irclog2html for #kde on 20070107

00:00.24*** join/#kde otimocin (
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00:11.27morticiis there away to adjust dpms settings through KDE
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00:24.48imagineI wanna use my calendar so whenever I change info on either my laptop or my PC the other box get the change and update itself.. what would be the best way to do that? iCal files?
00:25.18imaginethrough what? ...
00:25.41imagineI was thinkin about IMAP server.. but not sure if it would work so I'm askin for tips or ideas
00:25.48imagineit's not very effective
00:25.50Kyral_Honestly I don't think about that kinda thing :D
00:26.23imaginealright.. ty
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00:36.45Kyral_...who dares disturb the idling!? j/k
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00:37.01ZombieI'm trying to do a Policy Deployment.
00:37.27ZombieI'm in an OpenLDAP/Kerberos/Samba/eGroupware environment.
00:37.39Zombieand SSH is of course availible if we need fish://
00:37.46Kyral_...I have heard of 3 of those
00:37.47*** join/#kde mcrandello (
00:37.55ZombieWhich ones?
00:38.04Kyral_! eGroupware
00:38.16ZombieX Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
00:38.23ZombieHave you seen this error?
00:38.32Kyral_.....What app? X?
00:39.16thiagoZombie: happens all of the time.
00:39.18thiagowhich app?
00:39.41ZombieThe buttons on kiosktool stopped wrking
00:40.09thiagoZombie: bug, but not generally a serious one
00:40.26ZombieThe buttons in userland Kiosktool stopped working.
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00:41.31*** join/#kde JtRip (i=500@
00:41.35thiagook, then it is a serious bug
00:41.39thiagocan you reproduce it easily?
00:42.06Kyral_BUG REPORT TIME!
00:44.31JtRiphow to print japanese letters in kwrite or in any other kde program?
00:44.52Kyral_You need the right fonts
00:44.56ZombieCan I at least attempt to explain what I am trying to do?
00:45.04ZombieI have a LAN of Linux machines.
00:45.21ZombieI want to deploy a custom policy.
00:45.28Kyral_define policy
00:46.40JtRip<Kyral_> it prints english letters only :/
00:47.03JtRipcopy-paste works fine
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00:47.14Kyral_JtRip: Dunno off the top of my head
00:47.22Kyral_damn my mind is in a funk right now
00:48.57thiagoZombie: I understood what you want
00:49.02thiagoZombie: but if there's a bug, there's a bug
00:49.24Kyral_unless its a feature :P
00:49.26thiagoJtRip: print, as in printer?
00:49.53JtRipnope as input
00:52.13*** join/#kde DaSkreech (
00:52.14thiagoJtRip: are you using a Japanese input layout?
00:52.50thiagodoes it work in other KDE programs?
00:54.03DaSkreechCan someone explain sonnet?
00:54.20thiagoJtRip: I can't help more
00:54.39thiagoDaSkreech: it's a verse composition, in a 4, 4, 3, 3 style, generally 10 syllables
00:54.42ZombieSee, I have an issue I'm wanting to Resolve, its a little complex.
00:55.06DaSkreechSort of a drawn out haiku?
00:55.09ZombieCurrently, I use a Special Kerberos patched Egroupware setup to do mail services for my home.
00:55.18DaSkreechWHich is in svn now I should go check them out
00:55.23ZombieBut, while with Kerberos+FireFox+eGroupware, I've managed to come up with a real easy means of Single sign on.
00:55.33thiagoDaSkreech: oh, the one in Subversion... :-)
00:55.37ZombieThe Web Interface isn't well liked.
00:55.48ZombieI would rather Use Kontact.
00:55.56ZombieI need a way of Server deploying Kontact Policies.
00:56.05thiagoDaSkreech: Sonnet is the replacement for kspell2
00:56.18thiagoDaSkreech: it will include grammar checking, if possible
00:56.44thiagoZombie: was it you earlier to whom I recommended NFS?
00:56.46DaSkreechthiago: Is it an app or a project?
00:57.16thiagoDaSkreech: library
00:57.38ZombieYes. but unfortunately, kiosktool only supports fish://
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00:57.59thiagoZombie: that has nothing to do with the configuration
00:58.08thiagoZombie: basically, what you want is:
00:58.15thiagoZombie: configure a Kontact the way you want
00:58.23ZombieIts more than that.
00:58.29thiagoZombie: then get the kontactrc and related files and strip down what you want
00:58.33thiagoadd the [$i]
00:58.42thiagoput them in a $KDEDIRS-search config
00:58.44ZombieI do want to be able to create a standard Desktop feel./
00:58.46DaSkreechthiago: so no offical site then?
00:58.49thiagoDaSkreech: no
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00:58.54ZombieCertain Icons.
00:59.02ZombieCertain wallpare.
00:59.03thiagoZombie: you can do that for all applications
00:59.06ZombieCertain wallpaper/.
00:59.06DaSkreechIs KDE still the largest Open Source Project?
00:59.17thiagoZombie: kiosktool is just the tool to help do it
00:59.31thiagoDaSkreech: how do you define "large" ?
00:59.48ZombieA problem.
00:59.59ZombieDifferent Users have different IMAP servers,.
01:00.21*** join/#kde jordo23 (
01:00.41thiagoZombie: don't lock down the IMAP account settings
01:01.39DaSkreechthiago: more volume than medium?
01:01.54thiagoDaSkreech: what's your metric?
01:02.03ZombieI need the settings of the profiles to "follow" them to different PCs.
01:02.12thiagoDaSkreech: number of lines of code? Number of active users? Number of developers? Number of active community people?
01:02.15DaSkreechthiago: Code! What else matters?
01:02.21thiagoZombie: share the $HOME
01:03.01thiagoDaSkreech: according to the Coverity scan, KDE is the largest or second largest
01:03.04thiagoit depends on the day
01:03.36DaSkreechWhat challenges it?
01:04.11thiagothe next being the Linux kernel
01:05.10*** part/#kde Kasyx (
01:05.44*** join/#kde halcyonCorsair (n=halcyonC@
01:07.16*** join/#kde skreet (
01:07.37skreetHow do I create my own Xsession
01:07.44skreetI created a file in /etc/X11/Sessions
01:08.49skreetBut I dont see it when using kdm
01:10.35*** join/#kde ilyak (n=ilyak@
01:10.51ilyakBrowsed entire icon set category
01:11.07ilyakFound none usable for dark theme :(
01:11.30skreetAnyone here know how to create a customer Xsession?
01:11.31ilyakcan someone please tell me if you know icon theme on these screenshots:
01:11.50ilyakskreet: create what?
01:12.08skreet*custom XSession
01:13.21mcrandelloilyak: I got a big ole "not found" there
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01:13.45mcrandelloanyone know of an easy way to change the favicons on the bookmark bar in konq?
01:13.48*** join/#kde MerlinKlein (
01:14.55mcrandelloI imported my FF bookmarks and now they all have a generic mimetype icon, and clicking them doesn't update it like it does in FF/Opera
01:15.58skreetAnyone know how to create a custom XSession. I made a file in /etc/X11/Sessions
01:16.08Kyral_a custom XSession?
01:16.23*** part/#kde DaSkreech (
01:16.25skreetSo I can have another session option in kdm
01:16.41Kyral_skreet: Sorry was trying to clear my mind
01:16.48skreetIs that a bad thing to do or something?
01:17.02Kyral_skreet: No it was me trying to clear the fog in my mind :D
01:17.24Kyral_skreet: you need to modify the KDM conf to add a new entry to the menu
01:18.01skreetDo you happen to know what KDM file I have to edit, or where it is :(
01:19.07ilyakmcrandello: oh sorry
01:19.56mcrandelloI think there was a "?content=foo" missing after the url
01:19.59*** join/#kde vinboy (
01:20.25ilyakCan someone tell me the icon set these screenshot star?
01:20.41Kyral_ilyak: hows about posting a comment asking?
01:20.51benJImanilyak: nuovext
01:21.00ilyakbenJIman: thx, I'll look up
01:21.01benJImanilyak: well in the first one
01:21.06benJImanthe last screenshot has tango
01:21.19benJImanfirst two are nuovext the last one is tango
01:21.49TheSimkinhow could i run a command *just* before starting kdm ?
01:22.39thiagoTheSimkin: /etc/init.d/local, probably
01:23.47ilyakbenJIman: Thanx a lot
01:23.51ilyakI'll use that
01:24.05ilyakKyral_: Actually I did :)
01:24.19benJImanthiago: edit the init script which starts kdm
01:24.27benJIman/etc/init.d/kdm probably
01:24.56thiagobenJIman: not so here
01:25.22benJImanprobably /etc/init.d/xdm on many distros
01:26.25thiago/etc/init.d/dm here
01:26.31thiagothat's why I recommeded local
01:26.46benJImanwell that won't be "just before" but some time before probably
01:26.51benJImandepends why it is wanted
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01:35.30mcrandellohere's another one, anyone know what all those funnel/filters are at the lower left corner of konqueror, under the status bar?
01:36.04mcrandellothe one in the lower right OF the status bar brings up the adblocker but those other ones just sit there and mock me
01:37.41*** join/#kde letto (n=letto@
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01:40.00*** join/#kde liam (
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01:40.27liamhello, i want to add a theme to kde? can someone please tell me where to put the files once downloaded? or what procedures to take?
01:40.36*** join/#kde CSMan (
01:40.52CSManhey folks, how do I make it rain in beryl?
01:41.02CSManis it alt+f9?
01:41.43benJImanCSMan: not really a kde question, and you can view the keyboard shortcut in the beryl-settings if you have the plugin enabled
01:41.57mcrandelloliam: I think you can just make a directory somewhere, save the .kth files and then double click them, or install them from the kcontrol themes section
01:43.47*** join/#kde vinboy (
01:44.48mcrandellohave they changed the location of the favicons in 3.5.5?
01:44.52*** join/#kde vinboy (
01:45.25liami have unzipped the theme file i downloaded but there are no kth files in there
01:45.32thiagomcrandello: no
01:45.34Renzemcrandello: no, they're in /var/tmp/dkecache-<user>/favicons/ like always
01:45.49Renzeliam: then it is not a theme... maybe it is a style?
01:46.12liamthats the one i downloaded
01:46.20liamits just picture files in there
01:46.20Renzeah, a KDM theme
01:46.36Renzeget the kdm theme manager
01:46.54liamim in kcontrol
01:47.48mcrandelloRenze: I wonder how long it's been since they were in file:/home/username/.kde/share/icons/favicons
01:47.58Renzemcrandello: a *long* time
01:47.59mcrandellothey really should put an expiration date on webpages
01:48.48liamwhich one should i download
01:48.54liamslack, suse or fedora?
01:49.05Renzeliam: I don't know what distro you use
01:49.25Renzeliam: then it is probably already in the distro repository
01:50.23mcrandelloliam sudo apt-get install kdmtheme kde-kdm-themes
01:50.31mcrandellomight already have that one in there
01:51.28liamwhere will that be now
01:51.36liamjust under kcontrol?
01:51.47Renzekcontrol -> system administration
01:51.56mcrandelloperhaps, I still haven't got rid of gdm or the default theme :)
01:51.58*** join/#kde Firk (
01:54.21liamit doesnt let me do anything
01:54.33liamnone of the buttons are highlighted to use in kdm
01:54.34Renzeclick administrator mode at the bottom
01:54.51liamdone that but seems to be taking ages
01:55.12mcrandelloit does, it'll come back, possibly with a different theme and a red border
01:55.20Renzemaybe because kubuntu doesn't have a real root account
01:55.52liamits got a red border with loading... in the middle
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01:57.51liamnope nothing coming of that at all
01:58.06mcrandellomiddle click the title bar and see if there isn't a password window that got stuck behind it
01:59.01mcrandelloif that doesn't do it maybe launch it with "kdesu kcontrol" from a konsole window, but don't edit anything other than the kdm stuff
02:02.47liamthanks thats working but now i click apply on new theme and nothing happens?
02:03.58mcrandelloif it's a kdm theme you'll probably have to end session and maybe kill the x server to see it
02:05.25*** join/#kde AssociateX (n=HellBoun@
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02:06.18liamits only changed the login screen is that right?
02:06.31mcrandelloif it's a kdm theme then yes
02:07.04liamso how do i install kde themes?
02:08.33mcrandellothere are a few ways
02:08.38*** join/#kde seraphangel (i=500@
02:08.41Q-collectivekcontrol -> appearance & themes -> theme manager -> install a new theme
02:08.46Q-collectivefrom the top of my head
02:08.51*** join/#kde brian_ (
02:09.09mcrandello1rst thing start here ->
02:09.28liamyeah ok
02:09.29mcrandelloand make sure the "depends on:" dropdown is set for your specific version
02:09.35liambut whats a theme file?
02:09.43Sho_liam: It's all explained on
02:09.46liamwhast the ending .kvh or whatever
02:09.54mcrandellothere's nothing worse than finding a kickass theme and then not being able to install it because it was for 2 versions ago
02:10.27Q-collectivemcrandello: then port it?
02:11.16mcrandelloI can get by the graphics programs but when it comes to things like file paths and writing configuration files and packaging things I start to break out in hives
02:11.56liamthanks guys much help
02:12.12liamhow do i set the homefolder and trash to be on the desktop?
02:12.22mcrandellogenerally I stick with finding a nice background and then working with the colors and window borders etc. already installed
02:13.24mcrandellohome folder you can just drag out of a konqueror window then select "link here"
02:14.41mcrandelloif you lost the trash icon type "trash:/" into konqueror then drag the little icon over to the desktop, I think that will do it
02:17.56*** join/#kde RAV_TUX (
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02:23.35mcrandelloah the bookmarks editor lets you set the icon
02:24.15mcrandelloI kept expecting something in the right click->properties menu
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02:28.55liamwhats the website u gave me to help me on the themes/
02:29.11mcrandellothat one?
02:30.06Sho_that was the one
02:37.56liamwhere are the icon pictures stored?
02:38.30*** join/#kde AssociateX (n=HellBoun@
02:40.18mcrandelloI think gnome and kde both put them in /usr/share/icons
02:40.25Renzehe's gone
02:41.04*** join/#kde alejandro (n=alejandr@
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02:41.49thiagoit's the spec
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02:59.46mcrandellois there any way to get the toolbar icons in konqueror back below 22x22?
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03:07.05mcrandelloawesome .kde/share/gonfig/kdeglobals
03:07.25workman161gonfig, eh? ;)
03:07.54*** join/#kde steveire (n=stephen@unaffiliated/steveire)
03:08.37mcrandelloI wonder if I copied those sections out and into the konquerorrc if it would leave the other apps icons at 22 and just put konq's at 16
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03:13.17varicellowhich the used language in kde
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03:32.59Wacky_Walrushey fellas
03:34.30blinehey fella
03:35.10*** join/#kde Kikeh (
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03:38.42*** join/#kde pipegeek (n=ptr@
03:39.07pipegeekRunning kubuntu edgy (kde 3.5.5).  I've got the mildly annoying problem that file browsing windows open waaaay to large.  My desktop is at 1600x1200, and, until it is resized, a newly opened file browsing window will take up 3/4 of that.
03:39.20pipegeekI've already changed the size in the file browsing view profile, but, for some reason, that hasn't fixed it for folders on remote filesystems.  Any ideas?
03:39.29pipegeekFor that matter, the "view profile" options are entirely absent from konqueror's settings menu for folders on remote filesystems.
03:40.01pipegeekDamn, typo.  to => too
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03:44.26StarScreampipegeek: you can save the profile with the windows size
03:44.30StarScreamso open up konq
03:44.37StarScreamthen resize it , and save the profile
03:44.46StarScreamfrom now on it will open up that size
03:44.50*** part/#kde _syphilis_ (
03:45.34pipegeekStarScream: The profile options disappear when looking at folders on remote filesystems.  I *can't* save the profile at all.
03:46.00pipegeekmore accurately:
03:46.30pipegeekI've configured konqueror to open folders in new windows.  Any folder opened that way lacks the profile options in the settings menu, be it remote or no.  Kind of dumb, really
03:47.34StarScreampipegeek: k well its your setting then...i've just changed mine to do the same thing and i still get the open to save the profile
03:47.51pipegeekAt least folders on the local filesystem obey the file browsing profile, but folders on remote samba shares do not
03:48.19pipegeekYou've opened a folder, and then opened a subfolder of that folder?
03:48.26StarScreami haven't checked over smb but it works fine over ftp and fish
03:48.39StarScreami don't have a windows / samba share to test on sorry
03:48.48pipegeekDamn.  Maybe it's a kubuntu thing.
03:48.52pipegeekVery annoying
03:49.10StarScreamcheck and see if its there
03:49.18StarScreambut it seems to work fine for me on slackware
03:49.20pipegeekThis is a fresh, not-customized-until-right-now install.  Very weird.  Thanks anyway
03:49.22StarScreamwhich is vanilla kde
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04:30.20azazello"MESSAGE ERROR: the installed kdelibs version 3.5.5 is too old, at least version 3.9.0 is required"
04:30.30azazellois what I get when I try to compile kdebase...
04:30.48nicoazazello: what distro are you using?
04:31.14azazelloI'm following the instructions at
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04:31.27nicodid you try "emerge kdelibs"?
04:31.51azazellouh I'm trying to build kde 4
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04:32.32nicoum, sorry, no clue about kde4
04:32.39jarnKSysGuard always starts minimized for some reason. Is there any way to fix this?
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04:56.35_Atomo64_hi... is there any way to convert a .raw file from krec directly into an mp3/ogg/wav ?
04:56.36jarnAnyone know if there's a way to force an application that's fullscreen to open in a window?
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05:07.45Dr_williswhat app?
05:08.01jarnApps in general.
05:08.11jarnBut in this case, it's enemy territory.
05:08.23Dr_williscommand line option for the game
05:09.16jarnThere is one?
05:09.31Dr_willischeck the docs.. :) most all those games have failsafe and other options
05:12.00_Atomo64_jarn: app --help
05:12.42jarn_Atomo64_: That just runs it. :P
05:13.00_Atomo64_jarn: then try with -h; or man game
05:14.19jarnEnemy territory was not a game originally made for Linux.
05:15.20jarnIt has no man page. And it doesn't have the same standards linux games have that -h or --help is help about it.
05:15.42Kibou+set r_fullscreen 0
05:18.34jarnKibou: Thanks, but that's not quite what I was looking for. While it makes it not fullscreen, it doesn't do what I was hoping for. My problem with ET is that it steals my mouse and doesn't let me move it outside the window. I was hoping that if there was a way to force things to go to a window through KDE it would not take control of my mouse. It appears not, however... :(
05:20.32Dr_willisEnrmy Terriorty uses the Quake2 engine i do belive
05:20.32Kibouyou have to open the console in et to get the mouse
05:20.32Dr_willisand all the quake games ive seen have some sort of command line options.
05:20.34Kibouit uses a modiified q3 engine
05:20.49Dr_willisI tend to play RTCW:ET :)
05:20.50Kibou-moronic spelling
05:21.10Dr_willisor was there yet another one im confused with.
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05:21.32jarnKibou: Oh, thanks! I did not know I could get my mouse back by opening the console.
05:23.28jarnDo you know how I find out the Window class for ET (for use with Window-specific Settings)?
05:24.25*** join/#kde ramandu (
05:24.39jarnThe Detect button is, for some reason, not returning anything.
05:24.50jarnIt says Class: ( )
05:25.15Kibouno clue
05:25.24jarnThanks anyway.
05:26.01*** join/#kde _intrade (n=intrade@
05:27.04jarnI'm not sure if this is a problem with KDE or X, but for some reason after a game runs fullscreen, when I'm done playing it, the screen's shape becomes distorted, there are black bars on the screen, and the gamma is higher.
05:29.13*** part/#kde quasicolon (
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05:29.47hagabakadoes it run in a resolution your display supports?
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05:30.40jarnWell, I would assume so. My card should certainly be capable of handling 1024x768 and that's the reso my desktop is.
05:31.27*** part/#kde mangz74 (
05:31.50ShirakawasunaI can't seem to get kaudiocreator to finish this one track
05:32.02Shirakawasunait's stuck at ripping at 97% (brand new cd).  Does anyone have any tips?
05:35.01Shirakawasunaif I could find the .wav it's creating I could just encode that
05:36.06StarScreamShirakawasuna: try using konquror to rip the CD's
05:36.18StarScreamtype audiocd: into konq
05:36.25Dr_willisit aint one of those silly protected cds ?
05:36.27ShirakawasunaI thought that used kaudiocreator
05:36.37StarScreamShirakawasuna: possibly..not sure.
05:36.41Shirakawasunadon't think so, this is track 7 on the third disk of a set
05:37.01StarScreamShirakawasuna: there are a few copy protected cd's that have issues with one or two tracks
05:37.05Shirakawasunaaudiocd doens't come up w/ anything
05:37.47Shirakawasunathere, got it :)
05:37.51Shirakawasunalet's see if it will rip the whole thing
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05:41.57Shirakawasunaalright, got a wav file
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05:44.27Shirakawasunathanks for the tip, I got audiocd:/ to at least give me a .wav
05:45.18Jucatoaudiocd:/ will convert to anything as long as the encoder is installed (LAME, etc)
05:45.49*** join/#kde Kibou (n=mad@unaffiliated/kibou)
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05:53.44LiquidNerdhmmm.. is it possible to make amarok download the album art with a . in front? it's really annoying seeing it in my directories... or atleast it could put them all in 1 dir...
05:53.52LiquidNerdI can't find anything to do this in the menus
05:54.19Q-collectiveJucato: can audiocd:/ also retrieve meta info, like names, artists, etc?
05:54.37Q-collectiveit just gives me a "track1", "track 2", etc
05:54.41Jucatonot really sure
05:55.31Jucatomaybe you can check the settings in KControl -> Sound & Multimedia -> Audio CDs
05:57.58Q-collectivethose settings look fine
05:58.33Jucatonothing about metadata and IDv3?
05:59.29Q-collectivewell, no
05:59.56*** join/#kde deb_noob (
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06:00.23deb_noobdoes anyone know how to install mtp support for amaroK?
06:01.21Q-collectivedeb_noob: shouldn't you ask that in #debian?
06:01.29deb_noobi suppose
06:07.36Red_CloudHello!  I have just completed an install of Linux From Scratch and have installed quite a bit of Beyond Linux from Scratch.  I have my X Windows Server operating with xterm and have quite a few x packages installed.  I am about to install KDE into this operating system.  Has anyone here done an install into Linux From Scratch?
06:07.58workman161I have
06:08.18Red_Cloudworkman161 did you have very many problems?
06:08.35workman161I just followed what the LFS and BLFS books told me
06:09.03workman161nothing more than the standard ./configure && make && make install
06:09.10Red_Cloudworkman161, my motto is "I do it right the 2nd time".  Will this hinder me much?
06:09.27workman161Jucato: I did it on a PII Compaq Armada :>
06:09.45Jucatoworkman161: narrows you down to two of my choices :)
06:11.25workman161which two :)
06:12.08*** join/#kde lnxnt (
06:12.12Jucatoguess :)
06:13.54workman161patient and crazy
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06:14.43Jucatoworkman161: smart guess :P
06:15.02jarnThe man page for kstart tells me to do 'man x' to get more info for one option, but there is no man page for x
06:15.04JucatoQ-collective: I only said the choices are narrowed... (doesn't mean he's both :P )
06:15.37Q-collectiveJucato: I know, but if one has to choose... ;)
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06:15.41workman161I've thought about doing it on my Pentium I gateway machine, just because I don't feel like taking it down to install monowall
06:15.46workman161so crazy works
06:15.56Jucatoheheh )
06:16.22Red_Cloudworkman161 my install was on a pentium4 gateway machine.
06:16.34Q-collectiveanyone installing lfs and using it for any extended period of time is completely loony in my books
06:16.36workman161by 'gateway' I mean network gateway. not manuf.
06:16.52Red_CloudI meant manu
06:17.05Q-collectivewe guessed
06:17.24Red_Cloudno need to guess.  
06:17.25Q-collectivea p4 network gateway would be a little bit overkill++ ;)
06:17.43workman161or would it :)
06:18.42deb_noobcan anyone help me diagnose this error message for a ./configure of kzenexplorer?   checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!
06:18.56Red_Cloudworkman161 I enjoy my LFS install so much that I find myself spending about 90 % of my time there.  And prefer it over the packaged distros that I have installed.
06:19.28workman161Don't worry Red_Cloud. It'll wear off once time comes for updating things
06:19.47workman161deb_noob: install your XF86-server-devel package, whatever it may be for debian
06:20.08deb_noobthank you
06:20.41workman161xfree86, Q-collective
06:20.52deb_noobany other names for it?
06:20.55Q-collectiveworkman161: jee, I got that part
06:21.09Q-collectivebut why talk about ancient software?
06:21.17deb_noobworkman161: any other names for it?
06:21.21Q-collectiveunless deb_noob is using stable debian ofcourse
06:21.36deb_noobi'm using etch
06:21.42Q-collectivetry xorg
06:22.08Q-collectiveRed_Cloud: if lfs starts to bore you, the solution is easy: install portage
06:22.31Q-collectivedeb_noob: I have no clue, I don't use debian
06:23.32deb_noobxserver-xorg-dev did not do the trick
06:23.48Red_CloudQ-collective I will check into it.  Thanks
06:24.58Q-collectivedeb_noob: this is not in any way related to kde
06:25.05*** join/#kde znapper (
06:25.07Jucatodeb_noob: xorg-dev
06:25.09deb_noobkzenexplorer is
06:25.10Balsamic_Chickendeb_noob what was ur question, i tried to read above
06:25.22deb_noobi'm trying to install kzenexplorer
06:25.44jarnThe man page for kstart tells me to do 'man x' to get more info for one option (geometry), but there is no man page for x
06:28.07deb_noobokay the new error is checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!
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06:28.17deb_noobwhich package would that be?
06:28.19Jucatodeb_noob: kde-devel
06:28.28deb_noobkde-dev is installed
06:28.50Jucatosure? I find that weird...
06:28.52deb_noobsomething about Qt 3.2
06:29.06deb_noobokay it wasn't
06:29.15deb_noobkde-dev and kde-devel are different, sorry
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08:16.36vbgunz_anyone know why my thunderbird fonts are outrageously big?
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09:28.12LucianSolaris9ALL: how do i force knetworkmanager to see my eth0 (wireless).  It sees eth1 as my wired connection but i'm stuck with wifi-radar, some ugly ass, root only, gtk app.
09:28.34LucianSolaris9my card is a ndiswrappered broadcom
09:28.40pinotreewow, using black for text is lame, isn'it?
09:28.41Balsamic_Chickeni thought wlan0 is wireless
09:28.59Balsamic_Chickeni wanna use green text too, hurts ur eyes lol =)
09:29.00LucianSolaris9no, balsamic, it isn't on my system
09:29.18LucianSolaris9what, is my text gren?
09:29.32Balsamic_Chickenwifi-radar gui is ok for me
09:29.42Balsamic_Chickenbut i haven't used knetworkmanager before
09:29.44Balsamic_Chickenlet me try it
09:29.49LucianSolaris9but who here knows enough about kde to get me working with knetworkmanager?
09:29.51Balsamic_Chicken&green huh
09:29.57mark_alecLucianSolaris: fix it up,
09:30.06mark_alecbefore i go blind
09:30.06pinotreeLucianSolaris: can you disable the green please?
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09:30.16Balsamic_Chicken*goes to a corner and cries* no green for me lol
09:30.48Balsamic_Chickenhow do u do green, i might wanna try blue or other color
09:30.54LucianSolarisi'm using kopete
09:31.07Balsamic_Chickendo u mean u type in kopete and then post in here?
09:31.17LucianSolarisno, kopete for my irc client
09:31.24Balsamic_Chickenkopete could do that? didn't know
09:31.28Balsamic_Chickenhmm, how do u enable it
09:31.35LucianSolarisaccounts section of your options
09:32.05Balsamic_Chickenbtw do u use webcam with kopete, i can't get it to work, if u do use webcam in kopete, under configuration for webcam, do u have something for the category:standard
09:32.53LucianSolarisnow, i'm not suppost to be the helper, i'm the one in need, i need either: knetworkmanager to see my eth0 wifi OR a better, more extensive, wifi scanner/viewer/manager (think netstumbler with management capabilities) that doesn't look like gnome ass
09:33.08Balsamic_Chickenlol, i was just putting it out there for everyone =)
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09:36.22LucianSolarisnow, i need either: knetworkmanager to see my eth0 wifi OR a better, more extensive, wifi scanner/viewer/manager (think netstumbler with management capabilities) that doesn't look like gnome ass
09:41.42*** join/#kde EdLin (
09:42.37Balsamic_Chicken2 hrs till movie finish downloading, so slllow
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10:03.18pinotreeeilker: ftp://user@site in konqueror?
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10:06.22pinotreegood morning PhilRod
10:06.57Tm_THi kids.
10:07.09Jucatohi grandpa!
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10:11.10eilkerthank you
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10:21.37TheGateKeeperwhat's the best channel to ask about Qt dev questions?
10:21.53PhilRodTheGateKeeper: #qt I guess
10:22.07PhilRodhiya pinotree, Tm_T
10:22.19TheGateKeeperok thanx PhilRod
10:22.24*** part/#kde TheGateKeeper (
10:22.30bluestormseems KDE4 has been slashdotted again
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10:24.28GraveDiggeri really hate slashdot sometimes
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10:25.16EdLinGraveDigger: at least it isn't os "the Linux desktop is dead"
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10:36.21Dark_ApostropheWhere can I configure the background in Konq?
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10:36.55PhilRodhi kostja
10:37.02PhilRodDark_Apostrophe: the view menu, I think
10:37.17Dark_ApostrophePhilRod: Thanks
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10:37.23kostjait is possible to "browse" with konqueror audio cd (you need kioslave I think). Now I've got a CD witj Data und Audio. How can I browse through the audio tracks?
10:37.54kostjaWhen I open it with system:///media/hdc I get the data
10:39.16PhilRodkostja: do you see the audio tracks if you go to audiocd:/ in konqueror?
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10:40.03kostjaPhilRod: so do I. Thank you!
10:41.31kostjabye, bye
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10:50.07olegfinkSho_: should ctcp queries be uppercase?
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11:02.42PhilRodhi B4Sh
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11:05.43PhilRodanyone know how to get konq to open tar.gz files using tar:/ when I left click them? If I do "open in new window/tab" it works, but on left click, it asks what to open it with
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11:09.14backtickhi all, do I export a modified color theme from the control center to share it with other users?
11:10.07PhilRodclick on "save scheme"
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11:15.21backtickPhilRod:  it just prompts me for a name, not for a location to save the theme as an import-able file
11:16.29tomeqwitam wszystkich ziomkow :)
11:17.06PhilRodbacktick: ah, I see
11:19.52PhilRodbacktick: I can't see offhand how to do it, sorry
11:20.31backtickPhilRod: np, thanks anyway
11:22.26pinotreetomeq: english, please
11:22.59backtickI found it in .kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/
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11:26.13tomeqthere's always so big traffic ?
11:26.34tomeqhundred useres and one message per minute
11:27.10Jucatowelcome to the world of FOSS IRC
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11:31.49tomeqis there some irc nets where peoples talk a bit more ... ?
11:33.14Cicci0would be wonderful :)
11:33.38annmatomeq: it's Sunday
11:33.45annmapeople have real lives
11:34.06annmaand KDE is so good there's no questions about it
11:34.11fosterfeldtomeq: it rather depends on the channel than on the net. this channel is more used for support, not for chit-chat (which doesn't mean the latter doesn't happen - but sunday noon (CET) isn't the best time for high activity here ;-)
11:34.11Cicci0I'm just waking up........ :)))))))))))
11:34.15Jucatoalso, this is a support channel, not a social channel. I'm sure DALnet or Undernet have those kinds of channel
11:35.20Cicci0oh well... just a lot of people here now... :) I've a problem with kfax and filed even a bug... here it is:
11:35.27*** join/#kde EvilGuru (
11:35.30Cicci0anyone has similar problems with kfax?
11:36.06*** join/#kde desti (
11:36.26tomeqok, so i'll share with my problem
11:36.44annmayes, just tell your question
11:36.45tomeqwhere i can turno off all those nasty services in kde ?
11:36.53annmain KControl
11:37.01tomeqlike gconf-2, bonobo, bluetooth etc ...
11:37.02annmaand they are not nasty obviously
11:37.14tomeqnasty - unused
11:37.32annmagconf-2 and bonobo obviously are NOT kde services
11:37.43tomeqi know
11:37.48tomeqfedora 6
11:37.55annmalook in KControl
11:37.57tomeqbut i'm using kde
11:38.02tomeqand evolution
11:38.04annmalook in KControl
11:38.21tomeqevolution keep running those services
11:38.27*** join/#kde WindowsUninstall (
11:38.30tomeqand one more quiestion
11:38.38*** join/#kde Head (
11:38.42Jucatoprobably because evolution depends on those services
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11:39.01annmayes, evolutionprobably need those
11:39.03Jucatoannma: have fun! :)
11:39.15tomeqanyone have this bad feeling about linux when it comes to comparing speed of running firefox between linux and windows ?
11:39.17annma:) thanks
11:39.30Jucatotomeq: firefox isn't a KDE app...
11:39.35annmatomeq: feelings are not facts
11:39.39tomeqi know
11:40.02Headdoes anyone know how to switch off the spell checker in kde?
11:40.04tomeqbut little off-topic won't harm anyone
11:40.22tomeqeven konqueror run faster then firefox
11:40.32tomeqit's not only my opinion
11:41.11Linux_GaloreHead: look on kcontrol
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11:41.41HeadLinux_Galore: i did
11:41.58Headi can switch between hspell, aspell, etc.
11:42.02Headand select a language
11:42.10Headbut there is no option to just switch it off
11:42.47Linux_GaloreHead: its in the components section
11:44.31Headkcontrol > KDE Components > Spell Checker
11:44.48Headbut how do i switch it off?
11:45.38JucatoI can only think of 2 possible ways: uninstall the spellchecking package/app or switch to a spellchecker that isn't installed
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11:46.31HeadJucato: yes, i switched to hebrew and it shuts up
11:46.39Headbut there should be a proper way to do this
11:46.56Heador am i the only kde user who doesn't want spell checking?
11:47.02Linux_GaloreHead: post a bug then, maybe they will fix it in kde4
11:47.17Linux_GaloreHead: pretty much
11:48.12*** join/#kde Kim^J (
11:48.17Kim^JHey all.
11:48.39Linux_GaloreHead: you have to understand, developers are wary about adding "off" or "function disable" features because people have a habit of turning thing on or off and forgetting how they did it
11:48.54Kim^JIs there a program that displays what desktop I'm on? Like pager bit it just displays the name of that desktop I'm on.
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11:49.42Linux_GaloreKim^J: yeah the desktop preview pager
11:50.01HeadLinux_Galore: the strange thing is: when i compose a new mail in KMail...
11:50.06Kim^Jwell... that shows all desktop.
11:50.11Headthe status bar says: 'spell checker: on'
11:50.19Kim^JI just want a program that shows this: Desktop 1
11:50.46Linux_GaloreKim^J: hmm like kompose
11:51.02Kim^JHmm That's KDE Expos right?
11:51.24Kim^JNo. Just a program in the panel that shows Desktop 1/2/34/etc.
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11:51.50JucatoHead: it's on, but using an uninstalled spellchecker... so it won't work
11:51.56Linux_GaloreKim^J: if you mouse over the pager it shows whats on that desktop
11:52.09HeadJucato: but why the information in the status bar?
11:52.17Headif it can't be switched off?
11:52.27JucatoKim^J: the Desktop Preview and Pager can show you the name/number of all your virtual desktops
11:52.50Jucatoer nvm...
11:52.53Kim^JJucato: Yes. I know. I just want to show that Desktop I'm on. Not all.
11:53.10JucatoHead: auto spell check can be swichted off per app, afaik
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11:53.49Headbut where?
11:54.38Jucatonot sure where in kmail. but in Kopete and Konversation, for example, you can right-click on the text entry box and uncheck auto spell check
11:55.35Linux_GaloreKim^J: the whole method of how kde displays the desktop is changing in kde 4
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11:56.03Kim^JLinux_Galore: Ah ok.
11:56.21Kim^JThen I'll wait. Won't give up KDE for another three four years. :D
11:56.33Linux_GaloreKim^J: there are allot of limitations in qt3 that is being removed in qt4
11:56.48Kim^JOk ok. :)
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11:57.27Linux_GaloreKim^J: few more months and you should see kde4
11:57.42Kim^JHmm... Hopefully Slack 12 then...
11:57.50Linux_GaloreKim^J: its a big project shifting everything over
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11:57.54HeadLinux_Galore: i found out that there is already a bug report for this
11:58.00Headi just voted
11:58.14Linux_GaloreHead: good
11:58.36Linux_GaloreKim^J: kicker wont exist in kde4
11:58.54Linux_GaloreKim^J: it will work more like a docker in osx
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11:59.05JucatoLinux_Galore: absolutely sure on that?
11:59.59Linux_GaloreJucato: well the guy who makes the OSX docker (forgot its name) for kde 3 has stopped and is working on the new kicker replacement last I heard
12:00.30Jucatoer Linux_Galore, he's working on his own project
12:00.30Kim^JHmm... He better work damn hard then.
12:00.51Jucatoporting kxdocker to KDE4, doesn't mean it will be the default in KDE 4
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12:01.46Linux_GaloreJucato: though he was shifting it to kde4
12:02.13Linux_GaloreJucato: so whats replacing kicker
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12:02.26Jucatoshifting an app to Qt 4/KDE 4 code doesn't mean it will be part of the official KDE 4.x stuff
12:02.31JucatoLinux_Galore: for now, nothing yet
12:02.54Linux_GaloreJucato: so they have decided to stick with kicker even though it rubbish
12:03.22Jucatono. I'm just saying that nothing has yet has been committed to svn that will eventually replace kicker
12:03.30Linux_GaloreJucato: aaah yeah, saw the novell menu thing in kde4
12:03.51Jucatothat's not kde 4 even...
12:03.59Jucatoat least not officially yet, for now...
12:04.00HeadLinux_Galore: the novell menu is alredy in suse 10.2
12:04.04Headwith kde 3.5.5
12:04.10Linux_GaloreJucato: I know but I saw it in the demo images
12:04.13Headi'm using it
12:04.17Headit's not that bad
12:04.22Jucatoyes, but it is not KDE 4
12:04.23Linux_GaloreHead: so am I
12:04.58Jucatoand there has been no decision to replace the K Menu with kickoff
12:05.07Linux_GaloreJucato: they recently relleased some images of kde4 and it has kickoff
12:05.29olegfinkah remembered one question
12:05.37pinotreeLinux_Galore: that article is foobar regrding the kmenu
12:05.39JucatoLinux_Galore: I believe kickoff is in the playground module in Trunk
12:05.54olegfinkhow can I fully remove noatun from the face of my KDE?
12:05.58Jucatoand *who* released *what* images of KDE 4?
12:05.59Linux_GaloreJucato: kickoff need a config UI too
12:06.12pinotreewriting that kickoff is the sneak preview of kde4 is totally false
12:06.20Linux_GaloreJucato: asked the suse guys and they said its being worked on
12:06.53Jucatoit's being worked on in KDE SVN Trunk, yes. it wil be part of the official KDE 4.x release, as the K Menu replacement, no.
12:07.11McEnroeJucato: and as a alternative?
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12:08.02Jucatoit already is an alternative, in KDE 3... so now you have K Menu, KBFX, and Kickoff
12:08.24Linux_Galoreyeah, Ive got kickoff in kubuntu
12:09.43McEnroeJucato: not on my gentoo... :'(
12:10.13Linux_GaloreMcEnroe: look in  Im sure someone made an ebuild for gentoo
12:10.19McEnroebut what about merging kickoff and kmenu?
12:10.44pinotreeMcEnroe: kickoff is another kmenu
12:11.07JucatoMcEnroe: kickoff is sort of a 3rd-party KDE app
12:11.13Linux_GaloreI like how kickoff has a search box for beagle
12:11.22McEnroepinotree: is it a fork or a brach?
12:11.31pinotreeneithoer of the two
12:11.41pinotreeit is another implementation of a kde menu
12:11.42McEnroecompletly new?
12:12.36olegfinkhey anyone konversation aware here?
12:12.43Kim^Jolegfink: Irssi.
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12:12.58Linux_Galoreolegfink: Im using it
12:13.00Jucatoolegfink: depends on being aware of what ;)
12:13.02HeadLinux_Galore: did you realize that the suse cameleon in the kmenu button tracks the mouse cursor with its eyes?
12:13.08olegfinkKim^J: personally prefer weechat
12:13.15Jucatoolegfink: there's also a #konversation if you're interested :)
12:13.18stonedwee chat
12:13.20stonedthas cute
12:13.21Kim^Jolegfink: Use that then. :)
12:13.44olegfinkKim^J: I've found a bug, I'm not playing with ;)
12:13.47Linux_GaloreHead: I dont have that, I just have a kubuntu logo there
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12:15.47olegfinkLinux_Galore: try ctcp version request
12:15.50Kim^Jolegfink: or something like that then. :)
12:17.01Linux_Galoreolegfink: works fine
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12:17.54olegfinkLinux_Galore: heh but weechat thinks that ctcp SHOULD be uppercase
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12:18.46Linux_Galoreolegfink: well no issue here
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12:19.18Linux_Galoreolegfink: if other clients want to be weird they are welcome
12:19.39olegfinkLinux_Galore: eh ;)
12:23.26Linux_Galorehmm new Nokia N800 Linux tablet is now on sale ->
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12:27.38Linux_GaloreJucato: gizmoproject works on it so you can have a wireless VoIP conversation
12:28.04Jucatoyes, but it won't be able to call other phones that don't have VoIP, does it?
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12:28.31Linux_GaloreJucato: yes
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12:29.02Linux_GaloreJucato: you can dial dial out, VoIP doesnt mean you cant dial a normal pstn line
12:29.06Jucatoand that is what I was talking about... this is the only nokia device that doesn't have phone capabilities... but heck.. it's an internet tablet anyway...
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12:29.19Jucatoreally? hm...
12:29.28Linux_GaloreJucato: the n800 has moced the mice so its more like a normal phone
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12:29.44Linux_GaloreJucato: most major companies now use VoIP
12:30.09Jucatomaybe in the US
12:30.10Linux_GaloreJucato: even many phone companies use VoIP between each major node
12:30.18Linux_GaloreJucato: no all over the wrold
12:30.30Jucatooh then we're definitely not part of the world
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12:31.16Linux_GaloreJucato: if you want to trunk a call over seas now you have to use a form og VoIP, your phone company converts it over
12:31.29vbgunz_currently the icons on the desktop show very little text... is there a way to show more text by default?
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12:31.54Linux_Galorevbgunz_: you can define all that
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12:32.48Jucatowb annma!
12:33.12vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I've been playing with KDE for a while and could not find such an option. I found something under Konqueror about icons, sizing, length of text, heigh and similar but it doesn't effect the desktop... Can you tell me where to look please?
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12:35.39Linux_Galorevbgunz_: right click on the desktop
12:35.53Linux_Galorevbgunz_: configure desktop
12:36.21Linux_Galorevbgunz_: in the "background section" click on advanced to the far right
12:37.03vbgunz_wow, I don't remember missing that... I always used kcontrol though and never bothered to do it like this. It works!
12:37.20vbgunz_Linux_Galore: thank you very much!
12:37.56Linux_Galorevbgunz_: changing the font also show more detail too
12:38.28vbgunz_Linux_Galore: yeah, i did that and got a few extra characters in... I do not think this screen is in kcontrol
12:38.37vbgunz_I am looking for it and again, maybe I am missing it
12:38.46McEnroebut a least a button "prefer koffice over ooo"
12:38.51vbgunz_oh, it is in background not under desktop
12:39.06vbgunz_under appearance and themes... I guess that will suffice :)
12:39.24vbgunz_Linux_Galore: thank you again, was beginning to worry about it
12:40.15Linux_Galorevbgunz_: yeah, you would'nt beleive it but there are more options but there hidden to stop people stuffing them up
12:41.49vbgunz_I found the KDE config *rc folder *but* still haven't applied any useful tweaks ;)
12:42.18Linux_Galorevbgunz_: someone has started a KDE tweak project
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12:44.07vbgunz_Linux_Galore: heh, that'll be cool, probably be cooler if every app made created an advanced no gui interface file to used with it... that would rock :)
12:44.40Linux_Galorevbgunz_: they do
12:44.57vbgunz_one thing I don't like much about the icons on the desktop is the spacing, or padding between them all, they're far too spread out :O
12:45.14vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I looked in the rc* folder and tried to make some tweaks to Konqueror, always failed :(
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12:46.10vbgunz_basically, when Konqueror launches as a web browser first, then inside it, try to switch to file managing, the view is always reset to icons... I pulled my hair out trying to make it stick to tree view wether for any mode... heh, aint gonna happen
12:46.24vbgunz_defeated but all good, I will return ;)
12:46.30Linux_Galorevbgunz_: good example is dcop amarok player nowPlaying
12:47.05Linux_Galorevbgunz_: aah that can be set
12:47.11vbgunz_I heard a lot about dcop, still haven't really looked into it
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12:47.57vbgunz_Linux_Galore: no way can that Konqueror view be set... I have it set to tree view when launching it as a file manager *but* if it is a browser first, then trying to manage files, the view is destroyed and back to icons :(
12:48.10Linux_Galorevbgunz_: it can
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12:48.22gilanhow to change "kde-panel" font color
12:48.27Linux_Galorevbgunz_: in fact it can "all be customised" from the GUI
12:48.29vbgunz_Linux_Galore: please tell me how, I'll bake you a cake
12:48.41vbgunz_no way I missed that too :O
12:49.03Linux_Galorevbgunz_: set how you prefere the manager to look first
12:49.09vbgunz_no way >:|
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12:49.41vbgunz_I have my file manager looking perfect... none of those settings though stick to the web browsing instance of Konqueror
12:50.05Linux_Galorevbgunz_:  top right right right click Advanced -> Special Window Settings
12:50.09vbgunz_I am on Kubuntu 6.10, I am curious if they could have botched it though I hope not
12:50.18gilanLinux_Galore: how to change "kde-panel" font color
12:50.25vbgunz_heh, no way
12:50.34vbgunz_ok, I'll try that, I cannot believe it though
12:51.06Linux_Galorevbgunz_: its not in the menu's as such you have to click on the top window border
12:51.16vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I already have special window settings applied to Konqueror, to remember position and size
12:51.18Linux_Galorevbgunz_: far left sorry
12:51.26vbgunz_Linux_Galore: i am there
12:51.32Linux_Galoreright click
12:51.41Linux_Galoreshould see a menu with Advanced
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12:52.18vbgunz_the window icon > advanced > special window settings
12:52.28Linux_Galorevbgunz_: yep
12:52.33vbgunz_I am there, looking at window specific settings
12:52.43Linux_Galorevbgunz_: you can even define how the application will view
12:52.47vbgunz_I already use it on Konqueror to remember position and size
12:52.56vbgunz_no frigging way
12:53.00vbgunz_I must have missed that
12:53.13vbgunz_you gonna have me go on a wild goose chase :P
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12:53.59vbgunz_heh, you messing with me ;)
12:54.12vbgunz_I don't see that option...
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12:55.04Linux_Galorevbgunz_: just klick on ok and it will always open the window in the form you have it set now
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12:56.22vbgunz_Linux_Galore: nah, it'll never work, I am sure the view is hard coded into Konqueror somehow
12:56.31Linux_Galorevbgunz_: nope
12:56.42vbgunz_I mean, I checked a lot of configs and couldn't find a way to tweak it
12:58.06Linux_Galorevbgunz_: in the geometry section enable remember in size
12:58.18vbgunz_Konqueror takes on several modes so to say. if I launch it as a file manager *it* opens and views just fine... if I close the file manager and open up the web browser, it too opens up just fine in the way I set up the browser profile *but* if while web browsing, I open a folder, the view is hard-coded or stubborn enough to switch on me and go back to icon view...
12:58.28Linux_Galorevbgunz_: you can even define the default to the right of the size
12:59.03Linux_Galorevbgunz_: I just did it and it remembered my size change
12:59.04vbgunz_I am talking about Konquerors viewsL icons, list, tree, etc
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12:59.30Linux_Galorevbgunz_: yes, thats set when you close the window
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13:02.13Linux_Galorevbgunz_: the icone stuff is set in Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Appearance
13:02.18vbgunz_no, heh, not that, Konqueror behaves just fine in that regard. I am talking about the folder view in the main pane... I prefer tree view. I get it "tree view" when I launch Konqueror as a file manager *but* if while web browsing I launch a folder that opens inside the web browser, the view mode is changed to "icon view"... this is what I am trying to change... I cannot find a way to change it
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13:03.33Jucatoview a directory in the web manager profile, set it to the view type you want, and save the profile?
13:05.08Linux_Galorevbgunz_: yeah sorry jucato is right, set it how you want then click on Settings -> Save View Porfile
13:05.10vbgunz_Jucato: I've done it many many times... as I am trying to say. When I launch Konqueror --profile filemanagement, I get the Tree view mode... now, I close it. I open konqueror --profile webbrowsing and then inside the web browser, hit F9, select home, when the main view changes to show my folders, it is in icon mode
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13:06.09Jucatovbgunz_: I'm guessing you saved the tree view in file management profile only?
13:06.40vbgunz_Jucato: I do not think there is a way to save the view mode for file manager inside Konqueror the web browser :(
13:06.56Jucatowhat do you mean?
13:07.04vbgunz_one sec
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13:07.20Jucatolaunch Konqueror in web browser mode, webbrowsing profile, then switch to viewing a directory
13:07.28Linux_Galorevbgunz_: saves here
13:07.31vbgunz_yeah, I've done that
13:07.38crudballi have a question about compiling kdebase
13:07.38vbgunz_man :O
13:07.50JucatoKonqueror doesn't automatically change to a filemanagement profile when you view a directory in a webbrowsing profile window
13:08.00crudballwhen its configuring, it gets to the bottom and gives me
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13:08.23alsurencrudball: from svn or just kde3.5.5?
13:08.24vbgunz_view mode in the web browser is either KHTML or KATE, no tree view, etc...
13:08.31crudballkde 3.5.5
13:08.40crudballconfigure: error: /usr/X11R6/bin/xmkmf (imake) failed.
13:08.43crudballMake sure you have all necessary X development packages installed.
13:08.44crudballOn some systems a missing /lib/cpp symlink is at fault.
13:09.04crudballbut /usr/X11R6/bin/xmkmf exists :S
13:10.01alsurencrudball: ls -dl /lib/cpp
13:10.27crudballlrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 25 Nov 28 18:43 /lib/cpp -> /etc/alternatives/lib_cpp*
13:10.30Linux_Galorevbgunz_: aaah ok, when you open konqueror as a "web browser" its nots the same as a "file manager startup"
13:10.37vbgunz_heh, no joke, Kubuntu botched it cause if you guys say it is supposed to work, well, maybe not in Kubuntu... the furthest I can get, is to open a file management tab, change the view to tree mode, also open a web browsing tab and set the homepage... now I save the webbrowsing profile... when I launch Konqueror again (web browser), my file tab shows a tree view... awesome, *but* when I click F9 to get the side pane and click on any folder, t
13:11.11vbgunz_Linux_Galore: you see what I see now?
13:11.15kubuntianguys, is it normal that animations in powerpoint slides (written by Microsoft powerpoint ) don't work in openoffice?
13:11.40DesintegrOpenOffice channel ?
13:11.42Jucatokubuntian: um... openoffice or koffice?
13:11.55Jucatokubuntian: also ask in #kubuntu
13:12.09Linux_Galorevbgunz_: no thats correct, when you actually start konqueror tis doesnt just run it, if you look carefully it has a few options flagged in the startup command
13:12.16crudballok so what now?
13:12.23crudballi am planning to switch from gnome
13:12.38vbgunz_Linux_Galore: thats the setting i do not see in any gui... thats the setting I've been looking for in the config *rc directory... I cannot find it and when I think I did find it and make a change even with Konqueror completely closed out, it does not stick to tree view, ever :( this is why I think it could be hard coded
13:13.01Jucatocrudball: no way for you to install KDE without compiling?
13:13.04vbgunz_Linux_Galore: ok, how do I change the startup commands on a global scale?
13:13.15crudballi am on mandriva
13:13.19Linux_Galorevbgunz_: you dont
13:13.19vbgunz_what would you recommend?
13:13.24crudballi will check urpmi
13:13.28vbgunz_ahh :O
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13:13.38Linux_Galorevbgunz_: if you want konqeuror to be a file manager you open a "file"
13:13.52deusWhat are auto for authentication for kmail?
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13:13.55Jucatocrudball: mandriva has KDE packages.. in fact, shouldn't KDE be the default in the first place?
13:14.12crudballyeah but its old
13:14.16crudballand i wanna update
13:14.19crudballas im on 2006
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13:14.34Linux_Galorevbgunz_:  type this kfmclient openProfile filemanagement ~/  at the command line,   thats starts konqueror as a file manager
13:15.06Jucatocrudball: ah... not really sure how Mandriva's packaging works... but they should have KDE packages...
13:15.07Jucatoand maybe some trusted 3rd-party repos have an updated KDE 3.5.5
13:15.07crudballjust did urpmi kdebase but it wants to install 3.4.2
13:15.10crudballdunno how old that is
13:15.17crudballso im updating urpmi to see
13:15.17Jucato*very* old :)
13:15.18Linux_Galorevbgunz_: not if I start konqueror as a web browser I would use konqueror --profile webbrowsing
13:15.22Jucato3.5.5 is the latest
13:15.28crudballthought so *sighs*
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13:15.47Linux_Galorevbgunz_: notice they are "very" different startup commands
13:15.50crudballstill 3.4.2
13:16.07crudballi suppose i could try the suse kde repo?
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13:16.29Jucatoer.. not sure...
13:17.09crudballas there isnt many rpm repos
13:17.12crudballmost are debs
13:17.30Linux_Galorevbgunz_: your problem is your starting konqueror in "web browser mode" then wondering why its not so flash as a file browser, basically because its been told to be a "web browser" not a "file browser"
13:18.22vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I tried to do it in reverse and get the same effect... anyway to change the global view from icon to tree view no matter what profile? it aint never gonna work for me :(
13:18.46Linux_Galorevbgunz_: stop starting konqueror in web browser mode, your problem will be fixed
13:19.31vbgunz_Linux_Galore: watch this... launch your file manager... looking at your files? great, enter in the address bar... this is your file manager right? ok, enter / in the address bar and hit enter
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13:20.05Linux_Galorevbgunz_: right click on the konqueror icon, click on "Configure Konqueror Button"  then go to the "Application" tab
13:20.18Linux_Galorevbgunz_: look at the "start" command
13:20.18vbgunz_it don't matter from what instance I launch a web page... the second a web page hits the browser/manager, the view is reset back to icon view for all files here on out :*(
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13:20.51Linux_Galorevbgunz_: your not listening, konqueror is "two animals" not one
13:21.10vbgunz_Linux_Galore: sorry, continue, my apologies
13:21.33Linux_Galorevbgunz_: right click on the konqueror icon, click on "Configure Konqueror Button"  then go to the "Application" tab
13:21.46Linux_Galorevbgunz_: I will show you why its not working
13:21.49vbgunz_ok done
13:22.05Linux_Galorevbgunz_: look at the "start" command
13:22.18Linux_Galorevbgunz_: actually read what the command says
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13:22.31vbgunz_I saw that
13:22.42vbgunz_did you do what I said?
13:22.45Linux_Galorevbgunz_: you will notice its telling Konqueror to be a "web browser" and not to be anything else
13:23.19crudballanyone know a solution to my problem apart from going to binaries?
13:23.24Linux_Galorevbgunz_: the startup for "file browser" and "web browser" are totally different
13:23.35McEnroei enable the osx style menubar. but there is a strip (actually a gradient). how i remove it?
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13:24.15Linux_Galorevbgunz_: your trying to configure the "file browser options" when its in "web browser mode" it wont work
13:24.56Linux_Galorevbgunz_: click on a folder then try and do it, yes Ive tested it and it saves tree view
13:25.43vbgunz_Linux_Galore: please, try this, I must have a bug, I am 100% sure. 1. "kfmclient openProfile filemanagement", 2. enter "httP://" 3. enter "/" ... did your view get reset back to icon view in your file manager?
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13:26.08vbgunz_can anyone reproduce this?
13:26.38Linux_Galorevbgunz_: nope stayed
13:26.49vbgunz_my Konqueror is broken
13:27.41vbgunz_I was really hoping someone could see what I am saying... it sucks to be the only dude with the problem
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13:28.06Linux_Galorevbgunz_: aaah no, thats correct, if you put a URL into the top bar it flips into "browser mode" it will act like a web browser so it doesnt show files like a file browser
13:28.32Linux_Galorevbgunz_: as i said "two animals in one" but not both
13:29.11Linux_Galorevbgunz_: when you access files on the web it defaults to a set view mode
13:29.48Linux_Galorevbgunz_: you have to flip it back to file mode with the view menu or create a shortcut
13:29.52vbgunz_Linux_Galore: yeah but even if I close all web pages out and go back to the the first view, the view mode has already been reset :(
13:30.18vbgunz_Linux_Galore: heh, I tried setting a shortcut for view mode... I could not find it... no such option :(
13:30.39Linux_Galorevbgunz_: so did you open it in file mode though. dont click on the konqueror icon
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13:30.45vbgunz_I owuld have made one of the F keys it but cannot set a short cut so I always have to go back to reset by hand
13:30.59Linux_Galorevbgunz_: the konqueror icons sets it in web mode by default
13:31.09vbgunz_Linux_Galore: yes, exactly that, I tried a bunch of things, once a web page is open, the view mode is reset :(
13:31.27vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I know, I always have a console open and I launched it from there
13:31.36Linux_Galorevbgunz_: no if I click on my home folder on my desktop it goes back to my saved setting
13:31.38vbgunz_this is that secret setting I am looking for
13:31.51Linux_Galorevbgunz_: in this case "tree view"
13:32.21Linux_Galorevbgunz_: how do you open your home folder
13:33.28Linux_Galorevbgunz_: Ive got an idea
13:33.49vbgunz_I have an applet that shows my home directory as a menu... this is how I usually launch it *but* if I "killall konqueror" and then launch it either "konqueror --profile filemanagement" OR "kfmclient openProfile filemanagement", once I go to a webpage, using the filemanager the view is reset to icon view...
13:34.21Linux_Galorevbgunz_: thats correct because "web mode" is different
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13:34.41exposeHoe to disable the "popup was blocked" popup? I find it annoying...
13:35.13vbgunz_yeah, but if I middle click a directory in the left pane "navigation" so to open in a new tab, I still get the view reset problem :(
13:35.48vbgunz_someone who prefers icon view will never pick up on this problem but if you like something other than icon view, you're out of luck :P
13:35.57*** part/#kde gilan (n=gilan@
13:36.29Linux_Galoreexpose: open Konqueror  Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Addblock Filters
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13:38.35Linux_Galoreexpose: what I do is grab the Filterset.g  text file that they use with the addblocker in firefox and import it into Konqueror, that fixes it all for me
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13:38.54vbgunz_see, talking about secret settings and tweaks got me thinking, the setting for the default view has got to be in a file somewhere... as I am looking for it and making changes to experiment, I never see a difference... so, got me thinking, Konqueror must have the view hard-coded and it uses this hard-coded value to set the view in web browsing mode... I would consider this a bug *but* I'd hate to make such an assumption when maybe in some cr
13:38.54vbgunz_te icon view :(
13:39.22vbgunz_in any mode...
13:39.29Linux_Galorevbgunz_: I can change it no problem
13:40.02Linux_Galorevbgunz_: you cant change the default web mode" because of "web standards"
13:40.38Linux_Galorevbgunz_: if you change that around all your web pages would look like crap
13:41.14Linux_Galorevbgunz_: as i keep telling you, web ,mode and file mode are not the same
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13:42.10exposeLinux_Galore: thanks.
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13:43.31vbgunz_this is unfair. it isn't fair, my view mode is reset because of some crazy standard that has got nothing to do with my file manager... in a sense, it is like a cruel joke :(
13:43.38Linux_Galoreexpose: you can import filter lists too from the web, you can google for them
13:44.17Linux_Galorevbgunz_: no, its because if you dont do that when it tries to work with remote hosts things would break
13:45.06exposeLinux_Galore: i cant find that firefox filter file...hmmm.
13:45.07vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I am not trying to connect to a remote host ;)
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13:46.03Linux_Galorevbgunz_: try saving the profile as "web"
13:46.24Linux_Galoreexpose: let me get you the link
13:46.26exposeah... blocklist.xml....
13:46.33exposeLinux_Galore: think i just got it
13:46.43Linux_Galoreexpose: no that wont work you need a text file
13:47.12Jucatoannma: can you ping me back later, when you're not so busy anymore? :)
13:47.24annmaI'm OK now
13:47.30annmanot busy
13:47.50Jucatoannma: (you were having a wonderful conversation in #k-devel :) )
13:47.54exposethank you
13:48.21cucoannma: ping
13:48.25Linux_Galoreexpose: just put this in the addblock section
13:48.26annmahi cuco
13:49.03Jucatoannma: um, you compile your stable KDE from branch right? so you have at least 3 builds? stable KDE from branch, a KDE branch for testing patches, and a KDE from trunk?
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13:49.13annmajust 2
13:49.14exposeLinux_Galore: i thought you just had a typo when you wrote "filterset.g" and just thought of filterset and thus imagined searching for it on the web to be quite hard
13:49.20cucohi annma, i was talking yesterday with some guy on #kde-www about having a wiki for my site. as far as i understand, this is possible.
13:49.24annmastable KDE for using and testing
13:49.32annmacuco: is it?
13:49.47annmacuco: your site is maybe not a kde one?*
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13:49.53annmais it a kde server?
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13:50.08annmacuco: is it a kde server?
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13:50.20cucoannma: yes, it's a subdomain on
13:50.22Linux_Galoreexpose: I just opened firefox and there is a link for the home page in the plugin details
13:50.27vbgunz_Linux_Galore: the only work around for the moment is to open a web browser instance with a file management tab set to tree view. if I want to use the file manager, I'll just need to switch to the file management tab.. the view seems to stick then
13:50.28annmasubdomain but server?
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13:51.01annmaJucato: I have some svn conflicts here and there with testing though
13:51.03cucoannma: i assume so, i am not even sure who did it for me :) (it was a few months ago)
13:51.14Linux_Galorevbgunz_: have you tried saving the profile when in "web mode" as "web mode"
13:51.19annmacuco: then you're lucky if you get a wiki
13:51.30cucoannma: how come?
13:51.31annmacuco: I asked one for and never got it
13:52.05cucoannma: uses one. others use it as well.
13:52.17exposeLinux_Galore: dont have a plugin installed for ff that does adblocking :-)
13:52.19annmaamarok is not a kde server
13:52.32annmaprivate server that's why they need founds
13:52.44vbgunz_Linux_Galore: yes
13:53.03vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I am looking at the faqs now on the site
13:53.09Linux_Galorevbgunz_: yeah, when it flips into web mode it stays there unless you flip it back
13:53.29annmacuco: can i ask who told you it's ok?
13:53.53vbgunz_Linux_Galore: heh, that sucks... Konqueror should know when I am opening a folder... when it sees this, it should flip back to my file manager settings... am looking at the faqs, I might be surprised
13:53.56Linux_Galorevbgunz_: there is no tree view for the web, hmm
13:54.02cucoannma: you can, that does not mean i can tell you ... short memory.... logs are @home... you know...
13:54.42annmacuco: I'll see when it's done (like Thomas in the Gospel)
13:54.52annmaI'll believe when I see
13:54.53Linux_Galorevbgunz_: I only use konqueror for file browsing and forefox for web stuff so I dont have this issue
13:55.01cucoi hope konversation has logs  enabled by default on kubuntu
13:55.19Jucatoannma: ah so you test patches on the stable KDE you use for everyday regular use? hm.. conflicts? /me is now not sure how to proceed...
13:55.23Jucatocuco: I think they are
13:55.29Jucatocuco: thanks :)
13:55.43vbgunz_Linux_Galore: I am thinking about doing the same thing... sucks though as I would like to use Konqueror as both
13:55.46annmaJucato: yes
13:56.06Linux_Galorevbgunz_: konqueror is so so when it comes to web pages
13:56.20annmaconflicts mean the person who commit the files sometimes change them
13:56.27Linux_Galorevbgunz_: most sites are ok but now and again you hit one that totally sux
13:56.28annmasvn is not very good at merging
13:56.40Jucatoannma: oh I see... I'm now thinking if whether I should build 2 or 3 KDE's (one will be trunk)
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13:56.49annmacuco: don't refeer to me in kde-www
13:57.06cucoannma: ok
13:57.08annmaI already pested them enough
13:57.22cucoexcuse me...? wtf?
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13:57.38cucoare you trying to do your work for kde, you should not be saying those things
13:57.45zerbyhello i need some help....
13:57.58cucothose stupid fights are making problems in debian, no need to have that shit on kde as well
13:58.00zerbykmfclient, krusader, ark (gwenview?) dont want to start up (or just after 5 or 10 minutes)
13:58.16cucozerby: hostname problems...?
13:58.28zerbymeaning cuco ??
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13:59.23cucozerby: some programs misbehave when you have network problems. next stage is to "strace -f kwrite" or something, to see whats the problem
13:59.37zerbyahhh ok
13:59.43zerbynow that s possible yes
13:59.56zerbytx for the command too
14:01.01Jucatoannma: hm.. okay.... I'm going to really take a plunge here. I'll be using KDE branch :)
14:01.10cucozerby: i will give you my paypal account in private ;-)
14:01.17zerbylol cuco
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14:11.41neoneuronehi guys, how can I type japanese in Kiten ?
14:14.02thiagocan you type japanese in any KDE application?
14:14.47neoneuronethiago, I don't think so.
14:14.52Jucatooh thiago's here
14:15.54neoneuronethiago, well I found it ... the program didn't install any doc :). It has a builtin Japanese typing system which I was looking for. It can be enabled by using Shift Space :)
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14:16.27neoneuronethank you anyway ^^
14:16.31zerbycuco i returned to thank you, the networkprob was the kde prob
14:16.37zerbyive solved the netw prob
14:16.42Sho_neoneurone: Other than that you're looking for skim
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14:17.12neoneuroneSho_, skim ?
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14:17.43Sho_neoneurone: A KDE frontend to scim, the Smart Common Input Method - what allows you to type CJK languages in KDE apps
14:17.47JucatoKDE frontend to SCIM
14:18.49Jucatothiago: we could use your comment on one of this Konqueror bugs:
14:18.57neoneuronehehe great ! maybe I'll need it someday :)
14:19.06Jucatoer.. I meant, we need your comment :)
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14:19.39thiagoI'll take a look
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14:20.13Jucatothiago: thanks! :)
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14:26.34thiagoJucato: btw, http works just fine and puts less of a load on the server
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14:27.12aarcaneI'm using XDMCP with kdm, where can I configure the display modes available to the X display?
14:27.29Jucatothiago: huh? um.. wasn't it about the devices kioslave?
14:27.31thiagothe same way you'd configure if it were not XDMCP
14:27.35thiagoJucato: yes
14:27.37Blissexaarcane: what does that mean?
14:27.46thiagoJucato: that's why it affects only people who are upgrading from KDE 3.3
14:28.27Jucatoah so what should we do about the bug then?
14:28.37thiagoJucato: close it as WONTFIX
14:28.47aarcanethiago, but I have both the server machine and the client configured almost identically, with 1280x960 set as the highest resolution available, but other resolutions listed in xorg.conf don't work.
14:28.58thiagoJucato: KDE 3.3 is now really old. Fixing it in 3.5.7 won't do any good.
14:29.03aarcaneerm, I mean xorg.conf is almost entirely ignored
14:29.15thiagoaarcane: it's not a problem of kdm or of XDMCP
14:29.19Jucatothiago: will you do that or ask someone else to close it? (don't know what comment to put though)
14:29.21thiagoaarcane: configure your X correctly
14:30.17aarcanethiago, okay, and also, how do I configure kdm to not try to launch a local X display and only listen on xdmcp
14:30.33thiagoaarcane: check kdmrc
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14:31.09aarcanethiago, I did, however, I am unsure which settings to change and how in kdmrc to do what I want.
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14:31.18thiagoneither do I
14:31.23thiagobut you're the one who wants it :-)
14:31.36thiagothe config file is very well documented via comments
14:31.37thiagoread them
14:31.50aarcanethiago, I have, but the matter is still unclear.
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14:33.27thiagothere must be an entry that says how many servers to start
14:33.30thiagoor how to start them
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14:36.08StevenRhow do I make kaudiocreator lookup cddb info correctly? it says "Unable to retrieve CDDB information."
14:37.44crudballerm ok i think i might have found the answe to my problem
14:38.30crudballthe result of /usr/X11R6/bin/xmkmf
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14:38.44thiagofinish your sentence in one line, please
14:38.58StevenRhmm. kscd won't look it up either
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14:39.20thiagoStevenR: maybe your CD isn't on the database
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14:40.48aarcanethiago, I solved the modes problem.
14:40.58StevenRthiago: hadn't thought of that actually. it's a distinct possibility, given the cd set in question. thanks for the suggestion
14:41.39crudballshould: /usr/X11R6/bin/xmkmf - come up with:
14:41.40crudballimake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config
14:41.42crudballUsage: sdl-config [--prefix[=DIR]] [--exec-prefix[=DIR]] [--version] [--cflags] [--libs] [--static-libs]
14:41.52crudballsorry about big gaps >_<
14:42.19crudballyeah thats what i thought
14:42.44crudballits supposed to be imake ?
14:43.46thiagoimake is a Makefile generator
14:44.22crudballi know, it shouldnt be sdl-config - which is most likely why it is failing in kdebase configure
14:44.46thiagokdebase requires a working xmkmf
14:45.09crudballthats kinda weird
14:45.36thiagoyour xmkmf? Yeah...
14:46.40thiagomaybe it's your imake
14:48.05crudballok so what do i do
14:49.04crudballlrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 35 Jan  7 14:12 /usr/X11R6/bin/imake -> ../../../usr/bin/multiarch-dispatch*
14:51.09crudballand /usr/bin/multiarch-dispatch is displaying the sdl-config bit
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14:54.37thiagoI have no idea what multiarch-dispatch is
14:54.43thiagoimake here is a binary
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15:30.53fuzzy_can anybody help me with kxdocker
15:31.00fuzzy_i've just emerged it
15:31.18fuzzy_and i downloaded a background theme
15:32.21fuzzy_at the background theme path
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15:32.58fuzzy_i chose the folder in which there are the images from the archive
15:33.12fuzzy_now it still has a black stupid background
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15:44.16aarcaneI'm using kdm with xdmcp on machine1 to run a server to which machine2 connects via X -query machine1.  how can I configure machine{1,2} so that any USB disk drive inserted in machine2 is accessible to the user logged in?
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15:47.27JucatoHow do I backup and restoare my e-mail from kmail in a way that kmail won't fetch mails again (going to reinstall)
15:49.01PhilRodI'd just back up and restore ~/Mail
15:49.09PhilRodor do you mean imap?
15:49.57MrGrimimap doesn't need to be backed up unless you use offline imap and delete mails off the server... which is silly
15:50.05MrGrimmight as well use pop3 :P
15:50.13JucatoPhilRod: no, just pop3
15:50.43PhilRodah, I see what you're getting at
15:50.43PhilRodprobably ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/somethingoranother
15:50.51Jucatoah hm...
15:51.17PhilRodI imagine that should be enough to prevent mesages being downloaded again
15:51.39JucatoI'm just worried that, last time I tried, my inbox folder structure didn't get replicated, some POP filters didn't work, and identification/accounts also were a bit whacky, and mails were downloaded again...
15:52.05Jucatoanyway, I'll try again.. I just got over 3000+ mail in Gmail... )
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16:00.15PhilRodhi grufti
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16:01.47gruftii have a little problem with the kicker. when i close some apps there is a strange for a very short time.
16:02.28gruftidoes anyone have similar occurrings?
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16:03.10gruftiits the place where the window was in the dock.
16:03.17gruftiim using kde 3.5.5
16:03.18Jucatowhat KDE version?
16:03.32Jucatoit stay permanently until you restart?
16:03.33grufti3.5.2 and earlier was ok
16:03.43gruftino, just less than a second
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16:04.14gruftii also tried different graphics card drivers
16:04.23gruftinv and differnet versions of nvidia
16:05.48gruftiand not every app got the problem every time i close it.
16:05.52gruftivery strange
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16:09.36gruftiJucato, do you have any ideas what i could do? (other than downgrade ;)
16:09.47Jucatonot really... :(
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16:15.58weyeranybody familiar with kxdocker?
16:16.16weyeri'd like to disable the spinner / throbber, but i can't find a setting for it
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16:19.40MarcoPauhello, how do I change the directory to be opened by the home button?
16:20.15delusionsMarcoPau: rightclick->properties->url
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16:21.42crudballhow old is kde 3.4.2?
16:21.55crudballas thats what mandriva wants me to install
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16:22.02MarcoPaudelusions: can't find url...
16:22.23delusionsMarcoPau: rightclick on the home button
16:22.27delusionsi mean icon
16:22.40MarcoPaudelusions: yes, I'm already into the property window
16:22.59MarcoPau4 tabs: general permissions application preview
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16:23.26wimpiescan anybody explain why my kwallet manager does not start when I want to read mail ?
16:23.47delusionswell, i have the url instead of app, its not so hard to make another link
16:24.09delusionsMarcoPau: create a new link to url
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16:24.52delusionswimpies: maybe you selected "no" when it asked
16:25.11MarcoPaudelusions: a new link to what?
16:25.34delusionsMarcoPau: rightclik on desktop and create a link to url
16:25.41delusionsthats what you want right?
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16:25.52wimpiesdelusions : no i did not and if I did how can I restart it
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16:26.46MarcoPaudelusions: you're right, didn't even think of it
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16:29.46mcxxhi, i'm customizing my key binding and i have the following problem: i remapped my C- key to C-M- (more comfortable emacs editing) but KDE al\
16:29.50mcxxso has some C-M- bindings (e.g. C-M-l is lock session), which i don't want while in emacs. but when i turn off KDE shortcuts (special window \
16:29.53mcxxsettings->workarounds->block global shortcuts) i can't use M-TAB for window switching; in fact, M-TAB is the only key shortcut i want to have\ available. is there a way to do this?
16:30.06mcxxwhoops, sorry for the formating :(
16:30.34garrettkajmowiczI'm trying to script an application which takes text input up until end of input (ctrl-D) and then returns output.  I'm playing arounf with PtyProcess right now, but can't seem to find how to tell it end of input.  Thoughts?
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16:32.59Blissexmcxx: try to read about X windows system key handling and modifiers.
16:33.13MarcoPaumm, do we have any graphic programme to decompress zip tar and maybe rar files?
16:33.25BlissexMarcoPau: yes.
16:33.25delusionsMarcoPau: ark
16:33.39mcxxBlissex: ok, thanks
16:33.57MarcoPauthanks again :)
16:34.03MarcoPauuseful for parents he
16:34.36AssociateXis there a kde tool for making a short video of desktop action?
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16:35.21delusionsAssociateX: pple are taking videos of their beryl/compiz desktops these days :) try to find what they're using
16:36.03PhilRodAssociateX: not really. Try pyvnc2swf, that gnome one whos name I've forgotten, and the one from
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16:36.15PhilRodah, so actually, that might be a yes :-)
16:36.27MarcoPauand to encode/decode/convert audio files what do you guys use?
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16:36.44MarcoPauI would like something similar to easy cd/da extractor for win
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16:37.08PhilRodto rip cds, use audiocd:/ or kaudiocreator
16:37.18AssociateXthanks delusions and PhilRod
16:37.21*** part/#kde garrettkajmowicz (
16:37.22PhilRodother stuff, I guess kaudiocreator can do
16:37.57MarcoPauPhilRod: mainly convert weird audio files into mp3 and rip audio cd's possibly with cddb
16:38.50shadokmp3 is a bad format, ogg owns it on all points
16:38.52delusionswimpies: in the kwalletmanager settings dialog theres the access control part, that can help you
16:39.07shadokto transcode i use k3b
16:39.08MarcoPaushadok: I know, but the mp3 players can't read ogg
16:39.21shadokah ? ^^
16:39.29MarcoPauat least mine
16:39.59shadoktoo bad :)
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16:40.25MarcoPaushadok: what can I do... :P
16:41.05shadokyou can transcode with k3b but it's a bit hard to find, create a new audiocd, add files and go to the menus and choose "encode tracks" you'll have access to transcoding :)
16:41.18shadokMarcoPau: buy another maybe ? :D
16:41.48MarcoPaushadok: prrrr
16:42.13shadokbe advised i will not donate money for you to buy a new one :p
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16:57.37aarcanecan .desktop files contain the $HOME environment variable ?
16:58.59PhilRoddon't know - check on
16:59.10PhilRodkde config files can contain env vars though
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17:07.22mots_is there any panel-applet that watches rss-feeds and notifies you on new entries?
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17:12.26SkrotHi. Is it possible to set up krfb to start at the same time as KDM? So one could remotly log in via KDM
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17:19.26aarcaneSkrot, what is krfb ?  I have remote login via kdm currently without it.
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17:24.55wimpiesHi all.  I have enabled audio file previewing in konqueror but when I hover my mouse over an mp3 file I still cannot hear music.  What can be wrong ?
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17:25.25Skrotaarcane: Which way? I was thinking of login into KDM on the server-side
17:25.40SkrotI know KDM kan log in to remote servers as a client
17:26.45EvilGuruHas anyone else found that after a while of running KDE with shadows/translucency effects that their system slows right down until the log in/out?
17:26.53Skrote.g if the server is restarted, I want to be able to VNC/remote connect to it, and login via KDM on the remote machine
17:27.16KasyxEvilGuru: yes, I had that. It's kompmgr gobbling the CPU via X
17:27.24KasyxEvilGuru: that's as far as my research took me
17:27.33KasyxEvilGuru: then I switched to beryl, which is sexier and performs better
17:27.38EvilGuruKasyx: yep, but loggin out then in again fixes it totally?
17:27.47KasyxEvilGuru: restarting X does, yeah
17:27.50MoobySkrot: you should use nx : faster :)
17:28.13EvilGuruKasyx: I really want to make the switch but I love my KDE window decorations
17:28.26EvilGuruand aquamarine is well... kind of... not working
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17:30.22Skrottalking about kwin_composite?
17:30.57EvilGuruSkrot: maybe, if the name means what I think it means
17:31.15SkrotYou're talking about kwin gaining compiz-like features, no?
17:31.21kollanever got it workin as I want
17:31.31SkrotYeah, I wouldn't hold my breath :p
17:31.57Jucatosome of the compositing and transparencies have already been committed to svn iirc
17:32.09Jucatothere was a blog post about it last month
17:32.21EvilGuruas the current translucency settings are plagued with bugs, so I am not expecting anything before KDE4
17:32.22Skrotyou may follow the progress at
17:32.49JucatoSkrot: wouldn't it be in trunk?
17:33.05SkrotDunno, I'm not a a developer
17:33.11JucatoEvilGuru: they're going to ditch kompmgr in KWin 4
17:33.30JucatoSkrot: well, it should be. anything in branches is KDE 3
17:33.38EvilGuruas long as I can have my shadows and fading effects...
17:33.48JucatoI might definitely be wrong. :P
17:33.49EvilGurualthough the idea of a cubed desktop is tempting
17:34.01SkrotYou are talking about the work lubos is doing, no?
17:34.08Skrot that stuff?
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17:34.46Skrotright, its in branch unless there are two locations for it
17:35.54SkrotI really hope they get it done, but seems to be getting less love than it should :)
17:36.01Jucatoah yeah,didn't see the "work" part.
17:36.20Jucatostuff in the work module can be for anything :P
17:36.32Skrothehe =)
17:37.09SkrotAtleast there seems like more developers are getting SVN-access to that project
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17:51.08Red_CloudI am in the process of installing KDE and would like some opinions.  I am at the point of installing Kdelibs.  As an option for Kdelibs should I install Heimdal-0.7.2 or MIT krb5-1.4.1,?
17:52.58litbSkrot: is that thing that lubos is doing for kwin3 or kwin4?
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17:54.19tdmsilvinohi.. I run Slackware 11 and KDE 3.5.4
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17:54.49tdmsilvinodoes someone know how to install new window decoration on kde?
17:55.36Jucatotdmsilvino: you compile them mostly
17:55.42PhilRodyou need to compile them, unless they're icewm themes
17:55.50Jucatoor dekorator themes
17:55.56PhilRoderr, where's your guide, Jucato?
17:56.02PhilRoddid we get it online somewhere?
17:56.02tdmsilvinoI've downloaded some .emerald files from kde-look
17:56.05Jucatofetching :)
17:56.12JucatoPhilRod: it's on
17:56.21tdmsilvinobut i don't know how to use these files
17:56.35Jucatothat's different.. you need Beryl for that
17:57.16EvilGuruam I the only one who thinks that Ark needs a bit of work doing to it?
17:58.03tdmsilvinothanks.. i'll look this page
18:00.09Jucatotdmsilvino: however, like I said, emerald files require you to have Beryl installed
18:01.43tdmsilvinoi'll search something about this too
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18:03.50shadokEvilGuru: no
18:04.14shadokthere is no good gui for archive managing under linux imho
18:06.16tdmsilvinoJucato, I read the requirements on beryl page
18:06.31tdmsilvinoJucato, and i'll need to buy a 3d card for it to work
18:06.54Jucatoyes, which basically means you can't use that...
18:07.06Jucato(and Beryl isn't part of KDE... so...)
18:07.53tdmsilvinoJucato, by now I must use the common kde themes and enable composite in X11, isn't it?
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18:08.12Jucatoif you want compositing (shadows and translucency)
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18:08.51tdmsilvinoyeah .. I'll enable it just for the decoration
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18:11.57tdmsilvinoJucato, thanks for your help
18:12.05Jucatono problem :)
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18:17.31sPiNhowdy fellas...
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18:17.54sPiNyou know how kde can save your session and open everything back up for you, well there is also an option to restore a manually saved session
18:18.11sPiNbut i do not see any way on that dialog to 'manually save the session'
18:18.38shadoki just found out that altough my "pause" shortcut is set, amarok does not display the shortcut next to the pause button when i right-click on the trayicon
18:19.40oGALAXYoshadok: #amarok
18:19.52shadokah sorry :)
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18:22.58Jucatothis should be fun :D
18:23.55MetaBookfoziSi rekommend a kde tranklation that uses kde keet lankuake:)
18:24.10oGALAXYooh someone improved the wiki
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18:24.30MetaBookfoziSthat kuys are totally idiots:)
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18:24.49MetaBookfoziScheck the news, about hussein:)
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18:25.16oGALAXYothe gnome one rocks too
18:25.33MetaBookfoziSall rocks:)
18:25.35oGALAXYothe leaked screenshot of gnome 3 rocks
18:25.50oGALAXYobut that start menu is irritating me.
18:25.59oGALAXYoi am confused by so much complexity
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18:27.17MetaBookfoziSHowever, Icaza died after removing his heart from his body as he thought it was a useless component.
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18:29.19oGALAXYoGNOME was created by the young Mexican bisexual midget, Miguel de Icaza when he was only 4 years old.
18:30.33oGALAXYothis made my day..
18:30.36oGALAXYototally awesome..
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18:31.29Rapphas anyone used the groupdav connector of kontact lately?
18:31.50mots_KDE poliKy is "If you disKover some empty spaKe, add an useless feature or somethinK very very irritatinK. The iKon must be shiny, rotatinK, and Kontain at least one K."
18:31.59mots_uncyclopedia pwns
18:32.54MetaBookfoziS^ that link to the topic?:)
18:33.51oGALAXYothe "linux" one rocks too
18:34.09MetaBookfoziSand the ubuntu (the communists linux or what:))
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18:34.48oGALAXYothe linux entry is therefore nice since it has a kiefer sutherland picture embedded
18:35.32oGALAXYoThere is also a hidden game called super-rm-rf. To use it, try this in your terminal:
18:35.38oGALAXYo~$ cd /
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18:37.26MetaBookfoziSits nicer with nohup;)
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18:40.54oGALAXYono shit.. the ubuntu one is awesome..
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18:42.21troydoes anyone know if the KDE-look contributor kiras is ever on irc?
18:42.37oGALAXYodo you see him here ?
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18:43.26mariuxtroy: you could try emailing him
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18:48.44troymariux: I did already :)
18:49.17troymariux: just need permission to reuse an image he created in an article I'm writing :)
18:50.55mariuxis it gpled?
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19:00.14motsis there any way of applying icon-themes for gtk-programs using some config file or maybe even kcontrol?
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19:04.14MetaBookfoziSmots,  i don't think
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19:04.36motsthe default one looks pretty crappy...
19:04.54MetaBookfoziSfirefox and thunderbird are themeable...
19:04.58MetaBookfoziSother apps:/
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19:05.42MetaBookfoziSwhat other gtk app you use ?
19:05.59oGALAXYofirefox != gtk
19:06.06MetaBookfoziSoGALAXYo > yes i know
19:06.26MetaBookfoziSbut have relations with it (more than qt:/ )
19:06.32oGALAXYoyes thats true.
19:06.43oGALAXYoit uses a fundamental subset of GTK+
19:06.54MetaBookfoziSbut i killed that today:)
19:06.59motswell, gimp for example
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19:07.32MetaBookfoziSi ahve kde dialogs (save open) with firefox , nice forms and scrollbars (With alittle bug)
19:08.25MetaBookfoziShmm, where ff exactly uses gtk? in the options dialog and the open/Save, not?
19:09.02bobbinIn the konqueror file:///usr/share/apps/konqueror/about/tips.html, what does ' "talk" sessions ' mean?
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19:10.24MetaBookfoziSfor me, that fiel is a couple of %1:)
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19:14.46bobbinIt says """ You can also find  "Full-Screen Mode" in the Settings menu. This feature is very useful for "Talk" sessions. """
19:14.55Murray_BCould someone help me and tell me, which package I have to install to get the option to switch to mozilla-egine in konqueror?
19:15.01PhilRodbobbin: oh, it probably means for giving presentations
19:15.09RenzeMurray_B: doesn't exist
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19:16.14Murray_BRenze: Hm? Did they delete it?
19:16.14bobbinThanks, PhilRod.
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19:16.29RenzeMurray_B: a very long time ago... there was some effort to port gecko to Qt, but that fell through too
19:18.05Murray_BRenze: Hmpf. There is a problem in rendering pictures in kde/qt/nvidia-driver, the konqueror-engine is unacceptable slow... :-(
19:18.17RenzeMurray_B: plenty fast here
19:18.23KasyxMurray_B: same here
19:19.04RenzeMurray_B: in fact, in daily use, konq/khtml is noticeably faster than firefox/gecko for me
19:19.20Murray_BRenze / Kasyx: Maybe you are using an older driver? The problem exists, I fond it it in bugzilla IIRC...
19:19.28RenzeI'm not using nvidia ;)
19:19.29KasyxMurray_B: nope. Latest driver
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19:23.03LiquidNerdhow can I make amarok edit all the tag information for my files?
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19:23.55LiquidNerdI have all my mp3's labeled Artist - Song, I would love to make amarok edit the tag info to reflect it properly
19:24.41oGALAXYoLiquidNerd: #amarok
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19:26.11ali_klipper is not showing the copied images in the tray applet!
19:26.43ali_what is the problem?
19:26.51oGALAXYoali_: i dont understand the problem..
19:27.14oGALAXYoali_: a) what kde version are we talking about, b) what distribution is that, c) what exactly is the problemcase
19:27.46oGALAXYocopied image.. ? from what application ? to where ?
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19:28.01ali_suse 10.2, kde 3.5. it only show texts copied in the klipper tray
19:28.30oGALAXYoand from what application did you copy the image ?
19:28.40ali_it used to show images on suse 9.3
19:29.05oGALAXYook and from what application did you copy the image from ?
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19:30.08oGALAXYoheh DIA is such a PITA program.. it simply is broken.
19:30.34oGALAXYoi made a diagram. tried printing it and it printed totally misaligned text
19:30.45SSJali_:Find ~/.kde/share/config/klipperrc and add
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19:37.33_ali_SSJ: is working now. Thanks alot
19:37.50SSJ_ali_:You're welcome =)
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19:47.37motsis there any way to get beryl's virtual desktops working with thekicker -taskbar?
19:48.45Dr_willislindenle,  i had a similer odd issue like that this week.. i cleaned out a lot of my .kde/share settings and it fixed it.
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19:52.02Dr_willisi removed mine..  actually i cleaned out a lot of the setting files..  till i got the right one.
19:52.14Dr_willisi only kept the few setting files i knew i needed
19:52.38lindenleDr_willis: So which one finally did it?
19:53.00Dr_willisdont rember.. :) i thinkit was a config file not a app/data file.  but your case may differ
19:53.32Dr_willisit MAY of been konquerorrc
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19:53.43Dr_willisor kdesktoprc  
19:54.13Dr_willisi basicially just keep my ktorrent data files.. and removed the rest...
19:54.17Dr_willisHard Kore :)
19:54.23MetaBookfoziSi'm do some benchmarks with konquerr and firefox
19:54.48MetaBookfoziSkonq dies, as i see. (in javascript @ the first test)
19:55.07MetaBookfoziSthe first is to count 0-10000
19:55.14MetaBookfoziSneeded about 20seconds
19:56.19motsis there any way to clear bash's history?
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19:56.49Sho_mots: history -c
19:56.55recon39hello all
19:57.16motsSho_: ty
19:57.39recon39does anyone in here know how to setup a QTDIR on ubuntu
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19:57.50Dr_willisrecon39,  Huh?
19:58.14_ali_how do I make KDE change Language by pressing SHIFT+ALT together
19:58.24Dr_willisQTDIR is a system variable that points to the location of the various qt libs/files i thought
19:58.43recon39I am trying to install mythtv on ubuntu but i cant until i set up qtdir
19:58.50lindenleDr_willis:did it require restarting X?
19:58.54recon39I dont know how to set it up
19:58.58Dr_willisI dident have to do that the other day recon39
19:59.06Renzewhy do people always want things to be "just like it is in Windows"?
19:59.17lindenleDr_willis:moved kdesktoprc and that did it thx
19:59.21Dr_willisI followed some ubuntu/mythtv guide/wiki page
19:59.24lindenleDr_willis:no restart necessary
19:59.24recon39well I do i dont have any thing in there
19:59.40Dr_willislindenle,  and i got no idea what/why it messed up. :)
19:59.53Sho_Renze: Shift+Alt is attractive because it generally stays the same across layouts
19:59.57lindenleDr_willis: easy fix though, that is great new wallpaper time
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20:00.38RenzeSho_: apart from it being two modifiers, and preventing any other shortcuts using shift+alt working ;)
20:01.04Sho_Renze: Why would it prevent any other shortcuts? Shortcuts trigger on release
20:01.18RenzeSho_: mine don't
20:01.30kollashift+alt is for creating uppercase alternate characters :P
20:01.34Sho_Renze: It does become a problem when you change your mind midway through doing a Shift+Alt+X and release early, certainly
20:01.39recon39is there a way to make the qtdir
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20:01.50RenzeSho_: my shortcuts do not trigger on release
20:01.58RenzeSho_: they trigger immediately
20:02.05Sho_You have strange shortcuts
20:02.22RenzeSho_: all of them... even the app default ones
20:02.27kollaRenze: so what do you do to type , and alike?
20:02.45Sho_In any case, giving people the ability to recreate what they're used to from their Windows system lowers the cost of switching for them
20:02.58_ali_any key combinations no problem
20:02.59Renzekolla: compose D - == Ð, compose T H == þ
20:03.03Renzeer, Þ
20:03.04Sho_And considering that most of our user influx are switchers, that's not the worst of things
20:03.09kollaah, compose
20:03.55_ali_i just want key short cut to change the language instead of moving from the keyboard while tayping
20:04.02RenzeSho_: heh... I have used Linux for 8 years, and I used Windows for 9 months... change wasn't a problem for me :D
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20:04.50kollanever "used" windows, I really wish someone could make a real keyboard soon..
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20:05.11Sho_Renze: And I only use one keyboard layout .. ;)
20:05.17Renzekolla: get one of those keyboards with nothing on the keycaps... be a real geek :D
20:05.23RenzeSho_: me too :D
20:05.54Dr_willisone of the black DasKeyboards.  thats just this Other brand keyboard with black keys.. :) and $20 more pricetag
20:05.55kollaI want keyboard with ctrl and esc placed where they shall be
20:06.12kollalike happy hacking, only full size keyboard
20:06.26canllaithargh! I hate those!
20:06.38MetaBookfoziSfsck'n opera:/
20:06.42Dr_willis+it must weight 5 lbs
20:06.44canllaithMy colleague who sits beside me has one and he drives me nuts typing on it hard.
20:06.50kollaa USB vt220 keyboard would be nice
20:07.21_ali_is there a way to do that for changing language with key cominations in kde?
20:07.28canllaithand yay I'm not on call
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20:08.54stonedwhy is opera so fast apparantly?
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20:09.29stonedThats a retarded name for a web browser, so I don't use opera.  But why?
20:09.35kolla_ali_: I have an option way down in the shortcut section of kcontrol center
20:09.45stonedcanllaith, are you a doctor?
20:09.47canllaithIt might be fast, but it doesn't render pages very well.
20:09.50kolla"switch to next keyboard layout"
20:09.55Q-collectivestoned: good reason for not using opera...
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20:10.02canllaithstoned: No, I'm a 'linux/virtualisation technical specialist'
20:10.26canllaithWhich is an asanine name for 'sysadmin'
20:10.33stonedcanllaith, I see.  Well thats kinda like a doctor, but for 'linux/virtualization'
20:10.47kolla_ali_: but I cant set it to just alt+shirt, I have it set to alt+shift+return
20:10.58stonedin case it has a nervous breakdown, you're there to save the say
20:10.58kollahehe.. shirt.. I mean, shift
20:11.16stonedalt+shirt, thats an awesome key combo
20:11.19canllaithMore in case airnz booking systems fall flat on their faces, but sure, same thing really =)
20:11.37kollahehe, yeah :)
20:11.52_ali_kolla: how can I do it. there is no option in kcenter for that ( any key combinatons....does not matter for me)
20:12.28stonedQ-collective, why the ...?
20:12.40Q-collectivewhy not?
20:13.01stonedthat denotes you will say something else to finish off your thought process
20:13.10stonedyou have not said anything about it after that
20:13.20stonedso really an elipses shouldn't have been used
20:13.33stonedunless it was some retarded form of sarcasm
20:13.35kolla_ali_: under regional and accessability...
20:13.39stonedI shush
20:13.52kollashortcuts (or hotkeys... not sure what it is in english)
20:14.20stonedkolla, its both
20:14.41canllaithHrm, almost no-one is in. I might as well work from home today....
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20:16.24kollastoned: yes, but I dont know which term is used in english KDE :)
20:17.10kollawell.. right there :)
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20:17.40kollathat's where it is located here
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20:18.24stonedkeyboard shortcuts, shortcuts, shortcut keys, hotkeys are same thing as shortcut keys.  They are are keys, that are HOT, just like keys are that a SHORTCUT to something.
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20:19.08stonedpretend I made sense
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20:21.25stonedI am using Xming + KDE 3.5.5 latest in Debian/sid with an exported KDM session over XDMCP.  When I go to Kcontrol>Backgrounds and change stuff, the changes do not take effect.  Is this because of using KDE over the network, or because there is a bug?  I did not find anything on debian BTS.
20:21.41stonedPlease advise if I should file a bug with KDE or Debian
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20:24.21_ali_kolla: it worked chaning from english to arabic but does not work the other way. I think because in arabic layout it does not reconginze the key combination
20:24.32kollaah, yes.. probably
20:24.34_ali_anyway thanks that helped
20:24.50kollayou can put in arabic combination as an alternative shortcut, I guess
20:25.06oceanstreamIs there a howto on the kde media mangaer?  I've got my udev rules configured and matching fstab entries, but for whatever reason the media manager doesn't recognize my devices.
20:26.29W8TAHneed some help with KATE - i opened 2 files in vertical split screens now every time i open kate, its 2 split panes, == how do i go back to just one pane?
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20:29.14JamesB192W8TAH: Go into one of the views and hit<ctrl><shift>r ??
20:29.31W8TAHJames : ok
20:29.48W8TAHJamesB192, AHHHHHHH -- got it
20:29.51W8TAHthank you
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20:32.45hagabakacan kde use python2.5 instead of 2.4?
20:33.29kollaer.. slash dat, I dont know :)
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20:35.59lockddoes Konqueror support XSL?
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20:38.52nixternallockd: in konqi type->  help:/konqueror
20:39.18nixternalthat is a DocBook/XML file that is rendered with XSL templates and CSS
20:39.35nixternalis that what you meant?
20:40.22lockdhmm.. what could cause Konqueror to not even apply XSL to a web page?
20:40.46lockdwhen it works in other browsers, strangely
20:41.03nixternalthe web page isn't calling the xsl file correctly possibly, or rather the web page wasn't build correctly with the xsl file
20:41.15nixternalhrmm, that is an odd one
20:41.45lockdthis is the buggy page
20:41.51lockdthere's a -lot- of code
20:41.54nixternalwas just gonna ask you for that
20:42.36Kim^Jlockd: Just plain text. ?
20:43.01lockdKin^J: no
20:43.05lockdKin^J: view document source
20:43.18lockdKin^J: it looks as if the XSL isn't getting applied
20:43.36Kim^Jlockd: Tip: Type ki<press tab>
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20:45.03lockdki<tab> ?
20:45.03Kim^JNow, watch Korgoth.
20:45.30Kim^Jlockd: In Irssi or whatever you are using. Type ki and then press the tab button.
20:45.43lockdKim^J: oh that
20:45.44Kim^JTab completion. :)
20:45.49Kim^JYes. :D
20:46.51lockdnixternal: any idea yet?
20:47.00nixternalim taking a look
20:47.10benklophelp.... my konqerors are hanging when i right click
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20:47.19benklopany idea what might be causing it?
20:47.56smileafbenklop: has it worked before?
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20:48.20smileafbenklop: Ok, have you upgraded or installed anything since then?
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20:48.38benklopno, in fact these windows were working earlier on in this session
20:49.02smileafchanged any config option then?
20:49.12benklopkontact also hung upon trying to send an email
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20:49.45benklopi would just restart, but i really am hoping kontact isnt hung for good because i need the contents of that email
20:49.56benklopnone that i know of
20:50.28benklopi removed the kabc lock file because i couldnt add an address book entry...
20:51.04benklopits like bits of my system are just hanging for no apparent reason
20:51.47smileafhmm.. I'm sadly out of ideas. :/
20:52.34smileafperhaps check if your running out of memory, hard drive space?
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20:52.56benklopdont know why i havnt checked that
20:53.48benklopksysguard seems to just sit there giving 888888888 for every answer
20:54.07smileafthere is always that case that somehow kontact did crash and that somehow messed with an address in memory or something, perhaps some  shared library.
20:54.11benklopthe sensor browser is empty
20:54.21smileafin konsole: free <-- memory, df <-- hd space
20:54.27lockdnixternal: apparently the help:/konqueror/index.html is using CSS not XSL
20:55.01benklopMem:        903748     860832      42916          0       1244     704080
20:55.01benklop-/+ buffers/cache:     155508     748240
20:55.02benklopSwap:       506036       2912     503124
20:55.05nixternallockd: it is, but it is built with an xsl template
20:55.11benklopseems i have free mem
20:55.15lockdnixternal: ahh..
20:55.38lockdnixternal: is there another channel i should ask about debugging xsl? or is it fully browser related (as it works in firefox)
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20:55.47nixternalthe index.html is actually created when you open the help:/konqueror directory, because it is stored as a .docbook file on your system
20:55.49benklopno more than 77% used on any partition
20:56.19nixternallockd: you could always try #kde-docs and see if someone in there, i.e., PhilRod when he is around, can help you
20:56.21benklopwhere does ksysguardd get its info?
20:56.22smileafI'm going to say its the kontact issue then.
20:56.25nixternalit is quiet in there right now
20:56.35lockdnixternal: you have no idea, then?
20:56.45lockdnixternal: perhaps KHTML can't render xsl on its own
20:56.52nixternali hate to say it, but know i don't
20:57.00nixternali just read a page that says KHTML can render xsl
20:57.04lockdnixternal: and requires some sort of helper app
20:57.14nixternali wish i knew of another xsl page to try it out on
20:57.34smileafI have a few xsl pages. tho php auto translates them.
20:57.54smileafI could setup a tester I guess.
20:58.19lockd seems to impy there is 0 support for xsl in khtml
20:58.54*** part/#kde dan__ (
20:59.11nixternalhmm, i just noticed that konqi doesn't play nice with the documentation xsl files either
20:59.33lockdnixternal: is there any way to set up a kioslave to do xsl?
20:59.51lockdnixternal: or extension, etc.
20:59.54benklopsmileaf: the first web browser crash was before i messed with kontact
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21:00.16nixternallockd: that is a tad bit beyond me, haven't messed much with kio-slave at all, except for using
21:00.56nixternalit is hard for me to believe there is still no xsl support in khtml for more than 6yrs
21:00.59smileafbenklop: no idea. could just continue that thought and say the konqueror crash, did something that made kontact crash =) But I'm just guessing in the end.
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21:01.27smileafnixternal: I do recall seeing it in the todo.
21:01.38smileafnixternal: but that was for 3.4 or 3.5
21:01.41lockdnixternal: i'm about to give up on konqueror as a web browser, it is a good file manager but that's it
21:01.51nixternalhmm, i didn't think about looking at the todo
21:01.52lockdnixternal: i've got 3.5.5 monolithic
21:02.16nixternalya lockd, i try to use konqi more and more as a web browser, but mainly use FF myself
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21:02.26benklopmy guess is that somehow konq brought down something that ksysguard, kontact, and konq all use, but that  konversation, kopete, and others do not
21:02.32smileafI do remember reading that the suggestion of kde linking agaist libxsl was out of the question as they didn't want to do that.
21:02.43lockdnixternal: FF is just going to pull in so much extra stuff I don't need
21:02.55lockdsmileaf: why can't they link against it?
21:02.57nixternallockd: ya, to many gtk libs
21:03.11smileaflockd: it'd create more dependencies and more memory usage.
21:03.15hacostaim having problems synching my palm with kontact, even though i can (sometimes) sync it with kpilot
21:03.32lockdsomething's pulled in libxslt on a pretty much all-kde system
21:03.34lockdno firefox or anything
21:03.48smileaflockd: linking against libxsl would also mean linking against libxml, maybe others.
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21:04.15lockdsmileaf: how else can you use XML? without writing your own implementation, that is
21:04.30smileaflockd: I think it was the linking against libxml that was the problem. khtml already has xml like support.
21:04.32lockdsmileaf: and writing a new implementation would be even worse for memory/dependencies
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21:05.15lockdsmileaf: so that would mean an unofficial patch to use standard xml/xslt libs with it?
21:05.25lockdsmileaf: kde so seems like Linux kernel
21:05.32smileafall this info is found in kde's bugzilla
21:06.16exposeHow do i stop konqi from displaying letters for each link when pressing [CTRL]?
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21:08.15smileaf"We're not about to link to it now, in order to load yet another XML parser into memory" -- Thiago
21:08.38lockdsmileaf: is there a way to write plugins, however
21:09.26lockdsmileaf: that are used when a page's source matches a particular regex or something?
21:09.28smileafI'm sure you could probably create a kioslave or something
21:09.53rogierhello is have a question: I just started using Kontact. There is a special date function for birthdays and so on. I don't understand how i can add a special date
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21:10.19lockdsmileaf: kioslaves only work for filesystem stuff, i thought
21:10.34smileafI can't say I know the internals, but kinda wondering how difficult it would be to write a plugin that once done passes its html output to khtml for rendering.
21:10.36lockdsmileaf: oh i guess help:/ is kioslave
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21:10.55smileaflikewise with kio_http ;)
21:11.33lockdsmileaf: yeah that is too.. i can always modify the kio_http
21:11.57smileafif its possible to do something like that, have it check for an XML file with a XSL stylesheet, run the translation and pass the output to KHTML.
21:12.38lockdsmileaf: if it's going to be fixed (i.e. using xmlsoft's implementation) in kde 4 i will just use another browser in the meantime
21:13.07smileaffrom the looks of it they'll make their own XSL implementation.
21:13.25lockdsmileaf: if it's going to be a fork/clone of xslt... i don't know
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21:13.52lockdsmileaf: what good does another XSL implementation do?
21:14.33smileaflockd: what good does another HTML implementation do? like wise with any duplicate implementation? :)
21:15.30smileafit could be better, it could be worse.
21:17.10JohnFlux_benklop: yeah that's from a stupid bug
21:17.35JohnFlux_benklop: it's fixed in the next release, but a workaround is to delete the configuration file
21:18.01JohnFlux_benklop: rm ~/.kde/share/apps/ksysguard/*.sgrd
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21:19.29srednalockd: You could try quanta+ ;)
21:20.00benklopJohnFlux_: thanks, at least something works
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21:20.13lockdsredna: for what?
21:20.16JohnFlux_benklop: :-)
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21:20.31srednalockd: For writing  XML docs
21:20.37lockdsredna: i would just use a CGI script with Apache to view xslt docs
21:20.49srednalockd: Afaik it does provide some of the stuff you wants
21:20.53lockdsredna: i am trying to use XSLT, not write XML docs
21:20.56benklopJohnFlux_: actually, it seems to not fix it. the localhost sensor tree is still empty
21:21.19srednalockd: I don't know how the support in quanta works.
21:21.44JohnFlux_benklop: in a konsole, could you run "which ksysguard"  and "which ksysguardd"
21:21.46benklopJohnFlux_: i am completely sure something is borked on my system, but it is something not having to do with config files, because i havnt changed any. i also havnt installed anything
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21:22.06benklopJohnFlux_: /usr/kde/3.5/bin/ksysguard
21:22.17benklopJohnFlux_: /usr/kde/3.5/bin/ksysguardd
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21:22.31JohnFlux_kde/3.5 ?  which distro is this?
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21:23.10benklopnothing but kde apps seem to be malfunctioning
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21:23.18JohnFlux_benklop: do:   echo monitors | ksysguardd
21:23.20dcorbinKDE is no longer recognizing my WIN key.  I recall there being a setting in the control panel somewhere for this.  Pointers?
21:23.32JohnFlux_benklop: that should give a long list of info
21:23.39benklopi dont want to restart, because kontact is hung sending an important email
21:23.43JohnFlux_benklop: that's where ksysguard gets it localhost sensor tree
21:23.46JohnFlux_benklop: :/
21:23.55JohnFlux_benklop: hmm
21:23.55Tm_THeh, && are bit lost.
21:24.16JohnFlux_benklop: I don't know sorry - something is indeed b0rked ;-/
21:24.39benklopJohnFlux_: i dont get anything from that command but the normal "this is ksysguard version ## copyright gpl stuff
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21:25.22JohnFlux_benklop: *blinks*
21:25.25JohnFlux_benklop: say what
21:25.35benklopoh, and the command hung
21:25.43benklopi cnt ctrl-C it
21:25.47JohnFlux_benklop:hung?  hmmmmmm
21:26.15JohnFlux_benklop: the last line that you see is "the GNU GPL version 2. See for details."  
21:26.24JohnFlux_or do you see:  "ksysguardd>"
21:26.56benklopno, all i see is 5 lines, ending in "the GNU GPL version 2. See for details."
21:27.21JohnFlux_benklop: that program uses libc  and nothing else at all
21:27.23JohnFlux_benklop: it's pure c
21:27.34JohnFlux_benklop: it's impossible that it crashed :P
21:27.41benklopare you saying my libc is screwed up?
21:27.51JohnFlux_benklop: or you have bad memory
21:28.06JohnFlux_benklop: might be worth running memtest86
21:28.13benklopwell well, isnt this fun
21:28.25JohnFlux_course you'll have to reboot for that :(
21:28.29JohnFlux_benklop: not at all
21:29.02JohnFlux_benklop: the program also uses /proc, so maybe its the kernel that's bad or something
21:29.39benklopi'll try to ls /proc
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21:30.00JohnFlux_benklop: it also uses /proc/*/stat
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21:31.09benklopthings in /proc seem to exist and i can cat them
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21:32.04benklopthat existes too
21:32.42benklopthing i dont get is that bad memory should affect more than just a few things, and it shouldnt affect those things consistantly
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21:34.25lockdoh and libxslt is used in kde 'equery d libxslt' shows kdelibs depends on it
21:35.07PhilRodyes it does
21:35.28PhilRodfor building docs, at least. probably for other stuff too
21:36.05lockdPhilRod: so does that mean it's an error on a particular site when i can't use an XSL document?
21:36.10benklopJohnFlux_: is there anything else i should run nd test? nano runs, i think thats a c app...
21:36.38benklopthe other question:are there any memory testers i can run witthout rtebooting
21:36.41PhilRodlockd: if you mean "does konqueror support running XSLT on arbitrary XML?" I think the answer is no
21:37.29lockdPhilRod: well it's not arbitrary...
21:38.21PhilRodwell, I mean, I don't think konqueror supports using XSLT to transform XML pages directly. You'd have to check in #khtml or #kde-devel to be certain though
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21:42.50Kyral_...anyone get Bluetooth working with KBluetoothd on ArchLinux?
21:43.02Kyral_(Or how to force a device into discovery mode)
21:43.10qupadaKyral_: bluez 3.x ?
21:43.26Kyral_qupada: I have bluez 3.x
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21:44.30qupadaKyral_: ok, there's some long, complicated command to do it, lemme find it for you
21:44.35Kyral_qupada: Ty
21:44.57Kyral_I know they are seeing each other, because I can try to connect, but when I go to pair it in my phone, it never shows up
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21:46.05Kyral_(Nevermind I cannot get it to finish connecting in the first place)
21:46.13qupadaok.  in device { } in hcid.conf you need to add "discovto 0;".  will ensure once the pc is discoverable it stays discoverable forever
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21:47.15Kyral_and then just restart the Bluetooth services?
21:47.39qupadawell yes, but there is one more command
21:47.46qupadawhich i will have in just a second
21:47.55Kyral_ah ty
21:48.19qupada"dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0 org.bluez.Adapter.SetMode
21:48.26qupadathat's all one command
21:49.17qupadathat should hopefully set the pc to discoverable mode, and the extra line you just added to hcid.conf should ensure it stays
21:50.05Kyral_Thanks qupada :D
21:50.16Kyral_..someone put that in a Wiki someplace..
21:51.43Kyral_Now how to make it like the profile...
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21:52.29qupadawhat are you actually trying to acheieve with this bluetooth connection?
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21:52.58Kyral_Transfer pics from my camera phone :D
21:53.11qupadaah, that shouldn't be too much trouble then
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21:53.43Kyral_Except Samsung seems to have disowned my model
21:54.03qupadaif you use the 'send' command on your phone (OBEX push) the pc should pop up a small progress dialogue box and ask you where to save the file
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21:54.56PhilRodcan anyone reproduce ?
21:54.59qupadaotherwise, the preferred method is probably to browse to the phone from bluetooth:/ and see if it supports the "obex file transfer" profile, which should let you browse the contents of the phone's memory as a folder
21:56.04lockdPhilRod: i have figured out that the best way to do it would be use xsltproc
21:56.56PhilRodlockd: to do it locally, yes
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21:57.46Kyral_hmm I need to set it to SSP
21:58.13Kyral_Serial Port Profile
21:58.18qupadaoh, that one
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21:58.37lockdPhilRod: do i need to make an xsltproc kioslave?
21:58.53lockdPhilRod: or a proc kioslave or something?
21:59.10Kyral_qupada: Lemme guess I put it somplace in hcid.conf?
21:59.49qupadaKyral_: what exactly are you trying to do?
21:59.55qupadaKyral_: i lost you somewhere there
22:00.05Kyral_Configure the USB Dongle to use the SPP profile
22:00.12Kyral_(Phone isn't like it otherwise)
22:00.22PhilRodlockd: I don't know. What are you trying to achieve?
22:00.59lockdPhilRod: i'm trying to process a document before i render it in Konqueror
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22:01.11lockdPhilRod: since khtml doesn't support XSLT
22:01.32qupadaKyral_: this is my phone's service list.  if you open bluetooth:/ in konq, then when it discovers your phone double click it, you should get something similar
22:02.04Kyral_yanno this would help if I was at my desktop :D
22:02.06*** part/#kde Toranaga71 (
22:02.07PhilRodlockd: is the document local or remote? do you want to process it when you click on it?
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22:02.15Kyral_(Laptop is running Flux. Desktop no have NetConn)
22:02.17qupadaKyral_: if you have the profile i have there called "OBEX File Transfer", you can double click it and browse the contents of the phone like that, just drag and drop items to your filesystem
22:02.26lockdPhilRod: it's remote, generated from a PHP
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22:02.46lockdPhilRod: i want to process it when i click a link, and not worry about typing in the kioslave every time
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22:03.08PhilRodlockd: I guess you can change the file association for .xml files. Make it open with a script that does the following:
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22:03.26lockdPhilRod: it's not an association
22:03.37PhilRod1. run "xsltproc -o foo.html somexsltfile.xsl $1"
22:03.43PhilRod2. "konqueror foo.html"
22:03.58lockdPhilRod: and .xml means nothing, it has to listen to the <?xml- stuff
22:04.02PhilRodit's a workaround, not a fix, but could do some of hat you want
22:04.10PhilRodoh, harder then
22:04.17lockdPhilRod: i did that
22:04.22PhilRodI guess you'd have to put some hook in konq or khtml
22:04.28lockdPhilRod: is patching konq feasible?
22:04.56PhilRodfirst thing to check would be writing a konq plugin - take a look at the existing ones to see how they work
22:05.06James-Sevening KDE'ers
22:05.15PhilRodI think that's the only documentation there is
22:05.20PhilRodhi James-S
22:05.25lockdPhilRod: what surprises me is that it's not been done, even after 6 years
22:06.41PhilRodlockd: *shrug* I guess no one wanted it enough to write it
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22:06.56dcorbinAnybody want to help me with my "modifiers"?
22:07.11dcorbinKDE is not recongizing my WIN key.
22:07.20PhilRoddcorbin: see the faq
22:07.34dcorbinPhilRod: which FAQ?
22:07.59PhilRod*the* faq (see topic)
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22:08.38PhilRodmore seriously though, there's konqueror bug triage going on in #kde-bugs, and everyone can help
22:08.40James-SWe attack at dawn :-P
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22:11.07dcorbinPhilRod: I haven't read the ENTIRE faq, but it chap5 makes it sound like it should default to behaving as a modifier.  But mine does not work that way.
22:11.21liam_Hello, how do i get the home folder onto the desktop, i have been into knquerer and drag and dropped but it only puts the folder on the desktop
22:12.04PhilRodliam_: make a "link to application" that runs "kfmclient openProfile filemanagement"
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22:13.52liam_and will that make the home folder then?
22:14.00logixoulliam_: what PhilRod, or even easier: drag&drop your home folder on the desktop and choose "link here"
22:14.02liam_i want it with the actual icon aswell
22:14.18liam_i want the icon to be the house
22:14.24logixouls/what PhilRod/what PhilRod said/
22:14.35logixoulapt: wake up
22:14.37aptACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on up and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
22:15.23logixoulliam_: you can always set the icon to anything once you've got the link working ;)
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22:17.43dcorbinPhilRod: When I go to the keyboard shortcuts in the control center, it says "Win <None>"
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22:18.21James-SThis is very very curious indeed
22:18.27PhilRoddcorbin: what (in the long run) are you trying to do?
22:18.31James-SHow the heck did bibletime get installed on my KDE
22:18.53James-SDoes this mean i'm a bishop?
22:19.27dcorbinPreviously, I had various short-cut keys with the WIN modifier tied to application shortcuts (WIN+K) to launch konsole.  Somehow, I've mucked that up.
22:19.39logixoulhey everybody: in konq 3.5.5 when you enter something in the searchbar and press enter, does the text remain there?
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22:21.02logixouldcorbin: you want win alone to open kmenu AND you want win to be usable as a modifier?
22:21.15dcorbinno, I don't care about win opening kmenu.
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22:21.30logixouldcorbin: so what exactly is your problem again?
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22:22.30dcorbinlogixoul: WIN+K is treated as 'k', rather than invoking konsole.   The control-center indicates Win is not an X11-modifier.
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22:23.06liam_when you install and icon themes
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22:23.13liam_where are all the icons kept?
22:23.17Kyral_qupada: Thanks for teh help. My phone doesn't support OBEX, but at least I can use it as a Dial-up modem in a pinch :D
22:23.18liam_or stored?
22:23.19raz0rhell0o ;D
22:24.13qupadaKyral_: well that's a start.  how about OBEX in the other direction.  using the "send" command on the phone and having the pc recieve it
22:24.33Kyral_qupada: Phone refuses to connect to PC
22:24.43Kyral_Says only the PC can connect
22:24.44logixouldcorbin: in the northwest combobox in kcontrol->regional->keyboard shortcuts select "kde default with 4 mods"
22:25.00logixoulliam_: what distro/os?
22:25.11Kyral_(Which is why I was thinking about messing with the class field in hcid.conf)
22:25.12raz0rhow can i use floating icons at the desktop with XGL ??
22:25.22qupadaKyral_: hmmm, sounds like one of those cases where the operator has disabled something in the firmware
22:25.27logixoulraz0r: define floating
22:25.38raz0rdefine floating ??
22:25.49logixoulraz0r: what do you mean when you say floating?
22:25.53dcorbinlogixoul: it says the Win modifier key si not available on my system.
22:25.53Kyral_qupada: Then WTF is the function of the "PC Connection" setting in the phone lol
22:25.55liam_i have installed a new icon theme, but when i come to change an icon the one i want isnt therre
22:25.58raz0ryes, i am n00b at linux ;D
22:25.59liam_so i need to find the pathj
22:26.03Kyral_I do hate providers sometimes
22:26.42logixoulraz0r: i don't care. will you answer my question?
22:26.57logixoulliam_: ask at #kubuntu
22:27.18raz0rlike some icons at the desktop...when im holding the mouse over the one to the left the icons will "spin" ;D
22:27.23raz0rwatch it ;D
22:27.28raz0rand youll see
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22:28.25qupadaKyral_: yeah.  too right.  i don't mind my phone, but then i paid a lot of money for it, so i would expect it to be good.  fortunately i bought mine from an outlet that doesn't deal in 'operator-customised' phones
22:28.51logixoulraz0r: ask at #xgl please
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22:29.03dcorbin*Somewhere* there is a mapping between KDE modifiers and x11 modifiers. But I don't know where...
22:29.42logixouldcorbin: could you check for weirdness with xev
22:30.10Kyral_qupada: Eh, at least I have the Bluetooth dongle configured now :D
22:30.11dcorbinlogixoul: if you can clarify "check for wierdness".  I run xev, and it recognizes the key as code 115
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22:31.37logixouldcorbin: xev | grep Super
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22:32.26dcorbinI'm getting nothing that matches 'Super'
22:33.13logixouldcorbin: what is the exact xev output when you press win?
22:33.43dcorbinlogixoul: without the Super?  Hang on and I'll paste it...
22:33.58logixoulyep, without the grep
22:35.46dcorbinlogixoul: Here's the relavant part.  All I did was press WIN once, and then close xev.
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22:36.40IamEthosfor some reason, none of my KDE notifications are working anymore
22:36.55dcorbinlogixoul: Well I may have it working now.  I'm going to restart X and I'll report back.
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22:40.37dcorbinlogixoul: Well, I made it work using xmodmap, but my xmodmap changes are not being loaded on restart.
22:41.11dcorbinWhen I login via kdm, my ~/.xsession file should get run, right?
22:41.16logixouldcorbin: create ~/.kde/env/ and add the xmodmap command you used previously there
22:41.26logixouldcorbin: xsession might work too
22:41.42dcorbin.xsession is not working.  I'll try the win-key
22:42.02logixoul(the filename is irrelevant btw)
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22:43.51dcorbinlogixoul: that works.  Thanks very much.
22:44.07logixouldcorbin: np, and try the faq next time ;)
22:44.48*** part/#kde logixoul (n=logixoul@
22:45.08dcorbinlogixoul: I did look at the FAQ.  It tells you how to make an 'action key', not how to make it a modifier.
22:45.35dcorbinbut I suppose it does have 'run at startup' information there.
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22:53.22Wikipedia-GastI want to ask a question
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22:54.09pinotreejust ask
22:54.13MetaBookfoziSwe want to donat ask about ask.
22:54.20Wikipedia-Gastwhat should I ask?
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22:56.17Wikipedia-GastI want to ask a question
22:56.30PhilRodyou can't. Questions are forbidden here
22:56.41PhilRodonly statements are allowed
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22:57.11FFIXXXhi running kde 3.55 I wondered is it possible to make konsole transparent
22:57.28FFIXXXi mean real transparency not fake
22:57.40Wikipedia-GastFFIXXXX sucks
22:58.03*** mode/#kde [+o PhilRod] by ChanServ
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22:58.15FFIXXXgot anything helpful to say?
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22:58.20PhilRodsorry 'bout that
22:58.25*** mode/#kde [-o PhilRod] by PhilRod
22:58.35FFIXXXthat okay :)
22:58.46PhilRodFFIXXX: with kompmgr you can make the whole konsole window translucent
22:58.54PhilRodyou can't make just part of it translucent
22:58.58FFIXXXcanit be run with beryl?
22:59.06PhilRod(in the way that the fake transparency does)
22:59.12FFIXXXoh okay
22:59.15PhilRodhrm, possibly. I don't know about beryl, sorry
22:59.16FFIXXXtoo bad :(
22:59.26FFIXXXthanks anyway
23:00.46PhilRodhang around for a bit though - there are plenty of people here who know more about eyecandy than me
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23:01.30canllaithFFIXXX: why would you run kompmgr and beryl?
23:01.37FFIXXXi am not
23:01.39canllaithOr am I misunderstanding. If the question is, can you run KDE with beryl, yes, yes you can.
23:01.48KasyxLike I am just now :-)
23:01.55FFIXXXi just wanted true transparency
23:02.01canllaithDefinitely use beryl for it
23:02.06KasyxFFIXXX: it would break
23:02.08FFIXXXseen lots of screenshots
23:02.09canllaithIt's stable and fast.
23:02.23KasyxFFIXXX: I've been trying to find a work around, haven't got it yet. Although compiz seems to have true transparencey
23:02.34FFIXXXberyl too
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23:02.37canllaithReally? Beryl has been fine for me.
23:02.46qupadamake sure you get aquamarine though, so your beryl/kde system still looks like kde, rather than emerald's ugliness
23:02.53FFIXXXbut it makes the window borders and controls and letter go away too
23:02.58canllaithaquamarine is slower than just beryl on some chipsets
23:03.05KasyxFFIXXX: thats a bug
23:03.30canllaithSo I'm using beryl tweaked to match kubuntu colours
23:03.48canllaithor at least was, until kubuntu drove me too insane. I will install suse 10.2 later today.
23:04.09qupadayeah, admittedly aquamarine is a little slower and a bit less stable, but it looks a whole lot nicer
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23:04.40FFIXXXme i prefer emerald  :p
23:04.50FFIXXXnever been a fan of kde themes
23:04.51qupadahow well does 3d stuff run on that sony TX series laptop you have canllaith?
23:05.01PhilRodFFIXXX: see? I told you these guys 'n girls know about eyecandy :-)
23:05.29FFIXXXit's the new craze in linux
23:05.46FFIXXXforget about command line pretty desktops we want
23:05.52canllaithqupada: flawlessly.
23:06.02FFIXXXxp makes me puke because of it ugliness now
23:06.04canllaithIt's fast and stable. *very* fast, even though it's weak intel graphics.
23:06.06thechrisWhere is the option to turn off the large tooltips when you move your mouse over the kmenu?
23:06.21canllaiththechris: Right click on the panel -> Configure Panel -> Appearance
23:06.32canllaithunder General 'Enable icon mouseover effects'
23:06.33thechristhank you
23:06.53qupadacanllaith: yeah, but the driver is quality isn't it?  intel written but fully open sourced
23:06.54canllaithI am currently installing ati binary drivers on my work laptop to try and get beryl working under suse 10.1 there <grin>
23:07.00*** part/#kde marhoof (n=him55555@
23:07.02canllaithqupada: Yes, the driver is excellent.
23:08.34qupadai have to say i've been eyeing one of those laptops for a long time
23:08.53Kasyxqupada: ewww no
23:08.57Kasyxqupada: I tried it, it broke everything. You can forget themes with rounded corners for a start
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23:10.08qupadawouldn't use one anyone
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23:10.29canllaithqupada: It's beautiful, I have no idea how I survived without 7 hours battery life and ultraportable size before.
23:10.38canllaithand the screen is a thing of beauty, makes me cry to then use my work thinkpad
23:10.38qupadaKasyx: rounded corners are about the worst idea in the history anyway
23:12.09qupadai took an ubuntu livecd into a noel leeming (i think it was) store to ask if i could see how well linux worked on one (think it was a tx27, was a while ago), but the bastards wouldn't let me because it "might cause damage to the system".  damn they're ignorant
23:12.32qupadanow that i'm somewhere with a sony store i might have to see if they're a little more obliging
23:13.39canllaithI just bought it, assuming that with mostly intel stuff inside it would work at least ok
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23:14.05canllaithIf you get the one I have, the core solo with intel everything, then everything works good under dapper
23:14.11canllaithand under edgy mostly, but they broke suspend.
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23:14.59thechrisi just switched back to gentoo from kubuntu.  with the exception of the long compiles, i'm happy.
23:15.14canllaithkubuntu drives me nuts at the moment.
23:15.16qupadai'd probably be putting gentoo on it anyway, using distcc on this amd64 machine
23:15.17canllaithI'll go back to suse at home
23:16.22thechrisi got beryl and aiglx working pretty quick in gentoo.  its neat
23:16.31thechriseven in kde, its still really neat
23:16.57FFIXXXno probs for me
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23:17.55canllaithI don't like the forced 6 month release cycle. A lot of broken things end up shipping that could really have done with more polishing.
23:17.56FFIXXXhey  i'll probably get flamed for this but is their a way to make kde use gtk+2.0 themes?
23:18.07canllaithNo, there isn't. Have you seen Qtcurve though? You can make it look like clearlooks, and it will theme your gnome apps to match
23:18.08thechrisuse the themes or the dialogs?
23:18.41FFIXXXi want kde to use the ubuntulooks engine
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23:19.04thechristhey've got something like that in emerald
23:19.04FFIXXXor i'd be happy with a kde style like that but havent found it yet....
23:19.15FFIXXXyeah window borders
23:19.29FFIXXXbut not widgets and stuff
23:19.36*** join/#kde Rejia (i=Rejia@
23:19.56Rejiais there already a good-working windows port from KDE ?
23:20.26thechrismy guess is no, given the length of time that qt4 went stable
23:22.23PhilRodRejia: only kde 4 is being ported to windows, and kde 4 is not near ready, so no
23:22.26Q-collectivethechris: hmm?
23:22.37Q-collectiveQt4 has been stable for some time now
23:23.09thechrishmm, now that you mention it.
23:23.09drizztbsdqt is stabler than wxgtk
23:23.10Q-collectiveRejia: if you must, you can try kde3 on cygwin :-)
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23:24.00RejiaQ-collective, will KDE3 on cygwin be slow?
23:24.07Q-collectivedrizztbsd: almost anything  is really
23:24.17Q-collectiveRejia: dunno, never tried it
23:25.21puslinghmm... is there some konqueror javascript debugging tool ?
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23:28.28Tujui've some folderrs conffed as 'include this into mail checks.' I know that one folder is already empty but kmail shows one email there.
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23:38.05PresentlyLooking for some help with compiling svn ktorrent. Any one here familiar with this?
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