irclog2html for #kde on 20060916

00:00.06alsurenRenze: does apt understand ~word is not...?
00:00.15Renzealsuren: no idea :)
00:00.50Sutokalooks like kpdf (3.5.4) isn't vulnerable to the recent exploits discovered in Acrobat (at least the ones that have a demo pdf)
00:01.32alsuren~forget up
00:01.32apti forgot up, alsuren
00:01.39Renze~up is the opposite of down
00:01.40aptRenze: okay
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00:02.00apti guess up is the opposite of down
00:02.03Renzeuseless factoid, but whatever :)
00:02.19alsurenwhy do I find this so funny?
00:02.28Renzebecause you're pished
00:02.42alsuren~alsuren is pissed
00:02.44aptalsuren: okay
00:03.00Theorywhat's up?
00:03.07apt[up] the opposite of down
00:03.07qupadaObsidianX: it's like, all seethrough, and stuff.
00:04.09ObsidianXqupada: heheh, indeed ;P
00:05.13Sutokayet another reason why kpdf rocks it looks like :-)
00:05.57RenzeSutoka: ?
00:06.38SutokaRenze:,1895,2016606,00.asp  <-- "Hacker Discovers Adobe PDF Back Doors"  (slashdot is in love with that title)
00:06.54Renzeah :)
00:07.03Sho_ObsidianX: Hm, what codebase is that?
00:07.24Sho_ObsidianX: Or is that the same old pseudo-translucency hack?
00:07.32ObsidianXSho_: pseudo
00:07.43ObsidianXkde 3.5.4
00:07.45Sho_And I thought someone had resurrected the COMPOSITE trickery in Konsole
00:08.01Sutokakonsole used to support composite?
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00:08.12ObsidianXbleh, composite breaks shite
00:08.38SutokaObsidianX: Xgl is actually a lot more stable than XComposite extension, kinda surprisingly
00:08.40Sho_Sutoka: never in a release version
00:08.44Sho_Sutoka: But the code is there
00:08.45SutokaSho_: ah
00:08.50Sho_Sutoka: But disabled
00:09.22toufelizhi, which is the tool that look for installed programs and add them to the kmenu? i've used this before but i don't remember its name
00:09.27SutokaSho_: was it disabled pretty much because of the instability of composite?
00:09.45Renzetoufeliz: kappfinder
00:09.47Sho_Sutoka: and because of Qt3 bugs with ARGB viduals
00:09.56Sho_toufeliz: kappfinder
00:10.02RenzeSho_: snap!
00:10.08Sho_Renze: bah
00:10.19Sutokatoufeliz: kappfinder
00:10.25Sutokawow beat to it by a good bit
00:10.32ObsidianXxgl and xcomposite both break things, just in different ways :P
00:11.04SutokaSho_: any idea if Qt4 is better in that regard?
00:11.11alsurenObsidianX: does xgl cause xorg to crash every few hours?
00:11.38Sho_Sutoka: Yes, much. In general, Qt4 offers best-of-class performance when it comes to graphics.
00:11.40toufelizthanks Sutoka
00:11.42ObsidianXalsuren: havent seen that happen
00:11.54Sutokaalsuren: i've ran Xgl for a good while and its pretty stable (when i first ran it around the original releases it was pretty unstable but its gotten a lot better)
00:11.58Sho_Sutoka: 4.2 is like being a kid in a toystore
00:12.10SutokaSho_: thats very good to know
00:12.33ObsidianXSutoka: i just find that the new plugins for compiz are buggy
00:12.36alsurenkde composite caused crashes of X using nVidia official drivers on my desktop
00:12.48ObsidianXalsuren: ditto
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00:13.59SutokaObsidianX: i haven't updated in a while, but the Water plugin had never caused any problems for me other than it not doing it directly over kdesktop (thats the only 3rd party one i tried)
00:14.42alsurenSho_: 4.2 of what?
00:14.46Sutokaalsuren: Qt
00:14.47ObsidianXheh, set rain to have an interval of 0
00:14.50Sho_alsuren: qt
00:15.18SutokaObsidianX: i never tried playing with the rain plugins,,, though i have been able to throw a window all the way around the cube
00:15.36Sutokaalsuren: you have to say it at the same time!
00:15.49ObsidianX17:14 < Sutoka> alsuren: Qt
00:15.51ObsidianX17:14 < Sho_> alsuren: qt
00:16.06alsurensamboski: give or take ping from here to NZ, I say that's the same time
00:16.14Sho_ObsidianX: Qt does bear repeating
00:16.38SutokaSho_: it repeats bears? isn't that kinda dangerous? ;)
00:16.46JohnathanThanks Rezen, svn up worked :D
00:17.20alsurenSutoka: Sutoka Sutoka Sho_ Sho_ Sho_
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00:17.34RenzeJohnathan: no problem
00:18.08ObsidianXalsuren: what was that? releasing the jinx?
00:18.38Sutokaalsuren: seemed more like you were casting an incantation to me
00:19.14alsurenif I were casting an incantation on you, I would need your full name
00:19.40alsurenever seen 'spirited away' anyone?
00:20.10Sutokano... my friend loves that movie but i think it looks stupid...
00:20.25alsurendon't knock it until you've seen it
00:20.40alsurenmaybe watch some more grown up anime first though
00:21.12ObsidianXheh, one of the better anime shows
00:21.30RenzeObsidianX: that screen is too small
00:22.33alsurenwhy do I have in one of my tabs in IE7?
00:23.03Sutokaalsuren: IE7? *gag*
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00:23.13RenzeIE7? what's that?
00:23.55alsurenSutoka: I know, but while IE6 is almost as good as konq, it doesn't have tabs, and is therefore unusable
00:24.01Sutokaoh yes and s-cry-ed, ghost in the shell, trigun, part of tsubasa, and i can't even remember so many still...
00:24.27alsurenghost in the shell 2 is the only one I seen
00:24.35Sutokathe second movie?
00:24.37alsurenis it worth seeing the first?
00:24.55Sutokadid you like the movie?
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00:25.14Sutokathen its worth seeing the other movie, and the series (2 seasons)
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00:25.39alsurenseries eh?
00:25.40Sutokai bought both movies a couple months ago and really enjoyed both
00:26.24Sutokathe movies were made, then not long ago the series were made (though i think the series takes place before the movies)
00:26.49alsurensome girl from my old school has promised to drag me to anime soc. at uni. maybe I should get up to scratch
00:27.23Sutokatheres lots of good anime out there
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00:28.39Sutokamost of its kinda hard to find though (friends and adult swim's saturday night lineup have been pretty much the best sources)
00:28.58ObsidianXRenze: 1280x1024?
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00:29.04RenzeObsidianX: no, I mean the screen on that weird laptop thingy
00:29.14Renzewhat you posted the link to
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00:30.39alsurenalright: 'hunt for red october' is way too confusing when you're only hald listening
00:31.17ObsidianXRenze: oh :D
00:31.24ObsidianXRenze: yeah, pretty teeny
00:31.24Sutokaapt: get pissed off at alsuren you stupid bot!
00:31.41aptrumour has it, alsuren is pissed
00:32.02RenzeI'm not a factoid :P
00:32.12aptrumour has it, apt is the Advanced Package Tool, an advanced frontend for dpkg and rpm (depending on your system).  APT is also known as the best package management system in existence today.
00:33.36Sutokafactoid isn't a factoid!
00:33.56aptEvery moment in which im called upon is torture
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00:34.25Sutokaapt: good, lets keep it that way
00:35.41alsurenanyone want to teach apt what an apostrophy is?
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00:36.10Renzeor an apostrophe :)
00:36.35alsurenshush yew. stop taking the piss out of the pissed
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00:37.15alsuren~Renze is being howwible to alsuren :'(
00:37.16aptalsuren: okay
00:37.35Renze~forget Renze
00:37.35aptRenze: i forgot renze
00:37.42Renzehee hee :D
00:37.56Sutoka~forget who you are, you know what, just forget everything!
00:37.56apti didn't have anything called 'who you are, you know what, just forget everything!' to forget, Sutoka
00:38.11Sutokafoiled again :-(
00:38.35alsuren~ignore Renze
00:38.36aptACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, Renze!"
00:38.47Renzeapt is a her?
00:38.50Sutoka~ignore apt
00:38.52aptACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, apt!"
00:39.12alsurenwho wants to define a new entry for Renze?
00:39.23Sutoka~ignore I'm sticking my fingers in my ears
00:39.24aptACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, I'm sticking my fingers in my ears!"
00:40.46MinceR!ignore ...wait, I actually can hear you! But I really wish I couldn't!
00:40.50MinceR~ignore ...wait, I actually can hear you! But I really wish I couldn't!
00:40.51aptACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, ...wait, I actually can hear you! But I really wish I couldn't!!"
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00:41.19Sutoka~ignore hehe!  OW!  I just stuck my fingers too far into my ears... :-( Now I forgot algebra
00:41.21aptACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, hehe!  OW!  I just stuck my fingers too far into my ears... :-( Now I forgot algebra!"
00:41.53Sutokaif somebody checks the bots logs they're gonna wonder wtf is wrong with the people in #kde
00:41.59mcrandelloanyone know how to make kde printing save/acknowledge my margin settings?
00:42.20RenzeSutoka: it's friday night in parts of the world... they will understand :)
00:42.39Renzeof course it's Saturday afternoon here, so I have no excuse
00:43.30Sutokawell its friday night here, so i have an excuse!
00:43.43RenzeSutoka: pass the bourbon!
00:43.59alsurenanyone have anything useful to say to mcrandello? we've been off topic long enough
00:44.21RenzeI don't have a functioning printer :)
00:44.34RenzeI prefer to not kill trees :D
00:44.39qupadamcrandello: probably not kde's fault.  check cups' settings
00:44.46qupadamcrandello: if necessary, feed it a new ppd file
00:44.47mcrandellowas afraid of that
00:44.52mcrandellocups that is
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00:45.50alsurenSutoka: where in the world does that put you again?
00:46.00mcrandelloI found a driver that has a "nearest and scale" setting for fit-to-page, hopefully that fixes it
00:46.19Sutokaalsuren: in the printer-less part?
00:46.29qupadaalsuren: well it's 8PM Eastern daylight time right now
00:46.35qupadathat makes friday night
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00:47.16alsuren~HfRO is hunt for red october: don't watch this film while in #kde while drunk. You will not understand a word of it
00:47.18aptokay, alsuren
00:47.40apti heard kde is killer demon evangelists
00:47.56aptgnome is probably a desktop environment - see a little dwarf, or a race in d&d, or not the same as gtk but the gnome developers don't know that, or a spatial file manager
00:48.08alsurenso the eue ess of ay? How boring
00:48.16aptwindows is probably a 32 bit hack on a 16 bit operating system, originally designed for an 8 bit CPU, with a 4 bit system bus, made by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition... or the World of Warcraft bootloader, or the most important collection of bugs
00:48.38apti guess osx is such a good OS it owns people's afr0's, or massively over-rated
00:48.56apthmm... linux is a steaming pile of groganpaste
00:49.08apthmm... bsd is a UNIX operating system. An asterisk port is currently being worked on.
00:49.20aptwell, solaris is Sun's unix derivative, or a very nice OS, or slowlaris, or doomed
00:49.32aptunix is, like, A lot like DOS, but a MUCH more powerful operating system. It was developed at Bell Labs and is now being developed by many other corporations. It is mainly used as a multi-user server for mainframes, although companies like Novell offer it for the desktop market as well. not at all like dos beyond the superficial similarities in the command line ...
00:49.51aptrumour has it, dos is (Disk Operating System) This OS is what got it all started for PCs.  Denial of Service...
00:50.09MinceRthese records show a great deal of ignorance
00:50.40Sutoka~mincer MinceR doesn't like me for some reason...
00:51.00alsurenSutoka: incorrect syntax
00:51.05Sutoka... stupid bots! you call your self user friendly!?!?
00:51.11aptwell, apt is the Advanced Package Tool, an advanced frontend for dpkg and rpm (depending on your system).  APT is also known as the best package management system in existence today.
00:51.16MinceRno they don't
00:51.25apthmm... vi is the best text editor in the world.
00:51.35aptvim is, like, better than emacs
00:51.35qupadaheh, it has got something right
00:51.36mcrandelloobviously this thing is broken
00:51.48MinceRyeah, it gets some things right at last
00:52.00aptemacs is probably as useless as vim if you don't wanna learn it
00:52.12apthmm... pico is a non-free text editor.  Try nano as a GPL'ed alternative, or if you insist on pico, download the source for pine from non-free, build it, and install the resulting pico_something.deb
00:52.17aptInternationalized text editor. URL:
00:52.25apthmm... konqueror is a file-manager for KDE with needs a lot of libs from KDE, also a lot of RAM usage for launch the good work not is waranteed in Elive of course, you have alternatives, evidence, rox-filer, xfe, xffm... but if you like to use is your problem, remeber of if you use and launch konqueror, your system is more slow and Elive lost points
00:52.27mcrandellookay fair and balanced at least
00:52.54mikedep333I still love konqueror, memory hog or not
00:52.57aptfirefox is probably the lightweight browser from the Mozilla Project, formerly named Mozilla Firebird, formerly Phoenix.  See also: Thunderbird.
00:53.12qupadacompared to mozilla
00:53.12mikedep333not in terms of memory usage
00:53.16qupadaat least at the time
00:53.16mikedep333like all gecko browsers
00:53.18apti guess mozilla is a big bloated steaming pile, or made in Javascript?, or a pretty useful web browser
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00:53.32aptmethinks openoffice is a GPL Gtk based Productivity Suite based upon Sun's StarOffice See #debian-oo for debs. try  'deb stable main contrib'  if mirrors from the first URL do not work
00:53.32mikedep333~internet explorer
00:53.33aptrumour has it, internet explorer is browser monopolistically merged with all versions of Windows since Win95OSR2, or sometimes seen on Macs
00:53.46aptEmulator of the Windows 3.x and Win32 APIs.. URL:, or a good way of curing the aches and pains of a systems integrator, or not half as good as beer, or best served in a clean wine glass after supper, or comes in may colours and flavors
00:54.05aptsomebody said rms was the founder of GNU, and wrote the really cool text editor EMACS
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00:54.18mikedep333it needs to make up it's mind, is emacs good or not?
00:54.20aptit has been said that konversation is a user-friendly IRC client at
00:54.27aptwell, irc is Internet Relay Chat or a massive time sink
00:54.29Sho_(And it is!)
00:54.34aptwell, gaim is n IM client for the Ipaq, currently in Familiar. main site at
00:54.42aptrumour has it, kopete is a IM application for KDE. At the moment it works with ICQ, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, IRC and MSN, or more information at
00:54.56aptrumour has it, freenode is netsplits
00:55.12mikedep333~george w. bush
00:55.13aptmethinks george w. bush is Dubya, or a war-mongering fundamentalist patriot douche bag.
00:55.15aptsomebody said dec was short for Digital Equipment Corporation.  Although it is owned by Compaq, it is a seperate entity and continues to churn out high quality products.  It currently manufactures the fastest processor in the world, the 1GHz Alpha 21264.
00:55.31mcrandellowow no zany barbs
00:55.41aptextra, extra, read all about it, amd is a kick ass company or a company that makes CPUs that break very easily when over heated
00:55.43alsurenalright: why has irssi highlighted george w. bush?
00:56.03mikedep333~saddam hussein
00:56.07mcrandellobecause it does that before sending things off to the NSA
00:56.19aptgpl is probably an awful and terrible license. you know stallman wants to do away with the LGPL entirely also
00:56.20mcrandellomakes it easier for echelon to fnord things
00:56.38apt"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they start making vacuum cleaners."
00:56.50sugaratAlpha is deprecated :-)
00:57.00aptsomebody said pentium was a chip made by intel, the original pentiums had the "fpu bug" ask me about that.
00:57.08mikedep333~fpu bug
00:57.10aptwell, fpu bug is a problem with original Pentium chips which can be replaced by going to:
00:57.12aptmethinks f00f is or F0 0F C7 C8
00:57.29aptAMD's Athlon is beter then anything Intel has any day of the week.
00:57.38aptit has been said that celeron is a \"budget\" CPU from Intel that also happens to be highly overclockable, or similar to a Pentium II but with less cache  Dont buy it.  Duron pounds the shit out of it.
00:57.55aptsomebody said xfce was a pretty nifty Desktop Environment. Lightweight, fast, compact. . apt-get install xfce
00:58.08aptsomebody said ubuntu was a distribution of Linux that is <Based on Debian>, please visit and/or visit #ubuntu, on Ask me about <Based On Debian> for an explanation of why we are unable to support Ubuntu here.
00:58.09apt[twm] a very basic window manager for X.
00:58.22mikedep333~based on debian
00:58.23aptKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Lindows, DamnSmallLinux, Ubuntu, Kurumin, Agnula, Xebian, and so on are *not* Debian.  Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it.  You'll get a Debian answer, and if it doesn't work, you're out of luck.  Your best option is to join the channel for your distro.
00:58.49apti guess xorg is The X.Org Foundation, the worldwide consortium empowered with the stewardship and collaborative development of the X Window System technology and standards.
00:58.52mikedep333is apt a copy of a bot from the #debian ?
00:58.58aptxfree86 is probably at
00:59.16aptRed Hat's package management system. URL:
00:59.23apthmm... yast is "Yet Another Setup Tool" and is used by SuSE for installation and configuration.  It has now been GPL'd thanks to its acquisition by Novell.
00:59.25Sutokano funny insulting comment about rpm!??!
00:59.35aptmethinks yum is Yellowdog Updater Modified, available from
00:59.38aptgentoo is probably foo
00:59.42apt[portage] the gentoo's bsd style ports system written in python, *way* more reliable than apt
00:59.42mikedep333apt works with rpm
00:59.47Sutoka~forget gentoo
01:00.13mikedep333~bill gates
01:00.14aptextra, extra, read all about it, bill gates is lord of Darkness
01:00.26Renze~steve ballmer
01:00.28apti guess steve ballmer is a Homer Simpson lookalike and professional hitman for Khrushchev, from whom he was cloned, and from whom he learned to bury people, and picking up one of his trademark phrases, "We will bury you!" Born Yuri Stefanovich Ballmerski in Soviet Russia in 1949 (
01:01.23mikedep333~wikipedia unix
01:01.28alsurenwho knows how to get apt to unignore people? I feel guilty now.... or did someone alreadt do it?
01:01.40Renzealsuren: it's not a real ignore
01:01.42mikedep333that's useful
01:01.53mikedep333I would like to know
01:02.03mikedep333who actually had the time to sit down and write all these apt responses?
01:02.15Renzemikedep333: anyone who wanted to
01:02.35mikedep333I suppose it was done by multiple people
01:02.39alsurenmikedep333: the same could be asked of the millions of wikipedia articles
01:02.59mikedep333well, that we know was done by multiple people
01:03.09aptup is probably the opposite of down
01:03.14mikedep333and it is in a very easy place to contribute to
01:03.27qupadahowever, in space there is no up
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01:03.48apt[printing], or see
01:03.52Renzedown requires gravity, and up requires down
01:04.03mcrandellohave to try that COS one
01:04.23alsurenalright: this guy just inserted a gun into a slit in his own stomach on the TV. I am now officially scared.
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01:04.31mikedep333Renze: yeah, dependencies can be a bitch
01:04.32CVirusI over written the Konqueror "Kubuntu web" profile ... how can I restore it back ?
01:04.46RenzeCVirus: ask in #kubuntu
01:05.14CVirusRenze: sorry .. so sleepy
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01:07.01alsurenright: 2:00sm
01:07.09alsurentime to go to bed
01:07.12alsurennight all
01:07.22RenzeSat Sep 16 13:07:19 NZST 2006
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01:27.23badagentxArk keeps getting a sigabrt whats wrong with it?
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01:59.50hagabakaGTK applications have better names...
02:01.11NthDegreeah my ass they do
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02:01.46NthDegreebesides I bet at linux conferences the KDE/QT girls are sexier XD
02:02.37hagabakajust personal opinion; i like Inkscape and Scribus better than ...s/c/k of whatever word
02:03.01Renzeum, Scribus is a Qt app
02:03.08hagabakaoh it is?
02:03.10qupadai don't care about the name, i use the app that happens to be better at the job i need to do
02:04.19mcrandelloI generally don't give a crap unless it's something I can't pronounce right away
02:04.27mcrandellofor example, noatun
02:04.31Renzemcrandello: like ubuntu? :D
02:04.40NthDegreeor GNU :p
02:04.45mcrandellooh c'mon that's easy- uh bun tuh
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02:04.56Renzeoo boon too
02:05.03NthDegreeok then here's a more challenging one
02:05.06hagabakai like KDE applications better in terms of functionality and aesthetics, except names. at least the applications i use
02:05.27qupadaNthDegree: i say 'deeb ee un', but i know there are plenty of alternatives to that
02:05.29badagentxKDE apps are great untill the stop working for no reason
02:05.32mcrandelloseriously though what the heck is a noatun and how would you say it
02:05.38RenzeI make it rhyme with "Deviant"
02:05.53NthDegreeKOffice for example is better than MS-Office or OpenOffice/StarOffice
02:06.01mcrandellothat app gets right the hell off my system. I don't even waste time looking for the package, just rm -rf and then ln -s it to vlc
02:06.04Renzemcrandello: no idea, I stopped building noatun years ago
02:06.11hagabakait seems that KDE4 apps will have better names. but maybe by then real-word names are not fashionable any more
02:06.45mcrandelloI like that they're putting the actual function of the program in the menus now
02:06.45qupadaone of the more ambiguous ones (i think) is 'xine'.  generally i would pronounce that 'zyne', but apparently it's meant to be more like 'zeen'
02:06.56qupadamcrandello: that's an option
02:07.00hagabakai would have prefered "worK" :)
02:07.17hydrogenecks is probably better
02:07.17hagabakai say zyne too
02:07.18hydrogenbut meh
02:07.25hydrogenactually the worst one is ubuntu
02:07.25Renzeit's supposed to rhyme with the first two syllables of cinema
02:07.37mcrandellohydrogen: xubuntu ftw
02:07.41hydrogenoohboontoo or you-bun-too or ooh-bun-too
02:07.48TheoryI say xine, and will continue to so so obstinately :-)
02:07.50mcrandelloagain: uh bun tuh
02:07.50Renzemmmmm... buns...
02:07.51hydrogenmcrandello: zoobuntoo
02:08.00mcrandelloI'll make people pronounce it that way yet
02:08.30mcrandelloactually using kubuntu because it
02:08.35mcrandellos koo
02:08.42qupadathe pronounciation guide on wikipedia says 'xine' is like 'maxine' without the 'ma', so part of the k sound
02:08.53hagabakawhat's maxine like?
02:08.57Renzewikipedia is often wrong
02:09.19badagentxI need help with Ark
02:09.25hagabakait's weird to have x voiceless at the start of a word
02:09.35mcrandellothat's it I'm going to write something and name it !!!!! just to make people have to click the their tongues in order to say it's name
02:09.44Renzebadagentx: and as soon as you tell us in more detail, we might be able to help you. "I get sigabrt" isn't enough.
02:09.55badagentxWhat more do you need
02:10.08qupadabadagentx: launch ark from a console, duplicate the error, then give us the error message (if any)
02:10.33Renzebadagentx: when does it occur? what type of archive are you trying to open? is the archive intact? do you have the command-line tools for the archive installed?
02:10.34badagentxIt opens fine from the command line
02:10.50badagentxBut when I use the Kmenu or Right-click run it crashes
02:11.14badagentxWait I got the error
02:11.17Renzebadagentx: ark is just a front-end to the command line tools
02:11.29badagentxark: symbol lookup error: /opt/kde/lib/kde3/ undefined symbol: _ZN3KIO9NetAccess12mostLocalURLERK4KURLP7QWidget
02:11.42hydrogenark was compiled against a different version of gcc than kde
02:11.50Renzebadagentx: ok, looks like a bad build, or mismatched versions
02:11.56hydrogena different version of kdelibs than kde
02:11.57badagentxBut how?
02:12.01hydrogenblame $DISTRO
02:12.16Renzebadagentx: yeah, go yell at the distro packager
02:12.19badagentxIts not my dirstro because I just upgrade all of kde
02:12.21hagabakadid you compile it yourself?
02:12.30badagentxGot the binary for my distro
02:12.34Renzethen it is your distro's fault
02:12.42hydrogenyou upgraded kde but not ark
02:12.45hydrogenthats the problem
02:12.52badagentxI've upgraded everything
02:13.00hydrogenblmae your distro
02:13.01Renzeyou obviously haven't
02:13.05hydrogensilly fedora.
02:13.08Renzeyou've missed something
02:13.10hagabakasee if anything went wrong in the upgrade
02:13.18Renzeah, fedora... no wonder
02:13.23hagabakadid it happen before the upgrade?
02:13.37badagentxNope it also didn't do it for a while after also
02:13.43Renzethat distro is made by monkeys
02:13.50badagentxAnd I've slackware
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02:14.14hydrogenI'm not really sure how one blames slackware
02:14.18hydrogenbut I'd do it if I were you
02:14.24Renzeslackware? are you using a package manager with dependency tracking?
02:14.36Renzeor just installing slackpacks?
02:14.40hagabakais it happening on fedora or slackware?
02:15.06hydrogenit apparently is slackware
02:15.10Renzebadagentx: I'd check version numbers if I were you... I think your ark might be older than your kdelibs
02:15.20mcrandelloiirc the kde webpage provides slackware packages but the slackware guys reccomend against them,
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02:16.04hagabakadid you install packages from an official repository?
02:16.24joe_can somebody help me when they have a minute?
02:16.35Renzejoe_: we won't know unless you tell us your problem
02:16.36badagentxHow do I check my kde build
02:16.43badagentxis it kde-build?
02:17.00badagentxNever mind
02:17.07badagentxI've found it
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02:17.24hagabakain /var/log/packages, see if all the kde packages are around the same date
02:17.33joe_i am running suse 10.0, and everything is good, but when i try to play mp3s in a few different players, they dont work, they say playing file then just stop
02:17.35badagentxQt is 3.3.4, KDE is 3.4.2, and Ark is 2.6.2
02:17.38hagabakamaybe just reinstall again
02:17.43hagabakathose are definitely not upgraded
02:18.01Renzejoe_: have you asked in #suse? I know some distros cripple mp3 because it's a non-free codec
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02:18.05hydrogenjoe_: you need to jump through a few hoops to get mp3s to play in suse
02:18.09hydrogenjoe_: ask #suse
02:18.11hagabakawhat version of slackware are you running?
02:18.20joe_there is a #suse?
02:18.25joe_huh, thats kewl
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02:18.30Renzejoe_: there's a channel for every distro
02:18.35hydrogennot true!
02:18.41joe_sorry for the  inconveniencce............
02:18.44badagentxWell for suse there is
02:19.05Renzehydrogen: if there isn't for yours... join it and be op all by yourself :D
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02:19.37hagabakaoh, actually 10.2 does have kde-3.4.2
02:19.44hagabakai'm using -current
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02:20.18badagentxAh ok
02:20.33badagentxWould slapt-get cause any problems
02:20.46badagentxI've been useing that lately for upgrades
02:21.01RenzeI wouldn't know, I've never used slackware
02:21.24hagabakaif you don't use unofficial packages, and keep to only one version of slackware (not mixing 10.0 and 10.2, or -current), slapt-get is usually fine
02:21.56hagabakabut it excludes some packages when upgrading, but you're actually supposed to read the notes on the Slackware FTP and upgrade them
02:22.01NthDegreeuse audacity
02:22.09NthDegreeit plays MP3s without the libs XD
02:22.21NthDegreeor can open them to convert to OGG
02:22.23hagabakait's a possibility that your glib wasn't upgraded, causing the problem
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02:22.54hydrogenNthDegree: audacity would be crippled in the same way on suse
02:23.15badagentxWell I'm going to try to upgrade KDE
02:23.16NthDegreeno hydrogen i'm telling you
02:23.28NthDegreei've used it in SuSE and Kubuntu
02:23.59NthDegreeit played my MP3s without getting the madlibs and other stuff
02:24.16NthDegreebut the point is you don't need to play them
02:24.23NthDegreeaudacity can open and save as OGG
02:24.39NthDegreeyou open the MP3 > export to OGG
02:24.48RenzeNthDegree: converting from one lossy format to another is usually a bad idea
02:25.13qupadalame --decode [mp3 file] - | oggenc - -o [ogg file]
02:25.20qupada^^ problem solved
02:25.28hydrogenthen your music just sounds like shit.
02:25.34hydrogenabcde -o flac
02:25.40badagentxShouldn't he just install mp3lib
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02:46.29Steven_Mhi, can kpdf read e-books
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02:48.46CVirusSteven_M: what type of e-books ?
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02:50.01Steven_MCVirus: microsoft e-book reader format?
02:50.16CVirusSteven_M: WTF is that ?
02:50.53Renzesounds like MS inventing it's own standards again
02:51.52kucrutRenze: ...
02:51.56Renzekucrut: ...
02:52.39CViruskucrut: there ?
02:53.09kucrutCVirus: hey ;-)
02:53.18snow4xMicrosoft e-book reader format... I'm guessing the format isn't open :p
02:53.38CViruskucrut: pvt if you dont mind ?
02:54.37Steven_MCVirus: look at the choose format menu
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02:57.20kucrutwhy cant they just use open-standard?
02:57.52Steven_Mi know :(\
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02:58.11Renzethey don't use open standards because they can't control them
02:58.33kucrutcontrol my ass
02:59.15Renzeno thanks... get elastic briefs for that :)
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03:03.19MaximLevitskyJust one question , As far as I know kde3 uses dpi / points to measure font size , so fonts have same size on different resolutions. The other , I think better aproach will be using a pixel count as size of font, this way fonts will be bigger on smaller resolutions, but they will be readable, while small fonts are only readable on large resolutions. Will KDE4 use pixels , or it will continue to use points ?
03:04.02RenzeMaximLevitsky: KDE uses whatever Qt uses
03:04.21MaximLevitskyyes , so what about QT4
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03:04.35RenzeI don't think they have changed font handling
03:05.26MaximLevitskyOk , this means I will never be able to use both big and small resolution
03:05.39TheoryMaximLevitsky: how often do you change your screen resolution?
03:05.42RenzeI have an LCD... I only ever use one resolution :)
03:05.59Renzeeven my virtual consoles use 1280x1024 :D
03:06.26MaximLevitskySometimes , it is usefull, especialy in vmware machine
03:06.53Theoryat what resolution do you find fonts become unreadable?
03:07.40MaximLevitsky800x600 - surly , 1024x768 - hard to read 1280x1024 - my resolution
03:08.29Sutokayou can manually override the dpi (thats what gnome does, it forces it to be 96 or something like windows and/or OS X does)
03:08.38Theorycould you upload some example screenshots?
03:09.08MaximLevitskyI know that , but xrandr changes DPI
03:09.08Theoryas for me fonts are still very readable at 800x600
03:09.35MaximLevitskybut I like small fonts
03:09.56Sutokasmall fonts, or glyphs that appear small on the screen?
03:11.07MaximLevitskyOk thanks , I maybe will change xrandr to make it preserve DPI across resolution changes
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03:11.45MaximLevitskyand by the way , in vmware physical screen size does change.
03:11.48RenzeMaximLevitsky: how about setting Xft.dpi in your .Xresources file?
03:12.03MaximLevitskythis will help ?
03:12.12RenzeMaximLevitsky: no idea... I don't change my res
03:12.23MaximLevitskyI''l try...
03:12.43Renzedon't forget to "xrdb -merge .Xresources"
03:12.53MaximLevitskyok , thanks
03:16.00*** join/#kde shastry_ (n=shastry@archlinux/trusteduser/shastry)
03:17.20MaximLevitskyit works , thanks very much
03:17.34Renzeno problem
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04:16.52tech9inerany kdeMates|Amarok fans know any live365 trix for her please?
04:17.08tech9inerno google joy here thusfar
04:18.06tech9ineri team Amarok w StreamTuner here but upon sending lv3's bits from StreamTuner to Amarok one gets the old live365 operator saying to login..
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04:29.03TheorySOAP :-)
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05:20.22mokkannow i want to play CoH
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06:38.17ArdonikThe earth would fall up into the singularity rather than the singularity falling to the earth.
06:38.30ArdonikAnd you, of course, would be come One with it.
06:38.42Renzeso be it :)
06:38.49Ardoniks/be come/become/
06:38.56ArdonikThanks, apt.
06:41.56canllaithyay finally got my KDE looking nice
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06:49.32shasbotok, gentoo and 3.5.2, how do i fix/rid myself of this artsd ?
06:49.42canllaithyou could recompile it --without-arts
06:49.49canllaithI imagine gentoo has some use flag for that
06:49.50qupadashasbot: USE="-arts", then emerge -DNu world
06:49.56canllaithOr you can simply disable it in the KDE control center
06:50.30shasbotheh, ironically, i had an error yesterday that i fixed by recompiling with arts enabled
06:50.43shasbotooh, where would i disable it in the control center?
06:51.03shastrycanllaith: you use gentoo too ?
06:51.07canllaithshasbot: sound & multimedia -> sound system
06:51.12canllaith'enable the sound system' untick that
06:51.22canllaithNo, I use a terrible mix of slackware/ubuntu/debian and compile by hand.
06:51.44shasbotthat sounds terrifying
06:51.46canllaithThen, if you still want to get system notifications you can go into sound & multimedia -> system notifications
06:52.00qupadaheh.  i christen it 'linux not-from-scratch'
06:52.16canllaithand under 'player settings' (bottom right hand corner) pick a different player.
06:52.20argonelshasbot: understatement :)
06:52.28canllaithSo if all your notifications were oggs you could put in 'ogg123' or somethin.
06:52.47RenzeI recommend play from the sox package... plays pretty near everything
06:53.09shasbothmm, i might try that later
06:53.40shasbotheh, thats what i went with for now
06:53.45qupadayeah, neither.  my kde doesn't make a sound
06:53.52shasbotnow i shall restart and see if it fixes the lag
06:53.59RenzeI have a small selection of sounds turned on
06:54.24Renzebut most of the pointless crap (like opening and closing windows and stuff) is all off
06:54.34canllaithgosh yes, hate those
06:54.56canllaithThe only thing I tend to use my sound card for is the occasional flash video - and that's so rare I generally have to go and mess with alsa for 20 minutes to figure out why it isn't working.
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06:55.19qupadai have music playing pretty much continuously
06:55.32qupadawhich is why i don't like pointless notification sounds
06:55.56canllaithI'm either using an mp3 player, the stereo at home(which is a pc with a web interface) or my workstation at work
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06:56.04canllaithso sound on my laptop just doesn't get used
06:56.26canllaithwork machine has a 160GB disk so I put my entire media collection on it. It's still only half used :|
06:56.39canllaithIdeas of safe-for-work things I could fill it up with? ;)
06:57.10qupadai want a roku soundbridge and some kind of NAS box to stick the music on
06:58.37canllaithwe have a crappy dell behind the couch that is also plugged into our projector
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06:59.31canllaithIt runs Windows :(
07:00.15qupadasmall form factor desktop? (optiplex series or w/e)
07:00.31canllaithNo, full size - it's an ex university pc that got sold cheap
07:00.47canllaithRenze: I should let you know next time that happens - vic uni likes to get rid of surprisingly  nice systems.
07:01.08canllaithThey tend to be quiet too, would make a great gateway box
07:02.08canllaith <-- prettiness
07:02.39qupadathunderbird?  fo shame
07:02.45canllaithI haven't compiled kmail yet
07:03.08canllaith... and kmail does not cope quite as well with my volume of mail at times :|
07:04.42qupadai like the icons.  the folder icons at least, the ones on the toolbars i'm not so sure about
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07:05.15canllaithI hate most KDE icon sets :(
07:05.26mokkani like crystal
07:05.31mokkanfor the most part
07:05.38canllaithYeah, I like some of it
07:05.44canllaithit's not terribly consistant though
07:05.48qupadai like it enough that i can't bebothered changing it
07:06.04canllaithI remember thinking it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen when it first shipped with KDE :)
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07:06.09canllaithbut yknow, KDE2 icons. Blergh.
07:06.24mokkani wasnt even a user then
07:06.25mokkani was still clean
07:06.26qupadahowever i need to fix something.  any usb device with a 'dcim' folder gets the really, really ugly 'camera' icon when mounted.
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07:06.47canllaithooooh I should compile digikam
07:06.53canllaithsince I have a camera that does ptp now
07:07.16srednaHi canllaith
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07:07.39srednaWhat kde version is that? It couldn't be 4!
07:07.53canllaithNo no, 3.5 :)
07:07.53srednaLol, /me is still alive
07:07.59srednaHow are you?
07:08.04canllaithWill you be at akademy?
07:08.07canllaithI'm great :)
07:08.14srednaNo, unfortunately not
07:08.20canllaithaw no! I'm going to go this year, finally
07:08.30srednaOh, cool
07:08.31qupadai wish i could go
07:08.37qupadabut i don't have that kind of money
07:08.43mokkanif someone'll pay my fare, i'll go
07:09.02canllaithfrom both KDE and work actually, I'm extremely damn lucky.
07:09.26srednaVery nice, since you have a long way :)
07:09.27mokkanyou should tell them to share with me
07:09.39canllaithYes, otherwise I could not make it - the airfare from New Zealand is crazy :)
07:09.52qupadasredna: yeah.  it is halfway round the world +/- 1000km
07:10.00canllaithI work for a very pro open source company so they decided to let me take 10 days to go to the conference without requiring me to take leave
07:10.07canllaithSo I'll get paid as though I am at work! I'm very pleased.
07:10.33srednaTo get an idea about what I have been doing in the meantime, look here: :-)
07:10.58qupadawoot, a boat
07:10.59sredna..apart from work of course
07:11.13canllaithsailing :) that I could have guessed
07:11.23canllaithI have gotten hooked on World of Warcraft :|
07:12.06srednaYou could become a profressional, I have heard that some people do
07:12.49canllaithHeh I have too many other things to do :|
07:12.58canllaithLike writing, which is what I should be doing now
07:13.25srednaHm, I'm finghting a CSS mystery right now
07:14.00srednaSome elements refuse to show, although they logically should. Kde lacks analysis tools in that area
07:16.13mokkanmake sure you make kopete better while youre at it
07:16.57mokkani would, but i'm a crappy coder and cant make sense of it
07:17.44benJImanI fixed quite a few of the wishlist things in my version but havn't managed to get decent kde4 system running to create a patch against trunk yet
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07:23.40Ace2007Can someone help me set up xbindkeys?
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07:24.32Ace2007Error in startup script: Warning: unkown key in RC file : /home/ace/.xbindkeysrc
07:24.50Loituma_I have problem when I type in konqueror for example I see error: Melformed URL Why ?
07:25.25RenzeLoituma_: sounds like you have an incomplete or broken install of kde
07:26.40Loituma_I'll check it
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07:32.42ros-softHi! does someone use suse 9.3 ? Where are the lastest kde rpm's ?
07:33.45benJImanon the build service, but it's a yum repo so you won't be able to use the yast in 9.3 to update to it
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07:33.57benJImanyou'd have to use an alternative package manager, or grab the rpms and do rpm -Uhv
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07:34.44StifflerRenze: but when i type it works
07:35.11ros-softbenJIman: there isn't any apt rpm repository for it
07:35.43RenzeStiffler: weird
07:37.17benJImanros-soft: maybe yo ucan use apt I don't know, you could certainly use smart
07:38.30ros-softbenJIman: OK thanks
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07:41.09Homerhow do you turn off tooltips on kicker
07:41.33Ace2007   <<< Thats the output from xev, can someone help me set up win+scroll wheel up?
07:42.45Ace2007Homer: Right Click on Kicker > Configure panel > Appearance > Untick show tooltips at the top
07:43.29RenzeHomer: if you mean the large grey tooltips, disable "Enable icon mouseover effects"
07:44.41Homercool that removed them
07:44.56HomerAce2007, Renze thank you both
07:45.03Renzeno problem
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08:27.03pinotreeRockMan: /amsg sucks :-P
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08:56.26wizard123hi. is there any kubuntu user here?
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08:57.56wizard123skljsfdkjlsf: nice nick
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09:00.07pinotreewizard123: kubuntu users hangs (mostly) in #kubuntu, i suppose
09:00.22wizard123good idea! thanks pinotree :)
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09:05.55Ace2007hey i just found that Ctrl++ in konqueror will let you use wildcards to select files, thats great like *.rar  will select all rar files  its very nice
09:07.50RenzeAce2007: you only just found that?
09:07.51*** part/#kde Fusselwurm (
09:08.34RenzeAce2007: did you know you can also use globs in the location bar?
09:08.36Ace2007Renze: Yea it responded to Ctrl + Shift + +,  since kmix wasn't there to apply its global shortcut for increasing the volume
09:08.47wizard123i need sudoers from ubuntu. does anybody have it?
09:08.50Ace2007yea i knew that but i like the little popup box
09:09.01wizard123guys at #ubuntu are useless
09:09.20Ace2007wizard123: Try #kubuntu they know better
09:09.28RenzeI don't use *buntu
09:09.46wizard123Ace2007: i tried :)
09:10.08RenzeAce2007: was that y for me?
09:10.19wizard123i just need one small file
09:10.24Ace2007why don't you use ubuntu
09:10.34Renzebecause I don't like binary distros... too many headaches
09:10.43RenzeI also don't like distros that mess with KDE
09:10.52anisfarhanasuch as fedora , yes
09:11.03Renzeyes, just like fedora
09:11.38wizard123i found that only slackware don't mess kde :)
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09:11.55Ace2007wizard123: Ubuntu users post stuff like sudoers in forums:
09:12.15wizard123Ace2007: i need default sudoers..
09:12.34Ace2007wizard123: what do you need from it?
09:12.42Ace2007root ALL=(ALL) ALL
09:12.56wizard123Ace2007: that is default
09:12.57wizard123i want to look at it
09:13.21wizard123i'll download sudo.deb from ubuntu repo.. i hope that sudoers is not autogenerated
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09:15.46Ace2007wizard123: Why do you need the ubuntu sudoers? did you delete yours?
09:16.24wizard123i'm just curious
09:16.28Ace2007oh ok
09:16.44wizard123and i passad allmost all my exams..
09:16.53Ace2007what exams did you take?
09:17.09wizard123mathematical analysis (or something like that)
09:17.14wizard123it was miracle
09:17.22canllaithwizard123: I have the default ubuntu sudoers
09:17.41wizard123canllaith: could you pastebin it for me?
09:17.43canllaithWell, 'cept it got my name stuck in it during the install
09:17.43anisfarhanacanllaith got everything
09:17.58canllaithanis! adik gila!
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09:18.21anisfarhanahaha ;p kakak gila
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09:18.49wizard123anisfarhana: you scared metalfan!
09:19.04Stifflernobody know solution of my problem with Melformed URL ?
09:19.13anisfarhanawizard123: i guess so
09:19.37wizard123Stiffler: you didn't describe it
09:19.44*** part/#kde xushi (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi)
09:19.51canllaith <--- default sudoers
09:20.21wizard123canllaith: thanks :D
09:20.49Stifflerwhen I type in konqueror I see error "Melformed URL" but when I type it works
09:21.09canllaithwizard123: that's not quite true :) Slackware make at least two modifications to default KDE
09:21.14canllaithThey patch kdmrc and konsole default schema.
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09:22.24wizard123canllaith: that sudoers is not much advanced :/
09:22.37canllaithNo, but that is the default
09:22.41canllaithWhy did you want it?
09:23.04wizard123i thought that ubuntu staff configured some interesting rules
09:23.18pinotreecanllaith alive :)
09:23.24QMario_Should I learn PHP before MySQL?
09:23.30canllaithpinotree: :)
09:23.36wizard123QMario_: no
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09:24.42wizard123canllaith: and i wanted configure sudo on my dorms shell server
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09:35.48MedHi. With KDE 3.5.4 on SuSE 10.1 i get every few minutes a dialog box stating "You are running low on disk space on your home partition (currently -4% free), would you like to run Konqueror to free some disk space and fix the problem?". This is bogus. I guess it doesn't get the right size as i've changed my disk. I've rm -rf ~/.kde with no success. Any idea? Thanks.
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09:36.47benJImanMed: ask beineri in #suse
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09:37.32benJImanif it's a suse patch, not sure
09:37.50Medthank benJIman
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09:39.54apt*Don't* remove ~/.kde: as well as your personal settings, it contains your address book and may contain your email. Rename the directory and restart KDE instead
09:39.58pinotreeMed: ^^^^
09:40.11benJImanpinotree: bit late for that :P
09:40.27pinotreeat least now he won't do that again (i hope)
09:41.22Mederrr. In fact i did a mv ~/.kde ~/.kde20060916 and then i've copied bits of configuration (like kmail, my bookmarks, etc.) back to ~/.kde :)
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09:44.52eNTihi. is there a tool to clean the kde menu from dead entries?
09:45.16wizard123rm :D
09:45.49eNTiautomatically :)
09:45.59wizard123:D actually i don't know
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09:49.22Ace2007I DID IT, yay! now i can switch desktops with win+scroll wheel
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09:50.09Ace2007next i want kde to show the task list on win+left click, the one which shows all the running apps
09:50.33Ace2007isn't dcop being replaced or something?
09:50.56MedAce2007: dbus?
09:51.04Ace2007yea in kde4 i think
09:51.21Ace2007Why is it being replaced?
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10:10.15rabaukeHello! Where do I configure the "low diskspace daemon"?
10:10.44stonedI have no idea
10:10.47rabaukeI want to change the percentage, since it is getting on my nerves that it tells me things  I already know!
10:10.53stonedmaybe "kdf" sends alerts
10:10.57stonedI haven't checked
10:11.00rabaukeSo I will file a bug
10:11.31Renzethere's a low diskspace daemon?
10:12.21rabaukeRenze: Yes, a very annoying one!"
10:12.30RenzeI've never seen it
10:13.19rabaukeI wish I never did
10:13.34stonedits more than likely a demon
10:13.37stonednot a daemon
10:13.45stoneddemons are not f un
10:13.49stonedthey are somewhat evil
10:13.54Renzeneed some holy water?
10:14.08stonedI woke up just now, 4am, heartbun
10:14.13Renzestop with the poking... I'm full of food
10:14.38stonedNP:  Decapitated -|- The Negation -|- " The Negation " -|- (Technical Death Metal) -|- (rating:  10/0)
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10:18.18stonedDecapitated kicks ass
10:18.36stonedand its only a bunch of 14-17 year old kids
10:19.00stonedits professional quality, such extreme, brutal, and highly technically skilled musiicanship
10:19.09stonedRenze, I wish I'd have gone to some music school all my life
10:19.17stonedunfortunately I had to do it all by myself
10:19.21Renzestoned: so do I, sometimes
10:19.32RenzeI wish I'd learned piano
10:19.36stonedI did
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10:19.53stonedI can't play it fast, but I can do stuff
10:20.03RenzeI can only manage "chopsticks" :D
10:20.05stonedI saw Amadeus when I was 8
10:20.11stonedI think
10:20.11stonedor 10
10:20.21stonedthat movie changed my life
10:20.29stonedI never looked at "classical" the same way again
10:20.43stonedI disliked the classical sound, but loved the preclassical music
10:21.26stonedNP:  Bach -|- Essential Bach (1 of 2) -|- " Prelude in D minor " -|- (Classical) -|- (rating:  10/0)
10:21.32stonedthis is one of my favorite pieces
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10:46.58xororandwhy do i get much slower speed when using konqueror for sftp:// than with scp or lftp (using sftp://)?
10:47.22xororandwith lftp it's roughly 650-700kbyte/sec, konqueror 400
10:51.48pinotreexororand: sftp is not scp
10:51.56xororandpinotree: lftp uses sftp
10:52.16pinotreescp is via ssh, if you want an ssh kioslave use fish://
10:52.34Theoryxororand: are you transfering in the same direction in both cases?
10:52.55xororandTheory: yes
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10:53.25xororandTheory: a friend has the same problem
10:53.46xororandTheory: i'm using kde 3.5.4
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10:54.12Russeli have a question about cd-ripping with konqueror: is it possible to drag'n drop a folder with %artist - %album name which contains ogg files?
10:54.32Russelat the moment i have to create such a folder everytime?
10:55.00xororandokay, fish:// is using the line's full speed, thanks pinotree
10:55.22xororandthough i still wonder why sftp:// is slower than other programs' sftp:// implementations
10:55.30TheoryRussel: have you taken a look at the audio cd options in the control centre?
10:56.01RusselTheory: yeah
10:56.33Russelthere is something like album name, but how to i rip it than? "in" the audiocd i only find folders like: ogg mp3 fullcd...
10:56.50xororandpinotree: btw, sftp:// is also over ssh, it's just using the program sftp-server on the remote side
10:57.11Russelor just drag'n drop the ogg vorbis directory?
10:57.19pinotreebut it's a different protocol
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10:58.00TheoryRussel: I don't have a CD here to test unfortunately
10:58.09Theoryanother option you might want to look at is kaudiocreator
10:58.16Theorythat's not drag and drop from konqueror though
10:58.47Russeli know
10:59.26Russelbut if there is no option like this, it would be a flaw for konqueror ripping feature
11:08.36Russeldrag'n drop the Ogg Vorbis folder doesn't do it
11:08.46Russelbenutz ich eben kaudiocrator...
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11:16.35xororandRussel: you're right, the folder names should be configurable
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11:19.13Russelwould be nice
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11:20.06pinotreeRussel: both audiocd:/ and kaudiocreator are quite configurable, did you see their configuration?
11:20.22Russelpinotree: yeah
11:20.52Russelbut the option: folder name in audiocd:/ doesn't have any sense... or i didn't see how to get a folder with audiofiles with this name
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11:22.06Sho_(Doesn't the "File Name" field in the audiocd:/ prefs support slashes to create directory structures?)
11:22.48Russeldon't know
11:23.05Russeli am using kaudiocreator at the moment
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11:34.50Ace2007There is a strangel delay in konqueror, every time i go to ~ it freezes for about 4/5 seconds and then works fine
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11:35.36qupadaAce2007: got loads of files in your home directory?
11:35.37annmarun it from command line
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11:36.05simon23hi there, can anyone tell me where to get *.deb packages of KMediaFactory?
11:36.16simon23havent found any...
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11:36.46qupadaAce2007: you'll probably find it does that on any folder with a lot of files in it, try /usr/bin
11:36.52Ace2007It seems to be ok now, i just deleted azureus' plugins folder it keeps creating
11:37.11Ace2007qupada: I have 7 folders and nothing else in there
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11:37.15qupadaAce2007: hmmm
11:37.20Ace2007thats why i was wondering why it was so slow
11:37.26qupadabecause mine takes 5-10 seconds, but looking at about 3000 files
11:37.34Q-collectiveThe following words have been ignored because of they are shorter than the minimum word length (4 characters): k3b
11:37.39Q-collectivesilly bugzilla...
11:38.03Q-collectivedoes anyone have burning issues with k3b 0.12.17?
11:38.18qupadadefine 'burning issue'
11:38.31qupadait's probably cdrecord's fault... or one of the other things k3b uses
11:38.36Q-collectivenot being able to burn
11:38.54annmaQ-collective: run k3b from command line
11:38.55Q-collectiveyeah, thought it might be that
11:38.58annmaidentify what happens
11:39.08annmabefore making a k3b bug report
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11:39.16qupadaQ-collective: are we talking cd or dvd?  what error meesage does it give you
11:39.26annmamight also be a distro problem
11:39.43qupadaif it's 'unable to anonymously mmap [some big number]', then run 'chmod 755 /usr/bin/growisofs' and it should go away
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11:40.55Q-collectiveannma: nothing usefull in the terminal
11:41.01Q-collectivequpada: cd
11:41.32annmawhen it starts to burn?
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11:41.33annmawhat is the error message?
11:41.34annmausually the error message indicates the problem
11:41.40annmapaste it there please
11:42.26Q-collectiveit doesn't matter how low I set the speed
11:42.40annmadid you run kde3-setup?
11:42.55Q-collectivenot in a while
11:43.00Ace2007Is that to do with root access?
11:43.13qupadachmod 4711 /usr/bin/cdrdao; chmod 4711 /usr/bin/cdrecord
11:43.25annmaseems cd-record permissions are not ok
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11:43.35annmaQ-collective: issue the commands qupada said
11:44.15Q-collectivequpada: ty :)
11:44.26Ace2007hey why isn't that a kubuntu disk?
11:46.07Ace2007kubuntu is nice, i used it for ages
11:46.20Q-collectiveAce2007: because afaik only evolution has MBX/IBX file (outlook) support, might aswell use the consistent DE then
11:46.54Ace2007couldn't you go for kde + qtcurve so that it all looks the same?
11:47.55Q-collectiveI could do that, but this isn't for me but for a windows migrant
11:48.07Q-collectiveso UI consistency might be a good idea
11:48.54Ace2007oh i see
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11:49.50Stifflerhow can I add icons to group in menu (multimedia, network graphic etc.) by konsole via for example vim?
11:50.04Stifflerwhich file should I edit ?
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12:02.05annmaStiffler: you want to change the K menu icons?
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12:02.40StifflerI want set icons
12:02.47annmaset icons where?
12:03.02Stifflerin kde menu (menu start ;] )
12:03.22annmain your k menu you don't have icons for multimedia for example/
12:03.28annmain your k menu you don't have icons for multimedia for example?
12:03.37Stiffleryes exactly
12:03.38annmak menu = kde menu
12:03.44Stifflerpld th
12:03.52annmaKDE ships with those icons, Stiffler
12:04.01Ace2007K3b wanted extra permissions and was on about a burning group so i created one with a GID of 38, now k3b says: Unable to find cdrecord executable Unable to find cdrdao executable   i checked and both packages are emerged
12:04.15annmaAce2007: k3b setup checks all that
12:04.19annmarun it
12:04.50Ash-FoxI have yet to burn a CD under Linux, and I've been using the OS for years now.
12:04.52annmaStiffler: the icons are set in the .desktop files I think
12:04.54Ace2007yea i created the burning group and ran k3b setup
12:05.27Stifflerannma: but I have icons in all aplications but I haven't got any icons in group of aplications
12:05.53annmaStiffler: soemthing went wrong in your install
12:05.58annmadid you tune KDE?
12:06.10annmaare you a pld developer or user?
12:06.14annmaand what is pld?
12:06.15StifflerNo I didn't
12:06.22Stifflerannma: I'm a user
12:06.32annmareport it to your distro then
12:06.38annmayou said: testing
12:06.42Stifflerthe some version of kde works in pld ac stable
12:06.56annmawhat is pld?
12:07.01Ace2007Wouldn't it just be a problem with your icon theme? couldn't you just change that?
12:07.44Ace2007PLD is a free, RPM-based Linux distribution, aimed at the more advanced users and administrators, who accept the tradeoffs of using a system, that might require manual tweaking in exchange for much flexibility.
12:07.46Stifflerannma: polish linux distribution ;]
12:07.51annmaStiffler: do you know where your KDE is installed? in which dir?
12:08.00StifflerI'll check it w8
12:08.50annmakde-config --prefix
12:08.53annmapaste answer
12:09.56annmanow go to /usr/share/desktop-directories/
12:10.04annmawhat do you have here please?
12:10.32Stifflerin /usr/share
12:10.32annmado a ls and paste the 2 first files
12:10.46annmain /usr/share/desktop-directories/
12:10.54Stiffler[stiffler@pldmachine desktop-directories]$ ls            
12:11.28annmago there with konq file manager
12:11.46annmaand you should see the .desktop files previewed as icons
12:12.02Stifflerannma: I need to change icon=xxxx in .desktop files?
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12:12.16annmabut it should be set
12:12.19Stifflerok thx
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12:12.30annmareport it to this pld
12:12.38annmaif there are no icons there
12:12.45Stifflermultimedia.desktop has set Icon=gnome-multimedia
12:12.45annmaor maybe it's a feature
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12:13.14annmawhat kde version is it?
12:13.42annmaso it's a distro bug
12:14.09Stifflerok I'll raport it
12:14.18annmaall my files here are kde-<something>.directory
12:14.29annmai have kde compiled from kde svn
12:14.46Stifflerannma: do you  have kde 4.0?
12:14.56Ace2007You could ask in #pldhelp  or  #pld
12:15.01annmai have both kde 3.5 and kde4 yes
12:15.19Ace2007so what does kde4 at this point look like?
12:15.26StifflerAce2007: I'm there
12:15.28thiagoAce2007: the same as KDE 3.5
12:16.00Ace2007how stable is it?
12:16.12thiagonot very
12:16.12Ace2007could you use it as your main desktop?
12:16.13canllaith*snrk* you're kidding right? ;)
12:16.17thiagoAce2007: not at all
12:16.19canllaithIt's not very stable at all
12:16.20Stifflerand I also have problem with konqueror and this fucking Melformed URL
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12:18.46Medannma: do you run KDE in french? If so could you check the manual of kxkb and confirm it is written « 4. Disfonctionnements » instead of « 4. Dysfonctionnements ». Thanks
12:19.01annmaMed: not in french
12:19.24annmaMed: can you send me a mail with that?
12:19.36annmai'll check later as i have too go now
12:19.46Medannma: ok thanks
12:19.57annmathanks to you, i'll check and fix it
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12:21.07Mac39DOHi! How can I change the name of the cd-drives, which kde shows me automatically?
12:22.06thiagopress F2
12:22.19thiagoin media:/
12:23.45Mac39DODoes not work
12:24.27Mac39DOIt is grey in the Menu
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12:27.41gribouilleI have several mail accounts. how can I choose easily which one to use whan I send a message ?
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12:28.00thiagoView, Identity
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12:29.04gribouillethiago, what do you mean ?
12:32.28Ace2007what email client are you using?
12:33.08Medgribouille: make several profiles
12:33.24gribouilleAce2007, I use kamil
12:33.40Medgribouille: when you want to send from a particular account, click on « Identité »
12:34.01gribouilleMed, where ?
12:34.01Medgribouille: you have to check Affichage/Identité first
12:34.13Medgribouille: from the composing windows
12:34.53Medgribouille: to make identities it is the first tab in the kmail configuration window
12:37.41gribouilleok, thanks
12:38.14Medgribouille: you're welcome :)
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12:41.39keisangihi there
12:41.55keisangisomeone knows how i can edit view profiles of konqueror ?
12:42.02keisangii would like the midnight commener view profile to display directory first ..]
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12:44.56gribouillehow does kmail decide which account to use to send mail ?
12:45.31Sho_gribouille: You can set a default in the prefs, afaik
12:46.36keisangisomeone could help me with view profile please? how can i edit them ?
12:46.57keisangii would like midnight commander view to display directory first ..
12:47.57keisangithis cannot be done ?
12:48.53*** join/#kde hydrogen_ (n=hydrogen@amarok/rokymotion/Hydrogen)
12:49.50Sho_keisangi: It already sorts directories first here
12:49.54*** join/#kde tech9iner (n=hacim@unaffiliated/tech9iner)
12:50.33Sho_Presumably there's a config option somewhere that controls it
12:51.12gribouilleSho_, I mean, I have to accounts and two identities. how does kmail know which account to use when I use one identity ?
12:51.29*** join/#kde PhilRod (
12:51.31gribouilles/to accounts/two accounts/
12:51.40pinotree'day PhilRod
12:52.26PhilRodhiya pinotree
12:52.26Sho_gribouille: I haven't used KMail in a long time (way too unstable for serious use), but IIRC you could set a "Special transport" or something in the Identity prefs to select a specific outgoing server
12:52.36tech9inerG'Day pinotree Sho_ PhilRod G'Day G'Day
12:52.49gribouilleSho_, what mail client do you use ?
12:52.50HugMySoulWhat are you using Sho_, mutt? (If I may ask).
12:53.01Sho_HugMySoul: Mozilla Thunderbird
12:53.19gribouilleSho_, what problems did you have with kamil ?
12:53.28HugMySoulIs that more stable than KMail nowadays? It used to be even more unstable at serious IMAP use.
12:53.33Sho_gribouille: Settings -> Configure KMail -> Identities -> Select identity -> Modify -> Advanced -> [x] Special Transport -> Select outgoing server in drop-down
12:53.47Sho_gribouille: It's very unstable with IMAP
12:53.53Sho_HugMySoul: Never had a crash
12:54.01HugMySoulOkay, mm.
12:54.52gribouilleSho_, ok, thanks
12:54.58Sho_That said, I'm not particularly happy with Thunderbird either
12:55.06Sho_It does some rather stupid things
12:55.18*** join/#kde Yagami (
12:55.59Sho_For example, I'm of the opinion that its adaptive spam filter shouldn't touch email that was already matched by one of my manual filters; as it stands now, I occassionally find a number of mails from mailing list threads (sorted into folders by manual filters) in the Junk folder
12:56.13Sho_And other similar stupidities
12:56.45HugMySoulYeah I heard other people complaining about similar stuff.
12:57.43HugMySoulMutt seems to be most stable but is ncurses and doesn't do spam filtering itself IIRC.
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13:01.53sysophi guys
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13:03.41sysopwell here is my problem. when I click on mouse under perferials on kcontrol, it locks up kcontol. all the other panels work fine.  i  tried running kcontrol from a shell to see any error messages and there were none.  is there a log I can look in?
13:04.01sysopor just tellme how to set my cursor theme by hand.
13:05.37pinotreesysop: does ``kcmshell mouse` in a console work?
13:06.17sysoplet me see brb thanks.
13:08.08sysophasnt done anything so far. just sitting there.
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13:12.17sysopstill sitting there no errors.
13:12.29sysopits just a simple ps2 mouse is what kills me.
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13:14.09PhilRodsysop: distro?
13:14.23sysopunstable kde 3.5
13:14.33kucrutsysop: you can have "Xcursor.theme: <themename>" in your .Xdefaults, iirc
13:15.01sysopok where do I put the themes at? do I unbzip them?
13:15.12sysopI tried /usr/share/apps/kcminput
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13:15.59kucrutmine are in /usr/share/cursors (distro pkg)
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13:16.56sysopwish I had installed a cursor already it woudl have been easy to find.
13:17.22sysopbut thanks for the help. I will go bug the people in #debian.
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13:28.06undesktopKonqueror freezes a short time, when I enter something into the address bar, that's often visited
13:28.31undesktopi.e. the first chars of the domain name, where I visited much stuff
13:28.59undesktopit freezes when the list drops down, and then works again after many seconds
13:29.55undesktopwhat can be done against it?
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14:00.57*** mode/#kde [+o pinotree] by ChanServ
14:01.08*** kick/#kde [N1kcSrev!n=pino@kde/developer/pino] by pinotree (SPAM OUT OF HERE)
14:01.13markeystupid scam
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14:01.20markeyget lost N1kcSrev
14:01.25*** kick/#kde [N1kcSrev!n=pino@kde/developer/pino] by pinotree (SPAM OUT OF HERE)
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14:01.46markeyban it
14:02.24pinotreethe ban list is full -_-'
14:02.44undesktopwhat does that command do?
14:03.05tech9inera chanops work is never done/dull/delectable eh pinotree lol
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14:03.19pinotreelilo: PING
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14:07.23robsorry about that guys :)
14:07.55pinotreerob: please, there's a way to enlarge the ban list of this channel?
14:08.20robthere /is/ but its unlikely to happen
14:08.31robdoesn't scale well
14:08.34pinotreerob: here the list is full
14:08.52pinotreeif some spammer came here and needs to be banned, i have to make room
14:09.12robcould +q them I guess
14:09.33robsome of them are quite old though
14:09.54pinotreeyeah, but i've no idea if they could come back again
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14:10.43tech9inerjolly good show rob !! pip hip parade !!
14:11.19tech9inerjust like police.  we never like their lights on our tail.  but.  omy without them.  anarchy rabidly ensues rob ;]]]
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14:22.36oskar_Greetings. Is this the most appropriate place to ask questions about the panel applet 'desktop preview & pager'?
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14:25.21undesktoposkar_: don't ask to ask
14:25.32undesktopanyway, seems like the support here is a bit weak...
14:25.49undesktopI didn't get any answer to my question a hour ago heh
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14:27.57pinotreeundesktop: iirc that behaviour of konqueror's address bar is already reported, a search in could tell you that
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14:28.24oskar_I run Suse 10.1 with KDE 3.5.1. Is there any way to configure the font color of the 'desktop preview & pager' applet, shown in the following screenshot: I checked all the relevant config screens, but can't find it anywhere.
14:28.38*** join/#kde jeekl (
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14:31.31simon23hello there, I'm copying text from one konqueror window into another. Now Konqueror wont copy the text! its a normal HTML file and i cant paste that text into any editor nor another Konqueror window ! Can anyone help me with that ? it just worked some minutes ago!
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14:45.07undesktoppinotree: thanks... but I couldn't find that bug; do you know the bug number?
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14:45.46pinotreesorry, no... i heard another user here (tiiime ago) talking about that
14:46.11undesktopwell it isn't fixed in the stable version
14:46.45*** join/#kde Viper550 (
14:46.54Viper550Does anyone use that Crystal window decoration?
14:46.57skywa1k3rhi... i'm having some trouble with kde - when i logon to kde, it does the init process, then shuts down my computer (goes to init 0) automatically. i'm able to login to gnome. any idea how i coudl figure out the problem?
14:47.00MinceRViper550: i do
14:47.19Viper550I love the Overlay system, allows you to easily add a personal touch to it!
14:48.11*** join/#kde C0d3rX (
14:48.23MinceRi prefer having a simple darkened version of the desktop background on it :)
14:48.31PhilRodskywa1k3r: try logging in as a newly created user
14:48.31MinceRthough i use Logo to show which window has focus
14:48.40PhilRodskywa1k3r: tell us if that works
14:48.48skywa1k3rhang on i'll try that
14:48.55Viper550I go with no transparency and nice overlays
14:49.45Viper550Like this one...
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14:50.11skywa1k3rPhilRod: same thing
14:50.16skywa1k3rwith a new user
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14:50.20skywa1k3ri'm using it on ppc, btw
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14:51.13marvinalonefor some reason, when i maximise a window, it doesn't have window borders anymore, ie, i can't resize after maximizing. it used to not do that. how did i break it, and how do i unbreak it?
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14:52.14MinceRi'd like to have it like that :)
14:52.29undesktopmarvinalone: window manager
14:52.40MinceRi tend to use alt+rightmousebutton to resize and keep borders only to keep dialogs from looking weird
14:52.43PhilRodskywa1k3r: how are you logging into kde? startx or kdm?
14:52.44marvinaloneundesktop: kwin
14:52.49skywa1k3rPhilRoad: What happens is - the basic kde desktop loads, the mouse pointer has a bouncing fedora icon comes up, and then the whole screen goes black and I get the init 0 messages - will it be dumping debug into into a log file somewhere?
14:53.04PhilRod~/.xsession-errors maybe
14:53.13undesktopmarvinalone: oh, then it isn't a foreign window manager, strange then
14:53.44marvinalone... maybe it's an ubuntu ideosyncracy. i think ill ask them.
14:54.14skywa1k3rPhilRod: no such file
14:55.08*** join/#kde solemnwarning (
14:55.15solemnwarningCan kword export to PDF?
14:56.06tech9inersolemnwarning  google shirley knows?
14:56.13undesktopsolemnwarning: of course, everything on Linux can export to pdf
14:56.13tech9inerdont recall here
14:56.46PhilRodskywa1k3r: could be somewhere in /var/log. Anyway, how are you starting kde?
14:57.00PhilRodsolemnwarning: file -> print -> print to pdf
14:57.08undesktoptech9iner: huh? you just have to print sth. into a file, then it's ps... and from ps to pdf it's a small step
14:57.18skywa1k3rthrough fedora's normal login screen
14:57.50tech9inerlmao?? undesktop huh?.. your turn lol.  not the lads ? if I recall correctly hehe
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14:58.10undesktoptech9iner: shut up
14:58.21tech9inerlmao.  omy ....
14:58.30undesktopstupid person
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14:58.49tech9inerroflmfao.  age...
14:58.59solemnwarningAlso, can I center an actual text frame, not just the text inside it?
15:00.26*** join/#kde magyar (
15:00.27PhilRodskywa1k3r: you might have to ask in #fedora - it sounds like it must be somehow distro-related, if it's sending commands to init
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15:02.48skywa1k3rPhilRod: will do. thanks
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15:04.48magyarhello, is there a way to prevent kontact/kmail from poping up with yes or no warnings for a imap account when a remote deletion occures?
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15:16.54mcmikeyI cannot get kmail with openpgp/mime working. encrypting works fine but when I send a message to myself I can't read it instead of asking me for the passphrase I get the following error: "Reason: Crypto plug-in "openpgp" could not decrypt the data Error: Bad passphrase"
15:17.34annmai already heard that one
15:17.39mcmikeythis is kde 3.5.4 gpg version 1..4.5
15:17.50annmatry #kontact maybe
15:18.09annmadoes it work when you send a message to other people/
15:18.54mcmikeyhave not tried yet. but I suppose sending works fine, as they are encrypted but not decrypted.
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15:22.46annmatry getting someone to send you an encrypted message
15:22.51annmawhat distro is it/
15:23.46mcmikeythis is debian etch
15:23.59mcmikeyok, got en encrytped message from so.same error.
15:24.10*** part/#kde biker (
15:24.13mcmikeythe problem is, that it doesn't ask me for any passphrase.
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15:24.39srednaLet me try if it works here on kubuntu, mcmikey
15:26.47mcmikeyI found lot's of people with the same error on google, but none of the solutions there is working here.
15:30.53*** join/#kde njdube_ (
15:32.05srednamcmikey: Do you have a GUI pinentry installed, and pgp-agent run in your KDE startup shell?
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15:32.31srednamcmikey: Personally, I have qtpinentry, and run pgp-agent from a script in ~/.kde/env
15:32.37magyarhello, is there a way to prevent kontact/kmail from poping up with yes or no warnings for a imap account when a remote deletion occures?
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15:33.19mcmikeyyeah, both. .gnupg/pgp.conf points to the right direction and echo $GPG_AGENT_INFO seems to be ok too.
15:33.38mcmikeybut this is all just done in this session. do you think I should restart the session?
15:34.19mcmikey#!/bin/bash eval "$(gpg-agent --daemon)" is my env-script.
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15:34.39srednaYes, just like mine
15:35.08srednaAll I can say is that I am asked for a passphrase when signing and unencrypting messages
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15:35.41mcmikeyok, I will restart the session than. maybe there is somehting cached. brb
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15:38.39mcmikeysredna: with the new session it works.
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15:38.48srednamcmikey: Good then :)
15:39.04srednaHi annma btw, how are things in canada?
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15:39.14srednaYaw mcmikey ;)
15:39.30mcmikeynext time I will start a new session as soon as I have done the hwoto I found.
15:39.38pinotreesredna: annma is in france now ;)
15:39.43mcmikeybtw. it is a shame that it doesn't work out of the box.
15:40.00srednapinotree: Auch, I did not know about that
15:40.51srednaannma: How exciting! Where in france are you?
15:41.34solemnwarningWhy does the syntax highlighting for .h files show standard typedef's like uint32_t as types, but not the syntax highlighting for .c files?
15:41.35srednamcmikey: I can't remember if I did something special to install qtpinentry (I'm in kubuntu), but I know that I had that script in my .kde directory. A good distro could easily make it all work out of the box.
15:42.39srednasolemnwarning: Because it is not defined in that file I'd guess. I use C very rarely, so I wouldn't know why though
15:42.41mcmikeysredna: ok, it's debian then ;)
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15:45.01solemnwarningBoth files use the same syntax highlighting, so it must be a bug
15:45.22annmasredna: near Toulouse
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15:45.30annmaI have to go for a while
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15:45.46srednasolemnwarning: I think that there is a preference for .h files to use the C++ highlighter
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15:48.00solemnwarningWhere is the C source file syntax highlighting stored?
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15:53.00Homeris GNASH useable yet?
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15:54.39srednaHomer: What is GNASH?
15:55.12Myriziosolemnwarning: because i think that highlighting for all .h files is the same as C++ (not C)
15:56.00MinceRsredna: opensource flash player
15:56.17MinceRit doesn't have new flash features though, afaik
15:57.23*** part/#kde dr_wu (
15:58.13srednaMinceR: It's been a while (a half year maybe) since I tried that, but I doubt it is of any practical use yet
15:59.17MinceRi haven't ever tried it
15:59.26MinceReven the official flash player is outdated
15:59.48MinceRi hate flash anyway (and i hate macromedia, too)
16:02.11srednaIt's amazing what a laid back experience the www is without flash enabled, a popup blocker and a good ad filter ;)
16:02.36*** join/#kde pfo_ (
16:02.40srednaA standard windows PC feels like a tivoli on drugs in comparison
16:04.40MinceRi keep them at bay with a userjs for opera
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16:05.13MinceR(flash, plugin content and iframes appear as gray boxes that turn into the intended content if i click them)
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16:05.42benJImankonqueror does that too
16:05.44MinceRunfortunately, flash plugins still get loaded occasionally and shown for a brief moment -- but playing doesn't start
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16:17.00ueinit is possible to burn a .cue on K3b ?
16:19.01jldasa .cue is an image file
16:19.12jldaswhich needs a .bin
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16:19.42benJImanyou can use bin2iso to convert it to an iso
16:19.49jldasanyone can tell me if K3b can burn this kind of images?
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16:23.00sparr_does kde have a photo organizing/browsing app?
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16:23.23netstar_How do you change the font color in the KDE kicker from default black?
16:23.43jldasbenJIman: do you know where I can get the bin2Iso version for linux?
16:24.30benJImanit is a script
16:24.36benJImanor maybe not
16:24.41benJImananyway it's the first hit on google I think
16:25.35annmanetstar_: look in the faq
16:25.41annmalink in topic
16:28.25jldasbenJIman: that script is secure?
16:28.27netstar_annma no answer there
16:28.51annmaah i thought the icon fonts
16:29.03benJImanjldas: "secure"?
16:29.06netstar_I mean the font of the taskbar
16:29.10benJImanwhy does it need to be secure, it converts a cue to an iso
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16:29.19benJImantop hit on google is fine
16:29.35jldasbut it could do a good conversion or a bad conversion
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16:29.44srednasparr_: Digikam or kphotoalbum
16:30.22annmatry to look in the taskbar config file, netstar_
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16:34.06srednanetstar_: I believe it uses the general widget colors, and if you use transparency, it adds shadow
16:34.51sparr_sredna: does either offer features to facilitate mounting my SD card or usb-connected camera, and moving pictures off them?
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16:35.36srednasparr_: Digikam does for sure, it' s been very long since I used kphotoalbum but I would think that does too
16:36.52sparr_guess it's time for me to switch back to kde  :)
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16:57.55exsHello..I'm trying to install the new Ktorrent, but I get (for version 2.02) "Error: Dependancy is not satisfiable: kdelibs4"; and for 2.00 I get "trying to overwrite '/usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-bittorrent.desktop', which is also in packahe kdelibs-data".. I've tried reinstalling kdelibs many many times, nothing helps. Thanks
16:59.32tech9inerG'Day annma ...
16:59.40annmahi tech9iner :)
17:00.01kucrutktorrent doesnt need kdelibs4
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17:01.37annmaexs: ask in your distro channel please
17:01.51annmathe error you get are from your distro
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17:04.19rr73tech9iner~ hey
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17:05.12tech9inermany mooneth rr73 ;]
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17:05.35tech9inerrr73  you still sporting regrowable green scaly tails lad?
17:06.06tech9inerrr73  suse mate.  s u s e .. tao of the green lizard path o joy lad..
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17:06.33tech9inerrr73  we only spent hours n days shaking it out
17:06.34rr73on this pc
17:06.43rr73but kubuntu on others
17:07.08tech9inerahh. and k? rr73 ?.. as kde tight n tidy in its own way as kde/suse then?
17:07.41tech9inerrr73  I have got me snailed 5cds here side me but not played yet.  your IMHO must be positive or not booting several boxes eh
17:08.13*** join/#kde thiago_ (
17:08.16rr73honestly i don't know what ur saying sometimes
17:08.22tech9inerwas going to drop it on 1 or 2 of my old toughbooks and see how it flies..
17:08.40rr73you should drop ur toughbook
17:08.45rr73see how tough it really is
17:08.55rr73during install drop it
17:09.19tech9inerrr73  BenThereDoneThat!.. /me has sold n worked w toughbooks now bout 3 years ;]]
17:09.42*** join/#kde _njdube (
17:09.49rr73toshiba i think made a military laptop that can be dropped 6 stories, im pulling the numbers from i don't know wehre
17:09.58tech9inerthey can take hits most cant.  impervious? silly .. no.  tough?.. eh yes..
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17:10.45tech9inerbut of course rr73 hehe.  there's always a one upper in most lines now huh heh
17:11.01tech9inerperhaps i.e. cray computers? hehe
17:11.14tech9inerooops.  door.. ..
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17:14.17voicuHi, I have a problem with the kde icons. I was using crystal svg. i upgraded from 3.5.2 to 3.5.4. then i saved the theme to back it up (i wanted to install another one). the theme didn't work but messed the settings and i used the backup to restore them. now some icons are missing (katapult, konq-back,forward,up,etc, log out, lock screen and others). can i get a fast fix or do i need to rewrite a lot of configs?
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17:14.53voicuwow, a lot of text
17:17.24tech9inersilly ? here voicu .. but u did logout n back to Desktop Environment tween changes ?
17:18.02voicutech9iner: lol, restarted X, kdm, linux about n times (n -> infinity)
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17:18.27tech9ineru were indeed warned silly bits heheh.  nm
17:18.37tech9inerback 2 me hole ;]
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17:24.46Homerhow do I take a screenshot
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17:25.02giangyHomer: ksnapshot?
17:25.33MedHomer: hit the "print screen" key?
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17:27.49Homerthank you
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17:36.40gribouilleis it possible to have several configurations for kde simultaneously ?
17:37.00simon23hello, how can i set the fontsize for GTK+ Programms while using KDE ? I have big problems reading the menu entries of xmms or cheops... can anyone give me a hint?
17:37.13Ardonikgribouille: Back up your .kde, move it out, and log in again.
17:37.47gribouilleArdonik, I have also .kde2/ and kderc
17:37.59gribouille.kderc I mean
17:37.59Ardoniksimon23: get the gtk-qt-engine package.
17:38.15Ardonikgribouille: those sound like they came from old versioned of KDE.
17:38.31gribouilleArdonik, can I remove .kde2/ ?
17:38.42ArdonikI wouldn't until I knew exactly what was in it.
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17:38.58gribouilledoes kde use it ?
17:39.05cowbudwhenI try to run khtml2png it is giving me an error that it can't find the 'append' command
17:39.09cowbudany ideas what that is?
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17:43.28cowbudnevermind figured it out
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17:44.43Homerwhat is a MacOS X switchbar for KDE?
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17:48.29ArdonikHomer: there might be a superkaramba applet that does it.
17:50.03TheoryMacOSX switchbar?
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17:54.57HomerArdonik: I think there is like 5-6 standalones that do it
17:55.34pinotreekxdocker is one, for example
17:55.51PhinnFortksmoothdock or something is another one
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17:56.46PhinnFortanyone know how often the auto-sync with the ntp server is supposed to happen?
17:59.11simon23Ardonik: what if i get the gtk-qt-engine package, how can i set the fontsize then - or is it set automatically?
18:00.15ArdonikYou'd just set the Qt theme with kcontrol or QtConfig, I think.
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18:01.31simon23Ardonik: I found "gtk2-engines-gtk-qt" that should be it - right?
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18:01.52ArdonikI have no idea.  It's called gtk-qt-engine on my distro.
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18:02.52simon23Ardonik: I 'll just try it out. and then come back if it doesnt work and ask again in #debian :-) thanks.
18:03.26PhinnForthow often does KDE sync with the NTP time-server?
18:04.19grothesk_PhinnFort: Never.
18:04.30PhinnForteven if I set it to sync automatically?
18:04.59grothesk_PhinnFort: This is not a KDE feature.
18:05.19grothesk_This is being implemented by your distribution.
18:05.42Desintegrfor me a sync per day
18:05.42grothesk_You have to set up a ntp-client.
18:05.43Desintegrat boot
18:05.56PhinnFortit syncs once, when i select that function
18:06.01Sho_PhinnFort: Where have you set it?
18:06.18PhinnFortSho_: right click on my clock, and choose "Adjust date&time"
18:06.24PhinnFortat the top there
18:06.44Sho_I was 100% unaware of that UI
18:06.52PhinnFortand you call yourself a dev?
18:06.58Sho_Yeah ;)
18:07.26HomerHow can I hide kicker?
18:07.34Homerlike completely
18:07.34PhinnFortHomer: killall kicker?
18:07.41Homerno not that way
18:08.00annmathere's an arrow
18:08.01HomerI'm messing aroun with kvdock
18:08.06Homerwhich kinda doesn't work well with kicker
18:08.20annmai have it on the right
18:08.24PhinnFortHomer: right click on the panel, and select "Remove Panel"
18:08.28annmait is configurable if i remember
18:08.43PhinnFortgo to the kcontrol control center, and mess around with the settings there
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18:10.23PhinnFortSho_: it's (the automatic sync thingy) is only visible if I have NTP installed, though
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18:12.50vorwartscan anyone explain why it is no longer possible to select an aspell dictionary other than the one which matches a given locale?
18:13.15vorwartsthis nis getting to gnomish for my taste :(
18:13.33PhinnFortand why can't i see the names of non-english ones?
18:14.09Sho_PhinnFort: time to glance at the sources, I suppose ..
18:14.26vorwartsmy case is even more pathetic. i have my locale set to spanish but i NEED to spell check english texts
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18:14.54PhinnFortwell, i can select other locales, but I can't see what they're called, it's just blank
18:15.18vorwartsthis is really resembling GNOME straightjacket dangerously :( :(
18:15.42Sho_PhinnFort: kdebase/kcontrol/clock/dtime.cpp
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18:16.21Sho_PhinnFort: Glancing at it I don't think it checks the time periodically
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18:22.36Homerhow do I change from 24-hour time to AM/PM time
18:22.51PhilRodcontrol cente r-> regional and accesibilty
18:22.56PhilRodcountry and region, I think
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18:24.42sparrI guess since libgphoto doesnt support my camera yet I am SOL for downloading pictures from it in digikam/kphotoalbum for now?
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18:26.29pgimeno_names #kde
18:26.40sparr[names] Me, You, Them
18:27.50pgimeno_I have a problem, I have just mounted a home directory as remote and KDE does not boot. Is there some way to troubleshoot login problems? a log file or something?
18:28.09sparrIs there a good photo organizer for linux that can handle mounting my SD card and copying files off of it to my album(s)?
18:28.43PhilRodsparr: I expect you could do it with digikam
18:28.54sparri cant seem to find any support for reading from a SD card in digikam
18:29.03PhilRodyou might need to use HAL/pmount/the KDE media:/ stuff to mount the card
18:30.22sparrnot familiar with any of those
18:30.54sparrit frustrates me when i encounter places where windows has such an interface advantage
18:31.28kendrickthis karamba loads firefox
18:31.38kendrickrather than $my_browser_of_choice (aka konqueror)
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18:55.47cassiopeaThis might seem like a stupid question, but how do you change the icon that's displayed for the shortcuts on the desktop, and is there a way of aligning all the shortcuts?
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18:56.28jabouaRight-click the icon
18:56.34jabouaClick on the image
18:56.41jabouathere you can change it
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18:56.59jabouaAnd right click desktop -> icons -> Align to grid
18:57.16Sikonwhat part of KDE is responsible for changing the X cursor?
18:58.20cassiopeajaboua, thanx, that questions is starting to look stupider by the minute
18:58.39jabouanp :P
18:58.55jabouaAnd no questions are stupid ;)
19:00.28rr73only stupid people
19:00.33Homeris there anyway to use gecko instead of khtml in Konq?
19:00.40TheoryHomer: no
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19:04.04kendricknot yet
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19:07.36sparrWhen I attach a usb storage device to my computer, or put a card in my usb card reader, I would like it to be mounted and appear on my desktop, possibly even to pop up a file manager view.  Is this possible in kde?
19:08.18kendricki think you need HAL
19:08.20kendrickand the KDE hal stuff.
19:08.22*** part/#kde Sikon (n=Sikon@
19:08.24Blissexsparr: depends on the distribution, not KDE.
19:08.36mulanderHi all, I have a newbie question - when I fire up konqueror (as a file manager, didn't check it as a browser) the background color is by default set to black. Color schems doesn't affect this. And in it's settings I can change only the default text color not the background color - so my question is: where can I change konquerors background color?
19:08.51AssociateXI just came across a funny letter from Linus T.
19:09.39mulandersparr: it works like you describe it when I'm using hal + ivman to manage automounting.
19:09.43simon23Ardonik: some minutes ago you told me about that library i had to install to get a better gtk fontsize while using kde ... remember? Do i have to restart my KDE to get it working ? otherwise I would have a problem :-/ (cant restart atm just wont to know if you know it)
19:10.06Ardoniksimon23: I don't think so.
19:10.20pinotreemulander: view -> configure background
19:10.28Ardoniksimon23: and to test it, you don't need to restart KDE.  You can start another KDE inside Xnest or a virtual console.
19:10.34ArdonikOr even vncserver.
19:10.54mulanderpinotree: lol, now I feel stupid :D thanks
19:10.54ArdonikThis is X.  We don't have an artificially limited number of displays like we had in Windows-land.
19:11.00pinotreemulander: yw
19:11.05simon23Ardonik: well - i now have a menu entry in my control center to adjust the gtk font size, but that has no effect for some reason.
19:11.23Ardoniksimon23: did you try adjusting the *Qt* font size?
19:11.36simon23Ardonik: yes.
19:11.41ArdonikVia the current KDE theme, or QtConfig?
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19:12.33simon23Ardonik: ... unfortunately i have no clue about nested x sessions... dont want to crash my KDE while working (and that can happen when not knowing what exactly I'm doing.)
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19:13.01simon23Ardonik: dont speak german - do you ?
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19:13.30Ardoniksimon23: not a word.
19:13.46Ardoniksimon23: learn about nested X sessions.  They're harmless and useful.
19:14.04*** join/#kde Phonica (n=Phonica@
19:14.22simon23Ardonik: there a menu entry for that in the K Menu where is "change current user" too ?
19:14.28Ardonikleft ctrl + left alt + f[1-7] will bring up a different virtual terminal.  A simple xinit /path/to/startkde -- :1 will open a new KDE session.
19:14.35Homerwhere do I get these artsy abstract images people have as BGs?
19:14.45ArdonikHomer: has a LOT. and fulfill the rest of my needs.
19:15.19ArdonikEspecially for the "Trendy, exploded 3d primitives" sort of wallpapers.
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19:16.14simon23Ardonik: if i do that from the virtual console 6 I would have my recent Xsession on the virtual console 7 (as usual) and the new session at CTRL+ALT+6 (meaning the sixth virtual console) right ?
19:16.15ArdonikI go to for some nature backgrounds as well.  And don't forget
19:16.26Ardoniksimon23: Yes.
19:16.55Homerthere is ALOT of nature backgrounds
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19:17.00Homeron kde-look
19:17.20simon23Ardonik: great ! thanks a lot !
19:17.44Homerlol kdesktop crashed
19:17.49Homerhow do I reload it
19:18.11jabouaalt-f2 and enter kdesktop?
19:18.16ArdonikJust run "kdesktop"
19:18.31Sutoka'kdeinit_wrapper kdesktop' is a pretty way also
19:19.15mulanderanother newbie question if you all will allow it ;) - I have my kde set for nationality -> Poland / Language -> Us English -- in this settings most apps install with the english language which I prefer ( LINGUAS="en" set ), but one app installed with polish language ( this is not an issue ) my problem is that my native characters aren't displayed correctly, instead I see something simillar to a box, my kde uses fonts that I know can correctly display my na
19:19.22mulander(sorry for a long and a little chaotical message)
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19:20.12Theorymulander: what distro?
19:20.21mulanderTheory: Gentoo
19:20.29Theorywhat is your system locale set to?
19:20.42mulanderwell it's a little mix ;) let me explain.
19:20.45HomerI went into console and typed "kdesktop"
19:20.46Homerand it worked
19:20.59Theory(not kde, system)
19:21.01jabouamulander: are you using UTF8
19:21.02Homerman I love that about linux, very intitutive console
19:21.23mulanderjaboua: no, not UTF8
19:22.42mulandermainly I would like a pure english system (all apps in english, but able to display my native chars)
19:23.04HomerI want that floating Gnu bg
19:23.07mulanderthe only problems are from some kde apps, on Debian the solution was to change kde fonts, but on Gentoo it doesn't seem to work.
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19:23.11Homerprobably on
19:23.20jabouaI have all my apps in english, but display files in norwegian (with chatrs like åøæ) - with UTF8 everything works fine.
19:23.55simon23hello again. which is the KDE executable file (to start KDE ),... please ?
19:24.10Sutokai think you may need to use UTF8
19:24.26mulanderjaboua: yes, but i don't want to rebuild the system to UTF8, I'm on PIII 600 - so compilation takes almost forever :P
19:25.09jabouaKnow the feeling, used to have gentoo on a p3 733 :P
19:25.23Homerwhats the wallpaper directory in KDE?
19:25.23simon23jaboua: is the 'startkde' file in /usr/bin ?
19:25.23mulanderok so maybe another approach, 1 question 1 possible solution.
19:25.41jabouasimon23, yes
19:25.43mulanderthe question: why did Kuroo install with Polish language ignoring the LINGUAS variable?
19:26.09mulanderall other applications ( in example: amaroK, ksnapshot, k3b etc. ) install with english as default
19:26.25jabouaAre you using english locale?
19:26.31simon23jaboua: thanks, find took so long to get it... :-)
19:26.40jabouanp :P
19:26.52mulanderjaboua: are you refering to the system locale, or to the kde locale settings?
19:26.54Sutokasimon23: you can use 'which startkde' to see where in the path 'startkde' is located
19:26.59jabouaNot KDEs
19:27.00*** join/#kde i_is_cat (
19:27.06i_is_catwhats the command to refresh the desktop?
19:27.12i_is_cati have a weird image kinda floating there
19:27.15jabouamulander: Run "locale"
19:27.36jabouaThere you go
19:27.46PhilRodi_is_cat: right click on it -> refresh desktop
19:27.48jabouaSet it to en_us
19:27.55jabouakuro should be in english
19:28.03i_is_catlol thanks i thought there was a key command tho
19:28.06pinotreekde3 does not take LC_* into account
19:28.16pinotree(at least the LC_LANG)
19:28.23jabouapinotree: Is kuro a KDE app?
19:28.25*** part/#kde i_is_cat (
19:28.30Sutokai_is_cat: "dcop kdesktop KDesktopIface refresh" <-- that also will work
19:28.31pinotreeno idea
19:28.37mulanderjaboua: yes, kuroo is a kde app - frontend for portage.
19:28.52mulanderpreviously Guitoo
19:28.55icwienerNot a KDE app, just an app for KDE.
19:28.58jabouaBecause non-KDE apps don't care of what you set in kcontrol as language
19:29.01icwienerThat's a difference.
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19:29.14Sutokamulander: is the locale for root set to be en?
19:29.33mulanderSutoka: the locale for root are the same as users locale.
19:29.56mulanderbut it didn't affect other applications like amaroK and that makes it wierd for me.
19:30.05jabouaAmarok is a KDE app
19:30.11jabouaIt doesn't listen to the locales
19:30.19jabouaKDE has it's own localization system
19:30.23mulanderI see.
19:30.29*** join/#kde dmbkiwi (
19:30.30icwienerAmarok isn't a KDE app, As far as si know.
19:30.32mulanderso Kuroo is just an application based on qt ?
19:30.44icwienerJuk is the official KDE audioplayer.
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19:31.08jabouaiciwiener: it depends on kdebase
19:31.17jabouaamarok depends on kdebase
19:31.18SutokaAmarok is a KDE app, but not officially
19:31.37icwienerSutoka: That's what I wanted to say. :)
19:31.45Sutokajaboua: Amarok doesn't depend on kdebase AFAIK (thats why they didn't want to make 'delete' move the file to the trash)
19:31.48mulanderok I want to ask another thing, If I change the Language in Kdes locale, will the characters get displayed correctly? what are your guesses?
19:32.08jabouaSutoka: I just checked the dependencies in pacman (frugalware)
19:32.17jabouaIt said kdebase>=3.5.4
19:32.18pinotreemulander: all the kde's locales are UTF-8 encoded
19:32.20mulanderSutoka: amaroK depends on kdelibs
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19:32.41pinotreeamarok depends on kdelibs because of the konqueror sidebar plugin
19:32.51pinotreebut it's optional when compiling from sources
19:33.07mulanderpinotree: even with flag -kde (which disables the plugin) still requires kdelibs
19:33.21icwienerThe Debian Maintainer made it depend on xmms as well. :(
19:33.22pinotreeamarok IS a kde app
19:33.23mulanderunless the ebuild maintainer maid a mistake.
19:33.27PhilRodpinotree: surely amarok *always* depends on kdelibs - did you mean kdebase?
19:33.35annmaof course amarok depends on kdelibs
19:33.37pinotreeif you disable kde, how can you build it?
19:33.53Homeramarok is a kde app that has it's own release cycle no?
19:33.53mulanderpinotree: -kde removes integration from the desktop.
19:33.56pinotreeyeah, PhilRod got my point (and my typo)
19:34.01mulanderkonqueror plugin in this example.
19:34.02icwienerpinotree: It runs under KDE, but it is not oficially a part of KDE.
19:34.14Sutokano one was claiming amarok didn't use kdelibs
19:34.18pinotreei know that...
19:34.20annmaicwiener: it doe snot mean it does need kdelibs
19:34.26annmaall KDE apps needs kdelibs
19:34.33annmaotherwise they are not kde apps
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19:34.49annmainside or outside KDE svn repository
19:34.53icwienerBut not every app, that needs kdelibs, is a KDE app (officially)
19:35.10jabouaBut technically it is :P
19:35.14pinotreeicwiener: any app that uses kdelibs mainly, it is
19:35.14annmait is a KDE app
19:35.23icwienertechnically it only uses kdelibs.
19:35.24Homerthis is like the GTK+ app vs GNOME app debate
19:35.31pinotreeHomer: no
19:35.33SutokaHomer: no
19:35.36annmait's not in the official release but it's a kde app
19:35.41pinotreethat would be Qt vs kdelibs
19:36.05Sho_icwiener: We've had that debate again and again ... the best consensus overall is that every application that leverages the KDE platform in the form of kdelibs is a KDE app ;)
19:36.36icwienerSho_: I guess the german sttitude has problems to see it that way. ;)
19:36.50Sho_icwiener: Well I am German and I do see it that way ;)
19:37.38Homerlets discuss something we all agree on
19:37.38HomeramoroK is awesome
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19:37.38Sho_icwiener: mIRC for example is what I refer to as a Windows application, even if it's not supplied with Windows proper
19:37.38mulanderHomer: agreed :)
19:37.38icwienerBut it's fine with me, anyway... :)
19:37.43annmaAmarok now, not amaroK
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19:38.20HomerSho_: mIRC is only dependent on win32 api and winsock :p
19:38.25Homerno MFC etc
19:38.30PinarafSutoka: you can call it ?maro?
19:38.34icwienerSho_: I thought about that too, but in kde_i18n_de "KDE app" and "App for KDE" are two different things.
19:38.34mulandermy problem with Kuroo is a little different, someone explained that polish installation of this app was due to my locale settings, but all applications I install, even console ones, or gtk apps - install with the english language as default, only Kuroo installed with the polish language.
19:38.38Pinarafthat way, you won't be wrong
19:38.39Sho_Homer: And that makes it any less of a Windows application? ;)
19:38.43mulanderI am wondering why that ever happened ?
19:38.57Homerwell it's not using any "core Microsoft technologies"
19:39.16SutokaHomer: Win32 IS a core MS technology
19:39.25Sho_Homer: The Win32 API and Winsock are not Core Microsoft technologies?!
19:39.45SutokaHomer: can't get too much more core than Win32 unless you develop directly to the Executive
19:40.00Homerit's so basic though
19:40.11Homerif you want anything more then like 5 widgets you need to use something else
19:40.52Sutokaanything you write on windows will use one of the primary APIs, and 99% of all the apps only use the Win32 API, or something written on top of that API
19:41.02Sho_Homer: The qualification for "is a Windows application" is "was written for and runs on Windows" not "uses MFC" ;)
19:41.10*** join/#kde islam_ (n=omairhe@
19:41.24islam_As Salaam e laikum (meaning: May Peace b on u) . ... Your source for Islam (submission) on the internet.
19:41.42*** kick/#kde [islam_!n=pino@kde/developer/pino] by pinotree (User terminated!)
19:41.42Sutokaislam_: spam is spam, please stop
19:41.54Sutokaicwiener: multiplatform
19:42.06Sho_icwiener: A mistake? ;)
19:42.39jabouamulander: Have you tried running the app with english locales now?
19:42.55mulanderjaboua: I would prefer not to change the systems locale.
19:43.08Sho_mulander: KDE_LANG=<lang> <app>
19:44.01icwienerSho_: I built my fist deb for konversation today. Good for the first time => build process ran trough without errors... Bad anyway => package was about 30MB big. ;)
19:44.11Sho_icwiener: o.O
19:44.23icwienerSho_: So there will be a second try tomorrow, after a few hours of reading. :D
19:44.32Sho_icwiener: Statically compiled in kdelibs and qt or something? ;)
19:44.44annmathanks pinotree
19:44.50pinotreeannma: np
19:45.09Sutokaicwiener: did you statically include like half the distro???
19:45.14icwienerSho_: I guess I packaged several version (the tar.bz2, the unpacked archive with object files ant the actuel packege. :D
19:45.42icwienerForgot to delete the unused stuff.
19:45.46Sho_icwiener: I'm no Debian user, but don't they have a build-pkg tool or something that essentually turns tarballs into debs?
19:46.11icwienerSho_: Only if it is a debian source archive.
19:46.26icwienerThere mus tbe some control files and stuff too.
19:46.42icwienerSho_: That is not existing in upstream tarball.
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19:47.15jabouacheckinstall is good too
19:47.17icwienerSho_: Believe me. It's a hell of a fight to get into that stuff. ;)
19:47.21jabouaBut iirc it doesn't support deps
19:47.41Sho_icwiener: Considering I made the upstream tarball, I know ;)
19:48.07icwienerThere are several tools to check integrity of debs
19:48.19jabouacheckinstall will let you compile as usual, just instead of running "make install" run "checkinstall"
19:48.35icwienerSho_: I meant to create the deb. I do not know of the efforts t ipack the upstream tarball. :)
19:49.10Sho_icwiener: I meant the lack of a debian/ subdir ;)
19:49.22icwienerSho_: Ah. :)
19:50.23jabouaWell, I'll go eat something - catch you later
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20:01.31leo_hello, how can i change the width of shown programs in the windowbar?
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20:03.45BigSuri've installed KDE 3.5.1 w/OpenSuse 10.1 & both Firefox & Thunderbird from the suse-update repos.
20:03.45BigSurboth apps launch from command line when in KDE just fine. BUT, if i add the apps to the ToolBar, and click on the icon, the icon bounces for awhile, then simply stops. no errors. no executables.
20:03.45BigSurin Gnome, the apps launch fine, as well via icon-click.
20:05.31pinotree"BUT, if i add the apps to the ToolBar, ..."
20:05.36pinotreeerm, which toolbar?
20:05.55annmain kicker i think
20:06.06annmain the panel, BigSur ?
20:06.08BigSurpinotree: the toolbar across the bottom of the screem where one adds apps, applets, etc.
20:06.21pinotreeyes, that's the paneò
20:06.32BigSursorry, not 'up' on all the widget names yet :-}
20:06.47BigSur(new to linux)
20:06.54annmahow do you add the app in the panel, BigSur ?
20:07.31BigSurannma: right-click, select add app, nav to .../Internet/Firefox, select that ...
20:07.46BigSurthe FF icon shows up in the Panel.
20:07.52BigSurthat's the icon i click on
20:10.04annmado you have a working program on the desktop?
20:10.09annmaa working icon?
20:10.28BigSurannma: if you mean for Firefox? no, nothing on the desktop.
20:10.40annmafor any program, BigSur
20:10.49annmato test the panel
20:11.09annmadrag the icon of a working prog in the panel
20:11.23annmaor drag one from the K menu
20:11.52BigSurannma: oh, yes.  a number of apps that launch fine both from the desktop, and from the panel.
20:11.52BigSuri can add/launch just about every *other* app from the Panel without incident/problem (e.g., OpenOffice apps ...).
20:12.13BigSurit's *just* Firefox & thunderbird that have issues.
20:12.14annmaso it's only FF?
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20:12.29annmaand thunderbird?
20:13.04StAnLeY^hello, does any one know why the latest version of kde still has problems displaying new files on the desktop when they are created ?
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20:13.29annmaStAnLeY^: how to reproduce? tell me what to do
20:13.37annmai have kde compiled from kde svn
20:13.48StAnLeY^annma: I mean kde 3.5
20:14.00BigSurannma: yes. only FF & TB.
20:14.05annmayes but if it's a bug i can check
20:14.12annmaBigSur: you should ask in #suse
20:14.29StAnLeY^annma: well, in that particular occasion, I saved a file through skype on the desktop and it didn't appear there. It is seen in konuiq, though
20:14.34BigSurannma: i did, and was told to come here.
20:14.39annmaBigSur: looks like something specific to suse, FF works well here from panel
20:15.02annmaStAnLeY^: what if you create a file on your desktop?
20:15.07annmadoes it appear?
20:15.31StAnLeY^annma: yep, together with the newly created file
20:15.51annmaStAnLeY^: so it's only 1 file? did it happen before?
20:15.57BigSurannma: Thanks.
20:15.58*** part/#kde BigSur (n=BigSur@unaffiliated/BigSur)
20:16.03annmayou sounded like it was a bug going on
20:16.13StAnLeY^annma: yes, it happens randomly though :/ and Refresh desktop doesn't work
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20:16.37annmano permission problem on those files?
20:17.02StAnLeY^annma: no, konqueror on ~/Desktop sees them perfectly and in rel time
20:17.08*** join/#kde DarkWizzard (n=mirc@
20:17.15annmaStAnLeY^: distro?
20:17.22DarkWizzardhello all
20:17.26StAnLeY^I first experienced this problem when I newly installed KDE on my laptop
20:17.59DarkWizzardsometimes my system load increases very high and kde doesn't respond
20:18.03annmaseems like a permission problem
20:18.13DarkWizzardit increases from easy tasks like running The Gimp
20:18.19DarkWizzardand I have to restart it
20:18.22annmagimp is not kde
20:18.29DarkWizzardbecause its just not responding
20:18.31DarkWizzardyeah I know
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20:18.33DarkWizzardso what ?
20:18.37DarkWizzardit should run under kde
20:18.38annmaDarkWizzard: what distro?
20:18.40StAnLeY^DarkWizzard: what kernel ? :)
20:18.47DarkWizzardKubuntu 6.06
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20:18.59annmayou cannot imagine how many problems come from distro
20:18.59DarkWizzardkde 3.5.2
20:19.16DarkWizzardI know
20:19.24DarkWizzardbut it only does this recently
20:19.34annmadid you look what process increase cpu?
20:19.46DarkWizzardits not responding
20:19.47annmarecently? what do you mean?
20:20.00DarkWizzardit started this few days ago
20:20.01annmait worked OK as it is now for some time?
20:20.06Sutokathe gimp isn't very light (especially when working with large images, or running the filters)
20:20.06DarkWizzardeverything worked fine before that
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20:20.25DarkWizzardI thought it was a free space problem
20:20.26annmaso whgat did you do? you updated something?
20:20.35DarkWizzardso I deleted some stuff
20:20.43DarkWizzardbut the problem reamained
20:20.47DarkWizzardnothing big
20:20.47annmathere's no "suddenly" in software
20:20.50DarkWizzardjust libxfont1
20:20.50Sutokadisk space on the system shouldn't change how fast the system is running really
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20:20.54annmatry a new user maybe
20:21.19StAnLeY^annma: btw, trying that under new user fixes the problem ;)
20:21.51DarkWizzardmaybe it would
20:21.59annmaStAnLeY^: i was about to write: and StAnLeY^ too
20:22.18annmabut i thought that would makes me like "the new user maniac"
20:22.24DarkWizzardand when there is a high system load
20:22.29DarkWizzardsome processes go defunct
20:22.36DarkWizzardlike netstat did
20:22.38DarkWizzardand kdesktop
20:23.19StAnLeY^annma: but the problem sometimes disappears and sometime (like now) it is always present
20:23.38annmawith the new user it comes back?
20:23.54StAnLeY^for example, now I do "touch ~/Desktop/blah" and the file isn't shown on the Desktop, but appears instantly in Konqueror
20:24.42DarkWizzardI hope the guys at kubuntu get the upgrade to the latest version fast
20:24.46DarkWizzardthat would solve my problme
20:25.22annmaStAnLeY^: with the new user?
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20:26.14StAnLeY^annma: no, I am talking about my default user
20:26.27StAnLeY^like, *now* it doesn't doen't work correctly
20:26.28annmaStAnLeY^: something is wrong in your settings
20:26.34StAnLeY^okay :)
20:26.39annmabut what? that's another thhing
20:26.59annmayou'd have to backup your ~/.kde and reimport files little by little
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20:28.14StAnLeY^is there a setting "don't show newly created file on the desktop until you relogin" ? :)
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20:29.15annmanot really
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20:29.42StAnLeY^annma: do you know what process/program draws icons on the desktop ?
20:29.49annmagotta go now, good luck on repairing your system
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20:31.05StAnLeY^kdesktop perhaps
20:31.05annmathe icon is set in ~/Desktop
20:31.18annmawhat type of file is it?
20:31.25annmadifferent files each time?
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20:32.09annmaok, i go now
20:32.15StAnLeY^ok, have fun
20:33.35StAnLeY^Sutoka: do you know how it polls for new files ?
20:34.10SutokaStAnLeY^: not completely sure, but I believe it will use either fam or gamin as backends
20:34.34StAnLeY^I don't have these, can't it be Inotify ?
20:34.39SutokaStAnLeY^: fam and gamin will just poll for updates, but if gamin noticies your kernel supports inotify it will use that instead
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20:35.20Sutokai don't think it will use inotify directly, only indirectly through gamin
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20:35.48HugMySoulAnyone hints on why sometimes I lose the keyboard in X (KDE) but a restart of KDE gives it back?
20:36.10StAnLeY^maybe the fault is in gamin then :)
20:36.23HugMySoulIt happened to me a few times last month, never had issues before...
20:37.30mulanderhmm, I investigated my problem more, it seems that KDE and locale arent guilty of the problems with the char display.
20:38.06mulanderthe only application that has problems with it is Kuroo, kde when set to my language displays native chars correctly, other apps also - so is it possible that Kuroo is faulty?
20:38.18SutokaHugMySoul: i had that happen to me a few times after I updated Xorg to 7.0, but after a few days it just never happened again
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20:38.48Sutokamulander: its possible, but if you changed any options in KDE, you'll have to open kcontrol as root and set the options again there
20:39.15mulanderwhy as root?
20:39.34Sutokamulander: kuroo is ran as root, so uses root's configuration, not your own
20:39.51mulanderhah! good point
20:39.59HugMySoulSutoka: Mmm but I'm still using 6.8.2 here and didn't upgrade or something...
20:40.02mulanderso it should ignore my users font configuration?
20:40.10Sutokamulander: yep
20:40.20mulanderSutoka: and this is probably what I was fighting with :)
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20:41.06mulanderthe funny thing is that root isn't allowed to run kcontrol ;)
20:41.45Sutokamulander: try 'kdesu kcontrol'
20:42.02mulanderSutoka: thx
20:42.21HugMySoulOuch I just burned my finger on my HDD.
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20:42.56SutokaHugMySoul: if you're burning your fingers on your HD, i would be worried about the HD
20:43.19HugMySoulMwoah, it should handle 60 degrees.
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20:46.30mulanderSutoka: thanks and again thanks - This was exactly the problem. I didn't realize that kdesu reads the desired users configuration, thats why it was in a different language and with wrong fonts.
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20:55.22lettowhich kde package includes kget?
20:56.25lgsobalvarrokdenetwork, letto
20:57.23mulanderquestion about the KDE menu, it has 3 seperators: 'most used applications', 'all applications' and 'actions' these separators have text in "grey" by default - in my current color scheme they are almost unreadable. Is it possible to change the foreground color for those separators in the menu?
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21:01.07mulanderanyone has an idea how to change this foreground color for separators?
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21:03.02schleichmichmulander: I got the same issue, and could not solve it independently, i.e. without changing the colour theme where I don't want to change it.
21:03.20mulanderschleichmich: so it is hardcoded?
21:04.20schleichmichI don't know the code. My guess is it uses some "colour role" defined in the scheme, there's just no dedicated "menu separator colour"
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21:04.54mulanderschleichmich: thanks for the info, I didn't know if I'm blind again or that it's just not something that a user can set ;)
21:04.57thiagoif I'm not mistaken, it's a button
21:05.32rabaukeHello! Could anyone point me to the bug report of kmix lately starting with an open window instead of just in tray when a KDE-session ist restored?
21:06.00*** part/#kde tuxedup (n=house@unaffiliated/tuxedup)
21:07.25schleichmichmulander: regarding colour schemes: what I really miss is the possibility to set inactive windows' background colours different than actives'
21:07.36schleichmichto make the active window stand out more
21:07.48schleichmichlike a poor man's shading effect
21:08.12mulanderwell what I really miss is a better cpu to have the true transparency effect ;)
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21:08.31mulanderbut I am still pleasently suprised by the performance of KDE on my PIII 600
21:08.51schleichmichpoor man's shading would work perfectly on that, believe me ;)
21:08.55mulanderI can't tell the difference between fluxbox && KDE - although I didn't benchmark both. :P
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21:11.40mulander <- almost done desktop ;) mostly thanks to the people from this channel :D
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21:12.05thiagorabauke: did you close the session with kmix open?
21:12.46rabaukethiago: no, and it worked before. SuSE updated to branch some days ago, since then it is broken.
21:13.02rabaukeand that annoying low diskspace daemon...
21:13.03benJImanmulander: that's a mightly slow connection
21:13.14Sutokaor really big png...
21:13.52benJIman1998 want their image loading times back
21:14.54mulanderbenJIman: yes I know - the server is in poland and has over 300 users I have no influence on that :( sorry.
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21:23.30simon23Ardonik: still remember me ? the guy with that gkt font question ?
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21:24.11simon23Ardonik: since i installed that package my Konqueror isnt able to display any text/html files!
21:24.24ArdonikThen uninstall it.  I'm not sure what's going on.
21:24.58simon23Ardonik: have you ever heard of such bug ? /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit13focusOutEventEP11QFocusEvent
21:25.45simon23Ardonik: do you know if there is any chance to just reinstall the khtml module ?
21:26.18thiagosimon23: that's not a bug
21:26.40simon23thiago: what then ? you've heard of such behavior?
21:27.02thiagothere's something wrong with your installation: probably messed up packages
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21:27.09thiagohave you upgraded recently?
21:27.35simon23not recently - have debian etch running since months. had no problems yet.
21:27.45thiagoand this started out of the blue?
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21:28.01simon23until i installed gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
21:28.13thiagoyou messed up your packages somehow
21:28.23thiagoprobably khtml got upgraded in the process but not kdeui
21:28.31thiagotry upgrading your kdelibs
21:30.18simon23sorry - but how do i do that ?
21:31.10thiagowell, how did you remove gtk2-engines-gtk-qt?
21:31.37simon23apt-get remove --purge "gtk2..."
21:32.02thiagothen use apt
21:32.10simon23cant i just reinstall the KDElibs?
21:32.28simon23but what are the kdelibs?
21:33.00simon23do i have to type all of them (dont know which) on the commandline?
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21:39.52birchoffcan soem one tell me where I  can find a FAQ or HowTo on how to split up the applications in the different kde packages
21:40.53jabouafor which distro birchoff
21:44.21*** part/#kde smiler (i=smiler@gentoo/user/smiler)
21:45.42pinotreebirchoff: that depends on your distro...
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21:53.44birchoffusing slackware...
21:54.19birchoffwant to build the kde packages from scratch... but if I do I want to conly compile packages for the applications that I want
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21:54.53mutsany Japanese people here ?
21:55.54jabouamuts: I know a few words, but far from enough to have a decent conversation... why?
21:57.04thiagosimon23: have the packages been reinstalled?
21:57.21simon23hello, i reinstalled kdelibs but my konqueror keeps crashing all the time doesnt work a bit.
21:57.39mutsjaboua, i'm trying to get Japanese working on Kde
21:57.45birchoffjaboua: sorry for takng so long to respond, do you know ehre I can find info to compile all kde applications seperately
21:58.17mutsjaboua, found scim, but a bit confised as to how to get it to work
21:58.40simon23i did not remove the kdelibs - just installed them again.
21:58.50Renzemuts: have you also installed skim, the kde front-end?
21:59.01mutsRenze, yes, i have
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21:59.16Renzejust checking - I've never used it, personally :D
21:59.30mutsRenze, the thing is, i'm not sure what to do next ...
21:59.45Renzeyour guess is as good as mine
21:59.58jabouabirchoff: I read something somewhere.. .will try to treack it down again
22:00.41jabouamuts: I got to show japaneese characters before, I only needed to install some fonts - but I have no idea how to handle japaneese input
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22:01.14mutsjaboua, right now, i'll settle for the fonts as well
22:01.37Renzemuts: install the intlfonts package for your distro
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22:01.53simon23thiago: could you maybe help me again ? how can i find out which kde lib contains libkhtml?
22:02.59Desintegr ?
22:03.42simon23Desintegr: hi - thanks, but i cant open that link :-/
22:03.42thiagosimon23: libkhtml is a KDE lib
22:03.47thiagosimon23: it's part of kdelibs.
22:04.32canllaithhi rr73
22:04.37simon23well - i alreade used apt to reinstall kdelibs and apt told me he did so. is there anything else that i could try to fix it ?
22:04.40|caotic|simon23: 'dpkg -S libkhtml' on debian
22:06.23birchoffjaboua, thanks
22:07.10|caotic|simon23: try to reinstall package kdelibs4c2a
22:07.33jabouabirchoff: Here are some PKGBUILDS, needed to make archlinux packages - they are readable as they are mostly bash:
22:07.38jabouaThis seems relevant:
22:07.44jabouaexport DO_NOT_COMPILE="kdict kget kopete kpf kppp ksirc wifi knewsticker"
22:08.38simon23caotic: thanks, he told me that besides kdelibs4c2a even the konqueror and konq-plugins ... use that...
22:10.42simon23now i (as a newbie) see no other way than reinstall konqueror and if that doesnt work either reinstall the whole KDE :-( that would be the ....worst day for tomorrow.
22:10.56simon23but a big thanks for your help !
22:10.58rr73a little late canllaith? :P
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22:12.27canllaithit's GMT+12 here I was asleep :)
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22:13.10pinotreecanllaith: breakfast at 11am?
22:13.55eaehey does anybody know how to hide the bottom bar in kmplayer?
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22:14.22jabouaI've done it
22:14.35eaeI've doe it in a previous version
22:14.37jabouaI'll see if I can find out what I did xD
22:14.40eaeset to autohide
22:14.45pinotreeeae: iirc there should be a settings in the preferences
22:14.48eaenow I can't do it anymore
22:14.51jabouaThis is kplayer, not kmplayer sorry
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22:15.30eaeI looked in the settings menu but can't find it :(
22:15.49canllaithpinotree: it's 10am, and it's sunday so we slept in :)
22:16.03pinotreeoh indeed
22:16.21pinotreehave a good breakfast then, canllaith
22:23.32*** join/#kde raven79 (n=raven79@unaffiliated/raven79)
22:23.38raven79hi all
22:23.41raven79i need support
22:23.52raven79i cannot setup my locale...
22:24.18raven79into kde control center i cannot setup my language even if i compiled kde-i18n
22:24.26raven79with my language
22:24.37*** join/#kde letto (n=letto@
22:24.49GraveDiggerrestart kde
22:24.58raven79already done...
22:25.04raven79more and more
22:25.17raven79more and more times
22:25.46raven79at least it is not like windows! :D
22:26.05raven79some other ideas?
22:26.39raven79GraveDigger: wicht kind of distro are you using?
22:27.14raven79what kind*
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22:28.14GraveDiggerraven79: gentoo linux
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22:28.46raven79me too :D
22:29.06raven79where you able to setup your locale?
22:29.19GraveDiggerecho 'LINGUAS="de"' >> /etc/make.conf; emerge kde-i18n
22:29.23GraveDigger^^ this did the job for me
22:29.40raven79infact it should work
22:29.42GraveDiggerafter that setting up the language ... and i was done
22:30.15*** join/#kde hiiiii (
22:30.23hiiiii|          \\   @
22:30.25hiiiii[`-()----()-'/\ LILO
22:30.25DDBhiiiii: error file: linenr: 137 msg: string index out of range
22:30.27hiiiiililo was killed when he defended the pizza delivery boy who was about to be robbed
22:30.54giangyhiiiii: shut up..
22:30.54raven79GraveDigger: infact...
22:31.07raven79GraveDigger: it should work...
22:31.21raven79GraveDigger: what kde version are you using?
22:31.33raven79i'm using kde-3.5.4
22:32.06GraveDiggerWHAT A DUMBASS
22:32.20raven79sorry my english :)
22:32.33GraveDiggerraven79: that hiiiii guy ... an asshole
22:32.58GraveDiggerraven79: anyways: i am using kde-3.5.4
22:33.17raven79i thought gentoo users alway try installing something special ;)
22:34.07raven79i'm sorry but i'm not sure to understand you...
22:34.43raven79anyway i understand "ass hole" ....even if i don't understad because you should be unpolite....
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22:36.22raven79GraveDigger: sorry could you post me this: equery l kde-base/
22:36.26raven79GraveDigger: thanks
22:36.42GraveDiggerraven79: not right nor, sorry
22:36.52GraveDiggeri need to boot gentoo before
22:36.57raven79GraveDigger: now i understand...aboud hiii...
22:37.02raven79GraveDigger: sorry!
22:37.08GraveDiggerno problem, dude
22:37.15GraveDiggeri just cannot show u
22:37.20raven79GraveDigger: no problem....i will wait...
22:38.10GraveDiggererm... wait for what? i am not about to boot gentoo right now
22:39.16raven79someother people can help me, please?
22:40.39thiagosetting the locale?
22:40.57raven79or better giving me some suggestion
22:41.00raven79about kde
22:41.04raven79with locale
22:41.08thiagoKDE Control Centre, Regional & Accessibility, Country/Region & Language
22:41.18raven79i cannot setup my language into kde control center
22:41.23raven79i know
22:41.34thiagowhy can't you?
22:41.38raven79but i cannot set my language up there
22:41.43raven79i don't know
22:41.47thiagodoes it show up?
22:41.55raven79there i can only see "english US"
22:41.58raven79as language
22:42.05thiagothen there are no other languages installed
22:42.11raven79even if i installed kde-i18n with my language
22:42.22thiagothe installation didn't go correctly
22:42.25raven79this should be strange...
22:42.34raven79can you suggest me some test
22:42.41raven79to verify installation?
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22:42.49raven79and how to correct it?
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22:43.23thiagodid you get the tarball from a KDE FTP site?
22:43.45raven79no i'm a gentoo user. i must compile from sources
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22:43.49junky-Sanhey, i can't switch resolutions with strg+alt+(+/-). where can i set this up?
22:43.54thiagoraven79: that's not answering my question
22:44.07benJImanjunky-San: use whatever tools your distro have for configuring X
22:44.11thiagoraven79: does that mean that the tarball from the KDE FTP site was downloaded and compiled without modification?
22:44.27raven79as always...
22:44.29junky-SanbenJIman: is this a Xorg.conf setting?
22:44.37benJImanjunky-San: yes
22:44.43thiagoraven79: ok, then go back to the build dir, make sure configure was run with --prefix set correctly and make install again
22:44.58thiagoraven79: in the messages subdir, at least
22:45.03benJImanjunky-San: many distros will have tools that will configure it for you though
22:45.25junky-Sanmh, i think i'm able to config it by hand
22:45.43raven79this is difficult as emerge (installing tool of gentoo) automatically donwload,patch,configure,compile,test,install,remove sources
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22:45.55junky-Sanbut i don't think it's a Xorg problem. i have set up multiple resolutions in the xorg.conf, and in fluxbox the resolution switching works
22:46.00thiagoraven79: then get the source from the KDE FTP site and do it manually
22:46.04thiagoraven79: or get Gentoo help
22:46.05raven79so now i don't has a dir...
22:46.11junky-Sani can also change the res through kde control center
22:46.20benJImanjunky-San: that's for changing configured reses
22:46.20raven79thanks for help
22:46.30benJImanif you mean kcontrol -> peripherals -> display
22:46.38raven79some suggestion on how to test if compilation goes wrong?
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22:46.59raven79some commands i don't know...something?
22:47.12thiagoraven79: since there is no source code there (just .po files), the most that can happen is it getting installed to the wrong dir
22:47.33junky-Sanmy menu is german. when you click on the desktop with the right mouse button, than on configure workplace and than go to display i can change the resolution
22:47.35raven79ok so i should control .po files?
22:47.54raven79after configure? (i can stop "installation" pthase)
22:48.02thiagoraven79: hold on
22:48.04raven79or ctrl+c
22:48.29benJImancontrol-z will only pause
22:48.30junky-Sanraven79: use ebuild
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22:48.41raven79benJIman: :D thanks for suggestion!
22:48.51junky-San"ebuild package.ebuild unpack && ebuild package.ebuild compile"
22:48.56raven79junky-San: already done!
22:49.10raven79ah junky-San thanks!
22:49.44junky-Sanno problem
22:50.01raven79junky-San: those are command to execute all "operation" by my hand? (separately)?
22:50.09junky-Sanman ebuild
22:50.34junky-Sanit's useful in some cases
22:50.55raven79i suppose that instead of package.ebuild i should for example put something like =kde-base/kde-i18n-3.5.4-r1. Is it right?
22:51.13junky-Sanmh no
22:51.19junky-Santhe path to the ebuild
22:51.25junky-Sanbut wait a minute, are you german?
22:51.26raven79....mmm ok
22:51.32raven79no sorry
22:51.43junky-Sanhave you set the LINGUAS option in make.conf?
22:51.43thiagoraven79: check if $KDEDIR/share/locale/your-lang/entry.desktop exists
22:51.44raven79thanks anyway...i will try
22:52.01raven79thiago this is new thanks!
22:52.15*** join/#kde villr[]ye (
22:52.22junky-Sanwhat does "emerge -av kde-i18n" say?
22:52.35raven79$ cat $KDEDIR/share/locale/your-lang/entry.desktop
22:52.35raven79cat: /share/locale/your-lang/entry.desktop: No such file or directory
22:52.50raven79# emerge -pv kde-i18n
22:52.50raven79These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
22:52.50raven79Calculating dependencies... done!
22:52.51raven79[ebuild   R   ] kde-base/kde-i18n-3.5.4-r1  USE="arts -debug -kdeenablefinal -kdehiddenvisibility -xinerama" LINGUAS="en_GB* it -af -ar -az -bg -bn -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -de -el -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy -ga -gl -he -hi -hr -hu -is -ja -kk -km -ko -lt -lv -mk -mn -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -se -sk -sl -sr -sr@Latn -ss -sv -ta -tg -tr -uk -uz -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 18,874 kB
22:52.51thiagoraven79: obviously, "your-lang" should be replaced with your language
22:52.58thiagoraven79: and $KDEDIR with the KDE prefix
22:52.59raven79some lines sorry
22:53.03thiagoand please don't flood
22:53.15junky-Sanwhy is there en_GB in your linguas?
22:53.28junky-Sanwhat does 'locale" say? pls nopaste
22:53.31raven79ops an old setup junky-San
22:53.51raven79of sure
22:53.53thiagojunky-San: locale, LINGUAS, LANG have nothing to do with KDE locale
22:54.21junky-Santhiago: but gentoo handles it during installation
22:54.22raven79thiago i did not understand you tip....
22:54.41raven79i must set up $KDEDIR?
22:54.51raven79and that's all?
22:54.54thiagoraven79: no, you just replace it with the prefix of your KDE installation
22:55.00junky-Sanraven79: type 'locale' in console and paste the results of LANG and LC_ALL
22:55.02raven79oh ok
22:55.17thiagojunky-San: it's completely orthogonal to the problem at hand
22:55.24raven79ok please wait both you ;) thanks
22:55.27thiagojunky-San: KDE applications do not use LANG or LC_ALL for the language
22:56.56junky-Santhiago: i wonder where the en_GB in his lingua comes from
22:57.28thiagojunky-San: is it just curiosity that you want to know that for?
22:57.30raven79declare -x KDEDIRS="/usr"
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22:57.58thiagoraven79: just type "/usr/share/locale/..."
22:58.08junky-Santhiago: no, it's to find out why he can't set up the language in kde
22:58.09raven79kdedirs is already setted up...but with gentoo there is another way to show it....i forget it former
22:58.25thiagojunky-San: he can't set the language up because there's no entry.desktop
22:58.26Renzeraven79: kde-config --prefix
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22:58.48junky-Sanradi0head: echo $KDEDIRS
22:59.14junky-Sansry radi0head, this was for raven79
22:59.15raven79$ echo $KDEDIRS
22:59.17thiagoraven79: does the entry.desktop exist for the language that you want to set up?
23:00.20raven79thiago if it is the previously ask i don't know neither where it should be located neither how i can create it...can you help me, please?
23:00.45thiagoraven79: I've just told you it should be located in $KDEDIR/share/locale/your-language
23:00.53thiagoraven79: what language is it anyways that you want to configure?
23:01.05raven79junky-San:  my locale ;)
23:01.23Renzeraven79: ls /usr/kde/3.5/share/locale/it/
23:01.28raven79oh ok
23:01.42thiagoraven79: ok, so, does entry.desktop exist there?
23:02.41raven79please wait....a mistake...i don't get KDEDIR i has KDEDIRS
23:03.00raven79ls /usr/share/locale/it
23:03.00raven79LC_MESSAGES/  LC_TIME/
23:03.06thiagodude, $KDEDIRS is just my way of telling you "replace this with the prefix where KDE is installed"
23:03.10thiagowhere is KDE installed?
23:03.15benJIman`kde-config --prefix`
23:03.17Renzeraven79: you're looking at the wrong directory
23:03.30raven79thiago:  /usr
23:03.41Renzeraven79: gentoo installs kde in /usr/kde/3.5/
23:03.45thiagois that what kde-config --prefix say?
23:03.54raven79oh thanks Renze
23:04.16raven79$ ls /usr/kde/3.5/share/locale/it/
23:04.22raven79is it right?
23:04.24Renzenewbies should not use gentoo, imo
23:04.29thiagoraven79: your installation of kde-i18n-it didn't work
23:04.33thiagoraven79: go back and fix it
23:04.45raven79I'm using gentoo since 4 years ;)
23:04.56junky-Sanraven79: just edit make.conf and be sure the line LINGUAS="it" exists. than "emerge -N kde-i18n" and restart your display
23:04.56raven79thiago: how?
23:05.06Renzeraven79: and you've learned so little over that time?
23:05.09raven79junky-San: already done.
23:05.24junky-Sanbut why is there en_GB in your linguas?
23:05.27raven79Renze: :)
23:05.36thiagoraven79: you're the one using Gentoo, you find that out :-)
23:05.43raven79Renze: no, i'm simply stupid.
23:05.52raven79thiago: thanks
23:05.53thiagoraven79: take a listing of the package that you've just installed. Does it include an entry.desktop file?
23:06.16raven79thiago: this religion battle are really usefull at all GNU/Linux user!
23:06.51Renzeraven79: distros do things in different ways... you can't expect everyone to know the way gentoo does things
23:06.52raven79thiago: if you consider your user stupid only stupid will you your apps.
23:06.58thiagoraven79: what religion battle?
23:07.20thiagoraven79: I have no idea how Gentoo works, so you're the one who must find that out. I don't use Gentoo.
23:07.30thiagoraven79: now, can you get a listing of the files that you've just installed or not?
23:07.36raven79Renze: i don't expect this infact...but a polite discussion and not: solve the problem by your self!
23:07.51raven79thiago: yes ok...greate
23:07.57raven79thiago: well done....
23:08.01Renzeraven79: you're still expecting people to know how your distro works even if they don't use it. that is unreasonable.
23:08.18raven79Renze: i don't said that
23:08.31pinotreeand moreover, that is not a distro channel
23:08.38raven79Renze: i'm simply asking an help (in a polite way...i think)
23:08.41junky-Sanraven79: 'equery list entry.desktop |grep i18n'
23:08.45raven79Renze: is this wrong?
23:08.49pinotreeif you have problems with the distro, there's #gentoo
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23:08.54raven79thanks junky-San
23:08.55thiagoright, I'd say this is now a problem for Gentoo to solve
23:08.56pinotreeor #gentoo-kde, too
23:09.06thiagowe've just established that whatever you did, did not install correctly
23:09.07Renzeraven79: it is when you expect people to know distribution specific things in a distribution agnostic channel
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23:09.57raven79Renze: i don't expect me neither that education...answering like you, junky-San, pinotree and a lot of other are doing...
23:10.07raven79Renze: where is the problem? :D
23:10.17raven79Renze: i'm quiete...
23:10.27Renzeraven79: that's why channels like #gentoo and #gentoo-kde exist
23:10.41pinotree... to solve distro-specific issues
23:10.41raven79Renze: i understand...
23:11.06raven79can i stay here to speak with who will want to suggest me something other?
23:11.18raven79like junky-San has done...for example?
23:11.31thiagosure you can stay here
23:11.32pinotreeyou can stay here as you want
23:11.42raven79thanks all
23:11.43pinotreebut you have to be on-topic
23:11.51Renzejust don't expect everyone to know the inner workings of your distro
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23:11.55pinotreejust like any other irc room
23:12.29raven79pinotree: i'm not speaking and answering you...this discussion is out of topic....i think
23:12.49raven79thanks at all
23:13.13*** join/#kde straw (
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23:23.51raven79thanks all for suggestion. bye
23:24.08*** part/#kde raven79 (n=raven79@unaffiliated/raven79)
23:26.04pinotreea member of the gnome usability team (or sort of)
23:26.08Homercan you download all the links on a website via konq?
23:26.22pinotreeHomer: sure, use the kget konqueror plugin
23:26.23qupadapinotree: hah, now there's an oxymoron for ya
23:26.38strawhello pinotree :)
23:26.45pinotreemoin straw
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23:27.05pinotreeHomer: activate it via settings ->configure extensions
23:27.08*** join/#kde _root (n=root@
23:27.28pinotreeHomer: the kget icon will appear in your konqueror toolbar
23:27.30*** join/#kde BigSur (n=BigSur@unaffiliated/BigSur)
23:27.33apti guess root is not a Good Thing to use when using IRC. Please use a different account. You will probably not be able to speak until change your user account.
23:27.36pinotree_root: ^^
23:28.44*** join/#kde Tini (i=Tini@
23:29.41BigSurhi.  when i login remotely to my suse/kde box via vnc, all's working well.
23:29.41BigSurbut, the box's 'usual' kde startup sound plays *on* the box at each remote login.  other than disabling the startup sound altogether, how do i disable its playing for JUST remote logins?
23:35.29Homerpinotree: how do I use kget? :P
23:35.51pinotreeHomer: do you have its button in your konqueror toolbar?
23:37.54Homerfound it in the menubar tho
23:37.59Homerlets see if it works
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23:52.16rr73is anyone else freaked out about that noone is behind the clien conneced from lilo?
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23:56.20MinceRi'm pretty hard to freak out

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.