IRC log for #kde on 20070525

00:00.08*** join/#kde gemidjy (n=gemidjy@
00:06.04*** join/#kde Duesentrieb (n=daniel@wikipedia/duesentrieb)
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00:11.44*** join/#kde HombreMagique (
00:11.50HombreMagiquehi all
00:12.20HombreMagiqueis there a kde panel applet that displays cpu frequency?
00:13.19x_linkYou mean the CPU usage?
00:13.29qupadathe 'system guard' applet will
00:14.00*** join/#kde hydan (
00:14.08qupadayou just have to choose 'cpu0>clock' from ksysguard for it to display
00:16.30*** join/#kde gardo_ (n=gardo@
00:16.38HombreMagiquei mean an applet that displays current clock frequency and that can be placed on the panel
00:16.41*** join/#kde timrs (
00:17.14qupadayes, i know what you mean, there is one and it's part of ksysguard
00:17.58HombreMagiquebut i can't find it to add in the panel :)
00:19.13HombreMagiquemaybe you mean kima?
00:19.27*** join/#kde admin__ (
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00:19.52qupadai imagine you just haven't installed ksysguard
00:20.36HombreMagiqueyes i have
00:20.47HombreMagiquebut's too big for me
00:21.00HombreMagiquei mean canvas size
00:21.54qupadayou're missing the point.  along with the full size system monitor application, it should have installed a panel applet you can use to display any of the same pieces of data
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00:24.23HombreMagiquequpada: understood now
00:27.21*** join/#kde nielsvm (
00:42.10*** join/#kde cruiseoveride (n=cruiseov@unaffiliated/cruiseoveride)
00:43.06cruiseoverideJucato, hey man
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00:49.30codyAnyone here?
00:49.54cruiseoveridebooh, you got scared!!
00:50.04codyJava runtime?
00:50.05wolsnia few people, I think
00:50.59wolsnicody: you'll have to pose your question in the form of a complete sentence ;)
00:51.56cruiseoverideyeah, that *usually* helps
00:53.07*** join/#kde Ash-Fox (
00:54.20*** join/#kde sayers (n=sayers@
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00:54.46cruiseoveridewolsni, i think your suggestion was too complicated for him to handle
00:55.09sayersI've rebooted KDE yet it still will not let me type, unless I am in failsafe
00:55.20wolsnioh, did we scare him away?
00:55.58*** join/#kde hydrogen (
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00:57.28sayersAny way to fix this?
00:58.17*** part/#kde webbca01 (
00:58.21*** join/#kde ArkoldThos (n=arkoldth@
00:58.40wolsnisayers: did you do anything in particular that caused your keyboard to stop working?
00:58.46sayersno it just stopped
00:59.30wolsniand so you rebooted your system and it still doesn't work
00:59.50wolsniwhat "failsafe" are you talking about?
01:00.04sayersfailsafe KDE, it runs no scripts or anything
01:00.40kucrutthen you're not a _real_ kde user yet =p
01:01.01sayersI think I am going to go back to Debian, Kubuntu just is blarg
01:01.33sayerscya :)
01:01.33wolsnimkay, have fun with that
01:02.03wolsnihow does one go about starting KDE in failsafe mode then?
01:02.35wolsnishould it be a session available in the KDM menu?
01:04.06cruiseoveridei think its a suse thing
01:04.19cruiseoverideredhat has a failsafe mode too i think
01:04.30cruiseoveridei have no idea, what it does
01:04.50*** join/#kde AhmedSoliman (n=AhmedSol@
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01:09.35wolsniwell, the failsafe login on fedora system has nothing to do with KDE
01:10.01*** join/#kde sean_ (
01:10.57cruiseoveridei though i remember seeing a KDE-Failsafe, just like the Gnome-Failsafe
01:11.00cruiseoveridei might be mistaken
01:11.03*** join/#kde sabayonlive-2445 (
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01:39.10*** join/#kde Simeon_H (n=ubuntu@amarok/user/simeonh)
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01:39.21Simeon_Hlol rofl I'm using GNOME on a live CD
01:39.28Simeon_Hmy eyes!
01:40.10Simeon_Hwell... it isn't as bad as I seem to remember it
01:40.15Simeon_Hit's .... tolerable
01:40.21Simeon_Hat least for a little while :P
01:40.28bsundsrudnah, gnome the desktop is fine
01:40.39bsundsrudits when you have to use apps, where i find a KDE disc
01:40.44Simeon_Hit's ok... but it's no KDE
01:41.21Simeon_Hhar har
01:41.37Simeon_Hthis is X-Chat 2.4.4!
01:41.49Simeon_Hthe OS on my hard disk uses 2.8.2
01:41.54*** join/#kde Vash (
01:42.23bsundsrudKonvi 1.0.1!
01:42.32Simeon_Hany way. that's more than I can stand :P
01:43.52*** join/#kde Starwatcher (
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01:51.57*** join/#kde Simeon_H (n=notakewl@amarok/user/simeonh)
01:52.56Simeon_Hok now I'm back
01:53.05Simeon_Hso I can run around leik a moron
01:53.16Simeon_HTHE END IS NIGH!!! AAAAAHHH!!
01:58.17*** join/#kde kucrut (n=kucrut@
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02:09.59A_bWhere did the little roving eye ball in the lizard go ? I upgraded Kde on opensuse 10.2 and lost the roving eyeball in the suse menu icon on the kicker !
02:10.17*** join/#kde tycho (
02:10.30A_bis that part of kde or suse addition?
02:10.58A_bsad - can i down grade :/
02:11.00Jucatoit's suse's
02:11.07A_bokay thanks
02:19.14*** join/#kde hydan (
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02:27.54*** join/#kde cody (
02:28.06*** join/#kde BlackBsd (n=brian@
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02:33.26*** join/#kde sabayonlive-2489 (
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02:37.02*** join/#kde SAS_Spidey01 (
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02:48.59*** join/#kde Enkidu_ak (
02:52.11*** join/#kde wolsni (
02:56.37*** join/#kde livinded (
02:58.31livindedhow can I set the depress time for my keyboard in KDE?
02:59.11livindedmy friedn was using my box earlier and now for some reason I need to hold down keys a full second before it goes
02:59.17wolsnilivinded: you mean the time to hold a key before it starts repeating?
02:59.28livindedno, the hold time for a single key
02:59.34JucatoKControl -> Peripherals -> Keyboard ?
02:59.39livindedI know where the repeating is
02:59.44livindedJucato: no, it's not there
03:00.15wolsniwell, if KDE had a setting for it I imagine that's where it would be
03:02.35*** join/#kde Taz (
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03:03.18*** join/#kde Tazsie (
03:08.49klobsterwhat is the cli equivalent command to Kcontrol -> Sound System "restart sound system"?
03:09.18SAS_Spidey01that would probably depend on your sound system klobster
03:09.45*** join/#kde oggb4mp3 (
03:10.04klobsterSAS_Spidey01 it seems to restart all of them (it has an autodetect selection).
03:10.11SAS_Spidey01If all you need to do is restart artsd you can probably treat it like any other daemon
03:10.31*** join/#kde Zangetsu (
03:18.17*** join/#kde livinded (
03:19.27klobsterSAS_Spidey01 I tried that but it still is hangs, there has to be another daemon it's restarting.  Is there a way for me to open kcontrol -> sound system in a such a way that I can log it's output?
03:20.24SAS_Spidey01running it from a console would allow you to see any warning/error messages it might spit but I doubt you'd find what you need
03:23.04wolsniand there's strace, but that might still make it hard to find what you need
03:24.32*** join/#kde dexter-D (
03:24.33SAS_Spidey01a portable process tracer
03:24.54wolsniit shows system calls and such made by a process
03:25.14*** join/#kde kucrut_ (n=kucrut@
03:25.29wolsniyou could proably use it to find what's being killed by kcontrol
03:25.57wolsnior what's causing your problem app to hang, for that matter
03:28.23*** join/#kde vodus_ (
03:29.09klobsterI just tried it in console, but I got no error, it just went back to a prompt
03:29.30*** join/#kde cuco (n=diegoloc@
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03:30.54wolsniklobster: read the man page, you should have gotten tons of output
03:31.33*** join/#kde Zangetsu (
03:32.24klobsterno I just tried strace, and logging the output for forensic sifting
03:32.33klobsterthank you for the pointer.
03:34.34*** join/#kde Tini_cpn (i=Tini@
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03:45.47klobsterdamn it detaches before i get to where I need to be. hmm and I cant redirect the output to file?
03:48.21wolsniklobster: strace prints to stderr by default
03:48.41klobsterI realized that right as I typed it.
03:48.51wolsniit also has a -o option to specify a file for the output
03:50.59klobsteroh really? I just used good ol' &>
03:51.48wolsniwell, normal redirection's kind of hairy since the output from the program could be intermingled
03:52.32klobsterBTW the process detaches after it loads the window, any other ideas?  All I am trying to do is restart the sound system and it locks up.  I know whats causing it, but I am trying to learn why
03:54.11*** join/#kde rick276 (n=ricardso@
03:54.58wolsniklobster: check the man page, i think there's a way to attach to an already running process
03:55.37klobsterwill do, thanks
04:03.08*** join/#kde cuco (n=diegoloc@
04:09.42*** join/#kde Duesentrieb_ (n=daniel@wikipedia/duesentrieb)
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04:23.39*** join/#kde davascript_home (
04:24.06*** join/#kde AmyRose (n=djb@unaffiliated/amyrose)
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04:32.36Jack333can i change the default midi driver to timidity
04:33.29*** join/#kde aacevedo (
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04:38.34*** join/#kde okidd (
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04:40.53*** join/#kde rajkt (n=raj@
04:43.45okiddhi kde guys
04:43.49okiddmaby you all can halp
04:44.59okidddoes anyone know how to make an hp expresscard tv tuner work?
04:45.58*** join/#kde grepper (
04:46.23SAS_Spidey01That would best be askined in #insert_your_distro_here()
04:46.43okiddsabayon linux
04:46.54okiddon an hp dv9074cl model
04:46.57okiddif that helps =)
04:47.09*** join/#kde mardi_soir (
04:47.46SAS_Spidey01#sabayon people might know
04:48.02rajktHow to add all C files to a kdevelop project?
04:48.56paddei wonder why all sabayon people ask for support for about anything in #kde ... if #kde would be the sabayon support channel, it would probably be called #ssc or just #sabayon ;)
04:49.05icwienerrajkt: Do not cross post... I think there will be an answer in #kdevelop soon.
04:49.45*** join/#kde TL_CLD (
04:49.55SAS_Spidey01I didn't know kdevelop had its on #chan lol
04:50.21icwienerpadde: The sabayon version of konversation has the kde channel opened by pefault. That was an unlucky coincidence. Hopefully that will be decreasing.
04:50.24Jack333isnt there anyway to change the default midi driver or module
04:50.32Jack333my default midi thru port 0 doesnt work
04:50.35Jack333i have to use timidity
04:51.07paddeicwiener: i see
04:51.29paddenow i know why people actually use internet explorer
04:51.53paddeif they even post to some random channel that happens to be opened by default in their IRC program ;)
04:52.19icwienerpadde: hehe, nice relation. ;)
04:52.43*** join/#kde Defense|Twin (
04:53.19icwienerpadde: But I think the Konversation icon on the desctop is titles Support or something, what makes it the obvious choise when having problems.
04:53.59paddewhere are those sabayon devs located? i think i should pay them a visit
04:54.30icwienerAnd going to bed should be the obvious choice when being barely able to type. ;)
04:55.18paddeicwiener: gnite
04:55.20*** join/#kde monzie (n=manish@
04:55.57icwienerpadde: It was a bug in Konversation that led to this. All other distributions modify the konversationrc file what works fine. Sabayon used the command line parameter, what seemed to be erratic in 1.0 version.
04:56.45paddei see
05:00.32*** join/#kde Dr_willis (
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05:10.31*** join/#kde hagabaka` (
05:10.48rajkticwiener: I still have not got any response in #kdevelop for my question... how log to wait before asking here?
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05:14.28icwienerrajkt: You got no response here either, so I think noone her knows... But the day just begins in europe, so I think if you ask again in #kdevelop in an hour or so, there will be an answer (many kde folks seem to be from europe). Besides, that kind of question is not offTopic here, so feel free to ask here. But do not ask the same question in several channels at a time. Could be considered rude.
05:14.31Jack333does kde have a place for starting up things?
05:14.41Jack333like i want to start timidty with some arguments at boot up
05:14.55KyralJack333: look in /etc/rc.local
05:17.10apthmm... /.kde/autostart is empty.
05:17.13KyralHe said at boot up :P
05:17.14Jack333i cant figure out how to make a good startup script :(
05:17.14Jack333if someone could show me how to make one :(
05:17.14KyralIts a shell script
05:17.14icwienerWell, System bootup would be /etc/init.d/ as well on some distos. :)
05:17.14Kyralfind the Advanced Shell Scripting guide
05:17.15Kyralicwiener: Most have /etc/rc.local for customs
05:17.15Kyraland like I said, bedtime
05:17.27wolsnior the beginner's one, if you're new to bash
05:17.31*** join/#kde flake (
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05:32.46monziehi all
05:32.52Jucatohi monzie!
05:33.01monziei want to use my caps lock as a control
05:33.07monziehow do i do that with KDE/
05:33.23SAS_Spidey01Do it from X11 and KDE should follow
05:33.24monzieJucato: hey Jucato.. are dots and arrows coming in your dreams ?
05:33.35monzieSAS_Spidey01: how do i do that?
05:33.49Jucatomonzie: hehe not yet. but & and * are... :/
05:34.02monzieJucato: lol
05:34.13qupadamonzie: kcontrol > regional & accessibility > keyboard layout > xkb options > make capslock an additional control
05:34.45JucatoKDE *Jucato;   // declares variable Jucato as a pointer to an object of type KDE
05:35.09qupadamonzie: i have that option enabled, best way i could find to stop the capslock key doing anything
05:35.15bsundsrudg++: error: null pointer reference Jucato
05:35.17SAS_Spidey01monzie, use xmodmap and a file with the commands to do it
05:35.20monziequpada: what is the compose key?
05:35.26*** join/#kde Desintegr (
05:35.42Jucatolol bsundsrud :)
05:35.56SAS_Spidey01in my case I have a file dot in ~/ that I feed into xmodmap from a script in ~/.kde/env/
05:36.08qupadamonzie: the key for making characters like é
05:36.18monziequpada: oh
05:36.32monziequpada: any other *interesting* keys i should know about :) ?
05:36.44monzieSAS_Spidey01: ok
05:36.45SAS_Spidey01isn't the compose key a Macintosh thing ?
05:37.10qupadamonzie: don't think so
05:37.22monziewin key = super ?
05:37.28monziealt = meta ?
05:37.35Jucatoer no
05:37.56Jucatohm... alt != meta afaik
05:38.01Jucatooh well. :)
05:38.01monzieJucato: oh ok
05:38.28SAS_Spidey01alt/esc generally == meta as far as emacs is concerned on most PC's I think
05:38.56Jucatohm.. yeah maybe Alt == Meta... just not sure
05:39.25SAS_Spidey01Meta is not a 'defined' key afaik but as far as emacs cares
05:39.45SAS_Spidey01Alt and Escape usually are accepted as 'Meta' by GNU Emacs
05:40.02*** join/#kde mirshafie (
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05:42.25SAS_Spidey01hmm, just realized Meta+Backspace is not bound in my favorite emacsen
05:42.30*** join/#kde Frost^ (n=sweiss@
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05:48.10davascript_homewhy not just compile the kernel source your self
05:48.31davascript_homei use 2.6.20
05:49.03SAS_Spidey01davascript_home, would some one really import Linux into kdevelop just to compile it !?
05:50.08davascript_homeright sorry i am tired
05:51.33SAS_Spidey01crap its nearly 0700Z and I havn't slept....
05:53.48benJImanSAS_Spidey01: no, it's nearly 0600Z
05:54.05benJImanNearly 0700 in london.
05:54.06*** join/#kde peppelorum (i=peppe@pdpc/supporter/student/peppelorum)
05:55.21SAS_Spidey01benJIman, thats what I get for not setting the clock applet to match my shell !!!!!!!!!
05:55.26rajktin Konversation suddenly up and down arrow keys dont navigate to my previous msgs in the text box.. any idea?
05:55.54*** join/#kde bsundsrud (n=bsundsru@
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05:57.49Jucatorajkt: does Ctrl+Up/Down work?
05:58.24rajktJucato: it used to work till 2 ,3 days ago..
05:58.33rajktI dont know what I did wrong..
05:58.46Jucatohm... try going to Settings -> COnfigure Konversation -> Behavior -> General and check if "Input box expands with text" is enabled.
05:59.35*** join/#kde SSJ_GZ (
05:59.47rajktJucato: yes, I enabled it 2 days ago.. is that causing problem?
06:00.04Jucatoyes. but Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down should work
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06:00.40Jucatowhen in multi-line mode, Ctrl+Up/Down should go through your previous messages,just like Up/Down would
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06:09.08bsundsrudgod why is it when i ask a question in #fedora they assume i'm a stupid moron who fucked his machine beyond recognition and should not be let near the toaster, let alone a PC?
06:10.54*** join/#kde hagabaka (
06:11.20bsundsrudi love the distro but hate the community.
06:11.51Jucatoisn't there a #fedora-kde ?
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06:12.16aseigohey, toasters are complex things.
06:12.20bsundsrudand it wasnt even a KDE question, although that would have got them going.
06:12.25aseigo(no joke =)
06:12.38bsundsrudsorry, i guess i picked a touchy subject :P
06:12.39aseigoso i'm doing better with my computers than my toaster.
06:12.42SAS_Spidey01and toasters can run NetBSD lol
06:12.47aseigoyeah, you insensitive clod! ;)
06:13.37aseigohumerously, until i finally threw it out yesterday, i'd get up and throw some bread in it almost every morning and stand there trying to push the lever down and make it turn on
06:14.09aseigothen eventually my slowly awakening synapses would crackle to life and remind me that it had gone out in a zap and puff of smoke a few days prior
06:14.13aseigoi hate waking up.
06:14.19*** join/#kde Fri13 (
06:15.25Chanibsundsrud: this is why I have a habit of asking my distro-neutral questions in gentoo. even though I haven't booted gentoo since my desktop got put into storage
06:16.05bsundsrudgood thinking... proprietary drivers seem to just piss off #fedora
06:16.35Chaniaseigo: ouch. well, if you were in BC I could've given you mine.. err.. apart from my not being in BC myself
06:16.48Chanimy toaster's probably in storage too now
06:17.10SAS_Spidey01you 2 are making me HUNGRY !
06:17.22Chanialthough... it should be easy to buy a toaster.. right?
06:17.48ChaniI wouldn't know. I made my mum give me her old one. simple and reliable, no weird bagel-settings or anything
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06:24.17aseigoChani: yeah, toasters are easy to get. i just tend to put such things off. buying mundane things like toasters annoys me =)
06:24.29*** join/#kde klobster (
06:24.52ChaniI still need to buy vinegar.
06:25.37Chaniwait, I'm supposed to be going out and meeting people.. ehh... but someone's always later than me
06:26.17bsundsrudoh god i have abad feeling im about to hose my system.
06:27.58bsundsrudcmon lady luck
06:28.12*** join/#kde ponto (
06:29.06bsundsrudso whats everyone doing tonight?
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06:30.35ChaniI get to go to another campus because our university's president is coming here to... show off or something.
06:30.48ChaniI don't even know if we get free food out of it
06:31.19Chanifscking people... leaving just before I hit enter...
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06:47.47rajktIs there anyway to apply a patch and see the patched lines highlighted in kdevelop?
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07:11.21Chanicanadians might be interested in this:
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07:14.05annmaODF is the new thing
07:15.20bsundsrudwait Chani, which is that referring to? OOXML or ODF?
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07:16.16chovymy screensaver seems to not engage.
07:18.07annmabsundsrud: isn't Open XML a Microsoft so-called open standard?
07:18.08chovythe test works, but it never kicks even, have it @ 1 min, high priority, and even the hot corner does not do anything.
07:18.26bsundsrudannma: yes it is
07:18.34annmacrap as I said
07:18.57annmathose governments don't know anything and let them guide by $$$
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07:19.26annmathe one who lobbies the more with the more $$$ gets the market
07:19.29chovyannma: if you were in charge, wouldn't you take a free lunch? ... or 2, or 3....
07:19.40annmaI don't think so
07:20.16annmaprobably you get corrupted
07:20.32annmathat's why we need people like Stallman
07:20.57chovystallman is like jesus.
07:21.03annmaactually I like lunches when I don't cook them
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07:21.15deallocatedhey guys
07:21.21deallocatedcould use some help
07:21.22annmaso yeah a free lunch might do the trick
07:21.36deallocatedlspci -> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce Go 7600] (rev a1)
07:21.38deallocatedany idea??
07:21.42annmadeallocated: ask your distro channel please
07:21.44chovycan someone help me figure out why my screensaver won't kick in?
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07:22.23deallocatedannma,  they don't know, though I'd try out another channel, no harm done
07:22.34annmadeallocated: what distro is that?
07:22.41deallocatedannma, sabayon
07:22.53annmaoh I should have guessed
07:22.55deallocatedannma, will try gentoo's
07:23.06annmayes please
07:23.19deallocatedok then, thansk :)
07:24.00rajktIs there any KDE app for creating and applying patches?
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07:24.47annmadid you try kdiff3?
07:26.19rajktannma: just downloaded it.. can it genrate patch files?
07:26.33annmajust try it and see by yourself
07:26.45annmaI use svn diff >myPatch.patch
07:27.01annmaand patch -i myPatch.patch
07:27.43annmakdiff3 is the best kde tool for patches so if it does not do what you expect then issue a bug report
07:28.56annmahi Jucato :)))
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07:29.03Jucatohi annma! :)
07:29.10annmahow did it finish with this zac guy yesterday?
07:29.16Jucatoit finally worked
07:29.25Jucatoalthough I didn't quite get how :)
07:30.19Jucatowell... brb...
07:30.58annma:) see you
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07:35.38annmahow about you come here and does the laundry?
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07:39.27Chanibsundsrud, annma: yes, it is about the evil MS format. there's a forum for comments if you have some useful data to add. I do hope hte comments are actually listened to.
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07:56.11mikkaelany sane way to use compiz with kde ?
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08:00.03annmamikkael: distro?
08:00.11mikkaelkubuntu 7.04 with kde 3.5.7
08:00.52annmathis is more a distro question
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08:01.07annmaand google is quicker than asking here
08:01.23mikkaelyes i did, but always it brings gnome stuff
08:01.42mikkaelmy xorg is ready for compiz and i want to do it on aiglx/nvidia not xgl
08:02.42annmathanks Jucato :)
08:02.55tanamotry this compiz --replace decoration rotate.... &
08:02.58Jucatojust came back in time eh :)
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08:03.03Jucatohi tanamo!
08:03.46tanamooi pre :)
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08:04.11Jucatotanamo: were you able to find an answer last night? you were asking about how to build KDE with hal support right?
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08:04.47mikkaelhow do you change settigs of compiz in kde ? plain file edits ?
08:05.03PhilRodmikkael: in the same way you change compiz settings in not-KDE
08:05.05tanamoJucato:  yep, i just recently finished it, and now it's working...
08:05.15Jucatotanamo: kool :)
08:05.15annmaPhilRod: ;) I was about to say the same
08:05.35mikkaelthere is gnome compiz manager, but hey i doubt its good to mix my kde with gnome i wrong with this :) ?=
08:05.51Jucatowe just have to wait for a few more months... and maybe all these compiz/beryl Q's will stop... or be replaced by kwin_composite Q's :D
08:06.25annmatry to look at in case there's a kompiz manager
08:06.34mikkaelthats a good idae :=
08:06.40PhilRodbut there's no reason not to run gnome apps under kde, and vice versa
08:06.44PhilRodlots of people do it
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08:07.13Jucatoand if your computer can handle the load of compiz, it can sure handle adding a few gnome stuff :)
08:07.20Jucatobtw, hi PhilRod!
08:07.32annmayes, hi PhilRod :)
08:08.05PhilRodI really should go to work
08:08.06annmamikkael: irc://
08:08.25mikkaelim there and in desktop effects, but they sleep :)
08:08.31mikkael*ubuntu-effects i mean
08:08.43Jucatoyes... some people do need to sleep at one point or another :)
08:08.45annmaok so go read a bit more from google links
08:09.00mikkaeli will read on mixing kde and gnome stuff :P
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08:09.26mikkaelmaybe ill install hole *ubuntu-desktop for fun, its only 800mb download :/ docs might help
08:09.50mikkaelthose are outdated as noted on the site
08:09.52Jucatoubuntu-desktop just for compiz? Krazy... wicKed...
08:10.10annmaall that for some sick-making effects
08:10.11tanamomikkael: you can run compiz without gnome
08:10.25mikkaeltanamo yes but i definitly need a gui to set it up
08:10.27Jucatojust need a bit of gconf
08:10.42JucatoPhilRod: well not really. beryl is/was a fork of compiz.
08:10.48Jucatobut the two have "merged" up (in a way)
08:10.51mikkaelallright so i install all compiz-kde stuff and whats needed + gandalfn compiz manager thing ?
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08:11.12Jucatomikkael: you don't need *all* of gnome to get the compiz GUI stuff.
08:11.15annmamikkael: your distro should help you, KDE has nothing to do with it
08:11.21annmaKDE uses a window manager
08:11.33annmaany compliant window manager
08:11.53annmaKDE does stuff "above" winodw manager
08:12.07mikkaelsorry for bothering you
08:12.33Jucatoalthough when kwin_composite comes around...
08:12.56mikkaelthis suse *preview* of kde 4 wasnt impressive at all :P
08:13.21mikkaelnothing worked, but i know its alpha and so
08:13.24Jucatoit's supposed to be alpha. it wasn't supposed to be impressive at all
08:13.29tanamoJucato: is kwin_composite available in the kde4 live cd?
08:13.32Jucatoand it didn't have kwin_composite yet
08:13.38Jucatotanamo: afaik no
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08:13.53mikkaeloh i didnt know that, i wanted to enable it, but kcontrol didnt work :)
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08:14.12Jucatonor was it supposed to (yet)
08:14.14Jucatokcontrol I mean
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08:15.50annmamikkael: we do our best for kde4 and it was an Alpha1
08:16.12annmano need to discourage us
08:16.15mikkaeldidnt want to be negative about it
08:16.22annmawe do it at our free time
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08:16.32mikkaeli know kde 4 will be a blast
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08:17.05Jucatothe problem with the live cd is that it somehow makes people think that kde 4 alpha is already usable, stable, breath taking, etc...
08:17.30tanamocant wait for the next commit-digest...
08:17.31Jucatoyeah! and waiting for more aseigo posts :)
08:17.39mikkaelnope i dont think so, its written down clearly: alpha
08:17.55annmaso why your comment mikkael?
08:18.23annmayou did nto seem to have unserstood that it's alpha
08:18.23Jucatomikkael: it's not just you :)
08:18.42annmaI need to see if I can run konvi from kde3 within kde4
08:18.48mikkaelwhich comment are you talking about ? "not impressive" ?
08:19.13annma[08:12] <mikkael> this suse *preview* of kde 4 wasnt impressive at all :P
08:19.13annma[08:13] <mikkael> nothing worked, but i know its alpha and so
08:19.26Jucatoannma: afaik yes you can, at least way back in feb :D
08:19.48annmaJucato: yes I'll try it
08:19.53mikkaelspeaking of kwin's composite (which i didnt see cause it wasnt on that cd)
08:20.30Jucato(gee, Chani is fast :D)
08:21.02annmanot sure it's merged yet mikkael
08:21.15annmastuff will stabilize during summer
08:21.29Jucatosummer's ending over here :D
08:21.41annmaoh right
08:21.51JucatoShirakawasuna: oh please do :)
08:21.54annmait's always summer somewhere
08:22.08annmawas 30°C here yesterday
08:22.15JucatoAntarctica probably has the longest summers...
08:22.33Jucatoannma: that's slightly normal here :)
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08:23.18Jucatoroflmao!! I just used my desktop keyboard to type into my laptop :/
08:23.18Jucatog'night aseigo!!! :)
08:23.20annmais it 2:23?
08:23.51Jucatovery late night for him :)
08:23.51annma:) good night then
08:24.38Jucatohehe :)
08:25.05annmamy husband will fly here today
08:25.12aseigoJucato: i don't think it is. i'd love to be able to sleep in until 10 or 11 every morning. sadly p. isn't old enough to get himself off to school yet ;)
08:25.20aseigoannma: how long has he been away?
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08:25.37PhilOutok, homework problem fo someone with some time to spare: find all the KMail 3.5-branch changes between April 1st and April 14th
08:25.39annmahe'll fly today aseigo and be back next Tuesday
08:25.44Jucatoheh I'll stick to my 12mn - 6am then... :/
08:25.47PhilOutone of them stops imap filtering from working...
08:25.48mikkaeloh that gnome compiz manager is aweful, and its so much slower than beryl (and back in my gnome days compiz was faster than beryl). but i realized im sitting in the wrong channel for this :)
08:25.50aseigoah, he's leaving today... work?
08:26.01annmano, packing our daughter's stuff
08:26.14annmait's cheaper than doing it with a removal company
08:26.20aseigomikkael: compiz is as much gnome as beryl is.
08:26.22annmathey ask $4000
08:26.28PhilOutnow I'm really gone
08:26.35annmawork well PhilOut
08:27.16aseigomikkael: the only thing that relates compiz to gnome is (a) marketing trype from nat & co and (b) while developing behind closed doors they patched gnome's pager, etc to the changes in assumptions compiz brings so gnome was adapted to it first (e.g. workspaces vs desktops)
08:27.26aseigoheh.. oh well
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08:27.56Jucato<aseigo> mikkael: the only thing that relates compiz to gnome is (a) marketing trype from nat & co and (b) while developing behind closed doors they patched gnome's pager, etc to the changes in assumptions compiz brings so gnome was adapted to it first (e.g. workspaces vs desktops)
08:28.02Jucatoyou missed that
08:28.27aseigomikkael: and recently compiz and beryl have unforked and are back to being the same project
08:28.35mikkaelyeah had to restart X cause kwin wasnt there and i had no cursor in alt + f2
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08:29.04aseigomikkael: in any case, it really depends on the video driver you have...
08:29.38mikkaeldoes compiz vsync by default ? i always have to disable that to get decent fps
08:29.41aseigoanyways.. bed is calling.. au revoir......
08:29.50mikkaelhave a good night
08:29.54annma:) night!
08:30.06Jucatooyasumi nasai!
08:30.26JucatoMagandang gabi! (Filipino)
08:31.14mikkaelmay i ask you some questions about kde, just out of interest or should i ask the google ?
08:31.23Jucatokde questions are good :)
08:31.30*** join/#kde almafuerte (n=almafuer@
08:32.47mikkaelhe i bet you hear this one alot
08:33.03mikkaelwhy will dolphin replace konqueror by default ?
08:33.11Jucatoah yeah... that question
08:33.12mikkaelnot replace but be the standard
08:34.03JucatoDolphin offered a clean, easy to use interface that Konqueror didn't have, for one. it's focus was more on usability than anything else
08:34.29mikkaelbut it lacks so much things i use very often
08:34.30JucatoDolphin also had a cleaner base code (I've heard) from Konqueror, so it was easier to add unto Dolphin than to trim down Konqueror
08:34.39Jucatothen use Konqueror. simple as that
08:35.19Jucatoand finally, no one was working on Konqueror... someone was actively working on Dolphin.
08:35.33Jucatowell not "no one" probably... but not actively maintained...
08:35.49mikkaelyeah im fine with that. i got another question: i want to make some changes in my "root" kde desktop, only design/fonts/colors, to make it look a bit different from my normal gui..
08:36.14*** join/#kde Bugz (
08:36.16Jucatorun kcontrol (or system settings) as root. (kdesu systemsettings)
08:36.36Jucatotake note though that you will always be using the same window decoration. but you can change everything else
08:36.42mikkaelyou know when launching an application with kdesu it should have another design as my normal one to increase my concentration :)
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08:36.58mikkaelcool, that easy, thanks
08:38.36mikkaellast one: the panel, where the kmenu, kicker, etc sit..: everytime i add a skin to it, there is a 1 pixel grey line on top, i dont like that :)
08:39.24Jucatoyou'll have to live with that afaik
08:43.40mikkaelthere is the screenshot :) ->
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08:44.13mikkaelis this a known problem, if not ill add it to kde 4 wishlist :)
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08:55.55heath_have you guys seen the kore suite on kde-look?
08:56.04heath_i'd love to get it
08:56.49heath_but whenever i'm told by a prompt that the txt download is binary
08:57.32mikkaelwow that looks great
08:57.41heath_i know
08:58.37mikkaelwell another bookmark for boring times :P
08:59.50mikkaeli bookmarded this kdelook page, so i can try it if im bored..
09:00.10mikkaelallright this get OT :) see you
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09:11.56gardoim having problems transfering files over 4 gig w/ konqueror
09:12.15gardoalways stops the transfer at 4 gig and spits out errors
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09:12.30gardoanyone know a workaround for this?
09:12.37malvhow do I get Kdes taskbar to show only what's on the currently selected desktop?
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09:14.26Chanigardo: transferring to/from where over what protocol?
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09:15.36gardoChani: hd to hd transfer
09:15.44gardousing konqueror
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09:16.39Chaniwhat filesystem?
09:16.51gardoChani: finally figured everything
09:16.58malvtanamo: thanks, I didn't see it on there. With it being all the way at the top and all.
09:17.06gardoim trying to transfer to a usb disk w/ vfat fs
09:17.31Chaniguess you'll have to split the file in two
09:18.02Chanior stick an ext2 partition on your usb disk or something :)
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09:28.51maestrohello, my whole kde is in english.. but twinkle is starting in german..
09:29.32maestrohow can i change the language?
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09:31.15icwienermaestro: twinkle's language or kde ones?
09:31.44maestroall programs are in english but only twinkle and kvirc are starting in german
09:32.09maestrokde language is already in english
09:32.59icwienermaestro: So those two probably read the LC_* environment variables.
09:33.25maestrodo u know which ones?
09:34.08icwienermaestro: No, I do not know those two apps. But you can see the LC_* vars with the "locale" command.
09:34.32maestroicwiener: yes i get it with locale -v
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09:37.10maestroicwiener: i have changed them in /etc/environment, but no change..
09:37.33icwienermaestro: Did you relogin?
09:37.58maestroi have started a bash and run ". /etc/environment" too..
09:38.28icwienermaestro: Does "locale -v" show the new settings?
09:38.51maestroicwiener: no
09:39.36icwienermaestro: Then relogin. Maybe that helps.
09:40.18maestroicwiener: yes may be.. thanks for ur help,  i will relogin now.
09:40.27icwienergood luck
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09:42.27funkyouhi there
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09:43.17funkyouquestion: does kdemultimedia depend on nas? i get this when building it: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -laudio
09:44.26icwienerfunkyou: You have to install libaudio-dev or similar.
09:45.54funkyoui am on arch linux. there is only libaudiofile available and nas seems to provide -laudio
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09:47.43icwiener-laudio is libaudio. -l is the compiler switch for libraries. Maybe the config.log gives you more information of what is needed.
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09:50.18funkyoubuilding artbuilder in kdemultimedia breaks with /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -laudio... but when i install nas, i can compile it... i'll take a look into the config.log
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10:09.41rajktkdevelop marks this line form kernel as error "void fastcall lru_cache_add_active(struct page *page)".. why?
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10:12.18DarrienIs there any way to get Konqueror to close tabs on middle-click or automatically add the "http://www." and ".com" to URLs on control-enter similar to the way $POPULAR_BROWSER does? I'm ashamed to say that I've grown so attached to these features that web browsing doesn't feel the same without them.
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10:13.23funkyouok, libaudio is a part of nas and i have found the solution, my stupidity ;) doing make -f admin/Makefile.common without having nas installed did the trick
10:13.51logixoulDarrien: are you using kubuntu?
10:14.19Jucatobut only for the first "request"
10:16.12logixoulthe thing... rings a bell too...
10:16.42Jucatoalthough it kinda presumes that all website begin with www. and end with .com...
10:17.09Darrienlogixoul: Thanks.
10:17.09logixoulnope, just accelerates getting to the majority of them (which do)
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10:17.43logixoulDarrien: for one thing, when you enter blahblah in konq's address bar, the dropdown menu that appears contains http://www.blahblah
10:17.50logixoulDarrien: no .com tho
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10:24.08logixoulDarrien: it is possible to write for example "w blahblah" and be sent to - would that interest ya?
10:24.26Darrienlogixoul: Sure
10:24.51logixoulDarrien: settings->configure konq->web shortcuts
10:25.11logixoulDarrien: try to do it on your own there and ask in case of problems :) tis fun
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10:25.22Darrienlogixoul: Will do
10:25.22heath_   --- how'd (s)he manage to curve the kicker menu? aaaaannd the gradient toolbar!!?? man, hope to can get my hands on it.
10:25.57logixoulheath_: probably using domino
10:26.21heath_i've got everything looking like that 'cept for for those two things
10:26.32logixouland the "gradient toolbar"... I don't see no toolbars in there ;)
10:26.41logixoulyou mean kicker?
10:26.51logixoul(the panel)
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10:28.01heath_the panel :)
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10:28.36logixoulwell, it's unbelievably easy to make yourself a glossy kicker background in photoshop and such, but if you don't want the trouble, look for it in
10:28.59logixoul(or in microsoft's vista customer experience pack 4.0 or whatever)
10:29.06Jucatoit's just a kicker background image
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10:30.40qupadai have a kicker background image.  it is a 1x1 pixel png image, coloured white.  yay for monochrome taskbar
10:31.57logixoulI like the default better tho... does a very good job at creating the "docked" feeling for the panel
10:32.01JucatoI don't have a kicker background image. yay for fake transparency! :)
10:32.10logixoulplain white would feel like a text field :)
10:32.12Jucatoer translucency I mean
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10:33.59logixoulreal kicker transparency with beryl is also neat :)
10:34.24logixoul(for opacity>75%)
10:35.19logixoulahh... I can't help it. I'm getting Domino again :p
10:36.20DarrienHmm, it seems that it doesn't like using backslash as a shortcut key but I guess that's to be expected. Other than that I'm pretty much set. Thanks.
10:36.40logixoulnp =)
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10:38.30logixoul(what? no domino debs? hehe)
10:38.40rajktHow to do remote debugging in kdevelop?
10:38.44litb_domino rules
10:38.50heath_only need the curved edges for the kicker menu now!
10:39.00logixoulrajkt: please ask in #kdevelop or #kde-devel
10:39.13logixoulheath_: you need to use the domino widgetstyle
10:39.25heath_i am using it.
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10:40.06logixoullook in the options
10:40.13heath_domino style*, i've not a clue what you mean by widgetstyle.
10:40.40logixoulright, style
10:41.09logixoulI call them widgetstyles to avoid confusion with "themes" and "schemes"
10:42.58Pensacolais there a way to import kopete contacts into kontact?
10:44.30JohnFluxPensacola: you do it from kopete
10:44.53Pensacolaah found it
10:44.59Pensacolabeen looking a long time for that ;)
10:45.11JohnFluxPensacola: konversation also supports it :-)
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10:45.29JohnFluxPensacola: then from kmail you can from an email if that person is online in kopete/konversation :-)
10:45.49PensacolaI love the complete integration of apps in kde
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10:47.50logixoulSho_: hey, have a look at this
10:48.15logixoulSho_: happens almost every time I slide Yakuake down. several retries fix it.
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10:49.16heath_oh well, i've got most of the effects, maybe i need to restart  kde.
10:49.27logixoulSho_: it might've begun happening when I switched to kubuntu, I'm not sure
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10:51.37Sho_logixoul: Using what window and composition manager?
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10:51.45logixoulkwin, no composition
10:51.49logixoulweird... this time no matter how much I retry, it remains broken. but shrinking the width from 100% to 50% fixes it
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10:53.50logixoul(wow, I didn't realize 50% width yakuake looks so good until now :)
10:53.58Sho_moin Jucato
10:54.20Sho_logixoul: Perhaps a graphics driver problem or somesuch
10:54.25Sho_logixoul: Try 2.8-beta1 for good measure
10:56.08logixoulwell this is 2.8-beta1 :)
10:56.08logixoulI'll report to Kubuntu then, they may know about drivers
10:56.48rajktCan I read yahoo mail with kmail?
10:57.04logixoulif it supports POP3 or IMAP, yes
10:57.23logixoulcheck yahoo's documentation to see
10:57.29rajktI think it supports IMAP..
10:57.56Jucatoyahoo doesn't support POP3 for the free accounts
10:59.01logixoulit does, unless you live in the US
10:59.30logixoulhowever, free accounts don't support SMPT, which makes it kinda pointless
10:59.33logixouljust get gmail =)
11:01.30Sho_logixoul: Unsurprisingly Kubuntu applies multiple patches to the Konsolepart, so who knows ... though I did test 2.8-beta1 in Feisty and Breezy virtual machines and it worked fine
11:02.34Sho_GMail doesn't have IMAP
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11:04.44logixoulSho_: it has POP3 tho. who needs IMAP? :)
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11:07.20Sho_logixoul: I stopped using POP when I got a laptop -- when using multiple computers it really comes in handy to be able to access your emails from any of them
11:07.42logixoulah, I see. I only have one for now :)
11:08.01Sho_logixoul: With IMAP, everything stays server-side
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11:08.19logixoulhahaha. Gwenview looks too much like Konq. I keep entering in its location bar :)
11:10.10AnMasterSho_, I prefer to ssh to the mail server and read my mails with mutt
11:10.39Sho_AnMaster: I tend to prefer GUI email clients for some reason
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11:11.05Sho_I have a postfix+courier mailserver setup, but I'm looking into exim+dovecot for a new box
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11:11.09AnMasterSho_, ah, well I guess using erc for irc means you can't avoid being called geek (erc is a irc client in emacs, no flamewar please)
11:11.35Sho_AnMaster: I use (and develop) Konversation, a GUI IRC client for KDE
11:11.43Sho_AnMaster: And what's worse, I'm from the vim camp ;)
11:11.51logixoulAnMaster: dude, using mozilla thunderbird in Windows is already borderline geek :)
11:11.56AnMasterqmail, and as I got my own domain, it means I don't need things like fetchmail, just use an MX record
11:12.05AnMasterlogixoul, windows, eww
11:12.18logixoulright, eww
11:12.31AnMasterSho_, no flamewar please, k?
11:12.48AnMasteroh and I run Gentoo (64-bit)
11:12.56Sho_Gentoo, too (32 bit, though)
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11:35.19BCMMcan Konqueror do HTTP pipelining?
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11:43.33alex[slx]does anyone know the default theme for kdevelop?
11:44.15heath_in what directory is the kde splash theme manager typically located?
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11:50.16heath_alex[slx]: isn't kdevelop's theme the same as every other kde application window?
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11:51.32msnheath_: /usr/share/kde/share/ksplash?
11:52.28msnheath_: /usr/share/apps/ksplash
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11:53.21deitarionWhat's the quickest way to program about a dozen new holidays into the KOrganizer calendar without the risk of it wiping everything out the way KAddressBook did just after I finished populating it?
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11:54.43heath_msn: i was referring to a program that handles the splash theming.
11:54.45alex[slx]heath_: in that case, what are kde's default fonts?
11:55.08heath_i have a fresh download, let me look.
11:55.09deitarionCorrection: cancel that last one. I wasn't familiar with the non-Kontact version of the KOrganizer UI.
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11:55.29heath_alex[slx]:  sans serf 9
11:55.44heath_alex[slx]: serif*
11:56.10heath_brb guys
11:56.33alex[slx]my anti aliasing is all screwed up
11:57.53alex[slx]I see
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12:16.33peppelorumPretty nasty bug, almost deleted several files that shouldn't be deleted,
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12:17.45RaethIs there a multi-network interface for KDE? With features such as ping, traceroute, etc
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12:20.56annmapeppelorum: there will be no more 3.5 releases
12:21.06peppelorumRaeth: for example
12:21.10annmaand dolphin is the new file manager
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12:22.40peppelorumRegardless of there is no more 3.5 release, this is a bug that actually destroys data, should be taken more seriously I think
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12:23.16JucatoI can't seem to reproduce that bug
12:25.22peppelorumYou must have the filter toolbar visible to reproduce, I can reproduce it every time
12:25.39Jucatoyes I have my filter bar visible always
12:25.43Jucatowhat distro?
12:25.50peppelorumDebian testing
12:26.06JucatoGentoo here... gonna try Mandriva
12:26.15Jucatoand Kubuntu
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12:27.38annmahow do you enable the filter bar?
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12:28.22JucatoConfigure Toolbars then Filter Toolbar <DirFilter>
12:28.31peppelorumgood question, it's not a toolbar of it own..
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12:29.35Jucatook here's what I did. Type in "pdf" in the filter toolbar. then select all the PDFs that show. then clear the filter toolbar
12:29.38Jucatoonly the PDF's are selected
12:29.58annmapeppelorum: so what do you need to have visible?
12:30.02annmathe filter icon?
12:30.12Jucatothe Filter Field
12:30.17annmaI cannot type anything
12:30.34annmaah I see it
12:31.17Jucatocan't reproduce it on kubuntu either... :/
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12:31.26peppelorumJucato: that is not what it says in the bug report, filter out something, press CTRL+A, and then delete, all files in the dir will be deleted, not just the filtered one, see my screenshot for an example,
12:32.04Jucatopeppelorum: that's what I do too
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12:32.30peppelorumJucato: ah, true
12:32.43peppelorumJucato: If I do that all files are selected
12:32.48Jucatotype in "pdf", press Ctrl+A to select all pdf's (but you have to click on the window first because otherwise you only select the text "pdf")
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12:33.20peppelorumJucato: Yep, but I select all files, not just the filtered ones
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12:33.51DankerHow should I disable Alt-key window grab-move?
12:34.35JucatoDanker: KControl -> Desktop -> Window Behavior -> Window Actions tab
12:34.47Jucatopeppelorum: I can imagine how dangerous it is. but I can't reproduce it..
12:34.58Jucatoon 3 distros
12:35.07peppelorumReally odd
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12:35.20Jucatowaiting for annma's results...
12:35.28tanamoJucato: what kde version?
12:35.32annmaI gave up trying
12:35.46annmatoo complicated
12:35.59JucatoGentoo (3.5.6 and a half), Kubuntu (3.5.7), Mandriva (3.5.6)
12:36.03Jucatoannma: what is too complicated?
12:36.11annmadoing this bug
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12:36.26annmai type pdf but then I already filtered pdf
12:36.36annmaanyway I never use taht sort of things
12:36.57peppelorumI'll check in #debian-kde to see how it looks in debian sid
12:36.58annmaI'm a very basics user
12:37.41JucatoI used it a lot :)
12:37.56Jucatowhen I was beginning. nifty feature specially since I have lots of files in one folder
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12:48.38peppelorumThe bug is dependet on what kind of view you got, if I got info list, detailed list or text view the bug appears, but in icon view it works alright.
12:48.50peppelorumJucato: can you confirm this?
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12:49.03Jucatook hold on
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12:50.05Jucatopeppelorum: confirmed
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12:50.23peppelorumGood good
12:50.24JucatoI'm not a fan of list views, so I always only use icon view :)
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12:54.53x_linkI use Deailed List
12:55.28Jucatothen beware the bug!!!
12:55.33peppelorumThe filter toolbar can be activated at settings->configure extensions->tools
12:55.39peppelorumodd place
12:56.16Jucatoit's an extension
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12:56.32Jucatonot built into konqueror
12:56.38annmanot very intuitive
12:57.03Jucatowell, you enable the filter toolbar there, but you still need to add it into the toolbar
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12:57.33peppelorumI just have to enable it and it popped up by it self
12:57.44Jucatodepends on the distro I guess
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13:03.21edgyHi, media:/ in konqueror would allow me to mount/umount my external usb drive as a normal user, but if I want do do umount /media/disk from command line, it requires me to be root, how can I do it with out being root from cli, please?
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13:23.13BlackBsdcan i export a single contact in kaddressbook as a vcard?
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13:25.31BlackBsdok, i clicked on send contact info.. :-) i think it sent an .vcf file
13:25.37BlackBsdcool, thanks
13:25.49JucatoExport also works
13:26.01BlackBsdeven for a single contact?>
13:26.38wolsniclick on it, there are a few options for choosing the contacts to export
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13:28.10BlackBsdsweet, should i use vcard 3.0?  or the older version?
13:28.37wolsniBlackBsd: i suppose that depends on who you're sending it to
13:28.47wolsnior rather, what they'll be importing it with
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13:30.42BlackBsdprobally with outlook
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13:31.33wolsniwell then whatever outlook can handle is what you should use :)
13:33.00wolsniwikipedia suggests that vCard 3.0 is not fully supported in outlook so you might want to stick with 2.1
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13:55.48joe2371kde is mounting my USB flash drive such that it can only be written to by root.  How can I change this so that it can be written to by my user?
13:56.17joe2371short of remounting it
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13:58.24EvilGuruWhat will becometh of the compositing manager? (for translucency and the like(
13:59.12Jucatobuilt into kwin_composite for KDE 4
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14:05.38Lankenjoe2371: is remounting it a problem?
14:05.44EvilGuruJucato: So I guess there is little point filing a bug report about it
14:05.59JucatoEvilGuru: for kompmgr?
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14:06.16EvilGuruJucato: Yes, it and the sync-to-vblank setting do not get along
14:06.36Jucatoah... maybe... there might be no new 3.5.x release anyway
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14:06.50Jucatobut I guess it's still worth reporting...
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14:08.34EvilGuruI swear though that without compositing my desktop is slower
14:08.34Sho_EvilGuru: kompmgr is deader-than-dead, it's unlikely anybody will want to spend time on that one anymore
14:08.55EvilGuruif I move a window over inkscape I can see black spots as it struggles to re-draw
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14:09.33Sho_EvilGuru: Yes, the composited desktop model largely takes care of redraw artifacts, that's one of its inherent advantages
14:09.49EvilGuruIt did also look quite nice :p
14:10.22EvilGuruI will wait for KDE4, and see if the sync to vblank issue is still around
14:10.46Sho_EvilGuru: Sync to vblank works quite nicely in the development version of kwin, in OpenGL mode
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14:11.12EvilGuruSho_: Without it (or with kcompmgr) I get 'tear' lines in OpenGL, mplayer and xine
14:12.23Sho_EvilGuru: In practice, for a composition manager to sync to vblank in X it needs to be an OpenGL application, because the non-GL ways of vsync are all crap
14:12.37Sho_EvilGuru: And kompmgr isn't an OpenGL composition manager
14:12.42Sho_EvilGuru: KDE 4s kwin has one, though
14:12.55EvilGuruSo in the world of KDE4 everything is OpenGL?
14:13.23Sho_EvilGuru: OpenGL is preferred, but the new composition manager also still supports XRender
14:13.57EvilGuruX this, X that, XRender, XDamage, XVideo, XComp-something there are loads
14:14.21EvilGuruso what about people who can not get hardware accel?
14:14.28Sho_EvilGuru: For the purpose of that sentence you can mentally replace "XRender" with "ideally hardware-accelerated classic 2D graphics"
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14:14.56Sho_EvilGuru: People who do not have OpenGL can use the XRender mode, or disable composition
14:15.21nanaHello there, can someone help me out with a c++ problem? I'm written a program for a bookdata just for one book which works fine. I'm now to ensure that it takes care of many books. I've written a small array program via a for loop, tried and it's okay. However, it gives me error whenever I try to incorporate it into the main program. Could you please out there help me out? I'll really appreciate it. Regards Nana Richie
14:15.47Sho_nana: -> #kde-devel
14:15.48EvilGurunana: #c++ I believe
14:16.05Sho_(if it's a KDE app)
14:16.11Sho_(otherwise, see EvilGuru)
14:16.23nanaHigh there,
14:16.34joe2371Lanken: I'm trying to get the automounting capability of kde to work for me.  It works find if I mount manually as the user.
14:17.06nanaI'm using codeBlocks
14:17.15rajktHave anybody tried ypops? when I run it, there is no message from it.. what is supposed to happen in that?
14:17.42Lankenjoe2371: ah.
14:17.44EvilGuruHow does kwin choose where to place a 'utility' window - as the inkscape ones often appear on a different monitor to the one which I have inkscape on
14:17.54Lankenjoe2371: I don't know if there's a better solution, but one way is to edit the fstab entry.
14:18.12Sho_Multi-head window placement is significantly improved in KDE4
14:18.12Lankenjoe2371: do you know what UIDs and GIDs are?
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14:18.28Lanken(Sho_: score!)
14:18.42joe2371oh my. I thought it did work when I manually mounted, but it doesn't.  It still requires root privs to write
14:18.56EvilGuruI much prefer the KDE way of using detachable panels  - windows are pollution
14:19.05joe2371Lanken: yes
14:19.05LankenSho_: even a CRT?
14:19.23Sho_EvilGuru: Look forward to KDE4 then ... the new Qt4 Dock Windows are really nice and used quite a bit
14:19.29KRFSho_, you're poor? sure :)
14:19.40Sho_KRF: see the smily ;)
14:19.51joe2371I have fstab configured to allow users to mount the media, but it still won't let me write to it.
14:20.33EvilGurujoe2371: Try (as root) chmod 0777 /mnt/point
14:20.33Lankenyou have to get the UID and GID of the user you want to have write access
14:20.34KRFjoe2371, you have to set umask,uid in mount options
14:20.40EvilGuru(It is a hack, I know)
14:20.49joe2371I'll try that
14:21.05Lankenjoe2371: that won't work if it's mounting read-only.
14:21.20Lankenjoe2371: I sent you a /msg with my fstab entry for /dev/sdb1
14:21.24msndont think mounted media retiain permissions given by chmod
14:21.30Lankenwhich had the same problem as yours, until I added the uid and gid fields.
14:21.44msntry umask option in mount
14:21.50msnor mode option
14:22.05KRFuid is fine, too
14:22.18msnuid restricts to single user
14:22.32EvilGuruSub-pixel rendering is a pain though - just can't seem to get it to look right
14:22.35msnif you use mode =0777 in mount it would give all users read/write
14:23.09msndepending on if he wants single user/group/world writtable mount
14:23.29joe2371Lanken: I saw it.  Now it won't mount at all.
14:23.49Lankenyou have to use the right uid and gid values, of course
14:23.57Lankengoogle for how to retrieve them.
14:24.19Lankenalso, obviously the fs type shouldn't be ntfs unless it's ntfs.
14:25.28msnfor ntfs you need uid/gid even for reads
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14:25.51Lankenhmm.  as far as I can recall, I did not.
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14:27.57joe2371"Wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock, missing codepage or other error"
14:28.22Lankennot a very useful error, is it.
14:28.31Lankenyou're sure about the fs type?
14:28.34joe2371I have fs type set to auto
14:28.55LankenI have "ntfs" in my fstab for some reason (can't remember what it is)
14:29.02Lankenmaybe I got that error when it was "auto"
14:29.19joe2371ntfs is a particular filesystem used by windows
14:29.33joe2371oh, the reason. nm
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14:30.17Lankenjoe2371: right.  I'd rather have "auto," because then my camera would plug and play :\
14:30.27joe2371I think it is complaining about a bad option since it was mounting before I added the gid part.
14:30.37Lankenhmm true.
14:31.04EvilGuruAlso does anyone know if kio can take advantage of inotify?
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14:31.22Lankenjoe2371: -> query.
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14:32.30joe2371Lanken: no, I didn't.
14:32.51Lankenyou might try in ##linux.
14:33.08joe2371Lanken: actually, I set gid=100 (users) and omitted uid
14:33.10Lankenthey're more knowledable than me, and this really isn't a kde problem.
14:33.20Lankenoh, maybe it's dependent, I'm not sure.
14:33.32joe2371Lanken: ok, thanks
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14:39.22joe2371Lanken: it turns out uid and gid are not valid options for all fs types (for instance, ext2)
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14:39.58Lankenjoe2371: ah. lame.
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14:40.11Lankenjoe2371: good luck to you then.  sorry to mislead.
14:40.26joe2371Lanken: not a problem. thanks for the help anyway. :-)
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14:42.02ChaniEvilGuru:livecds can't hurt anything
14:42.13Chanigo for it :)
14:42.16KRFjoe2371, if it's ext2, just chmod it
14:42.43EvilGuruI was thinking of trying it out on my main system, but a livecd is not a half bad idea
14:42.52joe2371KRF: chmod /mnt/sdb1?
14:43.20joe2371KRF: I tried chown root:users instead to no avail.
14:44.03joe2371oh that was dumb. it is r_x for group.
14:45.22EvilGurualthough compiling cmake applications is so much nicer - you get a progress bar
14:45.35LankenEvilGuru: =D
14:46.00EvilGurumake just tends to pollute my terminal scroll-back
14:46.18Lankenmake --quiet?
14:47.58joe2371chmod 777 /mnt/sdb1; chown root:users /mnt/sdb1; echo "still can't write to disk as user"
14:49.15KRFLanken, make --quiet gives a lot of output, either
14:49.35KRFjoe2371, chmod -R 777
14:49.58LankenKRF: ah, too bad.
14:50.32wolsniyou can always redirect the output to /dev/null :)
14:50.33joe2371-R? I'm chmodding it when it is unmounted
14:50.44KRFjoe2371, no, it must be mounted
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14:51.07KRFsry i didn't say this
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14:55.19joe2371KRF: I didn't need the -R since the only thing there was lost+found and I don't need to be able to write to that, I don't think
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15:00.29joe2371KRF: thanks, btw. I didn't think about the fact that the root of the drive would be root:root by default.
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15:03.06joe2371I guess I just assumed filesystems inherited the permissions of their mount points.  Clearly not.
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15:06.58dognewshi, i'm planning to use a laptop at school and was thinking of mediawiki as a kind of "digital notebook". It's in fact a pretty cool thing with included latex but i'm getting more and more anoyed of it being webbased. It's so uncomfortable to edit a page without syntax highlight! - Isn't there a kind of "desktopwiki software" for kde?
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15:11.12wolsnidognews: check out basket
15:11.38wolsnialso, there's no reason you can't run a webserver on your laptop
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15:13.21jvolkmandognews, mediawiki seems kind of heavy for a personal notebook.. have you looked at something like tiddlywiki?
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15:14.11rajktHi I am using evolution as my email client..But I dont get any notification for new mails.. what should I do for that?
15:14.21rajktis it because I am using it in KDE?
15:14.43wolsnirajkt: kde shouldn't prevent evolution from notifying you
15:14.55wolsnicheck the settings for evolution
15:15.20wolsnialso, have you verified that the notifications do pop up in a GNOME session?
15:17.35annmadognews: is it to take notes?
15:17.46dognewswolsni: Basket is a great thing but in my case I strongly prefer a markup language as it can be much faster than WYSIWYG - and also included latex for mathematical formulas. I don't have any problems with the webserver - the browser is the problem, as it is really uncomfortable to edit pages of code in a "textarea"
15:19.13wolsnidognews: i understand what you're asking, the options i listed are the solutions i know about
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15:19.27wolsnimaybe someone else knows something more suitable
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15:20.52dognewsjvolkman: tiddlywiki is also a webbased thing and there don't seem to be proper ways for editing the pages in an editor like kwrite with syntax highlight
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15:23.33dognewsannma: it's mainly for the things, my teachers are scribbelling on the board - which is pain text most of the time but can also be formulas, tables or lists - sometimes even drawings which I wanted do import as graphics
15:24.02annmado they have a digital board?
15:24.14Jucatobasically basket with wiki/linking capabilities...
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15:25.08dognewsannma: nope. :(
15:25.27wolsnidognews: maybe you should just use a digital camera ;)
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15:25.35annmamy son went to the USA for an exchange students and he said they have some sort of digital boards
15:26.06wolsnimy mother teaches in a middle school and she uses one of those
15:26.23annmaUSA as well?
15:26.43annmayou're ahead of poor Europe
15:26.45dognewsannma: I've heard of that stuff on television - pretty cool but only possible in private schools, as it is too expensive ;)
15:26.48Jucatotoo bad the only note-taking app with linking features that I know of is not KDE :(
15:27.09wolsnishe really likes it but as far as I can tell she doesn't do anything she couldn't do with a normal chalkboard
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15:27.34annmawolsni: we can easily imagine that being connected to the students's laptops
15:27.36wolsnishe definitely doesn't have any webspace or anything she could use to give notes to students
15:27.54wolsniannma: indeed
15:28.18annmaall students had laptops in the school my son went
15:28.31annmaall peeople lived in castles by European standards
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15:34.45dognewsSince 3 weeks my school is starting to think about students having laptops in class and I'm preparing a project in which 5 students of different ages get a laptop for two weeks and have to use it in every class. It's basically for us getting more experience in that topic.
15:36.30Jucatomoin aseigo!
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15:36.43dognewsI'm one of these students - the only one having kubuntu running on his laptop for showing the advantages. The good thing is that I'm the one who has to sum up the results in a presentation, so I'll be able to show how usefull linux and open source is at school! ;)
15:37.08annmadognews: :) wooow
15:37.31annmaschools don't need to spend money on software
15:37.37brainiac_ghostannma: I agree
15:38.12brainiac_ghostif i was the sysadmin at a school I would probably use linux on all the PCs
15:38.25brainiac_ghostapart from say 1 or 2 for windows only apps
15:39.14dognewsWell, as I said: my main problem at the moment is that I don't have the right software yet :( - I could use, of course, but a wiki with some nice markup language has heaps of advantages (comfortable search in every single document, very simple to handle, linking,...)!
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15:39.58dognewsannma: yeah, that's what also our sysadmin says ;)
15:41.46wolsnidognews: i believe mediawiki does allow users to request that an external editor be used instead of the built-in one
15:42.01dognewsWe already managed it to run kubuntu an all of our client computers (dual boot)! But no one is using it at the moment - except of some 5 freaks (including myself) :(
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15:42.27wolsniand mediawiki is a highlighting scheme in kate/kwrite
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15:42.58tuxickMS gives schools software almost for free
15:43.11tuxickit's like the crack dealers handing out free samples at schoolyard
15:43.12brainiac_ghostthey seem to have removed the best parts of KDE in kubuntu :P
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15:43.16Jucatobrainiac_ghost: that's a bit of a given
15:43.22Jucato(first statements, not the last one0
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15:43.40brainiac_ghostIt is a shame, because IMO kde is a better DE
15:43.56annma_tuxick: what about renewing licenses?
15:44.18benJImanbrainiac_ghost: that's because kubuntu isn't a distro, it's the KDE packages for a gnome distro
15:44.37benJImanThey have fewer people working on kubuntu than kde in fedora even.
15:44.41dognewswolsni: yeah, but e.g. "wikipediafs" is very slow :( - I tried out "mozex" which gives me the ability to edit textareas with an external editor. This works quite well but I have to press about 5 shortcuts, until I edited and saved the page again, which is far too much!
15:44.46tuxickannma_: they still get it relatively cheap
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15:45.23brainiac_ghostgah, gconf takes forever to compile (silly network manager depends on the blasted thing)
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15:45.39annma_well all schools that I know switched to OOorg because of costs
15:45.40tuxickgconf is a nice idea
15:45.47annma_costs versus usage
15:45.50brainiac_ghostreminds me of the registry
15:46.01tuxickannma_: openoffice is cheaper indeed :)
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15:47.56annma_nice wolsni
15:48.33annma_Kate is mentionned!
15:48.42Jucatobut of course! :)
15:48.45wolsniit's true :D
15:48.55Jucato(of course, it will be kwrite by kde 4... but meh..)
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15:50.25dognewswolsni: still, there is no prog availabele which doesn't need a browser
15:50.52wolsnidognews: um, why would you use mediawiki without a browser?
15:52.16annma_you can get a plugin for Firefox so an editor opens in the edit area
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15:53.04dognewswolsni: I was thinking of a kind of prog connecting directly to the mediawikidb - I think there are some windows progrs available doing a job like that...
15:54.07wolsnidognews: i'm just saying that if you only view the wiki source then you might as well be using a directory full of text files
15:54.39dognewsannma_: as far as i know, there is no way to replace the text area by e.g. kwrite - it's just opening kwrite with the contents of the textarea
15:54.42wolsnimaybe you could find such an app and send me a link?  I'd at least be interested in a screenshot
15:55.41annma_dognews: does it make any difference?
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16:00.20dognewsannma_: yeah, it can be quite confusing when editing more than one page ;)
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16:02.05dognewsisn't konqueror able to add some syntax highlight into textareas?
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16:07.17SimAtWork<3 KDE
16:07.32dognewswolsni: sorry, I can't find the programm at the moment :(
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16:10.02ubuntu__why i cant hear sound from movie if i am in another virtual desktop?
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16:10.19daum_is there an easy way to set it up so kate can edit files on a remote computer?
16:11.10daum_since i have my system at home which i want to work on and what not with kate while i'm not there, but right now only know of ftping the file over to me, then editing it, then uploading it back...there a way to have kate just open it on the remote computeR?
16:11.43Jucatodaum_: er. just open the file using kate, using ftp:/ or sftp:/
16:11.53Jucatoit's one of the features of KDE
16:12.20daum_so ftp:/MYIP/~myhome/work/file.php?
16:12.27daum_wouldn't it need my information?
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16:13.08Jucatoit will still ask for your username/password when you try to access the location afaik
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16:14.37firsmAnybody know how to make virtual desktops have a unique tasklist in the taskbar?
16:15.03Jucatofirsm: right-click -> Configure Panel -> Taskbar
16:15.21Jucatouncheck Show windows from all desktops
16:15.37firsmahh, thank you, that worked.
16:15.56daum_Jucato, keeps saying no host name specifid
16:16.18daum_doing ftp:/MYIP/~daum/
16:16.39Jucatohm.. I'm not very familiar how to do it with ftp. my webhost uses sftp:/ and I can get through
16:17.01dognewsubuntu__: if you're using "kaffeine" as video player, it automatically stops the movie when you're switching the desktop (I think you can change that in the settings)
16:17.03daum_shouldn't the way you open the file be the same though?
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16:17.48Jucatodaum_: should be. just don't know the part where you enter the location. can't you just go to the file from Konqueror and open it in Kate from there?
16:18.48ubuntu__ok dognews thx very much, i will try it, i just ask because i didnt' find that kind of behaviour in Gnome enwiroment,i switch from desktop to desktop and movie still playing
16:19.32daum_Jucato, ah yep thanks it works fine
16:19.53Jucatodaum_: kool. have fun editing :)
16:20.00daum_oh i shall
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16:25.16EvilGuruI have a question about KDE/Qt apps and sub-pixel hinting
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16:26.06EvilGuruif an application has vertical text (such as amarok) how does it do this? As if it renders it then rotates would it not look weird due to the sub-pixel hinting relying on positioning of pixeld
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16:37.36dokmahi ppl. my kpdf has no full screen menu entry, is this normal? kpdf 0.5.5 KDE 3.5.5
16:38.02dokmaI'm on debian stable
16:38.11dokmawith a few mixes
16:39.07Chaniaseigo: dude, the youtube video of you got linked to from the standards council forum. :)
16:39.28wolsnidokma: ctrl+shift+p should put you in presentation mode
16:39.32Jucatodokma: View -> Presentation
16:40.08dokmaeveryone calls this fullscreen
16:40.12dokmawhats up with that ?
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16:41.07dany_21hi @all! Does anybody know, how konqueror mounts drives, which appear in media:/ ?
16:41.10wolsnidokma: it has a nice progress meter and disappearing navigation bar
16:41.30dokmawolsni tx mate
16:41.35dokmayou helped
16:41.38dokmajucato same way
16:41.46dokmanow I'm struggling to get my text a bit bigger
16:41.48wolsnii've actually had people comment on how nice my pdf viewer is after giving presentations using kpdf :D
16:41.52dokmactrl++ does not work
16:42.00dokmaheh :D
16:42.02dokmait is pretty
16:42.03dany_21because, if i click on a unmounted drive, i get: "hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000"
16:42.06dokmano argument about that
16:42.27dokmawolsni how do you enlarge the document in full screen?
16:42.27dany_21but if i type "pmount /dev/sdb1" it just works
16:42.56wolsnidokma: I've never used anything but 'full page' view in presentation mode
16:43.13dokmamy screen is a bit too smal for the ebook I'm reading
16:43.16wolsnithat may be another presentation-y feature
16:43.44wolsnidokma: you'd probably do better setting it to page width and using kwin's full-screen feature
16:44.10dokmadidn't think of that
16:44.21dokmathanks, this will make my learning of typo3 a pleasurable experience
16:44.48wolsnienjoy then :)
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17:03.36hackbert-hhHi all
17:03.53hackbert-hhis there a way to tell KMail not to convert tabs into spaces when displaying emails?
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17:04.32daum_anyone have any idea why in konqueror it seems randomly the access keys get activated
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17:16.49sataniksomebody here who knows to activate beryl?
17:17.04Sho_-> #beryö
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17:18.00DaSkreechaseigo: ping
17:18.28Sho_satanik: Type "/join #beryl" and press Return
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17:28.59debianeris there any K application that can be used to change volume with shortcuts?
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17:32.10EvilGuruRandom question: the menu bar font and the K Menu/right click on title bar menu font are different
17:32.54wolsnidebianer: you mean like kmix?
17:32.59Ze_Mwhen i run kernel- it appears my DVD-ROM listed in lspcidrake, but when running kernel-tmb-desktop- it doesnt appear anymore, what/Where is the kernel module for my DVD_ROM?
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17:42.36debianerwolsni: I have kmix but I can't use shortcuts to change the volume
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17:43.23wolsnidebianer: then i suggest you set some shortcuts
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17:43.56wolsniin the kmix window, settings->configure global shortcuts
17:46.02debianerok. getting there.
17:47.39debianerwolsni: does not work.
17:48.01debianerI configured it with ctrl+= and ctrl+-
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17:49.16wolsnidebianer: are you running a full kde session?
17:49.51debianerwolsni: yes. I am in full kde desktop
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17:50.58wolsniand your master channel in kmix is the one you want to adjust?
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17:51.42debianerwolsni: what does 'multi key mode' mean?
17:51.43Kaeporahello, anyone wants to share kde screenshots?
17:51.45wolsniwell, that sounds like a bug to me
17:51.53wolsnimulti key mode?
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17:52.09DaSkreechKaepora: there are KDE screenshots on
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17:52.41wolsnimulti key mode is like in emacs where you do a sequence oy keys for the shortcut
17:52.45wolsnii think
17:53.22wolsnipresumably Kaepora knows why people would want to look at screenshots of others' desktops
17:54.34debianerwolsni: does not work.
17:54.44debianerI will come back to this issue later.
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18:09.16DARio89hi :) , anyone knows if it is possible to make KDM to stay always on display:0 , and when someone logins , start a new xserver session for him in another display. (ctrl+alt+f7 always displaying login window) .. ?
18:09.38thiagooh... yes
18:09.57thiagoI don't remember how, but take a look at kdmrc
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18:11.29MinceRIn Soviet Russia, it's YOU !!
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18:13.26thiagoactuallym in Soviet Russia, it would be more like Ñ‚Ñ‹
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18:33.23metalfanktechlab question: what are the inputs le, rb, en on the seven segment component used for?
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18:53.43EvilGuruAnyone know how I can change the K Menu font and the one used when I right click on a title-abr
18:53.58PhilOutthey're the default font, I think
18:54.14PhilOutso, control center -> appearance & themes -> font
18:54.23EvilGuruI am looking the control centre but can not find the one for the k menu and title bar
18:54.34EvilGuruas it is different to my menu bar font
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18:57.19EvilGuruwell changing the menu font changes both but they are different
18:57.20EvilGuruone seems more anti-aliased
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18:57.20thiagothey're all the same here
18:58.26MinceRperhaps the degree of hinting changed between kwin was loaded and kicker was loaded?
18:58.48EvilGurukicker also seems less anti-alised
18:58.55EvilGuruif it is still around when I reboot
19:00.16thiagojust log out and then back in
19:00.18thiagono need to reboot
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19:04.20WorkaphobiaDo people still use the audiocd kioslave or is that not maintained? If so where's its project page?
19:05.14thiagoit's maintained, but there's nothing to maintain
19:05.17thiagoit is working
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19:19.52EvilGuruSeems as if KDE enjoys enabling the freetype auto-hinter when I first log in (as opposed to the patented thingy)
19:19.58EvilGurubut strangely enough it looks better
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19:36.33EvilGuruHas anyone noticed the new style google does not work in Konqueror
19:36.42EvilGurutake a look at the 'more' v button
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19:42.42BlissexI have a two-screen display ("screen" and "display" used here in the technical X sense) without Xinerama and apparently KDE keeps independent config files for some aps for the two screens, with names like "kicker-screen1-rc". I'd like to have the same config on all screens. How to do that?
19:42.59bobwhoopsHi all, in konqueror, is it possible to store the currently opened tabs so you can open them next time you start it? In particular, I'm interested in it in the case of unexpected shutdowns
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19:43.27aseigoBlissex: copy the config over, being careful to preserve names and what not
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19:43.59aseigoBlissex: but there is no option to sync from one config file on all heads
19:44.14aseigoBlissex: most people don't want that, and multi-head is crazy enough as it is
19:44.37Blissexaseigo: ahhh sad. I was doing symlinks (hardlinks get broken). But that has some little problems... Wondered if there was a better way.
19:44.57aseigobobwhoops: you can do a couple of things.. you can bookmark the tabs into a folder and then you can right click on that folder and select "open folder in tabs". that's how i read the news, actually =)
19:45.03EvilGuruFonts in GTK apps is turning out to be a real pain - it is as if they are not hinted at all
19:45.23BlissexEvilGuru: that's an incorrect impression of what is happening...
19:45.27aseigobobwhoops: the other thing you can do is save that set of tabs as a view profile (under the settings menu) and then reload that view profile; be sure to select "save urls in profile"
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19:45.47BlissexEvilGuru: things are very complicated with fonts, and it depends also on whether it is Gtk 1.x or 2.x
19:46.05EvilGuruBlissex: In Qt applications Arial 10 appears to have a faint shadow, which I like, in GTK 2 applications they do not
19:46.17BlissexEvilGuru: link to a short and a full explanation of font quality to follow.
19:46.23BlissexEvilGuru: the faint shadow is probably a bug :-)
19:46.46EvilGuruBlissex: More a result of anti-aliasing with medium hint
19:46.48BlissexEvilGuru: unless you mean the fuzzy countours created by antialising, which is not the same thing as hinting.
19:47.27EvilGuruWell, if GTK applications look exactly the same as if I disabled freetypes auto-hinter and used the BCI patented thingy
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19:47.38EvilGuruignore the if
19:48.16Blissexand in general
19:48.59BlissexEvilGuru: emember that GTk 1.x and GTk 2.x use fonts completely differently...
19:49.16*** part/#kde Workaphobia (
19:49.19EvilGuruYes, however I recall a while back they used to be the same
19:49.38EvilGuruthen I switched monitors and while KDE looks mostly the same GTK does not
19:49.47BlissexEvilGuru: no, really comp-letely different. GTk 2.x does things in a way more similar to KDE.
19:50.04EvilGuruI do not use GTK 1 applications
19:50.22BlissexEvilGuru: if you switched monitors and GTk does not look the same probably GTk was not setup quite right...
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19:52.11Blissexaseigo: well, as to «most people don't want that» in multi-screen same config, there is a bit of a difference between having the same config on all screens, and having the same _state_ on all screens. E.g. I would want things like Kicker position to be different, but Kicker style to be the same. But the same config file is used for everything...
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19:53.35EvilGuruJust looking at a couple of screenshots of an H in the same font the GTK is totally sharp while the KDE one has quite a lot of AA applied
19:55.00BlissexEvilGuru: also note that most GTk looking apps are actually GNOME (ot at least GConf) based, and those have different settings.
19:55.21EvilGuruMy font settings live in the ~/.fonts.conf XML file
19:55.24BlissexEvilGuru: because in theory all FontConfig using apps just read '/etc/fonts/local.conf' and '~/.fonts.conf'
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19:55.39aseigoBlissex: yes, the view and content data is all in one place.. unfortunately...
19:56.12Blissexaseigo: well, I'll hack it with symlinks for now.
19:56.44Blissexprobably few enough people use multi-screen with no-Xinerama that it does not get much exercised.
19:58.29Blissexaseigo: «view and content data» ha. As to that I made a terrifying discovery of something similar recently: 'kcmlaptop' for some reason keeps the battery status in 'kcmlaptoprc' which then gets written to disk every few seconds, and this cannot be turned off, and this of course keeps the laptop disk spinning and wastes power, which is what 'kcmlaptop' measures. Ironic...
19:58.50EvilGuruBut if both use font config and freetype shouldn't there be no difference?
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20:00.11aseigoBlissex: the laptop daemon in kdeutils?
20:00.44guido_What reasons could there be why I don't get the choice "alsa" for the audio hardware in the arts configuration dialog? I've compiled arts, kdebase and kdemultimedia with alsa support (alsa use-flag in gentoo) and other application, like ogg123, can use arts output
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20:04.38Blissexaseigo: the one in 'kdeutils', more of an applet/dæmon than just a dæmon.
20:05.01Blissexguido_: no 'alsa-lib'?
20:05.14Blissexguido_: ALSA kernel modules not loaded?
20:05.34Blissexguido_: use the troubleshooting section of
20:06.09logixoulhidden feature of the day ---> ... AWESOME!
20:07.51aseigoBlissex: yeah, that one is known to be horrid on power..
20:08.02guido_Blissex, as I said, other apps can use alsa without problems. The alsa libs are present, drivers are compiled into the kernel... Only KDE has this problem...
20:08.09Blissexaseigo: and the reason is that jeeps writing to the disk...
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20:09.35aseigoBlissex: one reason, yes
20:10.26Blissexguido_: note that "other application, like ogg123, can use arts output" does not imply that they can use ALSA. aRts is not ALSA.
20:11.23Blissexguido_: also note that the aRts config dialog is not the same thing as the KDE Sound System configuration panel.
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20:11.52guido_Blissex, that was a typo on my part, sry. I meant to say "other apps ... can use alsa ouput"
20:12.07guido_Blissex, it isn't?
20:13.06Blissexguido_: they are quite different things. In the KDE Sound System dialog you can disable it, and then KDE apps tend to use ALSA directly if the sound system is disabled.
20:13.07guido_hm, I tried starting artsd manually with artsd -a alsa, and it crashes with "bus error"...
20:13.43Blissexguido_: does not look tgood.
20:14.26guido_This is a sparc machine, btw...
20:14.59Blissexguido_: I imagine that ALSA is awesomely well tested on SPARC :-)
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20:15.36Blissexguido_: anyhow try to compare 'artscontrol', 'kcmshell arts'. Also use 'kcmshell sound' to see what ALSA says on your machine.
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20:16.08guido_Blissex, Well, I don't suppose sending a bug report about arts is of any use at this point, is it?
20:16.36Blissexguido_: it is unmaintained mostly. Especially on SPARC I gues...
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21:20.19mwoehlkeanyone know Thomas Zander's nick?
21:20.53mwoehlke...or Zack Rusin?
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21:26.30eckhartrelated: anyone knows Jörg Hoh's nick?
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21:31.41SSJ_GZmwoehlke: Zack is zackr in #kde4-devel
21:33.51mwoehlkethanks SSJ_GZ
21:33.59SSJ_GZmwoehlke: np
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21:36.32mwoehlkeok, off to haunt other channels then, bye!
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22:19.06PhinnFortwhat program should I dcop with to get KDE to shutdown immediately?
22:19.52PhinnFortI know I can use ksmserver to show the logout dialog, but I want to skip that
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22:22.36PhinnFortforget it... the guy who needed it just disconnected
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22:41.17mkzeldain konversation's command aliases, how do I use token variables?... for example I'd like to use /mycommand /say
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22:49.54EvilGuruDoes KDE not support the dragging of desktop entities to other monitors?
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23:12.48xGrantxis there another way to autostart a program other than putting a link in the kde autostart folder?
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23:15.34mwoehlkesay, has anyone noticed kwin on 3.5 svn crashing?
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23:35.21PF-Awaywhere is my kaddressbook data stored?
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23:58.19PF-Awayhow can I make zip files et al open in Dolphin, instead of ark?
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