IRC log for #kde on 20071001

00:00.06Digital_PioneerNow it crashes as soon as I run it, with SIGFPE. No output or anything, just crashes.
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00:01.24litbjust watch this one, i really hope plasma gets even better than this:
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00:05.06Digital_Pioneerlitb: What exactly are moonlight and silverlight?
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00:05.30andycrhi, what is the console command for that dialog box that shows the file copy/move/download status in konqueror?
00:05.55andycrie how would I call it from console?
00:06.02Digital_Pioneerandycr: Uhhh, konqueror? :P
00:06.14andycrDigital_Pioneer: Yeah, but I just want the copy dialog
00:06.24andycrso like cp, but showing that dialog for status
00:06.46andycrie kde-copy file1 /home/me/file2
00:07.01Digital_PioneerYeah... IDK, I assume that's just a builtin frontend for kio*
00:07.06andycrand it pops up the dialog, copying the file and showing the status as if i had copied it using konqueror
00:08.52andycralso is there something similar to deskbar for kde?
00:09.06Digital_PioneerWhat's deskbar?
00:09.34andycryou click it, and type a few letters of a programs name, and hit enter and it opens it
00:09.51andycrie click->kon->enter->konqueror pops up
00:10.00andycrit also does searches using tracker or beagle
00:11.04Digital_PioneerKat. also works as a scientific calculator. :)
00:11.27Digital_PioneerYou've probably got it installed, just alt-f2 and run katapult
00:11.39Digital_PioneerOpen its dialog with Alt-Space
00:11.41andycrit says press alt+space to use it, but when I do it brings up the right click dialog of the current window
00:11.53Digital_PioneerTry again.
00:12.16andycralt+space just brings up the windows options... might be because i chose the windows keybindings etc
00:12.27Digital_PioneerIt should have a little slingshot in the systray, you can reconfigure with that to set a different hotkey.
00:13.55andycrnope, no tray icon
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00:14.18Digital_Pioneerandycr: Go to an empty desktop and hit Alt-Space
00:14.42andycrDigital_Pioneer: nothing, no popup but also no menu
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00:15.02Digital_Pioneerandycr: Run katapult from konsole
00:15.19andycrI started off doing that, only tried running it from the menu after that didnt work
00:15.34andycrX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
00:15.38andycrbut then it says it started
00:15.44andycrso I assume thats just a warning
00:15.55Digital_PioneerThat X Error always appears on GUI'd apps for me.
00:15.59andycrah, ok
00:16.13Digital_PioneerDo you have a chipset for video? I think that's to blame. :P
00:16.20andycryeah, geforce go 7600
00:16.25andycrusing nvidia driver
00:16.45Digital_PioneerThat's a card, not a chipset. LOL
00:16.51Digital_PioneerBut W/E, I'm wrong. :P
00:17.00andycrI've heard it referred to as a chipset as well, my bad
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00:17.10andycrSo I guess not
00:17.16Digital_Pioneer(Technically, the card has a chipset, but I differentiate because I've got onboard graphics)
00:17.17andycrGuess it's just X being X
00:17.35andycrif I could find that wizard that i messed up the keybindings in...
00:18.05andycrim coming from gnome so there's so much going on in kde
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00:18.15andycrso many menus
00:18.32andycrim sure ill get used to it
00:18.50Ardarandiris showimg going to be part of KDE4 or gwenview?
00:19.11litbDigital_Pioneer: sorry, was eating
00:19.16Ardarandirive heard something about that, and now i am wondering which differences there are exactly between those.
00:19.21Digital_Pioneerandycr: OK, run this in term, and restart katapult:
00:19.58Ardarandirthe most important seems to be to me, that gwenview loads pictures immediately but showimg only when they are completely loaded...
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00:20.03Digital_Pioneercat ~/.kde/share/config/katapultrc | sed -e "s/SystrayIcon=false/SystrayIcon=true/" > ~/.kde/share/config/katapultrc && killall katapult
00:20.16Digital_PioneerAnd I've gotta run. Later, all. :)
00:20.21litbDigital_Pioneer: silverlight is a flash alternative (and implementation?) developed by microsoft and Moonlight is a implementation of that developed by the Mono team
00:20.30andycrThanks, same thing happens but thanks, bye
00:20.33Digital_Pioneerlitb: Cool. :)
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00:20.43Ardarandirdoes anyone know something about ShowImg and Gwenview?
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00:21.59litbif kde4 will have a .Net interface, that would really rock at most
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00:22.21usserhello guys can someone help me
00:22.33usserkcontrol doesnt seem to apply certain settings
00:22.35litbwriting plasmoids with C# in MonoDevelop would be really amazing
00:22.44Ardarandirusser: which settings?
00:22.54AnonycatHow can I change the icon for the K Menu without overwriting the file?
00:22.56usserlike in kde login manager i cant turn off the background
00:23.07litbnow that there is a Qt binding for C# already
00:23.46usseris there any way to edit these configs manually?
00:23.46squarebottleAnonycat: If you use KBFX, you can set it so that it uses the regular KDE menu when you click the button, but still lets you control how the button itself looks and stuff.
00:24.04squarebottleAnonycat: That's probably the easiest way. :)
00:24.07usserwhere are kcontrol config files located?
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00:32.21andycrWhere's that wizard where you can choose your keyboard setup to be like windows, kde, unix, or mac, choose the theme for the first time, etc?
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00:47.40famado u know how to activate hibernate on a desktop pc in sabayon
00:47.58famathey said #kde ;)
00:48.11famatold me maybe its an kde issue
00:48.46smileafkde'll enable it if your kernel supports it.
00:48.56smileafif its not enabled then there won't be an option for it.
00:49.16famaand how could go in hibernate modus?
00:49.27smileafits a logout option
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00:51.51famahow could i go in hibernate via terminal?
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01:08.33Angelusis there some system tray icon for network on kde?
01:09.29Jucatoknemo, knestats, knetload, knetdockapp, knetworkmanager?
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01:43.07SlashxI need help
01:43.24SlashxHow do I configure a wiimote with Kbluetooth
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01:51.05techjimI'd like to just get a quick poll- what's the better desktop distro?  kubuntu or opensuse?
01:52.33ginoand for the record... you might want to ask that on any irc
01:52.45ginomight not want*
01:52.46Jucatoquick answer: the better desktop distro is the one that works for you best
01:53.02CPrgmSwR2techjim: go to
01:53.09CPrgmSwR2PCLinuxOS as in the lead
01:53.41Jucatoin the lead in their webpage *only*
01:54.07CPrgmSwR2Its a pretty good distro IMHO
01:54.29Jucatowhat I meant was
01:54.51CPrgmSwR2I know what you meant I think
01:55.10Jucatodistrowatch ranks distro according to the number of hits that a certain page in distrowatch gets
01:55.12ginoI will tell you why I like debian, and then I'll tell you why you shouldn't ask that
01:55.25Jucatoso basically it's a rank of a distros popularity on their website
01:55.28ginodebian uses dpkg to install software
01:55.40ginowhich makes for very easy installation
01:55.57SlashxAnyone want to help me
01:55.59ginoI can get whatever software I want by typing in a terminal "apt-get install ________"
01:56.08Jucatodpkg alone doesn't work wonders...
01:56.10ginoand the list of software is extensive
01:56.14SlashxKbluetooth always crashes on me when I try to instal my device
01:56.44CPrgmSwR2Chani: the only thing I dislike is their theme, but its so polished
01:56.59JucatoChani: Debian then? :P
01:57.11CPrgmSwR2And I think PCLinuxOS uses dpkg too
01:57.14ChaniI think all distros should have sudo set up the way kubuntu does it, though
01:57.28JucatoCPrgmSwR2: impossible :)
01:57.34Jucatoit uses apt-rpm, but it's rpm-based
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01:58.38CPrgmSwR2but thats never going to happen
01:58.57ginoI HATE SUDO ONLY
01:59.01JucatoCPrgmSwR2: I believe gentoo provides some binaries
01:59.01ginothat is a pain in the ass
01:59.09Jucatoyou don't have to shout
01:59.23ginoI'd rather su an entire terminal or use kdesu than have to sudo for every other task
01:59.29CPrgmSwR2gino: you know that you can fix that in kubuntu right
01:59.32JucatoSlashx: if anyone knew the answer to your question, they would
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01:59.54CPrgmSwR2Jucato: what was the question
01:59.58ginoI hate it so much that I append the default .bashrc with the line "alias su=sudo -s"
02:00.04Jucatogino: sudo remembers your password for a default of 15 minutes.
02:00.07Chanigino: well, sudo su ;) but for the average user, sudo is so much safer
02:00.14Jucatoalso sudo provides more fine-grained admin access control
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02:00.24ginoI'd rather have sudo and su both
02:00.25JucatoCPrgmSwR2: <Slashx> How do I configure a wiimote with Kbluetooth
02:00.41ginothat way I can use a single command if I have to, or an entire session if I want
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02:01.07CPrgmSwR2gino: I just do # sudo password root
02:01.26Jucatoyikes! login graphically as root? O.o
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02:01.31CPrgmSwR2then I can do a true su
02:01.33ginoeh, to each his own
02:01.54Jucatowell in su, it's an all or nothing... actually it's an all. superuser, no exceptions
02:02.02Jucatowith sudo, you can give certain rights to certain users
02:02.13Jucatoyou can limit what commands they can use w/ sudo
02:02.15ginocool.. sudo is too temporary
02:02.21ginofor my needs
02:02.25Jucatosudo -i
02:02.31Jucatosame as su -
02:02.41ChaniI used to think that. it's grown on me
02:02.56CPrgmSwR2what does su - kde-devel  do anyways thats different from su kde-devel
02:03.00ginosudo wejsfjsldfjskldjfl; sudo sodijfdsijfsojf; sudo sldjfsdjfosjfjiojfsjfd; I hate putting sudo in front of every command which is what a new user is going to know to do every time
02:03.13Chaniof course, in kubuntu I do far less admin-needing tasks than in gentoo
02:03.34JucatoCPrgmSwR2: su - loads the user's environment variables
02:03.45CPrgmSwR2that explains it
02:04.00Jucatothat's afaik, btw
02:04.02ginoI'm not a fan of kubuntu..... their software selection on the live CD is nothing but minimal
02:04.05Jucatoman su migh have more info
02:04.07CPrgmSwR2Chani: thtats not suprizing
02:04.18Jucatogino: how's the selection on the 1st CD in Debian?
02:04.34CPrgmSwR2gino: um...what about the selection from the internet
02:04.57ChaniI have other reasons for being tired of kubuntu. but finding a new distro would take effort
02:05.09CPrgmSwR2Chani: try PCLinuxOS
02:05.10Jucatosu is used to become another user during a login session. Invoked without a username, su defaults to becoming the super user. The optional argument - may be used to provide an environment similar to what the user would expect had the user logged in directly.
02:05.14JucatoCPrgmSwR2: ^^^
02:05.23Chanieffort which I should be putting into coding, not wasting time on irc :)
02:05.27Jucatothat's an even bigger jump.. from deb-based to rpm-based :)
02:05.37Jucatobut IRC is fuuuuun!
02:05.46CPrgmSwR2Chani: I forget what do you plan on doing for kde4?
02:05.49ginoit's great..... but why do you think UBUNTU is more popular.... moreover why do you think that Gnome is getting a jump on kde.... it's because of Ubuntu
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02:06.10CPrgmSwR2gino: I don't think so
02:06.23CPrgmSwR2Last time I checked distrowatch PCLinuxOS was in the lead
02:06.24ChaniCPrgmSwR2: I'm not quite sure. there are a million things I'd *like* to do
02:06.34CPrgmSwR2Chani: same here
02:06.34Jucatoanyway, let's not get into a distro vs distro discussion...
02:06.45CPrgmSwR2LOL okayu
02:06.55ginoI'm not talking about distro, i'm talking about desktop environments
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02:07.10Jucato"but why do you think UBUNTU is more popular...." <---
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02:07.19CPrgmSwR2gino: I think kde4 is going to change that
02:07.54Jucatodouble kde4[] = { 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, .4.4, 4.5 };
02:07.54ginoI seriously hope so... I'm infinitely excited about it
02:08.19ginobetween ubuntu and kubuntu
02:08.21CPrgmSwR2Chani: LOL
02:08.27ginowhich distro among the two is more popular
02:08.33JucatoChani: go!! Plasma needs your help! :)
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02:08.49ChaniI'm a bit cconfused about what to do there - it seems like people are alrteady doing stuff, but I'm confised as to how much they're really doing]
02:09.08CPrgmSwR2gino: if you look at it just bettween ubuntu and kubuntu I would say ubuntu but if you include PCLinuxOS which includes kde I would say kde is winning
02:09.32JucatoChani: I'm under the impression that people are actually too busy doing plasmoids than stabilizing the plasma API... but that's just my impression
02:09.33ginokde is still in the lead.... but my thesis is that gnome is growing too
02:09.40ginowe want gnome to shrink
02:09.41CPrgmSwR2gino: also keep in mind all the marketing is behind ubuntu not kubuntu
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02:09.55ginoit shouldn't be behind ubuntu though
02:09.59ginoit should be kubuntu
02:10.05ginoKDE is clearly superior
02:10.47CPrgmSwR2gino: I doubt gnome or KDE is going to be shrinking anytime soon
02:10.56ginoIt's a good thing I started in Mandrake where KDE was default and I had a choice.... even given an unbiased choice, I preferred KDE and I still do
02:11.00CPrgmSwR2infact I hope gnome continues to grow
02:11.01ChaniI think the people who like gnome would disagree.
02:11.08JucatoKubuntu is a purely *community* driven effort. done deal.
02:11.14ginognome is obsolete
02:11.20Chaniwe don't want gnome to shrink, we want kde to grow faster than it
02:11.25CPrgmSwR2how is gnome obsolete
02:11.35ginothe only reason it was created was because Qt wasn't GPL at the time
02:11.49CPrgmSwR2Chani: kde4 to me is a proof of comcept that it is
02:11.53Chaniwasn't that gtk?
02:12.04Chaniaanyways. I'm geting outta here
02:12.14CPrgmSwR2Chani: type #/part
02:12.16ginoGTK has much fewer developers than Qt
02:12.41ginoand the Gnome/GTK chats are much smaller than the KDE/Qt chats
02:12.50ginothere's no reason to have it around
02:13.01ginoexcept for a code base of useful code
02:13.11CPrgmSwR2gino: I still think you need to wait for kde4 to be released
02:13.40gino.... I checked it out.. I'm excited
02:14.11CPrgmSwR2gino: I have been using the beta version of kde4 for quite some time and its the first windows manager that has me more excited that what microsoft has produced as a windows manager
02:14.29Jucatos/windows manager/desktop environment/
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02:15.46CPrgmSwR2and part has to do with qt4 because everything moves around now
02:15.50ginomicrosoft's windows manager has much to be desired
02:16.24ginothat's not a feat, when it makes you more excited than Apple's window manager, then brag about it
02:16.27CPrgmSwR2gino: kde4 has plamsiods and eye candy that out do windows vista IMHO
02:16.46ginodon't get me wrong.... KDE4 is gonna be infinitely better than both OS's graphical interfaces
02:17.11CPrgmSwR2And searching is EVERYWHERE
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02:18.20CPrgmSwR2gino: The only think that will be holding back linux adoption is games and RAD tools
02:19.16CPrgmSwR2Rapid Application Development
02:19.38ginoI see a bit of some problems in Codecs and Drivers
02:19.52CPrgmSwR2That will go away once you have the games and RAD
02:20.20ginoRad needs to be first.... then games will be the natural result
02:20.36JucatoRAD can be more easily done than games imho...
02:20.38CPrgmSwR2not exactly because RAD cannot help with all types of gams
02:21.18CPrgmSwR2qt 4.0 provides an excellent frame work and designer is a small start in the RAD direction
02:21.19Jucatobecause games on *nix involves much more than creating the game
02:21.50ginoI'd like to see more improvement in the A/V systems
02:22.03ginoAudio Video
02:22.27CPrgmSwR2I wanted to create a RAD 2d rpg game kit but I couldn't get any help on it
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02:22.51ginoALSA is better, but far from a work of art useful for creating a Realtime Live Audio Editor
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02:25.35ginoand I've yet to see a video editor that's even comparable with Final Cut Pro
02:25.38ginofor Linux
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02:30.19ginoone thing I'd like to see is a merging of niveou or whatever it's called (I don't like the french language) and the ATI drivers that were just opened
02:31.00ginoand then put that into a singular Video framework that is elegant, full featured, and functional
02:31.07ginothat would open soo many doors
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02:36.37vbgunzkmail is without a doubt the slowest email client I've ever tried to use :(
02:38.12vbgunzI am filtering about 13000 messages against a single filter and it's filtering about 20 messages every 5 seconds and basically looks frozen now and again with artifacts and just hogging the cpu at about 85% :(
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02:38.30kakaltois there a way to limit konqueror to a single ftp connection? It seems to try multiple connections at the same time to my xbox, which refuses the multiple connections
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03:21.37vbgunzheh, its' approaching 1 hour and I am only on message 8000 of 13000+ messages :(
03:22.00Jucatovbgunz: have you tried asking about the issue in #kontact ?
03:22.06Jucatomaybe a known bug or something?
03:22.45vbgunzI never thought of that, I thought it here would be fine... I can go and let them know :)
03:23.05vbgunzthanks :)
03:23.06Jucatosearching in might give ideas too
03:23.28Jucatoluckily I don't have that much mail yet :)
03:24.00Jucatoalthough I seem to have 12,000+ mails from Kubuntu Users mailing list.. can't recall how long that took to download and filter :)
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03:29.36vbgunzJucato: I got that from trash, I have 100,000+ and thunderbird handles it just fine. moving messages and filtering them is quick in thunderbird but just sitting idle its a hog on the cpu without extensions :(
03:29.51vbgunz+ the filtering and templating in kmail look a whole lot more powerful
03:30.28vbgunzsort of reminds me of the best email application I ever used in my life "the bat" ... heh, I never looked into it since I switched to linux, they were Windows only...
03:31.49JucatoI've never really been able to fully use Thunderbird. I met it when I was on Windows, and back then, I didn't have a whole lot of mail. by the time I did subscribe to dozens of lists, I was already on KDE and using KMail... so I really can't compare performance
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03:48.50n8k99vbgunz: i have used both and on my particular machine i have a slight performance edge when using kmail
03:49.09n8k99plus it fits in with the rest of my applications quite nicely
03:49.26n8k99i do wish that there was a plaxo extension for kaddressbook
03:49.34vbgunzwell after kmail went through all 13000 messages, it seems to filter just right so far, not done checking to make sure
03:50.13vbgunzI mean I shouldn't be filtering 13000 emails all the time, this was from a thunderbird import though I still find it quite startiling it took so long
03:50.29JucatoI've had some problems w/ filters not working sometimes though.... but it's too intermittent to track down
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03:56.46vbgunzheh, I just deleted 13000 messages and after waiting a minute got a sigbomb
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04:17.28oneforallwhgy is it kword wehn i save the printer setting it doesn't save them ?
04:17.50oneforallit keeps going back to landscape and not pertrait
04:18.09oneforallA4 and not letter
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04:19.02oneforallin hp tool its on portrait and same with perifials>printers
04:19.51oneforalldo I need to setup kword from root
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04:22.15oneforalleven opening it in root and saving . then reopen print and look at the properties. They are back to A4 and landscape
04:26.02oneforallits the driver setting to that keeps going back to A4
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04:52.06kakaltois there a way to limit konqueror to a single ftp connection? It seems to try multiple connections at the same time to my xbox, which refuses the multiple connections
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05:06.22acer_kakalto: use another program
05:08.16Xemanth^when I import lots of mail from Thunderbird2 -> KMail, kmail crashes, it happens everytime when I'm starting kmail experience :|
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05:08.32Xemanth^i will file bug report about that when I get inspiration
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05:14.34k3rbineed help running "compiz" how do i start it???
05:15.09Gentlewrong channel
05:16.03k3rbity   :)
05:16.49kakaltoacer_: already doing that ;-)
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06:37.15WATUWhen one runs KDE for the first time, a configuration wizard is shown, is there a way I can run it again?
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06:39.41JucatoWATU: yes
06:39.47Jucatorun "kpersonalizer
06:39.50WATUplease tell me how I can start it
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06:40.22Chanioh, neat. if I'm messing in kde4, amarok in kde3 won't start another song until I switch back to kde3
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06:41.16Chaninow I just have to wondre... why is the systray so horribly broken? and why is klipper the only systray-using app I seem to be able to start?
06:41.45Jucatoplasma replacement for kicker still not working properly I guess
06:41.59Jucatoand yes about klipper, wondered about that too
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06:45.03Chanieven if I kill off the systray plasmoid, it changed nothing
06:45.27Chanioh, and the new panel... umm.. isn't showing up. oddness.
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06:49.01Jucatoyes the plasma panel has been taken out
06:49.20JucatoI guess it'll be back before beta3 tagging
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06:54.12ChaniI mean the one that was on the mailing list... maybe that wasn't committed after all
06:54.31Chaniwait, no, it was committed. the panel I tried to add mentioned containment
06:54.39Chaniit just, uh, didn't *work*
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07:31.18mark_alechey krustyclo
07:32.29krustyclohave you used the kde4 beta ?
07:33.31mark_aleci haven't
07:33.46krustycloi installed it, copied the existing kde xsession file to a new one and changed the settings to run kde4. when i try to log in, the screen goes black then it takes me back to the login screen
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08:12.06root__i want to go to fedora chat, how do i do that?
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09:41.54RichiHis there any way to make ctrl-alt-l not do anything, but ctrl-alt-l ctrl-alt-l lock the screen? i acidentially hit l instead of k sometimes and that is highly annoying
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09:42.59JucatoRichiH: disable the keyboard shortcut for Lock Seession
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09:43.12Jucatoin kcontrol -> regional & accessibility -> keyboard shortcuts
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09:45.11RichiHJucato: i still want to be able to lock it, but i want to hit the key combination twice [or thrice] for it to activate
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09:45.31HellTigerhi all
09:45.42Jucatowell you can still lock the session from the K menu or right-click on the desktop
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09:46.35HellTigeris there an speech command/recognition software for kde? i heard about an plugin for khotkeys
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09:47.17m4rku5hey guys how can i disable that the alt key + mouse = moving windows
09:47.46HellTigerm4rku5: go to kcontrol, search for key binds
09:48.28Jucatom4rku5: KControl -> Desktop -> Window Behavior -> Window Actions tab
09:48.47JucatoModifier key + left button, set it to Nothing instead of Move
09:48.53m4rku5thanks Jucato :)
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10:03.45dhqis it possible to upgrade to kde4
10:03.52dhqwhat are the features in kde4
10:04.21pinotreeit's not really usage as user, yet
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10:08.10dhqpinotree: ok
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10:08.18dhqwhat new features does he have
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10:12.51moltoneldhq: a lot of features, too many to summarize in IRC. I suggest you take a look at
10:13.31dhqmoltonel: thanks
10:13.50dhqmoltonel: so we expect his to be born by december
10:14.32moltoneldhq: that's the latest plan. just in time for chirstmas :)
10:14.45dhqmoltonel: i cant wait :)
10:15.00dhqmoltonel: people are saying it will be better than Windows Vista
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10:15.37dhqmoltonel: what would happen if i try to install beta
10:18.58kakaltodhq: you'll be disappointed.
10:19.51moltoneldhq: as pinotree said, it's not ready for general consumption yet. But it's exciting to look at. Either get a livecd or build it yourself if you're feeling brave (
10:20.36dhqkakalto: Y
10:21.02kakaltodhq: everything isn't guaranteed to work, that's all :)
10:21.30dhqkakalto: well in december it will be ok
10:21.44kakaltodhq: definately.
10:21.56kakaltonot _just_ okay, it'll be great ;-)
10:21.58dhqso i will wait then :)
10:22.13dhqkakalto: it will be better than windows vista :)
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10:22.28kakaltodhq: from what I hear, that's not exactly hard
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10:22.46dhqkakalto: what did you hear
10:23.06dhqkakalto: well are there any screenshots of kde4
10:23.07kakaltodhq: I hear nothing but problems from vista users.
10:23.30dhqkakalto: well i know i was just talking about the GUI
10:23.42kakaltooh, and the fact that they're so glad that vista is secure - they can tell that it is secure because it is annoying :x
10:24.04kakaltodhq: I'm not really impressed by vista's GUI, after seeing compiz-fusion ;-D
10:24.21kakaltowell, I guess that's not the entirety of it
10:24.36dhqkakalto: well the problem is it doesnt work well on my dell laptop
10:24.48kakaltoouch. Well, kde4 shall be good :)
10:25.15dhqkakalto: although Dell joined hands with linux ubuntu but no well set graphic drivers :(
10:25.42kakaltodhq: I'm not much of a fan of Dell, or any premade computers, myself
10:26.15dhqkakalto: well laptops have to be premade
10:26.36kakaltodhq: haha, good point.
10:27.11dhqkakalto: very few laptop models are compatible with linux :)
10:27.27kakaltodhq: but it seems that if there's a deal between dell and ubuntu, dell laptop support can only improve
10:27.47kakaltodhq: I see there's quite a bit of thinkpad and sony drivers in the kernel
10:27.50kakaltofor laptops
10:27.50dhqkakalto: i can wait
10:28.25dhqkakalto: :)
10:29.22HellTigeris there any speech command/recognition software for kde? i heard about an plugin for khotkeys
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10:31.31dhqkakalto: are you familiar with kbluetoothd
10:32.10skchanghi! i use twin view with 2 monitors. where do i find the option that new windows are placed on the monitor where the mouse is located?
10:32.25kakaltodhq: I haven't got a bluetooth dongle to try it with. Only just got a bluetooth phone during the weekend, so I haven't had any reason to try it
10:32.41dhqkakalto: k
10:32.51dhqanyone here who uses kbluetoothd
10:34.57kakaltoskchang: kcontrol ---> Peripherals ---> Display ---> Multiple Monitors, "Show unmanaged windows on:" (set to display containing pointer)
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10:37.01skchangkakalto: thx
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10:38.08kakaltoskchang: hope that was the one you're after :)
10:39.01kakaltoHellTiger: did you read this: ?
10:39.08skchangkakalto: exactly. but in my understanding unmanaged != new... so i have not tried that option
10:39.32HellTigerit means the software is still under development?
10:40.01kakaltoskchang: well, here's the question: does it work?
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10:40.34kakaltoHellTiger: looks like it was a google summer of code project idea, but I couldn't tell you if anyone implemented it or not
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10:40.46HellTigerkakalto: thanks
10:40.59skchangkakalto: not really... i have to click on that screen, the mouse position alone is not enough... perhaps he places the window on the screen that has focus...
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10:45.28skchangthats not good. could there be a problem with twinview? shall i better use xinerama?
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10:48.32skchangi had to activate "kcontrol -> arbeitsflche -> fenstereigenschaften -> active mouse screen" (in english perhaps "desktop -> window properties -> active mouse screen"
10:48.33skchangnow it works
10:48.37skchangthx for your help
10:48.38DawnLightskchang: i'm using twinview. need help?
10:49.15skchangDawnLight: i wanted to place new windows on the screen my mouse/pointer is located on. now it works :)
10:50.04DawnLightskchang: does that mean setting the primary screen?
10:51.20skchangDawnLight: no. if i open e.g. firefox i want it on screen 1 if mouse is on screen 1 and on screen 2 if mouse is on screen 2
10:51.49DawnLightskchang: how did you acheive that?
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10:52.21skchangDawnLight: i do not know how the kcontrol menu points are named in english, but i can try to explain...
10:53.14skchangDawnLight: kcontrol -> 1st menu -> 1st menu -> multiple monitors -> show unmanaged windows on: "screen, that contains mouse/pointer"
10:53.22DawnLightskchang: oh if its via kcontrol then i can find it. thanks!
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10:53.49skchangDawnLight: kcontrol -> 2nd menu -> 1st menu -> select "active mouse screen"
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10:54.12skchangDawLight: i needed both options to get it work correctly
10:54.27kakaltoDawnLight: did you find it?
10:54.44kakaltodesktop --> window behaviour --> active mouse screen
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10:55.09kakaltoit's the third checkbox, below, focus policy with the adjustable bars
10:56.24DawnLighti think i don't have it. v3.5.5
10:56.59kakaltoin the focus tab?
10:57.16kakaltov3.5.7 here.
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10:58.44DawnLighti'm looking at the focus tab
10:58.44DawnLightit has a focus area and a navigation area
10:58.48DawnLightfocus area has policy, auto raise, delay, delay focus, lelay, click raise active window
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11:00.02kakaltoDawnLight: We have an extra two check boxes. Sounds like it's not in 3.5.5 =/
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11:01.52DawnLightthis is the price to pay for using debian. well, in a year or two :)
11:03.07pinotreewell, other distros have other high prices as well
11:03.38mj_Is this a good place to ask for samba help using KDE and Sabayon?
11:03.39Jejem*troll inside*
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11:04.15DawnLightmj_: i'd make sure your samba is working outside of kde, first
11:04.56DawnLightbut i'm a debian character. kde has some GUIs for that thingy
11:05.14kakaltomj_: I found with samba, it's easy to stuff up the conf file by just having too many options - it doesn't have to be overly complicated, but I could postbin my working config if you want, and you could use it as an example?
11:05.31mj_Well, it was working in KDE for a few minutes a day or so ago. Is that enough? It was working, and after using the KDE gui, and tweaking manually, and even after reverting, I can no longer see my computer on tthe network.
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11:05.41mj_What's postbin? Whatever it is, sure.
11:05.56kakaltomj_: I'll put it on the net and give you a link to where it is =)
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11:06.17kakaltoerhm, I think it's usually called pastebin.
11:07.05mj_kakalto: Works for me. Thanks.
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11:08.44mj_One question about samba. I'm pretty skeptical about giving it the benefit of the doubt. Does the network sometimes refuse to acknowledge properly configured systems for some reason? Or impose some sort of delay in reconsidering adding a system?
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11:09.54DawnLightwhere do i define the hotkey for kttsd?
11:12.11kakaltoto open kttsd?
11:13.32DawnLightkakalto: i want it to read a message opened in kmail
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11:15.34annmaDawnLight: you shoudl have an option in KMail to do so
11:16.15kakaltoHow can I delete my start menu, and regenerate it?
11:16.25kakalto*k menu
11:16.31annmarun kbuildsyscoca
11:17.45kakaltowhat is meant to happen after I run this?
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11:18.42kakaltomj_: with samba, I find it may take up to a minute before other systems on the network recognise it, but I have experienced particular computers refusing its existence at times.
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11:20.37mj_Thanks. Mysteriously, my computer showed up on the network finally after looking at your config, but without changing mine. The shares still are reported as nonexistant. Doesn't seem to be a model for reliability.
11:21.01kakaltodouble check capital letters in paths and whatnot?
11:21.35kakaltoI fixed a friend's samba the other day by just removing some [global] conf entries
11:21.55mj_Caps are okay...are permissions important? I have a /tmp/mjsmb dir set to world rwx, and still no go. Stickiness isn't a problem, is it?
11:22.11mj_No kidding? I'll check out the global entries...they do seems a bit cluttered.
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11:31.50kakaltoannma: I have two sets of "system" and "settings" menus below "Actions" section of my k menu. Any ideas how to remove this?
11:32.02kakaltovinboy: on telescum, huh? =/
11:32.25annmakakalto: is it a new install?
11:32.43kakaltoannma: no.
11:32.52annmaso it happened recently?
11:33.13kakaltoyeah, after I installed kde4 (before you ask, yes I used a seperate user to install kde4)
11:33.45annmayou did?
11:33.51annmayou installed manually?
11:33.59annmaor distro packages?
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11:35.49kakaltothat's why I wondered if there is simply a directory or particular file that governs the k menu, which I could remove, and regenerate the menu
11:36.05annmafirst try a new user for KDE3
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11:36.16annmalook what happens at his menu
11:36.33vinboykakalto: yup.. i'm stilll on golarge :D
11:37.40kakaltovinboy: hehe.
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11:41.02vinboyhi kakalto
11:41.04vinboyyes i'm still on the golarge plan
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11:41.56kakaltovinboy: hiya. couldn't help but notice the telecom in your join message D-;
11:42.36vinboywhich isp r u with
11:42.48kakaltoPacking Shed. they're local to franklin.
11:43.37vinboykakalto: which distro do u run
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11:44.28kakaltovinboy: gentoo =]
11:46.23vinboycurrently on fedora
11:46.31vinboyi was on gentoo a year ago
11:46.41vinboybut now I dont have time to play with it
11:46.55annmaso did you try a new user kakalto?
11:46.56vinboyim going to try the opensuse 10.3 when it release this month
11:47.09kakaltoannma: haven't quite got around to it yet.
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11:50.03kakaltoannma: new user doesn't have the extra menus
11:51.03annmaok, try to backup .config in your home
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11:53.42kakaltoannma: well, yeah, that'll probably do the trick... but what about my settings?
11:54.30annmawell, digg in .config to see what to keep and what to remove
11:54.58*** join/#kde Tuju_ (
11:55.00annmadepends on what settings you had
11:56.42kakaltoproblem is, if I had a firm idea of exactly what settings I want, then I would likely have a fair idea of where the menu settings were =/
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12:03.52annmasettings you want?
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12:04.02annmanot sure I follow you kakalto
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12:04.56kakalto"well, digg in .config to see what to keep and what to remove" >>> Do you mean ~/.kde/share/config or ~/.kde ?
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12:08.32kakaltoah, okay.
12:08.42kakaltoA bit slow here =)
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12:23.42troyJucato: on my way to lectures - bye :P
12:23.48Jucatobye :)
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12:24.32nodesktopI love Kate, but what would make it better is when you could have "projects" - similar to IDEs
12:24.44Jucatonodesktop: Sessions
12:24.50nodesktopI know sessions
12:25.07Jucatonot enough?
12:25.11nodesktopbut these have some drawbacks: i.e. all files in a session need to be loaded
12:25.23nodesktopalso, you can't organize the files freely
12:25.39nodesktopyou just can order them by filename or by opening order
12:25.47*** join/#kde visik7 (n=dksakd@unaffiliated/visik7)
12:26.11Jucatotrue. but for an advanced *text editor*, I think that's more than enough... anything more, you'll probably need kdevelop...
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12:26.19Jucatojust imo
12:27.04nodesktopKDevelop sucks IMHO
12:27.14nodesktopjust too heavy weight
12:27.53DuClareI don't like kdevelop either
12:27.58DuClaredon't care about the weight..
12:28.07DuClarebut I found it damn hard to use and get it to do whatever I want and nothing more..
12:28.19nodesktopbasically I only want an extra tree widget (additional to the documents and filesystem tabs) where I can organize files freely
12:28.23DuClaremy IDE of choice is eclipse. for smaller projects I just use a text editor like vim or kate
12:28.29*** join/#kde max (
12:28.51nodesktopEclipse is awfully slow on my computer
12:29.11DuClareah.. that's not good then. :\
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12:29.21nodesktopsomewhere else I use Codeblocks, but Codeblocks is also awfully slow here
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12:30.19DuClareI used codeblocks for a while... can't remember what made me go to eclipse
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12:32.03svintunghello, im having a problem connecting the internet with KDE(konqueror,kopete,ktorrent,etc), it works perfect with other non-kde applications like firefox, amsn and so on.. anyone know what can be wrong?`
12:32.22svintungim using kubuntu
12:32.33svintungwireless with vpn
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13:17.41runleveltenOK, what places does a kaddressbook configuration entry hide?
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13:18.24Jucato~/.kde/share/config/ most probably
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13:18.35runleveltenI've got kdepim crashing immediately because I was stupid enough to try and use the egroupware functionality - which results in kdepim crashing on startup afterwards,
13:19.02runleveltenbut removing the kabc configuration, and preventing kaddressbook from starting with kontact doesn't stop it crashing.
13:19.23runleveltenlibkcal: ERROR: Can't read uid map file '/home/runlevelten/.kde/share/apps/kabc/uidmaps/xmlrpc_V2TIp3cz2N'
13:21.09runleveltenAnyone know what places I can look to try and expunge it further?
13:21.40runleveltenI've done what makes sense in $prefix/share/apps, config etc.
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13:24.16runleveltenarg, this is horrible.
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13:25.55runleveltenAh, excellent, I can use kontact again:
13:26.29Jucatogood for you :)
13:26.36runleveltenMaybe the "egroupware" option does something other than wreck kontact, it be removed.
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13:27.01Jucatoa friend of mine had problems with egroupware in kaddressbook too
13:27.10runleveltenIt certainly cannot work with current egroupware with what it's trying to do, judging by some packet sniffing.
13:27.38runleveltenright, work :) - thanks for the attempt at help Jucato \o/
13:27.54Jucatohehe sorry it remained just an attempt :)
13:30.27runleveltenGah, I need more time in the day to fix things :(
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13:46.56maazui read about Fedora 8 not carrying KDE4
13:47.03maazui am dissappointed
13:47.12annmaKDE4 is not out
13:47.19annmaso it's normal
13:47.21maazuso is F8
13:47.31annmabut F8 is out when?
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13:47.43maazuanother month or two?
13:47.53maazuit is now at Test 2
13:48.06annmawell they'll make kde4 packages when KDE4 is out
13:48.14annmaseems logical to do it that way
13:48.30*** join/#kde oversize (
13:48.37annmain any case, KDE 4.0 will not be a full-usable-desktop
13:49.27maazua composition of 3.5.7 + 4.0 ?
13:49.53tsdhHi.  I use the "unclutter windows" command very frequently and like to bind it to a key.  Unfortunately I cannot find it in kcontrol -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts.  Or does it have another name there?
13:50.00*** join/#kde Ardarandir__ (
13:50.45annmawhere is this command?
13:50.52annmatsdh: I run KDE in French
13:51.38maazuin Japanese/English
13:52.06maazuwell the menus is in Japanese but the locale is English(US)
13:52.28annmatsdh: where is that command please?
13:52.43tsdhannma: Right click on the desktop, then "windows -> unclutter windows"
13:53.10tsdhannma: Or the window list button in the task bar.
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13:54.55annmahi Jucato
13:55.06annmatsdh: hmmm I don't see it in the action list
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13:55.20Jucatoannma: I just read that Mandriva abolished Mandriva Club. are you happy? (or you weren't affected by that anyway) :)
13:55.35*** join/#kde thai_ (
13:55.38annmaI never was a CLub Member
13:55.49annmawhere is that news? Mandriva website?
13:56.06tsdhannma: Hm, there should be the actions "cascade windows" and "unclutter windows".
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13:56.54Jucatoannma: announcement in french... of course you'll be able to read it :P
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13:58.04Richlvhi. it seems anonsvn is acting a bit weird
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13:58.22Richlvthat's for svn://
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13:58.54annmaRichlv: anonsvn can be any server
13:59.14Richlvannma, dns roundrobin or something else ?
13:59.16annmasvn ls???
13:59.26annmaI do: svn info
13:59.32Jucatoshouldn't it be in branches/extragear/kde3/multimedia anyway?
13:59.34Richlvsvn info is something different
13:59.43pinotreeJucato: stable as well
13:59.50Jucatoah ok
13:59.59pinotreeRichlv: isn't svn ls a command for querying the remove server?
14:00.06Richlvit's not in branches/extragear for sure
14:00.11Richlvpinotree, yes
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14:00.24pinotreeRichlv: then you need to pass it a repository
14:00.46srednatsdh: those belongs to kdesktop, which fails having a 'configure shortcuts' dialog. You could use the input actions feature with a dcop call to kwin KWinInterface unclutterDesktop
14:00.47pinotreesvn ls svn://anonsvn....
14:00.47Richlvpinotree, well, no. it has always worked
14:00.55Richlvin the local repo, obviously
14:01.05*** part/#kde Smooph (
14:01.06Richlvmultimedia# svn up amarok
14:01.06Richlvsvn: No such revision 719547
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14:01.19lrphello everybody
14:01.36lrpi need a hand in here , see i have the following trouble with my desktop .....
14:01.42tsdhsredna: Hey, thanks a lot.
14:01.48pinotreeRichlv: svn info | grep URL
14:02.16lrpkdm ....  Abnormal termination of greeter ..for display 0 code 127 signal 0
14:02.30Richlvpinotree, already pasteb before - svn://
14:02.31lrpplease help in here how to solve that im from text rigth now :(
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14:02.54lrpany ideas???
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14:03.05lrpadvices anything ...
14:03.14pinotreelrp: calm down, please
14:03.16maazulrp: code 127 seems to be an error code
14:03.24Richlvso i'm unsure why svn up for amarok and svn ls for multimedia fails
14:03.50srednaty, pinotree
14:04.08maazulrp: understanding what 127 relates to, can solve your problem
14:04.12lrpmaazu them i have to aptitude purge kdm & xfree86 ?
14:04.12pinotreeRichlv: in another directory, svn co svn:// -N ; cd multimedia ; svn up amarok
14:04.34maazulrp: i dunno
14:04.41Richlvpinotree, do you think local repo is so nicely corrupted ?
14:04.58pinotreeRichlv: i don't think, i try
14:05.17lrpmaazu ok when i starting the computer everything seems to be okay until the X starting and going down , just before the login box all goes down
14:05.25Richlvi'll try with svn ls multimedia first, that's some amount to download for whole amarok
14:05.56maazulrp: what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?
14:06.34lrpmaazu ok let me see in the other terminal
14:06.38Richlvpinotree, # svn co svn://
14:06.41Richlvsvn: No such revision 719615
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14:07.51lrpmaazu freefontpath :fpe /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc refcount is 2 should be 1 fixing .
14:07.59lrpand before that 7 lines
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14:08.24lrpxf86somethingmemory unbind key 1 to 7
14:08.46lrpmaazu thats all
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14:09.30maazulrp: can you scroll to the bottom of the log?
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14:09.47lrpmaazu i dont have x see im from console :(
14:10.03lrpmaazu im using an text irc client
14:10.15maazulrp: can you vim it?
14:10.39kc8hfilrp: you have 6 virtual consoles, use one of those, then pipe the output of the log file to a pager, like less
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14:12.18lrpmaazu i can mcedit
14:12.56maazulrp: i once played with /etc/X11/xorg.conf
14:13.22maazulrp: i edited my video driver from "Intel" to "intel810"
14:13.22kc8hfilrp:  what distro are you running?
14:13.38maazulrp: cause i wanted to see hardware acceleration in action
14:13.51maazuX server did not display anything
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14:13.59maazuso, i checked the logs
14:14.24maazunear the bottom of the logs it said it could not find video driver intel810
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14:14.55maazuthats how i know if you have problems starting x, you goto /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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14:17.30lrpmaazu ok let me check the same log again
14:18.37lrpmaazu what is drm ¿  im checking some drm in the logs
14:18.39maazulrp: your machine does come with video card, right?
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14:19.00lrpmaazu onboard
14:19.18lrpmaazu intel board
14:19.27maazulrp: cool
14:19.30maazulrp: me 2
14:19.53maazulrp: infact i have latest intel board 965 for which there is not support yet
14:20.04maazulrp: so, X server fallback to generic intel driver
14:20.06lrpmaazu i dont have the latest hehehe
14:20.46maazulrp: did you play with framebuffer on the kernel boot command line?
14:20.55lrpmaazu ok i think the trouble is with xf86unbindgardmemory
14:21.10lrpmaazu ok i think the trouble is with xf86unbindgardmemory key 1 until 7 them ...
14:21.29maazuO.O i dunno what that means
14:21.41lrpmaazu that what the logs sayds
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14:22.22lrpmaazu them he sayds successfully set to original devices 2 instead 1 witch he alone sets to 1
14:22.43lrpthe freefontpath
14:24.14maazulrp: which distro?
14:24.50lrpmaazu debian 4
14:25.07maazulrp: very controlled
14:25.12lrpmaazu im going to dpkg -reconfigure -phigh x-server-xorg
14:25.15maazulrp: i have not a clue
14:25.30lrpmaazu im going to try doing that
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14:26.07maazugood night
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14:27.10BlueAidan_workokay, I give... how the heck do you get kde to use an OpenSSH dynamic port forward (SOCKS proxy) ?
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14:28.06lrpnever worked
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14:28.10lrppurging all x
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14:29.41lrphey any more ideas about how to fix my kde desktop_
14:29.51lrpor how to test all my configs ?
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14:29.57lrpbecause in the logs there is nothing
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14:32.24lrphey any1 can help in here ?
14:33.01Daverockslrp: sure, just ask your question
14:33.02lrpi installed now gdm but its the same he now lock the keyboard and put diferents resolutions of display everytime i touch my keyboard
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14:33.33lrpi had to kill gdm from other computer because he lock all my keyboard
14:34.03lrprigth now im from text because my x dont work i dont know what to do and i cant reinstall
14:34.05ThundercloudWhy have you got gdm if you're running kde?
14:34.30ThundercloudAnd what distro are you running?
14:34.30PhobosHi. How do I make a symbolic link in /home and whenever I click on it it leads me to (in Konqueror)
14:34.38*** join/#kde davidb (
14:34.42lrpbecause KDM crashed
14:34.49ThundercloudPhobos: You can't create symlinks to web addresses
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14:34.52lrpim runjing debian
14:34.56ThundercloudYou can create URL files, that's about all
14:34.58lrprunning sorry
14:35.03Thundercloudlrp: Etch, Lenny or Sid?
14:35.14ThundercloudI dunno then
14:35.15PhobosThundercloud: meaning link to URL ?
14:35.17ThundercloudI'm running Sid
14:35.19ThundercloudPhobos: Yeah
14:35.28lrpis not debian ?
14:35.28PhobosThundercloud: ok, thanks mate
14:35.32lrpall its the same i think
14:35.39ThundercloudNot at all
14:35.43DaverocksPhobos: right click -> create new -> link to location (url)
14:35.49ThundercloudEtch is about a few months old in terms of software
14:35.51ThundercloudSid is current
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14:36.52Daverockslrp: try plain xdm
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14:37.27lrpXdm ?
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14:40.32lrpinstalling kde again
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14:42.20lrpDaverocks i think if i purge kde with all his components and install again the problem shoud fix right _
14:42.30lrpshould be fixed
14:42.35Daverockslrp: does the problem only occur when you login to kde?
14:42.45pinotreelrp: distro question does not belong here
14:42.58lrpDaverocks when im starting to the login manager them he crash
14:43.20Daverockslrp: mmm, that's gdm
14:43.21lrphe crash right when its starting the login manager
14:43.30lrpwith kdm its the same
14:44.04lrpi have kde installed again now , let me restart kdm to see if this work now
14:44.39lrpxdm simpbol error grrr
14:44.56lrpgrrrrrrrrrr cannot connect5 to X-server
14:45.11lrpgrrrrrrrrrr kpersonalizer cannot connect to X-server
14:45.25lrpim about to drive crazy in here
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14:47.50lrphey kdm restrart and the same MY DESKTOP is now working help me out here please !
14:48.09annmalrp: what distro?
14:48.25annmaif you have a new installation that does not work, ask in your distribution channel
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14:48.57lrpannma debian ecth
14:49.10lrpanmma its not a new
14:49.16annmaask in #debian-kde
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14:49.24lrpjoin #debian-kde
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14:49.29annmanot a new? so what did you do?
14:49.47annmayou upgraded?
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14:56.39codertuxhi, I'm trying to set up kde4. I've build kdelibs & kdepimlibs from a portage overlay (I'm using gentoo) and now I'm trying to build Kopete but I keep getting "Unknown CMake command "KDE4_NO_ENABLE_FINAL"." when running cmake. Any ideas what I can do?
14:57.28annmafor portage stuff ask in "gentoo
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14:57.46annmaif you want to do it the usual way there's a doc on techbase
14:58.03pinotreecodertux: and,
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15:01.58codertuxannma: I did it the usual way (yes,
15:02.22ann_cookfrom a portage overlay you said
15:02.36ann_cookI don't know what that means
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15:02.51ann_cooklook at the URL pinotree pasted
15:03.06codertuxit's something like a software repository
15:03.14ann_cookif you build only kopete and not the whole module
15:03.15codertuxI did look at it
15:03.26ann_cookdo you build only kopete?
15:03.36codertuxyes, that's what I was trying to do
15:03.44ann_cookyou also need kdebase/runtime
15:03.57codertuxbut I think I've messed something up about cmake, since it can't find that macro
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15:04.22pinotreecodertux: read that paragraph......
15:04.25codertuxthough it is there, in usr/kde/svn/share/apps/cmake/modules/KDE4Macros.cmake
15:04.30ann_cookwhat commands did you do to get kopete?
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15:06.20codertuxann_cook: it was something like "svn co svn://"
15:06.36ann_cookso please read th eurl pinotree pasted!!!
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15:06.48ann_cook<pinotree> codertux: and,
15:07.12pinotree(that is the same page of the guide you're using, just a bit below)
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15:07.41codertuxann_cook, pinotree: I'll do that just now :) Thanks!
15:07.53ann_cookI'm gone now
15:08.30codertuxthanks again for the nudge
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15:09.55_HellTiger_i am use "katapult"  got new programms, i have try the menu update tool from kde, i cant find the app in katapult, some ideas?
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15:18.58Burpshi all
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15:20.03BurpsKde 3.5 (debian stable) : Trying to setup the resolution (1280x800) : so I wrote it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but on the Control center, I can only see until 1024x768 : where is the solution ?
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15:25.45martijnTotal Release Freeze, is this only for a specific part of the kde apps?
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15:28.26DaverocksBurps: see if xrandr lists it
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15:31.16pinotreemartijn: which deadline are you referring to?
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15:32.48martijnpinotree: deadline on
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15:33.49pinotreemartijn: the official release schedule is
15:33.59pinotreeforget anything else
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15:35.00boom1992pinotree: at i read that you're using debian-testing... so, today i installed it and i got some compile errors with kdelibs:
15:35.13boom1992do you know about the problem or any way to fix it??
15:35.45pinotreethat's not a debian-specific issue :)
15:36.28boom1992pinotree: yeah i know, but with kubuntu it works  and with sidux/debian it doesn't
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15:38.43martijnthanks pinotree
15:38.50pinotreemartijn: but, apart from that detail, what was your doubt about?
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15:39.28martijnpinotree: well, i am writing a doc for an app which i do not know which date it should be in for kde4
15:40.09x_linkmartijn: Are you using KDE 4.0?
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15:41.05x_linkThis Microsoft IE 1.1 seems really nice.
15:41.09x_linkThinking of buying one.
15:41.18*** join/#kde underplay (
15:41.18x_linkSeems really comfortable, that's the only thing I want.
15:41.41underplaySomeone in my system there is a script that is ovewritting one of my env variables, is there a way to track this script down?
15:42.13pinotreeunderplay: ##linux please
15:42.39x_linkinsulina: Try your distro's channel.
15:42.52underplayoh whoops, i typed the wrong channel
15:44.01x_linkI didn't mean insulina.
15:44.06x_linkI mean't underplay =)
15:44.09x_linkWell well...
15:44.14x_linkI must go and do some stuff now.
15:45.23*** join/#kde TheGateKeeper (
15:45.28TheGateKeeperfirst time k3b starts up it scans for devices & takes forever, any way I can fix this?
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15:46.05martijnx_link: nope, i still use 3.5.6, the feisty's default
15:46.34martijnpinotree: nope, i am Martijn van Vliet, but i am Dutch yes
15:46.59thiago_homepinotree: Martijn Klingens is spaze on IRC
15:47.08pinotreeoh, right
15:47.18martijnnormally i am martijn81 though
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15:47.24martijnjust need to set it
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15:48.14nick01is KDE 4 beta 2 usable ?
15:48.22thiago_homedefine "usable"
15:48.38nick01like have a desktop and not crash every 10 min
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15:49.09nick01so it does't have a desktop and it crashes a lot ?
15:49.11BULLEand i must say im a bit troubled by that, but thats another story
15:49.27BULLEnick01: it has a desktop, and some apps are pretty stable, others arent
15:49.40MinceR"no" would merely mean it doesn't have a desktop _or_ it crashes every 10 min ;)
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15:50.22nick01do essential KDE components crash ? can it be used ? doing a gentoo reinstall soon
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15:50.38nick01today actually
15:51.17ann_cookKDE 4 is not usable
15:52.12nick01annma, what does it do that makes it unusable ? the whole thing crashes ?
15:52.28annmathe desktop is not really done
15:52.35apokryphosnick01: and a lot of stuff just isn't implemented. Try one of the popular kde4 live CDs to find out
15:52.37annmaso you cannot do anything except run kicker
15:52.41*** join/#kde administrator (
15:52.50thiago_homeand kicker has been remove
15:52.58annmakicker from kde3
15:53.00nick01gr8 oh well KDE 3.5.7 then
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16:13.43slonbghi. opensuse 10.2. kde 3.5.7-91. a few updates ago, suddenly kate and kwrite started to process correctly UTF-16 files (windows txt files), saying they are binary, and displaying the 0x00 bytes between the chars. I went in the settings, and there in the Open section, I select UTF16, and it started to work again. But the default was  "KDE default". Where I set this "KDE default" ?, I could...
16:13.45slonbg...not find this in Control Center.
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16:14.12slonbgs/"process corectly"/"process incorrectly"
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16:15.51MinceRregex doesn't match :>
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16:16.48slonbgMinceR: the coffee did not match either :)
16:17.03slonbgi.e. not enough :)
16:17.22spawn57I can never get sick of coffee jokes
16:18.22slonbgcoffee needed = (hour awake) * (mass of the owner)
16:20.48slonbgso, any idea where I set the "KDE default" regarding the default encoding for opening txt files to UTF-16?
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16:31.07MinceRslonbg: dunno... do your UTF-16 files begin with a BOM?
16:31.26MinceR(in that case, it should be fairly easy to autodetect...)
16:32.18Rasianyone a clue what theme that is?
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16:37.55shadokRasi: smells like beryl/compiz/compiz-fusion imho
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16:38.14shadokah no, sorry there's no real transparency, it must be dekorator
16:41.43shadokaero glass i suppose :)
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17:06.58remOooooh it's been a long time since I've entered one of these! :) Hi all!
17:07.25DuClareof what
17:07.41remChat channel
17:07.48mardihi rem
17:08.01remhi mardi
17:08.43mardiexciting eh?
17:08.51remheh yeah lol
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17:09.41remoh well, I shall sod off and carry on playing with fedora! Bye all!
17:09.48mardihave fun!
17:09.53remwill do!
17:10.39*** join/#kde adrian_ (n=adrian@
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17:12.51pirata_locogood afternoon
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17:14.19pirata_lococan someone tell me where i can find the kde panel config?
17:14.41pinotreeright click on the panel → configure ?
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17:15.03pirata_locopinotree, no, i mean the file
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17:17.17pirata_locoah it's good hidden :-)
17:17.23pirata_locothanks pinotree
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17:18.46Angelussomeone knows why i dont have permision to go to system:/media on kde as normal user? i'm added to the plugdev group.
17:19.16pirata_locoif i have two screens and two panels, it is possible to copy one of them into the other without problems :-P ?
17:19.26shibbohey all, I have a problem with KMail: If I set any form of automatic filter, all mail gets marked as "read" immediately, regardless of whether the filter applies or not...
17:19.55shibbopirata_loco: copy what? the panels? just make a new panel...
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17:22.24pirata_locohehe no, i want the same panel as on my laptop for the second monitor which has dualview
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17:27.48_HellTiger_i have installed package: kdeartwork,  i cant find any more themes in kcontrol
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17:27.54_HellTiger_whats the problem?
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17:36.44ericvbhas anyone any idea where I can find doc about network sound with kde ?
17:37.03thiago_homenetwork sound?
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17:37.53ericvbwhen i start a remote x session i want to hear the sound locally
17:38.03ericvbnot on the X server
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17:38.47ericvbsomething called Network Audio System
17:39.24ericvbif you have a look at Preferences->Sound->Sound System
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17:39.47ericvbthere's a network sound option
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18:10.40KomzpaGentoo, overlay kde. I've merged kdebase-9999.4 yesterday, but don't see any images on buttons. Is that a bug or my mistake somewhere(where?)?
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18:12.23pinotreeuse kcontrol and activate it?
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18:22.49Komzpapinotree, I've opened konqueror from kde4, there are no images on buttons like forward|reload|print. Also it tells that file:// and http:// are unknown protocols.
18:23.25pinotreebroken installation?
18:23.37pinotreewe can't help with distro stuff, → #gentoo-kde
18:24.08shadokunstable software maybe ? :P
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18:24.45Komzpamay be. but that was compiled from svn using just gentoo ebuilds. so i'd like to know where to look for solution :)
18:25.08pinotreeshadok: here it works (manual compilation)
18:25.25pinotreefirst ask in your distro channel
18:25.37shadokyou're not a casual user wanting to try kde4 i'd say :)
18:26.32shadokpersonally i didn't tried it yet, but i think the final will be great
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18:57.57shadokis there any roadmap for krita 2 ? will it be included in kde4 or not ?
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19:01.18slonbgMinceR: Sorry for the delay. I have no idea what is BOM. These are normal text files, created in Notepad in windows. And as said, it was working a few weeks ago. And it works now, as I set Kate to use UTF-16. But I want to make this default KDE-wise, as I often have to deal with this. And as in Kate setup there is an option to select "KDE default", I was wondering where should I set this "default"
19:01.51MinceRByte Order Marker, some unicode texts begin with them, they tell the reader if it's little-endian, big-endian or utf-8
19:02.11MinceRperhaps notepad saved them with BOM before and not now
19:02.20MinceRi don't know about the default, or if it even exists
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19:05.48slonbgNope, it starts with "ff fe", and then 2 bytes per char - i.e. the first letter in the text file is "J", and the file begins with "ff fe 4a 00", then follows the next char, again first byte is the ASCII code, and then 00. WHich I guess is expected, as UTF-16 is 2 bytes.
19:06.24slonbgbut again, the problem now is not reding them, as I found out how, but how to make UTF-16 default for KDE
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19:07.09slonbgI would guess that if you have option "KDE default", you should be able to set this default somehow :)
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19:07.55annmaslonbg: set your LANG variable
19:08.03annmataht'll be KDE default
19:08.46slonbgannma: how?
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19:09.13thiago_homeI don't think setting the default encoding to UTF-16 is a good idea
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19:09.21annmaI don't think either
19:09.28annmaslonbg: what is your language?
19:09.43thiago_homeI don't even think it's possible.
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19:10.16slonbgannma: eng us. sometimes I need to read cyrillic, win-1251.
19:10.21slonbgok, that what is "KDE default"?
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19:10.29annmathere is a en_UTF8 I think
19:10.36annmaI think so slonbg
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19:10.48annmanot so sure myself and finding it stupid as well
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19:11.26annmaI cannot understand this stuff is again in kde4
19:12.29slonbgannma: btw, there is no choice of en_UTF
19:12.46annmathat's the one
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19:13.21slonbgthiago_home: there is no such a thing, if you go to kate/settings/configure kate/Open_Save/Encoding
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19:14.35annmaslonbg: as your global setting so ot becomes Kate default
19:14.36thiago_homejust UTF-8
19:14.43thiago_homewe were talking about setting your global configuration
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19:14.50annmaotherwise select UTF8 in kate
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19:15.37slonbgactually, utf-8 did not work, utf-16 worked. so, how do I set this default (I will not probably, based on your advise), but just to know
19:15.47thiago_homeyou have just done so
19:15.53thiago_homeyou can set the default in Kate
19:15.58thiago_homefor Kate only
19:16.11slonbgok, and for kde itself?
19:16.23slonbgi did not find anything in CC
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19:16.23thiago_homeyou don't
19:16.31thiago_homewe've just told you how to set UTF-8 as your default
19:16.48thiago_homeyou can't set UTF-16 as the default
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19:20.08slonbgok, thanks.
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19:27.54LinuxMafiahi all
19:28.17LinuxMafiai can not change keyboard layout
19:28.24LinuxMafiasomething happened to it
19:28.43LinuxMafiawhat kde package is related to it
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19:35.54xenolplz  i got a problem with kde
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19:36.20xenolicons like back forward amarok links in the bottom on konqueror doesnt show
19:36.25sheldonhwhat am i supposed to read to get a handle on kitchensync and how i might use it to sync my nokia e61i with my kontact contacts? i'm lost in the opensync doc wiki
19:36.28xenolcan anyone help me with that?
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19:36.46eidolonhi folks, anyone know a shortcut for disabling the popup access keys thing in konqueror?  drives me nutty.
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19:43.54PhilRodeidolon: I think it's in the faq
19:43.58PhilRodyou need to edit a config file
19:44.09eidoloni'm seeing: kwriteconfig --file khtmlrc --group "Access Keys" --key Enabled --type bool false
19:44.12eidolondo i just do that in my home dir?
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19:46.15PhilRodany directory you like
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19:50.57buscheris this website just for me too wide? or a konqueror problem?
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19:52.57annmabuscher: looks OK here
19:53.47sheldonhwell, i can copy files to and from the phone using bluetooth or usb.  i guess that's something
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19:56.04buscherannma I wonder, it looks strange on my 2 pcs, are you really using konqueror 3.5.7? :)
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19:57.08annmabuscher: yes
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20:00.22mortanhi! i have a little problem with kde 3.5. the startmenu shows only the applications in my ~/.locale folder, but not the ones in /usr/share/applications. what can be the problem?
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20:02.13mortanno ideas? :(
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20:04.26PhilRodmortan: perhaps the XDG_* variables are set incorrectly
20:04.36PhilRodwhat does "set | grep XDG" say?
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20:04.55mortanPhilRod: XDG_DATA_DIRS=/opt/kde/share
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20:05.19pinotreemortan: wait, where is your kde installation?
20:05.25qilianghi, all, which channel is for i18n/l10n? thanks
20:05.49mortanpinotree: under /opt/kde
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20:06.34pinotreethen it's quite logic that a) being your kde in /opt b) having set XDG_DATA_DIRS to it, it does not look at /usr/share
20:07.08thiago_homebut it's a bad idea to set XDG_DATA_DIRS to not contain /usr/share and /usr/local/share
20:07.33pinotreeexport XDG_DATA_DIRS=/opt/kde/share:/usr/share/:/usr/local/share
20:07.50mortanhm, sounds good
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20:08.43mortanpinotree: do i need to put this in my .bashrc or in another config file?
20:08.54pinotree.bashrc is enough
20:09.21mortanok, i test it
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20:10.28mortanjeah, that does the job :) thanks!
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20:19.11srednait kicks me off ALL THE TIME
20:19.50timrsI only get kicked off because my wireless internet drops every hour now...
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20:20.37mortanhm, one more problem: in every kde app that tries to access the internet i get "error loading kio_http". thats pretty annonying and i did not find any solution on the web for this. any idea why kio_http can not be loaded?
20:20.50srednamy connection is SUPPOSED to be up all the time
20:20.59srednabut appearently there are holes
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20:22.31gkiagiamortan: maybe because it is not installed?
20:22.56mortangkiagia: huh? it does ship with kde, does it?
20:23.23gkiagiamaybe your distro has it in another package. what distro are you using?
20:23.34mortanstill Arch Linux :)
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20:24.00mortanbut let me say: it worked a few days before... but now it's broken for some reasons i dont know
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20:24.35gkiagiaI don't know. try asking in your distro's channel
20:25.05mortanno good idea
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20:26.06mortanbut i found out that kio_http is at: /opt/kde/lib/kde3/ strange
20:26.26mortanmaybe some export thingy as well?
20:28.55PhilRodmortan: only thing I can think of would be to run the app from a konsole, and look at the debug output there
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20:29.44gkiagiaLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/kde/lib might also help, although I think this is not the problem
20:29.51mortanhm, i did it: could not load kio_http
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20:31.50mortangkiagia: error goes like this: konqueror: ERROR: : couldn't create slave : Aufruf des Ein-/Ausgabemoduls nicht möglich.
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20:32.50nlefkI am getting this error while installing the latest kdebase from the svn :
20:32.53nlefkCMake Error: Error in cmake code at
20:32.53nlefkFILE INSTALL destination: /home/kde-devel/kde/include/Soprano is not a directory.
20:34.08gkiagiamortan: sorry, but I don't understand the german part. is this some improvement over the previous "could not load kio_http" ?
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20:34.37pinotreenlefk: rm /home/kde-devel/kde/include/Soprano
20:34.52mortangkiagia: here is the following line from the output: klauncher meldet: Fehler beim Laden von "kio_http"
20:35.05nlefkpinotree: thanks
20:35.12mortan(klauncher reports: error while loading kio_http)
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20:39.13mortangkiagia: man, problem eliminated :)
20:39.18sheldonhhmmm, gnokii, must take a look.  i'd completely forgotten about it
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20:46.44tevaplease, someone knows how to restore the trash icon on the left slide bar of Dolphin?
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20:48.21t35t0rhow do i delete from konqueror without putting it in the trash?
20:50.12gkiagiat35t0r: or enable the delete context menu action from konqueror's options
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20:50.33gkiagiateva: add a new location with file path "trash:/"
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20:52.21tevagkiagia: thank
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21:06.25BCMMhow do you adjust mouse sensitivity?
21:06.37BCMMi only see an option for acceleration
21:06.40nlefkwhat branches except kdelibs/kdepimlibs and kdebase should I install to have a more complete overview of the current project state ?
21:06.51BCMMbut the mouse cursor is basically always going too fast
21:07.57gkiagianlefk: you may also be interested in playground/plasma
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21:08.30nlefkgkiagia: i'll check this out, thanks :)
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21:10.46mortanBCMM: there was an article in the gentoo wiki about this
21:11.03BCMMmortan, ah thanks
21:11.16BCMMmortan, i just tried xset but that's only adjusting my laptop's touchpad
21:11.44mortanBCMM: hm, i think it was xset... but i dont remember the parameters
21:12.02BCMMmortan, xset is effecting only my touchpad
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21:14.53BlueGI am having problems with ktorrent... it downloaded the first 99.9% in two days, but in the two days since, although it has appeared to be steadily downloading, has made no further progress... what could cause this?
21:14.57mortanBCMM: thats strange, it should affect your mouse... anyway, here the article:
21:15.11*** join/#kde TrentKM_ (
21:15.14BCMMmortan, thanks
21:16.16BCMMmortan, well, it's still only affecting my touchpad
21:16.25BCMMmortan, i guess i'll do something to xorg.conf
21:16.45mortanBCMM: good idea
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21:18.28BlueGIf ktorrents reported download rates are accurate, the file should have finished downloading a day or two ago
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21:28.08kucrutBlueG, got seeders? what does the tracker tab say?
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21:34.03BlueGkucrut: there are seeders, but tracker status says timeout on server
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21:35.05kucrutBlueG, try to recheck the downloaded files, it saves me sometimes.
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21:36.07BlueGkucrut: do you meant the check data integrity option, or something else?
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21:36.18kucrutyep, that one
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21:37.11BlueGkucrut: ok, its checking
21:37.26kucrutg'luck then ;-)
21:38.33GraveDiggeris there any way in kde without tools like imwheel to map mouse button 8 and 9 to key strokes alt-left and alt-right?
21:38.39GraveDiggerfor browser navigation and stuff?
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21:38.59PhilRodhrm, khotkeys maybe
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21:39.05GraveDiggeri'd prefer a "native kde solution"
21:39.14PhilRod(control center -> regional & a11y -> input actions)
21:39.24benJImanGraveDigger: I've not found a way to work in all apps without imwheel.
21:39.25GraveDiggerPhilRod: any idea how to realise this? i have played a lot with khotkeys config in kcontrol, but found nothing similar
21:39.37benJImanGraveDigger: I don't think it's possible.
21:39.52benJImanGraveDigger: Which is annoying, because imwheel is a pain to use, and not even packaged.
21:39.56benJImanAnd unmaintained.
21:39.57GraveDiggerbenJIman: hmm *sigh* i was afraid to read something like this
21:40.08GraveDiggerbenJIman: yeah, this is why i dislike to use it, too
21:40.48GraveDiggerbenJIman: anyways: how did you get it working then, and which applications does this mapping not work in for you?
21:40.59benJImanGraveDigger: imwheel works with pretty much anything
21:41.06GraveDiggerhmm... yes
21:41.06benJImanMost things support alt-left and alt-right
21:41.24benJImanIn your ~/.imwheelrc
21:41.38GraveDiggerso it's the ususal imwheel stuff for you?
21:42.05benJImanMy mouse has 17 buttons, not got them to all work yet though.
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21:42.14GraveDigger17??? holy shit
21:42.18GraveDiggerwhat a mouse do you have?
21:42.33lindenleHow do i make korganizer work with timezones?
21:42.34benJImanMX revolution.
21:43.02GraveDiggerbenJIman: whoa, damn hot! i've got a g5 laser and this one only has 8 buttons o_O
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21:43.26GraveDiggerbenJIman: 10 buttons if you include the sensitivity switchers oO
21:44.29benJImanResolution changing on the fly is such hax.
21:44.34benJImanWay to cheat at games.
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21:45.22GraveDiggerbenJIman: hehe, no cheating! its only a damn good mouse :D
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21:45.37GraveDiggeri use it, too, for counterstrike - i dont wanna miss it anymore! :D
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21:46.29Firestarter-where does kmail store its config files in a users dir
21:46.55FleckFirestarter- ~/.kde/share/config
21:47.04Firestarter-thank you
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21:47.16GraveDiggerbenJIman: anyways: thanks for advise
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21:47.25GraveDiggerPhilRod: to you, too, of course
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21:51.23ubuntu_where can i install kdm theme plz?
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21:55.31PhilRodubuntu_: go to, click on "user guide", and read the "theming kde" section there
21:57.16ubuntu_PhilRod: how can i install login screen? cant find that :-/
21:57.33PhilRodit's part of kdebase
21:57.47PhilRodunless your distro does something different, in which case you'll have to ask in #kubuntu
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21:59.38qilianghello every one, one question about windows effects in kde4, what's "Scale In"? thanks
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22:02.00spx2I have a big big problem
22:02.08spx2can I please get some help ?
22:02.25spx2I don't know what to install to be able to save my KDE session
22:02.26*** part/#kde yhager (
22:02.32spx2I have debian as distro installed on my machine
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22:02.54PhilRodyou don't need to install anything - it's part of kdebase
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22:03.42PhilRodto save a session manually, go to contorl center -> kde components -> session manager -> "restore manually saved session"
22:04.00PhilRodthen you get an option in your k menu to save the current session
22:04.43spx2you told me how to restore it
22:04.47spx2not how to ave it
22:04.48*** join/#kde Aranel (n=Aranel@
22:05.00PhilRod[23:04] <PhilRod> then you get an option in your k menu to save the current session
22:05.58spx2PhilRod: it was set on "Restore previous session"
22:06.05spx2PhilRod: no what behaviour will it have ?
22:07.41PhilRodit does what it says on the tin: if you set "restore previously saved session", then at startup, kde will restore the last session you saved using the k menu "save session" option
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22:31.58melvinalguien sabe como pudo instalar programas en fedora desde la terminar X, tales como amsn y xmms
22:32.19pinotreeenglish, and #fedora please
22:33.15nlefki'm having some problems when using scrollbars in the current kde 4 snapshot. Specifically, when using a scrollbar I get distorted views of the contents of the window
22:33.20nlefkdoes this happen to everyone ?
22:33.30*** part/#kde devurandom (
22:33.32pinotreenlefk: nvidia?
22:33.38nlefkpinotree: yes
22:33.56pinotreeknown problem, most probablya bug in the nvidia driver
22:34.14nlefkhmm, i see
22:34.51pinotreenothing kde4-specific, but Qt4 ←→ NVIDIA
22:35.58nlefklet's hope they care enough to solve this. a lot of people use nvidia's proprietary drivers ..
22:36.45Sho_pinotree: Debian's already uploading the new Yakuake for you
22:38.08Sho_(and Gentoo has it syncing to the mirrors atm)
22:38.09*** join/#kde criskat777 (
22:38.20Sho_One less todo item
22:38.40*** join/#kde PuercoPop (n=pirata@
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22:40.44spx2i have a problem with my gfx card
22:40.51spx2I can't seem to get drivers working on linux
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22:41.20Sho_spx2: If it's an nVidia or ATI card check #nvidia or #ati, otherwise #xorg
22:42.20*** join/#kde gfunk (
22:42.26gfunkhi anybody around?
22:42.36Sho_gfunk: sure
22:42.40gfunkgood :)
22:42.55gfunki've installed kdebase.. what i have to typ in my ~/.xinitrc to start it?
22:43.02*** join/#kde Shadowriver (
22:43.04gfunkdidnt wprk with "exec startkde" and "exec kde"
22:43.48Sho_startkde ought to be it, actually
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22:43.56Sho_does 'which startkde' output anything?
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22:44.05gfunkahm wait
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22:44.30gfunkno kde..
22:45.24FreshPrincedont wanna work. @ Sho_
22:45.25*** part/#kde hastuti (n=hastuti@
22:45.29Sho_FreshPrince: 'which startkde' doesn't output anything?
22:45.31nlefkgfunk you can run plasma without starting a new kde session
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22:45.44FreshPrinceSho_: sure it does
22:45.53Sho_FreshPrince: hmm ..
22:45.55FreshPrincewhich: no kde in (/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/opt/bin:/opt/mozilla/bin)
22:46.08Sho_FreshPrince: err
22:46.14Sho_FreshPrince 'startkde', not 'kde'
22:46.22FreshPrincewhich: no startkde in (/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/opt/bin:/opt/mozilla/bin)
22:46.41Sho_FreshPrince: Have you installed kdebase in any of those locations?
22:47.04FreshPrinceSho_: well i did only an "pacman -S kdebase"
22:47.58Sho_FreshPrince: googling for 'pacman startkde' makes me believe it's in /opt/kde/bin/startkde on that distro, and /opt/kde/bin isn't in your PATH according to which
22:48.30Sho_FreshPrince: I suggest asking in the distro channel, it's a packaging thing
22:48.42FreshPrinceyup think so..
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22:49.36litbhm, is there a way i can tell kwin to tile all windows so that each, which is not minimized, is fully visible?
22:49.58Sho_litb: nope
22:50.00FreshPrinceSho_: a user tould me i have to logout login ^^ lets try it brb
22:50.10Sho_litb: That's one feature of the Windows window manager I'd like to have in kwin
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22:50.54Sho_litb: There's an "Unclutter windows" command that will attemt to move them to minimize overlapping, but it doesn't resize to tile
22:51.04litbsometimes of i work with emacs, i would like to have the emacs window and the speedbar be fully visible, and not that the speedbar covers my code
22:51.16*** join/#kde rolf (
22:51.18litbi hate that each time i have to move it away from my code...
22:51.58nlefkkde runs much more smoothly now than two weeks ago but everything still seems to be quite raw. Especially aesthetically, the current build lacks finesse from the whole setup to the spacing between widgets etc. I guess I'm expecting too much from a prerelease right ? :)
22:52.18litbi think the best approach would be a hybrid WM, having a tiling and a overlapping mode, which can be combined in some way which makes sense
22:52.22*** join/#kde eads (n=eads@
22:52.23Sho_nlefk: yeah :)
22:52.28*** part/#kde eads (n=eads@
22:53.08nlefkSho_: lol :) I just want it to rock when it comes out <3
22:55.32idemWho decides of KDE release dates ?
22:56.01Sho_idem: The release team, based on input from the developer and user (distro) community
22:56.43*** join/#kde Authority (
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22:58.01*** join/#kde Egyptian[Home] (n=Egyptian@
22:58.16*** join/#kde FreshPrince (
22:58.29Egyptian[Home]how do i add a right click action to "attach and send this file with kmail?
22:58.43FreshPrinceSho_, ok it works thanks
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23:00.12Sho_FreshPrince: good good
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23:00.25FreshPrincebut one more question
23:00.41FreshPrinceSho_, i've seen in the screenshots that users have the mac-plugin-menu
23:00.58FreshPrinceit looks like mac menu.. can i download that ?
23:01.05Sho_Egyptian[Home]: Check whether there already exists such a service menu in the Service Menu section on first
23:01.45Sho_Egyptian[Home]: I find three:
23:02.06Sho_FreshPrince: I'm not sure what you mean with mac-plugin-menu ...
23:02.07*** join/#kde robitorti (
23:03.45Egyptian[Home]Sho_: wow .. i couldnt find one at kde-apps.. nice searching!
23:04.20Sho_(searched for "mail")
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23:05.05Egyptian[Home]Sho_: ah .. i searched for Kmail ;)
23:05.08Egyptian[Home]thanks bye
23:05.09*** part/#kde Egyptian[Home] (n=Egyptian@
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23:08.22FreshPrinceSho_, well the menu looks like the macOSX menu.
23:08.26*** join/#kde |igor_ (n=|igor_@
23:08.31FreshPrinceSho_, wait.. i'm gonna search a screenshot
23:11.13Sho_FreshPrince: Ah ... right-click desktop -> Configure Desktop -> Behavior -> General -> Menu Bar at Top of Screne
23:15.15FreshPrinceSho_, yay thats it :D thx a lot :)
23:16.01*** join/#kde TrentKM__ (
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23:16.08idemnight everyone :)
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23:16.45*** join/#kde Mac40DO (
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23:18.32Mac40DOHi! How can I configure konqueror to remember the view of a directory? I want different views for different directories.
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23:19.11benJImanMac40DO: settings -> save view changes per folder
23:20.24Mac40DOOk, I'll try, thx :-)
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23:20.29Sho_benJIman: Kubuntu removed that ;) (only access point to the setting anywhere)
23:20.38petrahello everyone
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23:21.07Mac40DOSho_: yes, I can't find it :-(
23:21.18Mac40DOdammned Kubuntu
23:21.39*** join/#kde robewald|work (
23:22.27petraI've just installed sabayon 3.4a, and don't know how to start system update??
23:22.35petracan you please help me?
23:22.55petrathanks everyone...
23:23.14Sho_petra: #sabayon is the place to ask
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23:24.13petraok, thanks
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23:39.17FreshPrinceSho_, if i try to change the x-chat gtk theme it didnt work.. why that? :(
23:39.45Sho_FreshPrince: Sorry, but X-Chat support is in #xchat
23:40.01FreshPrinceSho_, i know.. but it depends on kde not'..
23:40.56*** join/#kde kerrie (
23:41.09DrakeJusticeFreshPrince, all the other GTK apps changed themes but not XChat?
23:41.18FreshPrinceDrakeJustice, yes
23:41.19Sho_FreshPrince: If you want a KDE IRC client check out Konversation or KSirc, those play nicely with KDE's theme settings
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23:41.56FreshPrinceDrakeJustice, yes
23:42.05FreshPrinceSho_, ok
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23:43.36DrakeJusticeFresh, that's odd i don't know...
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23:56.11sabayonlive-6668is anyone here familer with the shortcut keys that would turn the cube on
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23:57.20sabayonlive-6668why do they call the icon live help when you install this os no one ever helps

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