IRC log for #kde on 20080912

00:00.42*** join/#kde mike (n=mike@
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00:02.26octox2can you run a plasmiod by clicking a .desktop file ?
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00:08.05octox2i downloaded a .skz file on kdelook , andthe instucktions to runthe plasma      binary were to add widget from file, but plasma doesnt let me use it ?
00:08.24octox2maybe that is the wrong download ?
00:13.34*** join/#kde jhulst (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
00:13.48octox2after i compile and install a plasmoid binary, how do i run it ?
00:13.48*** join/#kde Lanoxx (
00:14.33ascizo_lemma: sorry. i had to fix the keyboard. i didn't like some color themes, as they used same background and foreground colors in konqueror address field etc
00:15.38*** join/#kde pal (
00:16.19palwho know why kcontrol no launches?
00:16.47palI entered it in command line but nothing found
00:17.10*** join/#kde RiotingPacifist (
00:18.17palare anybody could help?
00:20.40pinotreepal: which kde version are you using?
00:20.56palkde 4.1
00:21.14pinotreethere's no kcontrol, but systemsettings
00:22.07palbut before I used when my core was 2.6.26
00:22.26pinotreekde has no relation with the linux kernel
00:23.07palbut I dont understand how it works before
00:23.10*** join/#kde Rioting_pacifist (
00:23.17pinotreeprobably you used kde3?
00:23.28palsomething happened when I installed new core
00:23.45pinotreeas i said, there's no kcontrol in kde4
00:23.49palno Mandriva 2009 dont have kde3
00:24.05pinotreeprobably you waere using kde3, or having kde3's kcontrol installed
00:24.34palso when I update system its removed?
00:24.48pinotreethat's something you should ask in your distro channel
00:26.25palwhat output device I should use first when playing music, I see now first stay Pulse Audio Sound Server
00:27.38palmaybe hw:0,0?
00:27.59palor hw: 0.1?
00:28.16friedrich|whatever are your front speakers
00:28.30*** join/#kde Alumin (n=Alumin@unaffiliated/alumin)
00:28.42*** join/#kde Devourer (
00:28.55palshould be ALSA sound first i think
00:28.56Aluminhow do I configure an LDAP server?  It's somewhere in the system settings, but I can never remember where
00:29.47AluminI went into KAddressbook, to the LDAP section, but nothing's listed there...but I know it's configured somewhere because I'm getting authentication errors (I previously had it set up, but my password has changed which I assume explains the errors)
00:33.50*** join/#kde quebee (
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00:36.33Aluminah I found it, it's under "KDE Resources", it just was set to "Calendar" by default and I needed to set it to "Contacts"
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00:39.29palthis issue urpmi -auto -update better to do when X off?
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00:41.08vjoeis it possible to use kde-pim with fluxbox with all its features?
00:43.34*** part/#kde deepfriedsquirre (n=ed@
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00:45.35Mebibytehow do I reset the taskbar?
00:45.38Mebibytegot fucked lol
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00:46.34Alumindefine "reset"
00:47.47Mebibytefuck it and run it again
00:47.53Mebibytemy tasks disappeared
00:48.07Mebibyteand I see the clipboard icon and something like a bell with a window in the back
00:48.10Mebibytethere in the middle
00:48.25Mebibytethe clock moved a bit to the left
00:52.39*** join/#kde morgish (n=Kris@
00:53.47morgishSo I just tried to upgrade from 3.5.7 to  4.1, I used the 'One Click' install for SUSE from the webpage.. everything appeared to work fine.. but when I start my VNC session it still loads 3.5
00:54.19morgishI have rebooted (Even though I thought I shouldn't have to) this should cancle out anything to do with VNC or X currently running
00:54.25morgishis there something I can check?
00:55.11bonsaikittenmorgish: vnc uses its own startup scripts
00:55.19bonsaikitten~/.vnc/xinitrc I think
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00:58.04morgishbonsaikitten, yep.. .vnc/xstartup
00:58.08morgishbut all it has is KDE in it
00:58.16morgishshould i change that to KDE4 or something alike?
00:58.53bonsaikittenmost likely you'll have to change it
00:58.58bonsaikittenbut I'm unaware of the details
00:59.02morgishhrm ok
00:59.04morgishi'll google
01:03.49*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna (
01:05.45*** join/#kde bendley (
01:13.36fengshaunanyone willing to give me suggestions on how I can improve further?
01:15.38*** join/#kde Zaister_ (
01:16.53Mebibyteno way of fucking the task bar?
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01:32.31*** join/#kde _sagitarius_ (i=sagitari@
01:33.45DevourerHow can I see what version of KDE I am running?
01:34.32AlexElliottHelp > About KDE in practically and KDE app
01:34.43*** part/#kde Capslook (
01:35.05AlexElliottkde-config --version also has it
01:35.58fengshaunAlexElliott: kde-config --version shows I have 3.5.9, which is very inaccurate!
01:36.13Jucatokde4-config for KDE 4
01:37.12fengshaunJucato: that works!
01:37.13*** join/#kde Emess (
01:41.17DevourerIs there recommended system requirements for running KDE 4?
01:41.53*** join/#kde ClassFoo (n=ClassFoo@
01:45.34luke-jrDevourer: latest and greatest, with Intel graphics
01:46.23Devourerluke-jr, would having something besides an integrated graphics card help?
01:46.41luke-jrDevourer: afaik, Intel graphics are ONLY integrated
01:46.54luke-jrand KDE 4 is buggy with ATi still
01:47.03luke-jrand those are about the only two real competitors in the Linux market
01:47.46*** join/#kde jhulst (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
01:47.52Devourerluke-jr, do you mean Nvidia?
01:48.34luke-jrDevourer: no, nVidia isn't really in the Linux market
01:48.35DevourerAnd that didn't answer my previous question of having an Nvidia/ATI graphics card would be better than an Intel integrated graphics card. Lol.
01:48.51luke-jrintegrated Intel is about the best you can do for KDE 4 on Linux right now
01:48.57luke-jrATi will hopefully be fixed soon
01:48.57AlexElliottIt depends on the viewpoint, if you don't mind a binary blob historically nvidia has had better support (and I'm told they're looking to fix some of the current issues in driver r177)
01:49.02luke-jrnVidia might come around someday
01:49.12luke-jrAlexElliott: binary blobs aren't Linux
01:49.17AlexElliottIf you're a purist, you have to go intel or ATI.
01:49.35AlexElliottSo you fall into the latter category
01:49.57Devourerluke-jr, so... if you are running Linux using an NVIDIA graphics card you are... defying the laws of physics?
01:49.57luke-jrbinary blobs mean BSD
01:50.15luke-jrDevourer: no, if you're runnign Linux with nVidia card, you have software 3D
01:50.22luke-jrnot accelerated
01:50.48DevourerAlexElliott, do you recommend me getting a graphics card for running KDE 4 more smoothly?
01:51.15Jucato1.5GHz 512MB RAM. the biggest consideration *for now* would be the graphics card *if* you plan on using desktop effects
01:51.27JucatoI'd say that would be a comfortable minimum
01:51.47Jucatoluke-jr: they also call it "binary blobs" in Linux
01:51.53AlexElliottI wouldn't comment, not a user, things have worked well enough on a 7600GT or a 8400M in my experience, but I didn't keep those around for long.
01:52.07luke-jrJucato: except that combination isn't legal
01:52.15DevourerI think it would be desktop effects being the only thing that makes KDE 4 feel choppy.
01:52.37luke-jrDevourer: an integrated Intel chipset should be fine
01:53.00DevourerSwitching between desktops seems to look painful.
01:53.19DevourerI guess I should investigate in the desktop effects.
01:53.41AlexElliottLegal or not, Linus doesn't have an interest in prosecuting
01:53.45AlexElliottHe leaves the choice to the user
01:54.08Jucatoit's not all that bad. a friend running KDE 4.2 (out January) with the latest Nvidia drivers says that things are really going well
01:54.48DevourerATI drivers are open source?
01:55.15AlexElliottThere is an open source driver, there's also their binary blob iirc
01:55.18JucatoDevourer: there are open source and there are closed source
01:55.26luke-jrDevourer: yes
01:55.29DevourerIs there any difference?
01:55.38DevourerPerformance wise.
01:55.43luke-jrDevourer: the open source ones are still beta-quality past 9250
01:55.53Jucatolots. but I'm not sure in ATI.
01:56.01Mebibyteis it my imagination or KDE works better and more fast in 3 than in 4?
01:56.10Jucatoin nvidia, the open source driver (nv) doesn't do 3D hardware acceleration
01:56.17DevourerMebibyte, I don't think it is.
01:56.26JucatoMebibyte: in some cases, it might
01:56.30MebibyteDunno but that Okular or whatever to see pdf is really slow
01:56.35Mebibytei loved kPDF
01:56.36DevourerI mean, you can turn off the desktop effects.
01:56.39luke-jrKDE 4's zoom feature is Slooooooooow
01:56.44luke-jrin Konqueror
01:56.56MebibyteI tried now to see a pdf
01:57.02Mebibyteit opens it with a viewer called okular
01:57.04Mebibyteand well
01:57.09Mebibytewhen I move the page a bit
01:57.12MebibyteI have to wait... lol
01:57.17luke-jrtry the same PDF in 3
01:57.19Jucatookulr *is* kpdf++
01:57.28luke-jrsome PDFs are slower than others
01:57.40luke-jrwe need a third player for a glob2 game
01:57.43luke-jranyone interested?
01:57.45Mebibytein 3 what?
01:57.46Jucatoand different backend
01:58.12Jucatowonders if Mebibyte can finish a sentence without saying lol...
01:58.23DevourerJucato, do you think Konqueror will switch over to WebKit in the future or will they still maintain an develop KHTML?
01:58.26luke-jrI saw him do it earlier
01:58.26MebibyteJucato: somedays..
01:58.42luke-jrDevourer: KHTML and WebKit are not merged yet; KHTML is superior in a few ways still
01:58.51luke-jrand the WebKitPart is … not reliable
01:58.52DevourerMebibyte had 27 Red Bulls.
01:59.15Devourerluke-jr, they are going to merge into one consciousness eventually?
01:59.24luke-jrDevourer: I can't predict the future.
01:59.30JucatoDevourer: nothing's decided yet. but KDE 4 will not switch to anything other than KHTML for various reasons, such as compatibility throught the whole KDE 4 release
01:59.32Devourerluke-jr, are there plans?
01:59.42luke-jrDevourer: plans for WebKit as an alternative
02:00.07DevourerIs KHTML still actively developed?
02:00.28MebibyteDevourer: I never drink that...
02:00.39DevourerMebibyte, I don't believe you.
02:00.55MebibyteI never take red bull :(
02:01.36Mebibytebut about 2 and a half coffee jars
02:01.59DevourerJucato, do you think KJS will incorporate features from the V8 Javascript engine?
02:02.23luke-jrSquirrelFish might be better
02:02.28Jucatodunno. but Frostbyte was released way before that V8 thing
02:02.39Jucatoand they're quite similar
02:02.59Jucato(frostbyte is the kjs bytecode thingy)
02:03.18DevourerJucato, oh.
02:03.21luke-jrJucato: merged?
02:03.23Jucatoanyway, I'm no khtml dev
02:03.31Jucatoluke-jr: since 4.1 iirc
02:03.44aseigofigures that the chrome js stuff will end up merged into webkit if it pans out to be as good as it seems
02:03.50Jucatomight be wrong, but that's what I remember
02:03.54DevourerJucato, I'm just wondering if KDE likes to make its own stuff.
02:04.10Mebibytewhat could a programmer can do for the KDE team? ^^
02:04.20aseigoMebibyte: lots =)
02:04.34Mebibyteyeah... but every compile will take about like 25 hours like my KDE4 did?
02:04.37JucatoDevourer: sure why not. if that own stuff is better and is the best for KDE. :)
02:04.39DevourerJucato, is it relatively easy to keep a codebase parallel to another, like KHTML to WebKit so that they both benefit from patches?
02:04.46aseigoMebibyte: you usually just compile what you work on..
02:04.53aseigoDevourer: not really
02:05.03Mebibytethought the other lol
02:05.04JucatoMebibyte: and it doesn't take 25 hours...
02:05.11MebibyteJucato: yeah, it took!
02:05.14Jucatothere goes the lol again
02:05.31Jucatowell depending on your system and if you compiled *everything*
02:05.36MebibyteJucato: I'm a lagught alike person :P
02:05.52DevourerJucato, haha. Yeah. I think it took an hour or so to compile Qt though. I was wondering if the compiler got stuck in some loop or whatnot.
02:06.09DevourerFor me that is.
02:06.11aseigoqt is huge
02:06.30DevourerI thought compiling the Linux kernel took a little while, Qt was unexpected.
02:06.34Mebibyteso how anyone can get involved into kde development? ^^
02:06.46DevourerMebibyte, download the source I guess.
02:06.57Mebibyteyeah, got it heh
02:07.04aseigoDevourer: it's a gui, network, database, threading, web framework, xml, svg, scene graph ..... toolkit
02:07.06Mebibytea .tar.gz should be around there, thought...
02:07.09luke-jrLinux doesn't take long to compile at all <.<
02:07.33Devoureraseigo, lmao. Wow... I've always been under the impression that it was just a GUI toolkit.
02:07.40Mebibyteok... Devourer I'll take a look
02:07.54Devourerluke-jr, well, compared to Qt it doesn't.
02:08.21JucatoDevourer: it started that way. but to be a really good GUI toolkit, you will need to have good underlying stuff to support it
02:08.29Jucato(in short, Qt is good)
02:08.50Mebibytegot lots of tar.gz that begins in kdewhatever around here...
02:08.56DevourerJucato, haha. Yeah. Does KDE write libraries that duplicate functionality that Qt already has?
02:08.57MebibyteWhere should I look?
02:09.13DevourerMebibyte, actually, i would look into that kdesvn build script thing.
02:09.36Mebibytethat gets a copy of the svn... isn't it?
02:09.50JucatoDevourer: duplicate? more like "Extend". this is C++ we're talking about :)
02:10.40MebibyteDevourer: you mean getting a svn copy of the sources?
02:16.07DevourerJucato, haha, oh. I see.
02:16.22DevourerMebibyte, yeah, I think it does.
02:17.26MebibyteI'm installing svn... :(
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02:17.42Mebibyte(another tool that I forgot I would need lol)
02:17.45DevourerMebibyte, the script didn't work the first time for me.
02:17.52DevourerMebibyte, I think I had to download some D-Bus package.
02:18.03MebibyteDevourer: and what about doing svn checkout?
02:18.19DevourerMebibyte, and then it compiled Qt for an hour or so, but then all the other libraries failed. I have yet to investigate why.
02:18.20Mebibytesvn co
02:18.25Mebibytesomethiing lke that...
02:18.32DevourerMebibyte, the script checks out the source for you.
02:18.46Mebibyteit's just a command
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02:19.19Jucatokdesvn-build is an app/script that automates checking out from svn and building of KDE from SVN
02:19.52Mebibyteaha... cool
02:20.14DevourerJucato, if I already compiled Qt and ran the script again, will it recompile Qt? I guess not, because CMake will see that the binaries are already there and not need updating.
02:20.22darkstegohi, is there a way to get a second kwin/plasma on a second screen (running a seperate x-server)
02:20.23Mebibytewell.. I would try checkin' it out from the server...
02:20.28MebibyteJust wanted to take a look...
02:20.41JucatoDevourer: you can configure it not to checkout and compile Qt (or to be specific, qt-copy)
02:20.54darkstegoall I get is a black void on the second screen
02:21.20*** part/#kde Alumin (n=Alumin@unaffiliated/alumin)
02:21.28DevourerJucato, is that recommended? I think it's doubtful that the entire Qt-copy codebase has changed, so CMake wouldn't recompile the whole thing right?
02:21.34*** join/#kde colyte (
02:21.53darkstegoI can run some program with --display :0.1, but want a desktop and plasma running
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02:23.10JucatoDevourer: cmake would recompile only when tell it to. as for qt-copy, it's almost always changing. qt-copy is KDE's copy of Qt with some patches from KDE's side (some of which would eventually end up in the next Qt release). it's not absolutely necessary because KDE guarantees (at release time at least) that it would build/run using vanilla Qt
02:23.21*** join/#kde ckrinke (
02:24.16*** part/#kde Mebibyte (
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02:24.36DevourerJucato, hmmm... :'(
02:24.44*** join/#kde Mebibyte (
02:25.43*** join/#kde root (
02:25.44Mebibytethis kde4 makes my computer to freeze...
02:25.58*** join/#kde kishore_ (n=kishore@
02:26.08Mebibytedo it need any optiimzation?
02:26.19Mebibyteor it is just that you need a more powerful computer?
02:26.26Gingerhello all
02:26.50Jucatohas never experienced freezes caused by KDE 4 since pre-4.1
02:26.53DevourerJucato, if you let your snapshot of Qt-copy get outdated a little, will that affect building other parts of KDE?
02:27.05MebibyteJucato: don't know... with kde3 it worked fluid
02:27.18JucatoMebibyte: both worked fine for me
02:27.24Gingernot sure if i like this whole Fedora thing
02:27.25Mebibytenow I see a laggy type on my shells and that things...
02:27.35Mebibytealso the kPDF renamed to Okuwhatever goes more slow...
02:27.36Gingerits gotta be the badsetup with virtual box and everything
02:27.42JucatoDevourer: case to case basis. you can actually build KDE trunk w/o even using qt-copy
02:27.49DevourerMebibyte, I think KDE 4 has potential. At least it seems to be moving forward.
02:28.00MebibyteDevourer: I see that too, of course
02:28.13Mebibytebut I don't know where this "laggy" effect comes from....
02:28.24Jucatohasn't noticed any performance problems with Okular
02:28.26DevourerMebibyte, well..
02:28.29Mebibytekde3 always worked fluid without even tweak what xorgconfig wrote
02:28.31*** join/#kde etgeek (
02:28.42DevourerMebibyte, I think when I first ran kde4 like... This one KDE app was stealing a ton of CPU.
02:28.48etgeekanyone have time for vnc questions?
02:28.55DevourerMebibyte, it was like... k... something that got events.
02:29.02DevourerMebibyte, kevent? XD
02:29.11MebibyteDevourer: so it just fucks cpu cycles?
02:29.31DevourerJucato, isn't Qt a dependency?
02:29.49DevourerMebibyte, I don't know about that. But it was fine after a reboot.
02:29.49Mebibytebut where the slow scheme comes from?
02:29.52MebibyteQt or KDE code?
02:29.53JucatoDevourer: yes. did you see I specifically said "qt-copy"?
02:30.08MebibyteDevourer: I noticed that... yesterday konsole didn't even worked
02:30.14Mebibytebut rebooted and began to work :)
02:30.17DevourerJucato, doesn't the Qt codebase change a lot as well?
02:30.27Mebibyteafter first load it loads faster
02:30.39Mebibyteand well... if I'm not using the cpu (compile, etc) goes "normal"
02:30.44Mebibyteat least you can use it...
02:30.51*** join/#kde bloodoby (
02:30.59MebibyteI'm now compiling wine and subversion and it get's laggy
02:31.02JucatoDevourer: that depends on where you are getting your Qt. there are stable releases that don't get changed at all until the next release
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02:31.56JucatoDevourer: when we're talking about qt-copy and "building KDE", we're talking about getting it from SVN *trunk*, a repository that is *always* changing
02:32.11DevourerJucato, I don't know what to doooo... :'( So, do you think I should just compile the stable release of Qt? What about the Qt-copy I have right now? Won't that work until... some new releaseS?
02:32.32Jucatowait, you compiled qt-copy?
02:32.45Jucatoyou got it from svn and compiled it?
02:32.57DevourerJucato, yeah, I did. The other builds of KDE stuff failed though. I think it said something about me not having DOxygen and Dot tool.
02:33.10DevourerJucato, yeah. This was a week or so ago though.
02:33.19Jucatowell then you can keep on using qt-copy
02:34.23DevourerHmmm... I'm still not fully understanding this, but... that's ok. I will learn with time.
02:34.35Mebibytealso kde4 task bar got ruined...
02:34.39Jucatowhat are you not understanding?
02:34.40MebibyteI don't see the apps there
02:34.44Mebibytejust two icons
02:35.48DevourerJucato, well, if Qt-copy is constantly changing, is that going to break any of the other modules? Wiil, other modules depends on certain Qt-copy features?
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02:36.42Jucatono, they should not.
02:36.46jesse_darnit :'(
02:36.55jesse_nno sound =(
02:37.51DevourerJucato, so what advantage is there to... updating the... Qt-copy?
02:38.11JucatoDevourer: afaik (maybe aseigo can correct me on this), KDE modules should not depend on any qt-copy patch, becuase that would mean that the KDE would not build with vanilla Qt, and that would be a problem for distros
02:38.27DevourerJucato, true.
02:38.36Jucatoadvantage? getting the latest qt-copy :)
02:39.19jesse_"the audio playback device alsa default device  does not work falling back to null fedora" why??
02:39.44DevourerJucato, is Qt-copy ever broken? Or if Qt-copy compiled, that's a guarantee it'll work for the other KDE modules?
02:40.03JucatoDevourer: patches to qt-copy are patches to make Qt work better, not for KDE directly. for example, some devs might have noticed problems in Qt that are affecting KDE apps, so they might make a patch for it while waiting for that patch to be accepted into Qt itself
02:40.36DevourerJucato, yeah. That makes sense. :)
02:40.52Jucatoever broken? it might, once i a while. guaranteed to work for other modules? it *should*
02:41.10JucatoDevourer: there are some KDE devs who don't use qt-copy at all
02:41.15*** join/#kde dereine[afk] (
02:41.56DevourerJucato, since I already have this one compile, I'm too lazy to change at the moment... But. I think that answers most of my questions.
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02:56.23myronI'm having some trouble using k office, can anyone help?
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02:58.06DevourerIs there a way to use Vim inside of KDevelop?
02:59.14MebibyteDevourer: svning the trunk :)
02:59.24DevourerMebibyte, haha, cool.
02:59.36DevourerMebibyte, if it all compiles for you I'm going to be jealous.
03:00.09Mebibytejust downloading using svn lol
03:00.14Mebibytedidn't said I wanted to compile it
03:01.48DevourerMebibyte, oh.
03:01.58JucatoDevourer: nope. but there is/was a project called yzis. you might want to look that up
03:02.11DevourerJucato, I did... It doesn't seem too promising.
03:02.32MebibyteDevourer: :)
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03:05.01myronhas anyone had any problems with the size of the krita window?
03:06.44myronThe window on Krita is showing up larger than the desktop
03:06.57myronI can resize the width of the screen but not the length
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03:09.58knueI am installing kde 4.1.1 atm
03:10.11knueare there migration wizards out there?
03:10.15knuekde3 -> kde3?
03:10.28knuekmail stuff, kopete, konqui bookmarks etc
03:11.19myronsorry, couldn't  tell you, I'm a noob
03:11.33myrondo you have to use kde desktop with a certain session?
03:11.49myronor will it work with any of them, ex. X, gnome, etc.
03:12.21knueI'll probly switch from kde3 to kde4 as my default desktop
03:12.49knueand saving -- lets say my icq logs and my address in kaddressbook -- is a critical thing
03:13.14myronso KDE is a session of it's own
03:14.21myronis it possible to use KDE office with different sessions?
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03:15.47knuewhat sessions do you mean? x sessions?
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03:16.14knuewill koffice is an office suite, not a window manager
03:16.14knuewell not will
03:16.55myronright, I tried it with X and had some problems using Krita (basically the only program that I have tried out of Koffice)
03:17.20myronI switched my session to gnome, and It seems to be working fine
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03:47.06giganto_someone ??
03:47.47drantinare you certain you're in the right channel?
03:48.04giganto_lols ... im using kdemod
03:48.16drantingo to #archlinux or whatever then
03:48.24giganto_ah okay
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04:10.22TeLLuSNow I know what caused my mail problem. New bug in DNS resolving in KDE4.1.1..  Try connecting to from konqueror and Firefox to see the differense..
04:11.25NoiQwhat command can i use to determine kde ver?
04:16.07TeLLuSNoiQ: kde-config --version kde4-config --version
04:17.02NoiQThank you.
04:17.37TeLLuSNot sure if it is the best and always installed but should show if installed..
04:18.27NoiQYeah, i was just trying to determine why it looked different
04:18.31NoiQits 4.1.0
04:18.37NoiQif Qt is updated, does that change anything?
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04:24.34TeLLuSNoiQ: Different visually? New versions make changes some can be visually.. see changelog.
04:25.11NoiQmust be, thanks
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04:45.58tebI keep getting an error message from KNotify that says unable to find a multimedia backend, anyone know what that is about?
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05:00.12darkstegohi, is there a way to get a second kwin/plasma on a second screen (running a seperate x-server)
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05:41.27jumpkickf-in taskbar crashes as soon as KDE starts
05:41.32jumpkickhow do I manually restart it
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06:14.41HaSHhello all. im wondering how i can add a option to the menu when i right click a file in konqueror. id like to add a few custom entrys.
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06:15.57drantin ?
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06:17.08drantinthe example is for a word viewer, but should apply for other things too
06:17.14HaSHhmm ok ill give it a shot. thanks!
06:17.29JucatoKDE 3:
06:17.36JucatoKDE 4:
06:17.59HaSHill look them over too thanks again
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07:08.06hotmonkeyluvis kde4.1.1 a beta, or a stable release?
07:09.19GraveDiggerhotmonkeyluv: look at the topic .. there are never unstable releases announced
07:09.24Jucatostable release. (but "stable" doesn't necessarily mean "complete with all features" or "finished")
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07:09.36hotmonkeyluvi see
07:09.44hotmonkeyluvthank you GraveDigger and Jucato
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07:17.11luke-jrJucato: 4.1 will be getting more features?
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07:17.56Jucatoluke-jr: basically no. only fixes. unless a backport from trunk (4.2) was allowed (exception)
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07:38.53dudemanhow can I import my bookmarks from iceweasel into konqueror
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09:27.14Murray_BHi CyBaH
09:28.04ctiborDoes anybody know where can I configure suspend/hibernate options in kde-4.1?
09:28.58annmait's in trunk right now, meaning 4.2
09:29.17annmasome distros have patches for it in 4.1
09:29.39ctiborso in 4.1 it is not possible even in some config file or so?
09:29.47annmaif you have anything in kickoff menu, Quit then you don't have it
09:29.54annmawhat distro?
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09:30.37ctiborI can click on suspend and laptop then suspends but never resumes, but through cli I can suspend and resume perfectly...
09:30.51ctiborI need to tweak the options kde passes to hibernate script
09:31.13ctiboror whatever
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09:37.03friedrich|I think kde does that through hal
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09:41.48ctiborfriedrich|: Yeah, that's possible...
09:42.19annmathinks that was not in 4.1
09:42.31annmaremembers looking in the code even
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09:45.53lemmaannma: right. I think no power management in 4.1 so far. several systems are on their way though eg. powerdevil
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09:46.48annmain trunk lemma
09:46.53annmaI have hibernate
09:47.06annmathat's what I said
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09:48.00lemmaoh! didn't know that.
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09:56.09tdi_kguys, is it normal that when I klick on kickoff no menu pops out also when I click on an item in the 'device notifier' nothing happens. Akregator tray icon clicks are also kind of ignored (window does not show/hide)
09:56.27tdi_kI'm using the kde-nightly builds from the neon project
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10:02.13gkiagiatdi_k: maybe plasma is stuck... does anything else on the desktop work?
10:03.11tdi_kyes, everything works. Restarting plasma does not help. Applets like 'show desktop', digital clock, taskbar also work
10:04.35tdi_kit's only the menu and akregator tray + when I try to move the poped-up calendar of a clock applet, the calendar window turns white and umovable and stays on top ... quite strange
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10:05.04tdi_keven kickoff works when classic menu is chosen
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10:06.49holycowdoes anyone know where kxmame stores its favourites?
10:09.17gkiagiatdi_k: dunno, something must be broken
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10:09.54gkiagiaholycow: if it is a kde app, look in ~/.kde/share/apps/kxmame and in ~/.kde/share/config/kxmame* ;)
10:10.41tdi_kgkiagia: I've just installed 4.1 to see if it's the settings or not ...
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10:45.56lxsameerhi , in my kde3.5.9 when i try to end current session or restart or shut down i just see a black screen and nothing happen , then i should act from tty console
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10:50.04jordidgHi everybody, I've got a problem with strigi while compiling kde4?
10:50.15annmajordidg: explain?
10:50.27annmajordidg: kde4 version? strigi version?
10:51.17jordidgthe current svn version, and strigi 0.6
10:51.28jordidgcmake says it can't find strigi >= 0.6.0
10:51.36annmasvn trunk you mean?
10:51.44annma"current" doe snto mean anything
10:51.55annmafor trunk you need strigi from kdesupport
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10:52.04annmahow are you compiling?
10:52.14annmaby hand? distro? script?
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10:53.01haysby hand, that would be crazy, even with a room-full of housewives to help
10:53.19jordidgi'm following the instructions on the openSUSE wiki
10:53.43annmahays: LOL
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10:55.02haysnot to kick you out here but I thought I would mention there appears to be an #opensuse-kde channel as well
10:55.04annmajordidg: dod you ask Suse support then?
10:55.17annmayup hays
10:55.28annmajordidg: I don't have the patience to read this wiki page
10:55.54annmaso ask OpenSuse for support as they made this page anyway
10:55.59jordidgno, in the mailinglist of kdepim they said i should youn this channel
10:56.01hayshmm looks like the suse folks have made a script to do the heavy lifting
10:56.24jordidgok i'll try it in the opensuse channel then
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10:57.01annmakdepim channel?
10:57.13annmawhy did you ask here for a strigi problem?
10:57.23haysan alternative is to use the techbase svn instructions or maybe mpyne's program
10:58.12jordidgi didn't, i wanted to compile kdepim, but apparently you need to compile kde yourself to compile kdepim
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11:00.27jordidgi started with the techbase instructions, but there i found the link to the opensuse wiki
11:00.59annmathe techbase wiki mentions kdesupport
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11:03.53jordidgso i'll have to compile that myself instead of just using opensuse's devel packages?
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11:09.34xjuniorhi folks. I upgraded from kde 4.1.0 to 4.1.1, and now kopete doesn't let me add jabber accounts. I have qca and libidn installed
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11:24.25xjuniorhow do I uninstall some plasmoid/widget?
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11:48.06kontoohello! after an alsa upgrade sound does not work in KDE anymore. with players like xmms outside KDE it works fine...
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11:48.15kontoodo i have to recompile a specific package?
11:48.44xjuniorkontoo: kde 3 or 4?
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11:48.50ballzeehow can i change my taskbar icon the k menu icon ?
11:49.05kontooxjunior: sorry, i'm using KDE 4.1.1
11:49.21kontoo(and atm fluxbox because it's working here)
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11:49.56xjuniorkontoo: try recompile xine and phonon.. (just a guess)
11:50.43kontooif i start a player like amarok i get a notification from phonon that my soundcard is not available and it falls back to digital output
11:50.53kontooxjunior: i tried this two already, but i'll do it again
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11:51.22xjuniorkontoo: no no, you don't need... if you already tried it twice
11:52.15kontooxjunior: i tried it once :)
11:52.35kontooi recompiled xine-lib, phonon, kdelibs and kdemultimedia
11:52.42xjuniorkontoo: still don't need to try it aagin...
11:52.44kontoo(in that order i think)
11:52.52xjuniorkontoo: what is your distribution?
11:52.56kontoowhat yould be the problem then?
11:53.00kontooArch Linux
11:53.13xjuniorkontoo: try asking at #archlinux
11:53.55kontooi don't think that would be a great help... the problem occoured as i switched to the newest ALSA version
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11:54.10VitalHello, is there a list with the standard names (and description for what icon to use where) for the KIcon class?  kde4.1
11:54.15kontooi mean the *newest* :)
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11:58.41jordidgannma: installing kdesupport did the trick, thanks
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12:37.58giganto_hey guys, i have a problem with KDE... Its probably not configured right or smth. I have no idea cos my friend did the configs (im very new to linux).                                        Anyway, here are the symptoms. whenever I login using my username and pasword, and i go startx, I am brought to a page with terminals (2 titled Xterm, 1 titled login) and when I go startkde, it logs me into kde without asking for password but I
12:37.58giganto_have to select where to place my windows and the bottom menu is missing
12:38.10giganto_what's happening ?
12:38.40Ash-FoxWhy doesn't have scrollbars in Konqueror?
12:39.00giganto_eventually i did ctrl alt backspace to kill the xwindows then type sudo /etc/rc.d/kdm restart to get in properly
12:39.43Ash-Foxgiganto_, sounds normal to me. You just need to get kdm to start up with your system.
12:40.04giganto_Ash-Fox, what do u mean?
12:40.06Ash-FoxIf you want it to send you into a graphical environment by default.
12:40.31giganto_so by typing startx I will be thrown into a graphical environment?
12:40.42Ash-FoxI didn't say that.
12:40.57giganto_lol ...
12:41.20giganto_well generally if i go startx sholdn't it bring me into the graphical environment?
12:41.26giganto_or startkde in this case?
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12:41.33Ash-FoxIf you want to get KDM to start up with your system, you will need to consult your distribution's support. Most distributions have a method through various init levels.
12:41.37giganto_im using kdemod on archlinux
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12:41.47Ash-FoxI have never used archlinux.
12:42.02giganto_ah okay
12:42.12Ash-Foxstartx brought you into a graphical environment.
12:42.30giganto_Ash-Fox, yeah with 3 xterms
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12:42.39seemantAsh-Fox: brought to you by Carl's Jr.
12:43.32Ash-Foxgiganto_, and? If you want to modify startx's behaviour xinitrc would need to be modified.
12:43.46ballzeehow can i change my taskbar icon the k menu icon ?
12:44.15giganto_Ash-Fox, and nothing else... its just 3 terminals sitting there with nothing... I'll poke around in #Archlinux  and see if someone can help
12:44.16Ash-Fox~/.xinitrc (user specific settings)
12:44.48Ash-Foxballzee, I don't know.
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12:46.01giganto_Ash-Fox, there's no xinitrc cos im using arch, its probably called smth else
12:46.09Ash-Foxgiganto_, if you want KDE to startup by default, echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc
12:46.32Ash-Foxgiganto_, unlikely. files that begin with periods are hidden from normal 'ls' commands.
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12:48.19giganto_Ash-Fox, yeah I did ls -a and its not there
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12:49.12giganto_Ash-Fox, there's a .kde and .kde4 folder
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12:50.15Ash-Foxgiganto_, it's likely my instructions will work regardless.
12:50.17Qu4ZHey. Where can I get the style "Light style, 2nd revision" for kde3.5?
12:51.31giganto_Ash-Fox, ah okay. I'll do it in a sec. Now trying to reconfigure kdm
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12:54.20JucatoQu4Z: try looking in your distro for a kdeartwork package
12:54.24Jucato(for KDE 3)
12:54.30kdepepoQu4Z, its part of the kdebase package, maybe your distribution has splitted it.
12:54.56Qu4ZAh, okay. I'll have a look. Thanks :)
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12:57.08kdepepohm, on openSUSE its in kdelibs even...
12:57.25kdepepoanyway, the library name is just ""
12:57.40kdepepomaybe grepping through dependencies helps :)
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13:03.09darkstego_hi, is there a way to get a second kwin/plasma on a second screen (running a seperate x-server)
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13:03.21darkstego_all I get is a black void on the second screen
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13:04.38ZarinKWin automatically starts on separate X servers if it can. There seems to be a bug in Qt or something that doesn't correctly return the screen numbers though so although it starts on the other screen it immediately crashes
13:04.45MGalaxyDo I need to have QT4 installed to run KDE on Windows XP?
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13:05.01MGalaxyoh, sorry, wrong channel :D
13:05.15ZarinMultihead mode isn't really loved much darkstego_ :(
13:06.10darkstego_Zarin: how come? I was using this mode for a long time before kde4
13:06.14Ash-FoxWhy doesn't have scrollbars in Konqueror?
13:06.29darkstego_I noticed a lot of people have a similar problem, but none have a solution.
13:06.35JucatoAsh-Fox: So that you won't be able to read it :)
13:06.45Ash-FoxJucato, scroll wheel works though :P
13:06.53Jucatoaw shucks
13:06.58Jucatomods the web page again
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13:07.17Zarindarkstego_, it used to be fine when it was common to run multiple X servers, however now all developers are using Xinerama implementations so nobody is maintaining multihead anymore
13:07.40JucatoAsh-Fox: what crack are you running?
13:07.42Jucatoer.. version*
13:08.05Mebibytein this kde4 how do I move this widgets of the panels manually?
13:08.09Jucatooh it's sjvn...
13:08.15darkstego_?? People stopped using Multihead?? That is sad....
13:08.16Jucatocloses the window
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13:08.27Ash-FoxKonqueror 3.5.9, from Kubuntu Hardy
13:08.40scroogieMebibyte: rightclick the panel and choose panel settings
13:08.42ZarinMebibyte, click the little toolbar on the right of the panel then drag the things around
13:08.49JucatoMebibyte: you mean move them around in the panel? click on the "cashew" icon or right-click -> Panel Settings
13:08.54Ash-FoxAlthough testing on SuSE Enterprise Linux Desktop 10.1 seems to have the same issue.
13:09.04Mebibyteyeah yeah
13:09.06JucatoZarin: you mean "little button/icon" :)
13:09.08Mebibytethanks Zarin
13:09.15ZarinJucato, whatever
13:09.17JucatoAsh-Fox: oh ok, so KDE 3.. lemme check again
13:09.18MebibyteI'm configuring this to be useful
13:09.19scroogieneed to be unlocked though
13:09.57Zarindarkstego_, it is sad
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13:10.32JucatoAsh-Fox: I still have toolbars, in KDE 3 and 4...
13:10.37Jucatoer... scrollbars
13:10.45Ash-FoxWhat the hell
13:11.04Ash-FoxI can replicate this on SuSE and Kubuntu
13:11.14Jucatono wonder ;)
13:11.21Jucatobuilt from source, both
13:11.26Jucato(mine I mean)
13:11.40ZarinWorks for me as well Ash-Fox
13:11.57Ash-FoxZarin, you are using KDE3 with what distribution?
13:12.04ZarinKDE3 and Archlinux
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13:12.42Ash-FoxWell, I'm going to pop this into launchpad, since it seems to be ubuntu/suse specific so far.
13:12.44JucatoAsh-Fox: so it's conclusive that it's a #kubuntu or #opensuse thong :)
13:12.59Ash-FoxJucato, I don't use opensuse :P
13:13.07ZarinIt's Jucate's tpyo dey todey
13:13.10Jucatosorry. SLED
13:13.42JucatoZarin: that's one of my most common typos too... doesn't help that 'i' and 'o' are beside each other :/
13:14.09Ash-FoxProbably it's a bug that has been already fixed upstream.
13:14.10ZarinZ and P are right next to each other as well, I mix those uz all the time
13:14.29Jucatodvorak? :)
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13:14.38Jucatoonly knows qwerty :(
13:14.51ZarinAsh-Fox, or maybe it's a distribution patch
13:15.07ZarinJucato, Qwerty ;-)
13:15.22JucatoAsh-Fox: you might try upgrading kubuntu to 3.5.10 first
13:15.40Ash-FoxI know qwerty, qwertz and dvorak. I also have American and British keyboards. Trust me when you switch between keyboards, you often find yourself typing absolute jibberish.
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13:33.05mfwitten_So I built and installed the stuff that comes in the kdesupport "module", except for the phonon package; there were duplicate definitions, which I assumed stem from the fact that Qt (>= 4.4) ships with Phonon as well (at least that's what I've read). I got kdelibs 4.4.1 (from svn; not trunk) built and installed and now I'm working on kdebase and it complains it can't find "Phonon/ObjectDescription" and indeed neither can 'locate'. I suppose
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13:33.21mfwitten_the experimental stuff is giving me build errors.
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13:34.52EstevoBom dia a todos
13:35.01annmawhat distro ships qt with phonon?
13:35.06annmamfwitten_: ?
13:35.10mfwitten_annma: I was wrong
13:35.45mfwitten_I wrote that question a bit ago, and forgot I left that in there. How about the experimental stuff.
13:35.56hyper_channma: kubuntu ibex I'd say
13:35.57mfwitten_Maybe I should use svn co svn://
13:36.06Jucatomfwitten_: he's building for OS X
13:36.09annmawhat the hell is that now
13:36.20annmamfwitten_: experimental stuff?
13:36.33annmadefine that please and pastebin errors
13:36.36mfwitten_annma: I'll send you my build errors.
13:36.36hyper_chkubunu 8.10 - Intrepid Ibex
13:36.38mfwitten_hold on
13:37.03annmahyper_ch: and they ship qt with phonon support? and kde4 works?
13:37.05Jucatomfwitten_: given up on os x?
13:37.10mfwitten_Jucato: No.
13:37.22hyper_channma: well, kubuntu 8.10 is shipping with kde 4.1
13:37.32annmaand it works?
13:37.34hyper_channma: I have kubuntu 8.04 with 4.1 ppa repos
13:37.37Jucatomfwitten_: btw, I was told you could ask for help in #kde-mac for that. just for future reference
13:37.53annmahyper_ch: I am asking if kde4 works with phonon from qt
13:37.54hyper_channma: and I got notices about phonon when I had to change mobo, processor, ram because I ws using onboard sound
13:37.57mfwitten_Jucato: I've stopped by there a couple times, but my questions are really mac specific.
13:38.03mfwitten_aren't really, that is.
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13:38.13hyper_channma: what do you mean by that?
13:38.29Jucatomfwitten_: but building kde on macs, that going to be a bit mixed. anyway, like I said, for future reference :)
13:38.31annmaI mean that KDE sound uses KDE phonon, not qt's
13:38.44Jucatoannma: they build Qt with phonon but as a separate installable package
13:38.45hyper_channma: ah... how to find out?
13:38.51Jucato(referring to *buntu)
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13:39.08annmaJucato: but does kde sound work then?
13:39.20Jucatolast I checked, sure
13:39.33Jucatoboots laptop
13:39.53mfwitten_Jucato: The main problems I usually have with compiling stuff on Mac OS X is that more and more people assume there is some kind of package manager that will install various components that don't have some official website or link.
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13:40.38Jucatomfwitten_: hence the #kde-mac pointer so that 1. they can help you and 2. you can help them by identifying what parts of their guide are missing/outdate/incorrect :)
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13:41.29Jucatomfwitten_: but the assumption is that if you're attempting to build KDE from source, you're a bit familiar with how things go, or at least willing to learn
13:41.32scroogieMac doesn't have a package manager??
13:41.57Jucatoscroogie: not for KDE packages afaik
13:42.02scroogieand im moaning about yum
13:42.09scroogiei should be happy ;)
13:42.18mfwitten_Jucato: The thing is, my problem last time isn't Mac OS X specific. It would have gotten me on GNU/Linux as well...
13:42.25scroogiebut paste your error message mfwitten
13:42.28scroogieperhaps we can help
13:42.52scroogieso you built the phonon from kdesupport or didnt
13:43.10mfwitten_That's in the process of building it from kdesupport
13:43.12scroogieah i see
13:43.15mfwitten_Everything else builds
13:43.22scroogiei asked before visiting the link
13:43.34scroogiewell id say you don't need the experimental stuff
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13:43.38mfwitten_I thought maybe it's stuff that's not finished yet, hence dummy and experimental
13:43.41scroogiei actually see it for the first time
13:43.46Jucatoannma: oops.. lemme check whose phonon kubuntu is using :)
13:44.07annmamfwitten_: is taht another phonon than phonon then?
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13:44.23annmamfwitten_: you only need phonon from kdesupport, nothing experimental
13:44.25mfwitten_it in svn co svn://{1,2} as well though
13:44.59mfwitten_annma: No, that error is coming from code in a subdirectory of kdesupport's phonon directory
13:45.01annma builds OK
13:45.08annmaI just updated it
13:45.41annmait's becaude you still have qt with phonon maybe
13:45.42scroogiemfwitten: you want to compile kde 4.1.1, right?
13:45.48Jucatoannma: not Qt's phonon it seams. qtconfig's phonon tab is grayed out
13:45.58annmamfwitten_: what qt is it?
13:46.00Jucatoannma: referring to Kubuntu
13:46.01scroogieyou should use /tags/phonon/4.1.0 then i guess
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13:46.04scroogiealthough im not sure
13:46.07annmaJucato: thanks
13:46.17mfwitten_scroogie: I ended up trying to go with trunk, but it failed at around 25% for some other reason, so I jumped to the 4.1 branch from svn
13:46.30annmamfwitten_: you still have a qt phonon
13:46.34Jucatopowers down laptop
13:46.45mfwitten_annma: That's what I was referring to when I said qt come with phonon.
13:46.51mfwitten_annma: or phonon with qt
13:46.55annmait doe snot
13:47.01annmait should not*
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13:47.05annmawhat distro?
13:47.10mfwitten_annma: So what does qt have to do with it then?
13:47.13mfwitten_Mac OS X
13:47.22scroogiedid you build qt-copy?
13:47.26mfwitten_scroogie: no
13:47.36Level2Techanyone using a cool font for their terminal sessions, let me know b/c Im tired of mine
13:47.59annmamfwitten_: so your macOS qt is built with phonon support?
13:48.02scroogieLevel2Tech: Liberation Mono
13:48.04annmataht's the question
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13:48.25mfwitten_annma: Yes, it is.
13:48.50annmayou can't build KDE with this phonon
13:49.01annmayou need a KDE phonon, not your qt one
13:49.11mfwitten_annma: Frankly, that's the kind of question I was trying to ask you guys! So what is the relationship between qt and phonon exactly?
13:49.12Level2Techthanks scroogie
13:49.30Sputqt-phonon is old :)
13:49.46annmamfwitten_: it's easy, qt can be built with phonon support but it(s an old phonon
13:50.06mfwitten_annma: Well there you have it.
13:50.07annmaso to build KDE you MUST not build qt with phonon and use a KDE phonon
13:50.16mfwitten_annma: Fair enough.
13:50.20mfwitten_annma: Back to the terminal!
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13:50.32annmaI highly disagree with this mess personally mfwitten_
13:50.41annmabut it's how it was done
13:50.52Sputespecially phonon's version numbering
13:50.57annmaso you need to add -no-phonon in qt build
13:51.17Sputit's so confuzzling :) Qt comes with phonon 4.1, but for KDE 4.1 you need phonon 4.2, and for KDE 4.2 you'll need phonon 4.3
13:51.47annmatotally crazy
13:51.58Sputmaybe qt 4.5 ships with phonon 4.2 then
13:52.00annmabut kdesupport has always been krazy
13:52.08annmanothing new here
13:52.24mfwitten_annma: OK. Thanks. Also, I've been installing things like kdelibs under /usr/local/kde4 (just my choice). How should I treat Phonon and the like, considering they aren't particularly entrenched in KDE? kdesupport basically allows be to install everything at once into one location. Should I instead put them in /usr/local (my choice, again). What's you take on that?
13:52.55Level2Techthey broke kde
13:52.58annmaI also install in /usr/local/kde4
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13:53.06annmaI install here everything related to KDE
13:53.09mfwitten_That's good to know!
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13:53.25annmabut you can install phonon and kdesupport in standard dirs as well
13:53.41annmalike /usr or /usr/local
13:53.44mfwitten_annma: Things like eigen2 seem particularly thirdparty in that regard.
13:54.07annmaI don't build any non KDE software myself
13:54.13annmadepends on what you build
13:54.35annmaall the sources I build that depend on eigen2 are KDE sources
13:55.04mfwitten_annma: So you literally put other KDE programs in /usr/local/kde4 as well?
13:55.26annmaall KDE4 install in under /usr/local/kde4
13:56.37annmakdesupport is the module with eigen, eigen2, phonon, strigi and so on
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14:06.52mfwitten_annma: So, if I build qt with -no-phonon, does that mean that qt won't support phonon stuff on its own? Is that a problem?
14:07.07mfwitten_annma: Or do I need to build phonon first before qt now?
14:07.25Jucatowants to hear this too
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14:08.16sandsmarkmfwitten_: afaik, Qt can use an external phonon
14:08.30sandsmarkat least, I can play music in YANIHP without phonon support in Qt
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14:08.34mfwitten_sandsmark: Is that a runtime thing though?
14:08.38sandsmark(but with phonon installed separately)
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14:09.00sandsmarkmfwitten_: iDunno
14:09.02mfwitten_I'll just install kdesupport first to be safe.
14:09.05mfwitten_or try to at least.
14:09.15bwaldherI'm running kde4 and I lost my desktop switcher widget. How can I get it back? I can't find it in the Add Widget menu
14:09.47Jucatobwaldher: it's called Pager in the list
14:10.04bwaldheroooh. thanks!
14:10.07mfwitten_Well, I can't do that.
14:10.09*** part/#kde MGalaxy (n=Galaxy@
14:10.09mfwitten_Time to try qt
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14:16.59annmaif you build qt with -no-phon, qt itself won't have phonon support
14:17.37annmayou build FIRST qt with -no-phonon THEN kdesupport/phonon and all and then kdelibs, kdebase, kdepimlibs and ...
14:18.14annmaall KDE apps or even qt apps will use the other phonon
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14:18.51annmamfwitten_: ^^ all that for you
14:20.14Jucatotsk tsk.. late reply :)
14:20.30annmayes, sorry about that
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14:21.12mrxmikecan i use a webpage with plasma on my desktop? :)
14:21.45annmamrxmike: explain use case?
14:21.57mrxmikei want a certain webpage to always be on my desktop
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14:22.07mrxmikeand not take up any space up from the taskbar like a program....
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14:22.27annmathere's a webkit applet in the making
14:22.40Jucatoyeah I heard about that before....
14:22.42SimmyJhey guys, where do you change the keyboard layout so you can use the windows key??
14:22.52SimmyJusing kde uhm.. 3.5 i think (ubuntu 7)
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14:23.13mrxmikeannma: a webkit applet hmmmm would be very nice
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14:45.51WalexSimmyJ: 'kxkb' for a quick fix.
14:46.04tdi_kSimmyJ: Go to Kcontrol's keyboard layour section and then to the Xkb Options-tab; Then select 'enable xkb options' Then try oit changing the 'Alt/Win key behaviour. 'Meta is mapped to the win-keys' usualy works for me
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14:47.54SimmyJthnx guys
14:47.59SimmyJit seems to have worked
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14:58.57gissikdesupport doesn't build here, i suppose it has to do with the fact i am building against qt 4.5
14:59.40gissii read this thread: ... but it still isn't clear to me how to make it work
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15:00.01gissiany ideas how i can solve that?
15:01.08neurosysI just installed KDE4 on fbsd thru ports. No errors of any kind. Sound is compiled in the kernel and displays on cat /dev/sndstat. But kde4 doesnt seem to pick up the sound. Gnome on the other hand does :( Any ideas on what im doing wrong?
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15:08.03Walexneurosys: ALSA?
15:08.25Walexneurosys: use a sound daemon?
15:08.45neurosysWalex:  Not that Im aware of
15:08.52GentleWalex: BSD doesn't have the advanced LINUX sound architecture
15:09.03Jucatoyou beat me to it :)
15:09.06WalexGentle: that's precisely the problem perhaps :-)
15:09.26neurosys:( strangely it seems to work for other people.
15:09.37Jucatohave you asked those other people what they did?
15:09.42Walexneurosys: use the sound control panel and see which sound system you can use.
15:09.43Jucatobtw there's a #kde-freebsd channel too
15:09.50neurosysJucato:  yep. They said i just worked.
15:09.57neurosysOh! didnt know that
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15:10.09neurosysProbably better there
15:10.14neurosysThanks guys :)
15:10.48neurosysah ha
15:10.59neurosysThe answer was in the topic line ;)
15:11.22Walexneurosys: better than blowing in the wind :-)
15:11.41neurosysWalex:  any day :)
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15:12.43gissihas anyone here succesfully built kdesupport/soprano against qt 4.5?
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15:14.34neurosysheh sound works :)
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15:27.04GraveDiggerfunny! if i set keyboard shortcuts for amarok in system settings then they work fine, but if i set them within amarok directly they do not ... is that considered a bug or a feature`
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15:27.39tstaerkdepends on who reports it
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15:32.41VitalIs there a list with the standard names (and description for what icon to use where) for the KIcon class?  kde4.1
15:32.46GraveDiggerpumphaus: ha, erwischt
15:33.31tstaerkVital, type kde:kicon in your konqueror
15:34.01tstaerkVital, wait, do you mean the icons or the icon class?
15:35.09tstaerkoh, I see
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15:38.39Vitaltstaerk: icon class :)
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15:39.55Vitalor, no, rather the names of the icons that I can  use with the kicon class
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15:52.28dagon^hey guys, do you know of a media player that doesn't lag when you've got 10k+ songs in the playlist?
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15:57.06blauzahl-laptopdagon^: i believe they are all working on this. ;)
15:57.19dagon^so it's a common problem then :)
15:58.07dagon^wine'ing winamp is not an option :P
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16:01.50dagon^blauzahl-laptop; which app do you use personally for mp3? :)
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16:06.34sandsmarkdagon^: amarok
16:06.41sandsmarkor juk
16:06.46dagon^lag on amarok
16:06.54sandsmarkamarok2 should handle insanely large playlists very well
16:06.57sandsmarkdagon^: doesn't here =p
16:07.10sandsmarkmore like ~9k songs, though
16:07.12dagon^sandsmark; I guess you're a lucky guy then :)
16:07.19sandsmarkdagon^: amarok1 or amarok2?
16:07.27sandsmarkdagon^: and try juk?
16:07.28dagon^I'm running amarok1.4
16:07.35dagon^what is this "juk"?
16:07.56drantincomes with kde usually
16:07.58sandsmarkthe default kde music player?
16:07.59dagon^amarok2 is just a SVN, isn't it?
16:08.01drantinsince 3.something
16:08.14sandsmarkdagon^: nah, they've released alphas (and maybe a beta, I'm not sure)
16:08.23dagon^hmm, better check that out then
16:09.32dagon^I'm pretty new to kde so I'm something of a noob right now :D
16:09.50dagon^been running gnome since the beginning of time
16:10.05luke-jramarok2 is always constantly updating the collection -.-
16:10.28luke-jreven though it rarely changes
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16:11.06drantinand pulls updates for covers when it already had the correct one set manually, but that's why it's not in a release yet...
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16:13.36dagon^why isn't there an option to "Unpack here.." with Ark on right click?
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16:13.54dagon^it's pretty annoying to have to open with Ark and THEN unpack
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16:14.26Jucatobecause Ark hasn't implemented that yet in 4.1
16:14.59dagon^I'm using 3.5.1
16:15.30Jucatohm? then it should be there
16:15.41Jucatoalthough I think it's an addon/plugin...
16:15.49dagon^hey, I gotta ask you guys. I'm running openSUSE11, can you use yast in terminal like in Ubuntu with apt?
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16:16.23drantinuh... wrong channel to ask?
16:16.28dagon^just asking...
16:16.34Jucatodagon^: #opensuse for that one
16:16.46dagon^I'm sorry if I broke some rule
16:17.00Jucatonope. just telling you were you'll get an answer :)
16:17.07dagon^I'll sweep by #opensuse then :)
16:17.15Jucato(well, it is also a rule.. but you didn't know. now you do)
16:17.26dagon^thanks for notifying me ;)
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16:22.39luke-jrdagon_: more annoying IMO is that Ark won't embed in Konqueror anymore
16:23.19Jucatoluke-jr: 4.1?
16:23.23luke-jrJucato: yeah
16:23.33luke-jrKonqueror insists on launching Ark externally
16:23.51Jucatoactually iirc it wasn't really ark that embedded in Konqueror 3. but that can be done in KDE 4
16:24.17luke-jrwell, if I middle clicked a ZIP or something in KDE 3.5, it would open the archive in a new tab in Konq
16:24.56sandsmarkdagon_: which distro do you use?
16:24.58Jucatoyeah. but I'm not sure if it was Ark that did that or a kioslave
16:25.04dagon_sandsmark; openSUSE11
16:25.29luke-jrJucato: it had Ark's UI to some extent
16:25.34Jucatoluke-jr: anyway, you can do that in Konq 4.1 too. just have to set it in Dolphin
16:25.34luke-jrmore annoying than the lack of Ark-embedding is the lack of PDF embedding
16:25.36sandsmarkdagon_: you could try installing this manually, then;
16:25.43luke-jrJucato: I don't use Dolphin
16:25.57gadeshello everybody
16:26.03Jucatoluke-jr: I didn't say you have to use Dolphin. I said "you have to set it in Dolphin"
16:26.09dagon_sandsmark; thanks, I'll look into it
16:26.29Jucatosandsmark: I thought dagon_was using KDE 3?
16:26.42Jucatothat's for KDE 4
16:26.42dagon_I downgraded to 3.5.1
16:26.52dagon_some things work anyways
16:26.54sandsmarkah, ok
16:26.59sandsmarkdagon_: nvm, then =)
16:27.08Jucatolike I said, it should be there in KDE 3.5.. must be a separate package
16:27.21dagon_if I get the time I'll google it
16:27.23Jucatoluke-jr: Settings -> Configure Dolphin -> General page -> Browse through archives
16:27.38Jucatodagon_: or ask in your distro's channel for the package :)
16:27.45dagon_I could do that :P
16:28.09luke-jrJucato: and that affects Konqueror?
16:28.11dagon_zypper is most likely my answer
16:28.21dagon_*downloading and installing*
16:28.21Jucatoluke-jr: yes.
16:28.29drantinkonqueror in kde4 uses dolphin kparts ...
16:28.43Jucatoalthough middle-click to open it in a new tab doesn't seem to work. clicking/double-clicking does
16:28.55Jucato(that is a bug)
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16:30.22luke-jrmiddle click worked for me
16:30.34luke-jrbut I want to be prompted to Save/Open if I left click :/
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16:31.04dagon_hmm, it will be audacious 'til some hack comes up to amarok :P
16:31.12luke-jr(and it didn't work for PDF)
16:31.22dagon_it only lags when you scroll through the playlist, I can live with that
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16:31.50sandsmarkdagon_: audacious performs much worse than amarok(2) here
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16:31.54sandsmarkon large playlists
16:31.59dagon_sandsmark; hmm, weird :P
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16:32.31dagon_sorry about the following words
16:32.42dagon_motherfucker! xmms loaded the list in 0.1ms
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16:32.46sandsmark"I love this company!"
16:32.49dagon_10k songs like that
16:32.56sandsmarkdagon_: did you try juk?
16:33.07dagon_hmm no I forgot that
16:33.50dagon_bash: juk: command not found
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16:34.33paxcocomo va esto
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16:36.21dagon_sandsmark; dude, juk is a kde4-app according to yast
16:36.29dagon_I found jampal though
16:36.49dagon_* Jampal stores a music library of over 22000 songs with ease. * You can sort, organize and categorize your tracks. * It is very fast. You can sort 12000 tracks in under a second. * You can update hundreds of track tags in one operation in a few seconds.
16:36.52dagon_Sounds good to me
16:37.26Jucatodagon_: no. Juk is also a KDE 3 app
16:38.45sandsmarkdagon_: I've had 500GB of music loaded into amarok1, using a postgres database...
16:39.05sandsmarkI'll admit it lagged a bit first time I clicked on the collection tab, but after the first time it was smooth
16:39.17sandsmark(no, I didn't try to add all the music to the playlist =)
16:39.33dagon_Jucato; allrightey then, I'll look it up
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16:44.59octox2can you put plasma panels on the sides of the desktops yet ?
16:45.37octox2nvermind, i got it
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16:46.07drantinin trunk I can, probably a way in 4.1.1 too, just not as apparent...
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16:48.38Jucatoit  has been possible since July
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16:49.03dagon_hmm, with which program do you open .wsz? :o
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16:57.56krikoI just saw a video about Extenders. Will this be ready in 4.2?
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16:59.25hyper_chanyone using akreggator in kdepim for kde4.1?
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17:04.22xjuniorI upgraded from kde 4.1.0 to 4.1.1, and now there isn't any visual effect plugin at Desktop Effects -> All Effects. Where are them now? Were they moved to some package?
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17:11.06Ein_bischen_kleipls spendet bin arm spende 100% zurück !!!!!!!!!
17:11.51boom1992Ein_bischen_klei: -.- I hope noone clicks
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17:12.26drantini google the domain before clicking things with weird numbers at the end of the URL...
17:13.30bonsaikittenpennergame is a known spammer source ... kids think they are the first to think of it
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17:14.01Theorysome networks don't let your first line to a channel contain a URL
17:14.04Theorybecause of this
17:14.16coalaotudo biene?
17:14.46hyper_chwhy does akreggator not respect the last entry you select for a feed when you visit it back later?
17:15.01luke-jrit's not respectable.
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17:15.19MinceRbecause it isn't coded to do so
17:15.37MinceRneither is Liferea.
17:15.56hyper_chMinceR: you talk about akreggator?
17:16.01MinceRalso, you probably wouldn't have a way to see general info on feeds
17:16.01coalaoestais por ai?
17:16.10MinceRsince that's only shown until you choose an item
17:16.13MinceRhyper_ch: yes
17:16.18hyper_chMinceR: I think you don't understand the issue
17:16.26hyper_chMinceR: lets say I have a feed with 700 entries
17:16.33MinceRperhaps you didn't express it clearly enough. :>
17:16.40hyper_chI sort it top (=oldest) to bottom (=newest)
17:17.07hyper_chMinceR: now, I scroll it to the bottom of the entries
17:17.15hyper_chMinceR: when I now go to another feed and then back later on
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17:17.26hyper_chMinceR: it's not scrolled to the bottom anymore
17:17.30xjuniorthat can help me
17:17.42MinceRit would be nice if it could be told to automatically start at the bottom
17:17.58MinceRactually it shouldn't be too difficult to write a patch to do so :>
17:18.14Half-Leftxjunior: We can't read minds me
17:18.23octox2is there a way to use kget for all of the firefooox downloads, ir is that not somthin gi want to do ?
17:18.24MinceR(of course, that's not perfect -- optimally it should put the first unread entry on the top of the viewport)
17:18.24hyper_chMinceR: problem with the other sort order top (=newest) to bottom (=oldest) is, that I often just click on the top bar that changes the sorting
17:18.55hyper_chMinceR: is that worth reporting as bug?
17:19.23Half-Leftcoalao: We can't read minds, state your problem
17:19.23MinceRif there's a priority setting for wishlist/features, then it might be
17:19.34hyper_chMinceR: I know what's the cause of it...
17:19.42hyper_chMinceR: if one feed has 100 entries
17:19.47hyper_chMinceR: and the other one 1000 entries
17:20.05hyper_chMinceR: then it will use the position of the previous feed and display that in the new feed
17:20.23hyper_chMinceR: so when I click on the 1000 feed entry, then I will end up at #100
17:20.53xjuniorwhere are the default desktop effects plugins? where they moved to some special package?
17:20.56xjuniorif yes, what package?
17:20.59MinceRi haven't seen such behavior either
17:21.57Half-Leftxjunior: What desktop effects are you asking about?
17:23.23hyper_chMinceR: that was aimed at me?
17:24.10luke-jrHalf-Left: speak for yourself; some of us CAN read minds
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17:24.24luke-jrthough perhaps not over IRC
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17:24.38xjuniorHalf-Left: all them.... when I go to System Settings -> Desktop -> Desktop Effects -> All Effects, the list is empty
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17:26.39Half-Leftxjunior: distro packages?
17:26.52Half-Leftluke-jr: I dont think so somehow :p
17:27.06xjuniorHalf-Left: gentoo kde-testing official overlay.
17:27.24xjuniorand kde is installed with kdeprefix, if it says something
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17:27.39Half-Leftxjunior: Well you need to ask gentoo channel then because each dsitro may name them different
17:28.13xjuniorHalf-Left: but, were they moved to some special package?
17:28.22xjuniorbecause if yes, I think that gentoo keeps the original name
17:28.25drantingentoo splits them up
17:28.36Half-LeftWe dont know, we only deal with compile from source kde here
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17:29.17Half-Leftusually, kdebase, kdebase-workspace, kdebase-runtime
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17:29.27luke-jrHalf-Left: Gentoo is from source
17:29.27xjuniorHalf-Left: well, thank you then ;)
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17:29.45Half-Leftkdebase-workspace maybe the one you need
17:30.12Half-Leftluke-jr: I wouldn't know what thats why we dont ask in here
17:31.01xjuniorHalf-Left: I have here plasma-workspace and libkworkspace
17:31.42Half-LeftAsk in #gentoo
17:32.00xjuniorHalf-Left: they will redirect me to #gentoo-kde
17:32.03drantinxjunior: it would be better to ask in #gentoo-kde
17:32.07xjuniorwhich is more like a ghost channel
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17:32.28drantinnot really, you just got to it at a bad time :P
17:32.54Half-Leftxjunior: Well we deal with kde default no how distro package up their KDE since like I said most split them up
17:33.03xjuniorhehehe, bad 3 days then :P
17:33.17drantinwrong time all three days likely :P
17:33.31xjuniorHalf-Left: that's ok then Half-Left. ;) thank you anyway
17:33.39drantinsince the devs working on it have shown up repeatedly :P
17:34.45xjuniorI have here "kde-base/kdeplasma-addons", could be this one Half-Left?
17:35.18Half-LeftWell thats usually all the extra plasmoids/wodgets
17:35.30*** join/#kde loktor (
17:35.38Half-Leftkwin does the compositing
17:35.42xjuniorHalf-Left: really? like a complement to plasma-playground ?
17:36.04aseigoxjunior: plasma playground is not meant for general use and consumption
17:36.15aseigoxjunior: kdeplasma-addons is
17:36.22aseigoxjunior: playground is where we .. well .. play
17:36.30xjunioraseigo: humm...... I see hehehe
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17:38.41xjuniorok, the last question I have by now is: how do I remove a installed plasmoid? I installed a macosx widget for test pourposes, now I don't know how to remove it. I also followed a tutorial to create kde plasmoid, and now I have a "Tutorial 1" plasmoid that I can't remove
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17:53.05Half-LeftGah, electric went off
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18:00.21coalaoola amigos
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18:01.11aseigogives Half-Left a bike to generate his own ;)
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18:02.35Half-Leftaseigo: I have to put money in the kde graphics meter now
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18:03.24texnofobixlooks in
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18:05.53coalaoola amigos
18:06.17pinotreehi coalao (english please)
18:07.05*** join/#kde root (n=root@
18:07.19coalaoI dont espeak englesh
18:07.37annmatry a kde channel with your language then
18:07.40pinotreethen try #kde-es
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18:09.11pinotreethen #kde-brasil
18:11.04coalaoPinotree o SR is BAD?
18:11.34coalaoyou are Bad?
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18:11.47annmacoalao: we talk about KDE here
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18:16.55Half-LeftOh I dont beleive this
18:17.24annmawhat's up Half-Left
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18:18.05Half-LeftI just built laest soprano and it says no support for sesame2 backend
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18:18.22Half-Leftyet in kdesupport it builds the damn backend
18:18.23annmano support?
18:18.36annmawhere does it say so
18:18.41Half-LeftYer because you need java
18:18.57Half-Leftsoprano 2.1.1
18:19.06annmayou need java for sesame
18:19.23Half-Leftyer but kdesupport version picks it up
18:19.43annmadoes your distro have sesame?
18:19.54annmaor did you pick it from the webpage
18:20.02annmaah, ok, same here
18:20.20Half-Left-- Soprano Components that will NOT be built:
18:20.57annmait should work, we talked about it recently with other devels
18:21.16*** join/#kde manu_hack (
18:21.40Half-Leftannma: Trunk kdesupport says
18:21.49Half-Left* Sesame2 storage backend (java-based)
18:21.57*** join/#kde blauzahl-laptop_ (
18:21.57Half-LeftWill be built
18:22.09annmaso did it build?
18:22.38Half-Leftyer but it's stange that latest soprano dont
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18:23.12coalaonao estou entendendo vcs
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18:23.15yxz97hello !
18:23.49yxz97I would like just jave in my task bar in KDE kdestop, just the application in the current workspace, is possible keep these applications ?
18:23.56Half-Leftannma: Looks liek I'll have to use the one in kdesupport on it's own
18:23.57yxz97am I clear ?
18:24.12coalaoquem sao voces?
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18:24.18*** mode/#kde [+o annma] by ChanServ
18:24.36coalaopq nao falam direito?
18:24.47*** kick/#kde [coalao!n=annma@kde/annma] by annma (User terminated!)
18:24.48yxz97SOmeone here speaks Englishs ??
18:24.57yxz97English ?
18:25.00*** join/#kde coalao (n=coala@
18:25.04Half-Lefthaha yep
18:25.07*** part/#kde coalao (n=coala@
18:25.52yxz97I need  have the current workspace application in the task bar, and NOT all applications running ? Is this possible ?
18:25.55yxz97Thank you
18:26.16gkiagiahmm... kmail trunk is 1.10.0 and kmail from 4.1.1 is 1.10.1... lol :P
18:27.22Half-Leftyxz97: Task manager settings
18:27.48yxz97Half-Left, you mean kcontrol ?
18:28.06Half-LeftNo on the task manager you right click
18:28.31Half-LeftAn empty space on your bar
18:28.34yxz97yeah, I didn't however I cannot find an valid option about this concern.. :S
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18:29.12Half-Left"Only Show task from current desktop"
18:29.24yxz97where is this option Half-Left
18:29.37Half-LeftLiek I said
18:29.56*** mode/#kde [-o annma] by annma
18:30.19yxz97Right Click, -> Configure Panel ? Popups a title window Configure KDE Panel ? I'm going fine ?
18:30.40yxz97hello annma
18:31.05junkDawgiewe have twins
18:31.07Half-LeftYour talking about KDE3?
18:31.23yxz97Yes !
18:31.29Half-LeftI ahve no idea then
18:31.53yxz97Okay...I ought suppose that this would happen.... :S
18:31.58pinotreeright click on the panel → configure panel → taskbar → [ ] show windows from all the desktop
18:32.00yxz97I'm running 3.5.9...
18:32.06*** join/#kde Caine (
18:32.49yxz97hey pinotree your the man !!!
18:32.52yxz97Thank you .
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18:33.19yxz97a little bit less mess my thousand windows :D
18:34.12Caineanyone know if it is possible to tell konqueror to not create .directory files at all?
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18:38.49gkiagiaCaine: I think this is possible if in the "view modes" in dolphin's settings you set it to use common view properties for all folders
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18:48.21Cainegkiagia, this is for KDE 3.3
18:48.45gkiagiadoes kde 3.3 create .directory files?
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18:49.38gkiagiaat least in 3.5 I don't remember such a thing
18:51.01luke-jrOutlook invitations crash KMail with KDE 4.1.1 ☹
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18:53.32Cainehrm...I -thought- it did, but now I can't reproduce it. :)
18:56.13Half-Leftluke-jr: Lies, all lies
18:56.22luke-jrHalf-Left: …
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19:12.25mtkany gentoo users know if KDE 4.1.1 is available in the portage yet? i'm dying to get it..
19:13.04annmaask on #gentoo-kde
19:13.14annmathey have a thing called overlay
19:13.31*** join/#kde PaulKersey_out (n=chatzill@
19:13.56mtkI heard of the overlay but also heard it's quite buggy
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19:14.20bonsaikittenmtk: rumors.
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19:18.02annmamtk: how would it be buggy
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19:18.45luke-jrKMail just lost an email on me
19:20.02luke-jroh, how nice
19:20.10GraveDiggerwhich package is "kdevplatformconfig.cmake" in?
19:20.15luke-jr"Accept" on a invitation autodeletes it -.-
19:20.30gkiagiaGraveDigger: kdevplatform ?
19:20.53gkiagialuke-jr: report a bug
19:21.41GraveDiggergkiagia: hmm... too bad my distribution does not have any package with such a name ... do you have an idea, how packages containing it might be named?
19:22.27Half-LeftGAH, STRIGI
19:22.31Half-LeftUnknown backend type: sopranobackend
19:22.54gkiagiaGraveDigger: what are you trying to build? kdevplatform is a kde module
19:23.09Half-LeftStrigi doesn't know sorano backend, hahahahaha
19:23.34GraveDiggergkiagia: i am trying to build kdevelop from source, and well, i *think* i have kde development packages installed. however, it seems that this special module is missing and i am trying to figure out which package is missing
19:24.14gkiagiaGraveDigger: right, kdevelop also requires kdevplatform. you will find that in svn too and you need to build both
19:25.05Half-Leftslaps strigi
19:25.06kishoreGraveDigger: i think kdevelop depends on kde 4.1++
19:25.22GraveDiggerkishore: exactly this is what i have installed, kde-4.1.1
19:25.30GraveDiggergkiagia: alright, thank you
19:25.39GraveDiggerhas checked it out now and trys to build :)
19:26.18Half-Leftannma: Does Nepomuk rely on Strigi in any way to use tags aross apps in any way at all?
19:26.24GraveDiggerokay ... :)
19:26.27kishoreGraveDigger: try it. but i recollect mentios of it needing 4.2 (trunk)
19:26.44GraveDiggerkishore: yeah, now i see what those mentions mean :))
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19:30.15loner269_i got a problem i got kde4 looks nice but now i got no bar at bottom to hit my menu an see the clock an stuff how do i get it back?
19:31.09annmawhat do you get then? and what happened: you had it before?
19:31.31loner269_yes last night i shut down an today its gone
19:31.57loner269_theres nothing no bar just empty space
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19:32.36loner269_the other kde still has its bar though so i dont get it
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19:33.26mrsaccessIf you right click on the desktop isn't an option to add a panel?
19:33.43mrsaccessIf so add it and then add to it a systray and a task manager widget!
19:34.07loner269_i dont see anything for panel
19:34.15loner269_i saw add widgit though
19:34.35_gunni_Panel is a kind of widget
19:35.02loner269_oh ok so hit add widgit an look for panel there?
19:35.05_gunni_Ah no sorry, it has its own entry
19:35.18*** join/#kde _Angelus_ (
19:35.33loner269_im lost so you know im new to this stuff
19:35.55_gunni_I got "Add widget" and "Add panel" on right mouse click
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19:37.16loner269_i dont
19:37.36maddog42Hi all - I'm running 4.1.1 and wondering if there's any way to allow the windows overlap the panels.
19:37.54annmamaddog42: it's in trunk
19:38.00annmaso for 4.2
19:38.01pinotreein kde 4.2 there is already
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19:38.29maddog42good deal. one of the little things that you really notice...
19:40.44loner269_ugh i guess ill just use the other kde i hate not knowing stuff i like kde4 better from what i saw anyway
19:40.55loner269_o well sorry to bug ya have a good 1
19:41.02loner269_see ya
19:41.15*** part/#kde loner269_ (
19:41.49tuxickheh i clicked "hide menubar" and now no idea how to get it back
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19:41.58annmactrl M
19:42.12Half-LeftOh nice, sound just dropped out
19:42.12*** join/#kde SidGBF (n=chatzill@
19:42.16SidGBFWhere to download a windows phonon backend?
19:42.21maddog42thanks guys...
19:42.38annmaSidGBF: ask in #kde-windows
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19:55.41pinotreecoalao: calm
19:55.42*** mode/#kde [+o annma] by ChanServ
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19:55.51*** kick/#kde [coalao!n=pino@kde/pino] by pinotree (User terminated!)
19:55.58tuxickif only :/
19:56.10pinotree.. he would behave
19:56.10tuxickthe remote face stabber still hasn't been made
19:56.17annmait's a race between pinotree and me
19:56.19tuxickor else!
19:56.27pinotreekisses annma
19:56.50annma;) you're forgiven then
19:57.59*** mode/#kde [-o annma] by annma
19:58.09*** mode/#kde [-o pinotree] by pinotree
19:58.43*** join/#kde JyZyXEL (
19:58.50JyZyXELhow do i see what KDE version i have?
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19:59.09annmain any KDE app look at the Help menu -> About KDE
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20:12.42coalaoOLA SUAS BIXA
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20:13.16pinotreecoalao: stop that.
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20:13.31JyZyXELhow do you turn that "More Applications" thing off?
20:13.39pinotreeJyZyXEL: set its size to 0
20:13.41JyZyXELso that all the applications are listed
20:13.44JyZyXELwhere is that set?
20:13.49coalaois very very bad
20:14.09pinotreeJyZyXEL: ah sorry, misread -- you cannot easily
20:14.32coalaoyou gay
20:14.43pinotreeyou troll
20:14.50*** mode/#kde [+o pinotree] by ChanServ
20:15.01pinotreebye idiot!
20:15.05*** kick/#kde [coalao!n=pino@kde/pino] by pinotree (bye!)
20:15.21*** mode/#kde [+b *!n=coala@*] by pinotree
20:15.54JyZyXELin the tasklist tasks that are not shown are somehow dimmed
20:16.04JyZyXELhow do you turn that off?
20:17.00*** join/#kde _spm_Draget (
20:17.13_spm_DragetIs there an easy way to add programms to autostart?
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20:17.35pinotreein kde4, systemsettings → advanced → autostart
20:17.45JyZyXELhow bout me??
20:18.00*** mode/#kde [-o pinotree] by pinotree
20:18.10pinotree"patience" is not a bad word...
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20:20.12junkDawgienot a problem for me at all.... my boss however, thinks differently
20:21.41Half-LeftYou have a boss?
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20:23.19luke-jrpinotree: what is →?
20:23.20*** join/#kde jhulst (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
20:23.37pinotreean arrow to the right
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20:23.50luke-jrwhat's wrong with something more common like ►? :þ
20:24.34pinotreelike "->"
20:24.49JyZyXELok that is a bug
20:24.58JyZyXELthe "Inactive task text color" doesn't work
20:25.06JyZyXELit gets lightened
20:25.20JyZyXELand no way to turn it off
20:25.51tdi_kdoes anybody know how  can I pop-up akregator's window through dbus (kde trunk)? with dcop it was easy ....
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20:28.33giovineHello Everybody
20:28.48giovineI'm new on kde. I've installed kde 3.5
20:29.46giovineI have a lot of same kind application. (for example Ksirc, KVirc, Konversation.....3 irc clients!!!). Is it possible remove one of this application?
20:30.07junkDawgiewhat? no xchat?
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20:30.36junkDawgieusually the package manager can do that for you, glovine
20:30.49giovineI would like have xchat or only one irc client. But I have many ir client (ksirc, kvirk, konversation, kopete)
20:31.29giovineI use debian and I remove con apt........when I try to remove one of this application there are a lot of depencies
20:31.37pinotreegiovine: #debian please
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20:32.16giovineok, so it's possible remove all the application of kde I want, is it?
20:32.23JyZyXELnow explain me that
20:32.34pinotreegiovine: this is a task of your distribution
20:32.52giovineok, I'm agree
20:32.55gkiagiagiovine: (see 4)
20:33.14gkiagiagiovine: and more questions in #debian-kde or #debian
20:34.15gkiagiatdi_k: use qdbus or qdbusviewer to find the method
20:34.18giovineThanks a lot
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20:35.35sigma_zais there a kde4 utility to manage nfs shares ?
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20:43.00JyZyXELcan you have two row application buttons?
20:43.03JyZyXELand 16x16
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20:45.43gkiagiaJyZyXEL: you mean buttons to launch applications in kicker?
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20:50.36JyZyXELgkiagia yea
20:50.55gkiagiaJyZyXEL: there is a quicklaunch applet that you can add to kicker and it supports that
20:50.56*** join/#kde Lanoxx (
20:51.09JyZyXELhow do we get it?
20:51.25gkiagiaright click->add applet
20:51.46gkiagia(I don't really remember kicker's options, but it should be around)
20:52.06JyZyXELso that applet will be in this list?
20:52.12gkiagiaI suppose
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20:53.43JyZyXELit wanst
20:53.53JyZyXELall this shit is WAY too big
20:54.02*** part/#kde joseee1985 (
20:54.13JyZyXELi need some multi row stuff
20:54.29*** part/#kde radius (n=cube@pdpc/supporter/active/radius)
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20:55.04cb400fJyZyXEL: multirow taskbar is coming back in 4.2
20:55.41g2g591iits not in kde 4.1 or kde 4.0
20:55.44gkiagiacb400f: he is talking about quick launch in kde 3.5
20:55.51JyZyXELhow bout 3.5
20:55.53JyZyXELi have that
20:55.56JyZyXELit not in that too
20:56.15JyZyXELinfact i think its in NONE of the panels made for linux
20:56.21JyZyXELwhat the heck makes it so hard
20:56.27gkiagiaJyZyXEL: some distros ship that quick launch applet by default but I am not sure if it is in default kde
20:56.31*** join/#kde ubuntu (
20:56.36gkiagiabut I think it is...
20:56.42cb400fsorry, thought it was about the taskbar
20:57.04JyZyXELthe system tray should also be double row
20:57.11JyZyXELand 16p icons
20:58.35*** join/#kde bushwakko (
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20:59.57cb400fJyZyXEL: for kde3 the quick launch applet and systray v2 applet exist
21:00.03gkiagiaJyZyXEL: system tray *IS* double row if it grows too big in height
21:00.13cb400fkde4 systray is two row if the panel is tall enough
21:00.41gkiagiaah, it is another systray? systray version 2 ?
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21:01.12JyZyXELso where do you get these applets?
21:01.15cb400fin kde3 there's a non-default applet for double row systray
21:01.30cb400flikely your distro will have them
21:01.57gkiagiaJyZyXEL: if they are not in your list and there are no packages for them, try or
21:02.07JyZyXELdebian distro
21:02.22JyZyXELkdeaddons - add-on plugins and applets provided with KDE
21:02.34JyZyXELwould that be it?
21:02.57cb400fcould be..
21:02.58gkiagiaJyZyXEL: kicker-applets maybe?
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21:04.03skinnymg1i was wonder if someone in here knows of an application to do what i need
21:04.04zetaq: how do i upgrade my KDE 3.5.9 to 3.5.10
21:04.18zetaI'm having problems with getting the login screen to use 96 DPI as opposed to 120DPI
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21:06.26skinnymg1ok i run run a stream on ustream and need an app kind of like audio hijack for the macs
21:07.14skinnymg1one that will allow me to patch my computer's audio in to the stream
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21:08.08luke-jrzeta: you mean changing the login screen's resolution?
21:08.50JyZyXELchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!
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21:13.41gkiagiaJyZyXEL: did you try first with kicker-applets?
21:14.05JyZyXELyea its no use
21:14.16gkiagiaJyZyXEL: for the error, aptitude install kdelibs4-dev
21:14.38JyZyXELalso needs jpg libs
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21:16.00JyZyXELmaybe i should just accept the defeat
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21:17.28JyZyXELill try the gnome panel
21:18.26leomonadedrinkis there a way to maximize a window with the keyboard?
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21:21.57stdinleomonadedrink: alt-f3 should bring up the windows context menu (if the short-cut is set)
21:22.15leomonadedrinkstdin: thanks!
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21:26.38gkiagiaJyZyXEL: for whatever it needs, find the package that is named after what it asks and that ends in -dev ;)
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21:29.48friedrich|powerdevil from kdereview doesn't happen to start - it says it can't find its powerdevil.desktop
21:30.21friedrich|it says "kded/powerdevil.desktop" not found
21:30.25friedrich|but that thing is installed.
21:30.37friedrich|at /usr/share/kde4/services/kded/powerdevil.desktop
21:30.42friedrich|does it need a different path?
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21:47.33JefisHello, i'm having little problems with kio_slave
21:47.36Jefiskonqueror(4664): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:
21:47.36Jefisklauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.
21:47.40Jefisany ideas how to fix it?
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22:01.08marcparisin the kde control center, there are an area to assign action to a keyboard key..... does it's suppose to work in kde 4.1?
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22:01.58marcpariswith opensuse 11.0 and kde 4.1.1, i have ksnapshot assigner to printsreen key... but no action happen if i click on it....
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22:04.26tofhey ;]
22:04.27qknighti want that kde with that 3d things control. is that compiz-fusion with a kde like control
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22:04.45qknighti don't know but it is kde 4.1 i would guess
22:04.51qknightwhat is it exactly?
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22:05.11tofsorry man i just checking this cannal ;]
22:06.09octox2sometimes my screensaver fills the screen, sometimes plasma puts it in the upper left corner. IS this someting that everyone is experiencing?
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22:12.00hdevalencedoes anyone here know of a good distro which isn't Kubuntu intrepid and uses KDE 4.1?
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22:18.10friedrich|^hdevalence: arch maybe
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22:19.49^hdevalencefreeedrich|: how difficult is it?
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22:36.11qknighthdevalence: i think as difficult as with gentoo
22:36.16qknightsince kde 4.1 is pretty new
22:36.21qknightbut i'm only guessing
22:36.46hdevalenceI think I'm going to go for opensuse
22:36.58hdevalencetried gentoo once, but I'm too impatient for it
22:37.38qknighthdevalence: in this case it would be best to just 'wait'
22:37.52blauzahl-laptopopensuse is supposedly nice. but i might be biased towards blue-haired developers.
22:38.10hdevalenceqknight: well right now I'm using 4.1 on kubuntu 8.10
22:38.17gkiagiadebian also runs fine with 4.1
22:38.18hdevalencebut I'm having an issue
22:38.24blauzahl-laptopi run from trunk, so i can't give useful advice. i use debian, though.
22:38.25qknighthdevalence: but installing it there is quite easy compared to other systems right now
22:38.29qknightok suse might be good, too
22:38.37hdevalenceqknight: that's what I've heard too
22:38.58blauzahl-laptophdevalence: just one issue?
22:39.03qknightbut i can't say anything aobut it really, didn't use it yet (suse with any kde 4.x version)
22:39.07hdevalenceblauzahl-laptop: yes
22:39.19qknightjust used kubuntu with 4.x from scratch which was working out of the place
22:39.22blauzahl-laptopwere you going to ask for help on it? :)
22:39.36hdevalenceone very very mysterious, improbable to fix issue
22:39.45blauzahl-laptopgranted there is #kubuntu-kde or something as well
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22:41.04hdevalenceblauzahl-laptop: summary: I have problems using certain servers, including I can connect to them,  even use "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" and get a response
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22:41.17hdevalencebut I cannot actually *use* them
22:41.28hdevalencetracroute seems fine
22:42.09blauzahl-laptophmm. last i checked, there actually were two bug reports open on problems similar to that
22:42.17blauzahl-laptopmaybe just one
22:42.27blauzahl-laptopare you using konq or something else?
22:42.53hdevalence|awayblauzahl-laptop: it happens with konq,FF3, and links, as well as svn. but I need to go for a bit
22:43.17blauzahl-laptopinteresting. i would search bugzilla for things cc'd to thiago, it sounds like his area.
22:43.25blauzahl-laptopi'd look in kubuntu bugzilla too.
22:43.38blauzahl-laptopthat's a pretty serious bug....
22:43.53gkiagiapretty mysterious actually
22:43.56blauzahl-laptopthe one i'm thinking of was just a random occurrence.
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22:44.10blauzahl-laptopoh, gkiagia remembers it, i bet ;)
22:44.18gkiagiano such luck :)
22:44.58gkiagiawhat does wireshark say? that should show the bug...
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22:57.43hdevalencegkiagia: ping
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22:58.39djdarkmanhello, how can I align the systray left or right on a panel? (in kde4)
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22:58.55zetahow can i set the text of the login screen to use 96 dpi as opposed to 120 dpi>
23:00.44pinotreekde control center → look&themes → fonts
23:01.54zetapinotree: i did that, but it only changed in the rest of x, and not the login screen
23:02.01zetamy login screen still has big ugly bold fonts
23:02.09zetain KDE4+ the issue was resolved
23:02.22zetabut KDE 3.5 has the bug still
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23:30.07palCan I install Kde4 when using kde 3.5?
23:30.40bonsaikittenif your distro supports it or you build from source yes
23:30.45paland should I swith off X server?
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23:31.21palI have mandriva 2008.1 powerpack x86_64
23:32.01bonsaikittenwhy not ask in #mandriva or such a channel then? they might know
23:32.05paldefault kde 3.5 installed now but i want to change to 4.1
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23:33.10palthere some people about another thing
23:33.46palI know pack name- kdebase4
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23:34.41palbut i not sure if it will work if i install it from mandriva control center
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23:35.31gkiagiahdevalence: pong?
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23:38.04^hdevalencegkiagia: pingpong
23:38.16^hdevalencegkiagia: sorry, konverstaion was being strange
23:38.23gkiagiaand I was away
23:38.44^hdevalencegkiagia: so I used wireshark to see what actually happened when I tried to go to
23:39.45^hdevalencegkiagia: but I didn't see anything unusual
23:40.23gkiagiaso, the site does not open but the communication with the server is ok?
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23:40.44^hdevalencegkiagia: yes
23:40.53^hdevalenceit responds to HEAD but not to GET
23:41.19hdevalenceand with I can ssh in, but can't use svn+ssh
23:41.56gkiagiamaybe kubuntu has some sort of wierd firewall?
23:42.19hdevalencegkiagia: that would be a very weird firewall
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23:43.37hdevalencegkiagia: the best part is, I can't search b.k.o
23:44.31hdevalencegkiagia: or software.opensuse,org
23:44.34gkiagiais that interpid?
23:44.39hdevalencegkiagia: yes
23:44.51gkiagiaI am not surprised...
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23:45.24gkiagiawhat kernel does that ship?
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23:46.27hdevalencegkiagia: uname -a gives me "2.6.27-2-generic"
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23:47.34gkiagiahdevalence: based on the fact that 2.6.27 is not released yet, it could well be a kernel bug
23:47.49hdevalenceprobably an evil plot to stop people from using suse.
23:49.00hdevalenceis there a SUSE amd64 CD torrent?
23:49.12hdevalenceI searched on isohunt but I only found the DVD
23:50.24gkiagiahow does isohunt work if http GET doesn't work? :S
23:51.23gkiagiahdevalence: ?
23:51.42hdevalencegkiagia: it's only for certain site
23:51.49gkiagiaI am not sure if it is the right cd, I am not an opensuse user
23:52.17hdevalenceperhaps I will ask in #suse
23:52.19gkiagiahdevalence: maybe your isp has that evil plot?
23:52.33hdevalencegkiagia: well they *are* in bed with MS
23:52.35gkiagiayeah, better ask there
23:54.18gkiagiawell, I am off to bed... goodnight
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23:59.17Shirakawasunadoes kde 4.1.1 have a frontend for networkmanager?  I remember reading about it a while back, someone saying it was for kde 4.1...

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