IRC log for #kde on 20080627

00:00.20sbatteyagnitio: I'm also using ubuntu 8.04 with kde 4.1 beta 2
00:00.56agnitioheh, nope.. now it flickers even worse :)
00:02.14agnitioand the driver still hangs :/
00:03.57agnitiosbattey: which X version?
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00:10.50sbatteyagnitio: I have no vclue
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00:30.05agnitiothanks for your help
00:30.06agnitiotime for bed
00:31.59sbatteyagnitio: did it work
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00:44.55_ZeuZ_Hey guys, appart from ~/.kde/Autostart where are startup scripts for all users located?
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00:54.51_ZeuZ_lol, thanks, I was trying to locate it through slocate Autostart instead of autostart
00:55.41troyJucato: you're hosting answers now? :)
00:56.10_ZeuZ_why some .desktops files in autostart/ from kde3 do not start in kde4?
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01:03.29Jucato_ZeuZ_: could be a couple of reasons. KDE 3 and KDE 4 might not share the same autostart/ location (depending on where they are installed) for one
01:04.10_ZeuZ_Jucato, then just coping the .desktop to ~/.kde4/Autostart would do, right?
01:04.34Jucatodepends. what are you trying to run anyway?
01:06.16_ZeuZ_a couple of scripts written in python that originally came from ubuntu, but I'm imporing into a non-official release of Slackware for x64, I just found them confortable for powergovernor
01:06.31*** join/#kde erojasv (n=erojasv@
01:06.49Jucatoas long as you know what you're doing and you're doing it in your own $HOME, sure why not
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01:07.25Jucatoof course, I presume that the programs that the .desktop files point to are installed and can be seen by the KDE 4 user
01:07.45_ZeuZ_yup, the scripts start normally if I invoke them, so it could work, just asking before I can probably screw things up
01:09.07_ZeuZ_Lovely! it started at reboot... Thanks Jucato..
01:09.09_ZeuZ_Jucato ++
01:09.20_ZeuZ_asks: Is there any Karma register in this channel?
01:10.16_ZeuZ_offtopic: wicd or network-manager ?
01:10.54zarvox_ZeuZ_: I use NetworkManager
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01:12.09zarvoxthere's a plasma networkmanager applet in development, right? I know there's a NM Solid backend...
01:12.55_ZeuZ_zarvox, thing for me is that with my self-compiled kernel, it will just won't work properly (don't ask me why xD I couldn't locate the problem so I turned to wicd)
01:13.41zarvox_ZeuZ_: aww, that's a shame.
01:14.11_ZeuZ_why would it be a shame?
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01:52.01Nylewhat is the dcop command to toggle power management of kde on/off
01:52.10NyleI tried browse in kdcop but no find anything
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01:53.44_ZeuZ_Well, I cannot create new icons on my kde4.83 desktop... any idea why?
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01:56.17guaxsomeone here using kde4 with slackware?
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01:58.27pacman87guax: i tried...
01:58.48pacman87i still need to get boost working
01:59.12guaxpacman87: i had it instaled in a development user, what i realy want is to use kde4 kates but i do like the kde 3 enviroment
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02:00.00guaxim not comfortable for a migration right now, i think kde (at version 4.0.1) its still imature
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02:01.46pacman87_ZeuZ_: ^^
02:03.16AlexElliottguax: yep, I do
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02:04.13AlexElliottI'd recommend the one for a more "slackware" way of doing things, but at least it's not linuxpackages
02:05.23Jucatoalso recommend #slackware (or if they have a kde-specific channel) for more specific help
02:05.42pacman87i was compiling from source
02:05.46pacman87or at least trying to :\
02:05.59guaxJucato: its a generic kde compilation question i wonder
02:06.26Jucatoguax: depends. you were asking it in the context of doing it in slackware right?
02:06.41AlexElliottI don't like the way boost builds normally, is what I've used.
02:06.56AlexElliottAnd yeah, specific slackware stuff would go to ##slackware - depends how vague it is really ;)
02:07.33Jucatobecause the "generic kde solution" would be to build KDE 4 yourself... separate user recommended.. then build the parts that you need
02:07.40guaxJucato: im questioning about run kde4 apps in kde3 enviroments with slackware preference :)
02:07.40Jucatoetc. etc. (see
02:08.22AlexElliottI'd build KDE from SVN as in techbase then follow the "setting up for development" method of running KDE4 apps in KDE3
02:08.43Jucatoguax: that depends on how slackware sets up kde3 and kde4. but it's possible of course
02:09.09bfrogcan kde4 be used with the kde3 kicker still? the panel in kde4 looks awesome but the lack of moving around things is sort of aggravating... so I figure maybe I can get the desktop and apps but with the kde3 panel until the next version?
02:09.26AlexElliottThough, personally I've separated them by just altering the sample .bashrc to put it all in ~/kde4/ and ~/.kde4/ rather than with separate users.  Means I can still get to all the files.
02:10.33Jucatobfrog: you can run kicker, but I don't know how integrated it will be. (for example they will of course use different menu systems, different data sources, etc)
02:10.57bfrogyeah I figure. Well can i move stuff around by editing some text file in .kde then?
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02:11.57JucatoI think you can, but I'm not so sure how. you can just install the widget in the the place you want in the first place.. to move them, you'd have to remove and re-add by dropping it in place.
02:12.14Jucatoyou can ask in #plasma about editing the config files for manual positioning...
02:12.17Jucatoif it's possible
02:12.34bfrogah ok
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02:12.46StrangeletCould anyone advise a fine KDE XMPP client? Excluding Kopete. I would also prefer the client to work only for XMPP. (I don't need a second multi-protocol client)
02:13.34JucatoStrangelet: you could try looking in
02:14.19StrangeletI'll do just that, thanks Jucato! :3
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02:15.25netfrikHow do I create or add a shortcut, of 1-liner sh script, onto the desktop in KDE4?
02:18.18netfrikDolphin won't let me just grab it and move it into desktop, I'll try konq maybe
02:19.15Jucatocan drag and drop on desktop just fine in KDE 4.1
02:19.31Jucatonetfrik: what KDE 4 version?
02:19.40Jucatonetfrik: also check that your widgets are not locked
02:20.00netfriknevermind, dolphin let's me drag it onto desktop too :)
02:22.29netfrikin SuSe-11
02:22.42netfrikOSuSe-11 :)
02:25.17Drantinhow many places does KDE4.0.5 pull desktop icons from? er... where are they i mean?
02:25.34netfrikJucato: I can drag an drop ok, but I want to create desktop shortcut to my sh script, so that it starts in term session
02:26.24Drantincan you give it as an arguement to konsole or whatever term you use?
02:27.30netfrikDrantin: I don't see such option from desktop shortcut conf :(
02:28.17Drantintry creating a shortcut to konsole, then adding your script after it
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02:29.00netfrikDrantin: oh ic, I'll try that
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02:29.09navetz_can someone please tell me how to record audio input please?
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02:31.47netfrikDrantin: k, that did it. Thanx for the tip :)
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02:32.39cheater-conradwhat is the plasma pkg called with the widgets and such
02:32.44Nylewhat is the dcop command to toggle power management of kde on/off?  I tried browse in kdcop but no find anything
02:32.56Nylepowermanagement for display kcontrol module
02:33.49Nyleok I can't find it
02:33.52Jucatocheater-conrad: you mean extra widgets?
02:34.00cheater-conradlike folder view and stuff
02:34.06cheater-conradthere's a plasma package i forgot what it's called
02:34.14Nyleis there a way to actually select something in kcontrol,and have kdcop jump to that location of it in the thing
02:34.32Nyleso i can easily try to find which setting in kdcop of kcontrol controls the power on/off feature of monitor
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02:34.41Jucatocheater-conrad: well folderview is part of the main plasma (kdebase) module. the extra ones are in kdeplasmoids. please consult your distro if they have packages
02:34.46Jucato(but they are in beta now btw)
02:34.59cheater-conradyeah kdeplasmoids is what im thinking
02:35.04cheater-conradbut i don't have folder view
02:35.12Jucatocheater-conrad: what version of KDE 4?
02:35.27cheater-conradfrom about 2 weeks ago probably
02:35.32Jucatocheater-conrad: it should be in kdebase/apps
02:36.39JucatoNyle: distro? also, not everything in KDE have dcop calls
02:37.12NyleI am trying to find a way to toggle display power saving on/off with a dcop call and/or script
02:37.37cheater-conradJucato, i don't see a kde-base/apps
02:37.54cheater-conradi'm on gentoo btw
02:37.57Jucatocheater-conrad: ask your distro. KDE doesn't make distro packages
02:38.26cheater-conrad;) gotcha
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02:44.17s133pi have a quick question: in kde4.1 beta 1, why cant you choose a theme for kdm?
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02:53.13kdepepos133p, have kdm themes been ported to kde4 yet?
02:54.45s133pkdepepo: im not sure, but i couldnt get it working even with kdm from kde3
02:55.40kdepepos133p, for KDE3 you need a third party kdm theme manager, I guess it is on
03:00.50s133pkdepepo: thanks.. im looing into it
03:02.23s133pwhile im at it, are there any kubuntu packages for the beta 2?
03:02.35kdepepos133p, ah, I now what you are doing wrong... System Settings needs to be run as root to get the rights to select theme.
03:03.12s133phmmm, i tried that but it wont run :-/
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03:05.22kdepepos133p, wait
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03:06.28Jucatonotes that KDE 4 has a built in "kdmtheme" in System Settings... but not sure if that works
03:07.16kdepepo$(kde4-config --path libexec)/kdesu -c "kcmshell kdm"
03:07.47kdepepokcmshell4 maybe
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03:12.02s133pkdepepo: strang thing about that is that it shows everthing but the theme stuff
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03:12.34kdepepos133p, in first tab select "themed greeter", then go to tab "Theme"
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03:13.42s133pkdepepo: its missing all of that i think its the kde3 version of that
03:14.00kdepepodid you try kcmshell4 instead of kcmshell
03:14.42s133pno luck :(
03:14.45kdepepoyou would clearly see if it is kde4 or kde3 (from the oxygen style)
03:15.08s133pdeffinately kde3
03:15.31kdepepowhat does "kde4-config --prefix" say?
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03:16.25s133pit says: /usr/lib/kde4
03:17.19kdepepomaybe try this then:
03:17.40kdepepo$(kde4-config --path libexec)/kdesu -c "/usr/lib/kde4/bin/kcmshell4 kdm"
03:18.55s133pthat seemed like it was working but nothing poped up
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03:20.37kdepepokcmshell4 --list | grep kdm
03:20.45kdepepo(we get it :)
03:20.50s133pkdepepo: nevermind that. it worked, i just had to run it twice
03:21.03s133pkdepepo: thanks tons!
03:21.33kdepepoit may have been delayed... because of the first ksycoca4 run for root (takes long)
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03:21.51kdepeponext time it should start faster
03:22.27s133pyeah.. more problems now though :(
03:25.00Dhraakellianhmm... is there any way to get KDE3 apps to use KDE4's colors?
03:26.58JucatoDhraakellian: not unless you convert the KDE 4 color scheme to KDE 3
03:27.19Jucatothey use different color scheme formats (.colors vs .kcsrc)
03:27.31s133pkdepepo: nevermind again, i got it working, thanks again for everything
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03:27.42DhraakellianI was half hoping tha the "Apply colors to non-KDE4 applications" thing worked for kde3 as well as gtk
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03:28.27Dhraakellianis automatic conversion likely to be a future feature?
03:28.53kdepepoDhraakellian, should be an easy task :)
03:29.08JucatoDhraakellian: if someone does it, why not? :)
03:29.17Dhraakellianhears hints
03:29.32Dhraakellianthe smilies, they glare at me!
03:29.40kdepepoDhraakellian, nah.... not me
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03:30.02Jucatothey are just text files with RGB color codes... the real difference actually lies in which KDE 3 widget/state is equivalent to which KDE 4 widget/state
03:30.53Jucato(there's also the fact that KDE 4's color scheme has more options than KDE 3's... so backporting to KDE 3 means you just have to deal with a few of those)
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03:32.12Dhraakellianis getting tired of khotkeys gestures not working in konqueror
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04:38.51BlueGwhat is the difference between ~/.kde and ~/.kde3.5?
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04:40.49SpoofShow can i set the KDE to use the WINDOWS style of work with the X
04:41.02SpoofSi'm using the UNIX style
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04:45.00kingfishrwhat are you talking about?
04:45.51SpoofSkingfishr, i dont know the correctly name of this config... when you start kde at first time, you choose how manage the X
04:46.09SpoofShas the option: unix, windows, mac ...
04:46.30SpoofSi'm using UNIX, but i want to use WINDOWS
04:46.37JucatoSpoofS: kpersonlizer
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04:47.59SpoofSJucato, tks ;)
04:48.00zenstaranyone know how to turn off message bubbles in kopete 0.50.1?
04:48.41kde_pepoSpoofS, also look at
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04:50.45kde_pepozenstar, configure notifications
04:51.05zenstarkde_pepo: I've tried that.. including unticking "show bubble" and it doesn't turn it off
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05:03.16navetz_hey guys, I can't get my microphone to work in audacity through ALSA, it works through OSS but once I record something it says that my device is busy and I cant record again until I restart audicity. any ideas?
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05:12.37Rioting_pacifisthow do i install native dlls?
05:12.43Rioting_pacifistsorry wrong chan
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06:08.42Dumblehello world !
06:08.59JucatoCore dump
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06:11.03Dumbleargh !
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06:14.00J-23Hmm, why files from libkipi and libkdcraw conflict with files from kdegraphics?
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06:22.30JucatoJ-23: what kde version? here did you get your libkipi and libkdcraw?
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06:41.43J-23Jucato: Hmm, it worked when I deleted that libs and deps, installed kdegraphics and then reinstalled libkipi, libkdcraw and packages removed before.
06:43.06Jucatopresuming you are using KDE 4.1 (SVN/Beta), libkdcraw and libkipi are in kdegraphics now. but not sure how your distro packaged it
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06:43.24J-23Is it possible to import all Google Picasa albums to DigiKam?
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06:46.05J-23nvm, I'll sync it manually
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06:51.16navetz_is there a good gui video converter I can download somewhere?
06:51.51VagaStormis it poible to remove a calendar from kde pim without starting it? When I got to the kde calendar, it crashes due to one of my calendas having some wrong configuration....
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06:52.55J-23navetz_: try WinFFMpeg or something like it
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06:53.07J-23there's Linux version too.
06:53.25Simkinnavetz_: kdenlive does a fantastic job
06:53.32Simkinnavetz_: converts from pretty well anything to pretty well anything
06:54.35navetz_J-23 Simkin; are either of these in the ubuntu repos or do I have to find them somewhere?
06:54.53Simkinnavetz_: should be.  if not just google it and download the deb file.
06:55.23navetz_Simkin: thanks.
06:55.57Simkinnavetz_: np,
06:56.08Simkinyou'll more than likely want the i386 version.
06:56.28navetz_Simkin; I found it in the repost but it keeps crashing :S
06:56.36Simkinwhat version?
06:56.41Simkinwhen does it crash?
06:57.16Simkini found kdenlive 0.4x to be very crash prone, but 0.5 is quite stable.
06:57.51Simkinnavetz_: when converting follow these steps, project, add clip, drag clip to timeline. file->export timeline.
06:58.16navetz_Simkin: crashes as soon as I open it
06:58.23Simkinwhat version?
06:58.34Simkincan you open it from console to see what error(s) it might be giving?
06:58.55navetz_sure 1 sec
06:59.03Simkinand do you know what version you installed?
06:59.23navetz_kdenlive: WARNING: //////  RENDER, SET SCENE LIST
06:59.23navetz_KCrash: Application 'kdenlive' crashing...
06:59.23navetz_Unable to start Dr. Konqi
06:59.28navetz_thats my error
06:59.30navetz_let me check version
07:00.01navetz_version .5
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07:01.25Simkinwell that just sucks
07:01.27*** part/#kde netfrik (
07:01.34Simkinsorry navetz_ i dunno why it would be doing that to you.
07:01.48navetz_yea, well its this ogg file that doesn't work with avidemux that I just want to edit a bit
07:02.07navetz_I have to convert it to avi, but I guess its not a big deal, I can do that with memcoder
07:02.30*** part/#kde zarvox (
07:02.39Simkinvlc is supposed to do it and make it rather easy too.
07:03.04Simkinvlc is a great media player too.  but i really have no idea why kdenlive isn't working... i use it all the time.
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07:05.58navetz_Simkin: oh wow thats nice with vlc, this is great.
07:06.18Simkinglad to help
07:06.20Simkini'm off to sleep!
07:06.28navetz_Simkin: thanks bye
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07:12.12admiral0hello.. i need help...
07:12.44blauzahl-laptopdon't we all?
07:13.03blauzahl-laptop(you should ask your question ;)  (someone might even be able to help you)
07:14.05admiral0my kde beta 2 package.... is getting mad... libkonq5 is in conflict with one kde4.0 package...
07:14.18annmaadmiral0: ask in your distro channel please
07:14.28*** join/#kde a_thing (
07:14.29annmaKDE only ships tarballs
07:14.50annmayour distribution will help you, what do you use?
07:14.55admiral0alredy there...
07:15.10admiral0thank you anyway ;)
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07:30.33navetz_is there a way to tell if my cd rom writing laser is broken?
07:31.17sandsmarktry in #hardware
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07:42.46xsachahi, i have a question regarding dolphin/konqueror
07:42.55xsachathe left click action. how do you get it to do something?
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07:43.27annmakde version?
07:43.29xsachafor some application types like images it'll open up the program you have in preferred list, but for other file types it does absolutely nothing
07:43.34xsacha4.083 (beta 2)
07:43.39annmawhat app?
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07:43.58annmayou mean you have an action that does nothing?
07:44.05annmawhich one?
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07:44.20xsachawell in the action list for file associations, i'll have a program like gwenview at the top of the list
07:44.40annmaand it doe snot work?
07:44.41xsachathe left click action will then open gwenview (top of preferred list) if it's a .png under image type
07:44.55xsachaif i try to do this with another type, such as .sh under application, it does nothing
07:45.07xsachahowever, if i go to open with and choose the first one on the list, it works fine
07:45.27annmaa .sh
07:45.36annmacan you explain sanely?
07:45.40xsachayeah just an example
07:45.45annmaGWenView has nothing to do with ;sh
07:45.52annmaGWenView has nothing to do with .sh
07:45.54xsachaif i wanted to open a .sh in a terminal on left click
07:46.10annmais that possible???
07:46.17xsachawell thats what i wanted to know
07:46.29xsachait can work with images.. it just opens the first one in preferred list
07:46.41annmaa .sh will usually be edited with your editor
07:46.45xsachaif i just showphoto to be top in preferred list, it runs this instead
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07:47.00annmatop prog is run, yes
07:47.05xsachawell even if i wanted the .sh to be opened with an editor, it doesnt do this either
07:47.08xsachait wont run any program
07:47.11annmayes it does
07:47.21xsachai have to manually right click and choose open with and pick the first one on top of list
07:47.22annmajust associate an editor with it
07:47.26xsachai did
07:47.31annmawhat distro?
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07:47.36xsachaopensuse 11
07:47.50annmadid you ask there?
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07:47.54xsachaif i associate a .png file with an editor, it opens in an editor
07:48.01xsachabut a .sh wont open in an anything
07:48.18xsachait seems there are specific filetypes that will open on leftclick -- why?
07:48.28xsachai dont think this is an opensuse issue?
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07:49.04annmait works here
07:49.13annmaif you run vanilla suse people can maybe tell you more
07:49.24annmaI run vanilla KDE
07:49.41annmaall top progs are run on click
07:49.50annmaa .sh is open in Kate for me for ex
07:49.55xsachahmmm ok
07:50.01xsachawhat revision?
07:50.18annmabut that worked for ages
07:50.35xsachathat's odd. i also have a fix where i am unable to remove apps from my preferred list
07:50.40xsachabug, not fix
07:50.48xsachahave you ever seen that one?
07:50.52annmaremove apps from menu?
07:50.58xsachafile associations
07:51.20annmawhere do you remove them? in the file associations settings?
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07:51.37xsachayes, or you can right click on a file, properties, click the spanner and it goes in to it there
07:51.55annmaAdd, Move UP,... and all actions?
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07:52.05annmadoes Move up or Move down work?
07:52.09xsachathey work
07:52.17annmabut not Remove?
07:52.23xsachaif i Remove, then hit Apply, the removed app comes back
07:52.41xsachabut only for apps that were there before. like, default ones. ones that i add myself can be removed
07:53.20annmamaybe they depend on other file associations
07:53.30annmanot sure what your distro set as defaults
07:53.57xsachahmm but im only removing it from this specific file association
07:54.09annmaso you think
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07:54.19annmagive a precise example
07:54.19xsachawould be good if there were some message telling me what happened. it just appears back in the list
07:54.48xsachawell go in to file associations of a .png and try to remove gwenview. then apply, it comes back
07:55.05annmawhat other prog is there in the list?
07:55.59oneforallok compilign kdelib etc is there somehting I need to pass to cmake for it to use qmake-qt4 qtconfig-qt4 etc and not qmake  qtconfig  wich is qt3
07:56.16*** join/#kde MGisbers (n=mgisbers@
07:56.18annmaoneforall: if you compile kde4 follow techbase dov
07:56.20xsachahope it's not just an opensuse glitch. will move to another distro
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07:56.46sandsmarkthinks that #kde needs a bot with built-in techbase search
07:57.06annmasandsmark: he should know where to look if he wants to build manually
07:57.21sandsmarkbut it would still be nice to have =)
07:57.44annmano because bots need to be maintained and are abused
07:58.12annmawe had a bot for sdome time but believe me, it's a pain to manage
07:58.13sandsmarkwell, he could just be a techbase-search bot, that would limit the grounds for abuse
07:58.23annmawelll, set one up
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08:03.40sandsmarkI'll look into making a techbase plugin for supybot this afternoon =)
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08:11.32Kalidarnhmm for some reason my kdescripts arent starting gpg-agent
08:11.35Kalidarnhow might i rectify thisS?
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09:13.49betamaxhiho @ all ... when i start kpdf (kde 3.5.x) then i be able to switch off the menubar by hitting ctrl-m. is there a way to start kpdf without this menubar, so that i don't have to use ctrl-m to switch this off?
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09:14.53J-23hmm, where can I change input method in KDE4?
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09:25.34RKlyneHi all
09:26.11RKlyneDoes anyone know how I instruct KDE to not automatically look inside nfs mounted directories?
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09:36.41cirwinhow do I check out the code of konqueror?
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09:37.56Half-Leftdownload the source
09:38.00cirwinyes :)
09:38.08cirwindo I have to get the whole of kde?
09:38.18cirwinor is there a specific repository path?
09:38.24*** join/#kde neversfelde (n=neversfe@ubuntu/member/neversfelde)
09:38.26Half-Leftjust kdebase
09:38.48Half-LeftWhich do you want?
09:38.58cirwinkonqueror only ideally
09:39.37cirwinI was going to report a bug, and the page giving instructions told me to fix it myself
09:39.40cirwinso I'll try :)
09:40.16Half-LeftYou should report the bug with a backtrace if it crashes
09:40.23cirwindoesn't crash
09:40.32cirwinjust kills javascript
09:40.40cirwincan't find any error information though
09:40.48*** join/#kde Jejem (
09:41.00Half-Leftcheck on first to see if it's been reported and then if not make a report
09:42.10Half-LeftYou need to reproduce it as well and show how to
09:42.19cirwinyeah, can do that
09:42.20*** join/#kde tempelhueter (
09:43.41Half-Leftok, go report it, it's easy enough :)
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10:21.04BeketHi people. I am using kde-svn daily builds. When I start kde, I get infinite knotify dialogs telling me that xine plugin couldn't be found. etc
10:21.10Beketand by infinite, I mean literally infinite :)
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10:27.21tuxickinstall xine plugin ;p
10:28.06localh0stSomeone know Gateway screens?
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10:35.23sandsmarklocalh0st: is it a part of KDE?
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10:37.46localh0stsandsmark: no display ;P
10:38.05sandsmarkwell, I don't know about them =)
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10:52.01sigma_12kontact went backwards in 4.1 beta 2!
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10:53.20Half-LeftHow so?
10:54.06*** join/#kde AnMaster (n=AnMaster@unaffiliated/anmaster)
10:54.08sandsmarkRTL you mean?
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10:55.28Half-Leftuseless comment then
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10:56.44bludagodoes anyone know a fairly simple way to install x-fi drivers under sabayon 3.5 loop3??
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10:57.09Half-Leftask your distro channel
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11:22.17njhewittI want to comment on a blog on, and registered to do so, but do I need to be approved first? It told me "You must specify a valid author". (promise it's not a flame :)
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11:28.56AleSkandro_ealxcome si torna online con konversation ? /away semplicemente non va
11:29.11jazkain english please
11:29.50AleSkandro_ealxhow can I set online with konversation? /away doesn't set
11:30.08AleSkandro_ealxhi jazka
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11:32.40JucatoAleSkandro_ealx: /back
11:33.03AleSkandro_ealxthanks Jucato
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11:53.21Mercureeis it possible to configure kde to allow one to login remotely without a local session being opened? I am curently logged into a gnome session on my desktop (remotely and therefore locally aswell) and now want to switch to kde, but if i log out, I will not be able to login remotely as there will be no local session ope
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11:53.42oneforallerr I'd need to unistall qca, qca-tls these 2 eh . just keeping qt3 and kdelib 3.5.9
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11:54.21MercureeAlso remote desktop is only configured under gnome sofar. I am currently googling the topic
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12:31.09BlueGwhat is the difference between ~/.kde and ~/.kde3.5?
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12:31.36annmaask your distro about it BlueG
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12:41.09BlueGannma: I am mainly interested in the generality. Are the ~/.kde directories not consistent then?
12:42.59njhewittnot necessarily. each distro makes their own choices.
12:43.00*** join/#kde thiago_home (n=thiago@kde/thiago)
12:43.00annmathey are
12:43.00annmaI mean not
12:43.07annmayou set an env var fo rit
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12:45.32Jucatoin the absence of a manually set $KDEHOME, it defaults to ~/.kde/ though... whatever the version (afaik)
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13:00.48mohbanais it true that a QT implementation of firefox carried out by nokia is on it's way
13:01.22annmawhere did you see that?*
13:01.58Jucatomight be a mix of 2 separate news actually
13:02.36annmamohbana: reference?
13:03.06Jucatothere was news a month or two ago about a few individuals in Mozilla doing a Qt backend of Firefox. no participation of Nokia
13:03.09mohbanai'll post it when i find it, mind you i read it some time back
13:03.39njhewitti think this is the story :
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13:04.18Jucatonjhewitt: nope. see the date
13:04.19Rasiyea there was a news entry
13:04.24njhewittunfortunately it's from 2004, and must have died since
13:04.30Rasiand since then: no activity in the qt repo of mozilla
13:04.49oneforall  can some one tell me if these have to be compiled against qt4 or if the ones I allready have are ok. excluding if they wan a newer version .
13:04.53Rasiand last commit was may the 12th
13:04.54annmaI don't think anyone sane would want that anyway
13:04.58Rasiso the news lasted one week :P
13:05.06Jucatoor rather, adding Qt support...
13:05.27Rasiannma: well.. firefox is the only browser with a decent flash integration
13:05.46Rasiflash should die.. but we all know it wont
13:05.47annmaflash is so 90's
13:05.58Jucatonjhewitt, Rasi: that's a completely different "news" (that one's oooold). this one is from the Mozilla side
13:06.14RasiJucato: i am talking about your posted link
13:06.16oneforalljut nice if I don't have to and waste time :)
13:06.22Rasicheck the repo that is mentioned in there
13:06.24Jucatoisn't that interested anyway.... and doubts what impact it may have in the near future
13:06.28Rasihasnt been updated since then
13:06.29jazkathat sounds great, I just somehow don't like Gtk :(
13:06.42mohbanathe linux port of flash is just horrible, it consumes vast amount of cpu
13:06.45annmamohbana: you can ask #qt maybe
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13:06.59Rasiflash is horrible by its nature
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13:07.17Jucatoso are humans.. but we still need to live with them
13:07.41Rasithe comparison fits.. you cant watch into both of them
13:08.20usmanevery one
13:08.52usmanhello Rasi
13:09.04njhewittJucato: quite right, my bad.
13:09.22usmanhow r u
13:09.31Rasionce qt4.5 supports a complete webkit, we dont need gecko anyway
13:10.58usmanhi i m a newbie
13:11.23Rasii reckoned
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13:11.44usmani have some problem in my fedora 8 can u help me
13:11.57Rasiif its a fedora problem, ask in #fedora
13:12.53usmanbut how i go in #fedora plz tell me
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13:13.15cyber_fusionhi, any irc clients ported to 4 yep ?
13:13.17sandsmarkusman: write /join #fedora
13:13.17Rasijust type /join #fedora
13:13.23Rasicyber_fusion: quassel
13:13.31annmacyber_fusion: no KDE client
13:14.43cyber_fusionrunning svn since second alpha that's the last program I "need"
13:14.53cyber_fusionRasi: trying quassel (tks)
13:15.07Rasiquassel is nice. but honestly.. nothing beats irssi
13:15.17cyber_fusionI miss konversation
13:16.03Rasii miss digikam
13:16.10Rasiand sadly it refuses to compile for me
13:16.21Sho_cyber_fusion: You can use Konversation in KDE 4, you know
13:16.56cyber_fusionyes but I don't wanna have qt3 just for cause of one app
13:17.13Rasihow do you burn your cds?
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13:17.39usmanthanx Rasi it worked
13:18.12sandsmarkk3b is ported
13:18.17sandsmarkfor some value of ported =)
13:18.28cyber_fusionit's in extragear multimedia
13:18.33sandsmarkit compiles, I haven't tried much more
13:18.38cyber_fusionit's fine
13:18.40Sho_cyber_fusion: Does that really matter? It's a couple of MB, and you're saying you miss the app. You computer has resources; use them for things useful to you, that's the point
13:19.21cyber_fusionit's no biggie, I work with 3 computers, only my laptop is on KDE4
13:20.08cyber_fusionwhen konversation (or equiv) is ported i'll move the others to 4
13:21.02njhewittcyber_fusion: konversation devs say don't hold your breath, it may be months.
13:21.31Rasicyber_fusion: ever tried irssi?
13:21.43Rasiwith a decent theme its really handy
13:21.44sandsmarkthey're coming out with another kde 3 version first, ain't they?
13:21.51Rasibut the standard irssi theme sucks badly
13:21.58Rasiits just no fun
13:22.02Sho_They're coming out with 1.1 for KDE 3 first which is in freeze for release now, yes
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13:35.16neuzo[15:33:23] <neuzo> there will be possible to run kde4.1 with a kde1.0 desktop theme?
13:35.24neuzo[15:33:41] <neuzo> with no graphics useless things?:p
13:35.50annmagraphics useless things hu?
13:36.01Sputlike buttons and widgets?
13:36.07annmado you need a desktop environment or not neuzo
13:36.07neuzothe various windows decorations
13:36.30annmaKDE is a desktop environment which has a window manager
13:36.32neuzoand the various 3D effects like compiz-fusion
13:36.33cyber_fusionkde has supported various window decorations since 1.0
13:36.43annmathe effects ar eof as default
13:36.56neuzocan i deactivate them?
13:36.57annmabut KDE is a desktop environment which has a window manager
13:37.15annmarun KDE without window manager?
13:37.32cyber_fusionyou can even killall kwin, no sure why you'd want that though
13:37.34annmapoints neuzo to minimal BSD
13:37.38neuzoannma: i m talking about the decorations like as trasparency, and animation on resize
13:37.47dwinsneuzo: yes, those can be disabled
13:37.48annmathat's not decorations neuzo
13:37.48cyber_fusionthose are off by default
13:37.59neuzook XD
13:38.01annmaneuzo: I said effects are off as default
13:38.08annmabut KDE has windows
13:38.14neuzothen my 2 gigs of ram will be ready for kde4 XD
13:38.24annmaneuzo: you don't need those
13:38.32annmaI build KDE on 1Gb and run it
13:38.53annmaI know someone with KDE4 on 256 Mb RAM
13:39.00neuzomh :o
13:39.28neuzouh.. so .. lots of wm decoration kills sys-resources..
13:39.31neuzolike as vista :o
13:39.35neuzoram killer XD
13:39.57cyber_fusionnope not like vista, the decorations (when possible) use the 3d acceleration of your graphics card
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13:40.34neuzois it good a nvidia geforce go 7600?
13:40.58cyber_fusionyep I use it on a nvidia 6800 :)
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13:41.14neuzo+ intel core duo T2600 + 2 gigs ram ddr2? :| are good for kde4 then? :|
13:41.15dolioWith your computer it's ridiculous for you to be worried.
13:41.30cyber_fusionlol, way to good
13:41.39neuzoit's 2 years old...
13:41.43neuzoi think..
13:41.47annmaneuzo: you should develop with such a machine
13:41.53neuzoso i am worried :\
13:41.56cyber_fusionnvidia is not however the best card (in terms of developer support)
13:42.08neuzoyes i am learning c++
13:42.27neuzoand i already develop in php, by 4 years
13:42.29cyber_fusioni'm running kde4 on an old p4 (2gb ram)
13:43.30oneforallI have a intel D 805 and only 1GB ram DDR :(
13:43.34neuzonow iam more quite
13:43.46neuzothank you :)
13:43.53cyber_fusionno problm glad to help
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13:44.18cyber_fusionif you'd like to help with development you can find more information on
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13:44.42neuzonow ill ask for kde4 development involving..
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13:45.17neuzowhere i can found infos about kde4 packets? :| and infos about kde-developing way to mantain each package?:|
13:45.23oneforallso can some one please tell me of that list what I'd have to recompile for qt4/kde4
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13:46.11neuzooneforall: i think nothing... just kde4-libs with same qt4 use flags set if you're using gentoo
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13:47.54sandsmarkneuzo: what kde packages? is nice, fwiw
13:48.25oneforallhmm guess I could grep the logs I think I still have them for qt. and if none compiled against qt3 . then its fine eh
13:48.26ab0oowith KDE4, is there a way to enable fast desktop switching ala Compiz (Ctrl-Atl-$ARROW), or am I stuck with that awful Ctrl-F1 -> Ctrl-F4?
13:48.38neuzoin primis, i'd like to develop a software to convert dvd2avi, because i didn't found one of 'em for kde..
13:48.47annmaoneforall: distro is gentoo?
13:48.52sandsmarkneuzo: k3b has support for it
13:48.53dwinsneuzo: k3b can do it
13:48.56dwinssandsmark: :P
13:49.00sandsmarkdwins: pwned =)
13:49.06annmaoneforall: I told you to look in techbase, did you do it?
13:49.07neuzouHUHU xd
13:49.14ab0ooI can live without the spinning cube effects, but not having ctrl-alt-arrow switching is a dealbreaker
13:49.15Kenjirogood morning
13:49.22annmaoneforall: did you find the buiold page on techbase???
13:49.31oneforallannma yes but I don't even see any of those listed there
13:49.45annmaany of those what?
13:49.58Sputab0oo: can't you assign shortcuts to those actions?
13:50.02KenjiroI know this question might be silly but... how can I add "buttons" or "launchers" for my apps? Like... I would like to have a button to start firefox on my taskbar, for example
13:50.05SputI'd be surprised if you couldn't
13:50.12oneforallannma the post I made
13:50.15Sputand the spinning cube is coming to kwin4 as well
13:50.18ab0oonot that I can find, Sput
13:50.18BlueGannma, jucato: so if a script is looking for a users kde stuff, it should first check $KDEHOME, then try ~/.kde?
13:50.23sandsmarkKenjiro: drag them there
13:50.28sandsmarkBlueG: yes
13:50.36sandsmarkBlueG: but why do you want to check manually?
13:50.38Kenjirosandsmark: hmmmmmm let me try ;)
13:50.46sandsmarkBlueG: rather use kreadconfig and kwriteconfig =)
13:50.48oneforallannma  can some one tell me if these have to be compiled against qt4 or if the ones I allready have are ok. excluding if they wan a newer version .
13:50.54ab0ooahh, perhaps I can...
13:51.00Sputab0oo: there is kwin actions "move one desktop up/down/left/right"
13:51.19ab0oofound it, just as you typed it
13:51.33ab0ooI was looking in the desktop effects menu.
13:51.44sandsmarkab0oo: well, it isn't an effect =P
13:52.01oneforallI have most of them from kde3 so if they don't need a recompile it would be nice :0
13:52.01ab0ooaccording to compiz, it is  :)
13:52.02sandsmarkstupid compiz making people confused
13:52.05Kenjirosandsmark: oh  yeah, it works *LOL*
13:52.16sandsmarkKenjiro: ^_^
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13:52.39sandsmarkKenjiro: a norwegian supermarket chain has the slogan "the simple is often the best" (or something along those lines =)
13:52.43annmaoneforall: on there is a list of requirements just pick your distro and follow it
13:53.02annmaoneforall: is it a compiled distro that you use? why do you want to compile things?
13:53.21annmaif your distro gives you qt4 it'll give you pyqt4 as well
13:53.48annmaI for sure do not compile anything except poppler
13:53.55oneforallok it might be requird but it wantiong to know if its going to be compiled againsta qt or if it doesn't need to be
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13:54.09oneforalllike no use recompilign it if it doesn't need it
13:54.39sandsmarkoneforall: what are you trying to accomplish?
13:54.43annmano idea
13:54.58annmawhat is your distro oneforall
13:55.00Kenjironow let me find the icon for kontact...
13:55.10ab0ooSput:  thanks for the tips.  I think I'm happy, for the time being.  I miss the spinning cube more than I thought I would, though.  :)
13:55.10oneforallpyqt4 well tnat ones abviuos :) but like libraw1394 libdvdread libgphoto2 gst-plugins-base gstreamer sip openexr libzip sqlite
13:55.25Sputab0oo: as I said, the spinning cube will come
13:55.30Sputab0oo: it's a GSoC project
13:55.36oneforallannma my cross compile of slackware to 64bit .
13:56.01ab0ooGSoC, gotta love it.  hook 'em young.
13:56.04sandsmarkoneforall: you can use ldd to see if they link against qt
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13:56.22oneforallPyQt  of course would be PyQt4 thats abviuos
13:56.23Sputhad a beer with that guy recently, he also did the various tab switching effects for kwin4 :) nice guy
13:56.44annmaoneforall: so doesn't your slackware take care of this???
13:56.52oneforallah yeah damn forgot about that .
13:56.56sandsmarkoneforall: you can probably script it so something walks through the depencies, uses your package manager to get it's binaries, run ldd, and then uses the package manager to map backwards which packages the depencies belong to =)
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13:57.10sandsmarkdebian has some very nice scripts for exactly this =)
13:57.22sandsmarkdh-shlibs or something
13:57.28oneforallno as I said it my crosscoompile . but its pretty close to slack
13:57.50annmaYOUR crosscompile???
13:58.01annmaI have no idea what a crosscompile is
13:58.03sandsmarkoneforall: aren't you on too deep waters, now? =)
13:58.18oneforallyes I cross compiled 32bit slackware to 64bit a while back
13:58.25sandsmarkcrosscompile = you compile binaries for another platform than what your buildsystem is
13:58.50annmaand that makes you on your own about dependencies?
13:58.58annmawhy do you want to do taht
13:59.11AlexElliottSlackware makes you on your own about deps, by design.
13:59.24AlexElliottA lot of folk don't like that, but it's a niche thing
13:59.56oneforallwell most are not split out thats why . other than normal seperate libs  packages etc
13:59.57sandsmarkdependencies are way overrated, or something?
14:00.29AlexElliottNah, just that people who use Slackware prefer to handle them themselves.
14:00.34tuxicksandsmark: try building gnome from scratch :)
14:00.37sandsmarkAlexElliott: what does packagers for slackware do, then?
14:00.44oneforalllike building an app and taking out the libs and headers to another package . nope . stays in
14:00.51sandsmarktuxick: I build kde from scratch for each new snapshot =)
14:01.01Sputhugs his Gentoo
14:01.03tuxickkde is easy
14:01.09sandsmarkoneforall: Arch Linux and Gentoo do that too =)
14:01.09AlexElliottThe package manager just handles upgrades, installation and removal of packages really.
14:01.11tuxickgnome = dependency hell
14:01.21sandsmarkAlexElliott: like tar? =)
14:01.26tuxickmutually incompatible minor versions of 1000 libs
14:01.33oneforallyeah that was fine  years ago I guess when you had a small drive :)
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14:01.42oneforalland it was for the non compilers
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14:02.01sandsmarkoneforall: I think it's more bandwidth related
14:02.28oneforallonly deps I look for are the normal one(other libs . not the forced split out ones app-devel pff
14:02.32sandsmarkmany people in the world are still on bandwidth
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14:03.12oneforallyeah I allways was too but its the same when you have to go get it again ;)
14:03.12sandsmark*dial up
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14:03.28sandsmarkoneforall: you can look at our kde41 pkgbuilds here:
14:03.40oneforallstill the same amout to have to go grab it
14:03.43sandsmarkArch doesn't split out into -dev-packages, so it should be pretty sane dependencies =)
14:04.15oneforallsandsmark the package is ok . IU was just hoping some one might know off hand .
14:04.28sandsmarkoneforall: know what?
14:04.42sandsmarkmy english isn't very good, I'm sorry =/
14:05.07oneforalloh if some of those wouldn't  have to be recompiled .
14:05.33xenonr_rhello everybody
14:05.35sandsmarkoneforall: if you're changing architecture, everything must be recompiled
14:05.42oneforallthats ok I'll just do the ldd of grep the build log
14:05.53sandsmarkoneforall: but Qt 4.4 is backwards compatible all the way to 4.0, afaik
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14:05.56oneforallsandsmark no thats all done long time ago now
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14:06.04sandsmarkoneforall: ok, then, nothing =)
14:06.42neuzowhat do u think about nokia acquisition of trolltech?
14:06.50sandsmarkneuzo: all fun and glee
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14:07.10neuzothere will be a nokia pc suite for kde ? XD
14:07.29Kenjiroanyone know where to find the icon for Kontact on the "K menu"?
14:07.31sandsmarkneuzo: no need =P
14:07.46sandsmarkKenjiro: depends on your distro
14:08.16Kenjirosandsmark: I compiled kde 4.1 from source, so my distro didn't mess with that ;)
14:08.22neuzooh no i need nokia pc suite for linux XD
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14:08.30sandsmarkKenjiro: oh, ok, search for it =)
14:09.07sandsmarkKenjiro: you can also right click in a random folder in Dolphin -> Create new -> Link to application, fill in the details, and then drag that down to the panel
14:14.40thiago_homeKenjiro: it's on Office on the default KDE menu
14:14.57thiago_homeKenjiro: if you're not using the default KDE menu organisation, you should ask whoever changed it (generally, your distro)
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14:16.06inf1nitylXhas some one install kde4.1.0_beta2?
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14:43.37Ramblurrhas anyone's kwin been raping their cpu lately?
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14:44.26Ramblurr...with a recent trunk ?
14:44.46jazkayes, if I enable vsync
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14:57.49mikko777can anyone inform me how to change menubar icon in kde4?
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14:58.22_julianhi all
14:58.31_julianis kitchensync for kde4 already done?
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15:09.41hgfhello i have kde 3.5.9 and lenny,when is available kde4 in lenny?
15:09.54thiago_homewhat is lenny?
15:10.05thiago_homeknows the Simpsons character, but I guess that's not the issue at hand
15:10.15thiago_homeask in #debian then
15:11.00Jejemthiago_home: hey, simpsons !!
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15:16.26jalshow come alt + tab doesn't seem to work in kde4
15:16.38gkiagiawhy clicking on an rss link in konqueror doesn't open akregator but shows it as html in a new tab? (which is malformed html...)
15:16.42annmait works very well
15:16.56annmajals: you can even set it diofferently with Desktop effects
15:17.25gkiagiajals: maybe you are using kwin effects and you messed up with the alt-tab switch effects?
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15:18.27morhadhi! to Thunderbird user: have the methods to use shortcuts like ctrl+v, ctrl+x, ctrl+c with Thunderbird 2.0 when I create message?
15:18.55jazkawhat that has to do with kde?
15:20.01annmamorhad: ask in your distro channel please
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15:20.29jalsi'm not sure what i've done
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15:21.31Half-LeftAny good tips on building qt-copy?
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15:21.54annmaHalf-Left: follow the README.qt-copy is the best tip
15:22.04annmait's straighforward
15:22.06Half-Leftannma: They are the best options?
15:22.21Half-Leftcool, building
15:22.22jalshmm, alt + tab seems to be set in keyboard shortcuts
15:22.36annmaI mean: no, they are written there so it'll mess your build
15:22.45annmaHalf-Left: ^^
15:23.01annmajals: kde installed with distro?
15:23.26jalsi upgraded from 3.x to 4.1 beta
15:23.37annmamaybe ask in #kubuntu
15:23.38Half-Leftannma: I can remove my disto Qt4 and install this, should be ok
15:23.44jalsi did, they're useless in there :(
15:23.55annmaHalf-Left: why would you do so?
15:24.03annmause your distro qt!
15:24.16Half-LeftDont want to rely on it, it dont have Qt-copy
15:24.45gkiagiajals: does alt+f2 and other shortcuts work for you?
15:24.46annmadistro Qt4 is perfectly OK
15:24.55jalsyeah that one does
15:25.17Half-Leftannma: It was in backports, though they maybe testing it or soemthing
15:25.26jalsyou can use compiz in kde4 right?
15:25.37annmajals: kwin has compositing
15:25.43annmawe don't use compiz
15:26.03jalsok well i just enabled compiz and that fixes the shortcuts
15:26.14gkiagiajals: but technically you could use compiz, its just another window manager
15:26.22jalsi like compiz :)
15:26.41annmakwin is better
15:26.47jalshow so?
15:26.48Half-LeftAs a window manager is sucks like metacity, Oops sorry, did I say that :p
15:27.02annmahow so as it is KDE jals
15:27.09gkiagiaannma: I definitely agree :)
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15:28.44Half-Leftannma: I said what you was thinking, sorry :p
15:30.27Half-LeftProblem with compiz is it's not very well intergraded into GNOME, they have a compositor but it's very basic
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15:40.09ExilantDoes anyone know how that click-link-by-pressing-key (press ctrl, choose letter beneath link) thing in konqueror(3.5.9) works? i.e. i want to know how i can reach the other links after the first 40ish
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15:42.49kniolet_Exilant: what happens when you press it on a page with more than 40ish links?
15:42.55kniolet_i dont even know one to test it...
15:44.18Exilantwell, the first links get numbered a-z, 0-9 or so, and the others don't get any keys
15:44.22kniolet_from what i can tell, you get A-Z and 0-9 and i guess any more than that, you are SOL?
15:45.04kniolet_its a slang expression. s*&% out of luck
15:45.18Exilantah, thx :)
15:45.29kniolet_i dunno for sure though
15:45.32kniolet_but thats my guess
15:45.48Exilantwikipedia etc. have more than 40 links
15:45.54Exilantoften a lot more
15:46.05kniolet_ok. i just tried it on yahoo news, they seem to also
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15:50.46annmaanyone here with KUbuntu kde4 beta 2 by any chance please? I need to check something for a bug report
15:51.55annmahey people, wake up!
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15:57.46downhillgamesdoes KDE[4] control the repeat rate for the keyboard or is that handled soley by X?
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16:05.57gkiagiadownhillgames: system settings -> keyboard & mouse -> keyboard
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16:06.25gkiagiano idea how it is implemented, but you can configure it from kde
16:06.50downhillgamesI can't log in
16:07.03downhillgamesevery key registers for 3-5 characters
16:07.07downhillgames(including backspace)
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16:07.58downhillgamesthis is from VMware Tools (I'm runnning Kubuntu in a VM), but I want know if changing the KDE settings effects KDM, or if I'm completely wrong and it's all based on X
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16:09.24gkiagiadownhillgames: actually the problem may rely on vmware. seems like the virtual machine is not synchronizing with the real time clock
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16:10.10downhillgamesgkiagia, that's not what I wanna hear ;) but I'm already in #vmware as well... let's see what they have to say
16:10.32downhillgamesgkiagia, ah, wait, it can't be that... the terminal is fine
16:10.35downhillgamesit's only with X
16:10.48gkiagiadownhillgames: hmm... no idea then
16:10.49downhillgames(and I only have KDE4/KDM-KDE4 installed)
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16:44.30Ayabarakwin is at 20-50% cpu all the time on my T7500@2.20GHz in KDE4.1 Beta2.
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16:49.12Ayabaraanything I can debug to check why kwin is using that much cpu?
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16:54.02Half-LeftAyabara: Do you use effects?
16:54.34AyabaraHalf-Left: yes, but it was kinda slow even before that
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16:55.08Half-LeftTurn VSync off in the effects
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16:57.50AyabaraHalf-Left: that helped a lot
16:58.19Half-LeftIt's a known issue
16:58.58AyabaraHalf-Left: ok. much more responsive now, though a tad slow when I change desktops
17:00.06Half-LeftHopefully it will get worked out before final
17:00.29Half-LeftAyabara: Let me guess, nvidia?
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17:02.56ak5hello, how do I startkde? i have no startkde :(
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17:04.10ShirakawasunaI'm confused.... how do I access an old 'wallet' for kwalletmanager?
17:04.27ShirakawasunaI've forgotten a password and would like to figure out what it is, but don't know where to look
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17:06.03Shirakawasunaright now it's giving me "binary data" that I can't view, btw.  That's if I use the backup kwl from ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet
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17:06.25krishany app to capture pics from laptop cam?
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17:16.37kishoreShirakawasuna: you should be able to view the password through kwalletmanager
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17:17.12Shirakawasunakishore: that's what I'm trying to do
17:17.43Shirakawasunakishore: I open up kwalletmanager, make a new wallet, select 'merge wallet', it asks me for the password, I put it in, and select a key.
17:17.54ShirakawasunaThen it tells me that it's "binary data" and "application specific", and cannot be viewed
17:18.54kishoreyou mean you have forgotten the password for the wallet itself?
17:19.09kishoresorry...i have never tried the merge option
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17:21.06kishoreShirakawasuna: here, after opening the wallet and selecting the option to show contents for the password, it shows the password in plain text
17:21.23Shirakawasunakishore: How did you open the wallet?
17:21.40kishorei open kwallet manager which then lists it out
17:21.54nightrowhi. Using kde4b2 on kubuntu, i find it very anoying not to be able to move a panel widget where i want it to, in a drag and drop fashion. It is a planned feature ?
17:22.11Danmergwenview in beta2 launches in the top left corner of the desktop, so the window decoration is above the screen
17:22.42Shirakawasunakishore: it's a bit different for other wallets ;)
17:23.01Danmerso i decided to change it's default placement in kwin settings, that are special for application (right click on decoration -> advanced -> special application settings), but the settings after pressing "ok" are not saved and are restored to defaults
17:23.25kishoreShirakawasuna: so this wallet that you want to open is not your default and is from another user or installation?
17:24.19Shirakawasunathere we go, got it
17:24.32ShirakawasunaI renamed the kwallet file, then dragged it onto the kwalletmanager
17:24.34Shirakawasunalame :D
17:24.37Shirakawasunabut at least it worked
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17:25.01Shirakawasunakishore: yeah, that's the case.  Problem solved now, though :D
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17:25.09Shirakawasunakishore: thanks for helpin'
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17:25.25kishoreso how did it work?
17:25.54kishorei was just about going to try the merge option
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17:26.55nightrowNo one know for my applet questio n ?
17:27.47kishorenightrow: it is a planned feature but may not be for the near 4.1 release
17:28.11Shirakawasunakishore: I had to drag the .kwl file onto the manager window
17:28.11nightrowok, thanks, i'll thus not write a bug report
17:28.18Shirakawasunakishore: it didn't like the title at first, so I had to rename the file
17:28.20Shirakawasunathen it worked ;)
17:28.42kishorenightrow: IIRC, fedora people hacked in something to make that possible
17:28.54kishoreShirakawasuna: strange indeed!
17:28.55Half-Leftnightrow: What is anoying?
17:28.59Shirakawasunawhich is a bit silly if you ask me.  There should be an 'open .kwl' option somewhere, either in the main kwalletmanager 'file' menu or the 'file' menu of a new wallet
17:29.13Shirakawasunamaybe the 'merge' option is just broken?
17:29.30*** part/#kde Danmer (n=Etrans@
17:29.32nightrowHalf-Left : we cant drag applet in panel atm
17:29.56kishoreShirakawasuna: maybe file a wish. i agree, an option to open a wallet would be useful
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17:30.18Half-LeftNightraven: You can in svn trunk version
17:30.27Half-LeftNightrow: You can in svn trunk version
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17:31.09nightrowHalf-Left : kde seems to be evolving fast, good job
17:31.19kishoreHalf-Left: since when? my build from yesterday does not allow it
17:31.35Half-Leftnightrow: You dont have panels locked do you?
17:31.52Half-Leftkishore: My build is thos morning
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17:32.03nightrowHalf-Left : they are unlocked of course
17:32.04Half-LeftAnd it did it a few days ago
17:32.29nightrowHalf-Left : and i'm using kubuntu 4.1b2
17:32.31Half-LeftI just dragged my clock into the panel
17:32.33kishoreHalf-Left: oh! i must be missing something then
17:33.07Half-Leftnightrow: They are known to have their own bugs
17:33.23kishoreHalf-Left: oh ok a misunderstanding there. i thought nightrow was talking dranggin to rearrage panel applets
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17:33.38kishorewhich is not yet available
17:33.39Half-Leftoh ok
17:33.54Half-Leftkishore: planned for 4.2 :)
17:34.16nightrowi'm talking about moving applet already in panels, which can't be done with what i have ...
17:34.50kishorenightrow: thats right as mentioned... planned for 4.2
17:35.08*** part/#kde Danmer (n=Etrans@
17:35.09Half-Leftnightrow: Yes that can't be done yet, you need to dragging icons directly where you want them for now
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17:35.57Half-Leftbug fixes are more important and plasma is ALOT more stable than it was
17:36.04nightrowok, this is just a little bad to have to wait until 4.2. I'm wondering which version of kde4 will be "fetaure complete"
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17:36.24nightrowHalf-Left : true, plasma is much better than in kde 4.0
17:36.33kishorenightrow: short answer... no version!
17:36.33Half-Leftnightrow: I heard SUSE has that features, maybe backport it
17:36.42kishore:-) there will always be feature addition
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17:37.42nightrowwell i'm considering it as usefull, while many feature are more "bonus" (and for me they can wait)
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17:37.55Half-LeftThe panel config is good enought for 4.1 in my view, alot of bugs are fixed which is better
17:38.32nightrowtrue enough
17:38.35kishoreagreed. moving within the panel is not that a deal anyway, i i dont reconfigure my panel everyday
17:38.38Danmerbut you still cannot move items on panel
17:39.05Half-LeftNo but get ti right first time then\
17:39.09Shirakawasunawow, you can't move itmes on a panel?
17:39.11Shirakawasunathat's pitiful
17:39.14kishoreand its easy to drag from the add widget dialog into the panel to the position you want it to be at!
17:39.17Shirakawasunawith all due respect ;)
17:39.37Shirakawasunaskip the eyecandy if such basic functionality is getting sacrificed :/
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17:40.15nightrowkishore : it is easy, but you still have to know it ... (i didn't found it alone)
17:40.34Half-LeftBasic functionallity is open to debate
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17:41.26kishorenighatrow: agreed. we lack documentation but that why everyone of us have to pitch in to help the others
17:41.36Half-LeftI have my icons configure how I want and I'm no expert, so should you
17:42.12Shirakawasunaif you have to trick the system into getting what you want, that's a failure in functionality :/
17:42.46ShirakawasunaKDE has been centered around the idea of avoiding that kind of thing, after all
17:42.48Half-LeftIt's a feature that will be added, all new software never get s new stuff on release
17:42.49nightrowkishore : for me which like bleeding edge software, this is not a problem. for a standard user, i'm more sceptical ...
17:42.53Shirakawasunahence all the options in kcontrol
17:43.17Danmerand panel resizing tool is driven me mad :)
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17:43.37Half-LeftUse kicker then
17:43.40Shirakawasunathis is an old feature ;)
17:43.52ShirakawasunaI think even win95 would let you do this
17:43.56Danmerbut kicker is from kde3
17:44.05kishoreDanmer: really. I thought that was nifty and people that i showed it to were impressed too
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17:44.17kishoreinteresting is how peoples taste varies
17:44.38Half-LeftShirakawasuna: Please stop the moaning, KDE4 is very new in design techically
17:44.58ShirakawasunaHalf-Left: yes, I know.  And I'm not moaning, I'm making a simple and accurate point.
17:45.51Half-LeftShirakawasuna: So did you moan about kicker in on first release, did it have the same fetures as 3.5?
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17:46.03ShirakawasunaHalf-Left: I bet it did, actually.
17:46.14ShirakawasunaI didn't use 3.5.0, though
17:46.25ShirakawasunaHalf-Left: do you have a build of 3.5.0 for testing this out on?
17:46.36kishorei think he refers to 3.0
17:47.08kishore3.5.0 was rather mature
17:47.19Half-Left3.0 not 3.5
17:48.13Half-LeftSome peopel just dont get it
17:48.30ShirakawasunaI wouldn't know on that one, either.  It is entirely possible that it did, however it also would be a false analogy
17:48.39Shirakawasunawe're talking about the 4.1 release, so 3.1 would be better
17:49.16kishorein any case, in my personal opinion the panel move not a sho stopper as its a more or less one time setup for me and basic user would just use the distro default
17:49.26rdietereveryone wants their pony
17:49.55Half-LeftShirakawasuna: Do you know anythign about KDE?
17:49.55Shirakawasunalol, thanks for the personal criticism, guys ;)
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17:50.02ShirakawasunaHalf-Left: yes
17:50.15ShirakawasunaHalf-Left: would you like to insult my intelligence a bit, get into a flamewar?
17:50.28Half-Leftok, KDE3 was not a big jump like KDE4 is so
17:50.52Half-LeftShirakawasuna: I prefer to do it with fact and I will win so
17:51.17Shirakawasunauh-huh ;)
17:51.31ShirakawasunaI'm sure that's why it had to start getting personal.  All of your 'fact'
17:51.33rdieterShirakawasuna, Half-Left : be nice
17:51.41Half-LeftBut if you want to be posative and contribute then do so
17:52.00ShirakawasunaI do.  I file the occasional bug report.
17:52.14Half-Leftgood for you
17:52.22Shirakawasunaand my criticism is constructive, on the offchance that a dev ever sees the convo
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17:52.32Shirakawasunait's fairly simple: before eyecandy, basic functionality
17:52.52Half-LeftShirakawasuna: it's been said a thousand time in here, you've added nothing
17:53.04Daanteit's open source, go and fix it
17:53.13ShirakawasunaHalf-Left: then it clearly needs to be said again
17:53.14Daantecan't be that hard
17:53.17kishoreShirakawasuna: the problem with the argument is the definition of "basic"
17:53.30kishorelike in my oint of view panel move is not basic
17:53.31Half-LeftShirakawasuna: Why?
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17:53.53ShirakawasunaHalf-Left: because if your claim is accurate, it's being ignored by the devs despite fairly massive support for it
17:53.56Half-LeftGo to #plasma and say it 10 more times
17:54.05Shirakawasunaafter all, thousands of times on this channel = lots of people.
17:54.10nightrowShirakawasuna: if you don't like it, help fix it, otherwise don't blame people not paid to give you such a software
17:54.22Shirakawasunaoh goody, more personal attacks
17:54.33ShirakawasunaI'm not being a hypocrite by advocating a simple position
17:54.41Half-LeftShirakawasuna: it's a planed feature, it's known, like all the other features you want, it needs to be coded, tested and put in order
17:54.42kishoreShirakawasuna: i think the option is "good to have"
17:54.59Shirakawasunapersonally, I have no coding skills.  If I did, I'd likely work on a KDE project of some kind.
17:55.10nightrowi never said that, but if you want to be coherent, don't stop at cristism, help it getting better
17:55.11kishorein fact given that the fedora ships with the feature its already coded
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17:55.22Shirakawasunanightrow: it's the implication :/
17:55.22kishorejust not integrated upstream!
17:55.29Shirakawasunain fact, it's what everyone is implying atm
17:56.03Half-Leftknows why aseigo dropped out of public view now
17:56.15Shirakawasunathe mere fact that I've said one should be able to move these things around before putting in the eyecandy is interpreted as some hypocrite who could just go out and change the source himself, contribute, whining at some devs because they didn't put in a specialized feature in for him, for free
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17:56.25Shirakawasunareally, now
17:56.31ShirakawasunaI'm simply stating a personal opinion
17:56.41Half-Leftwhich means nothing
17:56.48Shirakawasunaand have never implied that I don't appreciate the hard work going into KDE
17:56.51Half-Leftwell all have them
17:56.53Shirakawasunaso feel free to bugger off, Half-Left ;)
17:57.14Half-LeftNo lightly, your first
17:57.35kishorechill guys.. everyone's said what they want to
17:57.50kishorelets leave that there
17:58.09Shirakawasunaaww, I want more flamewar
17:58.28Half-LeftThen get kicked go for it
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17:59.14kishoreShirakawasuna: if this is being fun for you i beg you to reconsider as it can be very damaging to peoples morale
17:59.14Shirakawasunalol, let's just drop it.  I was making a joke, but you apparently do you want a flamewar ;)
17:59.21Shirakawasuna(you = Half-Left)
17:59.23Shirakawasunaso, convo over
17:59.42rdieterkishore: full disclosure, fedora just borrowed an opensuse patch, and as-is, kinda sucks, not really upstreamable.  all: work is underway for a proper solution, so folks, chill.
17:59.45nightrowwell a lots of work is going done, critism for fun is not always welcome ...
18:00.11Shirakawasunakishore: well, I'd answer your point about morale, but we should avoid the topic, as people can't seem to keep from getting personal about it
18:00.57Shirakawasuna"for fun", lol.  Thanks for the assumptions and yet another veiled personal attack
18:01.18Half-LeftSome people are born to be trolls
18:01.22Shirakawasunaare you guys dropping it or not?  I can flame just as bright as any of them.
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18:01.43rdieterShirakawasuna: you've been warned, stop now, really.  you've had your say.
18:01.54Shirakawasunayes, and I keep telling others to drop it...
18:02.00nightrowhalf-left : let said he choosed the right channel for that :p
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18:02.21Shirakawasunardieter: I see that you're not complaining about the last two personal attacks on me ;)
18:02.23Half-Leftnightrow: :p
18:02.49rdieterShirakawasuna: you're kinda bringing it yourself, you know.  please heed the advice you've been given.
18:03.36Shirakawasunardieter: ah, I see.  So your position wasn't based merely on civility.
18:03.45Shirakawasunalike I said, I'm dropping it
18:03.49Shirakawasunaso you guys have fun with the pettiness
18:03.59Shirakawasunafeel free to PM me if you care that much about it
18:04.16Half-LeftTalk about digging youself  into your own hole
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18:04.42Shirakawasunakishore: meh, I'll just discuss with you, to change the topic slightly ;)
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18:05.09Shirakawasunakishore: I don't think criticism of the type I presented hurts morale, I think devs are mature enough to understand the difference between whining and constructive criticism.
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18:25.20peterzlkhansen: hi
18:25.26Haroinhi all
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18:28.25peterzlkhansen: hi, you there?
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18:37.42PhilRodhi milik
18:38.56milikcan somebody help with prelink - i have such errors
18:39.19milikIt concerns only KDE apps
18:41.40PhilRodmilik: if no-one here knows, you could try #kde-devel
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18:42.24milikPhilRod ok i try
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18:43.16Half-Leftprelink is dated, preload is better
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18:44.58Half-LeftMilk ^
18:45.30miliki search on google :)
18:45.50Half-LeftJust dont use prelink :p
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19:15.31ak5__hello, how can I get the windows to sap together in kde 3.5
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19:27.04pacman87ak5__: control center > desktop > window behavior > moving
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19:44.34animeshany idea about NVIdia driver crashing in kde4
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20:25.06dbbddbdb_Hi!  Is it possible to make different icons for empty directories, non-empty directories and really full directories?
20:25.40dbbddbdb_Or something like an icon that gets fatter logarithmically
20:25.45Carutsucan anyone confirm this: Kate's bookmarks's blue line (which is displayed in the scrollbar) lose the "sync" to the document when the bookmar is not near the top ? it's in Kate from recent SVN snapshot
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20:29.01Carutsunevermind i already filled the bug
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20:33.47hacksilberis this for some basic help with kde4?
20:34.04hacksilber<ie bind win key to kickoff> ?
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20:35.24hogejoHello guys! I bet you all use Kopete. how can I make the names on IRC appear different color, according to the names?
20:35.33hogejoI am blue, and all the rest is "redish"
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20:37.34hacksilberanyone know how to bind the win key to kickoff in kde4?
20:37.47SimAtWorkhogejo: settings->configure konversation
20:37.57SimAtWorkhogejo: colours->coloured nicks...
20:37.58SimAtWorkturn that on
20:38.01SimAtWorkselect some colours
20:38.05*** join/#kde jj-jj (
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20:38.18SimAtWorkthen you're done
20:38.24SimAtWorkwatch out for the dirty pigeons
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20:40.16hogejoSimAtWork: what version of Kopete
20:40.24hogejowhere is colors -> coloured nicks?
20:41.20Half-LeftOoo, look at all this svn goodness tonight
20:41.44KenichiroWanna Play Fun RPG game ? /q me or join #HypeRPG
20:42.14Half-Leftyou spoil us :p
20:42.28tictricapropos Konversation
20:42.42tictricVersion: 1.0.1+ #3214
20:42.52djouallahHalf-Left, ?
20:43.20tictricone machine with hardy and kde4.1beta2 only
20:44.05tictricosd does not work
20:44.05tictricother machine same installation
20:44.05tictricdifferent hardware osd does work
20:44.05tictricany suggestions?
20:44.16tictricin kde3.5.9 it works on either machine
20:44.47tictric#konversation's veeery quiet :)
20:45.39Half-Leftdjouallah: lots of svn trunk goodies
20:46.06djouallahdo u mean cursur thing
20:46.12*** join/#kde Fieldy (n=~0x0a@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
20:46.20KenichiroWanna Play Fun RPG game ? /q me or join #HypeRPG
20:47.19Half-Leftjust generally
20:47.29*** join/#kde t (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
20:48.20Half-Leftbuilds release mode for the time being, not crashes :)
20:48.20SimAtWorkhogejo: sorry.. i thought you said konvesation
20:48.22djouallahok happy that you are happy tonight
20:48.25*** part/#kde Kenichiro (
20:48.46hogejoSimAtWork: hmm.. never do that one.
20:49.17Half-LeftI was happy last night and the night before :p
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20:51.32djouallahHalf-Left, pffffffffff i am trying to be kind ;) why do implied you were not happy before, british humor ;)
20:51.53*** part/#kde Fieldy (n=~0x0a@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy)
20:52.04hacksilberso kde4, any idea how to bind winkey to kickoff?
20:53.22*** part/#kde downhillgames (n=downhill@unaffiliated/downhillgames)
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20:56.10Half-Leftbuild baby, build!!
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20:57.17timriIf it has not changed since 3.5.9 the short answer is "you cannot". Win is a modifier (like ctrl etc.) and someone didnt like the special-casing needed to make it work.
20:57.17timriThat being said, you could try
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20:58.37Half-LeftThey sure didn't make keyboards future proof
20:58.39*** part/#kde hogejo (
20:59.22timriHalf-Left: The layout hasnt changed much in 100+ years though.
21:01.41Half-Lefttimri: I mean the windows key
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21:02.26SimAtWorkHalf-Left: future proof?
21:02.30SimAtWorkHalf-Left: in what way?
21:02.32timriHalf-Left: I disagree. Precisely because Win is a modifier it makes it more futureproof
21:02.43SimAtWorkit's not a windows key, it's a linkey
21:02.55timriAnyway: My kmenu opens with Ctrl+Esc or Win+space :)
21:03.33SimAtWorki wish there where more modifiers though
21:03.57Half-LeftSimAtWork: Win key is not future proof, i.e other OS's would need to modify it so
21:04.13SimAtWorkHalf-Left: it's only a name.  call it a lin-key.
21:04.16SimAtWorkthe it's future proofed.
21:04.47Half-LeftIt's got a log on it, so it's not
21:04.48SimAtWorkthe eee pc doesn't even have a linkey
21:04.50timriHalf-Left: The Eee Pc uses a little house instead of the MS Windows logo.
21:05.18Half-Lefttimri: Right which is future proof
21:05.18SimAtWorki need to install either ubuntu or gentoo on my eee pc
21:05.25SimAtWorkHalf-Left: it's just a name. who cares.
21:05.56SimAtWorkif it bugs you that much, buy a bag of dog stickers from the dollar store and start calling it the puppykey
21:07.14Half-LeftI'm saying it's not future proof, which means it has to be changed when other OS's are used
21:07.15timriSimAtWork: there's also eeeXubuntu
21:07.56SimAtWorktimri: have you tried it?  is it good?
21:08.04SimAtWorkdoes it use kde?
21:08.13*** part/#kde J-23 (
21:08.19timriSimAtWork: Have not tried it, and it uses XFCE (?)
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21:09.51Half-LeftA keyboard should be generic in it how it works and looks, not stamped with Windows logo for a action that dont do the samething in other OS's
21:10.47timriHalf-Left: Use morsecode
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21:11.36Half-LeftI wouldn't expect them to put a Penguin key on a eeepc either :p
21:12.10SimAtWorkHalf-Left: don't you thikn there are more important things to worry about than the icon that is on a modifier key though?
21:12.24*** part/#kde hacksilber (
21:12.25SimAtWorkHalf-Left: like the fact that nvidia is refusing to make open source drivers
21:12.40Half-LeftSimAtWork: Like global warming yer I suppose
21:12.54timriSimAtWork: I concur. I've always hated the Pause/Break key.
21:13.29SimAtWorkpause break is ok.... the caps lock key on the other hand....
21:13.49Half-LeftSimAtWork: Thats always been the case, nvidia have a right not to if they so wish
21:13.51SimAtWorkactually, there is something i wanna fix big time caue i've had at least 5 people in this office complain to me about it
21:14.10SimAtWorkanyone know how ic ould make it so if i drag a url to the desktop (from say, firefox) it'll create a url link instead of asking for a file name?
21:14.13timriSimAtWork: OK? the thing doesnt generate a scancode half of the time. Btw: to whet your appetite:,470.msg6509.html
21:15.14SimAtWorki love compiz
21:15.22SimAtWorki guess i'm installing eeeXubuntu!
21:15.49*** join/#kde sven_oostenbrink (n=sven@
21:16.19Half-Leftcompiz is good if you like GTK window managers :)
21:16.36SimAtWorki use compiz-fusion with kde all the time
21:16.38SimAtWorkit's a great match
21:17.06Half-Leftyou dont get KDE window features
21:17.26Half-Leftit's not even fully complient with GNOME
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21:18.04SimAtWorkHalf-Left: like what?
21:18.22Half-Leftlike KDE window manager features
21:18.23SimAtWorki do miss some of the kwin options.. like window specific settings.
21:18.29SimAtWorkbut you know.. pretty well every other feature is there
21:18.49Half-Leftright, it just does metacity ones and even thats not fully complient
21:18.51SimAtWorkcan you name one that is missing other than window specific settings?
21:19.08SimAtWorki think you are talkinga bout an old old old version of compiz and not compiz-fusion at all
21:19.47Half-Leftreally?, because I ran it and all it had was metacity features, nothing kwin at all
21:20.00*** join/#kde Rotech (
21:20.13SimAtWorkHalf-Left: can you be more specific?
21:20.17SimAtWorklike.. what feature
21:20.29SimAtWorkoh, and i can't set windows bordersless
21:20.29Half-LeftLike I said, it does respect GNOME window placements like metacity
21:20.32SimAtWorkwhich actually is a pain.
21:20.44SimAtWorkbut i use that very very rarely anyhow
21:20.57Half-LeftI'm just saying
21:21.55Half-LeftI think kwin's implementation is much better for KDE, compiz was developed with GNOME in mind after all
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21:24.33Half-LeftSimAtWork: compiz is the cool kid that gets all the attention, but not right in the head :p
21:25.17SimAtWorkthey both do prety much the same thing
21:25.24*** join/#kde Vortex375 (
21:25.30SimAtWorkonly fusion looks and feels fantastic
21:26.35SimAtWorkman i  love the fsview
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21:29.19supert0nesdo plasma apps get the same focus as other windows?  It would be nice to be able to use the mouse scroll through folderview
21:29.33Half-Leftonly you can't use oxygen boarder and have to use emerald or metacity themes :p
21:30.11*** join/#kde DanielW2 (
21:30.24Half-Leftsupert0nes: They get focus yes
21:30.34supert0nesoh nevermind... when i bring plasma to the front it allows for mouse scrolling.  I think compiz may be the problem
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21:30.46PadreBananasplease help
21:30.58PadreBananasis possible to compile kdebindings on slackware?
21:31.04Half-LeftAgain, another issue :p
21:31.17PadreBananasi've solved the phonon issue...
21:31.21PadreBananasnow i type make..
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21:31.33PadreBananasafter 20 minutes...54% :(
21:31.36Half-LeftNo you sorry
21:32.05PadreBananassipkdeuipart0.cpp:35916: warning: ‘contextMenuEnabled’ is deprecated (declared at /opt/kde4/include/ktoolbar.h:128)
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21:33.00PadreBananasi think is a memory leak..
21:33.08PadreBananaswhat the fuckin hell..
21:33.15Half-Leftsupert0nes: they get focus onver other plasma widgets not windows
21:33.47PadreBananasif someone want to help
21:33.58supert0nesi have a scroll between desktops feature in compiz and it chooses that over scrolling in foldeview
21:34.46Half-LeftWell compiz has it's own mind in KDE
21:35.04supert0nesi know but damn there are just some things very hard to get rid of
21:35.20*** join/#kde dwinslow (
21:35.20Half-LeftIt's a window manager after all
21:36.01*** join/#kde lovedaddy (
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21:39.13*** topic/#kde is KDE 4.1 beta 2 is out! See | KDE FAQ: | Help writing KDE docs: #kde-docs | Bug Squashers in #kde-bugs | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde |
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21:45.39jalshey how can i resize the launcher icons on the panel in kde4?
21:45.42jalsthey're rather large
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21:47.15blizzzekhi, is it possible to use regexp in folderviews filter, and if so: how?
21:47.32jalsHalf-Left, yes
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21:48.01Half-LeftRight click pane>Panel settings and resize it
21:48.10jalsi don't want to resize the whole panel
21:48.14jalsjust the launcher icons
21:48.32jalsthe shortcut icons
21:48.36jalslike firefox, amarok
21:48.39Half-LeftHow can you make the icons bigger without the panel being bigger?
21:48.47jalsi want them smaller, like 2 rows
21:48.55Vortex375you can't do that in kde3 either, they always fill out all available vertical space
21:49.16jalsthey were 2 rows in kde3 for me
21:49.28jals2 rows of smaller icons
21:49.38Half-LeftYou you scale the panel the icons will get bigger, though not in trunk no more as yet
21:49.51jalseh ok, i can live i guess
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21:50.48Vortex375is there a way I can move/rearrange element on the panel in kde 4.1?
21:51.22Half-Left4.2 will
21:51.43Half-Leftyou have to take them out and re add
21:52.08Vortex375well that sucks, because you have to choose all settings all over again (like for the clock)
21:52.31Half-Leftyep for now
21:52.52*** part/#kde peterzl (
21:53.13Vortex375and I'm also missing the option "Add as QuickBrowser" when you drop a folder onto the panel - I hope that will reappear in 4.2
21:53.17SimAtWorkyou guys talk way tooo much
21:53.21SimAtWorki have a log file for #kde
21:53.23SimAtWork273 mb lol
21:53.56blizzzekso no idea about folderview?
21:53.59SimAtWorkVortex375: i'm not using kde 4 yet.. but can' you back up the settings for the clock and then restore them?
21:55.08Vortex375SimAtWork: I wouldn't know how - all I can do is right-click and choose "configure clock". then when I remove and re-add it, all settings are back to default values
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21:59.40Kebianizaocould anyone confirm this for konqueror 4.1:when having one konqueror instance already open, run konqueror from a konsole. In this new instance go to konqueror preferences->plugins
22:00.20Kebianizaocan you see the regular dialog?I'm seeing a warning telling that another dialog instance is already running
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22:03.25techousei'm running kde 3.5.8 on freebsd 7.0 and i'm wonderin why there are no compression option shown when i rightclick a file (i have all the compressors installed)
22:04.08Half-Lefttechouse: You need kdeutils most lightly
22:04.54Half-Leftwhich contains Ark
22:05.21jalsi'm starting to dig kde 4
22:05.41Half-LeftNot into a hole I hope :p
22:06.53jalsi was apprehensive, but actually, it's quite smart
22:06.59jalsand once it's out of beta i'm sure it'll be even better
22:07.11techouseHalf-Left: i have kdeutils and ark
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22:07.24nightrowquestion for kde4 dev : is the new startup menu being reworked ? i don't know why i currently have to said 2 time that i want to shut to pc down ...
22:07.49techousei'm wondering why there's no tar.gz, 7zip etc
22:08.34techousebut i'll recompile them
22:08.37techouselet's see not
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22:09.42Half-Leftnightrow: You mean it dont shutdown proper from the menu option?
22:10.37nightrowi mean i have to said to shut down, and then a new window open asking me if i want to shut it down, logout or restart it
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22:11.45Half-Leftnightrow: Well it's confirmation thats all, it's easy to hit shutdown by accident and then it just shuts down
22:12.13*** join/#kde engineer (n=marinept@unaffiliated/engineer)
22:13.03nightrowwell a confirmation window would be easier to understant, atm it's like it have to tell it 2 time the same thing ...
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22:14.25Half-Leftnightrow: Yes it's a important confirmation, people bind keys to it or keyboards have shutdown keys, may kid has done that quiet a few times
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22:14.55Half-LeftPress one key and it shuts down
22:15.28nightrowok, see like that, why not
22:15.40Half-LeftYer there evil, if you have kids there nothign but headaches
22:15.57*** part/#kde sjraarke (
22:16.25techouseHalf-Left: make a jail or chmod :D
22:16.35techouseand put them into that
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22:20.08abhishekI recently created a rpm using krpmbuilder everthing seemed to fine later i realize that the package is not properly formed as the program is not starting giving following error : ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(  ), pid = 19127, errno = 11
22:20.44techouseabhishek: compile from source and install from there?
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22:21.33techousetry using checkinstall if you're on linux
22:21.42abhishekyes my tar.gz is working after compiling and running but i want my rpm to work
22:21.53techousecheckinstall it
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22:22.05techouseget the svn to some dir
22:22.11techousego into it
22:22.16techouseconfigure the thing
22:22.19SimAtWorki need my computer to be faster
22:22.26SimAtWorki think i have finally reaached enough ram though..
22:22.27techouseand run checkinstll -R or something
22:22.32techouse-D = .deb
22:22.39techousei dunno what's .rpm
22:22.52SimAtWorkrpm is french for dog turd.
22:22.52techousebut it will make an .rpm and install it
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22:23.20timriSimAtWork: Merde de chien?
22:23.26abhishekactually i have made the rpm using kde rpm buider
22:23.28SimAtWorkwii wii
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22:25.26abhishekduring the building process i could make out that there was an uexpected exit IO error the rpm was formed in the i386 folder and got installed also but the program is givin the mentioned error
22:25.43Half-Leftwhat the hell!, svn up is not working
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22:29.06abhishekDaante: I recently created a rpm using krpmbuilder everthing seemed to fine later i realize that the package is not properly formed as the program is not starting giving following error : ICE default IO error handler doing an exit( ), pid = 19127, errno = 11
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23:00.26oneforallso is this phonon going to stay bundled with qt or kdelibs ? I heard it might be with kdelibs .
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23:01.34pinotreeno more
23:03.34oneforallno more as in kdelibs ?
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23:04.37pinotreeoneforall: it's shipped with qt, or as standalone product
23:04.45pinotreeno more, as in no more with kdelibs
23:05.42oneforallhmm found out for it to build in qt i needed gstreamer built first . so now deside if i rebiuuild it or do it as aseperate package :0
23:05.52oneforall2nd is a bit tempting right now
23:06.20oneforallat their page thou and don't see a link to dowload it seperate
23:06.42pinotreeqt's phonon is not enough for kde 4.1
23:06.48oneforall svn thou
23:06.56pinotreeyou need to get it from svn, branches/phonon/4.2
23:07.31oneforallok then I'mm make the seperate package then
23:07.54oneforallI have qt-r819958
23:08.41oneforallthat the right trunk I posted there
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23:09.47pinotree<pinotree> you need to get it from svn, branches/phonon/4.2
23:11.23oneforallthat where I end up from the links for dowload O.o
23:11.40oneforallor the 4.0 so far
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23:13.03oneforallsvn checkout svn:// this should work right
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23:13.19oneforallerr 4.2
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23:20.00oneforallvn checkout svn:// didn't work
23:20.54lemmaoneforall: you need ../branches/phonon/4.2 as pino stated :)
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23:22.01oneforalloh damn was reading as  4.2/phonon
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23:23.13oneforallok should I add spave the phonon so it makes the phonon dir . because that weird haqveing the version number at the end
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23:23.48oneforallnormallly used to svn being the name at the end and then space name_you_want
23:24.16lemmaoneforall: kde svn is complicated :) branches/KDE/x.x contains the KDE sources for the x.x version
23:24.32lemmaoneforall: branches/phonon/x.x contains the sources for phonon
23:24.52lemmaoneforall: that's because phonon is not a part of the KDE release (more or less)
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23:27.04oneforallsvn checkout svn:// phonon  ok that works ;)
23:28.52Hoenikkerhow do i uninstall the "scrollbar fix", it just doesn't look good in firefox (makes the checkboxes/tabs look weird)
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23:30.15oneforallis there a web base for that too ?
23:30.18lemmaHoenikker: maybe this helps
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23:30.57Hoenikkeri just now realized it's an ubuntu question, sorry
23:31.18hungerIs there a way to get rid of those cashews in the top left corner of a kde4.1 desktop?
23:31.22lemmaHoenikker: np :) at least I learned what the "scrollbar fix" is
23:32.02lemmaoneforall: sorry, I didn't get you. a webpage for what? phonon? and if so, user or developer related?
23:33.05oneforallno to view that branch.trunk
23:33.18lemmaoneforall: ooh, of course :)
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23:39.05oneforallok this is weid CMake Error: Did not find automoc4 (part of kdesupport)  then how does qt build it with out that installed first
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23:39.31pinotreeqt does not use cmake
23:39.37Jucatooneforall: automoc isn't necessary for Qt. moc != automoc
23:40.12Jucatowaves to pinotree
23:41.14oneforallso then for phonon seperate package you do kde first then phonon or at least the kdesupport one eh
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23:42.11Jucatooneforall: phonon requires automoc, so kdesupport -> phonon -> kdelibs
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23:44.15Jucatobtw, it's always kdesupport (which isn't part of a KDE release) before KDE. phonon used to be in kdesupport iirc, so it's part of the group
23:46.00*** part/#kde vinadot (n=vinadot@
23:50.45oneforallhmm I never got tat one but I was trying to do all the deps first and make a list ;)
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23:52.41oneforallin a final package is that bundles in one ?
23:53.24Jucatokdesupport are made up of packages that are developed in KDE and are required by some modules in KDE (not necessarily always kdelibs or kdebase). they are packaged separately
23:53.45oneforallwell weird I'm looking at his for slackware and I don't see kdesupport and yet he compiled phonon-4.1.83.tar.bz2 o.O
23:54.27Jucatooneforall: each library or part of kdesupport is usually packaged separately. there is no "kdesupport" package
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23:54.53Jucato(of course that still depends on the distro... but... that would be foolish to packge it into one monolithic thing)
23:55.15oneforallok thats what I meant was it part of some other package when the final src is zipped uiup and ready to go :) oir well other packages
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23:55.56Jucato<Jucato> kdesupport are made up of packages that are developed in KDE and are required by some modules in KDE (not necessarily always kdelibs or kdebase). **they are packaged separately **  :D
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