irclog2html for #kde on 20070118

00:02.28*** join/#kde sabayonuser (
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00:20.36BEDlRselam Türk varmı
00:21.30*** join/#kde shadok (n=shad@unaffiliated/shadok)
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00:22.02RenzeBEDlR: this channel is english only
00:22.09*** join/#kde Artimus (
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00:52.36LnxSlcki just pluged in my sony dcs camera (usb) shouldn't i get a window that says what i want to do with the files?
00:53.14Renzeonly if the camera is classified as removable media (i.e. acts like a usb drive)
00:53.27LnxSlckhow do i see that?
00:53.29*** join/#kde Thundercloud__ (n=thunderc@
00:53.42RenzeLnxSlck: read the manual that came with the camera?
00:54.08LnxSlckRenze, do you really think the manual has something about linux ?
00:54.20LnxSlckit says nothing, it doesn't even need drivers for windows
00:54.26RenzeLnxSlck: no, but it might tell you if the camera uses the usb mass storage system
00:54.39LnxSlckRenze, yes it uses
00:54.47LnxSlckit appears on linux as sda1
00:54.49Renzeand you have hal and dbus installed and running?
00:54.59Renzeand pmount installed?
00:55.41LnxSlcknot sure about that, i'm running slack 11
00:55.48RenzeI know nothing about slackware
00:56.08Renzebut I do know that you need hal, dbus, and pmount installed, and hal and dbus started
00:56.13LnxSlckRenze, what do you use? ubuntu?
00:56.25LnxSlcklinux is linux
00:56.26Renzewouldn't touch ubuntu with a ten metre cattleprod
00:57.16LnxSlckubuntu isn't that bad
00:57.31Renzein my opinion, anything that uses binary packages is bad ;)
00:57.47LnxSlcklike .deb
00:57.53Renzeyes, and slackpacks
00:58.06Renzethey're still binary
00:58.15Renzeif it's compiled already, it's binary
00:58.20LnxSlckwhat's worng with tgz ?
00:58.35Renzenothing wrong with .tgz... just with the contents
00:58.56LnxSlckit depends on who builds the package don't you think ?
00:59.08Renzeyes... and I prefer to do all the building myself
00:59.17qupadaactually you have to give ubuntu some credit.  things that bloody suck in their ways debian wouldn't have ever change if ubuntu hadn't come along are numerous
00:59.31AlexElliottSlack 11.0 does not have hal or dbus, rather it's a minor patch placed on KDE to allow media:/ to work with fstab
00:59.40RenzeAlexElliott: lame
00:59.56Tm_TRenze: Well, when you build KDE from svn regularly, at some point you see easier to get rest of the system compiled already. ;)
01:00.10qupadaa minor patch?  really
01:00.10RenzeTm_T: each to their own :D
01:00.26AlexElliottOr so it was said in the changelog
01:00.27*** join/#kde neopc (
01:00.31LnxSlckqupada, so i have to install dbus ?
01:00.34Renzethen we'd better stop supporting slackware in here
01:00.50Renzeif they screw up KDE like that
01:01.03Tm_TRenze: ...and in time we end up to support *nothing* ;)
01:01.15RenzeTm_T: just support the source ;)
01:01.24Renzelet the distros handle their own messes
01:01.24Tm_TAs it is now.
01:01.34qupadaTm_T: actually when you compile things a lot i find it's generally easier to have compiled everything else, ensures that the package builder hasn't left out headers and crap, or farmed them off to some other difficult to find package
01:02.25Tm_Tqupada: Well, I don't have those problems really, and if there's problems in package, it need to be fixed.
01:02.33Tm_T..and that way help others too.
01:03.21AlexElliottRenze, I agree that it shouldn't have been patched, and I'm still not clear on why it was.  Usually Pat keeps the original sources.
01:03.38Tm_TBut I'm too old to preatch this late so good night and behave kids! ->
01:03.50biquillohello, any one with experience compiling kde4? I've got some problems.... :(
01:04.04AlexElliottOh well, I guess I just have to hope for hal/dbus in the next release
01:04.08Renzebiquillo: #kde4-devel might be a more suitable channel
01:05.48qupadait's amazing that slackware has survived this long really.  very few distros that have a dictatorship like that do
01:07.36AlexElliottWell, it does some things that I like, such as no dependancy tracking.  Yes that's actually one of the reasons I like it ;)
01:08.16*** join/#kde neopc (
01:08.36AlexElliottBalances control/convenience quite well for me.  I like binary packages, but I also like compiling some things myself, and you can do that easily.
01:10.05*** join/#kde bssteph (
01:10.13*** join/#kde shadok (n=shad@unaffiliated/shadok)
01:10.14AlexElliottBut well, that's off topic, you can get that spiel from ##slackware if you want it ;)
01:21.37*** join/#kde CMoH (
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01:27.47pierrethwho does use KDE with the Mac keyboard layout?
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02:24.05LazyAngelhi! im trying to copy korganizer calendar with settings over to another computer. But if i copy ~/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/ to my new system, i will only get the calendar. Not the configuration like colors and preferences. Anyone know where i find that?
02:24.53RenzeLazyAngel: somewhere in .kde/share/config/ probably
02:26.14*** join/#kde JacobSingh (
02:26.28JacobSinghDoes anybody here use egroupware with kontact?
02:28.07the_ravenWhere can I go for help with Konqueror?
02:28.22Renzehere, or #khtml if it's a html rendering problem
02:28.50the_ravenThe only thing I'm sure of is that it's not playing sound from
02:28.58the_ravenI haven't tried any other sites.
02:29.58marktaffHowdy.  Is anyone here familiar with using the gwenview kpart in an application?  I seem to be having some issues...
02:30.22Renzethe_raven: settings -> configure konqueror, plugins page, plugins tab in the bottom half, tick "use artsdsp to pipe plugin sound through arts"
02:33.19the_ravenI'm trying that right now.
02:33.59the_ravenIt works!  Thank you so very much!
02:34.12LazyAngelRenze: thanks. ill check it out
02:34.20Renzeno problem
02:35.00*** part/#kde the_raven (
02:35.48*** join/#kde hibread (
02:36.18shadokis there a way to install flash plugin in konqueror on a 64bits system trough nspluginwrapper ?
02:36.28shadok(or another app maybe)
02:36.40Renzeshadok: buy me a 64-bit system and I'll figure it out for you ;)
02:37.08shadokwhat ? i didn't ask anything ^^
02:37.30Renzestill worth a try ;)
02:37.55shadoki think that with nsplugin wrapper it can't be done, i'm looking for another wrapper
02:38.02shadok(ns = netscape)
02:38.02marktaffshadok: I have flash on 64bit suse 10.1, kde 3.5.5
02:38.13Renze(ns = nutscrape)
02:38.26shadokmarktaff: in konqueror ? a 64bits one ?
02:38.34shadokRenze: :)
02:39.11shadokdo you know what soft manages to do this ?
02:39.25marktaffshadok:  flash-player- works
02:39.47shadokhmm, i'll try that but i'm not convinced :)
02:40.03*** part/#kde JacobSingh (
02:40.22marktaffI only installed it two weeks ago, now I might uninstall it.  Flash *sucks*
02:40.49marktaffshadok: `smart install flash*`
02:40.53shadokare you sure that suse doesn't run konqueror 32bits in a chroot or using emul-libs ?
02:41.11*** join/#kde ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:41.51shadok"We are unable to locate a Web player that matches your platform and browser." ^^
02:42.09shadokbut i didn't see smart install
02:42.12marktaffshadok: kdebase3-3.5.5-142.1@x86_64 (for konqueror*), so yes, 64 bit konqi
02:42.13shadokarf smart
02:42.28shadoksmart is your package manager right ?
02:42.44marktaffsmart is a multi-disribution package management solution
02:43.12shadokok i thought it was an installation method from adobe ^^
02:43.19marktaffthe native pkg manager suck on suse 10.1/2
02:43.22*** join/#kde goldenear (n=goldenea@2001:6f8:392:1:213:2ff:fe4a:53a7)
02:43.37marktaffAdobe doesn't make 64 bit flash
02:43.55shadokmarktaff: right, so it must exist a wrapper for it
02:43.59MrGrimthey mentioned their intent to iirc
02:44.19shadokwill be ready in five years ^^
02:44.22marktaffthe i586 rpm works here, no twiddling required
02:44.52*** join/#kde s0nic__ (
02:45.00shadokmarktaff: that is the suse's work, there must be a wrapper somewhere
02:45.51marktaffwhat distro are you using?  have your tried the i586 rpm? Not the one from adobe?
02:46.42*** join/#kde lnxnt (
02:48.35shadok :D
02:50.46shadokerf i'm dumb
02:50.51marktaffshadok: hope that works for you
02:50.56shadok* kde-base/nsplugins     Description:         Netscape plugins support for Konqueror.
02:51.17shadokso, sorry for those stupid questions :)
02:51.33*** join/#kde ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
02:51.59shadokmarktaff: it will, portage include it and there even is a stable version for it, thx for your help :)
02:52.10marktaffshadok: yw
02:53.05shadokweren't you already ? ^^
02:53.47*** join/#kde edwardocallaghan (
02:54.13Renzethe irish are coming!
02:54.29Renzejust kidding
02:54.35edwardocallaghanI'm Irish
02:54.40MorboExactly :p
02:54.40RenzeI know ;)
02:54.56edwardocallaghan?what the...
02:55.59edwardocallaghanI am sure this has already been asked but when will alpha/beta KDE4 be out ?
02:56.02shadokcallaghan seems a bit irish to me so it doesn't require great divination skills :)
02:56.23Renzeedwardocallaghan: in six months, or longer
02:56.33shadokedwardocallaghan: you can already find a dev version but i think there is no roadmap to alpha/beta releases
02:56.36edwardocallaghanI am only half Irish
02:57.12edwardocallaghanOh because I would like to start playing with it at that stage
02:57.26edwardocallaghanThen I would like to pull it into a distro
02:58.42shadokbeware that it must be very unstable (i didn't test it but the name implies it)
02:59.14shadokRenze: do you know what is the point with kde 3.5.6 in portage ?
02:59.28Renzeshadok: 3.5.6 is being released officially next week
02:59.50Renzeshadok: gentoo is just preparing in advance
03:00.10shadokah yeah i remeber the kde 3.5.5 switch
03:00.21shadokebuilds are here but not the files :)
03:00.31Renzeand they're hardmasked until release
03:00.59*** join/#kde Jucato (n=chatzill@
03:01.02shadokok :)
03:02.09edwardocallaghanI want to build it on the SunOS kernel
03:02.24Renzeah, for slowaris ;)
03:02.30shadokRenze: it feels very geek to use this symbol :)
03:02.49edwardocallaghanSolaris is very quick here ?
03:03.02shadoki never approached solaris
03:03.07Renzeedwardocallaghan: it's a nickname that goes back to when it wasn't :)
03:03.58edwardocallaghanHave you guys tried ?
03:04.08Renzenope, I'm more than happy with gentoo
03:04.42edwardocallaghanI like to review everything before I install it
03:04.53shadoksame thing here, gentoo to death :)
03:04.58*** join/#kde qupada (
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03:05.05RenzeI researched gentoo extensively before installing
03:06.01qupadaheh, i didn't
03:06.12qupadatried it on someone's recommendation
03:06.29qupadathen liked it
03:06.44edwardocallaghanSlackware is the one that rocks
03:07.01marktaffblah.  too much compiling for my blood.
03:07.08edwardocallaghanBut getting to like SunOS more and more
03:07.16edwardocallaghanZFS rocks
03:07.17*** join/#kde LiquidNerd_ (n=michael@
03:07.28shadokyep for zfs
03:07.35Renzelinux will have zfs soon enough
03:07.39edwardocallaghanHas any one tried it ?
03:07.58marktaffzfs removes the notion of disk, right?
03:08.02edwardocallaghanZFS is .... :~O good !
03:08.03shadokno, but i want it :)
03:08.13shadokmarktaff: it works by pools
03:08.20edwardocallaghanPool storage
03:08.23shadokyou can ad a disk and you immediatly have more space
03:08.32Renzelike LVM?
03:08.42marktaffThat will be much better than  the lvm I'me using now
03:08.43*** join/#kde vlt (
03:09.09edwardocallaghan watch the videos
03:09.14shadoksnapshots seems great too
03:09.24edwardocallaghanLVM is too chunky
03:10.32edwardocallaghanMy fav is dynamic striping
03:11.03*** join/#kde kingb (
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03:12.36marktaffDynamic striping + snaphots. yum
03:14.18*** part/#kde LazyAngel (
03:16.44edwardocallaghanyes yum install indeed ;)
03:17.09edwardocallaghanThose guys can't do there maths
03:20.37*** join/#kde Mrnotproper (
03:29.14edwardocallaghanGood night
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04:46.26wgwgood evening
04:46.34wgwI'm wondering how I change the start/launch menu logo
04:46.37*** join/#kde halcyonCorsair (n=halcyonC@
04:46.54aptInstructions for changing the K menu icon: . Alternatively, use kbfx
04:46.56wgwalso, what file format and dimensions are required?
04:46.56Renzewgw: see above
04:46.59wgwahh thanks
04:47.47wgwI'm doing some UI design work for PC BSD, and I'm a n00b when it comes to how to actually implement the changes, but rather than making the developers do it, I'd prefer to do it myself
04:48.58wgwalso, is there a good tutorial on creating a window decorations theme?
04:49.46Renzenative window decorations are coded in C++
04:50.54wgwwell I guess I'll have to get the developers to implement that part
04:52.19*** join/#kde GNU\colossus (
04:52.29wgwha, nice screen name
04:55.31*** join/#kde Lord-Phoenix (n=halcyonC@
04:56.18Dr_willisor use one of those themes that just uses bitmap images.. but i hate those. :)
04:56.48wgwbitmap images are undesirable IMO
04:57.01wgweverything, ideally, should be vectorized
04:57.20wgwand anything that isn't, or that doesn't support it, should be deprecated
04:58.56Dr_willistheres several 'themes' that support bitmaps..  go tell them that. :)  i dont really worry about themes much either way
05:01.49wgwwell I'm a designer, not a developer, so I tend to pay more attention to them
05:02.26wgwI personally dislike the UI of both KDE and GNOME immensely, and I also really dislike the UI in Windows (which I view as quirky and obsolete), and in Mac OS X
05:02.28*** join/#kde JohnMS (
05:02.36wgwso I'm sort of someone who is really ticked off about user interfaces
05:02.53MorboWhat don't you like?
05:02.54wgwI've been using PCs all my life, but never have I been so geniunely annoyed about UIs as I am today
05:03.04Dr_willisSo - basicially you dont like any of them. :)
05:03.15*** join/#kde JohnMS (
05:03.35wgwKDE's interface is quirky and wastes vertical real estate, the Mac OS X looks pretty but when you have to do things like move a window to the far left to get it away from the dock to resize it, you quickly start to hate it
05:03.50wgwthe Windows UI was good in 1995 but is now painfully obsolete,
05:03.57wgwand the GNOME UI designers are smoking crack IMO
05:04.03Dr_willisHmm.. it was 'good' but now its bad... :)
05:04.10*** part/#kde JohnMS (
05:04.32Dr_willisWhat nothing to say about OS-9 ?
05:04.42wgwwell IMO there's no consistency to it, and it also has a lot of irritating aspects that should have been fixed years ago but weren't
05:04.57wgwand rather than fixing it, Microsoft is just cloning Apple and reskinning it to make it look cooler
05:05.19wgwI've heard OS 9 was good, I used it a few times and never really liked it that much, although to its credit it does not waste vertical real estate the way OS X does
05:05.26Dr_willisYou mean like how XP has a windows95 preview in its custom colors/fonts config tool. :)
05:06.00Dr_willisTry out MatchBox window manager  - it wastes very little space.
05:06.06wgwbut rather than whining about it, I'm hoping later this year to start work on a replacement I've been thinking about, so in the mean time, I'm contributing to various open source projects that are short of artists
05:06.14wgwin the hopes of meeting developers who will do the coding
05:06.21wgwI'm not even thinking about doing a complete desktop environment
05:06.33wgwrather, my idea is that this new UI would sort of be a mod that could be installed on an existing one
05:06.55wgwprobably GNOME, since its UI is more broken than KDE's, and all the really hot distros seem to prefer it at the moment (no offense to KDE at all)
05:07.10Renzereally hot distros?
05:07.24Dr_willisRenze,  those must be the ones using my XXX icon themes.
05:07.25wgwUbuntu, Fedora/Red Hat, Suse
05:07.31RenzeDr_willis: ah, those ;)
05:07.36wgwUbuntu in particular
05:07.39Renzethose are some of the worst, imo
05:07.41Dr_willisGnome is easier to throw idiots into. :)
05:07.49Dr_willisusing Kubuntu here
05:07.54wgwhey, watch it, I'm a big fan of SLED
05:08.15canllaithbut no KDE there :)
05:08.38canllaithI suspect you don't have ~ 350 hosts.
05:08.43Dr_willisWonder whats going to happen if SUN GPL's open solaris
05:08.44*** join/#kde palmer (
05:08.53wgwwell, that would be awesome, but it also uses GNOME
05:09.12RenzeI thought Solaris used Java Desktop?
05:09.18wgwsame thing, literally
05:09.25wgwJava Desktop = GNOME with Sun branding
05:09.26Dr_willisive never actually been able to figure out what 'suport' actually does.
05:09.32wgweverything is identical, except the theme
05:09.57wgwalthough for some reason it will render fonts correctly if you disable hinting, whereas that doesn't work with GNOME on Linux
05:10.16wgwoh, IIRC the Java Desktop also comes preloaded with Sun products, that would be the other difference
05:10.40wgwSolaris also uses CDE, but that obviously would not be part of an open sourced edition
05:10.49wgwCDE is so pathetic, its lovable
05:11.20canllaithAlthough the colour scheme leaves somewhat to be desired
05:11.26wgwI wish they'd open source it
05:11.36wgwwell, the color scheme I believe varies depending on the UNIX you're using with it
05:11.53wgwthe UI I really miss, believe it or not, is Windows 3.1
05:11.57canllaithI haven't used it much, and when I have it's been on Solaris.
05:11.59*** join/#kde marburg (
05:12.12RenzeWindows 3.1 was awful
05:12.13wgwoh, here's a UI that I do like, for some reason: the Palm OS
05:12.20wgwwell, I'm nostalgic
05:12.37wgwthe UI made no sense at all but it was the GUI on my first PC
05:12.41Dr_williswgw,  matchBox window manager = about the same look/feel as PalmOS
05:12.44wgwthe Palm OS just makes a lot of sense to me
05:12.58wgwwell yes, Dr Willis, but I'm not saying I like the Palm OS to the point where I'd run it on a desktop
05:13.01Renzewhat makes sense to one person may not make sense to another
05:13.16wgwwell, hence the beauty of open source
05:13.29Renzeand hence why UI design tends to tread the middle ground
05:13.31wgwwith closed source software, if you don't like the GUI, you're SOL
05:13.36marburgcould anyone tell me how to access message histories in kopete? I can't seem to figure it out and feel really dumb for it :$
05:13.53canllaithmarburg: If you have the plugin enabled you can get to it by right clicking on the contact in the list
05:13.57canllaithYou may not have the plugin enabled.
05:14.03Renzemarburg: right click on the contact, select View History
05:14.03marburgcanllaith: that must be it
05:14.07canllaithThere is a bug - it appears to be enabled by default but it's not really
05:14.08wgwwell when I do publish the prototype of the design I'm working on, I'll be interested to see the reaction
05:14.17marburgcanllaith: thanks, i'll look into it
05:14.18canllaithUntick it in the plugins configuration dialogue and tick it again, then restart kopete
05:14.22wgwthe most interesting UI design I've seen in software in recent years was the UI in Sim City 4
05:14.26canllaithafter that you should see it in the right click menu
05:15.05wgwI loved that user interface, it just really fascinated me...most games of that type have terrible UIs, but in Sim City 4 everything is clear, logical and obvious
05:15.13marburghmm. the only plugin i seem to have installed is for cryptography. so that must be the problem :D
05:16.46Dr_willisSimCity4 - took 'The Sims' interface dident it?
05:16.56wgwalso Dr willis, I believe I have Matchbox on this PC BSD system, so I might try it
05:17.00wgwor wait, its Fluxbox
05:17.19wgwwell yes and no, it's similiar to the Sims interface, but less bulky, and it wastes less screen real-estate
05:17.25Dr_willismatch Box is NOT in any way shape or form - related to Fluxbox/blackbox/openbox
05:17.32Dr_willisits just the 'name' is similer.
05:17.42wgwso whereas in the Sims you have a huge massive chunk of interface across the bottom of the screen, in Sim City 4 there's less of that
05:17.56Dr_willisI always felt Maxis ruined the SimCity game by making it too 'the sims' ish.
05:18.01wgwahh right, haven't tried it (although I might give it a shot)
05:18.15Dr_willisthey have turned into a bit of a 'narrow focused company' :(
05:18.20wgwwell SC 4 was pretty rough edged and realistic, it lacked the quirkiness of Sim City 3000
05:18.32wgwand it brought back a lot of features from Sim City 2000
05:19.05Dr_willisive lost track of the SC games.. last one i played ya could import your "The Sims" people.. woopee.. and the game was so.. well easy.. i could just let a city sit over night and it would  keep itself going.
05:19.08wgwmy gripe with it is that the gameplay model is extremely hard, so that you couldn't build the same kind of luxuriant cities in SC3K
05:19.12wgwwithout cheating
05:19.38wgwwell that was SC 4, but it sounds like a different game from the one I played
05:20.02wgwand yes, you can import your Sims, but you don't have to, its just one tool for seeing whats going on, since they give you direct feedback
05:20.15wgwI really miss Sim City 2000's newspapers
05:20.36wgwthat would be a feature I'd like to see return in SC5
05:21.12Dr_willisI cant keep track.. i dont buy games much any more. all my "SimWhatever" games are now in a single box... somewhere.
05:21.26wgwwell the trouble is, game development has really  gone to the dogs
05:21.30wgwthere is very little innovation
05:21.44wgwwhereas in the 1990s, each new title seemed to bring with it a new ida
05:21.57wgwnow its just endless rehashes
05:21.57Dr_willislatest game i actually Played - was "Darwinia" - worth grabbing if you find it.
05:21.57marburgthe fact that each region had its own clock made SC4 insanely easy
05:22.07wgwIt's too bad that there is no real open souce game development community that's producing good games as of yet
05:22.08Dr_willishas a Linux port even.
05:22.20wgwhmmm yum
05:22.33Dr_willisi saw it in the bargin bin for $10 :)
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05:22.53Dr_willisits the kind of game - that would make a amuseing screensaver.. just to sit and watch..
05:23.05wgwI'm enjoying Gal Civ 2, although it's basically a cross between space based turn based strategy games like Star General and Civilizations
05:23.12wgwbut it does have the Starship Designer feature, which is a lot of fun
05:23.31Dr_willisI got Gal Civ. but didentbother to buy the 2nd one.. i dont even recall playing the first much.
05:23.40wgwI also really like Locomotion, which is no more than Transport Tycoon with a Roller Coaster Tycoon-style interface
05:23.47Dr_willisperhaps if i find it in the bargin bin. but theres no linux port.. wonder how well wine supports it.
05:23.49wgwand that could well be Chris Sawyer's last game
05:23.58wgwRCT3 does not appeal to me, at alll
05:24.11wgwI wouldn't even try to run it in Linux
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05:25.14Dr_willisIm reminded of the  "Dungeon Keeper" as one of the more amuseing sim type games - ive played in the last few years..
05:25.16wgwat the risk of sounding horribly pessmistic, I don't see how Wine/Cedega/ReactOS can hope to keep up with the moving targets posed by the Windows APIs
05:25.20Dr_willisand 'Startopia"
05:25.37wgwand with the increasing amount of DRM in commercial software, it strikes me as a hopeless exercise in futility
05:25.48wgwwhat Linux really needs is a good killer app to get people to deploy it on the desktop
05:26.06wgwbecause once desktop marketshare starts to grow, then we'll get more application developers, and it becomes a virtuous cycle
05:26.10Dr_willisi find the idea of a 'killer app' to be out of touch. :)
05:26.23wgwits axiomatic that the LAMP stack was the killer app that made Linux a hit on servers in the 90s
05:26.31wgwwell, the "AMP" portions
05:26.48Dr_willisKiller app = porn. :)
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05:28.05wgwwoo interesting, was just reading Chris Sawyer's website, I had no idea that roller coaster tycoon was written in assembly
05:29.58LiquidNerd_What's "Katapult"?
05:30.10LiquidNerd_I see it every so often appear on my screen for like 2 seconds and then fade out
05:30.28Renzeyou installed it without knowing what it is?!?
05:31.11*** join/#kde Fenix-Dark (
05:31.17LiquidNerd_Came with the distro
05:31.31Renzeah, that explains it
05:31.42LiquidNerd_what is it?
05:31.47Renzeit's an application launcher on steroids
05:32.21LiquidNerd_oh? better than the basic run window?
05:32.59LiquidNerd_how do I launch it? lol.. from the other run window?
05:33.15Renzeit's already running, or you wouldn't see the window pop up
05:33.27Renzetry alt+space (default shortcut)
05:33.46LiquidNerd_it just shows the graphic.. I can't do anything with it
05:33.58Renzeyou can't type into it?
05:34.05LiquidNerd_not that I can see
05:34.35LiquidNerd_just start typing and it takes it
05:34.59LiquidNerd_rather simple... the other one gives you much more options... but then again, if it's jsut a simple launch it's all you really need
05:35.43Dr_willistry alt-space then '3+5'
05:36.11RenzeLiquidNerd_: it does more... try using it while amarok is running
05:36.34Renzealso, try typing in the name of one of your konqueror bookmarks
05:36.39LiquidNerd_how do I use it with amarok?
05:36.45Renzetype the name of a song
05:37.04Dr_willistry typing in XXX
05:37.16Dr_willisor p0rn
05:37.35LiquidNerd_I don't use konqy as my web browser
05:37.51Renzeyou're missing out
05:38.08LiquidNerd_heh... I try it from time to time, but I find Firefox is just simpler
05:38.31RenzeI find firefox to be slower, eat more memory, and just not render very nicely at all
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05:38.47LiquidNerd_I agree with that
05:38.51hachiyaanyone use basket?  i'm wondering how to set background colors on text within a basket
05:39.06LiquidNerd_I just find that it has better support for more websites
05:39.12LiquidNerd_though it looks fugly
05:39.29RenzeLiquidNerd_: if the website doesn't work in konq, it is the fault of the designer of the site, not konq
05:39.38wgwback sry
05:39.58wgwpr0n, Dr_willis, tsk tsk
05:40.13LiquidNerd_Renze: agreed... but that's how the internet works.. lol
05:40.23LiquidNerd_95% of the internet is designed for IE
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05:40.35RenzeI don't visit 95% of the internet
05:40.45wgwI'd be suprised if I visited 1%
05:40.49Renze95% of the internet is a waste of time
05:40.50Dr_willis95% of the internet is designed for Porn.
05:40.58wgwmy internet consists of Slashdot and the Wall Street Journal :-P
05:41.09Dr_willis"Porn - the reason Al Gore Invented the internet... for Bill Clinton"
05:41.43LiquidNerd_I'm reminded of the broadway song "The Internet is for Porn"
05:42.01wgwplease tell me that's not a broadway song
05:42.20wgwdang stupid VMWare Server console and obsolete VMWare TOols
05:42.31wgwmy cursor is supposed to move seamlessly from this window to the host OS
05:43.12wgwI'm sorry if I'm in a bad mood, I spent four hours at the dentist this morning, and endured a root canal, two crown temporizations, and fillings on four front teeth
05:43.20wgwand consequently am rather .... agitated
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05:45.01simpltonAnyone here have success with getting NetworkManager to save the WEP key in KDE's wallet?
05:45.03LiquidNerd_I do that to freak people out
05:45.04Dr_williswgw,  take a bottle of whisky... pour  in the pain pills.. :)
05:45.33wgwalas, I don't drink (at all), but I did take two  ibuprofen+two bufferin and it hasn't done doodly
05:46.00wgwmy dentist  gave me four ibuprofen which actually worked, but I'm afraid to take that many
05:46.12Dr_willisWhat no Happy Pills!
05:46.24wgwand then after my dentist was through he wanted me to stay and talk with him about Linux for 15 minutes
05:46.26wgwwhich I did
05:46.51wgwI'm going to take my laptop up there and demo it for him on Monday I think
05:46.58Fenix-Darki had a root canal when i was 13
05:47.06Fenix-Darkdentist lied and called it a "deep cleaning"
05:47.10wgwhe has this idiot IT guy who's wasting a huge amount of his money on homebuilt systems running various versions of Windows
05:47.27Dr_willisI had my wisdom teeth out when i was 29
05:47.32wgwmy dentist never lies, in fact, he actually scares the heck out of me by talking in explicit detail about what he's doing
05:47.46wgw"Oh gosh dang it Adriana, I just broke off that lingual"
05:47.57wgw(Adriana=his dental assistant)
05:48.05Fenix-Darkmy dentist wears glasses that are shiny enough where i can look at them and see what he's doing
05:48.09Fenix-Darkwell... a mirror image of it
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05:48.39wgw"Ohhh gosh Adriana that <insert instrument X> just broke off in there and I don't know how in the world I'm going to get it out"
05:48.54wgwit can be terrifying, although the flipside is, as dentists go, I don't know of any who is gentler
05:49.05wgwso the actual level of pain is virtually non existant
05:49.12wgwhe can actually make a root canal feel -good-
05:49.30wgwwhen he first did one on me I was like "ahhhhh"
05:49.40wgwI wanted him to do all my teeth
05:49.51Dr_willisor a SICK LITTLE PUPPY!
05:50.12Renzemaybe those meds are finally kicking in
05:50.18Dr_willis'Dirty boy!"
05:50.19*** part/#kde blackvd (
05:50.46wgwit didn't feel that good
05:50.57Dr_willisRenze,  one of the top 10 movies of all time. :)
05:51.08Dr_willisDefinatly one of the top 10 Musicals. :)
05:52.02wgwI am not masochistic (if I were, I would have enjoyed the experience of going to the periodontist for a crown lengthening)
05:52.17wgwI actually used to manage my dentists practice
05:52.55wgwbut I left mid year last year to focus on running my branding consultancy full time
05:52.57wgwit was fun though
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05:53.09wgwDental Economics became one of my favorite magazines
05:55.22LiquidNerd_is there a way to make new toolbars in konqy?
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06:05.47wolsnithe screensaver configuration in KControl doesn't show all of the screensavers that show up in xscreensaver-demo
06:06.03wolsniany way to rescan or something?
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06:08.29LiquidNerd_THat's two things I didn't like about Konqy as a web browser.. the home button and the toolbars hand's turning purple from the blood being cutt off.
06:09.27Renzeejm: cut back on the pr0n
06:10.17ejmI have a laptop where the AC cord has to stay in a certain position or it starts going crazy
06:10.28Renzeblu tac
06:10.45ejmneedless to say, I'm in a very aqward position.
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06:14.54ejmtry krusader
06:14.59ejmfor files
06:15.07ejmand I'm not sure for a web browser
06:15.13Shirakawasunaejm: no warranty on the laptop?
06:15.22LiquidNerd_krusader eh?
06:15.24ejmI think it's expired.
06:15.33ejmI've never used krusader before.
06:15.42Shirakawasunaejm: There's a chance it's the cord, there's a chance it's the connector that's hooked to the mobo
06:15.53ejmsort of like a kde version of midnight commander.
06:15.54LiquidNerd_I'll look into it.. I don't like Konqy as a web browser.. it doesn't seperate the file browser and web browser enough
06:15.59Shirakawasunaejm: let's hope it's the connector, because propping it up like that is bad for the mobo ;)
06:16.09Shirakawasunaejm: the cord, that is, let's hope it's that
06:16.12ejmI have it on top of a book.
06:16.30Shirakawasunawell, if it dies I highly recommend the dell 1300...if they still sell it :)
06:16.45LiquidNerd_Like.. Why would I want a bookmark toolbar for browsing my filesystem? but you can't have it on for one without it being on for all... same with toolbar icon size... annoying..
06:16.46Shirakawasunathis thing is rock solid linux-wise and design-wise
06:17.00Shirakawasunaonly downside is the wireless needs ndiswrapper, but I can't complain
06:17.08ejmI worked for dell.
06:17.19ejmhorrible servers.
06:20.11Shirakawasunaejm: I'll bet :)
06:20.17Shirakawasunaejm: I think I got pretty lucky w/ this laptop
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06:21.00Shirakawasunakonqy is pretty nifty :).  I wish it was a little more customizable , as in being able to create an entirely new toolbar without sacrificing one of the defaults
06:21.14LiquidNerd_Shirakawasuna: agreed
06:21.14Shirakawasunabut that's a pretty minor thing
06:21.30LiquidNerd_and having a seperate home button for web and file...
06:21.36Shirakawasunait's way faster than other browsers I've used
06:21.40Shirakawasunaah, that too
06:21.43LiquidNerd_and being able to have different toolbars on for web and file..
06:21.54LiquidNerd_and different icon sizes
06:21.55Shirakawasunait already has that *kind of*
06:22.03Shirakawasunathe different web/file toolbars
06:22.24Shirakawasunanot quite as extensive as I'd prefer - if konqi had all of that it'd be perfect, and I mean perfect!
06:22.42LiquidNerd_It's like 30 times faster than firefox
06:22.45LiquidNerd_and much prettier
06:23.37Shirakawasunaand more powerful - web shortcuts are pretty nifty
06:24.14LiquidNerd_I like the gg: thing
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06:28.05shadokstrigi is really a cool app
06:28.20shadokand its integration is good too
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06:37.27marktaffLiquidNerd_: gg: equiv. in firefox is 'google'
06:37.49Renzeshadok: which backend did you choose for strigi?
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06:38.57shadokclucene but i didn't tied the others
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06:39.09shadok &
06:39.53P-Luc_Auclairis there a way to do a button for Konqueror to add a given website as a search engine?
06:41.13marktaffwhat website? many are already available as shorcuts like gg:
06:41.32P-Luc_Auclairno, say I'd like a "Add this website to your search engine list"
06:41.45P-Luc_Auclairsome kind of ecma action from the website
06:41.54P-Luc_Auclairthat would automatically add an entrt
06:42.16marktaffthe strigi IO slave URI scheme needs to be changed to remove all the crap other than the regex, like "strigi: *d*\.pdf"
06:43.22marktaffP-Luc_Auclair: Don't know about that.  I never use it.  I always search from the location bar
06:46.35marktaffP-Luc_Auclair: call me crazy, but I don't like the notion of allowing a webpage to add/remove/edit search engines and such from my browser
06:46.52shadokmarktaff: hehe i'm not used to regexp and i like this type of masking, even it is simple and easy for everyone to understand yet not powerful at all
06:47.12*** join/#kde dma147 (n=dma147@gentoo/user/dma147)
06:47.22dma147good morning... ;)
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06:47.39Renzemorning? it's 7:46pm! ;)
06:48.03P-Luc_Auclairmarktaff, such thing can be enforced as needing some confirmation, I wouldn't mind
06:48.07dma147harhar... here it's 7:47am
06:48.15dma147Renze: germany
06:48.19P-Luc_Auclairfirefox already offers it from the search bar
06:48.20Renzedma147: New Zealand
06:48.33marktaffshadok: my point was with the location bar in the screenie looking like a URI, when I think it should look more  like a regular ioslave, like in the strigi kpart itself, thats all
06:49.27shadokmarktaff: ah ok, you're right the adress bar is messy :)
06:50.11marktaffP-Luc_Auclair: sure, but then we also have to protect against a DOS by incessant confirmation requests.  I just don't see the value in permitting websites make those changes....
06:50.15Shirakawasunawhat kind of compositing support does kicker have?
06:50.27RenzeShirakawasuna: none whatsoever
06:50.31ShirakawasunaI'm using beryl and just noticed it's turned on for kicker - perhaps I'd get better performance w/ it turned off?
06:50.33dma147anybody an idea which (mini-)program this is?? I mean the four buttons in the kicker (Media, Krusader, Inet, Office) on the screenshots... -->
06:50.45ShirakawasunaRenze: it has an xcomposite useflag...
06:50.59RenzeShirakawasuna: yes, but it doesn't use it
06:51.08marktaffP-Luc_Auclair: it reminds me about media apps in windows always trying to steal file associations :-(
06:51.14Shirakawasunathat's weird
06:51.22ShirakawasunaRenze: should I file a bug or...?
06:51.24RenzeShirakawasuna: the only transparency kicker does is fake
06:51.26P-Luc_Auclairmarktaff, no, nothing that invasive
06:51.31RenzeShirakawasuna: bug for what?
06:51.48RenzeShirakawasuna: for no compositing code existing in kicker?
06:52.04Shirakawasunano, for it having an xcomposite useflag if it doesn't use it
06:52.13RenzeShirakawasuna: does it really matter?
06:52.17P-Luc_Auclairsomething like a addKonqSearch with a string attached to it
06:52.58P-Luc_Auclairit's not that much of a deal to add it if you know how, but the average user will have a hard time
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06:53.10RenzeShirakawasuna: read the ebuild and see if the use flag is used for anything, just in case
06:53.12marktaffdma147: the four buttins are the pager applet
06:53.16P-Luc_Auclairwould make it much more accessible
06:54.35dma147marktaff: uhh... are you sure?
06:54.36shadoka workaround for transparency in kicker is to use beryl/compiz and alt + wheeling on it
06:54.46marktaffdma147: yes
06:54.57ShirakawasunaRenze: hrm, perhaps it has experimental support
06:55.07marktaffdma147: explore the option of the pager applet
06:55.10ShirakawasunaRenze: either way I don't see how it could help Beryl, so I'm turning it off
06:55.17RenzeShirakawasuna: kicker will not exist in kde4, so experimental for what? ;)
06:55.38marktaffdma147: try naming your desktops instaed of usinf the default numbers
06:55.44ShirakawasunaRenze: no idea ;)
06:55.52dma147marktaff: hmmm.... do you know a miniprogram which provides such buttons for starting programs?
06:55.58dma147marktaff: ahh, yeah that can be
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06:56.16ShirakawasunaRenze: it seems to have something for telling it to simply enable composite when compiling
06:56.22marktaffyou can add any icon to kicker that you want for any application
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06:57.03RenzeShirakawasuna: maybe there are some applets that use it?
06:57.09dma147marktaff: hmm, okay, thanks... I'll try to create own icons...
06:57.12marktaffif you want it to look like a rectangualr box, just create a gey rectangular png for the icon
06:58.29dma147marktaff: I know that I can add any icon or any application to the kicker, but I didn't know how to do that in two lines...
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06:59.32marktaffdma147: not sure kicker will let you have two lines in one panel.  You can have two panels, one on top of the other, to simulate two rows...
06:59.55dma147uhhh... no, that isn't what I want... ;)
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07:00.10Renzequick launcher applet?
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07:00.35dma147Renze: one sec.
07:01.32dma147Renze: oh, that looks good... thanks... I'll try that. ;)
07:01.41Renzeno problem
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07:03.21shadokRenze: is there already a name for the sucessor of kicker ?
07:03.41shadokerf, i tought that was the whole desktop :p
07:03.58Renzeplasma is a replacement for kicker, kdesktop, and superkaramba
07:07.19*** join/#kde otimocin (
07:09.43shadokmake sure you only allow a few filetypes, i got an index of 8.7Go last night ^^
07:10.11RenzeI'll run out of harddrive space before then
07:10.21RenzeI'm only indexing my home
07:10.30P-Luc_Auclairmarktaff, or maybe Konqueror could use the firefox <search> tag
07:10.44shadokthat should not be too big so :)
07:10.59benJImanP-Luc_Auclair: what search tag?
07:11.08Renze34MB so far
07:11.43shadoki get 150MB for all my music/pdf/images/movies files
07:12.18benJImanP-Luc_Auclair: you can add search engines trivially in the konqueror configuration dialogue
07:12.43benJImanand you don't need to use that method now P-Luc_Auclair
07:12.51RenzeCPU up to 58°C
07:12.58benJImanwith IE7 and firefox2 you can have your site advertise search engines available
07:13.40P-Luc_AuclairbenJIman, yes... if you add it by hand
07:13.47benJImanP-Luc_Auclair: there's no need to do that now, just use the A9 search advertising
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07:15.16P-Luc_AuclairbenJIman, I'm not familiar to A9, how does it work?
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07:16.06benJImanYou add an opensearchdescription to your site and firefox and IE7 will pick up on it
07:18.52shadokRenze: ah, beware the many process strigi opens while indexing, they all appears as defunct and they can top your max process limit, if it happens, just stop the deamon and restart it
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07:19.14P-Luc_AuclairbenJIman, thanks, looks interesting
07:19.27Renzeshadok: I only have one strigidaemon process
07:20.00benJImanP-Luc_Auclair: hopefully konqueror will spport it soon
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07:20.27shadokyou must not have pdf files, the process is pdftotext
07:20.43Renzeshadok: I have lots of pdf files
07:21.00Renzeah, I have lots of those
07:21.26Renzekill strigidaemon and restart?
07:21.49P-Luc_AuclairbenJIman, not sure I like Amazon doing it in partnership with MS tho ;)
07:21.55P-Luc_Auclair(in this example)
07:22.26shadoki scratched my head yesterday, i was getting a message "kde can't launch <anything>", until i saw the output of ps aux
07:22.29benJImanOhes noes, two companies cooperating on open standards
07:23.04P-Luc_Auclairthat's not it
07:24.15P-Luc_AuclairI just don't really like that all this data will be collected and sold for marketing purposes (and it's probably the reason they join in)
07:24.38P-Luc_Auclairsure you can't blame them for this...
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07:26.04benJImanyou having an xml descriptor on your site doesn't give them any data
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07:28.30P-Luc_Auclairindeed, I had misunderstood something
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08:09.55archangelpetrogood morning
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08:21.13firepolHi there, I downloaded and installed (./configure && make && make install) for konqueror on gentoo. my question is: does somebody know now how to "activate" and use it?
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08:25.33Renzefirepol: konqueror already comes with a sidebar, right click the button bar of the sidebar and add it
08:27.05firepolRenze, I clicked add, but it isn't added. I tried to add something else and it worked, but not for the sidebar
08:27.29Renzeweird... it works here, even though I don't use it
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08:45.39PeterFAI know about, but I was wondering if someone just so happened to know of a really linuxy looking skin for KDE. I want something that has that look and feel like Slack.
08:46.06PeterFAThat is, instead of having to dig through all five million themes.
08:46.09PeterFAAnd by skin I mean theme.
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08:49.16RenzeI have absolutely no idea what Slack looks like
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09:02.14thiagoPeterFA: Plastik
09:02.27thiagoSlackware uses pristine sources, so they use the default theme: Plastik
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09:22.16PeterFAthiago, thanks.
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09:40.30Daverockshey, i can't clear cookies in konqueror because when i select the "Cookies" option when configuring, it says "unable to start cookie handler service" and tells me i won't be able to manage cookies
09:40.47Daverocksis there a way to get the cookie handler service or to clear the cookies manually?
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09:52.09Daverocksthe problem is almost certainly related to the recent upgrade of kdelibs3 i did
09:52.27Daverocksbrb again ;)
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10:09.08skywa1k3rhi... i need some help with Konsole in kde 3.5.3 on Fedora Core 5.. after a while, a current konsole window simply stops accepting keyboard input. mouse input works, the running programs go on fine, and i can access the menu.. just can't type anything :( if i open a new konsole from menu keyboard works on that
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10:11.29skywa1k3r*sorry if i do session -> new window it doesn't work.. if i open konsole from the kde apps menu the keyboard works
10:15.18skywa1k3rand mouse input is still being accepted, i can copy something from another window and middle button pastes the text into the window as usual
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10:17.10Daverockshi, after officially upgrading kde in suse 10.2, kded isn't running, which makes a lot of things broken
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10:19.28annmatry a new user
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10:21.32Daverocksok, brb
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10:24.04Daverocksdidn't help.
10:24.32Daverocksif i run kded manually after startup, it's running, but in "KDE components" i see the load on demand services aren't running, but there's no option to run them
10:25.14Daverocks(the last "run")
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10:27.35Daverocksok, i run kded, i start the media manager service, then i do "media:/", tells me the mediamanager isn't running, i check again and kded is dead
10:28.18Daverocksin fact, when i open konqueror, kded dies
10:30.13Daverockshow does kded usually start when you start kde?
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10:39.59Daverocksi'm getting this message whenever i run konqueror "kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed."
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10:40.22Daverockshow do i stop kded from crashing?
10:40.49Daverocksit's running before i open konqueror, but then it crashes.
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10:41.55thiagofind out what is causing the crash first
10:42.31Daverocksthat's what i usually would do, but i don't know how in this situation
10:42.41thiagoget the backtrace
10:42.55Daverocksand how shall i do that?
10:42.58Daverocksstrace kded?
10:44.32Daverocksthat doesn't seem to help because kded detaches
10:45.23Daverocksok, i'll use gdb
10:46.44thiagoattach gdb to it
10:47.10Daverockshm, using gdb the normal way doesn't seem to work, how do i attach gdb to the detached kded?
10:48.56thiagogdb -pid `pidof kded`
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10:50.58Daverocksi can't crash kded while gdb is attached to it, when i try to start konqueror which usually crashes kded, konqueror doesn't start
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10:51.31thiagomake sure you "continue" the program after attaching
10:51.31Daverocksbut i got some more helpful information when i detached gdb, konqueror immediately started and kded crashed, but gave me more information
10:51.46thiagotype bt and paste the backtrace to a pastebin
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10:52.28Daverocksi "continued" about 3 times, then it said "0xb7f8a410 in ??" and i could do a bt, but kded was still running
10:52.32Daverocksit hadn't crashed
10:52.39Daverocksbut i found the source of the crashing anyway
10:52.57Daverocks"Last DCOP call before KDED crash was from application 'konqueror-26840' to object 'favicons', function 'iconForURL(KURL)'."
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10:53.13Daverocksthat helps because i _know_ the favicon part of kded isn't running
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10:53.46tuxicki'm still trying to find out why i have lots of icons missing
10:53.49chaoflowkonqueror takes (compared to other browsers) a long time to render most wikipedia pages, and when I am logged into a plone 2.5 page, after a short time, this konqueror window gets amazingly slow, and X is eating my cpu time. Anybody a suggestion where I could start digging?
10:53.50thiagoso it probably tried to load and crashed
10:54.21chaoflowshould have added, linux 2.6.19, ppc, konqueror 3.5.5, glibc 2.4
10:54.26Daverockswhen kded starts up with kde, it starts all those "services on-demand" including the favicon services, but since kde doesn't seem to be starting kded on startup, i had to run it manually, and the on-demand services are stopped, but i can't start them
10:54.49Daverocksif i go to kcontrol -> KDE components -> service manager, i can only start and stop the startup services
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11:04.17Daverocksok, i got kded to segfault by opening konqueror
11:04.38Daverocksbut gdb won't give me a backtrace, it says "Cannot fetch general-purpose registers for thread -1231390016: generic error"
11:09.27Daverocksok, i got a backtrace, and it crashes when trying to call the FavIcon functions
11:09.56Daverocksalso indicates that the problem arises from the favicon service not being started, which i _can't_ start from kcontrol
11:10.23Daverocksnot that it doesn't let me, but there's no option to
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11:19.18MinceRannma: do we really need to know? :>
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11:32.59marvhi, do you guys know a kde applet for debian sarge, which tells me if there are updates available? adept is not available in sarge. and backporting will not be so easy.
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11:46.14WebDragon <-- konqueror bug
11:46.27WebDragonis this a known issue?
11:47.15WebDragon>$ konqueror --version |xargs
11:47.15WebDragonQt: 3.3.7 KDE: 3.5.5-0.2.fc5 Fedora-Core Konqueror: 3.5.5-0.2.fc5 Fedore Core
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11:54.59thiagoWebDragon: explain the issue
11:55.01thiagoI can't see anything
11:55.22WebDragonreload it again
11:55.38WebDragondo you have stylesheets diabled, or images disabled ?
11:56.15WebDragonthiago: brb, grabbing a quick smoke
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12:01.27spawn57thiago, i just saw his page, the rows in the tables repeat the same background when they're not supposed to
12:01.58WebDragontechnically the cells in the row repeat the background
12:02.19WebDragonthe background should span all three cells instead of repeating for each cell
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12:08.09WebDragonso is this a known issue?
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12:13.14thiagoWebDragon: nothing is disabled
12:13.20thiagoWebDragon: what am I supposed to see?
12:13.30thiagothere is no background
12:13.47WebDragonthe background is in the three table rows with td's in them
12:14.15WebDragon <-- this is how it looks in MSIE6 and Konqueror
12:14.21annmaWebDragon: what bug would it be then?
12:14.25WebDragonand which is incorrect behaviour
12:14.27annmayou did the test case
12:14.38annmawhat is the cause?
12:14.56WebDragonspecifically I don't know, but IE exhibits the same problem
12:15.23WebDragonOpera and Firefox both display the table row background correctly
12:15.23annmayou did the test and you don't know?
12:15.25WebDragonI know there's a problem but not what the cause is
12:15.30annmais it html?
12:15.38annmawhere did you get the code from then?
12:15.49thiagoWebDragon: now I see it
12:16.01thiagoWebDragon: I'm not sure which is the correct behaviour
12:16.07WebDragonwrote it up as a test case to show someone how to do it and then found out IE wouldn't do it properly and so I tested it in other browsers and discovered konq fell down too
12:16.25WebDragonthe correct behaviour is how opera 9 and ff 1.5.09 handle it
12:16.37thiagohow do you know that's the correct behaviour?
12:16.54WebDragonthe row has a background assigned to it, not the table cells.. repeating the bg in table cells that do not have a background assigned to them is incorrect
12:17.31WebDragontakes only minimal logic to parse that out
12:17.32annmatry to narrow the test case
12:17.42WebDragonthis is about as narrow as it gets
12:17.57annmais it css or html in cause?
12:18.22thiagocan you confirm the problem in a w3c test?
12:18.29WebDragonit validates cleanly
12:18.31thiagoI am not sure you have the correct interpretation
12:18.43thiago50% of the browsers you tested show it one way, 50% the other way
12:18.50WebDragonI develop web for a living, I'm pretty sure this is not correct behaviour
12:19.14thiagois your page validating in XHTML?
12:19.28WebDragonif I assign a background for a table ROW I don't expect each CELL in the row to repeat the background, expecially when I have explicitly stated "no-repeat" in the declaration
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12:19.37WebDragonvalidates in HTML 4.01 Strict
12:19.48WebDragonI avoid xhtml since MSIE 6 nor 7 support it
12:19.51Daverocksthat was incredibly weird, i just rebooted a couple of times and it completely solved my kded problem
12:19.57WebDragonsince neither*
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12:20.07Daverocksoh well, i like when things are automagically fixed ^_^
12:20.23thiagoWebDragon: well, the Konqueror interpretation is that the background is per cell
12:20.27WebDragon_ZofBot ( HTML: Valid ( )  CSS: Valid  ( ) DOCTYPE: HTML 4.01 Strict + url
12:20.29thiagoso it won't repeat the background inside a cell
12:20.44thiagobut it's allowed to start over in another cell
12:20.51WebDragonthe background is explicitly assigned to the table row, not to the table cells
12:20.55thiagoI know
12:21.01WebDragontherefore it should not repeat
12:21.05thiagobut the Konqueror sees no concept in row background
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12:21.34WebDragonalternating row backgrounds to make tables easier to follow for large tables
12:21.35thiagonow, like I said, I have no idea if this is what the CSS is supposed to mean or not
12:21.39WebDragonit is.
12:21.48thiagois it written in the CSS spec?
12:21.58WebDragonbut feel free to ask in #web and #css if you don't take my word for it
12:22.19thiagoI'm just saying that I don't have the qualifications to judge this
12:22.21thiagoit may be a bug
12:22.25WebDragonit is.
12:22.26thiagoit may also be the intended behaviour
12:22.36thiagothen send a patch or file a bug report
12:22.51WebDragonhappy to file a bug report provided it is not already a known issue
12:22.57thiagoI don't know about it
12:23.00WebDragonwhich is why I'm inquiring :)
12:23.05thiagoit doesn't mean others may not...
12:23.07thiagoask in #khtml
12:23.14WebDragonwill do. thanks.
12:24.08annmaif you file a bug attach the code to it please
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12:24.43annmaso that the source will stay
12:25.12WebDragonnp :)
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12:29.55zorglu_q. i use a kde apps (i.e. konqueror) thru a ssh with X forwarding, and i got "DCOP Cleaning up dead connections." dumps on the console a while after closing konqueror, what does this mean ?i dunno if it is related but when i use kate thru ssh with X forwarding, the ssh take a long time before closing, way more that if i didnt use kate in this ssh session
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12:31.12Daverockszorglu_: i think that's because the X forwarding somehow stops the KDE apps from interacting with their local DCOP server
12:31.56zorglu_Daverocks: hmm ok, any hint on how to fix it ? is it even possible ? :) or should i live with it ?
12:32.41Daverockszorglu_: i'm not into huge details on DCOP servers, so I'm kind of at a loss
12:32.49Daverockszorglu_: there's probably a way, definitely
12:33.18zorglu_ok, thanks for your answer :)
12:33.42Daverockshopefully someone else could answer ;)
12:35.13zorglu_yep, i will reask later :)
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12:47.46rabbywhat's wrong with my .dmrc? chmod 644 and chown for the user
12:48.09Daverocksrabby: what's the problem?
12:48.48rabbyafter logging at xdm it tells me the permissions were set wrongly.
12:49.03rabbybut i checked it again, and it is 644 and user owns the .dmrc
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12:51.04Daverocksrabby: i don't know how much support you'll get for xdm in #kde
12:51.45rabbyi do not know if whether it is a problem of kde or xdm..?
12:52.41rabbycan You please compare Your ~/.dmrc to my one?
12:52.41rabby-rw-r--r-- 1 rabby users 26 18. Jan 13:51 rabby/.dmrc
12:53.19Daverocks-rw------- 1 david users 26 2007-01-18 23:14 .dmrc
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12:53.27Daverocksso try setting it 600
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12:54.03rabbywhy does the err message tell me 644? strange... i will try
12:54.50VSpikeDoes anyone know why kscreensaver will not kick in for me?
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12:55.14rabbythank You! it works
12:55.18VSpikeIt worked with the vesa xorg driver, but it will not work with fglrx
12:55.25Daverocksrabby: you're welcome, lol
12:55.25VSpikexscreensaver works fine
12:55.34rabbyanyone has to correct the error message, i think.
12:55.44Daverocksrabby: you can ;)
12:55.56DaverocksVSpike: xscreensaver when it loads 3D screensavers on fglrx works?
12:55.57rabbyonly on my tux
12:56.39VSpikeDaverocks: Yes, although it seems buggy.  They hog CPU, run slow and often lock up and need to be killed from console, especially when switching user sessions
12:56.58DaverocksVSpike: hm, glxgears runs ok? or not?
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12:56.59VSpikeMind you I get the impression that switching user sessions is buggy with fglrx anyway
12:57.19Daverocksi'm not a fan of the ati linux drivers ;)
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12:57.25VSpikeDaverocks: glxgears runs fine.  And the GL kscreensavers run fine in test mode and in the preview window
12:57.51VSpikeDaverocks: me either, or getting that way.  Sadly the open ones just don't work with my card.
12:58.01DaverocksVSpike: i assume you've asked in #ati ?
12:58.11VSpikeDaverocks: No life there
12:58.13Daverocksmind you, don't seem to be many people in there
12:58.15Daverocksyeah :P
12:59.28VSpikeDaverocks: A search on this problem has revealed a few people asking it.  One suggestion was to do with adding UseDPMS or something like that to a config file, which I tried but it made no difference.
12:59.45DaverocksVSpike: i really really hate when i'm in a situation like yours
12:59.50VSpikeI'm thinking of buying a 7950GT anyway, but this is bugging me
13:00.03DaverocksVSpike: and i especially hate when _no-one_ can provide any help
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13:00.34VSpikeDaverocks: Thanks, I genuinely really appreciate your saying that
13:01.06VSpikeIt can get a bit isolating trying to solve these problems sometimes when it seems like no-one can help
13:01.24VSpikeUsually come out the other side knowing a bit more about something though, I guess :)
13:01.27DaverocksVSpike: maybe you could like write some sort of process monitor, wait 10 minutes, and see if kscreensaver _tried_ to start
13:01.32Daverocksyep :D
13:01.49Daverocksbtw, replace "10 minutes" with however long you set
13:02.01Daverocksanyway my firefox is officially stuffed lol
13:02.08Daverocksno-one else had experienced my problem before
13:02.23Daverocksjust to give you an idea:
13:02.40Daverockssee how the close tab and the writing is screwed?
13:03.05VSpikeooh yeah.. that's wierd
13:03.19VSpikeDoes it only happen with firefox?
13:03.37Daverocksheh, i use konqueror now :P ... i couldn't find anyone else who had seen anything like it, even in people were stumped
13:03.56Daverocksyeah, it only happens with firefox, but it _doesn't_ happen when i run firefox in gnome or xfce
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13:04.10Daverocksin everything else like kde, fluxbox, fvwm, the problem occurs
13:04.29Daverocksthe stuffed writing comes from dragging windows over those bits, but it's kind of buggy all the time anyway
13:04.34Daverocksi use konqueror now :P
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13:05.20DaverocksVSpike: anyway, what do you think of the "process monitor" idea?
13:05.40VSpikeIt's an interesting idea.
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13:07.02tsdhHi. Is it possible to the KDE services without using KDE? For example I'd like to use the KDE media service.
13:07.22MinceRDaverocks: does it happen if you run it under kde but start gnome-settings-daemon before it?
13:07.41DaverocksMinceR: hmm, let me check
13:08.09Daverocksi don't seem to have gnome-settings-daemon
13:08.12Daverockseven though i have gnome
13:08.28Daverocksi have a LOT of binaries that look like gnome-*
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13:09.00tsdhAh, I meant, is it possible to USE the KDE services without KDE?
13:14.11tsdhSo that I get this popup if I plug any storage devices those devices are listed in konqueror's system -> storage media tab.
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13:15.33Daverockstsdh: i think in xfce you can enable kde services for compatibility
13:16.08Daverockstsdh: but i don't know if xfce starts kded, which is responsible for the storage media recognition and automount
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13:16.43Daverockswe don't even know if he's using xfce, lol
13:17.08tsdhI use dwm, but I'll try if it works with kded.
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13:19.15VSpikeDaverocks: I'm not sure kscreensaver actually has its own binary
13:19.36DaverocksVSpike: probably not, heh
13:19.52tsdhYep, it work. Not the popup, but the storage media inside konqueror. That's good enough for me. Thanks.
13:20.04Daverocksreally? sweet lol
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13:22.06SpeShi, anyone knows what is the DHT option in ktorrent?
13:22.28DaverocksSpeS: it allows you to find peers even when the tracker is down
13:22.40DaverocksSpeS: stands for "Distributed Hash Table". kind of like true P2P
13:22.51SpeSaham, so it's "good" for download bad for CPU
13:22.56SpeSthanks :)
13:23.08Daverocksheh i don't think it's that heavy on the CPU
13:23.34SpeSwell, that's not a problem
13:23.40SpeSit was turned off by default
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13:23.52SpeSnow it's activated :)
13:24.13DaverocksSpeS: even when activated, ktorrent will probably only use when it can't communicate with the tracker
13:24.17Daverockswhich is fair enough
13:24.19Daverocksbut i may be wrong
13:24.26SpeSgood then
13:24.55SpeSDaverocks, and the option with right click on the file and the tick icon? in spanish is called "Anuncio Manual"
13:24.59benJImanDHT is disabled by suse, and possibly other distros, I think it does use it when enabled
13:25.01SpeSwhat's that for?
13:25.26DaverocksSpeS: um, no idea
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13:34.10MasterShrekanyone know if i can install the kickoff style menu (like opensuse 10.2 has now) on my slackware?
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13:34.44DaverocksMasterShrek: i think kickoff was developed by suse, so i don't know how possible that is
13:34.53Daverocksi have suse and i disabled it anyway
13:35.07MasterShrekyea, my friend did the same thing, but i think its kinda cool looking
13:35.08Daverocksbut it's your preference
13:35.18Daverocksit does look cool i admit
13:35.25benJImanMasterShrek: it's in kde svn
13:35.28benJImanif you want it
13:35.29MasterShreki think its supposed to be included in kde4, but i dont want to wait =P
13:35.34Daverocksah it is? cool
13:35.36JucatoMasterShrek: yes you can compile it
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13:35.40benJImanit's in a branch yeah
13:35.48benJImansee beineri's blog for details
13:35.49Jucatoit's not going to be in KDE 4
13:35.57Jucatonot by default, anyways...
13:36.12Jucatoor not even included... it's still up in the air for now...
13:36.14MasterShrekhmm, i thought i read that it was
13:36.18MasterShrekbut maybe not =P
13:36.19eddysetyawanwhere i can look kde 4 preview anyone have screenshot
13:36.31benJImanThere was an article which was more wrong than right on slashdot and digg
13:36.39benJImanI'm not sure that article contained a single correct fact
13:37.10JucatobenJIman: it did contain some correct facts...
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13:37.20Jucatothe article links to a blog post anyway...
13:37.32benJImanYes which had more errors than correct statements
13:37.45Jucatoeddysetyawan: look around in articles. some have KDE 4 shots
13:38.00MasterShrekhey benJIman do u konw what branch its in?
13:38.01Jucatobut don't expect big changes in user interface and artwork yet
13:39.51benJImanMasterShrek: as I said look at beineri's blog
13:39.58benJImanfind it on even
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13:48.34LinuxCartanyone could test the java applets here are working?
13:50.33DaverocksLinuxCart: works for me
13:51.02LinuxCartwhat java are you using and konqueror version?
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13:51.51DaverocksLinuxCart: konqueror 3.5.5 and sun java 1.5.0_06
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13:54.25LinuxCart1.5.0_10 here, umm I'll try to update or look elsewhere
13:54.29LinuxCartthank you
13:54.42DaverocksLinuxCart: no problem lol
13:54.43LinuxCartBTW Daverocks have you tried gcj or kaffe?
13:55.04Daverockssun java has always works ten thousand times better for me
13:56.40LinuxCartDaverocks: do you have anykind of java bindings for kde?
13:57.14DaverocksLinuxCart: no idea, i've forgotten everything about how i installed java lol
13:57.27Daverocksi haven't intentionally assigned any kde bindings so...
13:57.31LinuxCartok, just to check my pacakges
13:57.49LinuxCartbets  are that there is anyone missing
14:01.03*** join/#kde blacklotus89 (
14:01.34LinuxCartnow I have it, don't know what really happened
14:03.07Daverocksit works?
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14:22.18hey_ianhi there. when KDE 3.5.6 is going to be released??
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14:23.18tuxickwhy doesn't "open in new tab" move me to this new tab?
14:23.22tuxickseems a bit silly
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14:23.41tuxickspeaking konq of course
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14:24.46Daverockstuxick: that's the default behaviour of most tabbed browsers
14:27.09Daverockstuxick: you can change it in Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Web Behavior, Tabbed Browsing, Advanced Options, open new tabs in background checkbox
14:28.21tuxickah cool
14:28.36tuxickstill a silly default!
14:28.49Daverocksas i said, it's the default of most browsers, including firefox and opera
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14:34.03namewhere do I find the kopete config
14:34.47namerm -rf /home/name/.kde/share/apps/kopete* didn't do it
14:35.37Daverocksname: the only thing in that directory is the contact list
14:35.40Daverockshang on
14:36.15Daverocksname: ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc
14:36.19Daverocksshould be there
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15:04.20mustasjHi all. I helping a friend to set up a xerox workcentre printer. Xerox' linux support and drivers are nothing to brag about, so the way I have to do it is that when I click print, xerox' xprint application needs to start. Is this possible?
15:05.20spawn57is it using cups?
15:06.12mustasjspawn57: Sort of. It's impossible to import the PPD files directly. But the printer appears in KDE' print manager
15:06.25mustasjAfter I install xerox' software.
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15:08.20mustasjspawn57: The answer is yes :-) Any ideas?
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15:09.30rindolfHi all.
15:09.35spawn57not really, i'm farily new myself
15:09.37rindolfI'm using beryl-manager with KDE, but in the virtual workspaces pager at the bottom I cannot see the windows in the other workspaces. I'm on Mandriva 2007.0.
15:09.48rindolfI'm using beryl-manager with KDE, but in the virtual workspaces pager at the bottom I cannot see the windows in the other workspaces. I'm on Mandriva 2007.0. What can I do about it?
15:10.09Gentlerindolf, search for pager compiz
15:10.17rindolfGentle: thanks.
15:10.41PupenoDoes anybody know what's needed for audiocd to create mp3 ? here it is creating empty files.
15:10.43Gentlerindolf, there is a replacement for compiz/beryl, but that one has other bugs (can't display more than one row of workspaces)
15:11.12rindolfGentle: so should I use it?
15:11.20annmaPupeno: lame maybe?*
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15:11.34JucatoPupeno: definitely LAME
15:11.46Jucatohi annma!
15:11.47Tm_TI'm not!
15:11.48Pupenolame the library (liblame) or lame the program (lame) ?
15:11.50annmahi Jucato :)
15:11.57annmathe lib
15:11.58Gentlerindolf, it shows the workspaces correctly, it just can't show two rows of desktops, so instead of 2x2 for 4 desktops you'll have 1x4
15:12.02annmaJucato: no!!!!!!!!!
15:12.08rindolfGentle: I cannot find anything:
15:12.09JucatoKDE I mean
15:12.10annmayou can't
15:12.12Jucatough!!! my brain has been scrambled by MS!!!
15:12.15Pupenoannma: the lib is installed.
15:12.23annmaPupeno: it's not enough then
15:12.23JucatoPupeno: try the executable/program
15:12.27rindolfGentle: I searched for "pager compiz" (without the quotes).
15:12.44MrGrimJucato: it's ok man the keys are practically right next to each other
15:13.24PupenoJucato: I tried very hard to find out what might have you been used before to be glad to use XP... I've thought OS/2... no, that was actually good... al desktops were better than MS things... maybe he was using a mainframe for a desktop... that might have been very ugly.
15:13.27MrGrimJucato: I think I may have met my match when it comes to messed up typos
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15:14.12JucatoPupeno: true.. but I've only used MS-DOS -> Windows - Linux... so I wouldn't really know :P
15:14.40MrGrimhmm this monitor has damn near 0 glare and a window is aiming sunlight right at it.. tho it is slightly cloudy outside
15:14.42MrGrimthat's awesome
15:14.46GentleJucato, correct, those taskbar and workspace switcher replacements are third party in every possible way, just, we can still tell people they exist, can't we?
15:14.46MrGrimI was worried :D
15:14.48Jucatoannma: I don't know what I did or didn't do... I can't type accented characters... I could before... :(
15:15.14JucatoGentle: sure. that's very helpful actually. I'm just laying the blame on someone else :P
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15:16.20Jucatoannma: don't mind me for a while... don't let me add to your confusion :)
15:16.20annmaJucato: you mean in the compiled KDE?
15:17.44Pupenolame the binary it was.
15:18.16Jucatogood for you it is :)
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15:18.48Jucatobest grammar teacher, Yoda is.
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15:19.32mustasjspawn57: yeah, think I just figured it out. this may not interest you, still ;) if I add a pseudo printer, and use the command /path/to/xprint %in  I think it should work, lets hope so. Can't test before tomorrow
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15:19.49spawn57i'll keep that in mind
15:21.05benJImanJucato: scribus isn't bad now
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15:21.27JucatobenJIman: I was using it since last week :)
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15:21.40Jucatoso unless your "now" means "today" or "a few hours ago"...
15:21.57Jucatoit's not *bad* really...
15:22.13benJImanIt's not bad at all, compared to many windows DTP packages
15:22.16Jucatoit just didn't work out for me... neither did KDEPrint..
15:22.37JucatobenJIman: funny you should mention that... I actually found it easier to work with MS Publisher...
15:22.49benJImanSure it doesn't have the feature set of indesign or quark, but it's way beyond most other things
15:22.57benJImanpublisher is probably the worst DTP app ever written.
15:22.59tafsenWhere's the dev. channel?
15:23.07Jucatotafsen: #kde-devel
15:23.24JucatobenJIman: worse or not, I only care about what worked for me this time...
15:23.54benJImanIts postscript output is appalling, its colour separtions never work, it randomly moves objects about when you open files on other machines
15:23.55Jucatoyou can keep on saying that it's the worst, but if your best doesn't work for my situation, it matters little...
15:24.05benJImanin short it's just not suitable for print at all
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15:24.27rindolfGentle: thanks.
15:24.46benJImanJucato: The features that are important for the print industry it just can't handle.
15:25.01benJImanWhat were you trying to do then?
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15:25.25benJImanNearly all DTP requires decent postscript output
15:25.53JucatobenJIman: my other alternative was to use Scribus on Linux which doesn't print unless I use KDEPrint, which doesn't accept a custom paper size
15:26.03JucatobenJIman: A black & white 3-fold brochure on 8.5 x 13 inches paper
15:26.20benJImanSounds like distro issues to me.
15:26.32Jucatothe kdeprint issue is not a distro issue
15:26.46Jucatoalso, kdeprint prints... just not with the custom paper size
15:26.56benJImanyou shouldn't use kdeprint with scribus
15:27.13Jucatobut like I said, scribus won't print at all. unless I use kdeprint
15:28.04benJImanWhich sounds like a distro issue.
15:28.47benJImanYou could always just create the postscript and print that
15:28.52benJImanor pdf
15:29.02Jucatowhat will I use to print?
15:29.08benJImanwhatever you want
15:29.41Jucatoanyway, I was under time pressure, so I didn't have the luxury of poking around
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15:39.50olegfinkis there a qt-only version of katepart or something?
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15:48.39Jucatoolegfink: maybe the #qt guys would know?
15:49.15Jucatoannma: would you happen to know if I need something to be installed to be able to write accented characters? (compiled KDE)
15:49.28Jucatoooops.... looks like you're not done yet... sorry :(
15:49.37annmait's ok
15:49.46olegfinkJucato: well... that was a dumb question. A better one follows:
15:49.54annmawhat happen when you type an accented letter?
15:50.03olegfinkcan I compile kate for windows now?
15:50.29annmayou mean kde4?
15:50.30Jucatoannma: nothing... I mean before, I could press on AltGr (or change it to right Win key) and then type ~n to get
15:50.46Jucatoolegfink: applies to KDE 4 only.. unless you go the old Cygwin route...
15:50.54annmaJucato: did you enable dead keys in KControl?
15:51.03Jucatodead keys?
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15:51.31Jucatothe funny thing is, I vaguely remember being able to that on this compiled system... then just one day, it won't anymore...
15:51.50annmaXkb options in KControl
15:52.33Jucatoah yes. I set "Right Win-key is compose" and "Alt and Meta are on the Alt keys (default)"
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15:53.14Jucatomy keyboard layout is Generic 105-key (Intl) PC (not even sure if that's correct, I think I have a 104), and U.S. English, keymap: us
15:53.28annmaI have switched to French so i could not tell further Jucato
15:53.37Jucatoannma: ah ok... thanks anyway...
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15:55.33olegfinkwell atleast where to get those nice qt4 kdevelop templates?
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15:56.07annmaolegfink: that nice template
15:56.10magicbronsonis RightAlt+Tab supposed to behave differently from LeftAlt+Tab?
15:56.11annmathere's one only
15:56.21annmaolegfink: use kdevelop 3.4
15:56.50olegfinkannma: is it released or not?
15:56.52Jucatomagicbronson: by default, KDE uses the right Alt key for the Compose key
15:56.59olegfinkcan't understand
15:57.12annmawith KDE 3.5.6 but you can get some rpms and debs of RC2
15:57.29annmaolegfink: look at kdevelop website
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15:57.50olegfinkannma: ah so I need either to compile it or wait for kde 3.5.6 in my distro
15:57.59annmawhat distro?
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15:58.12olegfinkannma: ArchLinux
15:58.21Jucato3.5.6 will be out in a couple of days, afaik
15:58.32annmadon't know that, what package format is it?
15:58.49magicbronsonJucato: what's the compose key? is there any mention of this in kcontrol?
15:58.51olegfinkannma: a sort of .tar.gz =)
15:59.07annmaso you compile? or are these bin?
15:59.07Jucatomagicbronson: compose key allows you to write accented characters
15:59.13olegfinkannma: bins
15:59.14Jucato(which is actually my problem...)
15:59.24Jucatomagicbronson: like
16:00.26Jucatobtw annma, you could have fooled me... "As I am not a "real" programmer"... :P
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16:00.30olegfinkannma: but I can compile still using standard distro methods. Maybe I'd do kdevelop-svn?
16:00.37magicbronsonJucato: those aren't showing up in my gnome terminal running irssi... but i'm sure they would be if i were using konversation. is there documentation on this somewhere?
16:00.45annmayes olegfink
16:01.04magicbronsonJucato: googling for 'kde compose key' turns up only mailing list hits
16:01.29Jucatomagicbronson: it's a KDE feature, afaik. in KControl -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Layouts afaik
16:01.34magicbronsonJucato: seems like my right Alt behaves exactly like left Alt except with Alt+Tab
16:02.06olegfinkannma: ah seems I have to wait just a bit...
16:04.06magicbronsonJucato: went into keyboard layouts, they were disabled, enabling them didn't seem to have any effect, nor is there mention of the Alt keys...
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16:05.36Jucatohm... sorry... out of ideas myself.. :(
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16:09.28gdiebelmagicbronson: what distro?
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16:10.21magicbronsongdiebel: gentoo
16:10.31magicbronsongdiebel: vanilla kde
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16:11.56gdiebelmagicbronson: ok kcontrol/regional and accessibility/keyboard layout/xkb options/alt win key behavior/alt and meta are on the alt keys
16:12.44gdiebelwhat that will do is use a xkb mapping so that both alt keys are in fact alt
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16:19.22gdiebeldoes kate have a way to tabflip or navigate documents in a "last selected" manner? comparable to alt-tab
16:19.36magicbronsongdiebel: thanks!
16:19.51gdiebelmagicbronson: worked ok for you?
16:20.06magicbronsongdiebel: yeah, that totally fixed it... what was jucato saying about the compose key??
16:20.28magicbronsonis it similar to how Option works on Macs?
16:21.48gdiebelmagicbronson: default is right alt key is a third level chooser for handling extended characters common in non english languages
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16:24.31magicbronsongdiebel: is there documentation somewhere about how to use it? i.e. what key sequences map to what foreign chars?
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16:27.06Shaman`liquid weather++ looks great
16:27.17MinceRwhat's the cleanest way to get kickoff on ubuntu?
16:27.27Shaman`had to download and install it tho... couldn't get it off hotnewstuff for some rason
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16:28.37annmaMinceR: compile it probably
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16:35.44gdiebelmagicbronson: it is dependent on the keyboard layout. not really sure, since I only use english.
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16:38.11LinuxCartanyone could see this java applet on konqueror: ?
16:38.17LinuxCartit's a video...
16:40.22DesintegrI got an image
16:40.54DesintegrINFO] shutting down: reason: javax.sound.sampled.spi.MixerProvider: Illegal configuration-file syntax
16:41.15LinuxCartI also got an image
16:41.25LinuxCartusing sun java
16:41.32Desintegrsound problem
16:41.34LinuxCartbut not that error
16:41.42DesintegrI have this error in Java console
16:41.42LinuxCartit works on FF2
16:41.51LinuxCartoh I see I'll check the console...
16:43.26LinuxCarthow did you get the console?
16:44.28LinuxCartjava console I mean
16:44.28DesintegrI click on the « coffee » icon in Konqueror status bar
16:44.42LinuxCartso you are using kaffe?
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16:45.22LinuxCartah ok I have it, last time didn't work
16:45.42LinuxCartalso seems sound problem
16:45.44LinuxCartI'll report it
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16:50.11LinuxCartthanks Desintegr
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16:50.36DesintegrI use java from officiel SUN JRE
16:51.31Desintegrhum, it's not a coffee icon :o
16:51.40Desintegrit's a Java « guy » icon :)
16:51.43Desintegrsorry :)
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16:53.34magicbronsonis there a way to map a keyboard shortcut to pulling up the k menu? don't see it in kcontrol/keyboard shortcuts
16:54.04LinuxCartDesintegr: I'm using 1.5, but I'm not sure if 1.6 will change anything I'll try by the way
16:54.16Jucatomagicbronson: its there... Popup Launch Menu
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16:54.22LinuxCartmagicbronson: not that I know off, but you could configure it
16:54.37Jucatomagicbronson: its set to Alt+F1 by default
16:54.42LinuxCartoh, sorry. It's not a default keyboard shortcutr
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16:55.22magicbronsonLinuxCart, Jucato: where is it set?
16:55.47Jucatomagicbronson: KControl -> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts.. the first tab
16:55.50LinuxCartShaman`: about what
16:55.52Jucatoyou have to scroll down a bit
16:55.59magicbronsonJucato: i'm there, i don't see it
16:56.06LinuxCartShaman`: just a picture of some candy
16:56.35Jucatomagicbronson: you see the Search: field at the top?
16:56.41JucatoGlobal shortcuts
16:57.20magicbronsonJucato: yeah
16:57.24DesintegrLinuxCart: maybe a problem with Java and ALSA
16:57.34Jucatomagicbronson: use it :) type in "menu"
16:58.12magicbronsonJucato: i was searching for k menu instead of launch menu... thanks
16:58.23Jucato<Jucato> magicbronson: its there... Popup Launch Menu <--- I said it a few minutes ago...
16:58.32McEnroewhat does a grey icq flower in kopete mean?
16:58.33Shaman`read the ingredients
17:00.46magicbronsonJucato: sorry, i haven't had my coffee yet
17:01.01Jucatomy tea has gone cold..
17:04.08LinuxCartDesintegr: maybe , installing java6 right now
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17:09.24puschihow can i change the channels ?
17:09.34Jucatopuschi: /j #channel
17:09.41puschithx alot :-)
17:09.46Jucatoor just click on the #channel name
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17:12.05MinceRfound kickoff in trevino's repository -- kickoff seems to be really great :)
17:13.27MinceRi looks really weird with a birght-on-dark theme though
17:13.47Jucatoit's... clunky...
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17:14.28thughow do i get more theme for kde ?
17:14.48thugnon from worked
17:15.01aptsomebody said theme was want gnome-themes?  you probably are looking for the package gtk-theme-switch'.. 'also see packages gtk-engine-*'...
17:15.16Jucatonot that...
17:16.27thugJucato thats how i do man To add a KDE theme from an outside source, click on Install New Theme... and locate the KDE theme file
17:16.45thugand then i select the new installed theme and i click aply and nothing happend :)
17:17.01Jucatoyou read the explanation about KDE Themes? (.kth files?)
17:17.16Jucatoit will only fully work if and only if you have all the other stuff installed already
17:17.33thuglike what ?
17:17.38*** join/#kde Pawel (
17:17.42Jucatow/c means, if it uses window decorations, styles and/or icon themes that are not yet installed on your system, it won't fully work
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17:18.09Jucato"One very important thing to consider when using or installing a KDE Theme is that it only indicates what settings to use for the above. A KDE Theme includes only system notifications, desktop background, panel background, Konqueror background, and the color scheme in its package. The other components must be installed separately if they do not already come with KDE."
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17:21.32thugdo you know what " non " means ?
17:22.36gcbirzanHm. How do I get konqueror to open links I open with konqueror from a terminal, for example, in an existing window?
17:23.31gcbirzanAnd, on that note. How can I get middle clicking to close the tab I was pointing at?
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17:24.44ethrandilHi, I had a look at #kdepim-users but It's very lonely there. Anyoune here sho could help me with kpilot?
17:24.47LinuxCartgcbirzan: could you explain a little better?
17:24.58gcbirzanLinuxCart: Which of the two? :-)
17:25.05LinuxCartethrandil: maybe #kontact
17:25.05Jucatoethrandil: try #kontact
17:25.17LinuxCartgcbirzan: first things first ;)
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17:25.34Jucatoactually, easier thing first
17:25.42Jucatofor the second question, gcbirzan:
17:26.13gcbirzanLinuxCart: Well. I have an open window of Konqueror. From an external application, I try to open an URL. Now, it opens a new window. I want it to open a new tab from that existing window.
17:26.14LinuxCartJucato: I wonder if you have a pool with that links? :P
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17:26.35LinuxCartgcbirzan: ah,ok ...
17:26.44JucatoLinuxCart: somewhat :)
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17:27.19LinuxCartgcbirzan: konqueror prefrences...
17:27.31Jucatogcbirzan: Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Web Behavior -> Advanced Options -> Open as Tab in existing Konqueror when URL is called externally
17:27.33LinuxCartconfigure konqueror
17:27.36gcbirzanDoen't work.
17:27.40LinuxCartthat's it
17:27.57LinuxCartgcbirzan: open a konqueror if you don't have anyone opened
17:27.59gcbirzanWell, no. Let me rephrase that.
17:28.14LinuxCartand now issue on konsole kfmclient exec
17:28.27gcbirzanIt still opens a new window when I run konqueror
17:28.30gcbirzanSame for when I do that.
17:29.19LinuxCartI suppose you accepted, right ;)
17:29.30Jucato[ ] Open links in new tab already checked?
17:30.28gcbirzanJucato: It s.
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17:30.49LnxSlckhello all
17:30.58Jucatofrom what app are you clicking the URL?
17:31.11LnxSlckcan we configure  several accounts in kemail, so that each account has is own directories???
17:31.16LinuxCartJucato: from konsole also didn't work
17:31.26LinuxCartLnxSlck: think so
17:31.43JucatoLnxSlck: yes
17:31.43gcbirzanJucato: Doesn't matter. Same happens when I run kfmclient exec or konqueror
17:31.43LnxSlckLinuxCart, have you done it? i'm trying and i can't do it
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17:32.20LnxSlckJucato, have you done it ?
17:32.41LinuxCartgcbirzan: what kde and distro?
17:33.22JucatoLnxSlck: unfortunately, I only have one account right now that has free POP3... but I do recall having done it before
17:33.40LnxSlckJucato, i have try it several ways, and nothing
17:33.55LnxSlckJucato, both maildir and mailbox.. nothing
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17:34.42LinuxCartLnxSlck: preferences->configure kmail->accounts->modify
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17:34.43LinuxCartLnxSlck: are you there?
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17:35.14LinuxCarttaget folder?
17:35.14LinuxCarton the general tab
17:35.20LinuxCartcan you see it
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17:35.28LnxSlckit only has received
17:35.30LinuxCartLnxSlck: change it to the folder you would like
17:35.32gcbirzanLinuxCart: Ah, 3.5.5, Debian.
17:35.49LinuxCartLnxSlck: create the folder first
17:35.54LinuxCartand the choose it
17:35.59LinuxCartgcbirzan: same here
17:36.25LinuxCartit is rude, but have you tried restarting kde?
17:36.48LinuxCartgcbirzan: also you could create a fresh new user and try with that user, that would isolate the problem
17:37.15LnxSlckLinuxCart, every folder i creat are made inside LOCAL FOLDERS
17:37.25LnxSlckLinuxCart, is it possible to make on folder outside that ?
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17:38.13LinuxCartLnxSlck: I don't think so
17:38.23LnxSlckLinuxCart, thunderbird is much better then...
17:38.43LnxSlckLinuxCart, each email account has his own directory tree
17:38.48LnxSlckoutside the local folders
17:39.20LinuxCartLnxSlck: it's not a good idea to go to #kde and tell that thunderbird is better than kmail
17:39.37LnxSlckLinuxCart, sorry
17:39.43LinuxCartit could be in some aspects, same as kmail is better in some other
17:40.11LnxSlckit's just, i wanted to use kemail, but is it is so, i must stick with thunderbird
17:40.15LinuxCartLnxSlck: I could say I can see TB folder layout is better than kmail's, is just different
17:40.44LinuxCartLnxSlck: I also did that step some time ago and the kmail integration on its own is worthwhile
17:41.54LnxSlcki'm trying to go all kde here, konqueror, kopete, koffice, just kemail is missing :D
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17:41.54LinuxCartLnxSlck: in my opinion you will get used to that, moreover why do you want a different trash for each account it's a waste of resources
17:41.55LinuxCartI understand about the inbox, but drafts, spam and trash could be common
17:42.05LnxSlckLinuxCart, right
17:42.15gcbirzanLinuxCart: Ah, I'll try that at home. Maybe, if I don't fall asleep. :-P
17:42.16LinuxCartit's for inbox and event outbox where you should do the difference, so use filters and do it
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17:42.32LnxSlckLinuxCart, that's exactly that, i have several emails account, but each is different
17:42.35LinuxCartgcbirzan: ok, good luck.
17:42.37LnxSlckso they must be kept apart
17:42.59LinuxCartI propose to create folders and use filters
17:43.01*** part/#kde zxy_64 (
17:43.19LnxSlckLinuxCart, creating folders i understand, but filters ? why ?
17:43.36LinuxCartalso you could place a wishlist on the BTS
17:44.00LinuxCartfilter just to separate sent e-mails on several folders
17:44.42LnxSlckwhat about wishlist and BTS? what's that?
17:46.04LinuxCartBTS stands for bug tracking system
17:46.19LinuxCartand wishlist is a feature not implemented which you would like to be
17:46.45LinuxCartso instead of reporting of a bug, report that you would like that feature on kmail
17:47.01LnxSlckLinuxCart, just one thing, what's the difference between maildir and mailbox (when creating a new folder)
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17:47.30LinuxCartif you go to the help menu on the menu bar and then click on report bug you will go to the kde BTS
17:47.48LinuxCartthey are different formats to store the e-mail
17:47.57Jucatobtw, LnxSlck have you tried asking in #kontact ?
17:48.19LinuxCartkmail uses the opposite as thunderbird, but I can't remember exactly what's what
17:48.19LnxSlckJucato, i didn't know that channel existed
17:48.28Jucatonow you know :)
17:48.35Jucatomight want to ask in there...
17:48.39LnxSlckJucato, is kontact a channel for kemail ?
17:48.41LinuxCartLnxSlck: jucato's right there you will know the opinion of the kmail developers
17:48.55JucatoLnxSlck: it's the new hangout for kdepim
17:49.02LinuxCartLnxSlck: .doc_[sonzqc]
17:49.07LnxSlckkdepim ?
17:49.08Jucatoso that includes kmail, kaddressbook, korganizer, etc.
17:49.11*** join/#kde PhilRod (
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17:49.22JucatoKDE Personal Information Management software
17:49.48LnxSlckthanks guys
17:50.07*** join/#kde litb (
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17:50.48litbcan someone tell me if flash9 works for him/her?
17:50.58litbhere, nspluginviewer alsway crashes with it
17:51.26LnxSlckworks for me too
17:51.40Jucatoworksforme (Flash 9 Beta 2)
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17:52.03LinuxCartJucato: flash 9 final is out FYI
17:52.08JucatoI know
17:52.16JucatoI'm still waiting for Ubuntu to package it
17:52.18LinuxCartjust in case
17:52.28LinuxCartAFAIK it already had it
17:52.39JucatoI checked, not yet
17:52.48MinceRubuntu has some kind of flash 9, but that one crashes opera
17:53.10Jucatothe current one in ubuntu is still flash 9 beta 2
17:53.24LinuxCartMinceR: in that case there could be a lot of culprits: ubuntu, flash and opera :)
17:53.50Jucatobut since it doesn't crash Konqueror or Firefox...
17:54.38*** join/#kde glazed_eyes (n=BW@
17:54.39Dr_willisive not noticed flash crashing my opera.
17:55.28MinceRit crashed every now and then with flash 7, then it crashed a lot with flash 9, but it hasn't crashed since i've disabled plugins
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17:56.20litbi installed then restarted konqui and when i want to view some flashes it always crashes nspluginviewer
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17:57.50litbthere is my bt:
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17:58.52bxnpgebruikt iemand hier het programma kblogger
17:59.11litbi use glib-2.12.4
17:59.42LinuxCartbxnp: what are you trying to see?
17:59.49litband gtk+-2.10.6 , perhaps that causes flash to crash
17:59.52LinuxCartsorry that was for lilalinux
18:00.03bxnpoh lol, i thought i was in the dutch kde channel
18:00.09LinuxCartsorry that was for litb
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18:00.22bxnpi was asking if anyone is using kblogger with wordpress
18:00.38litbLinuxCart: what was for who?
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18:01.07LinuxCartlitb: did you notice that the flash plugin is on your .mozila dir?
18:01.16LinuxCartlitb:  what are you trying to see?
18:01.37litbLinuxCart: any flash crashes it
18:01.58litbLinuxCart: for example
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18:03.30LinuxCartlibglib 2.12.4-2 and glib 2.8.20-3
18:03.45LinuxCartlibglib 2.12.4-2 and gtk+ 2.8.20-3
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18:04.39litbonly the gtk version differs...
18:05.12LinuxCartlitb: that video workforme
18:05.15litbit seems to crash when gtk wants to allocate a new GObject
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18:05.20litbyeah, not for me :P
18:05.38LinuxCarttry same gtk version as me
18:07.22LinuxCarthave to go, see you
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18:07.42litboups, for  one plugin crashing even when it is used in a not supported browser and even if it is proprietary? no
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18:12.53McEnroewhat does a grey icq flower in kopete mean?
18:13.31MinceRan offline icq contact or account?
18:15.16zcei disabled kde's and gnome's screensaver, but i still get one after about 10min idle, and i grep'ed processes with "saver" and "scr" and none appeared, what could be activating that?
18:15.35MrGrim_zce: maybe the power module
18:15.54MrGrim_is there an actual screen saver or is it just blanking?
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18:16.36zceMrGrim, it has a big X
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18:17.03zcewhere i find these power module preferences?
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18:19.12MrGrimright click on desktop, configure desktop, display power control
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18:20.51zceeverything disabled
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18:42.42litbisn'T strigi for kde4?
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18:43.27litbhmm, i ever thought it , until now...
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18:50.30mariuxhow is hebrew inputed to a computer?
18:51.01mariuxthe hebrew teacher on my school wants the ability to do some hebrew teaching on them
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18:51.17XVampireXאתה יודע עיברית?
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18:51.32XVampireXmariux: Just like that ;)
18:51.43mariuxon a regular keyboard?
18:51.52mariuxdo you need a hebrew keyboard?
18:52.10XVampireXYou gotta know where the hebrew keys are, yeah, but you don't need a hebrew keyboard
18:52.12XVampireXgo to kcontrol
18:52.26XVampireXand to Regional and Accessibility
18:52.52XVampireXCountry/Region & Language
18:52.53mariuxdo most fonts support it?
18:53.17XVampireXkeyboard layouts in Regional and Accessibility
18:53.23XVampireXAlot of the fonts support it, yeah
18:53.37*** join/#kde pinotree (n=pino@kde/developer/pino)
18:53.42mariuxsee no hebrew there
18:53.57XVampireXnot hebrew
18:54.33XVampireXwhat distro are you using?
18:54.47mariuxdebian sarge at the system that im gonna do it on
18:54.51mariuxterminal server
18:54.58mariuxright now im at home on gentoo
18:55.11XVampireXOh, okey
18:55.27mariuxw00t what
18:55.34XVampireXYeah, anyway, add israel as a layout and make sure to enable latin on israel
18:55.39Shaman`there has to be a what?
18:55.44mariuxahh thanks
18:55.53mariuxhehe no :P
18:55.55XVampireXthen to change layouts ctrl+alt+k
19:00.10*** join/#kde Tonren (
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19:00.19TonrenWhat's the name of KDE's dropdown terminal?  It's like Tilda in Gnome.
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19:02.14gem_catI have an error message that the kde sound server is down and no sound in kde after upgrading to slack 11
19:02.19benJImanTonren: there are several, yakuake is one
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19:04.14annmaTonren: Konsole
19:04.31annmais the default KDE terminal
19:04.39Tonrenannma: I'm looking for an equivalent of Tilda in Gnome.
19:04.49annmano idea what Tilda is
19:05.07annmawhat do you want as features?
19:05.17Tonrenannma: As I said, it's a dropdown terminal.  It stays hidden until you hit a hotkey, like ` or ~ or F12, and it drops down from teh top of the screen like in an FPS.
19:05.28Tonrenannma: I'm checking out yakuake now, as benJIman suggested.
19:05.31annmaYakuake then
19:05.34Shaman`I like Konsole, I dunno why so many people try to replace it
19:06.00annmaI do so much work in Konsole that I never can hide it
19:06.39Sho_Shaman`: Yakuake doesn't really replace Konsole, it uses the same technology. Think of it as a window management concept around Konsole.
19:06.56annmaSho_: that much?
19:07.10annmawhat I dislike is the way it's hidden when started
19:07.20annmalike Katapult
19:07.37annmathese quick notifications are not good
19:08.26Sho_annma: 'that much'?
19:08.55Sho_annma: I didn't understand your question, sorry?
19:09.19annmathat much?
19:09.40annmait did not strike me as having so many features
19:10.35Sho_annma: Konsole-the-technology rather than Konsole-the-standalone-application. Fundamentally it's a very small program geared towards managing a window of tabbed Konsole kparts.
19:11.25Sho_Different people manage their windows differently, and thus Yakuake is not for everyone. It's reasonably popular, though.
19:11.26annmaI guess it's like everything: you need to get used to it first
19:13.47Sho_annma: As for startup, roll-out-on-start will be configurable in the next release, albeit defaulting to off. It will only roll out on the very first start after a brief first-run dialog.
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19:23.19SimAtWorki like quadkonsole
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19:24.45foxbunnyhi, all!
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19:25.48foxbunnyhow do I hide IRC chat windows in Kopete? You know, so that the session stays open but the window closes...?
19:26.42SimAtWorkclose the window
19:26.55foxbunnydoesn't that kill the session?
19:27.11SimAtWorkit should say "this will close the window but keep it running"
19:27.24foxbunnylemme check
19:27.24SimAtWork"you'll find it in your system tray"
19:27.39foxbunnynope, it's gone
19:27.52SimAtWorksorry :(
19:27.52foxbunnyis there a setting I'm missing?
19:28.04SimAtWorkit used to do that for me... konversation does it too
19:28.14SimAtWorki haven't used kopete for a while though
19:28.20foxbunnyKopete itself is in the tray, but the session is closed...
19:28.20SimAtWorki use ichat on the macbook instead now
19:29.02foxbunnyI see #kde in the list of on-line users... would adding that to contact maybe keep it open?...
19:29.46*** part/#kde foxbunny (
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19:30.05foxbunnydid I just go off-line?
19:30.30annma[20:29:58]  foxbunny has left channel #kde
19:30.31annma[20:29:59]  foxbunny ( has joined channel #kde
19:30.31annma[20:30:17] <foxbunny> did I just go off-line?
19:30.41annmaindeed you did
19:30.46foxbunnyaw, man...
19:31.08SimAtWorkwhy do you want to do this?
19:31.14SimAtWorkmaybe desktop switching would be a better solution?
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19:32.16foxbunnybecause I want to track some channels for interesting info....
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19:32.17foxbunnyand perhaps read the logs when I'm AFK
19:32.46annmaXVampireX: here
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19:33.58foxbunnyok, cya all, thx
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19:34.32XVampireXWell I'm using domino and it won't let me use the mousewheel to scroll in kopete
19:36.09annmareport to domino devels
19:36.18annmaonly inkopete?
19:37.47XVampireXYeah, only in kopete and can't find where to email domino developer, I think
19:38.31*** join/#kde Przemcio78 (n=Przemcio@
19:40.38Shaman`haha... I love this quote: "saying Vista is the best Windows is like saying this is the best Pauly Shore movie"
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19:41.44XVampireXPauly Shore?
19:41.52SimAtWorkbiodome is better than vista though
19:41.58TonrenWho knows a good dark theme for KDE?  One like "Smoked Glass" in Gnome, if possible.
19:42.36Shaman`honestly, you don't want to know
19:42.42SimAtWorkhe's right, you don't :)
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19:42.53MinceRTonren: i've made a dark colorset ( ) and use it with Light Style, 3rd Revision
19:42.57MinceRno theme though :)
19:43.20TonrenMinceR: Pardon my naivete, but I've only used KDE for 1 day, and I don't yet fully grasp the difference between themes, styles, colors, etc.
19:43.33MinceRthere are themes, but i haven't saved any so far
19:44.00SimAtWorkXVampireX: if you really want to know:;fc=1;ft=22;fm=1
19:44.05MinceRa theme would include an iconset and a background if i'm not mistaken
19:44.10MinceRprobably even font settings
19:44.40TonrenMinceR: What is "Light Style, 3rd Rev"?
19:45.07MinceRthat colorset has an interesting history: i started with the ThinDarkness gtk theme, made it a little less colorful, then made a kde colorset based on it, then converted that back to a gtk theme when i needed it :)
19:45.22MinceRTonren: widget style with flat 3d effect
19:45.42MinceR1-pixel wide edges create the 3d effect and there are no pixmap backgrounds
19:46.26MinceRyou can preview it in KDE Control Center/Appearance & Themes/Style
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19:48.38TonrenMinceR: "Widget Style" refers to the "Style" section in Appearances & Themes, right?
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19:55.03Xemanthis there possible to get 'dropdown' box to kicker which would have multiple programs
19:55.24MinceRwhat kind of dropdown?
19:56.24Xemanthlike 'system menu' which has home folder, storage media, remote places, users folders
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19:57.01MinceRwould Add Application to Panel/.../Add This Menu suffice?
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19:57.57Xemanthooh :o
19:58.07XemanthGentle:  _o/
19:58.31*** join/#kde t0taln00b (n=root@
19:58.40Xemanthyeah that works well
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19:59.41Xemanthups why did i say Gentle :o
19:59.47Xemanthi meant MinceR :D
19:59.55GentleXemanth, anyway, thanks for greeting me :>
20:00.11t0taln00bhi :D
20:00.35XemanthGentle: ye :)
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20:00.48XemanthMinceR: thank you that works well, i'm satisfied <3
20:05.26TonrenHey MinceR, what do you do about your theme making Konqueror's address bar illegible?
20:06.32MinceRdoesn't do that here
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20:07.00MinceRmaybe it keeps using the white background and the foreground from the colorset
20:07.04MinceRor the other way around?
20:07.24MinceRi get such problems in some places, but it's unavoidable with a light-on-dark theme...
20:07.40MinceRunless you make it colorful, but i didn't want to make it colorful
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20:09.04benJImanlooks perfectly readable here
20:09.12benJImanperhaps you need a monitor with decent contrast
20:09.13MinceRit doesn't seem to use the foreground from the colorset then. i don't know why.
20:09.33TonrenbenJIman: I'm talking about Konqueror's address bar - the black on dark gray?
20:09.37TonrenMinceR: Weird.
20:09.49MinceRweird indeed.
20:09.55benJImanTonren: yes
20:10.07benJImanTonren: try turning the contrast on your monitor up
20:10.14benJImanIt's easily readable here
20:10.28TonrenbenJIman: I think you're out of your mind, sir.
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20:10.38MinceRit isn't here, and i have max contrast and minimal brightness :>
20:10.54MinceR(maybe a little more than minimal brightness)
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20:11.01benJImanTonren: if you can't read that probably your monitor doesn't have a very good contrast ratio
20:11.35TonrenbenJIman: I disagree.  Everything else has perfectly readable contrast.
20:11.58benJImanThat has the least difference, but it is still perfectly legible
20:12.04benJImaneven from a distance
20:12.11BilleTonren: it's very dark here too, and my monitor's sound
20:12.12benJImanI can read it from 2m
20:12.31benJImanIt's the same ratio as on the tabs nearly
20:12.40benJImanslightly worse
20:13.14*** join/#kde Buddha| (
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20:13.18TonrenbenJIman: Well, I can't switch out my monitor because I'm on a laptop.
20:13.30Buddha|Is there an app for making a regular audio CD from mp3's?
20:13.39benJImanah, laptops usually have low brightness and contrast, to save power
20:14.38alaQTonren: you could, but it'd get nasty :)
20:17.01benJImanBuddha|: k3b can handle that fine
20:17.14benJImanyou might have to install unbroken version though, if your distro removes the patented mp3 support
20:17.31Buddha|benJIman: ah, that would be it.  thanks.
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20:19.30schneecrashhi.  i've KDE/OpenSuse_10.2, regularly updated from repo@.../KDE:/KDE3/openSUSE_10.2.    Recently (??), SessionManager/LogOut button stopped working.  Dialog opens, but no shutdown/restart action happens.  No errors in syslog, and shutdown via cmd line works ok.
20:19.30schneecrashKnown issue? Suggestions?
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20:22.10MinceRthis is what it looks like here:
20:22.12annmadid you ask in #suse?
20:22.20annmaschneecrash: ^^
20:23.21benJImanschneecrash: beineri looks after that repo
20:23.26schneecrashannma: yup.  and was ignored for a couple of days. :-/  colleague suggested i look here ...
20:23.40annmaschneecrash: try a new user
20:23.49benJImanschneecrash: The packages are unsupported, but you can file bugs in bugzilla and assign against the right thing
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20:24.42benJImanschneecrash: ahh Bille is here, he's on the maintainer list ¬_¬
20:24.46schneecrashbenJIman: u mean, beineri is in #suse?
20:24.46schneecrashannma hm?
20:24.46schneecrashbenJIman sure, assuming i can add enough other than "duzznt work" ...
20:25.09schneecrashbenJIman: thx
20:25.10schneecrashBille knock knock
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20:25.37annmaschneecrash: create a new user and see if it happens for him as well
20:25.57Bille(reads up)
20:25.59benJImanGood thing my username isn't bweber
20:26.15schneecrashBille: (ok)
20:27.02schneecrashBille: fwiw, happening on 2 different boxes ... so unless i've borked BOTH ...
20:27.02Billei haven't heard of this problem
20:27.36Billeschneecrash: probably you've installed the same badmix of kde/hal/dbus upgrades and the call fails..
20:27.50Billeis it only shutdown/restart that fails or also logout?
20:28.36schneecrashBille: no errors 'fire' ... but, if it helps to know, windows act 'odd'.  e.g., Kate's windows can no longer be resized etc etc
20:28.36schneecrashBille everything fails.  i can click any/all of the mgr's Button options ... and the machine just sits.
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20:29.58Billeschneecrash: do the kickoff Leave options also not work?
20:30.34schneecrashBille: dunno 'kickoff' ... how 2 check?
20:30.49Billeschneecrash: the new k menu
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20:31.18schneecrashBille: the one with the overly-large, 'fat' chameleon/gecko, yes? ;-)
20:31.33schneecrashchecking ... brb
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20:31.53Billeyeah yeah, just diss my work of the last 6 months. it uses a different code path iirc
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20:32.26Billeschneecrash: do you mean that the windows can't be resized because they lose their borders?
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20:32.33schneecrashBille: er ... ahem ... the gecko is cute?  ;-p
20:32.34schneecrashsorry, same issue w/ kickoff cmds ...
20:32.50schneecrashBille: nope.  borders are still there, but can't select/drag them any more.
20:32.56Billemy guess is you've got some app which is rejecting the logout request and blocking the logout
20:33.24schneecrashBille: believable.  how to track it down, though?  no errors in logs, afaict :-/
20:33.37Billeare you running any odd (java for example) applets or non-kde applications
20:33.53Billethey tend to be badly behaved wrt following session management guidelines
20:34.21schneecrashBille: not that i'm aware of.  pretty vanilla,, afaict ...
20:34.44Billei'd roll it back to the 10.2 kde packages and see if you still have a problem.
20:35.19Billealso, go to a console and check if there isn't a drkonqi running but not showing - that can block logout.
20:35.48olegfinkis there anything like yakuake?
20:35.55olegfinkbut not it I mean ;)
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20:38.31schneecrashBille: i lied (apparently); my smart distro repos are
20:38.32schneecrashnote, KDE is *disabled* ... hence, i already AM @ kde-distro
20:39.07schneecrashBille: ps ax | grep drkonqi --> nada.
20:39.30Billeschneecrash: you didn't disable the resource after updating?
20:39.41annmaolegfink: something like yakuake but not yakuake? why?
20:40.44schneecrashBille: nope.  it's been off/disabled for awhile ...
20:41.49olegfinkannma: it does not support that punky transparency effect
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20:42.20annmaolegfink: :O
20:43.06olegfinkannma: I'm using kde packages with some patches. And one enabling true transparency with beryl is among them
20:43.13olegfinkbut it applies to konsole only
20:43.37annmaisn't yakuake based on konsole?
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20:44.22jworkmanI am a brand new user of linux and would like to know if anyone can help me get myself setup properly.
20:44.23workman161I think yakuake uses the konsole kpart
20:45.19jworkmanNice name workman! LOL!
20:46.38jworkmanJust saying!
20:46.38Sho_annma: Konsole has some code to spawn an ARGB visual and do true COMPOSITE translucency. It's #if 0'ed by default due to side-effects within Qt. The patch enables that code. It doesn't extend to the kpart, and Yakuake doesn't use an ARGB visual.
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20:46.57olegfinkannma: yep, but the thing just doesn't work in yakuake ;(
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20:47.11[GALAXY]oh oleg is back
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20:47.42olegfink[GALAXY]: hi, why my coming back produces "oh"?
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20:50.59Sho_olegfink: FWIW, it doesn't work for good reasons, for the same it's disabled in Konsole by default - it has reliability side-effects. You'll see out of the box support for COMPOSITE translucency in KDE4.
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20:52.00olegfinkSho_: yeah, well, I'll wait till then not using konsole all the time ;)
20:52.27olegfinkSho_: btw theres a dirty hack to know the originator of the message in konversation
20:52.41magicbronsonanyone know if there are any plans to make konsole detect urls like gnome-terminal can?
20:52.59Sho_magicbronson: Yes, that functionality has been added to the KDE4 development version in the past 10 days
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20:54.00magicbronsonSho_: sweet, thanks
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20:56.24flaccidcan you change resolution without restarting x?
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20:56.58Sho_flaccid: KControl -> Peripherals -> Display -> Size & Orientation, or "xrandr" on the command line
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20:58.17flaccidhmmm ok i give it a try
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21:01.23flaccidi just changed the display, changed it back and then 5 secs later it changed to the res i tested
21:01.55flaccidie. now it says its on 1680x1050, but its actually gone to 1400x1050
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21:02.10foxbunnyhi, again
21:02.46foxbunnyI get this when I use KDE Printer Control Module: "Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from manager: Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. Error: the IPP request failed for an unknown reason"
21:03.35Renzeflaccid: since the kcontrol module is just a frontend for xrandr, any suspected bug will be an X bug. please take the problem to #xorg
21:03.51flaccidi disagree
21:04.09Renzeyou're blaming a GUI?
21:04.16flaccidyes without merit :)
21:04.19srednafoxbunny: I had that at some point too, and I learned that setting the hostname for the local cups service to fixed it
21:04.25flaccidi expect it to monitor the resolution after the change
21:04.29Renzeah, user stupidity knows no bounds
21:04.30Blissexfoxbunny: thanks for letting us know :-)
21:04.42flaccidi'm just playin Renze
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21:04.50foxbunnysredna: how did you set it? where?
21:04.53Renzeflaccid: I'm too grumpy to play
21:05.00flaccidbugs force users back to windows :(
21:05.05flaccidyeah me too actually sorry heh
21:05.18foxbunnyBlissex: no probs. :D
21:05.18srednafoxbunny: Anywhere you can access the printer server properties
21:05.26Renzeflaccid: back to windows for more bugs?
21:05.49Blissexfoxbunny: the IRC convention in support channels is that you ask _questions_ :-)
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21:05.53flaccidnah i wont' go back, but newbies always do coz they can't get their shit done
21:06.00flaccidit shits me to tears
21:06.05flaccidso i don't promote linux anymore
21:06.25foxbunnyBlissex: oh... even if the question is implied?
21:06.25Blissexfoxbunny: however as others have indicated, you need to put in the proper address of a CUPS server, which often is the one on your own PC, so
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21:06.32Renzeflaccid: fyi, I just tried changing resolution, and it worked flawlessly.
21:06.52Blissexfoxbunny: Freenode is supposed to be a dry, direct, to-the-point network...
21:07.20foxbunnyBlissex: okay, so you are an idealist.... point taken. :D
21:07.22flaccidRenze: worked second time for me. it could still be a bug becuase of course it reverts if you don't press keep. i had press kept so maybe the boolean change failed there
21:07.26flaccidsecond time was fine
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21:09.45foxbunnysredna: Nope, didn't work... same error...
21:10.23srednafoxbunny: You may need to restart the service. May I ask which distro you are using?
21:10.37foxbunnyArch Linux
21:10.58foxbunnyIt's similar to Slackware, if that helps...
21:12.26foxbunnysredna: I've restarted Apache *and* Cups, but I get the same thing... the host was set from Print Manager > Configure... to be either one of the listed values in /etc/hosts... but that doesn't work
21:12.56foxbunnyI used to be able to just type localhost:631 in the Konqueror's address bar, but that doesn't work either. I get 404s...
21:13.01srednafoxbunny: The bug was that you should explicitly use the IP instead of a hostname
21:13.13srednafoxbunny: In the common case, ""
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21:13.16thiagofoxbunny: fix your CUPS
21:13.22thiagois it running?
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21:13.28foxbunnyI did that too, but didn't work, so I used everything that I could think of...
21:13.38foxbunnythiago: yes it is running
21:13.52thiagofoxbunny: is it listening on port 631?
21:14.33foxbunnythiago: I'm not sure... do I ping 631?
21:14.33thiagoyou can't ping a port
21:14.33thiagoanyways, it's CUPS fault if you get a 404
21:14.33LiquidNerd_not with that attitude you can't
21:14.37foxbunnyI guessed as much... but what do I do...
21:14.41thiago404 means Konqueror asked for a page, but CUPS said none was available
21:14.54foxbunnythiago: I know
21:15.07LiquidNerd_foxbunny: how do you know it's running?
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21:15.19thiagoLiquidNerd_: if it weren't running, he'd get a Connection Refused error.
21:15.34foxbunnyLiquidNerd_: well, to be more specific, I know it's started
21:16.00LiquidNerd_true... foxbunn run `netstat -l|grep 631`
21:16.06srednathiago: It'
21:16.11foxbunnythiago: Ha! It's working now...
21:16.22srednaS a known issue on some systems, including kubuntu >= dapper
21:16.32foxbunnythiago: I can connect to it from Konqueror now... just restarted twice in a row or something...
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21:17.03foxbunnybut I still can't access it from KDE Control Center
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21:20.14Tonglebeaki have a problem with kde's trash
21:20.25Tonglebeakeverytime i try emptying the trash, everything clears, but this comes up
21:20.38Tonglebeakand the trash icon still indicates there's trash in there...
21:20.54Tonglebeak3.5.5 amd64
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21:22.08inimesekenehello how can i chang what button yakuake uses to show up?
21:22.42Shaman`tongle... seems likely that teh file *is* broken somehow
21:22.57[GALAXY]inimesekene: thats not kde related.
21:23.20pinotree[GALAXY]: ??
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21:23.58[GALAXY]pinotree: is yakuake part of kde default packages ?
21:24.04thiagoyakuake is in extragear
21:24.13[GALAXY]oh. ok.. sorry then.. my bad..
21:24.23pinotreeinimesekene: open yakuake, click on the button on the center (the arrow toward the bottom) of the group on the right, and select configure access key from the menu
21:24.27thiagoI've just checked
21:24.39Tonglebeakhmm lemme try something...i'll create an empty file with that name and see what that does...
21:24.49[GALAXY]whats so special about yakuake ?
21:25.09inimesekenepinotree, i can't even get it to show up, kerry beagle has control over the default f12 key
21:25.27foxbunny[GALAXY]: you won't know if it is special unless you try it...
21:25.45[GALAXY]i dont use kde here..
21:25.48Renzethiago: it's a terminal that's always there, and it slides down from the top of the screen
21:25.49pinotreeinimesekene: put
21:25.51pinotree[Global Shortcuts]
21:25.58foxbunny[GALAXY]: imho, it's neat but ultimately useless...
21:25.59Tonglebeakno didn't help :(
21:25.59thiagoRenze: Konsole does that too
21:26.01pinotreein your .kde/share/config/yakuakerc
21:26.10Renzethiago: is konsole always running?
21:26.15thiagoRenze: mine is
21:26.18pinotreeof course, replace Shift+F9 with your keycombo
21:26.22thiagoRenze: I have in fact three Konsole running
21:26.35Renzethiago: do they slide off your screen when you're not using them?
21:26.36thiagoRenze: one for IRC (3 tabs), one for my general shells and one for the root shell
21:26.55[GALAXY]its a very very hard process for me going from gnome to kde... i tried many times.. even got stuck on kde for many many months... my longest was 7-8 months or so on kde and then always stuck back to gnome due to my own developments.. but now it came to an total halt... time to switch to kde again i think.. i finally gave up my projects for gnome.
21:26.56foxbunnycya guys, thx for all the help
21:26.56thiagoRenze: the root shell one is rolled up the top of the screen. To access it, all I need to do is bump the mouse up.
21:27.04thiagoRenze: when I'm done, I move the mouse away.
21:27.20[GALAXY]thiago: nice.
21:27.30[GALAXY]try 'godmode'
21:27.31[GALAXY]in it :)
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21:31.21ma3xis it possible that KMail would freeze the system while automatically checking for new mail?
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21:31.45srednama3x: It freezes itself
21:32.00LiquidNerd_[GALAXY]: hehe.. I have "iddqd" as an alias for su
21:32.03ma3xno, my system freezes!
21:32.09ma3xI have to do hard restart
21:32.18ma3xI can't even kill X windows
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21:32.20ma3xeverything blocks
21:32.27[GALAXY]ma3x: what distro
21:32.41ma3x[GALAXY]: debian unstable
21:32.51[GALAXY]see "unstable".. explains all
21:32.58ma3xoh come on
21:33.03ma3xyour nick explains it all
21:33.12[GALAXY]whats up with my nick ?
21:33.12ma3xyou are wise as a galaxy
21:33.25RenzeI don't get it
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21:43.56mattjeethey! i've got a webcam on /dev/video0 that works in freebsd but kopete isn't showing it in the dropdown for webcam
21:44.06mattjeetis there a config file where i can place it in there?
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21:53.34tuxedupcan anyone suggest any good monitors for kde for notebook specific things.  I am unable to find a working/good battery monitor, klaptop is a pai in the back side.  I only have kima at present for monitoring cpue temp etc
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21:54.35pinotreetuxedup: try kpowersave
21:54.55tuxeduppinotree: looked at it, buts complaining about dcop permissions
21:55.19pinotreemaybe you are not in the plugdev group?
21:55.52phluxwhy does KDE have a tea cooker? :o
21:56.07Renzebecause tea is very good for you
21:56.14*** part/#kde Smooph (
21:56.50phluxhad I known pkg_add -rv kde was going to install a tea cooker, I might not have done it.
21:56.59qupadaand if you leave tea brewing too long it spoils it'
21:57.19tuxeduppinotree: it says 'you are not permitted to connect to powersvae deamon via dbus.  please check your dbus config and installation'
21:57.49tuxeduppinotree: and I am in plugdev
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22:00.55pinotreeZenspirit: kjh to you too ;)
22:01.24pinotreetuxedup: weird, no idea (no laptop here, sorry :-/ )
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22:19.17litbtuxedup should have modified his /etc/dbus-1/system.d/powersave.conf file... sad that he left the chan
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22:27.00alesanis there a chronometer program in kde?
22:27.34[GALAXY]a clock ?
22:27.37benJImanThere's one in the bottom right
22:27.39[GALAXY]there are dozens of clocks for kde.
22:27.53alesanI want to click, the time starts, and then click again, the time stops
22:28.09Renzeoh, a stopwatch
22:28.12alesanhow is it called in english :)
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22:28.17alesanstopwatch right :)
22:28.20mariuxwhats a chronometer?
22:28.27Renzechronometer == clock
22:28.33Renzemeter of time
22:28.49mariuxnice, im gonna use that next time i wanna know what the time is
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22:29.25alesana chronometer is not a clock... it's a stopwatch
22:29.36Renzein english, a chronometer is a clock
22:29.38benJImanalesan: no, chrono = time, meter = measures
22:29.44alesanI am sure chronometer can be used in english as well
22:29.46SimAtWorksounds like a clock to me.
22:29.46benJImanie a clock
22:29.51[GALAXY]chrono == time ... meter == measuring (or something)
22:29.55alesanLt Cmdr Data uses this word pretty often]
22:29.57[GALAXY]so its a time measurer..
22:30.00[GALAXY]basicly a clock.
22:30.01aseigoa chronometer is a timepiece
22:30.10Meza clock doesnt measure time ?
22:30.13mariuxThis term refers to a precision watch that is tested in various temperatures and positions, thus meeting the accuracy standards set by an official institute in Switzerland. Most watch companies provide a certificate with your chronometer purchase.
22:30.14Mezsince when
22:30.17SimAtWorkaseigo: !
22:30.25[GALAXY]my time is 2 meters long :)
22:30.25aseigocanllaith: you know how i like it
22:30.30mariuxA watch which has passed stringent tests at an official watch testing centre and carries a certificate.
22:30.35mariuxit says it can be a watch
22:30.50benJImanchronometer just means something that measures time
22:31.19benJImanThe word doesn't imply any level of accuracy
22:31.19aseigomariux: yes, that's a certified chronometer; the english word chronometer doesn't carry only that meaning, though the implication is that its precise, eys =)
22:31.20[GALAXY]time is a human created thing.. to measure something..
22:31.21aseigobenJIman: actually, it does...
22:31.26mattjeethey guys, i've got my usb webcam working under freebsd at /dev/video. kopete doesn't auto-detect. is there some config file for kopete that i can take a look at to possibly add it?
22:31.28[GALAXY]maybe our imagination of time is wrong.. who knows..
22:31.32aseigobenJIman: it -can- refer to any time device, but the implication is precision.
22:31.38Renzetime was created by man to measure entropy
22:31.39[GALAXY]maybe a day hasn't 24 hrs.. but maybe 20 seconds.. who knows..
22:31.46mariuxmy clock is alot better than yours, its atleast twice as fast
22:31.52[GALAXY]why does a day have 24 hrs and not 25 ?
22:31.52benJImanpft, refer to a real dictionary
22:32.05aseigobenJIman: hehe
22:32.32[GALAXY]mariux: that means that kde 4 will be released faster for you than for us :)
22:32.49alesanbenJIman, the word "cronometro" has a very special meaning in italian, and it's not "clock" but "stopwatch"
22:32.51aseigo[GALAXY]: or slower =)
22:33.05mariuxmaybe aseigo should take a trip in a space ship moving at almost the speed of light
22:33.06benJImanchronometer is an English word
22:33.07alesanI don't really think "chronometer" is an english-derived word :)
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22:33.12mariuxor no, that would make it slower :(
22:33.20aseigoalesan: yeah, we like to borrow words, generalize them and otherwise bastardize them into a confusing mess =)
22:33.23benJImanAnd OED says an instrument for measuring time, a time measurer
22:33.55mariuxalesan: :)
22:33.56alesanis there such a stopwatch in kde?
22:34.38aseigoyeah, that's it.. horologist
22:35.34aseigoalesan: karm?
22:35.41mariuxi see on my chronometer that its time to go to bed
22:35.43aseigoi guess depending on what you want to time...
22:36.01alesanaseigo, the time a device needs to boot
22:36.04[GALAXY]alesan: i already posted a link...
22:36.34alesan[GALAXY], ok sorry sorry
22:36.46alesan[GALAXY], I saw that already at the beginning
22:37.01aseigoalesan: karm does "click to start, click to stop"
22:37.02alesanit would have been good to know something "already" installed or at least available in portage
22:37.07aseigoalesan: it might work for you...
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22:37.22aseigoalesan: karm comes with kde in kdepim
22:37.32alesanaseigo, I have karm
22:37.37alesanthank to everybody
22:37.54*** join/#kde lnxnt (
22:38.30lnxntwhat is krfcommd good for? It is occupying my port I guess, I can't connect
22:39.17aseigolnxnt: it's a kernel process, not a kde one =)
22:39.31aseigolnxnt: apparently it manages RFCOMM connections
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22:42.07lnxntaseigo: I have rfcomm for that
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22:42.40mariuxnice how you can do calculations in the alt+f2 dialog
22:45.39SimAtWorkmariux: it doesn't seem to work all the time though
22:46.20SimAtWorkand i wish you could create and store variables
22:47.32SimAtWorkis that what messes it up?
22:47.41SimAtWorkno that works
22:47.53SimAtWorki just know every once in a while i go in and it comes up and says 12349-3494 cannot be found
22:47.55SimAtWorkor something like that
22:48.21Jucatowhen I do 13/3, I get a whole number...
22:49.09SimAtWorki get 4.33333333
22:49.34benJImanJucato: it didn't do floating point until recently I believe, are you using a recent version?
22:49.42SimAtWorkusing 3.5.5
22:49.56JucatobenJIman: compiled from svn
22:50.05benJImanPerhaps there's a suse patch to fix that, heh, /me investigates
22:50.30Renzeworks fine in gentoo too
22:50.49benJImanI remember it didn't work in the past though
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22:52.45asydI'm wondering if there is simple way to share a directory in read/write access from a single user
22:52.58asydi.e. the same than kpf, but with upload capacity
22:53.50thiagono KDE tool for that
22:54.03asydok. that what I guess :/
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22:54.18asydanyone interest by develop webdav support to kpf  :)
22:55.24Sho_asyd: If you're looking to hire someone, I think there's a kde-jobs ml
22:56.42asydhmmm not hire for a full time, but why not for this feature
22:56.46asydthanks for the pointer
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23:14.11Mezany web designers in here that are borer ?
23:14.14Mezbored *
23:14.33Mezand want to make a website for katapult ;)
23:14.55AlexElliottNope, I suck at design, I'm a markup/backend sorta guy :)
23:15.26MezAlexElliott, sam,e here ;)
23:16.05Xerionoh wow, just like me ;)
23:16.48Jucatoand I thought I was unique :)
23:17.08AlexElliottNope, you suck at being unique ;-)
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23:39.30BrianSteffens[debian etch / kde 3.5.5] - is there a way to change the grid by which desktop icons are arranged?
23:41.17BrianSteffensi want it smaller :)
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23:49.34nondysjunctionhello. How do i change the default apps for various filetypes, etcetera?
23:50.10pinotreekde control center -> kde components -> file associtations, nondysjunction
23:50.19BrianSteffenskmenu->settings->kde components-file associations
23:50.21Kyralpinotree: Beat me to it
23:50.29BrianSteffensme too :(
23:50.30KyralAnyone use kdesvn-build before?
23:50.33nondysjunctionpinotree: thanks, i found it too. :)
23:52.17KyralUnfortunately the SVN checkout is taking a while...
23:52.25Kyraland lagging me a small amount
23:53.27*** part/#kde sredna (n=anders@kde/developer/alund)
23:56.40Dhraakelliany'know, I think I figured out what *nix/X11's killer app is
23:56.58Dhraakellianand I dare anyone to argue with my conclusion
23:57.04Dhraakellianno, xkill
23:57.37Kyralyah and I'm lagging like hell
23:57.40Dhraakellianctrl+alt+esc can be nice
23:57.44KyralDamn you SVN Checkout!
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