IRC log for #kde on 20080911

00:00.12*** join/#kde Epocher (n=epocher@
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00:34.24ScheissDroge2can you see me
00:34.46*** join/#kde Kevin_ (
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00:36.27*** join/#kde zerkms (
00:37.54*** part/#kde olujicz (n=olujicz@79-175-75-127.adsl-a-1.sezampro.yu)
00:38.13*** part/#kde ScheissDroge2 (
00:42.22*** join/#kde freeRag (n=freeRag@
00:51.17junkDawgieyou might try kde-look for a plasmoid that monitors, zerkms
00:51.29zerkmsis it kde3?
00:51.42junkDawgieno sorry i misunderstood
00:52.50*** join/#kde QuAZ (
00:58.02*** join/#kde traktor1 (
01:01.33*** join/#kde zmainframe (
01:02.12zmainframeHi I have a KDE 4.1 question.  WHen I log in after a session my widgets always end up piled up on the upper left corner of my screen.  How do I avoid this?
01:02.19zmainframeI am running Debian sid
01:04.57*** join/#kde Wofl_ (n=nils@
01:07.26zerkmswhere to configure minimize/maximize window animation?
01:14.12*** join/#kde erulabs (
01:15.01erulabsHey guys... Im getting connection refused to (subversion). Just thought I'd mention it.
01:15.23*** join/#kde lfranchi (n=lfranchi@amarok/developer/lfranchi)
01:17.09*** join/#kde yao_ziyuan (n=yaoziyua@
01:17.14*** join/#kde KikoV2 (n=SEFGD@
01:17.45yao_ziyuandimming inactive windows should be made a default
01:18.09yao_ziyuanand the dimming better be gradual
01:18.20QuAZyao_ziyuan: Is that a threat?
01:18.36yao_ziyuanQuAZ: you mean "should" is a threat?
01:19.02erulabsyao_ziyuan: I think it was the "and it better be..."
01:19.05QuAZlol, I meant the "And the dimming better be gradual" :)
01:19.08*** part/#kde KikoV2 (n=SEFGD@
01:19.19yao_ziyuani'm not a native english speaker
01:19.28yao_ziyuanso i didn't know it has a sense of threat
01:19.35QuAZDon't worry about it. It's fine :) And it's a good idea :)
01:20.04yao_ziyuanconsidering the Oxygen theme is very bright,
01:20.40*** join/#kde Tini_ (
01:20.40yao_ziyuanwhen there are multiple windows on the desktop, it makes it look all white
01:20.52yao_ziyuanso, dimming background windows really helps.
01:23.53*** join/#kde kde_pepo (
01:23.58*** join/#kde sabayonlive-2166 (n=sabayonu@
01:24.14octox2is it bad to install kdetoys3 and 4 at the same time ?
01:24.55*** join/#kde vjoe (n=vjoe@
01:25.38*** join/#kde freebse (
01:25.40*** part/#kde yao_ziyuan (n=yaoziyua@
01:27.44*** join/#kde Yozzer (
01:29.04*** join/#kde gionnico (
01:30.55gionnicohi! my audio don't work.
01:31.04gionnicobut i can't play audio and programs don't give me any errors
01:31.24gionnicowhat can I do? alsa works and also login/logout kde4 sounds work
01:32.38*** join/#kde wiscados (n=mint@
01:34.50gionnicoso they think it's working .. but it isn't: where can I find the log in this case?
01:35.01*** join/#kde SmatZ (
01:36.26*** join/#kde birunko (n=birunko@
01:38.35*** join/#kde root (n=root@
01:45.21_sagitarius_is back (gone 02:48:55)
01:48.38*** join/#kde sabocat (
01:51.51*** join/#kde kc8hfi (n=kc8hfi@
02:00.31*** join/#kde quassel251 (
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02:05.10*** join/#kde thesource (
02:08.11*** part/#kde kso3 (
02:09.03*** join/#kde creepa (
02:11.10*** part/#kde creepa (i=creepa@unaffiliated/creepa)
02:11.20*** join/#kde jyoseph (
02:12.00*** join/#kde jcarlosn (
02:12.35jyosephhi, I'm using kde 3.5.x and want to run a script after logging in. I am in /home/user/.kde/Autostart but am not sure what to do from here
02:13.11jyosephI created a text file called "startXModMap" and put "xmodmap ~/.xmodmap" ... will that work?
02:17.12Jucatojyoseph: make sure the script is executable.
02:17.29Jucatoand put it in the the Autostart/ directory
02:17.44jyosephJucato: ah, ok I was doing some googling and found that it needs to have #!/bin/bash at the top of the file too
02:17.45*** join/#kde creepa (
02:17.48jyosephdoes that sound right?
02:18.12jyosephand then chmod +x scriptname
02:18.32jyosephthanks Jucato
02:18.53*** join/#kde cmckendry (
02:20.26jyoseph just doing this to load my xmodmap
02:20.30jyosephhopefully that does the trick
02:20.39jyosephis a linux no0b
02:23.13mewmewjyoseph:  it could be worse
02:23.15mewmewyou could be me
02:23.17*** join/#kde drivamgr2008Spri (n=thor@wikinews/Tmalmjursson)
02:23.24drivamgr2008SpriMorning all.
02:23.31mewmewi'm re-installign my distro over a simple mistake involing midi's
02:24.01jyosephmewmew: I've done something similar already, ugh I know
02:26.31mewmewi think my best mistake is when i deleted windows over a mistake and couldn't re-install windows installed linux then i was SOL b/c the distro didn't support any media mp3/dvd's and i had no net connection i could use to install the drivers
02:26.36mewmewthat was my best ^^
02:27.33drivamgr2008SpriQuestion: I have music files on my kdesktop. It used to be when I touched them with my mouse pointer, they would simply play out.  Now, they don't. I have recently upgraded to a newer distro version and wonder if this is down to them or to kde to help me sort out?  (KDE 3.5.9 / Mandriva 2008.1 (Spring Edition))
02:28.15mewmeware your music files asscoited with any music player?
02:28.34drivamgr2008SpriAll music files are associated to AmaroK
02:29.22mewmewcan you get mp3's to play at all?
02:29.29mewmewor music files
02:29.33*** join/#kde bytor4232 (
02:29.55drivamgr2008Spriyes, mewmew. All of my music will play in all of my applications, now i knocked pulseaudio on the head.
02:30.03*** join/#kde keo (
02:30.12drivamgr2008Sprii am solely using ALSA again.
02:30.51*** part/#kde bytor4232 (
02:32.17mewmewwell i'm no guru or geek on linux yet. only thing i could think of would be forums at this point or if anyone here has linux knowledge HELP
02:32.52*** join/#kde neversfelde (
02:33.31QuAZI don't use the desktop, sorry :/
02:33.37drivamgr2008Sprimewmew: I'll say this much, when I find out who invented pulseaudio they are gonna get fmurrpled into deep space! :D
02:34.07drivamgr2008Sprinever did I have a machine which used 48% of its cpu just to play an mp3... :)
02:38.19*** join/#kde quassel251 (
02:40.33*** join/#kde archangle25 (
02:45.24*** join/#kde gionnico (
02:46.58*** join/#kde glite (
02:47.08*** join/#kde wesw02 (
02:47.22*** part/#kde glite (
02:48.03*** join/#kde quassel251 (
02:48.30wesw02I'm using kde 4.1 on Gentoo
02:49.02mewmewOpenSuSe is pretty up to date
02:49.03*** join/#kde stahnma_ (
02:49.27mewmewwesw02: i didn't think Gentoo had KDE on its portage yet
02:49.41wesw02its in a portage overlay
02:49.44*** join/#kde quassel251 (
02:49.50freeRagsuse is signed a pact with the devil
02:50.24wesw02mewmew, they've spent a good amount of time on it, it built with almost not problem
02:50.37*** join/#kde dansushi (
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02:51.17freeRagcan i play urban terror on sUse ?
02:51.52freeRaghow do you know ? u a terrorist ?
02:52.05mewmewno clue what you can do on suse
02:52.07wesw02yes :)
02:52.13mewmewi have a copy of OpenSuse
02:52.21mewmewbut no copy of it running
02:52.32mewmewi want to try kubuntu/OpenSuse
02:52.35mewmewdual boot
02:52.38wesw02i love urban terror
02:52.47mewmewhowever if its not easy
02:52.51mewmewi don't like to try it
02:52.55*** join/#kde zugnush_ (n=neilm@
02:52.58junkDawgiehopes this urban terror is a game
02:53.25wesw02it is :)
02:53.33wesw02runs on the open quake3 engine :)
02:53.40freeRagits cops beating up inicents
02:53.48junkDawgiei see, thanks for the info
02:53.51freeRagits cops beating up inocents
02:54.52*** join/#kde phoenixz (n=sven@
02:54.57freeRagjust try it
02:55.28freeRagits the best linux game now that armyops isnt being developed anymore
02:56.59*** join/#kde bgmiki (
02:57.02*** join/#kde gmw (
02:57.04gmwuhh, hi there...
02:57.17freeRaganother achmed
02:57.49gmwi'm trying to use emerge to build kde-windows stuff, and it always worked fine, but now i get error "unable to connect to, connection refused" and alike
02:58.11*** join/#kde neil__ (
02:58.15freeRagits Ramadan lets take them out wile they r starving them selfs
02:58.22wesw02gmw, are you on gentoo?
02:58.30gmwwesw02, no, win32 :D
02:58.35*** join/#kde bgmiki (
02:58.39wesw02oh haha, i misread
02:58.41JucatoEmerge in this case is the kde-windows  installer
02:58.43wesw02i saw emerge
02:58.49wesw02yea haha
02:58.58Jucatoyou saw right, but different context
02:59.00gmwyes, but the problem seems to be that it can't reacht the server (it seems to be online though)
02:59.09Jucatogmw: the mirrors to svn might be down
02:59.28gmwJucato, yeah i figured, i only wanted to know if it's a known condition ;)
02:59.53Jucatoanonsvn only makes use of mirrors, you don't connect to KDE's SVN server itself. so the svn server may be up, but anonsvn might not be working
03:00.21gmwmhh, guess i'll just wait a while then^^
03:02.00gmwa lot of strange things happend today though... first, my windows media stream ripper stopped working for no coneivable reason (it might have had something to do with the motherboard getting too hot and having negative effects on the network adapter though)
03:02.43gmwthen, for some unknown reason the command line wouldn't like my PATH settings anymore and refused starting processes from the win32/system directory, until i changed the path from %systemroot% to actual c:/windows .... and now this ... not having a good computer day ;)
03:04.36*** join/#kde eternaleye_ (
03:09.32*** join/#kde Fernando (
03:10.02*** join/#kde drivamgr2008Spri (n=thor@wikinews/Tmalmjursson)
03:10.29*** join/#kde achiang (
03:11.29drivamgr2008SpriAnyone else got any clues on my missing sound file previews??? I got someone with me right now who is helping as much as possible, but I think this will be a KDE help thing...
03:12.52*** join/#kde N9NU (n=n9nu@
03:16.18*** join/#kde lukehasnoname` (i=817679de@gateway/web/ajax/
03:17.02luke-jrlukehasnoname`: -.-
03:17.08lukehasnoname`what's up
03:17.30*** join/#kde benklop (
03:18.18*** join/#kde fedora_ (n=fedora@
03:18.46lukehasnoname`question, since I don't feel like google-investigating: Apparently KDE 3 had a "right click on the desktop for apps menu" function one of my professors is very fond of, does KDE 4 have an option to turn that on?
03:19.20N9NUyou mean to launch apps from?
03:19.27Jucatonone (so far)
03:19.56lukehasnoname`I'm a gnome guy, so I don't know the specifics. I suppose it was something similar to fluxbox's right click -> all apps menu
03:20.17luke-jrlukehasnoname`: middle-click shows a menu of all open windows, on all virtual desktops..
03:20.27luke-jrno idea if KDE 4 has it tho
03:21.08g2g591grr, stupid refusing my connection
03:21.36*** join/#kde slash (n=slash@
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03:24.24Jucatog2g591: seems like it's down. someone else was having problems too
03:24.31Jucatoluke-jr: none in kde4 (yet)
03:25.50lukehasnoname`Jucato: well, that's a showstopper for my prof, heh
03:26.27Chanilukehasnoname`: kde4 is missing that right now. contextmenu plugins are planned, but I'm not sure when we'll have time. not for 4.2
03:26.52Chanilukehasnoname`: it'd probably be possible to write a containment with that feature right now, though
03:27.07N9NUyou can get context menus if you add a "folder view" widget to your desktop
03:27.08Chanis/probably/almost certainly
03:27.15N9NUand then right click within that space
03:27.51JucatoN9NU: different kind, compared to the KDE 3 feature he was mentioning
03:28.01N9NUroger that
03:35.24*** join/#kde slash (n=slash@
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03:36.47*** join/#kde Iki (
03:39.27wesw02So I'm still having this issue, some elements of KDE4.1 seem to think that the resolution is slightly bigger than what it is, when I maximize a window it goes too far, when my task bar is on the bottom or right only 1/4 of it is visible, is anyone else experiencing this?
03:52.00*** join/#kde chubs_ (n=joseph@
03:52.30chubs_slackware, kde 4.1. how do I get a panel on the bottom?
03:53.05*** join/#kde xjunior (
03:54.11xjuniorI'm using Gentoo GNU/Linux. I just upgraded from kde 4.1.0 to kde 4.1.1, but now I can't login into KDE. The most curious part is that /usr/kde/4.1/ is empty. The binaries of the KDE apps are in /usr/bin/. Can somebody please help me?
03:54.46*** part/#kde iamben (
03:55.18N9NUfrom a terminal, did you try typing "kde4" ?
03:56.33*** join/#kde usman (n=usman@
03:56.50*** part/#kde lukehasnoname` (i=817679de@gateway/web/ajax/
03:57.37xjuniorN9NU: yes, it's there
03:57.57xjuniorN9NU: it's on /usr/bin/kde4
03:58.58N9NUwhat error you get
03:59.29N9NUdid you also try running "startx"
04:00.42xjuniorN9NU: if I run startx, I just get a black screen with the mouse pointer as a "X"
04:01.32N9NUi had that before, but i cannot for the life of me what i did
04:01.43xjuniorif I loggin from kdm, I got a small terminal (xterm), without window border, in the top-left corner
04:02.13N9NUdid you try loggin in from a "konsole" or "terminal
04:02.18N9NUnot KDM
04:02.22N9NUrun level 3
04:02.35xjuniorN9NU: this might be some missing package
04:02.39xjuniorN9NU: humm?
04:02.46N9NUlemme check something online'
04:03.09*** join/#kde kevin__ (
04:08.23xjuniorN9NU: something?
04:09.03*** join/#kde idahogray (
04:10.34*** join/#kde Neurario (
04:11.09N9NUi find some bits and pieces
04:11.11*** join/#kde smurfslover (
04:11.16N9NUof others having the same issues
04:11.22*** join/#kde creepa (
04:11.24N9NUthere seems to be a file missing
04:12.05xjuniorhummmm some solution?
04:12.17xjunioror should I rollback to 4.1 ?
04:12.48*** join/#kde tony_ (
04:13.20N9NUi cant find what file it is
04:13.40xjuniorwhat did you search for? I couldn't find nothing
04:14.08N9NUlemme paste something
04:14.14*** part/#kde Neurario (
04:14.38*** join/#kde roberto (n=roberto@
04:15.27N9NUi started there just to check out things
04:15.56xjuniorbut, there isn't nothing there,right?
04:16.08N9NUand wound up at gentoo bugzilla
04:17.28N9NUaw heck
04:17.32*** part/#kde tony_ (
04:17.35N9NUthey have a #gentookde channel here
04:17.49*** join/#kde kishore (n=kishore@
04:18.17xjuniorthey do, but they don't answer me ther
04:18.32xjunioracctually, they don't say anything there
04:18.37xjuniora ghost channel
04:19.27N9NUi know kde 4 in and out for my distro (mandriva cooker 64) but i do not know the gentoo /etc or /opt layout
04:19.39*** join/#kde radi0head (
04:22.22N9NUCan anyone tell me what I need to do to resolve this kstartupconfig error message in order to successfully start KDE4?
04:22.24N9NUedit: The full message is: Could not start kstartupconfig. Check your installation.
04:22.39N9NUlooks like someone else has a prob with it
04:22.58*** part/#kde creepa (i=creepa@unaffiliated/creepa)
04:25.32*** join/#kde creepa (
04:26.50*** part/#kde usman (n=usman@
04:28.30*** part/#kde junkDawgie (
04:33.52Chanihates it when she goes to answer a question and the person has left
04:34.42xjuniorChani: well, you can answer mine then :)
04:36.34*** join/#kde imagelife (n=imagelif@
04:40.16*** join/#kde taupter_nb (
04:44.09*** join/#kde slim_ (n=slim1@
04:44.36slim_hello all, is there kmymoney for kde4 ?
04:46.25*** join/#kde yao_ziyuan (n=yaoziyua@
04:46.37yao_ziyuani saw a bug report that kscapshot doesn't work in kd34
04:46.44yao_ziyuanhow to make it work?
04:46.51yao_ziyuancurrently i can only use ctrl+printscreen
04:47.08yao_ziyuanbut it doesn't create an image file directly
04:47.21*** join/#kde stylish (
04:47.41stylishDoes anyone here know where kdict is located in kmenu ?
04:48.18stylishI just run it from the application launcher, but I was wondering if it is in the kmenu ?
04:49.58*** join/#kde sjraarke (
04:50.12stylishI found it, it is in the extra applications on the internet menu.
04:51.06xjuniorI'm using kde + KDM  4.1.1. When I login in kde-4 session, it's not working. it just shows me a xterm in the top-left corner
04:52.59xjunioractually, my installation is completely buggy. Some menus are "No Text", and files with latin characters are not being shown correctly (and they were before).
04:54.01*** join/#kde Colonel_Panic (
04:54.22*** join/#kde wiscados (n=mint@
04:56.24Chaniyao_ziyuan: worksforme
04:57.48Chanixjunior: sounds like your system is pretty messed up. if you're getting xterm instad of kde, then startkde isn't getting called.... check hte session options in kdm, look for a stray .xinitrc or something that could be overriding things, etc...
04:58.41yao_ziyuanChani: maybe you don't enable compiz
04:58.56Chaniyao_ziyuan: had compiz on on my laptop
04:59.02*** join/#kde Ci-Dev_ (
04:59.03Chaniintel drivers, though
04:59.12*** join/#kde gr1m-lap (
04:59.28yao_ziyuanChani: i saw a bug report saying compiz conflicts with Input Actions, preventing PrintScreen to take effect
04:59.29gmwany idea on how long the svn will be down? i can see daylight through the window and i don't like it ;)
05:00.47*** join/#kde Qt-collective (
05:02.34*** join/#kde MrGrim (
05:02.37xjuniorChani: look for xinitrc where?
05:02.57*** join/#kde sjraarke (
05:03.46xjuniorChani: I'm using the KDM session option in KDM
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05:05.53Chanixjunior: .xinitrc in your home dir
05:06.03xjuniorChani: there isn't
05:06.09Chanithere are some other rc-files that can override things, but I forget their names
05:06.24xjuniorChani: where KDM looks for the available sessions?
05:06.27Chanicould also be some other weird failure
05:06.53Chanixjunior: where you can specify which session to use, for example if you're not using any kdm
05:07.30*** join/#kde imagelife (n=imagelif@
05:07.33xjuniorChani: sorry, I missunderstood
05:07.38ChaniI wonder what happens if you make a .xinitrc and put #!/bin/sh startkde  in it
05:08.14Chaniyou could create such a file and then log into a terminal and run startx and see what happens...
05:08.18*** join/#kde JLP (
05:08.22Chanimight narrow things down a little
05:09.03xjuniorChani: it works
05:09.13xjuniorChani: but still not working with kdm
05:09.42xjuniorand, another weird thing
05:09.56xjuniorall the menus in Dolphin (top menus) are "No Text"
05:11.59sjraarkeHi all.
05:12.32sjraarkeQuick kde4 related question. Are there any known issues with web-related things?
05:12.38*** join/#kde The_Rebel (
05:12.44*** part/#kde xjunior (
05:13.25sjraarkeDisplaying anything web related in kde4 locks up the desktop, doing the same thing in kde3 works fine
05:13.27Chaniit bugs me a little that I need a swap partition larger than my ram for suspend-to-disk to work. anyone know if there's a way for me to tell suspend-to-disk to just use a file or something instead?
05:13.40Chanier. not quite the right channel. but feel free to answer anyways :)
05:14.06*** join/#kde dirigeant (n=dirigean@unaffiliated/mew/x-344925)
05:14.17Chanisjraarke: that's bad. really bad. no, it should not happen :)
05:14.27sjraarkeChani: That's not the way it works :) Swap has to be able to contain your whole memory, even that only used as buffer
05:14.54Chaniwhy does it have to be swap?
05:15.03Chaniwhy can't it be something else?
05:15.04sjraarkeChani: Your swap I mean :)
05:15.25Chaniwhy does suspend-to-disk have to mean suspend-to-swap?
05:15.35sjraarkeWhat would be the advantage?
05:15.56sjraarkeSince you have to "swap" out the entire mem content
05:16.17Chaniwell, if it were a file I imagine it might be able to grow. also, I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to suspend because programs are *using* swap
05:16.34luke-jrChani: make a script
05:16.39Chaniif I'm using all my memory and then some swap, I can't hibernate
05:16.49Chaniluke-jr: huh?
05:17.00luke-jrChani: create a swap file, activate it, suspend
05:17.05luke-jron resume, deactivate and delete it
05:17.22Chanioh. huh. wonder if that'd work. hmm
05:17.31luke-jryou'd need a swap partition still
05:17.36luke-jrsince I think resume can't use swap files
05:17.51rohanpmChani: it doesn't have to be swap
05:17.56Chanithe suspend stuff seems like black magic to me. I can't even figure out how to trigger suspend from the commandline
05:17.59rohanpmWhich suspend implementation is this?
05:18.07*** join/#kde vesz (
05:18.07rohanpmtuxonice supports suspend-to-file
05:18.09luke-jrChani: suspend stuff is broken anyhow
05:18.10Chaniumm... kubuntu feisty.
05:18.15luke-jrhibernate anyhow
05:18.39Chanihibernate worked nicely on my old laptop, so long as I wasn't using too much memory
05:18.50Chanithe battery life was bad, so I needed it a lot
05:18.51luke-jrI never got hibernate to work reliably
05:18.56luke-jrit would crash 70% of the time
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05:29.09ed_agemohello everybody
05:29.19ed_agemoi'm using kde 4.1.1
05:29.56ed_agemothe icons on my desktop aren't in sync with what is on the ~/Desktop folder
05:30.09ed_agemois there any way to refresh them?
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05:34.44luke-jred_agemo: F5
05:36.18ed_agemonop sorry, it doesn't work
05:36.41ed_agemoif I browse ~/Desktop via dolphin everything is correct
05:37.01ed_agemobut the icons are my desktop aren't
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05:40.06ed_agemofor example, if I create a new folder (either using mkdir, or from dolphin), the new folder won't appear amongst the icon widgets on the Desktop
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06:44.41phtwhat's teh name for the weather plasmoid? can't see it in my list
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07:32.41d1zzyhey, anyone knows if someone is already working on getting up the anonsvn server? it's down for the last 6 hours
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07:34.29kishored1zzy: still down
07:34.52kishorenot sure if anyone's looking into it
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07:56.14ultrav1oletcan I ask an offtopic question here?
07:58.16kishoreultrav1olet: dont ask if you can ask
07:58.23kishorejust ask or dont
07:58.47pinotreeultrav1olet: ##linguistics please, not here.
07:59.09ultrav1oletpinotree: thanks!
07:59.11pinotree(and btw, reading also the topic may help)
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08:13.11yao_ziyuanthere is a small spot to the upper right of the active pushbutton
08:13.45yao_ziyuani mean in the Oxygen style
08:13.55yao_ziyuanif you make a button focused,
08:14.12yao_ziyuanyou can see a small dark pixel to the upper right corner of the button.
08:14.21yao_ziyuanthat must be a bug.
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08:17.43gkiagiayao_ziyuan: not so important but true... however, bugs are to be reported in, not here ;)
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08:19.01doitux|mobevery time when i start kde4 qtconfig is set to oxygen style. Any ideas how to prevent qtconfig to change the style?
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08:20.18gkiagiadoitux|mob: not possible, kde uses qt and sets the qt theme to be oxygen. If you want to change the qt/kde style, you have to change it from systemsettings
08:20.25ultrav1oletdoitux|mob: Qt uses the style specified by KDE
08:21.17ultrav1oletdoitux|mob: the easiest workaround will be to create a separate user on your linux box and run your Qt applications from that account
08:23.37yao_ziyuansomeone please report it for me...
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08:23.54yao_ziyuansomeone who feels reporting easy...
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08:24.12ultrav1oletyao_ziyuan: what exactly?
08:24.38doitux|mobgkiagia: ultrav1olet: is there any way to change the qtconfig style from command line?
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08:25.22ultrav1oletdoitux|mob: yes, use `sed` for that
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08:27.42doitux|mobultrav1olet: where is the style info stored?
08:29.57doitux|mobultrav1olet: thx
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08:41.45doitux|mobultrav1olet: i tried sed -e 's/style=oxygen/style=plastique/g' Trolltech.conf but it will not work :(
08:42.07*** part/#kde Andycapp92 (n=root@
08:42.15ultrav1oletsed '-i' not '-e'
08:42.52ultrav1oletbesides sed is a case sensitive application
08:42.56ultrav1oletmind that
08:43.50doitux|mobultrav1olet: thx now it works
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08:45.00icycubewhat can be the reason, that the battery-applet in kde4 doesn't show the battery state anymore?
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08:47.59CyBaHgm all o/
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08:49.58homoludenshi. does anyone how i can get openoffice to use the normal kde printer dialog? (i'm using opensuse 11 and kde 3.5).
08:51.10pinotreehomoludens: you should ask in an openoffice channel
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08:51.31homoludenspinotree: ok.
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08:57.00ultrav1olethomoludens: you probably have to install openoffice-kde-intergration package or smth like that
08:57.27friedrich|openoffice looks like poo in kde4 :)
08:57.40homoludensultrav1olet: oh, i'll take a look and see whether i can find sth like that
08:57.45friedrich|that is - no office application on my eeePC :|
08:58.07ultrav1oletfriedrich|: I don't get you
08:58.33friedrich|ultrav1olet: well, openoffice used to integrate nicely into kde3.x
08:58.48friedrich|but in kde4 it is doing a very ppor job
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08:59.56friedrich|ProblemSolver: mind not using CTCP actions against me?
09:00.08ultrav1oletfriedrich|: you can install KDE3 in Suse
09:00.27friedrich|ultrav1olet: what are you trying to tell me?
09:01.01ultrav1oletPurge KDE4 and be happy :-)
09:02.09friedrich|ultrav1olet: but not on my eeePC, which is Qt4/kdelibs:4 only :P
09:02.25ProblemSolvercsd@fri: Sorry, got problems over here. lol
09:03.07ultrav1oletfriedrich|: It's just a dialog after all, get used to it and be happy :-)
09:03.31friedrich|huh? what's a dialog?
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09:04.25ultrav1oletfriedrich|: oops, sorry, you are a wrong person
09:04.56ultrav1oletthat should go to homoludens
09:04.57friedrich|that's not very polite against me I believe :P
09:05.07ultrav1oletor I'm terribly sorry :-)
09:05.25friedrich|if you'd have used "you are THE wrong person" it'd be ok..
09:05.26ultrav1oletwill you forgive me for this?
09:05.34friedrich|but being A wrong person bothers me :P
09:05.37ultrav1oletfriedrich|: ah, OK :-)
09:05.42friedrich|yeah, you didn't mean it I believe.
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09:10.42thinkgnuwhere can i find krunner source code ?
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09:13.47anisfarhanagreetings all
09:14.07anisfarhanaafter updating kde4.0 to kde4.1 (f9) , i have lost default kde wallpaper...can anyone tell me why ?
09:15.08annmawhat is instead then?
09:15.19anisfarhanahello annma
09:15.31ultrav1oletanisfarhana: lost? then find it :-)
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09:15.48annmahi anisfarhana
09:15.57anisfarhanai just have fedora waves wallpaper , alien-night and more un-nice wallpapers
09:16.07annmadid you ask fedora channel?
09:16.26ultrav1oletanisfarhana: yeah, #fedora is your best friend now :-)
09:16.33anisfarhananot yet , i decide to ask here irst
09:16.56annmain konsole type: kde4-config --prefix
09:17.01annmaplease and paste result
09:17.07anisfarhanahold on
09:17.23ultrav1oletanisfarhana: /usr
09:17.27anisfarhanaannma: i just got /usr
09:17.39*** join/#kde fabrice__ (
09:17.45ultrav1oletFedora's default prefix for everything is /use
09:17.46annmaok the cd /usr/share/wallpapers
09:17.58annmaok then: cd /usr/share/wallpapers
09:18.04annmaanisfarhana: ls
09:18.12annmawhat is in this directory please?
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09:18.28annmapaste the ls FIRST LINE here
09:18.32annmafirst line ONLY
09:18.33ultrav1oletannma: I hope he won't paste here the contents of that folder ;-)
09:18.34anisfarhanaannma: same wallpaper on right click at desktop
09:18.46anisfarhanaannma: alien-night.jpg                  fulmine.jpg.desktop        mystical_rightturn.jpg
09:19.03annmaso Fedora did not install the KDE wallpapers anisfarhana
09:19.08annmaask them please
09:19.48annmanothing I can do for you, I can only swear KDE ships wallpapers and they should be installed in /usr/share/wallpapers for you
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09:20.00anisfarhanacommunication between fedora and kde isn't really good...
09:20.22ultrav1oletanisfarhana: mostly missing I'd say
09:20.25annmado they care?
09:20.35annmaare you sure you did not forget a package?
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09:20.53annmaand if they care, we do everything possible to help distros
09:20.57anisfarhanaannma: this is happens after i updating my fedora
09:21.11annmapersonally as a KDE developer I very often work with distros
09:21.13anisfarhanaannma: i know they not care...they focus more to gnome though
09:21.19annmanot true
09:21.27anisfarhanaannma: that is what people said
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09:21.36anisfarhanafedora+gnome , not into kde
09:21.40annmado not write what people say
09:21.44anisfarhanaim not sure though..but that is what people say
09:21.51annmaanisfarhana: you are wrong so stop taht
09:22.01anisfarhanaannma: i'm sorry then
09:22.06annmapeople say stupiodities like you do now
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09:22.23annmacan you only say what you know for sure?
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09:22.49annmaso now ask in #fedora about the wallpapers
09:22.57ultrav1oletannma: for sure there are many fedora patches not accpepted into mainline
09:22.58anisfarhanaannma: if i say for what im sure , you must be mad at me again
09:23.04anisfarhanaannma: ok
09:23.17gemidjyhello, I am using Awesome as window manager, and yet some few KDE applications. I dont have kcontrol installed and I want to change KDE applications font. Can I do it through some conf files?
09:23.18annmaultrav1olet: really? example?
09:24.02ultrav1oletannma: let's begin with the basics:
09:24.16annmawhere is it submitted to KDE ultrav1olet
09:24.34ultrav1oletevery *.patch you see is NOT submitted to KDE
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09:24.43annmawhy not?
09:24.48ultrav1oletbecause it's there!
09:24.49annmaand that's Qt, not KDE
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09:25.13annmayou are saying KDE does not accept Fedora patches ultrav1olet
09:25.13anisfarhanai thought kde made from Qt
09:25.28annmaQt development is Trolltech, not Qt
09:25.43annmaultrav1olet: are THESE submitted to KDE and refused?
09:25.48ultrav1oletannma: I'm not saying anything
09:26.00annmayes you are
09:26.11ultrav1oletI just emphasize the fact of their existance
09:26.13annmaKevin and Rex are involved in KDE
09:26.22annmathat's TOTALLY different ultrav1olet
09:26.49anisfarhanahands a cup of coffee to annma
09:26.57annmayou imply KDE refuses Fedora patches but there's nothing like that
09:26.59anisfarhanacalm down calm down
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09:27.16ultrav1oletannma: I don't imply that - I SEE that
09:27.22annmaSEE where?
09:27.25ultrav1oletno matter what your opinion is
09:27.38annmado you SEE where those patches were submittes to KDE????
09:27.45annmawho cares about Fedora cvs
09:28.04annmado you think KDE shoul look at Fedora CVS and try all this?
09:28.11ultrav1oletI suspect they were submitted and rejected
09:28.17annmayou SUSPECTED
09:28.24annmayou SUSPECT
09:28.32annmathat's great ultrav1olet
09:28.32ultrav1oletwhy can't I?
09:28.46annmabecause you have no information about it
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09:28.53anisfarhanahere we go
09:29.00pinotreei never seen some of those patches submitted to eg kde-core-devel
09:29.00annmaand because obviously you do not know how distros work
09:29.04ultrav1oletI have the information - I see the patches hanging
09:29.22ultrav1oletannma: are you entirely sure?
09:29.33pinotreeultrav1olet: suggestion: if you have no idea about something, better do not speak - it is better for you.
09:29.40annmaultrav1olet: if you base your beliefs on what you SUSPECT I think you are not really in the world
09:29.44annmaYES ultrav1olet
09:29.47pinotreeultrav1olet: you're speculating on something you don't know
09:29.56annmaI am subscribed to every main kde mailing list ultrav1olet
09:30.05annmaand I WORK with distros
09:30.23annmaI even patch KDE when distros signal a problem
09:30.46annmaI even GO TO distros when a user of a distro has a problem and I suspect it might be KDE
09:30.47ultrav1oletWell, sometimes I read LWN, sometimes I read or /. and I frequently encounter the stories when package mantainers do not accept patches ;-)
09:30.58annmapackage maintainers?????????
09:31.04annmaKDE has no packages
09:31.17annmayou need to CHECK your sources
09:31.23pinotreeultrav1olet: so you speculate on "stories" you read?
09:31.31annmaultrav1olet: you can read ANYTHING on the internet
09:31.32ultrav1oletwell, in your case there's a different moniker but the essence is just the same
09:31.41annmahow immature ultrav1olet
09:31.48annmano ultrav1olet
09:31.51ultrav1oletannma: probably
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09:32.19annmaI read on the internet yesterday was the end of the world because of this experiment
09:32.20anisfarhanastop fighting guys
09:32.35annmaweird, I live todayu
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09:32.47annmacome on ultrav1olet and be mature
09:33.08annmaas I said Kevin and Rex are interacting well with KDE
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09:33.19annmaas I saw their names very often
09:33.29annmaso ask them if there are any problems
09:33.35annmajust ask them
09:33.43ultrav1oletannma: Now I see I wasn't quite right
09:34.00ultrav1oletannma: most patches in Fedora CVS are very Fedora specific
09:34.05gemidjyhello, I am using Awesome as window manager, and yet some few KDE applications. I dont have kcontrol installed and I want to change KDE applications font. Can I do it through some conf files?
09:34.11ultrav1oletsorry for pestering you
09:34.15annmanever broadcast an opinion you READ about
09:34.21annmathat's nonsense
09:34.33annmaalways back up something YOU know for sure
09:34.35ultrav1oletannma: I almost never do
09:34.38S-i-Ahow can i see the youtube under kde, i have swf-dec installed but can't see pictures just audio? which ćodec need it?
09:34.47annmaso many people are stupid
09:34.58ultrav1oletS-i-A: install Adobe Flash
09:35.05ultrav1oletannma: right you are
09:35.16friedrich|lol :D
09:35.22annmaanisfarhana: just check if you have all the correct packages
09:35.30S-i-Aultrav1olet: have no alternative ?
09:35.31friedrich|so annma is stupid? or she is right? :)
09:35.41ultrav1oletannma: BTW, this patch is worth merging :
09:35.49anisfarhanaannma: i'm almost frustated when using kde+fedora , it's something like hurm...
09:35.51annmafriedrich|: she works with distro people
09:36.11annmaand this is good and works well
09:36.28annmaI have a Fedora on my desktop, with KDE and it's very good
09:36.35anisfarhanaannma: default f9 installer (not re-spin) have kde wallpapers , but after updating fedora , the kde wallpaper gone!...
09:36.54annmayou did something xrong probably anisfarhana
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09:37.07annmawhere can I see Fedora rpms repository?
09:37.22ultrav1oletone sec
09:37.29annmain fact Fedora is so good with KDE as it looks like a compiled KDE
09:37.30anisfarhanaannma: etc/yum.repos.d
09:37.40annmaanisfarhana: an online repository
09:37.54anisfarhanaim not sure then
09:38.01annmafind out please
09:38.08friedrich|anisfarhana: try "find /etc/yum.repos.d/ -iname "*kde*" |grep -i wallpaper
09:38.12anisfarhanathanks ultrav1olet
09:38.29gemidjyhello, I am using Awesome as window manager, and yet some few KDE applications. I dont have kcontrol installed and I want to change KDE applications font. Can I do it through some conf files?
09:38.44anisfarhanafriedrich|: no result from that
09:38.51pinotreegemidjy: can you avoid asking every 5 minutes? thanks
09:39.00friedrich|oh, then it probably doesn't list packages there
09:39.22ultrav1oletfriedrich|: $ yum search kde | grep -i wallpaper
09:39.26friedrich|anisfarhana: try "yum together with the 'search' switch for kde and the same grep"
09:39.30gemidjyno I can't, because of one flamewar u avoid answering others problems
09:39.33friedrich|yeah, something like that probably
09:40.06anisfarhanaultrav1olet: yumming is really really slow right now
09:40.09anisfarhanathis is perfect
09:40.19annmaanisfarhana: look at kdebase-workspace
09:40.22annmaor ultrav1olet
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09:40.35annmadoesn't it contain the wallpapers?
09:40.45anisfarhanai should stay with f7 before and upgrading to f9 only stupid solution!
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09:41.11anisfarhanaannma: yeah i will try after yum finish the jobs
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09:41.17ultrav1oletf7 is EOL'ed since June
09:41.17annmathe wallpapers are in kdebase/workspace
09:41.20friedrich|upgrading/updating should never be a 'stupid' solution - but well, it depends on the distribution.
09:41.39anisfarhanaultrav1olet: yeah i know , f7 now is legacy
09:41.42ultrav1oletI'm a happy f8 user
09:41.44annmaupgrading is always difficult
09:41.58annmaI have f8 as well with a self compiled KDE4
09:42.08anisfarhanaannma: that's why i do with clean install..this is clean install , not upgrading
09:42.24anisfarhanaannma: maybe you compile kde4 for me inside f9
09:42.26anisfarhanahe he he
09:42.28annmaso check the kdebase-workspace package
09:42.42annmacompiling on fedora is very easy
09:42.50pinotreecan you please bring this fedora-specific discussion out of here?
09:42.58ultrav1oletanisfarhana: yum install kdeartwork
09:42.58anisfarhanaannma: see!?
09:42.59annmaFedora is a very good distro which "respect" KDE
09:43.09anisfarhanaannma: how come pinotree didn't respect fedora here!?
09:43.17annmahe did not?
09:43.27anisfarhana"can you please bring this fedora-specific discussion out of here?"
09:43.31anisfarhanawhy out of here?
09:43.31ultrav1oletannma: I don't know but I suspect he didn't
09:43.43pinotreeanisfarhana: is this #fedora or #kde?
09:43.46ultrav1oletanisfarhana: it's very Fedora specific!
09:43.52annmathe wallpapers are in KDE tree, just have a look
09:44.01ultrav1oletannma: 100% :-)
09:44.03pinotreeanisfarhana: do you *dare* to read the topic, or is it deprecated?
09:44.14anisfarhanapinotree: im talking about kde wallpaper at first , not fedora-specific
09:44.16annmayou guys are 1) saying wrong things and insulting KDE 2) bringing Fedora problems here
09:44.36pinotreeanisfarhana: since when yum is kde-specific?
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09:44.47anisfarhanaomg pinotree
09:44.52annmawhen you say KDE is not taking Fedora patches you are insulting us
09:44.56anisfarhanableghh and grrr
09:45.18annmawhen you say "Fedora does not have KDE wallpapers" you are talking about a specific Fedora problem
09:45.25anisfarhanapinotree: im just following ultrav1olet instructions try search kde wallpaper via yum..
09:45.36annmajust look at KDE repository and see KDE installs wallpapers OK
09:45.37S-i-Aany idea?
09:45.45S-i-Awithout adobe flash player
09:45.59ultrav1oletS-i-A: why don't you like it?
09:46.04annmaanisfarhana: and you are polluting the channel for other users like S-i-A
09:46.15ultrav1oletit's 100% compliant with every flash in the world
09:46.22pinotreeS-i-A: i think you should ask in the swf-dec channel, as it looks like a problem of swf-dec, if it cannot show videos but just audio
09:46.41ultrav1oletand these half-baked OSS flash solutions do suck as for now
09:46.45anisfarhanaannma: ok im sorry
09:46.49anisfarhanapinotree: and u sorry
09:46.52anisfarhanaultrav1olet: Package kdeartwork-4.1.0-1.fc9.i386 already installed and latest version
09:46.55S-i-Aultrav1olet: cause is software.
09:48.08anisfarhanamight be this one
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09:51.40GiganticHola... anyone know how to iconify a window? I could use kdocker I know... but
09:52.03Giganticwhat I want is to minimize konsole to tray everytime I close it
09:52.36Giganticlikely it's a faq and has to be a tut somewhere...
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09:53.29Giganticoh nvm I got it :p
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09:54.38anisfarhanaannma: no respond to your question aight ?
09:54.42QuAZGigantic: How'd you do it in the end?
09:54.56anisfarhanaannma: when situation like that happens , i always come here and ask :)
09:55.04annmaksystraycmd should put any app in a systray
09:55.23Giganticyeah... dealing with the "close" part
09:55.42Giganticksystraycmd --title 'konsole' konsole  is fairly easy
09:55.43annmadidn't the package you mentioned installed it anisfarhana
09:56.11Giganticbut how to make it go systray on close is the question...
09:56.17QuAZHoly shit. That's the coolest thing ever. :O
09:56.33anisfarhanaannma: because yum told me nothing to be update , when i updating kdebase-workspace , yum says "need to be update"
09:57.03anisfarhanaannma: better don't talk about yum here , someone might be shouting at me again here
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09:59.32Giganticlol, that was weird in 4
09:59.59GiganticI sorta did it... but everytime I click the icon the screen turns green lol
10:00.15annmaSuse desktop ???
10:00.41solsTiCehi. when i switch desktop, the window are really slow to be drawn. i never care to see that until today. it can't be because i upgraded my kernel ?
10:01.07anisfarhanaGigantic: one of my friends asked me like this after finished on f9+kde "Using vista anisfarhana?"
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10:01.30friedrich|ha, the LHC uses Linux in combination with KDE :)
10:01.44friedrich|so.. if any black holes kill us - I'll blame KDE too!
10:02.11Half-Leftfriedrich|: Plasma will resist :p
10:02.28Half-LeftAnd save us
10:02.42Half-LeftYer, I read about it
10:03.15Giganticomg now plasma is gone
10:03.17scroogiebut i think their distribution installs gnome as well
10:03.28scroogieIt's "Scientific Linux Cern Edition" or something like that
10:03.29annmaHalf-Left: champagne!!
10:03.47annmascroogie: normal that they propose both
10:04.03annmaViva Free Software
10:04.05scroogiebut their KDE is quite old
10:04.08*** join/#kde Dante (
10:04.12Half-Leftuses a plasma sheild on his desktop
10:04.14annmanormal scroogie
10:04.22annmaNO enterprize uses KDE 4
10:04.22scroogieits because SCL is like CentOS, RHEL compatible
10:04.33QuAZGigantic: If you solve that closing thing, give me a highlight, k?
10:04.37scroogieyeah, but I have to use KDE 3.3 because of that :P
10:04.42QuAZI'm busy with an assignment or I'd help :/
10:04.45annmaenterprises know that they need to use a stable KDE
10:05.00annmayou should be happy to be free scroogie
10:05.09annmamy husband uses Gnome
10:05.11GiganticQuAZ: sure...
10:05.20annmabut he is happy to have Free Software
10:05.29bonsaikittenin a scientific environment a decade old is still young
10:05.40annmamy husband HAS TO use Gnome
10:05.41bonsaikitten"never touch a running system" ;)
10:05.44scroogiereminds me of Fortran bonsai ;)
10:05.44annmato be precise
10:05.55annmabonsaikitten: totally true
10:05.56scroogiei see annma
10:06.07Gigantic:O are his boses feet fetichists or something?
10:06.12annmathe IT admin only "supports" GNOME he says
10:06.14bonsaikittenscroogie: I've seen linux binaries from ~'92 being used ... that app just was "the best" for that specific task
10:06.15scroogieive got half a system installed in my home anyway
10:06.34Half-Leftannma: You dont put your foot down to much then and recommend KDE4.1 :)
10:06.39annmaIT admins are often self-made people and it's already good if they are Free Software aware
10:06.39bonsaikittenit was kinda hard to get a compatible linker installed, but when it finally worked it was good for another decade
10:06.42scroogieya, we've got a SGI in our basement as well
10:07.18Half-LeftYer, as long as it's freesoftware, who cares
10:07.33annmathat's the real battle
10:07.36bonsaikittenGNU or BSD ? ;)
10:07.51bonsaikittenwatches a heated discussion erupt around the meaning of "free" and giggles
10:07.53nogagplzHow about some GND? ;/
10:07.58annmanot sure about large deployments of BSD
10:08.06Half-LeftBut Stillman says Ubuntu and some distros are not freesoftware proper
10:08.19annmaand not sure people will go into this GNU/BSD battle
10:08.24bonsaikittenthey don't talk about BSD because it is the workhorse that just works
10:08.26annmathat's pretty pointless
10:08.32Giganticannma: send them links to feet fetish sites anonimously ;)
10:08.42bonsaikittenmany companies use it, but noone puts a big "we use BSD" sticker on the box ;)
10:08.43annmaeven me does not know the difference between GNU and BSD
10:08.44scroogieoh no please, no GNU discussion
10:08.54bonsaikittenlikes both.
10:08.56Half-LeftAs long as it's fully free and give you freedom it's ok
10:09.04annmawhat's the difference for me for ex?
10:09.06Giganticweee, legal discussion
10:09.17bonsaikittenannma: none, difference is when you write/adapt/distribute code
10:09.24annmaif I licence my code under BSD instead of GPL bonsaikitten
10:09.28Giganticto be short, BSD let u make comercial derivations from free software
10:09.29bonsaikittenannma: and even then you can mostly ignore it
10:09.37annmabonsaikitten: I am a devel
10:09.54bonsaikittenthe big difference is that other people can use your BSD code, extend it and not distribute the changes
10:10.10annmaI don't want commercial close software derived from my code bonsaikitten
10:10.15bonsaikittenwhereas GPL forces them to open the changes as soon as they distribute the code
10:10.18annmathat's clear then
10:10.19scroogiea good example is the bsd code in windows ;)
10:10.30annmaI want GNU then, all the way
10:10.37bonsaikittenannma: so you're ethically inclined towards the GPL
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10:10.40scroogiei remember you could grep one directory inside the windir and find some BSD headers
10:10.44annmafor the spirit, not the money
10:10.48scroogiein the network code iirc
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10:11.00bonsaikittenscroogie: yeah, TCP stack for example in win2k/winXP is from FreeBSD
10:11.07QuAZThey both have their advantages, in this case you're probably after the GPL
10:11.12annmabonsaikitten: I am ideologically 100% to GNU
10:11.16bonsaikittenmicrosoft was able to use their code for free. Not what many people want :)
10:11.17Half-LeftYes GNU is what stallman started, Linux is not the same thing
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10:11.33bonsaikittenannma: GNU is the reality hack to make BSD viable in the real world ;)
10:11.44bonsaikittenHalf-Left: and don't call it GNU/Linux please
10:11.47bonsaikittenthat is so evil
10:11.47annmaaslong as BSD people are sane
10:11.51Half-Leftit was way before Linux and BSD
10:11.59bonsaikittenannma: they are sane and real party animals ;)
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10:12.11annmaBSD people I met are like stupid kids
10:12.13Giganticbonsaikitten: Tell that in Debian ;)
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10:12.29Half-Leftbonsaikitten: Well it is because it still needs the Linux kernel top work, so they share the name like that
10:12.47bonsaikittenGigantic: I insist on MIT (X) / BSD (some tools) / artistic (perl) / GNU (gcc etc) linux then
10:12.51annmapersonally as long as it's free in general I get along with anyone who also gets along with anyone free
10:13.15annmaI don't et along with zealots
10:13.20bonsaikittenautotools need perl, so GNU can't claim to be independent ... ;) but that's a really dangerous path to go down
10:13.25Half-Leftannma: I just brought a wireless card and it happen to have opensource driver and linux support
10:13.34pinotreepoints to #kde-chat
10:13.41annmaHalf-Left: :)
10:13.43annmasorry pinotree
10:13.53annmaI can't code pinotree
10:13.58annmaso I chat
10:14.02Gigantichands pinotree a bear to keep them distracted for like 5 mins ;)
10:14.11pinotreeGigantic: i don't drink.
10:14.16Gigantic*a beer a beer!
10:14.23annmaI was wondering
10:14.30annmagive me one then Gigantic
10:14.45annmait's pre-lunch time here so it's allowed
10:14.59Gigantichands a cold Spaten to annma
10:16.10d1zzy8 hours anonsvn downtime and counting
10:16.36QuAZI'm going to call it GNU/Linux just to irritate people :)
10:16.57QuAZIt totally is, though. I just leave the GNU/ off 'cause I can't be bothered typing, and everything is GNU anyway.
10:17.09friedrich|is there a command line thing to logout/shutdown and such out of kde4?
10:17.49Half-Leftd1zzy: Been down all night eh?
10:17.50scroogiedcop probably
10:17.54pinotreedcop ksmserver ksmserver logout 0 0 0  for logout with kde3
10:18.02bonsaikittenQuAZ: evil person ;)
10:18.09d1zzyHalf-Left: is anyone working on this?
10:18.11pinotreesimilar with qdbus in kde4
10:18.12friedrich|huh? but I said "kde4", didn't I? :|
10:18.16friedrich|oh, okay
10:18.25friedrich|I don't have qtdbus installed
10:18.30annmad1zzy: did you notify sysadmin?
10:18.32pinotreeoh yes, you have
10:18.33friedrich|ah, qdbus
10:18.34Half-Leftd1zzy: No I idea, pinotree may know
10:18.45Giganticecho "omg! it's 4.1.1" ; sleep 28800 && echo "weee, time has come! updating now!" && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && echo "woots!""
10:18.53d1zzypinotree: any idea about the anonsvn downtime?
10:18.58Half-LeftMaybe not his department :p
10:18.58pinotreed1zzy: no
10:18.59QuAZbonsaikitten: I am evil, and I'm OK.
10:19.02annmad1zzy: sysadmin at kde dor org
10:19.09annmad1zzy: ask here
10:19.10QuAZ(I work all night and sleep all day)
10:19.12friedrich|"Service ksmserver does not exist"
10:19.19pinotreewhat about just *being patient*, instead of counting minutes?
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10:19.20annmaQuAZ: lol
10:19.28GiganticQuAZ: u are my hero
10:19.31d1zzyI didn't wanted to flood that email account if many others already written, it's fine if I just know it's a known problem and people are working on it
10:19.52*** part/#kde zokidimovski (n=zoki@
10:19.52annmajust write here then
10:19.54Half-Leftpinotree: He said it was 8 hours :p
10:19.58QuAZd1zzy: Email floods are how sysadmins know there're problems. They love it really :D
10:20.00d1zzypinotree: unfortunetly it's about 10 hours now (not minutes) and I can be patient once I know it is a known issue and people are working on it
10:20.19annmad1zzy: make it known and be done with it
10:20.51pinotreed1zzy: will being impatient fix the problem? no. so just calm down, and stop counting minutes.
10:22.40d1zzymaking noise may raise eyebrows that otherwise are not and may make the problem known if it wasn't
10:22.55d1zzysomewhat equivalent to writting to that email address which I wanted to avoid in order to reduce the spam
10:23.01d1zzybut I've written there and I will see if I get an answer
10:23.38annmahere there's nothing we can do
10:23.50annmaand servers unfortunately are not easy to get
10:24.02annmaKDE needs more and more admins
10:24.27Giganticwhat was the email adress again?
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10:25.00d1zzysysadmin at kde dto org
10:25.09Gigantic*coff coff
10:25.11d1zzytypo inentional
10:25.25pinotreewhat about stop flooding sysadmin?
10:25.36Giganticeh... I was being sarcastic...
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10:27.45Giganticg nite
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10:32.04anisfarhanahow to resize the plasma ?
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10:33.37krikosvn: Can't connect to host '': Connection refused
10:33.43krikowhat's up with svn?
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10:33.52annmait's down
10:34.09krikono bleeding edge today
10:34.21QuAZkriko: They're running bleeding edge svn.
10:34.41QuAZSay... is there any way I can open system tray programs with the keyboard?
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10:35.38lemmaQuAZ: I think you can if the programs themselves provide shortcuts for it
10:35.54chris__is there any reason i can't contact svn://
10:35.57QuAZAh, but no all-in-one solution? That's a shame :/
10:36.04lemmachris__: yes, it's down.
10:36.06QuAZchris__: Yes. It's b0rked.
10:36.18QuAZAnyone wanna put it in the topic? :/
10:36.18chris__any alternatives?
10:36.31pinotreeyes, being patient and waiting
10:36.45chris__righto, righto - just checking
10:38.32kapamaroois there a way to change the "Open Terminal" command from the menu of konqueror? (i want to change it to "konsole --real-transparency")
10:38.52kapamaroomaybe another way for the real-transparency effect?
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10:47.47friedrich|kapamaroo: just an idea.. replace konsole with a bash script (u+x of course) that runs "konqueror.bin --real-transparency"
10:47.58friedrich|and.. $1
10:48.31GNU\colossus$@, rather
10:48.45friedrich|well, whatever :)
10:49.23lemmakapamaroo, friedrich|: I'm not quite sure but konqueror might use the konsolepart and not /usr/whatever/konsole to start the konsole
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10:49.48[ade]anonsvn -- at least one of them -- has been reset and should be available again
10:50.08lemma[ade]: confirmed
10:50.17friedrich|Oh, I thought he wanted to use "Open terminal" and not the "Embedded terminal" thing
10:50.49lemmafriedrich|: oh. in that case it's me who's wrong indeed :)
10:52.59kapamarooi found a servicemenu konsolehere.desktop, i replaced the command but it doesn't work with the menu "Open Terminal"
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10:53.43[ade]lemma: at which point i get to do the forensics bits of "how come svnserve died?"
10:54.14lemma[ade]: I'd say "have fun" but I won't because I know it's not :)
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11:07.37phrearchi have an nvidia and upgraded to 4.1.1 . the widgets are a bit slow still though
11:07.47phrearchanyone knows how to disable vsync in xorg?
11:08.37friedrich|kapamaroo: mv `which konsole` $(kde-config --prefix)/bin/konsole.bin && echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nkonsole.bin --real-transparency $@' >> $(kde-config --prefix)/bin/konsole && chmod o+x  $(kde-config --prefix)/bin/konsole
11:09.59lemmaphrearch: not authoritative, but according to what I googled you can append -Vsync to the modelines
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11:14.25QuAZHm... the remove buttons in the Konversation "edit network" menu don't seem to have tab stops :(
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11:15.49kapamaroofriedrich|: thanks for this, it works, Anyway i think it would be a good idea to set commands from the Options of konqueror,not only for these that already exist but from new too
11:17.19phrearchok, thanks lemma
11:17.41phrearchim running kdemod 4.1 now also on my slower laptop, but its way faster cause its ati i guess
11:18.14phrearchthe widgets are finally useable
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11:25.12lemmawayphrearch: also see on how you can improve performance on nvidia a little
11:25.43phrearchthanks. i already see big improvement with the initialpixmapplacement option
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11:32.53d1zzyo.O anonsvn is back
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11:34.44bonsaikittenradiates some happiness around
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11:36.35Half-Lefttime to see what goodies Amarok2 has in trunk then :)
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11:52.54Qu4Z... Is there a way I can run two monitors on one X screen, and yet have KDE only maximise onto one monitor :/ (and center dialogs on one, etc)?
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11:54.03Half-LeftWow, after listening to Richard Stallman, freesoftware and rights you give aways , he's spot on
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11:54.22friedrich|kapamaroo: great :) I didn't test it.
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11:54.44Qu4ZHalf-Left: If a little harsh at times.
11:55.07Half-LeftBut he believes in what he does, nothing wrong it that
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11:58.08anisfarhanahello again
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11:58.26phrearchhow do i autostart in kde4?
11:58.45anisfarhanaafter blackout , i switch on my pc back..logging to kde and i found the application launcher at plasma gone , why ?
11:58.56phrearchi made ~/.kde/Autostart/mybashfile and chmodded +x
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11:59.55rindolfHi all.
12:00.00rindolfI cannot connect to MSN using Kopete.
12:00.04rindolfI could yesterday.
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12:00.14rindolfI'm using KDE-3.5.10 on Mandriva Cooker.
12:00.29ale_msn is working like crap
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12:01.20Half-Leftworking here
12:02.11krikorindolf: msn is down
12:02.20krikoit doesn't even work from windows live msn
12:02.44ale_some accounts works, some dosent
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12:03.51rindolfkriko: ah.
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12:10.57GillesMMhi how to call kdescreensaver by script please?
12:11.11GillesMMwhat is the kdescreesaver name ?
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12:11.54phrearchim trying to autostart the nvidia settings, but im not sure where to put it
12:12.12chris__anyone know the reason why I get a 'qt subapplication' window whenever I log in for trunk?
12:12.30phrearchive tried: /usr/share/autostart , ~/.kde/Autostart, ~/.kde/share/autostart , but none starts this shellscript. It has x-permission
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12:19.07gkiagiaphrearch: in kde4 ?
12:19.10LostTrackhow to easily update adblocking in konqueror? Is there a server to get updates from?
12:19.15phrearchgkiagia, yes
12:19.26gkiagiaphrearch: systemsettings->advanced->autostart ;)
12:19.54phrearchlol. thanks
12:20.02phrearchi didnt even noticed that tab yet
12:20.52phrearchlemme check :)
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12:23.36phrearchsolved. thanks
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12:30.25GillesMMis there a way to call logout or screensaver from scriptshell ?
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12:45.39sebasGillesMM: what's scriptshell? (otherwise, there's probably a dbus call)
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12:51.52knithxCan anyone post me a link to the "Blue Curl" wallpaper in KDE4.1???
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12:55.35knithxThank you
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13:08.50shadewindis there any possibility of getting fake transparency in Konsole?
13:09.20thiagonot in KDE 4
13:09.26thiagoKDE 4 is "true or nothing"
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13:09.49shadewindthiago: any other terminal who can do it?
13:09.54thiagokonsole from KDE 3
13:10.24shadewindtoo bad the fglrx drives suck ass...
13:11.15Gentle_thiago: reminds me, wasn't there a proposal around to tell Konsole to be hardware transparent to the desktop window? Since, some people rather want to see their wallpaper in the background instead of that pile of text editors ;)
13:11.29thiagoI don't know
13:11.32thiagoI like the text editors
13:11.39thiagosometimes that's exactly what I want
13:12.03Qu4ZYeah, I just discovered --real-transparency, then promptly decided I didn't like it :/
13:12.22Gentle_yes, it's great for things like reading documentation in the background or something, but sometimes it's "in the way"
13:12.24*** join/#kde Gunth3r (
13:12.39Gentle_Qu4Z: KDE4 doesn't have the fake thing anymore at all
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13:12.53Qu4ZKDE doesn't have many things I know and love.
13:13.06Qu4ZEr... KDE4
13:13.10Qu4ZKDE3.5 does :)
13:13.42annmabe p.a.t.i.e.n.t
13:13.57lemmaannma: what does the i. stand for?
13:13.59Qu4ZI am. I'm patient. Just mentioning it's not ready for me just yet :)
13:14.08Gentle_well, the real transparency is great in itself, it just lacks the option to tell kwin which windows to not show when under another window
13:14.12annmalol _lemma
13:14.20shadewindokay... Shared Memory did not work out very well with desktop effects
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13:16.28Gentle_hm, now that I think about it, I wouldn't even be able to find a decent name for a window that is see-through when under something transparent ;)
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13:28.41olskolirchow do I find that default white panel bar that comes with kde please?  what path is it in?
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13:59.13MebibyteWhy konsole crashes when I run it?
13:59.26Mebibyte(KDE 4 @ FreeBSD)
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14:01.39Mebibyteno onw will answer?
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14:03.27MebibyteIt just opens a window and then crashes...
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14:05.16marcois possible to show hidden files with folder view?
14:05.56rindolfMebibyte: don't know.
14:06.18rindolfMebibyte: have you tried using the FBSD equivalent of strace?
14:09.21olskolirchow do I find that default white panel bar that comes with kde please?  what path is it in?
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14:10.08phrearchhi again
14:10.40phrearchany issues with kde4, catalyst drivers and desktop effects?
14:10.46pinotreeolskolirc: ?
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14:13.32Mebibyteanyone knows why konsole crashes on FreeBSD?
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14:17.32cb400fMebibyte: probably better to ask in some freebsd channel.. or you could try to run xterm and run konsole from there and see if you get some interesting output
14:18.06cb400f.. it's definitely not a general kde issue :-)
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14:19.29phrearchhm, i get all stripes with desktop effects on
14:19.44phrearchany idea how to disable it with no view?
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14:21.22espenphrearch: delete ~/.kde4 ?
14:21.55cb400fphrearch: maybe try to set Enabled=false in [compositing] section in ~/.kde(4)/share/config/kwinrc
14:22.01olskolirchow do I find that default white panel bar that comes with kde please?  what path is it in?
14:22.07cb400f.. or just delete kwinrc
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14:22.12phrearchgot it cb400f. thanks
14:23.12phrearchdoes compositing work with fglrx?
14:23.44cb400folskolirc: you mean that old kde3 thing? :-) ... I think location of those varies from distro to distro
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14:24.28cb400fphrearch: .. if you have aiglx/composite extension enabled in xorg.conf it should, or (god forbid) if you have xgl
14:24.32marcois there an hotkey for swithching between the ZUI containment?
14:25.04phrearchhm, aiglx and fglrx dont play nice
14:25.08olskolircI have gutsy
14:25.16olskolircthe new kde thing cb400f
14:25.24olskolircits a white gradient cb
14:27.03[Kame2]aiglx + fglrx worked for me a long time... but since the self-test in kwin (trunk) it doesn't aktivate anymore
14:27.46cb400fhm.. I'm not sure what you want then.. thought you were looking for the default kde3 kicker background, but maybe look for the package that has oxygen plasma theme.. then dpkg -L <package name> should give you a list of the files if that's what you want..
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14:40.42anisfarhanahello again
14:40.47anisfarhanadolphin is part of kde ?
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14:42.33anisfarhanasandsmark: ok , can you tell me how to do auto-mount and edit windows partition under /etc/mtab ?
14:43.04sandsmarkanisfarhana: ask your distro
14:43.18sandsmarkin my distro it magically works, when I enabled dbus and hal
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14:43.47anisfarhanasandsmark: my distro magically works too , but everytime i reboot my pc , i have to insert manually root passwd to access them
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14:44.06sandsmarkanisfarhana: ask in #fedora
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14:44.25anisfarhanasandsmark: ok sir thanks
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14:45.10mfwitten_Where do I get automoc4; I'm building from source
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14:47.36mfwitten_pinotree: So it must be gotten from SVN?
14:47.49mfwitten_(with svn, that is)
14:47.58pinotreeiirc there should be tarballs on ftp
14:48.13mfwitten_pinotree: For kdesupport?
14:48.20pinotreefor automoc
14:48.51mfwitten_There's no mention here:
14:49.09pinotreewhich distro do you have?
14:49.16mfwitten_Mac OS X ;-)
14:49.25mfwitten_I want source
14:49.34Mebibytecb400f: thanks...
14:49.50sandsmark is empty
14:50.00Jucatosandsmark: unstable
14:50.05sandsmarkoh, my bad
14:50.10mfwitten_Jucato: so, svn is basically required
14:50.26Jucatomfwitten_: dunno in the case of OS X
14:50.40pinotreemfwitten_: if you build trunk, yes
14:51.04mfwitten_Jucato, pinotree: The problem is that the official release 4.1.1 depends on stuff that is not released yet.
14:51.20pinotreeit is released.
14:51.41mfwitten_sandsmark: Thanks for the link
14:52.00mfwitten_pinotree, Jucato: Where can I get it then, other than with sandsmark's link?
14:52.19pinotreewhere else would you expect, then?
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14:52.24Jucatousually from your distro. but in the case of OS X, like I said, I don't know.
14:52.27pinotreedon't you see ""?
14:52.31Jucatobut distros would be packaging that version
14:53.00mfwitten_pinotree: I see *unstable* and no mention of automoc anywhere on or from any reputable source when searching with google
14:53.04sandsmarkmfwitten_: "support" means external applications
14:53.28pinotreemfwitten_: it is a *support* package, it is *not* kde
14:53.40mfwitten_sandsmark: kdesupport doesn't really have a home it would seem (official website)
14:53.42pinotreeand your *unstable* means exactly nothing.
14:53.50pinotreemfwitten_: kdesupport is not a module
14:54.03mfwitten_pinotree: I'm just looking for some semblance of officialness
14:54.05Jucatomfwitten_: "kdesupport" are libraries that are not exclusively part of KDE or released *by* KDE, but which some parts of KDE uses
14:54.20pinotreemfwitten_: you have it.
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14:54.46mfwitten_pinotree: Thank you! I'm just saying there should be a link or at least a page about that stuff
14:55.04mfwitten_pinotree: Instead I've had to bother you guys about where to get it.
14:55.05pinotreethere won't be.
14:55.10mfwitten_pinotree: Why not?
14:55.11sandsmarkmfwitten_: if you build KDE yourself, you are supposed to be able to handle that by yourself =)
14:55.13Jucatothere is. *when* you need build KDE from source.
14:55.35Jucatootherwise it is up to distributions to package those. not KDE.
14:55.53*** part/#kde olskolirc (
14:55.53Jucatoor in your case, the #kde-mac team
14:56.05mfwitten_sandsmark: Look man, I've compiled everything for GNOME and gimp, inkscape, and a hundred other things.
14:56.12mfwitten_on MAC OS X
14:56.27sandsmarkmfwitten_: and you managed to find automoc4 too, didn't you? =)
14:56.58mfwitten_sandsmark: I'm not trying to pick a fight here. I'm just saying it feels flaky, this automoc business
14:57.08sandsmarkit's not an end-user tool
14:57.17mfwitten_There's no clear reference as to wher eto get it.
14:57.27Jucato  -> "There are instructions available for building the source code. " which links to
14:57.38sandsmarkmfwitten_: there is in the techbase
14:57.40sandsmarkwhere it belongs
14:58.01mfwitten_Jucato: Come on now. Don't treat me like an idiot. I surely didn't find it there.
14:59.07scroogieits under required packages
14:59.10mfwitten_Jucato, pinotree, sandsmark: I don't understand why you guys are so defensive. Obviously there some one (namely, me), who has gotten stuck on this silly issue. I'm simply saying that finding a dependency shouldn't be so silly.
14:59.33sandsmarkmfwitten_: I'm not defensive, I'm just busy (as are both pinotree and Jucato, I would guess)
14:59.42sandsmarkmfwitten_: and finding dependencies isn't hard
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14:59.56sandsmarkI knew where to find it, didn't I? =)
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15:00.14scroogiemfwitten: if you follow the build instructions you either install it from the distribution or compile it with kdesupport
15:00.20JucatoI take that nowadays, trying to point out where to go or why something is like that is considered being "defensive"
15:00.50sandsmarkmfwitten_: go ask in #kde-mac, why it isn't on that wiki page
15:01.16pinotreemfwitten_: in case you didn't notice (as you seem so smart), there is
15:01.29mfwitten_that says use svn basically
15:01.33pinotreeand if that page lacks information, then you should complain to the kde-mac team
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15:01.51lilltigerJucato: yes, what you should do, is to figure out where he/she lives, travel to his/her place and do it for them. And dont forget to bring cookies and cake!
15:01.56mfwitten_pinotree: I think you didn't notice (as you seem so smart)
15:02.03mfwitten_pinotree: I already posted that link. jackass
15:02.06sandsmark(pino is smart, and has op)
15:02.23sandsmarklilltiger: cookies *and* cake?
15:02.23mfwitten_sandsmark: That's why I said he seems smart.
15:02.32mfwitten_sandsmark: I take it he finds me smart too.
15:02.33scroogiehey hey hey
15:02.36scroogiecool down everyone
15:02.47mfwitten_scroogie: Hey, I didn't come here lookin' to fight.
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15:02.56lilltigersandsmark: yhee, people are so damanding now adays..  "You got cake! I wanted cookies!!!!!"
15:02.57scroogieok, its only listed under troubleshooting on the MacOS page
15:03.26Jucatomfwitten_: no, but when people explain things to you, you accuse them of being defensive or treating you like an idiot
15:03.46Aw0Lwhat are the palm syncing options for 4.1?
15:03.53*** part/#kde kriko (n=kristjan@
15:04.02mfwitten_I don't care anymore.
15:04.05scroogieactually, i think that kdesupport releases are in discussion right now
15:04.09mfwitten_You're right. I'm wrong.
15:04.11mfwitten_I love you.
15:04.11JucatoAw0L: KPilot, but I'm not sure if the KDE 4 port is already done
15:04.15scroogieso the situation might change soon
15:04.30sandsmarkmfwitten_: <3 you too <3 =)
15:04.41Aw0LJucato, thanks, I don't think it is yet..
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15:20.34phrearchkonsole wont start, saying it cant find a dbus session server
15:20.39phrearchdbus is running though :S
15:20.40sandsmarkstart dbus
15:21.10phrearchits running
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15:22.10gkiagiadbus-launch konsole (as a workaround...)
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15:34.35krikoanyone knows for a good easy ftp manager for windows - something like dolphin?
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15:39.28syllogismkriko: filezilla is what I use
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15:44.31gkiagiadolphin/konqueror runs on windows ;)
15:45.31[Kame2]for kdebase and kdegraphics (from trunk) in the end of make install i get: make: *** [install] Segmentation fault
15:45.35krikogkiagia: I'm trying now - 411 or stable?
15:46.07jazkawell, 4.1.1 is stable?
15:46.10gkiagiakriko: ?? 4.1.1 is the stable version
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15:48.45shadewindhow do I change plasma theme?
15:49.17gkiagiashadewind: right click->desktop settings
15:49.17vtlmkswhen I want to add a widget to the desktop ((KDE 4.2 unstable) but also 4.1.1) and I select "install new widgets" and select "from internet" I just get two widgets, both from the plasmoids/scripts page of, not the binary ones, any solution? or have I messed up some config
15:49.19Jucatoshadewind: right-click on the desktop -> Desktop Settings ->
15:49.59anisfarhanawhat software to take screenshot in kde ?
15:50.16*** join/#kde buscher (
15:50.20anisfarhanagot it!
15:51.25shadewindoh nice :)
15:52.07pinotreevtlmks: you cannot install binary stuff via newstuff
15:52.31vtlmkspinotree: ah, didn't know that. well, thats the explanation then :)  Thanks a lot
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15:55.44shadewindis there any way to set the gtk colors manually after kde has set them?
15:55.58shadewindbecause something look quite ugly with the black background...
15:56.26shadewindfirefox... for example
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15:56.55krikoshadewind: ugly gtk control center?
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15:57.34rethuscan i overload the web-css with a konqueror-css?
15:57.59shadewindkriko: ?
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15:59.27krikoshadewind: install gnome control center and set colors there
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16:17.25bschindlerHi - I'm trying to add a custom application keyboard but fail to do so... is there a way?
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16:22.59tstaerkbschindler, you are trying to add a keyboard?
16:23.39bschindlertstaerk: I found that for konsole there is already an entry which kindof solves my problem. I just want to add a shortcut so if I press <shortcut>, application y gets launched
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16:36.57shadewindhow do I change my default WM to compiz instead of kwin?
16:37.23Bulwinkleunder konqueror I used to be able to view pics in the window as I scrolled through them, this doesn't seem to work in Dolphin (or do I have my settings screwed up?)
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16:37.29ZarinSystem settings -> Advanced -> Session manager if you are using 4.1 shadewind
16:38.07ZarinDefault applications if you are using trunk
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16:39.22shadewindZarin: i'm apparently using trunk
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16:46.33frybyeI am normally running kubuntu-kde4.1 (nobody answers in that # now...) and for some reason the typhoon wireless keyboard has stopped working under kde4.1 but still works on same pc when running kde3 - I dont know how to fault-trace this sort of problem under linux/kde - any tips..?
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16:47.25annmayou installed nothing new?
16:47.25frybyethe wireless mouse running via the same usb-rx-tx device is still working - and uder kde3 the mouse and the keyboard work - just with kde4.1 no keyboard..
16:47.40annmait worked you said
16:48.06frybyemy dear lady wife was using the pc when i was at work today and the keyboard just stopped working...
16:48.15frybyeupt to then it was no problem...
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16:48.45nikolavphmm is there a way to put a window next to another
16:49.07nikolavpand sort of glue the two on the window manager
16:49.09frybyein system-settings/keyboard I only find stuff about repeating key time settings etc..
16:49.20annmatry a new user
16:49.22nikolavpso when I move one of them i move the whole
16:49.46frybyeoh jeez I have loads of stuff installed under this account...
16:50.17nikolavpfrybye: try if it works with another account
16:50.22nikolavpdon't the delete that :d
16:50.29frybyeis there a way to re-install the keyboard driver...?
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16:50.40annmathat's distro stuff, not kde
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16:50.48frybyei c - I will have to set up a new user.. be back in a bit...
16:50.49annmaif it works on kde3 then your driver is there
16:51.00annmaand say hello to the wife
16:51.01frybyeannma - but it works on the same pc when running kde3...
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16:51.21annmais also a wife frybye
16:51.45frybyegreetings back from magdalena....
16:52.18parapenteis there a way to disable the dragon-part for konqueror so I could use kaffeine plugin to view video clips in webpages?
16:52.41parapentedragon-part crashes when I try to view quicktime clips
16:52.43frybyeso what would be another thing to look for - If i could just find where the settings for different keyboard are in the kde4.1 gui I wouild be a bit further in this thing...???
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16:54.01parapentefrybye, you want to change the keyboard layout in kde4?
16:54.04frybyeis there some place where one can switch between different types of keyboard - to just try going to some other setting and back to this one or similar..
16:54.19frybyeparap.. no i just want to get the keyboard working again...
16:54.34annmaisn't that in System Settings frybye
16:54.48annmaI never changed keyboard :(
16:55.08frybyein system settings ...| keyboard i have only found settinsg for the repeat time when holding a key pressed and so on...
16:55.23frybyenot for selecting this or that keyboard...?
16:55.39annmado you have 2 at the same time?
16:55.45frybyesmbdy know a terminal window command to re-set keyboard drivers etc..?
16:56.11frybyeannma - no I just wanted to "jog" the system into re-setting the keyboard driver..
16:56.14parapentein locale settings & languages? (sorry it's my translation from what I see in greek :-P)
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16:56.44frybyepara - ok - yes there is that of course - but hmmm not sure if that is at all relevent...
16:56.58annmafrybye: KDE has no driver
16:56.59mfwitten_Just point people to
16:57.04annmajust unplug and replug maybe
16:57.04frybyei just want to restart - reset the keyboard...
16:57.39frybyeannma - did that right at the start.. also cold start of pc etc etc.. nothing has helped. (except switching to kde3 - which is where I am now of course..)
16:57.45frybyeon the -same- pc....
16:57.56frybyewith same hardware/keyboard etc etc...
16:58.07frybyesame o.system in fact...
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16:58.20frybyekde's just -sit on the - os or...?
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16:58.58annmaif it works on kde3 and not on kde4 I find this weird
16:59.14annmawhat does your distro control center say?
16:59.15parapenteit doesn't work at all?
16:59.21frybyedont get me wrong - but - why the heck does it not work in kde4.1 and does work in kde3 if there is no special stuff/drivers in kde.. hmmm odd....
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16:59.42frybyepara . it works when running kde3 - not when running kde4.1
17:00.06frybyebut the wireless mouse part of that thing works - just the keyboard part dont...
17:00.07annmajust try a new user to find out frybye
17:00.23frybyeok I wil hvae to set one up and be back... hang on...
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17:03.27parapenteby the way I think that after making changes in the keyboard layout and pressing apply it reruns setxkbmap so it may as well get the keyboard to work correctly
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17:08.29frybyere: annma - works with a new user!!
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17:10.08frybyeannma: you see this stuff.. is there lag just now?? the keyboard works in kde4.1 with a new user...!!! so what to do now.. under the old user...??
17:10.44frybye- where all my stuff is installed...
17:12.32Chanifrybye: find whatever settings broke hte keyboard and remove them?
17:12.39Chanihas not read backscroll
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17:14.33Chanifrybye: if you don't know which file is the problem, you could at worst just go by trial-and-error.... copy settings to the new user until you break it
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17:16.25gigantohey guys, just wondering where I can setup my programs to autostart
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17:16.46gigantoIm trying to follow this:                  After configuring your system for use with the network manager, to autostart the network manager applet, go to settings --> Autostarted Applications then add, "nm-applet --sm-disable &", This should start up the network manager applet on startup, the "--sm-disable" option is used to prevent multiple instances of the nm-applet, you should only need it if multiple instances are running when y
17:16.46gigantoou startup.
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17:18.25Chaniwow, am I the only person awake here right now?
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17:18.40frybyeChani - sorry i was out of the room for a moment...
17:19.12frybyebut chani - we had changed -nothing- just in the middle of some web browsing the thing stopped working...
17:19.32frybyeand does work with kde3 and does work with a new user in kde4.1
17:19.49Chanier, was composite on?
17:19.59Chanibut, it stays broken when you log back in?
17:20.09frybyehmmm I am gonna try it again now.. with the back and foward with a new user etc.. perhaps something has "fixed itself...!" heheh
17:20.20frybyehang on - brb
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17:22.31gigantois someone able to help me with this bit of wiki ?
17:22.33gigantoAfter configuring your system for use with the network manager, to autostart the network manager applet, go to settings --> Autostarted Applications then add, "nm-applet --sm-disable &", This should start up the network manager applet on startup, the "--sm-disable" option is used to prevent multiple instances of the nm-applet, you should only need it if multiple instances are running when you startup.
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17:24.09frybyere: still dosent work in kde4.1 with the orig. user..
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17:24.38frybyei am beat now - i will just have to use the new user for kde4.1 and gradually get my stuff set up in that account I guess...
17:25.01gigantosomeone able to help me out??
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17:25.23gigantoAfter configuring your system for use with the network manager, to autostart the network manager applet, go to settings --> Autostarted Applications then add, "nm-applet --sm-disable &", This should start up the network manager applet on startup, the "--sm-disable" option is used to prevent multiple instances of the nm-applet, you should only need it if multiple instances are running when you startup.
17:25.28gigantohow do i go about doing this ??
17:25.35frybyebye for now - enuf computer for one day... hehehe
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17:33.21LukasT1hello, do you know how do i set dimension of the konsole in kde 4.1?
17:33.29LukasT1i can't find it ..
17:33.36LukasT1using Fedora 9 and KDE4.1.0
17:34.01bschindlererm... how do I move a plasmoid around?
17:34.05bschindleron the desktop I mean
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17:35.23friedrich|giganto: just do echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nnm-applet --disable &' >> ~/.kde/Autostart/ && chmod u+x  ~/.kde/Autostart/
17:37.10friedrich|giganto: correction: "echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nnm-applet --sm-disable &' >> ~/.kde/Autostart/ && chmod u+x  ~/.kde/Autostart/
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17:38.43gigantofriedrich|, umm, can u split it up so that i understand?
17:38.55gigantofriedrich|, am i supposed to copy that whole line and put into command?
17:39.00*** part/#kde LukasT1 (
17:39.17friedrich|giganto: you are supposed to copy that line and paste it in a terminal of your choice, then hit enter.
17:39.49friedrich|giganto: basically it puts an autostart entry and makes it executable
17:40.18gigantofriedrich|, /home/giganto/.kde/Autostart/ No such file or directory
17:41.19friedrich|what does "ls -l .kde/Autostart" tell you?
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17:42.15gigantocache-Kaede  share  socket-Kaede  tmp-Kaede
17:42.22gigantofriedrich|, i believe u wanted .kde4 ??
17:42.33gigantocos there's a folder called Autostart in .kde4
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17:43.12friedrich|Well, if you are using kde4 - then you might as well change all referrences to ".kde" to ".kde4", yes
17:43.30gigantofriedrich|, ah thanks it worked
17:43.42gigantofriedrich|, so now i just log off and log back in?
17:43.47gigantofriedrich|, or do a restart ?
17:44.02friedrich|logging out/in should be enough. Tell me if it works.
17:44.12gigantofriedrich|, will do
17:44.16gigantofriedrich|, brb
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17:47.35gigantofriedrich|, hmm ... doesn't seem to have worked
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17:48.05tdi_kgiganto: you can also create a .desktop file (similar to windows ini/inf files) instead of a script. You need a section name "[Desktop Entry]" and keys "Exec=/usr/bin/application_to_launch", "Name=An application", "Terminal=false"
17:48.18gigantogot an error instead tho, KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus. Error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path: empty
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17:48.39gigantotdi_k, bit too advanced for me lol
17:48.45tdi_kgiganto: create a file .kde/Autostart/nm-applet.desktop
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17:49.01tdi_kwith the quoted things on each line
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17:49.51tdi_ke.g first line : [Desktop Entry]     second line: Name=network manager applet   third line: Exec=/usr/bin/nm-applet
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17:50.14gigantotdi_k, are u telling me to modify a file? or create a new one?
17:51.34tdi_kgiganto: create a new one I suppose (in $HOME/.kde/Autostart or $HOME/.kde4/Autostart) . If the file exists, you wouldn't be asking here :-)
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17:52.51giganto_sry got dced
17:52.56giganto_tdi_k, sry got dced
17:53.45giganto_tdi_k, what am i supposed to do again ... im very poor with linux at the moment
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17:55.05giganto_brb re login
17:55.12giganto_made changes to the file
17:55.16giganto_added 'exit 0'
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18:02.32tdi_kDoes anybody know what konqueror and probably gwenview use to display GIF files ?
18:04.41annmaisn't it qt gif lib?
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18:06.05JeffATLwhat utils are there to browse windows networks?
18:06.41pinotreekonqueror, smb4k
18:07.54JeffATLpinotree: oh, ok - now i see the "system" vert tab in konqueror
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18:11.08Mebibytemy KDE after a reset it works...
18:11.23smurfsloveri can't find the activities example screenshot anymore
18:11.49tdi_kanima: 10x, I'l try with qt only app ...
18:11.59MebibyteHey... KDE 4 it's really good....
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18:14.10annmanice that you say so, very considerate Mebibyte
18:14.52MebibyteYeah... those KDE devels are really good...
18:15.15MebibyteIt's been proved that, i.e., KDE's konqueror KHTML in a way rocks as a HTTP engine...
18:15.58MebibyteI've been in lots of flamewars GNOME vs KDE...
18:16.09Mebibytebut I've been using KDE since KDE 1 and I never liked GNOME, lol...
18:16.21annmathere are no flamewars anymore Mebibyte
18:16.33annmawe're doing a meeting together next year
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18:16.46annmaas you're saying, it's a matter of taste
18:16.56Mebibytedon't know about this in the present moment...
18:17.03gigantotdi_k, still not working
18:17.03Mebibytenow I'm trying to install Compiz Fusion
18:17.06Mebibyteto make it better
18:17.21Mebibyteconvincing my gf that bsd can be beautiful
18:17.43annmalol ;)
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18:18.10shadewindwhen changing the color scheme in KDE the default background color and text color also changes which make things look like ass
18:18.29Mebibytebut well annma she liked KDE 4 more than KDE3 lol
18:18.42Mebibyteit loads "more cool"
18:18.44shadewindfound it
18:18.55luke-jrMebibyte: btw, KHTML does not do any HTTP
18:19.14luke-jrMebibyte: and Compiz is a GNOME thing
18:19.33Mebibytewhat I mean about KHTML is the webpage rendering... :)
18:19.40MebibyteDon't really know the details :)
18:20.00Chanishadewind: find a theme that doesn't look like ass to you then? ;) or pick your own colours
18:20.00Mebibyteand well luke-jr... would it work with KDE?
18:20.20shadewindChani: i mean in webpages...
18:20.25luke-jrMebibyte: it would no longer be KDE
18:20.26Chaniohhh, that
18:20.37shadewindChani: but I found an option in FF
18:20.42MebibyteOh no?
18:20.43shadewindChani: called "Use system colors"
18:20.50MebibyteWhat would happen if I install KDE?
18:20.58MebibyteI mean, Compiz Fusion...
18:20.58luke-jrMebibyte: you can't run KWin and Compiz at the same time
18:21.07Chanishadewind: dark-background themes don't work too well in konquero. it would be nice to find a solution tothat.
18:21.11Mebibyteoh yes?
18:21.16MebibyteHm... didn't knew...
18:21.28shadewindChani: well, now it works with firefox anyway
18:22.49MebibyteBut luke-jr what I tried to say is that I'm very impressed with all KDE work... :)
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18:25.57Mebibytebut... btw.. why I've found bad comments on KDE4 about memory usage?
18:26.13bonsaikittenMebibyte: rumors
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18:26.47MebibyteOn the first run it works a bit slow on the five 5 minutes but I would suppose it's doing a work on getting everything to work during that moments
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18:26.59Mebibytebut afaik by my computer now it works a bit better...
18:27.04Mebibyteand even second run loads faster...
18:27.13bonsaikittenthat's all the services starting up and building databases / caches
18:27.23bonsaikittennepomuk I think is the "worst" offender
18:27.25MebibyteYeah, that's what I tried to say....
18:27.36MebibyteWhat is that?
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18:29.23Mebibytebirunko: what's nepomuk?
18:29.55bonsaikittenpixie dust and magic ;)
18:30.15MebibyteWhat's that?
18:30.34bonsaikittendidn't you know?
18:30.50Mebibytefx on the desktop?
18:31.19bonsaikittenQt is forged by trolls, kde components are produced by elves ... that's why together it is an unstoppable force against evil
18:31.22MebibyteWell what I've seen are lots of changes since 3.x
18:31.38Mebibyteand now you can put things in the desktop like dictionaries
18:31.49thiago_homebonsaikitten: we also use the ELF file format and the DWARF debugging format
18:31.55thiago_home(I'm not kidding)
18:32.03bonsaikittenlots of arcane magic
18:32.11thiago_homeand we have good friends the gnomes
18:32.14Mebibytewhere is the configuration thing of this beast?
18:32.18bonsaikittenwill it be enough to stop the forces of MordorSoft?
18:32.22MebibyteJust to change resolution and configuration... lol
18:32.44thiago_homebonsaikitten: you can't pull Tolkien
18:32.59bonsaikittenbut I have a tolkien ring network here :(
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18:33.11thiago_homebonsaikitten: trolls in Tolkien's world are evil and turn to stone if exposed to sunlight
18:33.31bonsaikittenI think that's a translation error, should be silverlight
18:33.46thiago_home(maybe that's why we live in Oslo where it's dark half the year, but I digress)
18:34.27thiago_homeand gnomes in Tolkien's world are the old name for the Nordor, the High Elves of the second tribe, most of whom came back to Middle Earth
18:34.52bonsaikittenyou learn something new every day :)
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18:35.40Mebibytehey as I see now window effects exists!
18:35.59thiago_homethe "gnomish" language that Tolkien invented in his early works was completely transformed and transferred to the elves that stayed. It became Sindarin.
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18:36.42Viper550I just found a meaning for the K in KDE
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18:38.46Viper550kollider desktop enviroment.
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18:39.10tstaerk_actually it is for kool
18:39.27Viper550no, as in the large hardon collider uses it :3
18:39.35Viper550whoops, hadron collider
18:39.40milliamsactually it's now just for 'K' :)
18:39.50milliamsViper550: The LHK
18:40.06bonsaikittenViper550: I think I saw a movie about hardon colissions ;)
18:40.19Viper550on PPV? lol
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18:44.50luke-jrhum, KDE doesn't like filenames containing newlines much
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18:47.07junkDawgiethe "Six Billion Dollar Gamble" or something like that, bonsaikitten?
18:47.13junkDawgieme too
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18:51.36cgahi, is there a program to convert wav to mp3 for kde4??? (not audacity or similar)
18:51.36BraveSpearDoes anyone know how to copy the kmenu settings from one computer to another?
18:51.40cgaplease thanks
18:52.11cgaBraveSpear: that could be a good feature request if it doesn't exist yet
18:52.19cgafile a "bug"
18:53.34Mebibytewhat do I have to configure to have those desktop effects?
18:53.45MebibyteI activated them and then desktop fails...
18:53.56MebibyteI have to remove .kde4, .config and so to get it back again... :)
18:54.09Mebibyte(I suppose it would be something about X11 configuration...)
18:54.20ChaniMebibyte: it should';ve reverted if it messed up. odd
18:54.26smurfsloverMebibyte: i also have that when i enable certain plugins
18:54.30junkDawgiehope it works for you Mebibyte
18:54.40smurfsloveri just open up konsole and replace the window manager
18:54.44Chanianyways, you probably do have to do x11 stuff. it'll depend on your video driver too
18:54.55smurfsloverthen your desktop will act normally again
18:54.58Mebibytedunno I tried with the Frames Per Second plugin but desktop got to act stupid... showing the windows as planes
18:55.07BraveSpearcga: There has got to be a way to do it now.. I think it is the file ~/.config/menus/  I am trying to create a custom KMenu and place it in /etc/skel/.config/menus/ dir on a livecd that I have remastered.  Not going as easily as it should, though.
18:55.08smurfsloverafter disabling 3d you can restart kwin
18:55.09Mebibyteand then I activated some others in second try like window explosion on close
18:55.22Mebibytebut it got to be all black but seein the shape of the K bar
18:55.47Mebibytesmurfslover: the xorg driver for ATI cards...
18:55.53Mebibytethere's no ati driver for FreeBSD afaik
18:55.59Mebibytewants a nvidia lol
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18:56.06smurfslovernvidia 173.14 on a geforce fx 5200
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18:56.20smurfsloveri think my card is gettings a little outdated
18:56.36smurfsloverthe cube works perfectly i must say
18:57.04Mebibytewell... are those effects video-consuming things?
18:57.09luke-jrnVidia ftl
18:57.27MebibyteThe one that built this machine (gf's brother) said it has a good one as he remembers...
18:57.36Mebibytenot really outdated I suppose because that guy plays games...
18:58.01Mebibytealso played a fluid Need For Speed on windows... but dunno what card it has...
18:58.11smurfslovernvidia's beta drivers are getting better and better
18:58.14tstaerk_smurfslover, how did you get the cube?
18:58.29Mebibytedrm0: <ATI Radeon AP 9600> on vgapci0
18:58.34Mebibyteis that card a good one?
18:58.35smurfsloveri don't know
18:58.40Mebibytedoesn't care about graphic devices lol
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18:59.08Mebibytebut... as I've seen now that should be a PCI Express card, isn't it?
18:59.12smurfsloverit's just there in the effects in kde 4.1.0 on pardus linux
18:59.17Mebibyteand that's a X11 configuration thing...
18:59.31Mebibytebut I never took care about those details so I don't know :)
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18:59.40smurfsloverdon't think i have it in kubuntu's kde 4.1.1
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19:00.21cgaBraveSpear: sure you can reuse the file but having a feature like "import / export you menu" will be awesome.
19:01.42Mebibyteeffects will work if I tweak the xorg.conf file to set properly my graphic card? lol
19:02.13BraveSpearcga: copying the file from one pc to another just isn't working right. Getting very irritated with KDE now.
19:03.09cgaBraveSpear: there must be another file where it stores some more info then...
19:04.00Mebibyteis here a channel about Xorg? lol
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19:04.48tstaerk_smurfslover, you are from Antwerp?
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19:05.33MebibyteI think I would need that glx mod on the xorg, would it be?
19:05.36BraveSpearcga: I've tried finding it by changing the kmenu and then running find / -name "*menu*" -mtime -1 and the only folder/file that come up are the ones I listed above (-mtime -1 is file modified within the last hour)
19:06.16smurfsloverMebibyte: are you using EXA for rendering?
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19:06.47Mebibytedon't know...
19:06.56Mebibytenever seen those details about graphic things lol...
19:06.59Mebibytea simple man
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19:07.10smurfsloverMebibyte: which distro?
19:07.37MebibyteFreeBSD 7 :)
19:08.05MebibyteAs I suppose if the graphicc ard is identified as vgapci0 it would be a PCI Express card instead of an AGP...
19:08.18MebibyteI think there are options about that in the Xorg configuration file...
19:08.30smurfsloverso you'll need to edit xorg.conf manually in order to use EXA fro rendering
19:08.41smurfsloverbbl gonna have a walk with the dog
19:08.52Mebibytewhere I can find info about that?
19:09.03Mebibyteand also... what is EXA? thought was called GLX or whatever....
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19:09.45bonsaikittenMebibyte: totally different thing
19:09.46smurfslovergoogle it
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19:10.55Mebibyteyeah :)
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19:19.42hyper_chJucato: you're a mod on ubuntuforums?
19:20.44Gigadelic_IIDXanyone uses konversation?
19:21.24Gigadelic_IIDXi need a hand
19:21.42hyper_chyou should already have two :) three hands will look odd
19:21.47Gigadelic_IIDXsomeone is DCC, query, and CTCPing me can i block them all
19:21.55Gigadelic_IIDXcuz im getting spammed atm
19:22.36hyper_chand what do you want to do?
19:22.46Gigadelic_IIDX.... i just said it
19:23.04hyper_chwhy shouldn't you be able to block them?
19:23.15Gigadelic_IIDXi dont know how
19:24.05hyper_chGigadelic_IIDX: open /etc/deny.hosts and make entries like:  ALL:
19:24.27hyper_chor maybe ignoring them in konversation also help:   /ignore USERNAME
19:24.52Gigadelic_IIDXcant i just turn them off in konversation
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19:25.44Gigadelic_IIDXwell im in the Configure window in conversation and im at Behavior > Ignore
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19:25.56Gigadelic_IIDXi tried doing it here but ti geeked
19:26.25MebibyteTweaking a bit goes more faster this KDE4 lol
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19:31.44shadewindhow can I change the KDE theme?
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19:31.54aseigoshadewind: kde3 or kde4?
19:32.25aseigoshadewind: in systemsettings in the desktop area
19:32.40aseigoshadewind: plasma's theme is done by right clicking on the desktop and selecting Desktop Settings
19:34.04shadewindaseigo: lol... i meant KDM theme...
19:34.07shadewindstupid me
19:34.23sandsmarkkdesu kcmclient kdm, or something =)
19:34.30sandsmark*kchmshell, even
19:35.18bgmikiyea resolve plasma playground in KDE 4.1.1
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19:35.22sandsmark"kdesu kcmshell4 kdm" should do it
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19:38.57sandsmarkaseigo: you spammer?
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19:39.25aseigosandsmark: ha. no, paste gone wrong
19:39.43sandsmarkthat's what they all say
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19:40.58kdepepoaseigo, thanks for auto hide panel patch... feels a bit wired with the animation (would prefer instant show/hide), but its better than wasting space like it did before :)
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19:46.26xjuniorhi all. I just upgraded from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1. Now KDM doesn't start kde automatically, and after logon I got a xterm where I have to manually type "startkde" to get everything working
19:46.41xjuniorcan somebody please help me?
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19:47.26kdepepodid you use your distributions packages, xjunior
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19:48.47bonsaikittenso, if I had a weird cmake segfault while trying to build webkit-kpart, who would be able to help me debugger it?
19:49.05sandsmarkthe cmake people
19:49.10xjuniorkdepepo: yes. Gentoo kde-testing overlay
19:49.26sandsmarkbonsaikitten: is there a #cmake channel?
19:49.28Mebibytea little bit of jitter but it works, bonsaikitten :)
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19:49.35Mebibytehave tweaked a bit xorg server
19:49.44bonsaikittensandsmark: there is
19:49.50Mebibyteload dbe, glx, added a BusID and so
19:49.55Mebibytebut effects continue not to work
19:50.02kdepepoxjunior, oh, gentoo... :) well, maybe ask in #gentoo about how to set up your graphical login.
19:50.30xjuniorkdepepo: we have #gentoo-kde, where nobody talks to nobody :)
19:51.51Mebibytekdepepo: edit /etc/ttys
19:52.00sandsmarkxjunior: well, in my distro, we put kdm in /etc/inittab
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19:52.02Mebibyteand add a graphical tty that runs kdm
19:52.10sandsmarkon runlevel 5
19:52.15Mebibyteor that one /etc/inittab
19:52.22Mebibytelike the rest of terms in the machine
19:52.33Mebibytewhat to say... tty9, for example
19:52.40Mebibyteso it will load kdm and the x server with it...
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19:53.02Mebibyteand after bootstrapping the operating system will go to X11 and prompt you for an user...
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19:54.22kdepepoerm, he does get X11, but only failsave mode, not KDE :)
19:55.10sandsmarkxjunior: change session you start with kdm
19:55.52kdepepoprobably the KDE 4 session isn't registered with /usr/share/xsessions
19:56.10Mebibyteyou have to add a file configuration in the kdm configuration directory
19:56.15*** join/#kde kim0 (n=kimoz@
19:56.17Mebibyteto allow it to load KDE4 :)
19:56.27Mebibytewhen will we have kdm4? ^^
19:56.46sandsmarkMebibyte: I have kdm from kde4?
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19:57.11xjuniorsandsmark: doesn't work
19:57.30Mebibytebeing buggy?
19:57.42xjuniorMebibyte: kdepepo: how do I add KDE then?
19:57.57Mebibytexjunior: use kdm3
19:58.01Mebibytelet me give you an url...
19:58.06Mebibyteit's on the bsd kde 4 wiki
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19:59.03Mebibyteyou may modify some urls...
19:59.41Mebibytethat dir
19:59.43Mebibytemay vary
19:59.49Mebibyteyou may have /usr/share/apps or whatever
20:00.01MebibyteBSD follows a strict convention about where to locate packages and ports
20:00.12Mebibyteand I don't know if Linux (just in case) also uses it...
20:00.30Mebibytebut xjunior you've got there what to put on a kde4.desktop file...
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20:02.39xjuniorMebibyte: the kde session seems to be ok...... lemme post it somewhere to you
20:02.55Mebibyteto me?
20:02.58MebibyteWhat do you mean?
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20:03.26MebibyteI don't really care about kdm... I just always can do startx command and previously configured .xinitrc it will work! :)
20:03.42Mebibyteif you post something gimme an url! :D
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20:05.25xjuniorMebibyte: are you using kdm 4 or 3.5?
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20:05.52zx2c4hey there
20:05.56zx2c4has anyone else noticed that
20:06.05zx2c4when using the autostart system settings panel
20:06.08skyphyrhi all - lamest kde4 question ever - how do I restart the panel to defaults? (or shift it to the bottom)
20:06.09zx2c4and adding apps to it,
20:06.11zx2c4they do not autostart
20:06.21zx2c4has anyone else noticed this bizarre behavior?
20:06.25Mebibytexjunior: I'm right now not using kdm :)
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20:07.48xjuniorMebibyte: as you can see, there are two configurations for KDE
20:08.00Mebibytelet me read...
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20:09.45xjuniorMebibyte: that seems to be right..... I can't understand, really
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20:10.04smurfsloverskyphyr: you can delete plasmarc and/or plasma-appletsrc in $kdehome/share/config
20:10.46Mebibytexjunior: I don't really know :)
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20:12.10xjuniorMebibyte: well... thanks
20:12.15smurfsloverMebibyte, xjunior, you can copy the kde3 entry and rename it to kde4
20:12.26Mebibyteyup smurfslover
20:12.31smurfsloverthen you have to change 3 entry's in the file
20:12.33Mebibytechange the path to startkde4, I would think :)
20:12.55xjuniorsmurfslover: kde 3? I think I haven't
20:13.46bonsaikittenoh, small question - why do the 4.1.6x snapshots not have a kde-l10n package?
20:14.07pinotreebecause they are development snapshot, no point of shipping translations
20:14.46dasy2k1does anyone know if konversation can play sounds?
20:14.52bonsaikittenpinotree: ok :)
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20:15.44smurfsloverxjunior, Mebibyte:
20:15.56Mebibytewhere can I find kde i18n things in FreeBSD? lol
20:16.28MebibyteI'm ok, smurfslover, but thanks :)
20:16.53xjunioranybody knows how to change default encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 in KDE? I don't know why is KDE using this encoding if all the system uses unicode
20:17.11skyphyrthanks smurfslover
20:17.32smurfsloverskyphyr: np
20:18.15xjuniorsmurfslover: it's talking about nested sessions
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20:18.31smurfsloverread down
20:18.52smurfsloverthere's also explanation for solitary session through kdm
20:19.18zx2c4xjunior: thats a good question... cuz i get the ktextecnoding errors on startup of apps
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20:40.54Mebibyteis there any i18 package on KDE4?
20:41.23bonsaikittenyes, called l10n
20:42.54Mebibyteah.. what's the difference?
20:43.42Mebibyteinstalling l10n-es
20:44.59bonsaikitteninternationalization vs. localization ... basically same thing as far as users are affected :)
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20:46.12MebibyteI have no idea lol
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20:49.01MinceRnot really -- for instance, i need some localization but no internationalization :>
20:49.53Shambukukde is sluggish but the bling is nice
20:50.40bonsaikittenShambuku: nvidia graphics card? ;)
20:50.59hyper_chnewest drivers?
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20:56.57Config_Hi - how can I wipe the session cache and make sure I get a new, empty session when I start kde the next time?
20:57.16Config_some kde4 apps sneaked into my kde3, and now plasma gets started which screws basically everything
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21:05.33vjmhmm, after upgrading to kde 4.1.1 I lost all sound...any thought how to bring them back?
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21:08.31gkiagiavjm: did you check the sound preferences in system settings ?
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21:10.19vjmsure, phonon sees both xine and gstreamer backends. There's no difference which one is the preferred.
21:10.47vjmsound as such is still working since alsa speaker test does produce sound
21:10.47gkiagiavjm: does a non-kde player like mplayer work?
21:11.06gkiagiahm, so alsa works
21:11.30gkiagiabut dragon player doesn't
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21:12.38gkiagiavjm: have you actually tried with dragon player? to make the question better, which sounds don't play?
21:13.41vjmno sound from dragon or smplayer
21:14.27gkiagiaif mplayer doesn't work, then this is a wierd alsa problem I guess...
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21:15.02gkiagiaactually, it has happened to me, but it got fixed after a while
21:15.04vjmhmm...weird...there are some error messages in mplayer log...
21:15.31vjm[AO_ALSA] alsa-lib: confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
21:15.32vjm[AO_ALSA] alsa-lib: conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: Permission denied
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21:15.58gkiagiaare you in the audio group?
21:16.10gkiagia(well, definitely not a kde problem...)
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21:17.30vjmwell, I'm now =) That wasn't a problem before though...
21:17.45vjmseems so...
21:18.06vjmquess I'll have to bug people at #suse =) Thanks.
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21:21.07vjmgkiagia: ok, adding myself to audio group worked...bah, should've known to check that myself...thanks for the help
21:22.19ReedWoodset the editor in kate (kde4) to "static line brake" and type until the end of a line. The word gets brocken but the curson is set to the beginning of the line.
21:22.34ReedWoodS.o. sees this error?
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21:31.24Mebibytewould gnash see youtube?
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21:43.07MAXXOhello, somebody here who can answer a question regarding cmake?
21:44.01Mebibyteis kopete working?
21:44.04Mebibytekopete of kde4
21:44.57MebibyteI say Online, but it doesn't connect...
21:46.20Shambukuyes cmake is garbage'
21:46.24*** part/#kde kriko (n=kristjan@
21:46.33MebibyteShambuku: lol
21:46.38MebibyteDo Kopete works?
21:47.43GraveDiggerit does
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21:48.28MebibyteMine not...
21:48.36MebibyteI say connect... but keeps without connecting lol
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21:49.46[Kame2]which protocol?
21:49.53zengleI changed window decorations to system++ in kde4.1, and now the menu I used to change the decoration is no longer there, nor does there appear to be a button to help
21:50.05zenglehow can I change back to plastique, or something more attractive?
21:50.18[Kame2]does work for me. but it needs a few seconds to connect
21:50.25zengle(kubuntu 8.04)
21:50.30Shambukuoh geeze look at all the noobs ! aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:50.40Mebibyteah ok... it has been about 2 hours trying to connect
21:51.05Shambukuzengle click around and learn
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21:51.07[Kame2]thats a little bit to few...
21:51.15Mebibytebut I keep saying "Online" everytime
21:51.34zenglenot only is there no right click option anywhere, there is no window decoration in the "appearance and themes" in the system config thing
21:51.48Shambukuthatsa bug update
21:51.55Shambukuupdate !
21:51.56zenglein the .kde/share/config/kdeglobals cfg file, it appears to be set to keramic
21:52.24Mebibytenah [Kame2] have restarted kopete but continues not to work
21:52.54[Kame2]then i can't help you. sorry.
21:53.04MebibyteOhh :(
21:53.19[Kame2]have to go to bed now. good night
21:53.19Shambukufor kopete update !
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21:53.53Mebibyteok gn!
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21:56.56zenglewhat is the name of the subsystem that draws and controlls window decoration?
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22:04.39TeLLuSI tried to send a mail (smtp) with kmail 1.10.1 in KDE4.1.1 on Kubuntu intrepid but when sending it is not even connecting to the mailserver and only display "Sending failed:" and the smtp://.. url..    Any recommended fix?
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22:12.38gkiagiaTeLLuS: check your smtp settings :)
22:13.02Mebibytekopete doesn't work
22:13.22phreakeri think it kinda works but pidgin has more options
22:13.22octox2can i run superkaramba stuff in plasma >?
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22:16.53drivamgr2008Sprievening all.
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22:17.59drivamgr2008Sprii wonder if i may pick your brains for a while... i have just discovered a screensaver i would seriously love to install, but its a windows exe file.  Is there any framework for converting a windows screensaver to a .kss at all?
22:18.16luke-jrWINE maybe
22:19.14drivamgr2008Spriwine won't do it.  i want to avoid wine as much as possible anyhoo, and try ang get it to work as a .kss (Kscreensaver) if possible
22:19.16luke-jrbut the screensaver itself should be a .SCR file
22:19.27luke-jrdrivamgr2008Spri: a Windows screen saver is just a program
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22:19.30luke-jrlike any other program
22:19.32_lemmadrivamgr2008Spri: it won't work without emulating the windows api layer.
22:19.53drivamgr2008Spriso i need wine to make it work?
22:19.54_lemmaluke-jr: :)
22:20.04luke-jr_lemma: is .kss a normal app?
22:20.07luke-jrdrivamgr2008Spri: yes
22:20.12_lemmaluke-jr: sorry, no idea
22:20.44_lemmadrivamgr2008Spri: it's not certain wine will be able to run it. and if it is you'll still have to run it as a x11 screensaver which might/might not be easy
22:21.27drivamgr2008Spri_lemma: ok, i will give it a shot, wine is previewing it for me now, so i might get away with it
22:21.44_lemmanice! good luck!
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22:21.49luke-jrKSS seems like SCR
22:21.59luke-jrso you might just need a thin layer between them
22:22.09drivamgr2008Spriwe'll see how it goes.
22:22.14drivamgr2008Sprii may be back
22:22.22luke-jrdrivamgr2008Spri: why leave?
22:22.33luke-jrI might write the layer for you
22:22.35BabelO_hi, lot of people there :)
22:22.46drivamgr2008Sprijust miniaturising the xchat so i can work on winecfg for a sec
22:23.35BabelO_anyboody can tell me how can i force the default font of all kde3 app running under kde4 ?
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22:25.39_lemmaBabelO_: just while running the kde4 desktop or generally?
22:26.47BabelO__lemma: hi, i ve an eeepc running suse with 4.1, i set all font in 4.1 to size 7... but all kde3 app still keep the default size to 10
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22:29.28BabelO__lemma: i set qt-config to 7 for qt4 and qt3 but still same after reboot
22:29.32_lemmaBabelO_: it might depend on your distribution but you can try running kde3's font-settings by typing "kcmshell fonts" on the commandline
22:29.49BabelO__lemma: thanks, let me try
22:30.23BabelO__lemma: perfect :) thanks
22:31.14BabelO__lemma: no i need to found what kpowersave call to go to suspend :)
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22:32.07_lemmaBabelO_: you're welcome. sorry, I can't help you with kpowersave as I don't know much about it and mine doesn't work currently
22:33.05BabelO__lemma: mine only display things and switch power...  i got s2ram work, but kpowersave seem to use standard /sys/power/state feature
22:33.30BabelO__lemma: one more question and i stop with question
22:34.02octox2where does kde4 get installed to ?
22:34.06BabelO__lemma: i start kbluetooth by hand, now on my standard user when i click on bluetooth icon, it say protocol not allowed
22:34.31BabelO_octox2: depend of your distrib
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22:34.44_lemmaBabelO_: sorry, not my field either :/
22:35.16BabelO__lemma: anyway thanks, i go to develop my own tray icon, for the eeepc device to power on / off :)
22:35.21BabelO_thanks again
22:35.26octox2BabelO_:  im in suse, im trying to install a plasmoid and i am suppossed to pass the kde installation dir to  cmake
22:35.45_lemmaBabelO_: you're welcome. you could make that tray icon a plasma applet as well :)
22:36.15_lemmaoctox2: kde4-config --prefix
22:36.19BabelO_octox2: it is in standard path /usr/include for kde4
22:36.27BabelO_or that :)
22:37.05BabelO__lemma: i don't know much about plasmoid
22:37.17BabelO__lemma: i m only a qtopia developper and kernel
22:37.20octox2mine say /usr
22:37.30_lemmaBabelO_: I just toyed around with it for the first time today. and it seems pretty simple
22:38.01_lemmaBabelO_: just have a look at existing plasmoids. I started by looking at the trashcan one. it's just two small files
22:38.02BabelO_octox2: that's it for the base
22:38.09BabelO_octox2: so just add include
22:38.23_lemmaBabelO_: and it makes your icons/buttons look sexy
22:38.31octox2ok, ill see how it works thanks
22:38.44BabelO__lemma: ok i ll look at it
22:41.12BabelO__lemma: btw, i try to install a addon plasmoid from internet, it does not works :(
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22:42.49_lemmaBabelO_: I tried installing lancelot but didn't succeed. did you install it using the buttons in the "add widgets" dialog or by compiling it yourself?
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22:43.45BabelO__lemma: i click on add internet widget and select crystal, then install, button toogle to uninstall. that's all
22:44.33_lemmaBabelO_: I think that doesn't work currently though I'm not sure if that's plasma's or the provider's fault.
22:44.40_lemmaBabelO_: I think it's just not quite there yet
22:45.00aseigoBabelO_: c++ widgets don't work via that.
22:45.00BabelO__lemma: ok, then maybe by hand i can copy the file
22:45.10BabelO_aseigo: ok
22:45.13aseigoBabelO_: you need to compile those manually; we're working on the server feed
22:45.39BabelO_aseigo: ok then i look for sources , thanks
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22:53.28octox2when i try to run the plasmoid, by clicking the .desktop file it says the desktop entry of type Service is unknown  ?
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22:56.02_lemmaoctox2: I don't think it's supposed to work like that. you should properly install it and either use the plasmoidviewer or the "Add Widget" dialog to access it
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23:00.24BabelO_godd night, and thanks a lot
23:00.49BabelO_~lart apt
23:00.49aptflings poo at babelo_
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23:07.42BraveSpearI finally figure out how to move kmenu settings from 1 pc to another
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23:11.41archerhas anyone heard anything about dropbox support for dolphin?
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23:17.34ascizogrr. i don't like this
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23:22.46_lemmaascizo: what?
23:24.14ascizokantanswelnow.watelinkeyboar     d
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23:36.01vjoeis it possible to use kde-pim with fluxbox?
23:36.12vjoewith all the features and stuff
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23:38.19knusperfroschfound codepage=1252 in solids halstorageaccess.cpp, this prevents me from mounting any fat formated device
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23:41.03knusperfroschrev 858744 cp1255=>cp1252 which isn't wrong but cp1252 isn't available on linux
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23:52.11caelcan anyone help me how to solve this: No Soprano Database backend available. Please check your installation
23:52.30pinotreehow did you install soprano?
23:53.29caelI emerged kde-4.1.1 completely
23:53.53caelI can run sopranod manually and it gives me no error messages
23:54.19pinotreethen please ask in #gentoo, as they should make you compile the various backends
23:55.06bonsaikitten#gentoo-kde better
23:55.18caelcan you give me a name of an example backend?
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