irclog2html for #kde on 20070119

00:00.15archangelpetroEvening guys :D
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00:24.50aseigowhoever wrote kdesvn-build == mpyne
00:26.23KyralOnly bad thing about it is the IRC Lag caused by the initial SVN checkout :D
00:26.46Renzeget more bandwidth ;)
00:26.58Kyralcollege :D
00:27.14Renzesteal it from in-range unencrypted wireless routers ;)
00:27.24Dhraakellianaren't colleges supposed to have big pipes?
00:27.32Renzenot all of them
00:27.41KyralDhraakellian: Yah, but split among ~2000 connections....
00:28.21KyralAnd any academic thing gets priority in the bandwidth stream
00:29.06SimAtWorkkde is academic!
00:29.09SimAtWorkgo kick their asses
00:29.39KyralAh well, tis the good thing about SVN, only have to do the massive checkout once
00:30.13Jucato(unless you happen to get the checkout wrong... or deleted the folder...)
00:30.15*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna (
00:30.29RenzeJucato: speaking from experience?
00:30.35KyralAnyone actually try KDE 4 yet?
00:30.37Jucatoyep :)
00:30.44Jucatothat was for Renze, btw
00:30.48qupadaor you interrupt an 'svn up' or some other operation and it can't make the working copy sane again
00:30.51JucatoI haven't svn up my KDE 4 yet
00:30.54KyralI figured
00:31.06KyralThough I have random lagspikes of 4-5 secs
00:31.09Jucatoalmost a month since I last ran my KDE 4 install
00:31.26KyralI plan to run kdesvn-build as a weekly cronjob :P
00:31.50lnxntcan you help me with connecting over serial port ?
00:31.56lnxntI get "port in use" exceptions
00:32.00Kyralas soon as I remember how to work a crontab
00:32.09RenzeKyral: kcron :)
00:32.16KyralRenze: lol
00:32.21qupadalnxnt: connection via your serial port to what?
00:32.27KyralNormally I only have use for cronjobs that root runs
00:32.48Kyraland then I stick the scripts in /etc/cron.{daily, weekly, hourly, monthly}
00:32.49lnxntqupada: to a bluetooth device
00:33.24lnxntqupada: it's a busybox linux installed on the device - and it did work yesterday
00:33.52Renzeserial port to bluetooth? I'm confused...
00:34.09qupadaRenze: you're not the only one
00:34.20KyralWhee last module being checked out
00:34.28lnxntyes - it's great :)
00:34.59qupadalnxnt: you have a serial port bluetooth device?  or you want to use a virtual serial port over something like a hci_usb device to connect to a remote device
00:34.59lnxntI can send "hello" over /dev/rfcomm0 and see hello on the console of the bluetooth device :)
00:35.36lnxntqupada: virtual serial port over ...
00:35.38Renzehow is that anything to do with the serial port?
00:36.05Renzethe serial port is that 9 pin connector on the back of your PC
00:36.18qupadalnxnt: well if you can send text through rfcomm0 then obviously it's working.  what isn't it doing that it needs to?
00:36.21lnxntno, I mean a virtual serial one
00:36.36Renzelnxnt: then you should have said so
00:36.46lnxntqupada: that was yesterday. today I get "port already in use" exceptions
00:36.52lnxntRenze: sorry
00:36.58qupadayou can get bluetooth transmitters that attach to serial ports, hence the confusion
00:37.09lnxntRenze: I guess it makes no difference if it is virtual or not
00:37.12qupadarfcomm over bluetooth is more straightforward
00:37.30Renzelnxnt: it helps to avoid confusion
00:37.48lnxntqupada: oh, no no. I don't mean a transmitter
00:38.13qupadalnxnt: have you tried rfcomm --release rfcomm0; rfcomm --bind [bdaddr]  to re-create the device?
00:39.10lnxntqupada: yes
00:40.01qupadalnxnt: well then i would suggest installing lsof if you don't have it and using that to figure out what process is keeping the port open
00:41.04qupadaRenze: did you notice a power outage this morning?
00:41.11Renzewhat time?
00:41.25qupadaabout 5am by the looks
00:41.27RenzeI did find "Renze2" in my nick box this morning ;)
00:41.41Renzebut it doesn't look like my PC was restarted
00:41.50RenzeUptime: 56 days, 2 hours and 44 minutes
00:41.58qupadamy PC wasn't on for my UPS to log it, but at probably 5:02 the jetdirect attached to my printer rebooted
00:42.36lnxnt# lsof | grep rfcomm0
00:42.37lnxntreturned: 1
00:45.24qupadaso if there isn't a process holding it open then there's either a problem with your bluetooth adapter, with the pairing of the devices, or with the remote device
00:46.28qupadasince local errors are easier to fix, remove the remote device from /var/lib/bluetooth/[adapter_mac_address]/linkkeys, remove the bluetooth adapter, unload every bluetooth module that is a module, plug it back in, reload modules, repair and try again
00:49.44lnxntthe remote device is not listed in /var/lib/bluetooth/[adapter_mac_address]/linkkeys
00:50.34*** join/#kde schneecrash (
00:51.06qupadayou did notice the "[adapter_mac_address]" bit, needs replacing with an actual mac address?
00:51.39lnxntqupada: yes, sure
00:52.18qupadajust checking.  some people take things a little too literally
00:52.29qupadayou might want to try pairing the devices
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00:53.51lnxntqupada: so, after pairing the mac adress will be listed in the linkkeys file?
00:54.19qupadashould be
00:54.26qupadalemme grab a sample entry
00:55.06qupada"00:80:37:79:C0:DA [long hex string] 0 8"
00:55.21qupadai have 3 entries, the latter two have "0 8" at the end, the former has "0 4"
00:55.39qupadathe crap in the middle i assume is an md5sum of the pin
00:55.56lnxntI excuted hcitool cc 00:13:6C:CE:C1:08 for pariring
00:56.02lnxntbut there is still no entry
00:56.26schneecrashhi.  my opensuse 10.2 + kde ignores SessionManager buttons (shutdown/restart/logout).  restart from cmd line is ok. no errors in syslog -- just no action. earlier advice #here suggested try downgrade to distro, then reupgrade to latest, KDE. i've now tried both distro ver & latest/3.5.5 KDE repo. no dice -- same problem. something's preventing it, obviously.
00:56.27schneecrashquestion is -- what?  fwiw, here's my "ps ax" after a failed attempt:
00:57.02Renzeschneecrash: are you using kdm?
00:57.18Renzethose options require kdm as a login manager
00:58.08schneecrashRenze: understood. yes i am.
00:58.08schneecrashit _used_ to work ... no longer.  clearly, something changed recently ... trying to track down, annd un-bork.
00:58.21Renzemight be a suse change
00:58.30lnxntqupada: something is wrong with my bluetooth I guess
00:58.41qupadalnxnt: bluez 2.2x or 3.x ?
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00:59.15qupadalnxnt: it would certainly appear that way
00:59.17Op3ywhat is the name for install kde with urpmi
00:59.19schneecrashRenze: possible ... short of figuring out how to drop back version-by-version, i'm hoping to ID the problem ... with no error in log, i'm stumped, atm.
01:01.07lnxntqupada: my bluez version is 2.25
01:01.22RenzeOp3y: ask in your distro channel... that's a distro specific question
01:01.41Op3yjust did
01:01.45Op3ybut how about this
01:01.59Op3yyou know the name of the packet
01:02.03qupadalnxnt: i was just asking because pairing is a royal PITA in 3.x, because the pin entry app has to work through dbus
01:02.07RenzeOp3y: kde is released as source only. distro packages are up to the distro.
01:02.21RenzeOp3y: no, I do not know the names your distro chose for the packages
01:02.28qupadalnxnt: but in 2.x hcid.conf can specify pin_helper, so that's ok
01:02.53Ze_Manyone that can explain me some about kdepim build?
01:02.58qupadalnxnt: try removing all the contents of /var/lib/bluetooth/ completely and try again
01:05.31*** join/#kde twobitsp1ite (
01:05.48twobitsp1itehow do I get kdm to honor my .xinitrc, or where do I need to put X startup info?
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01:09.06*** join/#kde Ash-Fox (
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01:28.15*** join/#kde dcorbin (
01:28.23dcorbinAnyone here a kmplayer user?
01:28.47stonedwell not so much anymore
01:29.08stonedwait, I misread, I apologize. I saw "kplayer" not "kmplayer"
01:29.14stonedI don't know kmplayer at all, sorry.
01:29.35dcorbinkplayer is an MP3 (among other formats) player?
01:30.05Jucatokplayer is a KDE frontend to mplayer
01:30.16Jucatojust like kmplayer...except that it can only use mplayer
01:31.31dcorbinI have an mp3 that I play.  But it won't give me any "time related information".  I'm not sure if it's actually the mp3, or if it's a player problem.
01:32.26dcorbinI'd actually like a digital-audio player that I could 'bookmark' and resume a long 'file' later.
01:33.15Renzecodeine does that, at least with video
01:35.11*** join/#kde Thundercloud_ (n=thunderc@
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01:40.53*** join/#kde RavenSlay3r (n=steven@
01:41.03RavenSlay3rgood evening all
01:41.47*** join/#kde Fenix-Dark (
01:41.50*** part/#kde Fenix-Dark (
01:42.00schneecrashRenze @ 'shutdown -r now', my syslog ERRORs @ "kdm: :0[2944]: pam_close_session() failed" & "kdm: :0[2944]: pam_setcred(DELETE_CRED) failed".  (more ->  the reboot, nonetheless, seems to work fine.
01:42.00schneecrashwonder if this has anything to do with the Restart-via-SessionManager not working?
01:42.30RavenSlay3rhad a question about a favorite feature that seems to be missing out of KDE-3.5
01:42.47Renzeschneecrash: pam installed properly?
01:43.04RavenSlay3rone used to be able to switch between virtual-desktops by mousing over the edge of the screen
01:43.23RavenSlay3rI can't find the checkbox for it anywhere, nor mention of it in the docs now though.
01:43.36RenzeRavenSlay3r: still exists... kcontrol -> desktop -> window behaviour -> advanced tab
01:43.42*** join/#kde johanna (
01:43.51RenzeActive Desktop Borders
01:44.07schneecrashRenze checking ...
01:44.30schneecrashpackage pam- is already installed
01:44.59Renzeschneecrash: means nothing to me, I don't use the same distro as you
01:45.34RavenSlay3rahh found it!
01:45.34schneecrashRenze: that's the latest-greatest available ... seems to be installed ok, afaict.
01:45.35RavenSlay3rThanks - can't believe i missed it there
01:45.42RenzeRavenSlay3r: no problem
01:45.58Renzeschneecrash: other than that, I have no idea why it would be failing
01:46.26RavenSlay3ralthough  kcontrol -> desktop -> window behaviour -> Multiple Desktops | might be a better spot for it...
01:46.45RavenSlay3rif anyone happens to be a KDE developer in here... <hint hint> ;-)
01:46.46*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna (
01:46.48RenzeRavenSlay3r: no, that's for xinerama related stuff
01:47.13RenzeRavenSlay3r: i.e. more than one monitor
01:48.27RavenSlay3rhmmm.. thats where you get by right clicking on the virtual-desktop applet and selecting configure
01:49.08RavenSlay3rand that screen has a checkbox to make the scroll-wheel switch virtual desktops similar to active-desktop-borders
01:49.12*** join/#kde gnat_x (
01:49.22RenzeRavenSlay3r: looks like your kcontrol layout is different from the norm
01:49.44Renzeah no, my bad... I was looking elsewhere
01:50.00gnat_xhow do i reset the colors back to the default in kate. i was mucking around and realized it was really complex to get it looking like i want; but i already saved a bunch of stuff.
01:50.03RavenSlay3rit's stock openSuse 10.2 so I dunno
01:50.50RavenSlay3ranyways that was the basis for my argument - err. opinon.. lol
01:50.56Renzeanywho, I'll be back later... things to do
01:51.55schneecrashRenze: seems those errors originate in "branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kdm/backend/client.c" ... is this the right forum for digging further?
01:52.14gnat_xnm. i found it.
01:52.19gnat_xthanks anyway.
01:52.21*** part/#kde gnat_x (
01:52.49*** join/#kde quasy (n=qq@
01:53.33RavenSlay3rbye all
01:54.04quasydoesn anyone know howto make that my all aplications use same theme and style like KDE ?
01:57.08*** join/#kde pierreth (
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01:59.02quasydoes anyone know howto make that my all aplications use same theme and style like KDE ? :S
01:59.32pierrethquasy: are you talking about GTK?
01:59.52*** part/#kde schneecrash (
01:59.57quasypierreth to be honest with you i dont know much about that
02:00.02quasyi think its gtk
02:00.09quasyand aplications like xchat use them
02:00.22pierrethit is two things
02:00.35quasycan ypu explain me that please ?
02:00.37pierrethyou can use two themes looking the same
02:00.58quasycan i try to explain you ..
02:00.59quasywatch ..
02:01.04quasyi change theme for kde
02:01.04pierrethYou using two kinds of applications
02:01.19quasynow , amarok use new theme, but xchat no ..
02:01.30pierrethAmarok is KDE
02:01.34*** part/#kde dcorbin (
02:01.46pierrethXchat is not a KDE application
02:02.08quasyaham, and can i make somehow that he use same theme ?
02:02.08pierrethXchat knows nothing about KDE
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02:02.24pierrethnot really
02:02.45quasyi was using ubuntu before slack
02:02.45pierrethbut you can use a GTK theme looking the same way
02:02.54crazytry the gtk-qt-engine ?
02:03.28pierrethThere is a file to edit to change that
02:03.30quasyso i need to install that ?
02:03.53pierrethI am not sure if it is already installed
02:04.09pierrethcan you go in your System Preferences?
02:04.28quasyhow i can chek ?
02:04.39pierrethwait, I will look in mine
02:05.08pierrethare u working in English?
02:05.31pierrethOK, I am in French so I will need to translate
02:05.36quasyuh :S
02:05.56pierrethDo you have a thing called Appearance?
02:06.28pierrethi cannot write in private
02:06.37quasyaham, ok
02:06.58pierrethquasy: how could you?
02:07.15quasypierreth register your nick
02:07.28quasy/msg chanserv register PASSWORD
02:07.30pierrethI've tried, but it is hard to do
02:07.45pierrethjust like that?
02:07.46quasyno, just type /msg chanserv register YOUR PASSWORD
02:07.59pierrethwhat is my password?
02:08.15quasyany you want
02:08.22quasyput something ..
02:09.08pierrethdoes not work
02:09.17*** join/#kde foreboy_ (
02:09.27quasymust work :S
02:09.33pierrethit says that my nickname is not registred
02:09.53quasyhow did you type ?
02:09.59quasyyou must put something like
02:10.06quasy/msg nickserv register pass123
02:10.32crazyheh -> Control Center -> Appearance & Themes -> GTK Styles and Fonts
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02:10.45quasyGTK Styles and Fonts
02:10.46pierrethyes, do you have it
02:10.48quasyi dont have that
02:10.54quasyi was have on ubuntu
02:10.57quasybut on slackware
02:10.58quasyi dont have
02:11.12pierrethjust install it
02:11.12crazyinstall gtk-qt-engine
02:11.23pierrethi have it on PCBSD
02:11.43pierrethbut you can edit your file by hand if you like
02:12.05quasyi am going to install this
02:12.14quasyand i will try then
02:12.19quasythank you guys
02:15.35quasyyeah thats it
02:15.45quasythank you
02:15.45pierrethyou made it?
02:15.49quasyit work
02:16.00quasyits beautiful now :D
02:16.04pierrethwhat style do you have?
02:16.25quasyand qtcurve
02:16.33pierrethI have MurrinFancyClearlooksSea
02:17.12pierrethfor kde I have Polyester
02:17.38pierrethIt is a lot nicer than Windows
02:17.49quasythis ?
02:18.36pierrethnot with these colors
02:18.58pierrethmore blue KDE
02:19.12pierrethbut yes
02:19.38pierrethI have my OK button on the right
02:19.46pierrethafter Cancel
02:20.18pierrethI also have the Mac keyboard to be in total confort
02:20.35quasygood for you
02:20.49pierreththe control key is too far for me
02:21.26pierrethbut I cannot use two keyboards with this setting
02:22.03pierreththere are bugs in KDE with that
02:22.22quasyi didnt try it
02:22.50pierrethare using the control key for your shortcuts?
02:23.54pierrethwhat are you using?
02:24.55quasywait, do you think on shortcuts for aplications
02:24.59quasyor just on
02:25.06quasylike ctrl + pgdwn
02:25.24pierrethlike ctrl+c to copy
02:25.50quasyyes i am using control then
02:25.53pierrethOK, you are using the default
02:26.11pierrethDon't you think it is too far way?
02:26.53quasyi am learn like this
02:26.56quasyits hard to change
02:27.16pierrethOK, I use this for Windows but I don't like it
02:27.40pierrethThe command key is under my thumb
02:27.57pierrethit feels natural
02:28.47pierrethAnyway we can choose on KDE
02:29.38pierrethWhat I would like is a way to switch language fast
02:29.59lnxnt_I just tested the whole program in windows
02:30.09lnxnt_and I get the same port in use exception :(
02:30.17*** part/#kde quasy (n=qq@
02:32.23*** join/#kde imagine (
02:40.34*** join/#kde minra (
02:40.45minrai want to marry the "initiating startup sequence" girl
02:47.25minrathought it was part of kde:  /usr/share/sounds/startup.ogg
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02:48.07minravery sexy voice
02:48.30alaQI have it not.
02:48.38alaQwhat distro?
02:49.55workman161[21:49:50] [CTCP] Received CTCP-VERSION reply from minra: xchat 2.4.5 Linux 2.6.13-kanotix-17 [i686/2.17GHz]
02:51.38*** join/#kde qupada (
02:52.17alaQcaught it.  I'm running sabayon right now, so it's a distro thing.
02:53.21workman161share the love, minra :)
02:53.41minrai will -- just finding a temp filesharing site
02:56.25*** join/#kde RAV_TUX (
03:01.42*** join/#kde fran6co (
03:01.54minrai want to clone her
03:03.18alaQnice voice, WAAAY too reverbed.
03:03.42minrado any sound production yourself?
03:04.35alaQa little.  I dabble in just about anything you can name.
03:04.56*** join/#kde ViT-root (n=ViT@
03:05.08qupada(it had to be said)
03:05.26alaQwithin some limits, apparently...
03:05.30alaQ*eye roll*
03:06.00minrai can't find who made that sample
03:10.29Simkinhey guys
03:10.37Simkindoes anyone know if the flash plugin works in konqueror?
03:10.58*** part/#kde ViT-root (n=ViT@
03:13.18Jucatoit works
03:16.27alaQcopy the flash .so into konqueror's plugin dir.
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03:16.29qupadaeven better just add another directory to the list konqueror uses to look for plugins
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03:16.51alaQqupada: well, sure.  make it easy :)
03:17.07jarn_How do I disable the sound made when switching desktops? It is VERY annoying... I looked through the System Notifications menu in KControl, to no avail.
03:18.44alaQjarn_: at the top of the system notifications is a drop-down bar, easily missed.  it says event source.  it'll be under "the K window manager."
03:19.09qupadajarn_: i think it's the items called "Virtual desktop [number] is selected", under the category "The KDE Window Manager"
03:19.22jarn_alaQ: I looked through the things in the bar. "K Window Manager" is not one of the options.
03:20.00jarn_Oh, it's KDE Window Manager.
03:20.06alaQthere you go.
03:20.15jarn_I don't know how I missed that...
03:20.24jarn_I thought I went through all the event source options.
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03:20.37alaQno worries... i didn't know the bar was there until about 4 months after using Kde
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03:22.12qupadaheh, it doesn't bother me if it is or not.  i just check the "apply to all applications" box then click "turn off all sounds"
03:22.34jarn_I don't want to turn off all sounds.
03:23.06alaQyeah... otherwise we don't get minra's startup voice...
03:24.09qupadaya-huh.  no startup sound = a good thing in my book
03:24.41alaQas a musician, i like sounds.  But, i'm also a minimalist.
03:25.47qupadaespecially when you've left the volume at 100% without realising it, because i don't have a hardware volume control i can get at earlier.  i have keyboard volume controls (khotkeys) and the breakout box attached to my sound card (lirc/irkick), neither are active until long after the sound has gone away
03:25.53minrawith taste.  that was a good call on the level of echo
03:26.30*** join/#kde ner0x (
03:26.45ner0xAny kde apps that help generate resumes? (besides doing it myself in kword :-/ )'
03:27.12alaQ....nope.  Kword's the only one coming to mind. :s
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03:27.22alaQyou can try
03:27.37alaQit has a list of all (most) kde apps available
03:27.37ner0xalaQ: Not a thing.
03:27.41Renzeor for any templates people may have made
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03:35.23kleesis setting wallpapers through Firefox allowed in KDE???
03:37.24minraseems like an odd way to do it
03:37.41ner0xThat's an internet explorer feature if I remember correctly.
03:37.50alaQi'd just download the pic, and set it as background through kcontrol.
03:38.06alaQfirefox has that ability, but i don't know if kde handles it.
03:38.56Sho_alaQ: It would be possible for Firefox to do it in KDE if it chose to do so (i.e. the interface exists). As far as I know it does not.
03:40.01alaQI see.
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03:40.18kleeswhat about the "opening containing folder"???  is that handled by KDE?
03:41.07klees...after downloading a file
03:41.14Sho_klees: Firefox is not a KDE application. It makes no attempt to integrate with KDE. That's not KDE's fault.
03:41.53kleesbut Firefox is not a Gnome application but it integrates with Gnome
03:42.05*** join/#kde Gentle` (
03:42.15Sho_klees: Actually, yes, Firefox considers itself a Gnome application on the Linux desktop.
03:42.28ner0xSuch a shame. :)
03:42.32kleesSho_: interesting
03:42.46wolsniklees: I suspect that putting together a firefox extension to tweak the menus to use KDE equivalents would be fairly simple, though
03:43.00alaQalthough there are (or used to be) projects that worked to bridge that. I'm not sure if they still exist.
03:43.10kleeswolsni: simple to those that know how to create extensions
03:43.17Sho_klees: That's the answer I got from Asa Dotzler (a Mozilla employee) when I inquired about perhaps not using the shoddy GTK file picker dialogs when running Firefox inside KDE considering the old XUL dialog is still in there and looks at least similar to the KDE dialogs in layout, if not capability.
03:43.49kleesI see
03:44.16Sho_(There's a wrapper app called "kgtk" that makes Firefox use KDE file dialogs, though.)
03:44.16kleesso, it's Konqueror your default browser?
03:45.46kleesto those interested Flash 9 came out on 1/16
03:45.46Sho_klees: There's a project called Portland that KDE, Gnome and others participate in to present a common API to cross-platform applications to do things like invoke file and printer dialogs, and perhaps also set wallpapers. The hope is that Firefox will go Portland further down the road to improve the experience for their KDE-using users.
03:45.59Sho_klees: In the meantime, the browser that integrates best with KDE is Konqueror, yes.
03:46.02wolsniklees: interested and using x86 :(
03:46.47kleesSho_: understood
03:47.07Renzeklees: he means there is no 64 bit version yet
03:47.35kleesRenze: forgive my noobness
03:48.14kleescan't you still use the 32bit version?
03:50.16kleesSho_: which distro you use?
03:50.33*** part/#kde skywa1k3r (
03:50.37Sho_klees: I use Gentoo Linux on my main PC and Kubuntu on my laptop
03:51.13alaQSho_:nice. i have a friend with that same setup
03:51.16kleesI'm using Kubuntu on my desktop but have always been interested on running Gentoo
03:51.31alaQI have just my sabayon laptop.
03:51.34stonedhi Renze
03:51.40Renze'lo stoned
03:51.43stonedRenzi poo!
03:51.51ner0xAnything to do your taxes on KDE?
03:52.05kleesTurboTax online?  =/
03:52.08stonedner0x, I need something like that too
03:52.44alaQOO.o calc? :s
03:53.20Sho_The laptop is a little to weak to compile Gentoo comfortably, and Kubuntu does a great job of supporting all the hardware even down to model-specific details like special keys out of the box without additional effort. On my main box I prefer the flexibility of Gentoo, though.
03:53.44alaQSho_: what's the laptop?  
03:53.57Sho_alaQ: iBook G4 800 12"
03:54.11kleesSho_: how much effort does it take you to have your desktop run Gentoo from scratch?
03:54.13alaQok. granted, hten.
03:54.20alaQthen even.
03:55.54Sho_klees: At this point, not very much. When one has done it once, the Gentoo setup process is fairly straight-forward. A first time install takes some patience and learning, though.
03:56.12alaQand quite a bit of reading ahead of time.
03:56.29Sho_klees: The setup documentation is excellent, however, so I'd count the learning as a benefit.
03:57.29alaQi'll stick with sabayon though.  it's like if gentoo, suse, and ubuntu had offspring.
03:57.51alaQsource-based, autodetects hardware, and comes with pre-built Xgl/aiglx
03:58.04qupadaalaQ: marrying cousins isn't a good thing
03:58.11kleesalaQ: i hate the fact that sabayon doesn't have a minimal version for 3.26 though
03:58.14qupadayou tend to get children with birth defects
03:58.24BrianSteffensanyone know of a good starting place tutorial for writing system tray applications?
03:58.45*** join/#kde deitarion (n=ssokolow@moinmoin/fan/deitarion)
03:58.58alaQklees: still running off my 3.2 dvd.. i have to wait to get the next one... I'm on 56k right now - it'd take a while.
03:59.18Sho_klees: Basically, I like Gentoo because it's flexible and powerful, especially thanks to a strong toolset - the package manager is a lot less crufty than some of its older peers. It's rewarding for the technically-minded user, and the Gentoo docs do a good job of turning beginners into technically-minded users ;-)
03:59.27deitarionHow do I manually edit the ksystraycmd list of windows to hook? Every time I start my GTK-Gnutella, it gets two icons, but it crashes without unhooking when I choose "undock" in the ksystraycmd icon.
04:00.09kleesalaQ: I believe 3.2 has a minimal CD install
04:00.32alaQyeah... but i've already got the dvd. - had it from college.
04:00.46Sho_And on that consensus, I'll head off to bed ... way too late here :-)
04:00.49alaQbut i'm not going back this spring, because I'm going on a study abroad trip.
04:00.55alaQlater Sho_
04:01.03*** join/#kde Dr_willis (
04:01.33kleesSho_: what time is it?
04:01.41*** join/#kde SAS_Spidey01 (
04:02.03Renzein germany? around 5am
04:03.45BrianSteffenswhen can we start using kde4?
04:03.53Renzesecond half of this year
04:03.58alaQwhen they release it.
04:04.01Renzeno firm dates yet
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04:04.11kleesis that the Alpha?
04:04.12alaQsorry -  had to give the smart comment. :-
04:04.42BrianSteffensalaQ do you use slackware lol
04:05.03*** join/#kde letto (n=letto@
04:07.53deitarionNever mind. Apparently something added a .desktop override for gtk-gnutella without asking me. Now that it's gone, things are fine.
04:08.01*** part/#kde deitarion (n=ssokolow@moinmoin/fan/deitarion)
04:10.32kleescan one use Krdc to connect to a Windows system?
04:10.46Renzewell it wouldn't be much use if you couldn't
04:11.30Dr_williskdrc can connect to vnc running on a windows box i know. :) but thats all ive used it for windows-wise.
04:11.37kleesdoes it act as remote desktop from windows?
04:11.51Dr_williswindows remote desktop - is that in XP home?
04:11.53Renzekrdc is both a vnc and rdesktop client
04:12.17Renzevirtual network computing
04:13.06Renzeread the wikipedia article for more information
04:13.24kleesso can I connect to a friend's computer -which is not running vnc- to troubleshoot his problems?
04:13.54Renzeif he's running rdesktop, yes
04:14.05Dr_willisi cant say that ive ever used rdesktop.   that comes with XP home? or only in the higher versions?
04:18.06*** join/#kde Endler (
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04:20.05SAS_Spidey01rdesktop is not apart of Windows, its a RDP client
04:21.03SAS_Spidey01XP Pro / MCE (professional + multimedia features) can share the desktop using a RDP server thingy. XP Home only has a client like rdesktop serves on my BSD system
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04:31.37ner0xstoned: It would be nice.
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04:42.15eirichcan anyone point me to a place to download kfortune?
04:42.35RenzeI think that project is dead... but you can do the same thing with a script and kdialog
04:43.39Renzekdialog --msgbox "`fortune`"
04:44.59eirichi'll give it a shot
04:44.59eirichjust a little project i'd like to get going in the office
04:45.00eirichthanks for the info
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04:45.33Renzeno problem
04:48.35*** join/#kde MrKnibbels (
04:51.01Shirakawasunadoes anyone in here use amarok + automatic transcoding for your media device?
04:51.19Renzeamarok, yes... transcoding, no
04:52.40SAS_Spidey01ditto ^
04:54.46ShirakawasunaI suppose I could just test it out, although now I"m having trouble finding the script
04:54.48*** join/#kde LazyAngel (
04:54.55Renzeyou're darning? good, I have some socks with holes in them that need repair
04:55.08Shirakawasunadarn your socks!
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04:58.31Shirakawasunahrm, maybe
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04:59.01Shirakawasunanot sure why you'd want a laptop the size of a walkman, which is about as big as a portable media device should be, imo :/
04:59.05Renzeand the foam dome is the best concept for a portable drinking device
04:59.29Shirakawasunait'd have to be something way different from what we call a laptop ;)
05:01.02SAS_Spidey01Hey the Walkmans a nice one but what good is it unless you can get a low-cost one that plays the radio and has an internal USB card /w 500GB storage on it hehehe
05:01.47wolsniSAS_Spidey01: you have a 500GB music collection??
05:01.56Shirakawasuna500 Gb storage is a lot o' music
05:02.04SAS_Spidey01No, I have a 500GB hard drive hehe
05:02.34SAS_Spidey01my music collections only about 1.8GB, mostly max qual .ogg's
05:02.52Shirakawasuna.ogg = container
05:03.19Renzeogg speex would be silly for music ;)
05:03.28Renzeogg flac would make sense, though
05:04.01Renzeogg speex would work for audio books, though
05:06.07*** join/#kde x_link_ (
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05:09.56ShirakawasunaI was thinking of ogg flacs
05:10.11Shirakawasunanot sure why you wouldn't just name it a flac, but I've heard of it - does the container help anything like streaming?
05:10.58SAS_Spidey01This bloody getopt/switch-case is giving me a migrain
05:11.21RenzeShirakawasuna: two weeks! (stock answer)
05:11.43ShirakawasunaI think one's 5400
05:12.09Shirakawasunafaster than the wireless transfer of 20 gigs I just did, no doubt about that
05:12.18SAS_Spidey01I think my laptops in the 4x00rpm range
05:13.17*** join/#kde somekool (
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05:18.00SAS_Spidey01kinda cool how if I call this program with no arguments I get a bus error hehe
05:18.06stinger_auis there any reason why when i move windows around in KDE they seem to flicker a little bit even though i have all the syen to black stuff turn on
05:20.36stinger_auand its only when i move windows side ways
05:21.04chavostinger_au, sounds like something with your graphics card or driver maybe
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05:23.07stinger_aui have a 7800gtx with nvidia drivers install ? or is this just me because i am use to windows ?
05:25.09SAS_Spidey01mm, Homer J Simpson and posion fish
05:27.41ShirakawasunahehI've heard fugu is tingly
05:27.46*** join/#kde homer (
05:27.57Renzeyes, it's the neurotoxin left in the fish
05:28.01ShirakawasunahehI could swear kde had a good audio converting program/service menu
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05:30.36*** join/#kde hagabaka (n=hagabaka@unaffiliated/hagabaka)
05:30.57hagabakakonsole has a feature to list and retach detached screen sessions right?
05:32.21Renzehagabaka: no, that's specifically a screen feature
05:33.08hagabakabut i used to see a list of screen sessions in the Session menu, even though i didn't launch them in Konsole
05:33.26hagabakaand when I select one, Konsole attaches it into a new terminal window
05:33.29Renzethen your konsole is different from mine
05:33.54hagabakayeah...i used that in Slackware, but in Kubuntu it's not there
05:34.09hagabakamaybe they have to be running before konsole starts...
05:34.11Shirakawasunahehanyone know of a program for converting from say flac to mp3?
05:34.13Renzethen slackware's version was modified
05:34.23hagabakahighly unlikely
05:34.29Renzehagabaka: I use screen... I have no option in konsole to attach them
05:34.30JucatoRenze: Konsole has a "Detach Session" feature
05:34.44RenzeJucato: but is it screen compatible?
05:34.54JucatoRenze: that I don't know.
05:35.00Jucatomaybe he's confusing the two?
05:35.25RenzeI think detach session just moves it to a separate window, doesn't it?
05:36.10crazyShirakawasunaheh: see this ->
05:36.39Jucatoscreen sessions != Konsole sessions
05:37.01Shirakawasunahehthanks crazy, I didn't see that :).  It's even in portage
05:37.04Renzescreen is the coolest single app ever created, imo
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05:41.53hagabakai'm very sure i used that in Konsole
05:42.08Renzehagabaka: not in vanilla kde
05:42.13hagabakamaybe i did use a unofficial package with modified Konsole
05:42.45hagabakabut how unlikely is there to be a slackware package with modified program while other distros have the original?
05:43.10Jucatohagabaka: screen session or konsole session?
05:43.18Jucatothe list of Konsole sessions are in the View menu
05:43.18hagabaka seems a feature request for that
05:43.41hagabakaJucato: screen sessions, and they were listed at the bottom of the Session menu
05:43.49daya1kwin: cannot connect to X server
05:43.53RenzeSAS_Spidey01: I already prefer vi, so nyah! :P
05:44.01daya1kpersonalizer: cannot connect to X server
05:44.05daya1any idea about this errror
05:44.08SAS_Spidey01hehe, oh well :-)
05:44.09hagabakain 19754 user@host or something format
05:44.14Renzedaya1: start X before starting kde
05:45.14daya1Renze, start X start the gnome desktop
05:45.17daya1Renze, I am actaully on debian based system
05:45.29daya1it accidently crash my kde sytem
05:45.32Renzedaya1: that's not my problem. ask in #debian how to change it from gnome to KDE
05:45.50daya1Renze, no i don't mean that , its kde problem
05:45.59daya1Renze, because it is the error of the kde
05:46.05daya1Renze, isn't it.
05:46.11Renzedaya1: the startkde script does not start X
05:47.22Renzedaya1: this is a pebkac error, not a kde error
05:47.33daya1Renze, is there is any solution , i have already started x
05:47.55Renzedaya1: I am unfamiliar with debian and how it works, so I cannot make any suggestions
05:48.20daya1Renze, what is pebkac
05:48.30Renze"problem exists between keyboard and chair"
05:52.01hagabakaGoogle snippet for says "List detached screen(1) sessions in the "new session" popup. On click, a new konsole session attached to that screen is opened."
05:52.09hagabakabut i can't find the actual log entry...
05:52.47Renzehagabaka: maybe it is an incomplete feature that is normally disabled, and someone enabled it (much like the ARGB feature)?
05:53.23hagabakayeah, maybe. it was a little buggy; it would list sessions twice if you open them in konsole, close them, and open again
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05:53.44RenzeI hear the ARGB stuff is awfully buggy too
05:54.07hagabakais there a way to search logs on ?
05:55.15hagabakawhat's ARGB? alpha RGB?
05:55.29Renzeyes... real transparency
06:02.27SAS_Spidey01mm Ice cream
06:02.43*** join/#kde Dark_Apostrophe (n=darkapos@unaffiliated/dablade)
06:02.49Dark_ApostropheSho_: Are you around? :)
06:03.07RenzeI'm guessing he's asleep
06:03.41Jucato14:00 - 7hrs..... probably 7am over tehre
06:03.58Dark_ApostropheIt is
06:04.00Renzeand he went to bed at 5am
06:04.04Dark_ApostropheI live in the same time zone as he does
06:04.50Dark_ApostropheWell, I guess I'll talk to him when I come home from school.
06:05.19Dark_ApostropheAnyway, could one of you do me a favour and give me a direct link to the latest nvidia proprietary blob for amd64?
06:05.35Dark_ApostropheI need to wget it, I'm without X for the moment
06:07.07Dark_ApostropheGuess not...
06:07.32Dark_ApostropheOh, thanks :)
06:07.41hagabakait's annoying that when you double click on a word in Konqueror location bar, it selects everything in the location bar, instead of just a word
06:07.56hagabakait would be better if triple-click does that instead
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06:11.15Dark_Apostrophehagabaka: I disagree. I often have to copy addresses, and this way makes it easier...
06:12.25hagabakait would make it even easier if single click selects all, like in Internet Explorer, but that makes it extremely difficult to edit the URL
06:13.19hagabakalikewise, this makes it difficult to select words, which you would do if you use the location bar for searching
06:13.30Dark_ApostropheInternet Explorer is horrible for that stuff
06:13.36Dark_ApostropheNo wait
06:13.41Dark_ApostropheInternet Explorer is horrible.
06:14.03*** join/#kde marcusU (
06:14.28hagabakaalmost everywhere else in KDE, tripple click selects all and double-click selects word
06:14.44marcusUWhen I enable transparency, after a few seconds, I get a warning that the compositing manager crashed twice within a minute and is being disabled. How to a force it to keep using the coompositing manager?
06:14.48hagabakaand same in firefox too
06:14.50Jucatoactually, 3ple click selects a whole line, not all
06:15.14hagabakaoh, MS Word does that too
06:16.26hagabakait's just inconsistent. when I want to select a word, i naturally double-click it, and then get mad seeing Konqueror select the whole line
06:17.01hagabakathe fact that i don't do this *that* often makes it worse, because i can't remember that Konqueror does it
06:17.04Jucatodouble click selects a while world on double click here
06:17.18hagabakain Konqueror's location bar?
06:17.48*** join/#kde The_Ball (n=alex@
06:17.50Jucatoah no.
06:18.01Jucatothat's the default behavior for the location bar afaik
06:18.59marcusUTransparency used to work but slowly a couple distros ago.
06:19.07hagabakaactually, making it conform to the usual behavior doesn't even make it slower for selecting the whole URL, since it's a word
06:19.28hagabakaoh it's not
06:20.18hagabakabut still triple click doesn't cost that much more effort
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06:21.43Jucatomaybe because the URL is considered as one long, contiguous word...
06:23.11hagabakawell it does that even when you have a few search terms, not an url
06:23.50BrianSteffensanybody here notice instability with KDevelop?
06:24.33Jucatohagabaka: I think the search terms is still considered a URL...
06:25.17hagabakasure, if you consider everything to be a long contiguous word you can justify anything...
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06:25.52Jucatohagabaka: maybe the location bar widget really only considers anything entered into it as a URL
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06:26.26hagabakabut i'm saying it really shouldn't
06:27.41marcusUYeah. It appears that double-click in the location click behaves differently from double-click in other contexts.
06:30.57hagabakahmm...firefox/gtk considers a whole URL to be one word, so it only uses space as word separators. in the location bar and everywhere else
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06:35.43hagabakacool, zsh completion can list the screen sessions
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06:36.17startswithzhelp! I can't configure my network settings
06:36.31hagabakawhat network settings?
06:36.32startswithzI can't share a folder
06:36.35*** part/#kde marcusU (
06:36.51startswithzI pull up the menu but everything is light gray.  I can't modify anything
06:37.03startswithzam I missing something totally obvious? I bet I am
06:37.26hagabakais there an "administration mode" button?
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06:38.03hagabaka"administrator mode", on the bottom beside OK and Cancel
06:38.18startswithzit asks for the administrative password before I can open the window
06:38.19hagabakai mean reset and apply
06:38.33hagabakayes, you need to do that
06:38.36startswithzyeah there is the apply option
06:38.47startswithzbut it is grayed out just like everything else
06:38.48hagabaka"it asks for the administrative password before I can open the window"
06:39.20startswithzthe only things I can actually manipulate are help, ok, and cancel
06:39.32hagabakajust give it the password
06:39.40startswithzI did!
06:39.43hagabakayou need to do that before you can change "network settings"
06:40.31hagabakaafter that did an area of the window get a red border?
06:41.02hagabakawait for a while and those settings should display again
06:41.50startswithzI don't need to do anything with the permissions?
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06:42.03startswithzI just want to share a folder via samba. that shouldn't be hard
06:42.47etheriI'm getting the same behaviour - red border but everything is still greyed out
06:43.00hagabakai haven't used it, not sure how you should set it up
06:43.10hagabakaetheri: in which settings?
06:43.29*** join/#kde Tonren (
06:43.37startswithzok how would you suggest I share files between two linux computers?
06:43.47TonrenI just downloaded the flash plugin installer from Adobe and told it to install to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox.  How do I tell it to install for Konqueror?
06:44.16etherihagabaka: System Settings > Sharing > File Sharing
06:44.21TonrenI'm on Ubuntu 6.10
06:45.22chavoTonren,  that should work for Konq also
06:45.39Tonrenchavo: Konqueror will look in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox?
06:46.01chavoTonren, sorry no it won't
06:46.15Tonrenchavo: So, where should I tell it to install to?
06:46.21Tonrenchavo: There's no /usr/lib/konqueror.
06:46.39hagabakayou can tell konqueror look there
06:46.42chavoTonren, you can fix that on the settings page, or just put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins
06:47.13chavoyeah you can add that path, I just put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins but I'm the only user here
06:47.17hagabakaConfigure Konqueror, Plugins, on the right of the list of Scan Folders, press New
06:47.20startswithzhagabaka I'm going to send you a screen shot
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06:48.38Tonrenhagabaka: I added /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins, but it didn't find anything.
06:49.02hagabakadid you Scan for New Plugins?
06:49.10Tonrenhagabaka: Yes
06:49.18hagabakathen click the Plugins tab, and see if it's in it
06:49.26etheristartswithz: Yup, exactly the same here, Kubuntu Edgy
06:49.27Tonrenhagabaka: Like I said, it's not
06:49.29hagabakaif not, maybe the path isn't right, or the format isn't
06:49.48startswithzetheri any ideas?
06:49.52Tonrenhagabaka: Format?
06:50.00hagabakawhat's the plugin file named?
06:50.47TonrenI'll try agaon tomorrow
06:50.49TonrenGotta get some sleep
06:51.13etheristartswithz: nope, none, probably a package/permissions thing or something
06:51.35hagabakalet me install samba and try
06:51.39hagabakai use Kubuntu Edgy too
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06:52.38startswithzeverybody uses k/ubuntu
06:53.04thiagoexcept those who don't, yeah
06:53.21startswithzthey don't count
06:54.33startswithzdoes anybody have kubuntu/beryl?
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06:55.24startswithzI can't get the cube to be a cube.  it insists on having 10 desktops
06:55.46hagabakathey get enabled for me
06:56.14etherihagabaka: arg, don't I feel silly. Hadn't installed the samba package. I presumed it was up and running since I could access file shares/printers just fine.
06:56.17hagabakadid you install samba?
06:56.41startswithzI have samba are there any support files that I need?
06:57.05hagabakai only installed samba and kdenetwork-filesharing
06:57.28hagabakai could have installed something before, but i don't remember
06:58.04startswithzI can't find kdenetwork-filesharing in adept installer
06:58.08hagabakawas there an error when configuring samba
06:58.20etheriand I assumed that at least NFS was installed by default. startswithz: I just installed 'samba' to get it to work. Make sure to quit completely out and go back in
06:58.21hagabakakdenetwork-filesharing is what gave me that configuration module
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06:58.49startswithzbut I had samba installed before my last reboot :(
06:59.55etheristartswithz: oh, bummer : /
07:00.43startswithzI already had kdenetwork-filesharing installed according to apt-get
07:00.50hagabakatry reconfiguring it, remove and install again
07:01.03hagabakadid you change the samba configuration files manually?
07:01.22startswithzwhat do I need to change in the sambe files?
07:03.52startswithzhmmm this is odd
07:04.11hagabakai didn't need to change it
07:04.27startswithzthe gui add/remove software program says i have samba but apt-get says I don't
07:04.28hagabakai just thought maybe you modified it incorrectly so KDE couldn't read it
07:05.12hagabakai think apt-get and aptitude are much better to use than adept
07:05.42startswithzit's working now
07:05.43startswithzthanks guys
07:06.12startswithzso onto my next problem.  I can't get beryl to have 4 desktops
07:06.19startswithzit's stuck on 10
07:06.37startswithzor some other number divisible by 10
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07:13.34bEe_please help me to install kdemultimedia
07:14.12bEe_i have error: test for cdparanoia failed (check paranoia_init in -lcddb_paranoia)
07:14.39bEe_i did objdump to - there is such function
07:17.36*** join/#kde annma (n=annma@kde/developer/annma)
07:17.55crazybEe_: do you compile with --enable-new-ldflags ?
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07:20.32bEe_i'm not shure..
07:20.45bEe_i'll try
07:21.05bEe_i use emerge on gentoo
07:21.21bEe_how to specify --enable-new-ldflags?
07:21.44annmaask in #gentoo
07:21.50bEe_ok thanks a lot
07:24.26*** join/#kde gourdin (
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07:28.12oneforallok I look in the src and see the lib dir has a readme saying you forgot to build the libs . well run configure then make and its no building them because as I see its looks for the lib ex: -lqt-mt O.o
07:28.56oneforallits looks/its looking
07:29.06annmaoneforall: what app?
07:29.12annmawhat distro?
07:29.35annmayou're compiling qt manually?
07:29.36oneforallI'm building it for a cross compile so there is no version yet :D native compile now
07:30.34oneforallyes in /usr/lib64/qt
07:30.39*** join/#kde Hoki_Workin (
07:31.09oneforallunzipped and the lib dir just has that read me. exported the paths etc
07:31.31oneforallbut its allways erroring out because it can't find libqt-mt
07:31.46oneforallwell thats what I'm trying to build lol
07:31.56oneforallcatch 22 here O.o
07:32.47Jucatohi annma!
07:32.59Jucatoyou're in early
07:32.59oneforalleven with pats 9slackware) script I see it deletes the qt(link) and qt-version dir  so even then there goes the libs
07:33.54annmaoneforall: you're doing something wrong, any hint in qt doc about specific 64?
07:34.07annmaoneforall: ask in #qt maybe
07:34.43*** part/#kde wolsni (
07:34.52oneforalloh there is a qt channel eh . will ask there then thanks
07:35.03oneforallnever thought about that . kde to me lol
07:36.07annmawhat qt version?
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07:37.15annmaoneforall: precise your qt version
07:38.55oneforallah ok 3.3.6
07:39.14oneforallhmm will look seen so many version of 326 build now :D
07:39.22*** join/#kde Desintegr (
07:39.33oneforallyeah 3.3.6
07:41.07annmahave a look here, the README says this page lists potential problems
07:42.08oneforall ok was looking here and pats build script :)
07:43.22annmaoneforall: this is for 32 and if you have problems you better look at the right doc
07:43.34annmaoneforall: do you have already a qt built?
07:43.39annmaeven worse: an installed qt?
07:44.27oneforallno I was tring with out then I was trying to cheat with slamd64 one but thats no good cause you need to delete it any way :D
07:44.51*** join/#kde apokryphos (
07:45.00oneforalland yeah doing a 64bit
07:45.15oneforallso close to finished ;D
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07:46.11oneforallcross compiling was love hate . just perfect ;D
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07:56.55Jucatook.. enough distraction/destruction from SecondLife...
07:57.21*** join/#kde Jucato (n=jucato@
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08:05.53annmaI have a weird problem of permissions
08:06.10Jucatofile permissions?
08:06.20annmamy second user looses its permissions in his home
08:06.29bsstephhas anyone seen this problem?: when i mount a usb drive through media:/, it mounts fine, but i cannot unmount it with "remove safely"
08:06.35annmaand when I set them the first one then looses its
08:06.44bsstephhowever, issuing "dcop kded mediamanager unmount [foo]" runs fine
08:06.46bsstephand unmounts
08:07.03Jucatoannma: really weird..
08:07.05annmaJucato: kde4 user and user annma
08:07.13annmaI mese
08:07.18annmaI messed it somehow
08:07.23Jucatothey don't happen to have the same UID?
08:07.25annmabut I don't see where
08:07.36annmaoh maybe, how do I check?
08:08.02*** join/#kde grepper (
08:08.03Jucatoer.. darn.. I forgot the command...
08:08.08*** join/#kde Mac_ (
08:08.14annmarunning Mandriva conf tool
08:08.38Jucato$ id
08:08.39bsstephyou could just grep /etc/passwd ;)
08:09.10Jucatooh that too...
08:09.22annmauid=500(annma) gid=500(annma) groups=500(annma)
08:09.30Jucatohow about kde4?
08:09.37annmauid=501(kde4) gid=501(kde4) groups=501(kde4)
08:09.50Jucatohm... strange...
08:09.56annmaI need to fix it asap
08:10.07Jucatoand my being disoriented for the past days doesn't help...
08:10.49*** join/#kde vesuv_ (
08:11.18annmamaybe i'll create a new kdedev user
08:11.35Jucatoannma: sorry I couldn't be of any help...
08:11.46annmaI messed with NVidia drivers and my user annma could not log in to X
08:11.51*** join/#kde cb400f (n=cb400f@
08:11.56annmano problem Jucato
08:12.24Jucatothought this would be a good moment to help you... but then.. I'm as ignorant as I can be... oh well...
08:12.48annmanot at all, you know id and I did not
08:13.07Jucatoheh... unfortunately it did nothing to help :D
08:14.06Jucatointernational characters, printing, and mounting...
08:14.26*** join/#kde mjobin (
08:14.35apokryphosannma: what's the exact error?
08:14.37annmayour dead keys don't work?
08:14.47Jucatome waves to apokryphos
08:14.53annmaapokryphos: my kde4 user has not permissions in his home
08:14.53apokryphoshi Jucato 8)
08:15.12Jucatoannma: yes... though I could have sworn they worked for a few moments on this compiled kde...
08:15.23annmaapokryphos: now for ex I gave chown to kde' user and annma ends up
08:15.32annma-rw-rw-r--  1 kde4 annma         9 Jan 11 17:49 .xinitrc
08:15.47annmait also changes the permission in the other user's home
08:15.59apokryphosyou really can't have two users with one home
08:16.02Jucatothey really belong to the same group?
08:16.04annmaas I run kde4 within annma I have problems
08:16.12annmathey don't have the same home
08:16.21annmathey have separate homes
08:17.06apokryphosok, just that the kde4 user didn't have permissions
08:17.11apokryphosrecursive chown?
08:17.13annmabut somehow permissions for one sets permissions in the other's home
08:17.33annmachow -R yes
08:17.49apokryphosany weird symlinks?
08:18.02annmanot that I know of but maybe
08:18.11Jucatochown -R kde4:annma /home/kde4 ?
08:18.14annmaany hint I can follow is useful
08:18.31annmaJucato: what does that do?
08:18.44annmaat the moment I need kde4 working as I compile some stuff
08:18.47apokryphosrecursive chown to user kde4 and group annma
08:18.53Jucatohow are you giving the home folder to the kde4 user?
08:19.01Jucatocommand line or something?
08:19.09annmakde4 home is /home/kde4
08:19.19annmawhen I boot annma is fine
08:19.26annmabut then I su - kde4
08:19.34annmato work on kde4 stuff
08:19.41*** join/#kde bky (
08:19.43annmaand kde4 user has annma permissions in his home
08:20.15annmathus kde4 stuff does not compile as it needs access to /home/kde4
08:20.19apokryphosannma: does mandriva set up uers with their username as group name?
08:20.54annmait worked previously, I messed it
08:20.57apokryphostry Jucato's chown above
08:20.58*** part/#kde metellius (
08:21.15Jucatomine? :O
08:21.20annmaok waiting for the kde4 user to finish comiling kdelibs
08:22.01apokryphosno harm in also nuking your current ~/.xinitrc and ~/.*authority
08:22.03annmalol, don't worry
08:22.28apokryphosJucato: everything in a user's home should be owned by them, anyhow
08:22.34annmamaybe I should backup all the kde4 home
08:22.36JucatoI thought it was standard that the first user always gets a uid of 1000
08:22.42bsstephany guesses on my problem? one KDE method of unmounting usb drives works, but not the other
08:22.44apokryphoscurrent (as in kde4's )
08:22.47Jucatooooh that's going to be a lot...
08:24.37apokryphosno need to backup yet IMO
08:25.32*** join/#kde Trevelyan` (n=Jim@unaffiliated/trevelyan)
08:25.56annmait seems removing .Xauthority in /home/kde4 did the trick
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08:26.24annmaI seem to be able to set the correct permissions to both!
08:26.39annmathanks a lot apokryphos and Jucato
08:26.53Jucatoannma: what did I do? :)
08:27.06annmayou cared
08:27.32Jucatonow if only I could get rid of this pending migraine...
08:28.02apokryphoswater and rest =)
08:28.18Jucatothis is what I get for trying to deny/ignore the existence of work...
08:29.33Jucatoannma: no new patches are uploaded/considered while 3.5.6 hasn't been released yet, right?
08:30.46*** part/#kde BrianSteffens (n=BrianSte@
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08:31.56apokryphosJucato: don't kubuntu provide regular snapshots?
08:32.16Jucatoapokryphos: they do. but I'm not running Kubuntu's KDE packages
08:32.34Jucato(which is a slight problem when it comes to testing and developing...)
08:32.44apokryphosI doubt they're customising it much :P
08:32.57Jucatooh they are... :)
08:33.02*** join/#kde shastry (n=shastry@
08:33.02apokryphosin what way?
08:33.22annmaI have a fail in kdelibs after svn up in fact Jucato
08:33.31Jucatoannma: branches?
08:33.38annmaI am looking in websvn
08:33.43annmayes, 3.5
08:33.50Jucatouh oh... thanks for the warning.
08:34.01apokryphosmandriva snapshots available too, it seems :P
08:34.10Jucatoapokryphos: I can list 3 or 4 things they changed in Konqueror
08:34.24apokryphosmenu structure and stuff?
08:34.31Jucatomore than that
08:34.34apokryphoscan't believe they're changing that already....
08:34.55Jucatomedia:/ vs /media, hidden root folders,
08:35.01apokryphosthough I guess they want to gradually add more and more things till it all works
08:35.03JucatoKonqueror profiles (removed, not hidden)
08:35.11annmahmm no changes in kdelibs/kjs, time for make clean
08:35.16apokryphosstill, doesn't seem like a great idea
08:35.59*** join/#kde mjobin (
08:37.53Jucatohuh? basket isn't in KDE SVN??
08:38.44annmamy error was only a stale .o Jucato
08:38.48annmamake clean fixed it
08:38.59Jucatoannma: oh
08:39.20Jucatoannma: where/when do they get the contents for tags/ ?
08:39.40annmathe tag was done a few days ago
08:39.52annmacoolo decides when to do it
08:40.10annmaI mean he sends a mail saying when he'll tag
08:40.54Jucatoand from the freeze up to that point, no uploads to branches/KDE/3.5/ are allowed?
08:41.21*** join/#kde fosco__ (
08:41.23annmano th etag is done and then I think you can still do bugfixes
08:41.32annmaexcept these won't be in the release
08:42.13Jucatoah. I should have update kdelibs and kdebase a few days ago, to sort of match it to what would be released as 3.5.6...
08:42.22*** part/#kde fosco__ (
08:42.34annmaor get the tag
08:42.56Jucatoyeah, but then what would be the use of having compiled branches... hehehe :)
08:43.06Jucatoanyway, I took that "risk"...
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08:50.43Q-collectivewhat is the ETA on 3.5.6 btw?
08:51.08annmanearly out
08:51.12Q-collectiveand if someone says "when it's ready", I'm gonna shoot someone
08:51.15Q-collectiveah, ok
08:51.22annmain a few days, packagers are packaging
08:51.29Q-collectivegreat :)
08:51.43canllaithWhen it's ready.
08:53.34annmahi canllaith
08:53.35Jucatoannma: um... could you please remind me again.. if I do an "svn up", do I need to do "make -f Makefile.cvs" again, or just "make && make install"?
08:53.54annmajust make && make install
08:54.01Jucatoah kool :)
08:54.02annmaexcept if it fails for some read=son
08:54.03Tujuwhat was the kde svn client?
08:54.25*** join/#kde MrGrim (
08:54.27Jucatohm.. read=son... that's a very nice typo :)
08:55.31annmaI don't master this keyboard at all
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09:00.16Jucatocool... seems like some bugs were fixed for kompmgr... might give it a try.... again...
09:02.52MrGrimJucato: what? when? where?
09:03.16Jucatojust 2 commits...
09:03.22JucatoFix X resources leaks in kompmgr. See SVN commits 603872 and 603904.
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09:06.26Jucatoha! so it's not only Kaffeine that does the reverse mouse wheel thing..
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09:09.08saintisshi all
09:09.22saintissis there a known problem with konqueror being unable to access https sites?
09:10.16PhilRodthere's one bug I know of with a particular site, but I haven't heard of general problems
09:10.27PhilRodapart from openssl being very sensitive to changes in version
09:10.42saintissPhilRod: well, I always get "unable to connect to host"
09:10.52Jucatono problems here
09:11.03PhilRodhiya Jucato :-)
09:11.05*** join/#kde Worf (
09:11.05saintissin my cryptography config,  the test to load openssl works
09:11.11saintissI have v2 and v3 enabled
09:11.30saintissPhilRod: but isn't konqueror supposed to be linked with libssl?
09:11.35saintissbecause ldd shows it's not
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09:12.13saintisshmm, actually it doesn't seem to be EVERY https site
09:12.30saintissa number of internet banking sites though
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09:13.24benJImansaintiss: Are you using gentoo?
09:13.31saintissbenJIman: no, debian
09:13.46benJImanUsually the gentoo users who have such problems
09:15.06PhilRodsaintiss: I guess kio_https is the thing that's linked against openssl
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09:16.30PhilRodproblems with openssl quite often happen on freebsd too, but that has some vague similarities to gentoo in terms of packaging
09:16.35PhilRodhiya canllaith!
09:16.38canllaithone gets a free graphics card with a dell 30" monitor
09:16.43canllaithullo PhilRod :)
09:17.00PhilRod30" monitor? yowch
09:17.18PhilRodpresumably, with the amount they cost, you could get a free car or something :-)
09:20.05PhilRodwork time
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09:21.34Jucatonap time...
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10:16.16XVampireXI'm getting pissed at KDE
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10:16.44XVampireXThe themes that I like don't work well
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10:20.36Tm_TJucato: Watch out for scratches in your upper hull.
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10:21.16JucatoWARNING: Logical unit in dire need of replacement. Please contact your local mental dealer immediately
10:22.18Jucatolooks like I have to svn up all KDE modules from branch...
10:23.02Jucatojust finishing make install of kdelibs now... kdebase coming soon
10:23.35JucatoTm_T: btw, why the need to stay with a particular Kubuntu release to play around with KDE4?
10:24.41JucatoTm_T: you might be better of building from SVN
10:27.22Tm_TJucato: I do build from svn BUT if Feisty is broken or soon-to-be-broken in that area...
10:27.55JucatoTm_T: the KDE4 packages are packaged and installed separately anyway...
10:28.23*** join/#kde jorik (
10:28.24JucatoI mean, they are installed in such a way that it doesn't conflict with an existing KDE 3.x system
10:28.26Tm_TJucato: I don'y use KDE4 packages, I mean the base for build them.
10:28.27*** join/#kde _ali (n=ali@
10:28.43Tm_TJucato: I know how to build KDE4, already have it.
10:28.59Jucatobase build? as in the Kubuntu KDE4 packages?
10:29.08JucatoI was talking about how Kubuntu installs the kde4 packages :)
10:29.21Jucatobah nvm me...
10:29.24*** join/#kde jamesots (n=james@
10:30.22Tm_TWell, I mean if gcc or let's say libpng or some other stuff got broken then no way I can play with KDE4 (playing means: compile and use and recompile)
10:31.23Jucatohm... yeah...
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10:40.20mdeandacan somebody help me out a little with putting an app in the system tray a little?
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10:41.28mdeandathis is what i have if anybody is interested:
10:42.33mdeandaanyway, my problem is that i want to click on the X (to close the window) and have it keep running the system tray. until you right click on its systray icon, then select close.
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10:56.11flaccidi'm on freebsd can i get more languages. ie. i need british english/australia not US
10:56.18flaccidfor date/time format, currenty etc.
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10:57.54Renzeflaccid: search ports for kde-i18n
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10:59.17mdeandanevermind.. i figured it out...
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11:02.30flaccidthanks Renze
11:02.36Renzeno problem
11:02.57flacciddoesn't make sense to do 01/19/2007
11:03.25flaccidhmm thats weird
11:03.30flaccidseems that opera is the one thats doing it
11:03.34wm161|awaythat looks normal to me
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11:03.46Renzewm161|away: that's only normal in north america
11:04.00flaccidmonth/day/year wtf?
11:04.17Renzecivilised countries use day/month/year ;)
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11:05.09wm161|awayI prefer to read it as it is said: month/day/year :)
11:05.27flaccidthats coz ur used to it
11:05.33flaccidis it logical, no :p
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11:26.29swanflcan anyone here help me with grub?
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11:27.28Jucatoswanfl: best ask in your distro's support channel, since GRUB has very little to do with KDE...
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12:06.24jworkmanDoes anyone know if 2.16.9 is the current distro for NVIDIA?
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12:09.59XVampireXjworkman: 2.16.9?
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12:10.10XVampireXjworkman: Have any idea what you're talking about?
12:10.12DobosCakeWhere can I edit the entries in the boot manager from KDE?
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12:23.04thiagoDobosCake: in /boot/grub/menu.lst (if you're using GRUB)
12:23.22DobosCakethiago - no GUI for that?
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12:24.33thiagoyour distribution may have a GUI, though
12:24.35thiagoI know Mandriva does
12:24.43simmerzif I have kde running on a machine at home and I'm at work - I can access that home machine via ssh - can I invoke krfb on that machine?
12:25.46thiagoyou want NX
12:25.57simmerzthiago: NX?
12:26.58simmerzah right. im looking, but i already have X running and i can't kill it. else I'd get the vnc driver running and use that instead. its busy doing something.
12:27.19simmerzi want to check its progress, but I can't do that if I don't have krfb running.
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12:31.07simmerzthiago: is that possible?
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12:31.42thiagoyou can start krfb and see the running screen
12:31.52thiagolast time I tried, krfb would consume 100% of the CPU and do nothing
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12:31.58simmerzthiago: can i invoke krfb over ssh?
12:32.00thiagoNX is way better, but you need a dedicated NX session
12:32.04simmerzi dont have it running and im not at home
12:32.17thiagosimmerz: not sure. You need to create the invitation.
12:32.22thiagoI don't know how to do that remotely.
12:32.41simmerzthiago: im sure it can be configured to allow uninvited connections via a text file
12:32.47simmerzi know it can be done in the gui
12:33.00thiagothat much is true
12:33.18simmerzso i can invoke it to run remotely and on the remote screen via ssh?
12:34.33thiagoI think so
12:34.40simmerzthiago: any idea how?
12:34.56simmerzok thanks anyhow.
12:34.58thiagolike I said, you want NX for the next time :-)
12:35.04simmerzmuch appreciated. going to lunch now.
12:35.07simmerzyeah fair enough
12:35.31simmerzas opposed to the vnc driver for xorg?
12:35.49simmerzlunch now anyway. thanks.
12:37.41LaptopKiiHey, is there a way to set fluxbox as the window manager for kde? (as in, in kde preferences). I know that gnome has a reasonably simple method of doing this, but I can't quite find a similar option in kde. And I don't really want to use gnome.
12:38.18thiagoLaptopKii: yes, it's possible
12:38.29thiagoset KDEWM to point to the fluxbox executable before starting KDE
12:38.36*** join/#kde Mistress9 (n=Mistress@unaffiliated/mistress9)
12:38.48aptYou can change the window manager used by KDE with the $KDEWM environment variable. See
12:38.53pinotreeLaptopKii: ^^
12:39.10LaptopKiiAh :) Thank you
12:39.54LaptopKiiNot even a day of using kde on my laptop and I already miss being able to group windows :/
12:40.23phluxHmm..I can't start konqueror :\
12:40.35phluxsays KLauncher could not be reached via DCOP
12:40.40thiagoLaptopKii: on the taskbar?
12:40.44thiagophlux: is klauncher running?
12:41.18phluxDon't know how to start it, tbh
12:41.43LaptopKiithiago: No, fluxbox has a feature where you middle click and drag windows onto each other, they tab together. Hugely useful.
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12:42.20thiagomaybe in KDE4
12:42.28phluxklauncher is running, thiago.
12:42.45LaptopKiiI'll use fluxbox as window manager until then :)
12:43.00thiagophlux: is dcopserver running?
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12:43.22phluxthiago, it says it is
12:43.48phluxyeah it is
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12:50.17LaptopKiiWell that didn't work wonderfully :p I'm probably putting it in the wrong file *fiddles*
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12:54.16jamesotsI just ran kmag on my computer and it was really slow updating, so I created and logged in as a brand new user, and it was really quick and smooth. Even though I was logged into both users at the same time, so there was no difference in cpu usage overall.
12:54.31jamesotsWhy would kmag slow down on one user and not the other?
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12:58.12_syphilis_when i try to burn a dvd in k3b i get the rather unhelpful error "IO Error".  how can i see the real error?
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13:27.23loki_valHello. I'm fiddling with a uClibc install. Does anyone know of any resources to get KDE to compile with uClibc?
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13:29.20MrGrimfraid I don't... isn't the point of uclibc size? :P
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13:31.47loki_valMrGrim: Yes, I suppose it is. It's just a 'neat' thing, if I could get it to work.
13:32.07MrGrimya I get that :)
13:32.20DrakesonIn a dual-head X setup without xinerama, does kwin somehow honor the edge between monitors? (snap to the edge, maximize in one monitor, ...)
13:32.27MrGrimthe thought crossed my mind when I create a small linux system to serve AoE
13:33.07MrGrimDrakeson: w/o xinerama X will start two distinct sessions won't it?
13:33.22Drakesonnot under nvidia's twin-view
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13:34.52DrakesonI cannot remember clearly, I think there was an annoying problem with xinerama so I turned it off.
13:36.00Drakesonso I am restricted to nvidia's twin view. (having two separate X sessions is also a bit annoying since you cannot move a window between them)
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13:48.52znoGhey all. I'm trying to figure out where KDE stores the K menu. Any ideas?
13:49.05znoGi've deleted the .kde directory to get KDE to re-create it, but it still comes up with the old one.
13:49.11znoGTried renaming .config too and same result
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14:01.46delarilhi people, I'm wondering whether it is possible to make the entire menubar translucent when having the current application's menubar on the top of the screen?
14:02.08delarilbecause at the moment, only the area without text is translucent
14:02.42delaril(I'm using Arch Linux, running KDE 3.5.5 and Beryl)
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14:05.50delarilehm. now it seems to be working correctly. don't know why
14:07.07Daverocksdelaril: i often find that kde suddenly automagically works at random times
14:07.15Daverocksit's quite weird
14:07.59LaptopKiihm. Well changing KDE's window manager wouldn't work while i had kdm as my display manager, (following this guide I was provided with in here : ), but it seems to work fine with gdm, which I prefer, anyway. ^_^ And here I had been hoping to have a nice, simple, kde based system, without mixing and matching bits like I normally do :p
14:08.17LaptopKiiyou know, just in case anyone who helped me is still around.
14:08.27LaptopKii... I think it's been a few hours :/
14:08.50delarilDaverocks: hehe. I didn't even notice when it changed
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14:54.31HardDisk_WPi use kde 3.5. any way to organize the desktop to special "areas" like activedesktop on windows?
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14:56.34pinotreeHardDisk_WP: you have up to 20 vistula desktop where work
14:56.47HardDisk_WPpinotree, no virtual desktops
14:56.56HardDisk_WPi mean to have one area for drive icons
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14:57.02HardDisk_WPand one for files
14:57.06HardDisk_WPand one for directories
14:58.16MrGrimHardDisk_WP: not without some programming
14:58.40HardDisk_WPMrGrim, in html or C?
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14:59.12MrGrimmaybe both.. there is a web desktop thingie.. I've never used it
14:59.36HardDisk_WPMrGrim, :(...
14:59.45HardDisk_WPi hate it that every boot all icons are at other places
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15:22.07gdiebelHardDisk_WP: the icons moving about is of course optional. you can disable automatically line up icons
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15:29.41HardDisk_WPgdiebel, i mean, one time the storage icons appear in the upper left corner, other times left dowen corner etc
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15:33.22kubuntianhi there, i would like to ask you a little help, if there's anybody of you who has a knowledge of random number generators, could you tell me where i can find a clear and FAST to program (even if it is already written) pseudo-random generator?
15:33.37HardDisk_WPkubuntian, /dev/random
15:33.45kubuntianthanks :)
15:33.49loki_valjust cat it.
15:33.54HardDisk_WPkubuntian, do cat /dev/random
15:34.05kubuntiani have to do a statistical test on its results
15:34.12kubuntiani need the algorithm
15:34.32annmaschool assignment?
15:34.45lotyrinkubuntian: if you want a prng that's fast you should use /dev/urandom
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15:36.33kubuntianfor example... which algoright /dev/random uses?
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15:36.52lotyrinkubuntian: it gathers entropy from devices.
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15:37.13lotyrinnot sure exactly how.
15:37.14kubuntianwell, can't use that one ..
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15:37.22lotyrinurandom is a prng
15:37.27lotyrinand uses some algo.
15:37.31*** part/#kde HardDisk_WP (n=Marco@wikipedia/harddisk)
15:37.52lotyrinso that's probably what you want.
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15:41.22ijwynhello all, I'm having a bit of an issue: kooka is not recognizing my scanner, can anyone help with this?
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15:41.50ijwyn(I should note that both xsane and iscan recognize it fine, and it's also showing in the MCC, Mandriva's Control Center)
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15:42.38ijwynI'm using Mandriva 2006 and KDE 3.4.2
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15:56.05redondosHello. Is it possible to make the icons in the system tray smaller?
15:56.14redondosThey're just taking up too much space.
15:56.34redondosI know I can hide them, but I just want them smaller.
15:57.10simmerzthiago: I found a solution, x11vnc can be attached to a running X session.
15:57.45thiagosimmerz: good to know
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15:58.29simmerzand remove the "localhost" entry from the config.
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16:00.00ijwynredondos: try right-clicking on the panel, then 'configure panel', in the last entry on that screen (size) select 'custom' then experiment with the pixel sizes
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16:00.27ijwynit'll affect the whole panel, though, not sure if you can just change the icons without affecting the rest
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16:08.43redondosijwyn: Thanks, but the point in resizing just the icons is that they're taking up too much space on the panel. By resizing everything proportionally, the percentage of space taken will not change much.
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16:08.54LaptopKiiAh, whoops. That'll teach me not to press buttons
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16:20.53ijwynredondos: true... dunno if what you want can be done, though, as smaller icons would make it look a bit weird on the panel unless they could be re-arranged on two rows, hrm, go figure
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16:27.28thadoodis there any way to modify the KDE start menu so it doesnt look so gay ?
16:27.36thadoodlike customize it ?
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16:29.05thadoodis there anybody out there ?
16:29.58annmajust ask your question
16:30.25ijwynyou could change the look of the K Menu but changing the desktop theme
16:30.30ijwyn*by changing
16:30.58Shaman`you mean like, there are genitals with same sex partners working on them in your kde menu?
16:31.05Shaman`that's absurd
16:31.12thadoodwell , there has to be some sort of way to theme KDE , is there any downloadable installable custom themes for KDE ?
16:31.20thadoodyeah i know , it is absurd
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16:31.32FuzZy2007anybody using the svn? is ./makeall enough for updating?
16:31.52ijwynthadood: you should already have a bunch of default themes available
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16:32.50thadoodwelll uhhh , the yeah i guess so , but those themes suck
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16:32.50annmaFuzZy2007: makeall?
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16:33.08thadoodi mean are there any NON crappy themes ?
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16:33.35ijwynheh, I guess it depends on your tastes then
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16:33.54ijwynI never went there, but I think they have a website just with themes, something
16:33.56Jucatoannma: I forgot to ask you something earlier... and ended up finding out the answer myself... :(
16:34.11Jucatoafter kinda "messing up" a bit...
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16:34.18annmaohh, poor you
16:34.22thadoodyou know those bullshit hollywood movies where you see a computer screen that looks all leet like ? well im going for that look
16:34.38Jucatoannma: I was going to ask if the DO_NOT_COMPILE option is remembered...  apparently it isn't...
16:36.06ijwynthadood: is the site I was thinking of, just double checked, it has a bunch of stuff on there, maybe you'll find what you're looking for
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16:36.25thadoodyeah , im going to it now , it is free right ?
16:36.38ijwyneverything in linux is :-)
16:37.02inimesekeneWhy  is kde soooooo slooooowww? i mean gnome is lightning fast
16:37.19thadoodgnome ?
16:37.23thadoodi hate gnomes
16:37.42inimesekeneyeah, that's not the point
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16:37.58DesintegrKDE slow ?
16:38.04gdiebelthey are so small and inconsequential. you might step on one if you are not careful
16:38.08inimesekeneeven if i start the gnome panel onder kde it's still very fast
16:38.12ijwynI don't find it slow *shrugs*
16:38.21inimesekenebut the k menu is sloww
16:38.51DesintegrKmenu is fast @home
16:38.56ijwynhere too
16:39.12inimesekenemaybe a sabayon thing?
16:40.27galaxyinimesekene: listen.. gnome has a shitload of serious architectual issues that they wont come along.. not even with gnome 3 (if it ever reaches light).
16:40.27oGALAXYoso its not a matter of "slow" or fast ..
16:40.34oGALAXYoits a matter of "which DE has the better architecture"..
16:40.41inimesekeneoGALAXYo,  nah i'm not trying to promote anything here
16:40.45oGALAXYothe underlaying framework is the key for better applications..
16:41.02oGALAXYoinimesekene: you dont need to promote gnome to me.. i contributed to it for close to 7 years now.
16:41.19oGALAXYoi know it perfectly... internal and external. as well as the community and development team around it.
16:42.19oGALAXYothe ones to blame for slow code is probably (and that wouldnt be really fair either) the GCC people..
16:42.42oGALAXYoand the C++ support which was a problem for many years.. generating high performance and well optimized code.
16:43.50oGALAXYoto say the truth. even the C generated code isnt really performant.. there are plenty of commercial or architectual dependant alternative compilers that generate much better and much faster code..
16:43.50inimesekenekde draws windows slowly and menus slowly etc...
16:43.50inimesekenedunno why
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16:43.51oGALAXYovbcc for morphos (powerpc) generates much better and faster code than for example gcc
16:43.54oGALAXYoinimesekene: what distro, what kde version ?
16:44.07inimesekenekde 3.5.5 using sabayon 3.2
16:44.23oGALAXYoinimesekene: on my gnome the menues take much longer to show up than the ones from kde.
16:44.38inimesekenejust the opposite over here
16:44.40oGALAXYomaybe we talk about different gnome desktops here.. i dont know what you use..
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16:45.17inimesekenei *think* it's 2.16
16:45.32oGALAXYoinimesekene: before you continue talking. try printing 2 pages of PDF document with evince on one piece of paper.. then we can continue talking about gnome.
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16:46.00eeoshi there.
16:46.15oGALAXYoinimesekene: before looking too close into "speed issues" you should first look into functionality... if you get basic stuff running and doing correctly... example is printing under gnome...
16:46.25eeoswe would like to synchornise konqueror's bookmark across several computers in a group.
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16:46.39eeosdid not find anything in the documentation. any clue?
16:47.09oGALAXYoinimesekene: another example is not beating the hell out of evolution for mailing.. so please.. before complaining about speed.. get your facts right.. i am quite pissed off about people who try to promote gnome as some sort of best desktop.. while in reality its nothing more than a pile of freaking junk.
16:47.18oGALAXYonot doing anything.. not doing half of it right.
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16:47.50inimesekeneoGALAXYo, told you i'm not trying to promote anything here
16:48.06oGALAXYoi dont either..
16:48.13oGALAXYojust stating some facts.
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16:48.16sun_where can I find this emoticons for GAIM: ?
16:48.18FahrenheitHello, can I connect to an ssh server (with a password) with ksysguard to get ksysguardd informations ?
16:48.38FahrenheitI'm trying but it doesn't work, it don't ask me any password
16:49.37inimesekeneoGALAXYo, yeah, maybe, but you are telling it like you were angry and shouting
16:50.09oGALAXYoinimesekene: how do you know... there are just two wires between you and me.. you dont know how i feel and what my mood is.
16:50.28inimesekenebut i can read this text
16:50.37inimesekeneand it's not very kind looking
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16:50.52oGALAXYoinimesekene: i bet you are just one of those people coming here for the general trolling.. i bet you know who i am because you can read plenty about me everywhere and there are a lot of idiots shouting crap about me.. just go on and repeat it.
16:50.59oGALAXYoinimesekene: no... its not..
16:51.13inimesekeneoGALAXYo, who are you , then?
16:51.23inimesekeneyou need to loosen up a bit, man
16:51.36inimesekenewe're all friends here
16:51.40thadoodGALAXY ARE YOU L33T ENOUGH ?
16:51.46thiagoFahrenheit: not sure it asks for password at all
16:52.10thiagoFahrenheit: my advice is to use a public key authentication, without password (or via ssh-agent)
16:52.33oGALAXYoinimesekene: friends dont come in here saying "gnome is fast.. kde is sooooooo slow.. slow redrawing.." a) this chan is full of kde developers who might feel upset and demotivated.. b) this belongs to
16:52.33Fahrenheit> thiago : ok, I will try, thanks
16:52.36eeoswe would like to synchornise konqueror's bookmark across several computers in a group. did not find anything in the documentation. any clue?
16:52.42*** join/#kde Gyzma (
16:52.50thiagoeeos: copy the bookmark file
16:53.05inimesekeneoGALAXYo, i'm sorry for this
16:53.07pinotreeoops, wrong channel ;)
16:53.14eeosthiago that is not exactly synchronising is it? :)
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16:53.48thiagoeeos: you can share the file via NFS if you want
16:53.54SimAtWorkpinotree: wrong channel, b ut what is that?
16:53.55inimesekeneoGALAXYo, i was merely hoping to get to know more about this
16:53.59SimAtWorkpinotree: is it on magnatune?
16:54.11pinotreeSimAtWork: no, it's on my hd :)
16:54.13*** part/#kde Fahrenheit (
16:54.15JohnFluxFahrenheit: yes you can
16:54.17oGALAXYoinimesekene: i wrote a few lines what the issues could be... compiler issue is the first coming into my mind.
16:54.21SimAtWorksounds like something i need to get
16:54.38oGALAXYoinimesekene: and the inheritance of objects that eat plenty of memory.. reinheritancing etc might be a problem for slownes.
16:54.40eeosthiago no, computers in separate places, need to be through ftp or http
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16:55.18thiagoeeos: not possible without manual intervention
16:55.34inimesekeneoGALAXYo, yeah, my memory usage always seems to be maxed out, no matter what i do
16:55.35eeosthiago would like it to be like synchronising in firefox, we use konqueror as default
16:55.43*** part/#kde blacklotus_ (
16:55.47SimAtWorkeeos: you could use rsync actually
16:55.53SimAtWorkeeos: and set it up witha crontab
16:56.08SimAtWorkyou'd want to use key based ssh authentication
16:56.47eeosSimAtWork I need rsync also on the server then. is there anything of this sort through ftp / http?
16:56.56SimAtWorkthe thing i'm not sure about
16:57.00inimesekenebut i really have basically no idea how this all works
16:57.02SimAtWorkis how to handle diff people adding book marks
16:57.33eeosSimAtWork indeed
16:57.48eeosSimAtWork something like would be quite good for our use
16:57.57ijwyninimesekene: try running top from a console to see what is eating all your CPU, you might just have an app running in the background that is eating up all your resources
16:58.00eeosSimAtWork but for the fact we use konqueror not firefox
16:58.12eeosSimAtWork all our bookmark are in konqueror
16:58.35*** part/#kde sun_ (n=sun@
16:58.42inimesekeneijwyn, no, cpu usage is ok
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16:58.57andreidcan I use kde with aiglx/beryl?
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16:59.46SimAtWorkeeos: i think you'd need to copy the files to a central location, find a way to combine them and then send out the new combined version.
16:59.52inimesekeneso, is there a way to make the pager show desktops correctly with beryl?
17:00.11ijwynso you mean the RAM ? you can have top sort the output to see what's eating up all the RAM
17:00.24eeosSimAtWork it would be nice if when the people switch the computer on, the computer synchronised with the central location.
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17:01.32eeosSimAtWork the firefox one seems very nice
17:02.09SimAtWorkeeos: based on the comments it also looks non functional
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17:02.33inimesekeneoGALAXYo, oh, you are forking gnome? what are your intentions?
17:02.50eeosSimAtWork what do you mean? we have not tested it yet.
17:05.10oGALAXYoinimesekene: i dont fork anything.
17:05.23inimesekeneit waas some old article...
17:05.48oGALAXYoyeah, just because eugenia made some great research by posting all crap on it has to be true.
17:06.10inimesekenewell i didn't look at hte date first
17:06.31oGALAXYono, thats the general lapidar stuff people do. they speak out of their ass without proper investigations.
17:07.01inimesekenehaving a bad day huh?
17:07.54inimesekeneoGALAXYo, so arfe you a kde dev now or what?
17:07.59*** join/#kde borovic (n=chatzill@adsl-235-201.eunet.yu)
17:08.02annmanot really
17:08.11annmahi borovic
17:08.12SimAtWorkeeos: you can do it with diff and patch
17:08.17inimesekenejust trying to clear things up a bit
17:08.21oGALAXYoinimesekene: no.. i use gnome.. i am only here paying attention every now and then to the conversations happening.
17:08.24borovicdoes anyone know when will kde 4 be available (stable one)?
17:08.34annmaoGALAXYo: you use gnome now?
17:08.34SimAtWorkeeos: it'd be a fairly simple script but you'd have to worry about someone deleting all the bookmarks i guess
17:08.42inimesekeneborovic, when it's done :)
17:08.56borovicand it`s when :))
17:09.02annmaborovic: some months
17:09.11annmano one can tell precisely borovic
17:09.23borovicapproximately, because I don`t know should i make some progs using qt3 or 4
17:09.25annmaotherwise we would publish a road map
17:09.29oGALAXYoannma: its a permanent up and down.. yes i did restore an old backup for stuff that i needed and stayed on gnome for the time being.. mostly because of my new job.. i didnt found the time to recompile kde due to my workday... i am pretty much working fullday.
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17:09.49oGALAXYoannma: i have the intention to recompile it this weekend.. already had that idea last week.
17:09.49borovicand one other thing...
17:09.55borovicis this the official kde channel?
17:09.57annmayou use gnome because you don't have time to compile kde?
17:10.03annmaborovic: it is
17:10.18oGALAXYoannma: right.. as i said it was on an old backup.
17:10.48borovicso, can anyone tell me how to become a SMALL developer (few minimalistic projects, etc.) ?
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17:10.48borovicI know C/C++
17:10.48annmaborovic: just start
17:10.54borovicwhen? what?
17:10.55annmaborovic: do you have kde4?
17:11.01*** join/#kde LinuxCart (
17:11.02borovici`m using gentoo
17:11.03inimesekeneborovic, make something
17:11.03bluekbIs there a way to get the title of the window that currently has focus (from the command line)?
17:11.07annmaborovic: NO
17:11.12annmaborovic: use kde4 svn
17:11.20annmabuild it like we do
17:11.26annmaborovic: I'll paste you a link
17:11.30borovicno ebuild yet
17:11.37borovicannma, i know how to get kde 4
17:11.41borovicit`s not a problem
17:11.58borovicbut, to use it, i have to mix branches in gentoo
17:12.04inimesekenehow's with the stability of kde4 svn btw?
17:12.05annmayou must folllow this doc
17:12.23annmainimesekene: define stability
17:12.39borovicannma: can you tell me can i post apps with less than 100 lines?
17:12.39annmaborovic: don't use gentoo if you want to help in kde4
17:12.49annmapost apps?
17:12.50inimesekenei can imagine, being a RC it's not very great
17:12.55annmaborovic: what do you mean?
17:13.02annmainimesekene: it's in development
17:13.09annmainimesekene: it's not a RC
17:13.18borovicdo all new programs (apps) in kde 4 have to be enormous
17:13.22annmait was a very sneak preview
17:13.27borovicor can i make some small ones
17:13.28inimesekenewell something not done yet
17:13.32annmaborovic: of course not
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17:13.44annmayou can make small ones of course
17:13.49borovicfor eg. a gui frontend for shutdown (with timing options) app
17:13.56annmabut build kde4 first
17:14.10annmaborovic: you can do what you want
17:14.15borovicannma, are there any significant differences?
17:14.27annmabetween what?
17:14.40borovickde 3.5.5 and unstable kde4
17:14.48annmaof course*
17:14.48borovicUNSTABLE kde 4
17:14.57annmakde4 is based on qt4
17:15.01borovici know that
17:15.04annmakde3 on qt3
17:15.10annmaso they are very different
17:15.11borovicdoesn`t use aRts (yey)
17:15.25annmathat's not a major point
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17:15.37borovicbut it`s my favourite, i always hated arts :)
17:15.44annmaoh crap
17:15.56annmaa devel saying that is quite weird
17:16.05borovicannma, except qt4 and new apps, is there any other fundamental difference
17:16.17annmawell yes, all the new libs
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17:16.32annmayou are very new to kde, are you?
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17:16.47borovicno i`m not
17:16.54borovicusing it for over 5 years
17:16.58borovicbut i AM new to kde 4
17:17.07borovicvery very new
17:17.09annmayou don't read the dot or blogs
17:17.35borovicwell, no
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17:18.36borovicannma, and to send src
17:18.45borovicusing svn, cvs or....
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17:19.03annmawell you need to have your app ready first
17:19.08SolifugusMy nvidia drivers get wiped out after certain updates on fedora.. Any way to protect this from happenning?  (This same kind of thing happening with a different driver caused my work to switch from RH AS to Windows 2003, not too long ago).
17:19.14annmathen you'll put it in svn playground
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17:19.23annmakde is using svn now
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17:19.36annmaborovic: do your app fiurst and come back
17:19.51eeosSimAtWork sorry i was on the phone. is it possible to write konqueror extension as it is with firefox?
17:20.07LinuxCartis kde considering moving to any distributed VCS?
17:20.24annmayou mean git?
17:20.24LinuxCartI saw a post from aseigo some time ago about this
17:20.34LinuxCartVersion Controlling System (IIRC)
17:20.34annmawe just moved to svn
17:20.48annmado you think we're gonna change every year?
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17:21.03SimAtWorkeeos: not sure.  I don't think so.  annma, do you know?
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17:21.09LinuxCartannma: :D of course not, I asak if you were considering
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17:21.32annmaI personally am not considering anything, svn is OK for me
17:21.51annmai am not an admin who would have to do it all
17:21.53LinuxCartaseigo talked in his post about consider people who lacks of medium to high bandwith connection and permanent
17:22.02boroviccan i make apps for kde4 using kde3?
17:22.04annmawhat post is that?
17:22.11LinuxCartannma: let me check...
17:22.15annmaborovic: use the link I told you
17:22.20borovicis there any good ide (c++) that suports qt4
17:22.26annmaborovic: you can run kde4 apps within kde3
17:22.34SimAtWorkborovic: i like kdevelop
17:22.41annmasupports qt4 but not kde4
17:22.46annmaget kdevelop 3.4
17:23.06annmaLinuxCart: in any case I can blog about anything as well
17:23.12annmathat does not make it happen
17:24.18LinuxCartannma: I know, but since he's one of the core kde devs, maybe there happen to be a disccusion about that
17:24.32annmathere is not
17:24.35heinLinuxCart: There is a group of people who are interested in using git for KDE, but realistically, mindshare and tools support aren't there to make a switch any time soon
17:24.38annmagod we already have enough with kde4
17:24.51LinuxCartI know posting is not doing, just an opinion which could ignite a debate, maybe not the case this time
17:25.04annmathere's no open discussion about it
17:25.15annmain any mailing list
17:25.19heinannma: Well, there is on #kde-devel about once per week ;)
17:25.32annmakde-core-devel matters
17:25.50LinuxCartannma: don't get angry with me :S
17:26.03annmaI am against hein
17:26.09LinuxCartit was an innocent topix, sorry
17:26.14oGALAXYoannma: back from dinner.. at work i use suse 10 for svn server and kubuntu.. but only at home i am stuck back to gnome for the time being..
17:26.24bluekbIs there a way to get the title of the window that currently has focus (from the command line), such as using DCOP?  Any suggestions on google search terms at least?
17:26.32annmaI am subscribed to several core mailing lists and did nto see any git-related topic
17:26.36oGALAXYoannma: but this makes me a valid source of information since that way i can peek on both desktops.
17:26.51annma[18:24:48] <hein> LinuxCart: There is a group of people who are interested in using git for KDE, but realistically, mindshare and tools support aren't there to make a switch any time soon
17:26.51*** join/#kde kaouete (
17:27.02annma^^ not sure who this group is
17:27.09annmahein: clarify please
17:27.28LinuxCarthein: I don't care very much, but any reason for git and not mercurial?
17:27.31heinannma: Aaron, Charles, frederikh, a few others
17:27.43annmawhat list?
17:27.56annmaCharles is out of it
17:28.04heinannma: But again, a switch is completely unrealistic due to the lack of mindshare (everybody knows and understands CVS/SVN, few people know git) and tools support (proper GUI frontends, etc.)
17:28.06oGALAXYouse VSS :)
17:28.07kaouetei am using konsole 3.5.5 with fluxbox (not kwin) and i cant get transparancy working :/ it looks like it use for transparancy a grey background even if another is set, is there a special way to set the background to have transparancy ?
17:28.11oGALAXYovisual source save
17:28.17kaouete(on gentoo :)
17:28.18heinannma: And unless that changes, I doubt there will be a wider debate
17:28.22annmahein: i dislike info like that
17:28.36annmawqhich does not reflect the kde project
17:28.41heinannma: And the people who toy with the idea know that too :-)
17:29.05annmaI do hope so, some people criticize cmake, svn, everything
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17:29.32annmahowever those people are not even the ones who do the stuff, manage servers and all
17:29.45Authoritywhat is the KDE daemon that watches for console messages?
17:30.19heinannma: Well, and I dislike it when people become agitated and unfriendly towards me for no good reason, so I guess we both have our misgivings :-)
17:30.56annmaI just mean it's not fair relaying pieces of information not real and making them "official"*
17:31.19*** join/#kde homer (n=kvirc@wikipedia/Masterhomer)
17:31.20annmayou will always find people toying with this and that
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17:31.40LinuxCartoGALAXYo: I know there are some options for transparency in the menu
17:31.43annmaanyway I have dinner to do
17:31.50heinannma: I did not make anything "official". I relayed, which is *factually true*, that there is a group of people who are interested in using git with KDE, but that there are hurdles which would prevent this leading to anything in the forseeable future
17:31.51oGALAXYoLinuxCart: yep
17:31.59LinuxCartoGALAXYo: ...and?
17:32.12oGALAXYoLinuxCart: and what ?
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17:32.22LinuxCartoGALAXYo: did you tried?
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17:32.47oGALAXYoi use shadowed menu.. but thats all..
17:32.50LinuxCarthein: annma I didn't want to start a sour debate about anything else that VCS tools...
17:32.53oGALAXYobut you can turn it off..
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17:34.26heinLinuxCart: I see no harm coming from transparency in open source projects, so I truthfully answered your question *shrugs*
17:35.05LinuxCartbut maybe annma got angry with me and with some other ppl at KDE
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17:36.12SimAtWorkto many negative nancies today
17:36.14SimAtWorkeveryone cheer up
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17:36.36LinuxCartany joke at hand guys...? :)
17:36.57smileaf2 men walked into a bar, the 3rd one ducked >.>
17:37.22alaQtake my code....please.
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17:37.45oGALAXYoa guy walk into a bar having a frog on his head.. the barkeeper asks.. hey what the fuck is that... the frog answers "sorry bud.. stepped into something"...
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17:39.43LiquidNerd_oh wait
17:39.44LiquidNerd_I get it
17:39.53LiquidNerd_I didn't read it right the first time
17:42.05*** join/#kde imagine (
17:42.35SimAtWorkthe kde apps is getting spammed
17:42.40SimAtWorkthe rss feed
17:42.53SimAtWorkcan't we block on "erotico" ?
17:42.57smileafheh.. it happens about once a week it seems.
17:43.03SimAtWorka lot this week
17:43.47LinuxCartI can't see any spam there
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17:44.07smileafmight have gotten deleted already.
17:44.27oGALAXYoi think its time paying back one by one..
17:44.29smileafbut yep.. I see it too.
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17:44.40oGALAXYothose who do so on kde related pages needs to get back on gnome related ones..
17:44.54oGALAXYowho else would do something nasty as that.. if not intended for trolling reasons.
17:45.09oGALAXYotrolling usually means "get rid of the other".
17:45.25SimAtWorki don't think you understand the trollers true motives
17:45.35oGALAXYoi do..
17:45.48SimAtWorktrollers troll for the sake of trolling.
17:45.51oGALAXYobut i also know that these times also has changed it.
17:46.16smileafI think the spam on kde-*.org is more bot advertising related than it is trolling...
17:46.18oGALAXYowell in former times i would agree with you..
17:46.31vbgunzWhen is KDE 4 slated for release?
17:46.36oGALAXYobut these days its all about politics and jealous people who try to hurt the oposite projects do this.
17:46.44smileafvbgunz: no stated date, sometime later this year.
17:46.46SimAtWorkvbgunz: sometime between now and 2020
17:46.47alaQvbgunz: second half of the year.
17:46.52kendrickSimAtWork: block [url]
17:46.58kendrickit's a spambot thinking the site is a blog, i think
17:47.00LinuxCartvbgunz: WIR, SIYH
17:47.02kendricki get shit like that all the time
17:47.12kendrick... Installfest RSVP form.  Tux Paint download survey.  etc.
17:47.12vbgunzok, sometime half of the year and 2020, well heh, I hope soon :)
17:47.24kendrickI just made the PHP scripts go "ok, thanks, that was nice" and /dev/null the crap
17:47.39kendrickanyway, gotta run!
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17:48.00LeonWPhow can I receive updates to the kde localisation?
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17:49.19LeonWPI'm running amarok from svn trunk, I'm seeing a few unlocalized strings there, so I wondered how to receive the updates when the l10n teams have translated them
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17:50.38oGALAXYoLeonWP: there is kde-i18n module
17:50.59oGALAXYoLeonWP: and best you ask in #amarok for this
17:51.08McEnroehow do i close a kde apps via shell (gracefully)?
17:51.37LinuxCartyou could kill it (with -15) or sending a dcop call
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17:51.48LeonWPah okay, I'm upgrading the kde-i18n package
17:53.24McEnroeLinuxCart: do you know the dcop call?
17:53.34*** join/#kde sredna (n=anders@kde/developer/alund)
17:53.41LinuxCartMcEnroe: do you have the app¿?
17:54.49McEnroebut isnt there one close call for every app?
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17:56.18LinuxCartMcEnroe: killall kopete will do
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17:56.39LeonWP(if you're not on solaris.)
17:57.42FuzZy2007isn't kde 3.5.6 released?
17:57.54Sho_FuzZy2007: It will be released next week.
17:58.13LinuxCartand if you have killall, if not echo $(ps x|grep kope|awk '{print $1}'), dirtier though...
17:58.18Dark_ApostropheI got this popup when I started KDE. "You are not permitted to connect to the powersave daemon via DBUS. Please check your DBUS configuration and installation."
17:58.25Dark_ApostropheHey Sho_
17:58.34*** part/#kde RichiH (i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)
17:58.38Sho_yo Dark_Apostrophe
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17:58.56Dark_ApostropheSho_: How are you? :)
17:59.03LinuxCartMcEnroe: dcop kopete MainApplication-Interface quit
17:59.08Sho_hungry :)
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18:05.06thadoodok maybe some one can help me , ive found a theme i want to use for KDE 3.5.3 , its called Crystal-1.0.2 and its on , i downloaded the Slackware TGZ , now how do i install it ?
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18:06.28thadoodok maybe some one can help me , ive found a theme i want to use for KDE 3.5.3 , its called Crystal-1.0.2 and its on , i downloaded the Slackware TGZ , now how do i install it ?
18:07.41anditosanhas any of you gotten to have the new domino theme installed? cuz I can't do it
18:07.46anditosanI need help
18:07.47AlexElliottIf it's a slackpack then you use "installpkg filename.tgz"
18:08.06thadoodwell im not sure if its a PKG i guess it is , but ill try that real quick
18:08.10thadoodbut im sure ill be back
18:08.24AlexElliottIf not, tar xf it and have a look inside :)
18:08.31*** part/#kde kaouete (
18:08.41thadoodive already opened , but i need to install it i guess
18:08.46thadoodive seen the contents of it
18:08.48LinuxCartthadood: maybe in any slackware channel
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18:09.15thadoodwell no , they will tell me to come here because its KDE related
18:09.43AlexElliottIf it was installing a slackpack that you needed help with then it wouldn't be, if it's a plain gzipped tar archive then it is, depends.
18:10.06thadoodhang on
18:10.46ijwynso can anyone help me with kooka? it won't recognize my Epson scanner, even though it's recognized fine by sane, XSane and iscan... puzzling
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18:11.11thadoodi guess  maybe it is a slackpack ? its , crystal-1.0.2-i486-1as.tgz
18:11.48AlexElliottTry installpkg and find out, if that fails then it's just an archive
18:13.00thadoodyeah shell said , Cannot install crystal-1.0.2-i486-1as.tgz: package does not end in .tgz
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18:14.02thadoodso if its not an install and just an archive , then how would i apply it as a theme ?
18:14.50AlexElliottThat's just odd, because it does end in tgz?
18:15.01thadoodit does
18:15.33ijwynmaybe the file is corrupt
18:15.44AlexElliottHave a go at untaring it
18:15.53thadoodjust for info my OS is Backtrack "Slackware based" Kernel version 2.6.18-rc5
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18:16.44thadoodwell i did unzip it so to speak , and it has build files in it and some other stuff , its not a source though , but maybe it needs to be compiled
18:17.00alaQthadood: does it have a .theme file
18:17.35ijwynyou probably just need to toss into the right folder to get it to work
18:17.40ijwyn*toss it
18:17.42pinotreethadood: it's a ditro-specific question, please ask in #yourdistro
18:17.45alaQhrm... try this: go into Kcontrol - Appearance & themes - theme manager
18:17.57alaQthen click install theme, and point it to the .tgz archive
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18:18.17thadoodwell see i tryed that , and theme manager specifically wants a theme file
18:18.21thadoodlet me try again though
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18:20.10thadoodyeah see , theme manager needs a theme file , there is no theme file in the TGZ , but there are like build files and other data files i guess for the theme
18:20.17thadoodits not corrupted
18:20.42AlexElliottthadood, is there a slack-desc file in the .tgz (usually under install/ or somesuch)
18:21.00alaQit might need to be compiled then.. that seems weird though.
18:21.11thadoodyeah i know
18:21.22thadoodhere let me read off to you what the INSTALL file says
18:21.31FuzZy2007in gentoo: how can I see the details for every applications (details that I can see in kuroo), using the command line input
18:22.59thadoodBasic Installation (from console) , Step 1 $ ./configure --prefix='kde-config --prefix' , Step 2 $ make , Step 3 (as root) # make install
18:23.08thadoodtryed that but it didnt work
18:23.13thadoodmaybe i didnt do it right
18:23.17alaQhmm.. did the make run?
18:23.26thadoodit didnt
18:23.28alaQbetter question: where did it fail?
18:23.40thadoodthat is the question
18:23.53thadoodmaybe im supposed to point at where  the tgz is ?
18:24.13ijwynlook at the output, it should have given you some errors
18:24.38thadoodok here it is , -bash ./configure: No such file or Directory
18:25.09ijwyndid you type that from within the directory where you have the unpacked files?
18:25.23ijwynyou need to cd into it first
18:25.26thadoodno , i just opened up a shell and did it
18:25.29thadoodok let me cd into it
18:25.33thadoodgood idea
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18:32.13thadoodok i tryed doing the install instructions from the directory the files are in but , i still get the same bash error
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18:35.53alaQthadood: is there an file?
18:36.07thadoodhang on , let me see
18:36.33thadoodno there is not
18:38.51thadoodVersion:  1.0.2
18:38.51thadoodType:  Window Decoration native KDE 3.2 +
18:38.52thadoodDepends on:  KDE 3.5.x
18:38.52thadoodDownloads:  181374
18:39.01thadoodthats what it says on the website
18:39.06thadoodat the top
18:39.27thadoodim not sure what it means when it says "Depends on: KDE 3.5.x"
18:39.39thadoodbecause i have KDE 3.5.3
18:40.47alaQone sec.
18:40.48smileaf3.5.x means any version of the 3.5 series.
18:41.45alaQyou said you got the slack version?
18:42.06alaQtry the source one instead.
18:42.14thadoodhang ong
18:43.08alaQI'm pulling it down too... slowly.  stupid 56k
18:44.16alaQno kidding.
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18:45.02SimAtWorkhow did you get stuck with that?
18:45.19alaQI live in the middle of nowhere.
18:45.36alaQtoo far out for cable/dsl, and satellite is 600$ +
18:47.16thadoodi have the same problem , im on a 56k , luckily i invested in some Wifi equipment , so i can reach some AP's
18:47.31alaQthadood: you should be able to follow the instructions from the page now.
18:47.44thadoodthe page on the website ?
18:47.57alaQthadood: i do that when going through towns, just to see how many unsecured ap's i finde
18:48.25thadoodok let me run through this install instructions , ill let you know how it turns out
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18:51.32facenewoff topic, but i recommend a short movie "007 vs Man in Black":,6884,6884#msg-6884
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18:52.46wiredddif I have lm-sensors running shouldn't my temp show up in ksysguard somewhere?
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19:05.10DbD-i search where Kmail save identities ?
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19:07.36alaQDbD-: probably in .kde or .kde3.5, in your home dir.
19:07.42alaQnot positive tho.
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19:08.37DbD-alaQ, i search the file
19:09.28thadoodalaq i think its working
19:09.35DbD-it's not in .kde/apps/.kmail
19:09.38thadoodi ran the configure instructions and its doing it
19:09.39alaQhonestly, i don't use kmail, so i'm not sure.  most of the time they store data in .kde/share/apps
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19:10.48PhilRodDbD-: are you looking for where kmail stores your mail?
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19:12.19DbD-PhilRod, my identities
19:12.54PhilRodprobably in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc
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19:13.57DbD-its the problem ..
19:14.06PhilRodhrm, you're right. I can't see them there either
19:14.42DbD-thanks ! =)
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19:23.31thadoodDAMN , DAMMIT DAMN
19:23.58alaQok.. i get the point.. something's not right.
19:24.02thadoodi was on step 2 of the instructions and the make just stopped
19:24.03alaQwhat's the deal?
19:24.20alaQok... was it an error stop, or just a stop
19:24.20thadoodit was far to
19:24.28thadoodit just stopped
19:24.33ijwynlook at its output, it should tell you what went wrong
19:24.44thadoodit didnt go back to the CD or anything it just stopped
19:24.46ijwynwell if there aren't any errors, it could just be done
19:24.47thadoodhang on
19:24.49alaQif there's no error, then it went fine.
19:24.51thadoodmaybe it didnt stop
19:24.59thadoodmaybe its just taking awhile
19:25.03thadoodi just seen some new data scroll
19:25.06thadoodso maybe its cool
19:25.06ijwynoh, yeah, that's possible too
19:25.16ijwynsome installs take a while
19:25.41thadoodyep , the make step 2 just finished , now i gotta make install
19:25.50ijwyndon't forget to do it as root
19:25.57ijwynjust type su to switch
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19:29.29thadoodok well i ran through the 3 instruction steps to what i think was succesfull , but now what ?
19:29.36thadoodim not sure where to go from here
19:29.42thadoodi dont see a theme file anywhere
19:29.50ijwynnow I'd go back to the theme manager and see if it shows up in there
19:30.04ijwynlook for that 'Crystal' name
19:30.34thadoodno , i dont see it in there
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19:31.10thadoodmaybe i should restart kde ?
19:31.25ijwynhmm, maybe
19:31.37ijwynnever installed a theme, so not entirely sure, but it can't hurt to try
19:31.46thadoodill try to restart kde , brb
19:36.50LiquidNerd_The following packages will be REMOVED:
19:37.00LiquidNerd_well here's hoping I can still turn on KDE after
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19:37.38TonrenCan the background slideshow pic-changer fade between pics?
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19:40.59ijwynif you remove python you just won't be able to run python apps, shouldn't affect KDE itself as it's not coded in python AFAIK
19:42.57LinuxCartcu, bye
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19:43.12SimAtWorki wouldn't remove python though
19:43.17SimAtWorkit's a rather important thing to have
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19:56.05Russeli have a little problem: i have a useraccount with /usr mounted by unionfs in home directory
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19:56.35thadoodyou know...... it really couldnt have gone worse
19:56.55thadoodwell it couldve, but you know my computer didnt catch fire
19:56.59thadoodi mean that would be pretty bad
19:57.05Russeli have in path only this unionfs thing, but now i can't get amarok to load engines... as far as i understand the source it has something to do with ktrader not report the right things
19:57.06SimAtWorkbe sweet
19:57.12SimAtWorkyou could viddie it and get it up on utube
19:57.14SimAtWorkyou'll be famous
19:57.15Russelany suggestions from your side how to solve it?
19:57.31SimAtWorkRussel: not sure what you did or why
19:57.34SimAtWorkso dunno how to help
19:57.42thadoodKDE is screwed , ill have to re-install linux , luckily this OS has Flux and its a bootable live linux
19:57.46alaQthadood: what's the problem?
19:57.58Russelok: i mounted /usr in home directory over unionfs
19:58.15Russelso i can install things there but not overwrite the real /usr
19:58.35Russeli changed path and ld_library_path to this new location for this user
19:58.50Russeland now amarok (ktrader perhaps) doesn't find engines
19:59.14RusselSimAtWork: understood it?
19:59.28thadoodits a custom Security os anyways , and i suppose trying to load a theme screwed it up
19:59.53alaQsounds screwy.. what doesn't work when loading kde?
20:00.31thadoodwhen kde is loading an error box comes up saying some junk , then it goes back to the root command line
20:02.39thadoodit was kinda tricky to install this OS to , had to do some Boot MBR modifying and stuff to run a dual boot
20:02.58alaQhrm.. what os?
20:03.11thadoodBack Track
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20:04.53alaQgo to the directory of the theme
20:05.09alaQand type (as root) make uninstall.  then try restarting kde.
20:05.31thadoodhmmm , thats not a bad idea to do first , it would save me alot of work and time , ill brb in about 15
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20:08.02Nebukadnezais there a way to make kphotoalbum not display raw (.CR2) files?
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20:14.14pmatosHi all, When in KDE3.5 you connect a device which KDE detects, shows up in media:/, if you mount it, are you supposed to be able to run executable files located inside the device?
20:15.16shadokit depends of your mount options
20:15.36Authoritypmatos: check for a noexec mount option
20:15.37pmatosshadok: you don't have mount options for that device... at least not on fstab added by you.
20:15.44pmatosAuthority: where?
20:15.52pmatosAuthority: nothing on fstab
20:16.10Authoritypmatos: you can look at mnttab or the output of 'mount'
20:16.44Authoritypmatos: i don't know how to configure that behavior though
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20:16.58Authoritypmatos: i believe you'll want to look into pmount
20:17.04pmatosAuthority: ok, I will
20:17.23Authoritypmatos: I don't use that whole automatic mounting bit, so I'm not overly familiar with how it works
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20:18.04shadok_you can do : mount -o remount,exec /dev/device
20:18.06shadok_it is temporary but it will work directly
20:18.22pmatosshadok_ that I understand but I wanted KDE to do it by itself.
20:18.54shadok_there must be some default options somewhere but i do'nt know where it is stored
20:18.56pmatosAuthority: it seems KDE Is calling pmount with default options which includes noexec. by the way, what happens in your case? Have you tested it?
20:19.44Pinarafpmatos: you can change this in hal settings
20:20.11pmatosPinaraf: where is that?
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20:20.26pmatosPinaraf: is there any gui for that?
20:20.35shadok_i don't think so
20:20.36PinarafI'm searching
20:20.50shadok_it's not in hald.conf
20:21.06Authoritypmatos: I manually mount everything I use, I'm old fashioned like that, so I can't help you configure pmount or KDE in this regard
20:21.45pmatosAuthority: I understand... well, before using kde I did that, but if I don't use all niceties KDE offers, I'm better off with enlightenment...
20:22.01pmatosPinaraf: thank you, checking!
20:23.01KyralStupid question, but does Konsole have a KPart?
20:23.34shadok_can't find this fdi file on gentoo :/ i have some but not interesting ones
20:24.02pmatosKyral: think so, otherwise how would you be able to show it inside konqueror?
20:24.13pmatosshadok_: also on gentoo!
20:24.13Kyralmm just making sure
20:24.19KyralI wanna try a stupid thing
20:24.32shadok_pmatos: do you have preferences.fdi file ?
20:24.42pmatosshadok_: no... :-/
20:24.58KyralCreate a kinda "KVim" by embedding a Konsole KPart inside a GUI Frame and having it run Vim immeadiatly inside :D
20:25.00pmatosPinaraf: can you show me the contents of your preferences.fdi?
20:25.18pmatosPinaraf: pls :-)
20:25.33Pinarafit's the standard preferences.fdi from kubuntu feisty
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20:25.46KyralSince Kzsys or whatever has died
20:25.49PinarafI didn't change this noexec thing
20:26.22JohnFluxKyral: run:    konsole --nomenubar --noscrollbar --noframe -a vim
20:26.36pmatosPinaraf: but you have anything at all there?
20:26.45pmatosPinaraf: regarding noexec?
20:27.11Pinarafnothing regarding noexec exactly, but the examples included are enough to understand how to do this
20:27.23shadok_Pinaraf: please pastebin it, i'd like to see what is in
20:27.23JohnFluxKyral: that looks best
20:27.24msoekenHi. I have a problem mit KHTMLPart::htmlDocument::links (). It returns length () = 0, but there are links in the document:
20:27.56msoekenline 42 is: size: 0
20:28.46KyralJohnFlux: except nothing comes up
20:28.58JohnFluxKyral: .. works for me
20:29.09Kyralor was that supposed to be from a running Konsole?
20:29.15Kyral(I ran it from run command)
20:29.29JohnFluxKyral: use the last version i gave
20:29.53pmatosPinaraf: thank you
20:30.06JohnFluxKyral: works for me from the run command
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20:30.28Kyral--nofame :P
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20:30.59msoekeneven all ().size () returns 0
20:31.23Kyralthanks JohnFlux :D
20:31.41KyralNow all we need is a Vim KPart so I can use Vim from within KDevelop :D
20:32.09JohnFluxKyral: i think kdevelop already supports that
20:32.57KyralI don't see Vim on the Embedded Editor box :P
20:33.07PhilRodmsoeken: try asking in #kde-devel. Someone there might be able to help
20:33.28JohnFluxKyral: install yzis
20:33.57KyralJohnFlux: I thought that was unmaintainted
20:34.12loki_valmsoeken: Wasn't there once something called KVim or something like that?
20:34.29JohnFluxKyral: i don't know then - ask in #kdevelop :-)
20:34.39Kyralloki_val: That became yzis
20:34.50KyralBut last I heard it was abandoned
20:35.05KyralTo the point that the Vim people stopped including it
20:35.09loki_valKyral: too bad.
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20:35.33KyralAnd I have tried installing it but it just won't compile
20:36.07gdiebelis there a way to disable the feature of kde accessibility where the sticky key turns off after 5 presses?
20:38.11pmatosshadok: found anything?
20:39.13pmatosshadok: have you read:,_HAL,_KDE_media:/
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20:42.40_-InFeRnO-_what do you think of this icon
20:43.54_-InFeRnO-_i quickly need opinion
20:43.54shadokpmatos: nope, i was chatting on aother chan but i'll check taht , thx
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20:44.27thadoodthat didnt work
20:44.29thadoodit just hangs
20:44.34thadoodat the kde loading
20:45.14thadoodwhen things go wrong , they really go wrong, i had to do a bunch of rigormorall to even get back on the net
20:45.18thadoodwhew , im tired
20:45.19shadok_-InFeRnO-_: i dislike the bird, too flat imho
20:45.37thadoodwhat bird , what are you talking about >_<
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20:47.13shadokthadood: you better read a doc on irc and the way it works
20:47.13thadoodwhy is that ?
20:47.18shadokbecause i wasn't speaking to you
20:47.41thadoodmeh , what would ever make you think i was speaking to you ?
20:47.51thadoodyour mis-interpretations get you into trouble
20:48.01thadoodyour "Mis-conceptions"
20:48.18thadoodthadood 1
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20:50.25thadoodill be back in about 15 minutes
20:51.10pmatosshadok: found nothing either. if you wish to know the answer, maybe someone will answer:
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20:51.52lutherhow many CD's is Gentoo ?
20:52.59Renzeman, I really hope he doesn't install gentoo... there are too many idiots using it already
20:54.04_-InFeRnO-_well... if you think, gentoo is "cool" because it's generally Linux distro with freebsd conceptions
20:54.33loki_valluther: 1
20:54.44shadokhi Renze
20:54.49Renze'lo shadok
20:54.52loki_valluther: and a fat internet pipe.
20:55.33AlexElliottloki_val, he quit :)
20:55.37kirunAren't they called "tubes" these days? :P
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20:55.49shadokyou're right his question already tells he can't read by himself :p
20:56.10Renzethe ability to read is kinda vital for gentoo
20:56.21loki_valAlexElliot: Didn't see. Am ignoring part/join. Too many.
20:56.29alaQkinda *Read: necessary*
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20:56.40AlexElliottJust thought it was worth saying to save you some effort
20:56.43shadokthat gui installer has bring us many fools
20:56.43loki_valkirun: What was the name of that senator?
20:56.56kirunTed Stevens?
20:57.41shadokpmatos: if i find a solution i'll post it but i'll not be searching one actively this evening :)
20:57.51loki_valTed Stevens, yeah. "You know, the internet really isn't a big pool. Rather, it's many tubes. Fat one and thin ones..."
20:59.24lotyrin"It's not a big truck"
21:00.02kirunThe funny thing is, given the packeted nature of the net, trucks are a reasonable metaphor
21:00.23lotyrinlots of tiny trucks maybe.
21:01.28kirunThough, according to the networking module I did at Uni, the Internet is a series of clouds connected by routers :P
21:02.50alaQkirun: you win. :)
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21:05.18gdiebeluh tubes is not that bad of an analogy, depends on what is traveling through the tubes. liquid matter would make a good analogy since it expands to fill the tube yet travels and the speed that the tube allows. molecules of water=packets
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21:08.49shadokpmatos: have a look in this file (the lines containing "option") seems interesting /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20-storage-methods.fdi
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21:13.26loki_valkirun, lotyrin: (original quote):Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? I just the other day got... an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday, I got it yesterday. Why? Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the Internet commercially.
21:14.48lotyrinloki_val: I know.
21:15.05lotyrinThere's a whole techno remix of that guy's rambling.
21:15.20loki_vallotyrin: My recollection was actually pretty sane compared to reality.
21:15.34kirunThere's a techno remix of the Cillit Bang advert :)
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21:19.07pmatosshadok: thank you...
21:19.11pmatosshadok: I willl
21:19.17shadok:) np
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21:22.11StyXmanis there any way to turn off knoqueror's url beutification? as in converting %20 into a space and «correctly» showing utf chars in the url...
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21:27.26thiagoStyXman: no
21:27.37thiagoStyXman: but that's just the location bar
21:27.51thiagoany use that happens directly will use the non-pretty form
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21:28.27StyXmanthiago: yeap, but then I can't corretly pass a url selecting it from the location bar and copying over, say, ina IM windows o irc client
21:28.50thiagothere's no way to turn that off
21:28.58thiagothe code is in KURL itself
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21:29.20StyXmanthiago: hacking it only, I see
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21:29.38thiagofortunately, changing the function shouldn't break anything else
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21:29.51thiagoKURL::prettyURL() is supposed to be used only to show information to the user
21:30.08thiagothe internal format is preferred (like I said) when passing data around
21:30.08mebsdneed help getting wlan to work, me in kde wireless assistant
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21:30.51mebsdwhere is it?
21:31.04mariuxi prefer wlassistant
21:31.51thiagoI meant: are you using kwifimanager?
21:32.53mebsdi using wlassistant
21:33.20thiagoStyXman: hint: drag the page icon to the window you want to paste the URL in
21:34.46gdiebelpeeps should try knetworkmanager
21:34.51StyXmanthiago: being picky, it adds quotes :)
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21:37.49thiagoStyXman: too picky :-P
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21:38.30Flynthhi, anyone knows why kmail's filter action to mark spam messages as read isn't working? They're moved to the right folder, but still are showing us unread. (i'm using debian kde 3.5.5)
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21:40.29FlynthIt's driving me nuts every minute when kmail gets new messages via pop3 it reports few unreads, every minute i have to maximise it only to find that all unread mesages are spam
21:41.51mebsdhow do i tell wlassistant to log to network with password?
21:42.22kirunFlynth: Are you using the "Ignore new mail for this folder" setting?
21:42.54FlynthWhere is this setting?
21:43.37thiagomebsd: I've never heard of wlassistant
21:43.40thiagois that a KDE application?
21:43.41kirunWell, I just found a bugreport ( ) for that problem where a commenter said it was the fix, so I'm not 100% sure
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21:45.16FlynthI have "act on new/unread messages in this folder" unticked for the folder, but it doesn't make a difference (well it does, till new batch arrives)
21:46.00FlynthWhere can I find the "Ignore new mail for this folder"?
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21:47.47thiagothat's the one
21:48.02thiagoif you uncheck "act on new/unread", it means "ignore new/unread"
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21:50.21FlynthWhen I have some unread messages in the spam folder, I go to folder properties and untick the box, icon in the tray says that there ae no new messages. When new messages arrive they get transferred to spam folder and the total amount of unread messages displayed in the tray is set to new messages + old from spam folder.
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21:52.01FlynthI guess I'll have to post a comment to the bug mentioned earlier.
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22:12.13Bjorn_I am using KIO to fetch some data from a dynamic asp page to a tray application, but I always get the same content, anyone who might know something about this here ?
22:13.31thiagodo you see the same content in Konqueror?
22:13.44Bjorn_no konqueror is updating the info
22:15.27thiagoif you click the little Enter button next to the address?
22:15.32thiagoor if you press reload?
22:16.42Bjorn_at least if I press reload
22:17.02Bjorn_itthe information is in a popup window normally
22:17.45Bjorn_and I checked using ethereal I get sent the same information so it's not a local cache problem
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22:22.54bbirdgoogle says it's possible to install the icons from a tarball, but it doesn't say where is it
22:23.09bbirddo you have any suggestion ?
22:24.42Bjorn_about my content fetching problem, the cookie string sent is different in the tray app comparing to the browser:
22:24.46Bjorn_Cookie: Snitz00User=Cookies%3D%26Pword%3DPASS%26Name%3DNAME; ASPSESSIONIDSSTDQQQR=FLCIILLDBDDMCLOMBBMGNCFN; Snitz00User=Cookies=foo&Pword=PASS&Name=Cygnus%5F; hml=pass=PASS&
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22:26.51smileafBjorn_: you might wanna direct your question to #kde-devel
22:27.47Bjorn_ok, thanks smileaf I might try there
22:29.01bbirdthanks a lot shadok !!!
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22:32.32FrogbarfI am trying to pair a bluetooh headset using kbluetooth. i see the device listed however I don't know how to "pair" it with the system.
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22:33.57FrogbarfThe device is listes as "Moterola H700" in konqueror and when I click on it I see the services "Hands-Free Unit" (three times) and Headset.  I think this is  a good sign
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22:47.40mariuxthe klipper is kinda buggy from time to time
22:47.56mariuxnow what i paste everywhere is not at all what is on the top of the list in klipper
22:48.03mariuxits something i copied a few hours ago
22:48.16mariuxtrying to copy something new doesnt help either
22:49.09mariuxcan someone try to copy something inside this page in konq?
22:49.14mariuxthen see if you can paste it
22:49.20Frogbarfdoes anyone know how to make bluetooth devices available in kde?
22:49.43mariuxi copying in my konq is completely broken
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22:50.13mariuxaseigo: what should i do to find out what is causing it?
22:50.32mariuxFrogbarf: there is a bluetooththing for kde
22:50.41Dark_Apostropheaseigo: The KDE run dialogue, is it a command that can be run itself?
22:51.05aseigomariux: works here... khtml has had, and still does have, some copy n paste bugs though
22:51.15aseigoDark_Apostrophe: in kde3? no. it's part of kdesktop
22:51.24RenzeDark_Apostrophe: dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface popupExecuteCommand
22:51.26Frogbarfyes, i have it up.  I can see the paired device, but it when I hold the mouse over the kbluetooth icon it says "not connected".
22:51.30mariuxthe bug was probably caused by another weboage
22:51.30aseigoDark_Apostrophe: so you can start kdesktop if it isn't running and then use dcop to pull it up
22:51.30Dark_ApostropheRenze: Ah, thanks
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22:52.06Frogbarfi'm proud to have gottten this far.
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22:52.35Frogbarfi see the profiles listed
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23:12.49Atmalionwhat is the name of kde's terminal program?
23:12.52Atmaliongnome-terminal is borked
23:12.55Atmalionand xterm SUUUCKS
23:13.28Atmalionalt key combinations dont work on xterm apparently..
23:13.40*** part/#kde ingwa_ (
23:14.27thiagothey work just fine here
23:14.36Atmalionthey arent working for me in irssi
23:14.40thiagoAlt+A in irssi moves to the next window with activity
23:14.44Atmalionanyone happen to knwo where i can get a native linux client for quake3?
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23:14.55thiagoah, you probably tried Alt+Left, right?
23:14.56Atmalionon here its just making a funny looking a
23:15.02Atmalioni tried alt-1 alt-2 etc
23:15.06thiagopress the left Alt key
23:15.10thiagothe right Alt is AltGr
23:15.16thiagoyou're probably seeing æ
23:15.17Atmalionit says 3D3C3D
23:15.29Atmalionthats the kind of crap its doing ;)
23:15.30thiagook, that's an irssi problem
23:15.35Atmalionit works fine on gnome
23:15.36Atmalionand konsole
23:15.38thiagoSettings, Keyboard, Linux Console
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23:15.46thiagothat fixes it for irssi
23:15.49Atmalionoh i see
23:15.50benJImanyou can make alt-left and alt-right work fine in konsole
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23:16.01Atmalionim trying to run quake3 in wine, cause i dont have a native version
23:16.06Atmalionso i tried it, and the keybaord didnt work
23:16.10benJImansettings -> keyboard -> linux console
23:16.16Atmalionso i came on here and my alt buttons didnt work so i thought maybe somehow it was xterms fault
23:16.16benJImanthen alt-left and alt-right should work in irssi
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23:16.38benJImanoh thiago already said.
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23:18.28mariuxhe doesnt have the native version? Its free...
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23:20.28rabbyi just installed the kopete ebuild at gentoo
23:20.42rabbyanway the history module is missing :(
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23:22.49PhilRodrabby: best to ask in #gentoo or #gentoo-kde, although there are usually some gentoo users around in here
23:23.34rabbyok, i will try
23:23.47rabbyYou do not know where to get the module?
23:24.10Renzerabby: two words: use flags
23:24.15thiagolist your available packages and grep for "history"
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23:25.01PhilRodRenze: but what if he doesn't want to use flags? ;-)
23:26.40rabbythanks. the flag is simply called "history"
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23:33.44twobitspritehow do I get kdm to acknowledge my .xinitrc, or what is the equivalent?
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23:34.11PhilRod.xsession, but I don't think kdm uses it - take a look at the kdm docs
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