IRC log for #kde on 20071109

00:00.27*** join/#kde buzztracker (
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00:09.48cpuobsessedwill KDE4 run on windows replacing whatever desktop(explorer) is running?
00:10.39*** join/#kde jeringuilla (
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00:30.24*** join/#kde Kenter (
00:34.33Kenterhi people!
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00:36.21*** part/#kde cpuobsessed (i=timdav@nat/ibm/x-01fc422cba8869cc)
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00:40.13Kenterit's everybody alive?
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00:44.37aseigoKenter: i'm pretending i'm dead. ;)
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00:45.48*** join/#kde Jucato (n=jucato@
00:45.51Kenteri'm think too
00:46.12*** join/#kde ganymede (i=ridwan@
00:46.50Kenterit's kde channel or not?
00:47.05*** join/#kde BlackBsd (n=brian@
00:47.08*** join/#kde ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
00:47.30Jucatothis is the KDE user support channel, yes
00:47.33Jucatoapokryphos: congratulations! :)
00:47.34*** join/#kde sader__ (
00:48.13Kentercan i make a question?
00:48.43Kenteri have troubles with layouts...
00:49.08Jucatowhat layouts?
00:49.44KenterCtrl+alt+K switching to next layout and not switching back... sorry for my bad english )
00:49.53Kenterkeyboard layouts )
00:50.10Jucatoah... I don't know about keyboard layouts, sorry
00:50.13*** join/#kde User65811111119 (
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00:51.27icwieneraseigo: If Jonney attends, please tell him, he could make a little child (me) happy with one of those white boxes, as well. :D
00:51.27*** join/#kde hibread (
00:51.27Kenternice talking =\
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00:58.34jokoHi... Is there any way to start specific applications only in a specific desktop?
00:59.55*** join/#kde CyberSpy (
01:00.04*** join/#kde warriorness (
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01:03.31*** join/#kde cram_leak (n=mark@gentoo/developer/mark-alec)
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01:08.46*** part/#kde methusula (
01:09.53*** join/#kde warriorness (
01:16.18wersdaluvhow come Kopete, unlike Pidgin, always shows my contacts' status messages inaccurately?
01:16.29*** join/#kde warriorness (
01:16.59*** join/#kde bob19555 (
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01:19.40*** join/#kde killown|away (i=killown@unaffiliated/killownaway/x-000001)
01:22.31*** join/#kde kdepepo (
01:23.01*** join/#kde acid-trip (
01:23.06acid-tripi have a *.ktheme
01:23.09acid-triphow do i compile it
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01:27.01*** join/#kde vinboy (
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01:52.06*** join/#kde heathen_ (n=sabayonu@unaffiliated/heathen)
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01:56.29*** join/#kde dasKreech (n=chatzill@
02:00.29*** join/#kde buzztracker (
02:01.20*** join/#kde cohnationtheta (
02:01.40jeringuillaI like install kguitar
02:01.55jeringuillaand I need a help
02:02.29*** join/#kde sabayonlive-4251 (
02:09.08*** join/#kde jodua (
02:09.55joduaIf my keyboard volup and voldown buttons are being detected in the kde command settings how can i map them to adjust the volume?
02:10.21JucatoKmix -> Settings -> Configure Global Shortcuts?
02:10.52joduabeautiful thanks lol
02:11.11*** join/#kde rami__ (n=rami@
02:11.26joduaerr.. this is strange .. but it only goes up and down 11%
02:11.39*** join/#kde UPX_LOL (
02:11.42Jucatokubuntu 7.10 right?
02:11.52joduasabayon 3.4f
02:11.59UPX_LOLHello guys, I have a question why do I need to use upx to execute binary files such as .exe on linux
02:12.13Jucatojodua: try asking in #sabayon
02:12.16joduak thanks
02:12.25Jucatokubuntu has a similar problem... probably with the kmilo version
02:12.34UPX_LOLWithout using upx command i would never beable to run a binary executiblae such as example:   "upx wow.exe"  for the first time then never again needed
02:13.39Jucato1. It's not a KDE question. 2. .exe are not Linux programs, so you can't run them normally in Linux without some other program
02:13.58UPX_LOLWell I am using kde
02:14.06UPX_LOLi can never run .exe files on kde but gnome
02:14.45UPX_LOLhowever it doesnt always have to end with an .exe file it c an be any executible made by linux that doesnt show .exe
02:14.46*** join/#kde fir3__ (
02:15.23UPX_LOLDo you think I should find another channel instead of this then?
02:15.37troyUPX_LOL: I think "upx" is somethign none of us will have ever heard of :)
02:15.53Jucato3. it's still not a KDE question, because of #2. 4. wow isn't even a kde app. 5. upx isn't a kde app either. 6. ask in your distro's channel or in the upx channel/list
02:16.04Jucatohi troy
02:16.05UPX_LOLim not talking about wow
02:16.17Jucatook, upx then :)
02:16.19UPX_LOLmy distribution channel doesnt know anything about my problem
02:16.31Jucatoneither would we... this is the #kde channel :)
02:16.52troyUPX_LOL: you're trying to run windows programs, correct? using some sort of emulator? go talk to that emulater group to find out how it should work
02:17.03Jucatoupx forums ^^^
02:17.04UPX_LOLthen i ask you how come i cannot run linux binary files such as typing ./epsxe from a free playstation emulator legal
02:17.15UPX_LOLi am not trying to run windows programs
02:17.38UPX_LOLTo be clear I cannot execute anything binary, even linux binary executibles
02:17.48UPX_LOLif i can, it would be even stranger.
02:17.56Jucatothat is a question that's perfect for your distro :)
02:18.12Jucatohave you tried checking if your distro has a package for epsxe?
02:18.16Jucatomost have
02:18.29UPX_LOLlook its not about the packager that works or not, its about getting binary executibles to work
02:19.03JucatoUPX_LOL: yes.. it's also about how your distro allows you to do these things
02:19.09*** join/#kde darkest (
02:19.16UPX_LOLi asked my distribution what library is responsible for running executibles
02:19.16*** join/#kde _darkest (
02:19.18JucatoI said it once and I'll say it again: it is not a KDE issue
02:19.24UPX_LOLokay i will leave
02:19.30UPX_LOLmy distribution doesnt know for sure
02:19.38UPX_LOLany recommendations besides my distribution
02:19.40Jucatotime to change distros?
02:19.43troyUPX_LOL: #linux
02:19.55UPX_LOLno need to change my problem sounds rare
02:19.58Jucatothere is no single library to run all programs
02:20.13troyJucato: well, there is the elf stuff, but that's not KDE either :)
02:20.15Jucatodifferent programs - different requirements - different ways of running
02:20.19Jucatotroy: :P
02:20.45UPX_LOLlinux trovald for the win
02:20.51UPX_LOLoops spelled his name wrong
02:20.59*** part/#kde UPX_LOL (
02:21.11acid-tripsimply how to compile and install new themes
02:21.13troythat was fun :P
02:21.17*** join/#kde level1 (n=level1@
02:21.25kakaltotroy: xDD
02:21.37kakaltoperhaps IRC was hardcoded into his BIOS.
02:21.43kakaltoI really don't know.
02:22.34Jucatoacid-trip: what kind of theme is it?
02:22.49*** join/#kde dwinslow (
02:23.30Jucatomore info:
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02:25.09acid-tripJucato, when i do it that way
02:25.17acid-tripit comes up improper theme file
02:25.20acid-tripor some crap like that
02:25.27Jucatoah wait, did you say .ktheme?
02:25.41Jucatooh that's a KDE 2 theme... doesn't work on KDE 3 afaik
02:28.57*** join/#kde onesandzeros (
02:31.04*** join/#kde eyooie (
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02:37.24acid-tripJucato, Final Fantasy KDE 3.1 theme
02:37.55Jucatohm... sorry no clue.. all I know is, .ktheme doesn't work anymore...
02:38.31*** join/#kde xjlm (
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02:40.49troyacid-trip: you might have better luck extracting the contents (I believe it should be tar or tar.gz compatibile or similar) and applying the parts manually, then saving the result as a new theme...
02:41.12*** join/#kde rick_ (
02:42.15acid-triptroy, Final Fantasy.themerc
02:42.22acid-tripwould that theme file work?
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02:44.10troy*shrug* I haven't used themes in ages - I usually leave things pretty close to the defaults unless I have a problem with things :)
02:44.12*** join/#kde CyberSpy (
02:44.22troyI probably haven't touched that module in like 5 years :)
02:44.46*** join/#kde kevinbenko (n=kvirc@
02:44.54Jucatoexcept when you install a new distro :P
02:45.11Jucatokubuntu & ubuntu cd's just got delivered today :(
02:45.32dasKreechthat's bad?
02:45.42Jucatooh. I meant :)
02:45.46Jucatotoo busy reading :P
02:46.00dasKreechMy biggest critics always complain about my defaults
02:46.35Jucatogood luck :)
02:46.40*** join/#kde s0nic__ (
02:46.46Jucato(still the same last I checked)
02:46.59*** join/#kde weks (
02:48.27troywow! found a new konsole feature just now, quite by accident - I'm impressed!
02:48.40dasKreechYeah I do that like once a month
02:49.05troyI was going to copy a link from konsole so I can open it in konq, and as I hovered over the url, konsole turned my cursor into a hand and let me open it directly in the browser! wow!
02:49.09dasKreechIt's kinda getting hard to consistently be impressed by KDE's Uberness
02:49.15JucatoKonsole 4 I presume
02:49.19troyJucato: yeah
02:49.26JucatodasKreech: :P
02:49.27dasKreechyou can do it for emailadresses as well
02:49.37dasKreechas I recall
02:49.43JucatodasKreech: I meant in Konsole for KDE 4.
02:50.05troydasKreech: I'm not talking about klipper detecting the clipboard contents - I'm talking about konsole itself knowing that it was a link in the middle of my cmake output :)
02:50.10dasKreechOh yeah
02:50.12Jucatotroy: yeah. one of the most asked features in Konsole which gnome-terminal already had. but it annoys the hell out of annma :)
02:50.28dasKreechtroy is all aboutz the Fut-ah!
02:50.41Jucatotroy: it would be good if it could be turned on/off maybe...
02:50.52dwinslowwhat's annoying about it?
02:50.55Jucatobut I don't mind it. :)
02:51.09dwinslowhard to select parts of text that's detected as a link?
02:51.20Jucatodwinslow: when you accidentally click on it when you're trying to select
02:51.34dasKreechdwinslow: having people pop windows all the time
02:51.57troyI like it, as most of the time, I'd be wanting to open the link anyway :)
02:52.01dasKreechThough if it has the konqueror progress bar I dont' see an issue
02:52.58dwinslowand then selection would still be doable
02:53.19Jucatothat would go against the single-click policy? :D
02:53.26troydwinslow: it would work, but it's consistent with other KDE apps :)
02:53.35*** join/#kde Cipher_ (
02:53.37troyrather, it's not consistent
02:53.42Jucatosee? I guessed right :)
02:54.09*** join/#kde aseigo (
02:54.14dwinslowi have it set that way as well
02:54.18dasKreechI like single click
02:54.29Cipher_how can disble debug when compiling kde4 ???
02:54.41dasKreechKonqueror pops up a progress window before the actual konqueror window so I just kill that
02:54.50dasKreechNo biggie
02:54.54Jucatoexcept when trying to select files in Konqueror icon view mode... gets annoying after a while...
02:55.36Cipher_-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull <<< what is the option '??? debugdisable/no option
02:55.46dwinslowwell even with the single-click setup you can ctrl+click to select things
02:58.37Jucatodwinslow: yeah.. but that gets a bit tiring after almost 2 years :(
02:58.38*** join/#kde icwiener_ (
02:58.38dwinslowi usually don't hold the ctrl key down that long
02:58.38Jucatoalthough double-click stresses the fingers too :)
02:58.38troyCipher_: that's a good question - try #kde4-devel for more...
02:58.38troyCipher_: there's probably also something that strips the binaries during the install as well - not sure what that option is
02:58.38Jucatodwinslow: have you tried selecting multiple files one by one (because they're not beside each other)? and accidentally opened one of the files instead?
02:58.38*** join/#kde sabayonlive-3079 (
02:58.38Jucatoyou'd have to hold the Ctrl key that long and steady :)
02:58.49dwinslownah, you could take breaks as long as you didn't click anything else
02:58.56Jucatohehe that's the problem :)
02:59.03dwinslowanyway I do ~all of my file management from bash
02:59.27Jucatowhere no clicks matter :P
02:59.40dwinslowwell, my keyboard kind of clicks when I type :D
02:59.59Jucatowhere no *mouse* clicks matter :P
03:00.06dwinslowyou've got me there
03:00.20*** join/#kde saxuce (
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03:01.39dasKreechJucato: and they have no pattern?
03:02.06*** join/#kde caotic (n=|caotic|@
03:02.07dasKreechJucato: I normally just hit ^F and narrow down the  stuff showing and select those
03:02.32Jucatoah yeah, no pattern
03:02.33dwinslowglobs in the address bar work too, dasKreech
03:02.34Jucatowild mix
03:02.37dasKreechEither select all and then deselect
03:02.49JucatoI can probably use *letter* :)
03:02.49dasKreechdwinslow: yeah I know but I tend to have all like files in one folder
03:03.12dasKreechJucato: how foten do you do wild mixes?
03:03.55*** join/#kde rami_ (n=rami@
03:03.57Jucatolet's just say that I don't have like files in one folder except for multimedia
03:04.04Jucatoso how often? always
03:04.42dasKreechcan't you just search on the metadata ?
03:04.56dwinslowdasKreech: with what?
03:05.31Jucatoyay... that really solves my single-click problem doesn't it? :)
03:06.09Jucatoso in order not to be annoyed by single-clicking multiple files and accidentally opening one instead of adding to the selected group, I Ctrl+F and search by "metadata"...
03:06.21*** join/#kde Ardarandir (
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03:07.05dasKreechWorks for me
03:07.22dasKreechthen I can just either shift click or ctrl+A
03:07.59TheSimkinJucato: whre is metadata ?
03:08.10TheSimkinerr, search by
03:08.52*** join/#kde sabayonlive-1999 (
03:09.11Jucatodunno... dasKreech was the one that mentioned it :)
03:09.21dasKreechJucato: you started :)
03:09.29Jucato(by metadata, earlier, he meant something like "tagging")
03:09.39dasKreechI don't think anything else has me as excited for KDE4
03:10.17*** join/#kde cram_leak (n=mark@gentoo/developer/mark-alec)
03:10.33Jucatois it there yet?
03:12.08*** join/#kde warriorness (
03:12.37dasKreechmay not even make 4.1 :-(
03:13.02dasKreechtureg is one of the very few who understand it and he's working with really new concepts and software
03:13.18dasKreechand he's rarely ever online
03:14.12aseigodasKreech: dolphin already uses it. certainly the combination with contacts isn't there yet
03:14.30dasKreechI know it's being worked in
03:14.30aseigodasKreech: but we already have nepomuk classes in kdelibs right now
03:14.44dasKreechbut it's still just a storage of relationships .. as I get it
03:14.51dasKreechand then the apps leverage it
03:15.04dasKreechso it has to mature before it really makes the big splash
03:15.04Jucatoaseigo!!! :)
03:15.23dasKreechI still don't get how it crosses with say akondi or khalki
03:16.20dasKreechI think you can do that with just strigi
03:17.25aseigodasKreech: not really, nepomuk is also the tagging
03:17.44aseigodasKreech: strigi is *just* an indexer. it understanding virtually nothing about relationships
03:17.45*** join/#kde cram_leak (n=mark@gentoo/developer/mark-alec)
03:17.48*** part/#kde caotic (n=|caotic|@
03:18.16dasKreechI know but it does know tags
03:18.22aseigoas for how it'll cross with akonadi (e.g.) is that akonadi will process mail / contacts / etc as they are stored/retreived and feed metadata through nepomuk into strigi
03:18.32dasKreechWait wait
03:18.42dasKreechI thought nepomuk got info FROM  strigi
03:18.46*** join/#kde Ardarandir (
03:18.53dasKreechIsn't that strigi's job?
03:18.55*** join/#kde GullyFoyle (
03:18.58dasKreechand nepomuk makes links?
03:19.04aseigonepomuk creates the rdf graph
03:19.12dasKreechfrom it's own search?
03:19.13aseigostrigi indexes the contents of the graph
03:19.24aseigowhen a query is done to find something in the graph, strigi is tapped
03:19.31dasKreechYes I get that stigi indexs info from nepomuk
03:19.40dasKreechbut nepomuk runs it's own file tracker?
03:19.42aseigoand then nepomuk can provide linkages from there (or perform further searches in the index based on those results)
03:19.44aseigono no
03:19.47aseigoit has nothing to do with files
03:20.07aseigoyou can index anything in strigi. that it does files is a side effect of the file system indexer, if you will
03:20.19dasKreechWhen you get a mail nepomuk doesn't keep anything on the file? just the relationship?
03:20.20aseigonepomuk manages a graph of connections using rdf
03:20.30aseigoand uses strigi to index (and perform searches within) that graph
03:21.07aseigonepomuk: graph (relationships, etc), strigi: indexing
03:21.20aseigo"your chocolate's in my peanut butter" sort of thing
03:21.39dasKreechha ha :)
03:21.52*** join/#kde CyberSpy (
03:21.55Jucatogood night aseigo! :)
03:22.06dasKreechaseigo: stay you man!
03:23.44dasKreechYeah anyway nepomuk is way cooler than anything anyone else has remotely come up with
03:23.50dasKreechat least in my head
03:24.10dasKreechtrueg poured cold water on my the first time I spoke about it. It's still way neater though
03:25.55*** join/#kde sindbad (
03:26.46dasKreechit's good
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03:34.51*** join/#kde BluesG (n=norazmi@
03:36.15BluesGanyone?? KDesktop start with a blank page...cannot adjust screeensver & bckgrnd....needs help...
03:37.10BluesGanyone?? KDesktop start with a blank page...cannot adjust screeensver & bckgrnd....needs help...
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03:37.59BluesGanyone?? KDesktop start with a blank page...cannot adjust screeensver & bckgrnd....needs help...
03:38.51dasKreechtroy: are the slots for the release party filled?
03:39.07dasKreechBluesG: Kalm down
03:39.30BluesGdaskreech...really needs help..
03:39.55dasKreechBluesG: which distro? has it always been like that? what did you do? i done some updates...s"""t happend
03:41.45BluesGdasreech distro?
03:41.55dasKreechdid the updates include kdesktop ?
03:42.28BluesGdaskreech not sure...using Easy URPMI
03:42.44dasKreechAh did you ask in #madriva ?
03:42.49dasKreech#mandriva even i'm in #mandriva #bigcat
03:44.13*** join/#kde Jucato_ (n=jucato@
03:44.19dasKreechBluesG: they would be closer to the problem than we would right now
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03:45.31troydasKreech: we still have more beds to fill :)
03:45.46BluesGdaskreech..ok tahnks
03:45.50dasKreechtroy: great getting tickets now
03:46.22troydasKreech: send en email to to ensure we save a bed for you :)
03:51.21dasKreechtroy: Soon as I know we are coming
03:51.32dasKreechdo I have to mention anything special?
03:52.07*** join/#kde human_blip (
03:52.07dasKreechI'm a complusive naturist? TheRegister mole?
03:52.15troydasKreech: well, you can be as open as you'd like :)
03:52.30troydasKreech: don't tell us you're a KDE nudist - we might reject you :P
03:52.48dasKreechBut when it's kold I turn Blue!
03:53.43dasKreechKDE4 Kopete?
03:53.46troyyeah :)
03:54.11dasKreechIs it compiled?
03:54.47troymostly - it takes quite a long time to compile, with all the protocol plugins...
03:54.56troyI'll let you know in a minute or so :)
03:55.34dasKreechlast time I pulled it was well over 50 megs of code
03:56.31*** join/#kde kuadrosx (n=kuadrosx@
03:56.41troylots of compiler warnings, but it's compilation is enabled by default in kdenetwork right now, which is a good sign :)
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04:03.20dasKreechtroy: 17-19 right?
04:05.15netuser__is there anyway to make kaffeine display softsubs properly? in vlc the subs will appear at both top and bottom with different coloured text, but kaffeine just puts it all at the bottom with same colour
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04:09.15troykopete built... krfb failed before I could install kdenetwork though - I'll poke at it
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04:14.14troydasKreech: kopete runs :)
04:14.42dasKreechand works?
04:14.49dasKreechLog into IRC here :)
04:15.18*** join/#kde human_blip (
04:15.34troyno irc protocol listed (pretty much every other one is...)
04:16.01dasKreechI hated IRC in kopete
04:16.10dasKreechmore ooomph for konvi :)
04:16.20dasKreechnow if Sho_  would just port
04:16.50troyI'm not sure if irc is gone so much as it probably just didn't get built (because it's borked or something)
04:17.01*** join/#kde Gaijin_Punch (
04:18.22dasKreechah well :)
04:18.24dasKreechwant me to chat to you?
04:18.29dasKreechsee if it crashes?
04:19.07troyI'm trying to set up jabber right now with my gmail account... will have to look up the server/port settings I need :)
04:20.04dasKreechit's name->save password -> passsword -> 6O
04:20.23dasKreechin connection check all three check boxes and change server to
04:20.45Gaijin_PunchIt seems that artsd is not running correctly and i accidently supressed the warnng messages. I need to turn the messages back ON and then troubleshoot artsd
04:21.17dasKreechthat should be all to get you on gmail
04:21.23dasKreechI run a lot of live cds ::)
04:21.43troydasKreech: hahaha, no, I just punched in the settings, I'll see if I can get connected
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04:23.59dasKreechumm ok
04:24.03nsarin konqueror the default display format when you open folders is icons in view/view mode , i want to make it the default view mode everywhere to be the tree mode, how can i do that?
04:24.05dasKreechit says that name is invalid
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04:24.55troyweird - I see my contacts - the chat window opens... I can send messages
04:25.57troydasKreech: system tray icon is there and working - I can send and receive messages - and I get popup notifications of messages -- seems like it's working :)
04:26.26dasKreechkde 4.0 will be sufferable !
04:26.47troydasKreech: says you're offline
04:26.56dasKreechLying bugger
04:27.00nsarwhat do you mean with this dasKreech, doesn't worth to use it?
04:27.00dasKreechsaid the same about you
04:27.21dasKreechnsar: I mean that those who are shortsighted will have one less arrow to point at us
04:28.40*** join/#kde aseigo (
04:29.01nsaryou had confused me saying "suffered" nevermind
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04:29.22Gaijin_PunchNo clue how to get warning messages back?
04:29.35*** join/#kde Er-MeNDa (
04:29.36dasKreechnsar: Before this there was no communication apps for KDE 4.0 that would have stung badly
04:30.07nsarso how i will change the default viewmode in konqueror?
04:30.38*** join/#kde nuonguy (
04:30.54dasKreechtroy: I was pretty surprised that Ctrl+Shift+I worked in KDE4 :)
04:31.05dasKreechJust need Ctrl+Alt+A back :(
04:31.06troyoh oh! I saw notification of your messages (read them from the tray), but then kopete exploded :)
04:31.28kaidenQuestion for you fine people since the people talking in my distro channel dont seem to be all there, I did a install of sabayon and for some reason the grub portion messed up and i can't boot, does anyone know of a graphical grub configuration system i can throw on here real quick or maybe one that sabayon already comes with that i can envoke to fix this up
04:32.10troykaiden: don't know about sabayon specifically, but you might find an app at
04:32.32dasKreechkaiden: or .. you know .. learn grub from the command line
04:32.47dasKreechprobably find info way faster and take you less time
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04:34.13nsarwhere i can download user and administrators documentation of kde in pdf format?
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04:50.00troydasKreech: yeah?
04:50.13troydasKreech: building kdepim now, to tickle that for functionality :)
04:50.20dasKreechplease at least take a editorial job at ars
04:50.50troyI haven't severed all ties there - I just don't have time for it :)
04:50.55*** join/#kde pepo (
04:51.09dasKreechyeah did you see the latest KDE article?
04:52.17troyyeah - Will had me look it over before he submitted it :)
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04:53.29dasKreechWhy didn't you make him put in a corresponding link for the other side of the scale?
04:54.53troyI liked that article - it perfectly fits our 'managing expectations' push on the press front right now - we're trying to ensure that the hype hasn't run away from us, and then we get killed in the press when they review 4.0 final...
04:56.01dasKreechbut he has "People think KDE4 is not ready" with a link
04:56.06dasKreechdid you look at the link?
04:56.13dasKreechIt's huge!
04:56.29dasKreechIt's not but it feels like a mountain of people complaing
04:57.00troyit's fine - I like the link since it's sends people interested in KDE over to the dot too :P
04:57.02dasKreechthen he has other people feel this is the right way forward and no link to any voice of vision or sanity
04:57.30dasKreechI'm not saying I don't agree with the first link
04:57.42dasKreechbut it has no counter point
04:58.24dasKreechIt's actually a beef I have with ars in general
04:58.24troydasKreech: I think it's fine - the counter point is based on his personal discussions with people on IRC, etc... remember, this guy is a big time KDE programmer, so he'll have private communications even more so than I do :)
04:58.24dasKreechwith a lot of charged articles they only link one side of the argument
04:58.49dasKreechYes but there are also a good deal of sane this is fine posts he can link to
04:58.59dasKreechaseigo even had one recently
05:00.20*** join/#kde buzztracker (
05:00.21dasKreechIs this out for Fedora 5 or CentOS 5?
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05:01.41troydasKreech: hahah, well, they will get packages... this mandriva install even has some old beta 2 packages available in the default repos...
05:02.03dasKreechFedora 5 will? really?
05:02.08dasKreechthat's great
05:02.36*** join/#kde fedora_ (
05:02.52troywell, fedora has a tendancy to provide backports of all the new stuff for many many versions... it's pretty cool that way (in spite of it's many other shortcomings)
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05:03.36dasKreechhow long do they support for?
05:04.02troydasKreech: anyway, I'm going to get some sleep shortly - don't forget to send an email to reserve your bed at mountain view :)
05:04.17dasKreechYeh as soon as my bum bro books the tickets
05:04.48dasKreechhe wants to get a job at google. I only promiised him oogle rights to surfer chicks
05:05.32aseigohm. nice article.
05:05.32*** join/#kde asgeir_ (
05:05.32Jucatowhich one?
05:05.46Jucatooh thanks
05:05.48aseigowhich i assume is what dasKreech and troy were talking about
05:05.50troyaseigo: that's what I told him - I told him he wrote like a politician "Yeah, there's going to be problems, but don't worry, we're professionals..."
05:05.53*** join/#kde roved2101 (
05:06.15Jucatooh yeah. arse's new FOSS journal/section...
05:06.25*** join/#kde swede (
05:06.29dasKreechaseigo: yes
05:06.30aseigotroy: he also has just the right amount of ballanced cynicism/realism to make it easy to swallow
05:06.34*** part/#kde roved2101 (
05:06.53aseigotroy: i've been urging will to step up more on the communications side for a bit... he's also really, really good in live interviews
05:06.55dasKreechI know I like the article I just wish that he'd link in his other side
05:06.55troyaseigo: yeah - a really good job - far better than I could have done on that topic - I like to talk about features and screenshots :)
05:07.14aseigotroy: good voice, speaks calmly and slowly, his thoughts come out well formed, he directs conversation very well
05:07.17dasKreechJucato: What do you want it to be?
05:07.46aseigotroy: yeah, we all have our own approaches ... combined it gets pretty killer =) "by power of gaiai, our powers unite!" or something.. yeah.
05:07.52JucatodasKreech: not me. just imagining some people might fault it for implying foss = linux (only) :)
05:07.59aseigoand, uhm. yeah, i never watched that show. mm-hm.
05:08.04dasKreechit is linux only
05:08.05Jucatolol captain planet?
05:08.13aseigoJucato: hehe.. yeah.
05:08.22Jucato"Let our powers combine!"
05:08.28Jucatoheheh :)
05:08.47JucatodasKreech: #open.ended - Ars Technica's journal devoted to open source software
05:08.48dasKreechNot that I have it from all the seasons or anything
05:08.51troyJucato: we noticed it - the problem is that we couldn't change it because there was an old linux.ars module years and years ago that still contained articles...
05:08.53Jucatothat's the heading :)
05:09.04Jucatotroy: I see :)
05:09.09dasKreechJucato: it was Linux only for now it's linus only. maybe at some time it will actually be open ended :)
05:09.28dasKreechI think they got over the Linus phase
05:09.41troyJucato: we figured that the #open.ended title combined with a tagline would be enough to make most people happy, even those flaky BSD users :P
05:09.46dasKreechI gotta thank that cartoon for breaking me out of watching TV
05:09.52Jucatotroy: didn't that include you? hehehe
05:10.12troyJucato: yeah - but if I can't poke fun at my own expense, what shall I do?
05:12.08Jucatogood night troy!
05:12.10Jucatoand aseigo :)
05:12.29*** join/#kde rami_ (n=rami@
05:12.31aseigoJucato: g'nite
05:12.35dasKreechand dasKreech you handsome attractive specimen
05:12.50Jucatoyou don't go to bed for another 2 hours...
05:12.59*** join/#kde CyberSpy (
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05:13.03aseigooh. i thought you were saying goodnight =)
05:13.09dasKreechWell I need to get in my superlatives early
05:13.12aseigodasKreech: indeed =)
05:13.36dasKreechJucato is a night bird to us :)
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05:48.21PeterFAI love Kontact.
05:48.49PeterFAJucato, curse you and your shameless cliches.
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05:49.18PeterFAJucato continues... We're the planeteers, and you can be one too! coz saving our planet is the thing to do!
05:49.23Jucatolol :)
05:49.29PeterFAThat's not funny.
05:49.37Jucatowan't me to continue further? :)
05:49.41*** join/#kde membrive (n=membrive@unaffiliated/membrive)
05:49.44PeterFAYes, please.
05:50.08*** join/#kde warriorness (
05:50.09thesourceare there adons for konversation
05:50.26PeterFAThank you.
05:51.14PeterFAThe thing about such shows is you wonder, why don't they just pull out the Capt'n right away.
05:51.57thesourceare there adons for konversation for anouncesing mp3 and sys info
05:52.03PeterFAAlso, like how in the Mighty Morphine Power Rangers, why don't they just pull out the big robot thing and squash the loser while he's small, before they have to duke it out damaging buildings and all.
05:52.11Jucatothesource: /media and /sysinfo
05:52.28Jucatothesource: they're actually scripts
05:52.32JucatoPeterFA: no need. built-in
05:52.35MinceRi don't really see what's wrong with looting.
05:52.52MinceRthe bad guys tend to have treasure. :)
05:53.16thesourceand i would find them where
05:53.28PeterFAMinceR, looting the planet... as in, wreckless strip-mining and excessive logging.
05:53.32Jucatothesource: just type /media or /sysinfo
05:53.48MinceRoh. they should be more specific.
05:54.01PeterFAMinceR, the context would give you the impression.
05:54.03thesourcethesource@localhost ~ $  etc-update
05:54.05thesourcebash: etc-update: command not found
05:54.11JucatoMinceR: it's a Captain Planet and the Planeteers song.. how can they be even less specific? :)
05:54.20thesourceSysinfo for 'localhost': Linux 2.6.22-sabayon running KDE 3.5.7, CPU: Mobile AMD Sempron 3000+ at 800 MHz (1596 bogomips), HD: 0/0GB, RAM: 331/366MB, 139 proc's, 1.4d up
05:54.23PeterFAMinceR, "looting and polluting." I'd say the 'polluting' part pretty much does it for me.
05:54.37thesourceit lies
05:54.46thesourceSysinfo for 'localhost': Linux 2.6.22-sabayon running KDE 3.5.7, CPU: Mobile AMD Sempron 3000+ at 800 MHz (1596 bogomips), HD: 0/0GB, RAM: 331/366MB, 139 proc's, 1.4d up
05:55.09*** join/#kde rami_ (n=rami@
05:55.10PeterFAthesource, my favorite is, /exec -o uptime
05:55.18JucatoUptime: 5 hours and 50 minutes
05:55.25JucatoPeterFA: better than /uptime?
05:55.30Jucato(in konversation only)
05:55.38PeterFAJucato, I am on XChat.
05:55.47*** join/#kde Xemanth (n=xemanth@
05:56.16PeterFA/exec -o uptime
05:56.25thesource[23:57] [DCOP] Error: Could not find script "-o".
05:56.35Jucatothesource: replace /exec with /cmd
05:57.04Jucatoor actually /exec cmd -o uptime to be long...
05:57.06*** join/#kde warriorness (
05:57.09PeterFAthesource, two slashes one right after another as the first two characters will become a single slash, and the rest, including the space if there is one, will become a string along with the single slash, and sent to the server like an ordinary text string.
05:57.15Jucatoer... nvm lol
05:57.30Jucatodrop the -o
05:58.20PeterFAI like /exec -o cowsay I love you.
05:59.08Jucato2 different clients
05:59.20PeterFAThere is of course, /exec -o banner I want to get kicked out.
05:59.58*** join/#kde wasynyt (
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06:00.32thesource[00:00] [DCOP] Error: No supported players are running.
06:00.40PeterFAthesource, don't execute it.
06:00.48thesourcelol i was playing
06:01.05thesourcehow do i get the player to work
06:01.24PeterFAthesource, take away his hoes.
06:01.29Jucatothesource: /media
06:01.36JucatoI think it only works w/ amarok... not sure
06:01.51Jucatothe default scripts are in $KDEDIR/share/apps/konversation/scripts
06:02.17thesourcei i think thats the truble
06:02.21thesourcei dont use kde
06:02.32PeterFAThat could be the problem.
06:02.52dasKreechThat's a fundamental problem
06:02.55thesourcebut sabayon add this and some other thing from kde on my sys
06:03.08thesourceno i can emregr kde
06:03.15Jucatoworks w/ xmms too it seems
06:03.16thesourcei just dont like it
06:03.29PeterFAI like KDE.
06:03.39*** join/#kde vinboy (
06:03.40thesourceto me its to blotes
06:03.52PeterFAthesource, what qualifies as bloated?
06:04.16Jucato"bloated" - "anything with powerful features"
06:04.16thesourcewhen it take me 3 min to find what im looking for :)
06:04.45PeterFAthesource, configure Apache without reading the manual.
06:04.55thesourceno thanks
06:04.56PeterFAthesource, in fact, configure IIS...
06:05.04PeterFAthesource, IIS is even worse.
06:05.10Jucatoexactly! I mean what could be easier than searching in Edit -> Preferences, not finding it there, then trying to search in gconf-editor, then  not finding it there, then discovering that it was removed in a later release?
06:05.12PeterFAIt doesn't take it's own configurations.
06:05.33thesourcegentoo rules
06:05.41PeterFAYes, yes it does, thesource
06:06.16PeterFAthesource, what window manager do you use, and why doesn't it qualify as bloat?
06:07.04thesourceor flxbox
06:07.04PeterFAthesource, uh huh... and why doesn't Gnome qualify as bloat?
06:07.04*** join/#kde jables (
06:07.06Jucato"not bloated" - "lacking powerful features that makes life easier and saner"
06:07.08Jucatothat's why
06:07.10thesourcecose i can find all my stuff
06:07.17PeterFABoth Gnome and KDE qualify as bloat depending on who you talk to. Linux with KDE and a few apps is still smaller than Windows XP.
06:07.20Jucatoj/k :)
06:07.34JucatoCLI is the least bloated interface evar!
06:07.47PeterFAJucato, would be the least ever, then.
06:07.53PeterFAEsp. v. 1.0.
06:08.09JucatoPeterFA: no, that not "not bloated"... that's "not functional" :)
06:08.14PeterFAI know a guy whose father owns a still shrink-wrapped package of DOS 1.0.
06:08.30*** join/#kde icwiener__ (
06:08.32PeterFAJucato, do you consider Windows XP functional?
06:08.54Jucatohm... I did... few years back...
06:09.02PeterFAXP is only functional in that it can run programs.
06:09.04Jucatobefore I knew there was a thing as Linux...
06:09.20MinceRxp is a functional malware collector software.
06:09.27*** join/#kde Jester (n=Jester@unaffiliated/jester)
06:09.37PeterFAMinceR, yes, it's quite effecient when it comes to executing anything it touches.
06:10.02PeterFAWe all know XP is really a hopeless crippled piece of bugware, much like DOS is.
06:10.15thesourceCalculating dependencies /
06:10.15thesourceemerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "xmms".
06:10.23PeterFAThe only two differences is that XP is graphical and popular.
06:10.28Jucatowhat media player do you use thesource?
06:10.34thesourceohh wait u have to pay for xp
06:10.34PeterFAthesource, xmms was removed from the tree.
06:10.49*** join/#kde warriomess (
06:11.04jablesargh.. this main should be read as "moin" ;)
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06:11.17PeterFAjables, I love you.
06:11.26Jucatooooh... isn't that a kde app?
06:11.30Jucatoor just qt...
06:11.48Jucatoah just qt...
06:12.44jablesPeterFA: my real nick on freenode is connected through another session.. so i had to think for another one, till i fixed a small (or large?) issue
06:12.57PeterFAjables, I still love you.
06:13.20*** part/#kde kevinbenko (n=kvirc@
06:13.41jablesPeterFA: must be, because you're my father
06:14.10PeterFAMy only beef with KDE is that there seems to be memory leaks which clear by restarting KDE.
06:14.20Jucatomemory leaks?
06:14.32thesourcehere u go
06:14.35thesourcehese are the packages that would be merged, in order:
06:14.35thesourceCalculating dependencies -
06:14.35thesourceemerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "Amarok".
06:14.37PeterFAJucato, yeah, some of the memory falls out of the wires, I have to put them back in.
06:14.44PeterFAthesource, amarok
06:14.49PeterFAthesource, eix amarok
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06:15.22PeterFACeboff, I love you.
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06:15.49PeterFAthesource, just execute it.
06:16.03Jucatoshouldn't eix be emerged first?
06:16.06Jucatoforgot the ebuild for it...
06:16.16PeterFAJucato, portage tools or soemrhign.
06:16.37PeterFAWow, that's one debauched spelling.
06:16.39Jesterwhere does one look to get some good API documentation for kde 3.5? I'm trying to find kwin's docs on techbase but there's nothing except for kde 4.0...
06:16.48Ceboffdoes anyone know where kopete saves the account passwords? i have forgotten my icq password and also the email addresses i have seem to not be valid for my icq number, tho i have kopete to auto-login - it must have stored the password somewhere, no?
06:16.58*** join/#kde root__ (n=root@
06:16.59JucatoJester: http:/
06:17.02PeterFACeboff, it may be in kwalletmanager.
06:17.08JesterJucato: that's where I am, there's nothing
06:17.21JucatoJester: nothing about kwin?
06:17.23PeterFAJester, you must make believe first.
06:17.40JucatoJester: perhaps you're only searching/looking under the KDE 4.0 section?
06:17.45*** join/#kde nhnFreespirit (
06:17.51CeboffPeterFA, it's not, i never activated kwallet...tho my pc is booted into windows atm and i am browsing my linux disk by explore2fs
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06:18.18PeterFACeboff, well, it could have stored it, anyways, it may be encrypted anyways.
06:18.28Jesterwell actually there's something but not quite the one thing I need (setStrut())
06:18.29PeterFACeboff, I'm not sure that it wouldn't activate it for you.
06:18.34Jesteryeah my bad
06:18.42PeterFAI wish FF would store my passies in my wallet.
06:18.57PeterFAJester, I love setStrut()
06:19.02JucatoPeterFA: FF wants to use a different pocket :)
06:19.14*** join/#kde fifo_ (n=quintin@
06:19.52JesterSee I'm wondering if it would be possible to Change the area my window will cover when maximed. I'm using virtualbox in seamless mode and it would be nice for my kde windows not to maximize over the xp taskbar :)
06:20.09fifo_Anyone know the calculator applet that you can put in your Panels? Is there anyway I can change it's precision? I can't even add: 954912 + 852664 without having it give me an exponential answer (1.80758e+06)
06:20.22JucatoJester: does virtualbox ose have seamless mode? :(
06:20.24PeterFAWow, the BECU only charges $20 per over-draft, way better than Wamu or Wells Fargo.
06:20.28*** join/#kde DLange (
06:20.32Jesterwell virtualbox+xinerama (which virtualbox doesn't support)
06:20.37JesterJucato: not sure
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06:33.19Ceboffok, i rebooted into linux now, can i somehow change the password from within kopete?
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07:27.49Tarkusi've been using GTK based stuff for a long time, since i never liked KDE/Qt visually.. but poeple are saying mized things about KDE4.. any idea where i can see actually progression in the visual aspects of KDE4? cause i've seena lot of mockups and fake stuff.. but im not really sure what is planned so far for the look & feel of KDE4..
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07:36.02ArafangionTarkus: I suggest you try a non default theme, if you don't like how it looks visually!
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07:39.14TarkusArafangion, actually, i don't mind plastik at all.. much better than the default gnome stuff (clearlooks).. its the way Qt apps seem bloated and really busy.. i like clean and simple.. either way im just wondering if you'd know how i can see the official progress and plans for KDE4.
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07:42.25ArafangionTarkus: The way I see it, KDE apps require an enormous library - Qt, but it is in effect the main library, and every single application uses it.
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07:42.54ArafangionTarkus: I personally feel that KDE applications are better designed, and in terms of libraries, have cleaner and fewer dependencies.
07:43.11JucatoGNOME uses GTK...
07:43.24ArafangionTarkus: Gnome, on the other hand, require a relatively tiny library - 'GTK', but with that, they also use a ton of different libraries, because GTK does far, far less than Qt does.
07:43.24Jucatoit isn't that much less enormous
07:43.41ArafangionTarkus: And every Gnome application requires a different combination of libraries, etc.
07:44.35ArafangionTarkus: So dependencies are much messier with Gnome.
07:45.05Jucatoin terms of the basic library dependencies, KDE and GNOME are not much different though... even KDE apps need some libraries that are not provided by Qt or KDE
07:45.31ArafangionJucato: Yes, but I'm talking generally.
07:45.50Jucatoand things will probably be "lighter" in KDE 4 because of how module Qt 4 is. (afaik)
07:46.12*** join/#kde AmyRose (n=djb@unaffiliated/amyrose)
07:46.24ArafangionJucato: I've compiled KDE 4 on my machine (Just the apps, not the DE), and it's not bad.  It is /much/ easier to compile and setup than Gnome applications are.
07:46.46Jucatothat's thanks to CMake
07:46.51ArafangionJucato: And my observation is that the libraries that KDE use tend to be used by /everything/.
07:47.02ArafangionJucato: No, it isn't.
07:47.24ArafangionJucato: It's thanks to not having to first get dependencies X, Y, Z, which need dependencies C, E, F, which need dependencies ...
07:47.39Jucatoare we talking about API libraries?
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07:48.33ArafangionI'm a software engineer (Ok, ok, I _will_ be a software engineer...), and I have compiled my entire system manually.
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07:53.42TarkusArafangion, you're probably right there.. but i was talking about front-end stuff. i find the Qt widgets to be a handful to look at. all the apps seem more crammed.
07:54.04thiago_homeit's the module structure of KDE itself
07:54.20thiago_homemost KDE applications that require external libraries require only *leaf* libraries
07:54.20Jucatoah there! finally someone who can dispel my confuzzlment :)
07:54.49thiago_homeso, when you're asked to install libSomething, it's a non-KDE library that probably doesn't depend on much at all.
07:54.49Jucatobut it's gone by now :)
07:55.02thiago_homeKDE libraries are all lumped together in kdelibs
07:56.16Tarkusthiago, do they update kdelibs often? so that it will include these other libraries?
07:58.57thiago_homeafter the 4.0 release, you probably have to update it after each release
07:59.36thiago_homeand each patch-level release is feature-frozen, so new libraries only appears in 4.1, 4.2, etc.
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08:01.42Tarkuscause im starting to get into a little programming.. im learning now using python.. but i want to start making front-end's to my programs.. its been pretty tough making a GTK frontend with glade and python.. do you know what kind of workflow it would be with Qt designer.. is it easier? (sorry for the questions.. but im new to linux and programming)
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08:02.26JucatoEric3 I think
08:02.28thiago_homeyou draw your UI with designer, then you compile your .ui file into .cpp and .h
08:02.53JucatoI think he wanted python... though I'm not sure how it works :)
08:03.07Tarkuswhat if i want to use python instead of C++? then i can compile the .ui into my .py?
08:04.30Tarkusi'll eventually learn python/C or Python/C++.. depending on if i decide to use GTK or Qt..
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08:05.17muchanicTarkus: there's a tool that comes with pyqt that does ui->py
08:05.39JucatoTarkus: (but Qt 3)
08:05.52Jucato(just from quick Googling)
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08:18.40supersakowhats the best wifi manager for kde?
08:18.56supersakoi need it to have WPA2
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08:20.56Jucatothe "best" one will be the one that works for you. I only know of knetworkmanager... I think there are others
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08:28.54contrast83I've taken quite a liking to KWiFiManager since NetworkManager stopped working for me in Gutsy.
08:29.35qupadai installed networkmanager on my gentoo system at work just to see what it does.  it's a moot point naturally since my work machine has one network interface for 100% of its life, but with knetworkmanager it has potential
08:32.36Tarkusis this similar to what KDE4 is planned to look like so far?
08:33.32Jucatothat's an old screenshot/mockup I think...
08:33.48Jucato(very old a that...)
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08:34.53TarkusJucato, any idea where i can find new screenshots.. like real stuff that they're considering atm?
08:35.18Jucatobeta 4 announcement
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08:37.11Tarkusthanks Jucato
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08:55.58supersakohow do you get kwifimanager to be able to get on a wpa2 network?
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08:58.17contrast83Settings -> Configuration Editor -> Use Encryption?
08:58.41shal3rAfter reboot, all fonts are much smaller. I didn`t change any configs or install any updates. How this can happen?
09:00.14contrast83shal3r: That usually happens to me after I change the color scheme. To fix: Alt+F2 -> kcmshell fonts -> Force Fonts DPI -> 96 DPI
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09:01.34shal3rcontrast83, i didn`t change color theme ;)
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09:01.56shal3rrr kde
09:02.08contrast83umm... ok.
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09:02.48shal3rtahnk you ;)
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09:05.49thiagocontrast83: it happens because your DPI changed
09:05.56thiagothat shouldn't happen, since your monitor didn't
09:07.16contrast83I've experienced that bug on every installation of Kubuntu I've had since Edgy, across various machines. Whenever I do *anything* to the color scheme, the fonts shrink.
09:11.43thiagosame problem: some program is resetting the DPI
09:11.49thiagothat's a bug in *that* program, not in KDE.
09:12.49contrast83That's good to know, I suppose.
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09:35.06shal3rthiago, i started kde as always, used only firefox, bluefish, xchat, kmail and console, as every day. But after last restart my DPI changed ;)
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09:38.58shyfxHello, can anyone comment on the stability/completeness of KDE4, I am considering using it as my sole desktop system
09:39.15shyfxI am not fussed if it isn't official release, just so long as it isn't unusable
09:39.44annmait's beta
09:40.01annmadepends what you use, tell me what apps you use
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09:40.23shyfxoffice, web (undecided on client, might try mozilla qt)
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09:40.34shyfxalso open office qt, if that is a no go, then I will use KOffice
09:40.45shyfxalso I was goign to try this on XGL...
09:41.04shyfxgoing with the whole experimental setup, miss my linux, been 4 years (since I started uni)
09:41.29annmaso you use no kde apps in fact?
09:41.49shyfxwell up until now... I am at the moment, open to anything that is going to work :)
09:42.12annmayou can use kde4 desktop with all the apps you named
09:42.22annmanot sure why you want to do so though
09:42.35shyfxnot sure about the apps or KDE4?
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09:43.03shal3rheh, i am waiting for final release or release candiate and i will buy new PC at that day then KDE4 will be released ;)
09:43.34shyfxwell I am sticking this onto my laptop... so it's just for bumming around on the net, playing music, watching vids in bed and stuff
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09:44.27shal3rshyfx, then why you need kde4 for that? ;)
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09:45.12shyfxshal3r: Just wanna try out all the latest stuff, going with the whole experimental packages, so long as it isn't completely useless
09:45.51shyfxand it will take a good, gee, long time to compile on my lappy. although it's ploughing away quite nicely at the moment...
09:46.18shal3rCan KDE slow down because of ~4 years old .kde directory ? ;)
09:47.31shyfxwell it's not a m$ registry so perhaps not :D
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09:48.55shal3rshyfx, but when i tried to rename .kde directory, kde loaded up ~3 times faster and worked faster too :)
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09:50.03shyfxhaha well how large is it and what is in there exactly?
09:50.20shyfxsurely there is some cleanup tool for it/
09:50.21shal3rthere is kde settings for last 4 years ;)
09:50.46shal3r184M    .kde3.5/
09:51.17shyfxyeah but settings don't grow as such
09:51.31shyfxor do they? and if not, does it keep history? and if so surely you can clear it?
09:51.39thiagokopete logs and thumbnail cache are probably there.
09:52.23shal3rthiago, damn thumbail cache is in ~/.thumbnails
09:52.24shyfxwhat's kopete again?
09:52.32shal3rand i don`t use kopete
09:52.39shal3rshyfx, somethink like messenger, i think ;)
09:52.48shyfxah yeah that's right... it's been a while :D
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09:53.39thiagoshal3r: du -sh .kde3.5/share/* and find out what's big there.
09:54.07shal3ricons and apps are bigger ones
09:54.15shal3rnow i am removing unneeded icon themes
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09:57.20shal3rok, small cleanup done
09:57.24shal3rwhat else can slow down kde?
09:58.01bluelightningshal3r: one thing that really slows down konqueror is browser history, particularly if you set it to store more than the default number of entries
09:58.19bluelightningthere's a bug filed somewhere for that I think
09:59.33shal3rcache was only 5MB and i am don`t use konqueror at all
09:59.40shyfxwee, going to try out compiz instead of KWin too... lol this is getting out of hand
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10:00.15bluelightningshal3r: it's not the cache, it's the history... but if you're not using konqueror then it's a moot point :)
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10:00.38shal3rshyfx, i tried, it`s weird :D
10:00.56shyfxshal3r: you're runnign XGL too then I imagine?
10:01.05shyfx(perhaps it only runs on Xgl, I am unsure)
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10:01.48shyfxjust looks funky... good way to impress your (nerd) friends
10:02.00shal3rit was fast but i don`t like it because i dont need that
10:02.03annmashyfx: on kde4 kwin has composing
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10:02.52shyfxno idea what composing is, reading now
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10:03.24shyfxGL support, my lord that's awesome
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10:03.52wahjavahow do I logout programatically, e.g. using *dcop* on shell
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10:04.27wahjavaI'm running Fedora LiveCD, unable to logout by selecting 'Log out' menu item.
10:04.50annmatype: logout in a terminal I guess
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10:05.30wahjavalogout works only in login shell
10:05.32wahjavaI'm running KDE
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10:08.40annmain a terminal, it doesnot work?
10:09.04annmaI don't want to try it obviously ;)
10:09.19wahjava[fedora@localhost ~]$ logoutbash: logout: not login shell: use `exit'
10:09.44annmause exit then
10:10.03wahjavaexit will close the terminal
10:10.09wahjavaI wanted to logout from KDE
10:10.21wahjavaand logout menu option in KDE is not working
10:10.34wahjavaAnd I don't wanted to press C+A+BkSp
10:10.38annmalook at the link you got
10:10.49annmait's your distro problem
10:10.59bluelightningalso refers to
10:11.01annmain KDE logout works
10:11.03wahjavaThanks :)
10:11.09bluelightningand annma's right, it's a distro issue
10:11.23annmaand in that case google is always good
10:11.39bluelightningyep, it's how I found that info :)
10:12.06wahjavaI also use KDE natively, but just wanted to try FEL livecd
10:12.19wahjavathanks #kde.
10:12.33wahjavaHappy Diwali to #kde
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10:13.12_Angelus_is there an easy way to change a GTK app to QT ?
10:14.14annma_Angelus_: what do you mean?
10:14.25annmacoding it to depend on qt?
10:14.41_Angelus_make it look QT instead of GTK
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10:18.58makiin KDE 5
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10:19.26maki*3.5.8 when i try to turn of the pc, ktorrent crashes
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10:20.19annmamaki: get a backtrace
10:20.37annmais ktorrent in kdenetwork?
10:21.19makiannma, later i disabled debugging in kde
10:21.44annmamaki: reporting a crash without backtrace is useless
10:22.08annmawhen you have a backtrace please open a bug report and explain how to reproduce and attach the backtrace
10:22.34annmareporting here is useless, reporting without backtrace is useless
10:23.12makii know, i was just wondering if its an known bug
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10:23.38annmalook at ktorrent
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10:32.04Jucatoheheh :)
10:32.34Jucatoyou just made me smile :)
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10:37.58makiwhere can i find logs from kcrash handler?
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10:43.03ICQnumbertime to time knetworkmanager waits for kwallet for the key, but this pop up windiw, where the key (password) can be added is hidden! is it a known bug?
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10:45.48ICQnumbertime to time knetworkmanager waits for kwallet for the key, but this pop up windiw, where the key (password) can be added is hidden! is it a known bug?
10:47.30benJImanI don't understand what you mean?
10:47.37benJImanDo you mean the password dialogue is not in the foreground?
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10:48.32benJIman* ICQnumber
10:49.30ICQnumberbenJIman: yes
10:50.05benJImanICQnumber: Yes, that often happens with kwin.
10:50.09benJImanIt happens with kdesu too.
10:50.11ICQnumberit just happen on start up only
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10:50.16benJImanThey go in the background.
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10:50.23benJImanBecause of the focus stealing prevention.
10:50.28ICQnumberbtw, i just noticed it on start up
10:51.03ICQnumberbenJIman: and i can not open it again, so i need to log out
10:51.26benJImanI don't understand what you mean.
10:51.29ICQnumberto make this pop up window become avalible
10:51.47benJImanWhen you say it's not available what do you mean? hidden in the background? Just click on it to bring to the foreground
10:52.52ICQnumberhidden from the screen
10:53.01ICQnumberthere is no pop up
10:53.05benJImanHow do you know it's there?
10:53.12benJImanYou're not being very clear.
10:53.45ICQnumbersorry, my eng is not good enough
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10:55.09ICQnumberi mean that if i right click on knetworkmanager the pop up menu open and i see the text in menu item, that key is requested from kwallet
10:55.15ICQnumberbut nothing happen
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10:56.11ICQnumberit just happen about every 3rd time i strat up my laptop
10:56.20Rasibut kwallet is running?
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10:57.24Rasihave you tried running the app from a terminal?
10:57.28Rasito see error messages
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10:57.47Rasiin that case knetworkmanager
10:57.54ICQnumberit does not start, and even if i start it manually, it starts, but this pop up service window does not come out
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10:58.37ICQnumberRasi: no it does only happen on start up...
10:58.53ICQnumberand not every time, just randomly
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10:59.19Rasiwell to go on bug-hunting, you should not let it autostart but start it mannually each time from a terminal
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10:59.28Rasior search the log files
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11:00.34ICQnumberbut knetworkmaneger will not ask for password any more
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11:01.27Rasiif you remove the password of kwallet it will
11:01.36ICQnumberRasi: wich log file, im not really good in it
11:01.58Rasiand if you cant see kwallet manager window start it with kwalletmanager --show
11:02.30ICQnumberRasi: u mean Close All Wallets?
11:03.05Rasii mean opening the wallet and removing the entry for knetworkmanager
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11:04.41ICQnumberok i will try, brb, i will lose my internet connection
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11:15.07ICQnumberwell looks like it does only happen on start up
11:16.35ICQnumberRasi: what log files can i look at
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11:30.11litbhello. there is a document which describes window manager standards
11:30.16litbICCT or something
11:30.26litbanyone can help me to recall that name?
11:31.25Kanniballlitb: I think there's something on
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11:32.04litbKanniball: yes
11:32.16litbKanniball: but i don't remember the name
11:32.18Kanniballit there any way to log process used resources, like cpu, mem, I/O
11:32.54bluelightninglitb: ICCCM (IIRC :)
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11:33.12RasiICCCM and EWMH
11:33.21Kanniballlitb: ???
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11:34.27litbKanniball: oh, thank you
11:34.33MZMdoes all apps in KDE4 have ability to specify UI language and fallback language?
11:35.17makiwhy dont work?
11:37.29leoleinHello. Is anyone here from the developers of KDE? Yesterday i have wrote here a bug in the file kcminputrc. But i speak not enough english to read/wirte in to the bugtracker. Can i speak german please. Its maybe very interest or/and important.
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11:45.39leoleinI use Xorg7.3 and KDE3.5.8 (Sidux) and I've found a "solution" for the problem with installed wacom-driver. After this install (Wacom) KDE/X is chrashing always after i logged in.
11:46.38leoleinThe file kcminput is the "Problem" - but exactly why, I don't now.
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11:47.26leoleinExcuse english is very buggy. :(
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11:57.32ma3xis there a nice clock for kde?
11:57.39ma3xnot a digital one!
11:58.36MZMma3x: yes. in KDE 4 :)
11:58.38Sho_ma3x: Check out StyleClock on
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11:58.54ma3xi want iut to run in its own little window
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12:00.48ma3xSho_, does styleclock show the seconds too?
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12:00.52MZMdamn. KDE4 beta4 is so unusable :(
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12:01.12annmaMZM: how?
12:01.25Jucato(here we go...)
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12:02.04MZMannma: I'm still on OpenSuSE LiveCD. Various parts (plasma crashing eaven when unused :(
12:02.14annmablame the Live cd
12:02.36annmahere on svn I had no crashwent) from plasma since a long time (except on my own applet in fact
12:02.40Jucatoand the almost 2-week old beta4...
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12:03.01MZMJucato: is there some other newe live CD?
12:03.11Jucatokde4 is a fast moving target... bugs that may have been there at the time of the packaging of the live cd might have been already fixed since then
12:03.16annmaMZM: what's annoying is generalizing from 1 product
12:03.35annmaMZM: and I invite you to tommorrow debug day
12:03.41Jucatonot sure if binner still make daily live cd's...
12:03.45annmaread my blog on Planet kde please
12:03.47Jucatooh that's tomorrow again? :(
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12:04.52Jucatoso I might have to do it from my semi-working Kubuntu install...
12:04.58annmabut for users like MZM it's good
12:05.27annmathey have KDE4, they use it and they find it bugged: they can help!
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12:06.28Jucatoas aseigo so poetically wrote: "anyone with a kde4 install is encouraged to show up to help identify issues. be prepared to apply patches and test fixes, though as this is not a bitch fest but a patch fest. the difference is critical. ;)"
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12:07.12annmain fact Jucato there were very nice people
12:07.29Jucatonice :)
12:07.36Jucatoall the more I shouldn't be there lol
12:07.41annmaalso in #plasma someone fixed a nasty bug on Frame applet
12:07.41MZMJucato: reporting bugs on two weaks old version isn't sane
12:07.55annmaMZM: yes you can do it
12:08.02annmaI mean you can test stuff
12:08.05annmatest games for ex
12:08.16Jucatoyou're expected to have an updated SVN install afaik
12:08.16annmaI noticed few games were looked at
12:08.24annmaJucato: not necesseraly
12:08.27MZMalso - today I have KDE 4 translation party and I just wanted to make some nice and slicky screenshot :P
12:08.32Jucatoah ok
12:08.34annmajust don't whine about plasma
12:08.46Sho_MZM: The latest live CD is from Nov 11th
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12:09.03annmaMZM: you can run KDE4 apps surely
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12:09.34MZMSho_: my KDE install shows, that today is Nov 9th. Some time left till 11. :)
12:10.04Jucatoheh :)
12:10.15Sho_MZM: Good point ... however is showing 11 and I merely did a mental copy'n'paste without going through the thinking units
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12:16.31MZMjust another question - I just upgraded my KDE on Gentoo to 3.5.8 and now it offers "Switch application language" for all apps.
12:16.54MZMstill I don't see such feature in KDE4. Is this some Gentoo-specific hack?
12:17.01annmano it's KDE
12:17.14annmanot sure if it's getting into KDE 4
12:17.59annmathe language support is not really finished as far as I can see in kde4
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12:20.01MZMannma: tnx
12:20.43niciocan someone help me fot the command to get back the decoration for compiz?im an from compiz
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12:21.33niciowhat the difference betew compiz-fusion and compiz :-?
12:21.47Jucato#compiz-fusion now actually
12:21.48Sho_That, too, you should ask in #compiz :)
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12:24.59idletaskI have a problem with trying to run KDE on a user account whose home is mounted by NFS... The NFS server is RHEL4.4, the client machine runs Gentoo and KDE 3.5.7
12:25.22annmaand you run other things OK?
12:25.22nicioohohohohoh je suis een 7.10
12:25.23idletaskOTOH, at home, I also have a similar setup but both the client and server are Gentoo, and there, no problem
12:25.38annmaidletask: you can run gnome OK?
12:25.39idletaskannma: well, yes... twm is OK if that's any help :p
12:25.41niciooops im in the wrong room
12:26.16idletaskannma: haven't tried... I've googled around and it looks like the problem is with DCOPserver
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12:27.11idletaskIn both cases this is NFSv3 mounts
12:27.49idletaskOh yes, both clients are native x86_64
12:28.00idletask(and both servers are 32bit versions)
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12:28.36idletaskannma: when I kill X on the non working setup, I see that, for instance, kwin is still running, probably waiting for something it couldn't find
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12:28.57annmano idea about all that
12:29.04annmayour best bet is to use google
12:29.15idletaskBeen there, done that, but no solution so far :(
12:29.17command68question is the name of the progrem that lets you download/remove
12:29.19annmaexcept if yo find here someone with such a problem
12:29.53idletaskannma: my problem is not unheard of, and on quite different setups
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12:30.22annmaidletask: sure but I don't even understand it
12:30.26idletaskFor instance, someone has the same problem with OpenSolaris, the server being Linux... That's strange
12:30.41annmaalways only KDE?
12:31.20idletaskWell, KDE was one of my keywords for the searches... I admit I haven't paid attention as to whether the other people tried Gnome
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12:36.19idletaskannma: how can I make KDE more verbose on startup? I'll try to track down the problem a little more
12:37.06annmano idea :(
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12:42.17Jucatowb Sho_!!! :)
12:43.22Sho_re. fileserver crasehd :(
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12:43.40SupranoHi there
12:44.28Supranoi wondered, if there is a way to use kde apps without all that background things running? eg. i once installed amarok and it installed esd withit along, or things like kderunner..stuff like that..
12:44.47Jejemesd isn't a KDE part :D
12:44.54Supranowell bad example then
12:45.03Supranobut you know what i mean :)
12:45.10Jejemand amarok need some dependencies
12:45.14Jejemlike other progs..
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12:46.21Supranoi just startet amarok
12:46.26Supranostarted was:
12:47.23Supranoamarokapp kdeinit Running...  dcopserver [kdeinit] --nosid --suicide   klauncher [kdeinit]  kded [kdeinit]  kio_file [kdeinit] file /tmp/ksocket-suprano/klauncherb5KhFa.slave   kio_file [kdeinit] file /tmp/ksocket-suprano/klauncherb5KhFa.slave  ruby /usr/share/apps/amarok/scripts/score_default/score_default.   python /home/suprano/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/loadsimilar/l   amarokcollectionscanner --nocrashhandler -r -i /mnt/data/Media/Au
12:47.45Supranoall applications showing up in ps aux.. _just for amarok_ !!
12:48.28Supranomy question is: can i do it without all these? just amarokapp..?
12:48.54Supranowell i see a point for python and ruby maybe, as scripting interface or what ever, but all the rest Oo
12:50.04Supranoas i am not using kde, this creates a enormous overhead :/
12:51.03Sho_The overhead isn't that "enormous", and all of those processes have useful purposes that allow Amarok to be as good as it is
12:51.37Supranowell it takes forever to init them
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12:52.06Rominawhat is the difference between  ALT + F2   ->  firefox
12:52.19Rominaand opening  "firefox"  in the konsole ?
12:52.42Sho_There usually wouldn't be one
12:52.52Rominathere must be one
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12:52.55idletaskSho_: since you seem to be knowledgeable about KDE, I have a question for you :) How do I make KDE more verbose on startup? I try to diagnose a problem but don't have enough information in the logs...
12:52.57RominaI am 100% sure
12:53.25Sho_idletask: Build it with --enable-debug=full, then you'll drown in the contents of ~/.xsession-errors ;)
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12:53.46Jucatoheheh Sho_ is more than knowledgeable about KDE :)
12:53.48idletaskRomina: stdin, stdout and stderr are your terminal when you launch it in a konsole, and that's pretty much it
12:53.58RominaSho_, one example:  Kubuntu Feisty Fawn:   ALT + F2 firefox ... it starts on every 2nd or 3rd try
12:53.59idletaskSho_: and, well, apart from doing that? :p
12:54.03Sho_Romina: Then the difference is most likely created by the files that the shell that you run in your Konsole sources at startup, modifying the environment (e.g. PATH)
12:54.08RominaSho_, firefox in the konsole:  it starts every time
12:54.35JucatoRomina: I've had that problem too. never knew what causes it...
12:54.38idletaskRomina: look in your .xsession-errors, or whatever kubuntu puts the logs of your X session into
12:54.47Jucatosame w/ starting Firefox from Katapult or sometimes even the K Menu
12:55.11RominaI can do that idletask,  but I am here for finding a way to start programs the same way as out of the shell
12:56.03idletaskalt+F2 does "execute a command", doesn't it?
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12:56.28idletaskIf yes, well then try launching "firefox &>some_file_in_your_home" and look into that file
12:56.42Rominawith the &> ?
12:56.49Sho_idletask: You can run "kdebugdialog" to chose the KDebug areas that will be outputted
12:56.52Rominafirefox &>foo.txt
12:57.04idletaskYes, and then look in foo.txt
12:57.04Sho_idletask: But without having a debug build, that probably won't give you a significant increase
12:57.35Rominanothing in it
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12:57.42idletasksho_: OK, I'll try that
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12:58.52Rominadoes anyone of you know a bit about linux,  KDE _and_ c++ ?
12:59.03RominaI would need a superguy who is a combination of all of it
12:59.49Rominathere is a c++ program which seems to use KDE functions
13:00.04RominaI try to find out how it starts a program and it deals with firefox
13:00.09Rominaits a firefox quickstarter
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13:03.50boom1992Romina: @ ^^
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13:04.13RominaI think I found a solution
13:04.21Rominayou said you would have the same problem,  right?
13:04.37Rominatry replacing the command which starts firefox by   /bin/sh /usr/bin/firefox
13:04.56RominaSho_, maybe thats the difference
13:04.59Rominaa different shell
13:05.41RominaI clicked on advanced and "start in a shell"
13:05.41Rominathen I saw that it uses /bin/sh
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13:09.48MZMone thing that makes me wonder - why oh why has such huge default font in Konqueror...
13:10.46MZMnobody is using Konqueror?
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13:13.47foo-nuxWhere is the konqueror background setting to be found?
13:15.00pontoMZM: i guess most people use it with akregator
13:15.16Jucatofoo-nux: which background?
13:15.30boom1992foo-nux: appearance IITC
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13:15.50Jucatodepends on which background he's referring to...
13:16.08boom1992the file-view background I think
13:16.09Jucatoboom1992: specifically which background in konqueror :)
13:16.17Jucatosee? you're not even sure :)
13:16.23boom1992are there more then one??
13:16.40Jucatobackground color for web pages (Stylesheets)
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13:16.50boom1992ok :-)
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13:17.00Jucato(besides, if you meant file view, the answer was still wrong :P)
13:17.11boom1992it'sa ansicht in german
13:17.42JucatoView menu -> Configure Background... :P
13:17.56Jucatoso stilll not right :)
13:18.03Jucatotoo many l's there...
13:19.07boom1992ansicht->hintergrundfarbe festlegen ( I think he's german, b/c of Name: Herbert)
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13:22.05rmajyou failed at beeing user friendly
13:22.16rmajmy noob friend takes over 2 minutes to find konsole controll center in start menu...
13:22.27rmajwhere it is located?  or how to lunch it from term?
13:23.21JucatoK Menu -> System -> Konsole?
13:23.40rmajJucato: this is the Control Center program?
13:23.53Jucatoyour sentence really didn't make any sense
13:24.06foo-nuxJucato: Found it, ~/.konquerorrc :)
13:24.15rmajhow to lunch KDE Controll Center?
13:24.20Jucatowhat distro are you using? It should be in K Menu -> Control Center
13:24.23Jucatofoo-nux: hm?
13:24.38rmajhow to launch KDE Controll Center?
13:24.43Jucatofoo-nux: were you looking for the menu config for it?
13:24.48Jucatormaj:  <Jucato> what distro are you using? It should be in K Menu -> Control Center
13:24.49dasKreechrmaj: alt+F2 -> kcontrol -> press enter
13:25.27rmajmy friend is using ubuntu; I dont have kde here
13:25.36JucatoUbuntu is GNOME....
13:25.49Jucatothere will be no KDE Control Center in GNOME
13:25.51rmajJucato: lol?
13:25.51foo-nuxJucato: I foudn what I needed, a config file for konqueror :) Not specifically the menus, just the background.
13:25.56dasKreechyou wouldn't be able to launch Kcontrol all
13:25.56rmajJucato: you can install KDE there
13:26.03rmajwtf guys?
13:26.05Jucatormaj: that's why I'm asking what distro
13:26.08rmajyou CAN install kde in ubuntu
13:26.13rmajaptitude install kde
13:26.16foo-nuxrmaj: konsole -> kcontrol
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13:26.22rmajfoo-nux: thanks, works now
13:26.41rmajJucato: sign, you can use kde in ubuntu... I thought its obvious
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13:27.00Jucatormaj: I know! I am a Kubuntu developer
13:27.15Jucato(wow! first time I actually used that title...)
13:27.19foo-nuxJucato: Well, now I am trying to change the original kde menu into a fancy one (with tabs and stuff). But I will google it :)
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13:27.24rmajJucato: cool
13:27.26Jucatofoo-nux: background while in File Management mode?
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13:27.41foo-nuxJucato: Yes. (I only use konq as filemanager)
13:27.45Jucatormaj: that's why I'm asking you what distro. because in Kubuntu, System Settings replaces Control Center in the menu
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13:28.00rmajJucato: its an Ubuntu, to which we installed kde ;)
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13:28.19Jucatothen the Control Center should be right there under the K Menu.
13:28.28Jucatobut do what dasKreech said if you can't find it
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13:28.35Jucatofoo-nux: View menu -> Configure Background
13:28.48foo-nuxJucato: Well, I now know the file L)
13:29.41Jucatofoo-nux: to change the kmenu to something with tabs, you actually need to replace it/install a kmenu replacment (kickoff)
13:29.58foo-nuxJucato: Yes, I thought so.
13:30.18foo-nuxJucato: Hmm, maybe I can manage to do so in my home directory (diont have root on my current machine)
13:30.49foo-nuxhow is the thing called?
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13:31.20foo-nuxJucato: Thanx
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13:39.29foo-nuxJucato: Any idea where I can find the tar ball (.tar.gz)?
13:40.11annmayou can get it in svn
13:40.24Jucatodepends on your distro too...
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13:40.32Jucatoer.. waves
13:40.35Jucatowb again Sho_
13:40.36foo-nuxJucato: Was checking it, but they seem to sort it by distro
13:40.50Jucatothey usually also have tarballs :)
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13:49.53foo-nuxJucato: where?
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13:51.14metalfanis it possible to suspend konqueror sessions in their current state to drive and reactivate them later?
13:51.23metalfanwithout rebooting
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13:52.02foo-nuxmetalfan: Maybe use alltray to minimize it to system tray
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14:40.16chimaerahi, i have a suspend key that sends an event (xev) but kde doesn't seem to do, or at least a cannot assign that key to anything. any ideas?
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15:07.53kjetilkWorkwhat would be the smartest way to start a synergy server for the logged in user only on kde4?
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15:09.07GraveDiggerhey there!
15:09.37GraveDiggeri have seen, that i have had a scheme called "Advanced Powersave" in kpowersafe, but since the last upgrade that one is gone
15:09.59GraveDiggerhow do i get it back? with that scheme the second cpu core was disabled for improved power saving
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15:12.15eidolonokay, whoever came up with dolphin?  and decided to replace konqueror with dolphin  as the primary filesystem browser and file management tool?
15:12.26eidoloni was going to kill you.  but... you know... dolphin's pretty good.
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15:12.58GraveDiggerthe more i try dolphin, the more i hate it
15:13.13GraveDiggerit's disturbing my work flow
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15:13.26GraveDiggerand my way of using both filemanagement and webbrowsing
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15:15.13eidolonGraveDigger: disturbing a personal workflow isn't always a bad thing.
15:15.25eidolonyou might have been stuck in a bad pattern.
15:15.40GraveDiggereidolon: well, in my case it is, and i pretty much like MY work patterns
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15:16.01GraveDiggereidolon: besides i hate it to be dictated a way to do things, which dolphin actually does
15:16.20eidolonGraveDigger: bet you're an emacs user. :)
15:16.27GraveDiggerno, i am not
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15:17.26Logihow do I revert to using konqueror for FM rather than Dolphin in Gutsy?
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15:18.34roguebugahoy, mates
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15:19.23Sho_Logi: KControl -> KDE Components -> File Associations -> inode -> directory -> Set to Konq
15:19.46LogiSho_: ah, didn't think to look under File Associations. Thanks.
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15:20.17Logieidolon: you here, eh? :)
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15:20.43Logiassociations for inodes is tres cool.
15:20.52Sho_true :)
15:21.35eidolonLogi: you mentioend dolphin not remembering detail views.
15:21.40eidolondid you go to preferences and set the default view mode?
15:21.47Logieidolon: yes
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15:22.05eidolonhuh.  just worked for me.
15:22.05Logieidolon: apparently it's a known problem. Typing my question into google I found loads of people moaning, but no solutions :)
15:22.24Logieidolon: ok... well, Dolphin is likely to become great, but it's not there yet
15:22.31eidolonhas someone also opened a bug that the Dolphin preferences page is titled 'D3lphin Preferences' ?
15:23.44Logieek! they've done something horrible to the default layout of konqueror in FM mode.
15:23.50fredeidolon: Not a bug.
15:24.14eidolonthat SSL certificate is invalid.
15:24.21eidolonand then fails :)
15:25.51deitarionI don't suppose anyone here knows how to turn off subpixel anti-aliasing in GTK+ apps without having to install GNOME? I turned it on using KControl to test it, but GTK+ apps kept it enabled when I turned it back off.
15:26.32deitarion(I figured that you guys would be the most likely to have encountered this particular problem and solved it without installing the GNOME control panel)
15:27.30Sho_eidolon: Notably that's the home page of "D3lphin", which is a fork of the abandoned KDE 3 version of Dolphin (which is a far cry removed from KDE 4's)
15:27.42roguebugin konqueror in icon view, is it possible to somehow use custom icons for the text and html files instead of the miniature previews?
15:27.59Sho_eidolon: The home page for the original KDE 3 Dolphin is actually
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15:28.14deitarionroguebug: Turn off text and HTML preview in KControl and then set icons like you would for any other file type.
15:28.40herodolphin is pretty simple
15:28.41heroi like that
15:28.48herobut why was everyone against the browser integration?
15:28.48roguebugok thx deitarion
15:28.54kirunHow do I make Kate use something smaller tab-width than 8? I tried turning on the tabs as spaces option, and when I run tools > clean indentation it replaces the tabs with 8 spaces
15:29.20eidolonSho_: that's fine.  a) why is the SSL certificate broken, b) why is itssl'ed to begin with c) why use some L33TSP3/\K name for the project, d) why the hell didn't he put dates on the damned page?  it says "renamed" with v 0.9.  gosh, thanks, when did that happen?  (people seem to forget that webpages last for -YEARS-.  i have no clue whether that's a recent change or not.
15:29.33kirunand "keep extra spaces" is turned off as well
15:29.36Sho_roguebug: View -> Preview -> Uncheck "Text Files"
15:29.44deitarionkirun: Settings --> Configure Kate --> Editor --> Editing --> Tab width:
15:30.03kirunahh, I thought I was being blind, thanks :P
15:31.46deitarionAs for Dolphin, I'm reserving my judgement until I get a chance to try a Dolphin KPart inside Konqueror 4. Then I'll decide which KPart I use inside my Konqueror. (The use of Konqueror as a general tabbing-enabled KPart harness is not something I'm willing to give up)
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15:32.26herothe only thing i don't like about konqueror is that when you want to copy the current url, you have to double-click in the address bar
15:32.33eidolonhero: ^L
15:32.38Sho_deitarion: Umm ... it's not like you can still pick the old KParts
15:32.42heroif you hit ^L, it clears the address bar
15:32.42eidolonthat's what i do.  ^L, then ^C.
15:32.48eidolononly if you have that bound that way.  sec :)
15:32.53eidolonthis is a change i did.
15:32.59heroyeah, do tell
15:33.03deitarionSho_: You're saying that the old filebrowser KPart(s) haven't been ported?
15:33.12eidolonConfigure Shortcute-> Location:
15:33.15eidolonchange that to ^L
15:33.25Sho_deitarion: I'm saying that they're gone now in favor of using the same in Dolphin and Konq
15:33.42heroeidolon: that's it?
15:33.50eidoloni'm pretty sure that's all i did.
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15:34.19heronow, too bad you can't make it automagically copy the url to the clipboard when you hit ^L
15:34.41eidoloneh, i've finger-macroed ^L^C
15:34.44deitarionSho_: Ahh. No big deal then. This is KDE, so I'm sure it'll be configurable enough for my needs. (unlike some GTK-based desktop environments I'll leave unnamed)
15:34.51eidoloni do google searches with ^L<tab>  :)
15:34.58eidolonvery firefox-like.
15:35.08heroi use the gg stuff
15:35.13herothat's one reason i really like konq
15:35.15roguebugok thx Sho.
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15:35.37deitarionhero: Same. I've also got yt for youtube and bt for my favorite Torrent search engine.
15:35.51deitarioneidolon: Type "gg: foo" in the address bar to google for "foo".
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15:36.01roguebugi can deactivate the preview that way, but still it seems i can't attribute individual icons to html and text files
15:36.17deitarionroguebug: Oh, per-file icons. No, you can't do that yet.
15:36.35roguebugok thx.
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15:36.53roguebugyou say "yet". does that mean it's a planned future feature?
15:37.03deitarionroguebug: I don't know.
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15:37.37deitarionHowever, I know it's already done using a .directory file for folders and I know that POSIX Extended Attributes would be one reasonable way to do it for files.
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15:37.50herodeitarion: is there a guide on how to do that?
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15:38.08deitarionhero: Changing folder icons or programming Extended Attribute file icon support into Konqueror?
15:38.47herodeitarion: no, the yt and bt
15:38.53deitarionhero: Ahh. one sec.
15:39.13deitarionSettings --> Configure Konqueror --> Web Shortcuts
15:39.26roguebugok thx deitarion
15:39.30deitarionFor YouTube, the search URI is this -->\{@}&search=Search
15:39.48eidolonwow, konversation did not like the \ in that url :)
15:39.59deitarionFor BitTorrent, I prefer this site -->\{@}
15:40.05eidolonoh i see :)
15:40.15herodeitarion: is there a guide on how to write those?
15:40.16deitarioneidolon: What did it do? I'm using X-Chat for it's Python scripting API.
15:40.23niltonhi. i've tried putting a file in ~/.kde/env/ so that it is source when kde is launching, exporting environment variables. but it did not work
15:40.29niltonis there anything i can do
15:40.42scotty^Does anyone know what the setting is in Konqueror to stop the Window restoring down (changing to a smaller size) everytime you open a new tab or switch tabs?  It's driving me nuts.
15:40.52eidolondeitarion: i've completely dropped xchat now.  konversation has hit enough functionality that it doesn't make me want to jab myself in the eye everytime i use it.
15:41.05eidolonand the fact that it integrates well is awesome.  also worked with the #konversation folks on some bug fixes.
15:41.26deitarionhero: It's simple. Take the results URL from a site and replace the What+I+want part with \{@}
15:42.12deitarioneidolon: I admit it's much nicer than X-Chat, but I'm too used to whipping up little scripts to customize my client behaviour.
15:43.00deitarionI've had "write up a recommendation for API design for the Konqueror devs" on my TODO list for a few months now. I'm hoping to find time to do it before Christmas, but who knows.
15:43.01eidolonwell, i modified my /media script in konversation recently - the output was too long.  so the scripting stuff works quite well.
15:43.07eidolonthis is a script i wrote:
15:43.07eidolonNow playing: Paul Simon - Once Upon A Time There Was An Ocean (Radio Paradise)
15:43.15eidolonnot like it's complex or anything.
15:43.20deitarioneidolon: That's equivalent to /exec. I'm talking scripting by hooking events.
15:43.29eidolonah, that i don't know.  haven't pursued it.
15:43.35eidolonhomey don't do that shite.
15:43.45deitarionThings like implementing selective /ignore of a complexity beyond what the built-in system can do.
15:44.12Logiok, another elementary question. Konqueror's File Manager mode now has a black background and I can't find anywhere to change it. I'm just not having any luck doing anything today, I should just give up and go out for a Guiness.
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15:44.34deitarionI did do what I could to improve Konversation via scripting though. I was the one who submitted the patch to add Audacious Media Player support to Konversation's /media
15:45.03eidolonthe /meida script is ridiculously complex :)
15:45.05eidolonthat's why i just replaced it :)
15:45.19eidolon"uhh. this.. then that.  and thos... oh to hell with it."
15:45.27deitarioneidolon: I agree it's complex, but I tend to enjoy a challenge.
15:45.56deitarionSho_: That screenshot reminds me of another worry about KDE 4. The worry that it won't have any widget themes I'll be able to tolerate.
15:46.12Logideitarion: yeah, they're all too... cool...
15:46.24scotty^Does anyone know what the setting is in Konqueror to stop the Window restoring down (changing to a smaller size) everytime you open a new tab or switch tabs?  It's driving me nuts.
15:46.25Sho_deitarion: The widget theme is unfinished, and the window deco in that shot is broken of course :)
15:46.26Logideitarion: I'm actually going to get stuff done on this thing
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15:47.02Logiconsidering how nothing works for me today, perhaps I should give kde4 another try? :)
15:47.27mntI have a small problem. I recently updated to KDE 3.5.8, and I run Xinerama over two screens. Now when I cycle through all open windows with Alt+Tab it only cycles through the windows on the active screen. It doesn't treat both screens as one entire desk. Is there a way to change this behavior?
15:47.41eidolonokay folks, i need to get some work done.
15:47.44deitarionThat reminds me: I hope PyKDE4 works with Python 2.5 on Gentoo. (PyKDE 3 doesn't) I'm probably going to need to write my own WinDeco to keep the "rounded corners when maximized" since Baghira isn't being ported.
15:48.10deitarionI'm used to slamming my mouse to the corner and scrolling to change desktops... and that only works if the desktop is exposed by a rounded windeco corner.
15:48.45Sho_deitarion: Or you could just enable "Allow moving and resizing of maximized windows", which is the preference that controls whether borders are disabled on maximized windows for all decorations
15:49.03Sho_As for Baghira ... *shudder* :)
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15:49.29deitarionSho_: It IS enabled. Many WinDeco (including all of the ones that come with KDE except "Web") don't use it to determine whether windeco corners should be rounded on maximized apps.
15:49.31herodeitarion: what do you put in the "URI shortcuts" part?
15:50.05deitarionhero: I used "yt,youtube" for YouTube. ("yt: foo" and "youtube: foo" will work)
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15:50.10heroyeah, n/m :)
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15:50.40herothat's going to be one LONG p*ng response, bud
15:50.53deitarionSho_: Baghira was a welcome sight after I was stuck with "Web" for over a year.
15:50.58Sho_deitarion: That's not true -- the standard decoration, Plastik, for example, does
15:51.15Sho_deitarion: Well, I hope you're just talking about the Baghira deco instead of the style engine :)
15:51.21herodeitarion: awesome.  thanks!  i wonder what else would go in there.
15:51.22deitarionSho_: No, it doesn't. I wish it did.
15:51.32deitarionSho_: I'm using the Plastik style engine.
15:51.49*** part/#kde lokedk (
15:51.53LogiThe one thing that consistently annoys me most about KDE is that when the laptop is disconnected I get an error box from kmail every 5 minutes that it can't connect to the mail server. Couldn't it just make an unhappy face in the panel icon or something and leave me alone, I'm already unhappy about the lask of network :)
15:52.10Sho_deitarion: I just checked to confirm, and the Plastik deco maintains its rounded corners on maximized windows if "Allow ..." is enabled
15:52.24scotty^Can anyone hear me?
15:52.32Logiscotty^: no
15:52.33Sho_deitarion: So does "Smooth Blend", also shipped with KDE
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15:52.39scotty^lol Logi
15:52.51Sho_deitarion: Ditto for "Keramik", also shipped with KDE
15:53.11Sho_deitarion: And for System++
15:53.15deitarionSho_: It maintains it's rounded corners at the top but not bottom as far as I can tell.
15:53.34Sho_deitarion: All decorations in kdelibs/kdebase/kdeartwork that used shaped decorations maintain their shape on maximized windows when "Allow .." is enabled
15:53.34deitarionI should have qualified my statement with "that I can stand". I can't stand Keramik and System++
15:53.49scotty^That's like the old joke where you ask someone if they are deaf and they respond with "What?" :)
15:54.14Sho_deitarion: You might like Knifty:
15:55.01scotty^OK, I'll ask one last time and then assume that no-one knows the answer (although a "no" or three would be nice).
15:55.06scotty^Does anyone know what the setting is in Konqueror to stop the Window restoring down (changing to a smaller size) everytime you open a new tab or switch tabs?  It's driving me nuts.
15:55.14deitarionSho_: Try maximizing with Keramik and scrolling on the bottom corners. On my system, it only retains rounded corners at the top... where it's normally covered by my taskbar.
15:55.21scotty^And when I say nuts, I mean NUTS!
15:55.58Sho_deitarion: The reason why the Keramik decoration doesn't retain rounded corners at the bottom is because it doesn't have rounded corners at the bottom
15:56.27deitarionYes it does. There's one pixel at each corner which should be showing desktop. Want a zoomed comparative screenshot?
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15:57.03scotty^I've looked in Setting>Configure Konqueror but couldn't find anything.
15:57.51scotty^oops - Settings>Configure Konqueror
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15:58.54niltonhi. how does ~/.kde/env works?
15:59.25heroyes, i love konqueror
15:59.33heroif only it were ported so that all my friends could share in my joy
15:59.49Sho_nilton: Every file ending in .sh in ~/.kde/env/ is sourced by KDE's session startup script (startkde) early in its run
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16:00.11Sho_deitarion: Looks like Plastik to me, not Keramik
16:00.16niltonSho_: but what if it's not working?
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16:00.40deitarionSho_: I keep getting them mixed up. I can't stand Keramik and I wish Plastik would retain rounded corners.
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16:01.38niltonSho_: i've put a file there, but the env variables i've defined in the file aren't defined...
16:01.58scotty^G'day fedora_ - did u see that Fedora 8 has been released?
16:02.13spawn57oooOOo how is fedora 8?
16:02.18Sho_nilton: A couple of reasons come to mind: (a) you forgot to use export, (b) your distro uses something as /bin/sh that is not bash, and you're using bashisms, (c) your distro modified startkde badly
16:02.23TimShaha, this is the default nick under F8 :P
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16:02.48Sho_deitarion: Knifty has that "desktop pixel" at the bottom, btw
16:02.53scotty^Haven't tried it yet - will probably wait until I build my new PC later this month.
16:03.10deitarionSho_: Nice. :) Looks like I know what I'll be switching to when I get tired of Baghira then.
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16:03.41scotty^lol Tim6
16:04.01niltonthanks Sho_, i'll try to investigate this further
16:04.07deitarionOf course, if I ever figure out how to get an un-managed window to accept input, I'll just put a one-pixel always-on-top un-managed window in each corner and solve my problem for all windecos.
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16:05.05scotty^Tim6 - maybe you can give some inight to spawn57's question.
16:05.26spawn57how's fedora 8?
16:05.27Sho_deitarion: Knifty was actually written by the same person who wrote the Plastik deco and style engine, Sandro Giessl. I like that it has the properties of the OSX deco that I like, without being an outright clone, and having more expressive symbols.
16:06.17deitarionHeh. I just realized that I also habitually use those "desktop pixels" to access my launcher menu.
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16:06.37phaohow do i show only the application icon in the taskbar?
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16:07.23deitarionphao: I'm not sure you can. Give me a sec to see if I can find anything.
16:07.57phaothe taskbar, there is the window list there, with an icon + window title
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16:08.10phaoi want to see only the icon.
16:08.33deitarionphao: No, I think you'll need to use an alternate taskbar widget/program. Would a MacOS X clone be acceptable? I know I've seen one of those around.
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16:08.49phaothe mac os one is a good exemple
16:09.29phaoi'll link a png here
16:09.31phaowait a mom
16:10.23phaoif you want to quit, try /exit or /quit
16:10.50eidolonor click the little [x] :)
16:11.50mjf55thanks bye
16:11.52phaoi want this, may seem strange you seeing that, because it seems that i, already, have that.
16:12.35phaobut to have that i have to click in the taskbar separator (the separator between windows list and desktop list)
16:12.41phaoclick and hold i mean.
16:12.54deitarionphao: Oh, just make your taskbar too small for it to show text and it'll be forced to use that look.
16:12.55phaoif i release, it back to the icon + window title
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16:13.47phaodeitarion:  how?
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16:14.08deitarionThe easiest way to prevent it from auto-growing is to either move it to the right end of the taskbar (it only auto-grows to the right) or to put something immediately to it's right. (eg. that desktop switcher or one of the quick-launch icons)
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16:14.19Roobarb-WorkI've recently noticed that the KDE control centre is displaying a battery meter for my Logitech MX700 mouse. Is there any way to get this displayed in the taskbar ?
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16:16.59phaodeitarion: well but if i do that
16:17.05phaoi'll appear a
16:17.23phaotwo arrow < plus > when i open many windows
16:17.57deitarionphao: Well, that's your only option. Icons are intended only as an emergency measure to try to avoid those arrows.
16:18.24deitarionThe alternative would be to use a MacOS X clone like KXDocker or KSmoothDock.
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16:19.13deitarionThere are some screenshots of KSmoothDock here -->
16:20.08scotty^Roobarb-Work - where in the control centre did you see that?
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16:21.18Roobarb-Workscotty^: on the Peripherals > Mouse > "MX700 optical mouse"
16:21.39spawn57there's awn too
16:22.02scotty^hmm - what version of KDE do you have?
16:22.59Roobarb-Workscode: KDE 3.5.6
16:23.18scotty^KDE 3.5.5 here - could also be because I'm using Knoppix 5.1.1, although Knoppix did detect my mouse as a Logitech MX700 wheel mouse during startup
16:23.23spawn57I wonder what kontact and akregator are like in kde4?
16:23.47Roobarb-Workscotty^: Mandriva 2007.1 here
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16:24.57scotty^Roobarb - on a separate topic - what version of KPDF is included in KDE 3.5.6?
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16:26.11phaohow do I add an item to the 'start' list, so it'll be opened when I open KDE, like a KDE AUTOSTART PROGRAM LIST.
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16:26.11scotty^ok, thanks
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16:31.47ICQnumberwhat is the default kde theme
16:32.25deitarionICQnumber: Plastik... I think.
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16:42.30phaoi think i've made a good configuration here, no desktop icons, no task bar
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16:42.47phaodidnt know that i could assing menus to right/middle buttons
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16:46.32skkeeperhi, there anyone can help me... i have a problem with a fedora  freash install
16:46.47skkeeper*fedora 8
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17:26.14The_Machineanyone use kmail for their default mail app?
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17:26.40boom1992The_Machine: yes (Kontact->KMail)
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17:28.13The_Machineboom1992, cool.  Do you just leave it open all of the time?
17:28.20The_Machineor do you use a notifier?
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17:28.40boom1992I have the SysTrayIcon
17:28.50The_Machinewhat is that?
17:28.52boom1992then Kontact is not in the Taskbar, but open
17:29.02The_Machinei'm sick of having it open
17:29.07The_Machinebut haven't found a good notifier
17:29.18boom1992it's the default one of kmail
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17:29.39boom1992just set the SysTrayIcon and download the mail every 30 minutes
17:30.17boom1992KMail->Settings->sysTray I think, but I have the german translatio  installed
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17:30.33boom1992so could be that I haven't translated correct :-(
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17:31.04The_Machineoh, there it is!
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17:31.30The_Machineugh, it counts the gmail spam folder as "new mail"
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17:53.22NyleEver since I started using Konqueror as a web browser fulltime, everytime I search google, it says moderate safe search is on
17:53.35NyleI go into google preferences and always set it to do not filter my search restuls
17:53.40Nylebut it always filters it
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17:54.13Nylewhen I open the google preferences page however, 'do not filter my search results' is always selected, but when you search it says safe search is on
17:54.47Mrrrrz0rsounds like a cookie issue
17:54.49Nylethis doesn't happen with firefox
17:54.55NyleI cleared them all out
17:55.00Nyleand tried again, same thing happens
17:55.20Jucatodid you set Konqueror to accept cookies from
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17:55.49Nylei have accept all cookies enabled
17:56.02Nylethere is no per site policy set on anything
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17:56.24Nylei'll do it again
17:56.28NyleI go to management
17:56.37Nyleclick, and delete
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17:57.02NyleI deleted the cookie
17:57.08Nyleall cookies for gone
17:57.27Nylei search soemthing from the little search bar up top in konqueror that has a google icon next to it
17:57.36Nylesafe search is still on
17:58.01Nylenow we go to google preferences, and set it to off
17:58.15Nylenow im gonna restart konqueror and more than likely it will do the same thing again
17:58.37Nyleyup, safe search is still on
18:00.02NyleI figured it out
18:00.08NyleI am using kubuntu
18:00.14Nylethat is the problem
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18:00.32NyleI will have to test in another distro
18:00.35Nylebut anyway
18:00.46NyleI did all the steps agin, but instead of using the toolbar to search
18:00.59NyleI just went to and searched, and my results were not filtered
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18:01.11Nyleso the problm seems to be with the kde address toolbar and the search bar
18:01.29Nyleif you use those to search, safe search is always on regardless of your cookie setting
18:01.36Nylevery strange
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18:02.48Nylesee the problem is with the konqueror search provider entry
18:03.17Nylecookies are fine  if you just use
18:03.17Nylesee towards end of line
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18:03.51Nylelets try to take out the safe active part to inactive
18:04.08Nylethere are two options and advanced google search
18:04.23Nylegg vs. ggx
18:04.45NyleI had the advanced one selected as default I guess
18:05.24NyleJucato: so now you know whats going on :)
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18:26.49voonteAre there any IRC clients for KDE4 (using qt4) yet?
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18:29.16B-Minusdoes anyone else have troubles using kde with compiz in combination with a intel gfx card ?
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18:29.19B-Minusi cant see titlebars
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18:30.55thebeeei've set the background of my kde-desktop to a wallpaper.........
18:31.08thebeeebut i cant click on the links of the wallpaper, is this possible..?
18:32.22pinotreesince when _wallpapers_ (not other kind of desktop background) can have links?
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18:34.04sandsmarkis it possible to run php-scripts in konqueror, without a webserver?
18:34.15thebeeedont think so
18:34.23amrois there a way to get konversation to display utf-8?
18:34.25Sho_yes, you can show the terminal emulator and run them with the php cli ;)
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18:34.38Sho_amro: Utf-8 is Konversation's standard encoding ;)
18:34.42thebeeeSho_:  the answer is still 'No' not 'Yes'
18:34.44sandsmarkbut what is the cgi-settings in kcontrol for, then?
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18:35.10sandsmarkphp has a perfectly good cgi-interface;)
18:35.25amroSho_: that's what I assumed, but I'm getting garbage instead of kanji
18:35.38Sho_amro: Might be a lack-of-glyphs-in-font issue
18:35.51Sho_amro: Since Qt3 also sucks at automatic glyph substitution
18:36.03amroSho_: usually I get squares for that. also, I doubt I lack ALL glyphs
18:36.27amrothey show up fine in Kate, Konqueror, etc
18:36.57sandsmarkSho_: it isn't all that bad, or at least it usually looks good in Kubuntu
18:36.59Sho_amro: Kanji are in active use, right? One of our developers is Japanese,
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18:37.26amroSho_: here's the odd part, one of the nicklist themes is named in Japanese and shows up fine
18:38.06Shirakawasunaso, right now in Konqueror, scrolling say slashdot with the down key results in some pretty noticeable delay.  Does this happen for others and is it being addressed in KDE4?  It isn't just my computer necessarily, as firefox and opera are responsive.
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18:38.32Sho_amro: Well, here's the usual check list: (a) Make sure that the tab is actually set to Utf-8 by looking at the Encoding sub menu of its context menu; (b) Check your Identity's Default Encoding Setting (F8 or through the Network Settings dialog, (c) make sure what you're trying to display is really Utf-8
18:38.35sandsmarkShirakawasuna: it's your display drivers
18:38.43amroSho_: nevermind I suspect that was a different encoding, my own text showed up fine
18:38.46sandsmarkmost probably
18:38.56Shirakawasunasandsmark: well, it couldn't be *entirely* my display drivers.  Like I said, firefox and opera don't have this issue.
18:39.00amroSho_: thanks for helping :)
18:39.09sandsmarkShirakawasuna: they accelerate differently
18:39.11Shirakawasunasandsmark: I'm using the i810 drivers by intel
18:39.16sandsmarkShirakawasuna: try switching between exa and xaa
18:39.28pinotreeShirakawasuna: disable exa?
18:39.30sandsmarkand/or lowering your color depth
18:39.33ShirakawasunaI use xaa
18:39.43Shirakawasunaexa makes fullscreen videos crappy
18:39.55Sho_amro: If you end up having any more problems with Japanese you can also ask strm, who is a Japanese Konversation developer
18:40.01sandsmarkShirakawasuna: the intel drivers aren't fully compatible, so it slows some rendering down
18:40.08sandsmark(with xaa, that is)
18:40.11sandsmarkI use exa at least for now
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18:40.42Shirakawasunaso does konqueror in KDE4 still render like konqueror in KDE3, as opposed to the smoothness in firefox/opera?
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18:42.06marius_could anybody tell my: can i mount netwok (ftp) drive with  konqueror same like with nautilus? Thanks.
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18:42.22sandsmarkmarius_: you don't need to mount it
18:42.33sandsmarkmarius_: just access it with ftp://
18:42.35Shirakawasunamarius_: I'm not sure if it's the same, but you can certainly use konqueror to access a network drive
18:42.59sandsmarkmarius_: you can also create a shortcut in the Networks-thingy, so you don't have to type the address every time
18:43.04Sho_marius_: You can use ftp:// in any KDE file dialog (i.e. file pickers and file managers), read and write. Same for sftp, Samba, WebDAV, and so on.
18:43.05marius_yes, i know, but it asking for anonymous password all the time.
18:43.26sandsmarkmarius_: do you use dolphin or konqueror?
18:43.28pinotreeit will ask for the password
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18:43.57sandsmarkmarius_: go to "remote:/" and click Add a Network Folder
18:44.11marius_i have tried all that things.
18:44.17sandsmarkmarius_: it will create a shortcut you can access mroe easily, and you can also set username
18:44.21marius_thanks anyway.
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18:45.57thebeeeis it possible to start konqueror fullscreen from cli?
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18:46.27Sho_thebeee: kstart --fullscreen konqueror
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18:47.17marius_yes, but ftp server kick me out because ftp access is limited. When i was using gnome/nautilus never was like that. so, why i am asking. I am missing this thing in konqueror.
18:47.46sandsmarkmarius_: you might have to set down the amount of simultanious connections
18:48.44thebeeeSho_: yes ok, but without toolbars? (like f11 in IE/FF)
18:49.21Shirakawasunamarius_: if you're getting sick of being prompted for passwords, perhaps you could use the password manager along with it.  I haven't accessed any personal ftp shares, though, so I'm not positive that it's integrated.  Seems like it should be, though.
18:49.34sandsmarkShirakawasuna: it is integrated
18:49.43Sho_thebeee: Firefox' fullscreen mode leaves the toolbar enabled, too, unless you manually hide it - same with Konq
18:49.48Shirakawasunasandsmark: ah, cool
18:49.50Sho_(and IE, too, iirc)
18:50.04marius_how could i do that?
18:50.19sandsmarkwhat exactly does the "CGI Scripts" kcmodule configure?
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18:51.16Sho_sandsmark: Click the little help button in the top-right
18:51.31Sho_sandsmark: It sets the search paths for cgi:/, basically
18:51.50thebeeeSho_: FF & IE hide the toolbars
18:51.57thebeeetherefor its called fullscreen mode ;)
18:52.24Sho_thebeee: Strange then that Firefox on my three systems does not
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18:53.08amroit hides everything but the address bar, search bar and navigation buttons
18:53.14Sho_thebeee: Nor does Internet Explorer 7 in a Windows XP virtual machine
18:53.24thebeeewhat amro says..
18:53.48thebeeeproblem is, i got a webpage ( i would like to have as a background on my desktop
18:53.57Sho_thebeee: Err, so set up your Konq toolbars like that?
18:54.09thebeeeif i use kwebsite, i see it properly
18:54.16Sho_I have a single-toolbar setup in my Konq, so Konq's fullscreen mode is identical to Fx and IEs here
18:54.17thebeeebut i cant use the links
18:54.33Jucatothebeee: kwebdesktop doesn't really put a real web page on your desktop
18:54.36thebeeebut i can also use another application to provide the background............
18:54.43thebeeeJucato: i know, its just a png screenshot
18:54.46Sho_thebeee: kwebdesktop exports a PNG file that is set as wallpaper
18:54.46amrocome to think of it, konq does the same as firefox
18:54.50sandsmarkthebeee: /me has identical Firefox and Konqueror in fullscreen too
18:54.51amroI don't use FF at all thoug
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18:55.19thebeeeso the question basicly is, how do use a fullscreen webpage as a wallpaper
18:55.24thebeeewhile being able to click the links..............
18:55.31Sho_thebeee: The "use application to provide background" system inherently works by the app outputting a PNG
18:56.04Sho_thebeee: If you want interactive websites as desktop, you will have to wait for KDE 4. Once we got WebKit on QGV in Qt 4.4, the desktop containment or a Plasmoid can easily use a website as BG.
18:56.11thebeeeSho_: yes indeed, so i dont want to use that
18:56.15*** join/#kde JohnMS_WORK (n=JohnMS_W@
18:56.19thebeeekstart --skiptaskbar --fullscreen --alldesktops  --keepbelow   firefox
18:56.34JohnMS_WORKI have a GNU/Linux server and I need to share a calendar between several people in remote locations, Kontact is our client, ideas?
18:56.38thebeeethis works........ > but then i have toolbars....and a menubar
18:57.09amrothebeee: can't you just keep a tab open on cppreference?
18:57.10sandsmarkJohnMS_WORK: kolab?
18:57.19Sho_thebeee: So create a profile that has all toolbars hidden, and use the --profile call on Konq
18:57.40thebeeegreat idea :)
18:57.46Sho_thebeee: and if you use kstart --fullscreen you shouldn't get a menu bar (I don't)
18:57.47JohnMS_WORKsandsmark: We only need calendar sharing. We don't need mail, etc.
18:58.07Sho_thebeee: But the whole kstart thing will not get you a website as desktop BG anyway - the window will be above the desktop icons.
18:58.13Sho_thebeee: To do it properly, you'll have to wait for 4
18:58.42thebeeei dont have any desktop icons
18:58.50thebeeedesktop icons are crap
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19:21.01FiNeXfor a problem with kdesvn-build, who can I ask?
19:21.13aseigoFiNeX: mpyne
19:21.27FiNeXaseigo: ok, thx :-)
19:21.32aseigoFiNeX: he's not online atm, but he's the author/maintainer.
19:21.54aseigoFiNeX: if it's a general usage question, you can tryin #kde-devel .. several people in there use kdesvn-build afaik ... well, assuming you're using it with kde4 =)
19:22.13FiNeXyes, I'm trying to install it
19:22.51*** join/#kde leolein (
19:23.01FiNeXI'll go to #kde-devel :-)
19:23.30aseigoer, #kde4-devel for kde4.. typo
19:24.18FiNeX... :)
19:24.27leoleinIs there any developpers who speak german?
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19:25.12FiNeXaseigo: I've just read on your blog that tomorrow is krush day...
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19:26.58aseigoFiNeX: yep
19:27.09aseigoleolein: a lot of them. but this isn't a devel channel.
19:27.43FiNeXaseigo: How can a simple user help?
19:27.49FiNeX(as me)
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19:28.51aseigoFiNeX: install kde4 and be ready to help test apps, triage bug reports and apply patches to confirm fixes
19:28.55leoleinaseigo: I will find a developper who speak german, because i can't speak enough english.
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19:30.01aseigoleolein: there is also ... but that's a user channel... ask in #kde4-devel though
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19:30.52FiNeXaseigo: ok, I'll try! :-) :-)
19:31.38leoleinThank you. Well in nobody give me an answer
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19:37.25UmbarI ASKED WHY
19:37.38Armandand, no-one cares, moron..
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19:38.51Umbaryou're wrong
19:39.10Armandofc, you didn't go to school.
19:39.34Umbarpoor Armand
19:40.47Umbarpoor Armand
19:41.00Armandobviously not..
19:41.09ArmandCan't even troll properly.
19:41.15Armandpoor dUmbar
19:41.31UmbarArmand sucks
19:41.42ArmandOnly when your mother pays for it..
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19:44.28*** mode/#kde [+o aseigo] by ChanServ
19:44.31Umbarpoor Armand, he can't suck
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19:44.54ma3xwhy is kmail giving me warning server terminated the connection? I have disabled the automatic checks and I didn't press the check mail button
19:44.56ma3xa bug?
19:45.16ArmandYeah, thats great.. kick me for trying to educate the moron.
19:45.17aseigoma3x: there may have been an existing connection still around? e.g. an ongoing imap session?
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19:45.36FiNeXma3x: are you using imap?
19:45.38imaginehow can you enable kwin-composite in kde4?
19:45.40ma3xaseigo, there isn't it repeats itself randomly every 5mins - 1 hour
19:45.42ma3xi use pop only
19:45.47ma3xno imap
19:46.03aseigoimagine: right click on a window title bar, configure window behaviour, last page in the list on the left
19:46.40imagineaseigo: ty!
19:46.50aseigoma3x: that is odd ... would be interesting to see what it is trying to do on the network. does it specifically reference your pop accountin the error?
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19:47.18ma3xaseigo, I don't understand your question
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19:49.34aseigoma3x: does the error message say something specifically about your pop account? or are you just assuming that's what it must be talking about?
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19:52.13ma3xthe server terminated the connection
19:52.24ma3xhold on when it happens again i will tell you what exactly it says
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19:54.26bb_question: where can I find a list of all kde packages with a brief discription about each one.
19:55.10aseigobb_: "all kde packages" ... you mean the ones like kdemultimedia, kdenetwork, etc?
19:55.29aseigobb_: are you looking to build from source ... or just install kde apps?
19:55.29bb_aseigo: yes sir!  :)
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19:56.08bb_i only emerged the I want to know what else is out there for my machine
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20:00.32phaowhere can I find windows themes for KDE?
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20:05.19phaothis is kinda slow...
20:05.33phaoi've clicked to download there is a lot of time and loading still
20:05.35bb_yeah it is
20:05.39bb_but its a good site
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20:11.47PAssW0rldSalut !
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20:20.12phaoi have a .emerald window decoration theme file, how do i install it?
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20:24.05pinotreephao: please ask in #beryl
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20:25.47pinotreewhat "lol"? emerald is not something kde-related
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20:27.47phaoyeah, i know
20:27.56phaobut i though i was downloaded a KDE theme
20:27.58phaonot a beryl theme
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20:31.03daum_how do i engage the lock screen saver from remotely
20:31.09daum_i remember it is something with kdecop
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20:57.13shwouchkfor some reaon In konqueror I only have an option to create a 'link to device' (under 'create new')... how can I fix that?
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21:02.57smarterI'm trying to build kde4 with kdebuild-svn
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21:03.10smarterI mean kdesvn-build
21:03.21smarterbut it doesn't start compiling kdebase
21:03.44smarterIt says "Waiting for source code update." but nothing happens
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21:05.01smarter...apparently it just started to fetch something from the svn, but I get strange messages like "Unable to switch snapshot Subversion source to the KDE Subversion server!"
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22:37.44DeformatiHow do I get the battery applet on kicker?
22:37.50DeformatiFor some reason it is not there.
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22:40.26gkiagiaDeformati: kcontrol->power management->battery
22:40.33gkiagiaor install kpowersave
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22:42.07DeformatiCool, thanks gkiagia
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23:06.05splinterthis chan is full EN ?
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23:06.51Mirrakorsplinter: yup
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23:08.45niciobut no one talking
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23:11.58pinotreewell, noone is asking
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23:13.35splinteri want see each tasks of desktop in my taskbar,
23:13.45splinterbut i don't found the option.
23:13.46splinterthere i see all tasks of all desktop in my taskbar.
23:14.34pinotreeright click on the panel → add applet → taskbar ?
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23:17.23splinterwhy 'add applet'  ? pinotree
23:17.42pinotreeit's an applet
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23:19.29niciohow to get here from windows?
23:19.38splinteri don't want add applet, i want just see the tasks of each desktop in taskbar of this desktop
23:19.58pinotreesplinter: you have to add the applet that shows the tasks
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23:22.16EstethDoes anyone know how to get kde window decorations in gnome? I don't want the whole window manager, just the decorations
23:23.21pinotreeunless there's something like a "proxy decoration" or i don't know what for your window manager, no.
23:23.24thiago_homeEsteth: run kwin
23:23.38thiago_homeor read your WM's documentation on how to load kwin modules.
23:24.12pinotree(i think kwin modules are quite qt/kde/kwin specific)
23:24.13Esteththiago_home: So my window manager would be compiz, if i'm running it? kwin takes over the entire manager
23:24.25splinterpinotree: when i minimize windows, i can see the task in taskbar, i dont need an applet
23:24.43thiago_homeEsteth: if you want KDE window decorations, the best way to do that is using kwin.
23:24.48pinotreesplinter: well, the taskbar _is_ an applet itself :)
23:24.58thiago_homeEsteth: if you don't want to use kwin, you need to find out how to make the WM that you do want to use load kwin modules.
23:25.01Esteththiago_home: If i run kwin, can i run compiz too?
23:25.11thiago_homeEsteth: as far as I know, the only program that can load kwin modules is kwin.
23:25.20thiago_homeno, you can only have one WM running at a time, per display.
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23:25.56EstethOK, thanks a lot :) looks like i'll have to find a domino window decoraations for emerald or gnome then
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23:56.08PeterFAfeindbild, I love you.
23:56.26feindbildPeterFA: WTF?
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23:59.27niciofeindbild:  PeterFA u may no kiss the bride :D
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