IRC log for #kde on 20070911

00:00.21*** join/#kde buzztracker (
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00:02.54tafsen_Sho_: extragear?_
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00:41.47admin_Hello, I just installed KDE4 in kubuntu, how do I run it as a full session?
00:43.33*** join/#kde HellDragon (n=Nocebo@unaffiliated/helldragon)
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00:48.33Torauxgenerally after two attempts the dialog won't even appear
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00:51.06Torauxno one has seen this?
00:53.36*** join/#kde bbeck__ (
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01:13.42*** join/#kde htouch (i=htouch@gateway/tor/x-c696cae6081a450a)
01:17.23*** join/#kde Toraux (
01:17.40Torauxit appears certain applications/threads are blocking kde from allowing me to shutdown restart or log out
01:20.11*** join/#kde tvtoon (n=tvtoon@
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01:47.08*** join/#kde BCMM (n=BCMM@unaffiliated/bcmm)
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01:49.25daskreechWhy won't knetworkmanager WORK?
01:56.07*** join/#kde manikfox (
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01:59.54*** join/#kde root__ (
02:00.21*** join/#kde buzztracker (
02:01.02*** join/#kde neighborlee (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/neighborlee)
02:01.49*** join/#kde Jucato (n=jucato@
02:06.21daskreechKoffice needs a sugar daddy
02:09.57*** join/#kde qazwsx (n=qazwsx@unaffiliated/adgj)
02:10.15qazwsxis there a way in kde to have a virtual desktop size of 12800 x 10240 ?
02:10.38qazwsx(i.e. when I move around, my windows pans; and apps thinkgs that my monitor is 12800 x 10240 pixels)
02:12.52*** join/#kde ulisses (
02:13.58daskreechJucato: chill out man
02:14.18Mathmanqazwsx: with X I spose.  nothing to do with kde really
02:14.26*** join/#kde IrishW0lf (
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02:14.58qazwsxMathman: with the virtual viewport?
02:15.04qazwsxwith that, can I go beyond what my video card handles?
02:15.06daskreechJucato: Freezer :)
02:15.26Jucatoit's early morning. temp isn't that high yet :)
02:15.34Jucato29.4 °C
02:15.35Mathmanqazwsx: hmm, don't ask me how I spose.  I just know it can be done because I've had it do just that before
02:16.20*** join/#kde hilefoks (n=Hilefoks@
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02:21.40*** join/#kde daskreech_ (n=chatzill@
02:27.24*** join/#kde thai (
02:27.32Aondohmm okular didnt want me to mark and copy out a small piece of text in a pdf becaus of DRM, but i could convert it all into plain text file :P
02:28.10*** join/#kde Noxic (
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02:55.07DaSkreechWho does Tagua>
02:56.17*** join/#kde samantha (
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03:38.14*** join/#kde CVirus (n=GoD@
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03:40.53Jucatonothing wrong with Quiet... we are, after all, pro-Qt too :)
03:41.20Jucatotemp starting to rise... 31.0 :)
03:41.29DaSkreechthe Gumption of it all :)
03:41.58*** join/#kde wolsni (
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03:43.32DaSkreechAnyway I want to know more about Tagua
03:44.01Jucato#kde4-devel ? kde-games ML?
03:44.04DaSkreechpartly cause I want to know what line kollagame has to pass to get press
03:44.26*** join/#kde yurimxpxman (
03:44.28DaSkreechand partly cause I want to make the board game of Life and internationalize it :)
03:44.34yurimxpxmanin ktorrent, what's a peer's "score"?
03:44.54DaSkreechyurimxpxman: I think it's how much of the file it has and it's connection to you in the cloud
03:44.55*** join/#kde newguy (
03:44.59Jucatotry to kommunicate with CPrgmSwR2? maybe he knows something?
03:44.59yurimxpxmanDaSkreech: oh no.. not another Life clone :)
03:45.12DaSkreechyurimxpxman: You can clone things other than Life?
03:45.25Jucatoyeah... Second Life
03:45.26DaSkreechArtificial life doesn't count :-P
03:45.29yurimxpxmanDaSkreech: lol
03:45.31DaSkreechJucato: Good point
03:45.33*** part/#kde convergence (
03:46.03DaSkreechJucato: CPrgmSwR2 is hitting frustration point cause he wants some help
03:46.10DaSkreechNow I know that open source is a tipping point
03:46.27JucatoDaSkreech: help him!
03:46.41yurimxpxmanJucato: what do "chocked" and "snubbed" mean?
03:46.56*** join/#kde mosno (
03:46.58DaSkreechJucato: umm that's what I'm trying to do :)
03:47.13*** join/#kde manikfox (
03:48.28Jucatono idea
03:48.31Jucatoor rather, I forgot
03:48.47*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna (
03:49.25yurimxpxmanthe torrent I'm downloading right now has so many bad packets that it's been clogging up my internet.. it's crazy
03:49.36*** join/#kde ccherret1 (
03:50.06DaSkreechyurimxpxman: get some wire brushes and scrub out your tubes. They get jammed with like trucks or something I dunno
03:50.30yurimxpxmanDaSkreech: tubes..?
03:50.47*** join/#kde holycow (
03:51.41DaSkreechOr even better
03:52.19yurimxpxman"an internet was sent".. wtf? haha
03:53.30yurimxpxmanhe sounds like my grandpa when he tries to explain things about his computer, like his "thumb thing".
03:56.07*** join/#kde rogue_koder (n=rogue_ko@
03:58.22*** join/#kde DaSkreech_ (n=chatzill@
03:59.10*** join/#kde doc_t (
03:59.15DaSkreech_is there a list of endangered species for KDE4.0?
03:59.34*** part/#kde CVirus (n=GoD@
04:00.21*** join/#kde buzztracker (
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04:32.43DaSkreechcan someone dig the name and tell me who owns it?
04:44.10*** join/#kde bob1955 (
04:44.29ccherrettbenJIman: it turned out the loggin problem was that the user had been takenout of all groups but two. So audio,cdrom,vmware,wheel, etc.... where all not working
04:44.46ccherrettbenJIman: no idea how a user gets nuked out of multiple groups
04:46.55*** join/#kde om_ (
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05:25.29klackronhi, in KDE how do I change the units from European metric to American standard?
05:25.36klackronDo I use the KDE control panel for that?
05:25.43*** join/#kde AmyRose (n=djb@unaffiliated/amyrose)
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05:39.49neantrorhello, i dont know if im at the right place to ask that question but.. im wondering if anyone else tried to install artsd from the openbsd packages selection (i386)  ? i installed it and i have a strange error that i can't understand.. it says can't create mcop directory and just exit.. anyone know about that ?
05:40.29*** join/#kde stdesy (
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06:02.46kucruthow do you change the background color (yellow) of tooltips?
06:03.21JucatoIt depends whether the widget Style you are using allows changing it
06:03.55swarnacould anybody tell me which is better koffice or openoffice in kde
06:04.16kucrutJucato, how do i know that?
06:04.25*** join/#kde tkjacobsen (
06:05.40Jucatokucrut: KControl -> Appearance & Themes -> Style -> Configure button. if the option is there to change tooltip colors
06:05.53JucatoI only know Domino (and maybe QtCurve) that allows that
06:07.39Jucatoswarna: asking in a KDE channel, you're bound to get a KDE answer
06:07.53Jucatoof course, by nature, KOffice works better *in* KDE
06:08.02kucrutJucato, i'm using qtcurve and i couldnt find that option ;(
06:08.07kucrutbut thanks for the info
06:08.11*** join/#kde manikfox (
06:08.21Jucatoso maybe only Domino does allow that.
06:09.07kucrutyes, i have domino and that's true. too bad it doesnt have a 'flat' style ;(
06:09.39JucatoI'm sure there is. Domino is one of the most configurable styles there are. the other would be QtCurve
06:10.16kucruti couldnt find it
06:10.16Jucatothe "flat" look would greatly depend on the gradients for the tabs, buttons, and scrollbars. no/flat gradients = flat look
06:10.37Jucatoyou can most probably find flat Domino configuration samples in
06:11.59kucruti'll look
06:13.02*** join/#kde steven_ (
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06:17.39jhunbogzany body home?
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06:42.28ionprotohey everybody
06:43.05ionprotoi have a pretty simple question that I haven't been able to find an answer to...
06:43.46*** join/#kde alex[slx] (n=Alex|slx@unaffiliated/alex-slx)
06:44.01ionprotoi just cant believe im actually asking it...
06:44.16ionprotoi'll put it like this
06:44.20thiago_homejust don't ask "what is 2 + 2"
06:44.46Jucatoer.. remove the 4 :)
06:44.51ionprotothe text colour on tabs in konqueror and kopete
06:45.09ionprotoremains black even tho the colour i have chosen for
06:45.22ionprotomenus etc is a lighter colour.
06:46.36ionprotoyeah, seems like irt should be easy to find but...
06:46.51ionprotonot easy to search for either
06:47.07ionprotothe answer, that is
06:47.54ionprotoany advice on how i might find the info i'm looking for in documentation?
06:47.59*** join/#kde fulat2k (
06:48.07JucatoI'm not sure if it's the color for Button Text or for Links....
06:48.18*** join/#kde Thundercloud (
06:48.44ionprotohmmm i was gonna try that, but held off... lemme check that...
06:48.49*** join/#kde wesbluemarine (
06:49.08Jucatoum.. sometimes you have restart Konqi for the changes to take effect I think
06:49.28ionprotoya i tried that.  reboot as well...
06:49.33ionprotono luck.
06:49.42Jucatonah, reboot is definitely unnecessary
06:49.50*** join/#kde nickishappy (
06:49.52Jucatoat most you'll just need to restart KDE (logout and back in)
06:50.37*** join/#kde [Jinx] (
06:50.43ionprotopretty sure it's not link colour, it's still default blue.
06:50.49*** join/#kde Rasi (
06:52.44*** join/#kde Brandon (
06:52.58ionprotoany other ideas?
06:54.53ionprotothanks Jucato.  later
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06:59.47Rasianyone a clue, why the fonts look that ugly on some pages?
06:59.49Rasionly on some tho
06:59.58*** join/#kde _czessi (
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07:07.14xlotluRasi: there's no anti-aliasing
07:07.53*** join/#kde andy (
07:09.39xlotluRasi: smaller fonts are supposed to not be antialiased starting from a certain size; you can turn it on though for all fonts in control center->fonts, but that might make for some slower rendering performance, and illegible small fonts
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07:12.08Rasibut i didnt have that before
07:12.14Rasiits since my new setup
07:12.52Rasiplus: opera displays it just fine
07:13.45Rasibut i have set the same font familiy in both browsers
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07:43.29indrohi all
07:44.06indrojust wanna report that websvn doesnt work.
07:44.45bastiaanhello all, i got a weird problem, i just installed dbus, hald and compiled kioslaves with hal support to enable automounting, automounting is working, but the popupwindows freeze as soon as they pop up. (the "What do you want to do" popup) any idea's ?
07:45.23bastiaanright now i got ~10 frozen KDE-Deamon windows...
07:45.33*** join/#kde WeeJeWel (
07:46.01WeeJeWelis it possible to run gtk on kde? So i can sset gtk themes while kde runs the rest?
07:46.25annmabastiaan: you compile KDE from svn?
07:46.43annmayou can run any gtk prog on kde
07:46.44bastiaanannma, no, KDE 3.5
07:47.01annmabastiaan: gentoo?
07:47.05bastiaantrue :)
07:47.15annmaso ask in #gentoo please
07:47.26annmaone can compile 3.5 from KDE svn too you know
07:47.52*** join/#kde ionproto (
07:48.27Jucatoannma!!!!!!! :)
07:49.50annmahi Jucato :)
07:50.06annmafridge unfrozen?
07:50.26Jucatoyep. unfrozen and now on the way to being frozen again heheh :)
07:50.35Jucatoit's a weekly chore :/
07:51.22annmaI know about such chores ;)
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08:14.33ionprotoI have discovered the answer to my question
08:15.01ionprotoabout the text colour of tab text in konqueror
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08:15.54ionprotothe tab text colour is determinied by the 'standard text colour'
08:16.25ionprotowhich, i think is something i had figured out a long time ago
08:16.59ionprotowhich is why i hadn't been using darker colours for window background
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08:33.22gordonjcphow do I change the colours for icon labels on the desktop, in particular getting rid of the mid-grey outline?
08:34.43culdonksendfax is not a debian lenny package. when i download the source and compile, it complains about not finding qt3 but i have qt4 which should be compatible. can anyone help?
08:35.04annmanot compatible!
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08:35.32annmaif it needs qt3 then you need qt3 packages and kde3 devel packages probably
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08:35.53annmaculdon: are you in a kde4 environment then?
08:35.54culdonannma, i would have thought it is a qt4 is a higher version of qt3 and therefore is downward compatible.
08:36.03annmano, not
08:36.12culdonannma, i am in kde3.5.
08:36.44annmaso you just need qt devel packages
08:36.51annmayou have qt3 if you run kde3
08:37.08annmainstall all qt3 packages your distro has
08:37.18annmaand kdelibs-devel as well
08:37.25culdonannma, thks, will try.
08:37.32Jucato(which would probably be libqt3-mt-dev and kdelibs4-dev respectively)
08:37.55annmathere might be some other qt3-dev
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08:39.44oneforallwow every time I compile kdebinding nd it gets to python parts. It just eats up mem . 1gb and its dieing
08:40.32annmait eats mem in compiling???
08:40.38annmahow come?
08:40.51oneforallyeah I got an out of mem
08:41.07annmawhere does it happen?
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08:41.18oneforalldtasrtx to kill prosses to
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08:41.49annmakdebinding for kde4?
08:41.58oneforallkde 3.5.7
08:42.03Naradahi all; how can i find a taskbar shortcut i used to have i.e. the parameters to the command simply by looking at the filesystem i.e. ~/.kde ?
08:42.12oneforalldarn can't scroll bck far enought
08:42.17annmaoneforall: ???
08:42.25oneforallkills dma on my drive too I see
08:42.45annmaI compile kdebindings fine here
08:43.00annmanothing so dramatic happens
08:43.16indrohm, is anyone working on the websvn problem?
08:43.40culdoni have checked that i have both /usr/lib/qt3 and qt4. but i still get: "configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!"
08:44.12*** part/#kde Phobos (n=Phobos@
08:44.15Jucatoculdon: you need the -dev packages
08:44.22annmaculdon: you don't need qt4 for that
08:44.36culdonJucato, i had checked those two you mentioned earlier, and I have them.
08:44.37annmaculdon: list all your qt packages in a pastebin please
08:44.49annmadpkg something should do that for you
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08:45.06Jucatoor ask in #debian as well
08:45.14indrodpkg -L |grep qt3
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08:45.50annmaculdon: do: dpkg -L |grep qt in konsole and paste result in a pastebin
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08:46.18oneforallannma I think its because I was sshed into the box too, I;m going to rerun it and see with out me sshed in. I think that was whats I ddi before to get it to compile ok
08:46.31annmaah oneforall
08:46.41annmathis cannot happen on normal build
08:47.07indrooops, its dpkg -l | grep qt, that was its installed.
08:47.12annmaI built that numerous times
08:47.27indroand  apt-cache search qt3 for that what its in repo.
08:47.31annmaculdon: dpkg -l | grep qt
08:47.44oneforallyeah no idea . same baic slack build script but for 64bit . few changed but should still work
08:48.01annmaeither culdon misses packages or it's qt variables point to qt4
08:48.16annmaits even
08:48.30oneforallcompiled it a few times allready but just seems when I'm sshed in it kills it
08:49.01oneforallintell D 805 ,1GB DDR 2x412
08:49.42annmaso you ssh also other builds?
08:49.47annmaother modules?
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08:53.53culdonWhen I compile the source for ksendfax, I get: "configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!". i have libqt3-headers, libqt3-mt and libqt3mt-dev all at 3:3.3.7-7. what else do i need?
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08:54.37culdonbtw, why is ksendfax not in lenny?
08:54.52indroculdon: I would  try QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3
08:55.20culdonsorry, i was suppose to post it to #debian.
08:55.37Jucatoculdon: is ksendfax not kfax?
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08:56.20annmaculdon: either you don't have all qt3 packages or your env vars oint to qt4
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08:58.47Jucatooint to? :)
08:59.04Jucatoonly annma makes cute typos :)
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09:19.34Kebianizaosince when is koffice capable of importing pdf?
09:19.53Jucatosince I can remember last year?
09:20.20Jucatopeople in #koffice might know
09:20.36Kebianizaowow, that feature is simple great and worst is that I haven't known till just now
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09:46.50SjordI want to switch Desktop from a program, how can I do that?
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09:47.52SjordI.e. switching virtual desktops.
09:48.00benJIman_dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface switchDesktops <number>
09:48.24benJIman_or probably better:
09:48.30benJIman_dcop kwin KWinInterface setCurrentDesktop <number>
09:49.10SjordThat's easy, thank you very much.
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10:11.00Keenan3274hey okay i just installed a soundblaster audigy soundcard. it was working fine, but when i rebooted it stopped working altogether. so i went to BIOS and disabled the onboard soundcard. now i have audio but it can't be adjusted by gui controls or anything else. it's stuck on max. any suggestions?
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10:13.06xp_killerrestore i guess
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10:46.16bastihi there! with what can i "programm" a little interface where i can insert two variables which are sent to a bash script? thanks!
10:47.41Raging_Hogbasti, tell us more specifically what you want to do?
10:48.51bastii have a little bash script which sends text messages. i want a small gui to insert the number and the text.
10:49.50bastii cant get it to work with that, because i dont know how to "save" the variable. but this may result of my whack bash skills
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10:53.53basticant find what i am looking for. i guess i will ask in #bash. but thx anyway
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10:57.32Simeon_Hall hail comrade bligh!
10:58.04Simeon_Hwrong chan
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11:11.25dv_konsole completely ignores my locale settings here,
11:11.33dv_and sets LC_ALL and LANG to "POSIX"
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11:11.58dv_typing "locale" in uxterm displays the correct locale, so my guess is that konsole forces its own setting
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11:12.19dv_I set the "schema" menu to utf8, doesnt work
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11:19.06bastidv_, allready told you what to do...
11:19.23dv_yes and the rest works already
11:19.29dv_its just konsole that does not wokr
11:19.35dv_all other terminals work
11:20.22bastieinstellunge > kodierung
11:20.36dv_I set the "schema" menu to utf8, doesnt work
11:21.03dv_the "encoding" menu
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11:21.32dv_ah I'll just uxterm then
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11:39.13majigaheya, just wondering if it's possible to stop the top right hand corner (or any corner, really) from being resizable;
11:39.37majigawhen a window is maximised, i want to be able to throw the cursor up at the top right hand corner and not have to worry about over shooting the close button
11:40.04majigawith the crystal window decoration i've come close, but its still not what i'm after
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11:46.06Raging_Hogon debian, when I install kde it works ok. Then I use update-rc.d to remove kdm from init scripts and after that if I start it kde hangs on "initializing system services"
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11:52.26swarnaIs there a small iso image of around 10 MB for kde
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11:52.48swarnaif its there could somebody give me the link\
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12:02.35annmaswarna: 10MB?
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12:22.26fuzzy2007i have a problem with sound on kde. whenever i start kde i get this error message and sound doesn't work
12:23.52Mirrakorfuzzy2007: I'd say that's more a distro related problem - it doesn't find a sound device
12:24.15annmafuzzy2007: you want sound where?
12:24.30annmatry not using arts and see if it works
12:24.47annmain kcontrol for example you can set the notifications to use aplay or anyhting else
12:26.05fuzzy2007where would be that aplay
12:26.54annmaor try xmms
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13:26.29Nylegood morning
13:27.47Nylemajiga: just move the window close button to say... left hand side?
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13:28.34Lacrymologyanyone here from israel, or that writes in hebrew or yiddish and knows how to make kde do it?
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13:28.59Nylewe have hebrew stickers for keyboards as well as hebrew keyboards at work
13:29.11Nyleonly thing is, my boss doesn't support linux, yet
13:29.26LacrymologyNyle: nice.. but me sticking some hebrew stickers on my keyboard won't make the computer render the hebrew fonts, now, will it?
13:29.34NyleLacrymology: yes I know
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13:30.06NyleI was saying, maybe I can try to figure it out at work and let you know, unless someone else has already done it
13:30.08LacrymologyNyle: actually, I've already have the stickers on the keyboard
13:30.21NyleI don't have to do this for you, so try and not be sarcastic.
13:30.22Lacrymologyok, if you figure it out before me, do let me know
13:30.35LacrymologyNyle: I wasn't..
13:30.38Lacrymologyor I wasn't trying to
13:30.46Lacrymologyit was meant to be a joke, sorry
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13:31.18NyleI will be at work in 2 1/2 hours
13:32.57Nyleahhhh crap.  I had to convert my linux box into a windows box at work so it could be used at a desktop for customers
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13:33.43NyleLacrymology: its very easy I think
13:34.09NyleLacrymology: go to kcontrol > region and accessebility > Country region and language
13:34.30Nyleon the locate tab, the first one, click install new language, enter root password, and on the language instaler dialog that opens, select hebrew
13:34.35Nyleit will download and install hebrew locale first
13:34.55Nylethen you will click the add language button on the first tab
13:35.12Nyleselect other fromt he dropdown, and select Hebrew next
13:35.26Nyleand you will have hebrew
13:35.35Nyleyou can also set this as system default using selecct system language
13:36.09Nyleif you restart kde, all applications should be in hebrew
13:36.25LacrymologyNyle: but I don't want all applications to be in hebrew
13:36.26Nyleyou might have to, as these settings only apply to newly opened applications
13:36.32Lacrymologyjust to be able to type in it
13:36.36NyleLacrymology: I don't know how to specifically do all that
13:36.44NyleLacrymology: but this should at least get you going in the right direction
13:36.52Lacrymologyyes yes
13:36.58LacrymologyI'll look into it
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13:38.09NyleI can't walk you through it, because I am using windows xp right now
13:38.58Lacrymologyno worries, it looks like what you said was right
13:39.11Lacrymologyjust missing a "install the yiddish/hebrew language support"
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13:41.01Lacrymologyoh, not even
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14:25.12appelzaknow if anyone has managed to compile konsole (kde4) so it runs on windows?
14:25.16appelzaid love that.
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14:30.17ivanHi everyone. They say, it's possible to setup resolution switching with hotkeys in xorg.conf. Could anyone tell me how to do it or give some links to read?
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14:32.18czesterHello. Is there any KDE Webcam application similar to gtk camorama?
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14:34.15Narishmaczester: what does camorama do ?
14:34.17brotivan: try ctrl+alt+ + or -
14:34.41czesterNarishma: It shows preview of webcam and I can take a shot.
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14:35.03Narishmaczester: try this
14:36.47czesterNarishma: This is a little bit old.
14:37.26czesterNarishma: It also can not take simple shot directly from usb camera
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14:38.09Narishmamyself I use spcaview
14:38.38Narishmabut I don't know if it works with webcams other than scpa ones
14:38.55czesterWell, I'll have to stay with camorama ;-)
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15:06.33gemidjywhat is the real name of 'pipitas' developer ?
15:07.19Sho_gemidjy: Kurt Pfeifle
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15:07.42gemidjySho_: thanks
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15:14.13jpwhiting|workpchi all, anyone know how to make dolphin my default file manager?
15:14.20jpwhitingin kde 3.5.7
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15:34.56Xenuanybody know GNOME?
15:35.15jpwhitingXenu: try #gnome ;-)
15:35.59Xenuok thanks!
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15:56.17ludanhi guys
15:56.34ludani was wondering if there is in kde a mailwatch like the one in xfc4
15:56.41ludando you have any clue about it?
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16:02.24Sho_ludan: There's a couple of mailwatch panel applets and tray apps and such on
16:02.39*** join/#kde User6581111118 (
16:02.39Sho_ludan: And of course KMail can put itself on the tray, too
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16:04.10ludanSho_: thanks a lot
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16:05.00weltbaumhey dudes
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16:05.26weltbaumneed some help with konversation:
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16:05.41Sho_weltbaum: There's a #konversation, too
16:06.09weltbaumis there a possibility to put in a seperator right between nicks and written text like in xchat: ?
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16:10.08weltbaumhey dudes
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16:11.56weltbaumis it possibly to change the entrie's width in the window list? they're too short, so all the names oft the running progs are shown only half (woah, bad english, i guess)
16:13.58knoekiweltbaum: can't help you with the question, but the english is fine, except "entrie's", which should be "entries" [/spelling_nazi_mode]
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16:14.59Tm_Tknoeki: btw dont use nazi term reclessly
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16:16.04knoekiTm_T: of course I would not. it's just a figure of speech. :_)
16:16.27Tm_Tyes, and also got me hilighted
16:17.57MinceRno spelling for you!
16:18.42knoeki"I has a spelling"
16:18.52knoeki"NOOOOOOOOO, They be steelin' my spelling!"
16:19.18knoekianyways, now that I think of it... I'm currently using kTorrent 2.1... do I first need to remove it in order to successfully use kTorrent 2.2.2, or can I just keep it there so it will update?
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16:19.36knoekiI know, not really KDE related, but since it's a KDE app...
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16:19.48knoekiand there isn't a support channel for ktorrent...
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16:26.12xp_killerTm_T: how to open the gconf editor from the Applications menu
16:26.24xp_killerwhere do i go?
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16:27.23xp_killerhow to open the gconf editor from the Applications menu
16:27.26Tm_Txp_killer: its not in the menu if youre in KDE
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16:29.33xp_killeroh its gnome
16:29.51ludanSho_: the point is that I'm looking for something able to read my ~/Mail dir and notify me about new mail
16:29.59ludanSho_: is there something like this?
16:30.31Sho_ludan: I'm bet there's something like that somewhere on
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16:30.39Sho_*I bet
16:30.52ludanSho_: i was searching so far :/
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16:46.54nicioTm_T: how to keep my browser konqueror for showing me my files only in detail
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16:48.45lonelysoulhello all
16:49.11lonelysoulhow can I insall unrealircd in FC 7 ? PLEASE
16:50.38AlexElliottNot KDE related, but in any case look there:
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16:57.23lonelysoulhello all
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16:57.39lonelysoulhow can I install irc server in fc 7?
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16:59.41victor_anyone run dual monitors with different resolutions?
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17:00.33victor_my new 24" is connected next to my old 18".. but because of the resolution difference, there's an area on the old screen where the mouse can go but nothing really exists.
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17:04.25ragnazhi using the techbase doc, I managed to build KDE 4 but no plasma applets are available, what else do I have to grab from svn and build appart from kdelibs, kdebase, kdepimlibs?
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17:24.26EvilPhishHello !
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17:28.19DaSkreechyay! aseigo  is in my corner now :)
17:29.18neantrorwell i start artsd and i get Creating link /home/neant/.kde/socket-neant-pastel.greenwinter , can't create mcop directory then it just exit
17:30.30neantrorhello, ..  i dont know if im at the right place to ask that question but.. im wondering if anyone else tried to install artsd from the openbsd packages selection (i386)  ? i installed it and i have a strange error that i can't understand.. it says can't create mcop directory and just exit.. anyone know about that ?
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17:31.23aseigoarg. wrong channel. =)
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17:32.14DaSkreechaseigo: can I ask about some potentials of plasma in #plasma or is it jsut dev talk?
17:32.31aseigoneantror: artsd tries to create an .mcop dir in your $HOME
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17:33.21aseigoneantror: if it can't do that, it fails .. i don't know why it might be doing that on your system (lack of proper permissions? a screw up in the obsd port?) but that would likely be the issue
17:33.48aseigoneantror: you could try creating the dir yourself as ~/.mcop with 755 perms
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17:39.35neantrorit still doesnt work  ; (
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17:44.28arashAny1 else got problem with magnatune streams from Amarok?
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17:49.44johannesNeuhi guys! what's wrong if my kaffeine cannot find any dvb-tv channels??
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17:53.03fkmDoes somebody know if the "Current application's menu bar (Mac OS-style)" is beeing continued?
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17:53.17fkmI like the idea but would like to see it support GTK windows
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18:05.15PazyI been told that KDE is coming to Windows. If thats true, does anyone know what that means?
18:05.24DaSkreechPazy: KDE apps
18:05.25MinceRfkm: iirc there was a separate thing for gtk but i doubt that the two can merge their menubars into one
18:05.32DaSkreechmuch like some Gnome apps will run on windows
18:05.47MinceRi don't see the point in macos-style menubars anyway :)
18:05.50arashPazy,  that Linux will stopped being used :P
18:06.07Pazyarash: When hell freezes over :D
18:06.18oGALAXYoPazy: it means that KDE comes to windows :)
18:06.22pinotreeMinceR: some people prefer having all the menus in one please (not me, btw)
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18:06.55PazyMakes more sense if its just the apps. The way ive been reading it somehow the entire KDE was coming. Which made less than no sense.
18:07.20pinotreePazy: the environment is X11-only
18:07.42pinotree(not because or a strict dependancies, but it would have no sense on eg mac or win)
18:07.42PazyThat means less than nothing as well.
18:07.57DaSkreechpinotree: can't you install X on mac?
18:08.12PazyIf someone could make windows looks like KDE, act like Linux but run Windows software id be happy.
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18:08.32pinotreeDaSkreech: it makes no sense providing a kdesktop on macosx, doesn't it?
18:09.07PazyI know about wine but its not exactly full proof. Im wishiing on a star here :P
18:09.21DaSkreechPazy: Error! Logic not found!
18:09.52sanguisdexhi there I am running gnome, how do I get the KIOslaves to get krusader to do sftp?
18:10.24MinceRthe entire kde would be nicer imo, since windows has an unusable gui.
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18:10.44MinceRbut it's also a huge lot of work.
18:10.58PazyThats why im wishing on a star :P
18:11.09pinotreePazy: what are you looking for, exactly?
18:11.24PazyAt this very moment my glasses.
18:11.34pinotreein here, i mean
18:12.01PazyNothing anymore I ask my Q already. Now im wishing for things that will never happen
18:12.12pinotree... like?
18:12.33pinotreesanguisdex: sftp://user@host ?
18:12.39DaSkreechWindows apps coming in autopackage format
18:12.54PazyLike somehow to hack Windows too have KDE as Desktop Enviroment, act like Linux but run Windows programs Fully.
18:13.29PazyMaybe If I was rich I could get it to happen.
18:13.41MinceRyou could use some kind of X server under windows and run kde on that (via cygwin or colinux, though i don't know how well those work)
18:13.44DaSkreechPazy: nope
18:14.25PazyDaSkreech: Why not? Surely id I was rich I could hire all the best developers and (if I was impossibly rich) influence M$
18:14.47MinceRyou could buy m$ and make them stop.
18:15.08DaSkreechMinceR: He'd have to have the economy of asia
18:15.28MinceRthat's a kind of "rich" ;)
18:15.31PazyI doubt even bush could do that.
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18:15.50oGALAXYoi think there is no need to influence M$ at all.. the same "money wanting people and companies" are already involved into linux related projects.
18:16.01MinceRhe could occupy m$ with troops.
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18:16.25PazyGates probably has an underground army and choppers and stuff to rescue him though.
18:16.39pinotreePazy: please, no politics - ok?
18:16.42PazyThen again the choppers would have Windoze onboard so its just a matter of time before they crash
18:16.51DaSkreechhi annma
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18:17.47annmahi DaSkreech :)
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18:18.28DaSkreechhello :)
18:18.37DaSkreechannma: Do you know where Wendy is?
18:18.49annmais as where she lives?
18:19.04annmaor where in IRC?
18:19.26DaSkreechwhere she lives
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18:19.33DaSkreechno what's up?
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18:19.50DaSkreechI just saw her blogs pop up at akademy and I loved reading her writs
18:19.58DaSkreechno Wendy
18:20.07annmashe lives in NL
18:20.12sanguisdexpinotree: I get an unsupported protocol message when I try to just enter the sftp:// address in
18:20.29pinotreeDaSkreech: (psss... you know she's got a boyfriend already, right?)
18:20.42DaSkreechbut she's still working with the KDE team?
18:20.43pinotreesanguisdex: install the kioslaves from kdebase
18:20.47DaSkreechpinotree: Shhhhhhhhhhhh
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18:21.14pinotreeDaSkreech: sure she is, for the NL and promo teams
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18:22.21DaSkreechbut she doesn't blog anymore?
18:22.28pinotreeno idea
18:22.34DaSkreechfar as I could tell that blog was put up just for akademy
18:22.38annmaDaSkreech: she is part of KDE NL more than KDE as a whole
18:22.51DaSkreechJust hoped she would blog more cause she's hilarious
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18:23.04annmaI also would love that
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18:52.14sanguisdexis there a way to add "merge" to the options menu when I am coping or moving files?
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18:54.56impulzehi guys :) is there a chance to get the external taskbar below the main panel?
18:55.06impulzeso that both are arranged at the bottom of my desktop
18:55.37logixoulimpulze: yeah, move all applets from the external taskbar to the main panel and vice versa, I guess
18:56.05impulzethere are no applets in the taskbar
18:56.08impulzeit's a taskbar :P
18:56.27logixouloh right!
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18:56.59impulzeany ideas?
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18:58.08logixoulimpulze: yeah. if you add a "panel" rather than an external taskbar, you can place anything in there.
18:58.27logixoulimpulze: so put all stuff in there except the taskbar which goes to Main Panel
18:58.58impulzeugh :P
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18:59.06impulzei see
18:59.12logixoulimpulze: fear not, it gets better with KDE4 ;)
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18:59.28logixoulor "should"
18:59.28impulze:) i can't wait to put that burner on my hard disk :P
18:59.35impulzebut thanks for the tip for now
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19:27.29agliodbskpdf question: in the past I was able to use the top/bottom page label option
19:27.38agliodbsto print a filename on the pdf file
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19:27.49agliodbsbut now it doesnt' seem to be printing anything
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19:28.01agliodbsis there another setting I need to turn on somewhere?
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19:40.55MrHeavyIf I'm using KDM, what's the recommended way to have it spawn the KDE session from ssh-agent?
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19:43.48thiago_homeMrHeavy: editing your session scripts
19:45.22MrHeavythiago: I'm playing with pam_ssh right now, lemme try that and get back
19:45.26MrHeavyBack in a bit
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19:50.28DaSkreechComing back in a bit is not advised
19:50.39DaSkreechit's just too two tone
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20:10.06MatyoPls click on him afterwards you may quit:
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20:10.33logixoulpinotree: kick please?
20:11.02*** mode/#kde [+o pinotree] by ChanServ
20:11.14*** kick/#kde [Matyo!n=pino@kde/pino] by pinotree (DIE SPAMMER)
20:13.44DaSkreechHA ha :)
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20:20.36Mirrakorhow can I change a topic with Konversation, via the editbox?
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20:20.46Mirrakorsomething like /mode #room topic "bla bla"?
20:21.09Sho_/topic <channel> <text>
20:21.11pinotreeMirrakor: /topic text
20:21.18Sho_Or you can use the dialog
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20:24.51Mirrakoryup, but I'd prefer the mouseless option :)
20:25.35Mirrakorbtw. a autocomplete option via tab for channel names would be great too ;)
20:25.47DaSkreechMirrakor: /topic <new text>
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20:26.42Mirrakoryeah, the last thing was just a general suggestion ;)
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20:28.04DaSkreechMirrakor: Would take too bloodly long
20:29.00logixoulDaSkreech: only the first time I guess. then the list will be cached. but adding the feature to konvi might bring down Freenode, I guess :)
20:29.03DaSkreechIt would take too bloody long
20:29.12DaSkreechlogixoul: It would also be out of date
20:29.55logixoulI was thinking a cache with a short lifetime
20:30.03logixoulbut yeah, it's not worth it
20:30.16DaSkreechYup seriously not worth it
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20:32.42DaSkreechWhat's the chan for PIM stuff again?
20:32.46DaSkreech#kdepim ?
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20:33.53LnxSlckdoes kde bring any tool to program in c# ?
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20:34.31logixoulLnxSlck: iirc there are C# bindings for Qt (qyoto or kimono or something), not so sure about KDE
20:35.02LnxSlcklogixoul, where you thinking of Mono ?
20:35.09logixoulhm, maybe
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20:36.27logixoulLnxSlck: hm no, turns out I was right. qyoto is C# qt bindings, kimono is C# kde bindings.
20:37.03LnxSlcklogixoul, what's the difference between both ? qt or kde bindings ?
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20:38.52Bonkersis there any way to use Hyper as a modifier for a KDE shortcut?
20:38.56LnxSlcklogixoul, off topic.. that webpage fails on firefox
20:39.16benJImanWorks in konqueror.
20:39.29logixoulbenJIman: not here
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20:39.41benJImanWorks in firefox too.
20:39.52benJImanlogixoul: What's wrong with it in either?
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20:41.12LnxSlckbenJIman, the text on the main page "overwrites" the text on the left margin
20:41.15logixoulbenJIman: with konq the "Welcome to the Qyoto / Kimono Project" column overflows onto the right black column, while the "Here are Richard Dale..." text is darkgrey on black - surely not intended.
20:41.24logixoulbenJIman: same in ff
20:41.32LnxSlcklogixoul, that's it
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20:42.01logixouland the "who's online" thing has a scrollbar
20:42.04benJImanlogixoul: fine here in both browsers, but if you use an excessively large font size it does what you say.
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20:42.50logixoulbenJIman: firefox's default -- also the smallest I can easily read.
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20:43.09skullguys about kde new style. how to eneble it. I see only simple default kde menu. its 3.5kde on 3.3mini SL
20:43.25pinotree"new style"?
20:43.28benJIman what's wrong with that?
20:43.30logixoulskull: Oxygen is only for the next generation - KDE4
20:44.09LnxSlckbenJIman, is on suse :)
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20:44.34logixoulbenJIman: hurts my eyes, on an LCD screen
20:44.42logixoulI only use AA text
20:44.53benJImanAA text looks terrible on TFT imo
20:45.00benJImanUnreadable at small sizes.
20:45.02benJImanYou have to have it HUGE
20:45.07benJImanor it's just a big blur
20:45.19logixoulif you call 12pt huge, I guess
20:45.36logixoulor even 9
20:45.53logixoulthis of course assumes you don't use a shitty font like Liberation
20:45.59benJImanYou can't easily read 1mm high text at 80cm with AA
20:46.11benJImanNo strain at all without AA.
20:46.40benJImanOn CRTs it's ok as they do high resolution.
20:46.48benJImanBut on TFTs there simply arn't enough pixels to do AA properly.
20:47.13oneforalldarn stuck at Making install in kjsembed
20:47.53logixoulAA doesn't work on 1mm, yeah. Which is why I use larger fonts. 17" screen contains enough text for me.
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20:54.08Ardarandir_is there a possibility to start a program with its windows automatically not having a frame?
20:54.38Ardarandir_this frame with the X-Button for closing the window
20:55.14logixoulArdarandir_: not easily, but `kstart--fullscreen kcalc` will start kcalc fullscreen
20:55.22logixouloh wait
20:55.28logixoulactually you can
20:55.34Ardarandir_yes? how?
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20:56.09logixoulrightclick titlebar->advanced->special app settings->preferences->no border->apply initially->check->ok
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20:56.30Ardarandir_exactly, this i was searching for - but being executed from start on
20:56.33reivaxand to made it automatically, a little script using dcop ?
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20:56.45logixoulArdarandir_: yep, it's remembered
20:56.46Ardarandir_but however, fullscreen is even better
20:56.57Ardarandir_logixoul: oh, it isnt
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20:57.13Ardarandir_logixoul: maybe because ktorrent crashes at close
20:57.20Ardarandir_almost everytime
20:57.27Ardarandir_i will try the fullscreen
20:58.52Ardarandir_and i it possible, too, to have a programm been started on another desktop?
20:58.52oneforallis it normal for it to sit there for a few hrs ?
20:58.53Ardarandir_you know, these desktop you can switch between...
20:58.53oneforallhd led is on steady
20:58.53Ardarandir_i am not sure bout the english names of things in kde ;)
20:59.05Ardarandir_oneforall: what does sit where?
20:59.12oneforalldarn stuck at Making install in kjsembed
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20:59.32Ardarandir_hm. i dont know. but i guess its not :)
21:00.05Ardarandir_workspaces. i think it is called workspaces. is it possible to have a pogram starting on a certain workspace?
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21:01.56reivaxWhat I usually do for this kind of things is a little script which starts the application then emulates the human action through DCOP
21:02.01reivaxIt may be possible
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21:02.09reivaxWe just have to >work< at it
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21:02.32reivaxI'm currently looking for the "no decoration" thing
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21:04.55Ardarandir_so there is no option for starting in a certain workspace yet?
21:05.39reivaxtry your_app --help-qt and your_app --help-kde
21:06.15reivaxAs far as I know, everything which is not listed by those helps must be done with something like dcop
21:06.20Ardarandir_reivax: thats what i usually did, and there i found nothing
21:06.28Ardarandir_this "kstart" appt i great!
21:06.40Ardarandir_there is a command for starting on a certain desktop, too
21:07.16reivaxindeed, this seems cool
21:07.50reivax--tosystray could replace my good old ksystraycmd --window '^.*Konqueror$'
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21:08.44Ardarandir_reivax: exactly what i do :)
21:09.38Ardarandir_but i added "--ownicon --icon /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/konqueror.png"
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21:09.55DaSkreechArdarandir_: I think there is. At least a dcop way to move them around
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21:10.12DaSkreechArdarandir_: Oh wait you found something :)
21:10.12Ardarandir_DaSkreech: kstart got an option for that-
21:10.14reivaxArdarandir_ >  why ? You didn't like the changing icon ?
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21:10.29Ardarandir_reivax: no, i didnt like it
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21:10.38reivaxok :)
21:10.55TheGentlemanI need some advice about KAddressBook.  Is this the rigth place ?
21:11.17Ardarandir_i think i like kstart :)
21:11.25reivaxIs there an interactive version of ksystraycmd ? you know, you launch it, you click on the window you want to put in the systray and it does all the magic ?
21:11.55Ardarandir_reivax: i only used it with the kmenu. but try out "alltray" or "kdocker" if you want that
21:12.09reivaxthx, I'll try
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21:14.40DaSkreechTheGentleman: Might as well start
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21:15.21reivaxalltray depends on gconf so I'll avoid it ; however kdocker is perfect
21:15.28reivaxthanks for the advice
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21:16.21Ardarandir_reivax: welcome :)
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21:16.49DaSkreechTheGentleman: Kool :)
21:17.17DaSkreechTheGentleman: I persoanlly don't use Kontact at all so I won't be able to help you hang around a bit and you might get some help
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21:17.51TheGentlemanthanks DaSkreech
21:21.22idem(it's hard to find a non-registered pseudo)
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21:25.33troyDaSkreech: yeah?
21:25.42DaSkreechI forget now :)
21:25.56troyDaSkreech: d'oh!
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21:26.25DaSkreechtroy: Oh! Not a real KDE app?
21:27.04troyDaSkreech: that wasn't my opinion - just something I heard a few devels (who like to complain) say :P
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21:27.42DaSkreechI know :-P I read it. I'm just kinda shocked that a pillar isn't an app
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21:27.52DaSkreechHow did they justify that?
21:28.28troywell, it doesn't reuse many of the existing KDE widgets, and therefor does not 'feel' like the rest of KDE...
21:29.32DaSkreechtroy: yeah it should have like a kate Kpart or something built into it
21:29.46idemWhich application are you talking about ?
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21:30.10troyDaSkreech: nah, they were referring to the fact taht you cannot embed a KListView and such and have to reimplement all of these widgets for QGraphicsView first
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21:33.00idemHi justeco
21:33.34justecoKate seems to have a lot of creative indent modes, most of which I haven never seen the like.  But it appears to be missing a mode to indent Lisp-like languages.  Am I missing something, or is it really not there?
21:34.09justecoI've really been enjoying Kate for Ruby and C++ stuff, but I went to do some Common Lisp the other day and didn't see this.
21:34.14MinceRmaybe they're not meant to be indented :>
21:35.34justecoYes, they are, and creating a mode to do this should be fairly easy given that all you have to do is cound parens...  Vim, emacs, etc, have identical behavior for indenting Lisp.
21:37.31justecoWell, if there really isn't one, maybe I will take a crack at it...
21:37.55justecoIs a KDE4 port in the works?
21:38.11justecois there an IRC channel for KDE developers?
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21:39.21justecoMany thanks
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21:49.44rickb|serverCould fonts prevent a software program to execute, or to execute incorrectly?
21:50.15MinceRwell, it's all about counting parens ;)
21:50.58rickb|serverWhen kde loads all it does is show all the characters that should be letters as little blocks. [] like that
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21:55.10sayersin kopete how can I change blahblahmsn (E-mail Address Not Verified) it's quite annoying.
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21:58.42SebbohHi.  Is there a theme that I can select that has absolutely no animation?  I'm connecting to my kde desktop over the network...  ..And I notice that your topic wants me to mention that I'm using Debian.  I'm also using the commercial NoMachine (nx) server and client, for what it's worth.
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21:59.34pinotreesayers: that's not a kopete problem - you have to verify your msn email
22:00.03pinotreeSebboh: which kind of animations?
22:00.12MinceRSebboh: appearance/style/effects has some such options
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22:01.04sayerspinotree: well it worked with Pidgin?
22:01.28pinotreesure it really did?
22:01.36MinceRwith the same account?
22:01.47SebbohMinceR: tried that.  I don't know what it turned off, but, when I hover over buttons, a box is drawn around them.  When I move my mouse over the kde button, a huge animated tool tip pops up..  etc.
22:01.57Sebbohpinotree: that kind ^^
22:02.02MinceRi see
22:02.11sayerspinotree: yes it did with Pidgin, it's just a local display not a nick for the world.
22:02.17MinceRthe box depends on your style
22:02.53pinotreesayers: well, your nick for the world is always that "email address not verified"
22:03.01MinceRpanel tooltips can be turned off in configure panel/appearance
22:03.34sayerspinotree: thats their problem.
22:03.45pinotreesayers: well, _yours_
22:03.59sayerspinotree: now it is yes
22:04.21pinotreeit always was, just pidgin is idiot enough to fool you
22:04.23Sebbohhm.  Something is wrong with my kde.  I selected the 'sunshine' theme, but my window decorations did not change.  Well, some of them did.
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22:09.11Sebbohok I configured some stuff and it's a bit faster for remote desktop now.  And, I have a question!  Can I create a separate "profile" for my remote connections?  I like some fancy graphics when I am actually in front of the computer..  But I don't want to have a separate user.  I need to use the same application workspaces when I am logged in via remote.
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22:09.34pinotreei think you could use a theme
22:10.27SebbohAnd have kde load a certain them if I am logging in from remote?  How can it know that I am logging in from remote?
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23:02.51renatopsyalguem do brasil?.
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23:06.23rickbDoes anyone know of a good Virtualization software that runs non gui?
23:06.32rickbbesides openvz or qemu
23:06.50pinotreerickb: wrong channel - try ##linux
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23:07.17pinotreed347hm4n: see topic, no need to summon bots or whatever
23:07.43d347hm4npinotree: sorry was looking for #kubuntu
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23:12.39rixxonHi. Is decibel basically a daemon serving multiple telepathy connection managers?
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23:14.41DaSkreech_troy: Heehee
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23:23.00DaSkreechtroy: KDE on the n800 :)
23:24.01Skrot-Oh yes, almost made me want one
23:24.20DaSkreechA N800?
23:24.43Skrot-That means KDE runs on (at least) two embedded systems.. N770/N800 and that mobile intel platform
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23:27.13rixxonSkrot-: and qtopia?
23:27.30Skrot-What about qtopia? =)
23:27.41rixxoni've seen kde4 run on it
23:27.50Skrot-You've seen KDE 4 run on qtopia?
23:27.50rixxonor is any of those you mentioned qtopia maybe
23:28.05Skrot-qtopia is the mobile version of qt, not hardware
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23:28.18rixxonah, i missunderstood you. sorry.
23:28.21Skrot-or rather embedded version =)
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23:29.58Skrot-What did you mean, rixxon?
23:30.06BigMacAnyone have a recommendation for an ftp client for kde
23:30.12BigMacI used gftp in gnome
23:30.23Skrot-ftp://? Can be used in almost any KDE program :)
23:30.41BigMacSkrot-: I am talking about with I gui
23:31.02Skrot-hm? I gui?
23:31.11rixxonkftpgrab or what it was called again
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23:31.15toskyBigMac: kftpgrabber
23:31.21rixxonBigMac: well konqueror is a gui, no?
23:31.36BigMacthanks tosky
23:31.47Skrot-You can use it in the "open file" dialogs in most of KDE's programs as well
23:31.54Skrot-To open remote files
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23:32.40GeezerGuruI use Krusader for a dual panel ftp client
23:33.05rixxonSo can someone explain Decibel, does it provide telepathy connection managers?
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23:34.14Skrot-I never got the grasps of decibel, but I think it aims to support a easy API for communication (voip, im, etc) for KDE
23:34.42rixxonyea but I don't quite get how it differs from i.e. tapioca, or if it is any similar to empathy, etc
23:34.55Skrot-Me neither :)
23:34.57DaSkreechrixxon: it's a KDE implementation of Tapioca which is an API implementation of telepathy
23:35.05rixxonmy guess is it is to conversationing what mpd is to music playing
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23:35.27DaSkreechrixxon: more like Phonon
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23:35.43rixxonDaSkreech: but isn't tapioca a set of libraries and decibel a daemon?
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23:37.13rixxonDaSkreech: no, not more like phonon. I was refering to the daemon/client setup...
23:37.46rixxonmpd is a daemon that has a music collection, clients can then tell it to play something and create playlists etc
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23:43.01rixxonoh well, guess there will be better documentation in the future
23:43.17Skrot-You might want to try #decibel
23:43.34DaSkreechrixxon: there is a decibel web page
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23:43.49rixxonyea, but it doesn't say much
23:43.56idemthis -> goTo(bed);
23:44.00idembye everybody !
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23:44.07Skrot-syntax error!
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23:49.09MinceRsyntax terror
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