9, but don't want to bother if 3.5.10 is released a week or two later
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18:35.21Jejem3.5.10 isn't already released?
18:35.38JejemKDE 3.5.10 released.
18:35.38JejemOn 26th August 2008, the KDE community released the tenth update for the stable version of KDE. This release features updates to Kicker, KDE3's panel, fixes for KPDF and as with every stable KDE release, translation updates.
18:35.39gaboopicca: Jejem : it is
18:35.45Jejemso, picca :)
18:35.54piccahow did i miss that
18:35.59Jejem26th august :p
18:36.04Jejemwe're on 18th september
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18:36.20piccai am getting on a bit
18:36.45piccamay be it is time to use a distro and have all this done for me
18:39.15Jejemlike gentoo =)
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18:40.32Vezirso why dio i get no sound in KDE 3.5.9? is it possibly becase i use pulseaudio?
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18:47.51bfrogis there a kde4 webkit based standalone browser?
18:48.14anom01yis there any way I can find out why my KDE user account crashes when I switch over to another user ?
18:48.23bfrogkonqueror is nice and all... but it seems awefully buggy and firefox is annoying with the lack of integration
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18:48.56anom01ywhen I go to switch back to the first user, it is at the login screen..
18:49.01anom01yI am using kde 3.5.9
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18:51.00anom01yis there a log file or something I can check ?
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18:53.49anom01yI was thinking it might have something to do with user permissions.. but I am not sure
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18:56.49gkiagiaanom01y: did you try changing vt with ctrl+alt+f7/f8 to see if the other user is there?
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18:57.21anom01ygkiagia: it seems to crash once in a while
18:57.31anom01yusually that is what I do to switch from one to the other
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18:57.56anom01ybut once a day, or once every few days, the one that is not open crashes
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18:58.08gkiagiaprobably xorg crashes so I'd say the log is /var/log/Xorg.0.log
18:58.21gkiagiaor /var/log/kdm.log
18:58.37rizvankdelibs compile fails.. make[2]: *** [kio/kio/dummyanalyzers/CMakeFiles/dummy.dir/dummyanalyzers.o] Error 1
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18:59.22gkiagiarizvan: that's not the error itself, so we can't really help you with only that information
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19:00.03anom01ygkiagia: I am checking those files but I don't know what to look for regarding this issue, should I pastebin it so you can see the log files ??
19:00.22rizvanhi gkiagia, please see
19:00.46gkiagiaanom01y: Xorg.0.log is regenerated every time xorg starts so it is only useful right after the crash
19:01.02gkiagia(probably Xorg.0.log.old...)
19:01.11gkiagiabut the kdm log might have something
19:01.43anom01yahh I see a fatal server error aborting error at the bottom
19:03.10gkiagiarizvan: strange error, I thought char == signed char. what gcc and architecture is that?
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19:03.37rizvanroot@superb:~# gcc --version
19:03.37rizvangcc (GCC) 4.2.3
19:03.37rizvanCopyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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19:03.58gkiagiahm and why is this? ERROR: Could not find KDE4 kde4-config
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19:04.45wallshotassumes kde4-config wasn't in path?
19:04.53gkiagiawhat distro is this rizvan ?
19:05.23rizvan_slackware 12.x Linux superb #2 SMP Wed Apr 30 13:41:38 CDT 2008 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E7200  @ 2.53GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
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19:06.00anom01y thats a log file
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19:07.20soa2iiHi there. Since a couple of days my konqueror often shows websites without stylesheets... any ideas why?
19:07.34soa2iiIf I reload the site, the stylesheet is often there.
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19:07.43gkiagiaanom01y: right, it shows that xorg crashes but the backtrace isn't really useful, so it could be anything that causes it to crash
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19:08.34anom01yhmm could it be a permissions problem ? maybe something to do with the hardward I have ?
19:08.46PollywogWhen I put my thumbdrive in the USB port on my machine, Autorun.inf is executed by Gnome, is there a way to get KDE to do this too?
19:09.13sophacles_workhi all, in 3.5.9, i have some keys set up to move windows around (pack). Is there a setting to honor the titlebar of a shaded wndow when packing?
19:09.48gkiagiarizvan: I found the problem, your strigi is too old
19:10.01rizvan_but it is installed from kdesupport 4.2svn
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19:10.14gkiagiarizvan: the latest version of that strigi include file says "signed char" as it should
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19:11.04gkiagiarizvan: maybe you also have strigi installed from your distro's packages?
19:11.14anom01ygkiagia: so you have no suggestions ?
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19:11.46gkiagiaanom01y: no, there is nothing useful in that log file
19:12.08anom01yis there any other log files ? that was the xorg log file, what about the kdm log file ?
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19:12.39gkiagiait's not a kdm problem as xorg crashes, so kdm.log is probably useless too
19:12.48gkiagiait may be a driver problem
19:13.02gkiagiado you have the latest nvidia driver?
19:13.21anom01ywell I just did a dist-upgrade last week
19:13.21rizvan_gkiagia, - my strigi
19:13.31anom01ypretty sure I have a recent one
19:13.58rizvan_ - my kdesupport
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19:16.42gkiagiarizvan_: my fault. strigi is ok... there is something else going on there. I see there is a macro for the return type of that function in kdelibs
19:17.11rizvan_gkiagia, kdelibs was compiling 4 or 5 days ago
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19:19.07Father_Fibulaugh sound STILL won't work
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19:19.55gkiagiarizvan_: yeah, I can see the reason for that... there is a patch dated 5 days ago that changed this macro I am talking about
19:20.06soa2iiCan someone please help me? Konqueror really often just omits the stylesheets
19:20.20rizvan_gkiagia, who should i report that?
19:20.21anom01ygkiagia: maybe I should switch to xfce ?
19:20.23kdepeposoa2ii, dns problem?
19:20.33anom01yor would that crash too ?
19:20.39anom01yor gnome ?
19:21.07rizvan_Father_Fibula, which platform and which kde version?
19:21.51Vezirkde 3.5.9
19:21.59Vezir(2 user accounts both connected lol)
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19:22.54wallshotteh_repregnator: any luck with the honeys outside the abortion clinic today?
19:23.05gkiagiaanom01y: the desktop environment is barely related to the crash. xfce would crash too
19:23.08wallshotthat was so inappropriate, it shouldn't have gone to wrong channel :/
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19:23.37anom01yyeah thats what I thought because its an X server error
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19:24.16rizvan_soa2ii, please create a new user, login with the new user and test stylesheets (could be a problem with konqueror settings)
19:24.18anom01yhere I was told to check ~/.xsession-error file regarding my problem
19:24.37soa2iirizvan_: Hm... OK
19:24.39gkiagiarizvan_: I don't know..  maybe an email to kde-devel at ?
19:25.56rizvan_thanks gkiagia. :)
19:26.38anom01yhmm one sec
19:26.38anom01ywrong pastebin
19:28.00Father_Fibulak so back on kde
19:28.00Father_Fibulano sound still
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19:28.01Father_Fibulausing pulseaudio on gnome
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19:31.32gkiagiaanom01y: nothing useful from the first sight :(
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19:41.23elwoodhi guys
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19:41.52hyper_chhi girl
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19:42.48anom01ygkiagia: I wonder what the log file from the other account says.. because it crashes more than this one
19:43.04anom01ybut today this one crashed
19:45.34anom01yhere I will pastebin the other logfile one sec
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19:50.11moldyi have read that kivio can import dia stencil sets -- how?
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19:53.14JampiterWhere abouts can I download the default KDE startup sounds?
19:55.47thiago_homewith KDE
19:56.35anom01yJampiter: check
19:56.48JampiterThanks :)
19:56.49Half-LeftJampiter, kdebase-runtime>knotify>sounds
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19:57.11JampiterAh, excellent :) Thanks!
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20:00.50JampiterWhere abouts is KDE normally installed? (I'm using Kubuntu Hardy)
20:00.57thiago_homein /usr
20:01.42JampiterThanks :)
20:01.59thiago_homeor /opt/kde4
20:02.05thiago_homedepends on your distro
20:02.13thiago_homeby default KDE installs itself in /usr/local, though.
20:02.19gkiagiakubuntu installs it in /usr/lib
20:02.33Half-LeftThats why I said that :)
20:02.40thiago_homeand I answered generically
20:03.23Half-LeftI use the sdame prefix as my distro would
20:03.45gkiagiathiago_home: the correct answer is `kde4-config --prefix` ;)
20:03.56Half-Leftwhich in Linux mint/Kubuntu(same packages) /usr/lib/kde4
20:04.13JampiterThanks for your help :D
20:05.05Half-Leftgkiagia: Dont get to techical show off :p
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20:06.35Half-LeftOnly the mighty can do that
20:06.52gkiagiathat was an easy one
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20:08.33Half-Leftworks his way up to the mighty like pino
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20:09.14SimAtWorkdrags Half-Left back down into the mud.
20:09.52Half-Leftsends his army at SimAtWork
20:10.38SimAtWorkevery time I attack someone it turns out they have their very own army, i am so unlucky :(
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20:13.55Half-Lefthas 300 spartan kde warriors
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20:15.25MinceRThis... is... KDEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
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20:19.55cgahi all
20:20.57cgaanyone using kmail here??? it's my first time with it and i'd like to know how to import and download all the emails and folders from a webmail and delete them from the webmail to have them stored locally. thanks
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20:21.35cgai set up the account and now i have the emails in kmail but i don't know if they are permanently stored or what.
20:21.46gkiagiausing what protocol? this is possible with pop3
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20:22.43tuxickif it's a crappy webmail
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20:23.13elwoodksensors doesnt work, any alternative for kde4?
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20:24.00gkiagiagkrellm always works :P
20:24.16cgagkiagia: pop3
20:24.39cgait's a squirrelmail of the company where i work
20:24.41gkiagiacga: if it is pop3, then the mails are already stored locally in your drive
20:24.42cgainternal mail
20:24.50cgagkiagia: cool thanks =)
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20:31.05Half-Leftcga: You can keep them stored on the server and only delete them locally
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20:57.04cebevirusi need help fixing aproblem
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20:57.54cebevirusmy stupid comp wont let add folder
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21:14.16kdepeponixternal, any progress on kubuntu package?
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21:18.39Edenrozhello all
21:18.47Edenrozwhere can i found new plasmas?
21:19.20thiago_homein SVN
21:19.30Edenrozi need to reinstall all?
21:19.51thiago_homejust upgrade kdelibs, kdepimlibs and kdebase
21:20.21Edenrozsudo apt-get install  kdelibs kdepimlibs kdebase ?
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21:20.36thiago_homeI meant compiling from source
21:20.46pinotreeEdenroz: #kubuntu-kde4
21:20.47thiago_homeif you want to install using your distribution's tools, you should ask in your distribution's channels
21:21.10Edenrozam under ubuntu 8.1,for new plasmas i have to compile all kde4?
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21:21.31Edenrozor just the kdelibs, kdepimlibs and kdebase?
21:21.35thiago_homejust those three
21:21.39thiago_homethat gets you a new plasma
21:21.44Edenrozthanks a lot
21:21.56pinotreeor just ask in the distro channel, if they do provide you upgrades
21:22.01Edenrozican i found this package on
21:22.24Edenrozthanks a lot :D
21:22.27thiago_homebut you should ask in your distro channel if they have it precompiled already
21:22.31thiago_homewill save you a lot of time
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21:23.29Edenrozam using apt :D i have to reload session?
21:23.40thiago_homeI am not using apt
21:23.45Edenrozkdepimlibs isnt on repository
21:23.55thiago_homeyes it is
21:24.00thiago_homeit is on the KDE Subversion repository
21:24.25Edenroztime to google! thanks
21:24.36pinotreeEdenroz: what about asking in #kubuntu-kde4 ?
21:25.05Edenrozpinotree, good idea,dont know the channel yet
21:25.07pinotreeEdenroz: that is the right channel for distro packages (already compiled ones)
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21:27.38Edenrozsomeone can give me please KDE Subversion repository address? ?
21:28.15lemmaEdenroz: svn://
21:28.47*** join/#kde Gentle (
21:28.50Edenrozi mean the address to add in /etc/apt/sources.list
21:29.02pinotreeEdenroz: we don't provide distro packages
21:29.19Edenrozah ok,i have to compile from source
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21:29.34pinotreeEdenroz: or, (again) ask in the distro channel?
21:29.34lemmaEdenroz: yes!
21:29.38visi_Edenroz: look for your distro package
21:29.41pinotreewhy don't you listen to me?
21:30.07Edenrozbecause i my distro channel no one answer :(
21:30.17pinotreebe patient
21:30.33visi_what distro ?
21:30.46Edenrozam under ubuntu 8.1
21:30.57visi_8.10 ?
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21:31.19visi_Edenroz: there is a project that provide fresh kubuntu packages
21:31.21visi_for kde4
21:31.25Edenrozvisi_, 8.4,bad tiped
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21:31.27visi_neon project
21:31.35Edenrozthank visi_
21:31.56*** join/#kde mbostwick89 (
21:32.14mbostwick89hey any one know why kde dosnt work with emerge right now?
21:32.29visi_mbostwick89: AFAIK there is a overlay repo
21:32.36mbostwick89its masked because the file size is wrong....
21:32.44pinotreembostwick89: #gentoo-kde please
21:32.50mbostwick89ok thanks
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21:39.15*** join/#kde Edenroz (
21:39.28Edenrozhello all! how can i add a new bar?
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21:40.05Half-LeftNew bar?
21:40.05*** part/#kde milosz_o (
21:40.19lemmaEdenroz: make sure your widgets are unlocked, then right-click on either the existing panel or the desktop and choose "add new panel"
21:40.56Edenrozi dont have this option :( am under ubuntu 8.4+kde4.0
21:41.16Half-LeftYou need to upgrade to 4.1
21:41.27Edenrozno distro package right?
21:42.00Half-LeftThere is but this is not the channel to ask
21:42.06Edenrozok,time to google it!
21:43.20Edenrozwhere can i find some information about upgrade to 4.1?
21:43.53lemmaEdenroz: well, that's unfortunately really entirely up to your distribution
21:43.58*** join/#kde BASEman (
21:44.12gkiagiaEdenroz: #kubuntu-kde4
21:44.17lemmaEdenroz: it's like this. KDE developers create the software, the distributors take the source code and make packages to distribute to end users
21:44.43lemmaEdenroz: KDE doesn't provide packages to end-users, so the upgrade procedure is entirely up to kubuntu
21:47.23Edenrozi understand,sorry for the stupid question
21:47.32Edenrozi find a repository with kde4.1 :D
21:48.02Half-LeftWell they have contribute directory
21:48.38lemmaEdenroz: no problem. there's no stupid questions.
21:48.55lemmagah well, sometimes there are
21:49.25elwoodEdenroz: i have that option in my kde4 under ubuntu.
21:49.34lilltigernaa there is no stupid questions.. only stupid people.. :P
21:50.29Edenrozelwood, hi elwooood
21:53.10*** join/#kde floe (
21:56.05*** join/#kde Edenroz (
21:56.24Edenrozlast problem : i dont have the icon the the k menu for folder
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21:58.01lemmaEdenroz: which folder? sorry, I don't get it. can you maybe take a screenshot and paste it to imageshack?
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21:58.20Edenrozall folder,just a second for scrren
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22:01.41Edenrozlemma, the link up
22:02.29lemmaEdenroz: strange indeed. check for the oxygen icons package and if that's installed correctly
22:03.24Edenrozkde-icons-oxygen wasnt installed,installing now
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22:04.28elwoodEdenroz: i did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
22:04.49Edenrozelwood, i installed only core :P
22:05.13elwoodEdenroz: hardy or ibex?
22:05.40Edenrozelwood, hardy
22:05.57Edenrozlemma, still dont work,try to reload session
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22:08.14Edenrozomg new border on windows
22:08.33elwoodEdenroz: kwin?
22:08.52*** part/#kde DeliQ (
22:09.11lemmaelwood: yes, judging from the screenshot that's kwin
22:09.45elwoodhe's building piece from piece, it will be a long night for him
22:12.04hdevalenceIn systemsettings>advanced>audiocd, there is a config option for mp3 and ogg, but not falc. does this not exist or is there some addon i can install?
22:12.22*** join/#kde Edenroz (
22:12.37Edenrozam back again with kwin work! but my icon on kmenu dont appera
22:13.46elwoodapt-get install kubuntu-artwork
22:14.20Edenroznot in my rep :(
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22:15.46pinotree(again, #kubuntu-kde4)
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22:16.40Edenrozwow,when i open a folder it is open in rythmbox :D
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22:18.40lemma(sorry, couldn't help it)
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22:24.00dexeni'm having problems with binary packages of 4.1.1, namely, plasma's unable to load various plugins
22:24.00dexenclaims version mismatch
22:24.00dexennot sure whether it's distro specific problem (on distro's channel they know nothing of such issue) or KDE specific one
22:24.47dexeni have no panel on the bottom of screen, no wallpaper and the krunner won't start anything (can't load plugins)
22:25.37pinotreedexen: it looks like a distro packaging problem
22:25.58*** join/#kde bloodboy (
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22:28.53dexenkrunner(21077)/libplasma Plasma::RunnerManagerPrivate::loadRunners: failed to load runner: "Command Line" . error reported:"" krunner(21077)/libplasma Plasma::isPluginVersionCompatible: plugin is compiled against incompatible Plasma version   4294967295
22:28.57dexenerrors like this one >_>;;
22:29.44pinotreedid you compile anything on your own?
22:31.14pinotreethen it is a problem of your distro packages
22:31.19dexenthose are binary packages of kde 4.1.1, first compilation (-1) in slackware's `testing/'
22:31.26pinotree(thus you should ask in the distro channel)
22:31.31dexenthanks for assistance :)
22:31.50dexeni did it first :) but they wern't very informed on the matter
22:32.02dexenseems they're more into vim and emacs, if you know what i mean ;)
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22:32.43dexenanyway, thanks and goodnight
22:33.21*** join/#kde Tahvok (
22:35.21GNU\colossus[kde 3.5.10] - how do I enable "Hibernate" and "Shutdown" in KDE's logoff menu?
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22:40.02*** join/#kde K`zan (
22:40.14K`zanAnyone have an idea on fixing / getting rid of this daily irritation: Window with title "Error" is not responding. This window belongs to application system-config-printer-applet-kde (PID=7684, hostname=localhost).
22:40.43K`zanHappens every day when I startup about 10 minutes after everything is up and running :-(.
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22:41.14K`zanAFAIK, I have not started the system-config-printer-applet?!?
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22:45.53gkiagiaK`zan: must be some application of your distro.. I've never heard of it
22:47.38K`zangkiagia: KUbombu :) and yes, probably.  #kubuntu has no idea and google continues to be less useful daily unless you want to buy something :-(.
22:48.16g2g591K`zan: well, you could try killing it . kill -9 7684
22:48.55gkiagiaK`zan: are you using trunk?
22:49.04K`zang2g591: It commits suicide about 10 minutes after every startup all by itself.
22:49.20K`zanNever could find the damn autostart folder for kde :-(.
22:49.32gkiagiain 4.1 it's in systemsettings
22:49.33g2g591now that is strange
22:49.51K`zangkiagia: Not that I know of, just kubuntu 8.?04? updated as it comes.
22:49.59K`zang2g591: Yes, sigh, it is.
22:50.12*** join/#kde vlatko (n=vlatko@
22:50.23K`zangkiagia: Tried 4.1 and it seems *terminally* less functional than 3.x :-(.
22:51.23K`zanI presume it isn't fully implemented yet.  Been with KDE forever so eventually I'll get there :).
22:51.52*** join/#kde Half-Left (
22:52.18g2g591K`zan: well, check ~/.kde/Autostart . or check /usr/share/autostart
22:52.47elwoodsome of mines are in /etc/xdg/autostart
22:52.53K`zang2g591: Thank you VERY much Sir!
22:52.55elwoodas knetworkmanager
22:54.22K`zang2g591: Nothing in ~/.kde/Autostart and nothing that looks like it in /usr/share/autostart, but checking more closely.
22:54.39*** join/#kde vlatko (n=vlatko@
22:55.34g2g591ah well, nothing like failbuntu for kde packaging
22:56.18K`zang2g591: Sigh, I know, not really enthralled with ubombu but the advertising hype lead me to try it - got a number of problems - even updater blows up :-(.
22:56.44g2g591K`zan: you might want to try Opensuse
22:56.56K`zanNot sure where to go with a distro.  Debian would be nice except it is missing much I use and iceweasel :).
22:57.10K`zanTries 10.1 and it was worse than this - almost wouldn't install.
22:57.30gkiagiaiceweasel? what's wrong with that?
22:57.43g2g59111.0 is far better than 10.x , i know. I tried 10.3 and it sucked horribly , but 11.0 is vastly improved
22:58.10K`zanProbably the best operationally was gentoo, but updates kept breaking all sorts of stuff.  Left it alone after weeks of fixing crap :-( and it ran as a server for over 9 months before I replaced it.
22:58.56g2g591Arch is good too if you're experianced enough to use gentoo
22:59.12*** part/#kde vlatko (n=vlatko@
22:59.12K`zanBiggest BITCH with iceweasel is it asking if you want to restore session every startup - of course I do, that is why I left it running on shutdown :-).  No options that I have been able to find to make that a default on that box.
22:59.22*** join/#kde DarkSmoke (
22:59.38K`zang2g591: Will haveto look at that now that I have a spare box :)!  Thanks!
22:59.39gkiagiaisn't that the same with firefox?
22:59.46gkiagiaI thought they were the same
22:59.56K`zangkiagia: Not under ubuntu anyway- just starts back up.
23:00.05g2g591K`zan: actualyl, iceweasel IS an unbranded version of firefox
23:00.07gkiagiaI see... ubuntu patches
23:00.18K`zanDoes not restore but that is the way I want it.
23:00.56K`zang2g591: That is what is perplexing about it :-(.  Should be the same but it gotta nag you every day :-(.
23:00.58g2g591K`zan: arch calls its firefox (3) gran paradiso (but theres a script to make it normal firefox on their forums)
23:01.09K`zangkiagia: Loosing faith in ubuntu, to be honest :-(.
23:01.28gkiagiaK`zan: I never had faith on it ;)
23:01.30K`zang2g591: Making notes for these things.
23:01.34gkiagiabtw, we are way of topic ;)
23:01.40g2g591ubuntu is good, for gnome . but it kinda sucks as far as kde goes
23:01.46K`zangkiagia: Well, they do have an EXCELLENT marketing hype :)
23:02.05*** join/#kde root (n=root@
23:02.11K`zang2g591: LOL, may be, but I am a died-in-the-wool KDEer :).
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23:02.48g2g591yeah, theres something about gnome that I just don't like
23:03.24K`zang2g591: Same here, it is just even more klunky than m$ and I *have* tried it several times.
23:04.05K`zanGot it running with the EMC distro and fortunately it does ok just running the machine controller but everything else about it, is, sigh, gnome :-/.
23:04.09*** join/#kde solomeh (
23:04.11g2g591its not that its klunky for me ,its that it just looks bad.. something about how it renders, ive tried different themes
23:05.15K`zang2g591: Compared to kde is it clunky, to me anyway.  Not unusable, just seems a lot more work for average tasks.  May just be me :).  Been a KDE junky almost since day 1 :-) :-) :-).
23:06.50bonsaikittenI kinda liked gnome, but then the features that made it nice were removed without any replacement, it became slower and ... ah well.
23:06.54bonsaikittenKDE <3
23:09.00K`zanbonsaikitten: Dunno, just was never able to get into it.  I'm just hoping what I saw of KDE4 doesn't mean all the functionality has been removed in the interest of speed or something.  Seemed to be much missing from the version I installed from the kubuntu4 CD...
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23:09.23bonsaikittenK`zan: well, kde4 is practically a rewrite, so what is missing has not been ported / written
23:09.44bonsaikittenwhereas gnome has kept the same codebase and incrementally cut out pieces ... different ideology :)
23:10.49K`zanbonsaikitten: THat is GOOD news :).  Figured it was something like that as I have quite a bit of faith as well as history with KDE :).  Any idea when they will catch up to 3 as it is functionality wise?
23:11.24bonsaikittenK`zan: "patches welcome" - things move at a furious pace, but it will still take some time
23:11.42clusbyIs anyone aware of the major reason kde went with cmake instead of scons?
23:11.45K`zanbonsaikitten: Something to be said for doing it right.
23:12.16bonsaikittenclusby: scons causes hair loss and nervous twitches
23:12.19K`zanBeen so long now since I did coding, I'd almost have to start over.  Safer for me to stick with C/ASM for the microcontroller stuff.
23:12.24Sputcmake just works
23:12.32clusbyhaha good enough reasons for me :-)
23:12.44K`zan"Newer therefore better" ain't always the case...
23:13.19bonsaikittenSput: s/just/barely/
23:13.44Sputbonsaikitten: stop bitching about tools you use without understanding them :)
23:13.55bonsaikittenif people had spent half the time that went into qmake/cmake/... on making autotools easier to understand we'd have less of a mess
23:14.15bonsaikittenSput: so using cmake to generate a makefile you run with make, which calls cmake again, is sane? ;)
23:14.32Sputbonsaikitten: It Works [tm]
23:14.54bonsaikittenSput: har. har.
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23:25.28thiblahuteI am now a kde4 user and a computer science student. I would like to participate in kde development.
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23:28.32lemmathiblahute: that's great!
23:28.33bonsaikittenthiblahute: that is a good idea :) Anything you want to work on?
23:28.47lemmashakes his fist at bonsaikitten for asking the question he was about to ask
23:28.52kdepepothiblahute, do you know C++/Qt ?
23:29.06bonsaikittenlemma: and I'm only a talented lurker! ;)
23:29.32Sputbonsaikitten is stalking me :(
23:29.47bonsaikittenSput: 'cause you're sexy
23:29.50bonsaikittenwait, what?!
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23:32.04rsffhello there how can i make that system sound works in kde??
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23:52.43TwinReverbanyone ever see kontact go on a never-ending "fetch mail"?
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