irclog2html for #kde on 20061231

00:00.24*** join/#kde IceD^ (n=iced@
00:01.32*** join/#kde tyme_ (
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00:04.40tyme_is there a way to download the new kde kicker from suse 10.2 ?
00:05.31intradekiecker bar?
00:05.49pinotreekickoff you mean?
00:06.00intradekiker is the task bar
00:06.07intradeof kde
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00:06.18pinotreeintrade: kicker is the panel of kde
00:06.19intradespelled correct however not like i did
00:06.25pinotreethe task bar is just an applet
00:06.35tyme_kickoff yea
00:06.38trprwho knows. i step away for a couple months and all the software has changed names on me :\
00:06.58pinotreetyme_: it's on kde svn, branches/work/suse_kickoff
00:07.06tyme_thanks =]
00:07.12intradei tell you one thing i had suse 9.1  for 10 minutes installe befor i nuked the crap off again
00:07.38intradeand now that  novel sold samba to m$ bastards i boycot suse where ever
00:07.53KasyxThey sold samba?
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00:08.04tyme_opensuse is a great distro
00:08.25intradeyea developer left novel becouse of it  it violates the gpl
00:08.34tyme_although im leaning towards ubuntu now
00:08.47intradeuse  propper dabian
00:08.49tyme_when did that happen?
00:09.06tyme_i installed debian and within 5 minutes i reinstalled suse
00:09.09KasyxDamnit. Got any links?
00:09.16Kasyxtyme_: tried gentoo?
00:09.29tyme_ive only tried suse, mandrake, debian
00:09.32trprintrade: wow that sucks. gpl keeps getting eaten away it.. it needs a court victory bad
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00:11.45intradeKasyx:  just google it loads about it
00:11.46Kasyxtrpr: but then people like Sun come along and open up Java. I can't remember if it's a gpl or not though
00:11.58Kasyxintrade: I just tried. I got tonnes of amazon links for books on samba ;-P
00:12.16intradewhat the hell  do you use loo
00:12.30intradei use the google on my  icewesle  browser
00:12.31kirunJava is going to be GPL, maybe with an exemption to ensure people can still license their Java programs how they want
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00:12.47intradethats 1 of   loads that poped
00:13.55Kasyxintrade: I used the google search engine. (How many ways are there to google? :-P)
00:13.56intradei found when i am loged in on yahoo mail i get better search results as on google
00:14.10intrademaybe hav  to be on gmail for google to get better ones :P
00:14.12trprintrade: hopefully someone w/ the money will take all of that to court
00:14.33intradewell the theave  bill gates has more money
00:14.47KasyxSo that means no open source smb package?
00:15.00trprwe just need enough for jonny cochran and the chewbacca defense
00:15.00intradeseen pirates of  silicone valley movie
00:15.43intradei read somwhere that MS purchsed samba becouse they got no idea how there own system works and others have figured it out for them
00:16.07Kasyxintrade: that doesn't surprise me. I mean how old is smb now?
00:16.15KasyxWhat kind of staff turnover must they have had?
00:16.31trprright. all the original developers are long retired... the code is probably so ugly no one new wants to look at it
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00:17.02DeathDealerhas anyone connected a hdtv to kde yet
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00:17.50KasyxIn saying that, samba isn't exactly 100% anyway :-(
00:17.50KasyxNFS ftw
00:17.51intradehere the original i found
00:18.07KasyxCheers intrade *reads*
00:18.08RenzeDeathDealer: that has nothing to do with KDE and everything to do with X then
00:19.26*** join/#kde Terminator (n=shastry@
00:19.41intradehi Terminator
00:22.25intradethis guy was also pissed of when i told him about samba
00:22.44intradehe makes infobash scripts
00:23.37oGALAXYoits written there, so it must be true.
00:24.09oGALAXYoms bought samba
00:24.19intradethey did google it
00:24.37intradescroll up i posted other links also
00:24.40oGALAXYowell i wasnt following it..
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00:25.19trprbleh. companies are run by suits who only care about money.. i wonder whose brainchild it was to remove obex from verizon wireless phones. poor decision makers. it angers me too
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00:26.19intradeyea its called greed trpr
00:27.16trprintrade: this quote about  "on the side of passionate this, passinoate that".. really gets to me.. seems to imply anyone without any sort of ethic and a passion for that ethic isn't worth their time
00:27.45trprwith any sort of ethic.. been reversing my meanings all morning :\
00:28.14Kasyxintrade: they haven't sold samba to MS. "Basically, it may appear to a business choosing a OS for their servers that choosing, say, RedHat or Ubuntu is a legal risk, since Novell offers protection from Microsoft's patents to their customers." (quote from a friend)
00:30.29trprso its just a bunch of FUD.. buy Novell, you will be safe from legal action
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00:31.17benJImanNovell does't offer protection from Microsoft patents to their customers.
00:31.18intradeyea its how bill operates seen pirate of silicone valley/
00:33.23*** join/#kde Mistress9 (n=Mistress@unaffiliated/mistress9)
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00:36.18tyme_the suse_kickoff in the svn isn't the new 10.2 -- still 10.1 =[
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00:47.08*** join/#kde moshii (i=dgp@sverige.freeshell.ORG)
00:47.36moshiihas anyone else using scim noticed that input randomly dies?
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01:02.36*** part/#kde lutifer (
01:03.01*** join/#kde Steven_M_ (n=AthIRC@
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01:03.58Steven_M_does anyone here use kppp?
01:04.10aztekin Kubuntu 6.10 how can i make my kicker transparent
01:04.30thiagoright-click it, Configure Panel, Appearance
01:04.50olegfinkSteven_M_: used to
01:05.09aztekoh duh. i overlooked it
01:05.34azteki feel like a noob. thanks
01:05.53Renzemoshii: neighbour with an unencrypted router?
01:06.09Renzefoolish mortals ;)
01:06.15olegfinkeh what a good neighbour
01:06.23KasyxAre there any kde apps for exploring the wireless area for connections?
01:06.37moshiiI moved to spain and speak no spanish so it's the only way i can get it haha
01:06.43FaeLLe[gentoo]Kasyx, what olegfink  said
01:06.47moshiiKasyx: konsole and aircrack-ng
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01:06.56Kasyxolegfink: sweet :-D
01:07.08FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, i cant  get aircrack-ng to work with atheros or madwifi
01:07.16*** part/#kde larp (
01:07.31moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: buy a cheap ralink usb dongle, you need one for packet injection etc :P
01:07.48kirunBuy a shiny portable Wi-Fi detector (also known as Nintendo DS) :)
01:08.11moshiikirun: DS only works for about 30ft
01:08.17FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, worried about those cheap usb wifi cards not havin linux support
01:08.39moshiigpsd, kismet and google earth .. :P
01:09.25moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: the ralinks based cards a A: cheap B: supported on linux without firmware and with packet injection etc
01:09.51FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, got a url for product page pls ?
01:10.39moshiithat's a list of ralink based devices
01:11.09*** join/#kde ytoox (
01:11.12FaeLLe[gentoo]wonder if they sell these in dubai
01:11.18ytooxwhoever had experience installing milkesque for baghira. I install the pixmaps as the README says but this doesn't make any change to the baghira style
01:11.18KasyxArse, need to configure my wireless card :-( Never had any luck with that in the past
01:11.25ytooxcan you help me?
01:11.35Kasyxytoox: what's milkesque?
01:11.40moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: I got one in Gibraltar.. one of the most backwards places on earth :P
01:11.43FaeLLe[gentoo]oh its a chipset... lots of companies selling those
01:12.05moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: yeah :)
01:12.40FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, so any of these will work yea ?
01:13.09moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: yeah, the rt25xx drivers are mature
01:13.11FaeLLe[gentoo]but RT5201 USB is best usb one ?
01:13.26Kasyxytoox: oooh that is nice!
01:13.37moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: I think the usb devices are 2570 or something
01:13.47ytooxisn't it?
01:14.06KasyxWe wunts it, it's our precioussss.
01:14.09ytooxI love it, and I've had it working before, but now I don't know what's going on
01:14.19Steven_M_olegfink: hand the error "Removelock" when it can't open the modem device?
01:14.28FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, oo not according to the page :/
01:14.33moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: I think the nintendo ds wifi access usb dongle is ralink based if you want an easy solution
01:14.36Kasyxytoox: I'm going to try and poke it I think. Do I need to install baghira first?
01:15.38moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: -- best page to read
01:15.44FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, and more expensive that a usual one heh
01:15.47*** join/#kde JamesB192 (
01:15.53Kasyxytoox: ah, heh, I did that. Forgot, must have been one of the first things I did
01:15.57moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: yup :'(
01:16.02Kasyxytoox: then just follow the install instructions on kde-look?
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01:18.08ytooxdownload the tar.gz
01:18.09Kasyxytoox: does the font come with it?
01:18.37KasyxArf. Know what the font is?
01:18.44ytooxI tried looking for it, but you gotta pay for it
01:20.32FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, RT2500USB card yea ?
01:20.59moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: which?
01:21.38Steven_M_olegfink: ????
01:21.52*** join/#kde hibread (n=hibread@
01:22.09moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: Conceptronic C54RU -- is the one I used to have, worked lovely under Debian/Aircrack
01:22.14Kasyxytoox: you want it?
01:22.38ytooxI got baghira installed already, what I can't apply is the milkesque patch
01:22.58ytooxjoin /compiz
01:23.06Kasyxytoox: other way round ;-)
01:23.20moshiiisn't everyone using beryl these days?
01:23.43ytooxmoshii: I am
01:24.11ytooxKasy: kool
01:24.16KasyxI want to
01:24.22KasyxThat's next on my list
01:24.30KasyxNow that I know amarok was causing the issues I had.
01:24.36JamesB192not me.
01:24.42moshiigot it working here in debian/unstable fine, slow though
01:24.49KasyxI'm not sure whether to use aiglx, xgl or nvidia though
01:25.34ytooxKasyx: were you able to install baghira and the milkesque patch?
01:25.40moshiiI thought everyone was dropping xgl because novel were being childish
01:26.03Kasyxytoox: just about to install milkesque. I couldn't download the colour-scheme from kde-look, does that matter?
01:26.50ytooxok, I'll be waiting
01:27.27*** join/#kde slougi (
01:28.22FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii, cool thanks i will check out which one i can get
01:28.49*** join/#kde CVirus (n=GoD@
01:29.19moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: you should get the drivers linked from the aircrack wiki, that way you can do naugthy things like arp replaying
01:30.07FaeLLe[gentoo]so is ralink the best one to get for it ?
01:30.10*** join/#kde big-ben (
01:30.36moshiiI did a demo to someone at work, 20 minutes to capture enough data using arp replays, 3 seconds to reverse the key.. :P
01:31.10moshiiit's the best all round card, cheap, supported, and is hackable
01:31.44FaeLLe[gentoo]thanks for the suggestion
01:32.00Steven_M_is there a chat room for modem problems under linux?
01:32.04FaeLLe[gentoo]moshii,  good nite for now will try get one when i wake up
01:32.17moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: gotta support companies that don't use stupid firmware haven't we ;)
01:32.22moshiiFaeLLe[gentoo]: take it easy
01:32.35oGALAXYoSteven_M_: #linux but try using minicom it might help you
01:33.39*** join/#kde s0nic__ (
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01:35.22ytooxKasyx: how did it go?
01:36.00*** join/#kde tagx (
01:36.18Kasyxytoox: I found milk under the baghira I've got, but it's not as good. Just about to install now
01:37.10ytooxI don't like baghira milk as much as milkesque
01:37.23oGALAXYobaghira milk ?
01:38.00Steven_M_oGALAXYo: minicom?
01:38.07*** join/#kde AssociateX (n=HellBoun@
01:38.07oGALAXYoSteven_M_: yes..
01:38.27Kasyxytoox: I can't find my baghira folder o.o
01:38.43CVirusoGALAXYo: how is life going with you ?
01:38.45oGALAXYoSteven_M_: all you need is minicom for linux... and serial port support inside the kernel.. thats it.. nothing special... no crappy device drivers or whatever..
01:38.48JamesB192a console based terminal program.
01:38.52oGALAXYoCVirus: thanks i am fine.
01:39.18CVirusoGALAXYo: good to hear that
01:39.59ytooxyou gotta put the pixmaps on the tar.gz that you extracted
01:40.24ytooxthat is the only place where I was able to find the pixmaps to replace
01:40.53oGALAXYoSteven_M_: then start minicom and tell it to use /dev/ttyS0 or ttyS1 depends on the port used.. there you can use normal communication then. like ATZ, ATF, ATD etc..
01:41.04Kasyxytoox: there is no pixmaps.h on my system, I just did a slocate
01:41.23oGALAXYoinstall kde and qt developer packages
01:41.28oGALAXYothere you find pixmaps.h
01:41.42*** join/#kde orkid (
01:41.43ytooxyeah, basically you put the new pixmaps into the extracted baghira folder and then do the replacement
01:42.57*** join/#kde AssociateX (n=HellBoun@
01:42.59Steven_M_so minicom is a basic dailing program olegfink?
01:43.29oGALAXYoSteven_M_: minicom is a terminal program.
01:44.04oGALAXYoSteven_M_: i thought you needed some regular help in getting things gone.. i have no time explaining everything in detail, starting whats a modem.. to what is a terminal program.. and basic modem commands.
01:45.09Kasyxytoox: what extracted baghira folder? I'm confused :-(
01:46.09ytooxsorry, in order to find those pixmaps from the baghira folder you have to get baghira, but from sources
01:46.17ytooxnot rpm or deb
01:47.06Kasyxytoox: I'm on gentoo...
01:47.19Kasyxytoox: none of that rpm and deb filth for me ;-)
01:47.54Steven_M_oGALAXYo: I know what a terminal program is. What I need is a working TCP/IP dialler?
01:48.44ytooxahh, ok
01:48.53ytooxsorry, then don't emerge baghira
01:48.58Kasyxytoox: d'oh.
01:49.03ytooxbut get a tar.gz file
01:49.13Kasyxso I should unmerge >.<
01:49.44KasyxWhere do I get the tarball from? kde-look?
01:50.18ytooxyou gotta go to baghira's official website
01:50.26ytooxjust google it
01:51.21JamesB192then install pppd and chat. but seriously use minicom to call your ISP, my ISPs login procedure uses a login/password prompt pair rather than PAP.
01:53.11oGALAXYoSteven_M_: pppd
01:54.11JamesB192Steven_M_: at least I assume your ISP uses PPP.
01:55.00oGALAXYoheh i am scared that people use modems these days
01:56.04*** join/#kde CVirus (n=GoD@
01:56.45Kasyxytoox: the installation doesn't work that's listed o.o
01:57.19oGALAXYoKasyx: what did you do ?
01:58.07KasyxI followed, but it complains
01:59.07*** join/#kde halcyonCorsair (n=halcyonC@
02:01.21ytooxyou gotta take away the ( )
02:02.05KasyxThere aren't any in the line
02:02.16ytooxthis is the command
02:02.23ytoox./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --disable-debug --enable-final
02:02.57Kasyxoh, the []
02:03.14KasyxTHat's what confused me, when you said () :-P
02:03.16KasyxWorking now
02:03.23Kasyx*poke* :-P
02:03.45Kasyxconfigure: error: The important program mcopidl was not found!
02:04.08KasyxPutting in --without-arts
02:04.24KasyxI don't see what functionality could be lost, I don't generally have the noises on anyway
02:04.34*** join/#kde kW__ (
02:05.11ytooxmm? no clue
02:05.22KasyxWill this install to a directory other than the one from the extracted tarball?
02:05.47ytooxbut, dont remove the install directory
02:05.47KasyxGood. So I can delete the extracted one after?
02:06.05KasyxBugger, is anything linked to it then? Or can I move it somewhere?
02:06.06ytooxthat's the only painless way to get baghira out of the system
02:06.16KasyxAh, I see
02:08.14*** join/#kde RoadyRunner (
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02:08.29KasyxRight, installed, I hope. I haven't done a manual install in....5 years?
02:08.48KasyxWill it show up now in kcontrol?
02:09.03oGALAXYoif you compile it into the correct prefix then yes
02:09.04oGALAXYootherwise no
02:09.21KasyxIt said 'kde-config' not found
02:09.33oGALAXYoinstall kde and qt developer packages
02:09.37oGALAXYoas i said earlier.
02:10.04oGALAXYowhat you have now might be the binary packages only...
02:10.22oGALAXYobut if you want to compile some shit for kde then you need to provide a development architecture..
02:10.24*** join/#kde Aspo (
02:10.30oGALAXYothat is.. libraries and headers for all that crap..
02:10.30KasyxoGALAXYo: hah, I didn't see it. I'm so used to people using my nick *giggle*
02:10.33ytooxmm, that's true
02:10.45KasyxArse. So, uninstall first?
02:10.54ytooxoGALAXYo: have you done this baghira patching?
02:11.07oGALAXYowell.. i know howto compile stuff
02:11.07ytooxcan you help me?
02:11.14KasyxOk, so where do I need to go now?
02:11.25KasyxJust emerge the kde and qt developer packages?
02:11.26oGALAXYoand compiled baghira more than one time... even did betatesting stuff for mosfet ... years back..
02:11.38KasyxWhat are they called?
02:11.52ytooxso you know why I'm unable to have mikesque installed
02:11.54oGALAXYoyou also need the XOrg dev packages... etc.
02:12.02KasyxOh ffs.
02:12.12KasyxThat's a whole load of junk to install just for one theme >.<
02:12.18oGALAXYogcc, autoconf, automake, libtool etc..
02:12.19KasyxCan't I just symlink it somehow?
02:12.34oGALAXYowell... you can install baghira binary package for your distro
02:12.48KasyxThere isn't one, it's all source
02:12.57ytooxI got it
02:13.08oGALAXYoKasyx: no..
02:13.09KasyxFor gentoo?
02:13.14ytooxbut it doesnpt bring milkesque patch
02:13.24oGALAXYooh wait.. if you have gentoo already then you DO HAVE the development stuff..
02:13.41oGALAXYook do this
02:13.44oGALAXYoecho $PATH
02:13.46oGALAXYoand put the output here
02:14.03KasyxWhat you'd expect,
02:14.19oGALAXYois this as user or as root ?
02:14.23*** join/#kde mangz74 (
02:14.24oGALAXYoin kconsole ?
02:14.35KasyxGod no, I use tilda
02:14.43oGALAXYotilda ?
02:14.50Kasyxgoogle it.
02:14.56KasyxIt's a term, and I'm as root
02:15.10oGALAXYothe term doesnt run bash a login shell
02:15.12ytooxoGALAXYo: have you installed milkesque patch?
02:15.13*** join/#kde Mistress9 (n=Mistress@unaffiliated/mistress9)
02:15.14oGALAXYoenter this inside the term
02:15.19oGALAXYobash --login
02:15.28KasyxoGALAXYo: well it runs .bashrc
02:15.35KasyxIf that isn't running bash I don't know what is :-)
02:15.47oGALAXYoecho $PATH
02:15.52oGALAXYoagain after bash --login
02:16.05*** join/#kde hacosta_1 (n=hacosta@
02:16.31KasyxI thought it was a bash shell, my mistake
02:16.36KasyxHow annoying
02:16.39oGALAXYonow execute the command line above again
02:16.49oGALAXYo<ytoox> ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --disable-debug --enable-final
02:17.01oGALAXYodont include enable-final
02:17.03oGALAXYoleave it out
02:17.12KasyxThat sodding sodding damned slowness is back again
02:17.13oGALAXYo./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --disable-debug
02:17.18KasyxHold on galaxy
02:17.32oGALAXYoytoox: no i did not.
02:18.03ytooxI did that, probably you think that milk is the same as milkesque, but not. This is milkesque
02:19.04KasyxYou know, I think it might be X itself :-(
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02:22.27Kurtis there a way to set the options passed to cdparanoia in KAudioCreator?
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02:26.17ytooxoGALAXYo: can you install the mikesque patch and see what's up?
02:26.25KasyxRight, back. Give me one sec to check
02:29.36KasyxRight, shall I pate my true path then?
02:31.43oGALAXYoytoox: no.. i dont run kde.
02:31.49ytooxmmmm, ok
02:32.00oGALAXYoused to run kde..
02:33.01*** part/#kde Smooph (
02:35.31KasyxOk oGALAXYo, what do I do?
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02:36.08oGALAXYoKasyx: dunno, what do you want to do ?
02:36.58KasyxoGALAXYo: well you were in the middle of helping get baghira listed in kcontrol :-(
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02:52.44oGALAXYoKasyx: ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --disable-debug
02:53.56KasyxCan I add --without-arts too?
02:54.32oGALAXYobut it doesnt matter at this point
02:54.41oGALAXYowhat matters is if this configures through without errors.
02:55.16KasyxWell I'll need it then, or it will throw errors, cause I don't have arts :-D
02:55.50oGALAXYono then you need to add it
02:55.54oGALAXYodo so, no problems
02:58.02KasyxNo probs, no
02:58.15oGALAXYodoes it finish the configure ?
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03:02.10oGALAXYomake && make install
03:06.04KasyxDone, no errors
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03:08.39oGALAXYoKasyx: and ?
03:08.44oGALAXYodoes it load
03:09.19KasyxYay! It loads :-D
03:10.12KasyxSo now I should be able to find pixmaps.h in the baghira folder, and change them?
03:10.54oGALAXYowhat do you want to change ?
03:11.45KasyxWell I have this milkesque thing that I want to put over, and it says to swap a couple of files
03:12.25oGALAXYoyou only need to install the color-sheme and the new baghirarc file
03:12.28oGALAXYonothing else.
03:12.42KasyxAhhh, the colourscheme I get a 404 for? :-D
03:13.05oGALAXYolet me look
03:13.45oGALAXYoahh pl
03:13.55oGALAXYoyou need to download the 166kb file
03:14.09oGALAXYoyou need to put whats inside there into the baghira source dir.. (the thing you compiled)
03:14.13oGALAXYothen you need to "compile again"
03:14.18oGALAXYojust make && make install
03:14.31oGALAXYothen you need to install the color-sheme and the baghirarc file..
03:14.32oGALAXYothats all
03:14.35oGALAXYoquite trivial.
03:14.57oGALAXYoyes you replace the 2 .h files.
03:15.08KasyxNot to someone that hasn't done a manual compile in years o.o
03:15.14KasyxSomeone needs to make an ebuild for me ;-)
03:16.20oGALAXYoa) get the 166kb file
03:16.24oGALAXYoyou see two dirs inside it..
03:16.45oGALAXYocopy these two files to the baghira source dir.. to the same dirs (probably) with the same filenames inside it.. overwrite it.
03:16.53KasyxRight now that bit
03:16.54oGALAXYolet me know once youve done so.
03:16.59KasyxIs that the tarball I extracted?
03:17.17KasyxRight, so not the ones after I made last time?
03:18.14oGALAXYocopy the pixmap.h file and the other file to the bahira-source-version directory
03:18.42oGALAXYoyou need to copy these files from the dirs to the baghira dir.. but you need to look.. not just copy.. look for matching filenames.
03:19.27oGALAXYoyou overwrote the 2 files ?
03:19.44oGALAXYothat is.. you replaced the original files with the two from the 166kb file ?
03:20.02KasyxI renamed the old ones just in case, but then copied across, yes
03:20.11oGALAXYonow enter "make && make install"
03:20.13oGALAXYoin the topdir
03:20.23oGALAXYothere where you run make and make install earlier.
03:20.33oGALAXYoand let me know if it compiles or if it makes errors.
03:20.42KasyxDone, no errors
03:21.05oGALAXYonow get the color sheme and the baghirarc
03:21.11oGALAXYoand install it to kde..
03:21.23oGALAXYoyou probably need to manually copy them somewhere to .kde/share...
03:21.28oGALAXYorestart kde
03:21.42KasyxOk, where is the colour scheme?
03:21.58oGALAXYoi dont have kde running here..
03:22.01oGALAXYoso i cant tell you
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03:24.17KasyxGah, both of those files are 404 (I think, I don't know German)
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03:27.45feindbildhi ^^
03:28.46oGALAXYoKasyx: i am off for bed.... its 4:30 am here... i think the rest you can manage on your own.. if you want to get rid of baghira simply make an "make uninstall" in the source dir... and it will remove it from gentoo.
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03:31.58KasyxOk, thanks oGALAXYo. I've been stumped though cause the theme and rc are 404s
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04:34.13mathieujobinwhy is konqueror file preview does not generate a thumbnail for all my pictures within a directory, but just a few a them? (notes that all the pictures were taken the same day with the same camera).
04:35.18Renzemathieujobin: kcontrol -> kde components -> file manager, previews & metadata tab, adjust the maximum file size for previews
04:35.34Renzeany images larger than that will not get previews
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04:41.51K`zanAnyone know how to get rid of that "universal side bar"?  TIA
04:42.24RenzeK`zan: you mean the panel? right click on any panel, select Remove Panel -> Universal Sidebar
04:43.12K`zanRenze: THANK YOU Sir!
04:43.18Renzeno problem
04:45.32mathieujobinRenze: thats right, thanks
04:45.57Renzeyou're welcome
04:48.31illogic-alanyone here know what the word epynomious means?
04:49.05Renzeis the spelling correct? kdict isn't finding anything
04:49.28illogic-alRenze: i don't know. that's how it sounds :-)
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04:52.51illogic-althere is no meus in that word.
04:53.46RenzeI'm just going by what google can find
04:54.31Renzekdict can't find any of those spellings, however... it won't even make suggestions
04:57.36Renzeall my dead-tree dictionary has is "eponymous - a. whose name has been given to a people, place, etc."
05:00.43Jucatoepicurus? epicenter? epic? epitomy?
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05:01.40JucatoRenze: happy new year, you'll be the first to experience it :)
05:01.52RenzeJucato: and I'll be sober, damnit
05:02.08JucatoRenze: I probably won't... just a bit
05:02.30Jucatoit's a family tradition... we drink wine (not beer, brandy or rhum) on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve...
05:02.49Jucatored/white wine, champagne, or bailey's this year...
05:02.59Jucatotoo strong for the girls :P
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05:08.26Jucatowow... someone got Linux running on an HTC Universal? wonder if I could do the same for an older (very very older...) HTC Tanager... :)
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05:30.54K`zanHow does one get rid of the missing kwallet message when starting and ending kmail - I don't want it and am TIRED of being nagged about it.  TIA!
05:32.03K`zanRenze: Unfortunately whoever wrote the app doesn't allow dialog boxes to be copied out of - hold while I do it manually.
05:32.36K`zanRenze: I stand corrected, someone was thinking this time:
05:32.39K`zanKWallet is not available. It is strongly recommended to use KWallet for managing your passwords.
05:32.40K`zanHowever, KMail can store the password in its configuration file instead. The password is stored in an obfuscated format, but should not be considered secure from decryption efforts if access to the configuration file is obtained.
05:32.40K`zanDo you want to store the password for account '' in the configuration file?
05:32.50K`zanOops, sorry about that.
05:33.43K`zanRenze: Sorry, helps to read the message sometimes :-).
05:33.53K`zanThe *whole* message
05:34.48K`zanConverting from gentoo to ubuntu gets a little confusing sometimes especially when I have been running gentoo for quite a while now :-).
05:37.06K`zanRenze: I wish I could, but that seems to be going down the tubes with the pissing match disease :-(.
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05:45.41Jucatoborrowing apt...
05:45.45aptTo start a program or set an environment variable at KDE login, see:
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05:58.44Jucatoeewww... tastes like rubber
05:59.00Jucato(take note, that's "Renze" not "Renze's"
05:59.04hagabakais it possible to let another program access Kmail's mbox folders, manipulate the contents and let Kmail notice the changes?
05:59.10Renzeno no, human flesh tastes like pork
05:59.25Jucatoyours tastes like rubber. so there!
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06:00.04hagabakafor example, dbacl is an automatic email categorizer that operates on mbox folders.
06:00.49Renzehmmm... mental note: more chilli next time
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06:02.41hagabakai can't even find where kmail stores the folders...
06:03.26Jucatokmail usually stores its folders in $KDEHOME/share/apps/kmail/mail afaik
06:03.56hagabakai see the "inbox" directory, but none of my emails or folders are in it
06:04.16Renzesome distros put it in ~/Mail/
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06:05.13JucatoRenze: Gentoo puts it in there?
06:05.25RenzeJucato: no, but DeadRat based distros do
06:05.36JucatoI think I noticed that in PCLOS
06:05.41hagabakai use Kubuntu. any idea?
06:06.16Jucatohagabaka: it *should* be in the directory I told you. at least normally...
06:07.51hagabakain ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail, i have  drafts  inbox  outbox  sent-mail  trash. inside each, there's "cur  new  tmp", but they're all empty
06:09.08hagabakamaybe  lsof | grep kmail  will tell me
06:10.47hagabakaah, they're in mail/, etc
06:11.12hagabakathe inbox, sent, etc are clever decoys :D
06:11.29Jucatoa hidden directory? weird...
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06:23.44Jucatostupid asthma...
06:23.56Jucatosudo apt-get remove --purge asthma
06:24.14Jucatooops... seems like lungs package depends on it...
06:25.17hagabakayeah...Kmail doesn't like other programs changing its mbox folders very much
06:25.18Renzemy lungs package has no dependency on asthma
06:29.17hagabakais it possible to let KMail open an mbox like an imap server, i.e. display te mails in it, but not "receive" them to a "local folder", but instead watch for changes in the mbox and update the display?
06:29.49Renzehagabaka: run an imap server on localhost?
06:30.17hagabakawould i be able to use another program to modify the mbox file then?
06:30.27Renzeno idea
06:30.35RenzeI've never messed with imap
06:31.10Renzewas just guessing ;)
06:31.57hagabakai guess i'll try it
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06:54.49pabWhen I installed kde in Debian Etch all the programs associated with kcontrol and kinfo got thrown into the lost and found menu.  Is there an easy way to reassociate them.?
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06:58.28burrylis there anyway to watch online videos that require the windows media player plugin?
06:59.22pabburryl: what browser are you using?
07:00.41burrylo, i'm using firefox
07:00.42burryloops forgot to type ur name
07:00.42burrylpab: using firefox, thx
07:01.23pabburryl: I have mplayer installed with the mozilla-mplayer plugin.  It works for many but I'm no expert.
07:01.48burrylcan u watch the cnn videos?
07:01.52Renzeit helps to have the win32 codecs installed too, and mplayer compiled to use them
07:02.11burryli have win32 codec installed, followed the restricted format ubuntu guide couple days ago =)
07:02.19burryllet me check if i have mozilla-mplayer installed
07:02.20pabyes the codec is important
07:03.49burrylwhat do u use, i'm looking for the better distro always =)
07:04.53burrylcool, if u guys wanna do a little intro that'd be great hehe, i could google and read, but i did too much of that today i think hehe, u guys don't have to, i know it'd be a long paragh
07:05.21burrylo what about for videos that would need quicktime plugin?
07:05.33Renzesame as for wmv
07:05.41Renzewin32 codecs
07:05.42burryland yeah i think i didn't have mplayer plugin for mozilla installed earlier, that was the problem
07:05.51burryl*trying webpages*
07:06.24burryldont i need players too?
07:06.55Renzemplayer is a player
07:07.08burrylby the way, does cnn videos work for u
07:07.13Renzebtw: none of what you have asked has anything to do with KDE ;)
07:07.21Renzebut I don't use firefox
07:07.32burrylwhat exactly goes in KDE channel
07:07.44burryli thought i use kubuntu so questions like this could come in hehe
07:07.47Renzestuff about the K Desktop Environment
07:07.56burryllike beryl?
07:08.01Renzethere is #kubuntu for kubuntu questions
07:08.01burrylwait nvm
07:08.06Renzeno, beryl is not part of KDE
07:08.16burrylany examples, thx
07:08.28pabRenze: Did you see my earlier post about kcontrol and kinfo?
07:08.40burrylah like those
07:08.40Renzepab: yes, but since I don't use debian I don't know a solution
07:09.23burrylRenze what web browser do u use, cuz it still says No Windows Media Player detected
07:09.30Renzepab: it sounds like a packaging problem to me... have you checked the debian forums?
07:09.37Renzeburryl: konqueror, of course
07:09.47burrylRenze i know this isn't kde question but i don't think i'm hogging too much space for now, thx
07:09.56burryli'll check in other channel too
07:10.20burryli dislike the konqueror starting page look, how do i change that
07:10.34Renzebrowse to the page you want to start with, then save your profile
07:10.34burrylif this belongs in kubuntu i'll try there as well
07:10.51pabRenze: No, I thought it was a kde prob.  I'll check there next, but, maybe a remove and reinstall of just those two would work?
07:11.08Renzepab: I have no idea
07:11.10burrylbut i want it to start at the page it is starting, i just wanna change background, is that do'able?
07:11.26Renzeburryl: only by changing the html of the start page
07:12.28burrylhow could i do that tho, the address bar is blank when i first start it
07:13.09burryllol cnn video does work on konquer
07:13.11Renzeburryl: look in /usr/share/apps/konqueror/about/
07:13.25burrylRenze thanks so much, been looking for that couple days now =)
07:13.47burrylfor cnn video does it say it can't determine the version of windows media player for u?
07:14.00Renzegive me a URL, then click on the sadam image
07:14.37burryli'm not sure what the url is for it tho
07:14.44burrylbut that should get the video starting
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07:15.42Renzeclicking on continue to video did the trick
07:16.11Renzeand the video plays fine
07:16.29Renzenot that I want to watch that
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07:17.36burrylo i was just testing around and i picked cnn and there was so many sadam videos yesterday
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07:25.07pabRenze:  Forgive, but is there a plugin for konq for online viideo?
07:25.30Renzepab: kmplayer provides a nice kpart that can be used embedded in web pages
07:26.30pabRenze: Very cool! Thank you.  I'm checking it out now
07:26.40Renzeno problem
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07:32.56burrylwhat's kpart
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07:33.19Renzea kpart is a KDE component that can be embedded in any KDE application
07:33.40Renzelike khtml is the kpart that makes konqueror capable of browsing the web
07:34.04pabHmm....having probs.  Let me check this out more.
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07:38.58burrylcool thx Renze
07:39.00burrylwas away earlier
07:39.06burrylgotta go sleep now tho, thx alot, see you around
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07:45.32pabRenze:  Thx! Got it working
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09:35.12JamesB192this IRC channel is broken please deposit GBP25 for repairs.
09:36.52pinotreeJamesB192: ?
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09:42.10JamesB192The real reason no one is talking is that it's oh-dark hundred in the US and this is mostly a US IRC network.
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10:02.47vinboyhi. i have a gentoo question. maybe one of u know the answer
10:02.47vinboyi just finished setting up my wireless USB dongle (eth1). how do I create an init script for it? such as /etc/init.d/net.eth1
10:03.07pinotreevinboy: #gentoo
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10:08.21Renze52 minutes of 2006 left...
10:09.08Jucatoyou're soooo early :)
10:09.27Renzeno, you're late
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10:10.17RenzeJamesB192: I answered him via /msg
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10:10.28Renzebut it really didn't belong in this channel
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10:12.32piggzstill 14 hours to go here
10:12.37JamesB192Yeah, I know.
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10:16.03RenzeJamesB192: grab the "kde" overlay... there are ebuilds in there for the unstable stuff
10:16.48pinotreeJamesB192: <-- this is your ebuild
10:16.56Jucatoheh :)
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10:21.47aleksanterihey i downloaded the alfa theme as a tar.gz package and i thought that i should run the .desktop file there. But then I got an error message that says that the .desktop file has no "File=..." information. What do i need to do?
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10:33.59bram85_aleksanteri: not all *.desktop files point to executable files
10:34.10bram85_aleksanteri: did you install the package at all?
10:34.22aleksanteriummm no :| it's a theme package
10:35.02aleksanterii'm not good in installing packets :P i'm such a newbie yet
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10:35.46bram85_aleksanteri: i think there's a theme manager for KDM (maybe default with KDE or somewhere on
10:35.59Jucatoit's a KDM theme, you don't run anything
10:36.14aleksanteriyeah but how do i install it?
10:36.15bram85_aleksanteri: look for a KDM theme manager and install that first
10:36.17Jucatoyou could install kdmtheme from
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10:36.32aleksanteriok, i'll take a look
10:36.33bram85_or maybe there are packages for your distro
10:36.43bram85_(not likely, but worth a try)
10:36.43Jucatoer yeah... that too :)
10:37.07bram85_!food ... back in a minute
10:37.19Jucatoand in KDE-Look, there are instructions on how to install KDM themes
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10:38.13aleksanteriumm it's that
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10:39.01Jucatothere's a "how to install" instruction
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10:39.30Jucatoteaches you how to do it manually. the kdmtheme app gives you a GUI way to manage KDM themes
10:41.16Jucatoaleksanteri: once installed, look for it in KControl, usually beside the KDM Login Manager. it will be named KDM Theme Manager
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10:43.57aleksanteri-_- i just can't find it
10:44.12aleksanteriwell if it's this one then i must have had it all the time :|
10:44.28Jucatoaleksanteri: um.. what can't you find? what's your distro?
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10:44.42Renzewait for it...
10:44.48aleksanterilemme see
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10:45.14aleksanterii've got kde 3.5.5, os kubuntu linux 6.10
10:45.38Jucatoaleksanteri: it won't be in System Settings. use KControl
10:45.39Jucatoaleksanteri: press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol"
10:45.39aleksanteriyeah i used it :P
10:45.57Jucatoit will be in System Administration -> KDM Theme Manager
10:46.44aleksanterilooks like i need to login as superuser
10:46.56Renzeclick the administration button
10:46.57JucatoRenze: btw, before you react, this particular "bug" is actually a result of human error from el (Ellen Reitmeyr). purely human error
10:47.29Jucatoaleksanteri: yep. definitely. anything related to KDM and the login screen needs admin privileges
10:47.40aleksanteriyeah i got in :)
10:47.59*** join/#kde letto2 (n=letto@
10:48.06Renze13 minutes...
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10:49.19JucatoRenze: Happy New Year!!
10:50.03bram85_still 12h to go
10:50.19Jucato5hrs here
10:51.15aleksanteri"The file is not a valid KDM theme archive." :|
10:51.28aleksanterido i need to give the packet to it?
10:51.37Jucatoaleksanteri: don't extract the archive
10:51.41aleksanteriok :P
10:51.45Jucatoaleksanteri: point it to the .tar.gz package
10:51.47aleksanterii tried to give it the .xml file
10:51.49aleksanteriyeah yeah
10:52.06RAV_TUXJucato: whats up?
10:52.06*** part/#kde jensfr (
10:52.17aptsomebody said up was the opposite of down
10:52.28aleksanteriok :D
10:52.37Jucatogetting ready for New Year's Eve mass...
10:52.41aleksanteribut when i click on apply and on ok nothing happens...
10:52.57Jucatopinotree: oh yes. definitely... but just this once... puleeeez? :)
10:53.05Jucatoaleksanteri: you clicked on Apply?
10:53.11aleksanteriyeah and on ok
10:53.32aleksanterilooks like i need to restart kde :|
10:53.34Jucatobtw, what do you mean nothing happens?
10:53.52Jucatoer.. you need to logout to see the login screen :)
10:54.06*** join/#kde ponto (
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10:55.01RAV_TUXI accidently removed my kmenu from my panel
10:55.09RAV_TUXhow do I restore it?
10:55.20*** join/#kde aleksanteri (
10:55.35aleksanteri:O it was just a login screen?
10:55.47Sho_RAV_TUX: Right-click the panel, chose "Add Applet to Panel" and find "K Menu" in the list
10:55.58Renzealeksanteri: what did you think kdm was?
10:56.26*** join/#kde AssociateX (n=HellBoun@
10:56.27aleksanterioh :|
10:56.40RAV_TUXSho_: thanks!!
10:57.00*** join/#kde EL_Mariachi (n=EL_Maria@
10:57.28Jucatoaleksanteri: er yes :)
10:59.16Renze1 minute...
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11:00.18Renzecrappy new year
11:00.22RenzeMon Jan  1 00:00:07 NZDT 2007
11:00.31pinotreeRenze: ...
11:00.33Jucatoheh Happy New Year Renze!
11:00.41Jucatojust be glad that you survived another year :P
11:00.44*** join/#kde roxy_ (
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11:00.53KasyxHehe it's not true new year till it passes Greenwich. All your time are belong to us
11:01.11RenzeKasyx: international dateline :P
11:01.20aleksanteriwhat's the time in greenwich? 12:01:20?
11:01.38Jucato11:02 AM
11:01.38KasyxRenze: oooh, damn, true
11:02.12KasyxAre there any chat clients that support yahoo webcam? Both sending and recieving?
11:02.33Sho_Kasyx: Kopete supports Yahoo webcam, I think
11:04.18*** join/#kde expose (n=expose@
11:04.21KasyxNow I just need to fix a stupid error installing my webcam :-(
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11:05.41Jucatohehe nighty night Renze! :)
11:06.43Sho_Jucato: Ill?
11:06.55KasyxSho_: shhh, I'm hungry :-P
11:07.14JucatoSho_: yeah... sucks to be a bit sick at the end/start of the year...
11:07.52Jucatoif I were very superstitious, I would be freaking out... good thing I'm only mildly superstitious :P
11:09.35Sho_Jucato: On the other hand, maybe this way you can fill up your sickness quota for 2007 early in the year, and then enjoy a healthy 11.9 months ;)
11:10.15Jucatoheheh :)
11:10.49JucatoKasyx: old wives' tale: how you start the new year would be indicative of how you'll spend the whole year...
11:11.00JamesB192If it worked that way, I might be tempted to spend a year or two dead.
11:11.21KasyxJucato: so really, you want to be in the middle of a good romp when the bells go? ;-)
11:12.01Sho_Jucato: In that case you should spend new years eve compiling, so maybe you finally move to Gentoo in '07 ;)
11:12.14Kasyx*laugh* gentoo ftw
11:12.40Jucatohehe :)
11:12.55JucatoSho_: I have something special planned for my Linux birthday next week
11:13.23Sho_A compilation orgy? ;)
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11:13.53JucatoSho_: lol something like that :)
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11:22.22*** join/#kde manu_ (
11:22.34manu_hi @ all
11:23.47manu_i have a simple problem (i hope)  because i can't find the option to disable this animated hover information in kicker
11:23.59manu_i searched everywhere
11:24.05*** join/#kde dhaumann (
11:24.43JucatoKControl ->  Desktop -> Panels -> Appearance tab -> [x] Enable mouseover effects
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11:25.40Sho_(The first thing I switch off in any new KDE install. The next is bouncing cursor launch feedback. :)
11:26.00Jucatohehe... I'd take bouncing cursor over spinning hourglass any day :)
11:26.06*** join/#kde Worf (
11:26.12Q-collectiveoh, where to kick that one? :p
11:26.32JucatoQ-collective: KControl -> Appearance and Themes -> Launch Feeback
11:26.32Sho_Jucato: I switch off Launch Feedback completely, I have no need for it
11:26.41JucatoSho_: oh :)
11:26.48Sho_The taskbar notification is annoying as well
11:26.52*** join/#kde lnxnt_ (
11:26.57motswhy can't i use umlauts in kde?
11:27.03KasyxSho_: agreed.
11:27.06motsin gnome, they work fine
11:27.21Sho_mots: Check your keyboard layout setup in KControl
11:27.28Jucatohm... what key combo does that Q-collective?
11:27.32Kasyxmots: also, check for unicode support
11:27.37motsthose ones
11:27.47Q-collectiveJucato: ralt + " + e
11:27.49Jucatoë oh...
11:28.13Q-collectiveyeah, same same
11:28.25*** join/#kde cbr (
11:28.34*** join/#kde Belegdol (n=jsikorsk@
11:28.40motsit's set to germany
11:28.42motsseems fine
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11:29.02motsbut when i press (a+dots above it-key), i get ä
11:29.54Sho_mots: Where's the problem, then? I just saw a perfect a with diacritical marks
11:29.56Q-collectivewhich is what you'd want?
11:30.00Kasyxmots - that has umlauts at my end
11:30.07motsi didn't see  that
11:30.19Kasyxmots - did you get a question mark?
11:30.22Sho_mots: Possibly you are using a font in your IRC client that lacks those characters
11:30.34motsi saw an A with a ~ above it + an euro mark
11:30.34KasyxYeah, that too. I'm on Arial
11:30.52motsSho_ its like that in every kde-app
11:31.00motsand i use the same font as in gnome
11:31.02*** join/#kde DreamForce (
11:31.33motsany idea?
11:31.36Sho_Some kind of system encoding or locale setup problem, I guess
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11:32.38manu_Jucato: dont find it, i'm in appereance, in this menu you can e.g. change also the background image of the panel, but dont find the mentioned button
11:33.29Jucatomanu_: the Appearance tab
11:34.28manu_Jucate my kde is german and appereance should be erscheinungsbild i think and panel kontrollleiste when i'm right, dont know cause some names are different
11:34.37motsSho_: so do you know how  to fix that?
11:34.51JucatoSho_: maybe you could help manu_? I don't know German...
11:35.25motsin gtk-apps, everything is fine
11:36.33Sho_mots: Not with the available data, sorry
11:36.46motswhich data do you need?
11:37.23Sho_mots: Probably physical access to the system for any kind of meaningful bandwidth
11:37.37Sho_mots: I.e. I don't really have time to try and deduce this over IRC, sorry
11:38.04motsKDE seems like a quite nice desktop
11:38.13Sho_Jucato: Unfortunately I don't have the German translation of KControl installed either ...
11:38.19DreamForcemots: what's your problem?
11:38.28Jucatomanu_: it should be the fourth tab or set of options from the top: Arrangement, Hiding, Menus, Appearance...
11:38.37motsDreamforce: i can't use germanic umlauts
11:39.09Sho_manu_: If you open KControl (KMenu -> Run Command -> "kcontrol"), below the "Appearance" ("Erscheinungsbild") section there should be a "Desktop" or "Arbeitsflaeche" section
11:39.25motsthey become weird "ä"-style thingies
11:39.30Sho_manu_: This section has a "Panels" page, which, in turn, has another "Appearance" (Erscheinungsbild) tab
11:39.39Sho_manu_: On that tab, it's the checkbox in the top-left corner
11:39.50*** join/#kde computer (
11:40.40DreamForcemots: do umlauts work with other x applications?
11:40.53motsthey work with all non-qt-apps
11:41.16mots(they work with qt-apps, too if i'm in gnome)
11:41.26DreamForcemots: funny
11:41.37manu_thx Sho_ and Jucato  i have it "mouse over effects" are called symboleffekte and i thought symboleffekte are the highlighted icons
11:41.42DreamForcemots: which KDE version are you running?
11:41.45manu_no i found it thx u
11:42.32aleksanterihow is this possible? there are ram meters, cpu usage and everything
11:42.44DreamForcemots: have a look at "kontrollzentrum" -> regionaleinstellungen -> tastaturlayout
11:42.54motsalready was there
11:43.03motsits set to germany, which seems fine
11:43.08Sho_DreamForce: But then his problem isn't *typing* the umlauts, which works fine
11:43.35DreamForcemots: oh, your problem is displaying umlauts?
11:43.38motsaleksanteri: looks like karamba
11:44.08Sho_mots: Computers store characters as sequences of bits. Which sequence of bits conforms to which character is determined by an association table, also called an "encoding". There are various encodings, some language- or region-specific, and many are incompatible with each other, i.e. a sequence of bits interpreted as one encoding would show up as the right character, while interpreted as another encoding might show another character, making text
11:44.09motsbut people also complain about getting weird things instead of umlauts (in kopete, for example)
11:44.16Jucatoaleksanteri: superkaramba
11:44.24aleksanteriwhat's that?
11:44.26*** join/#kde AssociateX (n=HellBoun@
11:44.41DreamForcemots: send me some umlauts in kopete please
11:45.03Sho_mots: One prominent encoding is ASCII, and American standard, which containd 128 characters, the German umlauts not among them. Many prominent encodings are extensions of ASCII, and thus the incompatibilities between them with German text show up specifically with umlauts rather than the ordinary a-z.
11:45.07*** join/#kde g10k (n=NoiSe@
11:45.09motsDreamForce: how?
11:45.18motsdoes kopete have irc builtin?
11:45.47Jucatomots: yep, but it's IRC features are quite krappy... I'd strongly recommend using Konversation
11:46.09Sho_mots: The problems you describe - you can type and send 'ä' just fine, i.e. we can read it, but you can't - point to some kind of system setup problem related to its assumed default encoding, perhaps
11:46.53DreamForcemots: i'm actually using kopete to talk to you right now :)
11:47.05DreamForcemots: sho_ is right, it's probably a system setup problem
11:47.13*** join/#kde mots_kopete (
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11:47.45motsDreamforce: this was äö, iirc
11:48.10DreamForcemots_kopete: this were german umlauts with UTF-8 encoding
11:48.21*** join/#kde CelticSoul (
11:48.23manu_Jucato now i have another little problem, caused by some color changes in the theme, how to get the background of the clock non-colored
11:48.29motsdid you see them correctly?
11:48.31manu_or transparent
11:48.31Sho_mots: What is "Default charset" set to in the properties of the IRC account in Kopete?
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11:48.32DreamForcemots_kopete: no
11:48.34Desintegrüber cool :)
11:49.03Jucatomanu_: what type of clock is it? (Analog, Digital, Plain, Fuzzy?)
11:49.04Sho_manu_: Right-click the clock applet and chose "Configure clock"
11:49.10motsSho_ utf8
11:49.36manu_Jucato plain
11:49.41Sho_mots: Curious ... I saw garbled text here, even though my IRC client should have no trouble understanding utf8
11:49.46manu_Sho_: yes im there
11:50.06Sho_mots: The 'ä' (a-umlaut) you sent earlier came out fine, though
11:50.08CelticSoulCan someone please tell me how to save the Konqueror window size? it automatically restores to the default size whenever I start it
11:50.12Jucatohm.. have to go now... gotta prepare for church
11:51.32*** join/#kde g-henna (
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11:52.33motssuxy connection
11:52.35motsamazingly, i saw correct umlauts in kopete (the ones i typed using konversation)
11:52.59CelticSoulsomebody, please!
11:53.44motsSho_, DreamForce, any ideas?
11:55.23Sho_mots: Could you put the output of "locale" in a Konsole up in a pastebin?
11:55.23GNU\colossusCelticSoul: save the kfm client profile with window-size
11:55.23*** join/#kde mots_ (
11:55.27mots_amazingly, i saw correct umlauts in kopete (the ones i typed using konversation)
11:55.30DreamForcemots_: i strongly assume a weird system configuration. probably your distro is a UTF8-based distro
11:55.30mots_i hate my router
11:55.33manu_Sho_: and what to do in configure clock?
11:55.37GNU\colossus"Settings" -> "Save View profile"
11:56.36Sho_manu_: Configure the clock colors as you want them? :)
11:57.37CelticSoulGNU, I just tried it, it doesn't work
11:57.42*** join/#kde lnxnt (
11:58.23CelticSoulOh, got it, I did not check the window size checkbox
11:58.39Sho_mots_: Could you put the output of "locale" in a Konsole up in a pastebin?
11:58.40CelticSoulthank you GNU\colossus
11:59.17mots_Sho_: it says de_AT.UTF-8@euro for all points
11:59.33mots_only the last one, LC_ALL is empty
12:01.20mots_i g2g eat
12:01.27KasyxDo I need to do anything special to be able to view webcams in kopete?
12:02.41Armi^Kasyx: you probably have to open a port in you router/modem
12:03.03*** part/#kde DreamForce (
12:03.41Armi^Kasyx: I have port 6891 TCP opened
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12:04.39KasyxArmi^: for yahoo? I don't need that under windows
12:05.38Armi^Ah, Thats the only im protocol that I dont use, so I cant help you with that. sorry
12:06.17KasyxCause it should just work
12:07.04Armi^well, when using msn, you should not be behind a firewall, becaue that wont work
12:07.22Armi^unless you open the right port
12:07.25KasyxI know, but msn doesn't work for me anyway
12:07.57Armi^msn doesnt work? Under kopete?
12:08.23KasyxAt all. It's a gateway issue, don't worry I know aboutit.
12:08.32Armi^ah ok
12:08.35KasyxAlas there is no fix that I know of
12:08.51*** join/#kde WindowsUninstall (n=WindowsU@kde/developer/bettio)
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12:10.51KasyxArmi^: does webcam work with msn too, with kopete?
12:10.52Armi^Kasyx: but i cant help you further. Gotto go now. Going to do a Dutch tradition of blowing up old 30l milkcans :P
12:11.15Armi^Kasyx: yup, webcam works fine here
12:11.56*** join/#kde Rocky_Spirit (
12:12.11KasyxArmi^: have fun, I found the problem, need jasper
12:12.30Armi^k, cya
12:13.57KasyxNow I just need to figure out why kopete doesn't do irc :-(
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12:20.50weyerhi, does anybody know the correct WM_CLASS or WM_TYPE or another value for the kde menus? (start menu, context, popup, dropdown...)  i can't get them trough xprop because it only takes the first entry, wich opens the menu and gives back the class for the desktop/DOCK
12:24.29*** join/#kde GVirus (n=GoD@
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12:30.14mots_any neat ideas about my umlaut-problem?
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12:32.20annmamots_: can you repeat your peoblem please?
12:32.47mots_annma: i can't see the umlauts i type
12:32.57mots_altough other people seem to see them fine
12:33.06annmawhat app(s)?
12:33.06mots_except when i use kopete
12:33.10annmahere, on IRC?
12:33.17annmaset your IRC client to utf8
12:33.18mots_then they also only see garbled txt
12:33.23mots_anma: in any qt-app
12:33.34annmaqt app? which one?
12:33.48annmacan you be more specific
12:34.02motsshall i show you an example using kopete?
12:34.14annmaok first answer a few questions
12:34.42motslanguage english, but keyboard set to german
12:34.48annmaecho $KDE_LANG
12:34.52annmapaste output
12:35.02motsno output
12:35.29annmaecho $LANG
12:35.44*** join/#kde Kasyx (
12:35.49annmapaste output
12:35.58motsi didn't get any
12:36.12annmaLANG is not set either?
12:36.33motsLANG is
12:36.38annmaso paste please
12:37.04annmayour KDE is in english though?
12:37.50*** join/#kde mots_kopete (
12:37.59annmais there an encodong setting in kopete?
12:38.04annmano need
12:38.06motsthis was öäö in kopete
12:38.13motsits set to utf8
12:38.13annmaI understand your probmem
12:38.17annmaso unset it
12:38.31annmaset it to west european iso
12:38.54motsstill the same...
12:38.59annmaand what so you use to type the correct umlauts?
12:39.15motsbut i still see them incorrect
12:39.16annmaso it works in some qt apps
12:39.23motsit works for you
12:39.30annmabecause i am smart
12:39.34motsbut its displayed incorrectly for me
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12:39.53motsnothing garbled
12:40.00motsits only my own input
12:40.00annmaso it works for you
12:40.06annmaah bah
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12:40.12annmaask in #ubuntu
12:40.29annmasomehow distros mess it all
12:41.20weyerannma: do you happen to know the window attributes for the menu's in kde (window class or another value)? i can't get them with xprop
12:42.00annmathe menu's? the menu or the menus?
12:42.11weyer:-) menus
12:42.11*** join/#kde Kasyx (
12:42.16weyersorry, dutch spelling
12:42.26morgKDE 3.5.5.  I got dual-head set up yesterday (ie, one taskbar on each monitor), and after that I only have the taskbar on the first of my virtual desktops. Anyone know how i can fix it?
12:42.28weyereg: start menu
12:47.59annmaweyer: explain better please
12:50.03Q-collectivemy kicker restarted and now I don't have kget in my tray anymore... howto get to see kget?
12:50.27weyeri need the window class of the kde menu to change some properties in beryl (syntax there is: w:Window_class:property) and their howto says you have to use xprop to get that. (xprop | grep CLASS) gives you the window class (eg: kicker). but xprop won't let me take the properties of a menu
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12:54.15oskuhi there
12:54.31oskuI have a black screen with kopete I  didn't have few days ago
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12:56.43bram85osku: screenshot?
12:58.18oskubram85: wait
12:59.51oskuhere :
13:00.09*** join/#kde bluesceada (n=itsjustm@unaffiliated/bluesceada)
13:01.17bram85ok, it wasn't clear you were talking about webcams
13:01.58oskuyes about webcam
13:02.08bram85that's black magic to me :)
13:02.31oskuany sorcerer ?
13:03.19Kasyxosku: is this with yahoo?
13:03.38oskuwhat ?
13:03.44Kasyxosku: is it with yahoo webcam
13:04.07oskuit is in kopete preferences
13:04.49oskuwith ekiga it works as a charm
13:04.55KasyxAh I see
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13:05.23oskuekiga , yet another webcam program
13:05.35KasyxAh, cool, need to try that
13:05.46KasyxCan you see the source in mplayer?
13:06.04oskuKasyx: I check
13:06.47oskuhow in mplayer ?
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13:08.25oskuworks as a charm
13:08.45*** join/#kde JamesB192 (
13:08.56KasyxI'm on a mission to get my webcam working today too, but I'm having major issues emergin spca5xx
13:09.02KasyxAs in, it doesn't :-(
13:09.09KasyxAnd no one seems to want to help
13:09.32JamesB192it works for me.
13:09.39annmaweirdly my integrated laptop cam works in kopete
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13:11.59Kasyx is the problem I get, if anyone here can help
13:12.35thiagoKasyx: fix your kernel
13:12.48Kasyxthiago: it's broken? o.o
13:13.02thiagoKasyx: no linux/config.h
13:13.17KasyxIn fact, I'm getting other weird build errors now
13:13.27wedgeVKasyx: just remove the #include <linux/config.h> in the source files
13:13.44KasyxwedgeV: I'm on gentoo, I just hit emerge and let it go
13:13.48thiagoyou should instead fix the kernel headers generation
13:14.11wedgeVthere is no config/linux.h in kernels since 2.6.19
13:14.25thiagothen use 2.6.18
13:14.25JamesB192change into /usr/src/linux and configure your kernel. or something.
13:14.44*** part/#kde war95 (n=war@
13:14.48annmaI guess his app needs an older kernel than the one he has
13:14.50KasyxWhat to though? I mean I don't see there's anything wrong, it compile fine. Am I missing something in it?
13:14.54thiagootherwise, you'll have to fix the source of the program in question, which is not as simple as removing the #include
13:15.01wedgeVthiago: it is
13:15.08thiagowedgeV: are you an MPlayer developer?
13:15.36wedgeVbut i know that config/linux.h is an obsolete header
13:15.40thiagowedgeV: are you sure that the MPlayer source code doesn't use anything that used to be defined in config.h?
13:16.02thiagoor in linux/autoconf.h?
13:16.51wedgeVthiago: no, of course i'm not, but take a look at your linux/config
13:17.07thiagowedgeV: I did. Are you sure MPlayer isn't using anything coming from linux/autoconf.h?
13:17.11*** part/#kde numpty1958 (
13:17.15wedgeVthiago: no
13:17.30thiagothen don't tell people to remove the #include
13:17.40thiagobecause that's the wrong solution
13:17.43wedgeVthey can see if it works
13:17.46wedgeVno its not
13:17.55KasyxSo I need to move back to 2.6.18, is that what you're saying?
13:17.59thiago"hey, I have no idea if this breaks your build, but remove this line"
13:18.02wedgeVdowngrading kernel is a proper solution?
13:18.08thiagohow can that be a right solution?
13:18.17wedgeVthey will see if it works
13:18.21thiagohave you tested?
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13:18.38wedgeVi'm not telling anyone that i will work 100%
13:18.47thiagoI'm not saying you should
13:18.54thiagobut you should at least be reasonably sure it will work
13:18.57thiagolike having tested it before
13:19.02thiagoor knowing the code in question
13:19.22wedgeVwell i have removed the include in several modules and they all work fine for me
13:19.24thiagoKasyx: try changing the #include <linux/config.h> line to #include <linux/autoconf.h>
13:19.38wedgeVso i assume it will work fine here too
13:19.42KasyxAnd then make make modules install? Or just try emerging again?
13:19.51thiagoKasyx: no, just compile MPlayer
13:20.04thiagoKasyx: and drop a note to the Gentoo packagers that there is an incompatibility
13:20.29KasyxWhy do I want to compile MPlayer? I've got MPlayer?
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13:20.50KasyxIt's spca5xx I'm trying to install heh
13:23.36KasyxSame thing should work though, am I right?
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13:24.22KasyxRight, so where do I edit this line?
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13:27.08JamesB192I get the error '[blocks B     ] kde-base/kdebase (is blocking kde-base/kdialog-7-r3' when emerging KDE4 on Gentoo.
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13:30.12Kasyxosku: what version of kopete is it you're using?
13:31.49Q-collectiveJamesB192: what ebuilds/overlay are you using?
13:32.15JamesB192I'm using the kde-experimental overlay
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13:33.09oskuKasyx: 0.12.3
13:34.13Kasyxosku: hmm, it should be using ekiga instead of gnome-meeting to do webcams
13:34.24KasyxSo if the cam works under ekiga, and not's odd
13:34.56KasyxAlthough the streaming should still work
13:35.04KasyxCause that'll be coming straight from the thing
13:35.05*** join/#kde MrKnibbels (
13:35.16KasyxDoes doing cat on the device show stuffs?
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13:38.03JamesB192I also have kde-3.5.5 installed.
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13:44.08Q-collectiveI have kdevelop 3.3.5 installed, yet the documentation tells me: "This user manual is intended to describe the contents and use of the KDevelop 3.1.0 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from a user's point of view."
13:44.32pinotreeno, non updated
13:44.39Q-collectiveobviously :p
13:45.33pinotreeIMHO, "bug" in a documentation is more like a bad-written paragraph, typos or something similar
13:46.11*** join/#kde delight (n=delight@vpw.wh.Uni-Dortmund.DE)
13:46.56Q-collectivewell, if this documentation is about 3.1.x it is obviously out of date
13:47.30Q-collectiveso, should I file a bugreport about it?
13:47.51pinotreeQ-collective: might be worth asking in #kdevelop, maybe someone already knows that, or is working...
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14:09.37mahoundhello :)
14:09.47mahoundi needed some help with a kde piece of code
14:10.09mahoundit's crashing
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14:11.10pinotreemahound: better ask in #kde-devel, it's more appropriate for that
14:11.48mahoundthank you :)
14:11.51londerdon't know what i have done but my dir listings is in desceding order, from z to a. how to reverse it?
14:12.10Kasyxlonder: in konq?
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14:12.20londerKasyx: yeah.
14:12.34Kasyxlonder: hit the filename list header
14:12.34JamesB192click on name above the top of the column. or something.
14:12.58KasyxJust like in windows *spit*
14:13.03pinotreelonder: which view mode? icons? tree? in any case, doing what JamesB192 told should work
14:13.24londerk, i'll try it now.
14:14.28londerthks guys, it works. the arrow beside 'name' was facing down. now it is facing up.
14:14.40KasyxGoodgood :-)
14:15.41londerHappy coming New Year to all. bye.
14:15.55*** part/#kde londer (
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14:48.01Q-collectiveis it planned for kmail4 to support gmail tagging? i would love to just download my 10 000 mails and don't have to reassign all of them again ^_^
14:50.09PinarafQ-collective: tagging isn't supported by POP3 protocol
14:50.21Pinarafso there is no way for any mail reader to get the gmail tags...
14:50.41thiagoQ-collective: KMail 2
14:50.49Q-collectivemeh :)
14:51.08thiagounless GMail stores the tag in the message's header
14:51.24pinotreeor gives the ossibility to export them to file
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14:54.48Q-collectivethis hinders a move to kmail :>
14:54.51Q-collectiveoh well
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14:56.07PinarafQ-collective: this hinders a move to any mail reader.
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14:56.43thiagoit's called "lock-in"
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14:56.55Q-collectivePinaraf: yes, but I was interested in moving to kmail
14:57.05Q-collectivethiago: indeed :p
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15:08.26whirmhi all
15:08.49whirmsomeone knows the pykde channel name?
15:09.01[GALAXY]#pykde ?
15:09.27whirm[GALAXY]: it's absolutely empty :-)
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15:09.52lenscapewhirm: that means you created it
15:10.07whirmlenscape: I know :-)
15:10.17lenscapewhat do you want to know about pykde?
15:10.58whirmlenscape: how do I get the winID of all the windows in the current display
15:11.54whirmlenscape: I want to create a special behaviour for kwin, but I need to get this list so I can use the KWin module to move windows and get info from them :-)
15:13.48lenscapewhirm can you not get the affect you want with "Window Behaviour" and "Window Specific Settings" in Kcontrol?
15:14.09lenscapeotherwise take a look at wmctrl
15:14.18whirmlenscape: nope, I want to make behave it similar to ion3 window manager :-)
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15:16.11whirmlenscape: will give it a look, thanks!
15:17.05whirmlenscape: uh, but that's not a python module
15:18.27lenscapewhirm: but, if it does what you want, write a wrapper using popen
15:19.41whirmlenscape: If i cannot find something already implemented I will have to do it :-)
15:19.44whirmlenscape: thanks
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15:22.57lenscapewhirm: have you seen this?
15:24.23*** join/#kde Carlos (n=Carlos@
15:25.08pinotreehello Carlos
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15:25.26Carloshablas español
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15:26.14whirmlenscape: doesn't seem to talk about what I'm interested :-/
15:26.21whirmCarlos: que problema tienes :-)
15:26.33pinotreeCarlos: english or #kde-es
15:27.53Carlossoy nuevo en este sistema operativo
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15:29.36Carlosalguien habla español
15:29.42whirmCarlos: mejor ve al canal #kde-es, es para hispanohablantes
15:29.49lenscapewhirm: no. I realised that it was a bit light on information
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15:30.43whirmCarlos: aqui poca gente te entenderá :-)
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15:48.30Casteris there a keyboard shortcut to take me to the path field in kde file open/save dialog? so I can navigate without mouse
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16:06.49Jucatoannma: yay! Happy New Year!!! :)
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16:07.07annmais it 12pm for you?
16:07.15Jucato12am.  yes :)
16:07.16annmaHAPPY NEW YEAR
16:07.21Jucatohehe thanks! :)
16:07.32KasyxHeh, yay for an international channel :-)
16:07.36annmahave a great 2007 year
16:07.40Jucatoyou're still 7 hours away?
16:07.55annma5 hours
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16:08.17Jucato2006 was my year of Linux, I wonder what 2007 will be...
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16:08.20KasyxMy aim is to beat kopete-svn into submission and install it before the bells ;-)
16:08.20oGALAXYo6 hrs 52 mins..
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16:09.07Jucatoheh :)
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16:09.32Jucatohm... something's wrong with my blog... :O
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16:11.17KasyxHas anyone got kopete-svn working here?
16:11.39annmaKasyx: kopete trunk?
16:11.53annmasvn can be trunk or branch i.e. 4 or 3.5
16:12.57Jucatothe only thing that sucks about this new year is that I'm a bit sick...:(
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16:13.21annmaoh, what do you have?
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16:13.29Jucatocolds, coughs, and asthma
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16:13.56Jucatoit's not that bad... but I can't really enjoy fully...
16:14.04Jucatowell, at least I get to celebrate here :D
16:14.36annmaand it must be warm
16:14.45annmawell here it's above 10C
16:14.55Jucatooh it's a bit cold
16:14.55annmait changes from Canada
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16:16.53Jucato10C... that's still cold by our standards :)
16:16.53KasyxJucato: how's -4 for you then? :-P
16:17.04Jucatolol we'd be dead from hypothermia :)
16:17.06*** join/#kde JamesB192 (
16:17.23ReTyPeis there an easy-fast way to know the english/untranslated name of a menu on my localised (dutch) KDE ?? it's not always easy to translate back when i am asking help in english
16:17.29Jucatohm.. hold on... 10C we'll already be dead :O
16:17.42KasyxJucato: uh? How?
16:18.15Jucatofrom hypothermia... it's already freakingly cold if it gets less that 20C here... (we're a tropical country)
16:18.32KasyxJucato: haha
16:18.45KasyxWell I may as well be in the Arctic Circle :-P
16:19.17Jucatohm.... are there penguins there? or are they in antarctica? :D
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16:21.28annmaReTyPe: you have to look in the .desktop files so it's not easy, no
16:22.06annmaReTyPe: but usually we manage to help each other even if we have different languages
16:23.31ReTyPeit would be nice if it was possible to be able to switch between the english and the local translation, and maybe set it fixed, if it is a weird/funny/ambigious translation
16:24.33ReTyPethen it would be possible to see the english, and maybe even keep it in english
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16:28.10annmaReTyPe: you can run the app in english
16:28.23annmaKDE_LANG=en8US appname
16:28.27annmaKDE_LANG=en_US appname
16:29.54ReTyPeannma: i dont understand where to type this
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16:30.44annmain konsole, ReTyPe
16:30.55Jucatoit's an environment variable, I think
16:31.16annmait does not work in Alt F2
16:32.11ReTyPeits not even an option with alt-f2
16:32.16ReTyPebut it worked from console
16:32.18JucatoI think the full command should be "export KDE_LANG=en_US"
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16:32.54ReTyPeJucato: then everythin from then on would start with that language i think
16:33.21JucatoReTyPe: only until you logout of that Konsole Session (Ctrl+D or logout)
16:33.29Jucatoor "unset KDE_LANG"
16:34.27ReTyPebut it worked the way annma described, i just typed the appname with a Captial
16:35.10annmaappname = konqueror or anything
16:35.27annmaKDE_LANG=en_US konqueror
16:35.38annmaruns konq in english in ly French KDE
16:36.15Jucatohm... let me try... what's the KDE_LANG argument for French?
16:37.13annmayou need to have the kde-i18n-fr Jucato
16:37.22Jucatoah ok...
16:37.29annma;) everyone has the english one
16:37.37annmaso that's not a problem
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16:37.51annmabut for other languages you need all translations installed
16:37.57Jucatoheh looks like I don't have those :)
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16:38.04Jucatobut curious enough to try :)
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16:38.28Jucatothat's one good thing about having Debian packages available... you can try things very kuickly :)
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16:38.47Jucatoand remove them after you're done playing
16:38.47LnxSlckis there a tool of kde like ksnapshot but instead it makes avi files ???
16:39.00benJImanthere's xvidcap, not a kde app though
16:39.12LnxSlckbenJIman, i know, but i was looking for a kde tool
16:39.26LnxSlckbenJIman, xvidcap is a pain in the arss to install
16:39.34Jucatohm.. screenkast? or was it skreencast?
16:39.42benJImanscreenkast, not tried that
16:39.47benJImanxvidcap works fine though
16:39.51LnxSlckJucato, let me ask google
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16:40.52Jucatooh yeah, screenkast. thanks! :)
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16:43.35Jucatoannma: this is what caused me to get sick (cleaning it up):
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16:44.36KasyxJucato: you've only got one computer o.o
16:44.38annmahow come?
16:45.01Jucatoannma: all the dust and dirt that accumulated... the best way to trigger an asthma attack :)
16:45.18JucatoKasyx: yes, I only have one... which a major deterrent in developing :P
16:45.20annmaoh, you must clean your room!
16:45.51JucatoI do clean my room.. but must do it regularly... daily in fact..
16:46.04*** join/#kde jbj^ (
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16:46.29Jucatoyou should have seen the dust bunnies :)
16:46.46annmaoh my
16:46.53annmayour room is nice
16:47.02Jucatoheh thanks.
16:47.05*** join/#kde ytoox (
16:47.12KasyxHey ytoox
16:47.12Jucatothe bigger problem is maintaining it that way...
16:47.27ytooxdid you get naghira mikesque working=
16:47.28annmawho is the little one with your mum and dad?
16:47.46Jucatoannma: dad? where? I don't have a dad :P
16:47.51Kasyxytoox: I tried milkesque last night. I didn't get it working, because the two other files (the color theme and theother one) give 404s :-(
16:47.53ytooxKasyx: Join baghira
16:48.16Jucatoannma: oh that's my godchild :)
16:48.21Jucatothose aren't my parents :P
16:48.26annmait's a razndom image that appears on the left
16:48.42annmayes they are maybe a bit too young
16:48.46annmanice baby
16:49.05LnxSlckbenJIman, have you instaled xvidcap ?
16:49.10Jucatoyeah. they're just my age. around 23
16:49.28benJImanLnxSlck: yeah
16:49.52Jucatoannma: and i got some nice books for very nice (low) prices. I guess that's the highlight of my Christmas week... at least until my sister fulfills her promise and gets me that violin
16:50.04LnxSlckbenJIman, does it record audio too ?
16:50.06annmaa violin!
16:50.17benJImanLnxSlck: not afaik
16:50.19annmai hope you'll get it
16:50.23annmaI have to go
16:50.26Jucatoannma: heh yes. I plan on learning how to play it
16:50.33Jucatoannma: me too... bed's calling me
16:50.42annmaHAPPY NEW YEAR to you all
16:50.48JucatoHappy New Year, one and all!!
16:50.49LnxSlckannma, happy new year
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16:50.50annmaand see you ... next year!!!
16:50.55annmabye all
16:51.01*** join/#kde nuonguy (
16:51.12Jucatoheh I'll wait for the rest of the world to play catch up :)
16:51.36LnxSlcki have 7 hours till midnight
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17:00.14*** join/#kde Ace2016 (
17:01.45KasyxoGALAXYo: were you helping me with milkesque last night?
17:02.00oGALAXYodunno, if you cant remember :)
17:03.11Ace2016is milkesque a new theme for kde?
17:03.20KasyxIt's a patch for baghira
17:03.29Kasyxytoox and I are trying to get it working, without success
17:03.33Ace2016oh ok, what does it do?
17:03.42KasyxBecause two of the files (baghirarc and color-theme) are 404 from kde-look
17:04.09ytooxAce2016: join baghira
17:04.46KasyxWell there's no real need really, unless Ace2016 can help
17:04.56Ace2016i like qtcurve
17:05.14Ace2016Are you guys baghira devs?
17:05.15ytooxme too, but milkesque looks so kool
17:05.31*** join/#kde g10k (
17:05.36ytooxI'm trying to find out why these patches wont work
17:05.58KasyxI think it's because there are two files missing which we need, which oGALAXYo (I'm sure it was you) said to put in last night
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17:06.24oGALAXYohmm easy thing
17:06.36oGALAXYowhy dont you contact the author of that theme and ask for putting the files online again ?
17:06.55ytooxthat guy is nowhere to be found
17:07.02ytooxI thinkç
17:07.34ytooxdidnt work
17:07.35ytooxfor me
17:08.11benJImanSho_: how does your new nvidia card perfom with the linux drivers btw? I recently had to get a new card and it performs 10% worse than my 3year old mid range card.
17:18.07*** join/#kde knoppix (
17:18.19knoppixexcuse me, i have one question
17:18.54knoppixif i klick in the latest KDE Dekstop on on of the four desktop buttons, my desktop is changing to an empty desktop
17:18.59knoppixhow can i go beack?
17:19.09KasyxClick on one of the other desktops
17:19.18knoppixi have no taskbar
17:19.24ReTyPectrl + F1
17:19.25KasyxErm, alt+fn
17:19.29KasyxAh no, ctrl
17:19.39knoppixit?s empty with only a wallpaper and some icons from my desktop
17:19.49knoppixctrl+ ?
17:19.56MrGrimerm, running kde on top of kde was probably not the wisest idea
17:19.56knoppixok, i will try
17:20.16knoppixi have a default-configuration
17:20.28knoppixi?m running the KNOPPIX Live-CD and i?m new in KDE
17:20.35knoppixok, i will try now...
17:20.54JucatoAlt+F1 calls up the K Menu
17:20.58knoppixit was ctrl + F1
17:20.59ReTyPeif you dont have anything you want to save, you can restart you X-session with alt-return i think
17:21.01MrGrimI suppose the idea would be to start a second x server and run it in there.. something like xephyr, xnest, or xgl, or another separate server on another virtual console
17:21.21knoppixbut that is bad... :( how should a newuser know this shortcut
17:21.39KasyxA new user shouldn't really have gotten rid of the taskbar, tbh
17:21.47knoppixi just want to change to one of my four "virtual" Desktops
17:21.53ReTyPeits the default one to change to first desktop
17:22.13*** join/#kde Nathan1993 (
17:22.18knoppixi really have an untouched KDE Desktop :(
17:22.40KasyxWell the taskbar by default shows up on all desktops
17:22.43KasyxIs it set to autohide?
17:22.55knoppixthe only thing what a new-user can do is to guess the keyboard-shortcut :(
17:23.09knoppixi have the newest KNOPPIX Live-CD
17:23.13Kasyxknoppix: the taskbar should be visible at all times when you start
17:23.14knoppixbuil 12-30
17:23.51knoppixmy taskbar is visible, but if i klick on one of the four desktops, it hides itself and i don?t know how to go back
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17:24.04knoppixok, now i know how to do, but what is with all the new users
17:24.35KasyxOk, and what I'm saying is that all of those virtual desktops should have the taskbar visible by default. Everytime I've installed it it's been fine
17:24.57KasyxIt sounds like a problem with the knoppix version. Have any other knoppix users had this problem?
17:25.03knoppixtry the latest KNOPPIX
17:25.10KasyxI'd rather not, thanks :-)
17:25.17KasyxI'm happy with my distro
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17:25.26knoppixit?s one day old
17:25.33knoppixi just was confused
17:25.44Kasyxknoppix: cool!
17:25.56Kasyxknoppix: but have you heard of a similar thing from other knoppix users?
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17:26.06knoppixby the way the distro of my choise is ubuntu with gnome
17:26.08JamesB192It's so new it still smells bad.
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17:28.36knoppixbut KDE feels more "funny"
17:30.43knoppixbye and thanks many!
17:31.00knoppixand bye KDE, see you in "feisty" :-/
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17:33.52Behihi all
17:34.08icwienerlool, it's a legal problem to support streaming for Linux. ;)
17:34.24icwiener second point
17:35.00Behido we have a kde-focused distro with an apt-based package management?
17:35.13Theorylike kubuntu?
17:35.13WhiteStoolBehi: Try Kubuntu
17:35.15icwienerBehi: Kubuntu.
17:35.26WhiteStoolI am using it now
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17:35.41BehiWhiteStool: oh, I forgot to say, other than Kubuntu :p
17:35.58icwienerI am using Debian with KDE... never gets this "focussed" thing.
17:36.02MinceRicwiener: they don't explain it
17:36.09MinceRso i'll categorize this as FUD
17:36.24BehiRight now I have openSuse 10.2 installed
17:36.26MinceReu sucks, nothing new.
17:36.27Behiit's cool
17:36.42hollywoodbBehi: simplemepis
17:36.44Behibut package management is very slow compared to apt...
17:36.44icwienerMinceR: This topic goes through the german media atm, so there is a online petition for open formats in EU council:
17:36.57benJImanBehi: have you removed ZMD?
17:37.20icwienerBehi: Knoppix?
17:37.22MinceRit was hard to prevent even sw patents
17:37.57BehibenJIman: is ZMD the same thing as Zenworks?
17:37.59benJImanBehi: yeah, "rpm -e zmd zen-updater rug" will speed things up, and stop you having to use gnomish things in kde
17:38.00MinceRthe eu should protect us from the usa, not enforce their stupid ideas of laws on us
17:38.07benJImanBehi: or just deselect them in yast sw_single
17:38.45Behiwhat is ZMD beJIman?
17:39.19JamesB192most people in the usa are OK you just have to avoid the politicians and the corporate zombies.
17:39.31Behiicwiener: isn't Knoppix a live distro?
17:40.09icwienerBehi: It was designed as one, but it has an installer for some time.
17:40.19MinceRtoo bad the politicians and the big corps are in control.
17:40.32benJImanBehi: zenworks management daemon, if you don't know what it is you don't need it, it just slows things down and increases liklihood of breakage
17:40.56BehibenJIman: ok, thanks...
17:41.27benJImanBehi: when you remove zen-updater you'll get the KDE one instead of the gtk one as well
17:42.47Behiis there a place where I can find a bunch of kde4 screenshots?
17:43.09icwienerKDE$ looks like KDE3 atm
17:43.25Behihollywoodb: how does SimplyMEPIS compare to Kubuntu?
17:47.23BehibenJIman: I executed rpm -e zmd zen-updater rug
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17:47.41Behinow Package Manager is not opening up...
17:48.04benJImanBehi: what package manager?
17:48.18vigneshJucato: hey
17:48.45BehibenJIman: np... fixed... I think that opensuse is a little bit buggy... sometimes when I open a program it closes down immediately
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17:56.19iljHAPPY NEW YEAR #KDE!
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17:59.33boingolovI'm trying to get kppp to basically just call a pppd connection script from /etc/ppp/peers .  Is there any way to get it to completely bypass its own modem initialization, etc?
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18:01.03boingolovfor instance, "pppd call blah" works from command line, I just want kppp to call pppd that way and nothing else
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18:05.24oGALAXYoboingolov: this is a kde channel.. related for kde specific talks.
18:05.43oGALAXYoboingolov: kppp is basicly a frontend to ppp
18:05.57oGALAXYoboingolov: reading pppd manuals would probably help..
18:06.11boingolovoGALAXYo, pppd works from command line, if you had read the initial post
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18:06.28texjoachimwhat do I need to enter in kde to make opera my default browser?
18:10.04hollywoodbBehi: I dunno, I haven't used it, I believe it is based on an Ubuntu/Debian core with their own KDE packaging
18:10.57Kasyxtexjoachim: easy!
18:11.03Kasyxtexjoachim: lemme just find where it is again
18:11.53Kasyxkcontrol -> KDE Components -> Components Chooser -> Web Browser.
18:12.10Behihollywoodb: ok... thanks anyways...
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18:27.27BlackBsdwhat can i use to reencode from ogg to mp3?
18:28.15BlackBsdi know this is not good to do, but i dont have the original cd anymore and i need an mp3 version..
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18:29.09JevonMaybe you guys can help
18:29.12Q-collectivea happy new year to all! (4 hours early, but I'm off soon, so)
18:30.27JevonI have Mandrake 9.2 with a KDE 3.1 interface. I recently ran into a KFMExec error saying "retrieving data from devices is not supported" I have never had any problems till now. Any ideas how to fix this?
18:30.35texjoachimKasyx: ok, and what do I enter?
18:30.36*** join/#kde Tiger (n=Faust@unaffiliated/tiger)
18:31.12Q-collectiveJevon: first: update to kde 3.5.5
18:31.51Q-collectivebecause kde 3.1 is ancient, no-one runs it and thusly no-one can help you with it
18:32.10Q-collectivebesides, there have been a serious amount of enhancements since 3.1
18:32.32JevonI like it the way it was. What do I need so bad to update it for?
18:33.04Q-collectiveif you like it the way it was, you can always configure it that way ofcourse
18:33.08thiagobecause you want something that you don't have
18:34.00JevonIf my system even ran 3.5
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18:38.31logixoulJevon: would updating KDE be problematic? like you have low bandwidth or something?
18:39.16Jevonlow bandwidth? I run 19.4 k
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18:40.36Chaos88is there anyone could help me? :)
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18:41.12JevonIf i tried to download it, I would probably be seeing a few hours at the least
18:41.41shuffle2yoes.... i've noticed that sometimes taskbar popups appear towards the upper-left of my screen... is this a kde bug?
18:42.02shuffle2for instance,
18:42.20shuffle2it also happens with kopete messages (sometimes)
18:42.24Jevonwere you pushing the little button on your keyboard that has a little taskbar/windows icon?
18:42.49shuffle2me? no
18:43.00Jevonare you sure?
18:43.22JevonI have accidentally hit it before
18:48.06illogic-alNEW YEAR!
18:48.46JevonI still have 10 hours and 15 minutes before New years...
18:49.06shuffle2Jevon:same! EST?
18:49.26shuffle2ok...nevermind then jevon....
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18:59.34Chaos88AUguri a tutti... ciaoooooooooo
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20:08.02icwienerSo, who wanted to see KDE4 screenshots? ;)
20:08.23KasyxYes please
20:08.33Renzeis there anything to see yet?
20:08.33KasyxAs long as you aren't taking the michael :-P
20:08.39icwiener :P
20:09.21icwienerRenze: No, but there are so many questions every day... ;)
20:09.22*** join/#kde archangelpetro (n=petroleu@
20:09.53Renzethe new mahjongg tiles are nice, though
20:10.18icwienerSomehow, I liked the old ones.
20:10.34icwiener*like ... since they are still here. :)
20:10.37RenzeI prefer the new, scalable ones
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20:11.08icwienerYeah, technically spoken, the new ones are better. I simply do not like the look.
20:11.26RenzeI prefer the new look too
20:11.33Renzetastes differ ;)
20:11.42icwienersure :)
20:12.04qupadathe new ones look more like actual mahjongg tiles (in colour, etc)
20:12.34icwienerBut I prefer the new versions too, because they will be themeable. :)
20:13.36qupadaheh, betting is open for how long it takes before there is a set with penguins and GNUs on
20:13.56icwienerI wondered about the green stuff under every tile. Do the real tiles look like that?
20:14.13qupadanot any tiles i've seen
20:14.48Renzethat's probably a "usability" thing ‒ so people can see how many tiles are stacked ;)
20:14.50qupadai don't own a set myself, but the last one i saw the tiles were one colour, close enough to white
20:14.59icwienerlooks like they are about 3cm thick
20:15.54qupadayeah, kshisen isn't useful for that unfortunately, only has 2 axes
20:15.54icwienerivory, propably. ;)
20:15.54illogic-alI don't have to finish my proposal this week!
20:16.12illogic-alspeaking of now playing scripts.
20:16.30illogic-aldoes anyone have a non gay one for konversation ?
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20:16.48qupadai have one, but it only works with mpd
20:17.09icwienerdefine gay
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20:17.13qupadaand it's a shellscript, so it depends on using '/exec' or whatever your client's equivalent is
20:17.24illogic-alI want mine all pimped out w/ music symbols and COLOUR! :-)
20:17.43illogic-alicwiener: plain like the output from my script :-)
20:17.44*** part/#kde corbet (
20:17.50icwienerOh, that's really gay
20:17.57illogic-aler, color (for the american lads in the audience)
20:18.49illogic-alicwiener: nevermind the fact that the rainbow is the symbol for homosexuals (I'm willing to overlook that)
20:18.55illogic-alin all my magnamity
20:19.08illogic-alicwiener: well, i could do without the color. Just for you.
20:19.11Renzeyou're magnetic?
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20:19.33icwienerRenze: Greetings from 2006 btw. :D
20:19.46Renzeliving in the past... ;)
20:19.51illogic-almagnanimity :-P
20:19.53RenzeMon Jan  1 09:19:34 NZDT 2007
20:20.11illogic-alRenze: it's 2006 2.0 apparently
20:20.13icwienerI hear messages from the future!
20:20.20qupadaRenze: did you stay up and see what festivities the city had on offer?
20:20.22illogic-al[13:53] <Flameeyes> vmlemon,
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20:20.35Renzequpada: nope, I went to sleep shortly after midnight
20:21.22qupadaRenze: yeah same, could have been something to do with the rain and cold southerly.  methinks the joke is on the people who did stay up looking for fireworks
20:21.58Renzeillogic-al: so far it's just more of the same
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20:22.25illogic-alRenze: predictably, baby new year never does anything interesting.
20:22.56qupadaicwiener: yeah, don't stay up and wait for it, new year doesn't want to know you nearly as much as you want to know it
20:23.47icwienerI thought as much...
20:25.13qupadaRenze: you have to admit though, it would have been so much more fun if nuclear missles had launched at random and robots had rebelled against people though
20:25.32Renzequpada: that's what my parents were expecting... I laughed at them a lot
20:25.47icwienerRobots? Aibo? :D
20:26.19tvtoonqupada, it will not last longer until that happens, MWAHAHA
20:26.45illogic-alwow. the konvi media script is really well written now.
20:27.45Renzegargamel? the smurf hater?
20:28.02illogic-alSomehow that spelling seems off.
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20:28.25illogic-alRenze: but, no, not gargamel. argonel. he updated the konvi media script
20:28.36*** join/#kde qt (n=qt@
20:30.02qtHello everyone. kde keeps cutting short some custom system sounds any thoughts?
20:30.23qupadaturn sounds off?
20:30.29icwieneryear 2k7 problem
20:30.42qupadathat tends to be the thought i have every time i think about system sounds
20:30.55*** join/#kde JamesB192 (
20:31.11icwienerqt: Do you use the wav or the ogg files?
20:31.32icwienerqt: Try playing them with the given command to see, if the player plays them right.
20:32.42*** join/#kde IceD^ (n=iced@
20:32.57qtHi icwiener: ogg
20:33.20qtI stole the knoppix startup and shutdown oggs
20:34.12icwienerDo you play them with ogg123?
20:34.25qtUmm not sure?
20:34.31qthow do I find out?
20:34.44icwienerYou can see that under the sounds settings in kcontrol.
20:34.45qtsorry a bit nuub
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20:35.32icwienerRenze: Yes, me too, but exclude coruppted files is a good start. ;)
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20:35.45qtjust changed from kde to ogg123 and bingo Thanks!
20:36.10icwienerlucky that ogg321 is installed. ;)
20:36.35qtI have pre-empable desktop configured in the kernel. I wonder if that could effect things?
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20:37.51icwienerdon't know that.
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20:52.50deitarionCan anyone remember or point me to a document listing the pre-OpenDocument KWord file extensions (and, if possible, the mimetypes that the `file` command will return with -i)?
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20:54.00deitarion(I want to add them to the list of checked things in a cronscript I wrote which checks for things which need to be convered or otherwise corrected)
20:54.24deitarions/convered/converted (Crumbs in my keyboard)
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20:55.37pinotreeniveau: ???!!??
20:55.43niveauyeah :D
20:55.54pinotreeno spam please
20:56.06niveaubut that's the best channel on earth :(
20:56.24pinotreedeitarion: just open eg kword and see the file filters in the open dialog
20:56.36pinotreeniveau: spam anyway, for the topic of _this_ channel
20:56.45deitarionpinotree: I only have KCalc and Karbon14 installed.
20:57.09deitarion(Gentoo split ebuilds)
20:57.30Renzedeitarion: the extension is .kwd
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20:58.05tvtoonniveau, no offenses, why do you think someone wanted to go into another network, when we have FREENODE?
20:58.13tvtoonbratz ...
21:00.01deitarionRenze: Thanks for that one. What about KPresenter and KWord templates? (equivalents to .odp and .odt, if memory serves)
21:00.31Renzedeitarion: sorry, I don't have any kpresenter or kword template files
21:00.53deitarionShould be in the file load/save dialogs.
21:01.14deitarion...oh, they don't show the extensions.
21:01.50deitarionCorrection: The load dialog doesn't show extensions.
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21:10.08Renzedeitarion: .kwt for kword templates
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21:10.58Renzedeitarion: .kpr for kpresenter
21:10.59defiantricanIs it possible for someone to give me a hand with a lost mouse please.
21:11.15Renzedefiantrican: put out some cheese
21:11.23oGALAXYoi need my hands for other things :)
21:11.24defiantricanRenze LMAO
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21:12.11defiantricanWhat I mean is that when my OS loads I see the mouse fine, then when the login screen comes up, the pointer disappers and does nto come back
21:12.23Renzebad mouse theme?
21:12.28defiantricanI tried that too
21:12.45Renzethat's the only thing I can think of that would make a pointer disappear
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21:13.19defiantricanWhen a program loads though I can see it. Like the hour glass thingy on M$
21:13.43Renzeyeah, definitely sounds like a bad mouse theme
21:13.56Renzemissing pixmaps
21:14.02defiantricanOk, where do I check for that.
21:14.15defiantricanI hasd someone else tell me that they did. That is why I said it was tried already
21:14.23Renzekcontrol -> peripherals -> mouse, cursor theme tab
21:15.01deitarionRenze: Thanks. I think I've completed my list now.
21:15.21defiantricanRenze there is no mouse under peripherals
21:15.34Renzedefiantrican: you must be using a very old version of KDE then
21:15.53defiantricanhow can I update it or tell what version?
21:16.01Renzedefiantrican: that depends on your distro
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21:16.15Renzedefiantrican: the version can be found in the About KDE dialog in any KDE app
21:16.26Renzeew, fedora...
21:17.07oGALAXYothats a fucked kde..
21:17.21oGALAXYoa mixture of kdeism and gnomeism
21:17.29defiantricanIs it really?
21:17.38oGALAXYowell.. yes
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21:17.59n3kl_How can I get two login screens on virtual terminals for kdm?
21:18.12Renzen3kl_: by manually editing the kdmrc file
21:18.13defiantricanI still can't find the version
21:18.16intradeRenze:  happy new year :p
21:18.29Renzedefiantrican: try kde-config --version in a terminal then
21:18.37Renzeintrade: crappy new year
21:18.52n3kl_Renze: do you happen to know the variable name?
21:19.02Renzen3kl_: nope
21:19.08defiantricankde-config 1.0
21:19.16JamesB192maybe open a KDE app and look under help/about KDE
21:19.30defiantricanQt 3.3.7
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21:20.39oGALAXYofedora legacy project going down..
21:20.42oGALAXYonow on
21:20.44defiantricanThat is what the ap says 3.5.5-0.2 fc6
21:20.47Renzedefiantrican: 3.5.5 is the latest version... if you don't have the mouse option under peripherals, blame fedora
21:21.05defiantricanRenze, is there another way?
21:21.12Renzedefiantrican: nope
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21:23.00defiantricanok I found it. It says I have to restart KDE
21:23.03defiantricanHow do I do that?
21:23.10Renzelog out/log in
21:23.17n3kl_Renze: thanks
21:23.26defiantricanLMAO. Now I feel dumb. Thanks for the help lets see if this works
21:23.29Renzen3kl_: no problem
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21:24.47defiantricanNope that did not work.
21:24.54defiantricanIt beeps then the mouse disappears
21:25.28defiantricanit happened after I did yum clear, then yum update last night
21:25.38RenzeI know nothing about yum
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21:26.20defiantricanOk thanks you very much
21:26.26intrademe alsmost none yum install paket was fedora i recall
21:26.31sPiNhi everyone does anyone use the GTD plugin for kontact, im just finding it and still researching it, it appears to be in svn...
21:26.39sPiNit was a SOC project
21:26.54pinotreesPiN: --> #kontact
21:27.05sPiNahh thanks
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21:28.36oGALAXYothats the only thing that works in gnome
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21:33.15oGALAXYoonly crap on tv.. what a boring day..
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21:36.48fishspongehey people... anyone know how to turn off single-click loading of files in Konqueror?
21:36.57fishspongei want single-click to select the file, and double-click to load the file... i can't find the option in the settings anywhere...
21:37.17fishspongesorry about the bold...
21:37.21Renzefishsponge: kcontrol -> peripherals -> mouse
21:37.22oGALAXYoplease stop using bold lining..
21:38.26fishspongeah... found it
21:38.47fishspongeand already apologised for bold... it was an accident. xchat gives no indication that you accidentally pressed Ctrl + B! lol
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21:57.23JustinlEvening all ...
21:57.46Renzeevening? it's 10:57am
21:58.11JustinlIn 2006 or 2007 ?
21:58.17Renze2007, of course
21:58.32Justinlnow that's just bum waggling :)
21:58.45JustinlI'm just SOOO last year ..
21:58.51XVampireXAnyone here using Twinkle?
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21:59.01XVampireXIs there any option to cancel echo?
21:59.01Justinlfraid not ...
21:59.33JustinlOk so this is most stupid question ever asked on the channel ..
21:59.58Justinlhow do you stop the text scrolling in terminal mode in Linux ?
22:00.15Justinlso it works something like dir /p in Dos  ..
22:00.40rmarianskiJustinl: pipe into "less"
22:00.44Renzels -la | less
22:00.47rmarianskiJustinl: so something like: "ls | less"
22:01.01JustinlI love you all :)
22:01.14Renzesorry, my door don't swing that way ;)
22:01.20JustinlYou can imagine me as an 18 year old girl from stockholm if you like ..
22:01.41JustinlOr as a 36 year old father of three ..
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22:09.06Justinlanyone have any idea why my APT (In debian) cannot do a DNS lookup ?    
22:09.44JustinlI can Ping security.debian.Blah.Blah .. and it works fine ..
22:09.44RenzeJustinl: #debian
22:10.00JustinlThanks ..
22:10.04JustinlI suck BTW ..:)
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22:55.27deitarionDoes anyone know of a command-line tool for converting sxw/sxc to their OpenDocument equivalents that I could wrap in a few lines of shell script? (batch conversion is what I'm after)
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22:56.10deitarionI ask here in case someone ran across one during a migration to KOffice.
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