irclog2html for #kde on 20061218

00:00.44*** join/#kde TheWoozle (
00:01.33*** join/#kde victor- (
00:02.03victor-what's the most recommended way of getting usb devices to automount?  hal+pmount?
00:02.23thiagoKDE can be configured to mount them if you're using hal
00:02.38victor-i'm using hal.. but i can't figure out how to get KDE to do it. :\
00:03.51thiagodid you compile your own KDE?
00:04.24thiagomake sure you have libhal's development files and libdbus-qt-1's installed
00:04.34thiagoit'll detect them automatically and enable HAL integration
00:05.50*** join/#kde |JonJ| (
00:09.50*** join/#kde AOA (n=Gost@
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00:14.50JohnFluxHey all
00:15.08JohnFluxwhat do you guys think of the bold in the command?
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00:15.15JohnFluxI'm not sure how best to code this
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00:16.11thiagowhat bold?
00:16.35JohnFluxsee in the Command ?
00:16.45JohnFluxopps, uploaded wrong pictue!
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00:18.06JohnFluxthiago: ^
00:18.57thiagoI'd say it's unnecessary
00:19.04thiagothe name is already on the leftmost columns
00:19.04*** join/#kde JonJ` (
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00:19.58JohnFluxi like the idea but I don't like how much it stands out
00:20.11JohnFluxmaybe making the rest of the text grey or something instead
00:20.52thiagounnecessary eye-candy in my opinion
00:21.03thiagotoo much complexity in the code for too little gain
00:21.18JohnFluxactually complexity is about 10 lines
00:21.19*** join/#kde mikk36|lap (
00:21.19blineWhy is it bold, or not greyed as the case my be?
00:21.21mikk36|laphey :)
00:21.28mikk36|lapwhere could i get support for quanta ?
00:21.42JohnFluxbline: where the name matches in the command
00:21.47JohnFluxbline: it makes bold
00:22.04thiagoJohnFlux: are you using QRegExp?
00:23.04JohnFluxpretty straight forward
00:23.45thiagothat's 4 mallocs
00:24.06thiagoplus it turns on rich-text processing in Qt
00:24.22JohnFluxi'm just kinda playing about
00:24.28JohnFluxthat's why i'm in here ;-)
00:24.35thiagowell, you've got my opinion
00:24.53JohnFluxi was thinking that it would allow me to merge the two columns
00:24.55thiagoit's not like this would have a huge performance impact anyways...
00:25.16JohnFluxi've tried it though but it looks messy
00:26.23blineYou could always add: View -> [ ] Bold command
00:26.26blineto the menus
00:27.28JohnFluxbline: :/
00:27.57JohnFluxoh well, it was worth a try
00:28.00blineAtleast it becomes optional
00:28.08thiagobline: that would be even more overkill
00:28.30mikk36|laphelp ?
00:28.52thiagomikk36|lap: you haven't asked your question
00:28.58mikk36|lapi have
00:29.07mikk36|lap<mikk36|lap> where could i get support for quanta ?
00:29.09thiagoyou asked where you can get help. That's a "meta-question".
00:29.15thiagothat's like asking if you can ask a question.
00:29.20mikk36|lapwell... ok
00:29.20thiagojust ask what you want to know.
00:29.28mikk36|lapi have a problem with quanta and ftp
00:29.53mikk36|lapit doesn't seem to like dots in the username
00:30.16mikk36|lapkonq works fine, quanta not
00:32.18mikk36|lapalso, even if it seems a meta question, u could answer 'here'
00:32.55thiagoit really depended on the question
00:33.04thiagoQuanta uses the same backend for FTP as Konqueror
00:33.08*** join/#kde Dhraakellian (
00:33.13thiagodoes it give you an error message?
00:33.20mikk36|lapi found that out by reading the bugs list
00:34.11mikk36|lapit says it's not possible to enter / folder
00:34.34mikk36|lapsry if a bit wrong, i'm on estonian here (oops @ setup)
00:35.54mikk36|lapdoesn't work with ftp://user:pass@host and neither ftp://user@host with a dialog
00:36.11mikk36|lapalthough it reads the username correctly from address (displays it in dialog)
00:36.29*** join/#kde shampoonator (
00:36.39shampoonatorhi guys
00:36.53shampoonatori got a little program.. i switched from gnome to kde
00:37.08thiagomikk36|lap: I don't know...
00:37.18shampoonatorand kde seems to work buuuuuuuuut.. i can't open a terminal :(
00:37.25mikk36|lapso.. is there a specific quanta channel ?
00:37.26thiagomikk36|lap: I'd need some debugging output to understand what is going wrong, but I believe the problem is in Quanta
00:37.31thiagomikk36|lap: so, try #quanta
00:37.32shampoonatorits justshowing the waiting cursor, but nothing happens
00:38.18thiagoshampoonator: konsole?
00:38.24JohnFluxshampoonator: a waiting cursor?
00:38.46JohnFluxshampoonator: you run konsole, and the window shows which is black, and has no text inside
00:38.46shampoonatorterminal bash
00:38.49shampoonatorwhatever :)
00:38.58JohnFluxshampoonator: right?
00:39.16shampoonatorJohnFlux,  no .. just no window appears
00:39.27thiagoshampoonator: try opening another terminal program
00:39.32mikk36|lap#quanta here in freenode is empty (with a 110+ hours idle time bot in it)
00:39.33JohnFluxshampoonator: press alt+f2    and type in konsole
00:39.40JohnFluxshampoonator: does that work?
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00:39.53shampoonatormmh yes
00:40.03thiagoit does?
00:40.11shampoonatoralt +2 wow :D lol
00:40.17shampoonatoralt +f2
00:40.24shampoonatoryes i got my konsole :)
00:40.33thiagocheck your menu configuration. The Terminal entry is pointing to an invalid command.
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00:43.58shampoonatorlol it was trying to start gnome terminal ><
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00:51.26shampoonatorthx :)
00:51.27*** part/#kde shampoonator (
00:52.57*** join/#kde Fran (i=user@
00:55.18mikk36|lapk, bug filed :)
00:58.21*** part/#kde Fran (i=user@
00:59.42ShirakawasunaI'm aware that aiglx/beryl stuff isn't a kde problem, but does anyone in here use it?
01:00.27mikk36|lapwould use aiglx, if i852GM would be supported
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01:00.45mikk36|lapsadly the driver says it doesn't support many stuff
01:01.38Shirakawasunawow, i852gm is newer than I've known about
01:01.48Shirakawasunabrand new laptop/desktop?
01:02.05Shirakawasunaworry not, my intel stuff was supported sooner than I was expecting so far as linux graphics stuff goes
01:04.02*** join/#kde Fleebailey33 (
01:05.54*** join/#kde HaMBoNE79 (
01:06.24*** join/#kde delight (
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01:07.32HaMBoNE79Does anyone know of a program for KDE that is similar to gkrellm? I have already looked at Superkaramba, but it is still missing quite a few features
01:07.42mikk36|lap? @ shinjii_
01:07.46mikk36|lapShirakawasuna, *
01:08.08mikk36|lap9xx is the newer series
01:08.13mikk36|lap8xx is years old already
01:08.37mikk36|lapand my laptop is over 2 years old
01:09.15*** join/#kde Ardonik (
01:09.17Dhraakellianis it possible to change the keyboard layout on the fly with KDM or GDM?
01:09.39Dhraakellianideally, what I'd like for a login manager is a dialog like that of the password dialog in kscreensaver
01:09.56Dhraakellianwhere it lets me change the keyboard layout
01:10.31*** join/#kde aseigo_home (
01:10.34*** join/#kde FaeLLe[gentoo] (n=faelle@
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01:17.04*** join/#kde FaeLLe[gentoo] (n=faelle@
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01:22.37Shirakawasunamikk36|lap: whoops, sorry
01:22.44Shirakawasunamikk36|lap: that's not supported?
01:22.55mikk36|lapwell, i did not see any change
01:23.06Shirakawasuname either, that's what I'mw orking on ;)
01:23.12mikk36|lapalso checked the log
01:23.23Shirakawasunadid you get some <EE>s?
01:23.27mikk36|lapand it showed about 15 unsupported effects
01:23.45Shirakawasunathat's partially an intel thing
01:23.52Shirakawasunafor instance I can't do rain (no pixel shaders)
01:24.03Shirakawasunawhat distro?
01:24.08mikk36|lapDX7 graphics core :)
01:24.19mikk36|lapsuse 10.2 ofc :)
01:24.29mikk36|lapahh right, this aint suse channel :D
01:24.50mikk36|lapjust installed it 2 days ago
01:25.01mikk36|lapafter being away from linux for about 3 months
01:26.08Shirakawasunaah, ok
01:26.26Shirakawasunai'm compiling in aiglx support for xorg right now >_<
01:26.39mikk36|lapi945 is partially DX9, it has pixel shaders, but lacks vertex shaders
01:27.26mikk36|lapalthough, luckily u don't need vertex shaders for UI
01:30.57*** join/#kde halcyonCorsair (n=halcyonC@
01:36.13*** join/#kde Bry2k200 (
01:37.14mjobinany other apps than gimp (preferable kde) that reads psd files?
01:54.30*** join/#kde rick276 (n=ricardso@
01:55.13*** join/#kde duarte (n=duarte@
01:55.36duartehello all! How do i add a new dicitionary to kmail/kde ?
01:57.06duartewhere i can get more info about to add new dics to kmail/kde =_
01:59.41*** join/#kde ytoox (
02:01.34ytooxI have changed the size of the konqueror windows, but I want it to saty on this new size. Is that possible?
02:03.59*** join/#kde supere (
02:07.50ytooxI have changed the size of the konqueror windows, but I want it to saty on this new size. Is that possible?
02:07.56*** part/#kde Dr_willis (
02:08.26Jucatoytoox: Alt+F3 -> Advanced -> Special Window Settings
02:09.45ytooxI dont get anything with altf3 what window does that open?
02:10.08Theoryshould bring up a menu
02:10.09Jucatoytoox: it pops up a menu. or right-click on the titlebar
02:10.33Jucatopresuming you are using KWin as your window manager (and not some Beryl stuff.)
02:12.06mjobinrecently, for some reason my KDE applications are not able to display french accent anymore. but if I open vim in Konsole, its ok. /* BALISES G(B?(BN(B?(BRALES */   becomes /* BALISES G(B??(BN(B??(BRALES */
02:12.33ytooxok got it
02:13.06Jucatoytoox: enable the [ ] Size option, and from the drop down list beside it, choose which behavior the window should take
02:14.01ytooxI chose "remember" is that good?
02:14.26mjobinytoox: remember view settings too in konqueror
02:15.09Jucatomjobin: er??
02:15.43Jucatoytoox: "Remember" will remember the current window size, yes. but I think it will also remember the size of the window before it closes. so if you change the window size before you close it, it will remember the new size
02:16.08ytooxok, I intend not to change the size after this
02:16.29ytooxI can't wait for kde4
02:17.04supereme neither
02:17.39ytooxman, I wonder when we''re getting the first screenshots
02:20.25*** join/#kde theash (n=theash@
02:22.10Jucatoit's not spam... just an annoying /away message...
02:22.29Renzestill worthy of punishment
02:23.10*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna (
02:31.37*** join/#kde FaeLLe[gentoo] (n=faelle@
02:36.55*** part/#kde supere (
02:41.07*** join/#kde wmind (
02:47.30*** join/#kde Random_Transit (
02:47.45Random_Transithey, does anyone here use KTorrent?
02:48.05wmindI do
02:48.57*** join/#kde pierreth (
02:49.14Random_Transitok, have you ever used Tor??
02:50.16wmindKTorrent was the only client I used
02:50.30Random_TransitTor, the anonymization software
02:50.46Random_Transiti'm just trying to figure out how to get it working with KTorrent
02:50.47*** join/#kde shiznix (
02:50.48wmindah as you can see... never
02:50.59*** join/#kde Jucato (n=jucato@
02:51.05Random_Transitbecause my ISP is trying to throttle packets from BitTorrent
02:53.15*** join/#kde kakarot (
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03:32.35whatsup103anyone here got expericne with vmware
03:34.08*** join/#kde ryanoe (
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04:02.43*** join/#kde theash (n=theash@
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04:06.04*** join/#kde gnychis (n=gnychis@THORIUM-INI.INI.CMU.EDU)
04:06.43gnychisI have dragged two clips into my kden live project on my timeline, one is video, one is audio... in my preview window when i click play, it only shows one of these, how can i get it to show them merged?  aka, listen to the audio with the video so i can sync them?
04:06.45*** join/#kde theash (n=theash@
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04:11.00Jucatois it possible to build Konqueror from SVN (branch, KDE 3.5.5+) without having to build kdebase?
04:12.12*** join/#kde neopc (n=neopc@
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04:24.12*** join/#kde pptux (n=f@
04:26.42*** join/#kde duarte (n=duarte@
04:26.55duartehi all!
04:26.58duartehow can i sync kdepim with scheduleworkd (via syncml) ?
04:28.24*** join/#kde pelle (
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04:28.51duartehow do i get calendar info trhought syncml =
04:29.07*** join/#kde dansushi (
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04:30.56duarteHELLLLLOOO!!! Wake UP!!!!
04:32.19Renzeduarte: try #kontact
04:32.38StarScreamduarte: hello
04:33.22StarScreamduarte: you might like to try opensync.. with its kde bindings
04:33.35StarScreamafaik its all in kde4 but obviously thats not released
04:33.54*** join/#kde daya (n=daya@
04:35.03duarteRenze: thanks
04:35.23Renzeno problem
04:38.25duarteStarScream: i'm trying kitchensync and opensync under opensuse 10.2, but i don't find any information about sync. I configured a group and member (syncml http server) but the link "syncronize now" doesn't work... :(
04:39.53StarScreamduarte: i have been meaning to try it out for a while but haven't gotten around to it. You might like to check out the opensync mailing list. Post your question to the list and i am sure someone on the list will be able to help.
04:42.40mjobinnoatun and amarok are sooo buggy, its unbelievable
04:43.53Renzemaybe on your distro
04:46.43gnychisdoes anyone know how to copy a piece of a clip and paste it somewhere else in kdenlive without cutting it and moving it?  I want to duplicate a piece of a clip
04:47.29StarScreammjobin: i agree with noatun but amarok 1.4.2+ has been solid as a rock for me.. what feature are you having issues with ?
04:48.02*** join/#kde theash (n=theash@
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04:54.32mjobinplaying music
04:55.07mjobinRenze: yeah, all the worlds bugs are distro's fault
04:55.19Renzemjobin: well, amarok is pretty damn solid here
04:55.40Renzemjobin: but yes, most of the problems presented in here are the distro's fault
04:57.59Renzeas for noatun - I haven't bothered building that piece of trash for the past three years
05:01.17*** join/#kde richtoo (
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05:03.10leetwankeranyone know how to enable thumbnails on the desktop?
05:05.41JucatoRenze: you have any idea about compiling konqueror from SVN without having to compile all of kdebase?
05:05.46RenzeJucato: nope, I just use releases ;)
05:05.54Jucatohehe ok :)
05:06.10JucatoI thought you'd know, being the source tarball lover :P
05:09.41Renzereleases are tarballs :P
05:09.56Renzeanywho, time for a shower... it's been hot and muggy today
05:12.28Jucatohehe go go go! :)
05:12.44leetwankeranyone know how to enable thumbnails on the desktop?
05:21.04Dhraakellianksnapshot doesn't seem to want to save
05:23.26*** part/#kde richtoo (
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05:29.48Jucatowb Renze, the glass mouse :)
05:30.42RenzeI am not a Mac peripheral!
05:30.54Jucatowell, you are squeaky and shiny :P
05:31.11Renzeno, squeaky clean :P
05:31.42Jucatosqueaky, clean, and shiny - clean glass mouse :)
05:37.38*** join/#kde troy_ (
05:38.34JucatoI'll try to ask again, hoping someone would be able to answer: Is it possible to just build Konqueror from SVN (branch) without building all of kdebase?
05:39.04Renzehave you tried asking in #kde-devel? ;)
05:39.12Jucatooh yeah.. right...
05:39.38Jucatobut I guess I have to build kdebase anyway, as the particular thing I'm interested in is in kcontrol.. but will show up in Konqueror. funny...
05:39.39*** join/#kde delusions (n=delusion@
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05:56.08blineAnyone know if there is a kde mysql database administration frontend?
05:56.42blinenm, found one
05:59.50*** join/#kde timofonic (n=evil@unaffiliated/timofonic)
06:02.37*** join/#kde Red_Cloud (
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06:08.11domehaving troubles with the wireless not connecting in Sabayon....I see all wireless connections but it just doesn't allow me to connect...any ideas?
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06:25.21Jucatoillpoof: look at the channel topic
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06:28.02illpoofwhy i get this error
06:29.22Jucatoillpoof: you might get more answers from the Kanotix channel, since it's their package
06:29.35illpoofim banned duno why
06:30.12fangarzzanyone have a clue why gam-server starts eating up cpu cycles for no apparent reason?
06:32.59illpoofwell ?
06:33.05*** join/#kde vodus_ (
06:33.22fangarzzwell what?
06:33.38fangarzzhow are you banned?
06:34.04illpoof06:23:07] [474] #kanotix You're banned from that channel
06:34.24fangarzzi dunno
06:34.42fangarzzdid you flood that channel?
06:34.48Jucatoillpoof: if you know an operator from that channel, you could send him/her a message, asking why. other than that, you could wait for someone in here who knows Kanotix or your particular problem...
06:34.51illpooflol who cares its kde.
06:34.57illpoofi duno know
06:37.25Jucatoit might be related to kde. but it's also apparently caused by Kanotix's packages. KDE doesn't package anything. distro's take the source and package them. anyway, like I said, feel free to wait around here. just don't repeat your question every minute or so :)
06:40.05illpoofso what now.
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08:19.32XVampireX"Kaffeine begins porting to GStreamer 0.10."
08:19.32XVampireXWhat would that mean? :P
08:19.36*** join/#kde Shirakawasuna (
08:19.37markeywhat's unclear about it?
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08:19.40Q-collectivejust now?
08:20.17Q-collectivegstreamer 0.10 has been released for a while now
08:20.18XVampireXNo, is that a good move, what would be the difference?
08:20.18XVampireXIt's using xine right now
08:20.18XVampireXand will there be options to use either one?
08:20.18XVampireXI really like kaffeine now :P
08:20.19Jucatocome KDE 4... it won't matter much... (I hope)
08:20.23XVampireXIt's sitting in my tray waiting for my command ;)
08:20.23Jucatomust be a long wait...
08:20.24XVampireXIs gstreamer any good, though?
08:20.25markeywell gstreamer is fairly powerful, yep
08:20.26markeyif it is better than xine for video playback, YMMV
08:20.26XVampireXWell, what would improve, than?
08:20.26markeyxine is pretty good
08:20.27Q-collective?? ymmv
08:20.28XVampireXyour mileage may vary
08:20.28Q-collectiveand that means?
08:20.30Jucatothat means... "your mileage may vary"
08:20.31XVampireXYup :D
08:20.34XVampireX[10:11] <markey> if it is better than xine for video playback, YMMV
08:20.36XVampireXHow do you figure, though/
08:20.38Q-collectiveI didn't like kaffeine with gstreamer 0.8
08:20.38Q-collectivebut maybe 0.10 will be better
08:20.38markeyI don't like kaffeine at all :p
08:20.38markeycodeine ftw
08:20.39Q-collectivetssk :)
08:20.39markeycodeine is video done right
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08:20.43Q-collectiveI don't like that interface
08:20.43Q-collectivebut that's just me I guess
08:20.44markeydude, that's interface design in perfection
08:20.44markeycodeine was made by Max, he's the guru of good interfaces
08:20.44XVampireXlooks too simplistic
08:20.45markeycuts down on all the crap that noone needs
08:20.45Q-collectivewell, kaffeine's UI pwns codeine's
08:20.46markeykaffeine's ui is a mess
08:20.46Jucatomarkey: I agree
08:20.47markeythe interface just gets in your way
08:20.47markeytoo many options, buttons, menus, etc
08:20.47Jucatobiggest UI annoyance for me: mouse wheel works opposite of the rest of KDE
08:20.47markeyand it takes too long to do what you want: watch a video
08:20.48markeyas codeine proves, all this mess isn't needed
08:20.48MrGrimmarkey: put dvd in drive.. click on huge "Open DVD" button in kaffiene...
08:20.48Jucatoalthough the recent kaffeine's UI is a bit less cluttered than previous releases...
08:20.50MrGrimya... really gets in the way
08:20.50MrGrimand takes too long
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08:20.51Jucatohow about opening a video file? why don't they have a huge button for that?
08:20.51MrGrimthey do
08:20.51XVampireXcodeine got fade out effect :P
08:20.52JucatoMrGrim: where?
08:20.52MrGrimit's right next to the open dvd button
08:20.52XVampireXBy the way, codeine is for people who don't watch alot :P
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08:21.00XVampireXopen up codeine and it asks you what you want to do
08:21.04MrGrimoh wait I lied
08:21.11MrGrimJucato: file -> open :)
08:21.19XVampireXthen when you open up a file it shows resizing options
08:21.31JucatoMrGrim: read: huge button, like 1 click to get the dialog box
08:21.31XVampireXit's kinda annoying
08:21.37XVampireXkaffeine doesn't get in my way
08:21.39JucatoMrGrim: also, have you tried the mouse wheel?
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08:22.13MrGrimya I don't like multi purpose buttons.. hell I don't even like th eplay button also being a pause button
08:22.17MrGrimnonetheless also being the open button
08:22.23Jucatoif they're going to implement those huge buttons, I wish they could make it configurable like K3b's
08:23.21MrGrimI thought usanility types tended to shy away from multi function context buttons
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10:51.17XVampireXany kde program with gstreamer already?
10:51.18benJImanamarok, juk
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10:52.40intradethese files can nuke x i hear if you run latest libacl1 libattr1
10:52.46intradewhen dist-upgrading
10:52.47Sho_XVampireX: And KMPlayer
10:52.48intradetotem is top
10:52.48Sho_Totem is not a KDE application
10:52.48intradevlc also
10:52.49XVampireXOh, right, kmplayer, is that using gstreamer 0.10?
10:52.49intradeso what lol
10:52.49Sho_intrade: He asked for KDE programs.
10:52.50intradeok i thought he wanted top players
10:52.50Sho_XVampireX: Dunno
10:52.50intradeqtparted is crap
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10:54.40XVampireXCause kaffeine is porting to gstreamer 0.10 supposedly and supposedly, it's good now >_<
10:54.44intradektorrent is top
10:54.51XVampireXso me test want :P
10:55.05XVampireXmaybe :D
10:55.07Zero_Doggdoes korganizer ever save data to different *ics-es? Or does it always save to ~/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics ?
10:55.13Sho_XVampireX: Also, the company behind GStreamer is writing a GStreamer backend for Phonon currently
10:55.29XVampireXSho_: I heard that :D
10:55.42XVampireXHow do they make money, anyhow?
10:56.04MrGrimwould have been nice if gstreamer used c++ instead of glib :/
10:56.05Sho_XVampireX: With a closed-source streaming server and consulting services, I believe
10:56.06intradei got streamtuner
10:56.06MrGrimeven better if it used QObjects
10:56.08XVampireXSho_: Oh, okey :)
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10:58.12hacostahi, sometimes (it seems random) kde stays in initializing system services when i startx.. no relevant output in console, any ideas?
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10:58.21Sho_hacosta: Check ~/.xsession-errors
10:58.24hacostaSho_ k, will do, btw this onyly happens in my custom kernel
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11:05.16MagnavoxHey all, on KDE 3.5, the menu bar, it has an image up the side of it, with the KDE logo and 'KDE 3.5' anyway to remove this?
11:06.04avumagnavox: configure panel->menus->show side image
11:06.15stepzhi, is there any way to create a keybinding for Kate that would duplicate the current line
11:06.30Magnavoxwow your a star! Thankyou very much
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11:17.02chemajaif i did NOT choose to store my MSN password in kopete (ie. it was stored in konversationrc) AND i killed off kopete, sedded-out the password and restarted it, how does it still know my password?
11:19.59Sho_chemaja: konversationrc is the configuration file of Konversation, not Kopete
11:20.13Sho_chemaja: Konversation does not support MSN, only IRC
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11:20.41chemajaSho_: oh. my. god.
11:20.42chemajaSho_: i knew that. really. i did.
11:20.56Sho_chemaja: Kopete uses KWallet for password storage, I guess
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11:21.06chemajano, i'm just a complete butthead
11:21.08chemajacheers :)
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11:31.57hacostahehehehe he said butthead
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12:24.49dinolinuxhi, i've just installed kde, but kdesu is not working. Everytime i use it, i get the error "conversation with su failed"
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12:27.48Jucatowhere do I ask questions about compiling KDE (stable) from SVN? here or in #kde-devel?
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12:34.23Q-collectiveJucato: just ask ;)
12:35.03JucatoQ-collective: um... I'll try rebuilding everything... something must have went wrong... :P
12:35.35Jucatooh I have one question that can probably easily be answered (here's to hoping!)
12:36.16Jucatoif I just want to build/compile an app which is part of kdebase, do I still need to build everything else (arts, kdelibs, kdebase)?
12:37.09Sho_Jucato: Every KDE app requires kdelibs
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12:38.34JucatoSho_: I meant something like this: I'm already running KDE. I want to compile an app that is in the kdebase module (kcontrol or konqueror). do I have to make a new user and build all of KDE in that user, or can I just compile that app using the current installation that I have?
12:39.01Sho_Jucato: You can generally compile that app ussing the installation that you have
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12:39.39JucatoSho_: using the same method I used for Konvi?
12:39.55Sho_Jucato: Very seldomly interdependencies between a kdebase of a given version and a kdelibs of the same version happen, but this is generally regarded as a bug and tried to be avoided
12:40.09Sho_Jucato: Yes
12:40.17Jucatook let me try. thanks! :)
12:41.12Sho_Jucato: Konstruct is very helpful in that
12:41.30Sho_Or possibly kdesvn-build
12:41.30Jucatooooh... never heard of it... looking it up now :)
12:41.53Jucatoheh.. I already checked out arts, kdelibs and kdebase from svn... didn't realize that co alone would take that long :)
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12:42.27Sho_Fast SVN is not</Yoda>
12:42.48Jucatothat I learned, master :)
12:43.19Jucatoat least now I have a list of "things to do while snoozing"
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12:45.33Jucatoonly arts built without any errors... kdelibs had errors about kabc plugins...
12:46.12thiagowhich error?
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12:47.09Jucatogr.. I think I deleted the log.. :(
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12:48.35Jucatothiago: these were the last lines (actually the only ones with "Error")
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12:53.22Sho_Jucato: The actual error would be above the quoted lines
12:53.36thiagowhat's the first error?
12:53.47thiagowhat you pasted means "there was an error above"
12:54.14Jucatoaw krap... I just got those from Konsole's buffer... now I can't see the error above it anymore :(
12:54.23thiagotype unsermake again
12:54.34thiagowait, you're not using unsermake. Type make.
12:54.36Jucatooh, it's KDE 3.5.5, btw
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12:54.55Jucatoheh... I just deleted the whole build directory... :(
12:55.34JucatoI really just need to be able to build kcontrol (it has the files I'm trying to modify)
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12:57.37JucatoSho_: should I just "svn co -N svn:// kdebase" then in kdebase, "svn up kcontrol"?
12:58.08thiagoand admin
12:58.24Sho_should work, yes
12:58.47Jucatook I'll try it again. thanks! :)
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12:59.06Sho_symlink the 3.5 admin dir you svn co'd for Konvi into the module dir
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13:19.11Agiofwshow do i set the  session manager to display a SHUT DOWN OPTION in KDE ?
13:20.19thiagouse kdm
13:20.42Agiofwsi don't uuse KDM  to login
13:20.52thiagothat's why
13:20.55thiagostart using it
13:21.09Agiofwsto start a kde session i start it from Konsole
13:21.33Agiofwsis there anyother way ?
13:21.41thiagoyes, not having the button
13:22.05spawn57use kdm, it's a login manager, you could use gdm or xdm too
13:22.19thiagothe power down button only appears if you're using kdm
13:22.19Agiofwsok theni'll have to  make my   own one
13:22.20thiagono other
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13:22.39Agiofwscan i start kdm from treminal as user ?
13:22.46thiagoonly root can run kdm
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13:23.10Agiofwsok then thats not  AN OPTION on  a box that  uses 2 GUIS
13:23.14spawn57i use ubuntu/debian
13:23.39Agiofwsi'll to script   sokmething and link  it to an icon
13:23.40spawn57sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start =D
13:24.06thiagoit is
13:24.07thiagojust use kdm
13:24.41Agiofwswhen i boot up it takes me to runlevel 3  
13:24.55Agiofwsi login as  as user  
13:25.00Agiofwsso i can't start kdm
13:25.07thiagoso start in runlevel 5
13:25.17spawn57or you can set kdm to start in runlevel 3.
13:25.23spawn57what' distro are you using?
13:25.44Sho_Agiofws: Why wouldn't it? KDM can start a XFce session just fine
13:25.59Agiofwsand why  shoooould i load a KDM from boot up   that spares alot of   bott up time
13:26.14thiagoit doesn't take that long to open
13:26.18thiagoit's not that big
13:26.19Sho_Agiofws: Because you apparently desire functionality that kdm provides?
13:26.24spawn57yeah it's not even a second
13:26.34thiagobesides, most of the RAM is taken up by X anyways
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13:26.45thiagoyou don't want a dm if you're not going to use X
13:26.47Agiofwsany i   prefer things simple
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13:27.07thiagoyep, dms are simpler
13:27.20Agiofwsboot  up ---> terminal  from then on its my   drive
13:27.20thiagoyou log in *and* you choose which UI environment you want, in the same screen
13:28.03Agiofwsi don't use kdm gdm  ...
13:28.16thiagoand that's why you don't have the functionality
13:28.34BlissexSo, I'd like to create, edit and save encrypted files with Kate and with the help of KWallet. How to do this? I checked the Kate menus and done some searches and it is not so obvious how to create or encrypt a file.
13:28.50Agiofwswhy shoudl i use a gui login maner   when you can start stuff up from  cmdline
13:29.27Sho_Blissex: Set up KGPG correctly (enable Konqueror integration in its preferences), save the file, right-click it in Konq or a file dialog and encrypt it using KGPG's service menus
13:29.44Sho_Agiofws: Because you apparently desire functionality that it provides?
13:29.51thiagoBlissex: there's no such option.
13:30.02JucatoAgiofws: because a GUI login manager has a GUI shutdown option
13:30.41StevenRAgiofws: is still don't see why you can't use kdm.
13:30.56Sho_Blissex: Alternatively, write a script to do it and add it as an "External Tool" in Kate
13:32.20Agiofwsi don't like them they are ram  and   time consuming and i   prefer   boot    to take me to a treminal and start things "up" from there
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13:32.46BlissexSho_, thiago: Ah interesting. Will look at KGPG. I had hoped that Kate or some KIO file had something like the 'mcrypt++' package in [X]Emacs. Or a plugin thereof...
13:32.53StevenRAgiofws: then you don't get a button.
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13:33.17Sho_Blissex: You could pretty easily hook it up with a little scripting and External Tools, with a keyboard shortcut and all :-)
13:33.45Agiofwssu -c "shutdown -h 0"  would this work ?
13:34.01Agiofwsno i need a treminal to run it   right
13:34.29thiagoyou'll need to type the password somewhere
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13:34.36Agiofwsso i have to start a treminal as well
13:34.44Agiofwsi will
13:35.09Agiofwsthe thing is that   in that connad i have  to open up  a treminal  
13:35.16thiagoor make that a command that a user can run without password, using sudo
13:35.36thiagonote that not proceeding through the KDE shutdown sequence, no files will be saved.
13:35.44thiagoyou won't get asked if you have unmodified changes
13:35.55Agiofwsdoes not matter
13:35.56thiagothe config files won't be saved either (they are saved when programs quit)
13:35.59thiagoor the session
13:36.29BlissexSho_: a bit early for that... But will look at that.
13:37.07Sho_Cool, Digikam 0.9 is out
13:37.23BlissexSo another obvious question: what's the relationship between KGPG and KWallet if any? One for ecnrypting files, the other for storing web password?
13:38.03Sho_Blissex: KGPG is a keyring manager GUI / frontend for GnuPG
13:39.42Sho_KWallet is a password storage and management facility
13:39.43BlissexSho_: yes, that's pretty obvious :-). I was wondering about the KDE-level integration if any. E.g. whether KGPG stores/can store its passwords inside KWallet etc.; it would be nice if it was all seamlessly integrated :-)
13:40.16Sho_It's possible it can, don't know from memory to be honest :)
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13:41.04Billeit's possible, but kgpg doesn't use kwallet.
13:41.17thiagonor the other way around
13:41.25thiagokwallet uses OpenSSL as its crypto backend
13:41.26thiagonot gpg
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13:44.49Agiofwshow do i start a xterm with an application running inside of it
13:45.05BlissexAgiofws, 'man xterm', the #'-e' option.
13:45.06thiagoxterm -e command
13:45.07thiagoI think
13:45.10thiagoread the manual
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13:49.19Agiofwssu -c Eterm -e echo "halo"  ?
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13:49.31Agiofwsthats not right though
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13:49.51Sho_That's a question for #linux perhaps, but not for #kde
13:49.57blineman eterm maybe
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14:01.05Richlvcan i actually submit cddb information in kaudiocreator with 3.5 kde ?
14:01.16Richlvit has http configuration in submit tab
14:01.40Richlvbut there is no explicit button "submit" or similar
14:01.46Richlvand kde4 roadmap says "Make it possible to submit CDDB information"
14:04.01Agiofwssu -c "Eterm -e /sbin/shutdown -k 0" thats it  
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14:13.45Agiofwssu -c "Eterm -e /sbin/shutdown -h 0"  why won'tthis work when i try to creat a new app on the desktop ?
14:14.30Agiofwswhy wonn't open up a treminal ?
14:14.35nsarwhat is wrong with gstreamer 0.8.0 and doesn't compile, please tell me what to do with the matter of gstreamer cause without it media package of kde doesn't work properly
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14:15.24nsarwhy kdemultimedia doesn't work with other version of gstreamer?
14:15.41benJImangstreamer change their abi regularly
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14:16.05nsarwhat should i do to make it work?
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14:19.25JucatoSho_: I get these when I try to compile only kcontrol from SVN:
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14:20.07sobersabrehi. wierd problem in kontact (kmail)
14:20.16sobersabreI want to scroll messages.
14:20.26sobersabrewith the keyboard arrow keys.
14:20.47sobersabrebut the moment I touch the keyboard the focus is inside the current message.
14:20.55sobersabreand I am scrolling the messages
14:20.59sobersabrenot their list
14:21.08sobersabreI mean the contents of a chosen message
14:21.14sobersabrehow do I cure this ?!
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14:22.47Jucatosobersabre: press N for the next message in the list, and P for the previous message?
14:23.20Jucatosobersabre: actually, Left and Right arrow keys do the same
14:24.53sobersabreJucato: wtf left and right ? :)
14:25.17Jucatoyep :)
14:25.22sobersabrehmmm... I wonder in what position was the programmer while looking at the monitor and inventing these shortcuts...
14:25.48sobersabreI heard there are some 'UI' and 'Usability' conventions in KDE....
14:26.15sobersabreOK... is there a video tutorial for such things ?
14:26.34sobersabreok... thanks peoplez!
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14:27.14nsarwhat version should i use of gstreamer if not 0.8.0?
14:27.26sobersabrensar: something higher than this...
14:27.33sobersabree.g. 0.10
14:27.57nsarthey claim on the documentation that 0.10 doesnt work
14:28.06sobersabrewho are 'they'...
14:28.21sobersabre'they' are those that are chasing me ?!
14:28.32sobersabrewell, they lie!
14:28.43nsarok i will try it
14:29.25sobersabreI have no idea... if what I am saying is correct.
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14:29.39sobersabreI have a ubuntu, and it uses gst 0.10
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14:30.22nsari am trying to compile on fedora core 5
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14:33.22EDinNYhow do I switch or modify themes in kde?
14:36.36Jucatodo I need to also build qt-copy from svn if I want to build kdebase (plus kdelibs and arts)?
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14:37.10EDinNYhow do you start the kde control center?
14:37.17JucatoEDinNY: are you using Kubuntu?
14:37.45JucatoEDinNY: everything on that page, except the KDE Theme, can be found in Kubuntu's System Settings -> Appearance
14:38.08JucatoEDinNY: if you need the KDE Theme Manager, you can launch KControl by pressing Alt+F2 and typing in "kcontrol"
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14:39.28hacosta_hi, im having a problem starting kde, the splash screen stays at "initializing system services" this behavior usually happens only after i killed X and happens to all users..
14:39.47blineWow, Jucato, you really know kubuntu
14:40.01Jucatobline: I've been using it for almost a year now :)
14:40.23blineI hear a lot of people in here complain about it, is it that bad?
14:40.33Jucato(unfortunately, that has severely limited my experience of other distros...)
14:40.43Jucatodepend on which side of the fence you are on :)
14:40.55hacosta_tail .xsession-errors says: kded Fatal IOerror: client killed
14:40.55Jucatonothing's/nobody's perfect :)
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14:43.51hacosta_oh, and even if i kill everything related to kde i cant get it to start unless i reboot
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14:44.03Sho_Jucato: Well, the Kicker kcms require kicker
14:45.22Jucatoso I'd have to build both kicker and kcontrol?
14:47.09hacosta_~any ideas?
14:47.11aptYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a box of ground beef, a little sauerkraut, and a dozen sex-crazed ostriches.
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15:09.47Dr_willisSorry all out of ostriches... will a few nyphomaniac Emus do?
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15:10.52LiquidNerd_will probably make it a little harder
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15:19.26Tenshihow can I get kdm to give me the option to choose a separate layout defined in my xorg.conf ?
15:20.21TenshiI have a dual monitor setup with docking station defined for work, and a single laptop display setting as my default, but I have to stop kdm for now and call "startx -- -layout work"
15:20.32Tenshiwhich leaves me without any session dbus socket
15:20.40Dr_willisTenshi,  thats somthing ive never seen done.... befor.
15:20.45Dr_williswould be nice also for me.
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15:21.46TenshiI'm pretty sure there's a way to define it in a file somewhere so that it actually sees it as a separate session (like gnome, kde, etc...)
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15:36.44LiquidNerdTenshi: I think you need to assign that before KDM even starts
15:37.50LiquidNerdwhy guess would be to make a bash script detect a device that is only present when connected to the docking station, and then launch KDM with the proper X config via the script.. all of which is automated
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15:38.33Tenshiyeah, but there's not documentation anywhere to even tell you how to get kdm to use a different layout
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15:39.26LiquidNerdhmm... instead of using a different layout, have 2 different x config files.. then the script will rename the appropriate one before launching kdm
15:40.00LiquidNerdprobably the easiest way
15:40.19Tenshiyeah, I'm trying to avoid that
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15:40.29Tenshithat can cause some pretty wicked side effects
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15:41.47paoleela|wDoes anyone know, why I can't watch a changing pdf with kpdf-3.5.5 here, while the same version works on another computer?
15:43.08Tenshihere's something:
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15:43.14TenshiServerArgsLocal=-layout nv
15:45.08Tenshihowever ... still doesn't solve my problem of multiple configurations
15:45.50Tenshiisn't there a place where you can define sessions for your display managers to look at?
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15:46.31dmarkeyanyone awake?
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15:54.02Tenshialright, so you create an alternate kdmrc file, and in your /etc/init.d/kdm script, have it look for the docking station, and call kdm with -config </alt/config/file>
15:54.12Tenshinow I need to figure out how to detect whether or not it's on the docking station
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16:01.44dmarkeycan kdm use smartcard pam modules?
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16:13.54jsumnersis it possible to prevent the taskbar from being moved in KDE 3.5.1?
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16:14.27Jucatulogright-click panel -> Lock Panels?
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16:14.47jsumnersi didn't see it
16:14.59linux__alieni ve an unusual problem. I am using KDE and when i press Shift Key i get to see the Scroll lock key indicator switch on
16:15.27linux__alienwhen i press Shift Key for 5 times i get the Sticky options dialog box
16:15.38linux__aliencould someone tell me how to solve this problem?
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16:16.27jsumnersJucatulog: i also don't see any mention of it on
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16:17.13Jucatulogjsumners: the doc probably needs to be updated, then. but were you able to see it?
16:17.28McEnroehow can i cancel a applicationstart?
16:17.55McEnroefor example i'm starting oowriter and i want to cancel it's start
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16:25.09Desintegrkillall oowriter2
16:25.23Desintegrand others
16:25.48Desintegrkillall soffice.bin
16:26.30Desintegrbut it's no a good idea
16:26.48DesintegrOOo will complain about crash and launch file recovery wizard
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16:27.34jsumnersJucatulog: actually, i can't check right now. it is on my grandfather's machine. i was looking for it yesterday but couldn't find it. i'll probably take a look at it tonight. i just wanted to make sure the option is actually available
16:27.52jsumnershe keeps moving it and it really throws him off
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16:28.38JucatulogI'm pretty sure it's available since KDE 3.5.x
16:29.31jsumnersi'll be updating his box to openSUSE 10.2, which includes 3.5.5, this weekend. if i can't find it tonight over a vnc session, then hopefully it will be available after the update
16:31.49linux__alieni get sticky key options dialog box when i press shift for 5 times. How do i change it ?
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16:31.58linux__alienis this a problem in the keyboard config ?
16:32.04jsumnersJucatulog: thanks for the assistance
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16:33.34linux__aliencould someone help me please?
16:33.51srednalinux__alien: There is a place where that terror can be turned of
16:34.01srednaLet me try if I can remember or find that for you
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16:35.57srednalinux__alien: I think in the kde control center, find Region & Accessability->Accessability and turn of all the activation gestures
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16:40.15linux__alienhow do i turn it off sredna
16:40.22linux__alienshould i select the second option
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16:40.32srednalinux__alien: Uncheck the checkboxes
16:41.18linux__aliensredna, i ve an other problem, I am using KDE and i dont see my Scroll Lock Key indicator switch on at all
16:41.20srednalinux__alien: The 'activation gestures' tab
16:41.29linux__alienyes sredna did that :-)
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16:45.20linux__aliensredna, any idea?
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17:05.03mnoirhow do i disable the default action for alt-leftmousebutton (move the window) so that I can use it in an app that needs it?
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17:08.05raf256what app should I use to get images via IRDA from cellphone?
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17:11.38Richlvmnoir, try alt+shift
17:11.44Richlvat least in gimp that works
17:12.33mnoirperfect - that works - how did you know I needed it for gimp? :)
17:13.26goki-how do you permanently disable all those actions?
17:13.46goki-I swear I will never use alt+drag to move a window... it will just never happen
17:13.55mnoirme too :)
17:14.51simon23hi - is it possible to select text in a konqueror window and only display the sourcecode around the marked text ?
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17:16.12pinotreesimon23: no -
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17:17.22goki-mnoir: ah - in the settings thingy, under "Desktop ->Window Behaviour -> Window Actions" you can change the "Modifier key" to "Meta" then it only happens when you hold down the Windoze(tm) key and drag
17:17.34goki-which is not likely to be used by another application :)
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17:19.55mnoirhmm - the setting stuck but the alt key is still operative.  BRB-bouncing X
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17:26.43Paralimnisanyone here can tell me the name of the software that display a bar on kde desktop
17:26.51Paralimnisthat give info about the computer, network, hard disk...?
17:28.01aseigoParalimnis: superkaramba?
17:28.42Paralimnisthats it. thanks
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17:29.40Jucatuloghi aseigo :)
17:30.28mnoirgoki-: ...bounced more than kde - alt now behaving itself!
17:30.59Jucatocompiling, even just kdebase, is no joking matter after all... :)
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17:31.28aseigoJucato: heh. and it's monday. so you'll get to update kdelibs shortly ;)
17:31.44Jucatoheh good thing I'm building KDE 3.5.5 :P
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17:36.06mnoirDeadFishMan: :) - different (key)strokes for different folks.  I do not ever expect to ever use it ever :)
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17:37.19Jucatoaseigo: I'm building KDE (kdebase, kdelibs, arts) on a new user, following the guide from what if I make some changes in just one app, let's say, kcontrol. do I have to go through all these again: "make -f Makefile.cvs", "configure --prefix=/foo", "make", "make install"?
17:37.32pinotreeJucato: no
17:37.48pinotreeJucato: just make your changes and cd kdebase/kcontrol ; make
17:38.00Jucatooh kool! thanks :)
17:38.06JucatoI was worried about that :P
17:39.02aseigoJucato: yeah, just the one app... and no reconfiguring necessary... if you ADD new files and so change a .. there's a nice script in kdesdk called "createmakefiles"
17:39.19aseigoJucato: you go into the base dir (e.g. kdebase/) and then do sth like: createmakefiles kcontrol/
17:39.24aseigoJucato: saves a re-./configure
17:39.38aseigoJucato: in kde4 cmake takes care of that for you
17:39.47Jucatoaah thanks :)
17:40.37JucatoI tried to build KDE 3.5.5 manually, without kdesvn-build, for the learning experience
17:41.05aseigogood man!
17:41.21Jucatohehe :)
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17:42.43Jucatoaseigo: btw, says that KDE 3.5.4 is still the stable release (as of 2006-08-08). just something for your wiki friday :)
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17:47.25shadowsado you guys know a good grub channel?
17:49.22davascript_workman grub
17:49.26shadowsado you guys know a good grub channel?
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17:49.38shadowsaoh sorry i misclicked
17:49.53shadowsaman grub?
17:50.10Jucatoman pages for GRUB
17:50.39Jucatoyou can also do "man:/grub" in Konqueror
17:50.55Horst_Flemmingis there a xfig -like program written for kde or qt?
17:50.59shadowsayeah but the information im looking for seems not to be available there
17:51.17shadowsabut i think the function must be possible
17:51.19paoleela|wkonqueror can't display  correctly. Is there missing a font set?
17:51.59Desintegrpaoleela|w: no problem for me
17:52.09Desintegrwhich font do you use ?
17:52.44Jucatono problem here either
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17:53.22Desintegrgive a try to Deja Vu fonts
17:53.44aseigoJucato: it's a wiki. why don't you fix it? =)
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17:53.57aseigoJucato: my wiki.friday doesn't mean aseigo.doEverything() ;)
17:54.09Jucatoaseigo: hehe ok :)
17:54.13paoleela|wDesintegr: Bitstream sets.
17:54.28paoleela|wIs that about charset maybe?
17:54.30Desintegrpaoleela|w: Deja Vu is more complete than Bistream
17:54.46srednaDejavu is apperantly not quite enough :(
17:55.09paoleela|wSo it's really about the fontset?  My complete KDE desktop is on bitstream fonts. Let's see if Dejavu fits into the design...
17:55.16*** join/#kde Hokinon (n=Hokinon@unaffiliated/hokinon)
17:55.46paoleela|w"Description:         DejaVu fonts, bitstream vera with ISO-8859-2 characters"  it's actually bitstream?
17:56.12Desintegrmodified Bitstream
17:56.25Desintegrwith updated charsets
17:56.30paoleela|wSo that will fit, optically.
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17:56.40paoleela|wserif or not?
17:56.58DesintegrSans, Serif, Monospace, Condensed, etc.
17:57.05Desintegrand read
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17:59.22PersilonHi everyone
17:59.28paoleela|wDesintegr: Do I need to switch to Unicode therefore?
17:59.41DesintegrI don't think so
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17:59.55DesintegrHTML page charset is independant
18:00.33Persilonhey I've got a problem with kmail... suddenly it decided not to show my mails anymore... they're there in the cur/ directory of inbox but they don't appear
18:00.45PersilonI tried with kmailCVT but it doesn't restore them either
18:00.53Desintegr uses UTF-8 charset, so you need an UTF-8 font to display all the symbols
18:01.05aseigoPersilon: try deleting the .index* files
18:01.30Persilonaseigo: let me see
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18:02.53leftihi, i have selected client: aspell in kcontrol but if i run kword it prints: Illegal format hash table /usr/lib/ispell/czech.hash - expected magic2 0x9602, got 0x0
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18:03.33Persilonaseigo: I closed kmail, deleted .index.inbox* but nothing changed
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18:06.43Jucatoaseigo: done making the (very minor) changes. :)
18:07.16Persiloncan't kmail import maildir boxes ?
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18:09.45aseigoJucato: huzzah!
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18:11.13Jucatoheh tea... which I will take in a few minutes (or an hour) :)
18:11.26Jucatostrangely, coffee and chocolate only make me sleepier...
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18:15.43Persilonany help with kmail ?
18:16.01Richlvmnoir, i did not know you needed it for gimp - i just had uset it in gimp myself :)
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18:22.46srednaPersilon: Ask a real question ;)
18:23.00Persilonsredna: I've asked :P
18:23.10Persilonsredna: my kmail decided to delete my mails
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18:23.25Persilonsredna: the files are there, in the cur/ dir but it won't show them
18:23.39PersilonI deleted the .index.inbox* files but it still doesn't show them
18:23.41Jucatoyay!!! it runs!!!
18:23.57srednaPersilon: Maybe you can import them using kmailcvt
18:24.09Persilonsredna: I tried, but it didn't work
18:24.26srednaThe internals of kmails folder is a mess
18:24.34Persilonsredna: there are over 15000 files, I don't know if it has something to do with that
18:24.53srednaPersilon: Na, I got more than that
18:25.06pembo13_comdoes the errror "ld: cannot find -lXtst" make much sense to anyone?
18:25.14Persilonsredna: I thought it was a maildir
18:25.41srednaPersilon: Did you try to restart kmail?
18:25.47Persilonsredna: yes
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18:26.49srednaConvincink kmail to switch from mbox to maildir is about undoable
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18:27.13srednaI remember having probelms with that, I think I ended up moving the files away and importing them later
18:27.14Persilonsredna: I have a maildir inbox
18:27.30Persilonsredna: I tried to do that, it said it imported them but it didn't
18:27.45srednaSounds odd
18:28.10Persilonsredna: yes it does... I don't know why it deleted them in the first place.... maybe I ran out of space
18:28.27Jucatoaseigo: KDE 3.5.5 from svn runs!! :) now... how do I properly go about making some changes in some files? make a duplicate of the file and name one as the original?
18:28.49aseigoJucato: nope. just edit in place.
18:29.05aseigoJucato: and then you can do `svn stat` to see what files have changed.. and `svn diff` to create a patch
18:29.18Jucatokool! thanks! :)
18:29.35*** part/#kde pembo13_com (n=chatzill@
18:30.00srednaPersilon: Maildir is native, so kmail should just read them. What about making a backup, and try renaming renaming the folder?
18:31.01Persilonsredna: let me try, I tried touching some files before but it didn't work either
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18:40.51annmahi Jucato :)
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18:45.35Persilonsredna: I moved the mails to another folder and now I have them, thank you
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18:50.04er4z0rhi folks
18:51.05er4z0ris konqueror 3.5.5 recognize microformats?
18:51.37annmaer4z0r: what are microformats?
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18:52.58pinotreeer4z0r: install the microformats konqueror plugin from kdeaddons
18:53.15er4z0rah, ok
18:53.45er4z0rdo I need to compile the stuff or can it be installed on the fly, like a mozillla-plugin)
18:54.04annmaer4z0r: install kde-addons from your diestro
18:55.16er4z0rah right
18:56.20*** join/#kde bluestorm (
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18:57.23blizzard`i've lost my window decorations...
18:57.36blizzard`my guess is that compiz stole it
18:57.50blizzard`which binary handles the decorations?
18:58.51blizzard`hm, kwin not running
18:58.58blizzard`but aint kwin the window manager?
18:59.10Jucatoannma: is KDE 3.5.6 now frozen?
18:59.28Jucatoaww... :(
18:59.40annmawhat's up?
18:59.58benJImanblizzard`: it is
19:00.05benJImanblizzard`: but so is compiz, compiz replaces kwin
19:00.24benJImanif you want to use the kwin decorations with compiz you'll want to use the beryl fork with aquamarine problably
19:00.48Jucatoannma: successfully built (after 2 tries) KDE 3.5.5 from SVN (on another user)
19:01.13annmanice Jucato !
19:01.38Jucatoannma: it has kept me up all night :)
19:02.29JucatoI couldn't sleep with kdelibs/kdebase building at the back of my mind...
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19:02.57JucatoI was trying to build just kcontrol earlier... but wasn't successful... so decided to build everything...
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19:03.37Zeroth404anyone recall that KDE start menu enhancement that was supposed to be in some version of SuSE? was that a SuSE thing or a KDE thing?
19:03.52benJImanZeroth404: it's in 10.2
19:03.55BilleZeroth404: suse thing
19:04.03annmait' a suse thing
19:04.07benJImanIt's in kde svn, won't be in offical kde release though
19:04.18Zeroth404its so sexy ... will KDE 4 have it?
19:04.25Jucatoalthough some have packaged it for other distros (currently using it now on Kubuntu)
19:04.34Zeroth404whats it called? I'm on gentoo
19:04.51BilleZeroth404: i'm working on integrating it with kde 4
19:05.11Zeroth404Bille, thats good to hear
19:05.14Jucatoannma: when I do svn diff, it shows all the changes I made in all the files I changed. should I put those in only one file, like patch.diff?
19:05.24Billeit won't be exactly the same, but use the experiences gained from doing kickoff
19:05.56annmaJucato: it depends of the changes
19:06.18Zeroth404Bille, I'm just itching for new GUI-candy. I tried beryl and AIGLX -- was fun, but not stable enough for my liking.
19:06.21annmaJucato: if it's code you can make a global patch for the same prog
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19:06.34annmaglobal patch = patch for several files
19:06.47Jucatoit's code, alright :)
19:07.03annmaJucato: no string changes
19:07.18JucatoI edited 2 files in kdebase/kcontrol/konqhtml/. from where should I issue the svn diff command?
19:07.33annmaif you patch kcontrol you'll put all the diffs in a same file called kcontrol.diff
19:07.36Jucatoannma: string changes? you mean the text that will display in Dialog boxes?
19:07.43annmayes Jucato
19:07.51Jucatooh there are string changes...
19:07.57annmastring = anything translatable is frozen
19:08.51Jucatowell, there's always KDE 3.5.7 lol
19:09.21er4z0rgot a question: how can I remove the configuration/looks for my k-menu?
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19:09.37Jucatoseems like I'm 3-4 days too late...
19:09.49er4z0rthe thing is: i installed edgy eft but kept my home partition and my old configs
19:09.53annmaJucato: yes, it was frozen again on the 15th
19:10.28Jucatoannma: will you still be here in around 1-2 hours?
19:10.42annmanot sure Jucato
19:10.59Jucatoaw... really have to go... but...
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19:11.44Jucatoannma, aseigo (or aseigo_):
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19:13.02Jucatowill there be a KDE 3.5.7?
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19:13.25annmayou added mouse middle click?
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19:15.06aseigo_Jucato: booh-yah!
19:17.31Jucatoannma: yep
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19:18.08Jucatohad I known it was *that* easy and only required me to build kde.... I would have done it before the freeze... (had I also known when the freeze was)
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19:18.38annmais it a bug wish reauest?
19:19.16Jucatoannma: the middle click to close tab is a wish that has been resolved, but only through a hidden setting
19:21.27srednakendrick: Congratulations :)
19:21.35kendrickthx :)
19:22.17Jucatodang no time to make the diff...
19:22.22Jucatogotta go to mass and sing... :(
19:23.15annmahope you'll not fell asleep
19:23.25JucatoI can't afford to
19:23.28Jucatobrb in 1-2 hours :)
19:23.42annmasee you
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19:33.09er4z0ris anyone actually using the microformats-plugin in konq?
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19:40.22annmaer4z0r: tell me what to do
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19:40.33annmaif you xant le to try something
19:40.42annmaif you want me to try something
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19:41.47robertjohnkdoes anyone know if lucijan busch or lukas tinkl or another czech/slovakian kde developer is on here once in a while?
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19:51.26morgWorkhaha, this is awesome
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19:53.01morgWorkone of my coworkers just used a screenshot including his network password because the Device line under info read smb://hispassword@domain/machine/printer
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19:53.47robertjohnkmorgWork: was it in the big press release sent to all clients and leads?
19:54.20morgWorkrobertjohnk: nope, just to the team
19:54.50morgWorkthe real question is should kde be displaying passwords that it stars out when it requests it?
19:55.17robertjohnki'd say no, but what do i know
19:55.27er4z0rannma: I can detect this, but the import seems not to have any effect
19:55.33benJImanrobertjohnk: to display like that you have to type it in in plain text in the address line
19:55.41benJImanrobertjohnk: it doesn't display it if you type it in the password request box
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19:56.55robertjohnkbenJIman: still, probably best to not print the authentication part of a URL
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19:57.09benJImanrobertjohnk: it doesn't know it's the authentication part when you're typing...
19:57.44robertjohnkbenJIman: but it should when using the url as title/header/footer when printing, which is the case here
19:59.40robertjohnkbenJIman: obviously it shouldn't blur it out from a printed screenshot ;)
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19:59.46annmaer4z0r: import?
19:59.47morgWorkwhen setting up the printer, it *****'s it out, yet once it's saved it displays the password in the URI. that is a problem to me
20:00.16morgWorkand in most cases (or at least this case) of this happening it's an enterprise windows network password to get into AD
20:00.23robertjohnkKURL::prettyURL strips the password btw
20:00.26morgWorkhence not a good thing to have floating around :)
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20:02.21morgWorkalthough, if your password is 123456qwerty, you get what you deserve :)
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20:07.09ironfroggyis it possible to make konversation try to keep rejoining a channel after a reconnect?
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20:10.37er4z0rannma: well, yeah, I thought the microformat-plugin is supposed to _do_ something apart from only recognizing the format
20:10.56annmahmm my firefox does not do anything
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20:16.43Sho_ironfroggy: Konversation automatically rejoins channels on reconnect
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20:18.12er4z0ranma: there is a plugin called "Tails Export" which is supposed to be able to export microformats
20:18.34er4z0runfortunately its is not available for linux
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20:19.19er4z0rallthough a columnist in a german IT-Magazine mentioned it _would_ work on lnx
20:21.20annmaer4z0r: :(
20:21.35er4z0rannma: yep
20:22.29er4z0rannma: I only had a short look into microformats, but it seems really really cool
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20:23.37rindolfHi all.
20:23.52rindolfDoes this channel have a "seen $NICK" bot?
20:23.59er4z0rallthough making your personal info machine-understandable is kinda risky
20:24.09*** join/#kde Endler (
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20:24.37pinotreerindolf: why?
20:24.52rindolfpinotree: I'm looking for coolo.
20:25.10Sulo_SeppaOK maybe someone can help me here. I placed music into the 'transfer files here' folder in media:/dev/sda2 (my ipod) but I can't navigate to or play the songs on my ipod.
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20:26.20Sulo_Seppait shows the folders with a different icon. This seems like it should be so obvious but can anyone help me please?
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20:27.23rindolfpinotree: Hmmm... he's been idle for 52 hours.
20:27.32rindolfpinotree: and I don't know which channels he's talking on.
20:27.45annmarindolf: mail him
20:27.46Sulo_SeppaNo one have an ipod? :/
20:27.48pinotreecoolo AT kde org
20:27.54rindolfannma: OK.
20:27.56TheorySulo_Seppa: you've just copied the files across?
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20:28.40adamtIs there a way to get kile to compile twice automatically all the time?
20:29.17Sulo_SeppaTheory: Yes, I placed the music in the "Transfer music here" folder, and it added the folder/songs to the artist folder
20:29.39er4z0rannma: operator on firefox seems quite interesting
20:30.57Theoryhrm, my iPod doesn't have one of those
20:31.06TheoryI've always transfered tracks using amarok/gtkpod
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20:35.05Sulo_Seppacan anyone tell me what to do? or does nobody in kde chan use konqueror? :p
20:35.28adamtSulo_Seppa: What's the qustion?
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20:36.16Sulo_Seppaadamt: Using an ipod with konqueror, how do I 'write files to ipod' or such? because it doesn't show up when I try to navigate to the songs in my ipod
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20:38.21pembo13_comwhat is the best way to get drop shadow for windows?
20:38.31Sulo_Seppaso.. no one owns an ipod and uses konqueror? sad.
20:38.37adamtpembo13_com: you could use the kompmgr as a start
20:38.59adamtSulo_Seppa: Well, does the iPod behave as an usb-mass storage device?
20:39.09pembo13_comadamt: okay, i'll google that
20:39.13TheorySulo_Seppa: the iPod relies on a metadata store in order to show its lists of tracks
20:39.23Theoryas a file manager konqi only manipulates files, not this metadata store
20:39.38adamtpembo13_com: It's a part of KDE ;-)
20:39.52pembo13_comadamt: realising as much..never seen it before
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20:39.56ironfroggyi asked earlier about auto rejoining channels, but i was looking for a way to continually try rejoining. if it fails (ghost nick and channel doesnt allow unregistered nicks), it doesnt try more than once.
20:39.56Sulo_SeppaSo I'd have to use something like gtkpod? darn. Thanks
20:40.09TheorySulo_Seppa: there is an ipod:/ kioslace
20:40.14adamtpembo13_com: Another and more fancy way to get them, is by using compiz/beryl ontop of aiglx (or.. *ugh* Xgl)
20:40.28Theorywhich should automatically update the metadata store when you copy files to it
20:40.32Theoryyou can find it on
20:40.59er4z0ror just use amarok
20:40.59pembo13_comadamt: are there any real benifits ot comiz?
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20:41.15er4z0rpembo13_com: you could afaik also use beryl
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20:42.33adamtpembo13_com: You get several fancy effects
20:42.38pembo13_comer4z0r: the prob i'm having is deciding what's the simplest/best route to go
20:42.50er4z0rpembo13_com: what distro?
20:42.57pembo13_comer4z0r: Fedora Core 6
20:43.28adamtthat shows you a bit of what compiz/ beryl can do
20:43.42adamtbut if you just wants dropshadows, then use kompmgr
20:44.03Sho_Note however that using compiz/Beryl means replacing KDEs window manager kwin, which will impair your KDE installation and preclude you from using advanced kwin functionality. kompmgr by comparison runs alongside kwin.
20:45.17pembo13_comyah, i figure kompmgr is good enough for me...i tried running it...that didn't do anything interesting...i guess i need to figure out how to configure it
20:45.24Sulo_Seppawait, how is it I view my ipod and manage songs in amarok?
20:45.40Sho_pembo13_com: KControl -> Desktop -> Window Behavior -> Translucency
20:45.40adamtpembo13_com: kcontrol
20:45.54pembo13_comhaven't looked there yet
20:45.57Sho_pembo13_com: Hint: You will need to start a new session after activating it for kompmgr to be launched
20:46.08adamtSho_: or just launch it manually..
20:46.18Sho_And your X server will need to have the COMPOSITE extension enabled
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20:46.48pembo13_comSho_: should check the xorg.conf first then
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20:47.40adamtpembo13_com: `grep -i composite /etc/X11/xorg.conf`
20:47.58pembo13_comadamt: checked already...not there...trying to find out what i need to do to enable it now
20:48.33*** part/#kde Octave_Octet (
20:48.40adamtpembo13_com: 2secs
20:48.42Ze_Mif in kwifimanager i click "Desactivate radio" it disables wifi card, so how do i reenable it?
20:49.00adamtsomething like that.
20:49.18pembo13_comadamt: sweet...beat you too it though, thanks
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20:50.16jefftohello everubody
20:51.05adamtpembo13_com: Ohh well, that's life.
20:51.10adamthi jeffto
20:52.02jefftoI've a question, I need that when KDE start it open for example konqueror, then open amarok, and then ktorrent, is there some way to do that?
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20:52.50adamtjeffto: yup
20:53.00adamtjeffto: session saving
20:53.29jefftoI acced using Kcontrol?
20:53.42adamtkcontrol > kde components > session manager
20:53.54adamtlook at the "On login" options
20:55.07jefftolet me see
20:57.23adamtjeffto: you could choose to just make it start up all the programs that were running when you shut down last time... or you can choose to save a specific session, and make KDE start that one instead.
20:57.59jefftoyes I can see thata there is an option to use a session created by user
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20:58.11jefftoHow I can configure this one
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20:58.31adamtjeffto: when choosing that option, an item is added to the k-menu..
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20:58.46adamt(i think it's called "save session" or something obvious like that)
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20:58.57jefftoSave session
20:59.07jefftoohhh, I oopen and then save and...
20:59.17jefftoexactly what I want
20:59.18adamtyup :-)
20:59.29jefftoadamt, thank you so much
20:59.32adamtsession management is really nice to have.
20:59.36jefftoaseigo_, are you there?
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20:59.44adamtjeffto: You're most welcome.
21:00.02pembo13_cominteresting problem...i sorta just lost my firefox there a keyboard shortcut to move a window?
21:00.03aseigo_jeffto: possibly. why?
21:00.05adamtjeffto: I might help to ping him lots of times ^^
21:00.14aseigo_pembo13_com: yes...
21:00.24aseigo_pembo13_com: you can either alt+click anywhere on the window if you can see any part of it
21:00.38jefftoadamt, yes I'm goging to play a lot with that
21:00.49aseigo_pembo13_com: otherwise, you can give it focus using alt-tab or the taskbar, then hit alt+f3 (default setting, you may have changed it) to get to the window menu
21:00.49jefftoaseigo_, You don't remember meeeeee
21:00.51pembo13_comaseigo_: sweet, thanls
21:00.58aseigo_pembo13_com: and then you can select "move"
21:01.03pembo13_comAlt+Click worked
21:01.07aseigo_jeffto: oh, it's columbia jeff!
21:01.11jefftoI make you famous
21:01.14jefftothe same
21:01.26jefftoHey say colombia not columbia
21:01.30er4z0rok enough hangin around here
21:01.35er4z0rbye everybody
21:01.47jefftocolumbia sounds like USA state
21:02.43adamtjeffto: And your surename sounds like alcohol ;-)
21:04.03jefftoand maybe on this days I going to smell like alcohol too
21:05.02jefftoaseigo_, this week I going to traslate your bangalor slydes
21:05.25jefftomaybe will help you in some spanish talkers country
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21:06.11Ze_Mif in kwifimanager i click "Desactivate radio" it disables wifi card, so how do i reenable it?
21:06.32aseigo_jeffto: ah, awesome! let me know if you manage that so i can blog about it too =)
21:07.05adamtaseigo_: Hey, you want them in danish, too? (nah, probably not..)
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21:07.37aseigo_adamt: more the merrier =)
21:08.09jefftoadamt, sound jelous
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21:08.50jefftoaseigo_, can you send me de odp file to my mail
21:09.00jefftoI've the PDF file
21:09.12aseigo_jeffto: it's a kpresenter file. and it's on my site. let me get you a URL.
21:09.49aseigo_"here, have another pdf" ;)
21:10.06jefftoaseigo_, are you ok?
21:10.14aseigo_jeffto: am i ever? ;)
21:10.25jefftoplease don't eat this green leaves
21:10.26adamtaseigo_: you're such a nice man, maybe you can get him a jpg-picture of the contents, too? >.<
21:10.54jefftoI cand make you slides on kirta
21:11.17kaflanhi, does any1 know how to set ALT+SHIFT layout switching?
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21:13.17benJImankaflan: kcontrol -> regional & accessability -> keyboard shortcuts, change the change keyboard layout one
21:13.52kaflanits didnt allow to set alt+shift
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21:14.05benJImanalt-shift are both modifiers, you'd need another key too
21:14.40kaflani write on keyboard to fast, for use three keys combination
21:15.04kaflanand i too strong love alt+shift
21:15.24kaflanis any other solution in kde?
21:15.45kaflani think many ppl that use kde have the same problem
21:15.57benJImanall keyboard shortcuts you assign must include a non-modifier key
21:16.03benJImanuse another shortcut
21:16.07Imrahilaseigo_: great work on KDE 4 & You slides. Many things I had not heard of such as Akonadi, Sonnet and Threadweaver.
21:16.31kaflanso, u say me that ALL ppl that use kde dont use alt+shift or ctrl+shift comb?
21:16.40kaflanbut i know that is not true
21:17.02benJImankaflan: there are some predefined that only use modifier keys, you can't assign your own that use only modifier keys
21:17.10Jucatothey use that combo with something else, like Alt+Shit+Some_Other_Key
21:17.30qupadaJucato: alt+shit?
21:17.42Jucatosorry :)
21:18.40kaflanso u still say that all ppl who use kde dont switch their layouts with alt+shift or ctrl+shift?
21:19.12Jucatono they don't. and I guess no one in Linux either
21:19.36kaflanits not true
21:19.41Jucatooh, and if you're also wondering, very few people use the Win key to bring up the K Menu
21:20.22blineheck of a waste, one modifier for one menu
21:20.35JucatoI guess you could probably use some app to make KDE use Alt+Shift without any other keys, but that's beyond the normal use of KDE, afaik
21:20.53kaflanjust try to run setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll en, ru
21:21.06kaflanand u get ALT+SHIFT switching
21:21.33Jucatoand setxkbmap, I presume, is a KDE app?
21:21.49Renzenope, it's an xorg app
21:22.01Jucatowhich proves my earlier point :)
21:22.01Renzeand it's "you", not "u"
21:22.23kaflanno, but if KDE dont allow to use MY keybord as i want, i gues to have another solution
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21:22.50kaflanso i think that on this chanel my problem asked very ofen...
21:22.52JucatoI thought you already enabled Alt+Shift switching?
21:23.06Renzekaflan: kcontrol -> regional & accessibility -> keyboard layout, xkb options tab (and no, it is rarely ever asked at all)
21:23.26kaflanxkb options tab didnot work
21:23.38Jucatoaseigo_: will there be a 3.5.7 release?
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21:25.10adamtJucato: Maybe if you do the Qt-dance
21:25.13kaflani`m set on xkb options tab Alt+shift changes group and have formed string like (setxkbmap -option -option grp:alt_shift_toggle) but after i set aplly nothing changes
21:25.43pembo13_comwhat is the "proper" way to start kxdocker?
21:25.53Jucatoadamt: I have two left feet... so I guess that would probably be a no?
21:26.03Renzepembo13_com: by having it saved in your session
21:26.17adamtJucato: I don't think it's decided yet..
21:26.24pembo13_comRenze: so just run it manually once?
21:26.34Renzepembo13_com: yes
21:26.36Jucatooh ok...
21:26.48adamtJucato: If there comes a lot of bugfixes after 3.5.6, and maybe a couple of small features, then i suppose there might be a 3.5.7
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21:27.38Jucatooh well :)
21:27.53adamtIt'll most likely also depend a lot on the progress of KDE4, and probably the weather, too
21:28.11Jucatoand probably the state of aseigo's wonkiness... :P
21:28.31Renzeor undulations
21:28.50adamtJucato: KDE isn't a one man job
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21:29.10Jucatoadamt: I know. that was meant as a joke, hence the ":P" at the end
21:29.14adamt(although i respect aseigo_, i don't think he'll manage to update KDE by himself :p )
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21:29.33Psych0hi there..
21:29.38adamthi Psych0
21:29.49Psych0is there a way to use dcop to send a message to a logged user?
21:30.26adamtPsych0: which application?
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21:30.39Psych0adamt, none... KDE
21:30.48Psych0something like display a window with a message
21:30.52aseigo_adamt: hehe.. i TOTALLY agree with you there =)
21:31.35aseigo_and yeah, there'll almost certainly be a 3.5.7 release. too many people using 3.5.x in large deployments to even HOPE of getting everyone off of kde3 in the next 2-3 years
21:31.37adamtJust look at me. I can't even get this damned report done.
21:31.37blinewall? write?
21:31.48RenzePsych0: dcop --user <username> kded kmilod displayText "Hello"
21:31.56Psych0i did a backup script, and want to inform the user when backup is done... so, i don't know if the user is using a specific application
21:32.06Psych0Renze, hum.. leme try
21:32.31adamtRenze: fancy popup ;-)
21:32.33blineIsn't there some kde daemon that monitors writes and walls?
21:32.42Renzeadamt: it's the kmilo one
21:32.50Renzebline: there is
21:33.04Psych0Renze, hum.. nice.. but it pops up and disapear.. is there a way to wait for a user response.. like a OK button
21:33.10kaflanif on kde chanel no1 know how to get work tab "Xkb Options" where can i find help? maybe mas/web or other channels?
21:33.11adamtRenze: yup, i recently saw it on my friends suse 10.2 laptop, where it was used to show the volume.. i think...
21:33.32RenzePsych0: not that I am aware of... at least not using dcop
21:34.18JucatoRenze: probably using kdialog or something?
21:34.30RenzeJucato: yeah
21:34.58Psych0Jucato, yeap.. i was thinking about kdialog, but as I'm running a LTSP server it's a little complicated to use it....
21:36.35Jucatobrb :P
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21:38.59blineAnyone know how to make konversation do half pages on PgUP/PgDown? Or maybe just not stop with half the font on either side of the paging?
21:40.08adamtbline: I don't think that is possible in an easy way because of the irc widget itself... try asking Sho_.
21:40.14jefftoaseigo, I have to study, see ya
21:41.22blineadamt: Ok, thanks, I'll ask him when he's not idle.
21:42.04adamtI wouldn't be that worried, he'll probably jump to the rescue in a moment..
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21:44.13Psych0so.. and how about another app that do it without having to export X variables and things like that....
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22:02.28ChattyHi all, anyone know if it's possible to route sound from multiple kde desktops to different alsa sub-devices?
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22:03.39ChattyI'd like sound from screen 0 to go to front speakers, and sound from screen 1 to go to rear speakers.
22:03.44Chattyis that possible?
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22:05.05qupadaChatty: if you have apps that are capable of co-operating with jackd, then you might get somewhere with some hackery, but it will be on an app-by-app basis, by desktop is a little far-fetched
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22:09.15ChattyHi qupada.  How about by screen?  Is there a way for alsa or jack to recognize when a pid is launched from a different X screen.  Or maybe even by user?
22:09.30Shirakawasunahas anyone in here experienced problems with brightness/contrast in kmplayer?
22:09.35qupadano, no and no
22:09.48qupadaif you want fancy stuff, manually is the only way to get it
22:10.06RenzeShirakawasuna: nope
22:10.17Shirakawasunaanyone with an intel graphics card?
22:10.24err0r^no sry
22:10.32aseigoat least for the laptop
22:10.33Shirakawasunaxine has problems with brightness/contrast, for some reason I think it's related
22:10.34qupadaChatty: and for what it's worth, different virtual desktops are the same X display
22:10.44Shirakawasunaaseigo: is the brightness/contrast strange in kmplayer?
22:10.49Shirakawasunaas compared to straight mplayer/vlc
22:10.57qupadaChatty: you can differentiate by user, but i doubt you could do anything useful with that information
22:11.29ShirakawasunaI even compiled kmplayer without xine support
22:11.45Chattyqupada, right.  I was messing around and running 2 X servers at the same time.
22:12.40ChattyWhen I did that I think I had them both running fluxbox.  I don't know if kde would work.
22:13.01aseigoShirakawasuna: ah, don't use kmplayer, sorry. i do use straight mplayer and it seems ok here
22:13.11Shirakawasunaaseigo: darn
22:13.14Shirakawasunamplaye ris perfect for me, too
22:13.17Shirakawasunaas is gmplayer
22:13.33Shirakawasunakmplayer plays just like kaffeine so far as brightness/contrast goes, though
22:13.38ChattyOr, I've heard of ppl running glx on top of x.
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22:19.21Shirakawasunahrm, there doesn't appear to be a #kmplayer :/
22:22.09Chattyqupada: is it possible to have jackd route sound from a particular pid?  or application?
22:23.27qupadaChatty: well you need either jack-aware apps or some wrapper app that will re-route their output to jack so you can process it.  you're probably better off asking in #jack
22:23.34adamtShirakawasuna: i got weird brightness/contrast in mplayer, too
22:23.43Shirakawasunaadamt: mplayer or kmplayer?
22:23.49adamtbut i think it's the same both in mplayer, and kmplayer with mplayer engine..
22:23.57Shirakawasunamine only happens in kmplayer for some reason
22:24.27ChattyThanks, qupada
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22:25.24Shirakawasunaif I simply run 'mplayer foo.avi' it's too bright
22:26.23Shirakawasunaoh noes
22:26.28Shirakawasunanow mplayer does it, too >_<
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22:42.20StarScreamhi guys, running kde 3.5.5 on slackware 11 and when i check the "show date" option for the kde clock in kicker it shows dd-mm-2006 instead of the date
22:42.36StarScreamrunning date from a konsole returns the correct time
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23:44.55mardi_soirhello can some one confirm that the user path for lib for kde is /home/mardi_soir/.kde/share/lib/ ?
23:45.23mardi_soiri have two file  .la and .so
23:45.35mardi_soiris it the right directory ?
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23:51.56_Atomo64_How can I save a speech from ksayit/kttsd to a sound file?
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23:53.44mardi_soiri would like to knowhow use lib with kde but in the home directory !
23:53.49mardi_soirwhere to put them
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23:54.04mardi_soir.kde/lib/  does not work
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23:56.01smileafmardi_soir: you compiling something?
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23:56.41smileafmardi_soir: most configure scripts have parameters to set where to look for certain libs.
23:56.56mardi_soircompilation works fine
23:57.02mardi_soirno errors
23:57.42mardi_soirno root acces only,  home
23:58.15mardi_soiror for some theme it the same probleme there are sometimes .so and .la files .
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23:59.11smileafmight have to ask your system admin to install it.

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