IRC log for #kde on 20080420

00:00.06*** join/#kde zxiiro (
00:01.02mhallthanks for the tips guys
00:01.11mhalli'm going to go see about cleaning out my metadata
00:04.46jrickwill KDE4 in /trunk let you change the right click functions on the desktop yet?  I like having my (3.5 style) kmenu pop up on the desktop on right click (*box style)
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00:51.18randomselis there a known issue with the current qt-copy from svn?
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00:52.05pinotreewhat's the problem?
00:52.07xoqawell that answered my question ;P
00:52.12randomselg++ -c -include .pch/debug-shared/QtXmlPatterns -pipe -g -g -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DQT_SHARED -DQT_BUILD_XMLPATTERNS_LIB -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_ASCII_CAST_WARNINGS -DQT3_SUPPORT -DQT_MOC_COMPAT -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -I../../mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I../../include/QtCore -I../../include/QtCore -I../../include/QtNe
00:52.12randomseltwork -I../../include/QtNetwork -I../../include -I../../include/QtXmlPatterns -I.rcc/debug-shared -Iacceltree -Idata -Iapi -Ienvironment -Iexpr -Ifunctions -Iiterators -Ijanitors -Iparser -Iqobjectmodel -Itype -Iutils -I../../tools/xmlpatterns -I.moc/debug-shared -I.uic/debug-shared -o .obj/debug-shared/qacceltreeresourceloader.o acceltree/qacceltreeresourceloader.cpp
00:52.13randomselIn file included from acceltree/qacceltreebuilder_p.h:68,
00:52.17randomselutils/qpatternistlocale_p.h:213:2: error: #error "Patternist uses exceptions and cannot be built without."
00:52.19randomselIn file included from utils/qxpathhelper_p.h:59,
00:52.19pinotreeerr, pleasebin
00:52.23randomselutils/qpatternistlocale_p.h:213:2: error: #error "Patternist uses exceptions and cannot be built without."
00:52.25randomseloops, sorry
00:52.29randomselmy bad
00:52.50xoqais there a crashes plugin that restores konqeuror tabs, like the one stated on, because i can't find one
00:53.16xoqawherefore is thy plugin?
00:53.26pinotreekde3 or kde4?
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00:53.38xoqapreferrably 4
00:53.40pinotreekde3 is kdeaddons
00:53.54pinotreekde4 is extragear/base
00:54.02randomselright, qt-copy building error
00:54.38pinotreeeither you enable the exceptions or disable patternist
00:54.47pinotree(although it should be disabled in that case)
00:55.03pinotreeclean completely your qt-copy, and reconfigure it
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00:55.34randomselhrm, would that be make clean or delete the whole directory?  svn revert . -R doesn't seem to work
00:55.50pinotreenone of the things you said
00:56.08randomselok, thanks, will report back afterwards
00:56.13pinotreethat is part either of the kdesdk-scripts, or the subversion tools
00:57.40pinotreeis off to bed
00:59.24xoqanight pinotree
00:59.34xoqai'll see if i can't find the packages in apt
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01:05.35xoqaanyone know where in apt the packages pinotree mentioned might be?
01:05.57xoqaor even on the extragear website
01:06.10xoqai can't find them... i can manually install them if needed
01:06.24xoqai just badly want those features so i can use konqueror instead of firefox
01:06.51randomsellet me check
01:07.01xoqathanks randomsel
01:08.18randomselseems they're in svn
01:08.55xoqais that for kde4 as well?
01:10.16randomselthat one's for kde4
01:10.54randomselmight be easier if you could find prebuild packages, or you'll have to build from source  :(
01:11.27g2g591it might be easier to install gentoo and use svn ebuilds ("packages") to install svn kde
01:12.07xoqasweet, thanks randomsel.. i'll install them from source
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01:12.34xoqag2g591: i'm not in the mood for gentoo atm :)
01:13.17g2g591xoqa: im not in hte mood of having to reinstall fresh every 6 months atm :)
01:13.33g2g591*buntu's release upgrader ALWAYS failes
01:13.48g2g591or at least it has the 3 times i tried it
01:14.03jrickarch ftw :)
01:15.15*** join/#kde smithjd (
01:15.25xoqag2g591: i didn't like portage continually having build errors.. it's a nice system though.. opensuse and kubuntu are what i'm using currently
01:15.37xoqai've installed 10+ gentoo systems in the past though :)
01:16.02g2g591portage rarely has had build errors for me :) , and kubuntu's kde 4 packages were broken
01:16.10g2g591opensuse is OK
01:16.23xoqaopensuse's kde4 packages were bad for me
01:16.39xoqaerr.. still are :P
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01:53.02DanielWis current kde svn now usable again (because of current plasma changes)?
01:53.44g2g591DanielW: as of this morning, the system tray is broken, but, otherwise , fine
01:54.19DanielWi need the system tray.  a few day ago a lot was broken. so i went back to an older rev
01:54.32xoqais there something i'm doing wrong... svn keeps giving me a 301 moved error when trying to checkout or list
01:54.59xoqawhile working with
01:55.58g2g591svn co doesn't work?
01:56.51g2g591oh, wait its svn://
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02:02.00xoqasvn: Client error in parsing arguments...
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02:27.38PhilRodxoqa: what command gives you that error?
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02:29.29xoqaPhilRod: co
02:30.08xoqasomeone in #svn suggested  looking for the kde documentation on what url to checkout
02:30.24PhilRodyeah, take a look on
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02:30.30xoqai got these errors after using svn:// and http://
02:31.08xoqai've never seen that site
02:31.11xoqame likey
02:31.24PhilRodsvn:// I think
02:32.55xoqawell that was close... svn: No such revision 799001
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02:34.13xoqaPhilRod: got it!
02:34.21xoqathe url was svn://
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02:50.27maazukde 4.0.3 is nice!
02:50.33maazuthank you all so much
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03:01.05Rominawhen I click the middle mouse button which pastes previously selected text
03:01.05maazudid you all upgrade to kde4.0.3?
03:01.11Rominawhat command is beeing executed then?
03:01.16Rominawhats the "paste" command?
03:01.20maazui did and kde4.0.3 can logout without segfaulting
03:01.43maazupreviously, kde4.0.3 logout -> shutdown only exits to shell
03:01.57maazunow, kde4.0.3 logout->shutdown actually powers down
03:01.58Rominathere must be 2 different "paste-commands"  .... the first for stuff copied by using the CTRL+C  shortcut  (pasted by  CTRL+V)  and the other method is just selecting text
03:02.05maazuthank you all so much
03:02.07Rominaand pasting it by the middle mouse button
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03:02.16Rominaso what command does the middle mouse button execute?
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03:46.12xoqawhen i said i'd build a program from source.. i figured it'd have a configure and make file :P
03:46.34xoqanot real sure what to do with the crashes plugin files
03:46.46xoqamaybe... i dunno...
03:46.55nixeaglexoqa, you need to grab MOC and the various kde stuff >.>
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03:47.59PhilRodxoqa: if it's kde 4, you'll need to use cmake - there should be some info on
03:48.00xoqanixeagle: MOC?
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03:55.50ragsagaris kubuntu 8.04 coming with kde 4??
03:56.34grundleborgragsagar: #kubuntu
03:56.37nixeagleragsagar, probably better to ask in #kubuntu ,no?
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04:41.59nokheathi all, which kde ftp is good?
04:42.23nixeaglenokheat, pick one :P
04:42.51nokheati tried kftp and got nothing, then i tried kbear...
04:43.06nokheatkbear is not satisfactory as it dont unicode
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04:43.52PhilRodkftpgrabber, or konqueror perhaps
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05:33.32newball of you
05:33.37newbi lost my kde meny
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05:46.53newbi lost my kde menu for all my users any sudgestions?
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06:17.03Shadow_milIt KDE wallet secure?
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06:21.11JmGVShadow_mil, should be
06:21.21JmGVi mean, information is encrypted
06:21.54Shadow_milWhat type of encryption does it use?  And how many bits?
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06:22.21JmGVi can remember just now, I think it was DES, 128bits
06:22.27JmGVbut not sure
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06:25.19Shadow_milWhen it opens the wallet data does it use secure memory?
06:26.15Shadow_milIll just use PGP
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06:50.43haYnguyhow can I be able to type in korean
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06:52.55haYnguyhow do i get language support
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06:57.47sabayonlive-1242can i get some help plz
06:57.54hlamerHow I can switch of displaying window title in the kde?  (3.5.8)
06:58.30Jucatosabayonlive-1242: about what?
06:58.33Jucatohlamer: what do you mean?
06:59.12hlamerWhere are window title bar at top of window, with name of window and buttons "Maximize", "Close" etc.
06:59.34hlamerDo I can remove this title generaly, for it's not taking place on screen?
07:00.36Jucatohas trouble understanding...
07:01.18hlamerJucato: Sorry my english. Are you understanded, what I mean "Window title bar" ?
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07:01.40eagles0513875does anyone know where i can find a list of all necessary packages that are needed for kde to function.
07:01.52Jucatohlamer: yes. it is missing?
07:02.41hlamerJucato: No, it's visible, but I want to hide it. I don't need, I use shortcuts
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07:05.31jmgvI have just installed kde on debian, but, when I start kde, i cant see the desktop. I mean, I havent got any panel, and i cant see anything in the backgroud. Only a backgroup with squares gray and white. with packed am i missing?
07:06.10Jucatohlamer: hm.. sorry. not sure if you can remove the Window title, but you can remove the buttons
07:07.18hlamerJucato: maybe you know, Do I can do it on kde4?
07:09.06Jucatohlamer: you can remove the buttons.. but not the title (name). System Settings -> Appearance -> Windows -> Buttons tab -> "Use custom titlebar button positions
07:10.24hlamerJucato: Thanks
07:10.41JmGVI have just installed kde on debian, but, when I start kde, i cant see the desktop. I mean, I havent got any panel, and i cant see anything in the backgroud. Only a backgroup with squares gray and white. with package am i missing?
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07:12.12JucatoJmGV: you might want to ask in #debian or #debian-kde. but sounds like you're missing almost everything... I think they have a kde-core package that installs a base KDE system (as in very very basic)
07:13.52eagles0513875Jucato u have any idea where i can find a list of all the pkgs in kde
07:14.12Jucatoeagles0513875: I already gave you a list for KDE 3.5
07:14.20Jucatoer wait.. all "packages"?
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07:14.32Jucato(btw, KDE doesn't make packages except for source tarballs)
07:14.49eagles0513875Jucato ya cuz im making custom modifications to it so that i can use a more light weight version of it for a cluster os that im working on
07:15.28Jucatoeagles0513875: might want to try this:
07:16.56eagles0513875thanks Jucato
07:17.33JmGVinstead using debian package, could i install kde in other way, i mean, compiling it for example
07:17.52Jucatosure, if you're up to it
07:18.11Jucato for KDE 3.5
07:18.33JmGVso.. i think i should wait a little before install kde4 inst it
07:18.39JmGVit is no very usable
07:19.13JucatoI'd suggest waiting at least for KDE 4.1 (July or August)
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07:21.14JmGVokey thanks
07:21.26JmGVi would like helping with this project
07:21.31JmGVdo you need people
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07:25.00JmGVnow i come back
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08:24.12Isil`Zhahallo. the new konsole doesn't have a way to set default sizes any more. at least i can't find it. i would like to have newly opened terminals having a predefined size. irrespective of manual resizes i did at some point.
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08:27.00JucatoIsil`Zha: you can do that with Window/Application-specific rules instead
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08:27.33Jucatoright-click on the titlebar -> Special Application Settings -> Geometry tab -> Size set to Apply Initially
08:27.45Jucatoor Force if you don't want it to be resized at all
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08:46.54Isil`ZhaJucato: sorry i missed your answer. that means i can't do it if i use konsole with something else than kde?
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08:48.11zizzfizzixhi guys!
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08:48.26zizzfizzixdon't know if there is any specific channel for win32 port
08:48.29JucatoIsil`Zha: I guess so..
08:48.32Isil`ZhaJucato: well actually. not too bad i guess. thanks for clarifying.
08:48.35Jucatozizzfizzix: #kde-windows
08:49.18*** join/#kde kaminix (
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08:54.26*** join/#kde ahmad (n=ahmad@
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08:54.48ahmadanybody home?
08:55.05mark_alecis at his home
08:55.25ahmadhi can you help me
08:55.43nickscan anybody help regarding RHCE test ?
08:55.43mark_alecmaybe, just ask your question and if i can't, someone else might be able to
08:56.03mark_alecnicks: this is #kde ...
08:56.05*** join/#kde sabayonlive-1429 (
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08:56.16ahmadi have installed kde4
08:56.37ahmadi dont know where is menu edit?
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08:57.21harmentalhey guys....does anybody know a tool for creating video captures (besides wink and recordmydesktop)??
08:57.26Jucatoahmad: right-click on the K Menu (Kickoff) icon or run kmenuedit (or kmenuedit4... depending on your distro)
08:57.52*** join/#kde Ardarandir (
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08:59.47Jucatoahmad: #kubuntu-kde4
09:00.13ahmadno body at room
09:00.44ahmadkubuntu-kde4 no answer
09:01.05*** join/#kde annma (
09:01.09Jucatowait for an answer. or try what I said
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09:06.00legacywhich is the best at this time kde3 or kde4?
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09:07.08annmalegacy: what do you use in KDE?
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09:08.03legacymany things, kopete, konqueror, etc
09:08.20annmakopete 4 is not up to 3 I think
09:08.28*** join/#kde Phlogi_ (
09:09.07annmayou can still install kde4 and use kde3 apps on it
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09:09.34annmaif you heavily customize your desktop I woulsay to stick witj kde3 though
09:09.39*** join/#kde Pinaraf (
09:10.48legacycan i have widget in kde3 like kde4 has?
09:12.04Jucatoyou can try Superkaramba
09:12.49*** join/#kde maki_d (n=chatzill@
09:13.32legacyby the way, why does sometime xmms stop to respon in kde4?
09:14.24annmaso you have kde4 already?
09:14.42annmawhy would it stop to respond? and what does that mean?
09:15.41legacyi can't play the song and can't be closed
09:15.56*** join/#kde picca (
09:17.02legacyit can be closed before i click "play"
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09:17.19annmause dragon player
09:17.33annmarun xmms from konsole through gdb
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09:20.05legacyi'll try it
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09:21.32maki_dhi all
09:22.58bram85looks like ALSA blocks XMMS
09:23.10bram85assuming you're on linux
09:23.42maki_di have submitted this bug report , but i can't make a backtrace cause the dialog isn't a crash handler but a dialog
09:24.25*** join/#kde bluesceada (n=itsjustm@unaffiliated/bluesceada)
09:24.26annmamaki_d: this is ktorrent for kde4?
09:24.35maki_dannma: yes
09:24.46annmaI don't have it
09:25.28annmait only happens with ktoorent? did you put other apps in Autostart?
09:25.48maki_dyes, akregator, kmail kopete, nicotine ...
09:26.27annmawhat if you restart the session as it was and ktorrent is on?
09:27.14maki_dthat works fine, i don't get any errors, only autostarting is the problem
09:28.07*** join/#kde GNU\c0l0 (
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09:47.30kaminixI have a problem. By adding commandline stuff in /etc/rc.local I've made my OS start my network interface automatically; however, KNetworkManager (a OpenSUSE app, I know) won't recognize the interface, Konqueror won't connect to the Internet and Kopete won't connect to the Internet. On a sidenot, Firefox also starts in offline mode.
09:49.01annmais it a KDE problem?
09:49.25annmaor wouldn't you have the same problem running GNOME?
09:50.57kaminixannma: I have no idea really.
09:51.07annmaI think so
09:51.35*** join/#kde xijiao (n=epocher@
09:51.54kaminixSince it affects Firefox too, I suppose so.
09:52.53annmabetter ask your distro for support or Google
09:53.02thahacker07what distro
09:56.59thahacker07kaminix <--- is that the prob
09:58.26thahacker07sudo route add default gw
10:01.00*** part/#kde ahmad (n=ahmad@
10:01.27kaminixthahacker07: I don't think so. The background is, before I installed the Hardy Heron Release Candidate my network worked fairly well, then when I had upgraded it was limited to 1mbit and an unstable connection. I've now blacklisted the old drivers and installed one I compiled myself which works only I have to start it manually. However, when starting it manually some applications doesn't seem to want to use the 'new' interface; as such
10:01.27kaminixKopete's MSN protocols (seems Jabber works), Konqueror and KNetworkManager won't start and Firefox comes in offline mode by default but works if I just turn it off.
10:01.35*** join/#kde agnitio_ (
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10:06.10thahacker07you on wireless kaminix
10:06.12pjv_hi if i lock a session, would my apps like ktorrent and kmail etc, would they still be running?
10:06.24thahacker07pjv yes
10:06.29pjv_thank you
10:07.34*** part/#kde pjvwork (
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10:09.03annmaanyone here has KDE 4 on a EeePC?
10:09.13annmaI'd like to find an image for it
10:09.52*** join/#kde Zaister (
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10:10.54theunixgeekwhy can't you resize the panel in KDE 4? :(
10:11.11kaminixthahacker07: Yes I am. Sorry for taking my time to answer.
10:11.15annmatheunixgeek: kde4 version?
10:11.17*** join/#kde vpilo (
10:11.32theunixgeekannma: I'm not sure which one I tried out; the question just came to my mind?
10:11.34*** join/#kde SmatZ (
10:11.40theunixgeekit's 4.0.something ;)
10:11.42annmathen find out please
10:11.45thahacker07kaminix i have the same prob on sabayon
10:12.01annmatheunixgeek: is it the LATEST 4.0?
10:12.22kaminixthahacker07: No idea on how to solve it yet I presume?
10:12.25annmaany Help -> About KDE will tell you
10:12.26theunixgeekwhy? can you resize it in 4.0.3?
10:12.38annmaresize in height
10:12.53theunixgeekwhat about centering?
10:12.57theunixgeeklike in KDE 3?
10:12.58annmayeah, be specific in your questions
10:13.00*** join/#kde piquadrat (
10:13.09thahacker07kaminix i fixed it from doing net-setup
10:13.23kaminixthahacker07: net-setup?
10:13.26annmatheunixgeek: KDE 4 is NOT KDE 3
10:13.37annmatheunixgeek: be innovative
10:13.40thahacker07kaminix i dont know if that command is available on kubuntu
10:13.44theunixgeekannma: I know, but I miss that one feature....
10:13.48annmabe new, be free
10:13.56annmajust forget you miss it
10:14.09annmait'll come in 4.1
10:14.11*** join/#kde warwick (
10:14.14kaminixthahacker07: Ah, the Gentoo/Sabayon network setting tool used in the setup?
10:14.17Skrot-theunixgeek: I think you'll be able to resize it both vertically and horizontally as well as centering it by KDE 4.1
10:14.19annmaI have it more or less
10:14.33theunixgeekSkrot-: I'll have to wait for that :P
10:14.37annmaSkrot-: let's hope it'll get fixed
10:14.42theunixgeekit's in July, right?
10:14.44Skrot-annma: indeed :)
10:14.55thahacker07to kaminix my wireless is stable now and fully functional
10:15.09annmatheunixgeek: just put kicker for now
10:15.36annmajoining the plasma effort is also a good idea
10:15.36*** join/#kde kirun (
10:15.39kaminixthahacker07: Do you have the source code for the application? Maybe even I with my futile programming skills can see where the config files go and stuff.
10:15.39thahacker07but i am only new to linux only having 2 weeks use
10:16.12*** join/#kde aleksanteri (
10:16.12thahacker07k i will see if i can find it
10:17.15kaminixthahacker07: Wow, and using Gentoo? That's cool. :)
10:17.35kaminixI've tried Gentoo, but had a bunch of problems with typing in particular.
10:17.57aleksanterigentoo has a nice version of grep
10:18.09thahacker07kaminix: haha i have 13 distros at my disposal lol but i think sabayon has the most easy functions
10:18.36annmacool using Gentoo?
10:18.42annmawhy would it be?
10:19.04*** join/#kde plut0nium (n=plut0niu@
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10:19.16thahacker07the only prob i have is updating it as emerge -vauD world keeps bringing up masked packages and wont succesfully do it
10:19.21*** join/#kde hein2 (
10:19.24kaminixthahacker07: You're american? My main problem was getting åäö (Swedish) and my Japanese input to work.
10:19.26WindowsUninstallaleksanteri, are you sure?
10:19.38WindowsUninstall$ alias
10:19.38WindowsUninstallalias grep='grep --colour=auto'
10:19.38aleksanteriWindowsUninstall, yep, it has nice red highlighting
10:19.39thahacker07kaminix i am australian lol
10:19.44annmadistro war!!!!!!
10:19.45WindowsUninstallaleksanteri, :P
10:19.51WindowsUninstallit's only an alias :P
10:20.04annmaaleksanteri: I thought Gentoo was about having "real" sources
10:20.13kaminixthahacker07: Well, still only English characters. ^^ I blame that! ^^
10:20.17*** join/#kde plut0nium (n=plut0niu@
10:20.35thahacker07i aint here for a distro war :P
10:20.45kaminixNah, same. ^^
10:20.59*** join/#kde aameap (
10:21.24kaminixI'm here today to get my wireless functioning.... though I'm always here so I guess you can take that as you like. :p
10:21.35*** join/#kde schmidtma (
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10:24.33miwobbly in kde4 ....ccc
10:24.42thahacker07kaminix i got that source for you<----
10:25.00kaminixthanks thahacker07! You're my hero ^^
10:25.19*** join/#kde root__ (n=root@
10:25.21thahacker07yaya finally a hero xD
10:25.44aleksanterithahacker07 is moving up :P
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10:25.52annmathahacker07: ++
10:25.59aleksanterifirst he was <insert_former_rank_here>, now he's a hero rofl
10:26.27thahacker07and  a noob :P
10:26.31mehdihi to all
10:27.20mehdihelp me i can't connect with external modem
10:27.36thahacker07i wrote my own bash script the other day aswel lol
10:27.39annmamehdi: ask your distro channel
10:27.49mehdikppp send error : time out
10:28.52ann_eatinvites everyone
10:29.05*** join/#kde djouallah (n=mimoune@
10:29.23thahacker07well it is like 10pm here so a verry late lunch
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10:30.44thahacker07kicks jukebox metallica "one"
10:31.27djouallahi can't enter a bug in kde, how to make platform windows binaries !
10:33.14pinotreea) you can always open a bug and then changing the info later (or ask someone who can to do that)
10:33.33pinotreeb) i see "ms windows binaries" from the distribution method
10:34.13djouallahpinotree,  ok will see ;)
10:34.24*** join/#kde letto (n=letto@
10:35.01djouallahpinotree,  i already filled the bug ( which is confirmed) but how to change the platform ?
10:35.14pinotreewhat is the bug?
10:35.41djouallahBug 161039
10:36.11mehdihelp me i can't connect with external modem
10:37.05thahacker07mehdi: what distro you with
10:37.12djouallahit is visible in kde 4.0.067 binarries under windows, not compilled source actually
10:38.07*** join/#kde alleyoopster (
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10:38.38djouallahwhen i filled the bug i make installed from ms windows, but in the end it show compiled source, did i done something wrong ?
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10:39.55pinotreeOS and platform are two different things...
10:40.31*** join/#kde letto2 (n=letto@
10:40.43djouallahi made distribution method ms windows binaries, but i did not worked
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10:44.46djouallahpinotree,  please can you change this bug for ms binaries! please :)
10:45.05pinotreecan you please look in your mailbox?!
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10:59.14Fri13-pinotree: What does platform mean? ;-)
10:59.32Fri13-Like isnt' KDE a platform?
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11:12.56KlasRudianI have some trouble getting KDE-4 and KDE-3.5 to start... happend after I compailed and installed KDE-4....    my Xorg.0.log
11:13.58KlasRudianbefore i installed KDE-4 the 3.5 version worked....
11:14.54KlasRudiani see the nVidia logo and a mouse pointer for a few sec but then it all crashes
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11:19.57ann_eatKlasRudian: how did you install KDE 4?
11:20.45*** join/#kde Erick (n=erickj92@
11:22.01*** join/#kde harmental (
11:23.26KlasRudianannma, well i got gentoo so i unmasked KDE-4 and emerged it... i'm starting to think i'm missing some dependensy... but i cant figure out what...
11:24.10*** join/#kde david_ (
11:24.13annmaask in #gentoo
11:24.21*** part/#kde sabayonlive-2891 (n=sabayonu@
11:24.28annmaor #gentoo-kde I think
11:24.41KlasRudianyeah i'm doing it now :D
11:24.57lemmawayhey everyone! did someone already post some shameless plug on #kde-bugs lately? can i create a video from a bunch of jpeg or eps files???
11:25.47*** join/#kde kaminix^ (
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11:27.48lemmawayharmental: slideshow or animation?
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11:29.57harmentallemmaway: slideshow...(im not sure whats de diffference though)
11:30.30lemmawayharmental: by animation I meant "combining many single image to create an animated movie" like 25 jpg -> 1 second of mpeg
11:30.55lemmawayharmental: for slideshow you could give manslide a try. it's kde-apps rating of 92% goodness might imply it is what you're looking for
11:31.12harmentallemmaway: should work...
11:31.18harmentallemmaway: thx!
11:31.30lemmawayharmental: I hope that's the right name :)
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11:32.05lemmawayharmental: it is ;D ->
11:32.46maki_dhow can i make a backtrace from a crash that happens when kde4 is starting
11:33.15harmentallemmaway: cool...ill give it a try
11:33.25annmastart kde4 in gdb from tty?
11:34.03*** join/#kde boom1992 (
11:34.38maki_dannma: it will also show the errors caused by apps in that are autostarting ?
11:35.01*** join/#kde heymr_ (n=nathan@
11:35.09heymr_ay yai yai
11:35.14heymr_can someone please help me?
11:35.23heymr_I just did something reaaallyy stupid
11:35.28heymr_how can I revert thi:
11:35.35annmamaki_d: gdb after a crash can give you a bacacek tr
11:35.39heymr_chown 775 -R /home/me
11:35.41annmamaki_d: gdb after a crash can give you a backtrace
11:37.03*** join/#kde nlefk83 (
11:37.09heymr_chown 775 -R /home/me
11:37.15heymr_this is very bad, right?
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11:38.11annmaask your distro channel
11:38.16annmathis is not kde stuff
11:38.30heymr_annma: haha.
11:38.36heymr_this is just basic linux stuff
11:38.48annmaso google
11:38.51heymr_annma: sorry, your right
11:39.11Skrot-There's also #linux for general stuff :)
11:39.13heymr_annma: its just I did some funky alias thing and I cannot identify to speak to #archlinux
11:39.19heymr_Skrot-: k :)
11:39.51annmaheymr_: get a new nickname and identify it
11:40.07*** join/#kde f0rbid` (n=f0rbid@
11:40.13annmanot my fault if you are required to identify in your distro channel
11:40.49heymr_annma: how do I get a new nick?
11:41.57f0rbid`I'm trying to build kde4 from techbase's guide. I have installed boost library but when I try to build kdepimlibs cmake doesen't found Boost_INCLUDE_DIR. I have already set this variabile with /usr/local/include/boost-1_33_1 but it doesn't works too
11:42.39*** part/#kde heymr_ (n=nathan@
11:42.46annmaf0rbid`: did you remove the CMakeCache.txt file after installing boost?
11:42.52f0rbid`(I'm using slackware.)
11:43.00*** join/#kde erwin5908 (n=root@
11:43.29f0rbid`annma, I did not
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11:44.28annmaf0rbid`: start with that and rerun cmake
11:44.55f0rbid`annma, where's CMakeCache.txt ?
11:45.08annmain build dir of kdepimlibs
11:45.16f0rbid`yep, sorry for stupid question
11:45.41f0rbid`why did I remove this file?
11:47.11f0rbid`It doesn't works too
11:47.26f0rbid`if I try to modify manually the CMakeCache.txt file?
11:48.11annmawhat does boost say?
11:48.51f0rbid`it says:
11:48.54annmais it empty?
11:48.57*** join/#kde corban (
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11:48.58f0rbid`Please set the following variables:
11:49.07annmain CMakeCache.txt
11:49.22annmaf0rbid`: in slackware, did you build boost?
11:49.29*** join/#kde broeman (n=broeman@unaffiliated/broeman)
11:49.43annmafrom sources I mean
11:50.17f0rbid`annma, yes, and the /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/ exist
11:50.30annmaare the include in it?
11:51.12f0rbid`in this dir?
11:51.41annmain /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/ what do you have?
11:51.57*** join/#kde faemir (
11:52.25f0rbid`I have the boost directory with hpp files
11:52.29annmapaste the 2 first lines from ls in that dir
11:52.52f0rbid`I'm in /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/
11:52.58f0rbid`I'm in /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/boost now
11:53.16f0rbid`algorithm/                     noncopyable.hpp
11:53.24f0rbid`annma, yes
11:53.36annmayou said /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/
11:53.44annmanow you add a boost/
11:53.52annmanot sure this is standard
11:54.08annmanot sure  /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/boost is standard
11:54.31f0rbid`if I modify the CMakeCache.txt with /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/boost ?
11:54.39annmathat's mean
11:54.56annmathat's a mean hack which does not really address the problem
11:55.14annmaask in #slackware where people boost install
11:55.17annmafor a start
11:55.34*** join/#kde maki_d (n=chatzill@
11:55.43f0rbid`hum, the problem is to set Boost_INCLUDE_DIR variable
11:55.54*** join/#kde MeW_ (n=dirigean@unaffiliated/mew/x-344925)
11:56.00annmathis is because boost is not found that it asks that
11:56.07maki_ddo i need to make some custom script to run kde with gdb?
11:56.25annmamaki_d: start from tty and try gdb startx
11:56.27maki_dgdb startkde says that its not executable
11:56.36annmaI never did that but why not
11:56.39f0rbid`annma, boost are installed in /usr/local/include/boost-1_33/boost
11:56.51annmaf0rbid`: is that slackware standard???
11:56.56annmaf0rbid`: mine is not there
11:57.13*** join/#kde serguser (n=serguser@
11:57.16annmaf0rbid`: YOUR boost is installed here, what about other slackware?
11:57.34annmathat's why I said to ask
11:57.35*** join/#kde mi (
11:57.51annmaf0rbid`: to me it does not look at standard include dir
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11:58.02f0rbid`annma, I try to install boost with a .tgz
11:58.45annmaHOW did you install it? I asked you already but you did not answer
11:58.49lemmaharmental: sure, come over and go ahead!
11:59.13lemmaharmental: ah damn. I read wrong. I thought you wanted to join the bugsquad :D
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12:10.38f0rbid`annma, I have fixed
12:10.42f0rbid`I'm stupid ;D
12:10.50f0rbid`# installpkg boost-1.33.1-i686-1as.tgz
12:10.53f0rbid`this is the solution
12:11.45annmaso what was the problem?
12:12.02annmait was badly installed?
12:12.18f0rbid`yes, from source the directory isn't the standard of slackware
12:12.40f0rbid`Before, I have tryied to install boost from source
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12:17.50tuxickwell duh
12:18.09tuxickyou're not even supposed to mix those paths
12:18.59f0rbid`annma, the standard direcotory is: /usr/include/boost-1_33_1
12:19.09f0rbid`for slackware users
12:21.40annmathat's sane
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12:26.04tuxickfor a packaged install perhaps :)
12:26.16tuxickwonder what's taking kmail so long to check this account
12:26.33tuxicka firewall droppping packets would be understandable
12:27.29annmatuxick: ???
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12:28.28tuxickannma: added account info, and it takes minutes saying "checking account FOO for new mail"
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12:28.46tuxicki prolly mistyped pass dunno, i just don't see why it'd take so damn long
12:29.04tuxickexcept for the case where firewall drops packets
12:30.38tuxicki'm the typical demanding user: i want things to hurry up, and provide clues
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12:32.43verblendethi, when i start up kde it always load kmail, but it did that not before, where is the autostart value hidden? i have no autostart or similar in my tasklist, startbutton or so
12:32.51verblendetis this somewhere in the profiles?
12:33.04g2g591verblendet: its somewhere in ~/.kde
12:33.14DirkGentlysaved session?
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12:33.23tuxickmost likely
12:33.34verblendetno, i installed debian over fedora 3 now, uses nfs home
12:33.39DirkGentlyexit kmail... make sure it's really closed
12:33.44DirkGentlylogout and back in
12:33.47verblendetand it didnt start kmail thingy before. hmmm
12:34.16verblendeti closed kmail and logged in now several time, but always tha same, i will search in ~/.kde
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12:35.00verblendetin -kde/Autostart there is only one file called -directory
12:35.19verblendetbut there are no entries regarding kmail start etc
12:35.39Thundercloudverblendet: I had this problem briefly
12:35.45ThundercloudTry this, you never know, could work
12:35.45verblendetand .kde/shre/autostart is empty
12:35.56ThundercloudClose kmail, open up a konsole and type "killall kmail"
12:36.02ThundercloudThen close the console, log out and log in
12:36.09verblendetah ok, its a kind of background zombie :))
12:36.16ThundercloudSometimes kmail has a problem with not closing, especially if you try to do it whilst checking an IMAP account
12:36.16verblendetok, i will try, thx :)
12:36.29verblendetkmail is unconfigured :)
12:36.40Thundercloud*shrugs* try it anyway :)
12:36.46verblendetno process killed :(
12:36.52ThundercloudWeird. Distro?
12:36.55verblendetso no kmail running then, nothing to kill
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12:37.05verblendetdebian etch 4 r3, fresh installed yesterday
12:37.14DirkGentlyverblendet: something else to check - kcontrol -> KDE Components -> Session Manager
12:37.17verblendetbut using my old home from nfs, should be no problem or?
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12:37.53verblendetDirkGently, hmm, exclude kmail?
12:38.29DirkGentlyverblendet: start with empty session
12:38.41verblendetok, ill try :)
12:38.43verblendetthank you
12:38.50DirkGentlyhth :)
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12:40.13verblendetok, start new session and exclude kmail, log out and in, but doesnt help
12:40.23verblendetit always starts up kmail, grrr
12:41.11verblendetyes, especially because i never used kmail before
12:41.37DirkGentlyyou're running same as me too
12:41.45DirkGentlyand I've had no problems
12:41.56DirkGentlyI use my own webmail
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12:42.18verblendetyes, bu ti iused a somewhat olde kde before, i gues sit is screwed up between old version and new version and settings etc
12:42.35DirkGentlybefore what?
12:42.36verblendeti prefer my own webmail and seamonkey too (NOT iceape!)
12:42.59verblendeti had fedora3 running until yesterday, and all was fine, its an older kde then
12:43.18verblendetthen i installed debian and all trouble begins
12:43.27DirkGentlybut you said it's a fresh install of debian
12:43.38verblendetyes its a fresh install, using nfs homes!
12:43.52verblendetand kde writes its old configs in my home, where new kde looks for it too
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12:44.40DirkGentlyyou tried a new user?
12:45.05verblendetill test around a bit more, maybe swqitch back to good old linux, debian isnt really what i want :)
12:45.29DirkGentlyverblendet: but it's the best
12:45.30verblendeta new user, hmmm, could work, yes it works, root doesnt get kmail
12:45.42DirkGentlyeek! root!
12:45.53verblendetDirkGently, yes, maybe, but i found that too many debian ways are not very ... i dont know how to say
12:45.58DirkGentlytry a non-root user
12:45.59verblendetyes root! :D
12:46.04DirkGentlyroot is a special case
12:46.14verblendeti just tested a login after install :)
12:46.17DirkGentlyyou shouldn't be using root in X
12:46.24tuxickverblendet: they're the debian way, "not invented here" and "pass me the crackpipe"
12:46.31verblendetyes, i bnever log in to x as root, its bad, i know
12:46.43tuxickdebian has its good points, but those guyss should sober up
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12:47.05DirkGentlytuxick: who rattled your cage :p
12:47.26verblendetok, dont lets talk about what distro is the best :)
12:47.31tuxickallowing X as root should be disallow, hardcoded everywhere
12:47.40verblendetill create a new user and see what happens
12:47.55tuxickmost installs don't allow it by default thank bob
12:48.08DirkGentlytuxick: tell that to the redhat crowd... they don't even have a DANGER wallpaper
12:48.23MrGrimtuxick: you do realize X runs sudo root, right?
12:48.29tuxickthat does surprise me
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12:48.52tuxickMrGrim: X is traditional security flaw indeed
12:49.10MrGrim[root@mrgrim konversation]# ls -l `which Xorg`
12:49.13MrGrim-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1670484 2008-03-23 07:57 /usr/bin/Xorg
12:49.17DirkGentlyMrGrim: most damage is done by newbies though
12:49.17f0rbid`CMake Error: Cannot find source file "/home/kde-devel/kde/src/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/dataengines/soliddevice/hddtemp.cpp" for target "plasma_engine_soliddevice"
12:49.17MrGrimX always runs as root :)
12:49.19f0rbid`how can I fix?
12:49.20tuxickdirk even on fedora?
12:49.35tuxickMrGrim: i of course mean not allowing X users to log in as root
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12:49.52DirkGentlyf0rbid`: you're not trying trunk are you?
12:50.06DirkGentlyplasma is uber broken
12:50.10Skrot-f0rbid`: Wait for the person who forgot to commit hddtemp.cpp to commit it, or comment out the soliddevice data engine from the cmakelists.txt
12:50.26f0rbid`I use svn checkout svn://
12:50.54DirkGentlyf0rbid`: don't expect anything to work properly... if at all
12:50.59verblendetits wekend, so maybe the coder just commits changes right now :)
12:51.24f0rbid`I can't build?
12:51.33DirkGentlyyou can try
12:51.50DirkGentlyplasma is broken since qt 4.4
12:52.10verblendetf0rbid`, i had this often when accessing cvs repos, etc, sometimes its fixed 5 minutes later after another checkout
12:52.31f0rbid`I must wait so
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12:55.07katastrophehm.. had anyone the same problem, i cant get kio_http to work, it doesnt make a connection
12:55.15katastropheftp and other protocols work
12:55.22katastropheto proxy settings
12:56.06f0rbid`verblendet, how can I see when this file is add to svn? must I checkout all?
12:56.49verblendetf0rbid`, if you do a checkout it only loads newer files
12:57.03verblendetso doung a checkout again would help
12:57.12f0rbid`ok, I'm a newbie of svn :p
12:57.26verblendeterm, but not if the plasma thingy is broken and unsupported at all
12:57.45f0rbid`what mean erm?
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12:59.41verblendetsomething liek "ähem"
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13:00.31verblendeterm, hmmm, ähem, öööh :)  (weird german "sounds" i make when thinking)
13:00.45f0rbid`verblendet, I use the stable package
13:00.49f0rbid`is the best way imho
13:01.18verblendetare you sure the svn is stable? isnt there a precompiled binary then?
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13:01.57verblendeti guess if you use svn, its intention is not to be stable :)
13:03.08annmasvn trunk is NOT stable
13:03.25annmait's highly unstable, chances are you won't get any desktop right now
13:03.59verblendetthats what i mean, so better grab a precompiled package and install as usual
13:04.06annmataht's UNSTABLE f0rbid`
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13:04.17annmayes verblendet, you are totally right
13:05.18verblendetor, to have fun, load all stable sources and compile like hell :)
13:05.36annmahmmm I should not have svn up in kdebase in fact
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13:07.01verblendeti once tried to compile a full kde in my lfs, but that took me hours to configure and link etc, compile necessary libs etc., yeah, only once, then i give up , other people would do a better job here :)
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13:10.00romanwhen various kde apps want to play a sound (in the background, like kpowersave etc.) wich programm plays that sound?
13:10.10romanim asking because it seems that im missing that programm
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13:11.19MrGrimroman: in kde 3.x arts usually does, but it can be configured to use any program
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13:11.59romanhm, i guess arts delivers a small player, right?
13:12.41romanim not using arts (gentoo without USE="arts").
13:12.59MrGrimarts is a sound library and daemon
13:13.02MrGrimsimilar to esd
13:13.35romani know, but i think to play a soundfile, somewhere a programm is called with that soundfile
13:13.49MrGrimyou can configure it that way
13:13.51annmaroman: set in KControl set the player to aplay or something
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13:14.02romanwich player is tiny enough to play the sounds in the background? (mplayer needs some time to start)
13:14.18romanah thanks anma, ill have a look for it
13:14.28MrGrimI use to use ogg123, but that only works if all sound effects are in ogg vorbis
13:14.31pinotreepart of sox
13:15.19Thundercloudalsaplayer works best imo
13:16.08romanokay, ill try it with aplay
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13:16.17romanthanks for the information
13:16.36roman(unfortunately first, i have to fix my alsa.. :( )
13:17.34verblendetfunny, my sound also doesn't work here since reinstall :(
13:18.08verblendetxmms plays, but i hear nothing, hmmm, ok this goes Off Topic i guess, not kde related, or?
13:18.08djouallahin kdeglobals what is the entry to modifiy mouse setting ( single or double click) !
13:18.18romanmine works wit mplayer etc. but not wih aplayer
13:18.32verblendetgood question, i also had double click before, now its single
13:18.51verblendetsingle klick always let me think of windows :(
13:19.23djouallahverblendet,  ?!
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13:19.48verblendetsingle click on desktop icons satarts aplication :) thats what i mean
13:20.11verblendeti had double click before, but since fresh install..... everything is different
13:20.18djouallahverblendet,  in systemesettings and then mouse u can changet it
13:20.29verblendetah thx, cool
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13:21.06djouallahverblendet,  u are under kde4 ?
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13:21.38verblendetdjouallah, i dont know :> what version is installed
13:22.07djouallahwhat are using, ubuntu, kubuntu opesuse !
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13:22.11verblendetkde 3.5.5 the help says
13:22.19djouallahah ok
13:22.21verblendetdebian etch 4 r3 installed yesterday
13:22.31djouallahok fine
13:22.35verblendetund ich bereue es jetzt schon!
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13:22.50pinotree(english please)
13:23.37djouallahis googling if kdeglobals entries are documented somewhere ;)
13:23.49pinotreedjouallah: what is the _real_ problem?
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13:24.13djouallahwant to make kde app aware i want double click !
13:24.23djouallahwindows xp ;)
13:24.36djouallahnot sure it is doable ?
13:24.47pinotreewhich style are you using?
13:25.17pinotreethen configure it in systemsettings → mouse
13:25.26verblendetdjouallah, i changed it in peripherals, mouse in kconfig
13:25.52djouallahthat's it we poor xp users don't have systemesetting
13:25.57verblendethow can i test if kde sound system works? is there a testroutine?
13:26.02djouallahwe have to play with kcmshell4
13:26.08djouallahand kdeglobals!
13:26.20MrGrimpinotree: so I have this black and blue puss filled lump on my right butt cheek, anything kde can do for me?
13:26.21annmaverblendet: in kde4?
13:26.29verblendetannma, in kde 3.5.5 :)
13:26.46annmalook in kcontrol, there's a sound tab
13:27.11verblendetannma, you mean kde control center?
13:27.34aleksanterikde control center = kcontrol
13:27.38verblendetoops, there is a test sound button :O
13:27.53verblendetok, i hear no sound, seems alsa is misconfigured then
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13:28.43djouallahmary tu peux me filler ton fichier kdeglobals just pour voir les entree de la sourie, annma
13:29.23aleksanteri"(english please)"
13:29.32verblendetargh, alsaconf fails or simply closes the terminal window.
13:29.39aleksanteriverblendet, try kmix
13:30.00verblendetso when i use a terminal to start an application via desktop icon, how can i let the window open to read the output messages?
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13:31.17aleksanteriverblendet, you can use "kdialog --msgbox $(command_here)"
13:31.19verblendetaleksanteri, and then? volume is set to maximum
13:31.27aleksanterihmm.. see is it on at all :D
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13:32.00verblendetits on, a red dotlight is shining on master volume and wave
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13:32.13verblendeti guess my alsa is broken
13:32.19aleksanteri*red* dotlight?
13:32.24verblendetin kmix?
13:32.31aleksanterii thought it's supposed to be green :/
13:32.59aleksanterii guess you've got a problem
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13:33.25verblendetoh, yes , its green :) i looked at the other tab showing othe rinputs for record etc
13:33.30verblendetbut its green, and on
13:33.37aleksanterihaha so i guess that side is fine...
13:33.41aleksanteriand still no sound?
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13:34.03aleksanteriare your speakers on? :D can't think of anything else
13:34.12verblendetso, let me find out where the alsaconfig icon points to and run that in a normal shell
13:34.30verblendetyes :) speakers are on, tested and working, cable is pplugged in the correct port
13:34.46aleksanterifor the icon, try "konsole -e alsamixer"
13:34.52verblendetit exits and i cant read output, i guess something goes wrong here
13:34.52aleksanterior alsaconfig or whatever it is
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13:36.01verblendetit shows nice bars, seems everything is correct
13:37.03verblendet!alsa is ready to use, enjoy..." grml!
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13:37.25verblendetok i guess its not kde related then, all apps runs fine using alsa, but simply no output
13:38.29verblendetmust i restart kde in order to use eventually changes to my alsaconfig?
13:38.37verblendetor resatart soundsystem etc?
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13:39.16verblendetdisabling and enabling soundsystem again using alsa seems to work, i hear something!!! wooot
13:40.03verblendetthats magical! xmms i s fine now, lets make a party :D
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13:53.08rajalothow is it possible that Konsole doesn't have a text file wiht preferences?
13:53.49rajalotFor some oddball reason it always starts as root-konsole
13:54.35verblendetalt+f2 and type konsole, press enter starts in root mode?
13:54.39rajalotexcept if I set it to start as "konsole --profile default", but in that case it nevertheless starts root-session when opening an new tab
13:55.01rajalotverblendet, yes
13:55.30rajalotit looks as it somehow has saved root-session as a default
13:55.50verblendetit says i dont have write permissions, uhm
13:56.06verblendetok, thats prefs for the taskbar icon
13:56.08rajalotverblendet, there isn't any user specific text file, uh?
13:56.17verblendeti dont see one
13:56.29rajalotm neither
13:56.59verblendetwhen i start up konsole here via icon or alt+f2 its working as expected
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13:57.59rajalotI had to login as root, then login as myself, quit the root session, save the normal session as default and modify menu-shortcut to start as default
13:58.11rajaloteven then opening new tab opens a root session!
13:58.48rajalotno, I'm not logged in as a root :D
13:59.18rajalotxterm works as usual
13:59.33annmarajalot: is that a first install?
13:59.49rajalotannma, what do you mean with that?
13:59.59annmadid you just install KDE?
14:00.04rajalotannma, no
14:00.06annmaor did it become broken?
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14:00.35rajalotannma it became broken when I messed with konsole profile settings, colours and font only, however
14:01.22annmaso you need to backup konsolerc to konsolerc.bak in $KDEHOME/share/config
14:01.31annmaand then restart konsole
14:01.44annmaquit konsole before backing up the file
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14:02.47Nylehey guys
14:02.50NyleGood morning
14:02.55NyleHappy 4/20 to you all
14:03.44annmasame to you Nyle ;)
14:04.07Nylereads /topic
14:04.21Nyleoh cool .3 is out
14:04.50Nylebut I rather like and am used to the 3.5.x
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14:05.31pinotreewonders what's happened today
14:06.24rajalotannma, well that did the trick
14:06.42rajalotI had already done that if I only had found the config file
14:06.51rajalottricky ocation
14:07.07annmayou said preferences
14:07.26annmabetter explain your problem than asking stuff
14:07.30verblendetimho all apps should tell the user where its files exists :)
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14:07.50verblendetlike "hey, my config file is use is in ....." in te settings, that would be very cool
14:07.51annmait implied the default konsole was that way for you rajalot
14:07.52rajalotwell I learned my *nix ropes on a Mac and over there they are preferences
14:08.22annmayou should have said what I asked you, that it worked and then became messed
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14:09.59rajalotdidn't I?
14:10.32annmanot really
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14:12.01verblendethmmm, seems some more options i configured in my old kde are not set
14:12.23verblendeti had configured a 'stay on top' button for windows, but it isnt here anymore
14:13.17verblendetand when i start theme manager for de, it wont show me my theme
14:14.36verblendetoh, selecting new themes will override all settings?
14:14.53verblendetso themes is a preconfigured setting for windows decoration and all that stufF?
14:14.55annmaOT: I have to dd a file to a USB stick, how do I do that?
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14:15.14dwinslowdd if=path/to/file of=/dev/sdx
14:15.19verblendetdd if=/path/to/image of=/dev/usbstickdevice
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14:15.21annmathanks dwinslow
14:15.30annmathanks verblendet
14:15.48verblendetbut use the correct output device for of= !!!!
14:15.58verblendetdo an fdisk -l before as root
14:16.17verblendetand dmesg maybe which will show you the correct device when inserting the usb stick
14:16.18dwinslowremembers spending an hour debugging after he typoed a device node that didn't exist
14:16.31annmathanks a lot
14:17.00verblendetyou hav eide drives? or sata?
14:17.20annmait's /dev/sdc
14:17.27verblendetjust make sure you use the correct /dev/sd device for your stick and if you use sata drives in your system, its also sdX
14:17.53verblendetboth, sata and usb drives are emulated scsi
14:18.00verblendetudev sometimes screws things aup
14:18.21verblendetand changes device settings for some odd reason after every reboot or inserting a stick!
14:18.52annmaI'll try a EeePC image on a Classmate PC
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14:19.09verblendetgood luck :)
14:19.29verblendetwwwpc is somewhat special hardware i guess, not all things may work
14:19.33annmathey are the same hardware
14:20.08annmasubnotebooks based on flash and with Intel chipset
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14:22.59tuxickeeepc = sweet, i want one
14:23.20tuxickwhat WM/DT is on those anyway?
14:24.03dwinslowthey have a kde setup by default
14:24.07tuxickverblendet: but udev can be configured to assign correect devices etc
14:24.13tuxickdwinslow: ah wasn't sure
14:24.15tuxicknice :)
14:24.51tuxicktrolltech were wise to change the license back then
14:25.22annmaClassmate is like EeePC but for kids so the design is different
14:25.32annmait's padded with a cover
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14:26.22dwinslowmy first thought was 'looks like an XO' but there's not much similarity past the rounded edges
14:26.26annmathe hardware is described, i think it's the same than EeePC
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14:27.38rajalotwhat was that mini laptop for under 100 quid again?
14:27.48dwinslowrajalot: that's the XO
14:28.05rajalotright mr dwinslow, absolutely
14:28.06verblendetthe display of the eeepc is quite tooo small, i sold my eeepc again after 4 days, will wait for next version
14:28.19Haruhi.. can someone tell me if "poster -mA4 -pA0 ~/ >outfile" convert a a4 image to span over enough sheets for a a3 image?
14:28.30rajalotanyone have any experience with it?
14:28.56dwinslowrajalot: i was at an OLPC code jam a couple of weeks ago, got to poke some xo's for a while
14:29.02annmarajalot: the OX is not like the EeePC as it doe snot run a normal linux
14:29.12dwinslowbut if you want to chat about those you should go to #olpc
14:29.15annmaI emulated one on Fedora
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14:29.28DirkGentlywants an HP 2133
14:29.28annmayou also have Live CDs to emuloate it
14:29.34rajalotannma, doesn't run a normal linux...?
14:29.44dwinslowrajalot: it doesn't run a normal DE
14:29.58annmarajalot: it's a python based interface called Sugar
14:30.07annmanot GNOMLE or KDE or Xfce
14:30.08DirkGentlyEee PC looks like a toy... which is understandable as it was pitched towards schools
14:30.30rajalotoh, so it does run a normal Linux but it just doesn't have a regular GUI
14:30.38tuxickit's small, that's what matters to me
14:30.45tuxickand solid state
14:30.49annmanot sure about the kernel
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14:31.07dwinslowit runs fedora with some customizations (i'm a bit light on details)
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14:31.21annmarajalot: from the developer point of view it's totally different than the EePC
14:31.34annmadwinslow: OX?
14:31.42DirkGentlytuxick: it looks like the PC900 has both slots already full (internal and external) - internal 4GB
14:31.48dwinslowyes, the XO comes with Fedora
14:31.57dwinslowyou can use yum to install packages and everything
14:32.06anisfarhanapokes annma
14:32.11rajalotannma, sure. my PS3 looks different than my G3 server
14:32.14DirkGentlyI would rather wait until the internal ssd is big
14:32.34DirkGentlyi.e. > 8GB
14:32.46annmadwinslow: yes
14:32.47verblendetindeed, 8gb is nothing :)
14:32.57annmadwinslow: I emulated it on Fedora but using XO cvs code
14:33.10tuxick4G will do just fine
14:33.11Haruhi.. can someone tell me if "poster -mA4 -pA0 ~/ >outfile" convert a a4 image to span over enough sheets for a a3 image?
14:33.17dwinslowannma: cool, is this for kde-edu stuff?
14:33.38annmadwinslow: there's no qt apps on OOX so we're far from KDE
14:33.40verblendettuxick, if you wear a 40gb usb disk around with you, internal 4gb seems to be enough :)
14:33.53annmaI played with a bare qt template but did not go much further
14:34.03annmabut yes, it's in edu interest ;)
14:34.33DirkGentlyHaru: is poster a KDE app?
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14:34.39HaruDirkGently, yes
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14:34.47verblendetharu, try convert the .ps file to pdf and youll see
14:35.01DirkGentlynew to me :)
14:35.10Haruverblendet, well i tried both and in either cases the target output turns out to be a blank ps
14:35.17verblendeti would expected it as kposter :)
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14:35.49verblendetharu, so you have to get an output first :) did you try to look at the ps file with ghostscript ?
14:36.06Harui did..
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14:36.14verblendethmmm, no idea then
14:36.37Haruit does turn out to be tumbling over enough a4 pages.. but the contents not there
14:36.41verblendetbtw if you want A3 you shoudl set -pA3 or?
14:37.03DirkGentlyI can't see poster in the source code of KDE
14:37.48verblendet/usr/bin/poster: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, stripped
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14:38.44Skrot-Doesn't appear to be a KDE application.
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14:39.31DirkGentlyvery difficult to gg search a program with such a generic name too
14:39.57Skrot-The poster package in ubuntu only depends on libc6 and libpaper1 :>
14:40.05DirkGentlyanyone want to buy a Linux poster? lol
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14:41.12Skrot-DirkGently: says the homepage is ;)
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14:42.12DirkGentlyoh yes... I remember goffioul... the CUPS evangelist
14:42.18looongerwhat qt version does kde4.1 depend on?
14:42.32DirkGentlylooonger: 4.4
14:42.33verblendetfull ack to dirk, searching for that command in search engines gives not very useful results :)
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14:45.06sabayonlive-7677how do i get the the 3.5 verison x86-64 loop2 to work with xdl graphic insta of the standard scren, im using the 32 bit 3.4f but i want to use the 3.5 i have an hp zv6000
14:45.17sabayonlive-7677anybody know how
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14:46.21sabayonlive-7677corban yu know the answer to that qestion
14:46.35verblendetHaru, "poster -mA4 -pA0 ~/ >outfile"
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14:46.43verblendetwhere is the inputfile?
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14:46.51Haruverblendet, ~/
14:46.52corbanwhat question?
14:46.56verblendetinput is then?
14:46.59sabayonlive-7677how do i get the the 3.5 verison x86-64 loop2 to work with xdl graphic insta of the standard scren, im using the 32 bit 3.4f but i want to use the 3.5 i have an hp zv6000
14:46.59verblendetah ok
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14:47.19verblendeti have no .ps file on hand to test it here :(
14:47.46Haruverblendet, u can make one .. :) print image to file
14:47.49shadokverblendet: google with ext:ps
14:48.32corbangot GFX card u got?
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14:49.48sabayonlive-7677i got a 128 ATI EXpress 200m
14:50.21corbanwhat version of the ati drivers u got installed
14:50.49Jucatosabayonlive-7677: #sabayon might be of more help to you
14:51.17corbani would also suggest joining channel #sabayon
14:51.34sabayonlive-7677so what do u all use
14:51.46f0rbid`is the plasma from svn broken?
14:52.01sabayonlive-7677oh okthanks bro,
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14:52.11aleksanteriwell at least i use debian, dunno about the others :P
14:52.15corbanSabayon Linux
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14:52.45Jucatof0rbid`: it might be. lots of breakage for Plasma due to the recent sprint
14:52.51aleksanteriof course i should say everybody *should* use debian but i don't want to start a distro war so i won't
14:52.58verblendetposter here fails with weird warnings on different files, ...mentions trouble with gif89a :O
14:53.01sabayonlive-7677my ATI drivers thats what i ned to know if theres some i ned to install in order for that version to work with enhanced graphics
14:53.18sabayonlive-486how to update kde
14:53.32Jucatosabayonlive-7677: KDE doesn't make packages or drivers. please ask your distribution
14:53.39verblendetnack nack nack, debioan isnt the solution to everything :)
14:53.40Jucatosabayonlive-486: #sabayon please
14:54.29sabayonlive-486i would like if it is possible to update the kde 3 to kde 4
14:54.40aleksanteri"[17:53:33] <Jucato> sabayonlive-7677: KDE doesn't make packages or drivers. please ask your distribution"
14:54.54verblendeteverything is possible if you know how and why :)
14:54.56Jucatosabayonlive-486: you can. but there are different ways to do that. the first place or way you should ask is with your distribution
14:55.13Jucatowell, not really "upgrade" to KDE 4
14:55.41sabayonlive-486sabayon 3.4f
14:55.52aleksanterikde4 is still work-in-progress afaik
14:55.57Jucatosabayonlive-486: yes, please ask in #sabayon
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14:57.12Jucatothought sabayon fixed their konversation and stopped it from auto-joining #kde...
14:57.50Jucatoyeah.. it's all coming back again...
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14:59.35verblendetoh yeah :) now most things are working again, seems my computer has all necessary tools installe dnow, phew, i will wait for 2 years now until i upgrade again :))
14:59.47verblendeti think i should visit my candyman right now :D
14:59.56verblendetthanks for help guys, have a nice sunday :)
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15:01.29sabayonlive-7677, I would like to upgrade my kde 3 to kde 4 in sabayon 3.4f
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15:02.19Jucatosabayonlive-7677: um... ok... #sabayon again *please*
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15:04.49sebojest tu kots z POLSKI?
15:05.35Jucatosebo: English only
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15:06.44seboi know englisch little
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15:12.14annmaok I made the electricy crash!
15:12.30dwinslowannma: congratulations
15:12.41dwinslowi think there's a Geek Scout badge for that one
15:13.22aleksanterinow make yer house crash :D
15:13.34DirkGentlyannma: crash? lol
15:13.47DirkGentlyreboot it?
15:14.00annmaI plugged too many devices
15:14.26DirkGentlyoops... trying to do washing and drying at the same time?
15:15.08annmaadd the kettle and boom!
15:15.30aleksanteriimagines a nuclear explosion on the boom part
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15:15.53aleksanteribut then, annma survived it, so i guess i got myself wrong :/
15:16.03DirkGentlywell... nearly
15:16.10DarkloaderHi, I'm trying to install moodin splash screens and KDE themes, but I don't find how to install them :(
15:16.28annmalol aleksanteri
15:16.41aleksanteriDarkloader, kcontrol -> appearance & themes
15:17.13Darkloaderaleksanteri, I have tried that, but it won't work
15:17.20aleksanteri"won't work" is quite vaguew
15:17.30Jucatoaleksanteri: no that won't work
15:17.39aleksanteriJucato, it won't? :/
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15:17.39JucatoDarkloader: what distro? try to check if they have a package for it
15:17.41aleksanteriworks fine for me
15:17.55Jucatoaleksanteri: moodin needs to be either compiled or installed like a program
15:18.02Darkloaderaleksanteri, I'm using Kubuntu Gutsy..
15:18.25aleksanteriJucato, well ok, but i guess the kde themes are installed via kcontrol
15:18.29aleksanteriat least, i do :P
15:18.41Jucatoyep. mooding themes
15:18.49Jucatoaleksanteri: oh, moodin is installed by default in Kubuntu
15:18.52Jucatoer sorry
15:20.15Darkloaderok Jucato, but how do I launch moodin? (i'm srry, i'm a total newbie to kde)
15:22.21JucatoDarkloader: you don't launch it. moodin is a ksplash engine. the theme you choose will run when you login. if moodin is already installed, you just install the moodin theme like any other ksplash theme
15:24.46DarkloaderI see, but I have downloaded a file, and when i extract it, it consist of a few png files, and a rc file. but can't open it with kcontrol
15:25.31Jucatono you don't extract it
15:25.45Jucatoyou keep it in it's .tar.gz archived form
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15:26.30Darkloaderok, tnx !
15:26.50Jucatoand for a whole lot of other instructions/guides
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15:56.06tom[]i actually trying to change my KDE version to KDE4
15:56.22tom[]and width urpmi comand,
15:57.07annmajust use drakconf and select the kde4 ackages
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15:57.15tom[]konsol task me which package i want to install
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16:13.30haYnguycould someone refer me to somewhere where it can show me how to  be able to type in two different languages?
16:13.38haYnguyand switch between them
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16:14.47annmause kde control center to add keyboards
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16:18.13xjuniorcan Konqueror save the session such as Firefox...?
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16:26.01admin__easy way to start developing with qt
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16:28.12pinotreeyes... please ask in #qt
16:28.14ma3xwhere do i change the headers in kmail? (it shows enterprise headers)
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16:28.22ma3xi want it to show 'long headers'
16:28.37ma3xif i open the message and select long headers, then the next time i open it, enterprise headers are displayed all over again
16:28.41pinotreeview → headers ?
16:28.41ma3xisn't there any permannent setting?
16:29.25admin__easy way to start with kdevelop
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16:29.36ma3xfor some reason under view-> in kmail i have only the following: unread count, total column, expand, collapse, source tree
16:29.42ma3xbut headers is not there
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16:37.44KlasRudianwhen i try to activate composite in kde-4.0.3 it all goes black exept the mouse pointer.... and my dispaly drivers are in order.... i'm i missin something?
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16:51.27KlasRudianhave some more info.... when i enable composite in KDE-4.0.3 i get a black screen exept the mouse pointer and after a while it all crashes..... this is the error msg i get in Xorg.0.log
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16:52.32katastropheKlasRudian: this is probably the fault of the nvidia driver
16:52.50katastropheperhaps you could try another version
16:54.01KlasRudiankatastrophe, oooh that's no good
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16:54.32KlasRudiankatastrophe, i'm using the newest one.... is there a problem with that one or your just guessing?
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16:54.59katastrophei have a 7800gt and use the nvidia-driver myself
16:55.12katastropheive had lots of crashes... so thats my guess
16:55.26katastropheat the moment i use 100.14.19
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16:55.41katastrophethe newer ones cause more trouble here
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16:56.43KlasRudiankatastrophe, oooh i'm on the 169.12 driver
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18:54.59asnI installed ispell,aspell,aspell-gr and even tho I can do aspell -d greek in a terminal, there is no option for Greek in the Kmail spell check selection
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19:24.46PhilTrunkhi joan
19:24.52joanany audio cd player for kde4?
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19:25.27joanjuk and dragon don't have it
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19:30.16joanthx sandsmark. i'll use kscd, as i should install all kde3libs and will take some time to compile and i'm lazy now :)
19:30.30sandsmarkI thought kscd was ported?
19:30.50sandsmarkare you on gentoo, by any chance (mentioning compiling^^)?
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19:31.20Ketrelis tthere a key combo in KDE that lets you kill an unresponsive program without having to use a task manager?
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19:31.41apokryphosKetrel: ctrl+alt+esc
19:32.04Sychemithi I`m new
19:32.19Ketrelapokryphos, no effect
19:32.23PhilTrunkSychemit: welcome to kde then!
19:32.29KetrelI'm using Kubuntu if that makes a difference
19:32.49Q-collectiveKetrel: ctrl-alt-escape > click with your mouse on the unresonsive propgram
19:32.53apokryphoswell that's what it is... should make the cursor into a big X
19:32.55Sychemitsorry for my bad English ;)
19:33.29KetrelQ-collective abd apokryphos, that's the effect I was looking for as I remember it from a while back, but it doesn't seem to have any effect when I do it.
19:33.43apokryphosKetrel: kde 3?
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19:34.31apokryphosis your Esc key working?
19:35.37Ketrelctrl+esc brings up ksysguard
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19:35.50Ketrelso I know the escape key is functional
19:36.08Ketreland I have keyboard commands that depend on ctrl+alt, so I know both of those work as well
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19:36.37DirkGentlyKetrel: you're not using vmware by any chance?
19:37.04apokryphosKetrel: Ketrel what does kcontrol -> keyboard shortcuts have it listed as?
19:37.09apokryphosit will be something like 'kill window'
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19:38.16KetrelThat has it listed as ctrl+alt+escape
19:38.22Ketrelbut let me check the other settings manager
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19:38.32Ketrelsame thing
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19:39.17apokryphosKetrel: -> kubuntu bug tracker
19:39.26KetrelI set it to a combo I know works because I used it for somethign else, and it still doesn't work.
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19:39.48KetrelI guess I'll submit a bug, but before I do, is there something I can run to see if the kill thing itself works
19:39.59Ketrellike a command that'll do the same as what the key combo should've?
19:40.27apokryphosyes, xkill
19:40.43Ketrelok, the xkill command works
19:41.17Ketrelinterestingly enough, none of the keyboard shortcuts listed in Miscellaneous work.
19:41.22Ketrelso I guess that is a bug then?
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19:42.20apokryphosappears so, yes
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20:07.10airer-girlhi where is the trash in ~home/.kde/share?
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20:07.57airer-girlwhen you "move to trash" where does it go?
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20:09.32PhilTrunkairer-girl: trash:.
20:09.37PhilTrunker, trash:/ sorry
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20:11.44airer-girlwhere is the absolute path to trash?
20:11.45Ketrelairer-girl: ~/.local/share/Trash/files
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20:11.50airer-girlthere we go, ty
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20:13.56airer-girlty ty ty ketrel
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20:15.31Ketrelno prob
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20:32.34alecs1hello, I ran kwrite4 from on my normal user accout, and it overwrote the settings of kwrite3
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20:32.58alecs1shouldn't there be some code to work around this?
20:33.14alecs1such that the old settings to not blow up?
20:33.32alecs1I mean by default, not with script and such
20:33.57momesanaalecs1: it has been said over and over again that one should backup the account or use another user account to this will not happen
20:34.08momesanaalecs1: some distros work around this
20:34.33alecs1I know about distros, I backed up as I was afraid that would happen :)
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20:34.44momesanaalecs1: you can also set a variable somewhere in the kde4 config files in order to have a custom directory where the kde4 settings are stored
20:34.59momesanaalecs1: there is a variable somwhere
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20:35.10momesanaI read it in a magazine
20:35.21momesanabut I can't recall it and am too lazy to look it up again
20:36.43alecs1but I mean kde3 is not going to dissapear, and if the user is not so carefull things will blow
20:37.05alecs1a few lines of bloat code to make the user happy :)
20:37.24momesanayep. but I think once kde-4.1 appears, people will upgrade and don't keep two versions of kde simultanously
20:37.41momesanaalecs1: and the distros are using workarounds anyway
20:37.42tuxickstill waits for kde-4.1 anyway
20:38.16momesanaalecs1: so that is only something that concerns us geeks that svn up every week to get the newest version of kde4
20:38.48momesanaalecs1: and the geeks know they should backup the stuff or set a variable to prevent things blowing up
20:39.38alecs1I try to write some kde4 code right now, but I am not such a geek, and I haven't found any way to get Debian let me install both kde versions :)
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20:39.46latitu_when i boot, kde is not auto started, i get a black screen. i login  in and type startx. why?
20:40.24momesanaalecs1: I heard from some people that is perfectly possible on debian to do that. but they were using bleeding edge packages
20:41.11momesanalatitu_: is xdm/kdm/gdm activated in your initiscripts? is it started automatically when you boot up?
20:41.25alecs1hmm, I should google it again, but when I tryed to install kate from kde4 aptitude offered to tons of kde3 software :(
20:41.52latitu_momesana $ sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
20:41.53latitu_Starting K Display Manager: kdm already running.
20:41.55alecs1hmm, I should google it again, but when I tryed to install kate from kde4 aptitude offered *remove* to tons of kde3 software :(
20:41.58momesanaalecs1: I installed it on ubuntu on a friends desktop
20:42.04latitu_momesana how to check?
20:42.41momesanalatitu_: what distro are you using? they are tools for that. Actually I am writing a tool for this for OpenRC. But every distro should provide its own runlevel editor
20:42.48latitu_momesana kubuntu
20:43.03momesanalatitu_: kubuntu ... let me ask a friend
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20:44.30airer-girlhi for k3b what does it mean when "verification improperly initialized"?
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20:46.11momesanalatitu_: the guy doesn't answer
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20:47.00momesanalatitu_: chkconfig is the tool
20:47.08momesanalatitu_: I found a german tutorial
20:47.47momesanalatitu_: oh, no. That was mandriva. try sysv-rc-conf
20:48.06momesanalatitu_: sysv-rc-conf --list
20:48.18AdvocatusDiabolino need for kde3:
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20:48.32AdvocatusDiabolikicker/settings/system administration/system services
20:48.38AdvocatusDiabolifor runlevel editor
20:49.31momesanalatitu_: see ya guys later
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20:49.48latitu_AdvocatusDiaboli which one to check
20:50.15AdvocatusDiabolilatitu_: I don't know, I just saw you looking for a runlevel editor, and told where it is
20:50.25AdvocatusDiaboliwhat do you need to do?
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20:52.18Imaginativeonewould someone help me with kde for the mac?
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20:52.56g2g591Imaginativeone: i don't think that your gonna get a full install whatever happens
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20:55.45latitu_AdvocatusDiaboli start kde auto
20:56.20Imaginativeonewhat's that?
20:57.09latitu_how to reconfigure xserver?3
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20:58.14latitu_how to reconfigure xserver?
20:58.57g2g591latitu_: depends on distro , ask in #yourdistro
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21:08.22v6lurin KDE3 konqueror servicemenus, can i define ServiceTypes by file extensions? (as .mo files don't seem to have a mime type)
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21:18.22PhilTrunkv6lur: I think you'd need to create a new mimetype (I think that's possible...)
21:18.36nixeagleQuick question, as I'm not seeing much in the news about kmail 4, is there a planned release for that for 4.1?
21:18.50g2g591yes, i think so
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21:19.27shadokand what about koffice 2 ?
21:20.01g2g591I is no dev
21:20.31shadokI is no cat
21:20.55v6lurPhilTrunk: yes, it's possible to create new mimetypes, for localmachine at least, i just hoped one could use file extensions too...
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21:46.28v6lurhmm, konqueror now sometimes shows warning message "mimetye application/octet-stream not found" when entering directories. but it does exist...
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21:49.27nixeaglev6lur, which version of it?
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21:51.21v6lurkde3, if that's what you mean
21:52.16pinotreerun kbuildsycoca in a console, and do NOT create that mimetype yourself
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22:45.09sabayonuserNeed help with a linux live CD
22:45.36g2g591sabayonuser: don't tell me, its sabayon
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22:46.32sabayonuserYeah yeah... Anyway, hard disk detected but cannot mount or open it, and the error message is "kdemediamanager is not running"
22:47.03g2g591sabayonuser: wierd, see #sabayon for sabayon specific things
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22:48.54juliethe problem is I changed my system lang to persian then tried to change it back to english but now its stuck on persian, kde menu is stuck on persian
22:49.02julieI'm using kubuntu
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22:55.56juliecan someone help me?
22:56.04g2g591sure, hopefully
22:56.32Biohazardouspick up a "beginner's persian" book? lol sorry, no idea :(
22:56.42juliewell the problem is the kde language will not change to english
22:56.57julieBiohazardous: I already know persian
22:57.08julieits just that the computer is not mine etc etc
22:57.22g2g591julie: hmm, try asking in #yourdistro, im thinking a distro specific bug
22:57.36PhilTrunkjulie: rename (don't delete) ~/.config, run kbuildsycoca, then try again
22:58.00PhilTrunkjulie: is the rest of your kde in english or persian?
22:59.58juliewhere is the config
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23:01.12g2g591julie: ~/.kde
23:02.08juliei can't see it g2g591
23:03.10g2g591julie: you have to enable show hidden files
23:03.23julieg2g591: done that
23:04.01g2g591julie: then, Im stumped, you are running kde, and yet kde's config files dont exist!?
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23:05.31juliei'm running kubuntu
23:05.48julieg2g591: could it be somewhere else
23:06.07hari_seldon99hi, I upgraded my kubuntu kernel and now the KDE popup for usb doesn't show when I plug a thubdrive in (it shows up on /var/log/messages though)
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23:06.26apokryphoshari_seldon99: #kubuntu
23:06.28g2g591hari_seldon99: #kubuntu , you should ask there too julie
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23:06.55g2g591read the /topic!
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23:14.39julieI'm not getting any help from kubuntu
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23:31.03Biohazardousdumb question...  how do I configure compiz settings in kde? I can't seem to find the app to run =s
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23:45.17Biohazardousnm.. found it, had to install the fusion package
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23:47.10JucatoBiohazardous: just for reference, there's a #compiz-fusion channel
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23:50.40DanielWwhat is current state of plasma in svn?  systray back working?
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