IRC log for #kde on 20080907

00:01.58*** join/#kde anom01y (
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00:03.43brain0jmonreal: in kde3, there was a daemon responsible for that
00:03.46brain0forgot its name
00:03.54brain0but it doesn't exist in kde4
00:03.54jmonrealand in kde4?
00:04.04jmonrealand how can i use
00:04.08brain0I don't think these keys are automatically used by any program
00:04.09jmonrealthe shortcuts
00:04.18jmonrealno it was by the system
00:04.29jmonrealmm so a daemon
00:04.35brain0a kde component
00:04.50jmonrealand theres no intention to have in kde4?
00:04.51brain0man, I talked about that exact topic to someone just yesterday
00:05.12brain0I forgot what the name was again
00:05.22brain0anyway, I have no idea what the plans are here
00:05.33brain0I use xbindkeys for such things, but that's just me
00:05.59jmonrealthanks Ill give it a try
00:06.05*** join/#kde anom01y (
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00:08.51clienti get a error "You are not allowed to access the system configuration." when i run certain system admin things such as network tools
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00:14.25yao_ziyuanfedora's "earth_from_space.jpg" is very suitable for kde 4.1.1 wallpaper
00:14.50yao_ziyuani think kde 4 can use a space-themed wallpaper
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00:20.42jmonrealbrain0, same problem the cpu is heating up
00:20.46jmonrealand now i have nothing open
00:21.05brain0check top again
00:21.22jmonrealtop doesnt show anything wrong
00:21.42jmonrealprocess of 3, 2, and 1 %
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00:35.10jmonrealsometimes X goes to 45% of cpu and Kwin to 42%
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00:39.53*** join/#kde cael (
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00:40.54caelI've got a problem using composite effects of kwin ... when I enable them, I only get a black screen. I tested compiz-fusion with my graphic-card and that works. any can help me?
00:43.34*** join/#kde waltercool (
00:43.39waltercoolhey ya
00:43.49waltercoolyakuake is not working into kde 4.1.1?
00:44.12brain0who told you that
00:44.46waltercoolmy computer
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00:45.10brain0if yakuake wouldn't work, I couldn't read what you are saying
00:45.30waltercoolwhat do you mean/
00:45.51brain0I mean I am running irssi on yakuake right now
00:46.04waltercoolyou dont have this??: <unknown program name>(14567)/: Communication problem with  "yakuake" , it probably crashed.
00:46.19brain0never seen it
00:46.36waltercooldems... yakuake 2.9.3, right?/
00:47.10*** join/#kde phoul (n=phoul@sourcemage/guru/Phoul)
00:47.22brain0I applied a patch to add more dbus calls, but that shouldn't affect anything
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00:47.33waltercoolmmm... where you get the patch?
00:47.37brain0I wrote it
00:47.39waltercoolvery interested
00:47.52waltercoolbrain0: kde developer?
00:48.00brain0I actually only duplicated one function, removed half of the code from it and added an extra dbus slot for it
00:48.26brain0I just needed a function yakuake didn't provide by default
00:49.02brain0in particular, you can toggle the window visibility via dbus. but there is no way to show the window or hide the window. or ask if the window is hidden or visible
00:49.13waltercoolbrain0: uhmmm... but while more dbus calls, more apps can "talk" with others
00:49.37brain0so a "toggleWindow" function is quite useless if you want to write a script to tell yakuake to do certain things and then show itself
00:50.00waltercoolbrain0: Mmmm... you mean... toggle up and down with other apps?
00:50.12*** join/#kde LjL (n=ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl)
00:50.29brain0you CAN toggle up and down. but all you can do is "hide the window if it is visible and make it visible if it is hidden"
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00:51.09brain0there is no call to "show the window if it is hidden, do nothing otherwise", and no call for "hide the window if it is visible, do nothing otherwise"
00:51.19brain0and no call that tells you whether the window is visible or not
00:51.54brain0as dbus is useful for controlling applications from other applications, the yakuake interface is quite useless in that respect
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00:52.29waltercooluhmmm, not a lot really
00:52.56waltercoolif you want open a big app, is a big idea hide yakuake
00:52.58*** join/#kde edgurgel_ (n=eduardo@
00:53.07brain0fortunately, kdelibs kind of add dbus calls almost automatically
00:53.29brain0you don't need to know anything about dbus
00:53.55waltercoolbrain0: so... you need know only kde development?
00:54.31brain0not even that
00:54.46brain0well, if you write an app, yes
00:54.50brain0I only copied code
00:54.51brain0I didn
00:54.56brain0I didn't write new code
00:55.07waltercoolbrain0: But if works... ;)
00:55.09*** join/#kde gregarei (n=greg@unaffiliated/gregarei)
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01:01.10*** join/#kde jmonreal (
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01:01.56jmonrealanother Q, whats the use of ctrl shift T in the Konsole? it divides it, but what you type it types it on both konsoles
01:02.07jmonrealwhats the functionality of that?
01:03.44*** join/#kde rizvan (i=1000@
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01:04.33rizvankickoff not coming up (appearing) with "Stripshine" plasma theme.
01:04.47*** join/#kde bock (
01:04.57bockis there a way to set environment variables for a kde session?
01:05.06bock(KDE 4)
01:05.27bocki doubt it
01:05.40bockif I start a program by alt+f2 it starts with english LANG
01:05.52bockmy basrc exports a german one
01:07.20*** join/#kde angasule (n=angasule@
01:07.23brain0bock: $HOME/.kde/env/ (or on most distributions $HOME/.kde4/env/)
01:07.27rizvansystemsettings->regional settings?
01:07.59*** join/#kde nidzo (
01:08.51bockbrain0: what do I pout into there? bash scripts?
01:09.08brain0bock: files with sh code
01:09.16bockthank you
01:09.16brain0bock: like export foo=bar
01:09.19bockI'll try it
01:09.34brain0maybe you need to make them executable so kde doesn't ignore them, but I am not sure kde cares
01:09.50bockI'll do it to be on the safe side
01:10.42*** join/#kde jmonreal (
01:11.07*** join/#kde sabayonuser (n=sabayonu@
01:11.47*** part/#kde Killy (n=sabayonu@
01:11.51jmonrealbrain0, i cant find the application thats ussing all the cpu
01:13.47brain0hmm, sad
01:15.38jmonrealbut gkrellm
01:15.56jmonrealits saying thats the cpu are being use and a ton
01:16.31jmonrealPROC says xx process and z users
01:18.09jmonrealwhat is this? usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --ses
01:18.40brain0it's the dbus session bus
01:18.46caelI've got a problem using composite effects of kwin ... when I enable them, I only get a black screen. I tested compiz-fusion with my graphic-card and that works. any can help me?
01:18.49brain0killing it would effectively cripple kde
01:19.10brain0unless there are several instances running for your current user
01:19.23brain0although they should kill themselves as soon as you exit a session
01:20.12jmonrealmm well i guess ill go back to 3.5 bc i got no clue what is using the cpu so much
01:20.53*** join/#kde CydeWeys (n=Cyde@wikipedia/Cyde)
01:21.50CydeWeysHi, I'm reliably able to crash the file browser Dolphin simply by browsing to a particular directory.  I believe it's because files in said directory contain Japanese characters in their file name.  Is this bug something anyone in here would be interested in?
01:23.20CydeWeysIt also crashes when trying to do anything with the directory, like moving it.
01:24.51caelCydeWeys: what's the default character encoding on your system?
01:25.04CydeWeyscael: I guess just American English?
01:25.17CydeWeysThe characters display fine in an ls listing on the shell, of all things.
01:25.32CydeWeys(In Konsole, haven't tried a true terminal yet)
01:26.00CydeWeysI'm running Ubuntu with KDE 4.1.
01:26.07brain0they probably wouldn't show properly on a VT, because you probably don't have a proper font there
01:26.11caelCydeWeys: you could start dolphin in a console to see if you get any hints while the app crashes
01:26.12CydeWeysx86-64, if that matters
01:26.20CydeWeyscael: Ah, good idea.  I'll try that.
01:27.01CydeWeyscael: Heh, didn't work, it looks like typing dolphin at the command line invokes some kind of new thread and then returns control.
01:27.01*** join/#kde hibread (n=hibread@
01:27.22CydeWeysI do get a crash handler that has some details though
01:27.25CydeWeysLemme try pastebin.
01:27.55*** join/#kde bomber (n=bomber@
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01:31.47caelCydeWeys: you could try to create a new folder (in console) and move the file in there (the file you think, which causes the problem) and check if it is that file which causes the crash
01:33.17caelCydeWeys: if it crashes while viewing that folder, you could rename the file to be sure if it is a character encoding problem
01:34.20CydeWeyscael: Yeah, I'm going to try to narrow it down to a single emblematic bad file name, then post some kind of bug report
01:36.03angasulebah, not enough time to get into it, but apparently turning off the annoying dolphin behaviour of littering directories with a ".directory" file is trivial
01:38.11*** join/#kde Epocher (n=epocher@
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02:03.00*** join/#kde seemant (n=trinity@unaffiliated/seemant)
02:03.15seemantis there a thingy similar to gnome-keyboard-properties, but you know, for kde4?
02:06.20*** join/#kde Nostahl (
02:06.32Nostahlhey all anyone have problems pairing bluetooth with blueman?
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02:15.36auntieNeoumm... I'm not so familiar with kde's source code and I'm looking for the function that kde uses to convert file sizes in bytes to human readable strings (e.g. 65.7 MB). Does anyone know where to look? I'm browsing the websvn's trunk right now...
02:15.48drantin#kde-devel ?
02:15.53auntieNeoehe :P
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02:16.01auntieNeoI'll ask there I guess ;P
02:16.25*** join/#kde ewomer (
02:17.21ewomerhello im getting this message trying to install kdm themes from the kdm theme section in the systems manager V
02:17.32ewomersystemsettings(8918)/knewstuff (api): Could not determine type of archive file ' "/tmp/kde-eric/RQ44ovnBsy"'
02:17.32ewomerError: "/tmp/kde-eric" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
02:18.25drantinrunning systemsettings via kdesu?
02:19.33ewomerno sudo because kdesu is jacked up
02:21.04ewomeri cant run too much as kdesu espically dolphin
02:21.31ewomerbut why does it mangle the archives
02:22.15*** join/#kde EagleScreen (
02:22.57EagleScreenkeyboard input actions is not working well for me, and you?
02:24.52*** part/#kde auntieNeo (
02:26.51ewomerbut why does it mangle the archives
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02:31.59ewomeri was trying to figure out why systemsettings would mangle the themes downloaded for kdm
02:34.29ewomerand why i have to run sudo dolphin befor kdesu dolphin would run right
02:34.39Nostahlanyone here good with bluetooth
02:35.21ewomerno i wish but i never had a use for it
02:35.40EagleScreenewomer what is your ditribution?
02:36.57Nostahlima install gnome real quick to see if its bluetooth method works
02:37.59*** part/#kde Nostahl (
02:38.01ewomeralso is this a big error or just a warning
02:38.22ewomerdoes wicd handle bluetooth
02:38.49*** join/#kde Woosta (
02:39.32WoostaI have 2.4GB in my trash directory .. which is nuts coz I don't have a 'trash' to drag stuff into. I assume that's where Konq puts deleted files? Anyway, what's the 'right' way to empty it?
02:39.52WoostaI don't know where there's an icon whose right-click menu would include an 'empty' option :-D
02:40.00ewomer3.5.9 or 4.1.1
02:40.38WoostaOoh! I found it
02:40.44Woostaon the konqueror startup screen :-D
02:40.57ewomerok kool
02:41.18WoostaIs there any way to auto-empty the trash each time I shut down?
02:41.31ewomeri dont know
02:41.39Woosta(or, alternately, will I break something if I write a shell script to empty it)
02:41.52ewomeryou automatically go to the trash and empty it
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03:59.35fessiohi everyone
04:00.35fessiocould enyone help me with building KDE from trunk plz? ;)
04:00.51fessiowhen building kdelibs I get th following error:
04:01.06fessio-- Found Qt-Version 4.4.1 (using /usr/bin/qmake-qt4)
04:01.10fessio-- Found X11: /usr/lib/
04:01.14fessio-- Your version of automoc4 is too old. You have 0.9.84, you need at least 0.9.87
04:01.18fessio-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use FindPkgConfig
04:01.22fessio-- Found Strigi >= 0.6.0
04:01.26fessio-- Found Soprano: /usr/lib/
04:01.30fessio-- Found Soprano includes: /usr/include
04:01.42fessio-- Found Soprano Index: /usr/lib/
04:01.42fessio-- Found Soprano Client: /usr/lib/
04:01.42fessio-- Found Soprano Plugins: nquadparser nquadserializer raptorparser raptorserializer redlandbackend
04:01.42fessio-- Found ACL support: /lib/;/lib/
04:01.42fessioCMake Error at kdecore/kconfig_compiler/CMakeLists.txt:11 (kde4_add_executable):
04:02.50*** join/#kde jhulst (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
04:05.33fessioany ideas?
04:05.59drantinold cmake version maybe?
04:06.48drantini think it requires 2.6.0 or greater, but not 100% certain on that...
04:07.11fessiohm... apt-get says i've got the newest one
04:07.28drantinthe newest one in your repo? which version is it?
04:07.48drantincmake --version
04:07.54fessiocmake version 2.6-patch 0
04:08.06drantindunno then, I'm on patch-1 ...
04:08.18drantinbut my build is two or three days old now
04:08.38drantinof trunk that is
04:08.40fessiodid you compile it ?
04:08.43fessioI see
04:08.57drantinnow, why would I need cmake to install a pre-compiled version?
04:09.24fessioI mean where did you get cmake from
04:09.30fessiofrom source?
04:09.57drantinI'm on gentoo, everything is from source
04:10.04drantinunless it ends in -bin
04:17.39*** join/#kde ylynfatt (n=ylynfatt@
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04:31.43fessioI think I found the problem
04:31.45fessioYour version of automoc4 is too old. You have 0.9.84, you need at least 0.9.87
04:32.01fessiobut now I'm confused even more...
04:32.19fessio$ automoc4 --version
04:32.19fessioautomoc4 0.9.87
04:33.31fessiohow can that be? cmake says My version is 0.9.84. and aotumoc says that it's 0.9.87 :))
04:35.11*** join/#kde judaz (
04:35.20judazhey.. im on debian 2.6.26-1
04:35.33judazand for some reason, KDE sounds does not work
04:35.37judazlike kopete sounds
04:35.44judazbut i have sound.. music is playing
04:36.01judazanybody know what can be the problem?
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04:36.37judazsorry, sounds don't*
04:36.53judazspanish is my mother tongue.. hehe
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04:42.22wilsonsammjudaz: do you have esd?
04:42.30wilsonsammaka esoundd
04:43.41judazwilsonsamm: not sure.. how can i know that?
04:44.04judazwilsonsamm: alsaplayer-esd ?
04:44.19*** join/#kde swaroop (n=swaroop@
04:45.39swaroophi all, is there any solutions for the issue pointed out at ? I would like to stay with KDE4 but this issue force me to go for KDE3.x :(
04:46.44wilsonsammsorry, I don't know how it is on debian - it's been a while, you know? but do you get sound from kopete if you start kopete before anyother apps that use the sound card?
04:47.33judazwilsonsamm: never tried..
04:48.00judazalmost every app I use make a sound for somenthing
04:48.31wilsonsammthere is a package called "esound" - see if you have it installed
04:48.42judazwilsonsamm: its not
04:48.53wilsonsammget it
04:49.02judazwilsonsamm: done
04:49.40judaznow what.. hehehe
04:49.43wilsonsammI'm not sure if there is any other config to do after that before restarting X - I'd ask in #debian or so
04:49.54judazwilsonsamm: ok.. THANX!
04:50.01judazi'll try restarting X first
04:50.03wilsonsammNo problem!
04:50.06*** join/#kde ClassFoo (n=ClassFoo@
04:50.15wilsonsammand let's know how it worked
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04:51.52swaroopany help?
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04:52.03judazwilsonsamm: didnt work.. hehe
04:52.16wilsonsammjudaz: did you ask in #debian?
04:52.26judazwilsonsamm: I'm on it
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04:53.43Chaniswaroop: well, there's a workaround explained right in that bugreport. other than that, all we can do is wait for nvidia to fix their darn driver.
04:54.27swaroopChani: Is it disabling the cursor blink?
04:54.31Chaniswaroop: yeah
04:54.37*** join/#kde evan__ (
04:55.09Chanioh, the joys of proprietary code...
04:55.42swaroopChani: well I dont have Gnome-Control-Center installed since I dont have gnome installed
04:55.54Chanitries to remember the derivative of e^n
04:56.12swaroopChani: so I think i may have to install gnome to fix this?
04:56.30Chaniswaroop: then install it, change the setting and uninstall it? *shrug* or install the kde-ified OOo instead
04:57.02*** join/#kde perry_ (
04:57.06swaroopChani: Well the issue I need to fix is for eclipse. Thats the software I mostly use
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04:58.02swaroopChani: Initially I was happy to have an nvidia chipset and now i regret :(
04:58.11Chanido these bugs occur even with composite disabled?
04:58.28perry_can someone point me in the right direction to figure out why k9copy is giving me a socket connect error?
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04:58.49swaroopChani: was that to me?
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05:00.01swaroopChani: if that was to me well yes the bug is there even if composite is disabled
05:02.08swaroopit is now like I cant use any GTk or wine based application (which got editor) in KDE4...This is really embarrassing...I wanted to use KDE4 but never I can just because of this bug
05:03.32*** join/#kde Seiya[asahi] (
05:05.29anom01ywhy is it that when I run alsa force-reload, and then kmix, I get different mixer settings every time
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05:08.37judazwilsonsamm: i found that whenever i do an artsplay, it returns: Can't connect to sound serve
05:08.50anom01yIm having issues with my sound too'
05:08.54judazfe: artsplay /usr/share/sounds/Kopete_Sent.ogg
05:09.05judazreturns: Can't connect to sound serve
05:09.43wilsonsammdo you have the arts package?
05:10.09illogic-alow. my eyes are burning.
05:10.38judazwilsonsamm: yep
05:11.02wilsonsammwhat's up with illogic-al's eyes?
05:12.45judazok bed..
05:12.50wilsonsammjudaz: have you run 'esd' at a a command line
05:12.58judazwilsonsamm: n
05:13.05wilsonsammgive it a go
05:13.06anom01ywhy is it that when I run alsa force-reload, and then kmix, I get different mixer settings every time
05:13.13judazwilsonsamm: i did.. a sound played.. wooow
05:13.34wilsonsammedit your ~/.xinitrc
05:13.42judazwilsonsamm: yep.. but sounds still does not work
05:14.36wilsonsammhave you read the esd documentation?
05:15.10wilsonsammi don't have the man page for it since I don't need to be using it
05:15.37judazman sais its kind of run and use
05:19.30judazit worked!
05:19.36*** join/#kde C1REX (
05:19.37judazsomething was missing
05:19.41judazi installed kcontrol...
05:19.47judazand now works
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05:22.47judazok.. sleep time
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06:55.12Moultin konsole i see things like shell sessions and bookmarks, what are they?
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07:02.36Moultok another question (still don't know what are sessions)
07:02.51Moultwhat is the use of activites when zooming out of your desktop in kde 4.1?
07:06.01Shirakawasunadoes anyone here know of a general guide for coding a kwin deco?  The best I can find is for kde 3.2.
07:07.02luke-jrShirakawasuna: you might ask smileaf-- he's in #anime once in a while
07:07.29Shirakawasunacool, I will
07:07.38Shirakawasunaaww, no luck
07:07.40fessioMoult, activities are like virtual desktops where you can put different sets of plasmoids for doing different tasks
07:08.05Moultfessio: but without changing what windows are open?
07:09.03Shirakawasunahmm, the techbase says the 3.2 guide is the thing to use
07:09.04Shirakawasunascary :)
07:11.55Moultfessio: at the moment i don't think there is enough plasmoids that i can actually say "these are the ones which help me for working, here for playing, here for something else, etc" - i think that's the main reason activites are not used by me
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08:04.47mithow do i add something to "session"[gnome] so it starts as i log in?
08:04.58miti'm on kde4.1
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08:18.02cojones_hey all, is there a way to keep KDE's menu and GNOME's menu separate?
08:18.13cojones_when both are installed, things get a bit unorganized
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08:20.28marcusUI think they both use that awful freedesktop crap nowadays.
08:20.47marcusUI remember when they are nice and separate.
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09:28.04nikolavphello i am using Debian with KDE 4.1.1 and i was hoping to get okular finally working with chm files but it doesn't
09:28.21pinotreewhat is the problem?
09:28.22nikolavpi installed libchm1 but it still doesn't open the file
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09:28.44nikolavpif i use kchmviewer there are no problems
09:29.11pinotreedoesn't it say anything like "there are no backends for the file type"?
09:29.29nikolavpthe banckend should be libchm1
09:29.32ewomerhello im having problems running 'kdesu dolphin' could not start process, cannot talk to klauncher. the name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files
09:29.36nikolavpas the website states
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09:29.58ewomershould i gui login as root once to fix this
09:30.01pinotreethat's not the backend, but the library used by the backend
09:30.38nikolavpewomer: try kdesudo
09:30.39pinotreeinstall the okular-extra-backends package, and it should be ok
09:30.50ewomerthere is a kdesudo
09:30.54nikolavpi am just installing them thanks pinotree, will check it
09:31.05ewomeri changed kdesu to use sudo
09:31.46ewomerthere is no kdesudo
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09:32.16nikolavppinotree: it does nothing :p
09:32.35nikolavpand if i click on review or something it crashes
09:33.00nikolavpah sorry it oppened it :)
09:33.11nikolavpshould have just waited some more ;)
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09:37.26ewomerthis is the actual command kdesu "dolphin %i"
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09:39.29ewomeralso the scroll bar disapears after when running the menu some times
09:40.28nikolavpewomer: just use kdesudo dolphin .
09:40.30nikolavpthat's all
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09:41.23krikoI'm trying to get KDE4.1 effects on an older ATI card, can someone help me.
09:41.23krikoI'm stuck here: direct rendering: No
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09:42.04krikobut glxgears works....
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09:42.25ewomerthere is no kdesudo
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09:42.47ewomerkdesudo: command not found
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09:42.59krikoewomer: kdesu
09:43.04krikouse tab
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09:43.31ewomerthat is the problem
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09:43.57nikolavpewomer: what is your distro
09:44.34nikolavpeix -Ss kdesudo :?
09:44.38nikolavpthere should a package there
09:44.56ewomerno matchs found
09:45.16ewomerthere is a kdesu but no kdesudo
09:45.29nikolavpthey don't have a package for that ;)
09:45.42nikolavpswitched to Debian, sorry
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09:46.29dkoszelaanyone know the map command in grub shell?
09:47.10pinotreedkoszela: ##linux please
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09:49.06ewomerDevelopment of kdesudo stopped nearly two years ago. I don't think this can go in portage...
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09:49.49ewomeris kdesudo for 4.1.1
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09:50.29ewomerill probly need to put the ebuild into my local portage tree
09:50.38ewomerwell overlay
09:50.54nikolavpewomer: hmm
09:51.05Jucatoewomer: Kubuntu "revived" kdesudo and is using it extensively
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09:51.39nikolavpewomer: it seems the last ebuild is from < 1 month
09:51.40ewomertheres an ebuild for it but its not in portage
09:51.40nikolavpso it is doesn't seems dead to me :p
09:51.57nikolavpwell make a local repo
09:51.57ewomeri was getting a head of my self
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09:52.04nikolavpmany things are not in portage.
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09:52.59ewomerall i have to do is copy the ebuild to /usr/local/portage/app-admin/kdesudo and rebuild the digest
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09:54.50nikolavpsort of
09:55.24nikolavpthough you don't have support for that and no auto updates so it is ugly if you don't have free/spare time.
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09:56.25ewomeri have to rewrite the ebuild for the 3.x series
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10:16.46haakonn_i have recently switched to kde4 from kde3. one of the major pains is that i don't know how i can tell the automounter where i want my removable disks' mountpoints to be. in kde3 i could open a dialog and put in /media/foo for a specific disk, and that disk would from then on be mounted there. with kde4 i have no control and i have to fiddle with stupid symlinks if i want a static path to the files on the disk. is there any solution to this?
10:18.40ewomerwhere is kde-config and is there a replacement for it in 4.1.1
10:19.08annmafor kde4
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10:23.50Half-Lefthaakonn_: I dont understand, does your device mount?
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10:26.44haakonn_Half-Left:  it mounts, but to a mount-point i don't want. the mounter starts at /media/disk, then /media/disk-1, /media-disk-2 etc. i just want my device at /media/foo (for example), not something the mounter generates
10:26.59*** part/#kde kriko (n=kristjan@
10:27.04haakonn_so now i'm fiddling with making /media/foo a symlink to /media/disk-2 or whatever it uses today
10:27.25Half-LeftPretty sure thats not a KDE4 issue
10:27.53haakonn_well, in kde3 there was a field where i could put in whatever mount point i wanted, i can't find this in kde4
10:28.24haakonn_perhaps i could do something with fstab, but that would be a step backwards
10:28.28Half-LeftWell that was KDE3
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10:29.23Half-LeftWhat distro?
10:29.30ewomerwhos  incharge of kdesudo because i need a link to src that has ./configure in it
10:29.34haakonn_this is kubuntu with their debs
10:30.16Half-Lefthaakonn_: Pretty sure I seen a bug in there about that with Kubuntu/Ubuntu, if names device like that when it shouldn't
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10:30.34Half-LeftYou'll have to ask your distro channel
10:30.41haakonn_oh, interesting
10:30.47haakonn_will do
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10:34.43Half-Lefthaakonn_: Remember it's not the DE that gives device names when mounting :p
10:35.11haakonn_Half-Left:  well it's *something* ultimately invoked by me through the DE ;)
10:35.29Half-LeftIt's called HAL
10:36.00Half-LeftThe DE then see it
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10:39.10Half-Lefthaakonn_: Udev gives it the name, HAL controls it
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10:40.42Half-LeftWell that two do anyway :)
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10:54.51ewomerwhy isnt kdesudo part of kde
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10:55.42krikoWindow content is b0rked with latest kwin
10:55.44krikoeven on ATI
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11:02.03caelis there an alternative to knemo for kde4 which shows network-connections in systray?
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11:10.39ewomerhello i installed kdesudo and i get kdesudo(10127): Couldn't start knotify from knotify4.desktop:  "KDEInit could not launch '/usr/kde/4.1/bin/knotify4'." while running in a su enviroment
11:11.50Stalafinkmail and kwallet - the integration of the two doesnt seem to work properly; when scanning for new emails kmail doesn't prompt kwallet for the passwords; i have to give it manually
11:12.36J-23hmm, I'm trying to configure my project in KDevelop, but KDevelop doesn't allow me to create project files in dir that already exits
11:13.05J-23and I want to have SVN repo in directory which is project directory subdir
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11:17.52J-23Is is possible to change repository path before creating a project?
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11:21.37CybertinusI'm using KDE 4.1.1 on Gentoo ~amd64
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11:21.59CybertinusNow I'm writhing a little script for Konversation which shows the track MPD is playing
11:22.13CybertinusKonversation is still a KDE 3.5 application
11:22.36CybertinusNow I got some wierd output in my script which I can't really explain
11:22.38Sho_(The media script shipped with Konversation 1.1 includes MPD support)
11:22.49CybertinusI was wondering if anyone here could help me with it
11:23.00Cybertinusthe script and the output can be found here:
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11:23.49Sho_Cybertinus: Any reason the bundles script doesn't float your boat?
11:24.14CybertinusSho_: I didn't know that the media script had MPD support
11:24.19Cybertinusbut it doesn't work
11:24.26CybertinusI don't get any output
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11:24.52Sho_I don't have MPD myself, sorry
11:25.00Sho_But there haven't been bug reports about it
11:25.25Cybertinusthe script worked also fine in KDE 3.5.9
11:25.35CybertinusI'm using Konversation 1.1 :)
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11:40.57caelhow do I disable smooth scrolling in kde4?
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11:42.46titouwhat a pity the tab coloration option has been removed from konsole (v. 2.1)
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11:54.27Walzmynin KOrganizer - KDE4 - how do you make the claendar start on Sunday
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11:56.26annmaWalzmyn: this is done system wide in System Settings I think
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12:01.53ewomerkdesudo dolphin %i wont load
12:02.19Jucatowhat's the %i for?
12:02.40ewomer<unknown program name>(25338)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server
12:03.00ewomeri dont know its part of the original line in the menu
12:03.37ziggyanyone know the status of panel-hiding?
12:03.53ewomerhow do i restart the dbus
12:04.34Jucatoziggy: it's in trunk already (will be in 4.2)
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12:05.12JucatoWalzmyn: just in case you haven't found it yet, System Settings -> Regional & Language ->  Time & Date tab
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12:05.39ewomerrestarting the bebus didnt fix the issue
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12:07.10ewomerkdesudo kwrite cannot connect to x server
12:08.15brain0eh, killing your dbus is probably a bad idea
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12:13.35ewomerwould moving the .kde4 from my user home to /root fix some issues or open security holes
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12:15.14WalzmynJucato, i've got it set in KDE - it's KOraginizer i need to get set
12:18.05JucatoWalzmyn: yes that's where it's set. if you didn't notice the popup when you clicked on apply, it says that changes will only affect newly started apps
12:18.08Jucatoso restart korganizer
12:18.35WalzmynI set that weeks ago
12:18.52Jucatoweird.. it works here
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12:19.13Walzmynhmm, i'm using KDE3 and running Kontact-KDE4
12:19.14Walzmynthink that'd affect it?
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12:19.19ewomerim going down for a reboot
12:19.39Jucatoer.. yes. you should set it in KDE 4's System Settings
12:20.08JucatoKDE 3 settings do not affect KDE 4 apps, and vice versa
12:20.35Walzmynah-ha, i didn't realize I had a KDE4 system settings application
12:20.41Walzmynfeels like an idiot
12:21.04annma[13:56] <annma> Walzmyn: this is done system wide in System Settings I think
12:21.09JucatoKDE 3 doesn't have a System Settings, unless you're using Kubuntu
12:21.18Jucatoannma: could be confusing if he's using Kububu
12:21.20Jucatoer.. Kubuntu
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12:21.31Jucatothey both have System Settings in 3 and 4 there
12:21.53annmaI assumed he used kDE4 as he did not prcise
12:22.06Walzmynah, that is better, thanks guys
12:22.17Walzmynyes, i'm using kubuntu
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12:22.44WalzmynI just got Kontant-KDE4 because the calendar was so much easier to read
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12:24.49ewomerhello i have this issue runing kdesudo dolphin and kwrite
12:25.35annmaewomer: distro?
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12:27.24annmadid you ask in #gentoo and try the forums?
12:27.48ewomeri tried in gentoo-kde
12:28.51ewomerif i do xhost - i can get to dolphin but it locks up if with xhist + it gives me the messages at pastebin
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12:31.53ewomerthere is no X*.hosts file
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12:55.36ewomeris there a way to get kde4 setup for root without loging in
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12:56.04annmait is setup for root
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12:58.01ewomeri mean the .kde and .kde4.1
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13:01.35annmaroot works well in normal distros ewomer, I think you have some settings to do which is the point of Gentoo
13:01.42ewomeron gentoo with the migration to kde4.1 there is a link from .kde4.1 to .kde
13:02.18annmalinks are bad
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13:02.43annmano need to use links when you have env vars
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13:06.06szymon_gi've got a problem with icons in kde 3.5.4 :/
13:06.33annmaszymon_g: tell us more please
13:06.35opensourcecaton my ati x700 plasma (4.1.1) sometime freeze and does not refresh the image (clock is freezed) until i move the mouse
13:06.39szymon_gjust look on it despite i choose to use a bluecurve theme, it still uses standard one
13:06.51opensourcecathave someone experienced thath?
13:07.43szymon_gin one window i have some icons (for folders) from bluecurve and some from crystal theme
13:07.49opensourcecati think it's a matter of adding some option to xorg.conf but don't know what!
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13:08.09pinotreeszymon_g: where did you get the icon theme from?
13:08.23Jucatoszymon_g: is that bluecurve icon theme specifically packaged for KDE 3?
13:08.23szymon_gits standard one from centos dvd
13:08.40szymon_gyes, i think it is specify for kde
13:08.40Jucatothen I doubt it
13:08.45pinotreeunless it is done specifically for kde3, it won't work
13:10.33Jucatoszymon_g: try to look in for a bluecurve icon theme for kde 3
13:12.45szymon_go, i think i found good one :>
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13:36.22termite47384anyone have any idea how I can enable strigi?  I checked the button in system settings, but it doesn't seem to do anything
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13:37.37termite47384and running strigdaemon from the command line gives WARNING: field '' is not defined in any rdfs ontology database.
13:37.38termite47384Unknown backend type: sopranobackend
13:39.32annmatermite47384: check you have clucene
13:39.39termite47384I do
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13:42.01annmawhat distro?
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13:52.02caeltermite47384: I've got the same problem ... strigi not running ... using gentoo kde 4.1.1 from the overlay
13:52.15caeltermite47384: please tell me if you find a solution ^^
13:53.18caelhow can I configure widgets to only show on the dashboard and not on the desktop (like in osx)?
13:53.51annmaask support in gentoo channel for strigi
13:54.05termite47384annma: already have
13:54.11annmaI once debugged build with Gentoo people
13:54.22annmatermite47384: and?
13:54.34termite47384no one has any idea
13:54.37annmaoverlay channel?
13:54.43annmain overlay channel?
13:54.46annmaah bah
13:54.58annmathe guys were very helpful when I worked with them
13:55.20termite47384yep, they generally are
13:55.25annmamaybe there is a problem again
13:55.30caelstrigidaemon gives me: Unknown backend type: sopranobackend
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13:55.38annmawhat clucene version do you have?
13:55.48termite47384well, strigidaemon runs as root....but I think I'm suppose to be able to run it as a user
13:56.04annmaah as root
13:56.07darkskiezhow can i disable the screensaver whilst playing video, is there something similar to xscreensaver-command -deactivate
13:56.09annmatypically Gentoo
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13:56.37annmaso it's nothing to do with kde probably
13:56.45annmaI build KDE and install as my user
13:56.53annmaI'm never root
13:57.03annmathat's how we do it in KDE mainly
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13:57.28termite47384um, no.  In most distros, people do installations with root priveleges
13:57.55caelisn't that a disadvantage on a multiuser system, when everyone installs his own kde4? isn't it redundancy?
13:58.06annmatermite47384: I mean that's how we build it from svn
13:58.15annmaas to compare with gentoo
13:58.28termite47384meh, that won't make a difference
13:58.33annmado you have multi users cael
13:58.56zszhow do I make ktorrent remember it's window size? If I maximize the window, then minimize it, the window size is reset to it's default size
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13:59.41caelannma: me not ... but in university this strategy would aweful fail :-)
13:59.45annmaanyway just to say that I don't know about this permission issue termite47384 and cael
13:59.49zszby "minimize" I mean sending ktorrent to systray
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13:59.56annmacael: we talk about normal users here
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14:00.09caela few thousand students x kde4 installation = overhead ... a lot of
14:00.29annmaenterprizes deployments will use kde3 anyway
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14:02.16termite47384cael: try
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14:03.09termite47384cael: works here
14:03.41caeltermite47384: did you just remove that file?
14:04.07termite47384no, look at the last comment
14:04.16termite47384(well, second to last now)
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14:05.49caeltermite47384: now I get: strigi.FamListener.init: Error during FAM initialization
14:05.52caeltermite47384: :-(
14:06.15termite47384no idea
14:07.59caelhow can I check if strigi is working?
14:11.02*** join/#kde SpeedyGhost (n=moon3010@kvirc/translator/SpeedyGhost)
14:11.31caelcould not create reader /home/schafi/.strigi/clucene: Lock obtain timed out
14:11.46caelwhat's clucene?
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14:11.53termite47384that's the indexing backend
14:11.58caelah ok
14:12.08caelI'll try the latest version of clucene and strigi
14:12.11caelperhaps that workd
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14:13.34termite47384something is still's taking 90% cpu for ages to index my home dir...
14:13.51tuxicksounds like ide ;p
14:15.21caeltermite47384: I read that strigi is quite "hungry" ... perhaps it's normal that it takes so long
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14:16.42termite47384I doubt it
14:16.55termite47384strigiclient is showing something weird too
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14:17.27caelyeah ... I have the same problems ... strigiclient is showing me, that it indexed -1 files ^^
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14:17.57ruphyhello annma
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14:19.16annmahmmm strigi is not optimized indeed
14:19.30ruphyisn't it?
14:19.34ruphyannma: storage space?
14:19.49ruphyannma: what backend are you using?
14:19.50annmataht's awful, my home is nearly empty and it hogs CPU
14:20.01ruphyI imagine you're using redland
14:20.08annmaI imagine too
14:20.13annmabut what is to be used
14:20.15ruphythat's the problem
14:20.19ruphyis completely unusable
14:20.26termite47384sesame2, but it doesn't work here
14:20.27ruphythey're probably going to kill it
14:20.28annmaif redland is not good he needs to drop it
14:20.29ruphyannma: switch to sesame 2
14:20.40annmawhat is sesame 2
14:20.55ruphyannma: another backend, much much better
14:21.08annmaruphy: you'll work with drf later today I heard
14:21.18ruphyannma: for my whole home, except source files (~26k file) it's a 150MB index
14:21.29ruphyand I can't notice it indexing
14:21.35ruphyso it's really freaking fast
14:21.40annmacool I'll rebuild with sesame
14:21.52ruphyannma: you should be able to compile it with kdesupport, check that your JAVA_HOME is set
14:21.58ruphyelse I know, it's unusable =)
14:22.04ruphythey should make it default
14:22.07annmajava, hmm
14:22.08ruphyand kill redland
14:22.13*** join/#kde non7top (n=non7top@
14:22.19ruphyannma: it works with any version of java, even the free one
14:22.26ruphyit uses simple java features
14:22.26annmait's at 87MB and not stoping
14:22.37ruphyannma: killall -9 strigidaemon :P
14:22.43termite47384annma: where is that index file?
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14:22.46annmait's a new laptop and I am not sure I even have a java on it
14:22.48ruphyannma: and yes, I'm going to meet drf__ in a couple of hours
14:22.59annmaruphy: :)
14:23.01drf__ruphy: :D
14:23.05annmaa very nice guy
14:23.11annmahey you're there!!!
14:23.17termite47384ruphy: when I try to compile without redland but with sesame2, it gives warnings that it can't find dependencies
14:23.21termite47384what am I missing?
14:23.21drf__ruphy: ah, we are already using sesame :) you just need to install jre & jdk ;)
14:23.32ruphydrf__: oh! finally!
14:23.44*** join/#kde BASEman_ (
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14:24.08ruphyinstalls jdk
14:24.09ebdominorou / hello
14:24.19ruphytermite47384: weird
14:24.33ruphytermite47384: JAVA_HOME is set? check if CMake sees it
14:24.47ruphyand don't care about installing redland
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14:24.54ruphysesame2 is automatically picked if it's found
14:25.01drf__ruphy: it was already there :D we found that out yesterday... it gets autoenabled if java is found... arch people are smarter than I thought :DD
14:25.04annmaI wonder if strigi is not indexing its index file
14:25.10annmaand so on
14:25.11ruphydrf__: ooo :D
14:25.19Half-LeftNeeds a newe wireless card and not some cheap crap this time
14:25.27ruphyannma: I don't think, it's just redland that it's plain unusable
14:25.39termite47384yep, JAVA_HOME is set to /etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm
14:25.41annmawell it indexes . files
14:25.52annmawhat else would it find in my home
14:26.07termite47384where is that file (that's growing large, annma)?
14:26.25annmatermite47384: I don't know, I look at strigiclient
14:26.39annmait's in a cofig location somewhere
14:26.56termite47384index file 0mb, unique words indexed -1
14:27.10ruphytermite47384: ok, CMake says that is being found?
14:27.15annmatermite47384: 197M    .*
14:27.26termite47384cmake says it's not being found
14:27.41ruphyannma: kill it, it will just hog your CPU and waste your space
14:27.59annmaI was testing it following termite47384 problems
14:28.15annmaI'll talk to trueg about it
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14:28.20annmathis is insane
14:28.28caelI just decided that I don't need indexing services ^^
14:28.50annmacael: lol indeed me neither
14:29.03annmahowever this has to be put right for kde 4.2
14:29.22ruphyit works extemely well with sesame2
14:29.35ruphyI only knew it when trueg told me about it
14:29.41ruphyit's really another experience
14:29.50Half-LeftI had the same issue, just couldn't get it to see java
14:29.51ruphytakes fractions of the time and of CPU
14:29.55ruphyyou really can't notice
14:29.59annmamaybe it's jos I have to talk to
14:30.03ruphyHalf-Left: rm CMakeCache.txt?
14:30.08*** join/#kde Jejem (
14:30.10ruphyannma: nah, probably trueg
14:30.22annmaok thanks for the info ruphy
14:30.30annmayou're quite sane today btw ;)
14:30.52termite47384ruphy:  WARNING: No Soprano backends will be compiled due to missing dependencies!
14:31.07annmamy distro doe snot have any sesame
14:31.10ruphytermite47384: check what it says about java
14:31.35termite47384could not find java jni
14:31.46annmanot openrdf
14:31.47ruphyinstall the missing packages
14:31.54termite47384what missing packages?
14:31.57ruphytermite47384: jre and jdk should do it
14:32.02ruphythen export JAVA_HOME
14:32.02termite47384I'm running icedtea
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14:32.14ruphyicedtea should work fine
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14:32.29ruphystill wonders why these packages are packaged, given that java is now open source
14:32.36ruphy(sun-java I mean)
14:32.42termite47384I have jdk and jre 1.6.0 and
14:32.51ruphyafter you've exported it and everything, rm CMakeCache.txt
14:33.02ruphyrun cmake again and cross fingers!
14:33.08termite47384rm that from where?
14:33.19termite47384I'm on gentoo, that stuff gets deleted automagically
14:33.36ruphyebuild bug?
14:33.42ruphyexport JAVA_HOME anyways
14:33.47ruphyand try if it works
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14:34.22ruphydunno, I don't remember what value it should have ;-)
14:35.01termite47384that directory exists
14:35.41ruphy#strigi, if it doesn't work that way, I can't really help more
14:35.53ruphytalked with the nepomuk guys at akademy, and with helio, they wanted something purely c++ at the beginning, but now they're considering to kill it because users get angry else, and say it's strigi/nepomuk fault :-)
14:35.57ruphyannma: ^
14:36.22annmaoh OK
14:36.26ruphyannma: if you want to help, push them again to do that, so that they'll do it soon hopefully
14:36.38annmaI will
14:36.43ruphygood, thanks =)
14:36.46termite47384oh ffs, I found the ebuild bug
14:36.56annmaah termite47384
14:37.09caeltermite47384: bug of strigi?
14:37.11ruphythinks that probably no backend at all is better than redland if there's no java available
14:37.27ruphyat least until we find a better one, or rewrite sesame2 in C++
14:37.28termite47384cael: yes
14:37.39ruphywhich won't gain almost anything performance wise
14:37.49ruphybut will be nicer on distros
14:37.54termite47384cael: are you using 4.1.1 from the overlay?
14:38.01caeltermite47384: yes
14:38.44termite47384ok, if you remove all references to the java use flag from the ebuild and redigest, it will work
14:39.31annmatermite47384: be sure to pass that to Gentoo overlay devels
14:39.37termite47384yep, just did
14:39.38annmazlin: ping
14:39.43annmaOK excellent
14:39.58zszhow can I view the articles of a feed in akregator-1.3.1? Clicking on a feed displays the description of the feed (but no articles), double click allows me to change the name of the feed
14:40.06Half-Leftahhh, finally picks up Java
14:41.05ruphygreat termite47384 =)
14:41.16*** join/#kde marko_d (n=marko_d@
14:41.31caeltermite47384: which strigi version did you install? 0.5.11 or the svn 9999 version?
14:41.58termite47384still doesn't work....exactly the same behavior, but now the cpu time is split between nepomuk and strigidaemon
14:42.23termite47384and strigiclient still gives 0mb and -1 unique words indexed
14:42.41*** join/#kde amikrop (
14:42.44caeltermite47384: do you have any errors in console while running strigi?
14:43.01amikropI installed kxmame. Now, where can I find ROMs for the games, in order to play them?
14:43.28ruphytermite47384: :D
14:43.31ruphytermite47384: be sure to restart them
14:43.49ruphytermite47384: and if you have KDE > 4.1, rm $(which strigidaemon) ;-)
14:44.07*** join/#kde brad_ (n=brad@
14:44.07termite47384remove strigidaemon?
14:44.12termite47384I have 4.1.1
14:44.18ruphythen don't
14:44.25ruphybut restart them
14:44.28termite47384they've all been restarted
14:44.30zlinannma: pong?
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14:45.06ruphytermite47384: weird. I can't help you now though because I have to go in a little bit, continue to ask here or #strigi
14:45.11*** part/#kde annew (
14:45.11ruphytermite47384: oh, wait
14:45.13termite47384and on the command line, it gave huge amount of indexing messages, then stopped, so it looks to be done...we'll see
14:45.17termite47384ruphy: ya?
14:45.22ruphytermite47384: it might be normally converting the database
14:45.23annmazlin: an ebuild problem
14:45.29ruphyfrom redland format to sesame2 =)
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14:45.45termite47384na, I deleted the .strigi folder
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14:47.42caelhow can I query the strigi database to test it?
14:48.56ruphycael: there's a runner and some stuff in playground
14:49.29termite47384bah, playground...
14:49.39termite47384does nothing tie into it in 4.1.1?
14:49.56termite47384so you're telling this was entirely pointless, as one can't use the database?
14:50.07*** join/#kde letto (n=letto@
14:50.55caelwhen I query with krunner I get a "Speicherzugriffsfehler" (german translation for segmentation fault)
14:51.13termite47384cael: how do you query with krunner?
14:51.33caeltermite47384: I just entered a name of an indexed file
14:51.36*** join/#kde Madtree (
14:51.42caeltermite47384: indexing works for me now
14:52.15caeltermite47384: try the symlink hint in the gentoo bug note (and modify it if you don't use 64 libs)
14:52.41termite47384cael: does strigiclient show indexing?
14:53.13caeltermite47384: yes "Documents indexed: 6732"
14:53.21*** join/#kde tictric (
14:53.21caelIndex size 3 mb
14:53.22termite47384dammit, mine doesn't
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14:54.08caelI deleted the .strigi folder, used the symlink hint and removed all folders from indexing in strigiclient ... then I added 1 testfolder and it worked
14:54.34termite47384ok, one sec
14:55.11termite47384works now...weird
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14:56.03caeltermite47384: IT WORKS!!! even searching is working now!!!
14:56.27termite47384ok, if I disable nepomuk in system settings, it seems to work...this is bizarre
14:56.51annmacael: what about CPU?
14:56.55caelahh that could be a hint, too ... I didn't compile with semantic-desktop
14:57.22cael0% cpu when I don't search
14:57.30annmaand when you do?
14:57.31termite47384cael: how are you searching?
14:58.13caelI searched with <Alt> +F2 (krunner) and entered a email address that is in a readme.txt which was indexed
14:58.28caeland it showed me that the email address is in that file
14:58.51termite47384without any prefix?  just alt-f2, email address?
14:59.12*** join/#kde boom1992 (
14:59.20caelAH you have to enable sesam
14:59.27termite47384in what?
14:59.48caelpress alt + f2 and click on the "toolbox" icon on the left of krunner
14:59.57caeltheres a list with search engines
15:00.02caelon the bottom is sesam
15:00.22caelon my installation it was disabled by default
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15:01.00caelthen restart strigidaemon
15:01.07amikropI installed kxmame. Now, where can I find ROMs for the games, in order to play them?
15:01.26mikesdI'm confused w/ KDE4-kweather. For some reason it won't give me any weather data...
15:01.30annmaamikrop: google?
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15:01.47caelamikrop: perhaps there are some free games out there int the web
15:01.49Half-Leftamikrop: Yer, right as if someone will tell you that
15:03.07caeltermite47384: which version of strigi do you use?
15:05.16*** part/#kde amikrop (
15:05.22caeltermite47384: I use 0.5.11
15:05.30caeltermite47384: perhaps that's a prob
15:05.45termite47384actually, no, it's the same
15:06.00caeltermite47384: ah sorry 0.5.11 of strigidaemon
15:06.21termite47384brb, going to restart kde, somehting is driving me nuts
15:06.32caeldoes strigiclient still show you "0 files indexed"?
15:06.41termite47384on and off
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15:13.14Half-LeftUgh, Phonon dont compile with latest xine in kdesupport
15:13.48sandsmarkI thought the problem was that it needed the latest xine, which amarok (1) doesn't compile against...
15:14.36Half-Leftkdesupport trunk, kde4.1.1
15:14.38*** join/#kde termite47384 (
15:14.48termite47384I'm giving up.  Strigi stays disabled
15:14.58sandsmarkHalf-Left: that's a bug in xine
15:15.00annmaHalf-Left: not sure you can mix kdesupport and kde branch
15:15.13sandsmarkHalf-Left: please update your xine
15:15.24sandsmarkit's a one line fix, but still =)
15:15.28Half-Leftsandsmark: I have the latest stable
15:15.39sandsmarkHalf-Left: not good enough, then =)
15:15.56sandsmarkI know the arch devs backported the patch
15:16.01*** part/#kde termite47384 (
15:16.19Half-LeftThis maybe why Amarok crashes then
15:16.38sandsmarkI think that should solve it
15:17.55Half-LeftMay as well wait for Xine 1.1.16 then
15:18.15sandsmarkmeh, just edit the header file =)
15:19.26*** join/#kde roxy_ (
15:19.40Half-LeftWhat header file?
15:19.52Half-Leftoh the buffer .h
15:20.24sandsmarkyes, just add those __'s, and it should build nicely
15:20.43*** join/#kde ElemonGW (n=ElemonGW@unaffiliated/elemongw)
15:22.09Half-LeftYou mean -static inline _x_is_fourcc(void *ptr, void *tag) {
15:22.56sandsmarkprepend inline with two underlines
15:23.59pinotreewell, it misses the return value...
15:24.34Half-Leftthat it?
15:24.51*** join/#kde imag1narynumber (
15:24.59Half-Leftstatic __inline _x_is_fourcc(void *ptr, void *tag) {
15:25.07Half-Left^ that correct now?
15:26.23*** part/#kde imag1narynumber (
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15:28.20Half-LeftI see, isee
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15:29.21Half-Leftwow, I'm glad I dont code, I'll stick with graphics thanks :p
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15:30.16sandsmarkpinotree: doesn't it just default to void?
15:30.48pinotreeactually, i'm not sure about pure C code, but if it would, it would be int
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15:31.30sandsmarkwell, that works for me, so... =)
15:33.23Half-Leftannma: So updating kdesupport from trunk with 4.1.1 = bad?
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15:34.00annmaI did not follow recent threads as I was away but I think it's bad yes
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15:35.18Kenjirogood afternoon
15:35.58sofianegood afternoon everybody
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15:37.04Kenjirosomeone, from this channel, told me it was possible to change what kfind uses to search for  files
15:37.16Kenjirofor instance, I was thinking of using slocate
15:37.24Kenjirobut then, where do I change that?
15:38.36Kenjirobecause kfind is slow to find things, by default
15:38.39Kenjiro(just like 'find')
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15:40.32Half-Leftsandsmark: Do you programmers just not like optimizing or something?
15:40.46sandsmarkHalf-Left: I'm not a programmer =)
15:40.52Half-Leftoh :p
15:40.54sandsmarkor, not in that sense, yet, anyway ==
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15:42.31Kenjirowell, perhaps I should resort to beagle then :(
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15:50.21Kenjirodoes anyone know how to make kfind use slocate?
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15:54.54Silmarillionanybody knows possible reasons for plasmoids properly installed is not showing in add widget list? Trying about multirow taskmanager, but cannot find it... Have tried to logout and in again and I can see in my package-manager (running kubuntu) that it is installed... Any suggestions?
15:55.22sandsmarkSilmarillion: are you sure it is installed in the right place?
15:55.38Silmarillionjust installed the .deb package from kde-looks...
15:57.58Silmarillionseems to be installed in /usr/lib/kde4 which is correct I think
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16:03.07szakulec_I deleted my bottom panel, and now that I've decided I want it back, I can't figure out how to re-create the original panel layout
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16:05.54Half-Leftszakulec_: KDE version?
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16:06.58Half-LeftRight click desktop, Add Panel?
16:07.02szakulec_I have
16:07.47szakulec_but when I go to add things, they have outrageously large boxes around them that make everything widely spaced apart
16:08.15szakulec_the system try applet has at least 2x the actual size in blank space
16:08.29szakulec_and I can't resize them down short of shrinking the entire panel
16:08.57szakulec_you can put screenshots on pastebin, or stick with imageshack?
16:09.10Half-Leftimageshack is fine
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16:14.35fengshaunis kdelibs able to build today?  anyone tried to build it today?
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16:18.03pinotreefengshaun: what is the problem?
16:18.23fengshaunbuild error with no hint on what is wrong
16:19.06pinotreefengshaun: what about pasting it in a pastebin?
16:19.14fengshaunpinotree: yup, just a sec!
16:20.03*** mode/#kde [-o pinotree] by pinotree
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16:20.44MadtreeIs the 'standalone menubar' feature available on kde 4.1.1, i can't find any config menu for this ?
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16:21.57Half-Leftszakulec_: I see, what happens when you re add it?
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16:23.05pinotreefengshaun: you must use strigi from trunk, not strigi 0.5.x
16:23.23szakulec_Half-Left: so remove and re-add the applet?
16:23.37fengshaunpinotree: I'm using kdesvn-build
16:23.51Half-Leftszakulec_: Try that yes
16:24.15pinotreefengshaun: and?
16:24.32fengshaunpinotree: ummm so I compile strigi by hand?
16:25.15fengshaunpinotree: ok, thanks!
16:27.13szakulec_Half-Left: sadly it doesn't seem to change anything- it fills all the available space, and only shrinks when you add another applet to the panel
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16:28.23Half-Leftszakulec_: Make a new pannel from scratch and add the system tray last at the end
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16:28.51szakulec_can I just remove the panel, or should I remove everything from the panel first?
16:29.19*** join/#kde Sir_Sid (
16:29.28Half-LeftI see you have no task manager in the bar
16:29.46szakulec_I have to use alt-tab to access everything
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16:30.22Half-Leftszakulec_: One sec, that me try and reproduce it
16:30.40fengshaun_pinotree, strigi is part of kdesupport which I built from trunk!
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16:31.30tropsanyone can connect in msn server with kopete? I'm using trunk version of kopete
16:32.55Half-Leftszakulec_: Maybe a limitation of the panel
16:33.50szakulec_that may be, but when it was first installed as a package from the kubuntu people, everything seemed to work correctly
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17:19.53TimSDoes ~.thumbnails belong to knoqueror?
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17:20.06szakulec_Half-Left: I figured it out- or at least, it works well enough for me
17:20.23TimSIts taking up 500mb, I was wondering if it was safe to clear, it has thumbnails of hundreds of old files I have long since deleted
17:20.29szakulec_the task manager was the missing applet
17:20.45Half-LeftTimS: it's just cache so yes
17:20.53szakulec_and I never noticed that the battery monitor was its own applet, and not just part of the systray
17:20.53TimSAlso, does looking at the thumbnails of files in ~.thumbnails create new thumbnails of those thumbnails? If you understand me :p
17:22.13Half-LeftIt gets updated yes
17:22.43Half-Leftyou delete them it generates new thumbnails
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17:23.07TimSBut do you get my second question?
17:23.55Half-LeftThey are the same thing so yes
17:24.00TimSIf I went into the folder .thumbnails and viewed the thumnails of those files using konqueror, would they be regenerated as seperate files to the orgional ones? Because that would become recursive.
17:24.39Half-Leftlets say you didn't have any pictures, then that folder would be blank
17:24.48TimSNo, I understand taht.
17:25.05TimSSay I have one photo, I go to the folder with that photo, and it creates a thumbnail.
17:25.13TimSSo now, .thumbnails has one file.
17:25.35TimSIf I go into .thumnails will it create a thumbnail of that one file, making two files?
17:25.52Half-Leftno one
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17:26.22TimSSo, will it create a thumnail of the thumnail, or does it just display files smaller than a certain sizer rather than thumbnail them?
17:26.37TimSOh, I think I see.
17:27.02TimSIt must just display it if its under a set size. Or it doesn't cache the thumbnails of photos in ~.thumbnails.
17:27.04TimSNo worries :p
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17:28.09Half-LeftTimS: The question to end all questions I think
17:28.23TimSIndded :p
17:28.46TimSI just tried it out, looked at one photo and went to .thumnails to see what happened :p
17:28.54TimSI should just get less photos
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17:29.51Half-LeftWell it only generates them if you use preview as I understand but I'm not sure
17:30.20TimSYeah I guess
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17:31.19Half-LeftLiek any cache, it's usually not huge or take up much space compared to what it's caching
17:32.41Half-Leftstops babbling
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17:39.03msulyaevHi, I am experiencing strange behaviour of KDE 4.0.5 on Fedora9 on a pretty ancient notebook.
17:39.33caelis strigi automatically indexing new files when I copy them into a folder, monitored by strigi?
17:39.33msulyaevIf I switch windows with M-Tab too fast, it hangs.
17:40.08thiago_homemsulyaev: upgrade to 4.1
17:40.40msulyaevAnd the only remendy I've found would be good for Windows, not for Linux: I pug out and bacm in my USB mouse.
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17:42.42msulyaevthiago_home: known issue? great, thanks, but I'll ways till it appears in Fedora updates... you know they'll test it for me...
17:42.55thiago_homeI have no idea if it's a known issue or fixed
17:43.02thiago_homebut upgrade to 4.1 anyways
17:43.27*** join/#kde RLa (
17:44.14msulyaevok, thanks anyway
17:44.24RLahey, my file icons tend to appear onto desktop with small delay, i have to go directly into ~/Desktop to see them, kde version is 3.5.9
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17:44.50RLaanyone else noticed that strange behavour?
17:45.09RLapressing F5 on desktop does not help
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17:45.46aseigoRLa: probably the dir watch isn't getting updated instantly. would have to do with the file update mechanism used by your system and the kde build
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17:46.38RLabut shouldn't explicit desktop refresh force update?
17:46.47caelis strigi automatically indexing new files when I copy them into a folder, monitored by strigi?
17:47.01aseigoRLa: i don't remember that code tbh... would have to look
17:47.07aseigocael: supposed to
17:48.03*** join/#kde master_alvaro (
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17:49.18mateocould anyone say why after kde installation xorg is giving me error message that startkde could not be found?
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17:49.55mateoim using gentoo linux
17:50.12ewomerwhy do you say dont delete ~/.kde or ~/.kde4.1
17:50.25ewomermateo, whats up im using gentoo too
17:50.36pinotreemateo: probably an half-done installation, you should ask in #gentoo-kde, not here
17:51.03ewomeri thought kde was kde
17:51.06mateoewomer: i just emerged KDE but xorg is telling me that startkde command is missing
17:51.16mateopinotree: ok thx
17:52.15ewomermateo, /join #gentoo-kde4-live or /join #gentoo-kde depends on weather you used an overlay or straight portage
17:52.23voltyis there a procedure to transfer all settings or just copy .kde folders (have to copy from gentoo's to fresh new kubuntu)
17:52.55RLavolty, i just copy over my whole home folder :)
17:53.06RLaworks extremely well
17:53.07mateoewomer: straight portage
17:53.32ewomerm /join #gentoo-kde
17:53.39RichiHwould any of those packages being 4.1.0 prohibit me from logging in?
17:53.39voltyRLa: i can't the entire, so copying just .kde should work well
17:53.45ewomerminus the m of corse
17:54.06RLafor kde, yes, but i do not know about mails, depends where kmail keeps them
17:54.06mateojust did but it seems that anyone is dead :o
17:54.13voltyany program for cleaning .kde dir ? (it growed quite a lot)
17:54.40RLavolty, you should check out what you have there
17:55.02voltyi can manage it, i'm going to setup extra for shared data
17:55.02RichiHI have upgraded KDE from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 on Debian unstable using experimental debs. Now, when I log in, I can enter my password etc in KDM and it loads a little bit, but never gets to the splash screen..
17:55.17RichiHi.e. i don't have a working X system, atm
17:56.11mateostartkde command can be found in kdebase, right?
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18:04.09RichiHdoes kde4 keep a logfile that is written to during login?
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18:04.29jmonrealis it there a kde4 brainstorm?
18:04.42jmonrealor a place where users may give their opinions?
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18:06.47mateoi'm gonna freak out if this gentoo installation fails :(
18:07.25angasulemakes some popcorn
18:08.10mateoneeds some popcorn :D
18:08.28angasulewell, I was just getting ready to watch you freak out, but sure, have some
18:08.35bonsaikittenthrows a Ubuntu CD at mateo
18:09.04angasuleKubuntu :P
18:09.21mateooh thank you
18:09.28RichiH is my .xsession-errors and looks OK
18:09.39angasuleso what's a good place to discuss dolphin?
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18:19.27sabocatis there any way to turn off autoplay in KDE4?
18:19.55annmaautoplay in what app?
18:20.21annmadid you look in the settings?
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18:25.46mateomy problem have been solved :D
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18:41.47gionnywhy in KDE4.x there aren't anymore the services menus for Konqueror/Dolphin to create archives or extract archives? (right click -> Actions)
18:42.08thiago_homebecause ark is still not fully ported
18:42.12gionnywill they be added again, or should I just create my own?
18:42.19gionnyoh, I see... so they were using ark
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18:42.41gionnyI thought that they were just using the terminal commands
18:42.44gionnythanks thiago_home
18:42.45thiago_homeno, ark
18:43.07enderstany way to get the middle click on desktop to list open windows like was default with 3.x?
18:43.16gionnyso that makes sense, thanks thiago_home
18:43.39thiago_homeenderst: not without adding the feature to Plasma
18:44.14enderstthiago_home: how would i do that?
18:44.28enderstis there some sort of plasma setting for that?
18:44.38gionnyafaik, KDE 4.2 will provide a "KDE 3.x style" desktop too, that you can use it instead of plasma... maybe with that there will be again?
18:44.40thiago_homeget the source code, write the feature, send to other developers for review
18:45.09thiago_homegionny: I haven't heard anything about that
18:45.16thiago_homegionny: if no one adds the feature, it won't be there
18:46.24gionnythiago_home: oh, I see... mine was just a supposition. Is it true that there will be a sort of "KDE 3.x style" desktop on kde 4.2?
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18:47.05gionnyI mean... a desktop that just shows the ~/Desktop directory and nothing more... that's what I read
18:47.19gionnyI don't know if there will be that feature, though, for the middle mouse click
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18:48.47thiago_homegionny: 20:45 < thiago_home> gionny: I haven't heard anything about that
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18:49.58haakonn_wow. the alt-f2 is not a calculator anymore in kde4? weak
18:50.30enderstchange it
18:51.01gionnythiago_home: ok :) I am quite sure that I read it, thought... they want to let the user choose between using the plasma desktop or an "old style" desktop, so that everybody can have what he/she wants
18:51.34gionnyhaakonn_: just do: =your expression
18:51.42gionnyhaakonn_: with = as first character...
18:51.52haakonn_gionny:  ah, great, thanks :)
18:52.10gionnyhaakonn_: np
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18:54.29thiago_homegionny: it's still plasma.
18:54.35thiago_homehaakonn_: it is.
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18:56.53haakonn_thiago_home:  yeah, so i learned :)
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18:58.13cweiskeHello. I'm using Akregator since quite some time now, but it became awfully slow on my dual core macbook now. It has nearly 20.000 messages now and takes ~5 seconds to select and display a message
18:58.36cweiskeIs there a way to speed things up without trashing all messages?
18:59.06sbeyerthinks thrashing is wise... but I'm just another Akregator user ;)
18:59.57sbeyerand it isn't slow here, except when I try to display the "All Feeds" superfolder
19:00.55cweiskeit's slow when I display any folder with many messages (5000, and "unread filter"
19:01.04*** part/#kde Danker (n=tadas@
19:01.34junkDawgiei'm impressed you have the time to read that many, cweiske.....
19:01.47sbeyercweiske: is pretty fast here
19:01.48cweiskeit has been collected over several months/years :)
19:01.58sbeyerah, mine are all "read" ;-)
19:02.06cweiskemost of mine are read, too
19:02.12cweiskebut it was still slow
19:02.20sbeyerPlanet Debian and some git repo Feeds have unread articles, but everything else is read here
19:02.26cweiskenow I trashed heise, golem, telepolis and pro-liux
19:02.30cweiske15000 messages away
19:02.34cweiskeand fast again
19:02.49cweiskeshame that there isn't a trash-all button
19:02.59sbeyercweiske: I cannot even see how many articles I have
19:03.03cweiskeneither a "select all messages" hotkey/button
19:03.08cweiskesbeyer, mark all
19:03.09cweiskeclick remove
19:03.16cweiskeand the confirmation message tells you
19:03.23sbeyer13000 in heise
19:03.26junkDawgiecould you not export the articles?
19:03.40cweiskewhat would I gain from exporting?
19:04.17sbeyerhmm, I think I should activate a function (I bet it exists) that very old articles are removed automatically
19:04.37sbeyeryes, it exists ;) Settings -> Configure -> Archive
19:04.41junkDawgiedon't know.... you saved them for a reason.....export and index with strigi could be useful
19:04.45cweiskeexporting only generates an opml file
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19:05.18cweiskeok, I activated archiving
19:05.21junkDawgiewhoops.... guess that idea is wrong
19:05.21cweiskethanks for the hint
19:06.36sbeyercweiske: and if you want to keep some article, you should mark it as important so that it does not get deleted
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19:06.53sbeyercweiske: (if you have the "Keep important articles" option set)
19:07.08cweiskeafter restarting akregator with archiving activated it seems to hang
19:07.10cweiskeno cpu usage
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19:07.22cweiskepgrep tells me it's still there
19:07.22sbeyernever quits it...
19:07.33cweiskebut it's not visible
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19:08.21cweiskekilling + second start helped
19:08.50cweiskeseems archiving is the way to go
19:09.21cweiskebtw, is there a way to use "rotating" or animated icons in akregator for feeds that are being fetched?
19:09.28cweiskeinstead of the greyed out ones?
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19:10.48cweiskeok, leaving
19:10.52cweiskesbeyer, thanks
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19:20.51kaminixWhy is Kmail in IMAP mode constantly uploading a bunch of mails where I haven't made any changes? KDE 3-series, latest I think.
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19:50.05bbelt16ag1hi peeps
19:50.40junkDawgiepretty slow in here, bb... but welcome
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19:51.17bbelt16ag1I was wondering if the  background changer in kde3.5 is recursive and  goes into directories
19:53.57NamShubhow can i disable desktop effect *before* entering kde session (i cant see anything...)
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19:56.55HighHoNamShub: its in the kwin config file i think
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19:59.53HighHoNamShub:  ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc edit the section "Compositing"
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20:02.59gkiagiahm, I just logged into kde 4.1.1 and akregator has two systemtray icons (but one akregator instance). does anybody else have that?
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20:04.21junkDawgiehaven't seen that gkiagia, i use 4.1.1 too...  but don't run akreg much
20:04.40junkDawgiesounds more like a plasmoid problem
20:04.46junkDawgiedouble whammy
20:04.51gkiagiathat's the fist time I see that
20:04.58gkiagiano I don't think so, because both icons work
20:05.36gkiagiathat's what I thought when I saw them...
20:05.55gkiagiathe systemtray applet is known to have many artifacts...
20:06.01gkiagiabut not like this!
20:07.02junkDawgieknotify bug?
20:07.26gkiagiahm, I tried to read an article, it didn't mark it as read
20:07.37gkiagiaand manually specifying it as read, crashed akregator
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20:08.07junkDawgiedid you update Akreg to the most recent version for 4.1.1?
20:08.47junkDawgiemaybe downgrade?
20:08.59junkDawgiemight tell you something
20:09.24gkiagiawell, I reopened akregator and it doesn't have this bug
20:09.36gkiagiaI suspect this might have to do with session saving
20:10.05junkDawgielol... overall kde4 has lost a lot of bugs... but.....
20:10.27gkiagiaI'll try to logout/login in a few minutes again to see what happens
20:10.38gkiagiathis might be reproducable...
20:10.49junkDawgieshould be
20:11.11gkiagiainfact this is the second time I log in to KDE 4.1.1 after the upgrade
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20:11.25titouunder KDE 4 i cannot lock the screen
20:11.30titouwhat i need to install to lock it?
20:11.50junkDawgiea plasmoid maybe?
20:12.01titou(the message is "no external module available"
20:12.15titouor something like that (i haven't it in english)
20:12.31junkDawgiethere is a shutdown/lock plasmoid... i use it
20:12.38junkDawgieso i know it exists
20:13.00titoudo you have its name?
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20:13.41gkiagiano plasmoid is needed. locking is done by krunner
20:14.24titoui have it
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20:14.47titoubut if i understood, it seems there is not application to unlock it
20:16.02gkiagiado you have the krunner_lock executable in the libexec directory ? (you can find that directory with kde4-config --path libexec)
20:16.29titougot it
20:17.07titoubut like i said, the message said that the locking is not the problem
20:17.26titouit's if the screen is locked, it would be impossible to unlock it since something is missing
20:17.46gkiagiaso tell us the scenario, you press lock screen and the screen locks, and then you can't unlock it?
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20:18.38titoui press lock screen and i have a message which tells me that the screen won't be locked since it would be impossible for me to unlock me because a component is missing
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20:19.25gkiagiahmm... I think I know what it is, but I don't remember the name
20:20.19gkiagiayes, kcheckpass
20:20.31titoui have it..
20:20.41gkiagiatitou: what permissions does it have?
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20:24.13gkiagiatitou: also, what if you try to logout and login again? does the problem persist?
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20:33.53Zvezdichkohello, folks, today I successfully compiled KDE 4.1 from source (Trunk). Do you have any idea why the version of the KDE looks strange?
20:34.00Zvezdichkowhat is this 4.1.65?
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20:35.32thiago_homethe what will be 4.2
20:35.42thiago_homei.e. trunk
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20:38.22Zvezdichkothiago_home, does that mean that i have installed an unstable version?
20:39.07thiago_homeyou installed trunk
20:40.02ZvezdichkoThat's strange. I thought that trunk contains KDE 4.1.1 or the version which comes later :)
20:40.17Zvezdichkoso... i'm mistaken here...
20:42.10ZvezdichkoI hope you don't laugh at me :) I didn't like my precompiled binaries for Slackware and SuSE and I was very angry at my vendors, so I followed the instructions on the website at KDE to compile my own KDE...
20:43.25junkDawgiethats a noble gesture, Zvezdichko.... er.. you get "determination points"
20:44.18Zvezdichkosorry, junkDawgie, I didn't understand you well :)
20:44.58junkDawgienp.... just shows you are determined to have KDE the way you want it
20:45.04ZvezdichkoI remember that during the last few months I was ranting... i.e. behaved as a troll... when I realised that the problems are not related to the KDE devs, but to the distros :)
20:45.16ZvezdichkoI hope you won't see my angry rants :)
20:45.38Zvezdichkowhen I realised what the situation is, I decided to compile it for myself
20:46.12Zvezdichkoit works well, I no longer think it's a failure or a debacle. It has a lot of promising features
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21:10.42seemantnow look
21:10.48seemanthow do you move the panel to a different edge?
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21:14.31ieatcerealproblem, set my background, shows it in the preview, not on the desktop, refreshed, blah blah even restarted the computer
21:14.50ieatcerealstill the same old wallpaper with the new one i was showing in the preview
21:14.58ieatcerealwant* not was
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21:15.26ieatcerealany ideas would be appreciated
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21:16.32Walexieatcereal: pour some honey on top of the cereals (thats one idea :->)
21:16.42shadewindhow can i make Konsole transparency work
21:16.48shadewindit says my desktop doesn't have it
21:16.59shadewindbut I have Composite activated
21:17.03shadewindwhat more do I need?
21:17.08Walexshadewind: which transparency? Fake or real?
21:17.32shadewindWalex: I don't know? real preferrably I guess
21:18.09Walexshadewind: you got a compositing manager and a terminal window that does real transparence?
21:18.34shadewindWalex: now you lost me
21:19.07Walexshadewind: bad news :-). Whatever they are, to do proper transparency you need a compositing manager and a terminal window program that does real transparency.
21:19.24shadewindWalex: well... won't kwin and Konsole do?
21:19.25Walexshadewind: so I take the answer is "no, I don't have them".
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21:19.55Walexshadewind: some versions of Konsole do real transparency. Depends on which KDE version you are using.
21:20.05shadewindWalex: kde4
21:20.28Walexshadewind: KDE4 should have all that builtin. You need to enable it in the apposite control panel.
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21:21.32shadewindWalex: you don't happen to know what panel that is?
21:21.57Walexshadewind: right click on the titlebar of a window for a direct access.
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21:23.48Walexha, got a question of my own, a classic: I want to copy my Konqueror toolbar configuration from one user account to another on a different machine. '.../konquerrorrc' does not seem to have it, where is it?
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21:24.07atriushello everyone
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21:24.25atriusat the risk of asking a question asked a million times.. what's the point of the 'activities'?
21:25.09waltercoolwhats the best kde voip app?? (only free-software please)
21:25.22Walexatrius: which ones?
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21:26.08atriusWalex: when you hit the 'cashew' looking button in the upper right corner and zoom out.. you're then given the option of "Add Activity"
21:26.14atriusWalex: what's it for?
21:26.59Walexlook at a recent Aseigo post or a simple web search. Think of them as "contexts".
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21:28.04atriusWalex: reading...
21:28.15Walexatrius: like each activity is a a mode of work, like online/offline/work/browsing/development.
21:28.35Walexatrius: not quite fully implemented yet.
21:29.30atriusWalex: that seems to be the case.. it struck me as kinda like different desktops at first.. but there didn't seem to be a way to stick windows over on one.. but i could see it as a way to keep plasmoids and the such seperate
21:30.01Walexatrius: the <aseigo> post I was thinking about is:
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21:30.22atriusWalex: thought that might be the case.. reading it now
21:31.03aseigohuzzah for blogging
21:31.31atriusaseigo: indeed :)
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21:33.08BCMMhow can i change my keyboard layout in KDE 4? (please help, i want my hash key back)
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21:33.45pinotreesystemsettings → regional & language → keyboard layout
21:33.46aseigoBCMM: there's a systray icon for it.. turn on keyboard layouts in the control center
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21:34.08atriusah... so you can say: (on a laptop) this context is for when i'm at work.. so set the PC wallpaper, load the work contact list, have kopete connect to the work IM, and make the work type plasmoids visible... and have another context which undoes all that garbage for home use
21:35.25BCMMaseigo, thanks
21:35.25atriusdoes that pretty much cover it?
21:35.28BCMMjust got kde 4
21:38.17aseigoatrius: that's certainly one use case
21:38.26aseigoatrius: you can also have one context for each project at work
21:38.32aseigoatrius: in fact, we already have people doing exactly that
21:39.14atriusaseigo: wouldn't that consume a fair bit of memory at some point? (depending on what all is running in each context)
21:39.48aseigoatrius: not really
21:40.03aseigoatrius: if might be tight if you're running in 128mb of ram and trying to get work done ;)
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21:40.18atriusaseigo: which would just generally be terrible in any case :)
21:40.36aseigoatrius: but let's face it, plasma on my system.. with debug stuff and a couple of activities, is taking 36mb
21:41.22atriusaseigo: that's not terrible when you factor in all the plasmoids and graphic prettiness
21:41.32aseigoatrius: i just bought my son a new laptop .. got an inexpensive one (~400 euro, CAD$650) ... it comes with 3 GB of ram (!!!)
21:41.41atriusaseigo: damn
21:41.43aseigoatrius: yeah, it's actually pretty good
21:41.59aseigothat number doesn't count x server-side pixmaps
21:42.07aseigowhich will add a few more MB to that due to fullscreen wallpapers
21:42.26atriusis there a keyboard short cut i'm missing which does the zoom out action quicker? or a context switch button?
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21:43.35aseigoatrius: ctrl+wheel mouse for zooming.. forget the keyboard shortcuts for zoom... you can do ctrl+shift-n/p for next previous context.. but the desktop needs keyboard focus (so... click on it; in 4.2 kwin will allow ctrl-tab'ing to it)
21:43.59aseigoatrius: there's also a switcher plasmoid in playground .. and we may end up integrating it with the cashew more directly
21:44.15atriusaseigo: is cashew it's actual name?
21:44.19aseigouhm. no
21:44.25aseigobut cashew kind of stuck.
21:44.32atriusit does rather look like one
21:44.35aseigo(as a casual name)
21:44.45aseigoyeah, "cashew" started as a joke.
21:44.45pinotreeaseigo lies, the real name is cashew :P
21:44.53aseigoneeds to learn to be more careful with his jokes
21:44.58mikearthuraseigo: Kashew?
21:45.05aseigomikearthur: doh! =P
21:45.09atriusmikearthur: of course.. heheh
21:45.14aseigocashews and plasmoids ... *sigh*
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21:45.59DaskreecHCtrl+tab ?
21:46.02atriushmmm.... crtl+shift+n/p works... the mouse thing doesn't...
21:46.33DaskreecHaseigo: IRC is dangerous :)
21:46.48atriusDaskreecH: some people say it is teh debil heeh
21:46.56titougkiagia: sorry for the delay but it's the same
21:47.11DaskreecHatrius: Only those who are right
21:47.14titoui can logout and log in the problem persists
21:47.16atriusDaskreecH: heheh
21:47.22gkiagiatitou: no idea then
21:47.39atriusi wonder if a "show all contexts" type button ala' expose` would be useful
21:48.14atriusthere also seems to be some strangeness with deleting a context
21:48.30titouwhere the screensaver is chosen under kde4 ?
21:48.42aseigotitou: in the screensaver control panel in systemsettings
21:48.51aseigoatrius: possibly; you're in 4.1?
21:48.53titoui don't have it..
21:49.13gkiagiatitou: so, that's the missing component...... :D
21:49.15aseigotitou: did you search for "screensaver" in the window?
21:49.15atriusaseigo: i am.. it seems the presence of the 'delete desktop' option is rather.. hmmm.. random :)
21:49.25Walexha, got a question of my own, a classic: I want to copy my Konqueror toolbar configuration from one user account to another on a different machine. '.../konquerorrc' does not seem to have it, where is it?
21:49.31aseigotitou: it should show you that it is in the Desktop icon
21:49.33titouaseigo: ya there's nothing
21:49.44aseigoWalex: look in share/apps/konqueror
21:49.48titouok sorry found it !
21:50.11atriusaseigo: but it'll be more than happy to blow away my primary context.. heheh
21:50.37aseigoatrius: if you have more than one, yes
21:50.59atriusaseigo: however, it doesn't seem to like the idea of nuking the "new" one too much
21:51.19Walexaseigo: ah yes, I should have looked there.
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21:56.23DaskreecHWow is looking pretty good
21:58.38WalexBTW I think that a lot of recent and not so KDE stuff like activities shoudl really be inside the OS. KDE is turning into a layer on top of the OS that tries hard to work around some pretty fundamental limitations of the underlying OSes.
21:58.55atriushey.. i got my clock back where it belongs!
21:59.36thiago_homeWalex: like?
21:59.58Walexactivities, solid, lisa, ....
22:00.12*** part/#kde junkDawgie (
22:00.14thiago_homethat's nowhere recent
22:00.17thiago_homethat's KDE 2
22:00.24thiago_homeSolid is necessary because
22:00.26Walexwell, I said past and present, it is a long term trend.
22:00.29thiago_home1) HAL is too low-level for us
22:00.34thiago_home2) HAL isn't cross-platform
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22:01.02thiago_homelisa has been properly replaced with zeroconf and that's at the appropriate level with Avahi
22:01.14Walexthiago_home: yes, yes, but it is sad that one has to put a wrapper on insufficient lower level OS sw.
22:01.30DaskreecHWalex: Well KDE4 is cross OS
22:01.54WalexDaskreecH: yes, cross OS, and those OSes are pretty limited and old fashioned.
22:02.05thiago_homeI doubt that FreeBSD developers will accept Linux drivers
22:02.08DaskreecHWalex: So I'm lost. what's your point? :)
22:02.11WalexDaskreecH: as I was saying it should be inside the OS.
22:02.18DaskreecHWalex: WHy?
22:02.21thiago_homeor that anyone at Microsoft or Apple will listen to us
22:02.21sabocathow can i pevent amarok 1.4 from autoplaying cds in KDE4?
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22:02.53DaskreecHWalex: Different OSes have differnt priorites so they are not likely to be equal
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22:03.25WalexDaskreecH: the point is that current OSes are pretty limited and putting stuff in KDE is just a workaround and in an ideal world KDE should be about cool apps, not about compensating for the weakness of the udnerlying OS.
22:03.40thiago_homeI beg to differ
22:03.45thiago_homeKDE is also about Libraries
22:03.49thiago_homewe have kick-ass libraries
22:03.59thiago_homeand some of them are abstractions of lower-level functionality
22:04.19Walexthiago_home: ah yes, but libraries to do cool apps, ideally not to supply functionality that should be lower level.
22:04.22thiago_homeso, no, Phonon and Solid are not necessary-evil projects
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22:04.35thiago_homeyes, exactly: libraries to do cool apps
22:04.39thiago_homePhonon and Solid fit that bill
22:04.53Walexthiago_home: consider reimplementing VFS at the application level, which is probably the saddest.
22:07.24fessioguys, is there a way to make all the interface smaller in KDE4?
22:07.40sandsmarkWalex: uhm, KDE is supposed to be cross platform =)
22:07.41fessio'cause on my 15.4" screen everything is too ibg :)
22:07.53gionnyWalex: KDE is a desktop environment. It is the role of the desktop environment to provide libraries and stuff to let the application for this desktop environment easy to write and inter-operable
22:07.57Walexfessio: check out the DPI.
22:08.30Walexgionny: sandsmark: yes sure, but that means creating in effect a virtual OS on top of the real OS.
22:08.38sandsmarkWalex: no?
22:08.46sandsmarkWalex: KDE uses everything the native OS supports
22:09.03sandsmarkWalex: but it abstracts away some parts, so the application developers don't need to know about the differences
22:09.13sandsmark(on different platforms)
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22:09.52sandsmarkWalex: I agree that in an ideal world, everyone would be using Plan9, with total network transparency, etc. but that isn't the case =)
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22:10.47Walexsandsmark: but it is not just net transparency -- it is things like coinfiguring the size of the screen etc. It is very sad. KDE tries hard, but it is a losing proposition.
22:10.57sandsmarkWalex: I disagree
22:11.19sandsmarkWalex: I think it has just started to get better, with xrandr, at the like
22:11.22sandsmark(on linux, at least)
22:11.48DaskreecHfessio: Well since everyone is playing with KDE on 810 tablets I'd guess yes
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22:12.10sandsmarkwell, 15.4" isn't exactly small-form
22:12.21sandsmarkI have a 15.4" laptop, and it's quite adequate
22:12.23Walexsandsmark: yes, but it is always still trying to implement functionality that should be provided at a lower level. DBMS designers have much the same issue: provide an abstraction layer.
22:12.35brain0I asked this before but no answer: Is there a way to umount a CD in kde4 without ejecting it? I only see an eject button, no umount button
22:12.42sandsmarkWalex: well, eradicating hunger would also be nice, but this isn't a perfect world
22:12.43DaskreecHWalex: What problem are you trying to solve?
22:12.47sandsmarkWalex: people work on different stuff
22:13.14sandsmarkso; abstract the common stuff, and let them cooperate =)
22:14.59fessiosandsmark: well adequate isn't enough for me ) I want everything to way smaller, e.g. there's to little space in the task manager
22:15.14sandsmarkfessio: use two panels =)
22:15.30DaskreecHsandsmark: That doesn't help :)
22:15.43sandsmarkit does =)
22:15.43mikiwow arch looks great with KDE4.1
22:15.51sandsmarkuse a dedicated task-manager panel
22:16.12sandsmarkthough, I think this looks ok too:
22:16.56*** join/#kde floe (n=flo@
22:18.21GraveDiggermath på norsk <3
22:18.29GraveDiggerlol, never seen something like this before
22:18.47sandsmarkwhat, okular or discrete maths? =)
22:19.00GraveDiggerdiscrete maths
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22:24.29lorena_hi all. How can I change the default application for a given mime type? I need to do this system-wide (instead of just for one user)
22:25.01*** join/#kde benklop (
22:25.33DaskreecHI dunno I guess Kiosk can do it system wide
22:27.25*** join/#kde Zaister (
22:29.16DaskreecHWalex: What problem are you trying to solve?
22:29.54Walexsandsmark: "abstract the common stuff, and let them cooperate" ahhh but you see KDE is abstracting things that are not in any underlying OS. It is creating a new virtual OS.
22:30.32WalexDaskreecH: the problem is that putting a new virtual OS layer in KDE in the long term is wrong and will cause trouble, because mapping it reliably on the underlying OSes is very hard.
22:30.46*** join/#kde jonkristian (
22:31.42DaskreecHWalex: Unfortunately we are building for the short term
22:32.09DaskreecHWalex: If you would like to call up Microsoft and Apple and Nokia to deal with the long term you have my support
22:32.18WalexDaskreecH: and that is a good strategy in the short term. I am just feeling sad.
22:33.10DaskreecHWalex: Seriously start a plan to get all OSes to the same technical competence with a simialr API and start drumming up support
22:33.28WalexDaskreecH: the alternative is of course to say "KDE gives you on each platform only what the platform natively supports, plus cool apps". That would be far more reliable, but also far less interestig.
22:34.25DaskreecHThat would suck ^_^
22:35.05thiago_homeWalex: we think it's the right choice
22:35.21DaskreecHthiago_home: I think he's agreeing he's just sad that has to be the right choice
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22:35.59thiago_homeit's the only choice
22:36.01Walexthiago_home: politically/marketing it is the right choice. Technically and in the long term it will cause trouble.
22:36.11thiago_homeit is the right choice technically too
22:37.09jonkristiananyone had trouble with kde messing about with the locale settings?
22:37.29thiago_homeKDE doesn't set locale settings
22:37.48*** join/#kde bfrog (n=tburdick@unaffiliated/themonotone)
22:37.55bfrogis there a way to reorder favorites in kde 4.1 ?
22:39.02Kame2bfrog: i think, there isn't.
22:40.12bfrogI removed and readded stuff that works I guess
22:40.24titouhm it's quite strange
22:40.38titoui have all the kdeartwork screensavers installed
22:40.43bfrogmeh, someone will eventually have enough annoyance to ix it
22:40.46bfrognot me though
22:40.49*** part/#kde bfrog (n=tburdick@unaffiliated/themonotone)
22:40.50titouand it's not listed in the screensaver configuration panel
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22:40.59titousorry.. they are not listed..
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22:42.20titouwhy that?
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22:44.20titouand khotkeys doesn't work (i'm under KDE 4.1)
22:44.33thiago_homeyes, it doesn't
22:45.15titouand what about my screensaver trouble?
22:46.04gkiagiatitou: something is missing, and it's probably the same thing that prevents you from locking the screen... what distro do you use?
22:46.52titouMandriva in RC
22:47.15*** join/#kde huubuh (
22:47.28huubuhhello, i fire up KDE andi have no mouse movement, anyone know why that could be?
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22:47.40titougkiagia: i think it's the same problem.. that's wky i'm trying to find it :)
22:48.36titoui think it doesn't read the good directory to get the screensaver desktop files
22:48.40gkiagiatitou: you could ask the mandriva guys, maybe it's a bug in mandriva's packages or you are missing some package
22:48.50titouthey are sleeping :(
22:49.13gkiagiawell, that's usual :P
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22:49.59titoui should do the same but i don't like not solving my problem before going to sleep :)
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22:50.44gkiagiahuubuh: that's probably a problem with your xorg
22:51.12*** join/#kde dbglt (
22:51.49Kame2when we talk about problem solving bevore sleeping... is there anyone how would commit a patch to solve a scrolling bug in khtml?
22:52.17DaskreecHKame2: With svn I would guess
22:53.22*** join/#kde Ramblurr_ (
22:53.36Kame2would make things easier ;)
22:53.36*** join/#kde WishMasterNND (
22:54.25DaskreecHOr a magnetized needle and a steady hand
22:54.44*** join/#kde junkDawgie (
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22:55.07WishMasterNNDHello there, is it a know bug that Akregator doesn't save the selected columns?
22:56.24Kame2DaskreecH: and physical access to the server ;)
22:57.39Kame2DaskreecH: mh.. or maybe a butterfly
22:58.17WishMasterNNDOh, and is it also known that KSnapshot crashes when clicking on "Save as" as well as KMail and Kopete crash when using the automatic spellcheck and typing an unknown word?
22:58.47WishMasterNNDI'm using the latest snapshot in the OpenSUSe repos: 4.1.64-2.3
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23:04.31RingtailedFoxhiya, KDE!
23:04.47RingtailedFoxi have a few questions... what are emerald themes and compiz themes? how do i use them? are they similar to KDE Window Decorations?
23:05.00thiago_homethey are compiz stuff
23:05.06thiago_hometherefore, non KDE
23:08.34DaskreecHKame2: Bah WHy bother with the butterfly? I have a keyboard shortcut for that
23:08.54DaskreecHAnyone else having segfaults with the svn ?
23:09.10*** join/#kde doctorwhite (
23:09.29Kame2i get a segfault while cmake is installing kdegraphics...
23:09.37Kame2for some days now
23:09.41DaskreecHSeems like something is bugged in kdelibs maybe
23:10.12Kame2i don't think so
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23:10.40Kame2its while cmake moves the compiled files to the right locations.
23:10.49fessioI compiled kdelibs yesterday without problems
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23:11.11fessiowell WITH problems :) but I compiled it
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23:11.45Kame2have compiled them yesterday and now again (60%)
23:11.56Kame2no segfault there
23:12.04DaskreecHKame2: ok tell me if Kapps crash on start up
23:13.20Kame2the yesterday compiled libs work fine.
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23:19.09voltyhi, I have to use two systems (gentoo & kubunto) for a while, is it possible to share the same .kde folder, or at least .kde/share/config folder (or wherever keyboard shortcuts reside) ?
23:19.26*** part/#kde tflsh (i=flash@
23:20.06BCMMhow do you use dbus to control kde 4 applications from the command line, as you could in 3.5 using dcop?
23:20.29Kame2BCMM: qdbus is your friend ;)
23:21.49BCMMKame2, thanks
23:22.40DaskreecHKame2: 62% ? ;-)
23:22.49Kame2100% ;)
23:23.04DaskreecHI mean Kroovy
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23:26.42Kame2i have started a full kde session... so i think the libs doesn't have problems ;)
23:27.15Kame2there are no window-boarders... no kwin...
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23:27.35DaskreecHstart konsole
23:27.58Kame2yakuake is in autostart ;)
23:28.19Kame2but it doesn't get focus -.-
23:28.48Kame2the same with konsole
23:28.56BCMMKame2, why does it say "No such interface 'org.kde.KApplication' at object path '/MainApplication'"?
23:29.03pinotreeof course, it is the window manager that dispatches focus
23:29.10DaskreecHKame2: Throw something from the Vt to X
23:29.43BCMMKame2, some of the things listed when i ran "qdbus org.kde.plasma /MainApplication" work like that, but not the ones start with 'org.kde.KApplication'
23:29.56Kame2i can't.... no ctrl+alt+F1...
23:30.09DaskreecHSO X is screwed?
23:30.11Kame2doesn't work...
23:31.18DaskreecHwaits to stop being konfused
23:31.21Kame2full graphics-freeze
23:31.25Kame2damn ati
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23:32.30DaskreecHHmm I thought that it was nVidia currently having issues
23:33.29Kame2but ati...
23:33.55Kame2they like to freeze the complete system if you switch between X and vt...
23:35.00DaskreecHAh That's an interesting prank
23:35.18Kame2and kwin is there
23:36.37junkDawgiesometimes you get lucky
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23:37.51jonkristiankde IS messing up locale settings, and that's that
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23:38.05dbgltquick question, building kde from source: how do I tell cmake an alternate place to find all of my kde libs? (rather than change 20+ settings with cmake -i)?
23:38.09*** part/#kde zx2c4 (n=zx2c4|
23:38.15Kame2but kdebase doesn't find automoc for some days now... so i cant update it. anyone else with this?
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23:39.14dbgltKame2: try add a symlink from automoc4 to automoc
23:39.39Kame2the problem is, that i have it in /home/kde-devel/...
23:39.47Kame2und he doesn't search there
23:39.57dbgltKame2: what doesn't search there?
23:40.08dbgltKame2: heh my problem exactly
23:40.14dbgltKame2: cmake -i and you can change the settings
23:40.17Kame2but all other packages work...
23:40.21dbgltKame2: or CmakeCache.txt
23:40.22dbgltedit it
23:40.30dbgltyeah it uses any installed libs/includes
23:40.42dbglt(ie. system wide)
23:40.44dbgltnot sure if there is an easier way to update where cmake looks
23:40.45Kame2where is CMakeCache.txt located?
23:40.51dbgltKame2: in kdebase/
23:41.41Kame2mh.. but why does it work for all other packages without any problems?
23:42.08Jucatodbglt, Kame2: techbase has a .bashrc which is setup to compile KDE 4 from $HOME. you can use that as an example to see what to do to make cmake look at alternative places other than system folders for libs, includes, etc.
23:42.20DaskreecHwaves at Jucato
23:42.29Kame2i use this bashrc
23:42.38Kame2and it worked for a long time now
23:42.38dbgltJucato: that's already in use. It seems to prefer system libs
23:42.43Jucatohello DaskreecH
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23:43.25Jucatodbglt, Kame2: you are using this?
23:43.33DaskreecHJucato: You are part of the team for correct?
23:43.52JucatoDaskreecH: yes
23:44.02dbgltJucato: I think a more sparse framework. Will try it out. Cheers
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23:44.48DaskreecHJucato: It looks very good
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23:44.58vinnieHow do i get preview thumbnails to work in dolphin ... for movies that is
23:45.02Kame2Jucato: thats my bashrc ;)
23:45.15JucatoDaskreecH: thanks,but I actually have done little yet on it. so can't take credit
23:46.11*** join/#kde jhulst_ (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
23:46.12Kame2i see, there are two new CMAKE_... Vars
23:46.52Jucatofwiw, I was able to build KDE 4 before without those two
23:48.01JucatoKame2: does "which automoc4" output the correct automoc? (the one in you $HOME?)
23:48.03dbgltJucato: yeah, I was up until now. I think something new has been added
23:48.31dbglt(ie. not in 4.1 I have installed)
23:48.46Jucatohm... ok
23:48.52DaskreecHJucato: will there be polls there? :-)
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23:49.32Kame2now it works
23:49.44JucatoDaskreecH: 1. Why? 2. is MediaWiki capable of polls?
23:50.37DaskreecHJucato: Like a listing of most overlooked bugs or something. 2. No clue I'll look into it
23:51.47JucatoDaskreecH: that's probably more appropriate for the bugsquad to do *pokes blauzahl-laptop*. but if they want to use userbase for it and mediawiki has that feature, why not? :)
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23:53.23DaskreecHSo it seems it can
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23:55.15Jucatothanks. I'll take note of that (it's an extension so we'll probably have to ask the admins first)
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23:56.42zerkmsguys, show any pretty cursor theme?
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23:57.55zerkmsJucato: too much to look :-) i ask about themes u like :-[
23:58.10Kame2oxygen ;)
23:58.53DaskreecHyellow Oxygen

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